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Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:53 pm
by Fionordequester

Hello everyone! This is Fionordequester; here with Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation! This was an ongoing LP that I was about 9 episodes into before I thought of sharing it here. I got permission from the mods though, so I'm going to be posting this one video a day, just so some proper discussion can happen.

Now, Dragon Quest is essentially video gaming's oldest JRPG series. Technically, there's older series, like Wizardry & Ultima, but Dragon Quest was the one that really put RPGs on the map for the kids raised on the Nintendo. It's always been fun to play, too! The game's have always retained the same basic, simple, gameplay that made the first one a hit, while also evolving juuust enough to remain relevant. Dragon Quest 1 was the prototype involving just a single guy, Dragon Quests 2-3 were open-ended adventures that added party members and other mechanical complexities, Dragon Quests 4-5 introduced recruitable NPCs, recruitable monsters, focused plots with expanded characterization, as well as Party A.I...

...And then Dragon Quest 6 came out, trying to do everything the previous games did, and more. It also introduced a Job Class system that would stick around for future games, as well as two different versions of its own world (sort of like the Light & Dark Worlds in "Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past". Did that work?

For the most part, yes. I have more fun playing Dragon Quest 6 than every other game in the series, with Dragon Quest 4 being a close runner-up. However, there are times where it feels like the game designers tried to cram in every last idea they ever had in their brainstorming sessions, even when said ideas clashed with each other. For most, however, it created a sense of unevenness that pervaded the entire experience; For example, a story that starts off with clear and focused goals... Only to then lose all sense of direction after about the first 3rd of it.

Fortunately, I'm the kind of gamer that completely dug all DQVI's strong points, and was completely unbothered by whatever negatives it had! So, it will be my pleasure to introduce this 100% speed walkthrough of my favorite game in the franchise! Here's what you can expect!
-This is on the SNES version; the hardest version of the game. The Remakes made tweaks to make it easier, so this walkthrough will apply to every version of the game!
-Heavy editing to cut out all the boring parts, or speed them up. This is, after all, a JRPG!
-An extremely fast walkthrough covering the SNES version, consisting of about 90% speedrun strats (the remaining 10% being concessions for safety; not all speedrun strats are reliable!)
-All Mini Medals collected, Best-Dressed Contest & Slimopolis beaten on the hardest setting, and the secret ending unlocked (that's my definition of "100%" for this game)
-"Recaps". These show off all the story and flavor text I skip over in the videos themselves (since the fan translation of the SNES is far inferior to the official localization of the Remakes)
Let's get started!

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:54 pm
by Fionordequester

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:58 pm
by Fionordequester

Progress Log wrote:Our Hero is Rex. He and his two friends attempt to defeat Murdaw the Dread Fiend... And get their collective party stones smashed into the ground. Afterward, our hero, Rex, inexplicably wakes up in his home town. The sun is shining, the grass is green, and all the good people of his town are happily milling about their business. It's as though last night's events never happened...

From there, he gets the task of delivering the Village goods to the local market. Shenanigans occur...
My co-host for Parts 1-3 was a guy called Darknight97, but internet issues made it necessary to find another guy called Skaizo. He joins me every episode afterwards.

As for the game itself, I'm going to copy and paste something from the description, so as to further clarify some of the stuff I talked about in this first video. Do ask me if there's anythig else you want clarified, or if you want me to post some interesting NPC dialogue I may have skimmed over!

Attack = Attack Power, actual base damage before Defense is ATK/2
- Every 2 points of Attack will increase your melee attacks by 1 point, in most cases
Things are a little different when the enemy's Defense is significantly higher than your Attack... But that won't usually be relevant

Defense = Defensive Power
- Every 4 points of Defense will decrease enemy melee attacks by 1 point.

Agility = Agility, helps to determine how often the monster goes first in battle
-The Agility formula for each participant is [(Agility + 20) * (n / 100)], with N being a random number from 50-100. The one with the highest resulting number goes first. If you want to always be faster than your enemy, you need to take their Agility, double it, then add 20 to it. That's the amount of Agility you need to always out-speed them.

It's not usually possible to always out-speed your enemy; not without items like the Meteorite Bracer. So if you really want to determine your actual probability of going first, you'll want to figure out your enemy's Agility stat by looking at this Bestiary page... ... n/Bestiary

And then use the following formula...
𝐏 = 𝟏 βˆ’ (πŸπ’ƒ βˆ’ 𝒂)οΌ’ / πŸπšπ›

P = Your chance of going first
A = Your Agility + 20
B = The enemy's Agility + 20

So for example, if you have 40 Agility, and the monster has 20 Agility, add 20 to both of those. That should give you 60 total Speed, and the monster 40 total Speed. Plug those into the above formula, like so...

𝐏 = 𝟏 βˆ’ (𝟐(40) βˆ’ (60))οΌ’ / 𝟐(60)(40)

Follow the rules of PEMDAS (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally) step-by-step, and you'll end up with the following...

𝐏 = 𝟏 βˆ’ (𝟐(40) βˆ’ (60))οΌ’ / 𝟐(60)(40)
𝐏 = 𝟏 βˆ’ (80 βˆ’ (60))οΌ’ / 4800
𝐏 = 𝟏 βˆ’ (20)οΌ’ / 4800
𝐏 = 𝟏 βˆ’ 400 / 4800
𝐏 = 𝟏 βˆ’ ~0.0833 ('~' means "around that amount", since numbers don't always round down very neatly)
𝐏 = ~0.9177
𝐏 = ~92%

Therefore, our character with 40 Agility has about a 92% chance of going before the enemy with 20 Agility!
This is important for a few bosses, but is otherwise not worth worrying about.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:59 pm
by Fionordequester
All the italicized text is directly from the Remakes. No way am I using the dusty old SNES script :P

Part 1 Recap wrote:Our Hero is Rex ("Rek" is what he's called in the Japanese debug menu in the DS. But, "Rex" sounds better). His companions are Carver & Milly. His mission? To destroy Murdaw, the Dread Fiend. They spend the night around the campfire, then make their fateful decision.
Image Milly: The fate of the world rests on this battle. If we can emerge victorious, peace will be restored. We're as ready as we'll ever be. Come, Rex. We must go.
Part 1 Recap wrote:Milly plays the flute, its siren call pulsing through the air. A dragon arrives, and carries the trio over the jagged maw of mountains standing between them and Murdaw's Keep. They land on the doorstep, storm through the keep's halls, and come upon the throne room door. No challenge, no resistance... There wasn't a soul in alive barring their path.
Image Carver: It's do or die time, Rex. It's been a real cakewalk so far, though, don't ya think? I mean, why build a creepy keep like this if you're gonna let us waltz right in without a fight? Bah! I'm through with thinkin'! After you, Rex!
Part 1 Recap wrote:Needless to say, that was not the right tact to take.
Image Milly: Huh? Wh-what's going on?

Image Carver: What's with this mist!? I can't see a ー Whoa!

Image Milly: Aaagh!
Part 1 Recap wrote:Their muscles sag, their eyes grow milky, and their limbs fall. They are ensnared, and then lifted high into the air. A shade appears from the mist...
Image Murdaw: Blah hah hah! Did you really think it would be this easy? Fools! Prepare to spend the rest of eternity as lifeless lumps of stone!
Part 1 Recap wrote:The three are spun around and around in the air, completely under the thrall of Murdaw's power. Milly's body explodes in a shower of godly blue energy... and then Carver... And then all goes black...
Image Tania: Rex! Wh-what happened!?
Part 1 Recap wrote:A feminine voice calls out. Rex opens his eyes... and finds himself in a small wooden house. In front of him is a small, blue-haired girl.
Image Tania: What a fine brother you are, Rex, scaring me like that! Falling out of bed like that is no way to start your day! Oh, by the way, Mayor Spindell stopped by earlier to see you. I told him you were sleeping, so he said he'd come back later.
Part 1 Recap wrote:Rex head aches. He knows not of what happened before. His mind fills with thoughts of his sister, the people milling about outside, the clear sun shining through the windows. He steps outside to a lush, green field of warmth and color. It's as though last night's events never happened...
Image My mama used to tell me tall tales about some bogeyman named 'Murdaw' who's out to conquer the world... It's all hogwash, I say! The spirit of the mountain will protect us forever, you betcha! We owe a lot to our mountain spirit, Rex. Don't you go takin' her for granted!
Part 1 Recap wrote:"Same guy from my dream, huh?" Rex chuckled. Were 'Mr. Kill'? and 'Red rum' already taken?

Rex smiled, refusing to pay much mind to his dream. He went to the mayor.
Image Mayor Spindell: Ah, there you are, my boy! I've got a little job for you today, Rex... The proceeds from [our] goods pay for the spirit crown we use for the Fortune Festival each year. This year, Rex, I'd like to ask you to procure the crown for our village. The path down the mountain can be tricky at times, but I'm sure you're more than up to the task. Ten sheets of silk and one wooden knick-knack should fetch more than enough for the crown. You think you can handle this, Rex? Wonderful! I'll put everything in your bag... Once you get down the cliffs, just follow the path south until you reach the town of Haggleton. Best of luck, Rex!
Part 1 Recap wrote:And so he went.
Part 1 Recap wrote:The monsters were small fry... Rex didn't even feel like fighting them, until he had found a ornately crafted Club amongst one of the coves in the mountains. It was a fine piece; It held firm no matter how hard he brought it upon the monster's head's. Was it Buddy's, perhaps?

Rex shrugged. He made the rest of the trip without incident, and sold the village goods after haggling as hard as he knew how. He heard interesting things from the locals, as well...
Image I love coming to this region. It's nice and peaceful out here. All people talk about in more far-flung lands is some 'Dread Fiend' that's ready to unleash chaos or whatever... The only fiends I'm worried about are competitors out to bash my bottom line! Net loss is way scarier than some made-up monster!

Image This is just a rumor, but I heard that Murdaw's starting to marshal his forces for war. Apparently, that's why King Somnus didn't attend the bazaar. This does not bode well for business...
Part 1 Recap wrote:"Ugh, more of that 'Murdaw' fellow..."

Rex put it out of his mind, and found the crown maker's house.
Image Can I help you, sir? Oh! You're that boy from Weaver's Peak? They used to send this creaky old coot over to get the crown. Guess you're the new recruit, huh? Well, I wish I could sell you a spirit crown, but unfortunately, you're kind of out of luck. My father went out to gather wood for making this year's crown. Said he couldn't find any good material near town. Supposedly, he was headed for the forest out beyond the western bridge. It's been three days since he left, though... He's a pretty spry guy, but I'm starting to get worried... I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. If you're in a rush, I suppose you could try and look for him out west?
Part 1 Recap wrote:It stank like rotten meat... But off Rex went, to the west. What he found was... shocking
Part 1 Recap wrote:It was a giant hole. A giant hole in the ground... And then he heard a voice coming from the hole.
Image Cliff: H-help! Somebody, help! I, I can't hold on for much longer! Oh, thank the Goddess! I've been waitin' forever for someone to show up! I'm Cliff. I'm a crownsmith over in Haggleton. I-I'm slipping! Pull me up, p-please!
Part 1 Recap wrote:Rex grabbed his hand, and pulled hard. The man was heavy, and he was thrashing about the entire time. The man grabbed Rex's lapel, pulled as hard as he could, and threw himself onto the ground, and sent Rex hurtling over the edge. Rex saw himself falling through a cloudy blue sky...

"Wait...I'm falling through the...s-sky...?' Rex saw a floating island above him; Apparently the island he had just fallen through. 'It's... an island? My home's an island, and in floats...? But how? How could that...?"

Rex's body flickered white. His body became opaque. Instead of landing with a thud, he landed like a feather. Nothing about it made sense at all... Yet, he was alive. That was all that really counted. And so, he entered the nearby village.
Image Aw, today really is a bootiful day. All them tales of a Dread Fiend comin' to destroy the world sounds like a right load of cobblers on a day like this.
Part 1 Recap wrote:Rex didn't hear anything else of note. In fact, he couldn't even talk to anyone, on account of being see-through. Instead, he milled about on the over world until coming to a glowing well.
Part 1 Recap wrote:Why did the well sending him flying into the stratosphere? So high, he ended all the way back in the floating continent above? Was that world...

...Was that the Phantom Realm? It seemed as likely an explanation as any... Though he still had to ponder questions like "how can the upper world have an ocean?", or "when the bottom world has a sky?", or "How does the water not fall and flood the lower word?"

Whatever the case, he had a crown to get. Rex went back to Haggleton, and to Cliff the crownmaker. Whatever metaphysical questions he had, he could ask the mountain spirit.
Image Cliff: Ah? Ohh! It's you! Good Goddess, you're alive! What a load off my mind! I could barely bear the thought of a spunky kid like you givin' his life for little ol' me. You came to Haggleton to buy a spirit crown from me, didn't you? Well, here's where your good deed pays off. I just got done putting the final touches on it! Huh? Payment? Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, kiddo! If anything, I owe you! Now scurry on back to your village, you hear? I'm sure they're waitin' for you up there.
Part 1 Recap wrote:Rex went back to Haggleton, gave the spirit crown to Spindell, and crashed in his bed. The Fortune Festival was starting soon, and he needed all the R & R he could manage before then. He slept a few hours, woken in the evening, went to the Festival...

...and then it happened.
Image Mountain Spirit: Rex... Can you hear me? It is you whom I seek... You were born unto this world with a destiny like no other. Soon, darkness will swallow the land, and your power will be the key to restoring its light. Before that happens, you must shatter the Dread Fiend's deceptions... You and your companion's were but a hair's breadth from upending his false ambitions once. You must succeed! Only then will you be able to rediscover your true self. Go, Rex... Go, for it is the destiny you have been given.
Part 1 Recap wrote:The mountain spirit had appeared... She had possessed Tania's body, and spoke. What's more, she spoke of the Dread Fiend; the "boogeyman" that everyone been talking about. He was not just a bad dream... He WAS real. He WAS a threat...

...But, wait. What was that about "upending his ambitions"? Was his dream not a dream? Had the two met some other time? If so, why couldn't he remember it? And what of these companions? What was the dragon? What was the ocarina? What was ANYTHING?! Rex's mind raced...
Image Mayor Spindell: I understand you paid a visit to the 'phantom realm' earlier? Hmm... I'd say between that and the little speech you received... I'd say you're in a rather special situation here, Rex. Well, who am I to stand in the way of destiny? I'll give you my special permission to leave the village.
Here, take this. It's an entry pass into Somnia castle. Take that to Somnia, and you might just get yourself an audience with King Somnus. You're seventeen years old, lad. It's high time you started paving your own destiny, you betcha! You stand before a crossroads, my boy. Choose your path and make us proud.

Part 1 Recap wrote:Rex began to slump home. He caught wind of two familiar voices, as he did so...
Image Buddy: So, uh, have you thought it over? You know, us gettin' hitched and all?
Part 1 Recap wrote:Buddy: The famed slacker of Weaver's Peak. He wasn't popular with many, but Rex liked him well enough. He was hell on wheels in a brawl. That was a trait Rex appreciated, in a world of monsters.

Marrying his sister, however...
Image Tania: I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm not ready.
Part 1 Recap wrote:A firecracker exploded in the distance, as though to punctuate Tania's answer. Colored sparks plummeted to earth... Just like Buddy's hopes...
Image Buddy: What, are you worried that we're too young? I'm 17, and you turned 16 this year. We're plenty mature!

Image Tania: It's not that, Buddy. It's just... I don't know. It's like I don't know who I am any more...

Image Buddy: Wh-What are you saying, Tania? What's not to know about yourself?

Image Tania: I'm sorry... I just don't know. I don't know about the world, I don't know about myself... I, I need more time to figure stuff out, okay? I have to go.
Part 1 Recap wrote:Tania scurries off. Buddy stands still, then turns toward the fireworks. He muses...
Image Buddy: Come on, Tania... No one really knows who they are... ......
Part 1 Recap wrote:Rex wasn't sure how that was supposed to be comforting. Tonight was a night of revelation... And he isn't sure he likes the implications he's currently facing...

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:00 pm
by Fionordequester

Progress Log wrote:Rex attempts to become a part of Reidock/Somnia's military, and is put through a rigorous test to prove his worth. He meets a new friend as he does so. His name is "Carver", and they spend the rest of their time bonding in various ways. And so a new mission begins...
Mini Medal #2 from the right of the three-pack of rooms in Gardsbane Tower
Mini Medal #3 inside the upper-left barrel on the 1st Floor of Castle Reidock/Somnia

The "Well Monster" DOES have Concentrated targeting in the Remakes! I couldn't remember for sure at the time we recorded this, which was why I was uncertain in the video.

Muster Strength (what the Tower Sentry has), multiplies the next attack by 1.5x in the SNES, and 2.3x in the Remakes. He can also do up to 11 Damage to me with just regular attacks. He also almost always goes before me.

In practical terms, this means he could do up to 16 Damage with a charged attack in the SNES, and up to 25 Damage in the Remakes.

So, if you're playing the Remakes, you're actually probably going to want to be LVL 4 before fighting this guy. You'll get the Heal spell (heals about as much as an Herb for 2 MP), plus enough extra stats to where his maximum Damage is reduced to 23.

It's effectively the exact same fight as the Tower Sentry, except he loses "Muster Strength" in exchange for higher stats all around. His "Slash" attack can do upwards of 12 Damage, while his regular melee does slightly less. Get up to LVL 7 if you plan to fight him; LVL 5-6 will usually work too, but it's slightly riskier.

The Mad Mollusk & Blooming Sorceror enemies have another status ailment; Snooze. If it lands, it incapacitates one or more of your party members for a few rounds.

They don't use it often enough for it to be a big deal, and there's not much you can do but spam "Fight"... But it's still something to point out.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:01 pm
by Fionordequester

Image Mayor Spindell: Well, my boy... I suppose this will be goodbye for a little while, eh? Somnia's directly south of the mountain. Just keep heading that way and you'll run into it, easy as that. Getting an audience with the King might not be such a breeze, but if anyone here can manage it, it's you, Rex. Oh, and one more thing: I forgot to ask you for the change leftover from buying that crown... Ahh, I'm only teasing. You'll be needing it a lot more than we will, that's for sure! Consider it a going-away gift. You stand before a crossroads, my boy. Choose your path and make us proud.
Part 2 Recap wrote:Rex flew back to Haggleton via Chimaera Wing. They were handy trinkets, magically whisking the user to any place they could think of. The only catch was that one had to be sufficiently learned in magic. This was why invading armies couldn't just warp gate into each other's castles en masse.
Part 2 Recap wrote:Now to talk to King Somnus. He was Murdaw's main opposition, after all. As far as the world was concerned, he was the only man alive that could stand up to him. Did he know some valuable secret to slaying him? Does he know where Rex should go? What he should do?

Rex entered the town...
Image His Majesty has challenged the power of Murdaw many times in the past... Sadly, the lives of many brave young men were lost in each conflict... Please, O Goddess! May your divine guidance bring victory to Somnia. Lead us down the proper path!
Part 2 Recap wrote:...That wasn't reassuring.
Image How peculiar... Apparently, giant chasms have been cropping up in the earth. Murdaw's handiwork, they say.
Part 2 Recap wrote:"Chasms like the one I fell down yesterday? Please, please let it be hyperbole..."
Image Let's see here... 'The Somnian Military Wants You!' Really? They want me? Looks like King Somnus is finally getting serious about tackling Murdaw. Why else would he ask for my help?
Part 2 Recap wrote:"Oh? He's recruiting warriors?" Well, Rex didn't want to join any militaries... But, if that's what he had to do...

Rex approached the gates.
Image Welcome to Somnia Castle. Here to join the military, are you?

Image Rex: No. Just wanna see the king.

Image Wait, what? You're here to see his His Majesty? Oh, right! I'm sure King Somnus has plenty of time to meet with every country bumpkin who happens to stop by.

Image Rex: Ha! Just kiddin'! Slot me in, an' I'll show this 'Murdaw' what 'murder' gets ya!

Image Excellent. Come back here when the garrison captain rings the castle bell. Until then, feel free to wander around the city and enjoy your final hours as a carefree citizen.
Part 2 Recap wrote:"Blast... Couldn't get out of it. Oh well... Guess I'll drop by the Church, see what this 'Goddess' is all about. I wonder if she's the same as the mountain spirit?"

Rex entered the Church, and found someone familiar.
Image Carver: Aye, that's that. Enough prayin'. Time to get a move on...
Part 2 Recap wrote:The bell rang before Rex could ponder who he was... So, he settled for tailing him to the castle. The two went all the way up to the 2nd floor, before finding a large congregation of men standing just in front of the stairs.
Image Captain Blade: Alright, folks, listen up! His Majesty King Somnus welcomes any and all potential new recruits. But joining the fight isn't as easy as saying 'pretty please'. You'll have to show us you got the right stuff first. To that end, we've prepared a little test for you... South of Somnia Castle lies a little place we call Gardsbane Tower. You'll find it after crossing a pair of bridges... Your mission is to fetch a certain item from the tower and bring it back to me. Which item, you ask? Heh. That's up to you to figure out. We're looking for soldiers with brains as well as brawn, after all. The entrance to the tower is hereby open. Dismissed!
Part 2 Recap wrote:As Rex left...
Image Murdaw's monsters mauled my wife. She...she didn't make it. Now it's Murdaw's turn to lose everything. I'll make him pay if it's the last thing I do.
Part 2 Recap wrote:On that note, Rex got to work.
Part 2 Recap wrote:Gardsbane's monsters were easy enough... But the Somnian sentinals were a different story. Tougher still was keeping up with the mohawked man from earlier. It was a long day... But eventually, he met Captain Blade's expectations...

...No, not just "met". He exceeded them. He, and the mohawked man along with him, were apparently so impressive, that they had been summoned to the throne room itself. Rex was surprised but then, he wasn't going to question it. If he was finally going to receive some direction, he wasn't going to complain.
Image King Somnus: Hmm... Yes, I like the spirit in your eyes. Very well. I have a dangerous quest I'm reserving for only my most capable soldiers. A relic known as Ra's mirror is hidden somewhere in the world. Its reflection is said to always reveal the truth... Murdaw is a tricky foe, beguiling us with illusions on repeated occasions... But with Ra's mirror, we could expose the monster's true form once and for all! Therefore, I command you to venture forth and retrieve Ra's mirror for me. The road will not be easy, but just as that mirror reveals the truth, this quest will show us what you're really made of. Now, go! Make me proud, my soldiers!
Part 2 Recap wrote:Rex was about to ask where to go. Fortunately, the chancellor beat him to it.
Image Chancellor: I've opened the castle's north-eastern checkpoint to aid in your search. We're counting on you, Carver... You, too, Rex!

Image Carver: It's settled, then. The start of a byoootiful relationship, n' everything like that!
Part 2 Recap wrote:Ah, now he remembered. This was the same man from his dream. Now it was just a matter of finding the blonde woman... Still, how come Carver doesn't seem to remember him? Did he not experience the dream the same way Rex did? Is he even aware of what's going on?
Image Carver: Nice! A mission straight from the big man himself! We're movin' up in the world, Rex! He picked the right guys, aye? Ra's mirror is as good as ours!
Part 2 Recap wrote:It would seem not... In fact, he didn't seem concerned about much of anything. No matter...

The two of them reached the checkpoint.
Image You do realize you're traveling into foreign land, right? Goddess knows what awaits you. I don't know the area beyond here too well, but I've heard of a place to the north-east where you can rest. After that, the path supposedly goes south. There should be a house not too far from there, on the western side. Anyway, you're a Somnian soldier ー you know how to handle yourself.

Image Rex: This ringin' any-...

Image Carver: Uh, okay. So go north-east, head south, look for a house... Gah! I'm lousy with directions! I'll leave this one to you, Rex.

Image Rex: ...K.

Part 2 Recap wrote:Fortunately, the guard had led them well. There was a church to the north-east that did, indeed, give free housing to Somnian soldiers. Actually, one was already there! He'd arrived before they had, most likely while they were still going through the trials.

There was also a house to the south, again, just like the guard had said. The home-owner was... cranky... But, he had knowledge to give. The pair agreed to hear him out, in exchange for some light construction work on his house.

It wasn't much. In fact, Carver did the entire job himself! He had a "Eureka!" moment, and boxed the job off quicker than two beats of a Chimaera's Wing! Just as Rex seemed to constantly "remember" new spells, Carver was constantly remembering things himself. Again, Rex was fond of the implications... How much he and Carver seemed to have "forgotten", or how they so easily "remembered" new skills that took most people years to master... But still, they were all helpful.

In any case, the man pointed them to a secret cave to the right; One that apparently led to someplace called "Alltrades Abbey". They went in, fought the monsters, and emerged out the other side without hassle...
Part 2 Recap wrote:Blast... There was no Abbey at all. Just a giant hole in the ground... Except...

Rex looked closer. He saw white clouds, blue oceans, and green land waiting below. This was just like when he had saved Cliff... And that meant...
Image Carver: Watch your step, Rex! You'll break more than your leg if you fall in there!

Image Rex: Actually, I didn't. Was rescuin' a dwarf, so I was. Got 'em up, but the guy threw me off balance, and I fell down. I became see-through, went down light as a feather, and saw a whole new world. Couldn't talk to anyone or nothin', but... Grab hold, Carver! I got some Wings, so worst comes to worst, we'll burn it to keep from going "SPLAT!" But if I'm right, we could be onto somethin' here! Ya with me?
Part 2 Recap wrote:Carver was NOT with him, of course... Not at first. Instead, Rex had to jump in, then burn a Chimaera Wing, then land a few paces away from Carver. It was to show that if nothing else, they wouldn't be in any danger from the fall.

That (and a few jabs at his ego) was enough to finally get him on board. The two jumped... and sure enough, they landed safe and sound. They found the ruins of what they presumed to be the Alltrades Abbey. They clenched their fists... their eyes grew hard. They left, with new resolve.

Murdaw had gone far enough. One way or another... He would pay.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:03 pm
by Fionordequester
Episode 3! One of my favorite parts of the game, as far as dialogue goes. It was sadly glossed over, due to the nature of the Walkthrough, and the SNES fantranslation not giving it proper justice... But, there are some great bits in here. For example, Carver's banter with Madame Luca... That was gold.

It's also your first glimpse into just how dark the game can get... And how cruel it is in refusing to give you closure. You CAN piece together a happy ending for all these characters... But only through careful thought, and only through diligently digging through every bit of dialogue you can...

PART 3: A NEW WORLD ... J3&index=3


Mini Medal #4 in the room near the Inn

Goblin Pixies/High Mages do 12-20 Damage with their Crack/Icebolt spell, not 10-18 (like the Babygoyles).

Don't attack him once he's confused. Each attack (even when he hits *himself* ) has a chance of snapping him out of his confusion. Had the fight gone on longer, I would've had Rex & Carver pass the turns with Defend till he either ran, or snapped himself out of his stupor.

Method 1: ... _PowerUps_(Remakes_Only)
Method 2: ... ex=11&t=0s

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:08 pm
by Fionordequester
PART 3 RECAP (i.e., the Part where they started becoming more than just "recaps" :P ):

Image Carver: It's an odd feelin', walking around half-visible. I'm used to seein' and bein' seen, ya know. Oh, and don't go playin' any dirty tricks just because you're invisible, Rex. It's temptin', but...
Part 3 Recap wrote:Rex gave a knowing smile, and made their way to a town by the ocean.

Image Carver: (sniff) Take a whiff of that fresh sea air... This must be a port town.

Image Mayor: Oh, what's that dull-witted clod Ella doing now!? I've chastised her before about her tardiness in serving Mr. Barkington's dinner. She knows he gets maudlin on an empty stomach!

Image Rex: Mr... huh?

Part 3 Recap wrote:Ah. So that's who "Mr. Barkington" was.
Image Carver: So this's the mayor, aye? I don't like him already.
Part 3 Recap wrote:Rex cringed as Carver said that so close to the mayor himself... And then remembered their invisibility.

"Well, that's one of the perks" Rex thought, as the two found a carpenter at work
Image Come on, you've been going at it all day. Why don't you take a breather?

Image Avast, woman! I'm not lettin' them young 'uns get the better of me yet!

Image Goddess give me strength... This man's head is harder than driftwood marinated in rum. If only our Carver were here, now...

Image Carver!? Crikey! How can you still be thinkin' of that bilge rat son of yours!? Hmph! Any dog that jumps ship on his own family is no son of mine! If he turned up here right now, I don't even know if I'd let him through the front door!

Image Carver: Carver...? The nerve of those folks givin' their son the same name as me! Of course, I'm sure I'm much better lookin' than this other Carver...
Part 3 Recap wrote:"Is that a fact?', Rex wondered. 'Well, I suppose Carver's a common enough name."

The two explored the port further.
Image Johan: Ella, why can't you accept my feelings? My love for you is true!

Image Ella: Oh, Johan, I do love you as well... But think of your father...

Image Johan: One day, Papa will understand the depth of our feelings and allow us to marry. I assure you! And if he doesn't, then... then I'll leave! That's how much you mean to me, Ella!

Image Ella: No, you musn't do that. You're to succeed your father as the mayor of Port Haven! Please forget about a lowly maid like me. You're certain to find someone much better.

Image Johan: Ella, Iー

Image Ella: Oh no! I'm late! I have to go, or your father will be angry. I'll... see you later...
Part 3 Recap wrote:Ella ran off...

Owch. First Buddy, now Johan! Proposing was dangerous indeed...
Image Johan: Ella, I... I'm sorry. I'm truly hopeless... Dear Goddess... Since I'm clearly not man enough for the task, isn't there someone who can look after Ella in my place...? ...Hmm... Once more, I've wasted poor Ella's time. I do hope Papa won't scold her again...
Part 3 Recap wrote:Little did Johan know, there was someone who hated Ella worse than his father did...
Image Ivy: Now then... I'll just add a few of these leaves, and the concoction will be complete... Hee hee! I can't wait to see the look on that Ella's precious little face! You just wait, Ella! I'll teach you to lay a finger on my Johan!
Part 3 Recap wrote:Rex's blood froze. Was she really going to do it? Was she actually going to poison Ella? He and Carver followed her into the Mayor's residence, unable to lay a hand on her.
Image Ivy: If I just slip a bit of this into old Barkie's bowl... Hee hee! This'll put an end to your pathetic chase! Johan is mine, and I'm not letting him go!
Part 3 Recap wrote:Oh, so it's the dog she's poisoning... As though that was any better...
Image Ella: Right, time to serve Mr. Barkington's dinner.

Image Carver: Uh oh. I'm not sure I like where this's going!
Part 3 Recap wrote:Ella served the food, and Mr. Barkington ate. Sure enough...
Image Mayor: Mr. Barkington! Come to daddy-waddy! There you are, Mr. Barkington! Did you enjoy your din-dins?

Image Mr. Barkington: Arf... Aroooo...

Image Mayor: Huh? What is it, Mr. Barkington? What's the matter!?

Image Mr. Barkington: Arooooo...

Image Mayor: Mr. Barkington! NOOOOO! Oh, Goddess! Ella, you little witch! (sob) What wretched filth did you serve to my dear Mr. Barkington!? Help! Heeelp! Somebody, anybody! Please! Help us!
Part 3 Recap wrote:Fortunately, the priest arrived immediately, and was able to save Mr. Barkington's life. However, the mayor's anger was implacable, and Ella was locked up in an underground cell. News of the scandal spread through the town like wildfire that evening. Then morning came... and Johan confronted his father.
Image Mayor: I simply cannot believe what I am hearing. Do I need to remind you what she tried to do to my dear Mr. Barkington!? After everything I did for her! I practically treated her as if she were my own pet! And this is how she repays me!?

Image Johan: Papa, I assure you, Ella would never do something like this! There must be some kind of mistake! Please, Papa. Release Ella from her cell.

Image Mayor: Hmph! If it wasn't Ella that did this to my Mr. Barkington, then perhaps you'd like to enlighten me as to who did?

Image Johan: I, I can't imagineー

Image Mayor: Well, in that case it must have been her. She deserves everything she gets. I simply cannot forgive this treason.

Image Johan: ............

Image Carver: Well, that's that. Now what...?
Part 3 Recap wrote:Rex and Carver were despondent. They left, realizing just how helpless they truly were in this world. If this was where Ra's mirror resided... Then their world was as good as dead...
Image Milly: Oh, hello there. Hello? Yes, you! I'm not speaking to myself, you know! I've been waiting for you. I'm Milly. You can hear me, can't you?

Image Rex: You! You're... Y-you were in... B-But, how can you...?

Image Milly: Hee hee... You seem a little disoriented. Perhaps because I can see you? If you're wondering why I'm the only one who can see you, then I can enlighten you... But you'll have to come with me. I'll be waiting for you outside town.
Part 3 Recap wrote:She left.
Image Carver: As if things could get any weirder around here...'Course, I guess we got no choice but to follow her. What else are we gonna do? We should stop by the Church first, Rex. I dunno why, but I just got this feelin' it's the right thing to do...
Part 3 Recap wrote:They did so, though nothing extraordinary happened... Or at least, nothing Rex could see. Who knew what was going on, in a world like this?

The two followed Milly down to where she resided. There, they met her master; An old woman named Madame Luca.
Image Madame Luca: Becoming visible in this world requires a substance known as dream dew. Madame Luca often uses dream dew in her work, but her supplies are low at the moment. As in, non-existent. The only place to acquire more is in a little cave to the south called the Lucid Grotto. But recently, the grotto has become infested with horrible creatures. Madame Luca is a dream seer, not a dream warrior. And the danger is too great for Milly to face alone, yes? So Madame Luca is thinking that you go and fetch the dew for her.

Image Carver: Oh, no ー I'm not fallin' for another of these back-scratching schemes. You're not the boss of me, lady!
Part 3 Recap wrote:He was, of course, referring to the old hermit in the upper world; The one who told them where Alltrades was. Helpful as he had been, he'd promised more... That he knew where Ra's mirror was.

Telling about Alltrades Abbey was still helpful... It was what got them hear in the first place, after all. Still, Rex understood Carver's hesitation.
Image Madame Luca: Ah, but it is not Madame Luca who is giving the orders, here. It's the dream crystal! Madame Luca just works here.

Image Carver: ............

Image Madame Luca: Also, you need the dream dew just as much as Madame Luca does. You scratch Madame Luca's back, as you say, and she will make yours visible! Hah hee!
Part 3 Recap wrote:Well, she had them there. After some more bickering, and after some lovely parting gifts (including a nifty trinket called the Lucida Shard)... Rex, Carver, & Milly went down to the Lucid Grotto.
Part 3 Recap wrote:Madame Luca was right about one thing; the monsters truly were dangerous. Of special note were the Babygoyles; little red gargoyles who spat trails of fire along the ground. Rex & Carver could fight x1-2 of them... But any more was asking for trouble.

Then there was the Bloodcreeper. It was a ravenous demon that crawled on all fours. It had bulging muscles, a barbed tail, teeth like stiletto knives, and horns that bore a startling resemblance to Murdaw's.

Coincidence or not, Rex was thankful for the Lucida Shard... He waved it in front of its eyes, and saw it run, screaming and shrieking with sounds unlike anything he had ever heard from a living creature. Good thing, too. Rex didn't like the idea of actually fighting it...

In any case, they left in one piece, and saw Madame Luca once again.
Image Carver: Huh? Hey, the old hag's standin' out in front. She must've got bored with no one to boss around.

Image Madame Luca: Welcome back! Of course, Madame Luca knew that you were coming ー and that you acquired the dream dew. Mmm-hmm. Madame Luca never had any doubts. Truly, it was written in the dreamscape, yes? And Milly, I am also very proud of you. You must all be very tired, mmm-hmm.
Let us be retiring for the night.

Part 3 Recap wrote:After a night's rest...
Image Madame Luca: Let us begin. Now, on it's own, the dream dew is nothing more than a refreshing sprinkle. To serve our purposes, it must be enchanted with a spell! Then, all Madame Luca must do is splash some dew over you, and the inhabitants of this world will see you at last!

Image Carver: Wait a sec, lady. Before we do the dew thing, mind explainin' what 'this world' is, exactly?

Image Madame Luca: A-ha! Such a thoughtful question for such a brawny man! This world is, shall we say, different from the one you call home. You are not native to this world. And those who are not native can walk the land unseen. Madame Luca must confess, she did not think it possible for someone from your world to end up here... But what happened, happened. We cannot change what was meant to be. Now, let Madame Luca do what only a dream seer can do... You will be handing over the dream dew now, yes?
Part 3 Recap wrote:They did so. The Madame showered them in blue sparkles, and then...
Image Madame Luca: And...done. Oh, my... Visibility looks good on you... Madame Luca thinks you'd better not discard that dream dew. Mmm-hmm. That way, you'll be able to assist anyone you bump into who's in the same pickle as you. If such a person existed, of course, you'd be the only ones able to see them, yes? Isn't that right, Milly?
Part 3 Recap wrote:What happened next struck Rex's heart. Milly's shut her eyes, turned away from the group, and wandered into the corner. She stumbled as though bearing an invisible weight. Rex could tell she needed a moment... If nothing else, she'd obviously had a rougher time of it than he and Carver had...

After a pause, she turned back toward them, and approached.
Image Milly: Yes. In truth, I was once just like you. No one in this world could see me. And, just like you, I was saved by Madame Luca. Now everyone can see me as well.

Image Carver: Aye! So that's why we were visible to ya.
Part 3 Recap wrote:It was easy to take Milly's words at face value... But Rex couldn't help but wonder.

He and Carver had only been dispersed by Murdaw for a few days... And it wasn't till later that they had even found this world. It was a short time frame indeed... And yet, Milly's entire demeanor had darkened just then.

The hurt her aura projected... The reverence she held Luca in... How she had apparently "saved" her. The two seemed so familiar with each other too... It certainly seemed that they'd shared more than a few days together...
Image Carver: But what about you, lady? What's your story?

Image Madame Luca: Ah! You're just full of questions today, yes? Madame Luca would be a lousy dream seer if she couldn't see what cannot be seen! Seeing is believing, yes? And there are no dreams a dream seer can't see, you see. So now this world's workings are a little more clear to you, yes? Or perhaps the truth hurts your head too much? Especially yours, muscle man...? Regardless, your next step is to take the ferry from Port Haven to Somnia and meet the King. Act now, and ask questions later, yes?
Part 3 Recap wrote:Easier said than done... Somnia was in the upper world. Either their ship was going to sprout wings and fly, or this world was a mirror image of theirs...

Frankly? He'd believe either, the way things were going...
Image Milly: Madame Luca... I've decided to go with them on their journey.

Image Madame Luca: Mmm-hmm, of course. Madame Luca will not be standing in your way, child. Besides, Madame Luca has done everything in her considerable power. She can give no more...

Image Milly: Rex, Carver... Thank you for allowing me to accompany you.
Part 3 Recap wrote:And so she joined them. Off they went, back to Port Haven...
Image Carver: Ya know, we didn't get much say in any of this... But we've got a new friend, and our bodies are nice and solid again, so I shouldn't complain!
Part 3 Recap wrote:Indeed... Though actually, Rex had something more pressing on his mind: The plight of Ella the maid. He dropped by the Mayor's house...
Image Mayor: Hmm? Here about the maid job, are you? What? Ella? You won't find that cold-hearted witch haunting this town any longer! Just the thought of what she did to my dear Mr. Barkington makes me all queasy! When she harmed Mr. Barkington, she harmed me too! Hmm? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you have something to say? I'm a very busy man, you know!

Image Rex: Ella's innocent! You got the wrong girl!

Image Mayor: What!? Are you trying to tell me that Ella was not the culprit!?

Image Rex: Yeah! It was some rich girl called Ivy! That ring any bells?

Image Mayor: How could you know that? Did you witness the fiendish deed yourself!? ...Well, there's no doubt that Ivy is smitten with my son, which would give her a motive...
Part 3 Recap wrote:Could it be!? Was Rex actually getting through to the bloated buffoon!? Hooray! This was going to be easier than he...
Image Mayor: Hmm. Well, even if what you say is true, I fear you have spoken too late. By sheer coincidence, there was a traveling merchant in town who was looking for an, erm, assistant...
Part 3 Recap wrote:And the room went silent.
Image Mayor: I sent Ella off with him in a fit of pique. I couldn't stand the thought of a dog-hating maid being anywhere within a league of me! I've heard that the traveling merchant trade is exceedingly dangerous. There's no telling what fate has in store for her... If what you say is true, that girl has suffered a grave injustice at my hands... Well, I'm sure you wouldn't concoct such a story for a common maid's sake, but it would've been nice if you'd told me earlier. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do now, after the fact.
Part 3 Recap wrote:'Regret'... A lifetime of discipline and good role models... His own fond memories of owning a pet... Self-loathing for all the breaks they had allowed themselves before becoming visible...

Those were what kept Rex's blade from the man's head. That, and the sheltered ignorance he exuded with every word he said. He was a fool, in every sense of the world. He was ignorant of just how heartless men could be... Especially to women.

Besides... Rex had one last card to play.
Image Johan: Is there something I can do for you? What!? You're saying that Ella didn't fiddle with Mr. Barkington's dinner!? I knew it! Such a pure-hearted girl would never commit such an act! She wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone a dog! Why did I ever allow Papa to put doubt in my mind!? I should have done something to help her! You have my eternal gratitude, whoever you are. Now, there's no time to waste, I must get after her! Do excuse me.
Part 3 Recap wrote:It was a hail mary; Rex knew that the moment he walked into Johan's room. Even so, Johan was there when the "traveling merchant" was. If anyone would know where, exactly, he went, it was Johan.

He had his doubts as to his fighting skills... But it wasn't like he could call upon anyone else.
Image Johan: ...Wait. If you knew that Ella was innocent, why didn't you speak up?
Part 3 Recap wrote:"...Agggh!! How was I not ready for that!? How am I going to..."
Image Johan: Ah, I'm sorry. I apologise. I'm hardly in a position to be criticizing you. I was equally complacent myself. I do apologise. I'd better go. But I must thank you again ー you have given me a new lease on life!
Part 3 Recap wrote:Rex had to admit; This young man was a lot more inspiring than his dad. Where one threw up his hands, the other took the same news, and rose to the occasion. Still, there was no ensuring Johan's success.

Rex and his friends boarded the ship to Somnia. Rex stood atop the deck, his heart burning with a new promise; To find Ella. His journey would not end until he'd found her, even if he DID slay Murdaw. That, he promised her...

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:10 pm
by Fionordequester
No clever thumbnail for this one; sorry. What we DO have is the first appearance of our friend, Skaizo! Actually, he's anxious to hear what you think of him.


This episode is mostly unedited, as I wanted to show the raw data. The method I'm using takes around 14-38 minutes depending on RNG, and this time took 26 minutes. Rather than just taking my word for it, I wanted to present the actual run unedited... Even if it meant you'd be skipping most of the episode.

Suffice it to say, this is one of the biggest reasons WHY the Remakes are so much easier!

SHOPPING LIST (27000+ Tokens):
x2 Platinum Mails
x2 Dragon Shields
x6 Yggdrasil Leaves
x20 Silk Tuxedos
Up to x20 Magic Waters

SUPPLEMENTAL TEXT WALKTHROUGH (this shows more methods you could try, though I like the one I use here): ... _PowerUps_(Remakes_Only)

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:12 pm
by Fionordequester
PART 4: AMOR ... J3&index=5


Mini Medal #5 in Somnia's upper-left house
Mini Medal #6 in Amor's left house (before sleeping)
Mini Medal #7 in Amor's church (after sleeping; missable)
Mini Medal #8 on the 3rd Floor of the Cave of Amor (in the lower-left chest)

The Silk Robe inside the throne room will be inaccessible for a bit, if you don't get it right away. You'll see why!
Mini Medal #7 MUST be gotten after you nap in Amor! It's not permanently missable, but it'll be a bit before you can snag it again. You'll see why!

The *actual* name of the prince's sister is random! The game will take whichever name you choose, cross it off the list of possibilities, then randomly decide between the three remaining names. This serves no important purpose, so I just chose the top option.

Remember! Do not run from random encounters after getting the Edged Boomerang; Not like I did! Metal Slimes are common, but not *so* common that you can bank on them being faster than just getting Milly to LVL 7 off the regular old enemies. Hence, getting a Metal Slime kill should've just been a nifty bonus; not the end goal.

Don't use whips or boomerangs when hunting them down, either. They're hard-coded to never crit, and they'll never do damage to any Metal Slime that's not on the *far left side* of the group their in. And, just for funsies, here's a table on how likely you are to kill some after X Battles!
Metal Slime Hunting wrote:A speed-runner name Kuneo simulated 200 battles to test how often Metal Slimes appeared. From that test, he saw them appear about 50 times, suggesting an appearance rate of around 25%.

Of those 50 encounters, he managed to defeat them around 16 times. This suggests a success rate of around 32%. Data-miners have also concluded that Metal Slimes have a 33% of running away per round.

Single targeting weapons have a 50/50 chance of doing either 0 Damage, or 1 Damage, along with a ~1.5% chance of scoring a critical hit (more than enough to OHKO any Metal monster). Boomerangs & Whips will never hurt Metal Slimes, unless it's in the leftmost spot of the group attacked. Even then, Boomerangs & Whips are hard-coded to never crit... So single-targeting attacks are always used for Metal Slime hunting.

Based on the above information, and the fact that Metal Slimes can spawn anywhere from 4-6 HP (4-5, if playing the Remakes), Kuneo made a simulator to calculate the odds of killing a Metal Slime.

After 1 Battle: 7.4%
After 5 Battles: 32%
After 10 Battles: 53.7%
After 15 Battles: 68.5%
After 20 Battles: 78.6%
After 30 Battles: 90.1%
After 40 Battles: 95.4%

Note that there are diminishing returns for every battle you fight, due to how percentages work. Also note that Kuneo did this on the SNES version, and failed to account for the 12% chance of pre-emptive attacks. For that reason, your success rate will probably be slightly higher.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:14 pm
by Fionordequester

Image Hot rum! Is that fair lass wi' ye? Well blow me down, yer a lucky bunch. I'd sure like to take a gal like that onto the high seas one day.

Image Milly: He seemed in fine fettle!
Part 4 Recap wrote:That was the only notable thing that happened. Their ship did NOT, in fact, sprout wings and fly. No, all that happened was a glimpse into just how strong Milly was. She wasn't taken aback at all. Her calm was implacable. Whatever lied in her past (if anything at all), she'd become a stronger person for it...

The trio walked due west, upon disembarking.
Part 4 Recap wrote:And there they were... Somnia.
Image Clambering down a well to get to another world!? I've never heard such nonsense in my entire life!

Image Milly: Hmm. I suppose most ordinary people wouldn't consider climbing into a well in the first place...

Image Carver: Not just wells. Giant holes in the ground'll do the job, too.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Rex snickered. Milly's dry wit, and Carver's silliness, were welcome additions to a road he could barely comprehend, let alone traverse.

Like always, however, there was plenty of gloom to go around.
Image I take it you're familiar with Murdaw the Dread Fiend and all his dark deeds? Of course you are! Only an ignoramus wouldn't be! Now, let me outline a humble theory of my own. I don't believe the King and Queen are really ill. No, I believe they've been cursed by Murdaw! There's no stopping him! Who knows who his next victim could be? It could be you! Or even ME!

Image Carver: Hmm... So Murdaw's lookin' to conquer this world, too? We'd better go and see the King, pronto!
Part 4 Recap wrote:That was a good point! But, the problem was getting to him. The only reason they managed last time was because they were recruiting...

Actually, might they be recruiting here, as well?
Image This is Somnia castle, don't you know! We can't go allowing any old riff-raff to drift in and out! Why don't you go make a nuisance of yourself somewhere else?
Part 4 Recap wrote:Nope. Too easy. Compounding their problems further...
Image The King had just returned from bravely battling monsters when he was cruelly struck down. He fell into a deep slumber along with his Queen, and the two of them were lost to the world. Who knows when they will awaken? Oh, the kingdom is a sadder, colder place without their smiling faces!

Image I have been praying day and night that a cure may be found for our beloved King and Queen. In all Her bountiful mercy, I have faith that the Goddess will come to her aid. They are not young, and if their illness continues... No! I dare not even countenance that possibility!

Image You folks seem well-travelled. Have you heard the rumours concerning King Somnus? Rumour has it that the King and Queen have been in the grip of a serious illness for more than a year. But this is no ordinary illness! No, it seems they are in a deep sleep from which they cannot be roused. While the King and Queen slumber unawares, their son the Prince has disappeared without trace... Truly, tragedy haunts this land. Can the fair kingdom of Somnia survive much longer?
Part 4 Recap wrote:The situation was... dire, to say the least. Still, did that soldier mention something about a Prince?
Image Hang on! Are my eyes playin' tricks on me? B-But you can't be him!

Image Rex: Can't be who? Name's Rex, if that helps any.

Image ...You say your name's Rex? Well, if you say so. But you really do look a heck of a lot like our Prince. I only got a chance to see him in the flesh once, but to be sure, he looked just like you! Seriously, you must be pullin' my leg! You're really the Prince of Somnia, aren't you?

Image Rex: ...No. It's not.

Image Still, let me tell you ー there are plenty of folks here who'd take you for the Prince. If you were just decked out in some fancier gear, you'd have everyone fooled!
Part 4 Recap wrote:And THAT gave birth to an idea... That if they could just break in, even for a little bit... They could see what was wrong with the King and Queen.
From there, Rex could fetch Madame Luca. She was a dream seer, after all! If anyone knew how to deal with sleep, it would be her.

And so, he bought himself a set of Noble Garb...
Image Milly: I hope your outfit's not going to cause anyone any trouble, Rex...
Part 4 Recap wrote:It was sneaky, yes... But they had the power to help. And if they had the power to help, Rex wasn't going to let some snooty guard get in the way.

They approached the castle... and saw a familiar face.
Image Captain Rusty: ...C-Can it be!?
Part 4 Recap wrote:The captain sprinted down the stairs fast as he could.
Image Captain Rusty: Haah... Haah... My liege, you have returned! You still remember me, I take it? Your trusty Captain Rusty! I always knew you would return despite all the rumours that you had met a grisly end... You must let everyone in the castle know that you are back! Oh, what joy!

Image My liege, please forgive me. I have express orders from Chancellor Keating not to allow anyone to pass, no matter their status. I'm sure Chancellor Keating did not foresee your return, but alas, orders are orders. Until then, I must follow orders...

Image Captain Rusty: What in the name of the Goddess are you wittering on about, man!

Image C-Captain Rusty!

Image Captain Rusty: The Prince is free to roam wherever he pleases without being impeded by a mere underling!

Image B-But Chancellor Keating told me...

Image Captain Rusty: And if Chancellor Keating told you to eat a slime, I suppose you'd do that, too? I'll assume full responsibility for this. You are free to proceed, my liege! Your parents are upstairs.

Image Milly: Shall we, Your Highness? Hee hee!
Part 4 Recap wrote:They scurried up to the King and Queen's chambers. The two slept soundly, but the Queen muttered something interesting.
Image Queen Apnea: The mirror... If only we had the mirror...
Part 4 Recap wrote:Ah... Ra's mirror once again. It always seemed to come back to that. Before Rex could think on that, however...
Image Chancellor Keating: So, you have returned. The news was somewhat unexpected, I must confess. Of course, I am overjoyed. It has been a terrible burden to govern the kingdom in your absence... But allow me to gaze at your princely visage. Forgive me, but is there not something amiss here?
Part 4 Recap wrote:No...
Image Captain Rusty: Wh-What do you mean!? What could be amiss!? This is undoubtedly the Prince of our fair kingdom!

Image Chancellor Keating: Captain, I don't doubt your sincere conviction. But listen to this interesting titbit I heard just now. A certain shabbily-dressed young man is said to have purchased a suit of noble garb earlier on today...
Part 4 Recap wrote:How!? How was this possible? For him to have been this prepared, and to have unraveled him so fast? Unless... Was he watching them the whole time!?
Image Captain Rusty: B-But surely you're not saying that this is an im-impostor?

Image Chancellor Keating: I sincerely want to believe this is the real Prince, but we can afford to take no chances.

Image Captain Rusty: B-But...

Image Chancellor Keating: Allow me to pose one simple question to prove whether or not this is the Prince. If you are indeed the Prince of this realm, then this little teaser should not present the slightest problem. As you are perhaps aware, the Prince had a cherished sister who died tragically young. Tell me, Prince. What was that sister's name?
Part 4 Recap wrote:Rex was a man of few regrets... But he was also a man of conscious; always looking back to see what he could have done differently. Of the regrets he DID have, none stung more bitterly than what happened here, in Somnia.

He outranked Keating. He had the military behind him. All Keating had were words. He could have laughed in Keating's face, and dismissed him. He could have told Keating to 'swallow a slime', as Rusty put it. He could have shamed him for bringing up his dead sister... There were so many ways around this. Instead, he spat out the first name that came to mind. He had played Keating's game, and lost.

It wasn't just Rex himself who'd lost, either...
Image Captain Rusty: M-My liege...!

Image Chancellor Keating: Everyone heard that, I trust. It is clear that this is not the Prince of this or any other realm. Only an impostor would have failed to recognize the name of the Prince's dear, departed sister.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Keating walked to Rusty, and stared into his eyes.
Image Chancellor Keating: Captain Rusty, I hold you personally responsible for this unforgivable breach of castle security.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Keating turned to the soldiers.
Image Chancellor Keating: Guards! Seize these feeble frauds at once!

Image Yes, sir!
Part 4 Recap wrote:And then they were pushed out of the castle... Literally. In retrospect, Rex was thankful Keating didn't order their executions. At the time, however, all he could think about was Rusty. How heartbroken he appeared... and how much trouble he'd be in.

Fortunately, their next objective presented itself almost immediately. It was a merchant, conveniently placed just outside of where they had been tossed.
Image Well, that certainly wasn't the finest moment in my merchant's career! I thought I'd flog some of the fabled water from the town of Amor. It's meant to cure anything... I was sure it would do the trick and have the King and Queen up and about in no time. But not a chance!

Image Rex: Oh? And how would I get to Amor?

Image Just head north-west from here and go right round, then point yourselves south-east and keep walking. In any case, it was strange to hear the Queen muttering about a mirror. Maybe if someone were to bring her the mirror key they were talking about in Amor, she might wake up? I wonder...

Image Rex: Hey, speakin' of mirrors... You get around, right? Know anythin' about Ra's mirror?

Image Well, I must confess, I don't know a whole lot about this one... If you want to find out more, perhaps you should take a little trip to Amor.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Wasn't much to go on, but it took his mind off things. At least, when his friends weren't teasing him about it.
Image Milly: Hee hee! All hail Fake Prince Rex! Oh, don't let it get you down. Let's keep searching for Ra's mirror ー that's bound to offer us some clues!
Part 4 Recap wrote:Urrgghh...
Part 4 Recap wrote:They made it to Amor, in any case. The Inns were filled up, however, and their feet were killing them. They wandered all about town, with no success... Though the party did, at least, share a few endearing moments.
Image ...O fair Lady Seductra! Will you ever be mine...? My heart longs for you... Er... You didn't hear that, did you? The thing is, I fell head over heels in love and now I can't focus on anything! When I heard that the water here can cure any sickness, I knew I had to give it a shot. But the truth is, there's no cure for the sickness called LOVE! O how will I ever live without her...!? All I can hope for is that I see her in my dreams...

Image Milly: The only cure for the sickness called 'love' is the medicine known as 'time'... Oh? Sorry, that was rather philosophical of me, wasn't it? Hee hee.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Indeed it was.
Image Oh deary me, I'm worried sick about old Evgenya over at the church. She's plagued by terrible nightmares, poor old dear. I wish I could do more for her. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know quite why I'm sharing this with a bunch of tourists. Don't mind me!

Image Milly: Judging by Carver's snoring, I'd say he has some lively dreams...
Part 4 Recap wrote:Carver took offense to that.
Image Carver: Hey, I know about bad dreams. Once, I dreamt that my head turned into an apple pie... Everyone was tryin' to eat me, and all that came out of my mouth when I screamed was apple sauce. So yeah...
Part 4 Recap wrote:Oooooookay... Moving on.
Image When I was a wee nipper, I heard about a pair of lovestruck bandits who came here in search of spoils to plunder. They ventured into the northern cave hunting for treasure, but one of them never returned. I can't begin to imagine what they encountered in that cave... All I know is that the bandit who did return put her thieving ways behind her and settled in Amor. I speak of Evgenya, the old woman who does odd-jobs at the Church. Now there's a woman with a past!

Image Milly: Lovestruck bandits...
Part 4 Recap wrote:An odd tone entered Milly's voice. Wonderment? Disbelief? Mockery? Or perhaps joy? Whatever it was, it was clear that this was a novel concept for her.

Not that Rex blamed her. 'Bandits' were the last people he'd ever peg as "loving".
Image Ah, more tourists. Just what we need! Anyway, I suppose that cave to the north is in your guidebook? What won't be in your guidebook is the story of the mirror key that was once hidden in that cave. An earthquake some years ago brought down the cave's roof, sealing off whatever was inside it. I don't know if the story about the key is true, but it's too late to find out now.
Part 4 Recap wrote:And just to rub it in...
Image For now, the waters of Amor run clear, but I live in fear of the day the Dread Fiend descends upon us. His sole desire seems to be to destroy all beauty and taint all purity.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Sigh... Oh well. At least they found a place to sleep.
Image Weary travellers, I see you are seeking a refuge for the night. With the bountiful mercy of the Goddess, I will do what I can to aid you. For if you cannot find solace and comfort here, where can you find it? If you speak to Evgenya who resides downstairs, I'm sure she can come to your aid.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Evgenya? Didn't Rex hear of her from someone else?
Image Evgenya: Tell me! Who are you? What do you come here for? I have only bad dreams these days. I am not in a mood to deal with the uninvited guests. Do you have business here? If no, you must go this instant! So the priest is telling you that you are allowed to stay here!? Who does he think he is!? But I suppose I have no choice. Sleep then! I pray no nightmares will come.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Sheesh. Nasty old crone... But they were thankful, regardless. When they woke up, though...
Image Guh? I didn't know anyone was sleepin' in there! No one tells me nothin'. Guess the pastor's at it again He just can't resist puttin' people up fer the night Huh? Where'd the old lady go? Sorry, ain't no old ladies round this parish.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Strange...
Image Hmm? Oh, welcome, my children. Were you guests of the church last evening? I didn't realise. Anyway, onto the morning's business, then.
Part 4 Recap wrote:Even stranger...
Image Milly: It seems as though we went to sleep and woke up in a different world...
Part 4 Recap wrote:"Ok, let's not come to any conc-"
Image Ewww! What the heck is that!? My Goddess, look at the water! That's not... Is that blood!? Eeeek!
Part 4 Recap wrote:...Ok, yeah, they were in another world. A 3rd one, perhaps?
Image Whazzat? The water's runnin' bloody red? Eh, stuff happens.

Image Milly: I like his attitude. 'Stuff' does indeed happen, after all.
Part 4 Recap wrote:...Sheesh, could nothing faze this woman?
Image Milly: This water flows down from that cave upstream, doesn't it?
Part 4 Recap wrote:Upstream? But wasn't that collapsed?
Image Hmm... Could this be their fault, perhaps? An odd young couple came through town the other day. Ilya and Evgenya were their names... They were going on about some fabulous treasure squirreled away in the cave just north of here. They almost certainly visited that cave together... You don't think they could have somehow triggered this ecological disaster? If so, they'll pay dearly for it! That waterfall is the lifeblood of this town! But now it's just plain blood!
Part 4 Recap wrote:Evgenya!? Young!? And the cave was still standing!? Was Rex hearing all that right?

Indeed, he was. The trio went into the cave, and saw it's tunnels stretch far into the dark. They saw a river flow amidst its channels, just as the man had said... And then saw a young woman.

She was a warrior... But her eyes were glazed with tears, her pupils dilated as far as they would go. Her skin was pale and sweaty, and she was leaning against a sword. It was embedded into the river banks, and a trail of blood seemed to flow from it. In fact, every drop of blood in the river seemed to flow from it! It was as though she had stabbed the river itself...
Image Evgenya: The blood... I wash and I wash, but... like paint it is. Like paint... Who... Who is standing there...? I... I am called Evgenya. All has ended for me... All has ended... No treasure is hiding here. Just corpse... Ilya. My beloved, he is... Was. I kill him. Me. I am swinging the sword and he... Ahh, the sword and the blood... The blood... The blood...
Part 4 Recap wrote:There were some scary conclusions Rex could have made... But he stopped and assessed the situation, instead.

That blood could not have been coming from the sword; There was far too much of it. Secondly, this woman was remorseful. Fights were chaotic, and accidents happen; She just as likely clipped him on accident as on purpose.

Still, one never knew... They left her to her thoughts. After all, their first priority was the Moonmirror key. And who knows? Ilya could still be alive. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

They proceeded down about three floors...
Image Yikes! I've never seen nothin' scarier in my life! I thought I'd help myself to a little treasure, but instead I found a guy bleedin' out on the ground. He was hurtin' something fierce, and then he got attacked by another monster! At this rate, he's gonna die! Someone's gotta do something! Someone who ain't me!
Part 4 Recap wrote:The two saw a tall, purple demon, tearing into a bloodied and beaten swordsman with claws and beak. It had wings with gaping holes in them, a skin like flesh mixed with stone, and dark dots marking its entire body.

Rex threw some halos of yellow light around the beast. They flew from head to toe and turned it's skin from hard marble to soft flesh. This was the Sap spell, made for softening even the densest armor. He and Carver charged...

...And then the demon turned. It swayed, and it contorted itself in ways Rex didn't dream possible; It beat its sundered wings and fluttered its sulfuric yellow eyes...And Rex's eyes rolled back in his head. The veins in his eyes bulged, and he fell under the thrall of supreme terror! He saw a golem come from behind, and threw his boomerang at its neck! The golem's blood sprayed, but it went on, and shoulder checked Rex into the wall...

Rex hit his head, and the fog faded from his eyes. Carver was running at him, and blood sputtered from his neck! Rex tried to jump right, but his body didn't obey... He tripped and fell. Carver came to deal the deathblow... But his weapon just bounced off Rex's chest! Then, a rock of ice flew into Carver's head, and a stream of blue enveloped the tear on his neck. It was Milly! She'd been unfazed by the creature's dance, and had hardened Rex's skin with a spell of her own!

Now they knew what to avoid. The creature clicked its beak and sported a mocking visage... But it was doomed. Its trump card was useless; they just had to avert their eyes. After all was said and done.
Image Ilya: I am owing much gratitude to you. My life, it is yours!

Image Carver: Hittin' monsters hard is our business, and business is good.
Part 4 Recap wrote:True enough!
Image Ilya: I am called Ilya, the Tempest! Ah ha ha! Big mistake I make here. I no fear admitting this. I open chest over there, and plop goes the monster! Or is it 'pop'? Anyway, claw my face, it does. Next thing I'm knowing, monster is charging Evgenya. Then she... Ah! Evgenya! That hot-tempered woman! She is thinking I am dead now, maybe! Hate to ask... Can you be carrying me up top? I am needing the help back up! Ah ha ha! I am apologising for trouble, my friend!
Part 4 Recap wrote:Ilya?! Well, no need to apologise. Actually, Rex was impressed. He was smart enough to figure out that Evgenya was enthralled by the creature's dance, and brave enough to fight it alone. Most likely? He didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone, should his mind also have been Fuddled.

They all went back up.
Image Ilya: E-Evgenya!

Image Evgenya: Ilya! Y-You still live? I, I thought my sword make you dead. And the blood!

Image Ilya: Ah, that is my Evgenya... Always with the leaping to conclusions. You think I am dying that easy? I had monster... How you say? Right where I am wanting it, yes?

Image Evgenya: Thank Goddess... (sniff sniff) Oh, thank Goddess...

Image Ilya: Silly girl! There is no crying in treasure hunting!

Image Evgenya: But... I, I am just...

Image Ilya: Ahh, enough! Did you get it?

Image Evgenya: The mirror key? Yes. Here.

Image Ilya: That is my girl! You think I am being dead, but still you get job done. You get item.

Image Evgenya: I was thinking that... maybe it could be our keepsake of our... our...

Image Ilya: Ahh, do not be silly. What good is this sake-keeping? We need to be moving now. But first, one thing...
Part 4 Recap wrote:Ilya walked to the party.
Image Ilya: I am owing you great debt. I look for key, and you help me find it. I need to give something. Yes! Here, take. Take!
Part 4 Recap wrote:The three received an Agility Ring.
Image Ilya: Farewell! Again we shall meet, perhaps. Now, finally, it is the time for Moonmirror Tower. This key will be opening door...

Image Evgenya: And opening path to legendary mirror of Ra. Easy!

Image Ilya: Yes! Now, off for us!

Image Evgenya: Wait up, my tempest!
Part 4 Recap wrote:This was a problem. REX needed that key! But, these were virtuous people... It wouldn't have been just to force them. So, Rex concocted a plan: LET the two have the key! Ilya was in worse shape than they were. He'd take longer to recover, and they'd meet him at the doors. They'd let 'em unlock the doors, then get the mirror first. Simple as that.

Odd things happened on the way out, though. The stream of blood faded, for one thing. And then the group slept at the church again...
Image Evgenya: ARGH!!! It-It is the uninvited guests once more! After you went to bed for the sleeping you disappeared into the thin hair! B-But wait one moment! You look exactly like people I see in my dream! Th-Those painful dreams finally stopped visiting me. Last night my dream was different... In the dream, he was alive. But in the reality, he lost the life in that cave. I, I stayed in this town, alone... But what is that you hold? Th-That ring. In my young days, I had ring just like this one. I gave it to someone. But who was it...? My memory is not what it was. Truly it is not the easy thing to grow old... Heh heh heh.

Image Iyla: I hope not to interrupt. I am seeking for the woman with the name of Evgenya. Evgenya! My beloved! It is you! I cannot mistake those eyes!

Image Evgenya: Wh-Who are you!? What do you want with my eyese?

Image Iyla: Those wrinkles cannot hide your beauty, Evgenya! My little cyclone, are you not recalling? Has the gold coin not dropped yet? Do you still not know? It is I! It is your Iyla!

Image Evgenya: Ilya!? This must be trick! B-But Ilya lost the life... C-Could it be!?

Image Iyla: Did you think I would be dead so easy? Not I! I am searching for you so very long!

Image Evgenya: Ilya!

Image Iyla: Ah! Evgenya! I never had the plan to come again to this town. But then the dream... It visit me...

Image Evgenya: You too saw the dream? It visit you too? W-Wait one moment...
Part 4 Recap wrote:Evgenya turned to Rex.
Image Evgenya: I get a feeling that this is necessary for you. Here! Take it! It is the mirror key.
Part 4 Recap wrote:She put it in his bag.
Image Evgenya: I have no longer need for the ー how you say? ー keepsake. The real Iyla, he comes back for me! I have feeling that it was you who saved me from the painful dreams... With the mirror key, you can open door of the Moonmirror Tower. If legend is true, Ra's mirror sleeps inside. It is treasure we once dreamt of putting our hands on... I remember route still. Go round north-east from Somnia castle and then face west direction. Easy, no?
Part 4 Recap wrote:Easy enough! Rex threw another Wing into the air, and carried Carver and Milly back to Somnia... To their next destination.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:16 pm
by Fionordequester
Shorter episode today!

PART 5: MIRROR MATCH ... J3&index=6



ZOOM UPGRADE (Remakes Only):
Stop by Madame Luca's house after you get the Mirror of Ra! She'll upgrade your Zoom spell, and allow you to switch between the Dream & Real Worlds at will!

In case my explanation was too rushed, the "step counter" means that you get a fight after a certain number of "steps". However, different floor tiles count for a different number of steps. For example, Grass tiles count for only a few steps, Forest tiles count for more steps, and Mountains count for a lot of steps...

So if you ever wonder why I'm trying to stay on Grass as much as possible, that's why. Also, I can "reload" the step counter every time I enter a room, go up stairs... anything that causes a screen transition.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 7:19 pm
by Fionordequester
Note: The original script has a minor plothole. Real World Somnia has a yellow helmet guy that doesn't recognize Rex's name, yet claims you look just like the Prince. He's the guy that tells you that you'd be a mirror image of him, if you bought the Royal Garb (which is how you're supposed to know to do so). I fix this minor plothole by... Well, you'll see at the end.

Also, the Poison Zombie/Corspickle boss fight is more than two pages long. This is where I started doing fairly detailed fight scenes, instead of glossing over them like I had the previous parts. Tell me what you think about that.


Image Madame Luca: Let's see... The crystal, it is becoming clearer... Yes, I can see it now... There is a tower close to Somnia. And inside the tower, a mirror. It is a large mirror! It is an intriguing mirror! And in this mirror... Ah, revealing that would be what we seers call a 'spoiler'. Go and do your own looking!
Part 5 Recap wrote:A "spoiler", huh? Better watch out for those. In any case, the group Zoomed back to Somnia.
Image Milly: (sniff) I'm so glad Evgenya and Ilya's story had a happy ending!

Image Milly: Two lovers, brought together in each others' dreams... (sniff) I think I'm welling up!

Image Milly: Even after all these years, Ilya and Evgenya are still so close. I need to find out their secret!
Part 5 Recap wrote:She went on for what seemed like hours about them! Rex hadn't pegged her for a romantic, but there it was!

The group traveled northeast, then west, to Moonmirror Tower.

Image Carver: Hey, any idea why they call it Moonmirror Tower? Maybe there's a mirror in there that makes you look as round as the moon. Wouldn't that be funny, aye?
Part 5 Recap wrote:Interesting theory... Not that Rex had anything better.

In any case, it was a fairly empty place. Too empty. All there seemed to be were three enormous mirrors, and some stairs leading to empty rooms. The mirrors were larger than most buildings, but nothing else seemed amiss about them. Most likely, they were just hiding the real path(s).

The group investigated the first
Image Milly: Seems like an ordinary mirror to me.
Part 5 Recap wrote:They investigated the second.
Image Carver: I think my muscles are sproutin' muscles.
Part 5 Recap wrote:And finally the 3rd one. That's when they noticed something amiss.
Part 5 Recap wrote:There were no stairs. There were SUPPOSED to be stairs, but the mirror didn't reflect that. Carver struck the mirror with his hammer twice, and sure enough...
Image ???: Skree! You should've turned back when you had the chance! Now it's time to reflect on the error of your ways! Your journey ends here!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Their images warped, and their flesh exploded. Blood and viscera sprayed the entire group, before their clones jumped out of the mirror and charged them.

Rex threw his bladed boomerang with his right hand, and dotted some Sap spells with his left hand. Rex repelled his double for the moment, and Milly did the same with a spear of ice... But Carver was not so lucky. He smashed his opponent's head in with a baseball swing across the head... But instead of dropping, the beast spun with the force, replanted itself, and lunged at Carver. It clung to him, and bit into Carver's shoulder! Its pus and drool bled into Carver's blood, and Carver's body convulsed... It was poison!


That was all Rex could say. His own double was upon him! It was a flayed, purple mass of organs and exposed muscle. Entire chunks of meat were missing from its emaciated limbs. The only thing covering its ruined features were some tattered clothing and frizzled hair the colour of rotten eggs. Rex sunk his Bamboo Spear into its stomach, and kept it back via leverage. Rex look at Carver again...

Carver was fighting again, though caked in blood. Not his blood, but the creature's. He had smashed one of its kneecaps, he had his thumb jammed into one of its eyes, and somehow or another, he had taken off one of its arms (probably one of his patented 'elbow breaks')... And yet it kept coming. Rex looked over at Milly... Milly was pinned under her own double. It had a stake of ice jammed between its maws, blocks of ice in its eye sockets, spikes of ice in both temples, daggers of ice dotting its neck (where its caratoid arteries would've been)... Everything that could've possibly killed a human being. Yet it was as strong as ever. Milly could manage nothing, save for a few limp, poorly aimed slaps to the creatures face...

And then Rex's opponent belched! A blast of purple mist washed over Rex's face! The creature stabbed into Rex's left shoulder with the claws on its right arm! Rex stumbled back, but dropped his left forearm across the creature's left elbow! This move drug the creature's body forward, and pulled it off balance enough for Rex to take its back! Rex coughed, clamped his other hand down on the creature's shoulder, and smashed the heel of his foot against the creature's kneecap! The leg snapped off its socket, and Rex threw it to the ground... But now it had started. Rex coughed and wheezed... he couldn't breath...


"He stumbled forward, and sliced off her double's arms with a lucky shot. He wrapped his right arm around its neck, and locked out its left arm via a half-nelson.


Rex held on for what seemed like forever... Then gasped in relief! Milly had cured the poison from herself and from him! Rex released the half-nelson, grabbed the creature's neck in both hands, and wrenched its head off its shoulders! He tossed it away with a Hail Mary throw, and made to put a Heal spell on Milly...

...Then screamed. Something grabbed him and bit him right on the neck! Rex couldn't get it, and the poison coursed through his veins. Milly used yet another stake to chop its head off at the neck, but the damage had been done. Rex fell yet again before Milly healed him up, and helped him to his feet.

"Heads up, Rex!" Milly said.

"Needin' a li'l help here!" Carver said. The trio bunch up... and what Rex saw horrified him.

He saw the creature he had speared, with its legs completely intact. He saw the one Carver had smashed up, with the side of its head healed, and its arm re-attached. He looked over at Milly's... and saw a faint light in its hands as it re-attached its own head.

"Th-They regenerate!" Rex gasped.

"No, j-just spells" Milly wheezed.

"Whatever! How do we KILL these things!?" Carver roared.

Rex didn't know. Rex and his friend got tired, and the clones did not. Rex and his friends felt pain, and the clones did not. Rex and his friends were flesh and blood, while the clones were made of rot and unholy poisons. Their clones weren't as fast, or as strong as Rex or Carver... But that would soon change, the way things were going. Rex likened it to fist-fighting a drunk... And THAT'S when Rex found the secret.

"Guys! Spread out! Milly, get yours to the entrance! Carver, drag yours downstairs! I HAVE A PLAN!!"


"DO IT!!"

And so they did. Rex feared what would happen if Milly wasn't around to cure them, but he was more afraid of what would happen if they were all in one spot. Perhaps one of the zombies would spew more mist, and tag all three of them at once. Perhaps TWO of them would jump Milly at the same time. Either of these would spell the end for them. Besides, Rex had a plan...

Rex drew his clone to the dead-end on the first floor. Rex wasn't trying to hurt his anymore; just harass it with enough boomerang throws to keep it focused on him. A minute went by, two minutes, three minutes... Carver & Milly had long disappeared from sight...

Rex made his move. He launched one Sap spell! Two Sap spells! Three Sap spells, then four, then five, then six, then seven... The zombie started to melt, its body turning to liquid. Rex threw his boomerang again and sliced its legs off at the knees. Then came the clever part... He rushed forward, grabbed its detached legs, and ran off before it could stick them back on!

Such was the process of fighting a drunk... Sort of. Never try to drop them with blunt force; they wouldn't even feel it until morning. You had to immobilize them instead. Cut off their air supply with a choke, restrain them in a lock, or knock them to the ground and run... And that's effectively what Rex did with his double. He had to hurry though; Carver wasn't nearly so clever.

He ran down the stairs, and found Carver with his. He was alive, but he'd dropped his hammer, and his technique was gone. Carver was gassed. Wild haymakers were all he had left.

Rex threw the legs he was holding to the side, grabbed Carver's foe in a bear hug, and yelled for Carver to knock his block off! Carver picked up his hammer, Rex lowered his head, and Carver swung upward! The zombie's head flew off! From there was an awkward minute or so of kicking off the beast's legs, before grabbing THOSE up as well. Now Rex & Carver had four in their arms!

The pair ran towards the entrance towards Milly... And smiled. She had already taken care of hers! Its arms and its legs were stuck to the wall via more spears of ice, and the rest of the body was pinned by a giant stalagmite of it! Milly was on her rump, sweating and gasping for air... But she gave them a small grin.

"An excellent performance, I think. Wouldn't you agree?"

Rex and Carver smiled back, and help her up. After that was the act of smashing the corpses' heads into paste, along with their hands, harms, and legs. Only then did the group feel safe to progress...
Image Milly: Let's go, Hero. But be careful not to get lost...
Part 5 Recap wrote:The tower itself was uneventful, aside from some moderately critters here and there. Of note, however, was the person they found.
Image Ashlynn: H-Huh!? You can s-see me!? Finally, someone in this md world can see me! It's like a dream come true! You'd think being invisible would be fun, but it's totally boring! Everyone ignore me, or worse ― they try to walk through me! I can't even fix my hair! See my reflection in the mirror? There isn't one! What a pain!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Actually, she should've been glad to NOT have one, considering what they'd just went through...

Still, how did she get in here? She had no key, she couldn't break the mirrors... By all accounts, she should've been stuck outside with the rest of them.
Image Ashlynn: I came to this tower because I heard stories about Ra's mirror. It's here somewhere, right? I figured if naything's gonna solve my, um, see-through situation, it's the mirror. But this isn't exactly the friendliest place in the world, is it? I'm at my wit's end here!
Part 5 Recap wrote:"Girl, you don't know the half of it..."
Image Ashlynn: Oh, but I shouldn't whine so much. I'm just happy to finall meet someone who can make eye contact! You're going up, right? How about we all go together?

Image Carver: Heh. Guess the little ghost lady's invitin' herself along, aye, Rex? You lettin' her join the team?

Image Rex: Sure!

Image Ashlynn: Hey, wait a sec! I forgot to ask you something! If you folks can see me, that means you must be just like me, right? But you don't seem to have any problems with your...visibility. C,mon, guys! Give a transparent girl a break. Tell me your secret!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Rex took out the dream dew and carefully sprinkled a few drops on the girl. She became visible once again.
Image Ashlynn: Aaah! That stuff's freezing! What's the big ide―Hey! I'm not transparent any more! All it took was a cold shower? Why'd I even bother looking for that mirror? Ah, well. Whatever works, right? Besides, I got to meet you fine folks. Oh, how rude of me! I haven't introduced myself. I'm Ashlynn... I'd love to tell you more, but my name's the only thing I remember. CAn you imagine being an invisible amnesiac?

Image Rex: Actually...

Image Ashlynn: Ugh! I had so many questions and no one to ask! Anyway, since we're here, we might as well go check out the mirror together. Sound good? Let's go!
Part 5 Recap wrote:And once they HAD found it...
Image Ashlynn: Hey! That's it! Ra's mirror! Wow! It's even prettier than I thought! Well, I'm glad I got to see it. I guess this is where we part ways... Only thing is, where am I supposed to go from here? Hmm... You guys seem alright. You have tried anything funny, anyway. I'm thinking I'll keep travelling with you for a while. Sound good?

Image Carver: She sure is bossy, not that I have room to talk. But what do ya think, Rex? More the merrier, aye?

Image Rex: Absolutely. Welcome aboard, Ashlynn!

Image Ashlynn: There you go! I knew you guys were alright! We're gonna be great friends. Trust me!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Then after some more ribbing by Milly...
Image Milly: Lucky you, Rex, you're just becoming surrounded by cute girls!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Rex got the mirror...
Image Carver: Ahoy! Here it is, Hero! No doubt about it, this is the mirror the King told us about!
Part 5 Recap wrote:...and decided HE wanted in on the act as well.
Image Carver: Eh? What do ya mean, β€œwhich king”? I'm talkin' about King Somnus from back in our world! The King and Queen here just sleep all the time... They ain't sendin' us on any quests. It was our King Somnus who asked us to find this thing in the first place, right? Quit tryin' to confuse me!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Heh heh heh... Well, at any rate, they HAD to see Ilya & Evgenya first! They wanted this thing their whole lives, after all!
Image Iyla: You put the hands on Ra's mirror!? Ah, the pleasure of treasure hunting! I still feel the old excitement!

Image Evgenya: It is late in the day, but we have found the true happiness at last. It is all thanks to you!

Image Ashlynn: Yeah, she had happiness written all over her face! In between all the wrinkles, I mean.
Part 5 Recap wrote:Then there was a pleasant surprise waiting at Port Haven!
Image That Mayor's gone an' dropped us in it again! As soon as Johan brought Ella back to Port Haven, the Mayor disappeared out of town! I know how he must feel, but hwat about his mayoral responsibilities!?
Part 5 Recap wrote:W-Wait, Johan GOT HER!?
Image Johan: Oh! It's you! You're the ones who... Well... You really helped me out that time, you know. Goddess knows, I encountered many a danger while I was out looking for Ella... But it only made me appreciate how lucky I am to be living with my beloved now!

Image Milly: Johan's journey must have been tough. He looks a lot stronger now!

Image Carver: To think, I wrote Johan off for a wimp when we first met. Looks like he's got some guts after all!
Part 5 Recap wrote:"No kidding! My "Hail Mary" shot wasn't a Hail Mary after all!"
Image Ella: Oh! I am so happy! But the Mayor's left town, and I can't hlep but worry about him. He should have just come home! There's no need for him to give that incident a second thought!
Part 5 Recap wrote:"Yes, the whole 'sold a woman into slavery' incident"...
Image Carver: After all she went through, she actually cares about that lousy Mayor? Oh, Ella... (sniff) Ain't you a peach.

Image Milly: I'm sure it's this kindness that attracted Johan to Ella in the first place. It's nice to see that some men realise beauty isn't just skin deep!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Speaking of attaction...
Image Ashlynn: Hey, Hero. Is that girl your type? She sure is pretty!
Part 5 Recap wrote:And then the fateful stay at Madame Luca's.
Image Madame Luca: Welcome back, Rex. The crystal told Madame Luca that you would be coming, so she turned away all of today's customers. Hah hee! Ah, hello again, my Milly!

Image Milly: It's lovely to see you, Madame Luca.

Image Madame Luca: I see the flock has taken on a new little lamb. Ashlynn, yes?

Image Ashlynn: Hey! How'd you know that!? Is it written on my face or something?

Image Madame Luca: Hee hah! There is no stumping Madame Luca! She is a dream seer! Knowing names is a piece of cake! Your journey goes well, yes? Say not a word! Madame Luca sees you acquired Ra's mirror! That must have been challenging...

Image Carver: 'Course it was! You don't need to see dreams to figure that out. Speakin' of that, if you're such a grand mystic, why didn't you just tell us how to get the thing, aye?
Part 5 Recap wrote:Because of 'spoilers', apparently...
Image Madame Luca: Hah hee! Your mouth is as big as ever, muscle man. Let's call it a night, yes? We can speak more tomorrow.
Part 5 Recap wrote:After a night's rest...
Image Madame Luca: You've slept a deep and dreamy sleep, yes? The best kind! So, let Maame Luca see... Yes... You travelled between the two worlds in Amor... And you got your hands on Ra's mirror. You've been through a lot, mmm-hmmm. It's time for Madame Luca to tell you the truth about this world...
Part 5 Recap wrote:And then came the bad news. Confirmation of almost every one of Rex's worst fears.
Image Madame Luca: Your keen, young minds probably already worked it out, but the world you were in before was actually the world of dreams. This, on the other hand, is the real world.
Part 5 Recap wrote:"No..."
Image Madame Luca: In the dream world, you were merely inhabiting the dreams of those living in this world...
Part 5 Recap wrote:"Tania... Buddy..."
Image Madame Luca: That is why no one was able to see you here in the real world. Well, no one apart from old Madame Luca, of course! Hah hee! So, is Madame Luca making sense to you?
Part 5 Recap wrote:Rex would not buckle. It hurt, but, it explained a lot. It explained why they turned transparent upon falling... It explained why Captain Rusty looked like Captain Blade... It explained the magic blood from Evgenya's sword... the time traveling shenanigans...Everything.

It didn't matter. Tania, Carver, Milly, even Ashlynn... They were real to him. That's all that mattered. Rex nodded in affirmation. He had faced his fears, dealt with it, and prepared to move on...
Image Madame Luca: Madame Luca was reluctant to explain the dream world before... Why burden you with the fear of disappearing, yes?
Part 5 Recap wrote:Aaaaaaand then all that fear came rushing back.
Image Madame Luca: Dreams can end at any time, you see, and with That is why Madame Luca held her tongue. Now that you know the truth, Madame Luca will cast a spell on you... The best spell she knows! This spell will allow you to cross between the real world and the dream world any time you desire! Now, please close your eyes. Hmm... Yes...
Part 5 Recap wrote:Good thing he could close his eyes...
Image Madame Luca: There. It is done. With your Zoom spell, you can now fly between worlds any time you like! Ahh... Such a mighty spell takes much out of old Madame Luca. She feels so drained... Well, you'd best be off. Your world will just keep getting bigger now, yes? Yes!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Or it could grow small. Small... Cast into outer darkness... Or an empty void. White... Colorless...
Image Carver: Wh-Whoa, hold on now! You mean we've been livin' in a dream world all this time!? But dreams are so...flimsy – here one minute and gone the next. Same thing could happen to us! Wait a sec, though. If this is all a dream...then am I just the dream version of my real self? Am I the illusion that the real me sees in his dreams...? This is way over my head...
Part 5 Recap wrote:Carver's response was wild agitation, while Rex's was to shut down. Fortunately, Milly was a perceptive woman... Kind. Always ready with a smile, and a calm word.
Image Milly: Are you surprised, Hero? I remember when Madame Luca first told me. At first I was terribly shocked... But then I realised that the only way to discover the truth was to keep pressing forward. How about it, Hero? What are you going to do?
Part 5 Recap wrote:"If you can solve a problem, why worry about it? If you CAN'T solve a problem... why worry about it?"

Those were Milly's words. It was good advice, too. WhatevRex just needed some time to be sad... Then he'd move on.
Image Ashlynn: Carver and the old lady sure do bicker a lot. Maybe they have a secret crush on each other...
Part 5 Recap wrote:Eww....

The group used their new Zoom spell and poofed straight into the Dream World. They dallied a little, upon the womens' request; they wanted to see what the boys had seen. First was the hobbit's house...
Image Ashlynn: Stacking wood, huh? Sounds like a career with a lot of growth. Ha ha! Get it? Wood? Growth? Ah, fun.
Part 5 Recap wrote:Next was the wayward Church...
Image Milly: I actually wanted to be a nun when I was a little girl. I always feel so relaxed and comfortable after sleeping in a church.
Part 5 Recap wrote:After that was the checkpoint, and Haggleton. Weaver's Peak would wait for later, however. For now, they needed to get to Somnia.

They arrived, greeting the soldiers they saw.
Image Welcome to Sommnia. Stay out of ー Oh, it's you! You're one of those super soldiers hunting for Ra's mirror, right? Any leads yet? What!? What do you mean, you found it!? Well, hurry up, man! The King's going to flip his crown when he hears!

Image Ashlynn: Tee hee! I bet the King gives us each a big hug!

Image I'm sorry, have we met...? Oh, we have? You're one of the volunteer recruits? Now I remember you! Where have you been all this time? It's been so long, I wrote you off as AWOL.

Image Carver: If AWOL means 'awesome without limits', then guilty as charged.

Image We combed through every cave and ruin in the realm for that mirror, but you showed us all up, rookies. Not bad!

Image Ashlynn: Maybe they should have tried jumping into big chasms and climbing some tall towers, too.
Part 5 Recap wrote:And then was King Somnus himself.
Image King Somnus: Am I to understand that Ra's mirror has, at long last, come into our possession? Yes...yes, this is the genuine object! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. With this mirror, we can reveal Murdaw's true colours and put an end to his tricks. Our nightmare's nearly over! We have a great advantage now. We must formulate a new plan...Your courageous cooperation in this plan would be most appreciated, Rex. Come to the conference room downstairs later tonight. I'll be expecting great things from you! Everyone else, get as much rest as you can. Our final battle is drawing near. Dismissed!
Part 5 Recap wrote:Later that evening...
Image Captain Blade: Rex, uh... Hmm... Could you head upstairs, please? I'll meet you there.
Part 5 Recap wrote:What happened was... Not what they were expecting.
Image King Somnus: Nnngh... Uuurgh... Errghh...

Image Captain Blade: Ah, thanks for coming, Rex. As you can see, the King has fallen ill... Now, you're absolutely positive that was Ra's mirror you brought to us, right?

Image Rex: The King said so himself, right?

Image Captain Blade: Well, regardless, it has done... something to the King. The moment His Majesty peered into it... this happened. I can't even begin to fathom how the mirror could do this to him.

Image King Somnus: I... I...

Image Captain Blade: Y-Your Majesty! Speak to me! What is wrong, Your Majesty?

Image King Somnus: N-No... I... I am Somnus, leader of...Aghh!
Part 5 Recap wrote:The mirror flashed a blinding white light! Everyone closed their eyes, until it'd finally passed... and when they opened them... There she was, standing in King Somnus' place!

Image Captain Blade: By the Goddess!

Image Chancellor: Your Majesty, you're... you're a woman.
Part 5 Recap wrote:The woman stumbled forward, and fainted.
Image Captain Blade: What devilry! Quick, get her into bed!
Part 5 Recap wrote:The throne room fell silent. Those assembled thought it best to keep the King's metamorphosis a secret for now.
Image Chancellor: Ah! Your Majesty! You're awake? How are you feeling... er, Your Majesty?

Image Captain Blade: Your Majesty! Do you have any idea what's happened to you!? You... you transformed into a woman...

Image Queen Apnea: This is my true form, my friend. I am not King Somnus... My name is Apnea.

Image Chancellor: Apnea? Apnea... Where have I heard that name before...?
Part 5 Recap wrote:Then Rex remembered Chancellor Keating from the other world. This was clearly his Dream World self... Except, this one seemed honourable enough. Perhaps there were depths to Keating that wasn't apparent in the Real World? Or perhaps THIS one simply hasn't had the chance to be evil, yet?
Image Captain Blade: Chancellor, we must concentrate on King Somnus for now!

Image Chancellor: Yes, of course. Please answer me this, my lady... If you are not our king, then what has happened to His Majesty!? Or does this mean that our nation never had a king in the first place!?

Image Queen Apnea: Not at all, my Chancellor. I'm afraid the true King Somnus is in Murdaw's clutches. Or, perhaps, Somnus is none other than Murdaw himself.
Part 5 Recap wrote:Whoa! Now how did she know that!?
Image Chancellor: What!? Speak sense, woman! Whatever gave you such an outlandish idea?

Image Queen Apnea: I'm afraid I can't say. I just know it is the truth. I don't know why I know, but I know.
Part 5 Recap wrote:Ah. Another one of those "spoilers", huh?
Image Queen Apnea: Perhaps some past event in the real world flashed across the mirror and into my mind... I imagine this must all be very hard for you to understand, you inhabitants of this world... You believe me, don't you, Captain Rusty?
Part 5 Recap wrote:Rusty? This world? That must mean... She's the Queen of the Real World!
Image Captain Blade: Rusty? Um, I'm sorry, ma'am, but my name's Blade, not Rusty. Though it's odd how the name Rusty reverberates within my mind...

Image Queen Apnea: And you are Sleipnir, right?
Part 5 Recap wrote:Sleipnir? So that's his Real World self... It would fit the naming scheme, and it would explain why he looked so much like the Prince. Does this mean he... er, "he"... was sleeping too?
Image Queen Apnea: You have certainly grown, Sleipnir... Anyway, we must not let last night's events delay us in facing Murdaw... This final confrontation will reveal everything... Including how I became King Somnus in this world, I should add. Let us be off, then.
Part 5 Recap wrote:And so it was. Rex's life was built on lies... Or rather, he's a copy of this "Sleipnir" fella? Was he *actually* a real person? Would he remember all this one he woke up? Would all his friends and loved ones be there? Or would he vanish in a gasp of air? To be perfectly honest, Murdaw was NOT the one on his mind...

But, it was as Milly said. The only way to go was forward. Perhaps they would find a way to sustain their existence. If that was the case, they needed to fight for their future. Or, maybe they would all just disappear one day, without a trace. And if THAT'S the case...

Today was a good day to die.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:04 pm
by Fionordequester
Alright! Ready for the big man himself!?

MURDAW (ROUND 2) ... J3&index=7



Special thanks for giving me permission to use it :) !!

EQUIP THE AGILITY RING TO MILLY!! It gives her a 92% chance of going before Murdaw!

Also, you don't need to go out of your way for the Seed of Magic. I just think Rex would really like it for the post-game boss.

1) Two or more Fairy Dragons/Damselflies
2) Two or more Killer Geese/Deadly Dodos
3) All Stone Beasts/Arrghgoyles

1) [Flame Breath (30-40 Damage to everyone) or Attack] β†’ [Buff or Attack] β†’ [Blazemore/Frizzle (52-62 Damage) or Change's Party Tactics] β†’ [Repeat]

She has a 30% to every kind of offensive spell, except for the Infernos/Woosh & Zap family of spells. It doesn't change much, though; You still want to have her at full HP at all times. It's why I didn't mention it in the video itself.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:08 pm
by Fionordequester

Image Chancellor: I haven't the foggiest idea what's going on here... Nevertheless, I cannot defy this woman. She just seems so...regal. Murdaw's keep is far to the south-east of here... Follow the eastern mountains south, cross the checkpoint, and continue further east.
Part 6 Recap wrote:And on they went. At least, after some parting words to the soldiers & citizens... As well as some ill-advised ribbing from Ashlynn.
Image Did something happen in the throne room last night? Captain Blade looked shaken up.

Image Ashlynn: Only thing that happened was some guy turned into a lady... What!? It's not like anyone would believe us anyway!

Image Wha? What're you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with His Majesty right now? Don't waste time talking! Go catch up with him!

Image Ashlynn: If only he knew – the King's right here with us!

Image That king of ours... He set out for Murdaw's keep the instant he got Ra's mirror... The man's work ethic is impeccable!

Image Ashlynn: Tee hee! Are you getting all this, King?

Image I know His Majesty isn't one to waste time, but you'd think he'd at least say goodbye before he left...

Image Ashlynn: The King barely had time to, um, change, let alone say goodbye. Tee hee!

Image Welcome to Somnia. Stay out of trouble.

Image Ashlynn: Tee hee! The lady in the back look like anyone you know?

Image Well, His Majesty's finally set out. It's do or die time over at Murdaw's keep. Murdaw's keep is far to the south-east of here... All I can do is pray he made it there okay.

Image Ashlynn: I'm pretty sure the King hasn't gotten there yet. Tee hee.

Image Strange is the only word for it. They say that His Majesty set off to fight Murdaw last night... But when did he leave? You'd think I'd notice a guy with a crown leading his soldiers out of town...

Image Ashlynn: I don't think she'd notice even if the King were in the same room as her. Tee hee!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Urrrgghh... This woman was going to be trouble...

The group stopped by the Inn, having never slept the night before.
Image If His Majesty has left, that must mean he finally found Ra's mirror. I hate to be a pessimist, but how can some chintzy little mirror defeat a Dread Fiend?

Image Carver: I can think of a lot of uses for that mirror. We can blind Murdaw, or hit him over the head, or, uh... See, two uses!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Don't forget turning Murdaw into a woman! Maybe he'd keel over and die from embarassment... THREE uses!
Image Master Keating, the guy in 'dis room, pays me a freakin' fortune to protect him. Don't try anythin' dumb.
Part 6 Recap wrote:Master Keating!? So the Chancellor in the throne room last night WASN'T the Dream World Keating?

Rex went upstairs.
Image Chancellor Keating: Wah hah hah hah! I'm so rich, I could buy this entire nation tice. Thrice, even! You common folk are worth less than the gold in my teeth. My bodyguard makes more in a day than you will all year! Wait a minute... Have we met somewhere before? ...No? Huh. I guess all you poor folks look alike. Wah hah hah!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Well! THAT confirmed a few things!

First of all, the Chancellor by Captain Blade's side was NOT Keating's double. That was good to know; Rex had wondered why he was so much more honorable.

More importantly, Keating was never loyal to Somnia! He just didn't want to hand over the reigns of power! If Rex HAD possessed Prince Sleipnir's memories, Keating would have tried to discredit him some other way. Yet another reason to prevail against Murdaw. Rex had unfinished work to do.

But for now...
Image Milly: At last, the time for battle is upon us. Still, the idea that King Somnus might somehow be Murdaw has shaken my desire to fight...
Part 6 Recap wrote:Even so, it had to be done. The group entered Murdaw's Underkeep with Queen Apnea in town.

Image Carver: Keep your eyes peeled, people! Murdaw ain't above hittin' us from behind!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Good point! Fortunately, the monsters weren't too tough. The only enemies of note were blue versions of the flesh and marble creature the group had fought in the Cave of Amor. They didn't seem to have the mesmerizing dances that one had, but they made up for it with deadly flames; the kind that made the Babygoyles seem tame in comparison. The group avoided most of them, and the rest of the monsters were fairly standard; in fact, they slew most of them without needing a drop of magic from Milly! This was good; Murdaw was going to need all the firepower they had...

The group went deep into the catacombs, and eventually happened across a set of double doors. They entered, and found the inside of a castle, with 16 torches casting light into the room...
Image Queen Apnea: Hold a moment. Our nemesis is a trickster. Though he may not appear in his true form, he is Murdaw nonetheless. Do not be fooled by his traps. I would like you to carry Ra's mirror from now on. Keep it at the ready.
Part 6 Recap wrote:Apnea handed Ra's mirror to Rex.
Image Queen Apnea: Let us be off, then.
Part 6 Recap wrote:After that...
Image Ashlynn: I think I'm getting...a little tired...
Part 6 Recap wrote:Blast. Ashlynn wasn't holding up as well as Rex had hoped.

She was their newest member, and unfortunately, their weakest link. She didn't have the quick thinking Rex had, she didn't have Carver's fortitude, and she didn't have Milly's iron will. She was... normal. A talented magician to be sure, but she hadn't been through what the rest of them had. Not in terms of "kill or be killed". All workable problems, but...

She was also remarkably immature. Her snarkiness didn't just extend to jests at the Queen's expense. She also questioned nearly every one of Rex's orders. It was a maddening trait of hers... Especially when most of her questions could have been answered just by following the blasted orders!

Thankfully, Murdaw didn't have anything too diabolical lined out for them, despite Apnea's words. The only puzzle was a basic dark room, with invisible floors and enemies that could see in the shadows better than they could. Pitfalls dotted random spots in the floor; Evidently, the monsters were there to distract them; make it harder for them to find the safe path.

They had the opposite effect. Ashlynn simply illuminated the room with an orb of fire. The floors were still invisible, but the group could see what was safe simply by seeing where the monsters stood. The group navigated the dark room, took a few stairs down, and found HIM at last. Murdaw, sitting on his throne room, staring them down... Milly put on the Agility Ring, took some Magic Water to refill her magic, Ashlynn took the Medicinal Herbs that were left, and the group walked forward.
Image Murdaw: Well, well. Back to try and slay me again? How splendid! Normally, I relish such diversions, but right now destiny calls. I have a world to rule, you see... Your destiny calls, too, you know. It is your fate to serve me. Now bow before the mighty Murdaw...or die!

Image Rex: Make me! Make me bow down to you!!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Murdaw opened his mouth, and shot a spray of fire over the entire team! Rex and Carver stood firm, and Milly had started a healing spell just before the flames hit, but Ashlynn was flattened! Milly threw some token ice spears at Murdaw, then attended to Ashlynn; it was up to Rex & Carver! Rex threw his Boomerang, and Murdaw blasted it out of the air... But that distracted him from Carver! Rex struck Murdaw with a Sap spell, and Carver charged forth! Carver raised his blade, and threw a deathblow at Murdaw's head!

...But halos of blue rose up around Murdaw. His flesh hardened to scales, and he caught Carver's weapon by the blade. He held Carver still, gathered scarlet energy in his other hand, and fired it into Carver's chest. Carver was sent into the air, his limp form bouncing off the wall. Another blast of fire came, except Murdaw wasn't aiming for them. He struck the brick and mortar in FRONT of them, and covered the group in smoke. Rex heard the sound of another Buff spell, and then...


That was Rex's voice... But Rex hadn't said anything! Milly and Carver found Rex amidst the smoke... And Murdaw's flames swallowed them whole. They fell to the ground, and writhed in fire. Murdaw had indeed "made them bow down to him". He'd beaten them in less than 45 seconds, and hadn't even moved from the blasted throne. Murdaw laughed. His voice boomed through the room, and he prepared two more orbs of fire in his palms. He strolled toward the three, rose his arms...

And then a small fireball hit him square in the face! After that was two, three, four, five... a veritable hornet's nest of flame peppered him from afar! It was Ashlynn! The only person who hadn't jumped when "Rex" said jump! Her refusal to fall in line was what Rex had hated most; Yet, it had just saved their lives.

"Impudent whelp!" Murdaw screamed. He threw the orbs he had been carrying, each one big enough to devour Carver completely. It consumed everything Ashlynn had thrown... Ashlynn dodged the first, but the 2nd hit her head on! She had survived, somehow... but she lay crumpled on the floor, whimpering.

"Milly, get Ashlynn. Carver, WITH ME!"

Rex fired a Sap spell, and his Boomerang, one after the other. The spell softened Murdaw's hide, and the blade sank into the side of Murdaw's throat. It didn't go deep enough to drop him, but it made his Flame Breath harder to use. Murdaw turned around to Rex & Carver, and charged them. He was 8-9 feet tall, and fat enough to fit two Carvers, yet moved with startling agility. Carver drew his blade back, and Rex took out his Bamboo Spear. This was it! They were running at the wall!

Rex jabbed the spear into Murdaw's gut, with little success. Murdaw grabbed Rex's face in a meaty fist, lifted him off the ground, and threw him toward Carver. Carver just barreled through; He shoulder-checked Rex's flying body out of the way, and made to strike Murdaw the exact same way he had attempted to before. Murdaw responded in kind, preparing to catch Carver's blade like he had before...

And then it happened. More rings of golden light came from behind Murdaw, and enveloped his skin. His hand, and the rest of his body, turned dry and flaky; like the dandruff in one's hair. Carver came down and sliced Murdaw's fingers off!

Murdaw gurgled, the boomerang still lodged in the side of his throat. And then stakes of ice slammed into his back, and before long, Murdaw had lost control. No more spells, no more fire breath, no more tricks. He didn't even attempt to get out of Milly's way. He just wasted energy flailing his arms in Carver's general direction... Rex too, once he'd cast some healing on himself.

It was an amateur move. Murdaw wasn't used to being hurt, and he was making that very clear. He'd gone far too long without a serious challenge... And there was no way in hell Rex was leaving him the chance to learn from this!

The next two minutes were ugly. Rex, Carver, Milly, and Ashlynn beat Murdaw into a corner. They blasted him, tore at him, slashed at him, stabbed at him... It was open season. They were about to kill him, when Murdaw opened his mouth, and sent them all flying with another blast of flame. His throat had recovered just in time!

He removed Rex's boomerang, and slumped against the wall. He did not presss his attack. Instead, his body became opaque... shadows enveloped his form...
Image Murdaw: This... This is not my destiny! You think I am defeated? You don't know the meaning of true defeat! I'll teach it to you when next we meet!
Part 6 Recap wrote:N-No!!
Image Rex: Coward! Stand up and FIGHT!

Image Murdaw: Until then! Blah hah hah!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Murdaw had nearly disappeared! He was getting away!
Image Queen Apnea: Now, Rex! The mirror!
Part 6 Recap wrote:And Rex acted! He placed the mirror in front of Murdaw.
Image Murdaw: Blah hah hah! Brought me a gift, have you? ...Wha!?
Part 6 Recap wrote:Murdaw's body disappeared! A spire of alabaster light exploded beneath him, and bathed the room. When it had all gone, and Rex had recovered his eyesight... There stood a man.
Image Queen Apnea: S-Somnus!

Image King Somnus: Apnea! Oh, Apnea, my beloved! By the Goddess, how in the worlds did I wind up in here?
Part 6 Recap wrote:Well, the mirror hadn't turned Murdaw into a woman, but it HAD turned him into a man! Just the man Apnea was looking for, in fact!
Image Queen Apnea: You were Murdaw, my dear... You played the role of the Dread Fiend in this world.

Image King Somnus: What? Me, Murdaw!? It sounds preposterous...yet I know it to be the truth. But why...? How...? My mind... Everything is just a blur right now. It's as if I'm still dreaming... Yes! That is it! I must be in the dream world, yes? That would explain everything! Am I right, Apnea? And your companions... I suppose they are denizens of the dream world? Now that I have a good look...that young fellow resembles our son, does he not? Uncanny!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Interesting... His father was one of the few people that did NOT immediately mistake Rex for Sleipnir.

In any case, some soldiers arrived.
Image Captain Blade: There you are! I feared for your safety, so I led a platoon of my own here to the Underkeep. Is this really Murdaw's lair? I have seen no sign of him anywhere...

Image King Somnus: Well! If it isn't my faithful Captain Rusty, flying to my aid as usual!

Image Captain Blade: Ugh, that name again! How many times do I have to say it? My name is... Wha? Y-Your Majesty!

Image King Somnus: Indeed. I must apologise for all the trouble I have caused you. But this is no time for idle chitchat. There is much work to do! Escort myself and my queen back to the castle at once!

Image Captain Blade: Y-Yes! Right away, Your Majesty!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Somnus & Apnea walked a few paces, then turned back to face Rex and his friends.
Image King Somnus: I suppose both Apnea and I owe you all a great debt. You must visit us at our castle later. You will be richly rewarded!
Part 6 Recap wrote:And then they left.
Image Carver: Well, that was weird. Is it just me, or do ya get the impression we didn't really beat Murdaw?

Image Rex: Hate to say it, but, I think you're right. Everyone else we've met has a double... Only fair Murdaw does, too.

Image Milly: Well, we can't stay here forever. We should go, Rex. Let's follow the King and Captain Blade back to Somnia.
Part 6 Recap wrote:Milly warped the gang out with an Evac spell, and Rex returned them to Somnia with his Zoom.
Image Oh dear! I think I've been standing her for too long. I can feel it in my hip bones. And my knee bones. And my shin bones. And, well, all my bones!

Image Ashlynn: You know what they say. If you don't give your bones a break, they might just break on you! ...Well, I say it, anyway.
Part 6 Recap wrote:Ashlynn was growing on Rex. As much of a handful as she could be... She DID bring a youthful, peppy dynamic to the party, apart from Carver's awkward witticisms. Plus, she DID save all their lives. That was certainly worth something.

Not that one would know it, from how dour Somnia was.
Image Welcome to Somnia. Stay out of trouble.

Image Carver: Huh. Things seem pretty quiet around here. I imagined once folks heard we beat'[sic] Murdaw, they'd be in a tizzy 'n everything like that. Why aren't they throwin' a Murdaw Deadication or a National Peace Feast or, I dunno... Somethin'!
Part 6 Recap wrote:It wasn't just the common soldiery, either.
Image Chancellor: Ah! Finally, you're back! Do you know where Captain Blade is!?

Image Rex: Uh... Wait, they're not back yet?

Image Chancellor: Well, they certainly aren't here!

Image Rex: Weird. Then again, Somnus has JUST returned from being Murdaw, so maybe...

Image Chancellor: Wait, there's more? Murdaw was King Somnus all along? Talk sense, will you! Are you serious?

Image Rex: W-Well, yeah. I mean, he wasn't THE Murdaw, but...

Image Chancellor: Gahh! I did not understand a single word you're saying! Did you sustain a head injury in battle!? I only know one thing for sure: they aren't back yet. Perhaps they stopped at an inn? Or took a detour?

Image Rex: Exactly! So what's our next move?

Image Chancellor: All we can do is wait. You'd best rest here until they return.
Part 6 Recap wrote:So to recap... One look into Ra's mirror transformed the young King Somnus into a mysterious woman named Apnea... Another look turned the dark tyrant Muraw into a second, much older King Somnus... So everything SEEMED to be working out.

Still, where could they be? And what of Captain Blade, who they both referred to as 'Rusty'? His numerous questions unanswered, the chancellor endured a long, sleepless night...

When he woke up, there was no Somnus. There was no Apnea. There was no Blade.
Image Chancellor: Well, I am officially on my last nerve... We have waited all night with no word whatsoever. I have no other option but to consider them all missing. I implore you, search for their party in my stead... We had best keep this situation secret from the rest of the castle for the time being.

Image Carver: Hey, what's goin' on here, aye? Didn't the King say he had a reward waitin' for us when we got back to the castle? And hten he heads for the hills when we come to collect. Ya think he's playin' us for suckers?

Image Rex: Carver, he's rich. He doesn't need to do that.

Image Carver: Eh? I like ya, rex, but sometimes I just don't get ya. Yer too trustin' 'n everything like that. It could get ya in real trouble someday.

Image Rex: Maybe. Let's not jump to any conclusions though. I can't think he'd leave his own home...

Image Ashlynn: Wait! That's it! I think I get what's going on! The King told us to come to his castle, right? Well, I don't think he was jerking us around. He was talking about HIS castle! You follow me, Rex?

Image Rex: ...Yeah. And we're in the castle, so...

Image Ashlynn: Seriously? Hellllooo! He was talking about his castle, but not necessarily this castle. Don't think one-dimensionally! There's more than one Somnia Castle out there, right? So let's try going there, Rex! Sheesh. What would you do without me?
Part 6 Recap wrote:Rex smiled, in-spite of himself. Her mind was as sharp as her tongue. She'd be an asset for sure.... Maybe just not as a front row fighter. There was something to be said for a reserve party, too. After all, her hanging back was the reason they'd survived today...

So, Rex and the party did as Ashlynn said. They went to the other Somnia, and found a far more pleasant kingdom than the one they'd been to last. Ashlynn was right; This IS the one the King and Queen had returned to!
Image Milly: The town seems filled with happy voices and gleaming auras. It's nice, isn't it Rex?
Part 6 Recap wrote:Indeed! Then there was more good news!
Image The good times are back in Somnia! The King's awake again and that grasping Chancellor Keating has left the castle in disgrace. Maybe now that fine, upstanding Captain Rusty will have his unfairly tarnished reputation restored...
Part 6 Recap wrote:"I can see CLEEEARLY now, the RAAAIN is GOOONE! I can see ALLLL obstacles in my WA-"
Image Hang on! I know you lot! Aren't you the troublemakers who scammed their way into the castle?
Part 6 Recap wrote:...Oh. Oh no.
Image We've been waiting for you to make another appearance! March this way!
Part 6 Recap wrote:...Well! That wasn't good.

The group marched inside, to the jeering of many guardsmen.
Image It's you! The famed fakers! I hope you'll enjoy playing dress up... IN THE DUNGEON!
Part 6 Recap wrote:At least one was crying, too...
Image Thanks to your shamefull shammery and flagrant flimflammery, C-Captain Rusty h-has...has... (sob)
Part 6 Recap wrote:That miserable cretin... Keating actually did it. He actually murdered Rusty. Nothing else could have prompted that reaction... And Rex gave him the excuse he needed to do it.
Image Get in there! Chop chop!
Part 6 Recap wrote:...pathetic. Rex felt pathetic. He needed space, he needed time... He stumbled into the cell in a daze.
Image King Somnus wants to grill you later to get to the bottom of why you would impersonate his son.
Part 6 Recap wrote:And that was the question Rex could never answer, no matter how many years had passed.

Sure, he wanted to help the King & Queen awaken. Sure, he thought Madame Luca could help them. And sure, he thought he needed their help to find Ra's mirror... But he'd been so stupid! How could he not have seen all the ways it could go wrong!? How could he not have seen the obvious alternatives!?
Image Until then, you're going to sit there and think about what you've done!
Part 6 Recap wrote:Not just in the jail cell, either... Actually, they didn't spend long in the cell at all, for the guard came rushing back almost immediately.
Image I-I'm terribly sorry! I should never have locked you up! Please find it in your hearts to forgive me! When I told King Somnus that you were in custody he screamed at me to bring you to him right away! I can't work out just what's going on. Who in the world are you...?
Part 6 Recap wrote:Good question. Who WAS Rex, exactly? Was he the villager known as Rex, or Somnus & Apnea's son; Sleipnir?

The group was summoned to the throne room.
Image King Somnus: I apologise for my guards' incompetence. It was not my intention that you should be incarcerated here.

Image Rex: Sire, it's not his fault. I...

Image King Somnus: I have heard the tale of how you disguised yourself as my son. And yes, I see now that the resemblance is striking. Uncanny, in fact... In my dreams, too, there was on who looked like you. One who saved me... I have summoned you here to humbly ask you to enlighten me.

Image Rex: What do you want to know?

Image King Somnus: I want to know the truth. In my dreams, I was Murdaw. Then someone came before me, standing side by side with my Queen. Was this really you?

Image Rex: Yes, sir.

Image King Somnus: It was you! I knew it! Yet now you stand before me in the flesh. I no longer know where my dreams end and where reality begins... I remember that fateful day like it was yesterday. I was aboard our fleetest vessel. The time of the final battle with Murdaw was at hand... Then without warning, I was enveloped in illusions, engulfed in confusion... How I returned to my castle, I do not know. But when I awoke, I, I... No... It is too terrible to recall! I had somehow become Murdaw! It was you who saved me from that nightmare. It is you to whom I owe everything. If it were not for your courage, I would still exist as Murdaw. And as Murdaw, I would still be inflicting untold pain and suffering on the residents of that dream world.
Part 6 Recap wrote:The king rose from his throne, and pinched his brow.
Image King Somnus: (sigh) I am sorry. I am still adjusting to this new reality. I must go outside to feel the cool breeze on my face. I have a request to make of you. Please come and see me outside.

Image Rex: My lord!
Part 6 Recap wrote:The king went outside, and Rex made to follow him. Before he did...
Image Queen Apnea: I shall never forget that night when my gravely injured husand was carried back to the castle. That night I had a terrifying dream. I saw the inhabitants of the dream world groaning under Murdaw's oppression, just as in our world... But in my dream, I felt a most peculiar sensation when I gazed at Murdaw. I didn't understand it, but now I believe I may have sensed the anguish of my husband, helpless and trapped in that evil form. I felt myself being sucked into that dream world, deeper and deeper, so deep I could not escape... Why I became King Somnus in that world, I have not the faintest idea. The mystery still weighs on my mind. All I know is that with the mercy and the grace of the Goddess, I am myself once more. And of course, I am forever indebted to you, Rex.
Part 6 Recap wrote:Her voice got caught on that last word...
Image Queen Apnea: Sleipnir, if only you knew. For you are our... No, never mind. I must not speak of this now. Please take care on your journey.
Part 6 Recap wrote:Silence hung in the air. Rex DID know... On some level, at least. He didn't feel it in his heart, however. Tania was his family, and he belonged to the people of Weaver's Peak. That was his reality.

Rex went to King Somnus, along with his friends.
Image Milly: It's such a wild story. The Queen turning into the King in the dream world in order to rescue her husband... It seems the bond between them was so strong, they were able to understand each other's hearts in the dream world. How romantic...

Image Ashlynn: Love can be more powerful than magic...
Part 6 Recap wrote:Milly sniffled, and Ashlynn smiled dreamily. Rex couldn't help but perk up a little himself. Rex enjoyed listening to his friends. Whether it was Rusty's death, the Real World Murdaw, or his identity crisis... They made everything better. Rex could always count on that.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:09 pm
by Fionordequester
Now let's see how much easier Murdaw is in the Remakes, as well as how to solve the re-arranged Dark Room puzzle!

NOTE: Parts 8-10, and these first three bonus Episodes, had the whole "Like, comment, subscribe" spiel at the end. I stopped doing that after Part 11, both because it was clunky, and because I just want "have a nice day, and God bless you" to be the note each video ends on :)

BONUS #2: MURDAW'S UNDERKEEP (Remakes) ... J3&index=8

THUMBNAIL ART BY: γ€Œ@yotsugi_nanika」/γ€Œγͺんか」/γ€Œγˆγ™γŸγ€
γͺんか's ART GALLERY:
Special thanks for giving me permission to use it ^_^ !!

Again, the Dark Floor puzzle has been re-arranged in the Remakes. Navigating it without lighting is a bit trickier, so I wish to demonstrate how to do it in those versions.

In addition, I have acquired the x2 Platinum Mails, the x2 Dragon Shields, and the Yggdrasil Leaves. I wish to show just how much simpler the game becomes with those items, and Murdaw is the perfect demonstration for why!

1) Go right until Rex is just left of the column with the right wall
2) Go up till Rex's hair is perpendicular with the top of the pillar
3) Go right until Milly is just below the wall jutting
4) Move two spaces down so as to form a right-angle (with Milly at the arrow point)
5) Go right until you're just below the right torch
6) Go 1 space down, then 1 space right
7) Go up until your party is lined up single file
8) Go left until you're just below the left torch
9) Go up, and victory! You made it!

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:16 pm
by Fionordequester
PART 7: GAINING POWER ... J3&index=9


Thorn Whips, then just about everything I'm not currently using, except for a Bronze Shield, Wooden Hat/Hardwood Headware, Usamimi Band/Bunny Ears, and the Bracers.

1) Lesser Demons. They take too long to kill.
2) Jewelbags/Goodybags. They take too long to kill, give very little EXP, and cast Dazzle.

The fat guy has a move called "Selflessness". It means he takes ALL the attacks you launch, even if you aimed them all at the pig guy. The Boomerang would hit him twice, for example. That's why I kill him first.

1) Say you paid 5000G, but are actually lying. You'll keep the 5000G the mayor gives as thanks.
2) Say you beat them up, and get a Seed of Life from the mayor at his house.
3) Say you paid 5000G, and are telling the truth. You'll be compensated, and be no better or worse off
4) Say you didn't pay, when you did. The mayor will give a Prayer Ring & Seed of Life at his house

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:19 pm
by Fionordequester
This is about where the flavor text REALLY starts to fill up the pages! Seriously, you know just HOW much flavor text Dragon Quest VI has? It's insane! I only transcribe the bits I find interesting/amusing/important, and it STILL almost breaks the 50,000 character limit o.0 !


Image King Somnus: Thank you for joining me. My only concern now that I am awake is... Well, I am sure that you can guess. It is Murdaw alone who occupies my thoughts. Thanks to your courage, he has been banished from the dream world. But in this world, he is very much alive and well. And his power is growing... If we do not strike soon, this world will fall into his clutches. This is the thought that haunts me. Yet there is no cause for despair! We still have time! I do, however, have one request to make of you. I would like you to go in my stead and do battle with Murdaw. Blessed as you are with the ability to travel between world, you may be able to withstand Murdaw's illusions and trickery. Will you take on the heavy burden of this mission? The entire Kingdom of Somnia will stand beside you.

Image Rex: Murdaw's threatening my loved ones, too. We'll get 'em.

Image King Somnus: I am delighted to hear it! I sensed that you would not let me down! But I am afraid that we no longer have a ship capable of transporting our troops to the battlefield. Yet there is no cause for despair! Have you ever heard of the sacred village of Ghent?

Image Rex: Sacred? Go on.

Image King Somnus: Devoted to serving the Goddess, the people of Ghent possess a sacred ship known as the Providence. Go to Ghent and show the authorities this Royal Missive I have prepared for you. They will be sure to give you free use of the Providence.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex received the Royal Missive
Image King Somnus: The sacred village of Ghent lies in the mountains to the north of here. I have ordered the checkpoint that guards the path to the northern mountains be opened. I wish you Goddesspeed!

Image Milly: We should strike while this iron is hot, Hero. Let's get to the northern checkpoint right away.

Image Ashlynn: These Ghentiles... They aren't scary or anything, are they? I mean, β€œserving the Goddess” sounds like scary business.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Huh... Another person who didn't know who the Goddess was. Rex had always worshiped the mountain spirit, yet everyone he ran across worshiped the Goddess. He always felt like he was out-of-the-loop, so it was interesting finding another non-believer.

The group started to leave. As they did, one of the guards came up to apologise.
Image I know that you are not to blame...but if Captain Rusty hadn't mistaken you for the Prince, he would not have been sent to the front. It was there that he met his tragic, untimely end, devoured by a ferocious beast. I hope Chancellor Keating is happy now...
Part 7 Recap wrote:Logically, Rex knew that they were not the ultimate cause of Rusty's fate. They were simply the excuse the Chancellor had been waiting for; His chance to remove the greatest obstacle to his authority.

It didn't matter. They were STILL a convenient excuse; That tore Rex apart.
Image Carver: When we finish Murdaw for real, I'll dedicate the final blow to Captain Rusty!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Aye. That was all they COULD do, at the time.
Image A lot of people are wondering why the King woke up... I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, but I'll bet my alarmingly spicy soup had quite a lot to do with it!

Image Milly: Perhaps the King would have preferred to remain asleep...
Part 7 Recap wrote:Owch. Good thing Milly was subtle. If it'd been Ashlynn, she'd have said it loud enough for the castle to hear...
Image Carver: Huh. How'd he get soup down the King's piehole?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Actually, that wasn't the hard part. The REAL question was what happened when the King needed to g...

No. Scratch that. The less time thinking about that, the better.
Image Did you lot 'ear that Cap'n Rusty got gobbled up by some 'orrible monster in the middle of nowhere? He may have slung me in gaol, but I always 'ad a lot of time for that Cap'n Rusty. Seems the good really do die young...

Image Ashlynn: Guess that means Keating will live to a hundred then.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Should Rex hope that Keating doesn't live that long? Or should Rex feel bad about thinking that? Or perhaps the answer was to simply wish the good lived as long as the wicked? That death wasn't so prevalent? Yes, that seemed the best tact to take.
Image So though you were only pretending to be the Prince, you managed to wake the King and Queen... There must be some kind of deep connection betwen you all. But what could it be!?

Image Carver: A question like that could give a man a migraine!
Part 7 Recap wrote:No kidding.
Image Milly: I'd love to stand you next to the Prince to see how similar you two really are, Rex. Hee hee.
Part 7 Recap wrote:In looks, or personality? Rex was interested in the latter, personally.

Anyway, that was everything of interest in Somnia. The gang considered heading off to Ghent... Then decided to pay Port Haven another visit. Turns out, they'd already heard the news! Everyone was in high spirits!

...Well, almost everyone.
Image Ivy: (sigh) My life is so dull these days. Ever since my silly Johan phase, there's been no man on the scene at all. Life's a bit...lonely if you haven't got someone to love.

Image Carver: Oh, boo hoo! Who'd fall for a girl who might sabotage your supper?

Image Milly: What goes around, comes around, or so they say... Still, I wouldn't wish loneliness upon anyone.

Image Ashlynn: Me, I like guys with a mix of brains and brawn, you know?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Ashlynn giggled... Rex wasn't sure how that had to do with what Ivy said, but he liked hearing Ashlynn laugh anyway.

They met a little kid running around, afterward.
Image Hey! D'you think this dream world is really, uh, real?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Whoooa, people were talking about the dream world, now? Perhaps it was inevitable, given the state that the King and Queen were in.
Image Rex: Yeah! It's kinda like ours, 'cept everything's a li'l bit different!

Image Wow! I'd love to go there some day!

Image Carver: Maybe if the kid eats his veggies, we'll take him there sometime, aye?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Aw, isn't that a cute thought?
Image Milly: Dreams vs reality... I'm not sure which is more enjoyable, to be honest.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Personally? Rex would've chosen the dream world just so he didn't have to fight Murdaw again.
Image Ashlynn: I've been having a hard time telling the difference between what's real and what's a dream lately... Hey Rex, pinch me, will ya?
Part 7 Recap wrote:...Rex pinched her on the cheek, and she yelped. She yelled at him for a bit, and he gave a goofy grin. She sounded as though she was upset... But then he heard her giggling to herself, when she thought he couldn't overhear. It was odd indeed...
Image I heard the Queen of Somnia's name is Apnea, and she's a right looker!

Image Ashlynn: Hey Rex, who do you think is prettier - me, or the Queen?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex's heart skipped a beat.
Image Rex: Well... You, of course. Why?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Ashlynn just laughed, and went about her way. Was.... Was this normal? Or was Ashlynn... Hoo boy.

The group met the carpenter and his wife yet again.
Image Carver's Mom: Oh, ahoy. What can I do for ya? My husband's a bit-
Part 7 Recap wrote:She laid eyes on Carver, and her mouth widened.
Image Carver's Mom: C-Carver! You came back! I always knew ya would, my boy!
Part 7 Recap wrote:She turned to her husband.
Image Carver's Mom: Hey! Would ya look here? It's Carver!

Image Carver: Whoa! Slow down, lady. I'm sorry, but I think ya got the wrong guy. I'm a wandering martial artist, ya see?

Image Carver's Dad: Ha! You ain't wrong. I ain't even got a son called Carver any more. And look at ya. Are you some kinda fighter 'n everything like that? You must be, with that getup.

Image Carver's Mom: Why are you bein' so stubborn? Just listen-

Image Carver's Dad: No, YOU listen! And stop talkin' bilge. These constant interruptions are gettin' in the way of my work. I want them out of here, now!
Part 7 Recap wrote:The man drug Rex & Carver out of the house with astonishing strength. The two lost their balance, and fell onto the lawn. Milly & Ashlynn followed, and Carver just laid there.
Image Carver: Man, this is just gettin' crazy! I sure don't remember this house. I swear on the Goddess 'n everything!

Image Carver's Mom: Oh, Carver, my boy... What's happened to you...?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex had an idea, but there was nothing to be done about it now. Amnesia seemed part and parcel for everyone whose identities were split. Only Milly was her complete self, now.

The group stopped by Madame Luca's house, but her advice was basically just what they'd already been told. So, up they went, to Ghent.

Image Carver: So this is Ghent, aye? Lots of room to roam here... Hey, look at that big building at the other end!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Perhaps that's where some of the authorities were? They decided to ask around, just in case.
Image i hear that our blessed Elder tried to cure King Somnus without any luck. What's that you say!? King Somnus is back on his feet!? Well, there you go! The Elder's prayers must have finally reached the Goddess!

Image Milly: King Somnus wasn't actually β€œsick” to begin with, so perhaps they were just praying for the wrong thing.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Was that a joke? Or was it a simple observation? It was hard to tell, with Milly.
Image When my poor daughter was struck down by a cruel sickness, we made pilgrimages to every other so-called holy site. But Ghent's the only one that gets results! My daughter's looking more chipper by the day!

Image Carver: Whoa. Ghent must be the best village around. Remind me to come here if I ever get sick.

Image Milly: Hmm, yes... I do seem to recall hearing about the healing powers of Ghent.

Image Ashlynn: Wonder if they could fix my memory here...
Part 7 Recap wrote:That would be the day.
Image We humble citizens of Ghent live our daily lives in a spirit of gratitude to the Goddess. If it wasn't for Her grace and good will, we wouldn't be able to enjoy this fine food. Thank you, Goddess!

Image Carver: Folks are pretty nice around here, aye, Rex? All humble 'n everything like that.

Image Ashlynn: I better say thanks to the Goddess, too! You know, for being well fed and finding friends and all...
Part 7 Recap wrote:'N everything like that.
Image When I grow up, I pray I'm just like the blessed Nevan, the chosen one! Nevan may still be young, but he's fast approaching his grandfather the Elder in terms of sheer holiness.

Image Milly: I wonder what this β€œholiness” means in practical terms.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Better question: How did his parents get him to talk THAT formally!? The Goddess was wondrous indeed!
Image Gaze upon this sacred above! For this is where our Elder resides! A more holy man you will not meet! ...You can go in and have a poke around if you like. Just don't rearrange the furniture or anything.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Interesting change in tact, but, it sounds like they found their man! Time to present the Royal Missive and hope for the best!
Image Elder: By the infinite and unknowable wisdom of the Goddess, you have found your way here. You desire an audience with me, I take it? Now, patience is not a virtue that the Goddess has granted me an infinite supply of. What precisely was it that you wanted?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex handed the Royal Missive to the Elder.
Image Elder: Well! So thanks to the divine will of the Goddess, King Somnus has awoken. And not before time! But no sooner does he awake than he requests that you be given free use of our sacred ship! This is no trifling deman! Is there not a perfectly good ship at the castle? I find this puzzling... As the Goddess moves in mysterious ways, so too it seems does King Somnus...

Image Rex: Actually, his last ship was destr-

Image Elder: This request may have come directly from the King, but our people answer only to the Goddess Herself... I cannot lend you the ship. Please accept my apologies but your journey has been in vain.

Image Carver: Wait, what? He won't even do a favour for King Somnus himself!?

Image Ashlynn: Wow. He just straight up ignored the King's request. Can he do that?
Part 7 Recap wrote:His balls hadn't shrunk with age; That much was clear.
Image Nevan: Grandfather, I have returned.
Part 7 Recap wrote:A young teenager walked in, up to the Elder.
Image Elder: Nevan! You are back! How are your studies progressing?

Image Nevan: I often feel that I should be offering lessons to the teachers...

Image Elder: That is as it should be. I have schooled you well, for the destiny that awaits you is no ordinary one.

Image Nevan: May I ask who these visitors are? They don't look much imbued with the spirit of the Goddess.

Image Elder: They brought a missive from King Somnus of Somnia requesting use of our most sacred ship, the Providence.

Image Nevan: B-But surely you cannot countenance allowing these vagabonds to treat the ship as their own!?

Image Elder: Do no fear, my child. I told them in no uncertain terms that the ship will not become their plaything.
Part 7 Recap wrote:The young man walked up to the group.
Image Nevan: I take it then that you have no more business here. Do you think it would be rude to ask you to leave?
Part 7 Recap wrote:"Yes, you two have been really worried about 'being rude'."

Rex didn't say that out loud, but he sure wanted to.
Image Nevan: Urgh!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex didn't understand it at the time, but Nevan had told them about it later. Told them of how the Goddess had spoken to him. She said this:
Image Goddess: Nevan... Can you hear me? It is you whom I seek... You must not send these visitors away... For your destiny lies with them... Together you must embark on a voyage to the Isle of Murdaw aboard the Providence.
Part 7 Recap wrote:And the message ended.
Image Elder: Nevan! Wh-What is it, my child!? What is it that afflicts you?

Image Nevan: It has been decided. We must allow our visitors free use of the Providence. And I must join them.

Image Elder: B-But wh-why the sudden change of heart!? It is not like you!

Image Nevan: A higher power made the decision, not I. The Goddess deigned to speak to me...

Image Elder: But wait! This can only mean that the visitors who stand before us are the heroes spoken of in legend!

Image Nevan: Indeed, that may be so. But it is impossible for us to know. All I know is that we must break the seal and return the Providence to the ocean. What will happen beyond that, only the Goddess knows. But I must witness it with my own eyes. I must go.

Image Elder: The Goddess has spoken and it is not in our power to ignore Her divine voice when it calls. I cannot stand in your way. I have seen how your powers have grown and I know the heavens have their own plans for you. Go, my child! It is time to break the seal! It is time for the Providence to set sail once more!

Image Nevan: Come. It is time for us to go. We must head to the shrine where the Providence awaits us.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Nevan walked out. Rex had to admit; It was nice getting vindication from the very being Nevan worshiped.

The promotion from "vagabond" to "hero spoken of in legend" was also a nice bonus.
Image Carver: I don't get what happened, but I think they're lendin' us the ship. That's all that matters, aye? C'mon! Let's go follow him!
Part 7 Recap wrote:They walked out, and followed Nevan into a large building. What they saw was the most beautiful ship they had ever seen, though its sails were missing. It was suspended in the air by large wooden beams through holes in the sides of the ship, as well as a further underlay of wooden beams below the hull. They walked onboard, and awed at its majesty.
Image Nevan: Once the seal is broken, the Providence will be lowered directly into the river below. Are you ready to break the seal and set sail?

Image Rex: By your leave.

Image Nevan: Very well. It is time for us to embark on our quest. Our destinies are entwined.
Part 7 Recap wrote:And with that, a new friendship was formed.

Nevan closed his eyes and began to pray...

Image Nevan: O Goddess, since ancient times the people of Ghent have served as Your most faithful vassals. Now that I break the sacred seal of the Providence, I pray that You will gift us wind in our sails... DEVOTIOR MERCU VOTARO INSTIA TOR! O Goddess, hear my prayer!
Part 7 Recap wrote:The beams retracted from where they were slotted in, and four beams of light activated around the four corners of the Providence. The remaining underlay of wood was lowered, slowly but surely, into a slant of yet more wooden beams floating in the water below. The Providence was tucked neatly into this slant, and then slid into the water itself. Six large sheets of golden magic formed where the sails would normally be... And then it was off! The ship glided through the ocean as easily as any other; No, MORE easily!

From there was an easy cruise south... Where Murdaw's Keep resided.

Image We've arrived at the Isle of Murdaw!

Image Nevan: Shall we get going, then?

Image Ashlynn: Hold on! I think I better stay here.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Tch!

Image Carver: Wha? Ya came all this way just to quit now?

Image Milly: Now, now. There's no need to force her. Besides, it's best that someone remains with the ship. Ashlynn, keep watch over the Providence for us, okay?

Image Ashlynn: You got it!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Ashlynn turned towards Rex.

Image Ashlynn: ...Sorry to drop out like this... Hope I'm not being too much of a pain.
Part 7 Recap wrote:It was an odd feeling. Logically speaking, she was the weakest link. She saved them from Murdaw before, but that was on account of one of Murdaw's most fiendish tricks; The ability to mimic voices. Her weakness, her problems following orders, was turned into a strength... For that one specific moment. On the whole? It was still a dangerous weakness; Too dangerous for a front-line fighter.

...Yet... Rex really wanted her with him. He couldn't explain it... But neither could he stop talking about it.

Image Carver: Alright, off we go! What's on your mind, Rex? Worried about Ashlynn? Look, I don't know why she's stayin' behind either... But like Milly said, we can't force her along. Take a leaf outta my book and stop thinkin' so much...

Image Milly: Destiny awaits us! Ashlynn? I'm not sure why she chose to stay behind, but I'm sure she has her reasons. In any case, the four of us have something more important to worry about: defeating Murdaw!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Perhaps it was how flippant she was about it... Or appeared to be. Women were strange beasts, as were men, so... Who knows.

The four walked for a while before happening upon a wrecked ship. It was in utter ruins, with the mast missing, the wood rotted, and holes dotting it everywhere you looked. Perhaps this was King Somnus' ship? That was what Milly theorized, at any rate.

They pressed on further from there, and found a cave. They walked in, and found a field of molten lava. A furnace of unnatural heat washed over them; Even the walls seemed more liquid than solid.
Image Carver: Gah! Hot! What's the matter with this place!?

Image Milly: Be careful! That lava burns incredibly hot!

Image Milly: Destiny awaits us! Ashlynn? I'm not sure why she chose to stay behind, but I'm sure she has her reasons. In any case, the four of us have something more important to worry about: defeating Murdaw!
Part 7 Recap wrote:The journey was a three-step process from there. They needed to establish Buff spells on everyone in the party (to raise their melting point), plus, they needed to keep healing themselves as they stepped across.

Milly and Nevan were easy enough; Both were adept healers. Rex managed it, with effort. Carver, however, did not have healing. So, Nevan loaned him his own Staff of Ghent; a healing staff that everyone could use, not just the mages. The effect was about as potent as what Milly & Nevan could do, and it was infinite; its only limitation was a short cool-down time between uses.

The four proceeded.
Image Carver: Hot enough for ya? Monsters I don't mind, but this heat... Holy heck!

Image Nevan: This lava forms a perfect natural barrier to prevent enemies from invading. It's no coincidence that Murdaw has located his fortress here.
Part 7 Recap wrote:In retrospect, it was good that Ashlynn hadn't come. Monsters harried them everywhere they went, she didn't know healing, and Carver had their only Staff of Ghent. They would have needed to carry her.
Image Milly: The layout of this cave is rather complicated. We must take care not to get lost.
Part 7 Recap wrote:The cave was a labyrinth. It had good treasure, but every path they took seemed to lead to a dead-end... Or worse.
Image Carver: Isn't there any water around here? I need to wet my whistle...

Image Milly: Haah... Haah...

Image Nevan: Th-This sweltering heat... I feel rather faint...
Part 7 Recap wrote:Then came the last straw; a monster that disguised itself as a treasure chest! Rex went to open it, and was blasted by magic of the darkest intent. It was a death spell the fake chest had unleashed; One that actually forced a heart attack!

That was when Nevan really came through. He ordered Carver & Milly to distract the chest, and he unveiled his patented Zing spell! It worked on the same principles as Cardioversion therapy, sending electric shocks through the heart to restore its rhythm.

Still, damage had been done. Milly & Nevan were almost running on empty, and Rex's fighting spirit was in shambles. Milly cast an Evac spell, and the group was back outside. They were back to square one.

They boarded the Providence, and rode for Ghent. Rex had the Zoom spell, but there were no waypoints on Murdaw's island. Their ship was still the only way TOO it, even if it wasn't t heir only way OFF it.

It was a somber ride back to Ghent. Carver tried to fake bravado, and Nevan tried to restore his spirit through prayer and ritual... But Rex could see it would be pointless. Instead, the group would go back to Rex's hometown. They would relax a little, then go back once they were ready.

They arrived at Ghent without incident, and Rex took them all to Weaver's Peak.
Image Carver: Wow, your village is great. The air's fresh. The folks are down to earth. And what a view! Seems like a place like this would breed hardy folk, Rex. So what's your excuse?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Oh, "ha ha".
Image Um... Heh heh... Hi there. Welcome to Weaver's Peak! Oh, Rex! I heard you're a Somnian soldier now! That officially makes you the coolest person I know!
Part 7 Recap wrote:The child was waaaaaay behind on the times. In fact, everyone was. None of the events that transpired had reached their ears.
Image What, ya think Murdaw is stronger than our mountain spirit, do ya? O ye of little faith!

Image Carver: β€œMountain spirit”, aye? That your neighbourhood deity, Rex?

Image Rex: Yeah. An' of course, Nevan's got the Goddess. Kinda makes ya wonder which of 'em is stronger, eh?
Part 7 Recap wrote:That aside, Rex went to see the mayor. Tania was the one he looked forward to most, and he liked saving the best things for last.
Image Mayor Spindell: His Masjety's given you a difficult mission, Rex. You've got a tough road ahead of you, young man. Just don't worry about us, you hear? I'll keep the home fires burning while you're gone, you betcha!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Then was Judith; the mayor's daughter. Rex had a surprise waiting for him...
Image Judith: I feel so silly now. Why didn't I realise it before? So charming, so sweet, so - Eeeek! Hee hee! Rex is a lot more reliable than Buddy ever was, too. Hmm...
Part 7 Recap wrote:Judith turned to Rex. Her hands were behind her... she spun the ball of her foot on the ground... her eyes kept darting to, and away from, Rex...and her face was red as a tomato.
Image Judith: Rex...will you marry me?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Whoa. That was sudden.
Image Rex: I'm sorry, I gotta beat Murdaw, an' he's tough. I dunno if I'll make it back alive. An' there's this girl...
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex surprised even himself with that last statement. This girl was in his mind, but he hadn't formalized the thought with words yet. Not till now.

Judith looked about ready to burst.
Image Rex: Look, you're very special special. You, Buddy, Tania, n' all the other guys are! Just...not the way you're wanting.

Image Judith: What!? Whatever. You'll come to your senses sooner or later, Rex!

Image Rex: I'm sorry, I gotta beat Murdaw, an' he's tough. I dunno if I'll make it back. And, there's this girl...
Part 7 Recap wrote:Judith stormed off in a huff. Hope the mayor didn't take this too personally.
Image Carver: Whoa, Rex. I didn't know ya had it in you!

Image Rex: Hey, I just don't go round, breakin' young girls hearts. Never been my style.
Part 7 Recap wrote:And speaking of young girls...
Image Tania: Oh! Welcome home, Rex! I've been hearing all sorts of thrilling tales about you!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Tania turned to the party
Image Tania: And you must be travelling with Rex! My name is Tania. Thank you for taking care of my brother for me!

Image Carver: Rex, you never told me you had a sister like this!

Image Milly: My. A very charming sister, indeed.

Image Rex: Yup. She's the best.

Image Tania: I'm sure you must be tired. Did you want to rest?

Image Rex: That's JUST what I was gonna ask. Thanks, sis!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Nevan was silent throughout the whole stay. He was serious; Much too serious.

It was clear he had basic combat training, but, that was only half the battle. The other half was the horrible terror that came BEFORE the battle. The dread that came when you were bored, and lost yourself in your own thoughts... Your own head.

No fight lasted more than a few minutes... But the fear lasted to the day you died. That was the curse of being a warrior...

Actually, it was part of why Rex had wanted to avoid being part of Somnia's military. He felt all these things, even as someone who'd only killed monsters. If he were to start killing human beings...

Rex went to bed, dismissing these thoughts. He drifted off into sleep, thankful that he and Nevan would never have to worry about that. He and the group woke up. They were about to leave, when Rex remembered a certain piece of Enchanted Armour resting in the village. The group walked over.
Image Carver: Yer sister's out of this world, Rex. She doesn't look much like you, though.

Image Milly: You must feel blessed to have such a cute sister, Rex.

Image Rex: What, you implying I'm not cute?
Part 7 Recap wrote:They laughed the whole way there. They arrived, and Rex went up to the Enchanted Armour.

It was a one-piece breastplate, designed in an unusual fashion. The breast part was normal enough, but the rest was off. The pauldrons over the shoulders... Were completely worthless. They extended up into the air at a 45 degree angle, instead of downward over the shoulders. They offered no actual protection for the shoulders. The only reason they were made that way (if there was any besides "looking cool") was for intimidation. Commoners would look at those jagged shoulder pads, and shrink away in fear.

Murdaw was no commoner.

The fauld was slightly better. It was a sheet of metal that would offer SOME protection for Rex's family jewels... But there wasn't enough surface area; Not for how loosely fitted it was. The widest part was at the waist... It got thinner and thinner as you got down to what ACTUALLY needed protecting. Again, a nice angular shape to inspire awe in the citizenry, but no practical value. Rex would still need his codpiece.

And yet...
Image She's a real beaut, ain't she? That armor's enchanted, ya know. Look but don't touch.
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex wanted this anyway. It was made of a magic material; one that was always shooting small blue sparks into the air. It was Enchanted Armour, and it gave light resistance to magic of all kinds. Fire magic, ice magic, lightning magic, wind magic... every kind of offensive magic there was. Murdaw was a magician. They needed all of that they could possibly get.

Besides, it was some of the lightest material one would ever find. Even NEVAN could wear it, and he was a head shorter than Ashlynn! And against a magician? Mobility was everything.
Image It costs seven-thousand gold coins and is my shop's pride and joy. It's a real conversation piece. You interested?

Image Rex: (Sheesh, 7000...) Yep, sure am!

Image What, you're buyin' it? Really!? Well, it's all yours.
Part 7 Recap wrote:And there it was! The Enchanted Armour! Not very good in a melee fight, but perfect for Murdaw!

Then, he had another idea. "What about Wellshire? That place I fell into rescuing that dwarf?" It was the only location whose wares he hadn't checked yet. It was unlikely to offer anything interesting, but, he had the Zoom spell. There wasn't any harm checking it out.

He and the group did so... And the town's mayor charged them upon entry.
Image Cynthia's Father: Who in the name of the Goddess do you fink you are!? You kidnapped my lovely Cynthia, didn't you? It was you, I can tell! Give her back, d'you hear? You've got no right takin' her!

Image Rex: H-Hey, we just got here! S-See? Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan? Do any of them look like they'd take your daughter?[/i]
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex motioned toward the three. They introduced themselves in their own way, Ashlynn with her youthful spirit, Milly with her serene calm, and Nevan with his straightforward eloquence.
Image Cynthia's Father: ...Wot's that? It weren't you? I, I see... I'm sorry I flew off the handle just now. I hope you can find it in yer hearts to forgive me. I'm sick wiv worry, you see... As you've probably gathered, my poor daughter Cynthia's gone an' got herself kidnapped. If I get my hands on the ne'er-do-wells wot took her, I'll wring their necks, so help me Goddess! All I've got to go on is this note they left on the table. Hark at this... 'We've got yer daughter! If ya ever wanna see her again, ya'd better cough up! Come to the overgrown well north of the town wiv 5000 gold coins! An' make it snappy!' Have you ever heard the like of that!? Wot am I gonna do!? I ain't got no choice but to beg, borrow an' steal an' try to rustle up those five thousand coins...

Image Nevan: A kidnapping? This is unforgivable!

Image Ashlynn: They kidnapped her? That's terrible! Rex! Let's find who did this and rough 'em up!
Part 7 Recap wrote:It was an odd thing. Ashlynn was no craven; Rex knew that. Yet, she stayed back when time to deal with Murdaw. It didn't even seem like she was scared; Just that she had a gut feeling.

Again, no harm done, as she couldn't have withstood the lava anyway... But Rex still thought about it.

Rex checked the town to see if it had a jail... And it did not. His heart heavy, the group went to the well mentioned in the note. Evidently, the thugs were counting on this being a small town with no military. They never would have revealed their location this way, otherwise.
Image Bigg: That bloomin' Chief don't take 'alf his time... 'Ang about! Who do you lot fink you are? 'Ave you come on the Village Chief's behalf, by any chance?

Image Rex: We have.

Image Bigg: So you must've brought the ransom. That'll be five thousand of yer finest gold coins. Come on! Let's be 'avin' it!

Image Rex: First the girl, THEN the coins. Give us that, or we'll give a bloody lip for wasting our time.

Image Bigg: ...Well, if yer goin' to be like that... Fine! 'Ave it yer way! LIDDLE! Go an' get 'er ladyship! NOW!

Image Rex: (Amateur.)
Part 7 Recap wrote:It was posturing. That was the dance when dealing with these types. You had to be the one in control, not them. Besides... Rex had a plan.

A morbidly obese man walked a young woman out from behind the house.
Image Liddle: Come on! Shake a leg! There ya go!

Image Cynthia: Mmph! Mmph...

Image Bigg: Well, 'ere she is, large as life an' right as rain! Not a scratch on 'er! Now, wivout any further ado, let's 'ave that five grand! Come on! Cough up!

Image Rex: Guys, if you would?
Part 7 Recap wrote:Milly and Ashlynn blasted them with fire and ice, while Nevan swallowed Cynthia up with a small tornado from below. He was an expert Wind Mage, adept at bending the winds as he saw fit. Cynthia was right in the eye of the tornado, and she was lifted safely behind Rex.

The pair were beaten.

Image Bigg: (groan) ...If our dear ol' mother 'ad lived to see 'er boys in this sorry state...

Image Liddle: We've been done good an' proper, Bigg. (groan) I fink I need a lie down...
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex walked over, cut the tips from their ears (this was known as "docking"; a warning to anyone else they might harm), then bisected their thumbs with his sword. No more kidnapping for these two; Not unless they were tired of life. No, they would be at the mercy of the town officials.

...Rex wasn't sure how he knew to do all this, nor how he felt such authority to do these things. Perhaps it was part of being Prince Sleipnir, in the Real World? That was his guess. He had informed the group of his plan beforehand, in any case. That's why they were allowing this.

The two screamed for a while, before recovering their wits.
Image Bigg: We'll get you back for this. You see if we don't!

Image Liddle: Th-That's right! W-Wot 'e said!
Part 7 Recap wrote:Rex watched with a forlorn gaze. Everyone was someone's son. Everyone was someone's husband, someone's daughter, someone's brother, someone's guardian... Sometimes even someone's everything. Besides, he and his friends had gone their whole lives without killing another human being; They didn't plan to start now.

...Yet, the two were a threat. They used their former strength to hurt people. Wellshire had no jails, either. Actually, Rex wasn't sure what they DID have, regarding law enforcement. Whatever it was, Biggs & Liddle weren't scared of it.

Rex removed the gag from Cynthia's mouth.
Image Cynthia: Pah! Haah... Haah... Phew! You've only gone an' saved my life! How can I ever repay you? That pair of clowns have absolutely no idea how to treat a lady, let me tell you! Thank the Goddess you came along when you did, or who knows wot would have happened!
Part 7 Recap wrote:The mayor came onto the scene.
Image Cynthia's Father: Cynthia! It's you! You're ALIVE!

Image Cynthia: Oh, I'm alive alright! But I owe it all to this fine bunch of heroic folk.

Image Cynthia's Father: Y-You! I know you! You came to my house... B-But surely you didn't... Y-You mean you stumped up the ransom out of yer own pocket!?

Image Rex: Nah. Just had a particular set of skills. We were in the area; Thought we'd help.

Image Cynthia's Father: So you're sayin' you gave those kidnappers a thick ear an' sent 'em packin'? I'm very glad to hear it!
Part 7 Recap wrote:'Thick ear', eh? Funny he should say that.
Image Cynthia's Father: I'm afraid I don't have anythin' for you now, but I promise to make this up to you later! Right, young lady! Let's get you home an' get the kettle on!

Image Cynthia: That sounds like the best idea I've heard all day! We're goin' to head back into town an' put our feet up. I can't thank you enough for wot you did!
Part 7 Recap wrote:The two left. Rex would've refused the reward on any other day... But tomorrow was Murdaw. Nothing they did here would matter, if he was not destroyed.

The mayor rewarded them handsomely, and Rex accepted it with thanks. He only hoped he proved worthy of it. Tomorrow was coming very soon...

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:23 pm
by Fionordequester
PART 8: MURDAW (ROUND 3) ... 3&index=10


Special thanks for giving me permission to use it :D !!
[Pixiv is basically the Japanese equivalent of Deviant Art]

I experimented with it for a few parts, as it does actually help the channel...

But then I realized that I missed the chance to have "God bless you" be what ends every video. I didn't want to lose that "feel good" vibe... People need something like that each and every of their lives. So, I axed the "like, comment, and sub" part of the sign off entirely after Part 11. It's there for Parts 8, 9, & 10, however.

Weapon - Battle Axe
Armor - Full Plate Armor (Platinum Mail if on the Remakes)
Shield - Iron Shield (Dragon Shield if on the Remakes)
Helmet - Iron Mask
Accessory - Gold/Silver Bracer
Item - Ghent Staff (heals 75-95 HP per use)

Weapon - N/A
Armor - Spirit/Enchanted Armor (Platinum Mail if on the Remakes)
Shield - Iron Shield (Dragon Shield if on the Remakes)
Helmet - Iron Helmet
Accessory - Gold/Silver Bracer
Item - Fire Claw (deals 70-90 Damage)

Weapon - N/A
Armor - Half-Plate/Iron Armor
Shield - N/A (Pot Lid if you got one from Shiena/Haggleton)
Helmet - Usamimi Band/Bunny Ears
Accessory - Gold/Silver Bracer
Items - N/A

Weapon - N/A
Armor - Royal Clothes (Enchanted Armor if on the Remakes)
Shield - Bronze Shield
Helmet - Wooden Hat/Hardwood Headware
Accessory - Speed Ring/Agility Ring (90% chance of outspeeding Murdaw)
Items - Waters of Amor/Amor ecco Essence

900 HP (12 Fire Claws worth of damage, unless you're unlucky)
Pattern: Semi-Fixed (1~2 actions per turn. 50/50 of one or the other)
Attacks: Attack OR Chilly Breath → Attack OR Lightning → Lullab-eyes OR Dazzleflash

Generally speaking, you'll (hopefully) end up in 1 of 8 scenarios, assuming Murdaw doesn't troll you too much with Lullab-Eye. This also assumes Milly is dead, or casting Buff:

1) Murdaw will start with Chilly Breath/Attack, and Rex, Carver, and Nevan are at full HP.

[In this case, Nevan should defend while Carver heals himself]

2) Murdaw will start with Chilly Breath/Attack, Rex is at 57+ HP, Carver is at full HP, and Nevan is at 61+ HP

[In this case, Carver should heal Nevan, and Nevan should heal Rex.]

3) Murdaw will start with Chilly Breath/Attack, Rex is at full HP, Carver is at 57+ HP, and Nevan is at 61+ HP

[In this case, Carver should heal Nevan, and Nevan should heal Carver.]

4) Murdaw will start with Lightning/Attack, Rex is at full HP, and Carver is at 36+ HP (Nevan's HP can be anything)

[In this case, Carver should heal himself, while Nevan either defends or heals himself. Use your best judgment.]

5) Murdaw will start with Lightning/Attack, Rex is at 36+ HP, and Carver is at full HP (Nevan's HP can be anything)

[In this case, Carver should heal Rex, while Nevan either defends or heals himself. Use your best judgment.]

6) Murdaw will start with Lullab-Eye/Dazzleflash, Rex is at full HP, Carver is at 57+ HP, and Nevan is at 31+ HP

[In this case, Carver should heal himself, while Nevan defends]

7) Murdaw will start with Lullab-Eye/Dazzleflash, Rex is at 57+ HP, Carver is at full HP, and Nevan is at 31+ HP

[In this case, Carver should heal Rex, while Nevan defends]

8) Murdaw will start with Lullab-Eye/Dazzleflash, Rex is at less than 57 HP, Carver is around 90 HP, and Nevan has less than 31 HP

[In this case, Carver should heal Rex, Nevan should heal Rex, and you should hope Murdaw uses a melee attack]

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:25 pm
by Fionordequester
And now the recap... The three part recap. Yes, everything up to the fight itself is standard stuff. The FIGHT however, turns into a full-blown novelization. It's immensely detailed; moreso than even I normally put-out. Murdaw is one of Dragon Quest's most famous villains, as well as one of the hardest bosses it has ever had. He deserved a fair amount of respect, not to just be glossed over like I will some of the other boss fights in the future.

As such... This will be divided into three parts. 8-1 includes everything before the fight itself (including some NPC dialogue you'd normally only get once you have the Ultimate Key). 8-2 includes the fight against Phase 1. 8-3, once it's completed will have the fight against Phase 2. Hope you enjoy!


Image Carver: Ahh-CHOOO! Brrrr... Now that the lava's behind us, the air feels downright chilly.

Image Nevan: After the lava's heat, this cold is severe... One moment I'm sweating through my Ghentile robes and the next I fear catching a chill...
Part 8 Recap wrote:This happened after they got through the lava caves. They made it through to the end, and were now far above where they started. They were in a place the lava couldn't reach, with rushing water flowing through the trunnels lining the floor.

Apart from that, there was not much of interest. Not much, except...

Image Carver: Didn't know him, but I feel for him...

Image Milly: That is the fate that awaits us if we drop our guard for even a second. We must remain focused.

Image Nevan: Sleep peacefully. You are with the Goddess now...
Part 8 Recap wrote:Yet another life claimed by the Dread Fiend. Rex didn't know what he hoped to accomplish going alone, but he commended him for his bravery.

The group moved further in.
Image Carver: I can feel the evil creepin' closer. That's a sign we're closin' in on Murdaw!

Image Milly: The farther we press into the cave, the stronger the monsters become. Keep your wits about you!
Part 8 Recap wrote:Good advice, especially since there were yet more of those Mimics that had almost killed Rex before.

Eventually, they reached the end, where yet another corpse awaited them.

Image Carver: Curse you, Murdaw...!

Image Nevan: Truly this is a desolate place to meet one's end...
Part 8 Recap wrote:Indeed... Wait. Is that...?
Image Rex: Guys, is that a message? On the ground there?
Part 8 Recap wrote:Sure enough, it was. Apparently the man had scrawled a message into the dirt where he'd died. It said:

"May the Goddess protect you, my prince..."
Image Milly: He must've been a Somnian soldier, looking for his missing Prince...

Image Rex: Seems there was another raiding party, after the one King Somnus led. That'd have been after we took our shot... Guys, we have to win this time, or worse things're gonna happen...
Part 8 Recap wrote:On that note, they made it to the end of the caverns. They emerged on a forested hilltop, with a small clearing just ahead. A ring of trees surrounded them like a hedge of thorns, protecting them from all evil.

More than that, it felt... Safe. The safest Rex had felt in a long time, though he couldn't quite explain why.
Image Nevan: ...Th-This is uncanny. There is something sacred about this place. I sense the Goddess is watching over us. We must rest here tonight, under Her watchful and most merciful gaze.
Part 8 Recap wrote:Carver went out to scout, while the other three built a fire and took a nap.

It was a restless night for Rex, despite the calm. He had nightmares about the last time they'd fought Murdaw; how'd they'd almost been beaten in less than a minute. Ashlynn had saved their lives that day. If not for her...

Rex woke with a start. Milly sensed this, and stirred as well. She blinked, rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and looked at Rex.
Image Milly: Trouble sleeping?

Image Rex: ...No. Just nerves. I've got this plan in mind, and, if we can get it working... We got this.

Image Milly: Well, that's a relief. You looked restless; I sensed that your dreams were not tranquil ones. It's only natural.
Part 8 Recap wrote:Milly gave him a pointed look. She smiled gently, but knowingly.
Image Rex: (chuckle) That obvious, eh? ...Yeah, I'm scared. Real scared. Just didn't wanna say nothin' to screw with your heads, y'know?
Part 8 Recap wrote:She nodded.
Image Milly: The time is almost at hand, after all.

Image Rex: Yeah.
Part 8 Recap wrote:The fire licked the air as they shared this moment. Thinking of it now, this was the exact conversation they had in their dreams... But Rex didn't care. He certainly didn't mind having it again; Not with one of the ones he trusted most.

As for the other...
Image Milly: Now, where did he get to? He went to check the path ahead, but that was some time ago...
Part 8 Recap wrote:A string of thuds punctuated this line. Carver came tromping down from some ledges, as-if on cue.
Image Carver: Ahoy! Are you three done sawin' logs? I was out scoutin'. Ain't no doubt about it - this is definitely the place, but...

Image Nevan: But what? You look somewhat puzzled. What is it?

Image Carver: I dunno... I can't shake the feelin' that we've been down this road before. Bah, no point frettin' over it, though. You get enough rest? It's high time we shove off.

Image Milly: He's right. We've nothing to gain from dallying here.

Image Nevan: With the grace of the Goddess, we have travelled far to get here. Now our goal is in sight. We must press on.

Image Carver: Let's do this, Rex! The Dread Fiend ain't gonna defeat himself!
Part 8 Recap wrote:Carver marched off, and Milly went up to Rex.
Image Milly: The fate of the world rests on this battle. If we can emerge victorious, peace will be restored. We're as ready as we'll ever be. Come, Rex. We must go.
Part 8 Recap wrote:Milly went off as well.
Image Nevan: You seem troubled. Are you too haunted by memories of this place?

Image Rex: Well... You could say so. I just can't understand how I got 'em when I haven't even been here before.
Part 8 Recap wrote:Actually, Rex loved this part; the part where they resided here. The part AFTER, where Murdaw smashed them into the ground, then had their souls separated from their bodies... That part, he wasn't such a fan of. Not that he was going to tell Carver or Nevan that.
Image Nevan: It is puzzling, but perhaps it is not our place to understand. Only the Goddess knows the truth. Well, we'd better go. Our destiny awaits us.
Part 8 Recap wrote:"Destiny... Yeah, it IS our destiny, isn't it?"

Rex recalled the words of the Mountain Spirit as Nevan went off. He picked up his sword, and set forward. It WOULD indeed be strange for the Mountain Spirit to set him on this path, if she didn't think he could actually win. Then again, who knew if she could see into the future?

Although there was the Goddess, too; Apparently omniscient and omnipotent enough to speak into Nevan's head. That was the only way they even GOT the Providence to start with!

Rex put out the campfire, exited the clearing, and found himself atop a cliff.
Image Carver: I know I been here before... Maybe it's dayla view... Uh, dΓ©jΓ  brew... Er, my imagination? Bah! I'm through with thinkin'! I got more important stuff to worry about right now!
Part 8 Recap wrote:Good. Carver hadn't dreamt of their defeat like Rex had.

Rex walked over to Milly, who stood over the very edge. Out in the distance was Murdaw's castle; surrounded by a ring of jagged mountains. There were no paths made for human legs, no vegetation, no water... Just getting down the cliff they were on would have been a fool's errand. Even if they could, lightning scarred itself into all the land around it. It seemed impossible, at first glance.

But then, they had Milly. She was the prelude to Rex's other favorite part.
Image Milly: The final leg of our journey awaits us. If the legends are true, all that remains is to play this ocarina. Yes, just like before... Well, here goes nothing.
Part 8 Recap wrote:The group gathered round her, and she drew her ocarina. A beautiful tone filled the air, drowning out even the the lightning. It was a joyous, carefree melody; As much a breath of fresh air as Ashlynn's smiling face...

...Huh... Actually, what WAS Ashlynn doing right now? Doing well, Rex hoped?

As-if on cue, a large, golden dragon flew down from the sky. It was a curious looking creature; unusually feminine and rounded in its face. Rex had seen dragons of different kinds before in his studies; Most of their features were far more jagged and defined. This one was gentle looking enough that it could almost serve as a pet...

Still, it was big enough to carry all four on its back. They got on, and the mysterious dragon soared through the air. She took a long and winding path to their destination, rather than going straight forward. She seemed to know exactly where each bolt of lightning would strike, and wove around them without so much as bucking her passengers. Her mastery over the air was marvelous! Rex could have done this every day, frankly!

The castle came into view, and the dragon made its final charge. She flew through Murdaw's open doors, dropped her riders off, and vanished into the air. They were alone now...

The doors closed behind them; The group tried to open them, just to find them bolted shut. Apparently Murdaw had been waiting for this day as well. Still, Nevan had a plan...
Image Nevan: Only the Goddess knows what perils lie ahead. For our protection, I will place a sacred barrier here.
Part 8 Recap wrote:Nevan took out a rune, closed his eyes, then mouthed a silent prayer... A circle of blue magic resembling a pond appeared on the ground, then vanished just as quickly.
Image Nevan: There. Now whatever may befall us, we will always be able to return to this location.
Part 8 Recap wrote:Aha... So Nevan had created a waypoint. It was right in the heart of Murdaw's castle, and therefore bypassed all the natural barriers surrounding it. If they had their spirits separated again, returning would be a simple matter.

Meanwhile, Carver was banging at the door.
Image Carver: Avast! What's the matter with this door? It's the only one in the joint with no keyhole... I smell a trick, aye. Maybe we gotta beat Murdaw in order to break the illusion? Just sayin'.

Image Milly: It seems we've no other choice but to keep moving forward. Lead the way, Rex.
Part 8 Recap wrote:Rex responded by NOT moving them forward. Instead, they took another set of doors to a treasure room. There were three chests. One had a sturdy, ornately crafted helm, the other had a stockpile of gold coins, and the other had been another Mimic. They dealt with that last one easily enough, though. They'd found many of the things, after all.

After this, they went forward; the only other path they could go. They emerged into a large hub; a large, empty room with stairs upward and downward marking the corners.
Image Carver: Huh? Wh-What's that...!? Rex! Avast, Rex! Ya gotta see this!
Part 8 Recap wrote:The group went ahead and found a marble effigy of Carver himself. It was detailed... Far too detailed... As though Carver's own flesh had turned to stone.
Image Carver: It... It looks like...m-me! I-Is he dead? He sure ain't movin'.
Part 8 Recap wrote:The group scanned the room for traps. There were none they could see, so they focused their attention on Carver's image. Perhaps THIS, itself, was a trap? Carver investigated further.
Image Carver: No. No, he ain't dead - just sleepin' like the dead. But why's there a double o' me in this joint? Here, of all places? Wait... Huh?
Part 8 Recap wrote:Rex & Milly's eyes lit up in recognition, recalling what Madame Luca had told them; How Rex & Carver's Real World bodies were still out there. Could it be...?

It was! A swirl of alabaster sparkles appeared from nowhere, and enveloped both the statue and Carver himself!
Image Carver: Wh-What's happenin' to...
Part 8 Recap wrote:Carver's body became incorporeal, stretched and folded in on itself, then transformed completely; into a shining blue sphere of energy. It went up into the air, came down, and collided with the statue! A blinding white filled the room... Then went away.

When it was done, they saw Carver standing before them once more. He seemed different somehow... Yet, still the same.
Image Carver: What's goin' on here!? Crikey, hold on! It's all floodin' back to me... The name's Carver. I'm a carpenter's son from Port Haven. Best in the business, too! Anyway, that dreary town wasn't really floatin' my boat, so I left home. And that's when I fell in with Rex. We came here to face Murdaw, to show him what for 'n everything like that. But as you hardly need remindin', Murdaw clobbered us and turned us to stone. My spirit got ejected straight to the dream world. I became what I always was in my dreams - a roamin' warrior with a nose for adventure. But listen to me ramblin' on about my life and times! I'm sure you got the gist... Now that I've got my trusty ol' body back, I feel all my strength flowin' back to me!
Part 8 Recap wrote:Rex was floored. He could not recall one other time where Carver had said even HALF this many words at once, let alone the monologue he just gave. And that backstory, too... They probably got more out of him in this one moment than they ever had anywhere else. Was he... was he a different person?

Carver walked down to Rex, as though to answer.
Image Carver: Listen, Rex. I can see why you don't wanna think of yourself as just a figure from the dream world... I know it ain't easy to accept that at some point the person you think you are is gonna disappear 'n everything like that. But don't worry! I may've returned to my real self, but I still remember all the stuff you and me have been through together. You know what that means, right? It means my dream self hasn't disappeared after all. It's still part of me! You need to find your real body here in the real world, too. You've got nothin' to fear! Hey, we can continue this chat later. We've got a certain Dread Fiend to deal with first! Come on! Let's shove off!
Part 8 Recap wrote:Yep, that was Carver alright. Rex smiled, and made his forward... Before realizing where the stairs ahead went.

His smile faded again.
Image Rex: Wait, guys. Those stairs're where Murdaw's at. It's too soon; We need to clear out the rest of his minions first, see if we can find some good stuff while we're at it. You still got that staff, Carver? We're gonna be putting that to work!
Part 8 Recap wrote:"Aye", Carver said. Milly & Nevan accepted this as well. Rex was glad for this... Because in truth, he had no idea how to approach Murdaw.

His quote-on-quote "plan" was to charge in, hit Murdaw fast, and hope he didn't do exactly what he did the last time they tried that; paralyzing them as they entered, and sending their spirits to the 4 corners of the Earth...

That was not a plan; It was barely even a concept. Rex didn't want to say as much, but... Well, the more tools they found, the better.

The group took the left path, clearing out the minions, as well as a pair of living statues. They took the stairs down, and found two jail cells. One was empty, but the other...
Image Tee hee hee! Want to hear something good? Murdaw's not the most powerful sorceror out there. There is one among us who overshadows even him! None who face him stand a chance! Not even the mighty Murdaw himself! I was imprisoned here so I would not share this knowledge! But now I have! Tee hee hee!

Image Rex: ..Uh... Th-Thanks?

Image Milly: I don't sense any aggression in this monster's aura...
Part 8 Recap wrote:Huh. So there WERE good monsters out there... Or so this woman (or "man who said 'tee hee' a lot") would have them believe.

Either way, she was locked in the cellars; She was no harm to them. The group went back to the main hub.
Image Carver: A sorcerer mightier than Murdaw? Well, I'll believe anythin' at this point.

Image Nevan: ...And if so, I imagine they must answer to an even greater power...

Image Rex: One day at a time, people. One day at a time.
Part 8 Recap wrote:They fell silent at that, and explored the right wing this time. They cleared out two more living statues, took the stairs upward, then killed yet another one. This last one was guarding what seemed to be another chest; one surrounded by an electrocuted floor.
Image Milly: What could these statues be guarding?
Part 8 Recap wrote:The troop sighed, then powered through what were essentially live wires lining the floor. It wasn't pleasant, but they'd done it before with lava. This wasn't much different.

Rex opened the chest and found... A curious weapon. Or rather, something halfway between a weapon and a piece of armor.

It was an orange-yellow gauntlet; A variety of glove that protected the hand and wrist of its wearer. What was unusual about this, however, were the 1 foot long nail claws that extended from each of the knuckles. These...didn't look to have any practical value in a serious fight. They had little range, and your forearm was completely exposed the moment you took a swipe at your opponent. It was little better than going in with your bare fists...

Or so it seemed. Rex equipped it on a hunch, focused his mana into it, and sure enough... An enormous ball of fire shot through the air and decimated a statue!

"Rex, that was the spell Murdaw used! Remember!?" Milly exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, YES!! BOOYA BABY!!' Rex waved it around in the air, while Carver looked on in dismay. 'Aw, c,mon Carver! You got that Staff 'a Ghent on ya, doncha?"

"Pfft, whatever! That li'l thing can..."

"Mind your tongue, heathen!" Nevan piped up. Carver shut his mouth, remembering that it belonged to Nevan's.

"Honest though, you're sturdier 'n I am, and Nevan & Milly're slingin' around that wind and ice... And I'm just wastin' away with Sap & basic healing. C'mon! Gimme this one, will ya?" Rex prodded.


"Look, I promise you'll get it later. Just for now, we want it on me. You do you 'n charge in there, and Murdaw'll just rip it off your arm. We don't want that, do we?"

"Fine. But you owe me!" Carver trotted off in a huff, and Rex sighed and rubbed his hair. Milly winked at Rex, and ran off to Carver; No doubt to brighten his day. She was good at that kind of thing.

They cleared the rest of the room of monsters... And then came back to the hub. All that was left now were the stairs to Murdaw. Still no solid plan, but oh well. They had Nevan, they had the Staff of Ghent, they had the Fire Claw, and they had Ra's mirror; All resources they didn't have before.
Image Nevan: It is time for us to face Murdaw. Our destiny awaits...

Image Milly: We're almost there. Soon we'll be able to dream of a brighter future.
Part 8 Recap wrote:They walked up the steps, and emerged in a long hallway with a red carpet. Walls adorned the sides, but there was no ceiling. More disturbing still were the ghastly clouds that floated above them. They were unnaturally close, purple instead of white, and were shaped like human skulls.
Image Nevan: I have never before experienced such an oppressive sense of evil...

Image Rex: And you never will again. C,MON GUYS! Let's bust those doors down, and-

Image Milly: Rex! Wait! Murdaw awaits us beyond this door. I can feel it.

Image Rex: So what's the hold-up?

Image Nevan: We must keep our wits about us. I have heard it said that Murdaw does not hesitate to use the darkest and most deceptive arts.

Image Rex: And that's true. That's WHY we're not givin' 'em a second's breath! And as for his illusions, we got THIS!
Part 8 Recap wrote:Rex gestured with Ra's mirror in his left hand, and Carver roared in agreement.
Image Carver: He can fight as dark and dirty as he likes! Things ain't gonna go the way they did last time, believe you me!

Image Milly: So we stand here once more. All our steps have led us to this same place... It does indeed seem that since that dark day, we've been trapped inside one long dream... But all we've experienced in the dream world has served to make us stronger.

Image Rex: And nightmares never last, Milly. One day ya wake up, 'n they're gone.

Image Milly: Of that, I am sure. It is time.

Image Rex: Right! Everyone! FORWARD CHARGE!!
Part 8 Recap wrote:And they all smashed through the double doors like a meteor! They emerged in a throne room enveloped by mist. Its colors flashed from ocean blue to a reddish-violet. The throne seemed empty, but they were running at it anyway...

...and then they stopped. Their muscles sagged, their eyes grew milky, and their limbs fell. They were ensnared by an unseen force...
Image Carver: N-Not again! This happened last time!

Image Milly: Aaagh!

Image Nevan: No!

The group was lifted high into the air, and a shade appeared in the mist...[/quote]

Image Murdaw: Blah hah hah! Oh, we must stop meeting like this... You are persistent, I'll give you that. Such persistence deserves a monument. Stone should do the trick, don't you think? Blah hah hah!
Part 8 Recap wrote:The four were spun around and around in the air, completely under the thrall of Murdaw's power. Nevan's body exploded in a shower of godly blue energy... and then Milly... and then Carver... And then all went black...
Image Tania: Rex! Wh-What hapepned!?
Part 8 Recap wrote:A feminine voice called out. Rex opened his eyes... and found himself in a small wooden house. In front of him was a small, blue-haired girl.
Image Tania: What a fine brother you are, Rex, scaring me like that!
Part 8 Recap wrote:She seemed about ready to lecture him further, but then something caught her eye.
Image Tania: Say, Rex, would you mind coming here a moment?
Part 8 Recap wrote:Rex's head ached... He didn't REMEMBER going on a bender the night before, but, he sure felt like it.

Still, he obliged his sister, and went over. On the ground was a strange mirror.
Image Tania: Pretty mirror, you betcha. You had this with you earlier. It's the weirdest thing, though... My reflection in the mirror just seems so...unhappy. You wanna take a look, Rex?
Part 8 Recap wrote:Rex gazed over Tania's shoulder into the depths of Ra's mirror...and his world went white.

Before he knew it, he was back in front of Murdaw... Back with all his memories, and back for their final battle.
Image Murdaw: Blah hah hah! You have Ra's mirror, do you? Upon further reflection, I suppose the same trick just won't do. You clearly will not stay banished to the dream realm, so I'll just have to deal with you for real! How unfortunate for you - I'm much more powerful in reality than I ever was inside a dream! Are you ready for eternal sleep? This is a nightmare from which you shall not awaken!
Part 8 Recap wrote:Two warriors in pierot uniforms emerged to flank Murdaw's sides. They brandished a sabre in their right hand, and took out large daggers in their left. They pushed a button on those daggers, and two blades sprang out of the sides! They were Parrying Daggers; Trident Daggers, to be specific!

Murdaw bellowed hot fire. Rex's group dispersed, the pierot warriors spread out, and the fight was on...

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:26 pm
by Fionordequester
Part 8 Recap wrote:The pierots charged Rex and Carver, while Milly and Nevan took it to Murdaw himself. Rex shot an enormous ball of fire from the claw on his weapon hand. It was concentrated into a giant sphere of almost solid mass, ready to obliterate the warrior...

...Then he clicked his rapier and dagger together, and shot a gust of razor thing air, the same as if it had generated sparks with two stones. The ball was sliced in twain, and Rex had to deflect the gust slash with his tower shield. Rex drew his spear and rushed the pierot before it could generate more of those. Rex was glad he'd took note of the clown's dominant hand; He held his main weapon in his right, like most warriors. Rex's charge left him less exposed than if he'd been fighting a south paw.

The clown attempted to grab the rim of Rex's shield, but Rex knew better. His opponent was waiting for the chance to grapple, work its dagger around the shield, and score a stab in Rex's armpit (for his Enchanted Armour had no functional pauldrons). Instead, Rex stopped short, and squatted into a fighting stance. He had his arm going perpendicular across the kite shield so it'd protect his legs, and he had his head ducked down just below the top of the shield. He was ready to brawl.

The clown poked, prodded, and swiped from every angle imaginable. Rex threw a few perfunctory stabs of his own, though never enough to get his spear stuck in the clown's trident dagger. Rex kept motioning like he was about to do a charge... And as he did so, his head peaked up further and further from the top of the shield. His technique was getting sloppier... He seemed like he was getting lazy about ducking his head. The clown redoubled its offense, pounding at his shield again and again. After a time, the clown threw what seemed like an upward stab at Rex's face; one that caused him to raise his shield up... But it was a feint! Instead of committing to the upward stab, the clown bent low, and threw an angled stab at Rex's legs!

Bingo. Rex had been faking his fatigue the whole time, recognizing what his foe was doing. He too went from high to low, and blocked the swipe with ease. Now his shield was against his foe's forearm! Rex ran forward, smashed the clown's shoulder with the boss of his shield, and dislocated its kneecap with an instep kick! The clown fell onto its back, and Rex finished it off with a Fire Claw fireball to its face. He turned toward where Carver was having his match-up, and dispatched THAT clown with a fireball as well. Now it was just Murdaw, and they were all available to assist.


Murdaw crossed his arms over his I-Zone (everything from the throat to his waist), and charge through Milly's hail of ice. He was 9 feet tall, and weighed 1400 pounds; 900 pounds in retained fluid. Yet, he was unnaturally fast; He ran like an Olympic sprinter, rammed Milly into the ground, leaped more than 10 feet in the air, and went down to smash Milly's ribs into powder.

Instead, a tornado sprang up beneath him, trapped him inside, and lifted him into the air. It was Nevan, and he was holding him place! Milly stumbled to her feet, and emptied her entire reserve of ice magic into the tornado. Nevan took those spears of ice and directed them where they needed to go; into Murdaw's temples, into his armpits, into his eyes, into his cartoid arteries, into his throat, into the back of his knees; Everywhere they could possibly go.

Nevan kept it up as long as he could, then let Murdaw slam into the ground. He was bleeding from his scaly hide, and for a moment, the day seemed won. Then he sprang up, flexed his muscles, and popped all of those spears out.

"Archers! Open fire!" Murdaw bellowed.


"I'm out!"


Archers appeared out from the curtains, the ledges, the windows; Everywhere one could hide one. Milly ducked to the ground, and Rex and Carver put her and Nevan between themselves. Arrows flew, and the two warriors scraped by, just barely managing to scrape by with kite shields and plenty of pre-emptive healing. They would have died several times over, without those two things...

Milly uncorked the vial of Magic Water and drank. With it came renewed mana, and with that came a string of blue rings to rise from the ground and harden their skin. This was the Buff spell; the counter-part to Sap, and it made their skin turn to stone! The archers emptied their entire quivers without harming the group! They ran out, and allowed the group their chance. They fell back to where two pillars were located...

Then gasped at what they saw! Murdaw was back up! And his wounds were closing! A few blinks, and his beady eyes were back in working order. A few seconds after, and he was walking unimpeded. His blood had all but dried up, and the room boomed with his laughter.

"Milly... Tell me... Tell me he used a healing spell." Rex stuttered.

"...No. Not this time. He's... He's regenerating Rex. He's regenerating..."

"ZRAH!" Rex launched some yellow halos at Murdaw; hoping to stall his healing a little longer. The Sap spells went above the horns on Murdaw's head, came down around him, swarmed him with their strands of golden light... and Murdaw just let them settle. He made no move, except to smile. A moment passed... And then Murdaw flexed his muscles, and shattered them completely. There was no counter-spell, there was no attempt at dodging, and there was no exertion... Murdaw had snapped their ace-in-the-whole as easily as a rubber band.

Rex just about wanted to stab his own eyes out.

"Such miserable technique! Watch a TRUE magician!" Murdaw roared. He clapped his hands, summoned the most enormous yellow circle of light Rex had ever seen, and brought it down on the group. Their stone skin began to turn back to flesh...

"Kasap! I can't keep up!" Milly shouted.

"Carver, Nevan, gimme cover!"

"You betcha! C'mere buddy!" Carver hefted Nevan onto his shoulder with one hand, and charged, getting out the Staff of Ghent. Rex used the Fire Claw once more, and shot yet another globe of fire at Murdaw. Murdaw sniggered, sheathed his right fist in a glove of flame, then stopped Rex's attack dead in its tracks with a meaty fist.

"Why, that's just what I was about to do! CATCH!" Murdaw threw it at Carver and Nevan, then followed up with more flame breath. Nevan sliced the orb in two, like the clown had done to the last one Rex fired... But there was no stopping the breath of fire. It washed over Carver, and blew Nevan off his shoulders. The Staff of Ghent's healing kept Carver's flesh from cooking, but he was in incredible pain. Still, he charged through it, as only Carver could, and was now upon Murdaw!

He charged, and got Murdaw in the stomach! Murdaw attempted another flame breath, but only got Carver's shoulder! Carver went on, stabbing Murdaw further and keeping his body low; Low enough to duck and weave under Murdaw's fists!

It didn't last. Murdaw simply grabbed Carver's shoulders, and jumped into the air again. He soared high into the air with that same unnatural fitness, as though the laws of nature were a mere suggestion to him. Murdaw lowered Carver's body below his rump, and came down, preparing a death blow on Carver's ribs. Instead, Nevan blew him back with a tunnel of wind, then pushed him up... and up... and up... and up. Nevan raised Murdaw as high as the ceiling; about 40 feet off the ground... Then let him drop.

Milly crafted a spire of ice on the ground in anticipation; Carver fell his alloted distance, and pulled himself up via willpower & more healing. Murdaw neared the spire! He was going to be impaled! But then he opened his mouth, blasted the ground with yet another stream of fire, and used the concussive force of that to ricochet himself out of harms way. It wasn't a smooth landing; He lost his balance and fell on his bum. But, he was unharmed... And worse, he was by the doors. There was no way out for the party...

"Men! KILL THESE IDIOTS!!" And the skies rained with men, and knights came from the curtains at ground level. The men from above were pierots, just the two Rex and Carver had dispatched, and the knights were fully decked out in blood-red armour. They also came with Halberds; two-handed battle-axes with pikes at the top. There were 52 in all; 26 pierots and 26 knights.

Milly and Nevan were on it. Milly prayed a yellowish-white mist, and Nevan used the wind to push it into their enemy's eyes. It was the Dazzle spell; a fog made to blind your foes. The knights locked shields and charged into the mist... But Milly had more. She set spikes of ice along the ground for them to step on, and step on them they did. Rex and Milly all did their part in blasting them while Nevan kept the mist wherever it needed to go...

And then flying sickles of winds sliced into the group! The pierots were advancing now, and they were using the same technique they had before. They couldn't see, but they didn't need to. They just threw enough projectiles into the party's general direction, and eventually found their mark. It didn't kill them; Murdaw's Kasap hadn't entirely eroded their skin... But they were flushed out; forced to flee the mist. Even worse, the knights had summoned Healslimes; the wounds on their feet were already closing...

They were back to square one, and it was just the four of them versus fifty-two of Murdaw's best men. The 26 knights locked shields... they charged... Rex ordered Carver to grab Nevan, and for Milly to get away. Then, Rex did the only few things he could do....

1) He ran like hell. That was the cardinal rule for fighting multiple opponents; NEVER DO SO, if you could help it.

2) Since Murdaw was blocking their way out, he did the next best thing; He ran around the room, around the pillars, up the small flight of stairs... Anything he could do to keep his enemies from surrounding him. There was no surviving a fight where men could attack you from behind. No one could parry attacks they didn't see coming.

3) Any time he got them in single file, Rex would attempt a death blow. The knights wore heavy armor, while the clowns wore minimal protection. The clowns were faster, and far less disciplined. Some of the dumber ones would run ahead of the rest, and be dispatched by the Fire Claw. Or, occasionally, he'd almost be flanked by one of the knights. Those, he could generally take by surprise. He would do an about-face, then hit with a lunging sidekick to the knee. He'd then take them out if he had time. If he didn't, the Healslimes would fix their knee back up. Regardless, he could do little else.

Rex chewed through about 7 of them before slipping on someone's blood. He planted his left leg & right hand on the ground, used them to raise himself up sideways, then dislocated someone's leg with his right foot; Another instep kick to the knee. He drew his right leg back, and used the momentum to hop to his feet. But... the damage had been done. He was flanked on all sides now, and he was stuck in a corner.

He charged one last time, hoping against hope to break their formation. He caught one of the pierots by surprise, but another one tagged his leg with another gust slash. Rex fell again, and his foes simply re-established their half-circle. Rex got up, having barely caught his breath.

Now it was THEIR turn to charge, and what followed were some of the worst 30 seconds Rex had ever lived through. A half-a-dozen spears tore through him, followed by a series of gust slashes from the clowns still alive. He was bleeding out... He couldn't breath, couldn't keep his balance, couldn't heal off the damage... He was trapped. His spear was knocked out of his hand after a time; from there he just slumped into a corner and held his kite shield around his I-Zone. Blood pooled at the corner of his mouth... his life was fading... and then...



Carver and Nevan had surprised Murdaw. Carver ran at him as though eager to take his own life. Murdaw had sneered, and had taken his sweet time readying an orb of fire in his hand. Then it had happened. Nevan had blasted Carver in the back with a tunnel of wind. He had lifted Carver off the ground, sent him flying through the air faster than a shark through water... And Carver had done it. Carver had stabbed his sword straight through Murdaw's chest. It didn't go too deep... But it didn't need to. Murdaw fell over, and with him followed Carver. Carver fell on top of Murdaw... on top of the hilt of his sword.


That did it. That forced the sword all the way through Murdaw's fat. All the folds, all the cellulite, all the retained fluid... It sank through all of it, and disappeared from sight. Next was Murdaw's arm, for Carver had caught it in a figure-four arm bar.

Murdaw's men had just about reached the two, when Murdaw himself blew another wave of scorching flame. He didn't hit Carver though; Carver had lowered his head to Murdaw's cheek. Instead, Murdaw struck down his own men. He killed at least four of them, and made the others stop in their tracks. No one was helping Murdaw now...

Carver wrenched Murdaw's arm off its socket, then moved to a north-south position. Murdaw sat up; He had neither the composure nor the martial arts background to realize how foolish that was. Carver caught him in a rear mount as a result. The two struggled awkwardly, Murdaw not knowing how to move properly, and Carver not being able to sink anything. Murdaw's neck was wide; Far too wide.

The rear naked choke was a lost cause, and Carver couldn't generate the power for a neck crank. Then came an idea... Carver took Murdaw's cape, rolled it up, and wrapped it around Murdaw's neck. He brought his leg up, rest it upon the side of Murdaw's head, and then yanked the cape as hard as he could. He had his right arm pulling, and his left leg pushing... Between those two things, he had found his way to Murdaw's windpipe.


Rex had gotten to his feet at this point. He stumbled forward, having finally gotten a chance to heal himself up. He saw Carver choking the life from Murdaw, as well as Milly and Nevan keeping the killer clowns at bay. The knights had given up trying to help; Rex wondered why for a moment, then shot one of them down with another Fire Claw. They turned, and again the game of cat-and-mouse was on. Rex didn't think he could risk them regaining their nerve.


Carver heard what he assumed were Murdaw's death rattles. His emerald hide began turning blue, and his arms were going limp. Soon, he had stopped moving. Carver insisted on holding the choke for a minute more, regardless; then finally let go the moment Milly & Nevan were running out of steam. He healed himself with the Staff of Ghent again, and joined Milly and Nevan in fending off the killer clowns. Rex came shortly afterward, running for his life from the knights he had drawn away.

"LET'S GO!" Rex yelled, kicking open the doors now that Murdaw was down. The group ran down the narrow corridor down to its narrowest point... Then they turned. Carver handed the Staff of Ghent to Nevan, turned his kite shield upside-down, and locked it with Rex's own right-side-up one. This formed a sort of rectangular-shaped wall; They were going to hold the enemies back, while Milly and Nevan provided long range support.

But then Murdaw's voice boomed through the air, and the doors flew open even wider.

"Avast! I still didn't get 'em!?" Carver lamented.

"He regenerates... It may not have mattered how long you held it!" Milly noted.

A distorted haze drifted out from the doors. It was the same one they'd seen when they first stormed Murdaw's throne room. It started as a light blue, changed into a reddish-violet, and then back again; Just as it had before. Murdaw's shade came into focus, and then Murdaw himself.

Rex realized then, the fight hadn't ended. The fight had only started.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:31 pm
by Fionordequester
And there we go; the end at last. Phew! Not going into that much detail for the REST of the boss fights, I'll tell you that much! Well, maybe Mortamor and the fights at Cloudsgate Citadel, since those're milestones... But other than that, no way!

Part 8 Recap wrote:Murdaw stomped out of his throne room, clutching at his chest. He had recovered from Carver's choke, and regenerated all other wounds... But Carver's sword still rested inside his chest. From it came a small, but ever-present, stream of blood. Murdaw's took his hand off his chest for a moment, and stared at his palm. His eyes dilated, and his voice went silent...
Image Murdaw: H-How can this be!? I, I am Murdaw, not some cheap conjurer! These fools really hope to overpower ME?
Part 8 Recap wrote:A visible aura appeared around Murdaw. That same eclectic mist emanated all around him. His gaze returned to Rex and his friends, past where his soldiers stood.
Image Murdaw: I'm through playing games with you. Wake up and realise your world belongs to me! Grrraaarrrgh!!!
Part 8 Recap wrote:And Murdaw screamed. He screamed loud enough to echo across the mountain... And out came a typhoon of jagged ice unlike anything Rex had ever seen before. It put everything Milly had ever done to shame, and it enveloped everything in its path.

"EVERYONE!" That was all Rex had time to say before he and all his friends were lifted off the ground. Then came large blue and golden strands of lightning; Lightning that slammed into each of them, and threw them across the corridor. The flesh was temporarily rent from their bones, the clothes were torn off their bodies, and blood sprayed from every inch. Their healing was all that had kept them alive, and only just barely...

Rex got to his feet as fast as he could, wondering why more wasn't coming. The rest of the group did so as well, and found their answer. Murdaw was doubled over once again, clutching the same place he had been before. He got to his feet after a moment, and limped forward... Over a string of corpses Rex had only now noticed. All the knights, all the pierots, all the healslimes, everyone else that had pursued them... They were all dead. Killed by Murdaw's own two hands.

"Th-Those... Those were your own men, you... You...!" Rex stuttered. Murdaw didn't respond. Instead, a sulfuric yellow light shone in his eyes. There were no irises now, no pupils, no sclera; only an eerie yellow glow...

"Gugugugugug..." Milly gurgled.


And Milly face-planted. The others screamed and poured all their best spells on her... to no avail.

"Goddess! Deliver Milly!" Nevan prayed.

"Never fear, worm. I'm just starting to have fun!' Murdaw shot another wave of freezing ice. The group rushed down the stairs, forced to abandon Milly. 'I've yet to return the pain I've been dealt.' Streaks of lightning arched down the stairway. Again the group dodged, though they had to cover their ears just from the sheer noise of it. 'You and your little Milly shall remain alive; Preserved for the cellars. I'll need time. Time to find what makes you SCREAM!"

And Murdaw crashed through the roof! He fell in the center of the group, and struck their eyes with light like a flash grenade! The group grasped at their eyes, and Murdaw rushed Nevan! He grabbed him by the mouth, lifted him off the ground, and smashed his head into one of the supporting pillars! He grabbed the Staff of Ghent, let Nevan dropped, then swiped him to the side with his tail. He was about to use the Staff of Ghent... Then a fireball struck his hand, and the Staff of Ghent shot out of it! It was Rex, and he had recovered! He re-engaged Murdaw, and Carver went to get the staff and heal Nevan.

He shot another ball of flame, and Murdaw grabbed this one the same as he had the other. But before he could throw it, Rex shot that fireball with yet another orb of condensed fire, blowing it up in Murdaw's face! Murdaw fell, and Rex peppered Murdaw's prone form for as long as Murdaw let him, before Murdaw sprayed even more ice for Rex to dodge! Murdaw prepared more lightning, when Carver rammed into the back of his head with the same trick he and Nevan had used before! Murdaw reach behind him, grabbed Carver by the lapel, pulled him over his shoulder, and drop-kicked him towards where Rex was; towards where the flight of stairs were located. Murdaw sprayed lightning behind himself, where he guessed Nevan was... He was almost correct, having missed by mere inches.

Nevan was back by Rex & Carver's side, now; Murdaw's hubris and sadism had kept him from crushing Nevan's head entirely. He was still as strong as ever, however... His eyes were flashing yellow again, and the group took their cue to look away and run up the stairs. Rex's mind was chomping at the bit, trying to think of how to damage Murdaw further...

"Avast! Milly ain't here!!" Carver yelled. Rex mind froze for a moment, before he looked around. Indeed she was gone, and Murdaw was stomping up the steps.

"There's no time! We'll just have to draw his fire and pray!' Rex stated. 'Nevan, watch our backs!"

"Without fail!" With that, Murdaw appeared, and the hallway was abuzz with projectiles! Murdaw shot ice and lightning, Rex & Nevan shot wind & fire, and Carver acted as the healer. As they did, a familiar tone pulsed through the air... Rex heard it, but didn't have time to process it. Murdaw was gaining the upper-hand yet again, despite Carver's healing. The situation was turning south again...

...When suddenly, a pillar of flame descended from the heavens, and blasted Murdaw into the ground! A great winged beast appeared, grabbed Murdaw with all four limbs, and lifted him into the air! It was the mysterious dragon! The one that had carried them to Murdaw's Keep to begin with! It was goring Murdaw even as they spoke, tearing his wound wider and wider still! After a time, Murdaw forced it to release its hold with a spray of ice... But the damage had been done. Blood trailed in the air, and Murdaw landed with a thud great enough to crack the stone beneath him. The dragon shot another blast of fire...

"EVERYONE HIT THE DECK!!" Rex yelled. The group flopped to their stomachs, covered their heads and ears, and everything exploded with a deafening bang! The walls were all blown out, and the floor was starting to cave in several places... The entire floor had been shelled, and smoke permeated the air. Milly reappeared as well, ocarina in hand. The group all gathered around. They breathed easily for the first time since the fight started. Nothing could have survived dragonfire, of all things; Not even Murdaw.

β€œYou boys have fun?” Milly intoned, a cock-eyed grin on her face.

β€œHeh. β€˜Fun’ you say. Yeah, we had fun alright…” Carver sighed.

β€œWell I sure didn’t.” Nevan pouted, rubbing the back of his head.

β€œLucky you, gettin’ your beauty sleep right in the middle of the fight’ Rex laughed. β€˜Maybe I’ll have YOU take watch, once we’re headed back t-”

β€œi. hAVE HAD. ENOUGH!!!” Murdaw bellowed, his voice cracking. The party turned, but it was too late! Chains of lightning flew from the smoke, catching every one of them in an electrical cage they could not escape. Agony ran down their bodies. Their flesh cooked and boiled once more, with only Rex managing to stay conscious through it all. The dragon flew to their aid, readying another bout of dragonfire…

And Murdaw laughed. His eyes gleamed… and he lifted the party up into the air… right into the dragon’s path.

β€œgO aHEAD. fIIIIREE. BLOW THEM AWAY!!” Murdaw screeched. His eye was twitching now... Murdaw walked as though planning to take the blast head on… The dragon roared, and redirected its blast. It flew over Murdaw’s shoulder, and hit nothing but air.

β€œcOME oN, sWEET tHING. I’m rIGHT hERE! wILL yOU nOT sTRIKE? nO? THEN ALLOW ME!!’ And Murdaw tore into the dragon with everything he had. Ice, lightning, fire, everything he had at his disposal. β€˜You move one inch, and your friends are history!” Murdaw hissed, his voice finally going back to normal.

Rex was the only one still conscious at this point. His Enchanted Armour had done its job well, despite how much he wished it hadn’t. He wanted to scream, to tell the dragon to blast Murdaw into oblivion… But his body wouldn’t obey. The electricity wouldn’t let him speak… He was helpless.

The screaming went on far too long. The dragon writhed in putrid agony, able to escape, but never willing to. The horror of its pain was matched only by Murdaw’s vile laugh… Rex was moved to prayer, just trying to get this moment to end.

But, end it did, at long last. Murdaw breathed an ocean of fire, and blasted the dragon against the battlements. Smoke and flame surrounded the impact site, just as it had for Murdaw. The dragon was gone…

Murdaw released his hold on the party, letting them crash against the marble floor. He limped over to Rex, and wrapped his fist around his head.

β€œSo… You wanted to know why I killed my own men?’ Murdaw spoke with his mouth directly over Rex’s face; close enough to swallow half his body. Rex could see everything now… Murdaw’s torn chest, his bloodstained teeth, his twitching eyes… Rex would have cheered, if not for how desperate his situation was. β€˜This! Is why!" Murdaw directed Rex’s gaze toward the smoke... where the dragon’s mangled form lay, obscured by a haze of red flame.

"Loyalty... Solidarity... Love... Pah! Where does that all get you, except flat on your back!?' Murdaw slammed Rex into the ground before planting his foot on his chest. 'They're insipid fantasies! Happy dreams for maggots who can do naught but cling to each other when the boot FALLS!!" Murdaw stomped on Rex! He was 1400 pounds, and he put every last part of that into crushing Rex's chest! Now it was Rex's turn to suffer. Murdaw brought his foot down again and again, until Rex's Enchanted Armour finally gave way. It broke like glass against the pavement, littering the ground all around them. He waited awhile for Rex to stop wailing, then continued.

"I am Murdaw the Dread Fiend! I love no one. Need no one. Pity no one. My 'men' exist only to share in MY triumphs! To provide for MY table!" Murdaw picked Rex up by the hair, and threw him across the hall once more. 'I am Master of Masters! Ruler over you and your entire world!" Murdaw blasted Rex with chain lightning again, and dragged him all the way back across. He picked Rex up by the heel this time, and stared into his eyes. Rex was convulsing now... sobbing.

"And do you know what I plan to do, Prince Sleipnir? Because of all you have done to me this day? I will bring my armies to your kingdom AND to your village! I will bless your people with desperation! I will bleed the life from their dying corpses! Their lives will be Hell without exit or end! This will be so, for I am Murdaw! MURDAW THE DREAD FI-"

BOOOM!!! Murdaw's chest was blown apart! Rex had jerked upward, and blasted Murdaw right in his weakspot! Blood and viscera now sprayed from Murdaw's mouth, as well as his chest. Murdaw crumpled onto all fours, vomiting and gagging.

"S-So... c-caught up... in the moment..." Rex sputtered. Rex crashed onto the ground. He was choking on his own blood, and the curtain was coming down over his eyes... But he wasn't through yet. He raised the Fire Claw again, and let loose another fireball. Rex's aim was perfect; the fireball had sunk straight into the hole in Murdaw's chest, and Murdaw's insides had been destroyed. He was on death's door... And Rex let loose one last fireball, just to be sure. This one went in, and blew off Murdaw's entire torso! His legs flew back, now separated from his body, and Murdaw's upper half slammed into the mortar. Its life bled further and further away with every second. There was no regenerating now; Rex's group had won.

Rex thought of his friends... He thought of Weaver's Peak... He thought of Tania... He thought of the world, and everyone he had met... and he thought of Ashlynn. The world was theirs, at long last. Murdaw... was no more.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:36 pm
by Fionordequester
Here's another bonus episode! This one shows off just how much easier even THIS fight becomes in the Remakes!

BONUS #3: MURDAW (ROUND 3) [Remakes]

[No thumbnail for this one, sadly. Just couldn't find one I wanted] ... 3&index=11

I have achieved the Casino equipment & Yggdrasil Leaves listed in Bonus #1. This here is a short demonstration of just how much easier life becomes with these + the Remake's improved Party A.I.

Weapon - Steel Broadsword
Armor - Platinum Mail
Shield - Dragon Shield
Helmet - Iron Mask
Accessory - Gold Bracer
Items - Ghent Staff (heals 75-95 HP per use) & x1-2 Yggdrasil Leaves

Weapon - N/A
Armor - Platinum Mail
Shield - Dragon Shield
Helmet - Iron Helmet
Accessory - Gold Bracer
Item - Fire Claw (deals 70-90 Damage), x4 Amor seco Essences,
& x1-2 Yggdrasil Leaves

Weapon - N/A
Armor - Iron Cuirass
Shield - N/A (Pot Lid if you got one from Haggleton)
Helmet - Bunny Ears
Accessory - Gold Bracer
Items - x1-2 Yggdrasil Leaves

Weapon - N/A
Armor - Enchanted Armor
Shield - Bronze Shield
Helmet - Hardwood Headware
Accessory - Agility Ring (90% chance of outspeeding Murdaw)
Items - x1-2 Yggdrasil Leaves

900 HP (12 Fire Claws worth of damage, unless you're unlucky)
Pattern: Semi-Fixed (1~2 actions per turn. 50/50 of one or the other)
Attacks: Attack OR Chilly Breath β†’ Attack OR Lightning β†’ Lullab-eyes OR Dazzleflash

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:38 am
by Fionordequester
Turns out, the game has a stupid amount of new flavor text after Murdaw's defeat; Enough to break the character limit several times over. So instead of Part 9, I'll be posting this "Intermission"; All the stuff I found relevant/interesting/funny/what-have-you.

All the towns are included except Amor (you'll see why later). The rest, you can find labeled by section with CTRL + F. Highlights include...

1) Party chat hinting that Captain Rusty may be alive (Castle Somnia, Real World)

2) Carver reconciling with his father (Port Haven)

3) Ella & Johan about to have sex (Port Haven... Seriously, I'm not joking)

4) An farmer and his dessert (Ghent)

5) King Somnus the playboy (Castle Somnia, Dream World)

6) Tania's darkest fears (Weaver's Peak)



Image Murdaw: Th-This cannot be...
Recap wrote:Murdaw's torso lay bleeding. It was all that was left of him, and his color was fading. His skin turned from green to charcoal black, and his form grew opaque. Rex panicked for a moment, thinking that he was going to teleport again. Instead, his body started exploding. Watching Murdaw die was like watching a firecracker skip along the pavement. Rex had never seen anything like it... Not that he was complaining.

Murdaw's body evaporated into dust with one final explosion. The explosion cleared, and Rex saw a body of small blue orbs gathered together. They hovered in place, then shot into the atmosphere. They travelled in all directions, and soared across the sky like falling stars. Rex didn't know what he was looking at... But it seemed like something good had happened!

Then a beacon of light shone where Murdaw had died, and a strange voice came from out of nowhere, and emanated throughout the battlements (or what was left of them). Pure light washed over Rex's broken body. The blood was dabbed from his mouth, his wounds were stitched together, and the weariness lifted from his eyes. It was beyond joy; beyond anything he had ever felt in his life. He hadn't just been healed; he had been made anew. It felt like every injury he had ever had was undone; even the ones that were no longer there...
Image Goddess: You have fought with courage and conviction, Rex. The world is now free of Murdaw's menace forever. Go forth! There are many who await your return!

Image Rex: And what about my friends? Are they...?
Recap wrote:Rex got his answer before he could finish.

"Avast! You're good as new! Just like me!" Carver yelled, catching Rex in a bear hug.

"Did we win?" Nevan asked, appearing before Rex.

"So it would seem. What do you think, Rex?" Milly appeared.

"Well, I mean, I chopped the vermin in half with that Fire Claw, and then he exploded. That's about as 'dead' as I'VE ever seen anyone." Rex answered.

"You CHOPPED him in HALF!?" Carver marveled.

"Er... Well, I mean I blasted the big fat hole in his chest (thanks for that, by the way)... And then he just sorta... Went to pieces!" Rex laughed. Carver laughed with him, Nevan face-palmed, and Milly gave an amused sigh...

"Well, that's all well and good. But, what of the dragon? Have any of you seen it?" Milly said.

"The dragon... OH! OH NO!' Rex sprang to attention, and hurried to the last place they had seen the dragon. It had been blasted against one of the towers by Murdaw, and had been buried in rubble. 'Come on, sweetie... Get up. Get up..." Rex whispered. He and the rest began moving the rubble off. It was tiring work, but that was nothing after all the dragon had done for them. Still, they were not having any luck... In fact, they weren't even finding a body.

"The critter didn't just... disappear, did it? Into thin air 'n everything like that?" Carver wondered.

"It's possible it was a construct; summoned by the ocarina Milly had. Perhaps you should try playing it again?" Nevan glanced at Milly.

"No, I can't. Not anymore. Murdaw smashed the ocarina" Milly said mournfully.

"No more dragons to thump the monsters? Crikey! I was lookin' forward to tha-"

"UGGGGH!!" Ashlynn's voice sounded from the rubble. Ashlynn's voice. THAT had shut the conversation down. All eyes went to the rubble, now. The rocks shook in place for a moment, and suddenly, Ashlynn exploded from the pile, gasping for air!"

"ASHLYNN!?" The group said in unison.

"Thanks for the help, guys! I thought I was gonna DIE!' Ashlynn coughed and wheezed. 'Sheesh! There I was just hummin' along, enjoying my beauty sleep... next thing I know, I'm buried under a buncha ROCKS! What's going on here!? ...What? Did I tear something?" The whole group was staring. It was going to be a very interesting trip home indeed...


The way back was an interesting little trip into Ashlynn's psyche. First... She just laughed at them. Irrelevant were the obvious problems of "how did you get from a ship to a castle?", or "Why can't you remember anything from the past several hours?"; She just dug in her heels every time Nevan tried to push the issue... At least at first.

Several hours later, after the group had already stopped trying to convince her, she got locked up in horror. Everything they said sunk in, and Ashlynn was wailing about how hideous she must have looked. All those scales, all those jagged edges, those monstrous teeth, and that hideous breath!

After that, the Rex spent the better part of an hour telling her that she was the most beautiful dragon he had ever seen. Her scales shone, her cheeks were smooth like pomegranates, each tooth was white as a lamb and perfectly matched with its twin, her eyes sparkled like doves besides springs of water... Whatever Milly told Rex to say, Rex said it. That was a big hit with her. She loved hearing Rex say that, it seemed.

After that was what seemed an eternity of her saying "I'M A DRAGON!! I'M A DRAGON!! I'M A DRAGON!!" on loop, to everything she saw. It didn't matter that the ocarina was smashed; she just insisted she'd "come up with a spell or something". Rex & Milly liked it; Carver & Nevan, not so much.

After that, they talked about whether or not she was a magic dragon, from a long-lost kingdom. Perhaps she was a princess! Maybe she had a handsome prince waiting back home to marry! Far as Ashlynn was concerned, that was the best part of amnesia; Your past was anything you wanted it to be!

On that note, the group was finally ready to meet the king and queen of Somnia. They had mentally recovered from Murdaw, and were now assembled before the rulers.

Image King Somnus: So Murdaw has indeed been defeated at last... I had scarcely dared to dream of this day! I must applaud you on your magnificent efforts. Surely the time for peace has returned, and we owe it all to your hard work. On behalf of this kingdom - nay, on behalf of this entire world, I offer you my sincerest thanks.
Recap wrote:King Somnus presented a long purple staff with gold accents. The top of the staff had a curved crescent-shaped design with a small green crystal in its middle.
Image King Somnus: Please accept this as a token of our gratitude. It's not much, but... well, here - have a look.
Recap wrote:Rex obliged, and took the staff in his hand. A feeling like static electricity came into his hand, except it didn't hurt at all. This was another battle item, from the look of it. One that could cast spells, just like the Fire Claw & Staff of Ghent.
Image Rex: Your Majesty.

Image King Somnus: Now, now. No need to be humble. You just saved the world! Here, I insist.
Recap wrote:Somnus cupped the back of Rex's hand, and set the staff in his palm. He looked into Rex's eyes, and nodded. Rex took the staff, smiled, bowed, and fell back in with the rest of his group.
Image King Somnus: I have every confidence we can continue to rely on you and your companions to spare no effort for the sake of the world and its people. Well, I'm spent. That's all I have to say... However, it seems my wife Apnea would like to have a word with you in private, Rex. If the rest of you would be so kind as to take your leave...?
Recap wrote:The party glanced at each other, before Milly spoke up.
Image Milly: We'll be waiting for you downstairs.

Image Carver: Well, that's that. See ya later, Rex.
Recap wrote:The group started walking out, but then Ashlynn stopped, and looked at Rex. Rex wasn't sure why, but her face was beaming. The two looked at each other, Ashlynn winked at him ("knock 'em dead!" was the vibe Rex got), and Rex turned towards Somnus.
Image King Somnus: Hmm? It's not me who wishes to speak with you, Rex. It's my wife. She's the prettier one.
Recap wrote:Rex smirked. He really liked the King. He was pleasant, whatever his true feelings. The Queen, however...
Image Queen Apnea: Come a little closer, Rex. I'd like to get a better look at your face.
Recap wrote:Rex had a bad feeling about this...
Image Queen Apnea: Hmm... Yes... There can be no doubt. It really is you, Prince Sleipnir.
Recap wrote:There it was.
Image Queen Apnea: My, haven't you grown! Ah, but even as I utter these words, you probably have no idea of what I speak. But rest assured, a mother knows. You are our son. Well, to be more precise, you are a part of our son's dream. That is probably why you seem somewhat different from the Sleipnir we knew.
Recap wrote:Rex's stomach lurched. Carver had assured him he was the same as always, when he was made whole... But now the Queen was saying he was different?
Image Queen Apnea: Still, if this is the case, then your real self is to be found somewhere in this world. That was true for your friend Carver, was it not?

Image Rex: Perhaps? To be honest, it is...difficult...for me to think about. That I'm a part of someone else. I would like to deal with that... In my own time, your Highness. If that is alright...
Recap wrote:Apnea's face tightened, and she shook her head. Somnus had accepted Rex being his own person, but his mother...
Image Queen Apnea: I'm truly sorry, Rex. I didn't want to bring this up on such a joyous day...
Recap wrote:Rex was about to comfort her... But then she went on.
Image Queen Apnea: But if Murdaw has been defeated, and the world is finally peaceful again... Then why has your true self not returned? I can't stop thinking about it... Rex, I beg of you: The real you is out there somewhere in this world. Seek him out - please. Your current existence is incomplete. We eagerly await the day you can return to us - as the real Sleipnir.
Recap wrote:............

Yeah. They were done here.
Image Carver: Ashlynn's waitin' for us in the wagon. Come on! Let's shove off!
Recap wrote:Best idea Rex had heard all day! Far as he was concerned, it was time for some good ol' fashioned R&R; A trip around the castle and town, a visit to Madame Luca, a trip to Weaver's Peak... and then Port Haven? Ghent, if Nevan wanted?
Image I had the strangest dream... In it, the defeat of Murdaw had somehow brought about the restoration of Alltrades Abbey. But when I sent someone to check, the Abbey was still in ruins. What could it possibly mean...?

Image Nevan: It is feasible that this fellow has witnessed an event that has occurred in the dream world.

Image Milly: It makes perfect sense! Alltrades Abbey must be restored in the dream world!
Recap wrote:There HAD been those cluster of small blue spheres that appeared, after Murdaw exploded. No harm checking things out. They'd have all the time in the world, after all.
Image It's rather late now, of course, but I do wish I'd come with you. I'd love to have been there when Murdaw met his end.

Image Nevan: Somnia boasts a noble tradition of brave warriors. I am impressed by all I have met.

Image Rex: Including me, I hope?
Recap wrote:Nevan was surprised. Rex had never told him about that story, so he filled him in. Nevan was floored yet more.
Image Poor Captain Rusty... If only he could be here with us to celebrate...

Image Carver: I can only hope Captain Rusty is still alive and kickin' out there somewhere.

Image Nevan: I have the strangest feeling that we shall encounter this Rusty once again, Goddess willing.
Recap wrote:Rex sighed. It was a lovely thought... And for all he knew, the Goddess had preserved him. She was the only reason THEY were alive, after all. Still, was it responsible to hope for such a thing, without any evidence? Rex wasn't sure.
Image The King and Queen have awoken, and Murdaw has been defeated... And yet, our Prince has not returned. Where in the world could he be...?

Image Milly: Your real self, Rex... I'm sure he's alive out there somewhere.

Image Rex: "Alive", huh...? Yeah, I suppose he's got his own life, too.
Recap wrote:Rex was glad Milly reminded him of that, despite himself. Truth be told? He had struggled with the temptation to just forget "Sleipnir" entirely; To ensure his own existence and self. But... That was wrong. If Carver was right, then Rex would be fine regardless. If Apnea was right, and Sleipnir was a person with his own unique identity... Then Sleipnir was basically in a coma; A coma that would last for as long as Rex let it...
Image You're the reason Captain Rusty is no longer with us... And yet, you're also responsible for defeating Murdaw... Let's just say my emotions are both frazzled and flummoxed at the moment.

Image Rex: What I did was a mistake. Wasn't tryin' to get anyone hurt, but... I did. Please, don't feel bad on my account.
Recap wrote:That was the lesson there, Rex supposed. Good intentions =/= Good outcomes. That, and the people needed Sleipnir more than they needed Rex.
Image Heh, even I 'eard the news! Murdaw's a goner! Now that the castle ain't threatened no more, I can finally relax! And you know wot? This cell suddenly don't seem so bad. Thanks a lot, you really 'elped me out!

Image Carver: Whoa! We've even made the world a better place for jailbirds!

Image Milly: I'm so glad the prisoner can relax! ...Wait, what am I saying?

Image Nevan: Well, let's at least accept his thanks.
Recap wrote:Then was the town itself.
Image Wait, you're the ones who disposed of Murdaw!? It is an honour to have this brush with greatness!

Image Nevan: The Goddess counsels us not to put our faith in praise for it can just as quickly change to blame.
Recap wrote:No kidding. It seemed only yesterday that Rex and his group were reviled amongst the nation military. Good thing Somnus spoke up when he did!

The group went to the Church service.
Image Now that awful Murdaw has been dealt with, the world can gradually return to being peaceful. Could it be you were sent from the Goddess to save us?

Image Ashlynn: Sent from the Goddess, huh...? Is that where I came from?
Recap wrote:Oh! Ashlynn was here? Rex thought she was in the wagon. Well, no matter; It was good to have her!
Image Nevan: If the Goddess sees fit to use us to fulfill Her higher purpose, then so be it.

Image Carver: I don't recall the Goddess sendin' me anywhere, but I don't feel like arguin'.
Recap wrote:Well, Rex wasn't sent by the Goddess either, but he WAS sent by the Mountain Spirit... Or are they the same person? Rex wondered about that, at times.
Image Good times, oh yeah! Truly these are good times! The King and Queen are cured, Chancellor Keating is gone from the castle, and, best of all, Murdaw's been defeated! But wait... Is that too many good things? I hope I'm not being set up for a fall.

Image Milly: I know the feeling. I'm always worried that too much good can only lead to an eventual disappointment.

Image Ashlynn: Wow, what pessimism. Me, I always see the goblet as half full.

Image Rex: An' we love ya for it, Ash.
Recap wrote:Ashlynn giggled, and Rex & Milly smiled in kind.
Image I say, do you remember that fake prince from the 'Fake Prince Incident' who turned up here with his gang? Apparently, it was the same gang that defeated Murdaw! Not that I believe a word of it, of course.

Image Milly: β€œGang”? That makes us sound so uncivilised...
Recap wrote:Rex was about to agree... And then he remembered how he looked with his spiky hair with hoop earings... And how Carver looked with his mohawk and open shirt... Not to mention Ashlynn, and whatever she was doing with her hair. Even Milly was dressed oddly, now that Rex thought of it. Elegant and beautiful, but still odd. Maybe "gang" wasn't so far off after all... No wonder Apnea wanted Sleipnir back.
Image Carver: Well, Rex, whether they're sayin' good things or bad things, at least everyone's talkin' about ya!
Recap wrote:Indeed.
Image Murdaw's been defeated, but my other half just lies there asleep all day! He says he's been having dreams about an abbey somewhere, but I wonder...
Recap wrote:An abbey? Alltrades Abbey? Rex listened in on the old man himself.
Image Ah-phew... Ah-phew... I'm not cut out for monster taming. I'd rather be a pattycake princess...

Image Rex: ...Huh.

Image Ashlynn: Dream big, I always say. Dream big.
Recap wrote:Mighty big dream he had there...
Image Thanks to you, travelling around is so much safer now. I'll finally be able to peddle in peace!

Image Nevan: If he's travelling, he should take a trip to Ghent. I only wish I could pay it a visit myself.

Image Rex: Oh? What's stopping us? I wanna check up on Wellshire first, make sure those ol' crooks aren't up to no good... But after that? Sky's the limit!
Recap wrote:They were about to do just that, when a soldier from the castle hailed them.
Image I have a message for you from the Elder of Ghent. 'The Providence's destiny now lies in your hands, Rex. She is yours to use freely.' She'll be waiting for you on the shore, directly to the east of Somnia castle.

Image Carver: Nothin' can stop us now that we've got free use of that boat. The world's our seaslime!

Image Nevan: The Elder of Ghent has once again given me more than I could ever thank him for...
Recap wrote:Rex and the Elder had clearly gotten off to a bad start; It was going to be nice, getting re-acquainted. But first, Wellshire.
Recap wrote:Sure enough, the well was free of Biggs & Liddle, and the other areas seemed safe as well. Rex decided to stop by the town.
Image Oi! You lot! Have you heard that someone's gone an' defeated Murdaw? Is that true?

Image Rex: Yep!

Image Strike a light! Someone's really gone an' done it! You've got your ears to the ground, haven't you?

Image Rex: An' a claw in Murdaw's stomach, too! "Hi, I'm Rex! How ya doin'?"

Image Wot's that?! It was you lot wot defeated him!? Well, I never! I take my hat off to you!
Recap wrote:Rex shook his hand and continued his day.
Image Nevan: It appears that word of Murdaw's defeat has reached even here.

Image Rex: Amazing how that works, eh?

Image Aw, today really is a bootiful day.

Image Carver: Aye, even the sun seems to know we walloped Murdaw.

Image Ashlynn: Couldn't ask for a better laundry day, right?
Recap wrote:Ashlynn doin' laundry!? Rex didn't know she had it in her!

On that note, they found some children.
Image Basil: My ol' dear's given up on makin' me stay in to do my homework! She said I could go to the dream well! Wot sort o' fun games can you play in a well, I wonder?

Image Carver: Good for him! The dream well is now officially free of all kidnappers and shady sorts.

Image Milly: Still, without adult supervision, I'd be concerned about letting a child run free out there.

Image Nevan: I was never allowed to play in wells. I suppose that's what you get for being the β€œChosen One”. Maybe I missed out...?
Recap wrote:Wait, was Nevan aware of his destiny since his childhood? No wonder he was so serious and proper.
Image I know a fun game to play at the well! Basil can pretend to be a well wisher livin' at the bottom!

Image Nevan: β€œPretend to be a well wisher”!? What can it all mean!?

Image Rex: You dunno about Well Wishers? Really?

Image Nevan: Perhaps my youth was a little too sheltered...

Image Rex: Well they're big orange things that hide in wells, and kill ya. Kinda like those Canniboxes at Murdaw's? Actually, I think someone needs to tell his mom; Just in case he's pullin' our legs.
Recap wrote:But sure enough...
Image I told that little scamp he could go an' have a nose around the dream well. I only hope he don't get into any mischief.

Image Ashlynn: If I were him, I'd probably go regardless of what my mom said!

Image Rex: (Yup. That's why I worry...)
Recap wrote:Finally, the group stopped by to see Cynthia and her father.
Image Well, if it ain't my heroes! You're always welcome here in Wellshire. Don't be strangers, you hear?

Image Nevan: It is pleasant indeed to be given such a warm welcome. In fact, I feel a little flushed...
Recap wrote:"A little" was right; Nevan was turning red! Rex chuckled inwardly.

"Flushed, huh? You all right, Nevan?" Rex asked.

"Er, yes, I believe so. My robes; They are ill-suited days such as this." Nevan responded.

"Uh huh. Hey, random question; how old are ya?"

"...15. Why?"

"15!?' Carver piped in. 'Crikey! You're younger 'n I thought!"

"Say, I'm gonna talk to the Mayor real quick' Rex said. "You an' Carver keep Cynthia company? Wanna see if she or 'er Dad saw 'em lately."

"Ulp! Er, a-alright, b-but..." Nevan fumbled.

"C,mon buddy, let's go" Carver giggled, clapped Nevan on the shoulder, and led him to Cynthia. Rex talked to the mayor.
Image I'm very glad you popped by to see us again! I heard you got the better of that ol' Murdaw. First kidnappers, now evil sorcerers... Is there anyfin' you lot can't do? Ha ha!
Recap wrote:The two talked further, and concluded that Biggs & Liddle had not struck again. Rex was relieved, in many ways. He wasn't sure he had handled them correctly when they had defeated them. Now? He was more comfortable with his decision.

In any case, that was all for Wellshire. Now it was Port Haven... On Carver's request.

Image I welcome ye to Port Haven!

Image Milly: You know, we've been so through much together, it feels like an age ago when I met you here, Rex.
Recap wrote:That was one detail Rex wondered about. He, Milly, and Carver had banded together twice when fighting Murdaw... And their 2nd meeting was in the exact same place as the 1st! In fact... Was that how she knew to wait for them at Port Haven? Because that's where they had met the 1st time? Rex would have to ask her about that later...
Image I do despair! I hope that Mayor of ours knows how much bother he's caused everyone by goin' off on this jaunt. Wait - you don't fancy havin' a go at being mayor, do you? Hee hee... I'm sure you'd do a right good job of it... Shame we can't let out-of-towners be mayor, really...

Image Carver: Well, I ain't no out-of-towner, and Mayor Carver does have a nice ring to it... But I'm not ready to run for office 'n everything like that. I've got places to visit and monsters to bash!
Recap wrote:Actually, Carver had one very specific to visit... His home.
Image Carver: Dad...
Recap wrote:He had almost lost his nerve right there; The only time Rex could ever recall him buckling. Still, they got him through it, and Carver went inside.
Image Carver: Ahoy, Mum...

Image Carver's Mom: Avast! Who said that!? There's only one boy who calls me 'Mum'. It's you! It's you, Carver!

Image Carver: I, uh, I must've had you worried sick, aye?

Image Carver's Mom: Never mind that, love! You're home now and that's that!
Recap wrote:Carver's mom turned to her husband.
Image Carver's Mom: Ahoy, come and have a look! Carver's back! He's really back this time!

Image Carver's Dad: Blimey! Pipe down! I told you I can't work with all your blabberin'.

Image Carver's Mom: No, YOU pipe down, you-

Image Carver: It's alright, Mum. He's got every right to wanna saw my head off. I did leave you two and go off on my own n' everything like that.

Image Carver's Mom: But Carver-

Image Carver: And I've got to shove off again, I'm afraid. I won't be able to come back for a while. There's things I've got to take care of, ya see. Aw, don't go wellin' up on me! This town's got enough salty water already! I'm sorry, Mum.

Image Carver's Mom: Oh, Carver... I'm... I'm fine. As long as I know you're safe, I'll be alright. Don't you worry about me. I've gotten used to it just bein' your dad and I. You go, Carver. Do what you gotta do, and when you're done... You'll come back, aye?

Image Carver: You can bet on it. You're my family and that's that. Alright, Mum, this ship's got to sail. And Dad... Take care of yourself, alright?
Recap wrote:No response, at first. Moments passed... Rex wondered if he was going to say anything. Finally, he looked over at Carver... and motioned him with his hand. Carver obliged, and then his dad motioned for his mom to shoo. She obliged as well, and the group watched Carver and his Dad walk to the other room. Fortunately, Rex's hearing was always exceptional...
Image Carver's Dad: I'd never say this in front of that wife o' mine, but... Whatever it is you wanna do, Son, just come back home once you've done it, alright?
Recap wrote:Another pause... And then crying. Rex heard Carver turn from a hardened warrior into a little boy. Rex had never heard him do that before, and he would never hear him do that again. His dad may not have been good with emotions, but on this day? He told Carver exactly what he needed to hear...


The group was off again, after that.
Image Carver: That was somethin' I had to do. But enough of all that emotional stuff – let's shove off.

Image Milly: I'm proud of you, Carver.
Recap wrote:Now was time to see Ella & Johan. Unfortunately, Ashlynn ran off ahead of them. Rex wanted to knock first, but Ashlynn went right in. She failed to find them on the first floor, and went up to their room. Rex ran after her...and found Ashlynn stopped dead in her tracks. She was staring at something...

Rex looked, and found Ella & the bedroom...kissing.
Image Johan: Ella...

Image Ella: Johan...

Image Johan: At last, we are together, my love...

Image Ella: Oh Johan... I've waited so long for this...
Recap wrote:Ashlynn was...embarassed.
Image Ashlynn: Let's hurry back downstairs. Those two could use some, uh, privacy.
Recap wrote:Too late!
Image Johan: Um... Heh heh... Hello there... That was rather an inopportune moment...

Image Carver: Uh... Don't mind us! We didn't see a thing.

Image Ella: H-Hello! Erm, please come in! We were just, erm... You know...

Image Carver: We were uh, just leavin', aye, Rex?
Recap wrote:Pronto.

Speaking of interlopers...
Image Ivy: Johan and Ella do seem sickeningly happy, don't they? Hmph. All that pining, whining, and plotting, and I've ended up with nothing.

Image Nevan: Manipulating people's hearts is a difficult task, even for the Goddess.

Image Carver: I just hope she learnt somethin' from it!
Recap wrote:Speaking of misguided women...
Image It's a right tragedy that I'm nappin' in the middle of the day, just 'cause I ain't got anyfin' better to do. At least I wont' get tired or hungry while I'm asleep... Well, nighty-nighty.
Recap wrote:And off she went.
Image Milly: Huh? Am I hearing things? She's snoring like a drain already?
Recap wrote:OWCH!! Milly was sweet as could be, but sometimes...
Image Seems to me, as soon as King Somnus gets better, Murdaw croaks it. I'm tellin' you, there's somethin' special about a king who's got that kind o' power.

Image Ashlynn: Wow. His facts couldn't be more fouled up, but I don't want to kill his buzz.

Image Carver: Aye, let folks think it was the King's power if they like. We can't go hoggin' all the credit!

Image Rex: Helped us get a ship, too. Can't forget that.
Recap wrote:Speaking of ships...
Image Yo-ho-ho! I thought I'd be losin' me job, but now the peaceful times arrr back, I've no need to worry! Hoist the mainsail!

Image Carver: Always been a little jealous of sailors. Life's such a breeze for them. Hardy har!
Recap wrote:Ha! Good one.
Image Ahoy there! Hic! Let me tell ye a story of when I were a young deckhand. Hic! Way up north we were, near them rocksh. That'sh where I shaw her. The bonniesht thing, she was. Hic! A mermaid, I tell ye! Hic!

Image Ashlynn: Tee hee! This guy for real? He's hilarious!

Image Milly: A sea populated by mermaids... Sounds wonderful – if it's true.

Image Nevan: Hmm... Way up north...? It sounds like somewhere we could perhaps sail to...
Recap wrote:Always worth a peak.
Image Arrr, I finally asked her, I did! All I need to do now is find us a place to live, so we can navigate the sea of life together.

Image I thought he'd be heading back to Somnia, now that the King and Queen are finally awake... But instead, he asks me to marry him! What a wonderful surprise! ♥

Image Milly: Truly a match made in heaven! Or Haven, I suppose. Hee hee.
Recap wrote:Another great pun!
Image Hey! Have you heard? Murdaw's been beaten! It's true! Perhaps those poor souls from Alltrades Abbey can finally rest in peace...

Image Nevan: I too will pray for the souls of all those caught up in the destruction of the Abbey...

Image Milly: Indeed... If even some of those poor souls can find peace now, it will have been worth the effort.
Recap wrote:Well, that was Port Haven. Now for Madame Luca's.

Image Carver: Time for another session with everyone's favourite dream seer! Great.

Image Madame Luca: Ah! You again! Madame Luca knew you were coming, but sometimes it is fun to be acting surprised, yes? Madame Luca watched your marvellous fight through her crystal ball! Best seat in the house, mmm-hmm. Ah, come in, come in! Maybe Madame Luca will treat you to one of her dishes.
Recap wrote:They went inside her house and sat around the table.
Image Madame Luca: It has been an age since old Madame Luca wore her apron, but she foresees a treat in your future! Now eat!
Recap wrote:The party eyed their food carefully. They'd never seen anything like what Luca had put out...
Image Madame Luca: What are you waiting for? Tuck in before the lard gets hard! Hah hee!
Recap wrote:The party dined on Madame Luca's mysterious dishes and enjoyed a relaxing evening...

Morning came, and they spoke to Madame Luca.
Image Madame Luca: Ah, you're awake. I trust you had sweet dreams, yes? By the way, the crystal has been showing something curious lately: a strange old abbey. It started making sense to Madame Luca as soon as you defeated Murdaw... That abbey, yes... It is most likely Alltrades Abbey!

Image Carver: Aye, that's all well and good, but the Abbey in this world is still a ruin...

Image Milly: If Madame Luca has seen it in the crystal, then surely it must be real. Alltrades Abbey in the dream world must have been restored.

Image Nevan: If Alltrades Abbey were really back in one piece, it would of this world!

Image Carver: Wait! That's it! We need to go to the upper world and check out that giant chasm!
Recap wrote:So those WERE lost souls inside Murdaw's stomach... Just when Rex thought Murdaw couldn't have gotten any worse.

In any case, Rex told Nevan that they could visit Ghent, so...

Image Welcome, pilgrims, to Ghent. The blessings of the Goddess be upon you. If the winding path of destiny has brought you here, then surely it was meant to be. Oh, it is you! The blessed Nevan, the chosen one! Let me be the first to welcome you back!

Image Nevan: It is indeed good to be back.
Recap wrote:Rex wondered if he would be treated similar, when he stopped by Weaver's Peak. Then the party saw an amusing scene.
Image Urgh! Help! I think I'm going to burst!

Image Stop your complaining! I did warn you!
Recap wrote:She turned to a nearby nun.
Image Please could you help him? He's claiming his stomach's going to burst!

Image I will do all that is in my power to ease your hsuband's distress.
Recap wrote:The non closed her eyes and began to chant softly... Blue sparkles enveloped the man, and he was cured!
Image Urgh! W-Wait! It doesn't hurt any more! It doesn't hurt!

Image You sure you're alright? You're not going to be complaining again in a minute, are you?

Image No, I'm fine! I've never felt better. I really thought I was going to explode! Thank you, sister! You saved my life!

Image Carver: Aww, I wanted to see him explode! Just kiddin', just kiddin'...
Recap wrote:The conversation continued.
Image If he expects sympathy from me, he's not going to get it! If he had seven helpings of dessert, that's not my fault! Let's get home! Those cows aren't going to feed themselves! And don't be giving them any dessert!

Image Rex: (S-Seven!?)

Image I've learnt my lesson, I swear! (But what I wouldn't give for another helping of dessert...)

Image Carver: So he just ate too much!? Well, he ain't gettin' any sympathy from me, either!

Image Ashlynn: Wow. What a pig!

Image Rex: That, or the second coming of Murdaw...

Image Nevan: The Goddess frowns upon unbridled greed and gluttony. I pray this is the last time.
Recap wrote:But, sure enough...
Image We humble citzens of Ghent live our daily lives in a spirit of gratitude to the Goddess. If it wasn't for Her grace and good will, we wouldn't be able to enjoy this fine food. Thank you, Goddess!

Image Rex: (sigh)

Image Milly: I'm sure the Goddess is just delighted to see him eating again...

Image They never stop eating... I'm talking about the cows, of course... And my husband.

Image Nevan: Her husband appears to have learnt his eating habits from those cows. I disapprove of this gluttony.
Recap wrote:Oh well...

The rest of the visit was great. Nevan was the town hero; Everyone praised him! Nevan tried to include the rest of the group, but, it was clear who the townsfolk were really thinking about.

Rex didn't mind. Nevan was younger than the rest of them, so the fight was probably even rougher for him than for the rest. He deserved the praise.

Finally, after a time, the group visited the Elder. They saw a middle-aged man and his old mother talking heatedly in front of the Elder.
Image Elder: Enough! This is no time for squabbling. Hold on for one moment, I beseech you.
Recap wrote:The Elder closed his eyes and began to pray intently... Blue sparkles enveloped the old woman, just as it had the farmer.
Image Och, I've never felt such pain in all my boorn days! Make it stop, will ye!? ...Wait. H-Hold on! The pain's goone! All goone!

Image Wasn't I there tellin' ye that the Elder would do all that was in his poower for ye!? Will ye never listen tae yer own son and heir!?

Image Och, enough of yer auld blather! The main thing is that the pain's all goone!
Recap wrote:The man turned to the Elder
Image Thank ye so much for all ye've done for ma ungrateful auld ma!

Image Elder: You need not thank me. Save your praise for the Goddess.

Image Aye, reet ye are! I'll be sure tae dae jest that! Ma, it's time for us tae head off! Are ye no comin'!?
Recap wrote:The two left.
Image Elder: You have returned! Praise be to the infinite grace and mercy of the Goddess! With the downfall of Murdaw, the world is returning to the blessed peace it once knew. But there will still be call for the healing powers of Ghent, make no mistake of that. Nevan, your powers will also be called on. But not here. No! Your destiny is to travel the world, aiding those who are suffering. You are about to embark on an epic journey that will take you to all corners of our world. Know that the good will and prayers of the people of Ghent go with you.

Image Nevan: I will not let the people of Ghent down! I will come to the aid of all those who are suffering!
Recap wrote:On that note, the group went on their way. Just one last trip to Somnia and then it was Rex's home!

Image Welcome to Somnia. Stay out of - Oh, it's you! I heard King Somnus's[sic] victory proclamation! Outstanding work, all of you!

Image Milly: Speaking of which, what happened to the King Somnus in this world? The young king turned into Queen Apnea, so that should leave them without a ruler...
Recap wrote:Rex supposed they would find out.

Image So that mirror wasn't just some silly antique. The King needed it to see through Murdaw's illusions... It all makes sense now! I'll never doubt His Majesty again!

Image Nevan: Ra's mirror rendered all of Murdaw's tricks and deception useless, may the Goddess be praised!
Recap wrote:That was the funny thing about their victory against Murdaw. It had taken so much outside assistance just to challenge him.

A mirror that could see through anything... a staff of infinite healing... a claw that shot fire indefinitely... and a mystical dragon they could call on command. Even then, that day had almost ended in death.

To be perfectly honest? Rex wasn't sure they actually "won", so much as they had just gotten lucky. Lucky that Murdaw hadn't used his full power until Carver had already overtaxed his regeneration. Lucky that Murdaw was too much of a sadist to end them immediately. Lucky that Murdaw was so slow to acknowledge them as threats.

Rex shuddered to think of what would have happened, had Murdaw been serious from the start...
Image Oh, everyone's soooo happy Murdaw got whupped. Whoop-de-do. What about my plan to beat him when I got big? So much for training to be a soldier now... Got any candy? Something deep-fried, maybe?

Image Carver: Hardy har! I never thought we'd get in trouble for takin' care of Murdaw.

Image Milly: He would do better to set his sights on a world where soldiers aren't needed...
Recap wrote:Rex found it doubtful such a world would ever exist... But he didn't want to dampen the mood
Image Did you hear about the chasm Murdaw made in the ground? It's been filled in again, they say.

Image Milly: I wonder if he's talking about the chasm above the ruins of Alltrades Abbey...
Recap wrote:It would make sense. Rex wasn't ready to check yet.
Image I've just been so forgetful lately... I feel sore all over, too. I couldn't even give King Somnus a proper huzzah without throwing out my back! I wish I could forget this pain...

Image Milly: He looks young, but I'm guessing he's quite old in the real world...
Recap wrote:He was. It was the same old couple they had visited in the real world.
Image My husband's been so obsessed with his failing memory lately. I wish he'd just forget about it and move on.

Image Ashlynn: I see what she did there. She wants [him] to β€œforget” about his failing memory? Tee hee!

Image Nevan: Intriguing... It seems that the real world is exerting a subtle influence on this world.
Recap wrote:"You don't know the half of it..."
Image The whole thing seems very curious to me. King Somnus just up and leaves town to trounce Murdaw... We're left completely in the dark about the battle. And then, oh, look, he's back and Murdaw's dust. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything... It's just that I'd love to know the real reason why everything's suddenly peachy keen.

Image Ashlynn: Wow. You can't get much past her, huh?

Image Carver: Hardy har. The King works in mysterious ways, aye?
Recap wrote:Then, as if on cue...
Image Let's see here... 'The Somnian Military Wants drink, sing, and party now that Murdaw is defeated! - King Somnus' Well that's a royal proclamation I can get behind!
Recap wrote:.............
Image Rex: ...Huh.

Image Ashlynn: No way... Did the King really write this?

Image Carver: Sounds like a totally different fella... You sure he ain't a phony?
Recap wrote:Only one way to find out.
Image This is Somnia Castle... Oh, it's you. Come on in.
Recap wrote:They did so, and...
Image Well, look who's back! His Majesty told me how you helped fix Murdaw's wagon. Speaking of which, I trust the wagon we lent you is in good repair? No dings? No scratches?

Image Milly: Interesting... So we β€œhelped”, did we?

Image Nevan: Well, in the broadest sense, we did indeed offer assistance to the King.

Image Carver: We did a load more than β€œhelp” him, but... Ah, well. Some credit's better than none at all.
Recap wrote:Indeed. Besides, stories had a way of getting mixed up. They were strangers, and the King was... well, the King.
Image Our 'sleepless sire' actually keps a regular sleep schedule now, but that's not the only thing that's changed... He just seems like a different person now. Maybe it's because all that stress has finally lifted off his shoulders.

Image Milly: A β€œdifferent person”...?

Image Nevan: I'm intrigued to see how King Somnus has changed.
Recap wrote:They went inside the cellars... And were VERY pleased with what they saw.
Image Chancellor Keating: Who does King Somnus think he is, locking me up like this? He's mad! Utterly bonkers! I'm Master Keating, the world's richest man! I ought to buy this nation and have the King's head chopped off!

Image Ashlynn: That guy needs to buy a nicer personality!

Image Rex: No kidding. Still, how'd he get here?

Image Nevan: In the real world, Chancellor Keating had the run of the kingdom while King Somnus slept... He no doubt spent money like water, which is why his dreams have taken this sorry form.
Recap wrote:It would explain why he couldn't buy his way out.
Image Ever since His Majesty returned, his orders have been a little mystifying... First he had us free the prisoner who was in here, and now he brings us this Keating fellow instead. He said the man's some kind of criminal who must be kept under constant watch. Hey, orders are orders...

Image Carver: No point explainin' things to folks in this world. They'd think we were stark ravin' loonies.

Image Milly: I only wish we could lock up the other Keating as well...
Recap wrote:Still, he'd been driven out of Somnia. That was good enough for Rex.
Image Murdaw may have been slain, but it seems as if his minions haven't gotten the message. I had theorize that the monsters would all disappear upon Murdaw's defeat, but I appear to have been mistaken. Just goes to show that science isn't always an exact science. Heh heh.

Image Milly: If only his theory had been correct...

Image Nevan: I pray this scholar applies his mind to finding out why all these monsters remain at large.
Recap wrote:All the bad ones, anyway.
Image Did you hear about Captain Blade? He went missing in the struggle against Murdaw. He was such a wonderful captain... Even spoke to me a few times. I shall miss him.

Image Milly: I hope that Captain Blade is safe, wherever he is...

Image Carver: We'll be seein' Blade before long, aye, Rex?

Image Rex: That'd be nice.
Recap wrote:More likely, Captain Blade died when his Real World self died. That was what Rex thought...
Image King Somnus really is back! And he really did defeat Murdaw, too! Thank you so much for all your help! If it wasn't for you, who knows what would have happened.

Image You're back! But what are you doing here? Get yourselves to His Majesty, post-haste! King Somnus has been gushing about you since he returned!
Recap wrote:Well, that was that. Now onto the throne room itself. There, Rex met some rather... interesting companions.
Image His Majesty pinched me earlier! Swear to Goddess! He used to be all business, no matter how much I batted my eyes or shook my tush. He must have been focusing on beating Murdaw all day long, all day strong. That's our King!
Recap wrote: *awkward silence*
Image Milly: King or not, he'd better behave!
Recap wrote:At this very moment, Milly's words and attitude were an amusing aside. Later, however, it would be an invaluable window into her psyche.

Her reaction was normal. Very normal. Rex would find himself grateful for just HOW normal it was...
Image Oh! Why, hello, everyone. I serve as King Somnus' royal maid and secretary. His personal business is MY business... Though I gotta say, I'm not used to talkin' all fancy and polite like this. The King just hired me out of the blue at the casino, ya know? At least this beats fightin' off randy drunks.

Image Ashlynn: Boy, the King's letting it all hang out here in the dream world, isn't he?

Image Milly: The King seems to have a weakness for cute girls...
Recap wrote:A common weakness, to be fair; One that still needed addressing.
Image King Somnus: There you are! I knew you'd show up sooner or later. It's me... Not Apnea - the real King Somnus! Recognise me?

Image Rex: Yeah I do! How's the Dream Wor-

Image King Somnus: Shh! Keep it down! ...Ahem. Anyway, I must admit, I rather like this younger body of mine. This may merely be a dream, but I feel like I've turned back the clock. As the Murdaw of this world, I was being controlled without any awareness of what I was doing, you see. But now that I have my own body back, I must say that I rather like the place. Sadly, it seems that Rusty - Er, Captain Blade is nowhere to be found in this world, either. Curse that Keating! I feel terrible for what he did to Rusty while I was asleep. Ah, well. At least, both Somnias are now at peace, and for that I am supremely grateful! I'm sure all of you could use some reest, too, after the ordeal you've been through. I have no further orders at present, so consider yourselves off duty for the time being. Best of luck to you, Rex!

Image Milly: This time, it's not Queen Apnea from the lower world, but the real King Somnus. We've heard all about the fun he's been having, haven't we, Rex?
Recap wrote:Speaking of Apnea...
Image Queen Apnea: My, he certainly appears to be enjoying himself... A little too much, perhaps... But this is all just a dream, after all. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to let him revel in it just a bit longer. Tee hee hee...

Image Milly: Hee hee. I should have known that Queen Apnea would be keeping an eye on her husband.

Image Ashlynn: That laugh at the end was kind of scary. I hope the King's not in any kind of trouble!

Image Rex: Aw, he's fiiine. He's King! He can handle himself
Recap wrote:And with that, they were off to Weaver's Peak.

Image Um... Heh heh... Hi there. Welcome to Weaver's Peak! Murdaw's gone for good! Hooray!

Image Carver: Ahoy! Word's already spread here, aye?
Recap wrote:Seemed so!
Image Well, lookee here! The village hero returns! My, my... Who would've thought Rex of all people would save the whole wide world?

Image Carver: Hardy har! Sounds like your neighbours didn't know you had it in ya, Rex!

Image Rex: (laugh) An' I STILL don't! Wouldn't a' done nothin' without YOU guys!
Recap wrote:Carver clapped Rex on the shoulder.
Image Even all the way up here, we heard word of what you guys did. The mountain spirit was looking after ya, you betcha!

Image Carver: It's good to see the rumours made it up here without gettin' fouled up.

Image Ashlynn: I guess the whole village must know by this point, huh?
Recap wrote:Indeed.
Image A bunch of folks quit work early and wandered down the mountain once they heard the big news. Still a few monsters skulkin' around, though, so I think Buddy's playing bodyguard for everyone.

Image Ashlynn: This Buddy guy must be stronger than Carver if he's protecting all those villagers.

Image Rex: Whaddaya think a' that, Carver?
Recap wrote:Rex and Carver went back and forth for a bit. After that...
Image It's the same sky as always, but somehow it seems different... Prettier, or somethin'. Guess the ol' Goddess in Her heavens is celebratin' along with the rest of us.

Image Milly: I'm inclined to agree with him, I must say.

Image Nevan: I pray that this peaceful state shall continue far into the future.

Image Rex: As do I.
Recap wrote:Anyway, now was time to visit the mayor!
Image Mayor Spindell: Rex! Great to see you, my bo- Imean, young man. A messenger from King Somnus brought word of your heroic deed. To think, you've defeated Murdaw! What can I say? Well, besides 'outstanding job'! The messenger didn't offer many details, but no matter. I'm just glad peace has returned. You've grown in so many ways, Rex. You gave Murdaw a real thrashing... You answered the call of duty as a Somnian soldier... What haven't you accomplished!? I imagine you're eager to return to quiet mountain living here in Weaver's Peak, eh?

Image Rex: ...That's the thing. I think the Mountain Spirit's got more for me to do; And right now, that means finding myself.
Recap wrote:...Yeah. That was about the best way Rex could think of putting it.
Image Mayor Spindell: Oh, dear. I'm afraid that's a bit over my head, Rex. Whatever makes you happy, I suppose. You know what you're doing, you betcha! But do try to stop by and say hello to Tania now and again, alright? She may seem like a strong young lady, but with no parents around... Well, she needs someone she can depend on.[/i]

Image Carver: Stop by and see Tania, aye? Hardy har! Don't mind if I do.
Recap wrote:But before they could...
Image Judith: Oooh! Welcome back, Rex! Great job, beating Murdaw and everything! I feel like I'm falling for you more and more every day...

Image Rex: (...When I'm not even here?)

Image Judith: I'm just so thrilled you promised to marry me. Hee hee. You remember your promise, right?

Image Rex: Judith, we went over this. I don't like you THAT way.

Image Judith: What? I could have sworn we made that promise. That's fine, Rex. I don't mind taking things slow, too.

Image Carver: Crikey, Rex. This girl's attraction to you is startin' to sound fatal.
Recap wrote:Nah, this was just how Judith was. Even so, Rex was anxious to see Tania.
Image Ashlynn: So Rex likes to take things slow, huh?
Recap wrote:Rex felt goosebumps.
Image Tania: Rex! Welcome back, Brother! You did it! You beat Murdaw! I knew you would! Now we never have to be scared again!

Image Rex: W-Whoa! Dang girl, you can scream!

Image Tania: ...Oh. Sorry for hollering like that. Guess I got a little excited. I'll betcha you're tuckered out, huh?

Image Rex: Li'l bit. I'll wanna relax a little before ya start askin' how it all went down!

Image Tania: You can tell me the whole thrilling story once you get a little sleep, alright?
Recap wrote:Darn. Rex never could get away with just "the short version"; No, Tania always wanted to know everything!

So, after she got acquainted with the rest of the party, Rex went to bed, and woke up the next day.
Image Tania: Oh, are you finally up, Rex? I thought you were just in for a quick nap, but you were out cold for hours!

Image Rex: (yawn) Was I now? Whoops.

Image Tania: Well, no matter. I'm just glad my brother's alright and everything's back to normal.

Image Rex: ...That's just the thing. The Mountain Spirit... The Goddess... whoever's been guiding me, I dunno... They've spoken to me several times since that one time. She's got more for me to do, so...

Image Tania: You have to continue your life's journey, no matter where it takes you.
Recap wrote:...Whoa. She accepted that far easier than he thought... Almost as though she knew in advance. Is it possible the Mountain Spirit contacted her while he was away?
Image Tania: I'm fine here by myself. Whenever you need a break, just remember - I'll always be here for you.

Image Rex: Yeah. Thanks Sis. That means the world to me.
Recap wrote:They hugged, and they all enjoyed breakfast. Rex told her all the thrilling details of his fight against Murdaw, and she told him about how she, Buddy, the mayor, and everyone else were doing.

Things were mostly fine... Except, monsters were still plaguing the land. Actually, Buddy had promised to escort folks out of the village today, and Tania wasn't sure he could actually handle it. He TALKED big, and certainly had some skills, but... Could he really protect everyone?

Rex wasn't sure, so he left once Carver had awoken.
Image Carver: (yawn) What a great sleep! It's a shame we didn't get to talk with Tania much, though.
Recap wrote:True, they left earlier than Rex would have liked. But, it was for the villagers.
Image Ashlynn: Boy, Tania sure was excited to see you yesterday, wasn't she? I'll bet having you back home was a real treat for her, Rex.
Recap wrote:Was it? She put on a brave face, but... Oh well. Rex supposed "some time" was better than "no time at all".

They went to leave the village, talking to a few people along the way.
Image Buddy's Father: Buddy says he'll never be a hunter. Ever! That son of mine... First he says he doesn't wanna help with the bar, and now he wants to be a 'tour guide'? Is that even a real job?

Image Rex: As long as there's enough demand...

Image Milly: Maybe he could be a guide for the local hunters... Hee hee.

Image Carver: I could see myself bein' a hunter. It's a job for manly men, aye?
Recap wrote:After that...
Image They say Murdaw is no more... But why do I feel so anxious? I suppose old habits die hard. We've lived in fear for so long, it's hard to set it aside.

Image Milly: I know exactly what that nun means. I must admit that I share her unease.

Image Nevan: I think that many people throughout the world share this fear. Murdaw's baneful shadow lay over all of our hearts for far too long...
Recap wrote:That was everyone they talked to in the village. Now it was on to the Mountain Pass.

Image Buddy: Well, isn't this just great. Murdaw's a goner, but monsters are still lurking all over the place. I can't get all the villagers down this mountain by myself. What was I thinking?
Recap wrote:...Huh. Guess that was that, then. Rex and friends would just have to do the heavy lifting themselves.
Image Carver: He has a point. You'd think the monsters would be scarce, what with Murdaw gone 'n everything like that.

Image Milly: Perhaps a source apart from Murdaw is involved...?
Recap wrote:Actually, there was no reason killing Murdaw WOULD stop them. Monsters were creations of the Goddess, just like everything else.

Of course, Rex wouldn't come to realise that until much later. For now, Buddy seemed to raise a good question.
Image Oh, man... I saw a monster bolt right past me just a bit ago. (shudder) Why didn't killing Murdaw put a stop to them?

Image Ashlynn: If a couple of monsters are enough to freak him out like that, he should've never left home.

Image Rex: They were counting on Buddy, to be fair. He's generally pretty tough, but, guess it's different when ya gotta watch folks.

Image Milly: Perhaps it would be best for the villagers to return to Weaver's Peak.

Image Rex: Mmm...

Image Haah... Nothing beats the great outdoors.

Image Rex: ...Nah, we got this.

Image Nevan: I'd prefer to snuggle up indoors with a nice book, myself...

Image Rex: Hey, you're welcome to do so. You can keep Tania company!
Recap wrote:Nevan seemed to feel guilty, but, the others assured him that it was fine. So, off he went.

Rex and the others continued on their way. Their first stop were a trio of grave markers; Three wooden crosses planted in the ground.
Image It's been ages since I've been able to visit my wife's grave. Thank the Goddess!

Image Milly: So this is where the village's dearly departed are laid to rest...

Image Ashlynn: Aww. I think I'm going to cry...

Image Th-This's the farthest I've ever moseyed from the village. I th-think I'm sufferin' from c-culture shock.

Image Carver: β€œCulture shock”!? That sounds rough! He should see the priest, and fast!

Image Rex: No, no, that's just somethin' that happens when ya never left home and're surprised by everythin'.

Image Ashlynn: I can't imagine never leaving your hometown...but maybe that's because I can't remember mine.

Image Rex: We'll getcha someday, Ashlynn, we'll getcha. Then you can tell us 'bout that handsome prince, aye?
Recap wrote:Ashlynn voiced her agreement, and the rest of the trip down progressed smoothly.

Actually, the Bazaar had re-opened! Rex was surprised, but the tour group wanted to check it out. So, "check it out" they did.

Image Welcome to Haggleton! We're sale-ebrating world peace with a special Victory Bazaar!

Image Carver: Whoa! This place is hoppin'!

Image Ashlynn: Oooh, a bazaar! That means shopping! Yippee!

Image Milly: Bazaars are always so exciting!

Image Rex: (Please don't let it be too expensive, please don't let it be too expensive, please don't let it-...)


Image Rex: (sob)
Recap wrote:It wasn't as bad as Rex had feared. Milly was still Milly; A calm, sensible woman who had learned the value of money from whatever happened in her past. She and Ashlynn had also formed somewhat of a sisterly relationship, so Ashlynn took cues from her as well...

Still, they spent enough to make Rex's stomach churn. The group pooled their resources, so the women's purchases were everyone's purchases. Regardless, Ashlynn & Milly had their fun. Now, it was Rex & Carver's chance to poke around.
Image I heard that King Somnus and Captain Blade vanished after they defeated Murdaw. His Majesty showed up afterward, but he was all alone. Isn't that bizarre?

Image Milly: The story of King Somnus and Murdaw is indeed bizarre – not to mention complicated.

Image Ashlynn: The King's been like a new man ever since he came back to the castle, huh?
Recap wrote:Rex would say so.
Image Hooray for world peace! And hooray for two bazaars in a year! That whole thing with Murdaw was great for business!
Recap wrote:Rex and the others glared.
Image Er...ahem. I mean, what a terrible ordeal. I feel just so bad for his victims...

Image Carver: Givin' thanks for Murdaw's a good way to get roughed up, if ya ask me.

Image Rex: Carver...

Image Ashlynn: I guess Murdaw was good for some things – like getting us all together.
Recap wrote:Carver agreed with that, at least. Besides, there wasn't any sense getting worked up about it; Murdaw was in the past.
Image Buck: Oh, for Goddess's sake! I didn't think they'd open another bazaar so fast! I wasn't ready! I haven't got a single thing to sell yet!
Recap wrote:This was Buck; A rude, condescending salesman who'd tried to low-ball Rex when he'd been selling the Village Goods. Rex saw through his act, and also discovered his rivalry with his brother: Bill.

Bill was the kinder of the two, so it was Rex's pleasure to gouge Buck for every last coin he could get away with. He walked away with 480 gold coins; A far cry from the 300 Buck had tried to con him with.
Image Ashlynn: The lesson here is to always be prepared.

Image Carver: He should stop griping and start gatherin' stuff to sell.
Recap wrote:So it would seem!
Image Hey, youngster. Care to buy a bone stake? 130 gold coins and it's in the bag.

Image Rex: Youngster? Think I'll pass.

Image Hmph. Suit yourself, cheapo.

Image Carver: Bein' a cheapskate beats bein' swindled! Aye, Rex?

Image Rex: Aye.

Image Milly: We can always come back if we need to.
Recap wrote:Seriously. Rex was still REALLY grateful for Milly's attitude; Their pockets could have been hit so much harder!
Image Step right up, folks! The deal of the century, right here. The world famous amor seco essence! I'm selling three bottles for only 400 gold coins. I'll even throw in a chimaera wing, too! You buyin'!?

Image Rex: I feel like those were...120G, I wanna say? At Amor? And wings're 25G, most places, so I think I'll pass.

Image Yeah? Too bad, kid. Come on, folks, step right up! Deal of the century and all that!

Image Carver: Hey, how does he know it's the β€œdeal of the century”, anyway? The century ain't over.

Image Milly: Wise shoppers buy what they need, when they need it.

Image Ashlynn: We haven't had much use for chimaera wings lately, anyway.
Recap wrote:Ashlynn taking cues from Milly once again. Always nice to see.
Image My dad can sell stuff better than your dad.

Image Carver: Aye, but my old man can make stuff better than his.

Image Ashlynn: Maybe he's right, maybe not. I don't know my dad, so...

Image Rex: Like I said, Ash. We'll getcha.
Recap wrote:Then was another familiar face: Bill!
Image Bill: Ha ha! Business is quite brisk today! On fire, even! Wait'll Buck hears about this! Not that I condone our brotherly competition... Who am I kidding? You lose, Buck! Who's the baddest brother in the bazaar now!?

Image Milly: He's quite excited, isn't he!

Image Carver: Hardy har! It's good to see the quiet brother gettin' riled for a change.
Recap wrote:He was nicer than Bill. He deserved it.
Image Style meets substancee in this fabulous leather kilt that protects as it serves! But wait - there's more! Act now and buy this item - normally 500 gold coins - for the ludicrously low price of 200! No, you are not dreaming! You ready to act now and make your purchase, young man?
Recap wrote:Ashlynn whispered.
Image Ashlynn: You say kilt, I say skirt. I'd never wear that anyway!
Recap wrote:Rex agreed, then politely turned the man down.
Image Huh? Then hit the bricks! You're gettin' in the way of my paying customers!

Image Milly: The only customers that matter are the paying ones, apparently...

Image Ashlynn: How rude! Let's take our business elsewhere.
Recap wrote:And then their last merchant.
Image I'm a broker in traditional folk merchandise. Say, you're that sharp young customer from Weaver's Peak, aren't you? I haven't seen you in a while. My, my... You look a lot tougher than I remember.

Image Ashlynn: Is she saying you used to be a weakling, Rex?

Image Rex: H-Hey! It's a sales tactic! Compliment the customer so th-
Recap wrote:Too late. The jives had begun. Only thing Rex could do, then, was redirect her. There was a crown-maker who's life he'd saved! He was gonna pay him a visit, see how he was doing!

Ashlynn was onboard, and the teasing stopped.
Image I like this new era of peace. Everyone's focusing on festivals instead of fighting! 'Course, that means Cliff's crowns are gonna be more in demand than ever... That's why I'm camping here. Sooner or later, he'll appreciate my persistence and make me his apprentice!

Image Carver: Hmm. Do folks really care that much about crowns?

Image Rex: I mean, they got the Mountain Spirit herself talkin' to me. THAT'S worth somethin', eh?

Image Ashlynn: I wish I could try on one of those crowns for myself!
Recap wrote:So long as they didn't have to buy it...
Image Can I help you? If you're looking for an apprenticeship, I'm afraid we aren't hiring... Oh! Rex! Hey, I heard the rumours! Crazy stories about a Weaver's Peak kid joining the Somnian military and defeating Murdaw... When you first showed up to buy a crown, you sure didn't seem like anyone special... But boy, you're a whole different person now! I didn't even recognise you.

Image Ashlynn: Sounds like you've really come a long way, Rex!

Image Milly: It's nice to have someone recognise your achievements.
Recap wrote:And Rex owed it all to them; His friends.
Image Cliff: Ooh! Look who's here! Sounds like you've been even busier than me! All my daughter does is go on about you, day in and day out. Oh, but don't tell her I said that, okay? I don't want her getting mad at me. Hee hee!

Image Carver: You're a popular fella, Rex!

Image Milly: You're a proper Haggleton heartthrob, Rex.

Image Ashlynn: You're quite the ladies' man!
Recap wrote:Oh no! Now EVERYONE was teasing him! What did he do to deserve this!?

Ugh... Well, they took one last stop at the Inn. The Bazaar wasn't what Rex & Carver had hoped for, and the tour group was winding down. They would going back soon.
Image I keep hearing rumours about a place called the 'Isle o' Smiles' somewhere out in the world. Sounds like a nice place to visit!

Image Milly: β€œIsle o' Smiles”? If ever somewhere sounded too good to be true...

Image Carver: Hardy har! Next thing ya know, someone'll be tellin' us about a β€œTown o' Frowns”.
Recap wrote:A few more dad jokes later, and the group was back to Weaver's Peak.

Rex was running out of excuses... He'd have to continue the journey soon. So, he returned the Enchanted Armour he had purchased from the weapon smith. Murdaw had smashed it to pieces, but it had saved Rex's life. The weapon smith was appalled, but agreed to repair it so long as Rex paid up. Rex agreed. The Bazaar hadn't offered him or Carver anything interesting, so he still had money to spare.

After that was a pleasant evening with Tania. The whole group rested comfortably...
Recap wrote:Rex woke up. Tania asked if he would be staying much longer.
Image Rex: Afraid not. That armour I brought back's some good stuff, so I'll stick 'round till it's done. After that... I'm outta here.

Image Tania: Awake and rarin' to go as always, eh, Rex? Sometimes I worry that you'll just up and disappear on me one day... But you know what? I'll be okay either way.
Recap wrote:Her face tightened. She looked away...
Image Rex: W-What!? Tania... What's that about?

Image Tania: I just have the weirdest feeling sometimes. It's like this is all a dream - that I don't really have a brother.
Recap wrote:The rest of the group wandered over. Tania noticed them, and her face flushed.
Image Tania: ...Oh, listen to me prattle on! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up. Forget I said anything.

Image Rex: Tania...
Recap wrote:She fled before Rex could do anything more.
Image Milly: It's hard to determine how best to address Tania's concerns...

Image Rex: ...She's done this before. Buddy proposed to her before I first left. She started talkin' this weird stuff... About how she wasn't sure the world was real, about how didn't know about herself... About how she was doubtin' everything.

Image Carver: Seems like Tania's startin' to sense something, too... Maybe there's another Tania down in the real world somewhere, aye?

Image Ashlynn: Wow. Can't get much past Tania, huh?

Image Rex: Yeah. Weird thing is, I also saw her when we beat Murdaw. Remember how he tried that spinny thing? Well, she came in a vision. Said she wanted me to look in Ra's mirror cuz her reflection was sad. When I did...
Recap wrote:Rex paused.
Image Rex: ...When I did, everything vanished. Tania, my home, the village... Everything. (laugh) And now she's bringin' it all up AGAIN.
Recap wrote:Rex sat down. He exhaled, and squeezed his brow. His eyes were hidden beneath his palm. His voice was low.
Image Rex: Guys, if I start... If I start... (sigh)
Recap wrote:Rex looked at them again.
Image Rex: ...Honestly? I don't wanna rescue the Prince. This "Sleipnir" guy... I just don't.
Recap wrote:Rex glanced at Carver.
Image Rex: Yeah, Carver was fine. He's still himself. But there's always that chance... That one day I really will be gone. And Tania... I dunno if I wanna do that to her.
Recap wrote:Rex stood up.
Image Rex: But ya know what? I'm a soldier; Born to fight 'n born to die. I don't get 'em, his life's over... An' mine ain't worth a damn. So... So if I start flaggin'... If I start thinkin' too much, just about... Well, all the stuff I'm scared of... I'm gonna need ya. I'm gonna need ya to see me through to the end, alright? Get me through... Just like you did with Murdaw.
Recap wrote:Rex grimaced. Silence hung.
Image Nevan: None of us know just what answers we will find in our quest. I'm curious, but also fearful of the truths we may uncover.
Recap wrote:More silence. Rex worried they were facing the same temptation he was. Finally...
Image Ashlynn: The Prince, huh...

Image Milly: Where could he be? I do hope we can find a clue soon.

Image Carver: We'll find that Prince, wherever he is!

Image Nevan: Rex, the search for yourself will double as the search for the Prince of Somnia.
Recap wrote:The group ended that conversation with new resolve; Even Rex. The search for himself was his own fight as well; A fight between love and selfish desire. He would win... Because he was Rex. Because of the Goddess. Because of the Mountain Spirit... And because of his friends.

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:48 am
by Fionordequester
In this episode, we recruit our next party member, and farm a few skills from the Job Class system.

NOTE: I will cover monster recruitment later, when I believe there are worthwhile monsters to get. For now though... There's no point. Most monsters are either too weak, take too long to join, or are obsoleted by future party members. There's only two I consider worth the trouble, and it's not time to get them yet.


Image ... 3&index=13

Mini Medal #9 in Somnia's upper-left house
Mini Medal #10 in Scrimsley (check the center of the big patch of dirt below the Church)
Mini Medal #11 in Amor's church (check inside the left-middle house)

Avoid telling Amos the truth about his condition before snagging the Seeds of Reason! Amos will permanently leave the town, and you'll never be able to recruit him!

Rex learns Buff (36 fights in Priest)
Carver learns Buff, Focus Strength, & Double-Edged Slash (36 fights in Priest, 34 fights in Warrior) -------- The 34 Warrior fights aren't completed till next video
Milly learns Frizzle; Leg Sweep too, if playing the Remakes (1 fight in Mage, 1 fight in Martial Artist)
Ashlynn learns Tiptoe (66 fights in Thief)
Nevan learns Whistle, then switches to Monster Tamer if on the SNES (10 fights in Gadabout)
Amos learns Focus Strength & Double-Edged Slash (34 fights in Warrior)

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:32 am
by Fionordequester
Believe it or not, the whole extended scene at Scrimsley was NOT that much of a creative liberty. The game expects you to win the fight, so that you see the cutscene explaining things. But if you LOSE... The party just magically learns everything off-screen. No need to talk to NPCs or anything.



Image Carver: Whoa! Look at this place! Is this Alltrades Abbey!?

Image Milly: I knew it. Alltrades Abbey in the dream world has been restored!

Image Ashlynn: C'mon, let's mingle and find out about this place.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Sure enough, Alltrades was completely restored in the Dream World! The Real World version was just as desolate as ever, but that didn't matter now!
Image It's a pleasure to welcome you to Alltrades Abbey.

Image You've arrived at Alltrades Abbey. This holy place has served as a beacon in people's lives since ancient times.

Image Ashlynn: The soldiers here seem different from the ones at other castles.

Image Rex: Do they? How so?
Recap Part 9 wrote:Then, right on cue...
Image All of us are wanderers on life's great journey. It's okay to change paths as often as you like - every step is progress. I hope you, too, can use this visit to awaken abilities you never dreamt you had.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Aha. So those two guards at the entrance didn't use to be guards at all. Somehow, Alltrades Abbey had set them on that path.
Image Ashlynn: Abilities I never dreamt I had, huh? Wait till the monsters get a load of those!

Image Carver: I reckon this lady musta been sealed away with the Abbey. What's this about β€œabilities”, though?
Recap Part 9 wrote:The minister himself, and an entourage of his followers, came to answer their questions.
Image Alltrades Priest: Welcome to Alltrades Abbey, children. This Abbey is a haven for reflection; a place of peace to think back on life's road and to plot the journey ahead.

Image I came to Alltrades to become a merchant. What good is a sword now that the world's at peace? I need to change with the times!

Image Me, I'm here to be a martial artist. Reckon it'd be handy to chop wood with my bare hands, ya know?

Image I'm a famous thief. Infamous even! I taught myself everything I know about heistin'. But then I kinda hit a wall in my career... A prison wall, that is. I barely got away! I figured I should start over and train as an entry level thief - learn it right this time.

Image I'd like to become a sage, so first I'm going to study up as a mage and learn a whole bunch of magic. Once that's done, I just need to master the priest vocation and I should be all set. Whew!

Image I wanna be a pattycake princess! And when I'm done, I'll let you play pattycake with me any time, sonny!
Recap Part 9 wrote:The others just stared at the old man... Even the minister looked at him with furrowed brows.

"Err... Anyway, that's Alltrades. How's the place treating ya?" The farmer asked, at last.

"Been havin' fun so far' Rex answered. 'So, this is basically like... What, a training ground? A place where master warriors and mages and all that train new blood?"

"It could be that, if you take the time to stay and learn. Or, if you're in a hurry, we can awaken your latent abilities another way."

"Oh? Like turning into a dragon!?" Ashlynn piped in.

"Ashlynn..." Milly intoned.

"No, no, the li'l missus is right!' The thief replied. 'We got Monster Tamers doin' stuff like that! Get so cozy with the beasties, they get a li'l beast inside 'em too!"

"YAAAAY!! And I can be a thief, too!? And a super-money maker!? This place is like, the best ever!" Ashlynn squealed.

"That seems... immensely unlikely" Nevan stated.

"Ho ho ho. Perhaps a demonstration would assuage your fears?" The minister answered.

"Whaddaya think, guys? Feel like changin' vocations? Whatever that is?' Rex asked the group. They all shrugged, and Rex turned back to the minister. 'Alright, there ya go. Now you said you could teach us stuff immediately? If we were in a hurry?"

"Yes, albeit at a price" The minister answered.

"Wh-Whoa! We gotta pay MONEY 'n everything like that!?" Carver shouted.

"Sorry. I meant more of a metaphysical cost." The minister replied.

"Meta... Physi...?"

"Something you can't see." Milly informed Carver.

"An' what's this 'cost', er... What should I call you?" Rex asked.

"Jack. Jack of Alltrades' The minister said. 'As for the cost... Actually, it would be easier to explain with a visual. Follow me."

And so the party followed Jack. The others went about their business, having welcomed the newcomers. Jack went up to the podium in the middle of the main floor, and took out a stash of scrolls. He set them atop the podium, and motioned for the party to look at them.

"These here are the lives, knowledge, and 'spirit' (so to speak) of 16 legendary heroes; Each represents the different vocations which you can master. I can bless your minds with the contents of these scrolls, if you so choose. The process will be immediate. Your mind will be melded with their mind; Your spirit with their spirit, and your subconscious with theirs. You will learn all that these heroes have learned... Though only on an instinctual level. You won't be able to command their talents at will until you've fought enough to truly make their talents yours. That, and... Well..."

"Our minds would be adversely affected by such a forceful infusion?" Nevan finished.

"At first.' Jack confirmed. 'Humans were not meant for their personalities to be conjoined in such a manner. But, we have mastered the process such that you will eventually adjust. Plus, this is all reversible. Once you've converted their muscle memory into your own, I can remove their 'soul' from your own, and you'll keep all of their knowledge."

"...What?" Carver was totally lost.

"I think what he's saying...' Milly started ' Well, say we take you, Carver. You're a warrior, right? A man's man? Someone who prefers radical action? Now let's say we take Nevan; Someone who solve problems with careful study analysis. You tackle problems in different ways, you see?"

"Yeah! Yeah of course!"

"So let's say we joined you and Nevan into one person. You'd have TWO voices inside your head, now! Two voices telling you to do two completely different things! Or let's say we took YOU and smashed you into Nevan instead! You know what'd happen then?"

"What, he'd suddenly try 'n punch monsters in the face?" Carver laughed.

"Precisely! Isn't that right, Jack of Alltrades?" Milly inquired.

"An excellent summation, Ms..."

"Milly. Miss Milly." She chirped.

"That sounds like it would be very hard on the mind" Nevan observed.

"It would... That's why most prefer to study here within these walls.' Jack answered. 'You won't learn anything fighting weak monsters, so you would risk life and limb if you try to do your learning in combat."

"But it's an option." Rex finished.

"Yes. It is an option." Jack confirmed.

"Maybe a dumb question...' Carver began. 'But uh, if I'm a strong guy, and I've got ANOTHER strong guy in me, like uh... A warrior or martial artist or somethin'... Would that be bad?"

"No. In that case you would already be playing to your strengths! You would learn some new tricks without any of the inner turmoil I mentioned." Jack responded.

"Or perhaps you could choose a vocation that neither helps NOR hinders your current abilities? Broaden your horizons?" Nevan suggested.

"Such as...?" Jack inquired.

"Well... I've lived my whole life sequestered within the hearth of Ghent. I have been born into a blessed life; Loved by the Goddess, and able to love in turn. But what of her creatures? These 'monsters', as people call them... Is that name appropriate for beings she created?"

"Those sound like the words of a Monster Master."

"Indubitably. So would that impose a burden on me?"

"Not on account of any clashes in personality. However... Being a Monster Master implies a great deal of affection for Monsterkind. They are, therefore, incredibly ineffective at actually fighting them. You will struggle much, for that reason."

"Oh... I-I see..."


The conversation went on like this for a good long while. After a lot of talking, they finally cut to the chase.
Image Jack of Alltrades: Do you or one of your companions wish to chance paths?

Image Rex: Sure! What are our options? Whose spirits do we have to choose from?
Recap Part 9 wrote:One of Jack's assistants showed them the following scrolls:

Stella the Warrior: "A master of weapons-based combat. Those who draw upon her spirit will learn a variety of cutting-edge sword abilities. (No prerequisites; Very easy to learn)"

Khan the Martial Artist: "A fighter well versed in hand-to-hand techniques. Those who draw upon his spirit will turned their hands and feet into lethal weapons. (No prerequisites; Moderately difficult to learn)"

Marissa the Mage: "A magic user who fought with magic. Those who draw upon her spirit will master a wealth of offensive magic. (No prerequisites; Moderately difficult to learn)"

Reed the Priest: "A priest in the service of the Goddess. Those who draw upon his spirit will be able to heal their allies and cast protective spells. (No prerequisites; Easy to learn)"

Kandata the Thief: "A nimble sneak who attacked with speed rather than strength. Those who draw upon his spirit will learn stealing abilities. (No prerequisites; Very easy to learn)"

Tara the Monster Master: "Friend to all living things. Those who draw upon her spirit will commune with monsters, and thus wield their abilities. (No prerequisites; Easy to learn)"

Domus the Merchant: "A savvy peddler gifted in appraising items and amassing funds. Those who draw upon his spirit will do the same, and may summon certain things, too. (No prerequisites; Extremely easy to learn)"

Galen the Gadabout: "A jokester whose main business was pleasure and goofing around. Those who draw upon his spirit... Can occasionally be helpful. (No prerequisites; Easy to learn)"

Aishe the Dancer: "A mover and shaker. Those who draw upon her spirit will master body gyrations that can help allies and throw the enemy into disorder. (No prerequisites; Extremely easy to learn)"

Allen the Gladiator: "A master of the battlefield. Those who draw upon his spirit will learn powerful combat abilities rooted in warrior and martial-artist techniques. (Warrior & Martial Artist must be mastered; Very difficult to learn)"

Conan the Armamentalist: "An adept at both melee and magic combat. Those who draw upon his spirit will wield abilities combining a warrior's moves with a mage's power. (Warrior & Mage must be mastered; Difficult to learn)"

Ortega the Paladin: "A righteous warrior. Those who draw upon his spirit will combine martial-artist attacks with a priest's protective powers. (Martial Artists & Priest must be mastered; Very difficult to learn)"

Vesterol the Sage: "A master of attack and recovery magic. Those who draw up his spirit will learn advanced magic, and summon the power of the spirits. (Mage & Priest must be mastered; Very difficult to learn)"

Cobi the Ranger: "A tracker who wandered all 4 corners of the Earth. Those who draw upon his spirit will control the wind, the fog, and other natural elements. (Thief, Merchant, & Monster Master must be mastered; Moderately difficult to learn)"

Jessica the Luminary: "A star amongst stars. Those who draw upon her spirit will rally allies with a variety of inspiring dances and songs. (Dancer & Gadabout must be mastered; Difficult to learn)"

Erdrick the Hero: "A legendary hero. Those who draw upon his spirit will be blessed with the power to smite darkness. (Available only to those who master Warrior, Martial Artist, Gladiator, Mage, Priest, Sage, Thief, Merchant, Monster Tamer, Dancer, Gadabout, & Luminary; Very easy to learn)"


Image Rex: ...Huh. What're those question marks about?

Image It is said that other, yet-to-be-discovered vocations also exist. If you find a scroll that describes these trades, it would behoove you to bring it here. The bearer of such a scroll could open an entirely new path through life.

Image Rex: Gotcha. Alright, I'm ready then!
Recap Part 9 wrote:And so it was that Jack set them on a new course. He would take a scroll in one hand, place his other hand on the person's head, say a chant, and then transfer the contents of the scrolls into the group's minds. However, each scroll Jack used would be lit on fire as he did this; It would whither away into ash.

Rex was taken aback, but Jack assured them that the talk of "souls" was only metaphorical. The aforementioned heroes had transferred their knowledge through ritual, then lived and died as all other humans did. As for the scrolls themselves, the 16 kinds they already had were mass-produced. They had plenty of copies of each, so the only time they would run into a problem was if they had one of the ??? scrolls. The Abbey couldn't produce THOSE in bulk until they had at least one copy.

So, Rex & Carver took after Reed the Priest, so that they could learn the Buff spell. Ashlynn took after Kandata the Thief, just for the sheer novelty of it (and because the scroll said "Very easy to learn"). Nevan took after Tara the Monster Master, as he'd originally planned. Milly was the only hold-out in all this. She found the idea of someone "invading her body" to be abhorrent. For this reason, she stopped immediately after learning Frizzle from Marissa the Mage.

The group left, afterward. Their next stop? Scrimsley, just above Port Haven.
Image Carver: I wonder how many monsters we've sent to the great beyond. I should've kept score... Well, always more where they came from, aye?

Image Ashlynn: Hmm... I've been a bit run down lately, you know? I need to take better care of myself.

Image Nevan: I sense that there are monsters lurking in the vicinity. We must be on our guard.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Jack had warned them of what their transfusions would do, and they were all selling the effects of that. Carver was fighting guilt over all the monsters he slew, Ashlynn was feeling exhausted and stressed, and Nevan was sensing monster presence in every place they went.

All in the group were frazzled. All, except one.
Image Milly: A day like this does wonders for one's positivity. Look, even Peggy Sue is chomping at the bit!

Image Peggy Sue: (snort) Neeeigh!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Milly was the only one completely comfortable in her own body, so she helped make the adjustments easier for the rest of the group. She also suggested visiting the rocks at the cape north of Port Haven. The Port Haven sailor had claimed to see one, so now was as good a time as any to visit!

The group sailed the Providence there. Sure enough...

Image Milly: Look – over there! Is that...a mermaid!?

Image Ashlynn: Ooh! Look, look! Mermaids!

Image Nevan: I cannot believe what I am seeing...
Recap Part 9 wrote:But when they tried to get closer, the mermaids all yelped, and dove under the water.
Image Carver: Shy little fishies, ain't they?

Image Milly: I can sense the mermaids' fear of humans.

Image Ashlynn: Aww! But we just want to be friends!

Image Nevan: In any case, we currently have no way of communicating with the mermaids. Let's be on our way.
Recap Part 9 wrote:And that was that. The group proceeded to Scrimsley.

Image Carver: So this is Scrimsley, aye? Nice place!

Image Milly: This town has a lovely aura. And yet... Something about this place is not quite right.

Image Rex: Huh? Whaddaya...


Image Rex: ...Oh. Oh wow.

Image Travellers! By all that is sacred, I beseech you. Heed the word of the Goddess! You must leave this town by nightfall! You are not wanted here!

Image Ashlynn: Wait, what? I thought priests were supposed to be warm and welcoming!

Image Rex: Within reason. I guess this guy's got a story to tell.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Unfortunately, he did not. Instead, he evaded each and every one of their questions, before eventually dropping the conversation altogether.
Image Milly: Are we causing someone trouble by being here...?

Image Nevan: This priest has appealed to the Goddess in telling us to leave this town. This is not a warning to be idly ignored.

Image Rex: Right. So let's see if someone can fill us in a li'l more, aye?
Recap Part 9 wrote:They found an old man. Unfortunately...
Image Look at you lot, swannin' about with your fancy clothes and your la-de-da hair-dos! You won't find me traipsin' round t' world, let me tell you! Everythin' a man needs can be found right here in Scrimsley. I'm stayin' put!

Image Carver: What's he blabberin' about? He's just jealous of my hair.

Image Milly: Well, at least he seems to like it here...

Image Nevan: I was hoping for some slightly more enlightening information...
Recap Part 9 wrote:Rex wanted that, too, so they tried one last time. They approached a man who was talking to himself...
Image We may have showed those monsters what for, but it's not as if we've got nowt to worry about... Every night it is now, like clockwork... Umm...
Recap Part 9 wrote:Then the man noticed the party, and jumped! His skin went pale and his eyes went wide!
Image Hark at me gabbin' away! I'm talkin' a right load of old blather. Don't mind me, will you?

Image Carver: ...And? Crikey. I hate it when folks just trail off in the middle of a tale!

Image Nevan: A dark secret lurks in the hearts of the people of Scrimsley... But as to its nature, I haven't the faintest idea.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Unfortunately, that set the tone for the rest of their visit to Scrimsley. Nobody was willing to share anything; No one wanted them around. Even the inn-keeper tried to shoo them away.

However, there was ONE other topic of interest...
Image There's no one quite like our Amos. The people of Scrimsley owe him our lives! Now, to see him in that state! Well, it's just not right!

Image Nevan: I'm intrigued to find out just what has befallen this Amos fellow.
Recap Part 9 wrote:The group asked around, and eventually happened upon a group of his fans.
Image It were like this, see. My little lad were set upon by a right big gang of monsters. Absolute terrors, they were!

Image By gum, I'd never seen the like of it, I tell you! Hordes of monsters, there were!

Image Well, our Amos won't stand for any of that so he wades right in and rescues the little tyke!

Image It's only thanks to our Amos that we're all here together as a family.

Image Now our Amos, wouldn't you know it, won't hear a word of thanks.

Image That Amos, he's a right good sort, he is!

Image A more humble hero you couldn't hope to find!
Recap Part 9 wrote:They went on like that for a while. After they'd finally gotten done...
Image Carver: Everybody's Amos this and Amos that. This guy's like another me!

Image Ashlynn: Tee hee! Amos's fan club is huge! Even I want to join at this point.

Image Carver: Crikey! I spend any more time around here and I'll start worshippin' Amos!

Image Rex: Certainly sounds capable. Wonder what's gotten 'em down?
Recap Part 9 wrote:They found someone else; A middle-aged woman this time.
Image I'll tell you summat. I'm not half worried about our Amos. Ever since that terrible day, he's been felin' poorly and has taken to bed.

Image Rex: Aha... Well, I've gotten someone from the village of Ghent with me. Mind if I bring 'em along, see if the Goddess can manage something?
Recap Part 9 wrote:It worked. Ghent was renown even in a far-off town like this.

The woman took them to Amos' house, and the group walked in. They found Amos laying in bed, as the woman had said.
Image Amos: OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! ...By gum, that don't half hurt! Now what was it you wanted?

Image Rex: Just lookin' for the town hero.

Image Amos: ...Town hero? ...ME? Oh, I'm no hero. I just can't stand idly by while the good folk of Scrimsley are terrorised by monsters! But that last time, I got into a spot of bother and one of them little beasts bit me right on my behind! But a sharp nip on the rump is a small price to pay to see the smiles back on the faces of the good folk of Scrimsley! But now the sun's setting and I advise you strongly to find a bed for the evening. Why don't you take yourselves to the local hostelry and turn in for the night? OUCH!

Image Rex: Sure. Just got a favor to do for ya real quick. Nevan, if you would?
Recap Part 9 wrote:Nevan prayed. Alas, it was to no avail.
Image Carver: Whatever's botherin' him, it's not a common cold. He won't be bouncin' back any time soon.

Image Milly: Why don't we take a rest and then go and check on Amos?
Recap Part 9 wrote:Rex took that idea, and tried the innkeeper once more. He had Amos' blessing now, so hopefully things would work out this time.
Image Fancy that! I gather you've come here lookin' for a room for the evening?

Image Rex: Ah, so you've heard? Yep. Put us down for a relaxin' stay!

Image But with your flashy clothes and fancy ways, I reckon you'd be happier stayin' in t' next town.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Awkward silence.
Image ...So, are you goin' to head off there now?

Image Rex: Nope.

Image So you're dead set on stayin' here in Scrimsley, are you?

Image Rex: Yep.

Image Well, far be it from me to turf you out... Right you are! You can stay the night!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Ah! That had gone MUCH better than last time! Unfortunately, their sleep lasted only into midnight. Monstrous thuds woke them after that. The ground itself shook as though it were coming apart.
Image Ashlynn: Ack! Earthquake! Ohhh, it's a big one, too!

Image Milly: This is no ordinary earthquake!

Image Carver: Avast! You hear that!? Let's go outside 'n see what's doin', Rex!
Recap Part 9 wrote:But then the innkeeper came, and blocked the doorway!
Image Don't be daft now! You don't want to be goin' outside in t' middle of t' night! You'll not find owt out there! There's absolutely nowt goin' on, I can assure you!

Image Rex: Ok, but...
Recap Part 9 wrote:But nothing. The innkeeper forced Rex back when he tried to leave.
Image Ashlynn: Hey! Why isn't he letting us out, huh!? I don't know what an β€œowt” is, but I'm itching to find out!

Image Milly: I don't think he's going to let us through. Let's find another way!

Image Rex: The roof, then!
Recap Part 9 wrote:The innkeeper screamed for them to come back, with no avail. The party walked onto the roof, and saw...
Recap Part 9 wrote:"AMOS! It's Amos!" Ashlynn yelled!

"W-Wait, what!?" Rex stuttered.

"Er, you mean you're worried about Amos...?" Milly tried to clarify.

"No, I mean, that literally IS Amos! I'm gonna help him!" Ashlynn went to jump off the roof, but the group held her back!

"A-Ash! The hell're ya thinkin'!?" Rex yelled.

"COME ON GUYS! Isn't it obvious!? The giant footsteps, Amos getting bit, the way everyone's acting? It's totally Amos! He transforms now, and they didn't wanna tell us! Think guys, THINK!" The group looked at her in stunned silence.

"That... Sounds presumptuous at best." Nevan stated.

"Nuh uh! I could turn into a dragon, remember? Who's to say Amos isn't transforming too?"

"Ok, sure, but-" Rex started.

"Whatever guys! I'm jumping in!" Ashlynn broke free.

"ASHLYNN, WAIIIIT!!!" But it was too late! Ashlynn sprang off the roof, right into the monster's path.

"HEEEEYY!! AMOS! KNOCK IT OFF, WILL YA!?' It looked towards Ashlynn. 'Yeah, you heard me! You're makin' a fuss! Waking all these people up! Aintcha supposed to be a big hero and all that?" To the group's absolute amazement... This worked. The beast whimpered, and bowed its head.

"Awww, don't look at me like that! C'mon, I just... Agh! Alright! C'mere Amos, c'mere baby! Come on, show momma some love!' And the beast bounded over, wagging its tongue, and motioning toward its ears. 'Who's a good boy, who's a gooood booooy? You are, you are ♥ !" Ashlynn cooed.

"...Crikey. It's... It's actually working." Carver said it, but no one could believe it. It wasn't till Amos & Ashlynn started playing fetch that the truth fully sunk in. Ashlynn spent a long time playing with Amos, but she eventually sent him back home. The group returned to the inn, and the day broke.
Image Milly: Were you able to sleep, Rex? It was a bit of a shock finding out that monster was actually Amos, wasn't it?

Image Rex: Yyyyyeah. You could say that.

Image Nevan: So Amos is in that parlous state after being bitten by a monster. If only there was something we could do to aid him...

Image Carver: Let's go and chat to the innkeeper!
Recap Part 9 wrote:And so they did. Sure enough...
Image Well, now you've seen all that you've seen, I've got no choice but to spill t' beans. Ever since our Amos got bitten on his backside, he's gone through certain changes on a nightly basis. Now, our Amos is a hero in this town and he got himself into this terrible state fightin' to save us all. We weren't goin' to force him to leave town, no matter what type of nocturnal activities he might be involved in. We'd all be very gratefull if you could keep what you saw last night under your hats. Don't breath a word, you hear?

Image Nevan: Sure enough, this is not a tale we should go telling to anyone outside of Scrimsley. And needless to say, we mustn't tell Amos himself...

Image Carver: I don't mind keepin' mum about this if that's what he wants... But that ain't gonna solve anything, aye?

Image Ashlynn: Hey, how about we poke around and see if there's any way to cure Amos?
Recap Part 9 wrote:They spent the day asking around once more.
Image I see you did not heed my please to leave this town. Now you know why I tried to warn you off. But I pray that you heed my plea this time. Do NOT under ANY circumstances tell Amos the truth! Were he to know, Amos would flee Scrimsley in order to protect us from his monstrous form. I beseech you not to speak a word of this to him!

Image Carver: He can count on us to stay mum, aye, Rex?

Image Milly: The innkeeper begged us not to say anything as well... But even if we keep quiet, Amos will eventually learn the truth one way or another. I'm telling you, gossip is a terrible thing.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Fortunately, they found their solution pretty quickly afterwards.
Image Our Amos is sufferin' from nowt but a severe form of sleepwalkin'. In my youth, I were prone to t' occasional bout of sleepwalkin' myself. But my bettr half picked some seeds of reason for me. I knocked 'em back and I were right as rain!

Image Milly: Rex! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Image Carver: Those seeds fixed his sleepwalkin', aye? That sounds to me like a pretty solid lead!

Image Rex: You sure? If that's the case, I'd wonder why they didn't pick 'em before.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Rex tried to ask, but the old man couldn't seem to remember why. Instead, he pointed them towards his wife.
Image So I take it you've met our Amos when he' feelin' quite himself. They say that t' poor fellow can't remember anything about it in t' morning. I wonder if some seeds of reason would help...

Image Rex: You used to have some, right?

Image I gathered some for that old duffer I call my husband once upon a time... As I recall, you could pick seeds of reason at t' peak of t' mountain that lies north of Scrimsley. But back in my day, there were no gangs of monsters roamin' around, I tell you! What's become of the world!? We'd dearly love to help our Amos, but no one in Scrimsley's got t' gumption to go there themselves. It's just too flippin' dangerous!

Image Carver: A few monsters are keepin' them from helpin' Amos? Pfft. C'mon, Rex, to the north!
Recap Part 9 wrote:And north they went!


Image I've heard that a plucky adventurer can find seads of reason at the peak of this here mountain. I've also heard that the monsters that dwell here are very strong and very unfriendly...
Recap Part 9 wrote:Actually, they weren't that bad at all. Most of the party thought they were, but Rex & Milly realized the truth.

No, the bigger problem was themselves. The scroll transfusions had left everyone in a slightly more unstable state of mind. Training and muscle memory was half of what made a good fighter. You trained your body in the sparring ring so you could act without thinking on the battlefield. But now their muscle memory had been modified. Their thought patterns were impeded by another person's thought patterns, and combat was far more of a conscious process. Even Rex found himself unable to fight at full power, though he was more aware than most of his group.

Milly was the MVP in this trip. She fought without inhibitions, and took charge of the group where Rex could not. Milly proved herself a great 2nd-in-command, and led them to the top after the better part of a day. Awaiting them was one of the most beautiful scenes they had ever witnessed...
Recap Part 9 wrote:And also a talking plant... One Rex had tried to pick for Ashlynn.
Image Oi! That hurts, you know! How would you like it if I just sauntered along one day and tried to pull your head off!?

Image Rex: Yikes! I didn't know! I was, uh, diggin' for somethin' else, honest!!

Image I'll hazard a guess that you're in the market for some seeds of reason, am I right?

Image Rex: Uh... Er, yeah! Yeah, that's what I was tryin' to get!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Misleading, but not technically a lie. Rex needed to help Amos, so he needed to help his case.
Image Listen, they're SEEDS! You're not going to get them by uprooting me! What are they teaching kids today!? If it's seeds you're after, there's bound to be some lying on the ground around here. Have a look, why don't you?
Recap Part 9 wrote:Phew. Close call...
Image Carver: Blimey! Lectured by a plant? That's a first.

Image Rex: (whisper) Just go along with it... It's my fault anyway.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Rex examined the area around his feet, and his luck turned around! He got a handful of seeds of reason!
Image Ashlynn: These are the seeds, huh? Wonder what they taste like.

Image Milly: With these seeds, we'll be able to cure Amos!

Image Rex: Thank you, friend! Think I'll see you again on the road?
Recap Part 9 wrote:Rex figured not, it being a plant... But, one never knew. Plants could have had ways of travelling.
Image Well, I'm not going anywhere, so if you ever need any pearls of wisdom, come and have a word.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Well, not this one, it seemed.
Image Milly: This plant is more helpful than most of the humans we've met!

Image Nevan: What a kind-hearted plant. Er, not that it actually has a heart...

Image Rex: Well whatever it's got, it helped us out. Now let's see Amos!
Recap Part 9 wrote:The group returned to Scrimsley, and visited Amos once again.
Image Amos: Oh, hello there! I weren't expectin' to see you lot again. I thought you'd said your farewells to Scrimsley. Was there something you wanted?

Image Rex: Just another try at gettin' ya up again. Here, try this on.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Rex ground up the seeds of reason and fed them to Amos. His face contracted.
Image Amos: These here seeds aren't half bitter, I tell you! Whoa! YOUCH! Wh-What's in these things!? Grrr! GRAAARGHHH! GRAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGHHH!!!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Amos sprang from bed, and ran! He made it 6 feet before crumpling to the floor and stretching into the beast they had met last night!
Image Milly: Oh Goddess! The seeds are having the opposite effect to what we expected!

Image Ashlynn: He'll bring down the house if he starts stomping around in here!

Image Nevan: Can we not calm him somehow!?
Recap Part 9 wrote:Amos roared, and then...
Image Amos: By heck, that took me aback, that did!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Amos turned back into a human!
Image Amos: And there I was, thinkin' it was just my mind playin' tricks on me when I turned into that giant beast! What I must have put the good folks of Scrimsley through...
Recap Part 9 wrote:Amos turned away for a moment in thought... Then perked up again.
Image Amos: But them nasty-tastin' seeds you gave me knocked some sense into me. Even as a monster, I've still got all my marbles. I know I'm still old Amos. And there's more! I've got a funny feelin' I can now turn into a monster at will! Fancy that!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Ashlynn cheered and clapped, and Amos blushed. Actually, Amos seemed rather infatuated with Ashlynn; Enough so that he stared at her for a while... Longer than Rex would have liked.
Image Amos: Hey, I bet I could be pretty handy for you folks to have around! I can't just fester in Scrimsley all my life. What do you say? Fancy havin' old Amos on board?

Image Rex: ...I dunno. You don't think the folk of Scrimsley need you more? We're set already; You should keep doin' what you're doin'.

Image Amos: So that's how it is. You've got no room on the team for old Amos.
Recap Part 9 wrote:But Amos transformed once more.
Image Amos: But are you sure you won't reconsider? I do have one heck of a party trick!

Image Rex: Yes, I know! But again, don't the townsfolk need you? None of them can fight, so...
Recap Part 9 wrote:Rex believed it was pragmatic concern for Scrimsley that made him hesitant... But he couldn't deny his jealousy, either.

Either way, Rex was overruled. The rest of the party clamored for him, so...
Image Rex: Alright, alright, you can come with.

Image Amos: That's grand! You won't regret it, I can assure you! I'm goin' to bid a fond farewell to Scrimsley and wait for you lot outside the town. See you in a bit!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Amos ran off.
Image Carver: Huh. A shape-shifting fighter, aye? Well, great. He oughta come in handy.

Image Milly: I'm looking forward to seeing Amos in action! ...But the people of Scrimsley will be devastated when they hear that he's leaving.
Recap Part 9 wrote:Actually, they were just fine with it. They were sad to see him go, of course... But they were prepared. Some had even trained to take his place!
Image I may not be a patch on our Amos, but I try to do my bit to protect t' good folk of Scrimsley. If there's any monsters spoilin' for a fight, you'll point 'em in my direction, won't you? Smashin'!

Image Carver: It's good to know Scrimsley's got some backup!

Image Milly: I'm sure Amos will be relieved to hear it!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Amos had a dog to worry about, however. Fortunately, the townsfolk had that covered, too.
Image With our Amos wanderin' off, someone has to look after his beloved dog! Luckily, our little lad's got a soft spot for animals!

Image Good boy! Attack them monsters! That's it!

Image Our Amos joinin' forces with Rex! Those monsters won't know what's hit 'em!

Image Ashlynn: I'm sure Amos can handle the monsters, but can he handle Rex's snoring? That's pretty scary if you ask me! Tee hee!
Recap Part 9 wrote:Well, Ashlynn was still focused on Rex, the townsfolk had warriors to take Amos' place, and the dog had a new home. Everything was looking peachy!

The group left the village, and then filled Amos in on everything that had happened thus far. The Dream World, Alltrades Abbey, them defeating Murdaw... It was one earth-shattering revelation after another for Amos! It took him a while to process everything, but process it he did. After that, he took on the spirit of Stella the Warrior at Alltrades. Speaking of which, the party had decided against further traveling. Fighting inside different vocations had proven even more difficult than they predicted, so they took to studying within Alltrade's walls, as most did.

Rex & Carver learned Buff just as they'd hoped, along with a few other utility spells. In addition, Nevan learned a new trick from Galen the Gadabout: A whistling technique that summoned monsters! Apparently that was standard practice for those in the Monster Master vocation, as they would otherwise need a "Lyre of Ire". Rex didn't know what that was, but it was apparently very rare and very expensive. Nevan was very thankful for Alltrade's guidance. As for Milly & Ashlynn, they remained steadfast in their decision. Hence, they all left once Rex Carver, & Nevan were taken care of. Rex & Carver left with Stella the Warrior inside them, to augment their own pre-existing talents, and Nevan had changed back to Monster Master.

Had they trained for as long as they should have? Rex didn't know. There were certainly more helpful abilities for them to learn, but Prince Sleipnir was still out there. And so, the group walked through the fields once more...

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:24 pm
by Fionordequester
By the way; This is about the point in the Remakes where the directions become much clearer than they were in SNES. In fact, Madame Luca just straight up tells you where to go most times, with directions and everything.

So, when I do the later Recaps, should I include the Remake only hints? Or should I treat it like the SNES, which is vaguer in terms of where you're supposed to go?

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:38 pm
by Fionordequester
Phew! Here's Part 10 at last! It features one of my favorite gags in the entire walkthrough, about 60% into the video. You'd have to be a Star Wars fan to catch it, though.


Image ... 3&index=14

Mini Medal #12 on the 2nd floor
Mini Medal #13 where you fight Brast/Brutus
Mini Medal #14 in the top of the three-pack of houses right before Calcado/Aridea
Mini Medal #15 in the cavern right before Calcado/Aridea
Mini Medal #16 inside Aridea's upper-left house
Mini Medal #17 inside the Floating Isle's upper-left barrel (only reachable after Jamirus, in SNES)
Mini Medal #18 inside the house at the checkpoint before Holstock/Howcastle

The enemy encounters in the cave disappear completely, once the cutscene is done. That's why I collected the chests on the way out, rather than on the way down.

Scott/Brick: Attacks once per round
Kasap → Oomph → Double Up → Multiheal [heals multiple guys, if damaged enough] → Kasap → Attack

Holiday/Brock: Attacks once per round
Attack → Attack → Selflessness (protects Brick) → Defend → Mercurial Thrust (always go first) → Selflessness (protects Brick)

Brast/Brutus: Attacks once per round
Multislice [Melee Damage to all] or Thin Air [36-44 Woosh Damage to All in the SNES; 56-64 Woosh Damage to All in the Remakes. This is without factoring resistances] → Kasap or Knuckle Sandwich → Falcon Slash (Two 0.75x Damage hits) or Roundhouse Kick (works like a Boomerang)

Jamiras/Jamirus: Attacks 1-2 times per round
Attack (16.66%), Grab PC [1.25x Damage] (33.33%), Flame Breath [30-40 Fire Damage], Fire Claw [52-62 Frizz Damage] (16.66%)

I mention this briefly in the video, but, Amos has 30% resistance to all attacks in the Woosh family. Thin Air falls under that category, so Amos takes only 70% of the damage he'd usually take. Each character has their own special attribute in this version, each of which you can find here: ... n/69169473

In the Remakes, most of these were axed for the human characters, except for Rex & Ashlynn's immunity to Poof type spells, as well as Carver, Milly, & Nevan's slight resistance to it.

Technically? Yes. However, it's so unlikely, it's not even worth accounting for. He'd have to roll a...


16.66% chance of using the Fire Claw
50% chance of targeting one of two characters (four, assuming no deaths)
50% of getting a 2nd action in the round
Another 16.66% of using the Fire claw yet again
Another 50% of targeting the exact same character again


That is a mere 0.3% chance all on it's own. A literal 3rd of a percentage. And, even should that happen, he still has to roll high on his range of 42-52 Damage on Rex, and 52-62 Damage on Carver. The chances are too statistically insignificant to pay too much mind. Plus, I've already bought almost everything I plan on buying for a very long time. Losing half my gold to a wipe isn't a big deal at all. I'd just eat the loss, then have Nevan Zing everyone back to life!

Re: Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, 100% Speed Walkthrough!

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:13 pm
by Fionordequester
You know, Party Chat's turning out to be my favorite part of this whole Recap thing. Also, yes, Brutus' son DOES have different dialogue whether you beat Brutus the normal way, or the way depicted here.



Image Amos: Hang about! Are you tellin' me this is THE Ilya the Tempest and Evgenya the Cyclone!? They used to be my idols when I was a nipper! Pinch me! I think I'm dreamin'!
Recap Part 10 wrote:This was Amos; Their newest recruit. He was an affable warrior, with a folksy charm. He could also transform into a giant beast at will, thanks to Rex and friends.

Image Ilya: Look out, Rex! Over there! We will not be beaten!

Image Evgenya: The poor man seems to believe he fights alongside you. But as long as he is happy... Ilya the Tempest rages once again! And your darling Cyclone is beside you.
Recap Part 10 wrote:It was nice, visiting Amor again. Alltrades & Scrimsley had been investigated, Prince Sleipnir had not been found, and they'd already explored everywhere. They were out of leads, so, now was perfect!
Image Welcome to Amor, home of amor seco essence. Accept no substitute! ...But as exciting as amor seco essence is, I've heard something even more thrilling! The evil Murdaw has been well and truly trounced! Can you believe it!? Everyone in the town's talking about it! We just can't keep the excitement in!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Murdaw was a malevolent sorceror whose power defied the laws of nature. He'd been the group's arch-nemesis, until finally meeting his end days before. The world basked in the party's triumph.
Image Ashlynn: Wow! Rumours travel faster than the speed of Zoom sometimes!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Ha! 'Speed of Zoom'...
Image The water in this town is so pure that it makes everyone who lives here beautiful, healthy, and happy! Give it a try!

Image Amos: If I don't get the good folks back in Scrimsley some crackin' souvenirs, I'll never hear the end of it! Let me think... There's the priest, the innkeeper, then obviously there's that lass... And not forgettin'... I'm all in a tizzy! I can't be spendin' all my gold coins on souvenirs! They'll have to make do with my tales!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Amos was Scrimsley's. He slew the monsters no one else could, and had been cursed with lycanthropy from one that had bitten him. Then he'd decided to join Rex. It was a spontaneous act, but... He could warp back with Chimaera Wings whenever he liked, so, the townsfolk were safe.
Image The rumour's doing the rounds that some kind of look-alike of the Prince of Somnia defeated Murdaw. Some say the real Prince tried to take 'im on, but was overwhelmed. I can't make 'ead nor tail of it all!

Image Milly: Well, he's right about the look-alike part. To a certain extent, anyway.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex was the "look-alike", though the truth was more complicated than that. He both WAS and WASN'T Prince Sleipnir, at the same time.
Image Carver: It brings back painful memories of that time Murdaw clobbered us.

Image Rex: ...Which time?

Image Carver: ...No! I'm not goin' to think about it!

Image Rex: (laughs)
Recap Part 10 wrote:Carver was probably thinking of the 1st time; When Murdaw split Rex's soul from his body.

Rex was born as Prince Sleipnir; Prince of Somnia. Murdaw cursed his parents to eternal slumber, and Sleipnir tried to break his spell. His party was defeated, and tha's when Sleipnir's soul materialized as "Rex". Their original bodies became lumps of stone, in the meanwhile. Carver & Milly found theirs and rejoined them... But Rex's was still out there.
Recap Part 10 wrote:But there was one man who WAS in marital bliss!
Image All a man needs to be happy is to be served a drink in his own home by his very own bunny girl! i'm in high spirits, as you can tell, so I'll share some ancient wisdom with you. Murdaw was defeated by some young tripling by the name of Rex. What kind of name is that!? Anyway, I'll toat him with a refreshing glass of amor seco essence! Here's to you Rex! Hic!

Image Rex: ...Think he's a bit confused on what "ancient" means.

Image Milly: Hee hee. If only the β€œamor seco essence” had such positive effects on all men!

Image Ashlynn: Tee hee! Here's to you, Rex!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Ah, Ashlynn... She'd been the first to join the core group of Rex, Carver, & Milly. She was too stubborn to be led like the others, but she was still one of Rex's favorites. He would have asked her out, except for being a little... "divided"... at the moment.

Rex's memories were all stuck in his original body. With that came the fear that Rex would lose himself once he rejoined it... Or perhaps he'd stay the same, as Carver & Milly had. The question needed answering, before he went anywhere with Ashlynn.
Image I don't want to be perceived as some kind of party-pooper, but I think it's too early to celebrate Murdaw's defeat. Allow me to explain myself... Although Murdaw himself may be gone, his monstrous hordes are still roaming around! So let's not overdo the jubilation!

Image Rex: Besides that, there will always be wicked humans. Evil will always persist, in one way or another.

Image Ashlynn: Wow. Talk about the cold voice of reason...

Image Rex: (shrug)
Recap Part 10 wrote:And that was the village of Amor. Could they sail anywhere below it?
Recap Part 10 wrote:No. No they could not, though they found a house.

Image Can it really be!? Visitors! Real live visitors! It's so nice to see you! If you head south of here, you can behold thee spires of Castle Swanstone. But the mountains are too treacherous to cross on foot. You'll need to go by water through the strait. Unfortunately, the floodgate is closed at present so you won't be able to go that way either. Seems like your options for visiting Castle Swanstone are rather limited. If only there was some other way through...

Image Amos: I was noddin' and smilin', but to be honest, old Amos wasn't really payin' attention. Any chance of gettin' him to repeat all that?

Image Rex: (So you can "not pay attention" again...?) Don't worry Amos, we got it.

Image Carver: Crikey. Gettin' there sounds like a pain, aye? Well, let's keep it in mind – Castle Swanstone, due south.

Image Ashlynn: Do you think this guy hails from Swanstone?

Image Rex: Ah... If only we could turn you into a dragon again.
Recap Part 10 wrote:That was how they made it to Murdaw's castle. Milly had an ocarina that turned Ashlynn into a flying dragon. Murdaw had destroyed it in their final battle however, so, that was out.

Image Rex: Is... Is that a giant staircase?


Image Rex: Holy hell... It is. Think it leads to the Dream World?
Recap Part 10 wrote:The group tried it, and...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Yep, this was the "Dream World". It was made up of the dreams of those in the Real World. They had taken on physical form, just like Rex's soul had... Not that it was helpful right now. They were on an island, and their ship (the Providence) was in the world below. So, they went back down and followed the trail right.

Image Rex: !!!
Recap Part 10 wrote:"Rex, stop! I sense naught but goodwill from this creature." Nevan said. Rex withdrew his weapon.
Image Goowain: I mounted my gloopy steed and rode all this way to serve the Prince of Howcastle... Now look at me! Stuck here! Quite literally! How will I ever get to Howcastle!?

Image Rex: Wow, thanks for the heads up, Nevan!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Nevan had become a Monster Master-in-training after their arrival at Alltrades Abbey. A servant of the Goddess, he sought to understand all of her creations... And his compassion had just paid off.

"So, Sir Knight!' Rex said. 'What's stoppin' us?"

"Thy name is Goowain!' the slime knight answered. 'And the fellow who impedes us is the guard. He sleeps, and does not wake. Mayhaps you could relieve his malady?"

"Maybe. Know any sorcerors who mighta cursed him? Like Murdaw?"

"Afraid not, friend. If your idea is so, then we are at an impasse..."

"Ah. Well, show us where he is. Maybe Nevan can manage somethin'." Goowain pointed with his sword. Rex and friends looked over.

Image Ah-phew... Ah-phew... Mmm, so this is the Isle o' Smiles... I'm sure glad I crossed the mountain from Arkbolt Castle and headed up north for thizzz... Ah-phew...

Image Carver: Aye, he's out like a bent nail, alright.

Image Milly: Isle o' Smiles... Where have I heard that name before...?

Image Ashlynn: Those must be some crazy dreams he's having!

Image Nevan: Crossing the mountains north of Arkbolt? This fellow is dreaming some very detailed directions.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Indeed. Only question was whether it was in the Real World, or the Dream World.
Image I fear he may have succumbed to the terrible sleeping sickness that's doing the rounds. They say that nothing can bring you round. You sleep and sleep and sleep until you DIE!

Image Rex: Cripes, so it IS like Murdaw...

Image Nevan: A fatal sleeping sickness? We cannot turn a blind eye to this. If only there was something we could do to come to this poor man's aid.

Image Rex: Arkbolt, right? And the the 'Isle of Smiles', whatever that is? Sounds like we got our next place
Recap Part 10 wrote:The group sailed all around the inland ocean. There were many natural barriers, so their travel was limited. They had no clue where Arkbolt was, so Rex wasn't sure if this was a good thing, or a bad thing...
Image Ashlynn: I'd love to see the other side of that checkpoint someday.

Image Rex: You an' me both, Ash.

Image Nevan: It seems we won't be able to pass for the moment. Everything in its own time, I suppose...
Recap Part 10 wrote:They wandered aimlessly, till there was only one place left; The strait just above Alltrades Abbey. The group Zoomed to the abbey with their ship, and then crossed their thumbs. If nothing was there... They were out of luck.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Success! The group went inside, and encountered a mysterious youth...

Image ???: ...Sorry. I'm in a hurry.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The warrior pushed past them, carrying an entire coffin in one hand...
Image Milly: ......?

Image Ashlynn: Hmm. Not the friendliest guy, huh?

Image Carver: What was up with that fella? And where was he draggin' that coffin?
Recap Part 10 wrote:All pertinent observations, but it wasn't any of their business. Instead, they looked at the sign...

'Love fighting? Hate monsters? The Arkbolt Army wants you!' - King Claymore
Image Milly: Hmm... It seems that they're recruiting soldiers.
Recap Part 10 wrote:That may have been so, but Rex & Carver were already part of Somnia's army in the Dream World. Their King didn't have any work for them at the moment, but that could always change.
Image Rex: That guard at the pass said the "Isle o' Smiles" was up north, right? Let's give that a try, first. That's where we find the guy puttin' 'em to sleep, with any luck.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex established a waypoint for them to Zoom back to later, then led the group up to a large tunnel called "Wayfarer's Pass"...

Image Oh, are you trying to pass through to the northern lands as well? It's a right pain, not being able to get through. It's going to make a real dent in my sales, I'm telling you.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Again!? Was there ANYWHERE in the world that wasn't off-limits!? Well, nothing to do but investigate further.
Image I heard that the pass collapsed in the middle and this big hole opened up. Then all these monsters started appearing out of the hole!

Image Us lot were sent by the King to fix the pass, but then all these monsters turned up! We ain't scared or nuffin', but it's health and safety innit? We can't work wiv monsters around.

Image Rex: Well! Let's take a look then.


Image Rex: ...Hmm. They weren't kiddin' about the hole.

Image Carver: Ceiling's pretty high, ain't it?

Image Milly: This cave is so spacious, it doesn't feel like we're underground.


Image Ugh, those monsters! We keep fighting them off but they keep coming back! Seems there's an enormous monster hidden somewhere in the cave, spewing out legions of underlings... Even Commander Brutus, star of the Arkbolt Army, couldn't defeat it! The likes of us ain't got a chance!

Image Carver: So nothin's gonna get solved until someone beats the big one, is that it?

Image Ashlynn: Trouncing those two troublemakers over there won't help, huh?

Image Milly: This sounds like quite a dangerous predicament.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The two monsters in question were an odd bunch. One seemed the same species as the "Bloodcreeper" Rex & Carver had fought in the Lucid Grotto so long ago, with Murdaw-esque horns and everything. The other... Was a bipedal wolf-man wearing a speedo. Nothing too challenging, for the crew that slew Murdaw...
Recap Part 10 wrote:...but, one of the soldiers stopped them.
Image I'm afraid this pass is closed off at the moment. You'll have to wait a while.

Image Carver: What, we can't go in?

Image Ashlynn: Well, I guess this path won't be clear any time soon...
Recap Part 10 wrote:And that was that. They were back at Arkbolt.
Image This is Arkbolt Castle. Right, you look tough enough. In you go.

Image Ashlynn: Wait a sec! He thinks I look β€œtough”? Cute? Yes. Sassy? Definitely. But tough? That's not the look I'm going for.

Image Rex: You should change your hair, then.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex chortled with glee while Ashlynn whacked him upside the head.

Image Carver: Roomy in here, aye?

Image Milly: It looks like a lot of people live within the castle walls.

Image Nevan: Shops, a church... This castle really has it all!

Image Ashlynn: I like this place! Indoor shopping is always a plus!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex found the strongest weapon he could: Arkbolt's coveted Battle Axes. They were outrageously priced, but Rex didn't want it for himself... He wanted it for Carver. Rex hadn't forgotten their dispute over the Fire Claw. Carver had caved, so it was only fair he got something in return... Rex presented the axe, and Carver howled with joy! He hefted it around like an artist with his brush, and Rex smiled.

The group tried to go up the stairs... And then a soldier barred their path.

Image Bronson: You here 'cause of the sign? You're next, huh? I've got a busy schedule, but I s'pose I could slot you in for a quick pummeling.

Image Rex: ...What?
Recap Part 10 wrote:"The sign!' someone laughed. 'You know, 'Love fighting, hate monsters, the army wants you'? Gotta fight some guys before they let you in? That all ringin' a bell?" And Rex's mind blanked. He recalled everything else, but NOT that last part. That... That changed things a little.
Image Bronson: You don't look like you've got much fight in you, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't give you a chance. Alright, let's get this over with. You prepared?

Image Rex: N-NO!! The sign, it didn't... Well, it didn't...

Image Bronson: Then come back when you're ready for your beating.
Recap Part 10 wrote:"So it's sorta like when we got into Somnia then?" Carver wondered.

"Somnia did this as well?" Nevan asked.

"Yeah. Think it was sort of the same deal, them only wantin' guys that could thump Murdaw." Rex responded.

"Regardless, I would like to handle this myself, if you please. May I do that, Rex?" Milly thrummed.

"Oh? How come?"

"I like soldiers. You, Carver, the ones at Somnia... They're some of the most wonderful men I know. I think we've grown beyond what a normal one can handle, though. I would test his might by myself."

"Ah. Alright." They approached the soldier again.
Image Bronson: Hmph. Looks like you're serious this time. I'm glad. It's no fun fighting a punching bag! Alright, let's get this over with. You prepared?
Recap Part 10 wrote:"I most certainly am, sir... What's you're name?" Milly walked in front of the man.


"Your name. My name is Milly, and yours would-"

"No, I mean, what is this!? A woman, fighting when there are two grown men available to take her place!"

"Yes, a woman.' Milly said without changing her tone. 'All the better to prove my point." And blue flame swallowed Milly! Halos rose from the ground, starting at her fight before fading out over her head. Her skin turned from flesh to marble.

"Th-That spell..."

"The two 'grown men' also know it, so if you can't beat me, you can't beat them." Awkward silence hung in the air... Then the halberd ignited! It was covered in flame!
Image Bronson: Get ready!
Recap Part 10 wrote:The knight slammed the butt of his halberd into Milly's face! He did it again, and again, and again, and again! He then struck her neck with the blade, before bringing it back, and stabbing her chest with the nail!

Milly didn't make a sound, nor voice any pain. There was no blood, either.

"May I ask your name again? My name is Milly, like I s-"

"HOAAARRRGGGGHHH!!!" The knight launched a desperate attack! He jammed his boot into Milly's midsection, bashed her temple with his shield, elbowed her in the cheek, grabbed her hair and smacked her face with a flying knee! He struck her everywhere above her belt, then broke away for a time. He flitted about as though dancing, then returned to his assault. Milly went along with it this time, pretending to be hurt... Then she caught his halberd and held him in place. Milly concentrated magic fire of her own into a ball in the palm of her hand, and the knight's eyes widened.

"I apologise in advance." And Milly blasted the man 20 feet across the room! He bounced off the wall, and skidded across the floor!

"You may sleep now." Milly stated. She shot salmon rings through the air and into the man's helm. It was the Snooze spell; A spell that did exactly as it said on the tin.

"That's not gonna work..." The knight growled.

"Oh? You're armor's enchanted like your weapon?"

"Yeah. King's got a sweet sword n' everythin' for the one that guts the sucker in the mines."

"But you're still not giving up, are you?" Milly advanced toward him.

"We don't ask who's stronger 'n who 'round here, missy; Only if we can fight! Tis how we DO things, at Arkbolt!"

"Well I'd still love to know your name, before I put you down." Milly was a few feet away, now.

"...Bronson. Name's Bronson. Sorry, er, Milly." His legs shuddered as he stood.

"That's quite alright.' Milly laid her hand atop Bronson's helm and put his head inside a block of ice. There was no air for him to breath now. 'Tap out when you please." Milly murmured. And he complied. Milly melted the ice, healed the man, and helped him to his feet.
Image Bronson: Hmph. You really are pretty tough. I s'pose I'll have to let you pass.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Bronson stepped aside.
Image Bronson: Yeah, you're tough. But do you have what it takes to face Brutus?

Image Carver: Hey, uh, Rex... You think Brutus is that guy starin' at us by the stairs?
Recap Part 10 wrote:As a matter of fact, it was. Brutus looked at Milly.
Image Commander Brutus: Hah! Not bad, soft stuff! At this rate, it's gonna be my turn before long.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The man marched upstairs.
Image Milly: He must train often. Even his aura is muscular!
Recap Part 10 wrote:That was one thing Rex noticed over time. Milly loved strong men, especially those serving in the military. She was always the first to greet them and always the first to honour them. Even Bronson was treated well, despite his attitude.
They went up the steps.[/quote]

Image Hey, have you seen that rough-looking swordsman in the blue getup? That lad's one of the hardest I've ever come across, I tell you. He took down Brutus! I can scarcely believe it.

Image Carver: Blue getup? You think he means that fella we passed near the entrance?

Image Milly: He may have been rough-looking, but still...

Image Nevan: I had no idea he was such a gifted fighter.
Recap Part 10 wrote:It was too early to say, in Rex's mind. They hadn't fought Brutus.
Image Brutus' Son: My dad's the hardest! He's definitely the toughest soldier in all of Arkbolt! Okay, so he did just lose to that swordsman... But that guy must've cheated! Or... I bet my dad had something in his eye! Yes, that must be it!

Image Carver: Poor kid. Nobody wants to see their dad get dressed down in public, aye?

Image Milly: It's good to know that Commander Brutus is beatable, at least.

Image Amos: I wonder what that lad's called. Brutus Jr?
Recap Part 10 wrote:The group went up another flight of steps, and found themselves atop the battlements. There were a pair of soldiers, guarding what they assumed to be the throne room.

Image King Claymore's just through here. But first...

Image How about a little test of strength, hmm?
Recap Part 10 wrote:"Wait here, friends' Nevan piped up. 'Milly had her turn, now I wish for mine."

"Er, ya know Buff like we do, bud?" Carver asked.

"HA!' One of the knights balked. You think me 'n Brock'll go down to a parlor trick like that!?" The knight on the left boasted.

"Not a chance!' Brock echoed. 'Show 'em, Brick!" Brick shot a Sap spell into the air, then shot a stream of blood red energy into Brock. Brock shuddered, and his armor puffed. Brock gained an entire foot in height, and his limbs became tree trunks in size!

"Scintillating. But I've something else in mind..." Nevan responded.
Image Excellent. You think you can take us both down? Let's find out!
Recap Part 10 wrote:The pair charged at Nevan, and he stood still. He made not a move till they were upon him. Then...

BURRRRP! Nevan belched purple smoke into their faces! Painful memories of Moonmirror Tower flashed across Rex's mind... And sure enough, the knights were clawing at their throats. They writhed on the ground like an invisible hand was choking the life from them... Just like when Rex fought those Poison Zombies...

"I can heal this poison. Give up; The Goddess loathes pointless suffering."

"(wheeze) Haaugh! Always the same...with these magicians..." Brick sputtered.

"One li'l' they...think they've..." Brock continued.

Nevan scooped them up in a tunnel of wind, and knocked them into each other like toys. With that point made, he dropped them to the ground, then conjured the purple liquid from their throats. Everything he breathed into them, he took back out, and put back in his own body.

"Patience is not a virtue that the Goddess has granted me an infinite supply of, so I'm just going to declare this fight won. Don't argue the point; You need that monster dead."
Image Urrgh... You must have been training... I suppose you've earned your right to see the King.

Image Amos: Nicely done!
Recap Part 10 wrote:The pair moved aside.
Image Milly: I don't envy their job. It must get tiresome.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Yes, Nevan had been far less patient than Milly, not that Rex could criticize him. They DID have lives to save.

Image King Claymore: Welcome, travellers! First, allow me to apologise for the rough treatment handed out to you by my soldiers. You see, I'm looking for someone strong. Someone tough, wiht real spirit. Why, you ask? To smash the foul beast that's made Wayfarer's Pass its nest! She's quite a large creature, but I thought that Brutus and his soldiers would be able to take care of her. Turns out I was quite wrong! The soldiers were wiped out and Brutus came back heavily wounded... Now, as you've probably heard, Brutus is the strongest soldier in this land. That's why I've had to look beyond my borders. To see if I can find someone who can actually win this fight. I'd like you to travel to Wayfarer's Pass and put an end to that blasted beast once and for all... But first, I have one more battle for you. Are you willing to take the challenge?

Image Rex: That's what we're here for.

Image King Claymore: Excellent! Then it's sorted. Your commander will be Commander Brutus, of course. If you can't defeat him, then the battle with the monster is pointless. I couldn't in good conscience send someone off to battle knowing they had no chance at victory.

Image Chancellor: I suppose you should be informed that someone else defeated the Commander, and is already en route to the monster's nest. His name was... Terry, I believe? However, we don't feel comfortable leaving it all to one man. That's why we'd like to send you to fight that terror as well.

Image Milly: Terry...?

Image Rex: Huh?
Recap Part 10 wrote:"How 'bout ol' AMOS take a whack at 'em!?" Amos shouted, before Rex could inquire further.
Image Rex: If you say so. Ready to roll, Brutus?

Image Commander Brutus: Why don't you start by telling me your name? Amos, is it? Right, I'll be waiting for you in the training room. It's in the south-west corner of the castle. I'll gladly take you on right now, but we can't be swinging swords around in here. Your Majesty, if you'd be so kind as to join us in the training room.

Image King Claymore: Very well.
Recap Part 10 wrote:And they all went to the training room.

"Milly showed 'er stuff, Nevan showed his thing... Now it's ol' Amos' turn for a party trick!"

"Careful now. Brutus' been watchin', so he'll be expectin' somethin'." Rex cautioned.

Image Commander Brutus: Prepare to learn first-hand why they call me the Lightning Knight of Arkbolt! I don't intend to make a habit of losing! Are you ready?

Image Amos: Old Amos has got no time for pussy-footin' around. Let's get down to business!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Amos burst into a 15-foot wide mass of purple fur, claw, fang, and muscle! He sank to all fours, and pounced!

Brutus smiled swung his halberd through the air, and produced a large sheet of thin air. It was like the Gust Slash used by Murdaw's minions, except wider; Far wider. It struck Amos square in the chest, just below where his windpipe was, and Amos sailed backward. He landed on his back, and clambered to his feet. He rushed again.

"Hmph. That usually drops 'em. Oh well..." Brutus shot crowns of yellow light like Rex always did, and decayed Amos' flesh just as violently. Brutus shot another scythe of wind, and tore Amos' chest open. Blood sprayed from Amos' right hip to his left shoulder, and he immediately regressed to human form. Amos was wailing now... His voice was cracking as Carver, Milly, & Nevan closed the wound. The match was lost.

"You'd do well to take me seriously. Unless that was your strongest?" Brutus snarled.

"No, that'd be me or Carver' Rex replied. 'Milly & Nevan, if you don't got the stuff to counter 'em. But I'm guessing you do?"

"ALL our best men did. You're just lucky the blue swordsman put 'em in the infirmary."

"...Oh? So this is gonna be a fight then..." Rex eyed Brutus from head to toe. He had no shield, but he was decked out in full plate armour; The kind that took squires 20 minutes to put on. Most troublesome of all was his halberd: A 6 foot long pole with an axe-head attached to the end, a hook on the back that could pull down horsemen, and a long spike resting atop the axe blade. It's range was obscene, and its options many... Rex winced.
Image King Claymore: What's the matter? You're not getting cold feet, are you? I haven't got all day, so get over there and show me what you're made of!

Image Carver: Cold feet? Mine are toasty. (sniff sniff) Don't smell like toast, though.

Image Rex: Least it's not apple pie.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex walked over to Amos.
Image Rex: Yo. Feel like lendin' me your Cautery Sword? I'll hand ya the Fire Claw after, if you do.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Amos agreed. Rex took out his kite shield, then twirled Amos' Cautery Sword to feel its heft; Its center-of-balance. It was a fine weapon, but more importantly, it could cast Sizz on a dime. Sizz was a small trail of flame that could roll on the ground or flutter past the opponent's face. It was nothing compared to the Fire Claw, but there was no reason Rex couldn't use both...

Rex walked up to Brutus. They got into their stances, tapped weapons, and slid 10 feet back from each other. They circled each other=... Rex squatted down when Brutus lowered the axe blade. An upward slice seemed forthcoming; Rex just didn't know when. The two steadily shuffled closer and closer... Rex hovered the tip of his sword just by the nail of the halberd. When that didn't prompt a reaction, he rested it atop. More silence...

Brutus swung! He sent the spike upward, but Rex swept the shaft aside! Rex tried to charge, but then saw the axe blade right above his head! It was a feint; Rex had moved it exactly where Brutus wanted it moved! The axe fell, and Rex barely sprung back. The axe skimmed his helmet... Rex tried for a blast from his Fire Claw, but Brutus was already angled. He leaned his torso to the side and stabbed forward in the same motion. One stab, two stabs! Rex blocked them both, but only thanks to his kite shield's size...

The two shuffled back. 10 feet lay between them again.

"A claw in the shield-hand... Worthless if it's not shootin' anything." Brutus stated.

"...That obvious, eh?" Rex laughed. Brutus smirked and went backward. Rex stared for a moment... Then his eyes widening! Brutus swung more razor sharp wind! Rex ducked and angled his shield over his head! The wind sloped off the top of shield at the same angle as Rex was holding it, and hit the ceiling. Rex had redirected it.

An idea came to Rex' mind. He was mostly hidden, so, Rex laid the Cautery Sword on the ground with his right hand, and generated yellow rings with his left. Rex's sword shot a trail of fire along the ground, then Rex himself shot the yellow rings in unison with the Fire Claw. Brutus made a tower of thin air, and sliced both shots of fire in twain! Brutus took the halos with his shield, then fired his OWN Sap spell! Rex hardened his skin with blue fire... The Sap spell met the Buff spell, and both were negated.

The two shuffled back to each other; Close enough to touch weapons. Rex tried to sweep the pole aside and charge, but Brutus was too quick! He lifted the shaft over Rex's swipe! Brutus side-stepped Rex's charge, then smacked him in the shoulder with the flat of the axe-blade! Rex flew harmlessly by...

Brutus followed with another swipe, then another stab, multiple slashes, and even a roundhouse kick to Rex's leg; Whatever it took to keep him off-balance. He ended the assault with a hard blow from above. Rex caught the axe-blade via the rim of his shield, and the two went into what seemed like a dance. Rex and Brutus spun the axe & shield around and around, in a repetitive, circular motion. It was a contest of positioning and leverage, now... They shuffled backward, forward, to the side, and everywhere else. Finally, Rex caught the shaft under his left arm, and generated golden energy in his shield-hand. The halberd was on the outside! Rex went to stab!

...And then Brutus let go, and punched Rex in the face. He staggered Rex; Staggered him long enough to grab the pole again. He took it from Rex's armpit, hooked the axe-blade around Rex's leg, and pulled! Rex's leg was torn, and Rex was flung into the air. Rex landed on his back, and Brutus made to finish the fight... Then he was lit up by strands of golden energy; Halos that shrunk, stretched, and flowed along his body. Brutus howled.

"Well, well!" Rex crowed. He shot Brutus into the air via Fire Claw, then drove fire over him with the Cautery Sword. Rex alternated between the two, again and again, blasting Brutus before he could get up. Brutus went from thrashing, to jittering, to just bouncing up and down. Rex relented, and sheathed his sword. Brutus was done.
Image Chancellor: The contest is decided. The winner is... Rex!
Recap Part 10 wrote:There were healers on standby, and they restored Brutus' strength.
Image Commander Brutus: Wh-What!? I've been beaten again!? How can this be!? Your Majesty... It seems as though I might have once again lost...

Image King Claymore: Indeed. Rex You have proven yourself to be a true soldier. You clearly have what it taks. Brutus, thank you for your efforts. You may stand down.

Image Commander Brutus: Sir!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Brutus and the chancellor left.
Image King Claymore: Rex, you've shown me that you have what it takes to finish off that monster in Wayfarer's Pass. I'd like you to head there right away. But first, I have something I'd like to give to you. I'll be waiting for you in the throne room.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The King & Queen left.
Image Amos: M-M-My knees are still kn-knockin' together! It's n-not a d-d-dignified sight, is it?
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex clapped Amos on the back, and gave him the Fire Claw. That cheered him up.
Image King Claymore: Ah, Rex! I was very impressed with your performance in that fight. Nice and...merciless! I'm convinced that you've got what it takes to defeat the monsters that lurk in Wayfarer's Pass. Naturally, I have a reward waiting for you, something that had been in this royal family for generations - the mighty sunderbolt blade. For you to receive your reward, I'll need proof that you've defeated the monsters' leader. To that end, I'd like you to bring me her corpse. I've prepared a coffin that you can use to carry the body. Don't forget to grab it from my Chancellor before you leave. Now, off you go. I'm relying on you, Rex!

Image Milly: I can sense the King's sincerity. We won't let him down, will we, Rex?

Image Here, take this coffin with you on your quest.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The group received a large coffin.
Image I believe I've already told you this, but... Another warrior has been sent to the pass. He's already left. I'm afraid we only have one reward. Naturally, it will go to the first person to present us with the monster's remains.

Image King Claymore: Personally, I don't mind if you team up with that other warrior if it helps you defeat the monster. Just make sure it's exterminated! I'm counting on you!

Image Amos: So if we team up with that lad, will we split the sunderbolt blade in half...?

Image Rex: ...That's a good question, actually.
Recap Part 10 wrote:On the group's way out...
Image Brutus' Son: Commander Brutus is my dad! Don't you start getting all cocky just 'cause you beat him in one fight, once! It wasn't even a fair fight. If it had been a one-on-one fight, my dad would have knocked any of you out! Huh? It was a one-on-one fight? Hmm, that can't be right... Th-Then there must have been some other reason! He probably had a runny nose. You can't claim victory against a man with a runny nose!

Image Carver: Hardy har! That kid is the king of excuses, aye?

Image Amos: The lad's father was gracious in defeat. He could learn a lot from his old man's example.

Image Rex: Eh, let's leave that to his dad to explain.
Recap Part 10 wrote:And so they went.
Image Carver: Is this coffin full of rocks or somethin'? Well, at least I'm gettin' a workout.

Image Ashlynn: Terry was dragging one of these coffins along all by himself, wasn't he? He's not that big of a guy. He must be solid muscle!

Image Rex: (Great. Now I wanna to try it...)

Recap Part 10 wrote:Dispensing with those two was easy enough. Finding their way wasn't bad either; Terry had left them a trail of dead bodies. Actually, the hardest part was keeping their lunch down. The cave was dark and cramped, and the air was horribly stagnant. Mold lined the floors; Even the water was repulsive. But the group continued to the lowest floor.

Image Milly: We've entered the monster's nest... I can feel it...

Image Ashlynn: Wait, monsters hatch from eggs? You learn something new every day!

Image Nevan: Hmm... I wonder where that blue-clad swordsman has got to...


Image Terry: Hmm... Might actually break a sweat with this one.

Image My...eggs... My beautiful... beautiful eggs... Trampled... Scrambled...

Image Terry: Hmph. So you got a coffin too, huh? It doesn't matter. You're too late. This beast is mine!

Image My...eggs... You...will pay...for this... Now... It's scramble you...!

Image Terry: Heh. She's pretty feisty, ain't she? All the better. You lot just stay outta my way! Come on then!
Recap Part 10 wrote:The dragon belched two fire grenades! Terry whirled around both, and shot through the air like a rocket. He flew even quicker than Carver against Murdaw, and Nevan wasn't even assisting him! He slashed the beast across the stomach, and air blasted backward! Rex's hair, Carver's mohawk, Ashlynn's locks, and Nevan's hat; They all fluttered in wind, just from the mere shockwaves of Terry's attack!

The dragon took a swipe, and Terry jumped 20 yards backward. The dragon narrowed its eyes... And a large rock flew rose into the air by itself! The dragon was using her mind, and she flung it at Terry! Terry dodged, then raised his sword. White lightning crashed down on the monster's head!


"Holy hell..." Rex whispered.

"This one of 'em uh... 'Arm'... 'Arma'... Spell slingin' swordsmen?" Carver wondered.

"Armamentalists' Milly replied. 'But Alltrades was sealed by Murdaw... He would've had to have lived their long before. That takes care of THAT mystery, then..." Milly trailed off.

"Mystery?' Ashlynn wondered. 'Whaddaya...?"

"Forget it." Milly told her.


The monster launched two more boulders, each as useless as the last. Terry raised his sword again, and ignited napalm in the monster's face! Napalm pulled right out of the air! The dragon brought down lightning of its own; A triad of energy bolts! Terry sailed through the air again and again, then glided up to the dragon's stomach. He sliced through its scales, and painted the ground with blood.


"How is this guy so strong...? Magic is one thing, but the way he just flies..." Rex started.

"Aye. Just like Murdaw." Carver finished.

"Maybe he got bit like ol' Amos?" Amos suggested.

"Except YOU never got super-human strength. Not in human form..." Nevan replied.

"But if he's an Armamentalist, he augments his attacks with magic." Milly broke in. 'Doesn't necessarily have to be something you can observe... Right?"

"...Sure." Rex kept staring.


Terry jumped back from another of the dragon's swipes, but it was a feint! The dragon shot concentrated fire right at the blue swordsmen's head! It came closer, closer, closer... And Terry knocked it away. One-handed. No shielding, no Thin Air, no footwork, not even a grunt. Terry may as well have been playing baseball.
Image Terry: Enough already!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Terry roared that last one. It was harsher than Rex expected; Guttural, even. Why so angry? He hadn't been hurt...

Terry's generated light from his sword, lunged forth, and sliced the dragon open! A tower of fire burst from her chest, and the beast screamed until her voice failed her. She wobbled, and fell on her side. Terry sniggered, and raised his fist. Strands of crawling darkness surged around Terry's hand... Then an orb of that same energy roe from the ground and swallowed the dragon. She vanished beneath ebony clouds.
Image Grrr... Guarrrgh... My body... body! Grrrarrrgh!!!
Recap Part 10 wrote:It was like watching the souls from Murdaw's body again... Except this time, one was being trapped; Not freed. Terry opened the casket and dropped the sable orb inside. He closed the lid, and the beast was gone.
Image Terry: Done an' dusted. So much for breaking a sweat.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Terry chuckled, back to his normal self. He stared at his fist in wonderment, and clenched it over and over. Rex shuddered, though he could not explain why.
Image Terry: Well, no point in sticking around here. Guess I'll head back to the castle.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Terry walked past without acknowledging the group. All they could do was stare.
Image Carver: He's gone...

Image Milly: Terry... He certainly is strong...

Image Ashlynn: I guess we can kiss that sunderbolt blade goodbye...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex wasn't sure how to feel about the whole thing. It had been like watching someone swallow a sword. Incredible... But disturbing, too. Unnatural. Rex wasn't sure how Terry fought like that, nor what he'd done to the monster. Frankly, he wasn't sure he wanted to know...
Image Carver: It's really quiet, aye...?

Image Milly: It's eerily silent in here now that the monster's been defeated.

Image Ashlynn: Boy, all this walking is murder on my feet...

Image Amos: Ah-Ah-CHOO!!!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Carver & Milly were correct; The monsters had all disappeared. Odd, but it made the return trip easier.

Image To take down a beast like that all by yourself... Oh, it's you! That lad in the blue just passed through here a little while ago, you know. Seems he'd defeated that monster in there. I'm sure you tried your best, but you were just too late. I s'pose you won't be needing that coffin any more. I'll take it off your hands, then.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The soldier did just that, while his friends talked.
Image Well, I s'pose we'd better get started on these rocks! It'll take a while to clear out this path. You'd better head back to the castle for a bit of rest.

Image Ashlynn: A while? But I want to explore new territory now! Oh well... Not much we can do but wait.

Image Milly: Perhaps we'll find Terry waiting for us back at the castle.

Image Carver: Aye, I'd like to see what's doin' back at the castle, anyway.


Image Terry: You're too late. The King's just given me Arkbolt's prized sunderbolt blade. Heh. Better luck next time!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Terry walked past.
Image Ashlynn: Oh, great. Not only is he making off with the reward – he's rubbing it in, too!

Image Nevan: We didn't even face him head-to-head... Why then do I feel such an acute sense of defeat?
Recap Part 10 wrote:Then came the sign! It said: "All hail the great swordsman Terry, slayer of the beasts inhabiting Wayfarer's Pass!"
Image Carver: (sigh)

Image Milly: The great swordsman Terry...

Image Ashlynn: Ugh. I just want to crawl into a hole...
Recap Part 10 wrote:The party went inside.
Image That lad made monster meat out of them beasties, and all by himself, too! Cor!

Image Milly: Terry almost seems like a different person when he's fighting...

Image Rex: 'Specially towards the end, huh?
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex remembered how angry Terry had gotten...
Image Bronson: Oi! What was that, eh? I had good money on you-Err, I mean, good effort. Pay me no heed!

Image Milly: His aura suggested he was a more respectable person than this...

Image Ashlynn: Hmph! Like I care what that guy thinks!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex chuckled.
Image I saw them carrying the body of the monster from the pass into the cell downstairs! It stank!

Image Carver: Huh. But it's dead, aye?

Image Milly: Why put the body in a cell...?

Image Nevan: Shall we investigate this cell?
Recap Part 10 wrote:To the cellars they went.

Image Why the heck have they put the coffin of that horrible monster in here? And why do I have to look after it!? (sigh) I get the worst jobs...

Image Ashlynn: What are they guarding it from? Thieves? Are rotting monster corpses hot on the black market or something?

Image Nevan: I must confess, I am also puzzled by this.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Oh well...

Image King Claymore: It seems you were only moments behind... But behind you were, and Terry brought his coffin back first. I confirmed with Commander Brutus that the beast in the coffin was the same one that was terrorising Wayfarer's Pass. As promised, therefore, I have already rewarded Terry with Arkbolt's treasured sunderbolt blade. That sword is quite something, you know. Terry may have been strong before, but now...

Image Carver: β€œStrong”'s not even the word. Losin' to Terry's nothing to be ashamed of.

Image Rex: No kiddin'.

Image I'm sorry. You showed plenty of bravery, too, but unfortunately we don't have anything to give you.

Image King Claymore: But you seem pretty tough as you are. If you're that strong, you shouldn't need any special swords. Once you start using such mighty weapons, you become reliant on them, which leads to carelessness. That's why I didn't let my soldiers use the sunderbolt blade. No soldier of mine is to become reliant on his weapon! So don't be disappointed about missing out on the sunderbolt blade. If anything, you should consider yourselves lucky!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Of course, the obvious question was "Why not use the sunderbolt blade against the dragon?"... But, Rex didn't feel like pressing the issue. Instead, the group went on their way, hearing something interesting on the way out.
Image Zzzz... Zzzz... Wha!? Oh, I must have been dreaming... In my dream, I saw a castle. It was a small castle, but the King had all sorts of wonderful treasure... But then some monsters came and attacked, and the King and his castle were wiped out... What a strange dream...

Image Milly: A small castle full of treasure... Its King assaulted by monsters... It almost feels too specific for a dream...

Image Rex: Reminds me of Alltrades and Murdaw. Actually, there was a hole o'er Wellshire too, now that I think of it.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Fortunately, another scene broke that thought.
Image Brutus' Son: Dad? Daaad!

Image Commander Brutus: Huh? What's up lad? What's with all this racket?

Image Brutus' Son: Dad, you're strong, aren't you? Really strong, right? You're not...weak, are you?

Image Commander Brutus: W-Weak!? No, your dad's the strongest soldier in this castle, son! Ha ha...

Image Brutus' Son: But... You lost to that swordsan... And then you lost to these travellers...

Image Commander Brutus: Hmm, I suppose it's time you learnt the truth... You see, son, some people in this world are...stronger than your dad. Only a few, mind!

Image Brutus' Son: ............

Image Commander Brutus: Ha ha! Don't worry, lad! You're dad's going to train twenty-five hours a day 'til he gets strong enough to smash maggots like this.

Image Brutus' Son: Really? You promise!?

Image Commander Brutus: 'Course I do. And you're my son, so one day you'll be strong enough to beat them, too!

Image Brutus' Son: Yippee! Thanks, Dad!

Image Milly: Such a spirited child... I'm sure Commander Brutus was exactly the same at his age.

Image Amos: Once that lad's grown up, old Amos would be game for a bit of a scrap.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex and friends left the castle at last.
Image Amos: That King of Arkbolt isn't half stingy! Fancy not even givin' us a reward! He could have at least given us an oaken club or somethin'!

Image Ashlynn: I wish we could just forget everything that happened here.

Image Milly: I'm sure that we'll get the opportunity to atone for our failure at the Pass...


Image All them stones blockin' the way have been removed, so you can pass through now. Jus' remember who did the clearin' alright?

Image Milly: It's nice to see people taking pride in their work.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Indeed it was.
Image Milly: I wonder where that swordsman could have gotten to by now...

Image Amos: If he's headin' to Arkbolt, he should know there's a gap in the item shop market!
Recap Part 10 wrote:That was true. The group hadn't found any clearly marked item shops in Arkbolt; Only weapons, armor, and an inn. The group emerged out the other side.

Image Ashlynn: Say, Commander Brutus's kid was pretty cute, wasn't he? All stubborn and precocious...

Image Amos: Old Amos is startin' to get a mite peckish... Is no one else hungry?
Recap Part 10 wrote:It was a desolate area, but they did find three building. Two were just houses, but the other was an Inn. Rex and co. were ABOUT to take a well-earned nap...
Image I'm right sleepy, I am. But I can't let meself drop off, oh no. It's too scary! I heard a rumour, see. I'm sure that's all it is, but they say there's a diseased that kills people in their sleep! You fall alseep, an' everything's all smile, but then suddenly, the writhing and suffering kicks in and you snuff it! That's what I heard, anyway...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex's blood froze. It was just like the guard at the pass.
Image Rex: It's true, friend. There was a border guard near Swanstone that was sleepin' and not wakin' up. We saw it ourselves, so we're here to take care of the problem. You, you'll probably wanna head to Arkbolt. We'll let'cha know when we've done it, but, could always be a bit.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex tried to spook him as badly as he himself had been spooked. Killing Murdaw didn't make them Murdaw; Terry reminded them of that much. If there WAS a giant monster behind this, and he was anywhere close to Murdaw's power... Then it was possible they'd fail.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The group travelled from sun-down to sun-up. There was no sleep; Only a long trek up to another world.

Image Ashlynn: Haah... Haah... Taking the stairs between worlds is no fun... There's gotta be a better way... I'm beat. My legs feel numb...

Image Nevan: As we travel across unfamiliar terrain, we should take extra care to maintain our levels of stamina.

Image Milly: Let's look for signs of civilisation. A town, a village – even a hut. Anything will do!


Image Rex: ...That's not funny.

Image Amos: First Wayfarer's Pass, now this. Give old Amos a town, a castle – anything but another cave!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Then, as though to taunt them more...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Sigh... Well, they couldn't risk it. Rex wasn't sure if sleeping in the Dream World would carry the risk it would in the Real World... But he wasn't tired enough to find out. The group exited the cave, and discovered...

Image Milly: Sand, sand, and – oh my, what's that over there!? Oh... More sand.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex just about went into shock. That was, by far, the most sarcastic thing he had ever heard Milly say. Apparently, even she had limits...
Image Ashlynn: This dry air is murder on my skin. It's practically cracking before my eyes! Gross!

Image Amos: So you squeeze yourself through a tunnel only to find yourself in the desert...

Image Carver: Ahoy! A town, here? In the middle of the desert?
Recap Part 10 wrote:They entered soon as they could. His party wasn't loving the sand.

Image Ashlynn: Not exactly the most...lively of places, is it?

Image Milly: I wonder what this place is called? Everything is covered in sand.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The party asked around.
Image Travellers? Here in Aridea? Heh. Hope ya like nothin', 'cause we got lots of it.

Image Milly: How sad. I'm not sensing much in the way of hopes and dreams here...

Image Ashlynn: They'll never attract travellers with that attitude. Anything's better than nothing!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex agreed, till he heard the next person speak.
Image I heard Murdaw's been beaten. Big whoop. Peace don't mean squat if our well ain't runnin'.
Recap Part 10 wrote:...Yeah. That wasn't good.
Image Nevan: So when the well dried up, the life was sucked out of this sorry place.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The group went into the well, just to be sure the problem wasn't something easy; Like a Well Wisher.

Image Dang. Same as it ever was. Ain't enough water down here to dip my pinky toe in.

Image Ashlynn: So this is the only well in town? Doesn't look like it's doing very...uh, well.

Image Amos: How do the folks here even manage to stay alive? I can barely imagine.

Image Nevan: It seems that this town is going to need some sort of miracle in order for water to flow here again...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Nevan prayed, along with the rest of the group, and they resurfaced.
Image On nights when the moon is full, a mysterious floating island appears in the sea nearby. The people aboard this island claim they come from a place called the 'Isle o' Smiles'. A world of happiness, free of toil or tears... Could such a place truly exist? Goddess only knows... Perhaps you can see for yourselves. There's a full moon tonight - the island may be here before we know it.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex inquired about the sleeping curse, but the nun knew nothing. A good sign.
Image Milly: The nun managed to sum the situation up nicely, didn't she, Rex? But the only way to find out exactly what happens around here at night is to see it with our own eyes.

Image Nevan: I sense that we have a long night ahead of us.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The group found a sickly young woman...
Image (cough cough) Why'd my pa have to be so Goddess-dang gullible? He heard they'd have medicine to whup my cough up in the Isle o' Smiles... I couldn't do nothin' to stop him once he got that idea in his head. He just up and left on me. That was weeks ago. I'm dyin' over here! (cough)

Image Ashlynn: Right now, I'd say that girl's father would be the best medicine. She needs him by her side.

Image Milly: That girl's father probably can't come back even if he wants to... Don't you think? I wonder if anyone has ever actually returned from this Isle o' Smiles?

Image Nevan: Did something befall that poor girl's father on the way to the Isle o' Smiles? Or did something befall him after he arrived there?
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex asked her about the sleeping curse as well. She laughed, saying she would've LOVED to sleep through her illness.

The group also found an elderly man. Rex opened his mouth to speak, but...
Image Look, I 'precite you keep on invitin' me, but I'm just not... Oh? You're travellers, I take it? Sorry about that. I thought you were that guy come to convince us to visit the Isle o' Smiles again. Heh heh. Ya get a little slow on the draw when ya reach my age...

Image Ashlynn: As if Aridea doesn't have enough grief – they have pushy salesmen, too?

Image Nevan: I pray we meet this fellow promoting the Isle o' Smiles. There is much I want to ask him.

Image Amos: What does this lad from the Isle o' Smiles look like? I imagine him with a big silly grin on his face.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex confirmed that he, too, had not heard of a sleeping illness, then ended their tour with a man at the weapon shop.
Image Skip Tickle: Name's Skip. Skip Tickle. I'm a wandering swordsman.
Recap Part 10 wrote:"Terry? Is that you?" Rex thought.
Image Skip Tickle: You heard the rumours about the island that takes folks to the so-called Isle o' Smiles?

Image Rex: Yeah...

Image Skip Tickle: Well, don't you think there's something wrong with this picture? Think about it... A paradise free to all and filled with joy and wonder? Yeah, right. Sounds like a kid's tale, if you asked me.

Image Rex: And how 'bout that sleeping curse? Sleepin' till ya die? Kinda creepy, eh?
Recap Part 10 wrote:The man had no idea what Rex was talking about. That was four times. Four times that none had heard of the curse; It suggested the curse only held sway in the Real World. Rex was about to give his party permission to rest...
Recap Part 10 wrote:And saw the night fallen over the desert sky.
Image Carver: Ahoy! That's definitely a full moon up there.

Image Rex: Cripes. It's already started...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex was about 99% sure that the curse and the Isle o' Smiles were connected. If these "salesmen" only came during a full moon, then there was no time. They were going now, or they weren't going at all.
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex assumed this was the island...
Recap Part 10 wrote:...And was promptly corrected.
Image Welcome to the first day of the rest of your lives in paradise, good friends! You won't regret this decision! Beefore you know it, we'll be setting sail for the wonderufl, beautiful dream paradise known as the Isle o' Smiles! Not more hatred! No more work! No more problems! No more wrinkles! Leave all your worries on the dock, because your future is nothing but sunshine and smiles! Now climb aboard, my friends! Several of your fellow townspeople are already aboard! We'll depart as soon as you give the thumbs up to the crewman in the front.

Image Ashlynn: The crewman...? Wait, someone drives this thing?

Image Nevan: Just who are these people?
Recap Part 10 wrote:The man just repeated himself.
Image We'll depart as soon as you give the thumbs up to the crewman in the front.

Image Milly: Well Rex, are you ready to smile? Let's go!
Recap Part 10 wrote:They gave the thumbs up to the crewman They didn't know how the crew was sailing an island, but... They were.
Image Ashlynn: Wow, he can pilot this whole island all by himself? This is, like, the future of sea travel!

Image Nevan: I would dearly like to study the mechanism that allows this island to move.

Image Rex: Right... So here's the thing. I don't trust a thing they're sellin', and from what I hear, folks ain't comin' back; Not even the girl's father. So, what're we gonna do?

Image Milly: We don't want to raise suspicions. Let's at least pretend to go along with what they're saying.

Image Rex: Guess what I'm askin' is, should we risk gettin' some shut-eye? Dunno how long they're keepin' up the act, so I want us ready. But... It's hard fightin' tired, an' we've been walkin' since Arkbolt. If there IS a monster waitin' for us... Or even dozens... We wanna be fightin' fit. That's also somethin' to think about. Any ideas?
Recap Part 10 wrote:They talked more, deciding they needed to assess more of their surroundings.

Image Milly: Hey, there's one of the people we saw in town. And there's another...and another...

Image Ashlynn: We sure have a lot of company on this cruise.

Image Nevan: I see the faces of many people we've encountered before.

Image GRRREETINGS, FIENDS... ...!!! Ooh! Excuse me! I must be, um, coming down with something. Hee hee.

Image Nevan: That voice... It sounded rather masculine...

Image Oof! All this running around is murder on my hooves-Uh, I mean, my tender human feet. Hee hee hee!

Image Carver: Ahoy! She said β€œhooves” just now! Hooves! I heard her!

Image Milly: Take a good look at her, Rex. Something's not quite right, is it...

Image Ashlynn: Bunnies don't have hooves! They have cute little pink paws! Sheesh!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Well that settled it; They were in enemy territory. They saw Skip Tickle at the bar, and joined him. They were going to get him on board with their battle plans, but...
Image Skip Tickle: I know I was a little wary of this whole operation back in town... But now that I'm here, I don't know what I was thinking. The crew here are all so friendly! Hey! 'Nother round, please!

Image Tee hee! You're a strong one!

Image Rex: Ugh...

Image Milly: And there I was, thinking he could resist anything. Not temptation, apparently...

Image Nevan: Sometimes the doubter can end up as the strongest believer...

Image Hey! C,mon, why the long face? Perk up a little, champ! Wait'll you see the surprise we have in store once we reach the Isle o' Smiles! What is it, you ask? It's a surprise, silly! I'll bet you're just dying to find out!

Image Amos: Is that the cutest lass on the Isle o' Smiles, I wonder? Er... Sorry, my mind was wanderin' there...

Image Ashlynn: You should ogle less and listen more! I swear she emphasized the word β€œdying”?
Recap Part 10 wrote:There were only the bartenders left now. The group decided they would all pretend to drink, then fake a stupor. They would lay down together, and see what happened when their retainers came. If they were still friendly, great. If they tried to put them in restraints, Amos would turn into a beast and break them at an opportune moment. If they tried to kill them then and there... Well, they would be sorry.

Rex decided that Nevan would keep watch. He was under-aged, so he could avoid the issue altogether.
Image What do you think of this vintage? Rich, isn't it? Good red wine... The colour of blood. My favourite. Heh heh heh...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Subtle.
Image Care to wet your whistle?
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex proceeded to do what he'd instructed the rest of the party to do: He took a shot from a glass, motioned for the bottle, then slipped the alcohol back in to get rid of it. Buddy taught him that trick.
Image Bravo! You sure can knock 'em back! Care for another?

Image Rex: Hold on a sec'...
Recap Part 10 wrote:Rex took the bottle, and held it to his mouth for 30 seconds while Carver roared for another one. They swapped Rex's for an empty one they'd found, and Rex disposed of what was in his
mouth before the bartender returned.
Image Wow! Did you even taste that? Might want to pace yourself, chum. These drinks pack a wallop.
Recap Part 10 wrote:The night went on like this, the group acting progressively more and more inebriated. Rex & Carver didn't have trouble; This was what they did anyway. They just happened to be faking it this time.

The island sailed on...
Recap Part 10 wrote:And the masks came off.
Image Oi! Geddup, you!

Image How long you plannin' on sleepin', ya piece o' meat?
Recap Part 10 wrote:Perfect. Nevan had warned them ahead of time. They were ready.
Image We're here! Da famous Isle o' Smiles! Gwah hah! I promise you'll get what you been waitin' for!

Image Now geddover here, meat! Move!
Recap Part 10 wrote:The monsters wrapped them in iron chains, not even bothering with their weapons. They marched.

Image Heh heh! Jamirus got special plans for you in here!
Recap Part 10 wrote:They went in.

Image Wha? Dere's still sum left? Geddem in here! Da ritual's already started!
Recap Part 10 wrote:And then Amos roared! He became the beast again, and snapped his chains! He bit the head off the monster closest to him, smashed the other beneath his foot, then blew thin air at the one guarding the doors! The wind disembowled the monster, and it bled out; Amos had picked up Brutus' trick!

The group heard chanting behind the double doors, so they took another path. They found a podium with a giant monster behind it; The largest they'd seen since the dragon. Below him were all they'd seen on the ship. They had been turned to stone, just like what Murdaw had done...

Below those statues were the hordes that cheered Jamirus. Every kind of monster imaginable was there; Even slimes.
Image Jamirus: Pround, lazy, greedy... These weaklings embody the worst of humanity. The so-called Isle o' Smiles lured them like flie to honey! But thye'll be the ones luring flies when we're done with them, my comrades. The fall of Murdaw is inconsequential. As long as I, Jamirus, still draw breath, my monster minions shall want for nothing. Honour me, my followers! Worship me, and you shall triumph! And in turn we shall honour the dark gods with the souls they desire!
Recap Part 10 wrote:So... There were more. They had to nip this in the bud, before Monsterkind regained momentum...

They'd have to split their group to take care of this. Amos, Milly, Ashlynn, & Nevan would have to spray the crowd with Dazzle, Snooze, & Poison Breath. Those were what Rex called their "crowd-control spells", and different monsters responded differently to all three. They needed variety.

As for Jamirus... Rex & Carver would have to hold him off. They were the sturdiest, and the best-equipped. Carver had the Staff of Ghent, and they both knew Buff. It was nerve-wracking, but Terry had soloed such a beast just days before. Surely they too could manage something?

The pair hardened their skin to marble, then walked in front of Jamirus. The other four were just around the corner...
Image Jamirus: What have we here? Fresh souls? Mmm... I love the smell of their fear! Hmm? Something about this group... It stirs a longing deep within me... Yes... I shall give this batch the personal touch. I will tear them apart and feast upon their guts!

Image Rex: Ew, stop. You're makin' me sick.

Image Jamirus: I will give you something to cry about, feeble humans!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, and Amos tore into them just as they'd planned, and scattered the waves to and fro. Carver & Rex went forth...


Jamirus jumped from the podium, his long tongue flailing in the air! He grabbed Rex & Carver's shields, and pulled them forward. The two went with the force, and scored blows across the demon's sides. He wasn't solid fat like Murdaw was, so the cuts were far more effective. They stabbed at his armpits, and drew blood there as well. Then Jamirus grabbed them, and flew into the air. He took them to the furnace just behind the podium; Against a wall with his image carved into marble stone. The air itself seethed in delusion; The heat was like nothing Rex had ever felt.

"Farewell, maggots!" Jamirus dropped the pair, and cackled with glee. An idea came to Rex's mind...


"W-What!? OH, I KNOW!!" Rex and Carver shot wind from their hands, hovered in the air, straining their supply of MP. Rex looked up to see Jamirus howling in glee, unaware of their manuever.

"Urgh... Carver, on the deck! I'll get his wings!"

"Right!" Rex shot himself into the air, onto Jamirus' back!

"W-WHA...GRAAARRGGGHHH!!!" Rex turned the stem of Jamirus' wing from muscle to flab with Sap, grabbed the blade of his own sword in his gauntlet, and stabbed it in! Blood sprayed, and flame poured into the wound!

"D-DAMN YOU!!" Jamirus flew backward into a wall! He smashed Rex, then scraped him off while dropping to his feet. Jamirus looked up, and knocked him 20 yards back with a haymaker. Rex skidded across the floor, near where Carver was waiting... And then shot Jamirus a cheeky grin. The Buff spell absorbed everything!

"Accursed mortals..." Jamirus' claws burned red... They burned red, and two melting blasts shot forth. It was the same as the Flame Claw, and there were TWO of them! Rex skidded beneath his, while Carver took it on his shield! White fire swallowed him, but he kept his ground... He kept his ground, then healed it off once more. Jamirus growled, and flew into the air again. Smoke still billowed from his wing... His flight was shaky.

"Nevan time?" Carver asked.

"Nevan time!" The two shot tunnels of wind from their hands, and caught Jamirus in a backdraft! They concentrated on the injured wing, scooped him up, and threw him into the furnace! Jamirus cried out, and then his voice faded. They didn't see him emerge from the furnace...

"That job boxed off then?" Carver asked.

"Hope so. Let's rejoin th-"

"FOOLS!' Jamirus flew into Carver from the side, and wrapped him in a bear hug! Rex threw his boomerang, and hit only air. 'I was BORN in hellfire!" Jamirus opened his mouth, and sprayed Rex in fire! Rex worked the Staff of Ghent as hard as he could, only barely staying ahead of the damage. The flames receded after a time... Rex saw Carver thrashing over the furnace.

"CARVER, NO!!" Rex every last drop of MP into the next gale. He caught Jamirus by his injured wing again, and pulled... Jamirus went with the force, and shoulder-checked Rex. He tried to stab his talons into Rex's throat, but his skin was too hard. Instead, he flew up, and dropped Rex 20 feet from the air. Rex slammed into the ground, and looked on.

"DIIIEEEE!!!" Jamirus twirled in the air with Carver in his arms, and dove for the furnace! Rex wailed in despair... And then a blue blur shot past.

"Not so fast, Buster Brown!!" Amos roared. He leaped into the air, and behold! Amos split the earth and mortar in half, and parted the red sea! All the flame and fire, all the furnace held, it all fell beneath the Earth! And then Amos jumped down and slammed into Jamirus like a meteor. He bit into his injured wing, and raked his claws down his back! Jamirus screamed bloody murder, dropped Carver, and flew back into the air. Jamirus spun and thrashed in every way he could, while Amos yanked on his wing.

"YOU!! Where did YOU come from!?" Jamirus cried.

"From US!" Ashlynn cried. She shot yellow cylinders into Jamirus, and turned his chiseled physique into emaciated flesh. A 2nd Sap spell had landed! Amos pulled one last time, and tore Jamirus' wing off its socket. Jamirus and Amos crashed into the ground. They both scrambled to their feet, and Amos charged again.

"H-HOW... DARE YOU!!!" Jamirus blew Amos back with twin Frizzles from his claws, while Rex dashed forward. Jamirus lumbered toward Rex, and swung his fist at Rex. Rex dropped to the ground, and slid between Jamirus' legs! He grabbed Jamirus' tail, Rex pulled himself up, and stabbed his blade into Jamirus' rectum. Jamirus screamed.

"Save some for me!" Carver boomed.

"N-No..." Jamirus bleated. He saw Carver climb out of the pit, then turned toward Amos, Milly, Ashlynn, and Nevan. Beneath the four were his followers; Dead at their feet. Milly flung spears of ice, Ashlynn used the Lightning Staff, Nevan shot his strongest cyclone, and Amos spat another round of thin air. Rex let all this rip open Jamirus' chest, then dug his sword through Jamirus' flesh. Rex went under his legs, down his quads, all the down to the tendons in his knee. Carver came up afterwards, and slammed his axe into Jamirus' other knee. Jamirus cried out, and fell onto his back. Down came Rex's sword and Carver's axe. They rose and fell, rose and fell, and rose and fell again, until Carver managed to chop his head off. His head rolled...
Image Jamirus: H-How... How could such rabble... Wait! Might you be the force that defeated Murdaw...? Y-You must be... How else could...could y-you... Arrrgh... Lord...Mor- Urgh!
Recap Part 10 wrote:Jamirus exploded like Murdaw had; He even had the same blue orbs fly out of him and into the sky. What's more, the ones frozen in stone came back to normal.
Image Wh-What the? What happened?

Image Skip Tickle: I knew it! I knew it all along! We were being tricked!

Image Th-Thank you so much! We owe our lives to you!

Image Oh, no, no, no... They musta got to my li'l missus already... (sniff)

Image W-Wait! Look!
Recap Part 10 wrote:More souls flew out of the furnace, including a ghostly old man.

Image King Medford: I, King Medford Medallion, am forever in your debt for releasing me from the curse! Bring me your mini medals, and I will reward you with fabulous prizes! See you then!

Image Rex: (So that's what that soldier meant...)

Image Hey... I wonder... Did all those souls get sent back home?

Image Yes! Yes, that has to be it!

Image W-We gotta get back to town!

Image Let's move it, people!
Recap Part 10 wrote:And they were gone.
Image Milly: Did you notice, Rex? Jamirus spoke someone's name when he died... Could this mean that more Dread Fiends await us now that Jamirus is gone...?

Image Rex: Least we know they're not made equal. Guy didn't regenerate or anythin'. Even Sap worked on 'em.

Image Carver: Well, I suppose we're headed back to Aridea for now, aye? I bet the rest of the passengers are waitin' for us back on the floating island.

Image Ashlynn: Thank the Goddess all those trapped souls were released from their prison or whatever! But where did that King Medallion guy go after he popped out at the end? I think we have some mini medals, but what's the point if we don't know where he went?

Image Rex: Eh, I'll tell ya what I think on the way, ok Ash?

Image Amos: Right folks! Let's get on board that island! (Never thought I'd say that...)

Image Milly: I hope we can work out how to steer it...
Recap Part 10 wrote:They didn't, but someone else did.
Image Hardy har! I used ta be a ship captain, ya know. I figure sailin' an island is the same difference! Trim the jib...and maybe the bushes, aye? We're settin' sail for Aridea!
Recap Part 10 wrote:The party sailed to Aridea, finally able to get true sleep. But who was Jamirus? Where did he come from, and where was he headed? Were there monsters even stronger than the both of them? Rex drifted off, hoping they wouldn't find the answers...