LP's Otaku Trash Machine Plays: Tekken's Nina Williams in: Death by Degrees

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Thanks to my good friend Square for the banner image!

Tekken is a fighting game series developed by Bandai Namco, with its first entry released in 1994. Like many other franchises in its genre, much of Tekken’s plot was originally isolated into character endings for its arcade modes, but there would be a greater emphasis on a larger interconnecting story as the series went on, fleshing out character relationships and tying events together into more than just a series of fighting tournaments. By the time Tekken 4 was released, the console versions would see characters get more dedicated story modes to expand their depth and provide more context to the way they fit into the complete Tekken narrative.

Tekken’s Nina Williams in: Death by Degrees is Bandai Namco’s first, and so far only, non-fighting spin-off game in the franchise. An action-adventure title developed for the PlayStation 2 in 2005, the game centers on Tekken’s Nina Williams, a famous assassin who has been hired to assist MI6 and the CIA in a sting operation to bring down the criminal organization Kometa. She is brought in as a sweeper, an undercover agent only meant to be called in for emergencies. Of course, things go wrong almost immediately, and so it’s up to Nina to save the day and discover the truth about Kometa’s plans. All in a day’s work. While not considered canon to the core Tekken story, the game does provide plenty of backstory on Nina and how she connects to various characters throughout the franchise, and attempts to flesh out what these characters do when not embroiled in a King of Iron Fist tournament. According to frequent series director Katsuhiro Harada, Nina was chosen as the lead character because she was, and continues to be, the most popular character in the Tekken series.

Like its main franchise, Tekken’s Nina Williams in: Death by Degrees is focused on precision and technical combat. However, the introduction of contextual commands for the game’s exploration segments meant that the face buttons on the controller were already accounted for and could not be used for fighting. Instead, movement and dodging is handled via the left joystick, while combat is entirely handled via the right joystick. While this setup is functional and provides more player freedom than in might seem on first glance, it’s a difficult system to get accustomed to, and it often feels like trial and error to execute more complex commands. But when the combat starts to flow, it can feel satisfying to outmaneuver opponents and catch them off-guard, executing the perfect counter for the scenario. Outside of the combat, the exploration portion of the game can be fun once you start to understand the layout of the maps, with plenty of little references to the larger Tekken universe scattered throughout. Puzzles range from Resident Evil-style "take the conspicuous item to the more conspicuous location" to multiple alternate gameplay modes that test both your reflexes and your wit. A lot of effort was put into making this a fully-realized adventure and I think that shines through the rough parts of the game.


I’m special agent ChorpSaway, and I have my team of sweepers TheJayOfSpade, Taoc, and FutureFriend on backup duty. Our mission: to examine this oft-forgotten Tekken spin-off and talk about unhinged fighting game lore. FutureFriend is our resident Tekken enjoyer who’ll be helping fill in the gaps for the rest of us as we learn just what it takes to be a major competitor of the King of Iron Fist tournament.

I will be completing the main campaign with a fresh save on Normal difficulty, as well as completing all of the major sub-objectives tracked by the game (fingerprints, gold coins, puzzle boxes). I will also be showing off as much bonus material as I can stand to collect.

Also, please do not post story spoilers in the thread. If you wanna talk about Tekken lore that’s fine, but anything pertaining to Tekken’s Nina Williams in: Death by Degrees specifically should be saved until we see it in the LP.


Last edited by ChorpSaway on Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:31 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


The espionage mission is officially underway and Tekken's Nina Williams has already been given a difficult task: find their missing CIA operative John Doe! Fortunately, John has a GPS device on him that allows Nina to see exactly where he is on the boat right now. Unfortunately, the cruise ship is a veritable labyrinth, full of twists and turns and locked doors with elaborate puzzles and systems attached to opening them. But this is all in a day's work for the world-renowned assassin, so let's track down our missing person!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Last time, Tekken's Nina Williams found out that the CIA operative on the mission had been killed, before Bryce Adams appeared to let her know that he'd taken his GPS tracker along with his life. Now the hunt is on as Nina tries to capture Bryce and retrieve this intel! But there are many deadly traps set up throughout the Amphitrite, and Nina's single-mindedness with the mission might lead her directly into Bryce's hands. Will she survive her next encounter with the dangerous gunman and meet back up with Alan Smithee, or is this the end of the line for the world-famous assassin?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


With the "help" of Alan Smithee, Tekken's Nina Williams has now been directed to gain the final level of access needed to explore the Amphitrite and investigate the ongoing Kometa meeting. All she needs to do is infiltrate Lana Lei's room and pull a fingerprint from her belonging, how hard could that be? That's not all she's getting up to though; Nina needs a new suit if she wants to keep things tactical, and once she has full reign of the ship she's going to want to explore everything the Amphitrite has to offer is visitors. Hopefully that meeting Nina needs to crash is running late!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Will full access to the Amphitrite secured, it's finally time for Tekken's Nina Williams to crash the Kometa board meeting and see what's really going on aboard this ship. However, things quickly go south of the infiltration and it's all hands on deck while everyone tries to evacuate. Can Nina catch her marks before the escape, or will the chaos of their exit strategy cause her to fall right into their hands?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


After an improptu run-in with Enrique and Lana, Tekken's Nina Williams finds herself locked up in a run-down prison facility. Nothing the most famous international assassin can't handle though, especially when she finds out there's plenty of intel to get in her new temporary residence. Sometimes it's nice to see a plan come together, even if it involves being poisoned and taken away to a dilapidated prison without any sort of proper accommodations. Plus, there are new fingerprints to steal!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


From one labyrinthine structure to another, it's time to explore the depths of the prison! Following our lead to help break Lukas out of prison so he can give us details on Kometa's terrorist plans, Tekken's Nina Williams finds herself navigating the prison sewers to find her way to the rest of the facility. But danger lurks around every corner, whether it be Tekken Force, the lack of hygiene, or a water level puzzle. Can Nina find her way back to ground level, or will she drown in the seedy underbelly of the prison before she can escape?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Tekken's Nina Williams may have escaped the sewers, but she's landed in an equally miserable situation: bureaucracy! In order to reach Enrique and acquire his fingerprints in order to free Lukas from his cell, she'll have to navigate the many layers of security present on Prison Island, from metal detectors to literal gatekeeping. And once she meets up with Enrique, he won't be willing to just hand over his identifying information for free... Nothing's ever easy for a world-renowned assassin!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, it's time to take another run around the prison! With Enrique's fingerprints in her roster, Tekken's Nina Williams has everything she needs to free Lukas and get to the bottom of the Kometa investigation, or so she thinks. Lukas admits that he had his security access revoked and can no longer get back to his lab, which means it's up to Nina to get to the top of Prison Island and figure out how to restore Lukas' permissions in the database. Unfortunately, this means another trip through the sewers, but they've been flooded since last time. Can Tekken's Nina Williams brave the waters and find her way to the next objective?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, we have to hack a computer! Tekken's Nina Williams has re-navigated the newly flooded sewers and found her way to the roof of Prison Island, where the databases are kept. In order to get down into the secret laboratory and get information on what exactly Kometa is doing, she'll have to sneak into the computer room and restore Lukas' security clearance. While it might seem easy on paper, the roof is the most heavily guarded location in the prison, with plenty of spotlight mazes and snipers ready to take down any intruder they spot. However, no challenge is too great for Tekken's Nina Williams!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, we're pushed to the limits! Tekken's Nina Williams and Lukas Hayes, with their new access to the main elevator, have infiltrated Prison Island's secret underground laboratory. On their entrance, however, things start to take a turn for the worse. Something's happened to Alan Smithee, and two dangerous foes are about the get the drop on our unsuspecting heroes, literally. Will Nina and Lukas be able to handle these threats, and if so, will they then be able to handle their greatest new obstacle in OSHA violations? Turns out being a world-renowned assassin isn't as easy as it looks!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, it's time to get a run-down on just what's happening in the twisted minds of the Kometa executives! After finally reaching the lab proper, Lukas gives Tekken's Nina Williams a demonstration on the goals of Kometa, and why he decided to defect and post his viral video. But in order to do something about their villainous schemes, Nina must enter some areas of the lab that have since been contaminated with a deadly gas and grant both her and Lukas access to the rest of the facility...

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, things take a turn for the worse for our heroes! After neutralizing the gas leak in the lab, Tekken's Nina Williams goes to meet up with Lukas, only to find he's left her behind. Now on his trail, Nina learns about the experiments going on in the Kometa lab and the extent of Lukas' involvement. However, her investigative research is cut short when she comes upon a gruesome scene leading to an unwelcome reunion with some previous enemies. Can she survive the onslaught and stop the Kometa executive before they can push things too far?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, it's time to say goodbye to Prison Island! With Enrique dead, the only Kometa executive left alive is Lana Lei, and she just captured Lukas while he was trying to escape with the satellite codes. And after seeing the destructive power of Salacia, Tekken's Nina Williams' mission to stop Kometa has never felt more urgent! Lana has left Prison Island, so it's up to Nina and Alan to work together in order to escape Prison Island themselves and chase after her. Will they survive the big break, or will their mission end in failure?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


It's time to return to where it all began! Lana Lei has escaped Prison Island and returned to the Amphitrite, and of course Tekken's Nina Williams had to follow course in order to complete her mission. However, Alan went down with his helicopter, so now Nina is on her own in re-navigating the perils of the terrorist cruise ship. While some things have stayed the same, new security measures have been put in place around the Amphitrite, from dangerous new enemies to harsher access protocols. There's a lot of new ground to explore, so will Nina see her mission through, or will the challenge prove too great for the world-famous assassin?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, Namco wasn't satisfied with just one secret lab! With a genre-mandated piano puzzle under her belt, Tekken's Nina Williams finds herself in a hidden location on board the Amphitrite, another Kometa base of operations for their evil deeds. Alongside their plans for terrorism, a familiar friend tells us that in this location the organization is building cyborgs for military purposes. With the crimes against humanity continuing to pile up, there's only one thing left for Nina to do: solve all the locked door puzzles and fight through armies of cyborgs in order to shut down Kometa's operations for good!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, it's time to get back to what Nina does best: solving puzzles! The labyrinthine cruise ship lab (not to be confused with the labyrinthine prison island lab) is full of mysteries, and if Tekken's Nina Williams wants to get to the bottom of any of them, she'll need to get into the thick of Kometa's evil schemes. She'll get her hands dirty in the cyborg morgue, learn the complexities of Chinese chess, and follow up on a codec regarding what appears to be the worst job in international waters!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, it's time to pit man vs machine! After stealing a key and an ominous journal entry from some unsuspecting guards, Tekken's Nina Williams' next challenge is clear: she must navigate the Amphitrite and defeat three J-robots in combat, collecting Chinese chess pieces from each one to solve a puzzle and continue her investigation into Kometa. However, these robots are more advanced than the ones Nina encountered on Prison Island, so it will take all of her cunning to survive this most dangerous game and finally bring an end to her mission!

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, it's the last of the famous international terrorists! With all the Chinese chess pieces in hand, Tekken's Nina Williams has unlocked the final door into the inner sanctums of the Amphitrite. There's only one executive left to face in Lana Lei, but what's behind this last door may surprise Nina more than she expected. With twists and turns still coming her way, will Nina be able to take down Lana and bring an end to this evil plot, or will it be too late to stop this villainous scheme?

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:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:


Today, it's time to finish the fight! With the last of the Kometa executives taken care of, all that's left for Tekken's Nina Williams to do is shut down the terrorist satellite and get the hell off this damn boat for good. However, nothing is ever as easy as it sounds, and the Amphitrite's self-destruct sequence activates as she plans to make her getaway! There's a lot standing between Nina and the end of her mission; can she handle the heat, or will she fall right before the finish line?

Tune in next week for a couple bonus episodes where we'll go over some of the extra modes and secrets in this game!

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:siren: FINAL UPDATE TIME! :siren:


In the first update of the finale, let's see what happens after the credits roll! We go over many of the post-game features in Tekken's Nina Williams in: Death by Degrees, including Tekken's Nina Williams' alternate outfits, the new side campaign and associated updates, minigames, and more. Just like the main campaign, there's a lot to discover and plenty of secrets hidden under the surface, so let's explore as much as we can!


And in the second update, let's kick back and relax a bit! The sound test also houses the game's gallery, so let's enjoy a journey through the soundtrack while checking out concept art for the game.

Thanks for watching, and we'll see you in the next LP!

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