Last time, a villain in Middle Ages France challenged our protagonist, William Tibbs, to meet him in the French Museum of Medieval History.
Naturally, that's where he went.
The museum proper is off limits today, unfortunately. Perhaps he should come some other day?
Sighs. Fine, fine. We'll explore what we can.
The room to his right only has two items of interest: a headphone and...
This is exactly how I react to most anime.
There's a map of the museum. Spoilers, we'll see like 33% of it before we're done.
In the left room, someone keeps calling for Thibauld de Mondedier.
Tibbs is unfortunately not the most interesting narrator.
He looks at the big painting and gets told that he was Thibauld and once crusaded alongside some knights, complete with this amazing shot.
Someone thought that looked good.
William promptly steals a sword and shield to cosplay as a crusader.
The ticket office is up next, and it too is sadly boring. All William gets here is a toy catapult and a CD with some backstory about the Templars. About 90% of it is irrelevant, so I will spare you the details.
As soon as he enters the curator's office, though, things begin happening!
"Your attention please! The museum is about to close!"
Damn. So soon?
It's the villain! He's cackling madly again!
"I Wolfram, Deputy to the Grand Inquisitor of Paris, challenge you, William Tibbs."
Annnnd he promptly locks William in. Great.
Well, let's look around.
Great insight, William.
Rifling through the curator's desk finally gives some useful items: a keycard and a key. He also gets a magazine, but it doesn't have anything besides a hint to a later puzzle there.
Okay, now let's try to leave...
Good thing is, the lasers are deceptively quite avoidable. Bad thing is, they trigger the alarm, and get him arrested.
Being arrested is a game over. I dunno, couldn't he just wait out the sentence? His only "crime" was being caught in a museum's outer chambers after it had closed down, surely that can't be worth much?
Anyway, leaving this room is easy, it's just a matter of making your way close to the center showpiece, following its sides closely, then carefully moving alongside the opposite wall.
Okay, NOW let's try leaving for r-
Really? The curator's key can't open the front door?
How about the left side room then?
...I seriously overestimated this key's usefulness.
Really, all it unlocks is the control box for one laser grid. Whoop de do!
At least this screwdriver should help us pick lock some things. I try it on the front door, fail, and then try it on the side door.
Huzzah! Minor progress!
The TV crew is no longer there, of course, so William goes ahead and explores what's left of the room.
It's not much.
William gets railroaded into disabling the control panel, but not before this funny death:
He then gets zapped evil gargoyle? It's so absurd it makes me cackle.
Anyway, he finally gets deeper into the museum.
Surprise! Wolfram is here!
He locks William in again! This time with a black knight!
Whatever shall he-
Oh, he just punches him to death because this game's combat is bad, and bare fists are stronger than most weapons. The black knight vanishes into an orb because this is Time Gate. Also, he can hilariously get arrested mid combat, but unfortunately, we hear nothing about the black knight's fate.
Okay, now what? Where does he go?
Why, to a ridiculously trapped sideroom, of course!
This is one of the game's most tedious puzzles - you have to navigate the lasers very precisely, and it's easy to trigger the alarm with no visual indication. Provided you make it through, the catapult can hit the red button, which conveniently disables all lasers
except the one blocking the entrance. What sodding security design is this?
At least he's at the courtyar-damn. The black knight again! Run!
William calls for Juliette, and is promptly accosted by two thugs!
He tries to run away, but they corner and knock him out!
Then they taunt him about joining Juliette and toss him into the well. Wait, what? She's dead?
He gets resurrected and gets some bizarre messaging about finding some stones and reuniting humanity, before waking up in....Middle Ages France?
Only to be promptly arrested!
Wolfram, looking ever so devilish, sentences him to death. He is whisked away to jail.
So there we go - the entire first act was ultimately nothing but misdirection and potential framing. But hey, at least now the actual story can begin, right?
Next time, William begins his wacky, hazardous trip through a French monastery!