If you need to learn how to play this game, ask your mum, Let's Play Bayonetta 2!

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The Game

Bayonetta 2 is, naturally, the sequel to the 2009 action game. Released in 2014, it's a sequel not many expected since it seemed like Sega was content to sit on the IP and publish no further games for it. In comes Nintendo, backing a sequel for their ill-fated Wii U console. While a critical darling, the console it released to doomed it to at least some degree of mainstream obscurity. Fortunately though, it did well enough that it warranted an enhanced port for the much more successful Nintendo Switch and Bayonetta 3 is coming this month! With the release of the newest installment pending, let's take a look at the most recent entry and see what we got here, eh?

The Let's Play

Why 2 over 1? Well I personally prefer 2. I know a lot of big Bayonetta fans prefer the first game for a handful of reasons, but I find the strengths of this game to shine better than the strengths of the first. While not without its flaws or questionable additions, it purged the most unpleasant aspects from the previous game and generally has much smoother and more natural controls, with the main mechanical additions making the game both more visually exciting and interesting to play. This let's play will be a fresh new game on Infinite Climax, the highest difficulty. There will be a lot for me to go over in the early videos as I go over what you need to do to survive this mode, but the general flow should smooth out after the first couple videos and I can focus on showing off a variety of weapons and equipment to spice up your gameplay and get those high scores. With that out of the way, Let's Play!

The Videos

Part 1, Nightmare Before Christmas
Part 2, Noatun Tourists
Part 3, Stains of Time
Part 4, Stairway to Heaven
Part 5, Masquerade
Part 6, Serpent's Pass
Part 7, Towerfall
Part 8, Demonic Diversions
Part 9, At Hell's Gate
Part 10, Doomsayer
Part 11, Welcome To Hell
Part 12, Attack of The Killer Queen
Part 13, Beneath The Mask
Part 14, Revisiting Vigrid
Part 15, A Weapon to Surpass Metal Gear
Part 16, Out of Time
Part 17, Organized Chaos
Bonus Video
Last edited by Cullen on Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:25 pm, edited 17 times in total.

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Part 2 is out! Bit of a longer video than I'd like but this is a long chapter so it's what you have to deal with. Mostly went smooth, though verses 6-9 were extremely shaky.

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Part 3 is out! I continue to be randomly competent, while Loki unlocks mysterious new powers.

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Part 4 is short and sweet for once, a boss only chapter that goes decently well!

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Part 5 is out! We return to Noatun and encounter a mysterious masked man, whose true identity we can only speculate on.

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Part 6 is out! Bayonetta and Loki bond a little, and I have a strong performance for most of this chapter until the very end where I bungle the easiest parts. Natch.

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Part 7 is out! A nice quick boss chapter before we start getting into the actually difficult parts of the game. Clearly I'm going to have some problems.

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Part 8 is up! This is where the game really starts to heat up on Infinite Climax, I'd say from here to the end of Chapter 12 is the hardest stretch of the game.

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Part 9 is up! Things get dicey here to say the least, with multiple encounters against the absolute toughest enemies in the game. We get a slight breather in the next chapter, but chapter 10 strikes back at full force.

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Part 10 is out! A bit of a breather chapter with only one particularly tough fight at the start and an emphasis on plot towards the end.

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Part 11 is up! This was definitely the big chapter I was dreading when starting this LP, but I managed to get a decent clear of it. Still a Stone ranking, but not by the huge margin it was compared to the first time I tried this.

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Back from a short trip out of state, what better way to resume than with a boss chapter! We technically achieve our goal for the game in this video but naturally it can't just end here.

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Part 13 is up! Easily one of the toughest boss fights of the main game is here, but after this we get a bit of a break with a string of less demanding chapters.

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Part 14 is out! This is unfortunately the recycled portion of the game, but at least we have some cool new weapons to run roughshod on familiar faces with.

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Part 15 is out! We're rapidly approaching the end of the game, though it may take a few days longer than I would have liked, got incredibly sick after this recording.

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Late post, but part 16 is out! The penultimate chapter with a penultimate batch of collectibles. Ending will be in the next video, get excited!

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End of the game is up! Going further, I have one bonus video to upload and the potential for the lost chapters and the bonus boss, but I don't know when I'll be able to find the time to shoot for successful clears of those. Tentatively, this let's play is finished. Thank you to all who watched, hope you'll tune in for my next one!

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Bonus video is up! Nothing too special here, touching on extra characters, costumes, weapons, and a brief overview of Tag Climax.

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