Ohhh... Library Battle SIMULATION: Let's Play Library of Ruina

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Sweetfish wrote:
Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:58 pm
Finally had time to bring the meme that's been haunting me ever since the update to life. The goofy strategies this game has to offer are delightful :allears: Image
oh I love this :allears:

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Book 49: Endgame—Chapter 9: My floor has no pathetic Librarians, Oswald!


Image So, they made it past our defenses in the end.

Image It seems these guests become books the same as the others before them. At this point, it makes the most sense to receive them…

Image So that we can finish your book, huh. Well then, I'll see who's waiting at my floor and figure out what to do about it afterwards.


Image Alright team, let's see which of them stayed behind.

Image Whoever it is, I'm sure we'll handle them.

Image Hey now, don't tempt fate.

Music: TipherethBattle01

Image Ah! Down there is… a river that looks like a very large stream containing blueberries and juiced mountain snake berries… An olfactory mixture of mint and clove… would make a stingy scent like this! This stage has a blindingly sparkly rust, a stark contrast from ours! Splendid! I couldn’t ask for a better place to prepare for a grandiose performance. Don’t you think so, Mr. Knife?!

Image What a noisy guest.

Image Oh, two yikeses and a half! My heart almost popped out of my eyehole!


Image Ah, now just one moment! Take a look at this! Ms. Mermaid is lifting her microphone high in excitement~

Image You’re getting nowhere with your frantic speech, so could you please stick to one topic at a time? And you’d be the guest here if we’re being pedantic.

Image A clown can’t be in charge of producing his own show, you know? Hahaha! That’s showbiz to you, miss!

Image I don’t get what’s so funny…

Image Now, now~ Why don’t we sniff each other’s wrists in a true fashion of clown-to-clown communication ritual? I wore a whiff of peppery scent today!

Image W—wait! You startled me! It’s rude to stick your face into others without asking… Do you understand?

Image Nyeh… How cold! People these days are waaay too stuck up! We’re entering a moist era where laughter runs dry! People get so easily upset over tiny things. Sob, sob, woe is me… If a clown can’t be filled with laughter, they’ll flop like a deflated balloon…

Image Anger is a natural human emotion, though.


Image Only those who carry some kind of hopes and dreams make such stinky candies~ Expectations for a bar of chocolate, a hamster, objects, the weather, other people… and for themselves. They arbitrarily entertain the expectations and make the candies without even getting a nod from the one they have their hopes on, and won’t even eat their candies themselves!

Image Because they know that their own candies taste awful.

Image So iiiiinstead! They put them in the mouths of others. More expectations means more foul-smelling candies~ They hold those balls of stench in their arms, looking to shove them in someone else’s stomach!

Image Then… How is one supposed to live a life without any expectations?

Image Did a blade of grass ask for you to have them? Did the gentle sun allow you to have them? Who in the world told you that it’s right to hold expectations? Hahaha! That tingles my mouth almost as much as a celery leaf does! Oh, how hilarious!!! When you don’t hold expectations~ You get to see more eyesores! When you don’t have anger, you get to enjoy zestier and bitterer flavors~ Treat everything like a rolling ball! You cheer for it wherever the sphere decides to go!


Image Everyone who lives here is a clown! Clowns can’t survive without feeding on each other’s smiles, you see?

Image …I see your point. You’re right. Holding expectations for someone isn’t always a good thing for them. While I can’t fully agree with your opinions, I admit that there are parts that I can’t completely disregard.

Image Ohohoh! I just want to make a world full of laughter! One where everybody can laugh without a care!!! Frowny faces are just too scary~

Image However, to hold expectations is to trust that person. You’re simply running from the fear of failing to meet the expectations of others.

Image Haha! Hahaha! Am I? Is it a crime to wish for happiness?! Since when was it a bad thing to wish for a world where all people can laugh? Hmph, whatever! I guess we have different kinds of laughters we want to display in our shows as performers!

Image You’re no different from us folks in that you run a show hoping to make people smile the smile you want to see! Let’s begin the performance to make another clown laugh!!! That’s enough introduction… Shall we begin playing on the tongue now? Hahaha!

Image Yeah. In your language, we have to fight to protect the stages we stand on.


Image So it's that clown… and he simply wants to laugh alongside everyone. In that case…

Image In that case, it's simple: We counter a clown focused on smiles with a jester focused on emptiness.

Image That strategy would leave every one of you dead on the floor.

Image Which would make for a fitting climax. It'll work. It has to work.

Image That's…

Image I think they have a point. This guy only cares about one emotion. Let's hit him with the whole rest of the spectrum.

Image And he's trying to avoid expectations, too. So we'll load ours onto you, so you can live up to them.
Image Alright… Fine. Let's go with your plan, then.

The rest of the gang today is built to lose a lot of clashes and die to enable Tiphereth's Lone Fixer and Remembrance passives. I actually messed up here, it would have been better if these guys had been much squishier than this.

Retry Count: 10. This did cost me a run, because I am still very bad at playing this game badly. I usually just steamroll over Oswald with conventional strategies. :sweatdrop:

Music: The Reverberation Ensemble (Briah)

New layer means new music.

Image Hm… HmhmHM! Five prodigiously smelly clowns have joined us on the stage, it seems..!
Image But that licoricey scent simply won't do! Oh no no no, you'll never get anywhere unless you let them steep out in the sunny sunshine!

Image There's no more time for clouds, dear friends! Let's bring happy smiles to the faces of the entire world!!!


Oswald as a boss is nigh-immune to conventional Stagger damage, between universal 0.25x resists and his ability to halve all SR damage—and he's got some decent Evade dice to quickly undo any Stagger Damage we may happen to get through those layers of defense. He'll periodically attempt to Stupify the highest-HP Librarian and power them up, which is a Bad Thing for us. However, if we manage to Stagger the Stupefied Librarian, Oswald will take a guaranteed 60 SR. After two cycles, he uses a Mass Attack, then the pattern repeats forever.

Image Image

Mr. Knife and Ms. Mermaid are his fellow performers today, and each of them are very basic enemies who primarily exist to deal more SR damage to Oswald when we kill them, 40 each.

Now, let's look at their attacks on this first turn.


Let's Have Some Fun~ is one of only two conventional pages that Oswald uses. The rest of his normal combat pages all have an unusual gimmick to them.


Oswald, you see, is a consummate performer. Without holding any expectations, anyone who's on stage with him is expected to do their job—and when they do, they get congratulated accordingly. Pow~! Kablammo!!♣ is a pair of strong Evades covering for a relatively weak actual attack. However, if we win the clash against this attack then the Librarian who does it gets 1 Haste and Endurance next turn. We can't just ignore it, either, since if it hits us we'll lose a Speed Die next turn.

As for Shall We Somersault These?♦, it's a Ranged page with three decent-at-best dice. If we win a Clash against all three, then the Librarian who stuffed the page will get a 2 Light refund—it's basically begging us to use a giant single-hit attack like Violet Blade. A normal playthrough of this fight would take advantage of these bonuses to make a grand performance, but today we don't have the tools to stop any of these attacks.

We're primed to be the single greatest disappointment this poor clown has ever worked with.


Ms. Mermaid's attacks are all Ranged pages as well, and tend to have some kind of supporting effect. Horrendous Pitch deals bonus Stagger Damage, while Aria of Courage will give 1 Strength to the lowest HP ally. This is usually Mr. Knife.


Mr. Knife can also use a mix of Ranged pages and melee ones. Guillotine, specifically, will break the second die on a page if its single hit succeeds, while Casual Toss is just kind of… there.


While we aren't likely to win many clashes against them, we don't really need to, either. We want to lose clashes, slowly have everyone but Tiphereth die off, and try and keep Tiph herself healthy.

Image He's expecting a performance out of us, eh?

Image Yeah… I don't think it's happening. :psyduck:

Image That's perfect. If fighting between magical girls is a dialogue… in this case, not performing would be the best way to make our point.

Image I'll admit that the Jester was related… but do you really expect me to believe that every clown follows those same rules?

Image Yes. Because they do.

Image So clowns are magical girls, now… Fine. Whatever. It doesn't change anything either way.

Image Now then, my fellow clowns, it's time for the most peppery-splodey performance of any lifetime!!! Don't volunteer all at once now, or you may make my lungs burst with laughter~!!
Image You'll do nicely! Lace your most stunning sneakers, and try this out!


Image You want me to jump through the rings..?

Image Ah-ah-ah, I'm no chowder-brain!! That would be an expectation, you'll do whatever you'll do, won't you~?

Image Oh, good… because I can't jump worth anything.

Image Hahahahahaaaa!!


Image Ghh.. They hit pretty hard, but I feel like we could have taken them if we fought normally.

Image It's not about winning or losing, here: It's about making sure to send the right thematic message.

Image To be clear: it is about winning.
Image Well… Fine! We'll do both! We can do both.


Image That blueberry-smelling fellow of yours has the right of it! It's all about the performance, don't you know? The minute-by-minute existence in search of the grandest stage of all!

Image There's more to life than living hand-to-mouth. Or foot to stage, as you'd put it.

Image Such a sickly lemony smell from you! Making sour candies and firing them like warheads, don't you know there's a reason no one buys those cookies?!


Image …Well, at least it'll be easy to call on this power.

The plan goes off without a hitch, entirely because we're playing terrible decks for this point in the game.

Image Oh my, what's that my dear Ms. Mermaid?
Image I agree! It's far too languorous in here~ I'm so happy to see that it's driven you to sing your very best!

Image I think the fish is about to do something.

Image Just look out for it, whatever it's doing.


What it's doing is Resonating Terror, Ms. Mermaid's Mass-Individual page that deals bonus Stagger Damage on hit. Its rolls are just high enough to be a problem, but since we're playing to lose with everyone but Tiphereth I don't care much about this thing right now.


Mr. Knife is using Knife Barrage this turn as well, a 4-die Ranged attack just begging to be crushed by a Celestial Spear or some other big single-die attack.


From Oswald, we have a pair of new pages. The first is Here, Catch~!♣, a single large die that will break all other dice on our page should it win. It will give any Librarian who breaks that first die in a Clash 1 Strength on the next turn.


Lastly, there's We Need You, You Know~?. This page is Oswald's best trick, as it will instantly Stagger its target, before inflicting them with Stupefy for the next two turns. We really don't want this to hit Tiphereth, but since all his Speed Dice are set to 1 on the turn where he uses it it's trivial to redirect.

Boksi can eat it this turn.


Image Your windpipes are blazing hot now, Ms. Mermaid? Then perform to your heart's content! Hahahahaha, and I'll find a lovely accompanist!


Resonating Terror is two of those wavy ripple effects over the screen, and only Tiphereth has any luck blocking it.

Image Geez… Is everyone else okay?


Image I'm fine, I'm fine!

Image I'm still standing. Ears are ringing, but… it's fine.

Image It'll take a lot more than that to take us down, ma'am!


Image You. You'll do! Get over here, it's time to perform! That mossy smell of yours will complement Ms. Mermaid's voice perfectly!
Image Um… what? But…
Image Don't let the daisies grow from your ears, boy! It's time for a performance!!

Image What's he doing?

Image It's some kind of limited mental manipulation ability.


Image Such mealy-mouthed meandering minds always follow after speaking of 'expectations.'


Image The stage stretches out before us like a grand stream of excitement! Keep your brains to the current, or they'll be on the floor!

Image You're really starting to get on my nerves.

Image Everyone's so upset when no one wants to eat their disgusting candies. Simply breathe, the smell will permeate in either case!


Image …We're running behind. What's the deal?

Image It looks like Boksi didn't get a chance to generate any more emotions. And now he's…

Image Performing. I'm performing. Just like every day, I'm doing my part and doing it well!

Image Well, you see it.
Image I think I might hate this guy.

Image That could be the Abnormality's power talking.

Image No, it really isn't.


Now that we have a Stupefied Librarian, let's talk about what it actually does. Put simply: Boksi is fighting for the enemy for the next two turns using the same Key Page and Combat Pages he had. While this is going on, the music in the background fades somewhat and the circus theme plays alongside it.

We can fight him like any normal enemy, and our attacks deal damage to him like normal. However, any time Boksi loses a clash he will also lose 5% of his maximum SR on top of it—and if we ever Stagger him, then Stupefied will be cleared immediately.

Right now, we just need to clash with him to make sure that we can keep upping our Emotion Levels.


The only new attack this turn is Cross Cut, coming from Mr. Knife.


Image So what's the plan?

Image You guys just keep throwing yourselves at Oswald and his buddies. I'll handle Boksi.

Image The flowers are growing… Their hope sings eternal. Bow before the prowess of a nestborn!
Image The sooner the better.


Image Why… are the knives… so big..?!

Seriously, just look at the size of that thing. These should be taking our entire limbs off.

…Good thing they're just clowning around. :v:


Image Well this is… disappointing.

Image There you go again! Breathing in your own misery and breathing out that depressing miasma, doesn't it get boring~?


Image Add some spice to your life!


Image :psyduck:

I do want to shout out the game's artists here, Oswald's sprites are great.


Image Boss, I'll have to ask you to stand down. I can see things clearly now.

Image Can you? Or do you just think you can?

Image Don't try and talk me out of things!


Image Fine. Your funeral.
Image Oof..! You could hold back a little!

Image Would you?


Despair comes along just as planned. Things seem messy, but Tiphereth is still packing plenty of HP. As long as we don't get Staggered and beaten into the ground, we're still right on schedule.


At this point the fight would normally be in a bad place: We're outmatched in action economy with the enemy getting far more dice than us. We're also taking on damage and there's a very real possibility that Tylana dies this turn.

But we're playing for Nix, meaning that all of this is going exactly according to plan.


Ms. Mermaid uses Aria of Auspice this turn, giving 2 Protection to the lowest HP ally. Outside of that it's yet another Ranged page with all that entails.


Meanwhile, Oswald is showing us the last of his normal pages: Ready for a Surprise?!♥. The block dice on this page will restore HP if they win a Clash, but the Counter die can inflict Paralysis with every hit and is also dangerous. Because this is almost always played as the last page in a turn, if we're faster than his slowest die it's possible to completely avoid dealing with the Block dice, preventing him from healing with them.


Image Hey, Miss Tiphereth?

Image What.

Image I know we're two Abnormality powers into things, so it might be a little late, but… Since you're doing a super powerup…

Image I'm not doing any catch phrases, Chinely.

Image But… It's like, a rule, you know?

Image "When magical girls have a true battle, it's as much a conversation as it is a fight." You said it, right?
Image You remembered..?

Image I'm drawing on their power. It seemed handy to keep in mind.


Image Listening to such rabble… this is why you're no longer worthy to lead.


Image Don't interrupt!

Image Gh-!


Image Anyways, I thought about it, and this guy's all about performances. So: I'm not doing any of it. I'm going to do my job, and leave it at that.

Image Such dedication to your performance! A tragic clown, with tears on her makeup~ But don't you understand the very most basic of the basics?! An object is thrown by a First!


Image And it strikes a Thirteenth!
Image What did I even do?!


Image Subverting expectations is child's play for any great performer!! Of course, this too only holds sway because you have any at all~ A proper showstopper could deflect such a ball with the stems of their wrists!


Image Uhghhh… Oh. I'm still alive. Great. :psyduck:


Image We're all still alive. Boksi, are you done being stupid?

Image …Um. Yes. Very done. My head hurts…

Image Deal with it. I'm only missing the Servant, so the next one is going to make life hard.


I grab Gold Rush here. Blind Rage would also be good, but either one is helpful once we go off.


The next turn is another Resonating Terror/We Need You, You Know~? combo attack. It's Chinely's turn to eat this one.


Image Such a delightful aria, Ms. Mermaid~ Your beautiful pipes never fail to bring a smile to my face! Now, who shall accompany us this time… Who do you think, Ms. Mermaid?


Image Hmmhmm! I hear you, yes, they'll be a fine fellow to accompany us for a bar or two. Just long enough for the poinsettias to sprout from their hair!

Image Wha-?


Image If you would! That blueberry scent of yours wants nothing more than to perform, so let me give you a chance to live as you truly like!

Image Oh… hell..!

Image We should be able to fix him with the power of friendship…

Image No such thing exists. You could bludgeon him until he returns to his senses.

Image White damage, then.


Image Destroying the hopes and dreams of magnificent beings who want only to perform and bring smiles to everyone… Such thorny vines have wrapped around your heart! Doesn't the friendly sun shine on all equally?


Image It's true… The vines… I've let them go, and now I can see the truth!

Image The truth?! All you're seeing are the lies of the masked clown!

Image Don't try and stop me, Omni… I feel so light. It's the first time I've felt this happy during battle!
Image Boss, we might be in trouble.

Image Yeah, I recognize the line. It should be fine, he's using it wrong.

Image Wait, you do?!
Image Don't ask questions!!

Image Anyways, Tylana's already dead-

Image Sorry boss.

Image -because she's overachieving as usual, so it's down to the rest of you to get killed asap.

Image Oh… or not? :psyduck:

Because Tiphereth is already at Emotion Level 4 and soon she'll be getting a ton of Emotion Coins anyways, I slow down with her. The others continue with operation "flail around and die."


Image Your stupid knives aren't going to hit me.


Tylana dies right on schedule, giving us a glut of emotion coins.


Image This bookish stage is really such a bother, you know? People are led to their moments of purest excitement, and they contort into parchment instead of blooming for the audience!

Image We don't even have an audience in the first place!


Image But still, the actors must play their parts.

Image Because the audience expects them to?
Image Hardly! Because that is who we are! Every one of us is merely twirling on someone else's stage!

Image The stage may not be mine, but we're ultimately here because its owner expects something from us.


Image But since you're just living in a world where only happiness is allowed… I'll serve as a reminder of the other emotions, now.

We're going to be losing control of Tiphereth until we hit max Emotion. This is the trickiest part of the fight, and ideally most of our team would be dead already. Udjat is way too tough for proper Tiphxodia strategies, Tylana actually had around the perfect amount of tankiness.


Related note: I would have loved to have gotten Blind Rage last level, as right now it can't do anything for us until Tiphereth regains her senses. Oh well! :lobcorp:


Image Clowns… Even after I'm finally done dealing with those honking bastards, here we are. Back again. Dealing with clowns.
Image Let me TELL YOU how absolutely SICK AND TIRED I am of CLOWNS!!

Image While the boss is addled, I guess we'll have to take care of things, huh..?

Image The way I see it, you could be over here.

Image That's not happening.

Our job for now is to try and prevent Tiphereth from taking one-sided attacks in her rage. She'll recover some HP back with her Haulers, but we don't want her to bleed dry.


Image No matter WHERE the stinking things show up, it's the same mess! Honking! Running all over the place! Murdering clerks and MESSING WITH THINGS! And if not that, then they roll all over the damn place and FLATTEN PEOPLE!!


Image And now, just when the clowns are gone forever, there's this masked WEIRDO who's on my floor, talking nonsense and STEALING MY LIBRARIANS!

Image You're trying to kill us all, though, aren't you?!


Image I've taken advantage of the opportunity, ma'am. The enemy's stunned!


Image In that case, I'll dispense right and proper justice! An eye for an eye…

Image Ah, dammit..!


Image And a Stagger for a Stagger!

Image Chinely… This isn't what you should be doing!

Image Poppycock!!


Image What every single one of us should be doing is whatever we were up to before some stinky fellow came along and told us we need to earn our place!


Image My my, you've gone from a nasty-smelling licorice to something soured and truly foul! This is what happens when you leave chowderheads unattended in the sun! They go off, I tell you!

Image She's doing this to beat y-


Image Geh-! Yes'm!


Image Uuugh… what the hell did I-

Image You had ONE JOB, Chinely. Just the ONE. Don't get brainwashed. HOW HARD IS THAT?!

Image Uh… too hard, ma'am?!

Image Wasn't that always the plan..?
Image RRRRRGH!!!

Image My my! Such a dedicated group of performers. I think, yes, I know that I feel like showing the audience something truly grand and exciting!! EVERYONE! ALL TOGETHER! LET'S BRING A SMILE TO THESE TRAGIC CLOWNS!!


CLIMAX!!! is a single decent Mass Summation die, but the real problem with it is the random nature of its ability. All targets get either +2 or -2 to Strength, Endurance, or Protection on the next turn.

…Honestly, as far as super attacks go it's not bad. Oswald isn't a particularly threatening boss.


Image Now then, all together! Let's march towards the fields of smiles, flowers blooming with every merry step we make!!


Image Oh never daffodils! Never even once daffodils! Those are for sprouting from the neck, you know?!


I know I said it wasn't bad, but I can't control Tiphereth's plays right now and the others don't have anything that can match a 20 since I want them to die… so it hits everyone. :v:

Image It's time for the climax at last, ladies and gentlemen! As we one and all know it's the very best part, sure to bring a smile to everyone's faces!


Image Pardon?

Image Can you smell that lemony scent?! Can you feel the wind blowing through the sky?! Can you paint with your blood and tears upon the stage until you've reached the ultimate performance?! Come on now… let's see what you can do~!


Image And now, take a bow~ For all your hard work~!
Image I hate you with all of my hate.


Image Our magnificent climax has come to an end, dear viewers! As for what's left… "falling action," it was called. Such a literary story, perfect for a library such as this!

Image Gh… Are you trying to make me jump?! The hell am I doing that!


Image Oh, of course not, miss clown~ I'm just performing, and come whatever you give me, I'll simply laugh!


Image Even as Ms. Mermaid ends the performance of another of your dedicated friends! Ah, it's such a shame, such a shame that your head is filled with fluffy meat product!

Image There's more to life than simply being happy, you know?! It's the bad times that make the good!

Image Is that so…? Is it true..?


Image IT IS NOT!! All those feelings you're stewing in your brain all come from something being dumped in the pot! You've got rancid veggies stewing with your candies and making you all angry or sad or hateful or greedy! But if those expectations are all withheld, then what's left once those disgusting smells are washed away?
Image A deliciously spicy scent of happiness! The one emotion you can feel without a reason!

Image Gh-but that's not…

Image …You've got it wrong, clown.

Image Oh my! How threatening~!

Image Hate… Despair… Greed… Wrath… The emotion I was seeking was beyond them. None of them are really your opposite at all. But now, just now, I can finally grasp it.

Image The opposite of a clown of happiness isn't a magical girl of anything.


Image It's the Jester of Nihil.


Image My my… it seems my nose is runny all of a sudden.

Image Yes… I'd imagine it's hard to smell now, isn't it?

Image Don't worry, my dear performers! She's just a poor Staggered Susan, talking all high and mighty while that same terrible stink seeps out of her!

Image Then kill me, if you can.

Image Image aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

When we activate Nix properly, every other combatant ally or enemy gets the Jester themself weighing down on them from behind. Tiphereth may be Staggered, but she's got 4 Protection on her from her Udjat allies and the opponent is getting all their rolls reduced. She's perfectly safe.


Image …I'll keep this short. I don't think we're needed on the stage any longer.


Oswald and his fellows do their very best…


But no matter how much they hit Tiphereth…


They fail to deal her even a single point of damage.
Image Are you done?

Image The climax has already ended, my fellow clown! There's no more room on the stage for us to one up one another endlessly!

Image I agree. What was it you said? After the climax is the falling action?


Image So this is the part where you fall.

Image HAHAHAHAHAA!!! An encore, then, is it? Very well!


Image Hey, boss. I'm betraying you again, by the way.

Image You think it's more "anime" if you try to betray me and fall dramatically, right?
Image Eheh… Something like that.

Image Our merry troupe accepts all comers, regardless of their reasons!!

Image That's fine.


Image I don't know how to aim these things, anyways.

Image My one regret… is that I'll miss the best part..!


Image One down. Four to go.


Image I'll try this one next.

Image Such a hurried existence… You should really savor the moment more, you know?!

Image Meh.


Image I don't feel like it.


Image I still can't say you're completely wrong... But all of them have trusted me to defeat you. Boksi, Tylana, Omni… Even Chinely.

Image Not right now I haven't!

Image Quiet, Chinely.


Image Those expectations keep me moving. Even when I don't feel anything anymore. Even when I don't want to feel things. Those candies, even if you call them disgusting, keep you going long after smiles have left you.



Image They were in my way. How could I not?


Image Ah… how sad! You've simply forgotten what it is to smile!!! A funny little fellow, falling off the path of the clown. Come, have a whiff of this!

With Chinely freed after this turn, Oswald will spam We Need You, You Know~? every turn until it lands. However, a Mass Attack can break it before it can activate and keep him from getting any more help.


Image I don't want any.

Image Looks like… that's it for me, too…


Image It's finally just us. The argument in its purest form. You, who wants to perform to make another smile. Me, who has nothing left inside to smile with.


Image So go on. Make me laugh.

Image WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! All we've ever wanted was to bring smiles to others! You're ruining it with that oppressive air you're forcing in here!!


Image Huh. I thought you were supposed to deflate.

Image Just because you've let the air out of my tires doesn't mean… it doesn't mean that you can… You can't..!

Image Oh. Finally run out of lines?


Image I guess that's that, then.

Image I don't feel sad… But I can't even feel proud right now, either. This Abnormality…

Image You've done your job. Clean up as you can.

Image Right.


Oswald is not a hard fight. He's really not. A normal set of decks can beat him without running into any real trouble, and a properly executed Tiphxodia can make things work much faster than this. Once we finish the setup, Tiphereth is an invincible behemoth bouncing between +10 and +15 total Power advantage over her enemies. She can't really lose.

Just… maybe don't use Udjat on the sacrificial Librarians. :negative:

Music: Result

Image Uugh. :psyduck: Okay, we won, right?

Image Of course we did! Good work, you guys.

Image You were so cool. It was like all the feelings drained out of your whole being!

Image Seriously 10/10 stuff, boss.

Image It's all good as long as you two had fun, huh..?

Image And as long as we win, which is what matters the most, right?

Image Yeah… guess so.


Image With that done, there should be a moment to—
Image Hey, director! We got a problem!

Image A problem? What's going on?

Image Haah… what's going on indeed? Don't tell me your famous leader isn't even here.

Image This junkyard bitch got here before Gebura did.

Image Bold words for a bloodstain.
Image Why don't you play fetch somewhere else before I have you spayed?
Image …I understand the gist of it. Gebura?
Image I'm working on it! There's too damn many of these stairs, and my leg's still busted up.

Image …It seems she'll be a little longer.

Image Whatever. I'm not waiting around for some former legend who can't be assed to show for the main event.

Image Permission to engage?

Image Do it.


Next time, on Library of Ruina: A fight based entirely around using the Red Mist's unique mechanics.


Oswald Battle
VS Oswald (Unedited combat footage; may cause distortions. Watch at own risk.)

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