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Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:26 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
As I mentioned at the end of the last post, both Josh and Rim will be given separate posts of their versions of this chapter due to character plot differences as well as the Real/Super difference.

But first, the puzzle. There’s a single enemy all the way at the bottom of this very vertical map. Have Amuro cast Accel, Soul (2.5x damage on your next attack), and Zeal (gets an extra turn). Move him into the Ra Cailum. Next, have Bright cast Accel and move as far south as possible. Noin’s up next and cast Enable on Bright. On his second turn, have Bright cast Accel again as well as Assault. Move him as far south as possible and ping the enemy with a Mega Particle Cannon. Finally, have Amuro move out of the ship and hit the enemy with a Beam Rifle shot.

Victory nets 35k money and a 3D Radar (weapon ranges +2 if it’s not ranged 1).

Last stage earned a lot of money somehow.
  • ZZ Gundam gets +3 HP, +3 EN, +5 Mob, +4 Armor, and +1 Weapons
  • Big O gets +2 Weapons
The reason for this big ZZ upgrade is simple.

This stage is the cutoff point for Judau and Roux’s kill count. Remember, combined they must be at least 40.

Thankfully, I’ve already gotten this requirement a few stages ago. Didn’t even need to feed some kills to Roux too.

Last time, Josh is presumed dead and everyone barely escapes with their lives from another self-destructing Ruina facility.

Combined Route Chapter 26: Proud Rebel | Josh/Real Version
Chapter 25 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 26 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Tower, Rec Room]
Image Dammit… If only I hadn’t said that, then he would have…
Image Tetsuya, don’t think like that.
Image Yeah. That’s just what he was like. It’s not your fault.
Image I agree. Josh had his own way of doing things. He had something in mind. Whatever the outcome was, it’s not anyone’s fault.
Image But…
Image Quit messing around. There’s no point in talking about the past. Think about the future.
Image Captain Kinryu is right, Tetsuya. More importantly, whenever Rim regains consciousness, someone is going to have to tell her…
Image Right… Captain Amuro has no choice but to leave it to Captain Bright…

Image Oh, so that’s the Helios spaceship Adalus.
Image So this is your first time seeing it.
Image Yes.
Image Oh, I’m honored by this big turnout.
Image Welcome, Dr. Earl. We’ve been waiting for you.
Image This is the first time we’ve met in person. Looking forward to working with you.
Image Yes. It’s time to take action against the Gishin Empire and exact revenge for Emperor Palmion. Thank you so much for your help. By the way, Lord Kento…
Image Not here. Didn’t want to get lectured.
Image What? Lord Kento doesn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. He should have met the people that Lord Gascon brought with him with the pomp and circumstances as a member of the imperial family…
Image Uuuu… Uuuuooo. Dada~
Image Karl, what’s wrong? …This is…
Image (What the…)
Image (Hoh…)
Image (That’s…)
Image (The hell is that…)
Image What’s wrong, everyone?
Image Did I say something strange?
Image No…
Image What was that all about?
Image Colonel!
Image What happened to you guys? It’s rare for all of you to react like that.
Image This isn’t the time for jokes.
Image Colonel! What’s this disgusting feeling!? That ringing bell…
Image I don’t know.
Image A ringing bell? I can’t hear anything.
Image Me neither.
Image We haven’t heard anything either.
Image Apparently it was something we can’t hear.
Image …I knew it. It’s the Psycommu.
Image I guess. But what could it…
Image I knew it… You all can hear it too.
Image Yeah. I have a bad feeling.
Image Uso too…?
Image Yeah… For a while now too.
Image Karl keeps looking up. I wonder if it’s something in the sky…

[Motorad Ship, Hangar]
Image Renda, is the maintenance going smoothly?
Image Yea, Major. But right now with the truce…
Image THE BOYS are an enemy that must be defeated. If we can just destroy them, then whatever happens, happens. Since the main force of this fleet went back into space due to the truce, their guard is down. Hmm? What’s that picture?
Image Ah, no, this is…
Image Oh, a log cabin? Do you want to live in a house like that on the surface after the war?
Image Y-yes. My apologies.
Image Don’t apologize. By the way… Is there a room for me in that house?
Image Eh…? That’s…
Image I want you to get one ready. I’m completely serious. Please think about it.
Image Major…

[Tower, Operations Room]
Image What? Kloppen is sending a message to the Helios planets?
Image Yes, Doctor. Just now, Adalus got a call from Gascon. I’ll relay it there too.

Image To those who fight under the Helios flag, I am pleased. But you have all been deceived by the fake royal family on Earth. I will now tell you the truth, my beloved citizens. My true self.
Image His true form? Dammit Kloppen, have you lost your mind?
Image Now, take a good look at my face.
Image That’s… Impossible…
Image What is it, Dr. Earl?
Image H-he looks just like His Majesty Palmion. Impossible…
Image The hell? Then…
Image Harlin, who fled to Earth with Senator Earl, is nothing more than my clone. I am the true heir, the Prince of Helios. Everyone, calm down. From now on, we will maintain a friendly relationship with Emperor Zuul of the Gishin Empire. I will restore Helios. Earl, if you claim loyalty and see this truth, come to me with Adalus and Daltanious. All of you, follow me. I will do my utmost to revive Helios.

Image …He’s become a problem.
Image Yeah… It doesn’t matter to us whether Kento is of royal Helios blood or not, but we can no longer rely on their rebellion or General Gascon’s fleet.
Image I’m ashamed. The generals that I’ve gathered from all over the galaxy are mostly nobles from Helios. After they saw that broadcast, they all surrendered. But I like you Earthlings, so I’ll fight with you. The others act only for their cause. Sorry, but I no longer lead a large fleet.
(He’s speaking remotely)
Image I understand. Circumstances being what they are, it can’t be helped. I’m sure it’s difficult for you as well.
Image I’m glad to hear that.
Image Well, don’t worry about it too much.
Image Impossible. It’s utterly impossible! He must be the clone!
Image It doesn’t change anything. They’re attacking us, so we fight back. That’s all there is to it. The Octopus man said he’d help out too.
Image B-but Lord Kento…
Image Dr. Earl, I understand how you feel. But whatever the truth is, we have no choice but to fight on our own.
Image Or maybe, as he said, you’ll go and join them. Well, Professor?

[Tower, Command Center]
Image How is Dr. Earl doing?
Image It seems he’s holed himself up in Adalus. Manabu, Sanae, and the others have home to check on him now.
Image I see… We can’t rely on him.
Image Commander, Your Excellency, I just received a message from Bulge. It seems there was a battle between BESPA and the Gishin.
Image BESPA? What’s the status of the Gishin?
Image It looks like they’re descending to Earth.
Image Hmm… I guess they’re going after us.
Image Probably. With the fear of an uprising from Helios gone, they’ve turned their attention towards us again. Prepare for interception. We’re going to intercept them.
Image Yamazaki, please contact Dr. Earl on Adalus.

Image The Vega fleet…
Image To Earl and the people of Earth, I will now relay Kloppen’s message. Listen well.
Image (Dammit, why is my fleet doing this? Kloppen, you annoy me to no end!)
Image A message from Kloppen?
Image People of Earth, hand over Mars and Kento Tate immediately. Then, by the mercy of Emperor Zuul, you will be given the opportunity to survive. I, the prince of Helios, can guarantee this.
Image Quit joking. You’re a fake, only using a similar face!
Image You’re so arrogant, Earl! I won’t tolerate any rude remarks from you! If you don’t believe me, let me show you proof. Look at this crest engraved on my arm. You can’t hide the truth. The prince is not Harlin, but me.
Image How could you know of a crest that only the highest ranking members of the senate know about…
Image Do you understand now? Earl, will you fulfill your obligations, or will your vile clones rebel against me?
Image R-rebel… I am the blood of Helios…
Image Shut up! I don’t know who's a clone or whatever, but I’m Kento, a human! I can’t forgive people like you who do nothing but cause suffering to everyone!
Image Hmm. Besides, Kloppen, you’re not going to keep your promise anyway.
Image Exactly! I know exactly what punks like you do!
Image Yes… Zuul doesn’t know anything about mercy!
Image If you look at your actions so far, it’s obvious there’s not a shred of sincerity in your words. Such a deal is out of the question.
Image Fools. You intend to defy me no matter what. Earl, are you with them? Would you rebel against me, the true heir?
Image Old man, we have no choice but to fight! Danji, let’s go out in Daltanious!
Image Yes!
Image That’s right, there’s no other choice!
Image Okay, we’ll attack the Vega fleet. All units, launch!
Image B-but I… I…
Image Doctor, what are you doing!? Stop it! Doctor!
Image …I’m going to shut down all functions for Adalus and Daltanious. Lord Kento, please forgive me…
Image What!? What’s wrong with fighting those who are trying to kill us and the Earth!? Dammit, I’m disappointed in you, old man! Everyone, please defeat them!

14 units to choose from and Daltanious cannot be one of them. Just as a warning, this stage is very, very long. You might need a second support unit or be prepared to put units in your battleship.

Image Looks like Earl made the right decision. I’ll leave the rest to you, Commander Gandal.
[He hangs up]
Image Screw you, Kloppen. I don’t know if he’s really the prince of Helios or not, but he thinks he’s better than me? Just wait and see. Blacky, have all units begin the attack! If we don’t at least kill Mars and everyone here, our fleet will be in trouble.
Image Yes, Commander Gandal! Commence the attack!

This is a long stage and the first wave is against the Vegans. You can probably guess what I’m thinking, looking at that forest right there. You could also retreat a bit and camp on the grounded Adalus, but that will make the end stages of this chapter a bit harder.

Just some hindsight thinking, Gandal and Blacky’s battleships are worth the most money at 10k each. If you want to use a double money skill, use it on them. Thankfully, no one retreats on this stage until the very end.

When there’s five enemies left…

Image Marg… Marg!?
Image I never imagined that Kloppen was the prince of Helios. But thanks to him, everything is going according to plan. Roze, destroy Adalus.
Image Yes, Captain.

Image Uuuu… Ugh…
Image Professor! Run away!
Image Come at me, Mars! I don’t care about the others. My enemy is Godmars!
Image Kuh… Marg!!

With Marg’s Gishin on the field, not much has changed. Turtle up in the forest and yadda yadda yadda. You can convince Marg with Takeru if you want, but I don’t believe that impacts the secret.

And now that they’re all here, let’s do some boss dialogs.

Image Gandal! I won’t let you do as you please!
Image Duke Fleed… You’re going to die here. This time will be your end!

Image Blacky, let’s go!
Image Yeah, I’m fighting back!

Image Mars… If we can just kill him…
Image Gandal, I can’t lose!

Image Mars, let’s fight! Those who oppose Emperor Zuul can not be allowed to live!
Image Marg, wake up, Marg!

And now if you convince Marg with Takeru…

Image Dammit Mars! What are you doing?
Image Marg! Marg, remember! We’re twin brothers! We swore to fight together for peace in the universe!
Image Uh… Ugh…
[A flash of light]
Image Huh!? That was… Could it be that Marg was brainwashed by Zul!? Dammit, what a terrible thing to do…

Gandal and Blacky goes down easy enough if you get close enough to avoid their powerful medium-long range attacks.

Image We were so close… Retreat for now!

Image Dammit, if this keeps up, I’ll lose my position as Captain… Dammit!!

Marg’s defeat line changes if Takeru does the final blow or not.

If Takeru does it…
Image What’s wrong, Takeru? Finish him off!
Image Dammit, I can’t… I can’t do it…
Image Mars, your mercy will come back to haunt you. Remember that. I will definitely…

And if anyone else does it…
Image Dammit, remember this. I will come back to kill Mars and destroy the Earth…

The next phase starts as soon as everyone else is defeated.

Image …It appears the Gishin Army has retreated.
Image Everyone, good job out there. Is Adalus alright? Where is Dr. Earl?
Image We’re safe, but the Adalus…

Image Hm. Them fighting aliens was unexpected, but thanks to that, we were able to lure them in without having to use a decoy. Plus, they’re exhausted now. We have a chance to win. Our target is their battleship. Hit it all at once!
Image Sir!
Image (Major… Please let me in on your dream of making the Earth a paradise for bikers…)
Image What!?
Image Captain, it’s a BESPA Motorad ship!
Image What!? BESPA, this is a clear violation of the treaty!
Image Tch, they still have some Garlands.
Image Hmph... In that case, we’ll destroy them all here and now.
Image BESPA is going to attack us? Then I’ll…!
Image Dammit, they always play dirty…
Image Guys… Everyone, this is a battle in memory of Captain Oliver! I’m counting on you!
Image If we don’t stop the ones who go to the trouble of violating the agreement, they’ll just keep coming. Sink that ship.
Image We have no choice… All units, listen up. Destroy the enemy mobile weapons first. Then we’ll ask for surrender. If they don’t accept, we will then sink their battleship and evacuate. That is all.

Of course Duker can’t just leave us alone. As Bright said, defeat all enemy units except for the battleship. And exhausted we ain’t, since by now everyone should be at max will while they’re all at the normal starting 100. Just watch out for their Garlands, as they’re still a pain in the ass to actually hit.

A quick cutscene when there’s 10 enemies left…

Image Ugh… The sound of bells again…
Image Yeah, it’s getting louder.
Image Tch, it is from BESPA?
Image Where are they… Where is it coming from…
Image Uso… I researched that bell sound. Apparently the families who managed the Guillotines were forced to wear bells when walking through the city…
Image Yeah… I knew that.
Image I heard about it when I was in Zanscare. They were referring to the woman who used the Guillotine, Fuala Griffon. Everyone, be careful.

When you kill Renda…

Image Ah… Majoooooorrrrrr!!
[She explodes]
Image Renda!? Impossible… Damn you THE BOYS, how dare you ruin my dream!
[He then gets +30 will, Focus, and Valor]

The final map event comes after there are 5 enemies remaining…

Image Goo goo~
Image Karl, are you hearing something? From above…?
[A flash of light as a giant beam hits the Ra Cailum, dropping it to 10 HP]
Image What the hell!? What just happened!? Hurry up and put out that fire!
Image Ugh… A direct hit!? Operator, what are you doing!? Where did it come from!?
Image It’s… from extremely high up!
Image What…?
Image It’s here!


Image I hear ringing bells… Wait, that came all the way down from space!?
Image Kuh… Four? Oh… There’s no mistaking this. That’s a Cyber Newtype. Damn you Zanscare!
Image Here it comes…
Image Hehehe. They’re coming, they’re coming. Like bees to honey. The bells that the Guillotine family had to wear became the bells of this Zanneck. The bells are linked to the movement of the machine and help me feel the enemy’s presence.
Image Haro, can you identify that unit?
Image You’re a nasty woman… Disgusting! Get out of here!
Image Ha… Hahaha. Aren’t you a young girl? These guys are the League Militaria… No, THE BOYS. This is where we cut ties!
Image It’s coming! It’s not just a normal mobile suit. Everyone, be careful!
Image Uwa… Uwaaaaaaaaaaa!
Image There there. The scary bells won’t hurt you. It’ll be quiet soon…
Image Fufufu. First of all, I’d like to say a word to that annoying battleship that’s been causing me so much trouble. Time to die.
Image !? Oh no, Yamazaki, move the battleship back!
Image I-I can’t, Colonel. That attack from earlier…
Image Hahaha. There’s no escaping Zanneck’s beam!

Image Looks like we made it in time.
Image This is bad… Is that enemy targeting the battleship? Please, I want to stop them.
Image …Are you sure?
Image Yes… Let’s do it.
Image Got it.

Image What?

2nd Super Robot War OG - Destine
(Drumfire normally plays here in game, but this fits better. Shame this theme is only in the OG games.)

Image Dammit… I didn’t expect an ambush. I won’t let you finish the job!
Image That… That mech…
Image It can’t be… Josh!?
Image Ha, that son of a bitch… He’s still alive!
Image I knew it. He’s stubborn.
Image Joshua, are you really the one in that machine? Answer me!
Image You don’t need to yell.
Image Josh… You’ve made me worry. If you were safe, why didn’t you make contact!?
Image Sorry… Things weren’t functioning properly the past few days. Even now, I’m not the one controlling this thing.
Image You’re not? Who is?
Image We’ll talk later, after we deal with BESPA.

Of course he survived, but Glacies is the one controlling the Geant Chevalier at the moment.

It’s no secret that the big secret the past few stages was in regards to Glacies’ recruitment. If you do the required steps, Glacies joins you on Josh’s route. She gets her own mech soon, but right now she’s piloting for Josh. If you didn’t get her secret, then Josh would be the one piloting. I’ll go over her mech when we can properly use it.

The ZMT-S29 Zanneck is extremely annoying. It’s surprisingly dodgy (in no small part to Fuala’s new Cyber Newtype skill), has a MAP attack that you need to play around, and its ultimate attack has a range of 10. You can disable it by lowering her will with Daunt, but it won’t stay low for very long. She also retreats at 20% HP (4600), and will shield defend most attacks, so watch out if you care about that.

One final thing. That cutscene damage was real. The battleship is at 10 HP. It will die to a stiff breeze, so either heal it or run away as far as you can.

Defeat or repel Fuala and she says

Image Hmph… Well, for a field test, this went well. It’s about time I retreated back to space.
[She explodes or retreats]
Image Back to space…? That bell is clearly inviting us…

And now that everyone except Duker is defeated…

Image Alright. Can you hear me, BESPA Commander? I am Bright Noa of THE BOYS. You no longer have any fighting strength left. I demand your surrender.
Image Enough with the jokes!
Image …Very well. You will be sunk.
Image All units, attack the Motorad ship. But be prepared to retreat immediately.

Time to end this biker once and for all. Sink that battleship. Remember, if you’re flying, it can’t run you over.

Image Why did this… Dammit. Renda…
Image Everyone, evacuate! Don’t get caught up in that ship’s explosion!
Image (The Motorad ship is sinking… Even though it’s natural for people to die in battle… Can I really let go of my hatred towards people and my desire for revenge…)
[Everyone retreats as the ship explodes]

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]
Image To the glory of the Gishin Empire and His Majesty, Emperor Zuul.
Image Cheers!
Image Cheers!
Image Cheers! I’m really surprised that Commander Kloppen is actually the Helios prince.
Image Once the truth was revealed, the rebellion in Helios subsided like the tide. I don’t care about Kento Tate anymore. All that’s left is to kill Mars.
Image Their end will be met by the unshakeable power of the Gishin Empire. There’s no way they’ll make it out unscathed.
Image Mmhmm. Wahahahahahaha!!
Image Your Excellency! We’ve just got reports that the Vega fleet failed in eliminating Mars.
Image What!? Those damn Earthlings.
Image General Kabuto, don’t get so worked up. Eventually, both the Earthlings and Mars will fall at our feet. They no longer have any allies. They cannot even threaten the Empire, let alone our own territory here in Helios.

[Tower, Operations Room]
Image What the hell!? Quit it with the jokes! I’m against it!
Image Josh, are you out of your mind? She’s the enemy! You’ve fought her too! So many people have died because of her!
Image …I know. But I’m here because of her. She’s the one who helped me when I couldn’t move.
Image But Josh…
Image Her friend killed the Director! I’ll never forgive you, Josh. She should be killed!
Image Hold it, Tetsuya.
Image …I don’t mind if you do that. If you want to kill me, then do it. I was meant to disappear in the first place.
Image That seems odd to me. Why did you help Josh? You could have just left him alone. Why do you want to die?
Image …I don’t know. I’m not even human.
Image I swear, things are getting stranger. Josh, is this woman really…
Image Ruina… A Melior Esse. Without a doubt. But I think she’s human now. We had an empathic talk. Just as she is inside me, I’m inside her. A fragment of my heart, a human heart, is now inside Glacies.
[Tetsuya draws his gun]
Image Calm down Tetsuya! Don’t take the safety off of your gun here!
Image T-Tetsuya, this is going too far.
Image Tetsuya… Are you serious?
Image Deadly.
[A gunshot]
Image Tetsuya!?
Image …Why did you miss?
Image …I fired in case you tried to escape.
Image She didn’t even move a muscle. She really doesn’t mind dying.
Image Put your gun away, Tetsuya. How dare you shoot in a place like this.
Image …I’m sorry.
Image There won’t be a next time. If you try anything funny, I’ll shoot you in the back.
[He leaves]
Image Tetsuya… Just to let you know, I’m not accepting this either.
Image I swear…
Image We would like to ask you for information about Ruina, but…
Image Are you implying that the Melior Esse are under direct control of the “King of Ruin”? What did you mean by that?
Image Right now… I can’t sense their will or power. I’m no longer under Perfectio’s influence. The crystal that I’d been wearing since I was born was shattered. Maybe that’s why.
Image Perfectio… So that’s the “King of Ruin”. Who are they anyway?
Image I don’t know. It may or may not be human. At least, I’ve never felt any human emotions. All I know is that it’s in the Antarctic, it created us, it uses death, destruction, and strong negative emotions as its power, and… one day it will bring about “ruin” to everything.
Image Everything… Even you guys?
Image Maybe. We were created by them. Our only reason for existing was for its will.

Image Um… Captain, Glacies’ machine is…
Image Right. We’ve retrieved it from where she said it was. The Doctor is checking it right now.
Image Cliff is? What do you think?
Image It certainly seems to have a system similar to yours, but it’s not working. We might be able to repair the mech, but...
Image What’s the issue?
Image The core system is broken and we can’t recreate it. It’s useless.
Image I see…
Image Well, we might have other options.

[Tower, Medical Room]
Image I’m so sorry Rim. You’re hurt because of me…
Image It’s fine. As long as you’re still alive, we can…
Image Rim…
Image Are you Glacies?
Image She is. Not everyone was convinced, but I got permission to have her accompany me. Although it seems her mech is unusable.
Image Right… Brother… I heard from Cliff that if we used my broken mech, it might be possible to fix her’s.
Image Cliff said that? …No. It might be possible if you rode with her, but there’s no way that system can be synchronized with Glacies alone.
Image …Probably.
Image But… Try it with Cliff later. I think it’ll accept her.
Image Rim… But…
Image I…don’t think I can do this anymore…
Image …Sorry. I don’t think I can be of any help.
Image It’s fine. Because you’re… ugh…
Image Rim, are you in pain?? Don’t talk anymore. I’m going to bring you to Eve on the Moon. She’ll heal you. I’ve already made arrangements.
Image Yeah… I’m sorry, brother. I can’t be with you anymore…
Image Dummy… Don’t worry about that. Leave the rest to us and focus on getting better.

[Adalus, Earl’s Room]
Image Adalus can’t fly anymore. Everyone… Everything has been in vain… Prince Harlin was just a clone… The revival of the Helios Empire was just a pipe dream… On the contrary, I’m a rebel… I turned against the Helios Empire and became a rebel… Why…
Image Dr. Earl, staying cooped up all the time is not good for your health. I’ve spoken to everyone. If you don’t mind, would you like to come to the Tower? There’s something I’d like to show you…
Image What do you want to show me?

[Tower, Rec Room]
Image Oh, this is…
Image You’re here. How do you like it?
Image Is this a cake in the shape of Adalus? It’s beautiful. Did you make it?
Image No, no. I just gave some technical guidance. It was Shakti, Hikaru, and Sanae who did the baking.
Image You kids… But why…
Image They just wouldn’t listen.
Image We all wanted you to feel better, so this is what we came up with. Here.
Image I’ll cut some slices now, so please sit down.
Image Oh… Got it. Shall we eat? Huh…? Are those children outside?
Image Ah, it’s Jiro and the others. Jiro, Ochame, and Tanosuke are with us in the Tower. Thanks to Kento and Danji fighting on Daltanious, we were able to join them. Thanks to them, we were able to have food to eat, clothes to wear, and can work with everyone. And we have you to thank too.
Image But… There are so many children like us on Earth who have lost their families. It’s not just us, but Warren, Suzy, and Shiro too. Everyone is trying their best.
Image Sanae… I understand what you’re trying to say. But my dream, my dream of restoring the Helios Empire, is now crumbling. I’m a rebel. A rebel who draws his bow on His Majesty Palmion, who was so kind to me. I… I don’t know what to do.
Image Dr. Earl.
Image Prince Duke? What’s wrong?
Image I no longer have my home planet and people to protect. But I consider Earth to be my second home. I’m fighting to protect this place from the clutches of those demons. Of course, I hope to return to Planet Fleed one day and rebuild it. But before that…
Image He’s right. Ever since I met you, I’ve never forgotten that I’m King Fleed’s daughter. But I’ll fight with Koji and the rest to protect Earth. Because I love this planet and its people.
Image You can’t think of Planet Fleed as the same as the Helios Empire, but… What difference is there between wanting to protect the planet and its people, and the act of fighting to protect it?
Image Doctor, do you hate Earth? Do you hate those children?
Image No… I can’t…
Image So, would you turn a blind eye to Earth and its people being sacrificed by people like Zuul, Kloppen, and Gandal for the sake of the Helios Empire? Of course not.
Image Yea, that’s right. Old man, I’m asking you to fight with us.
Image You’re right, Lord Kento. You of all people to ask me… I almost forgot something very important. That’s right… I can’t forgive the evil Zuul. I’ll fix Daltanious. I’ll fight too.
Image Dr. Earl…
Image Yes! Old man, that’s what being a man is! I’m relieved that you finally got it.
Image Thank you, Doctor.
Image I’ll convey my resolve to Kloppen. I’m sure Manabu has repaired the communication device by now.

[Adalus, Bridge]
Image What? Dammit Earl, you’re a traitor to Helios!
Image You’re right. I, Earl, will gladly accept that title. You might be the true heir, but you wag your tail at Zuul, so I have no respect for you. Wash your head and wait!
Image Damn you Earl… You’ll regret this.
Image This is fine… This is fine. My dream of restoring Helios may have been shattered, but I have a mission to not let this planet be sacrificed to Gishin. For that reason, I will proudly become a rebel.

Next update is Rim’s and Ventus’ side.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:27 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Gameplay-wise, this chapter is 99% the same as Josh's side. The existence of this update is purely for story reasons, as Rim’s scenes play out differently and I want to cover both sides for anybody who’s playing along on a different route I chose.

Last time, Rim (plural) and Ventus made it out of yet another self-destructing Ruina facility.

Combined Route Chapter 26: Proud Rebel | Rim/Super Version
Chapter 25 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 27 if you went Earth/Keilias

[Tower, Operations Room]
Image So, how did it go?
(Treize working from home again)
Image Well, I spoke with him… There’s no doubt about the connection between Ruina and the ruins in Antarctica.
Image And we have some new information. Ruina’s military force is built on materials found on the surface. It seems that it’s all produced by a specific Melior Esse, a creature we encountered the other day named Contagio.
Image I see. That was a factory after all.
Image It was. We don’t know how to get rid of that energy field though.
Image What about this “King of Ruin”?
Image Apparently its name is Perfectio. However, it seems that even the Melior Esse don’t know much about it.
Image Is it possible that they’re an Earthling?
Image We don’t know. But there’s no doubt that this being is behind everything.
Image Hmm. So that’s the one who desires ruin, negative emotions, and the feelings of death and destruction. But I don’t understand. For what purpose?
Image …There are still too many unanswered questions.

[Tower, Rec Room]
Image What the hell!?
Image Yeah. No matter how you look at it, that’s a bit…
Image Rim, are you serious?
Image But the higher ups say it’s okay, right?
Image You’ve got to be kidding me. His friend killed the director.
Image (Well… I kinda expected this reaction…)
Image Tetsuya… Koji, please listen to me. He’s not our enemy. I mean he is a Melior Esse, but…
Image Yes… He’s the sixth one, meaning he’s not included in the five that Aquila mentioned.
Image It’s just like they said, he wasn’t valuable.
Image To Perfectio, I’m a failure.
Image The problem we’re having is that you’re a Ruina. Nothing else matters.
Image Tetsuya, I know how you feel, but…
Image Please, wait. Those feelings you’re having will become part of Perfectio’s strength.
Image But…
Image …I no longer have a reason to exist and have no place to belong in this world. Even if I were to be killed here and now, I wouldn’t complain. But this life is something she gave me, so I want to be with you guys too. If you’ll allow it, I’ll sacrifice my life for you.
Image Ventus…
Image …He’s serious.
Image What, this makes it seem like we’re the bad guys. Fine. If Commander Jin and the Colonel are willing to accept you, there’s no point in opposing it. But in return, you better pull your weight.
Image …Whatever. Do what you like.
Image Thank you. I’ll do everything I can.

[Tower, Storage]
Image How’s it going, Cliff?
Image It’s just as he said. We managed to retrieve his mech, but the core system is damaged.
Image Yes… I think it just couldn’t withstand the strain.
Image I guess. But it seems very familiar.
Image Can you fix it?
Image Unlikely. It’s the same as your machine. Those systems are black boxes. We can use them, but we can’t replicate them.
Image Man…
Image (I thought so, but…)
Image But we’re not out of options. The mech might be broken, but we have another unit whose core system is still intact.
Image Eh!? You can’t be referring to… But it’s…
Image (Bro’s mech…?)
Image It’s what Josh wants. He asked me to try it.
Image Brother…
Image Of course, that system is tuned to Josh. If it won’t accept him, then that’s that. I have it running now. Give it a try.
Image I guess there’s no harm in giving it a go. …Like this?
Image Y-yes…

[Tower, Medical Room]
Image Ugh… How was it, Rim? Did my mech work?
Image Yeah… It looks like it accepted him.
Image …I see.
Image No, it’s surprising. To be honest, I thought it would be impossible. The thought that you two have the same wavelength never occurred to me. That’s probably one of the reasons why he and Rim empathized with each other through the system.
Image Empathy…
Image Josh, are you sure?
Image Yes. He can use the system…. Now I can go to the moon with more peace of mind.
Image Brother…
Image …Are you sure you’re sure?
Image Not at all. But… I can’t fight anymore.
Image (Bro… I knew something was up…)
Image (Mmm. No way…)
Image I hate to ask you, the enemy, to do this, but I have no choice. I’ll give you my partner’s heart. In return…protect Rim. She’s my precious little sister. I beg you.
Image Of course… As long as I live.

Image Hey Cliff, why is he going to the moon…
Image To be honest, his condition isn’t good. After hearing the story, Eve said she would let us use Bahamut’s medical facilities.
Image The same thing Yui said she used…
Image Yes. Tomorrow, Treize will send out a shuttle. Don’t worry.

Image Oh, so that’s the Helios spaceship Adalus.
Image So this is your first time seeing it.
Image Yes.
Image Oh, I’m honored by this big turnout.
Image Welcome, Dr. Earl. We’ve been waiting for you.
Image This is the first time we’ve met in person. Looking forward to working with you.
Image Yes. It’s time to take action against the Gishin Empire and exact revenge for Emperor Palmion. Thank you so much for your help. By the way, Lord Kento…
Image Not here. Didn’t want to get lectured.
Image What? Lord Kento doesn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. He should have met the people that Lord Gascon brought with him with the pomp and circumstances as a member of the imperial family…
Image Uuuu… Uuuuooo. Dada~
Image Karl, what’s wrong? …This is…
Image (What the…)
Image (Hoh…)
Image (That’s…)
Image (The hell is that…)
Image What’s wrong, everyone?
Image Did I say something strange?
Image No…
Image What was that all about?
Image Colonel!
Image What happened to you guys? It’s rare for all of you to react like that.
Image This isn’t the time for jokes.
Image Colonel! What’s this disgusting feeling!? That ringing bell…
Image I don’t know.
Image A ringing bell? I can’t hear anything.
Image Me neither.
Image We haven’t heard anything either.
Image Apparently it was something we can’t hear.
Image …I knew it. It’s the Psycommu.
Image I guess. But what could it…
Image I knew it… You all can hear it too.
Image Yeah. I have a bad feeling.
Image Uso too…?
Image Yeah… For a while now too.
Image Karl keeps looking up. I wonder if it’s something in the sky…

[Motorad Ship, Hangar]
Image Renda, is the maintenance going smoothly?
Image Yea, Major. But right now with the truce…
Image THE BOYS are an enemy that must be defeated. If we can just destroy them, then whatever happens, happens. Since the main force of this fleet went back into space due to the truce, their guard is down. Hmm? What’s that picture?
Image Ah, no, this is…
Image Oh, a log cabin? Do you want to live in a house like that on the surface after the war?
Image Y-yes. My apologies.
Image Don’t apologize. By the way… Is there a room for me in that house?
Image Eh…? That’s…
Image I want you to get one ready. I’m completely serious. Please think about it.
Image Major…

[Tower, Operations Room]
Image What? Kloppen is sending a message to the Helios planets?
Image Yes, Doctor. Just now, Adalus got a call from Gascon. I’ll relay it there too.

Image To those who fight under the Helios flag, I am pleased. But you have all been deceived by the fake royal family on Earth. I will now tell you the truth, my beloved citizens. My true self.
Image His true form? Dammit Kloppen, have you lost your mind?
Image Now, take a good look at my face.
Image That’s… Impossible…
Image What is it, Dr. Earl?
Image H-he looks just like His Majesty Palmion. Impossible…
Image The hell? Then…
Image Harlin, who fled to Earth with Senator Earl, is nothing more than my clone. I am the true heir, the Prince of Helios. Everyone, calm down. From now on, we will maintain a friendly relationship with Emperor Zuul of the Gishin Empire. I will restore Helios. Earl, if you claim loyalty and see this truth, come to me with Adalus and Daltanious. All of you, follow me. I will do my utmost to revive Helios.

Image …He’s become a problem.
Image Yeah… It doesn’t matter to us whether Kento is of royal Helios blood or not, but we can no longer rely on their rebellion or General Gascon’s fleet.
Image I’m ashamed. The generals that I’ve gathered from all over the galaxy are mostly nobles from Helios. After they saw that broadcast, they all surrendered. But I like you Earthlings, so I’ll fight with you. The others act only for their cause. Sorry, but I no longer lead a large fleet.
(He’s speaking remotely)
Image I understand. Circumstances being what they are, it can’t be helped. I’m sure it’s difficult for you as well.
Image I’m glad to hear that.
Image Well, don’t worry about it too much.
Image Impossible. It’s utterly impossible! He must be the clone!
Image It doesn’t change anything. They’re attacking us, so we fight back. That’s all there is to it. The Octopus man said he’d help out too.
Image B-but Lord Kento…
Image Dr. Earl, I understand how you feel. But whatever the truth is, we have no choice but to fight on our own.
Image Or maybe, as he said, you’ll go and join them. Well, Professor?

[Tower, Command Center]
Image How is Dr. Earl doing?
Image It seems he’s holed himself up in Adalus. Manabu, Sanae, and the others have home to check on him now.
Image I see… We can’t rely on him.
Image Commander, Your Excellency, I just received a message from Bulge. It seems there was a battle between BESPA and the Gishin.
Image BESPA? What’s the status of the Gishin?
Image It looks like they’re descending to Earth.
Image Hmm… I guess they’re going after us.
Image Probably. With the fear of an uprising from Helios gone, they’ve turned their attention towards us again. Prepare for interception. We’re going to intercept them.
Image Yamazaki, please contact Dr. Earl on Adalus.

Image The Vega fleet…
Image To Earl and the people of Earth, I will now relay Kloppen’s message. Listen well.
Image (Dammit, why is my fleet doing this? Kloppen, you annoy me to no end!)
Image A message from Kloppen?
Image People of Earth, hand over Mars and Kento Tate immediately. Then, by the mercy of Emperor Zuul, you will be given the opportunity to survive. I, the prince of Helios, can guarantee this.
Image Quit joking. You’re a fake, only using a similar face!
Image You’re so arrogant, Earl! I won’t tolerate any rude remarks from you! If you don’t believe me, let me show you proof. Look at this crest engraved on my arm. You can’t hide the truth. The prince is not Harlin, but me.
Image How could you know of a crest that only the highest ranking members of the senate know about…
Image Do you understand now? Earl, will you fulfill your obligations, or will your vile clones rebel against me?
Image R-rebel… I am the blood of Helios…
Image Shut up! I don’t know who's a clone or whatever, but I’m Kento, a human! I can’t forgive people like you who do nothing but cause suffering to everyone!
Image Hmm. Besides, Kloppen, you’re not going to keep your promise anyway.
Image Exactly! I know exactly what punks like you do!
Image Yes… Zuul doesn’t know anything about mercy!
Image If you look at your actions so far, it’s obvious there’s not a shred of sincerity in your words. Such a deal is out of the question.
Image Fools. You intend to defy me no matter what. Earl, are you with them? Would you rebel against me, the true heir?
Image Old man, we have no choice but to fight! Danji, let’s go out in Daltanious!
Image Yes!
Image That’s right, there’s no other choice!
Image Okay, we’ll attack the Vega fleet. All units, launch!
Image B-but I… I…
Image Doctor, what are you doing!? Stop it! Doctor!
Image …I’m going to shut down all functions for Adalus and Daltanious. Lord Kento, please forgive me…
Image What!? What’s wrong with fighting those who are trying to kill us and the Earth!? Dammit, I’m disappointed in you, old man! Everyone, please defeat them!

15 units to choose from. Since the Geant Chevalier/Dea Blanche Neige won’t be saving us at the very end, we get an extra deployment slot. Daltanious cannot be selected due to Earl’s actions. Just as a warning, this stage is very, very long. You might need a second support unit or be prepared to put units in your battleship.

Image Looks like Earl made the right decision. I’ll leave the rest to you, Commander Gandal.
[He hangs up]
Image Screw you, Kloppen. I don’t know if he’s really the prince of Helios or not, but he thinks he’s better than me? Just wait and see. Blacky, have all units begin the attack! If we don’t at least kill Mars and everyone here, our fleet will be in trouble.
Image Yes, Commander Gandal! Commence the attack!

Before we get into the map (which is the literal same as Josh’s or rather the Real Robot version), let’s go over the two new units!

[Forte Gigas]
It’s alright. Definitely one of the better Super Robots in this game, but it’s still a Super in a game that favors Reals. It does have increased survivability thanks to a built-in beam coat and bunshin. Just watch its EN usage as its big attacks take up more than it probably should. And it also has a MAP attack that’s similar to the ZZ Gundam.

If you fail the Glacies/Ventus secret, you’ll have the other sibling as a co-pilot and can decombine into the Strega and Ganador much like Daltanious. This version is a single seater and cannot separate.

Latin for “Study”. It’s fast, has a beam coat, and is focused on close range. It’s alright with some investment. It also has a MAP attack and its normal weapons are pretty cheap. Most importantly, it looks cool as fuck. It also was planned to have a playable plane mode, and it does show up in some of its attacks, but it was cut for some reason.

In lieu of a lack of Ventus coming in to save the day, here’s his theme from 2nd OG. In this game, he just uses Rim’s theme.
2nd Super Robot War OG - Deliverer

Side note, it was pointed out that all of the SRW D character themes start with D. Desire, Drumfire, Duologue, Duet, Deliverer, Destine, Devastator, Despair. Also another fun fact, Glacies’ theme “Destine” is a remix of Josh’s theme, while Ventus’ theme is a remix of Rim’s.

This is a long stage and the first wave is against the Vegans. You can probably guess what I’m thinking, looking at that forest right there. You could also retreat a bit and camp on the grounded Adalus, but that will make the end stages of this chapter a bit harder.

Just some hindsight thinking, Gandal and Blacky’s battleships are worth the most money at 10k each. If you want to use a double money skill, use it on them. Thankfully, no one retreats on this stage until the very end.

Also, don’t forget that if you care about the Judau/Roux kill count secret, the end of this stage is the cutoff point.

When there’s five enemies left…

Image Marg… Marg!?
Image I never imagined that Kloppen was the prince of Helios. But thanks to him, everything is going according to plan. Roze, destroy Adalus.
Image Yes, Captain.

Image Uuuu… Ugh…
Image Professor! Run away!
Image Come at me, Mars! I don’t care about the others. My enemy is Godmars!
Image Kuh… Marg!!

With Marg’s Gishin on the field, not much has changed. Turtle up in the forest and yadda yadda yadda. You can convince Marg with Takeru if you want, but I don’t believe that impacts the secret.

And now that they’re all here, let’s do some boss dialogs.

Image Gandal! I won’t let you do as you please!
Image Duke Fleed… You’re going to die here. This time will be your end!

Image Blacky, let’s go!
Image Yeah, I’m fighting back!

Image Mars… If we can just kill him…
Image Gandal, I can’t lose!

Image Mars, let’s fight! Those who oppose Emperor Zuul can not be allowed to live!
Image Marg, wake up, Marg!

And now if you convince Marg with Takeru…

Image Dammit Mars! What are you doing?
Image Marg! Marg, remember! We’re twin brothers! We swore to fight together for peace in the universe!
Image Uh… Ugh…
[A flash of light]
Image Huh!? That was… Could it be that Marg was brainwashed by Zul!? Dammit, what a terrible thing to do…

Gandal and Blacky goes down easy enough if you get close enough to avoid their powerful medium-long range attacks.

Image We were so close… Retreat for now!

Image Dammit, if this keeps up, I’ll lose my position as Captain… Dammit!!

Marg’s defeat line changes if Takeru does the final blow or not.

If Takeru does it…
Image What’s wrong, Takeru? Finish him off!
Image Dammit, I can’t… I can’t do it…
Image Mars, your mercy will come back to haunt you. Remember that. I will definitely…

And if anyone else does it…
Image Dammit, remember this. I will come back to kill Mars and destroy the Earth…

The next phase starts as soon as everyone else is defeated.

Image …It appears the Gishin Army has retreated.
Image Everyone, good job out there. Is Adalus alright? Where is Dr. Earl?
Image We’re safe, but the Adalus…

Image Hm. Them fighting aliens was unexpected, but thanks to that, we were able to lure them in without having to use a decoy. Plus, they’re exhausted now. We have a chance to win. Our target is their battleship. Hit it all at once!
Image Sir!
Image (Major… Please let me in on your dream of making the Earth a paradise for bikers…)
Image What!?
Image Captain, it’s a BESPA Motorad ship!
Image What!? BESPA, this is a clear violation of the treaty!
Image Tch, they still have some Garlands.
Image Hmph... In that case, we’ll destroy them all here and now.
Image BESPA is going to attack us? Then I’ll…!
Image Dammit, they always play dirty…
Image Guys… Everyone, this is a battle in memory of Captain Oliver! I’m counting on you!
Image If we don’t stop the ones who go to the trouble of violating the agreement, they’ll just keep coming. Sink that ship.
Image We have no choice… All units, listen up. Destroy the enemy mobile weapons first. Then we’ll ask for surrender. If they don’t accept, we will then sink their battleship and evacuate. That is all.

Of course Duker can’t just leave us alone. As Bright said, defeat all enemy units except for the battleship. And exhausted we ain’t, since by now everyone should be at max will while they’re all at the normal starting 100. Just watch out for their Garlands, as they’re still a pain in the ass to actually hit.

A quick cutscene when there’s 10 enemies left…

Image Ugh… The sound of bells again…
Image Yeah, it’s getting louder.
Image Tch, it is from BESPA?
Image Where are they… Where is it coming from…
Image Uso… I researched that bell sound. Apparently the families who managed the Guillotines were forced to wear bells when walking through the city…
Image Yeah… I knew that.
Image I heard about it when I was in Zanscare. They were referring to the woman who used the Guillotine, Fuala Griffon. Everyone, be careful.

When you kill Renda…

Image Ah… Majoooooorrrrrr!!
[She explodes]
Image Renda!? Impossible… Damn you THE BOYS, how dare you ruin my dream!
[He then gets +30 will, Focus, and Valor]

The final map event comes after there are 5 enemies remaining…

Image Goo goo~
Image Karl, are you hearing something? From above…?
[A flash of light as a giant beam hits the Ra Cailum, dropping it to 10 HP]
Image What the hell!? What just happened!? Hurry up and put out that fire!
Image Ugh… A direct hit!? Operator, what are you doing!? Where did it come from!?
Image It’s… from extremely high up!
Image What…?
Image It’s here!


Image I hear ringing bells… Wait, that came all the way down from space!?
Image Kuh… Four? Oh… There’s no mistaking this. That’s a Cyber Newtype. Damn you Zanscare!
Image Here it comes…
Image Hehehe. They’re coming, they’re coming. Like bees to honey. The bells that the Guillotine family had to wear became the bells of this Zanneck. The bells are linked to the movement of the machine and help me feel the enemy’s presence.
Image Haro, can you identify that unit?
Image You’re a nasty woman… Disgusting! Get out of here!
Image Ha… Hahaha. Aren’t you a young girl? These guys are the League Militaria… No, THE BOYS. This is where we cut ties!
Image It’s coming! It’s not just a normal mobile suit. Everyone, be careful!
Image Uwa… Uwaaaaaaaaaaa!
Image There there. The scary bells won’t hurt you. It’ll be quiet soon…

No Glacies saving us this time. You know the drill by now.

The ZMT-S29 Zanneck is extremely annoying. It’s surprisingly dodgy (in no small part to Fuala’s new Cyber Newtype skill), has a MAP attack that you need to play around, and its ultimate attack has a range of 10. You can disable it by lowering her will with Daunt, but it won’t stay low for very long. She also retreats at 20% HP (4600), and will shield defend most attacks, so watch out if you care about that.

One final thing. That cutscene damage was real. The battleship is at 10 HP. It will die to a stiff breeze, so either heal it or run away as far as you can.

Defeat or repel Fuala and she says…

Image Hmph… Well, for a field test, this went well. It’s about time I retreated back to space.
[She explodes or retreats]
Image Back to space…? That bell is clearly inviting us…

And now that everyone except Duker is defeated…

Image Alright. Can you hear me, BESPA Commander? I am Bright Noa of THE BOYS. You no longer have any fighting strength left. I demand your surrender.
Image Enough with the jokes!
Image …Very well. You will be sunk.
Image All units, attack the Motorad ship. But be prepared to retreat immediately.

Time to end this biker once and for all. Sink that battleship. Remember, if you’re flying, it can’t run you over.

Image Why did this… Dammit. Renda…
Image Everyone, evacuate! Don’t get caught up in that ship’s explosion!
Image (The Motorad ship is sinking… Even though it’s natural for people to die in battle… Can I really let go of my hatred towards people and my desire for revenge…)
[Everyone retreats as the ship explodes]

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]
Image To the glory of the Gishin Empire and His Majesty, Emperor Zuul.
Image Cheers!
Image Cheers!
Image Cheers! I’m really surprised that Commander Kloppen is actually the Helios prince.
Image Once the truth was revealed, the rebellion in Helios subsided like the tide. I don’t care about Kento Tate anymore. All that’s left is to kill Mars.
Image Their end will be met by the unshakeable power of the Gishin Empire. There’s no way they’ll make it out unscathed.
Image Mmhmm. Wahahahahahaha!!
Image Your Excellency! We’ve just got reports that the Vega fleet failed in eliminating Mars.
Image What!? Those damn Earthlings.
Image General Kabuto, don’t get so worked up. Eventually, both the Earthlings and Mars will fall at our feet. They no longer have any allies. They cannot even threaten the Empire, let alone our own territory here in Helios.

[Adalus, Earl’s Room]
Image Adalus can’t fly anymore. Everyone… Everything has been in vain… Prince Harlin was just a clone… The revival of the Helios Empire was just a pipe dream… On the contrary, I’m a rebel… I turned against the Helios Empire and became a rebel… Why…
Image Dr. Earl, staying cooped up all the time is not good for your health. I’ve spoken to everyone. If you don’t mind, would you like to come to the Tower? There’s something I’d like to show you…
Image What do you want to show me?

[Tower, Rec Room]
Image Oh, this is…
Image You’re here. How do you like it?
Image Is this a cake in the shape of Adalus? It’s beautiful. Did you make it?
Image No, no. I just gave some technical guidance. It was Shakti, Hikaru, and Sanae who did the baking.
Image You kids… But why…
Image They just wouldn’t listen.
Image We all wanted you to feel better, so this is what we came up with. Here.
Image I’ll cut some slices now, so please sit down.
Image Oh… Got it. Shall we eat? Huh…? Are those children outside?
Image Ah, it’s Jiro and the others. Jiro, Ochame, and Tanosuke are with us in the Tower. Thanks to Kento and Danji fighting on Daltanious, we were able to join them. Thanks to them, we were able to have food to eat, clothes to wear, and can work with everyone. And we have you to thank too.
Image But… There are so many children like us on Earth who have lost their families. It’s not just us, but Warren, Suzy, and Shiro too. Everyone is trying their best.
Image Sanae… I understand what you’re trying to say. But my dream, my dream of restoring the Helios Empire, is now crumbling. I’m a rebel. A rebel who draws his bow on His Majesty Palmion, who was so kind to me. I… I don’t know what to do.
Image Dr. Earl.
Image Prince Duke? What’s wrong?
Image I no longer have my home planet and people to protect. But I consider Earth to be my second home. I’m fighting to protect this place from the clutches of those demons. Of course, I hope to return to Planet Fleed one day and rebuild it. But before that…
Image He’s right. Ever since I met you, I’ve never forgotten that I’m King Fleed’s daughter. But I’ll fight with Koji and the rest to protect Earth. Because I love this planet and its people.
Image You can’t think of Planet Fleed as the same as the Helios Empire, but… What difference is there between wanting to protect the planet and its people, and the act of fighting to protect it?
Image Doctor, do you hate Earth? Do you hate those children?
Image No… I can’t…
Image So, would you turn a blind eye to Earth and its people being sacrificed by people like Zuul, Kloppen, and Gandal for the sake of the Helios Empire? Of course not.
Image Yea, that’s right. Old man, I’m asking you to fight with us.
Image You’re right, Lord Kento. You of all people to ask me… I almost forgot something very important. That’s right… I can’t forgive the evil Zuul. I’ll fix Daltanious. I’ll fight too.
Image Dr. Earl…
Image Yes! Old man, that’s what being a man is! I’m relieved that you finally got it.
Image Thank you, Doctor.
Image I’ll convey my resolve to Kloppen. I’m sure Manabu has repaired the communication device by now.

[Adalus, Bridge]
Image What? Dammit Earl, you’re a traitor to Helios!
Image You’re right. I, Earl, will gladly accept that title. You might be the true heir, but you wag your tail at Zuul, so I have no respect for you. Wash your head and wait!
Image Damn you Earl… You’ll regret this.
Image This is fine… This is fine. My dream of restoring Helios may have been shattered, but I have a mission to not let this planet be sacrificed to Gishin. For that reason, I will proudly become a rebel.

Next update, we return to Josh’s story until the next route split.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:28 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
For this puzzle, you need to get a unit next to Cronicle’s battleship before either enemies enter the city and all within two turns. Move Marbet to the lower left space in the yellow area. Have Uso use Snipe, move him to the space to the south east of Marbet, and hit the right enemy with a beam cannon. Next, transform Getter into Getter-2, and have Hayato use accel. Move to the pace two above and one to the left of the right enemy and ping it with the only attack that will hit. To end off the turn, transform Shogo into bike form, use accel, and move as far south as possible, hitting and killing the right enemy with his laser gun. End turn and only defend. Finally, use Accel again on Shogo and move him next to Cronicle’s ship.

Victory nets 35k money and an EN Giga Chip (-30% EN usage on weapons).

For this intermission
  • Daltanious gets +2 Armor and +3 HP
  • Ray’s Valkyrie gets +4 Mobility
  • Basara’s Valkyrie gets +4 Mobility and a Biosensor
  • Mylene’s Valkyrie gets a Magnetic Coating.
There’s more to do in the deployment screen, but I’ll go over that later.

Last time, Kloppen revealed who he claims he is and this five way war between us, BESPA, Gishin, Ruina, and the Protodeviln is heating up.

Combined Route Chapter 27: Father of the Battlefield, Children of the Battlefield
Chapter 26 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 28 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Geppelnitch’s Ship]
Image Uuuuu…
Image Is Glavil still out? To think they’ve ruined his beauty to this extent. Anima Spirita… it's painfully beautiful.
Image Gavil, your new servants are ready.
Image So we’ve completed the treatment on the samples captured on Planet GGT.
Image An unexpected and disruptful light shines into my dreams. Gavil, you can’t stop time.
Image Yes. I’ve developed a special system. With this, we’ll no longer be at the Anima Spirita’s mercy. Leave it to me. This is the beauty of invention!

[Ra Cailum, Observation Room]
Image We’ve returned to space again, Kamille.
Image Yeah…
Image …Are you thinking about that Cyber Newtype?
Image She was… different from Four and Rosamy. This time it’s the commander of BESPA’s Lagrane’s base, Lieutenant Colonel Fuala Griffon… She’s just as dangerous. Be careful, Uso. It felt like her attention was directed only at you, rather than all of us.
Image Yes. I’ve met and fought her before. That might be the reason why. Um… Kamille, you sometimes mention that Four person. Who are they?
Image …Why do you ask?
Image It’s just that… Well maybe I’m just overthinking.
[Fa leaves]
Image Fa? …What did I…
Image No… You’re fine. But…
Image She was your first love. Right, Kamille?
Image Amuro… Yes, you’re right.
Image (I didn’t want to say that out loud…)
Image I heard we’re changing our plan to stop at Bulge and are instead heading to Side 3 via the Moon. Is that right?
Image Yes. It’s still unconfirmed, but there’s rumors that Zanscare’s AH Plan is about to begin.
Image You heard it from my dad!?
Image Not directly. But Zanscare’s movements right now are strange. Char intends to assemble a fleet to cooperate with OZ. Plus, Lord Gascon should be arriving soon. There are some other things I want to confirm when we meet up with them, including what the Gishin Empire is doing.
Image Are you sure you want to just leave those guys on the surface alone?
Image It’s not like I’m just ignoring them. OZ’s ground forces are continuing to search for other Ruina facilities. We’re also monitoring Antarctica with satellites and are transmitting all data to Megazone on the moon.
Image Bahamut… So Eve is doing an analysis on all the data?
Image That’s right. Can we count on her?

Image To this is space… And that’s the Earth?
Image …Right, this is your first time.
Image Yeah…
Image …Maybe it would have been better if we stayed on the ground.
Image So what now? If you want me to fight Ruina, sure. But I can’t face them alone.
Image We have OZ. With them…
Image No other Earthling could have defeated us except for your group.
Image Yeah, but…
Image But you’re right. We can’t just leave them alone like this. For now, it’ll be some time until Contagio creates a new army. I know I asked before, but why are we in space?
Image The Earth Sphere is walking a tightrope. It’s difficult to prioritize each problem that needs to be solved. Right now, we have no choice but to focus on each issue as they pop up.
Image …How annoying. Wouldn’t it be easier to just die out?
Image Humans are afraid of dying. No one wants to die. You’ll understand… someday.
Image Joshua… My life is nothing but a lie.

Image Dammit…
Image We haven’t had any problems since then. I think it’s best if you just take a break.
Image Yeah… I feel the same way, but Tetsuya, you’ve been acting strange lately.
Image I know that. Yes, I know that. But they’re the enemy. Where else should this hatred go? Where should I direct this anger?
Image Tetsuya… You worry too much.
Image And if what she said is true, then your feelings will become Ruina’s power.
Image …We have something we must do. If we keep going, we’ll fight them again someday. I’m not telling you to forget. But before our next encounter, you need to learn how to control your emotions.
Image Hold it, Heero. Then he’ll be just like you. And if that happens, it’ll be a big problem for everyone else.
Image My anger and hatred will become their strength…

[Neo Zeon, Spaceport]
Image So Colonel, what’s the current status of the AH Plan?
Image Right, the data hasn’t arrived yet, but it seems we’ve uncovered its true nature.
Image Oh, I’d love to hear what it is.
Image I’ll relay the details once I receive the data. Its official name is Angel Halo. It seems to be a giant fortress satellite about 20 km in diameter…
Image There’s no way it’s just a fortress.
Image Correct. It’s a device for some kind of mind or brainwave control. We assume it to be similar to Psycommu.
Image The hell!?
Image A 20 km Psycommu weapon…?
Image We don’t know what kind of power it actually has. I wonder what Kagatie is trying to do. But it seems certain that it’s just outside of Side 7 and is nearing completion.
Image Something that huge…
Image Oh, it must be the Jupiter fleet. They must have assembled it block by block and brought it to the Earth Sphere.
Image We’ll receive the data from Jinn Geneham shortly. We must hurry and organize the Neo Zeon fleet to head towards Side 7.

Image Captain Ray.
Image Captain Kinryu, what’s up?
Image Astonaige has something to discuss with you regarding some new mobile suits. Can you go to the Ra Cailum’s maintenance deck?
Image A new model? They put those together already?
Image That damn Astonaige. He’s got guts to make me the messenger.
Image Astonaige is a mechanic who’s been through a lot of battles. He’s someone you can use, Captain.
Image On the Battle 7’s scale, that’s unthinkable.
Image Amuro, what’s this about a new model?
Image Hmm… It’s a new Nu Gundam.

Image Oh, so this is the Hi-Nu Gundam.
Image Oh, Captain. Sorry, but can you start testing it right now? It’s urgent.
Image Thank you for your hard work. Are the specs as advertised?
Image It should be.
Image Uso, what are you up to?
Image I heard that some reinforced equipment for the V2 has arrived, so I want to check it out.
Image It’s amazing. There’s the Assault pack that adds armor and armaments, and the Buster pack for medium to long ranged attacks.
Image Oh, and it’s unique that it increases the V2’s generator output.
Image Seriously, Uso can pilot something like this so quickly.
Image That ain’t normal.
Image Isn’t that amazing.
Image Oh, perfect. Judau, I want you to test this out too.
Image Me?
Image Yes. I used parts I brought from the Moon to give the Double Zeta a Full Armor pack. You’ve used this before, right? I want you to check the balance.
Image Hehe. So the Double Zeta’s been strengthened too. Roger roger. Let’s get started right now.

The part about the Full Armor Double Zeta is the result from Judau and Roux’s kill count secret! I’ll go over the unit itself soon.

The following scene is Real Route exclusive, provided you saved Glacies. I don’t have the Rim/Ventus version available, but assume it’s in the same vein.

[Ra Cailum, Hangar]
Image (Rim…)
Image Oh, there you are.
Image …What’s up, Cliff?
Image There doesn’t seem to be any issues. The work is just about done. Check it out.
Image Fabularis…
Image Alright… I never thought that the system would work with anyone other than Rim. To be honest, I thought it would be impossible.
Image Hey Cliff.
Image Well, you won’t know until you try. But are you sure?
Image Of what?
Image The higher ups decided to repair the mech, but she doesn’t look like she wants to pilot it.
Image I… I’ve lost the meaning of my existence. You can do whatever you like.
Image Glacies.
Image Is that better? Well, this is fine. Besides…there’s nothing else I can do. If you want me to pilot this again and fight, then I will. Until this fleeting life disappears.

[City 7, Forest Block]
Image Dammit… Sivil, why won’t you wake up? Is my song not reaching her? Dammit, wake up, Sivil!!

Image Kuh… Sivil. Even when I gave her Spirita, she didn’t wake up…
Image Commander Gigil, I’m not feeling so good. There’s an extreme lack of Spiritia. It’s dangerous.
Image Shut it! With Sivil in such a state, how can I just sit back and enjoy Spiritia? My life is nothing compared to hers! Stay out of the way!
[Gigil punches the vampire]
Image That bastard… He’s the only one who can wake up Sivil. Yes, sing! Sing more and more and more!
Image Dammit, again? Who’s attacking this time? …That’s all for today, Sivil. See you next time.
[Basara runs off]
Image What!?
Image Commander Gigil, it’s our own attack force.
Image Dammit. That bastard Geppelnitch is getting in my way again…


Image The Varauta Army… Protodeviln!?
Image Commander Max, what about the Sound Force?
Image Just launched.

Image The Sound Force…
Image Okay, time to launch our forces too! The Sound Force is the key to fight against the Protodeviln. Don’t let the Sound Force die!

Got some quick pre-battle changes to make before deployment.
  • Move Kamille to the Nu Gundam HWS (Sorry Sazabi and Zeta)
  • Hi-Nu Gundam gets the 3D Radar and EN Giga Chip
  • Fabularis gets a Psychoframe and Learning Computer CP++
  • V2 Gundam gets equipped with the Buster Parts
Deploy 12 units to protect the Sound Force!

Image There you are, Anima Spirita. Your soundwaves will no longer work on me, Gavil.
Image It’s him again… Did you come to listen to my song!? I’ll be sure to impress you!
Image Mylene, Basara, let’s get started.
Image Everything is OK here!
Image Hehe. Let’s go!

Image A song… A song is…
Image Fufufufufu…
Image Eh… What…?
Image Kii!
Image It’s not the same as last time. Maybe it’s not working…?
Image This hearing defense system will nullify your sound waves! This is exactly the mechanism I was looking for! Functional beauty!
Image Oh no, is that a sound protector!?
Image Sound…
Image Protector?
Image What’s that!?
Image …Earplugs.
Image Yup.
Image It is.
Image Damn you… Listen to my song dammit!!
Image Basara…?

Let’s go over the new units first.

[RX-93-v2 Hi-Nu Gundam]
In my humble opinion, this is the best mobile suit in the game, and stats-wise it’s more of a side-grade to the HWS. Invest into this and it will probably never get hit by anyone without a name. Its Fin Funnels are stronger than the Nu/HWS too. Ideally, you’ll have the Hi-Nu with some range boosting parts and have it safely snipe grunts from across the map.

[FA-010S Full Armor ZZ Gundam]
Not to be confused with the FAZZ, This is the ultimate form for the ZZ. It has greater stats than the normal ZZ, including slightly higher mobility if you can believe it. Plus all of its attacks got a power boost and the Full Armor can be purged for a second health bar and EN refresh. Wearing this armor turns the ZZ into an average mobile suit into an endgame worthy beast.

[LM314V24 Victory 2 Assault Gundam]
Yes, I’m counting them separately. This version of the V2 has stronger armor and an I-Field and is overall a decent upgrade. It’s much more suited for mid ranged combat as most of its attacks are post move. Now if only there was a way to combine this with the Buster pack…

[LM314V23 Victory 2 Buster Gundam]
Yes, I’m counting them separately. This version of the V2 has much higher firepower than the Assault version, sporting a 9 range cannon, but less post-movement options. Now if only there was a way to combine this with the Assault pack…

Latin for “Mythology”. It’s best as a support attacker since its best attack has a range of 2-8. Plus it has a Bushin and Beam Coat for extra survivability. I’m hesitant to say it’s on par with the upgraded main character mechs, but it’s for sure stronger than their base forms.

Fun fact about the Hi-Nu Gundam. Depending if Amuro/Char, Kamille, or Judau pilots it and uses the Fin Funnel attack, a different ghost sprite will appear. Anyone else will lack a ghost.

Who would have thunk it, this is another 2 part chapter. Well, more like 1.5 parts. For the first part, defeat all of the enemies. No enemy reinforcements this time, but it’s Varauta. That means they’re all really hard to hit for most of our units without Focus and/or Aim. This might be one of the few times I would recommend using PLANET DANCE instead of Totsugeki Love Heart as Basara’s first/second turn buffing song for the increased and stacking hit/evasion rates as opposed to increased will.

Anyway, after two turns of using Basara’s MAP singing to buff the group, a cutscene happens at the start of turn 3…

Image Dammit, stop! Stop attacking and listen to my song!
Image Hahaha, scatter! You samples should scatter and discover beauty!
Image Why won’t you listen to my song!!
Image Eh? Wait, Basara!?

Image Basara!? What are you doing!!
Image Basara, what’s wrong!?

Image Kuh, why you…
Image What!? Nekki Basara, why are you shooting!! Weren’t you supposed to sing!?
Image Anima Spiritia… Have you been seduced by the madness of beauty!?

Image Guh…
Image Sing, Basara! BASARAAA!
Image Basara… You have to sing. Sing!
Image Gamlin… Joshua… Heh… Hehe. You’re right.
Image Okay. Myelene, Basara, Formation Medley.
Image Got it!
[Basara, Ray, and Mylene gain 10 will]

Image Damn… S-stop it! Does the Anima Spiritia have no limit!?
Image Wow, Mylene you’re in the groove.
Image Basara…
Image He heard the song!?
Image …He didn’t hear anything. His Protodeviln heart felt it…
Image Amazing. Absolutely amazing…
Image …I don’t know what’s going on, but support Basara’s unit!

Basara is deep in enemy lines now and he could probably solo Gavil with some focuses and lucky hits, but it’s best to have him fall back to the main group. Thankfully, only Gavil really has a chance of hitting him and the Sound Booster will save him from dying once. If he dies for real, it’s game over.

Also, I should mention that Gavil retreats at 20% HP (6400). And being a Protodeviln, only Basara and Mylene’s songs will deal any real damage to him. Everyone else can contribute with chip damage, but you’re only going to defeat him for real with the power of singing (while supported by Mazinger’s giant fist).

Image Uwaaaaa!? How beautiful! Retreat!

Well with him either retreating or defeated, the rest of his army stays, so keep it up.

Once they’re all defeated…

Image What’s the situation?
Image The Varauta forces have retreated.
Image I see…
Image I guess it’s all thanks to the Sound Force.
Image Phew… Gamlin, Joshua.
Image What?
Image No… It’s nothing.
Image Hmm…

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image All units, we will return to the colony as soon as everyone returns.
[Incoming call sound]
Image Oh this is… Captain, it’s a distress signal.
Image A distress signal?
Image It’s registered to… Dr. Earl, it’s from the Helios Empire.
Image What?
Image Helios is sending a distress signal?
Image We’re also checking it out. It’s a Mini-UFO type aircraft from the Gishin Empire.
Image What’s going on?
Image Lord Kento.
Image What is it?
(via monitor)
Image A Gishin craft is approaching while sending out a Helios distress signal. Please check it out.
Image From Helios? Alright, I’m going.
Image Captain, may we?
Image Sure, why not. Send out Kento and Danji.


Image Is that them?

Image Dammit, I can’t believe we’re making contact with them. But if we fail this mission, it will affect my homeland. Go, eliminate the fugitives!
Image The Gishin Army!
Image Is this a trap?
Image People of Earth, can you hear me? We are not your enemy. We have escaped from the prison planet Marios. The cruiser we stole was sunk by the pursuing Zaal fleet and we’ve fled this far. We have a VIP on board. Please, we need your help.
(This Imperial Soldier is a neutral yellow)
Image Planet Marios?
Image It’s an Earth-like planet in Helios’ territory. Can you take it in?
Image It could be a trap but… I guess it’s alright.
Image All pilots, I know you just got back but please protect that small Gishin craft.

Choose 12 units, but I’m gonna be honest, they don’t matter. Just pick units who are either really fast and/or have the Trust or Confuse spirits.

Image So that’s how it is. I’m Kento Tate of THE BOYS. Leave this to us. Run away quickly.
Image Wait… What did you say?
Image Huh? I feel like I’ve seen your face somewhere before. Oh well. Just go-
Image What is your name? Say it again/
Image Me? Kento Tate.
Image It can’t be…

The Mini-UFO and Daltanious are up against Kabuto’s forces and there’s almost no way for your normal guys to get there in time. If an enemy hits the Mini-UFO, they’ll inflict it with a movement down debuff that will basically kill them come the next turn. Move Daltanious to the square to the north west of the Mini-UFO and, based on the game’s AI, the enemies will focus all their fire onto it. Use Beralios’ Guard if you want to live.

The Mini-UFO will move as far as it can, but if there’s an enemy in range when it’s done moving, it will attack and probably die on the counter attack.

The objective is to get the Mini-UFO next to the battleship or defeat all enemies. The Mini-UFO will zero in on the battleship, so unless you make sure they never connect, that objective will happen first.

After three turns pass or the Mini-UFO gets to your battleship…

Image Kento, can you hear me? There’s something I want to ask you. Is it possible your father is a missing sailor named Hayato Tate?
Image Wha… How do you know that!?
Image I knew it. Kento… Do you recognize me? I’m your father, Hayato Tate.
Image The hell!?
Image Hey Kento, that’s…
Image That’s my dad… My dad?
Image Now that you mention it, he does look like that bastard Kloppen. Dr. Earl, are you hearing this?
Image What? I can’t believe it, Prince Harlin! It can’t be… Captain, please hurry up and retrieve him.

Image Oh, it seems like things are getting interesting around here.
Image Lord Gascon?

Image Hey, Octopus man! How have you been?
Image Hahahaha. You’re still as nasty as ever. Anyway, we’ll meet and greet later. Time to go on a rampage.

[Gascon’s Robo]
It’s alright. You don’t get to keep it for long, but it has okay defenses, decent range with a close up finisher, and it looks cool. There’s worse out there, but there’s also much better options.

If the Mini-UFO gets to your battleship before Gascon shows up, then the stage ends instantly with immediate arrival.

Image Captain, the Mini-UFO is here.
Image Okay, take it in.

Image Grrrrr. The operation failed. With this amount of troops, we can’t take them on. Retreat, retreat!
[All enemies retreat]
Image You’re… No way, Earl? Doctor Earl? It is you. I vaguely remember you when I was a child.
Image Ohhhhhhhh. It really is you! Prince Harlin! I’m so glad you’re safe!
Image What’s going on?
Image Who knows?

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Oh, Lord Kento, you’re returned. There’s no mistake. This man is your father.
Image What’s wrong, Kento?
Image This is a father-son reunion. Why aren’t you happier?
Image Come on, kid. Smile.
Image What… What kind of father are you? You abandoned me for twelve years. I don’t even remember your face. Now you suddenly show up and I’m supposed to be all smiles?
Image Lord Kento!
Image …An understandable response. Kento is right.
Image But I don’t understand. I heard that you were lost after a shipwreck. Why were you doing hard labor on a planet in the Gishin Empire?
Image It’s a long story…
[Fade to black]
Image What? The captain of the Royal Guard?
Image So this man led a rogue fleet and found you on Earth after searching for decades?
Image At the time, I was on a wrecked ship, about to die. According to them, that’s when the Helios emblem appeared in the sky. The reason why I became a sailor in the first place was to look for my true home. I thought that the scenes in my memory were somewhere on Earth.
Image But it wasn’t.
Image Yes. After seeing videos of Helios, I realized that was my real home. The guard captain was trying to gather an anti-Gishin army with me as its center. I left for another planet with them, only on the condition that I return to Earth at some point. However…
Image You were attacked by the Gishin.
Image Got it in one. As a rebel, I was sent to the remote planet Marios, a penal colony for mining resources. The guard captain and my comrades died one by one from the harsh labor and brutal treatment. I hid my true identity in order to survive. After gaining some new allies, we succeeded in hijacking a ship and escaping only a few days ago.
Image Ye gods… I can’t believe you survived such hardship… Even if you’re a clone, now that father and son have reunited, the revival of Helios might not be a dream…
Image Hmm… So what now? Did you escape the prison planet because you wanted to live? Or…
Image Of course, it’s to fight. I will fight to bring peace back to the galaxy. I have no regrets losing my life for that cause.
Image Well said! That’s what a man of the galaxy should be like.
Image To revive Helios? But…
Image It doesn’t matter who’s a clone. You don’t need a reason to fight for peace. The one who restores Helios should be the true successor.
Image What brave words! You’ve gotten my old bones motivated!
Image Your Excellency, even though this conflict doesn’t impact you, I would really appreciate your help. If we only defend against their attacks, we’ll be defeated one day. Peace on Earth cannot exist unless we cut off the root of the problem. Among the planets under Gishin oppression, there are people who will respond to our call, regardless if we’re legitimate or not.
Image I was going to offer the same thing, Prince Harlin.
Image Hmm… Things are getting interesting.

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]
Image What? Harlin is alive!?
Image Y-Your Majesty. My subordinates were pursuing some fleeing rebels from Marios and he seemed to be among them.
Image I was careless. I never thought Harlin was in my grasp. Kloppen. No matter what, eliminate Harlin! He has higher priority over Mars!
Image Emperor Zuul, he’s nothing more than my clone. A mere traitor. Even if he’s alive, he poses no threat to the Gishin Empire…
Image Silence, Kloppen! No questions. Go and kill Harlin immediately. Got it?

Image Even though he’s only my clone, the Emperor is being cautious. It would be best if he disappeared anyway. Hey, guard, call Generals Nessia and Bioder.
Image Yes sir, Commander Kloppen!

[Neo Zeon, Spaceport]
Image An OZ battleship just arrived?
Image Yes, Major. It appears that Lord Treize and Lady Une are aboard.
Image The battle with Zanscare is finally approaching…
Image Yes. They’re also probably here for a meeting with Lord Gascon and Prince Harlin.
Image Ah, there you are. Uso, Captain Amuro wants you to go to the OZ battleship that just arrived. Shakti and Odelo too.
Image Me? Why me…
Image Yeah… I wonder what’s going on.
Image It’ll be fine. I’ll join you. Let’s go, Uso.

[OZ Space Battleship]
Image Huh? Hey kids, you can’t go in there. Are you from Neo Zeon? You shouldn’t be playing in a place like this.
Image Um, I’m Uso Ewin. I was told to come here…
Image Ah… You guys. I can’t believe you’re so young. I’ve gotten word to expect you. Go on in.
Image Thank you.
Image Goo~
Image Haha, what nice kids.

Image Um…
Image You look well. I’ve heard a lot about your accomplishments.
Image Huh… Dad!? Why are you here!?
Image It seems you’ve been having a rough time, Uso. Thanks to Colonel Jin adding the League Militaire to the November Treaty Alliance, we were able to team up with OZ and the Lunar Corporations. When I returned to the Moon, I met with Lord Treze and--
Image I… I buried Mom at Kasarelia… Dad… You and Mom are always like this. Always too slow and now look what happened.
Image I’m sorry. I tried my best but I guess I wasn’t strong enough. I’ve heard about your Mother too. She really loved Kasarelia. If that’s where she’s buried, then I have no regrets. You’ve grown stronger than we ever could have imagined.
Image Dad…
Image I’m not asking you to understand. Before the Incident happened, it was no easy task for people like us to operate in space.
Image That… I think I get it now.
Image I’m sorry. I heard that even Inoe was killed in the same battle as your Mother.
Image Yes… We weren’t strong enough…
Image Mmm… It must have been difficult.
Image …I’ve been looking for you forever now.
Image I got a message from your Mother, but I was too busy investigating Zanscare and the Jupiter Fleet, so I couldn’t get in touch with you. It’s hard for me to believe that you’re a League Militaire mobile suit pilot.
Image But you were planning to make that happen, didn’t you?
Image I’m not that skilled. Your contact with Count Oi Nyung, the Tower, and THE BOYS was all you. Since you’ve made it this far, it means you were blessed by the people around you. Oh, sorry, I got carried away. You must be Shakti. You’ve grown so much.
Image Yes, uncle. It’s been a while.
Image Are you kids with THE BOYS? I know about all of your exploits.
Image Ah, no…
Image Excuse me for interrupting. Jinn Geneham, Lord Khushernada, and Lady Une are waiting on the shuttle.
Image Thank you for your hard work. Please tell them I’m on my way. I’m sure you’re all going to Battle 7 as well. Come with me.
Image Eh? But…
Image Sergeant, is that alright?
Image I-I’ll check. Please wait a moment.
Image Uso’s dad is incredible…
Image He’s just like the Prince…
Image Cool! Right, Shakti?
Image I guess…

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image …That’s fine. We would be grateful if you could do that.
Image Is that alright with you, Lord Gascon and Prince Harlin?
Image That’s why I came to Earth in the first place. I have no objections.
Image I don’t mind either. It’s a stroke of luck that we’re cooperting this much with Earth.
Image Indeed.
Image So about Angel Halo…
Image I’m sure that assembly is in the final stages. We must strike before it’s too late. Tens of thousands of psychics have already been transferred to Angel Halo. They might even be conducting operational tests.
Image I heard it’s a giant Psycommu.
Image From the information we’ve obtained, we assume it has a wide-area hypnotic effect. We don’t know its actual power. Perhaps it’s possible for His Excellency Char Aznable or Captain Amuro Ray, who use Psycommu weapons themselves, to make a better guess.
Image I guess…
Image However, even if their Psycommu is ready for practical use, is it really possible to gather and project the wills and brainwaves of tens of thousands of people?
Image …Maria Pure Armonia. I thought she was just a cover for what Kagatie’s actual goal, but I think it’s safe to say that Maria-ism is actually a part of it.
Image I see… So if you put a group of Mariaists and Maria herself in the center, it’s easy to unify their will.
Image If that’s the case, it explains why Kagatie was so slow to act on the situation on the surface and the aliens.
Image It’s surprising that Earthlings can coexist with the Zentradi, but you really can create terrifying things. We have to destroy it. It would be disastrous if Zuul ever got his hands on it.
Image If a Gishin psychic or even Zuul himself were to use it, entire interstellar nations could become targets… For the sake of peace in the galaxy, that should never happen.
[Communication beeps]
Image Hmm… Everyone, it seems that a Gishin deserter has come to help Prince Harlin and is requesting to be accepted.
Image From the Gishin Empire?
Image They’re moving too fast.
Image I see… I think it’s safe to say there’s something shady going on.
Image I’ll meet him.
Image Admiral Exedor, please direct him to Battle 7.

[Battle 7, Storage Room]
Image Yes, and we’ve managed to escape. There are still many people on our planet who secretly support Prince Harlin. Please help us.
Image …Alright. Leave it to me.
Image Oh, thank you! The coordinates of our planet are…
Image You’ve got to be kidding me. Even the higher ups here suspect this is a Gishin trap. I agree with them.
Image Kento, even if the enemy requests my aid, I can’t abandon them.
Image Any enemy?
Image Any enemy. In order to restore Helios, we need to get as many planets on our side as possible.
Image I just want to defeat the Gishin. I have no desire to restore the Empire. That’s not what I’ve been fighting for.
Image If it’s necessary for peace, I’ll do whatever it takes to restore Helios. That will be Zuul’s downfall.
Image You haven’t changed at all. I can’t believe you were in tears hugging your dad earlier.
Image Shut up! That was different.
Image Kento, I agree with Prince Harlin. I think it would be better if we could avoid fighting Zuul. Your father is an admirable man, willing to accept the enemy despite being aware of traps. Besides, in order for us to negotiate with Zuul on an equal footing, we need to prove that the Gishin Empire’s control is not absolute.

[Battle 7, Briefing Room]
Image I’m going to go over our next actions. In addition to the original operation to deal with Zanscare’s Angel Halo, we will carry out another operation in parallel.
Image Another one? Where?
Image It will be the first step to support Prince Harlin and Lord Gascon to liberate the planets of the former Helios Empire. If successful, rebellions will break out again all over the Gishin’s territory.
Image So you’re trying to use this as a trigger.
Image Exactly. Captain Max’s Battle 7 will head to Helios.
Image Joining them will be Daltanious, the Crushers, and Duke Fleed.
Image Daisuke, when was that decided?
Image Sorry, Koji. I only just heard about it from Dr. Earl.
Image To capture Angel Halo, the combined fleets of Neo Zeon and OZ will use the Ra Cailum as their flagship. Both are missions of great importance to the Earth Sphere’s future. It’s up to each of you to decide which one to join. I want you to make a decision by noon tomorrow.

Time for a route split! The Angel Halo group is composed of all Gundam characters (UC, Victory, Wing) and the Helios group is composed of the Daltanious', Godmars', and Grendizer's crews. Macross 7’s Diamond Force and Battle 7 are going to Helios, while the Sound Force are staying for Angel Halo. No matter which route you go, you’ll be joined by the cast of Big O, Megazone 23, both Mazingers, and Shin Getter.

We’ve got some mutually exclusive secrets!
Head to Angel Halo to get some more Gundam pilots as well as the V2’s ultimate upgrade.
Head to Helios to buff up Daltanious and work towards the main Godmars secret.

[Battle 7, Briefing Room]
Image Angel Halo…
Image A giant Psycommu? You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t know what you’re planning to do, but I, Gyunei Guss, will destroy it. We can’t let someone like Kagatie do whatever he wants.
Image Even if you call it Psycommu, we don’t really know what it is.
Image Yeah. But we still recognize it as extremely dangerous. Joshua, what will you do?

Head to the former Helios Territory
>Conquer Angel Halo

Image I’ll attack Angel Halo. If it’s Kagatie’s trump card, then attacking it will put an end to the battle between Earthlings. That’s something that must happen.
Image I see…
Image I wonder where I’ll go.

Next time, Josh and the gang take on Angel Halo.

Also a mini post because 50k characters is just not enough.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:29 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
I have to make this into a mini post because it just barely doesn't fit into the main chapter. Including both characters is too strong for a 50k character limit. Be sure to read the main post above first.

The following scene takes the place of Josh and Glacies talking about space.

Image So this is Space… Over there is Earth…
Image (Ah, right. Chris, isn’t this Ventus’ first time going into space?)
Image So this is your first time?
Image It is. Ever since I was born, I was kept down there.
Image Ventus…
Image But there’s something I don’t get. Perfectio… If we leave Ruina alone, humanity will eventually perish. So why are we going into space?
Image Well, we can’t enter Antarctica and we don’t know where else they’re hiding. You said you didn’t know either.
Image Ah… I get it. It’s true that it’ll take some time for Contagio to make new forces. But…
Image We have a lot of other things we have to do.
Image (Exactly. We can’t leave any of them alone.)
Image Humans are…complicated. After being with you guys, I’ve learned that the act of living is difficult. So while I’m with you, I will risk my life for you. Someday, I’ll know what it all means.

The following is Rim’s Route Split decision.

[Battle 7, Briefing Room]
Image (Angel Halo… I have no idea what they’re going to do.)
Image (Yea. But looking at the Colonel and the others, I don’t think it’s just a fortress.)
Image (I agree, but… There’s no way we can conquer Angel Halo at the same time as heading to Helios.)
Image Rim, which one are you planning to join?
Image Hmm~ I wonder.

>Head to the former Helios Territory
Conquer Angel Halo

Image (Liana, what’s up?)
Image (...Maybe we should go with Kento after all.)
Image (Why?)
Image (We couldn’t go attack the Gishin Empire before, but now we can. I’ll never forgive them.)
Image (Yeah… You’re right… I agree.)
Image I… I think I’ll go to Helios with Kento. Kei, what about your team?
Image Us? Hmm… What should I do? I’ll go wherever my dad and Ryoma are going.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:30 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Another involved puzzle tonight. You need to get the Cosmo Crusher to the far side of the northernmost enemy without the suicidal NPC dying. Use Flash, Accel, and Valor from Kenji, Akira, and Naoto respectively. Move up and hit the enemy with the only attack you can. On the enemy phase, do not counterattack, and instead defend. The NPC will use their turn to take out the enemy. Use Accel and Flash a second time and move as far north as possible again. Thanks to the NPC using their turn to take out the enemy, they won’t be in range to die. On the third turn, use Accel a third time and get to the victory space.

Victory gets 35k money and a Mind Virus part.

Quick intermission
  • Hi-Nu Gundam gets +4 to EN and Mobility and +3 to weapons.
Also it’s time to finally start using those bonus points that characters get when they level up. What I’m doing is putting all points into Evasion on all pilots with the exception of Basara and Mylene for Song Energy and the main Super Robot pilots (Koji, Roger, Kento, etc.) into Defense. Ryoma’s a bit of a toss up, but I decided to put him into Evasion. In hindsight, Skill probably would have been better, but oh well.

Another valid strategy is to stack Skill on your units for the crit chance. All enemies, even mooks, at this point will defend if they see an incoming kill, but they don’t take crits into account. Just something to keep in mind if you prefer a more offensive strategy.

Last time, we got even more dads.

Angel Halo Route Chapter 28: Dancing With Illusions
Chapter 27 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 29 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Ra Cailum, Briefing Room]
(Notice the ominous yellow object to the north-right)
Image …There you have it. To keep up with Zanscare’s fleet, our own fleet’s operations will commence sooner than we’ve planned.
Image I never thought that Zanscare’s fleet would just leave our areas alone.
Image Right? It just shows how important Angel Halo is.
Image Yes. It’s possible that they know we know their plans, but I think they also know we’re about to attack them.
Image I agree.
Image In Angel Halo’s area, OZ’s fleet will approach from the left, Neo Zeon from the right, and the rest will attack the center with this ship.
Image Zanscare’s defensive line isn’t thin…
Image Right. Depending on how well Char’s and Treize’s fleets can perform will determine how strong the opposition we’ll end up facing.
Image In the end, the goal is to destroy Angel Halo. It’s going to be a tough battle. Moreover, we have to deal with extra circumstances regarding certain enemies. I want you to consider this a short-tem battle. For more details about Angel Halo, please review the data I sent you earlier. Remember that it’s sourced from the sacrifices of many League Militaire operatives. Jinn Geneham, do you have anything to add?
Image As you know, we cannot allow whatever the Zanscare Empire, or rather Prime Minister Kagatie, is trying to do. The Earth Sphere is in the midst of turmoil and that is the reason why this alliance between the surface and colonies was formed. Looking at the size of our combined fleet, it may look like we have the advantage. The League Militaire that I created with Colonel Jin wasn’t just for fighting Zanscare, Invaders, OZ, or Neo Zeon, but a means of resisting this era of space warfare we find ourselves in. I believe you, the symbol and core of this combined fleet, will showcase the power that you’ve shown in your past battles.
Image We will begin operations at 0800 tomorrow morning and start heading towards Side 7. Depending on Zanscare’s movements, fighting may break out soon after that. Everyone, make sure you get plenty of rest. Dismissed.

Image Wow, Uso’s dad seems like a pretty upstanding guy.
Image It sure surprised me.
Image Exactly. Marbet, you said he’s the real Jinn Geneham, right? I know that Commander Jin is incredible too.
Image Well… You could think of it like that, even though Jinn Geneham isn’t a real name. I never guessed that he was Uso’s father the entire time.
Image Hey Uso. An angel halo is the ring on an angel’s head, right?
Image It is.
Image Zanscare gives their things really cool names. It’s a giant Psycommu weapon after all.
Image I have to agree. I wish we could destroy it before it’s completed. Hmm? What’s wrong, Uso?
Image Uso…?
Image Oh, it’s nothing.
Image (Just like Mom… Dad is completely different from when we were at Kasarelia. He didn’t even notice I was here…)

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]
Image The final battle with Zanscare is upon us. Shit, I’m getting nervous.
Image You haven’t been training hard enough. Don’t hold me back. I’m not going to follow you.
Image Zanscare…. Maybe she’ll come again?
Image What will?
Image That bell woman.
Image Oh… So you know she’s a woman?
Image She is. Shakti was talking about Fuala Griffon. I hope she doesn’t show up. Would be really annoying to fight.
Image Hmm. I’ll leave that sort of thing to you guys.
Image What are you talking about?
Image But I wonder what’s going on with those guys.
Image Are you talking about Battle 7, which went to Helios?
Image Yeah… They should be arriving at that star system about now.
Image There’s no point in thinking about it. We don’t have the luxury of worrying about other people.
Image True that. Well, I can only pray they’ll be successful.
Image …Yeah.

[Pippiniden’s Fleet, Adrastea’s Bridge]
Image Tassilo is sending me Fuala? That deadly monster?
Image Tassilo secretly picked up Fuala from being executed. Tassilo himself disappeared after the failure of Keilas Guilie and was somehow given his own fleet…
Image It may seem that we’re comrades, Kagatie’s puppets, but I refuse. I only fight for me and the people who fight for me, Angel Halo be damned.
Image How nice. If we can defeat the enemy, even a little, it’ll be easier for us to get closer to Kagatie.
Image The ceasefire was just to buy us some time. I can’t forgive them for being cowards.
Image So it’s a giant brainwave transmitter that can send both human and alien signals. If we can outsmart Tassilo and control it ourselves…
Image You want to control Kagatie? Hahaha. That’s a good one. First, let’s focus on the enemy in front of us. Everyone, prepare for battle. Bring the fleet forward.

Image (Seriously, don’t get carried away too hard. Just being a pilot is easy. But THE BOYS…)

[Pippiniden’s Fleet, Squid’s Bridge]
Image Colonel, I’m happy that I’m involved, but it’s not funny. Should I really let Pippiniden order me around?
Image What can a former pilot do? He can try to oppose me, but the enemy will get him first.
Image That’s true. I suppose that’s just how Pippiniden is. Dealing with them will be too much for him. I can hear THE BOYS… The way that boy flaps his wings.
Image Don’t get too excited, Fuala. Char, Amuro Ray, Kamille Bidan, and others like them are machines for war. That’s why you have that mobile suit. You’re more powerful than I expected.
Image Hahaha. I’m much more than that. I’ll hit their fleet and THE BOYS, and then I’ll get you into Angel Halo. That’s what you want, right? Just waiting for them to finish it…
Image Don’t say that, Fuala.

[Ra Cailum, Living Quarters]
Image Whoops!
Image The enemy!?
Image BESPA’s vanguard is approaching our fleet! Everyone to your battle stations! I repeat…
Image Hmm. Faster than I expected.
Image …Yeah.
Image Well then, shall we go?
Image You guys, don’t just sit around! Hustle!
Image Roger.
Image …Are you going out there?
Image Yes. Our opponent is Zanscare.
Image Everyone! Do your best!!
Image Leave it to me. Uso, come on, let’s go!
Image Uso? …Yui, can you hold Karl?
Image Yeah, alright. I’ve gotten used to it by now. Good luck.

Image Uso, what’s wrong?
Image Dad is acting cold to me. …It’s weird.
Image I was thinking the same. You’re surrounded by great people, right? Not like when we were at Kasarelia.
Image But…
Image Uso, don’t be so selfish.
Image Just being able to fight alongside your father is a blessing. Be grateful.
Image I know.
Image There’s no reason to sulk so much. How many people are out there without a father? Come on, let’s go.
Image (I know. But… In the midst of war, you cut off ties with your own family…? Dad…)

Image The Motorad fleet, huh? We weren’t able to sink them on land, but now we don’t have to hold back. Beltorchika, move to the battle bridge. Gun turrets, are you ready! Combat squad, what’s going on! Hurry up and launch!
Image (Don’t hesitate… If I don’t perform well as a pilot, Dad will scold me.)

15 units for the first part of this stage. No Char since he’s busy leading his own fleet. It’s the same guys we fought back on Earth, but now we don’t have to spare their giant motorcycle battleships. Still, their mobile suits are a pain in the ass to hit sometimes. Thanks to the Bonus Point spending earlier, they won’t hit us or do nearly as much damage.

Image THE BOYS are here. After a certain point, we’ll have to consider withdrawing and getting Tassilo’s fleet involved. Can’t just let him be a bench warmer.
Image Listen guys. Their top aces have gathered around THE BOYS. If you can shoot down just one mech, you’re guaranteed a promotion. Got it!?
Image Roger that Captain!

You know what to do at this point. Keep an eye on the southwest for enemy reinforcements when they’re down to five units left. No one retreats, so go all out.

Watch out for this dragon-like monster, the ZMT-A31S Doggorla. It has high HP and HP regen. Try to focus on it when you can in close range since his strongest attacks have a range of 3-8. When you destroy it…

Image Damn you rats! UWAAAAAAAAA!!

If Uso gets a kill…

Image Ah, so that’s the mobile suit Uso pilots. That’s the power that let him survive this far…
Image He’s a Newtype. I admit the same goes for Colonel Char and Amuro.
Image I can’t be so presumptuous to say something like “atta boy”.
Image He’s one of the core members of THE BOYS. Please be a little kinder to him. Otherwise, he won’t be able to perform at his full strength.
Image Right. Of course, I’m happy as a father. But…

Once five enemies are left…

Image That bell…
Image Everyone, it’s coming. That enemy!

Image I’m here, Pippiniden. Is something wrong? You’re taking forever.
Image Kuh… Reinforcements from Tassilo’s fleet.
Image (Damn Fuala, just die already!)
Image Hahaha. I knew that little boy would be here!
Image Dammit, not again!
Image (The ringing bell… But I can’t afford to be scared. Dad’s watching me fight.)

More unexploded Zanscare mobile suits to the southwest with Fuala’s Zanneck taking up the rear. Just keep on keeping on and you’ll make it through this. Try abusing MAP attacks with the V2 or ZZ to thin out their collective HP.

She does have some interactions with our Newtypes.

Image Hahaha, you’ve come. Are you ready, boy? That pilot is the boy I met in that port town, right?
Image Wh-what the!
Image I’ll teach you the horrors of everything I’ve experienced. Feel the fear I felt when I was cast adrift in space!

Image What intense pressure. However!
Image Amuro Ray. Will you entertain me!?

Image Fuala Griffon, you shouldn’t have come here! Anyone with only the will to fight will disappear!
Image Dammit… What is this guy!? He’s getting in my way!?

Image Good, good. Come at me. I’ll chop off your head!
Image Damn, are you underestimating me!? I’m not playing around!

Eventually Pippiniden and Fuala will get shot down.

Image Guh, impossible. Do I not know when to quit!? Me!? Uwaaaaaa!

Image I think I’ll still have loads of fun with you guys. See you soon.

And with all enemies destroyed, the first part of this chapter is completed.

Image We’ve successfully broken through the enemy’s vanguard.
Image Looks like we’ve survived the first battle.
Image Yeah, it’s finally over. What about our losses?
Image Two of the heavy cruisers following us were heavily damaged and three others were hit, but are still operational. Twelve mobile suits have been destroyed.
Image So that’s that. What about the enemy fleet’s movements?
Image It seems they’re retreating. They’re redeploying in the space in front of Angel Halo.
Image Okay. Good, bring back all units.

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Yes, that’s right. We’ve managed to destroy the Motorad fleet under Arbeo Pippiniden. What about you?
Image Right, we’ve managed to successfully wipe out the enemy’s supply fleet from Side 2. Since Side 7’s autonomous government has declared its neutrality, the enemy won’t be able to remain in the area. But we just got word that Angel Halo has begun to move.
Image What?
Image …I think we should consider its construction as completed. It should be operational.
Image Yes, Lord Treize agrees. Either way, we’re out of time.
Image We’re being held up by what appears to be the enemy’s main fleet in a stalemate. We’ll keep the enemy in this area in check. We should be starting to push them back soon. Bright, I’ll head back to you. The fleet in front of you is likely Tassilo Vago’s. Don’t let your guard down.
Image Roger. Did all mechs return? Hurry up with maintenance and supplies.

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]
Image Angel Halo is coming?
Image Are you saying that it’s moving?
Image What? You can’t be serious.
Image That’s what Captain Bright said. Isn’t there going to be a briefing? It seems that Colonel Char was talking about coming back here.
Image So what is this psychic brainwave control thingie? Are they going to use it?
Image This isn’t funny. They’re using people as an energy source?
Image Goo~
Image Shakti, what’s wrong?
Image Eh? It’s nothing. Just drinking…
Image Hey Shakti. When you were in Zanscare, did you hear anything about Angel Halo? From your mom…?
Image No… I’ve never heard anything about it. But… I feel like something scary is getting stronger. If that’s what everyone is thinking of, then I…

[Angel Halo, Center Block]
Image (That child… Is Shakti scared? Is she coming here…)
Image Thank you for taking the time to come out here. Angel Halo’s construction is almost complete. All that remains is the Ring Psycommu and the adjustment for the Psychics. This will be a test run, so to speak.
Image Is that why you want me to enter the key room? If it’s to bring this battle to a quick end, then I don’t mind.
Image It is. The energy emitted from Angel Halo will make everyone forget their fighting spirit and put an end to this war.
Image While it spreads across space, making everyone feel at ease and thinking only of peace…
Image Exactly. That’s Angel Halo’s purpose.
Image Are the Psychics here taken care of in the best possible way?
Image Of course.

Image This is just a test right now. Angel Halo’s chosen ones, calmly spread out your prayers in every direction. Let my prayers spread far and wide. To that end, with all of you, we’ll search for evil on the battlefield and reject them. O sinners of the battlefield, o strong ones, forget the battle and imagine the spectacle of peace. When you submit yourself to the calm, the battle will be over.
(She’s now speaking through a monitor, inside the key room)
[A flash of light erupts from Angel Halo]

[Ra Cailum, Maintenance Deck]
Image Eh!?
Image What, Shakti!?
Image Ah… After that battle, I rescued some Zanscare soldiers. Apparently she left with them.
Image Sorry, Uso. I was too busy and they were wearing Normal Suits, so I assumed they were crew members from another ship.
Image That girl… I can’t believe she left to go to Angel Halo… Well, she is Queen Maria’s daughter so maybe she went to stop them.
Image Shakti, this is a bad idea…
Image Shakti… the adult world isn’t that simple… I’ll go get her back. The V2 should still be able to catch up. Let’s go, Haro!
Image Uso, it looks like the enemy fleet is beginning to move. There’s no time. If you’re going to go, go now.
Image Yes, Kamille!
[A flash of light]
Image What…?
Image What…was that…
[Another flash]
Image (Green Noah…? Wasn’t that the colony I lived in? Oh, I see. Today was the day that Captain Bright’s “Temptation” shuttle was going to arrive in port. Fa and I are going to get Captain Bright’s autograph.)
Image (Eh? This is… Kasarelia? Mom… Shakti? Right, we need to gather food before winter comes. Let’s go, Shakti. I can’t forget my knife…)
Image Hey, what are you guys doing!?
Image Eh? Oh, this isn’t an electric guitar…
Image Hey Uso, let go of that wrench.
Image But I can’t forget my knife…
Image What’s wrong with them?
Image …Something bad.
Image Gou…?
Image Hey, I need someone over here! Something’s happened to Judau and Gyunei!
Image Them too!?

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Amuro, Amuro!
Image Captain, what’s happening!?
Image I… I don’t understand. I have a headache… It’s like I’m in a different place… Like a dream.
Image What? Amuro, what are you talking about?
Image Lalah? No… But my distaste for fighting just keeps getting stronger…
Image Amuro, what’s going on!?

[Angel Halo, Center Block]
Image To those on this battlefield, I will show them the horrors of war and guide them. Forget about your fighting instincts. With your help, we can help those people. Let me remind you of your sadness and loathing.
[Another flash]

[Ra Cailum, Maintenance Deck]
Image (Mom… Mom!! Why did it have to come to this…!)
Image (Four!? It’s me, Kamille, don’t you remember me!? Lieutenant Emma… Reccoa… Captain Henken!? Everyone… Everyone is dead…)
Image (Kamille… Kamille!? Captain… Kamille, Kamille is… Argama, can you hear me…)
Image Oh no, they’re…
Image (Musashi…? Oh no, get out of there now!!)
Image This feeling… Something’s definitely wrong. It feels so awful…
Image (Oliver…?)
Image What on earth…
Image (Ple… Ple Two…I’m so sorry. I couldn’t save you…)
Image (What…is this. I’m…crying…?)
Image No… We can’t continue like this.

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image (Lalah… I want to take back something I never should have done…)
Image Captain, something very wrong is happening to everyone… Ugh. Dad, Mom…
Image Dammit, what the hell is going on here?
Image Gou… And Heero? What…?
Image Deploy combatants. The enemy is coming. The Zanscare Fleet is coming.
Image Ah… The alarm. Captain, if this continues… we’ll all die.
Image What…!?
Image Oh no… Captain, they’re right. We must hurry and prepare to intercept them…

[Angel Halo, Center Block]
Image The Psychics’ brainwaves are being disrupted. The Queen appears to be fatigued. We’ll end the test.
Image What’s going on?
Image Angel Halo is operating as expected. There’s no problem. Let the Queen rest.
Image Maria got unexpectedly tired. …Maybe someone else will take your place.

Image Hmm… I see. So the test was effective. I guess to say that it’s complete.
Image I think so. Kagatie has done it now.
Image Hehe. He did. But if we can destroy THE BOYS now, it’ll make what comes next much easier. Regardless, there’s Cronicle. Even though Pippiniden sank, he’s moving too slowly.
Image Is it because his sister is inside Angel Halo? It’s a shame that the boy is not here, but before Cronicle arrives, I’ll settle this for you, Colonel.
Image Is that what you want, Fuala of the Guillotine?
Image Yes. Ahaha. Hahahahahahaha!!
Image Dammit, of all the things to happen. How are Amuro and everyone else doing!?
Image They’re in no condition to deploy. Kamille, Gyunei too.
Image So that includes Judau and Uso too. …What about the others!?
Image They seem to be able to deploy, but they’re complaining about feeling unwell.
Image I know that. I feel the exact same. The enemy that Amuro warned about seems to be here, but dammit all. Anyway, send out those who can be deployed! The enemy is right in front of us!

>Propose to deploy the Sound Force
Silently prepare to take off

This choice will impact how this second half will play out. It’s best if you send in the Basara.

Image Captain, this is Joshua.
Image What’s wrong? You can’t deploy either?
Image No, I think I know what’s going on. If this is from Angel Halo, this is a psychological attack. I think Basara and his band’s Sound Energy will be effective. Let’s use the Sound Force.
Image Right… You’re right. Okay, send a laser signal to Captain Chiba and Ray Lovelock in Side 3 to deploy the Sound Force.
Image Understood. Everyone, please do your best.
Image I’m begging you, do whatever you can to survive!

So that explains why Fire Bomber doesn't pal around with THE BOYS, they’re still at City 7 and just Fold in every time we get into combat. They were deployable in the first half, so I don’t know why they’re not around now… Well whatever.

You can deploy 9 units now. If you didn’t request a tactical Basara, then you can deploy 12. But there are some restrictions. All Newtypes (Amuro, Kamille, Fa, Judau, Roux, Uso, Marbet, Odelo, Tomas, Gyunei, and Quess) are incapacitated and all units you do deploy will do so at their bare minimum will (70, or 75 for aces). The exception for this is Heero (85 starting will) and both Gou and Glacies/Ventus (starting at the normal 100 will). My guess is due to Heero's subdued emotions and Gou and the Meilor Esse not being human.

Tassilo’s the main target in his Squid, but between us and him is a large group of Zanscare soldiers including three Doggorla and Fuala in her Zanneck. One of those Doggorlas is piloted by Godwald if you were wondering what he’s up to. Start moving north and try to survive. Don’t keep your units adjacent to each other, because the enemy grunts can and will use combo melee attacks to hurt more than one unit at a time.

Help is coming on Turn 3, should you have requested to summon it.

Image Captain, it’s the Sound Force!
Image You’re here. We’re counting on you, Nekki Basara…
Image Sorry to keep you waiting! Hehe, I’ll let those Zanscare guys hear my song too!! Mylene, are you ready? Don’t fall behind!
Image What? Basara, you never follow the plan!
Image Calm down you two. It seems that things are getting pretty bad here. Formation Major 7. Let’s go!

Fire Bomber - Holy Lonely Light
Image That’s…
Image I’m starting to feel better.
Image Yes… Yes, this is it…
Image I knew it… When he realized why he was summoned, he said “My song is not a tool for fighting”. He shouldn’t be angry though…

Thanks to the Sound Force, everyone’s will is now back to normal. Or rather everyone just gains 30 will. Still no Newtype pilots though. If you didn’t summon the Sound Force, then you’ll have to suffer the entire stage with the low will. And Fire Bomber is still around, so use them to buff everyone to high heaven.

After fighting through the Doggorlas, when the enemy is down to just five units left…

Image I can’t believe Tassilo can’t stop them.
Image Commander Cronicle, if Tassilo were to deal with them, it wouldn’t show off your commanding prowess.
Image You think so?
Image Yes. In any case, their target is Angel Halo.
Image Right… The Rig Contio and Gottrlatan’s tests are something only we can do. Let’s leave early and head to Angel Halo.
Image (That’s right, Cronicle. I don’t want you to show me your hastiness, but your strength.)
Image Hmm. Cronicle’s fleet finally arrived. We’ll appear to cooperate with Cronicle, but prepare to retreat if there’s an opportunity.
Image B-but Colonel…
Image The enemy before us is strong. Do we have any other option besides retreat? At least until Angel Halo does its thing. Hehehe. Don’t worry, I’m still sane.

More enemy reinforcements to the southwest once again. You can choose to destroy them, but there’s a good reason not to. Instead, either by destroying or forcing Tassilo to retreat at 20% HP (5296), everyone else will run. The reason to not chase after the reinforcements?

Do not kill Cronicle or Katejina. They’ll retreat at 20% HP (6670 and 6900 respectively) which is fine, but do not kill them.

My plan is to just finish this stage by destroying Tassilo. Any reinforcements who get close not named Cronicle or Katejina will get shot. Fire Bomber will keep buffing my units with PLANET DANCE so that I don’t have to waste SP on defensive spirits.

Fuala gets destroyed at this point from Josh’s Claw Anchor Burst.

Image Guh, you’ve done it. Whatever, I hope the boy will appear next time.

One well-Valor’d Stoner Sunshine to Tassilo’s face later…

Image What!? Damn you THE BOYS. Oh well, time to retreat. Retreat to Angel Halo.
[Any units that spawned with Tassilo retreats]

Image What? Tassilo is retreating!? Dammit, you’re just using me as a decoy. It doesn’t matter anyway. Katejina, we’re retreating as well.
Image Yes, Commander Cronicle. I think that’s for the best.
[All remaining enemies retreat]

I believe if you destroy/retreat Tassilo before Cronicle spawns, the map just ends. Regardless, we’ve survived a very annoying chapter.

Image The enemy fleet is retreating.
Image Phew… We somehow survived. Don’t pursue them. We’ll also leave the area and regroup. All units, please return.

[Ra Cailum, War Room]
Image So it was Angel Halo’s doing after all.
Image Yes… That’s right. It’s the only thing I can think of. What an awful experience.
Image After we demolished Pippiniden’s fleet, we put some distance between us and Tassilo, but they still had the ability to pull that off.
Image …I think we should think of that as just a test run.
Image That was just an operational test?
Image Right. It should have a much more widespread and more powerful effect. Moreover, if they can fully control the will they’re projecting, it shouldn’t have been this minor.
Image I’d like to think it’ll take more time to achieve the full extent of their plan…
Image But if their power increases, everyone on the battlefield will die.
Image I agree. We have to destroy it before it reaches that point.
Image Yes. If it’s aimed at the colonies or Earth, we won’t have a way to defend ourselves.
Image Their plan is terrifying… They’re not joking around.
Image Kagatie… He’s created something incredible.
Image Kelias Guilie was bad enough. What does he think humans are?
Image Even if they didn’t attack with their current forces, they’d win with just Angel Halo. It’s a difficult decision to make, but…
Image No, it’s not. It’s why we’re here.
Image Yes… You’re right. Even deadly battles can be beautiful. What Kagatie is trying to do is nothing less than an affront to humanity and the Earth. It cannot be tolerated. Let everyone know. We will destroy it.
Image Yes, you’re right. I agree.
Image Uso, but Shakti is…
Image We’ll just rescue Shakti before we destroy Angel Halo. I'll try and do it somehow.

[Angel Halo, Cronicle’s Fleet]
Image It’s good to see you again, Shakti. Are you planning to carry out Queen Maria’s will?
Image Only if you withdraw your fleet and destroy Angel Halo. It’s a suspicious machine. Don’t you realize what Kagatie is thinking by using it?
Image This is the true Clean Earth Operation that Queen Maria approved. It emits calm brainwaves that lets people forget about fighting.
Image That’s madness. What are you really up to!?
Image Shut up, Shakti.
Image Even Katejina looks insane and possessed by Kagatie!? You don’t think that it’s that machine’s fault!?
Image It’s all your fault! If only kids like you wouldn’t be so mean in front of me…
Image Stop it, Katejina. Shakti, I’m going to Angel Halo. Will you join me?
Image Will I be able to meet my mom?
Image That’s the plan.

[Angel Halo, Center Block]
Image Tassilo, what the hell are you doing!?
Image You decry me a warmonger, but I’m no buffoon. The reason why I’ve been silent until now is because I wanted you to finish Angel Halo. Now, let the Queen out of the key room.

Image How rude. You mean our prayers are turning people into babies?
Image Those who have an expanded consciousness… No, it’s happening to all living things.
Image Do you have a heart that desires peace and tranquility?
Image The ultimate form of someone wishing for peace is a baby.
Image So you confess. Queen, do you understand? If this continues, all living things will die out. That is Kagatie’s true goal.
Image It’s that powerful…? Prime Minister Kagatie, is Colonel Tassilo speaking the truth?
Image It’s just his delusion.
Image Mom!?
Image Shakti…
Image Colonel Tassilo, what are you doing here? Leave the Queen alone! Just calm down Tassilo!
Image I’m taking the Queen with me. Cronicle, if you’re going to side with me, now’s the time. Make way! It takes more than just courage for a commander to do something like this!
Image Ah, Shakti. You need to lead humanity to where it should be.
Image Mom!
Image Oh no. Get down!
Image Guh. Tassilo!!

Image Yes, even now a naval battle is taking place around here. The princess’ prayers will be radiated onto the battlefield and those who fight will forget their enmity. An old man like me doesn’t do this for power. It’s for true peace. Aliens, time to stop fighting in the Earth Sphere.
Image So I’ve heard… All I have to do is pray.

Image Everyone, let us pray. Please, lend me your strength. People on the battlefield, calm down. Erase all of your hatred…
Image Wonderful. Your powers are pure and strong, Princess.
Image Cronicle, I can’t forgive you. You were hiding Maria’s daughter from me.
Image Everyone, stop fighting. Let yourself be surrounded by these feelings. There’s no need to expose yourselves to the terror and despair of battle.
Image …I want to give the Earth a peaceful human race. If we look at the galaxy, we can see that, if left to their own devices, living beings will never stop fighting. Only through the power of this Angel Halo can we change the Earth Sphere and humanity. However…the current human race knows only of war. They should just kill each other and disappear.

I’m going to finish this route before we hop over to Rim’s, since it’s only one more stage.

Next time, the Victory Gundam finale.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:32 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
This puzzle is all about burning through support defenses. First off, have Hilde in the center use Encouragement (all adjacent units gain +10 will) twice so all adjacent units gain 20 will total. Have Duo use Buster Shield on the center enemy while supported by Hilde. Have Heero use Twin Buster Rifle on the center enemy while supported by Hilde. Have Quatre use Missiles on the center enemy while supported by Hilde. Next, have Hilde attack the center enemy while being supported by Trowa. This will finish eating through all of the support defenses. Finally, use Valor on Trowa and defeat the center enemy with a Full Open Attack.

Victory gets 35k money and a Prevail +3 skill part.

The last two-parter got us a decent chunk of change.
  • Hi-Nu Gundam gets +1 Weapons
  • Geant Chevalier gets +5 EN, maxing it out
  • V2 Gundam gets +2 to HP, EN, and Mobility and +3 to Armor
  • Nu Gundam HWS gets +2 EN and Mobility
  • Nightingale gets +1 to Mobility
I’ll just throw this out here now.

By the end of the first part in this chapter, you’ll need a combined kill count of 400 between Amuro, Kamille, Char, and Judau. My run currently has them at 80, 51, 43, and 56 kills respectively for a total of 230. This ain’t happening in this LP, sorry. The result would be Haman in her Qubeley, which I’ll mention when she would have joined THE BOYS.

Last time, we avoided returning to baby. Also every Newtype just experienced the worst day of their lives.

Angel Halo Route Chapter 29: The Madness of Angel Halo
Chapter 28 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 30 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Ra Cailum, Operations Room]
Image What?
Image Without a doubt. We just confirmed it from a laser communication from Bulge. An unusual situation is occurring around the Earth’s equator. I was told OZ’s ground forces have confirmed something is happening. But the area is currently inaccessible, so we can’t confirm much else…
Image Impossible… Did everyone in that area collapse as if they suddenly fell asleep?
Image Yes… Right in the middle of their normal lives. As a result, there were a lot of accidents and fires, and rescue operations cannot be carried out. Any recon OZ sends to the area self-destruct. This is serious.
Image My god… Cliff, do you have any idea…
Image Around the equator… where geomagnetic fields have greater influence. It could be something like a Psycho Wave raining down on Earth.
Image Kukuku. I concur. It’s really interesting. It’s just like the victims of the Varauta attacks. They cease all survival activities… It’s pretty much the exact same situation. The only difference is not that their Spiritia was stolen, but that they're under Angel Halo’s control. This is probably their end goal. Haha, this is amazing.
Image Doctor! What are you so happy about!?!
Image Oh no… So if we leave them alone, they’ll…
Image Do you mean a large number of people will straight up die?
Image Exactly. That’s what will happen.
Image What the fuck.
Image Damn them. What have they done?
Image …So that’s Angel Halo’s real function. Damn you Kagatie, how dare you.
Image Lady, what are the enemy’s movements?
Image As we speak, Angel Halo is moving towards Earth. Alongside their whole fleet of course. The closer one gets, the greater the range of effects will be. By the time it reaches satellite orbit, it’s estimated the entire planet will be affected.
Image You’re kidding! There are still people on the planet. Are they really going to kill them all!?
Image That’s not all. The colonies and the Moon aren’t safe.
Image Dammit, they’re worse than the Invaders or the aliens. They haven’t changed at all! Damn you Zanscare… Isn’t there anything we can do about this!?
Image …Our only option is to destroy it directly.
Image I agree. The situation is urgent. Effective immediately, we’re at an all-out war against Angel Halo and their fleet. Is that alright, Colonel?
Image Yes. Fortunately, they’re emitting their Psycho Waves towards the ground. Before they can aim it at us, we’ll launch an attack and engage it in a close ranged battle. They can’t use it on the battlefield itself.
Image Right… They would only be hurting themselves.
Image We don’t have any other choice. This isn’t the time to think about our losses.
Image This is what we should have done in the first place! You all move way too slowly. The best defense is a good offense. Unless we crush evil, things like this won’t stop!
Image Hey, cool your jets.
Image You’re too extreme, Wufei. We can’t afford to lose.
Image But strategically, it’s true that we no longer have that luxury. Unless you want to abandon everyone on the ground.
Image Hold it, you can’t be seriously considering that!?
Image Right… We just have to proceed without thinking about the outcome.
Image …Lord Treize, I would like you to entrust me with a portion of OZ’s fleet. I’m just a guest, so I can’t help out while I’m here.
Image …Jinn Geneham, you’re a warrior too. There’s a place for someone like you in the midst of battle. I’ll leave three OZ cruisers in your care. Lady, please arrange it immediately.
Image Yes, Your Excellency.
Image Dad…
Image Uso Ewin. I look forward to seeing your efforts in this battle as well. You got this.
Image Eh…? Y-yes…
Image We’ll leave the fleet currently engaging them in battle alone for now. The remaining fleet will pursue the enemy and then launch a suicide fleet attack. Treize, good hunting.
Image Understood. Gentlemen, this battle will be a tough one. But I want all of you to fight and survive. The conflict for Earth is not over yet. This is not the day you die.

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]
Image What’s wrong, Uso? You don’t look well.
Image It’ll be okay. Shakti will be fine.
Image I know that. Karl is telling me Shakti is in Angel Halo. That’s not the issue…
Image Is it your father?
Image It’s fine that he’s treating me like a stranger in the middle of war. But somehow he…and my mom too…makes me feel like he enjoys fighting.
Image Right… Sorry, but I was thinking the same thing. Your father has the same vibe as Colonel Char and Commander Treize.
Image Shogo, quit it.
Image I agree. I know you don’t like that kind of thing, but this isn’t the time to get into that discussion, boy.
Image They’re going to give a briefing on the sortie formation now. Please come to the meeting.

[Ra Cailum, Briefing Room]
Image …That’s right. After the sortie, maintain this formation as much as possible… Guys, what’s wrong?
[A flash of light]
Image Huh…? What the… Who’s calling me…?
Image Ah… I heard it too. Someone is calling us.
Image Who’s voice was that…
Image That’s not the bell machine again, is it?
Image No… It’s Maria. Maria Pure Armonia is calling for Uso and the other Newtypes.
Image What?
Image Shakti’s mom… She’s saying Shakti is in Angel Halo…?
Image So Maria isn’t in Angel Halo right now?
Image Are you sure, Captain?
Image Probably.
Image Impossible. Are you implying that Shakti is the one aiming at Earth right now?
Image No way…

[Angel Halo, Tassilo’s Fleet]
Image (You boys. Those of you with sensitive souls. I was being conceited. I believed that through Angel Halo, I could get this message across to humanity. But this machine was only partially working and, above all, I’m too old. We are possessed by evil thoughts and intentions. Let Shakti correct us and lead humanity. Therefore, my friends, anyone who has the will to stop it must first crush those two intentions. Come here. Come to me.)
Image What are you doing, Queen?
Image Just praying.
Image I don’t think you were. Queen, you’re not my enemy. Our enemy is Kagatie. Starting now, we must rule the Empire and the Earth Sphere without Kagatie.
Image Do you think you can?
Image You’re the one who’s going to do it.
Image Colonel, their fleet just retreated en masse. The sound of their wings are getting louder.
Image I see… Well then, it’s time to go all out. Move out. We’ll crush both their combined fleet and THE BOYS! Everyone, prepare for battle!

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image It’s finally started.
Image Following OZ’s fleet on our starboard, we’re entering the battle zone. All hands, level one battle stations!
Image But… It's strange. Even ordinary people like us can sense something supernatural… I can feel it in the air. In the airspace around Angel Halo… Does that mean there’s something at work that sharpens people’s senses…
Image I don’t know. But… I guess you could say that. I’ve seen this before.
Image Maria, who was manipulated by Kagatie, admitted her mistake and called out to us?
Image Yes. THE BOYS will head straight to Tassilo’s fleet.
Image …If being too old gets in the way of leading things in the right direction, we’ve then lost that right. Isn’t that right, Char? We’re overthinking things too much.
Image …You may be right, Amuro.
Image (We must leave the future of the Earth Sphere to the next generation. I know that. But…we can’t just wait for that. I took action because I thought the Earth wouldn’t last. I was too late…)
Image Captain, BESPA fleet ahead. Jinn Geneham’s fleet has begun firing. Our ship will soon be within range of their main guns.
Image Combat forces, prepare to launch! Thirty seconds after they leave, fire all main guns at once! We’ll push through them and head to Angel Halo together!

[Ra Cailum, Hangar]
[Sirens blare]
Image Jun, hurry up!
Image Gou, Gai, let’s go!
Image Heero, Duo, let’s hurry up too.
Image Sure. I’ll cut everything I get my hands on! Hilde, don’t leave my side!
Image Before you know it, we became real soldiers.
Image You’re obsessed with war. Warren, I’m counting on you!
Image Eh? That equipment on the V2… Chan, what’s that about?
Image At Captain Amuro’s suggestion, we’ve modified the Assault and Buster packs to be used at the same time. It’s going into battle without any testing, but the Captain said you could do it.
Image Well if he said so, then I will. …Couldn’t he have told me first though?
Image It wasn’t in the specs, but they’re designed in a way so that they don’t interfere with each other. You’re going to Angel Halo to save Shakti, right? Don’t think about anything else. Go for it, Uso.
Image Y-yes!
Image Uso, forget about your father for a moment. Don’t even think about looking for him in the battle. If you think too much, you’ll die.
Image Yes, Marbet. …Marbet, by chance is there a baby in your belly?
Image Wait, are you serious, Marbet!?
Image Come on man…
Image I didn’t do the test yet, so I don’t know for sure. Uso, how can you tell?
Image I don’t know why but… I feel two lives from you. …Oliver is there. In that new life. I understand.
Image I’m carrying Oliver’s child…
Image Amazing! Isn’t that wonderful?
Image Yes, I think so too.

[Enemies and Ra Cailum]

Choose 14 units to fight the first wave with Uso. Thankfully the Newtypes are no longer facing their tragedies and can fight to their fullest. Once again, this a two parter with a full reset between parts. If you’re aiming for the Haman secret, you need the required kills before the end of this part.

INFIX - Winners Forever (Victory Gundam ED1)

Image Hahahaha. It’s you after all. Come. I’ll cut you all in half with the Guillotine!
Image This pressure… Fuala Griffon. What an intense malice.

Image She’s there… The bells.
Image I know you can read my movements. That’s why it was worth living until today!

Firstly, the “new” unit that you only get if you choose this route.

[LM314V23/24 Victory 2 Assault-Buster Gundam]
This is what V2 was for. This is its ultimate form, one of the best Real Robots in the game. The V2AB has three full pages of weaponry, a range of up to 9 spaces without parts, and the firepower to match. Not to mention it sports some great defensive options in an i-field and bushin. Even if you’re not a fan of Uso or Victory in general, this is one mobile suit that’s worth using. You can also purge the Assault-Buster pack and get a fully replenished V2.

Pace yourself because this first part is a long and annoying challenge. For now, just have Basara and/or Mylene buff up the squad and push towards the northeast. The objective is to destroy all enemies and they won’t make it easy for you.

Fuala may be sporting a new mobile suit, the ZMT-S28S Gengaozo, but there are four goddamn Zannecks used by random grunts. There’s even a Doggorla piloted by Godwald in there. Focus on taking out these threats one at a time, especially since the Doggorla still has HP regen and the Zannecks have insane range and an i-field.

Speaking of Godwald, he has some things to say..

Image Zechs, huh? This time I’ll finish you off!
Image As a warrior, I accept your challenge! Let’s settle this, Godwald!

Image Boy, whether you can survive this or not depends on your willpower!
Image Dammit, I’m making it through this!

Image Ugh… I lost… Well done, THE BOYS…

And some of the group has words for Fuala. Just as a heads up, she is extremely hard to hit even with Focus. But she will run out of EN soon enough, which makes her pretty harmless.

Image We’ve had a lot of fun, boy. But now I want you to join the ranks of the dead!!
Image Dammit, this would be easier if you would get rid of that Guillotine bell, Fuala!
Image Boy! You’re just struggling!!

Image Hahaha. Char, huh? You’ve got a lot of guts to come out to a place like this! I will kill the Red Comet!
Image Tch, don’t think you can bring me down with just that amount of pressure!

Image Get out of my way!
Image Kuh, stop it with the bell!
Image What the… There’s two lives in that body!? Why?

Eventually, she’ll be taken down.

Image Ugh… This light. The light of life. The Guillotine’s blade also shines… Tassiloooooo!! You’ll have to do it all by yourself now!!

Once this Fuala has been defeated…

Image Fuala…? Damn, the bell has fallen. What a strange turn of events. For someone who can do this to her… Maria, you must have summoned the enemy! How can a woman like you lead them here!
Image I was just praying. It was your hostility and malice that drew them in.
Image In times of war, many ambitious people are born. I’m not the only one!
Image That’s just your ego. That selfishness is what brought about this kind of era. Why don’t you see that?
Image (Come, those of you with sensitive souls. The enemy I must defeat is myself.)
Image What… Maria?
Image Is Queen Maria, Shakti’s mom, onboard that ship…?
Image (You’re that Uso kid. I learned a lot about you through Shakti. Sink this ship, along with me. Because someone like me existed, Kagatie created Angel Halo. There are those who will try to take advantage of each other, and I am the reason why.)
Image (No way… You’re the only one who could be Shakti’s mother!?)
Image Uso Ewin! Stop messing around!
Image Uso… You have to do what she says.
Image Please wait, Kamille. That’s Shakti’s… Dammit.

A second wave coming from the southeast. Tassilo is accompanied by another four goddamn Zannecks and two Doggorlas. If you get into his range, he will move out of their support defensive formation, which is your time to strike. But you’ll have to shoot them all down anyway…

Tassilo himself goes down surprisingly easily.

Image What!? Dammit, I can’t afford to be defeated in a place like this! What’s wrong Fuala! THE BOYS are here!!
Image You can’t ask the dead for help!
Image Silence!!
Image Come now. Shoot me, Tassilo, and this ship!
Image Ah…
Image Hahahahahaha! This is what happens when you defy me!!
Image Uwaaaaaaaaa!?
[He then explodes]

Once all reinforcements are dealt with…

Image We’re too late. Tassilo’s Squid sank for a reason.
Image Yes, Commander.
Image So the Queen was killed in battle too… Damn you THE BOYS!
Image Where are you… Uso. If they’re launching an all out attack, he must be here!
Image This feeling… Katejina!?
Image Found you… Uso! Get out of here, you kids who think you’re wielding justice!

The final reinforcements…of part 1… and there’s another three goddamn Zannecks. Not only that, but…

Have Uso fight both Katejina and Cronicle at least once each.

Cronicle and Katejina also retreat at 20% HP (6960 and 7200 respectively). If one is defeated or retreats, the other will too. I believe defeating them after Uso battles them won’t impact the secret, but I chose to let them live just in case. Cronicle is in the ZMT-0S34S Rig Contio and Katejina is in the ZMT-S33S Gottrlatan. I’ll be talking about those units in more detail in another chapter. Just try to fight them in close range.

Image Katejina!
Image A child who sticks to his beliefs is creepy! Can you kill me? Go ahead if you can, boy.
Image That’s dirty and cowardly! Get out of here!
Image What!? Have you gotten over me, Uso? Cronicle, come here! There’s an enemy here!


Image Uso, be careful. What’s aiming for you is deep malice wrapped in kindness!
Image Kamille!?
Image I’ve found you, the boy who followed Katejina around and blocked my path at every turn! Fall!
Image Captain Cronicle!? You changed Katejina!
Image It’s what she wanted! This is no place for children! Now die!

Image So the daughter from Uwig has become a fully fledged BESPA pilot! If you’re here, then I’ll take her down!
Image You’re the one hiding in Uso’s shadow… There’s no way anyone would ever fall for you! If you get in my way, you’ll die!

And when they retreat or get shot down…
Image No, we’re being pushed back. Katejina, where are you!? Let’s return to the ship!

Image Captain, the enemy’s attack has ceased!
Image Good. All units, return and resupply! The fleet will continue as is. We’ll push through to Angel Halo!
Image Haa… Haa… Haa… Shakti, I’m coming…

[Angel Halo, Center Block]
Image Our line of defense is crumbling? Dammit Tassilo, you’re incompetent. Inform all troops that we will speed up Angel Halo’s descent to Earth. How is the Princess holding up?
Image It’s working better than expected. The Psychics acting as a battery are emitting the Queen and Princess’ prayers.
Image I see. Cronicle’s Adrestea fleet is moving too slowly!

Image (Ugh… What’s wrong? My head hurts… That voice just now… Uso? Amuro, Kamille, and Judau too…? Are our prayers being distorted by this machine and not reaching the battlefield? No… If that’s the case, then what should I do… Mom, tell me what I should do…!?)

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image What’s the situation!? What’s happening to the combined fleet!? What about Angel Halo!?
Image Part of the fleet has arrived, but the rest were wiped out. Angel Halo’s movement speed has increased. It will soon be above Earth!
Image Are you saying that it’ll fall onto the planet?

[Ra Cailum, Hangar]
Image Captain, it seems that part of the fleet succeeded in a direct attack, but ended up defeated. And it’s picking up speed.
Image Dammit. Those screams from earlier were from the attack on Angel Halo?
Image Screams?
Image Yes. There’s a lot of people inside its rings. If we carelessly break them…
Image We have to determine what’s more important. The lives of those tens of thousands, or the entire Earth Sphere.
Image Zechs, but…
Image Quit joking! So this is your true colors! Guys like you are always asking which is more important! That way of thinking is a convenient excuse for discarding people like they’re objects!
Image Stop it, Shogo. I know what you’re trying to say, but you’re only one person. Even if you get carried away, what can you accomplish on the battlefield? Do you want to die as a dog?
Image That's not true! I’m not the only one!
Image If we help those people, Angel Halo will shut down! And then we can destroy it! Otherwise, what have we been doing!?
Image I agree with Uso and Shogo. Why are you jumping to such a conclusion without even trying!? Right, Amuro!?
Image That’s… What the kids are saying is correct. It would be bad if we fought like that.
Image It’s meaningless if we don’t win, Major.
Image …Stop it, Zechs. We don’t do things like you and Char. I won’t let Treize do it either.
Image Amuro, that’s not true. The Colonel showed me many things. We want to bring out people’s potential. You just don’t understand him.
Image Quess, stop. That’s not what they’re talking about.
Image …Regardless, we need to head to Angel Halo to stop their fleet, otherwise we can’t think about attacking it directly. To ensure that we stay on the right path, I’ll make Char and Treize understand. Everyone, please get some rest, but keep your pilot suits on.

Image What? A suicide attack? Ramming it?
Image Yes. They lost their mobile suit team and their combat capability are launching suicide attacks on BESPA ships.
Image The fools…
Image The hell… Dammit.
Image That’s why the enemy is in disarray. Captain, now’s the time. Let’s enter Angel Halo. The entire fleet has also suffered heavy damage. We need to settle this soon, or we’ll never win.
Image Yeah… Roger. Pilots, you know what to do! We will not advance very close to Angel Halo. Combat forces, launch! We will end this no matter what!

[Angel Halo, Cronicle’s Ship]
Image THE BOYS are their core. If we destroy that, the rest of the fleet will crumble. Then I will use Angel Halo on those who started this war and the aliens.
Image You mean Kagatie, Treize, and Char Aznable?
Image Exactly. I’ll turn them into rotten babies.
Image Is something wrong!?
Image Commander Cronicle! An OZ cruiser is heading towards our ship! It won’t stop!
Image What!? Sink it! Don’t let them succeed in a suicide attack!

Image Shakti… I’m on my way.
Image Hey Uso. Is that the OZ cruiser that sank with a Motorad ship earlier…
Image The people on that ship… Jinn Geneham. It’s just another person with that name. It has to be.
Image Uso…
Image That’s fine, Uso. Only think about going to Shakti. Leave the enemies to us.
Image And there you have it. We’re counting on you, Uso.
Image Yes. Go to Shakti and stop them. Everyone is going to help you too. You’re the only one who can do it, got it!?
Image Yeah. We’ll back you up with all of our might.
Image Go for it, Uso.
Image Yes!


14 chosen warriors to save the world, no, humanity with Uso.

Image (That’s right. I just need to go to Shakti. I’m grateful to have people I trust to watch my back.)
Image Haro, she’s right at the center of Angel Halo.

Image Shakti must be there.

Time for the final battle of Victory Gundam. You have five turns to get Uso all the way to the center of Angel Halo. In the way are Asdresta battleships, Zannecks, Doggorlas, and Gengaozos. Not to mention that Angel Halo is great terrain with HP/EN regen and bonuses to defense and evasion. In my opinion, the best way to approach this stage is to rush Angel Halo, get Uso to the center to remove the time limit, and then occupy the terrain to slowly take down the rest of the enemies one by one. If you plan your movements right, you can get two AoE will and/or accuracy buffs from Basara before you get close enough for combat, which will help in the long run.

If you manage to get the 400 kills for Haman, be sure to deploy Kamille, Char, and Judau during the second part of this stage and do not let any of them die.

When you destroy one of the Adrasteas and get Uso to the center of Angel Halo…

Image Right here… I sense Shakti on the other side of this bulkhead. Shakti! Shakti, are you there!?
Image (Uso…?)
Image Shakti, I’m coming. You don’t need to pray anymore.
Image (Uso, don’t. There are still things I need to do. If I leave, I can’t save the hearts of the tens of thousands of sleeping people. Then this machine can’t be stopped.)
Image Shakti…? So what should I do?
Image (I’m going to unleash Angel Halo’s power. Trust me, Uso. All of your voices told me of the mistakes I made. This time I’ll fix everything.)
Image Okay… Shakti. I’ll come by and pick you up later.
Image Uso, what’s wrong? Did you not find Shakti!?
Image Shakti says she needs time. She’s planning something. Please, just hold off a moment!
Image But if things continue like this, Angel Halo will fall to Earth!

Image You sank our flagship. We can’t let it end like this!
Image …The only ones to remain so calm in the middle of the battlefield has to be THE BOYS. Uso and his friends. I know it was you guys who came here!
Image There’s still more BESPA troops?
[A Flash of light]
Image What the…?
Image (All of you who follow me in this prayer. True peace is attained when souls return to their homes. Let’s live in a world where fathers, mothers, and their families can all come together. With that feeling, that warmth, with the power that flows through these rings, let the cold warriors on the battlefield feel it all.)
[Another flash of light]
Image Light…
[Another flash]
Image What’s that light? It’s coming from Angel Halo…?
Image There’s no reaction from any sensors. It’s not a physical thing…?
[A Flash]
Image That light…
Image It’s beautiful, but… Hey Dorothy, what is that light?
Image Goo! Daaa!
Image I don’t know. But it seems Karl is enjoying it.
Image Such a warm light. What is this warm vibration? This kind of phenomenon should never have happened. What the hell is going on?
Image Hey, Angel Halo has stopped.
Image No… That’s not it, Ryoma. It’s starting to reverse, but only slightly.
Image What?
Image That’s… Shakti and all those Psychics are doing it!
[A Flash of light]
Image What the hell is going on?
Image A song…? I’m hearing singing on the battlefield!? What a joke! Is it those Sound Force guys? …No, that ring. Shut up, Kagatie’s ring!
Image Katejina? What’s wrong!?
Image That voice… Shakti? What do you think you’re doing!? No matter how far I go, you keep making a fool of me!! THE BOYS need to disappear!!
Image Katejina and Cronicle are here!?
Image All units, intercept BESPA! As long as Shakti can keep that thing under control, Angel Halo won’t descend to Earth.

No more time limit. All that’s left is to take out the rest of BESPA. Same strategy as before, but both Cronicle and Katejina are here, being as annoying as possible. No one retreats, so take things at whatever pace you want.

Image I can see through your every move, Uso!
Image Katejina! Why won’t you understand!?
Image Don’t lie to me! You fool, I’ll destroy your Gundam!!

Image I’ve figured it out, Uso Ewin! You’re plotting to eliminate us along with Shakti in the key room! I can see you do it!
Image Weapons are dangerous to an empty heart, Cronicle!

Have Uso use Convince (説得) on Katejina, then on Cronicle. After that, feel free to shoot them down with anyone. I think Uso also needs to fight them both at least once, but sources vary.

First is Katejina.

Image Katejina! Do you really think what Kagatie is doing is right!?
Image I do, boy. I’ve found my reason for living in Cronicle. And yet you all continue to laugh at me!
Image I’ve never done that! Katejina Loos, how dare you make such a misunderstanding!
Image Cronicle was so kind to me! But you guys, THE BOYS, always keep getting in our way!!
Image Katejina, what you’re saying is weird! Don’t you realize that this isn’t the time for Earthlings to be doing this sort of thing!? How did it end up like this!?
Image Shut up! Boy, do you think you can save the world!? What would a spoiled brat know!?
Image Please wait, Katejina!

And then with Cronicle.

Image Dammit boy, you came here to take me down yourself! For Katejina’s sake, I’ll kill you myself!
Image Cronicle! Don’t you understand that your weakness has led Katejina astray!?
Image What does a child like you know!? Being the Queen’s younger brother, I had to suffer and fight against people like Kagatie and Tassilo!
Image I don’t know anything about that! But with the Earth Sphere in such a state, I can’t imagine something like that could cause things to turn out like this! If you didn’t have such distorted thoughts, we would have been able to protect the Earth together, right!?
Image What are you saying!? If you guys didn’t keep getting in my way, I would be able to defeat Kagatie and establish a society based on Maria-ism. We could have used Angel Halo to fight against the aliens!
Image Aren’t you just drifting along!? Everyone is suffering, not just yourself! Admit your own weakness!
Image How dare you preach at me! Get out of my sight, boy!

Both bosses are a pain in the ass to hit, especially on Angel Halo’s terrain.

Image Ugh. Every single one of you is making fun of me… Cronicle, what’s wrong!? These guys are…
[She explodes]
Image What, Katejina, have you been defeated!? Damn you, damn you! Why are you all getting in my way!!

When either Katejina or Cronicle gets destroyed, the other will gain 30 will, Valor, and Focus. You could just bait out the Valor’d attack with Flash and wait a turn before you continue to kick their ass.

Image I-impossible!? I can’t stop here!

With the two bosses down and the secret fulfilled, it’s time for cleanup. None of the remaining enemies here are on HP regen tiles (barring of course the Doggorla’s innate HP regen) so just go at your own pace.

Image It’s over… What about Angel Halo!?
[A flash of light and shaking]
Image A-Angel Halo has begun to collapse!
Image What!? Is that also being caused by Shakti’s prayer…

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Angel Halo continues to collapse from outward in. It won’t stop.
Image What about Uso and the others?
Image They’re inside of Angel Halo.
Image Hurry up. Evacuate all fleets in the surrounding area. We’re only going to get hurt if we get caught up in this.

[Angel Halo, Center Block]
Image Fonse Kagatie.
Image W-what are you guys!? Why is that child…
Image We’re here because we’re children. Same with Shakti. Don’t you think we can only do this because we’re children? I’m taking Shakti back.
Image What? Are you referring to those warm vibrations from earlier?
Image Parents give birth to children and die. We forgot the meaning of successive generations. Your plan was bound to fail.
Image The overpopulation of humanity is what overstepped the truth. That kind of humanity would be better off disappearing.
Image That point of view is only true when viewed from the Jupiter Sphere. Humanity shouldn’t die because of an old man like you! We’re going to figure out how to make it all work!
Image It’s that conceit that has led mankind astray. Even Char knew that, which is why he tried to drop Axis.
Image That man has nothing to do with this. If we can’t do it, then the next generation will. Even in the midst of battle, new lives are born.
[A door opens]
Image Uso…? Everyone’s here.
Image S-stop!
Image …Fonse Kagatie. I’ll kill you.
Image Don’t do it, Heero. It’s over anyway. Right now, we’re here to save Shakti. Let’s just leave it at that.
Image Let’s go, Shakti.
Image Kuh… Bastards…
Image You should stay here, Kagatie. If you’re lucky, you’ll live through this. Why don’t you try praying in the key room?

[Intense rumbling]
Image Angel Halo is collapsing? Maria… Tell me. Were those boys right? Was this plan doomed from the start? I found you, turned you from fortune teller to a queen, and now you’re forgotten everything I’ve done for you and forced me to do this!? UWAAAAAAAAA!!
[Everything goes white, then black]

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Yes, Angel Halo has collapsed and the control section has disappeared. There are Zanscare citizens left behind in each of the rings. Rescue operations are currently underway.
Image What about BESPA?
Image They’re finished. Most of them have surrendered. It’s only a matter of time until the rest are disarmed. With how little military might they have left, this war cannot continue. I think this war will officially end soon. Also Jinn Geneham… No, Hangerg Ewin is missing. At the very least, there’s no confirmation of his death.
Image I see…
Image In any case, the absurdity of Earthlings fighting each other is finally over.
Image But we’re not done yet.
Image Can I leave the cleanup to you?
Image Yes, Your Excellency. Even though we lost nearly half of our ships, we can do that much. We’ll get support from Bulge. Regarding the issue on the ground, OZ’s ground forces are currently working to bring the situation under control. Also, I heard from Doctor Chiba on Side 3. Sound Therapy is likely to be effective on those affected by Angel Halo. Looks like we’ll be using the Sound Force to verify.
Image Good. Get in contact with Dr. Shikishima..
Image With the entire surface being a concert, they must really be excited.
Image Well then, we’ll now return to Side 3. Captain.
Image Yes… Let’s. We need to rest for a bit too.
Image This is the Ra Cailum. Yes… Yes, understood.
Image What’s up, Beltorchika?
Image It’s from the Rewloola. They apparently recovered two BESPA mobile suits with their pilots alive.
Image So why did they bother telling us?
Image It’s the Motorad fleet commander, Captain Cronicle Asher. Char, they’re asking for your judgement.
Image Hoh, Cronicle Asher, huh… Tell the Rewloola to go straight to Side 3 and move them to a military hospital.
Image Roger that.

By succeeding the secret, both Katejina and Cronicle will live to see another day. I believe there’s a scene with Haman showing up, but not in this playthrough. If I find the scene, I’ll make a bonus update with it.

Next time, we go check out Rim’s timeline as she goes to Helios.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:33 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Last time, THE BOYS decided to split up. Rim made the decision to head to Helios and help take on Kloppen.

Helios Route Chapter 28: Uncovered Truth
Chapter 27 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 29 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image But… Mayor Milia sure was angry.
Image Chief Exedor, don’t say that. It’s true that this is putting City 7 at risk, but this is important to the Earth Sphere. I left the Sound Force, Valkyrie Squads, and Chiba behind just in case they’re attacked by the Varauta.
Image Captain, we’ll be able to perform the final Fold in 113 minutes.
Image Okay. We’ll do the final jump as soon as the charging is complete.
Image Roger.
Image It’s finally time.
Image If those who support Prince Harlin are really rebelling, we must liberate the planet at all costs and use it as a foothold in the fight against Gishin. Alas…it’s unfortunate.
Image Dr. Earl, is something wrong?
Image Well, if we could use the method that you all used to reconcile with the Zentradi, I thought that we could make peace with other Zentradi fleets throughout the galaxy…
Image Ah… That’s what you mean.
Image I haven’t heard of any successful cases besides us.
Image How unfortunate.
Image This is the bridge. Yes… Understood. Dr. Earl, Prince Harlin wants to talk to you about something.
Image I see. Please tell him I’m on my way, young lady.

[Battle 7, Residential Area]
Image Ye gods. Prince Harlin, you have a crest on your arm too!?
Image I heard from Kento about Kloppen’s crest. Turns out, I have it too. Here.
Image It is the real thing. I’ve been careless. I completely forgot to confirm this.
Image We all believed the Kloppen was the prince. It can’t be helped.
Image But Dr. Earl, what’s going on?
Image Oh, I remember that Kloppen said that his crest was proof of his legitimacy or something.
Image I see. Dr. Earl and the Helios court knew very little about it, so they had no reason to doubt him.
Image True. But now there are two people with the crest…
Image Couldn’t they have just put the crest on a clone? They were born the same, right?
Image But Maria, we can’t tell which one is the actual clone.
Image Right.
Image Not so fast, Maria. I figured it out right away.
Image What?
Image It doesn’t matter anyway.
Image Perhaps, but depending on how things go, it could mean all the difference when fighting against Zuul.
Image …I need to look into this.
Image How?
Image Before we left, I had Adalus’ data banks and a space map brought onto Battle 7. It contains the palace database that was taken when we escaped Helios. The data on the royal family is encrypted, but it might be worth analyzing. Would you help me, Manabu?
Image Yes, Doctor.

Image Hey, how’re ya holding up?
Image Yea, I’m done. Has everyone else finished their maintenance yet?
Image Done over here.
Image I never would have imagined we’d be flying out into the solar system.
Image I think the battle for Angel Halo has already begun.
Image Before we left, Zanscare took most of their fleet to Side 7. Maybe it’s because we found out about Angel Halo’s existence. If they’ve abandoned their homeland, it means that their plan has already begun.
Image Yes. Treize and Char were moving their fleets earlier than planned. The first battle is probably happening right now.
Image I hope it goes well…
Image We have no choice but to trust them.
Image Even so, it’s Captain Bright after all. I heard that if Takeru were to bite it now, the Earth might be safe. I’m not serious of course.
Image No… You’re right. At least if something happened to me, the Earth won’t be instantly destroyed.
Image Takeru…
Image What are you guys up to?
Image If you’ve finished your work, hurry back to your assigned room.
Image Y-yes. Sorry.
[Intercom turns on]
Image Attention all personnel. This is the Bridge. Ten minutes until the final Fold. Please promptly move to the designated waiting area. I repeat…
Image It’s finally time. Will Prince Harlin’s decision prove to be good or bad…
Image This is a crossroads of fate. Alright everyone, hustle.
Image Captain Kinryu, what are those soldiers doing?
Image They seem to be behaving well, not doing anything suspicious yet at least.
Image That doesn’t mean we can trust them.
Image They’re still the enemy… I guess.
Image Ah hell. I can’t believe we’re just falling for the enemy’s plan. Honestly, he’s too nice for his own good.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Fold Out complete. Nothing abnormal was detected.
Image Target planet confirmed.
Image Start the observations.
Image Yes Captain.

Image Well…considering they’re supposed to be rebels, the surface seems to be quiet.
Image Right… Where’s Prince Harlin?
Image In the container block. It looks like they’re still checking the database.

[Gishin Empire, Planet Relay Base]
Image What? An Earthling battleship just appeared!?
Image Yes, Captain Marg. Without a doubt. It’s the same battleship that Mars’ forces use.
Image Mars? Why would he come to this resupply planet of all places? More importantly, what the hell are they trying to do all the way out here? Surely they didn’t follow our warp traces.
Image I think that possibility is extremely low. Any orders?
Image …Intercept them. We have to. I don’t know why those Earthlings have come here, but I’m going to teach them a lesson.
Image Commander, what if Mars is with them?
Image If that happens, we’ll try to capture him alive. If we kill him here, the Earth won’t be destroyed. We have to be sure that killing Mars will ensure the Earth’s destruction. If that’s not possible… Kill him anyway.
Image Sir.
Image Roze, what happened to that item that His Majesty entrusted to me?
Image It’s still being calibrated…
Image Just make it move.
Image …You can’t be thinking about using it here!?
Image The Earthlings have come this far. If he’s here, we must be completely prepared. This was prepared for me by His Majesty himself. We can’t undermine his trust by failing here.
Image …Very well. We’ll begin preparations immediately.

[Battle 7, Container]
Image …Dr. Earl, this data is now unencrypted.
Image Good… This is it. Hmm… Oh… These are records of a cloning technician who worked for the imperial court. If we read this, we might understand more. Now then…

Image Prince Harlin, I’ve figured it out. Indeed, it says that the clones also had the crest branded onto them.
Image Gramps, is there any way to tell the difference?
Image Patience, Lord Kento. I was just getting there. The branded crest is the same, but in order to make a distinction, the clone’s crest is set to disappear when exposed to strong ultraviolet light.
Image So if we shine an ultraviolet light on dad’s arm, we can tell if he’s real or not.
Image The alarm!?
Image So Gishin is finally after us! Gramps, Manbu, I’m counting on you! Let’s go, Danji!

Image That’s… Is that Marg!? He was in this system!?
Image Mars… This telepathy is Mars, right? You traitor who defies Emperor Zuul! Why did you come to this place? You thought getting away from Earth would have us spare you!?
Image Marg… We've come to help the people of this planet who support Prince Harlin. Let us go!
Image What? Harlin has followers? You idiot. There’s no way people like that exist on this planet.
Image Mars, quit talking nonsense! This planet is merely a relay base for the Gishin Empire. There are no citizens here!
Image What!? I knew it…
Image I don’t know what you’re planning, but we’re going to take you alive to destroy the Earthlings! Prepare yourself!
Image Dammit. Gaia!

Image Come, 5 God Robos! GODMAAAAAAAAAARS!!

Image Captain, it’s Godmars!
Image Captain Max, this is an enemy trap!
Image …I thought so. Launch all interceptors! What happened to those soldiers?
Image T-they seem to have disappeared during combat deployment.
Image That’s a problem.
Image Hurry up and find them. What the hell are they doing?

Fourteen units to choose from a mostly Super roster.

If you didn’t guess it, this is another two parter chapter, with the front half being the longer section. Shame the Sound Force was left behind, I would have really appreciated their buffing. Take things slow, camp out in the asteroids, and let them come to you. Don’t ever be afraid to put a unit into Battle 7 for healing/resupplying. Even though we’re away from Earth, Takeru dying still results in a game over.

Image Let’s go, Mars!
Image Marg… Since you’re causing harm to the Earth, this is inevitable. I will defeat you!

Image Mars, this time I’ll defeat you!
Image Roze I will never die until I reach Zuul!

Have Takeru use Convince (説得) on Marg during his first phase.

Image Marg! Does Emperor Zuul own even your heart!? Answer me, Marg!
Image Damn you Mars! I don’t care about the Earth anymore. This time, I’ll put an end to your life!
Image Stop it, Marg! Have you really forgotten me!?
Image No matter who you are, if you go against Emperor Zuul’s will, I will kill you!
Image Marg! Wake up!
Image Silence, traitor!
Image No! Dammit, Marg. Is my brother’s heart ever going to return to normal…

One other piece of advice, kill Roze before Marg. If Marg dies first, she’ll buff herself and become more of a nuisance than before.

Regardless, Marg is eventually beaten… Right?

Image Damn you!

Image Don’t think you’ve won just because of that! Come, Five God Robos!
Image What!?

Image That’s…
Image You’re shitting me… Another Godmars!?
Image Takeru, what the hell is that…
Image Impossible… Is that really Godmars…? I don’t sense the presence of an Antiproton bomb… But…
Image You seem surprised. His Majesty Emperor Zuul specially commissioned this mecha to annihilate you all!
Image Dammit. Marg, stop this!!
Image Silence!! This is where you die. In the name of His Majesty Emperor Zuul, you will be executed! Let’s go, Mars! Earthlings!!

Say hello to Another Godmars. Godmarg, if you will. This is Godmars’ design from an OVA. It has the same capability (and animation frames) as our Godmars, but with boss stats. I’d say try to hit it from long range, but the majority of our mechs are close ranged Supers. At least he doesn’t have HP regen, so use your SP on defensive spirits and whittle him down. He’ll run out of EN quickly which makes him more or less powerless.

Defeat Marg’s Godmars with Takeru.

If you DIDN’T land the final blow with Takeru…

Super Robot Wars D - The Monument of Love
(This is Godmars’ Ending theme, only played here and if you get the Godmars Game Over by letting Takeru die at any point)

Image Was Marg beaten!? Kuh… Marg, was this the only way this could have ended…
Image Ugh… Mars, are you there Mars? How did I…
Image Marg!? Do you recognize me!?
Image My one and only precious little brother. Ah… I see. Emperor Zuul stole my past. I was forced to fight you under Zuul’s orders…
Image Marg… Brother!
Image Mars… Zuul is the one at fault. Not everyone in the Gishin Empire is the same as Zuul… I believe… Yes… Truly…
[Marg dies]
Image Brother…? Brother!? Dammit how could you! Brother… BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRR!!

Let’s not do that. Instead, if Takeru does the final blow…
(If you see any differences in the map from this point on, I had to replay this due to missing information.)

Six God Combination Godmars - The Monument of Love

Image Ugh… That’s… Mars…? Is that really Mars?
Image Eh!?
Image I… What did I…?
Image Marg!?
Image Mars…
Image Marg, do you recognize me!?
Image My… My one and only precious little brother… Mars… Just what…
Image Brother… Brother! It’s been so long… It feels like it’s been ten years since we parted ways at Hiland. Finally… You finally remember…
Image That’s right… Emperor Zuul stole my past. I was forced to fight you on his orders.
Image Marg, it’s alright now. I’ll never let you go again. Your unit is falling apart. Marg, hurry up and come here…
Image Captain Marg regained his memories!? Dammit.

Image Roze? You can’t… Stop it.

Image Captain Marg, get out of the way! Mars, prepare yourself!
Image Stop it, Roze!!

Image What!?
Image Uwaaaaaaa!!

Image Marg? Brother!?
Image Ugh…
Image Brother, are you still alive? I’ll take you in now.

If Roze was destroyed before this, Marg just explodes before she would have said something.

But now that the brothers are reunited and clearly not dead…

Image These Earth Special Forces are useless. Instead of getting rid of Harlin, they end up defeated themselves. This was all Commander Kloppen’s plan to use Marg to weaken the Earthlings.
Image And now they’re exhausted. Commander Kloppen’s two-stage plan is genius. Don’t let any of those Earthlings live, especially Daltanious and Mars!
Image Oh, it’s not vanishing! Prince Harlin’s crest isn’t disappearing when exposed to ultraviolet light!
Image I see…
Image So Kento’s father is the real one!?
Image That remains to be seen… Wait, who are you guys!?
Image Found them!
Image Harlin, prepare yourself!
Image …I knew you’d be coming here. Have you considered what would happen if you killed me? Is Zuul more important than peace? What is it that drives you to fight so much? Why won’t you understand?
Image Kuh… Our families are being held hostage by General Nessia. If we don’t kill you, they’ll die instead!
Image No way…
Image What a terrible thing to do… Go ahead and shoot me. Even if I die, my wish for peace will not disappear. Do it.
Image What?
Image Prince Harlin!?
Image …What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to shoot? If you think that this will bring about the peace you believe in, then do it.
Image Ugh… Everyone, retreat.
Image But Captain.
Image Withdraw!
Image Well done, Prince Harlin.

Image Captain, the Mini-UFOs who surrendered have now departed.
Image They’ve escaped. Shoot them down. Where’s Prince Harlin?
Image Captain, I’m safe. I want you to let them go.
Image Why?
Image …Very well.

Image Oh, your back. Tell me about your success.
Image I’m sorry, but the assassination attempt on Harlin has failed. I will take full responsibility. Please have mercy on my subordinates and--
Image You idiots! Do you think that will be enough!? Execute them! Kill every last one of them!

Image What? Uwaaaaaaa!!

Image Dammit, everyone, please help them. Don’t let them die.
Image What!? Dad, what’s going on!?
Image Prince Harlin…!? You would go that far…
Image He would fight for us. We can entrust the future to him. Prince Harlin and the people of Earth, please break Zuul’s rule!

Image Nessia! Now feel our pain and sorrow!

Image What was that!? Dammit, I’m retreating.

Image Hmph, stupid plant. Now all the credit will be mine. Go!
Image Dammit all…
Image What have you done…
Image Gishin Empire… I will never forgive you!

Got enemies on two fronts and it’s likely that your forces are exhausted. Don’t be afraid to turtle up inside Battle 7 for a turn or two to heal/resupply. Having Battle 7 in its humanoid form with Guard will cause every attack to be absorbed by its Pinpoint Barrier. Thankfully, these enemies lack the Combo skill that Zanscare grunts have, so you can turtle up all cozy-like.

Boider retreats at 20% HP (6000). Whether you beat him or cause him to retreat…

Image Dammit, I was so close. Time to withdraw!

Image You’re all useless. I guess I’ll have to do it myself.
Image There you are, Kloppen!
Image Kento Tate. I don’t understand how a vile clone can be so confident.
Image Is that Kloppen?
Image Hmm. Harlin, so you’re here after all. On Emperor Zuul’s orders, all fakes must be destroyed. It’s surprising that so many Earthlings are here, but since you’re all here, Daltanious, Mars, Duke Fleed, and the rest of you will be destroyed!
Image Wait, Kloppen!
Image Shut up, traitor! I have nothing to talk to you about!
Image Listen carefully. The arm crest was also put on the clone. To distinguish who the real one is, the clone’s crest is designed to disappear in strong ultraviolet light. Prince Harlin’s crest didn’t disappear. I wonder if yours will be the same. If you claim to be the real deal, try it!
Image Silence, traitor! I am the rightful successor to Helios!
Image Then prove it like a man, Kloppen!
Image It doesn’t really matter to me anyway.
Image Silence, silence! You’re just trying to trick me. I won’t fall for that! I’ll crush you stupid bastards!!

Kloppen’s now here and he’s not that much harder than he was before.

Image There’s no way I’d lose to a clone! Let’s fight, Kento Tate!
Image Enough about clones already!

Kloppen doesn’t retreat, so go all out. This first part has overstayed its welcome.

Image Kuh… Damn you…
Image Captain Max, did you prepare my request earlier?
Image It’s ready. Fire the irradiation device.
[Beam sounds, Kloppen gets damaged]
Image Whaaaaaaaa!?
Image So Kloppen, is the crest on your arm still there?
Image Of course it is! The crest that shows I'm the rightful… It’s… It’s gone!? The crest… is gone… It’s really gone!? Ohhh… Oooooooohhhhhhhh.
Image Kloppen, it seems you were the clone the entire time.
Image You… Bastard… This is a trick! This is impossible!
Image Shut up! You’re the actual traitor! Clones controlled by Zuul!
Image Grr… All forces, retreat!
[Any remaining enemy leaves]

Image The Gishin Army has retreated.
Image What joy! You two are indeed the rightful successors!
Image You don’t need to act so thrilled.
Image But it’s true that this makes our fight easier.
Image Yes, it does.
Image With this, the dream of restoring Helios is no longer just a dream!
Image I’m getting some deja vu. Sorry.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Captain, we just received a notice of surrender from the Gishin military base.
Image I see. Battle 7 will now descend to the planet’s surface.
Image Captain, there’s very little water on this planet. No oceans or lakes.
Image Use the Transformation and land.
Image Roger.
Image So what now? There was no rebellion after all.
Image There wasn’t, but now we know Prince Harlin is legitimate. Let’s immediately send a message to the Helios planets to spread the news. With this, our voices will be answered and the rebellion against Gishin will rise and be stronger than before.
Image Yes. I’ll once again send out a call to arms in all regions. I’ll show you how to really recruit an army. Hahahahaha.
Image Hmm. Things are moving much faster than we initially expected.
Image It’s all thanks to the people of Earth. Thank you, Dr. Earl. This is enough. Let’s believe that our long efforts will finally be rewarded.
Image Yes, this is when it will all start.

[Battle 7, Residential Area]
Image What’s wrong, Ochame?
Image Yeah, you look depressed.
Image Well, now we know Kento’s father isn’t a clone. We’re worried that if the Helios Empire is restored, Kento will become the prince and will leave us.
Image I don’t want that to happen…
Image But Kento doesn’t want that.
Image Exactly. Don’t worry about it. He’s not cut out to be a prince or emperor.
Image Yea… He’s not that kind of guy!
Image Don’t be mean.
Image But it’s the truth, so it can’t be helped, right?
Image Even if you say it, it’s not convincing.
Image I know, right? Koji nailed it.
Image What’s that supposed to mean?

[Battle 7, Medical Floor]
Image Dr. Earl, how’s Marg…
Image Oh, Mars. Thanks to some quick treatment, your brother survived. He should be fine.
Image I’m so happy for you, Takeru!
Image We’ve finally saved him.
Image Yes. Thank you, Captain Gamlin.

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]
Image Dammit, I’m a clone…? There’s no way that’s true. Emperor Zuul, please respond! Why won’t you respond to my call!? Please say something to me! I gave you my life because I trusted you! Please tell me the truth! Did you know that I was a clone and falsely claimed I was the real one? Did you raise me just so you can use me!? Emperor Zuul, please respond!!
Image Silence, fool.
Image Your Majesty, I’ve been waiting for your call. Please explain it to me!
Image There’s nothing to talk about. Everything you were yelling was true.
Image Wha… What!?
Image I just happened to find you when I attacked Helios and used you only for strategic reasons. That’s right, you’re nothing more than a clone. A biological tool. It was a complete miscalculation that Harlin was still alive.
Image There’s just no way! So it was all a lie!? You were teaching me to become Helios’ successor and it was all a lie!?
Image Silence! If you had just killed Mars or Daltanious, or even Harlin, this wouldn’t have happened. All my plans are falling apart. All because of your incompetence, I haven’t been able to accomplish anything! Now that the truth was revealed, you’re useless to me. At the very least, fight the Earthlings and die!
[Zuul hangs up]
Image Emperor Zuul… Is this how you treat me, someone who has served you ever since I was a child? Who led the Zaal fleet and contributed to the expansion of the empire…?

Image Is that true? So Commander Kloppen is the clone. A biological tool.
Image The front line soldiers overheard the communication. There’s no denying it, based on how the Commander panicked. We served him without knowing he was a repulsive clone.
Image I can’t believe it.
Image A tool being a Commander. This puts our fleet in a bad position. What was Emperor Zuul thinking when he did something like that?
Image I’m sure dissatisfaction is spreading among the soldiers as we speak.
Image It’s only natural, considering they were being ordered around by a thing.

Image It’s gone… It’s gone… My crest. Haha. The only thing that hasn’t disappeared is the fact that I’m a clone. I’ve been wearing that mask since I was a child and Emperor Zuul told me that I would one day become the king of Helios. But I was nothing more than a puppet… Hahahahahahaha!!
Image Are you an Imperial Guard? What are you doing? Stay back! Follow your Commander’s orders!
Image Shut up, clone! We’re going to take you as a gift and surrender to Earth’s battleship.
Image What!? Are you out of your mind?
Image It’s Gishin military doctrine that failues of the higher-ups also extend to the normal soldiers. If you’re a clone and you keep failing, we all will be executed. I’m not joking.
Image B-bastard… I’m…

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image What?
Image No doubt about it, Captain.
Image They captured their own commander and are going to surrender? Just because he was a clone? I don’t understand the Gishin culture.
Image The Zentrans have been replicating themselves for generations. They’re also clones.
Image The only ones who are different are those born after the war, like your daughters.
Image That’s understandable. Even in Helios, clones had no human rights. Of course, I don’t think that way anymore.
Image Captain, what’s your response?
Image I want them to accept us. We should be able to make them our allies.

[Battle 7, Storage]
Image What did you say!?
Image They said they’ve captured Kloppen, or rather the Zaal Commander.
Image Wow, they really did it! I didn’t know it had that much of an impact!
Image So then Dad…
Image Your father and the Captains are willing to accept them. The Diamond Force were ordered to lead them to Battle 7.
Image You’ve got to be kidding me! I refuse. They’re willing to sacrifice others to protect themselves. I don’t want to recruit people like that into our team. I can’t accept this!
Image I agree with you. Capturing your superior officer and then asking for forgiveness is what scum do. It’s dirty.
Image Just hold on a moment. Like the soldiers before , maybe they genuinely want peace and thought this was for their own good. It’s not something you can just assume.
Image Then… I’ll check it out for myself. Danji, let’s go!
[They run off]
Image Hey, wait! He’s just going off on his own. Gamlin, contact the Captain. Daltanious is heading out.

Image Dammit… I’m not going to just sit back and let this happen. Hmm, is that my Death Stark? Damn guards even got that…)

Image Wait, Kento. Focus your attention on the universe as a whole.
Image I’m not fooling around! Hey, stop right there!
Image Daltanious… Kento Tate. I’ve brought Kloppen. We’d like to join you.
(This soldier is a neutral yellow)
Image Okay, listen carefully. I’m going to take you and Kloppen as prisoners. If you want peace and are surrendering, then you’ll have to be patient for the time being.
Image (I see. Scary. You’ve thought this through.)
Image What? A prisoner!? We’ve captured the clone. Are you going to treat us the same as a clone!?
Image Whether you’re a clone or not doesn’t matter! It’s about how you are as a person. I can’t trust you.
Image (As a person!? So they see me as a person, not a clone…!?)
Image Kuh… Quit joking. I won’t allow myself to be taken prisoner! Dammit, send out the troops! We can’t go home without a trophy!

Image They’ve brought that many troops?
Image I see, so that’s the extent of their resolve. We’ll fight back.

14 deployment slots along with Daltanious. Everything’s been reset of course like other two-pater chapters.

There are no bosses and no enemy reinforcements for this map. Just have Daltanious retreat back to the main group and fight this stage as you normally would. Also remember that this is a ground battle, so take terrain into account. The cliffs give a minor but still present boost to evasion and defense.

Once all these punks are defeated…

Image Damn fools, you’ve been defeated. I’ll take advantage of the ship’s explosion and escape on my Death Stark.

Image Fufufu, I made it. You let your guard down, Earthlings.
Image Ahhh!!
Image What!?
Image It looks like he’s still hiding. He’s right next to the bridge. This might be a bit dangerous.
Image It’s… Kloppen!? Why you!
Image Hold it! Kento Tate, there’s something I want to ask you guys. About what you said earlier. Are clones living beings? Do you think I, who was created as a tool, am human? Answer me!
Image Of course you are! You, me, and all the Earthlings you’ve killed are all humans! That’s why I can’t forgive you!!
Image He’s right, Kloppen! There’s no difference between you and us!
Image Exactly! I don’t know about you, but to us, whether they’re a clone or created, they’re all the same. Everyone who has a heart is human!
Image (...Anyone with a heart is a human being… Do they see me as human too…?)
Image Besides, even androids are precious friends and allies!
Image Ha… Hahahahaha! I see, so that’s why Kento Tate, Harlin, and even Earl fight against us. Whatever the truth is, it’s because they and those around them believe that these beings are human. That’s what it means to be an Earthling. I get it now. Hahahahahaha.

Image He left…?
Image (Fufufu. You all saw me as human. You also taught me what it means to believe in yourself as a human being. Not sinking that ship is the least I can do to show my gratitude. Farewell. Let us meet again. Kento Tate, Mars, and the people of Earth!)

Image Kento, what’s going on?
Image I have no idea. He could have taken out the bridge in a single hit, yet he just left…

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Captain Max, is it true that we’ve already received a communication?
Image Yes. It’s encrypted with a Helios cipher. Please read it out.
Image Sir. "This is the fifth planet, Aras, of the Oplisson system. We congratulate Prince Harlin of the Helios Empire on his return. We have risen up against the Gishin’s garrison forces. We ask Prince Harlin and the warriors of Earth to join forces. We will fight together when we advance through the surrounding space." End message.
Image Dr. Earl, the Oplisson system is…
Image Yes. It’s about 20,000 light years away from here. But this is just the beginning. I’m sure more will join them from now on. It’s finally happening, Prince Harlin.
Image I’m glad.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:33 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Last time, we discovered how racist the rest of the universe is to clones and saved Marg from a more canon-friendly fate.

Helios Route Chapter 29: Treasonous Kloppen
Chapter 28 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 30 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Whew.
Image How many calls was that?
Image Twenty… Maybe twenty-one.
Image Maaaaaan. Why are we the only busy ones?
Image Sorry for the trouble. But we’re getting communications from so many star systems. This is a good thing.
Image The question is how many of them will be able to stand up to Gishin garrisons successfully.
Image Yeah… It’s an uphill battle. We don’t have the resources to support all these rebellions. All we can do is pray.

[Battle 7, Residential Area]
Image Hey, did you hear? Apparently we’re getting a lot of communications from planets that are rebelling against Gishin.
Image Really? That’s amazing.
Image Ryoma, I know it’s all because of Prince Harlin, but are all those people going to be okay?
Image Yeah… Those planets were recently under Gishin control. I don’t think these rebellions will succeed that easily.
Image True.
Image But since it’s all happening at the same time, I’m sure those Gishin bastards are freaking out.
Image Exactly. That makes this entire trip worthwhile.

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]
Image That’s right… I’m not just a biological tool. I’m a person. It’s ironic that they’re the ones who made me realize that clones are no different from normal people.
Image Commander Kloppen, we’re receiving a message from Emperor Zuul. Please come to the audience chamber.
Image Emperor Zuul?

Image Your Majesty, you called for me?
Image Kloppen, I’ve considered all that you’ve done for me since you were a child and I’ve decided to give you one last chance. If a clone were to become a commander, it would affect not only the morale of the Zaal fleet, but the entire Empire. Moreover, you’ve been failing a lot. Normally, you would have been executed or sent to the clone facility. But as long as we can kill Harlin, the Helios rebellion will no longer be a threat. Then we can stamp out the remaining pests one by one. This is your last chance, Kloppen. Kill Harlin.
Image If I kill him, will I be able to remain fleet commander?
Image Silence. You have no choice. Do it.
Image …With my life on the line!
[Zuul hangs up]
Image Hehehe. So it’s a fight to the death. Then I’ll fight like a man. Prepare to attack!

Image You called for us, Emperor Zuul?
Image You’ve come. Nessia, come forth. I’m promoting you to be the Supreme Commander of the Zaal fleet.
Image Me?
Image Are you dissatisfied?
Image No, it’s an honor beyond my imagination!
Image Wait a moment, Your Majesty! Why would you make a plant the Supreme Commander!?
Image Silence, you rock!
Image Your Majesty, if it’s loyalty then I’m second to none! Please reconsider!
Image Silence! Are you refusing my orders?
Image No…
Image My apologies.
Image Kloppen as set out. Nessia, as the new Commander, use all of your strength to eliminate the Earth battleship.
Image Sir. But didn’t you order Kloppen to do the same thing?
Image Use him as a decoy for your attack. Whether or not he wins or loses, kill him.
Image Even if he wins?
Image He’s no longer worth anything.
Image Yes sir. General Boider, as the new Commander, I order you to set out. Dispose of Kloppen and the Earthlings.
Image Tch…
Image (What do you mean “new Commander”? She’s just a goddamn plant!)
Image Nessia, Roze should be in that star system. Use her.

Image Roze, you’ve failed again at the worst possible time. Marg was one of my trump cards to destroy the extremely dangerous Earth. And now he’s in Mars’ hands.
Image …I’m prepared for punishment.
Image Roze, I’m giving you one final chance. Take command of the Zaal fleet and defeat Mars and the Earthlings. If Mars dies, Marg and those Earthlings will go with him. Got it?
Image Even if it costs me my life.
Image (I don’t think I’ll be spared in the end. But Mars and the Earthlings need to be defeated…)

[Battle 7, Storage]
Image What? A power-up? For Daltanious?
Image Yes, Kento.
Image The battle with Gishin is only going to get tougher from here on out. As things stand, Daltanious is lacking in power. It’s within the limits of what’s possible with Battle 7’s equipment, but I thought I’d take this opportunity to go ahead with it.
Image Wait, gramps. If this was possible, why didn’t you do it sooner?
Image He’s right. Why now?
Image It’s thanks to the database search we did the other day.
Image Yes. I discovered data from a research paper on energy theory written by a professor at the Helios Science Academy. It reminded me that Daltanious uses Anti-Gravity Energy, Antimatter Energy β and Super-Electromagnetic Energy α by synthesizing them. But instead of synthesis, we’ll use the hyperspace energy that’s generated by colliding those energies. If successful, we can expect a significant increase in power for things like the Flame Sword.
Image Wow… That’s amazing. Right, go ahead, old man.
Image Okay, let’s get started right away.
Image Doctor, take a look at this. It’s a new weapon I came up with.
Image I see… Excellent. Make it post-haste. This is the perfect chance to attach it to Daltanious.
Image Excellent job.
Image Nah, it’s not that great.

Image Hmmm. The Gett Machines are still going strong.
Image Great work everyone.
Image Yeah, we are balls deep in enemy territory after all. You never know when or where the enemy will come from. Gotta do what we can.
Image Exactly.
Image Good job. Everyone, I’ve brought some snacks.
Image Snack time!
Image We’ve made them. If you’d like, please have some. The maintenance staff is welcome too.
Image Ooooo, onigiri.
Image Thanks a bunch. These guys keep giving me nutrition bars that I hate, but this looks so much better.
Image Onigiri…? Oh, rice balls. I like this a lot. What’s in it? Strawberry jam?
Image Strawberry jam!? I-is there something like that in these, Sanae!?
Image There isn’t. It’s actually Shake (シャケ).
(Shake is a kind of salted salmon, also called Shiozake.)
Image That’s good. Thank you.
Image Shake? Salmon? You put weird stuff in there.
Image You’re the weird one! What’s this bull about strawberry jam!?
Image An enemy attack!?
Image Hmm… They’re here.
Image This is Tetsuya Tsurugi at the Hangar 7 maintenance deck. Lieutenant Miho, tell me the situation. How many enemies are out there?
Image This is the bridge. There’s only one enemy.
Image Just one!?
Image What does that mean…?

Image It’s Zaal Fleet Commander Kloppen. Let’s hear what he has to say.
Image Is Prince Harlin there?
Image I am.
Image Prince Harlin, I challenge you to a one-on-one duel. You will accept.
Image A duel!?
Image What are you planning, Kloppen?
Image What are you saying now?
Image This is the final challenge. Or are you saying that you can’t accept it because I’m a clone? As you can see, I’m ready to do this.
Image Kloppen… It seems like you’re serious.
Image This isn’t a joke! How can you accept something like this?
Image This doesn’t concern you. Prince Harlin, what is your answer?
Image …I accept.
Image What?
Image No, please stop, Prince Harlin!
Image You’ve got to be kidding me! You can’t let him go. As long as I’m around, I can’t let my dad be in danger! If you really want to fight him one-on-one, I’ll be your opponent!
Image Please wait Lord Kento! Daltanious hasn’t finished its testing yet!
Image Then we’ll do it in live combat!
Image That’s insane.
Image What do you think, Kloppen? Are you going to do it or not?
Image Kent, are you serious about this duel?
Image Silence, Kento Tate. My goal is Prince Harlin.
Image …If Daltanious loses, you can do whatever you want with me.
Image …Very well. To prove that I’m serious, I’ll give you the self-destruct code for this Death Stark. Come on out, Daltanious.

Image Oh no, what are you doing?
Image This is a problem.
Image Prince Harlin, why are you allowing this?
Image Kloppen, being a clone, should be in a losing position within the Gishin army. This is the perfect opportunity to make him surrender.
Image What? You want to make the enemy Commander your ally!?
Image Kento! What are you thinking!?
Image What’s the matter? You think I’ll lose? Here’s our chance to beat that bastard Kloppen!
Image That’s right. Go for it! Fight to your heart’s content!
Image Here he comes, Kento.
Image Right. Let’s go, Kloppen! I’ll test the power of the powered-up Flame Sword on you!
Image While we’re at it, let’s also try out the Cubic Cannon that Manabu made.

Super Robot Wars XO - Song of Daltanious

Image Let’s go, Kento Tate! This is our final battle!
Image Damn you, Kloppen! I’ll kill you for sure!

Image Kloppen, prepare yourself!
Image Fufufu. Come on! Daltanious!

Image Dammit all. I’m not going to let myself be beaten here!

Image He’s a stubborn one.

Image W-what was that!?
Image Captain, Gishin forces are descending!
Image What? Kloppen you cur. Launch an interception force!

Choose 14 units for the land battle. Daltanious is a given of course.

Image Kloppen, you idiot. You won’t even serve as a decent decoy. If it comes to this, I, Boider, will sink that battleship and kill Harlin and the Earthlings at the same time! Then His Majesty the Emperor will see that I’m more suitable to be a Commander than that goddamn plant.
Image Kloppen, that’s a dirty trick! I won’t forgive you!
Image I knew you would do this!
Image What!? Wait, I never knew about this! It’s true! Boider, stop attacking! That’s an order. Stand down!
Image Order? Hmph. Listen carefully, Kloppen. You’ve been fired! And your replacement is none other than that fucking plant. Emperor Zuul also ordered your execution! You’re just a biological tool that can’t even be a decoy!
Image What!?
Image Dammit, is it because I’m a clone? Is it because I’m not the true prince of Helios? Damn you, Zuul. Is this how you treat me, who fought with my life as your shield? I won’t forgive you… I’ll never forgive you, Zuul!
Image …Somehow, things are getting strange.

Image Boider, you’re the first to realize that there’s no difference between the clones you underestimate and humans! Kento Tate, this match is postponed.
Image Wh-what’s going on!?
Image Zuul tried to have Kloppen killed. Now he’s resolved to fight against the Gishin.
Image …Alright. All units, support Kloppen and attack the Gishin army.
Image Tch. I don’t know what’s going on, but we just need to defeat these Gishin. Let’s go, Kento!

Say hello to another two parter chapter! Destroy all the Gishin to continue. First thing’s first, Daltanious is still injured from the cutscene battles, so make sure to heal it up. Remember your training and this map won’t take too long.

Do not let Kloppen die, else face a game over. He may have a lot of HP and armor, but he can and will charge directly into the enemy to fight Boider. He also cannot be healed by any means, so try to end this map ASAP. Any enemy that Kloppen kills won’t get you any money, so watch out for that.

Daltanious got some new attacks as featured in the cutscene battles. You only get these attacks if you take this route, hence why it’s considered a secret.

Image Hahaha, this is the end for you.
Image Damn you Boider! Behold my power!

Eventually you’ll make your way through the enemy and knock down that living rock.

Image T-this is impossible…!?
Image It’s over, Boider. Thanks to you, I can now sever all lingering attachments!
[Boider dies]

Image We did it!
Image Not yet!

Image General Boider was killed in battle. Commander Kloppen, I have reported your betrayal to Emperor Zuul.
Image Earth Special Forces… I see, so you’re also out of options.
Image Roze!?
Image Mars… This time… This time, I will defeat you!
Image Stop it, Roze! What the hell are you fighting for?
Image No excuses! I’m fighting for Emperor Zuul! There is no other reason!
Image Roze, you’re mistaken. Even Zuul couldn’t completely win Marg’s heart. Zuul made us brothers fight against each other, and now he’s even abandoned Kloppen. He’s the most ruthless person ever!
Image Silence!

Time to about-face and deal with Roze’s last stand to the south. Kloppen will continue to charge at them, so don’t linger too long. If necessary, put units inside Battle 7 as you make your way south to recover some HP and EN.

Roze has words with Takeru and Kloppen… and also Maria.

Image Mars, prepare yourself!
Image Dammit. Let’s go, Roze!!

Image Kuh, don’t get in the way, traitor!
Image Roze, you’re just a pathetic battle machine. Just like me.
Image Shut up!

Image It’s you! You used my body the other day and did terrible things to me! I’ll never forgive you!
Image You? Get out of the way!

Like always, Roze goes down easy enough.

Image Dammit, I was so close…

And once all enemies are defeated, part one is over.

Image Damn…

Image I-it’s no use…
Image Roze. She still seems to be moving, but she has no fighting power left. Mars, she’s trying to escape.

Image Roze… She can’t run anymore. Let’s finish her off!
Image Wait, Mars!
Image Dad…?
Image Please don’t stop me, Prince Harlin! She’s the one who brainwashed Marg to attack us!
Image This isn’t you, Mars. Revenge only breeds revenge. That won’t solve anything. Unless someone breaks that chain, peace will never be realized. The important thing is to get to the root of the problem. I’m sure Marg would agree.
Image Kuh…
Image ..Mars…? This unit cannot fight back. Do as you like.
Image Dammit… Just go! Before I change my mind!
Image Mars is serious. What will you do, Roze?
Image (I don’t know… Marg saved me before, and now Mars is too. What am I living for… Dammit.)

Image …Now it looks like it’s over.
Image Kloppen…
Image …Harlin. Kento Tate. Mars. Duke Fleed. Earthlings. I will no longer fight you. A new enemy has appeared before me. His name is Zuul, Emperor of the Gishin Empire!
Image Kloppen… You are a man after all.
Image Listen, Earthlings. There’s an Imperial Army Termination Zone that looms over almost half of the former Helios territory. At its center is a stary system with three mobile fortresses. I will launch an attack there right now.
Image What?
Image I can’t believe such a place exists.
Image I’m giving you the coordinates now.
Image (Zuul… The puppet you controlled died today. As a person, I, Kloppen, now challenge you to war. Revenge burns in my heart! Zuul, I will get my revenge on you!)

Image Wait up, Kloppen!
Image There he goes…
Image Kloppen…

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image So, what should we do?
Image Let’s go after Kloppen.
Image Yeah, he told us the coordinates because he wanted us to come too.
Image …But we can’t be sure how much power they have.
Image Yeah. It’ll be rough.
Image Besides, he’s the one who attacked Earth many times as the Zaal Fleet Commander. Can we even trust him?
Image I… I think we can trust him.
Image Yes. I agree with you. He wasn’t lying.
Image Why? What makes you think that? Tell me.
Image Even if he defeats us now, he has no place in the Gishin Empire.
Image I agree.
Image But… Does that mean we have to forgive him?
Image That’s right, brother! It was the Vega fleet that attacked Planet Fleed, but they’re pretty much the same.
Image I certainly can’t forgive him, and I don’t think we will ever become allies. But right now he’s trying to fight Zuul all by himself.
Image Yeah… Maybe it’s okay to at least fight alongside him…
Image (Seriously. At least he realized how terrible of a person Zuul is.)
Image Alright, let’s go! Let’s hurry up and head there, Captain Max!
Image Guy, don’t jump to conclusions. This is one of the Gishin’s most important bases after all.
Image …What will we do, Commander?
Image Everyone, get into position immediately. We’re going to launch a surprise attack on the Gishin military base. Get all of your mechs serviced on the double.
Image Heh. I knew you’d say that, Squadron Leader.
Image Hahahaha! I knew it was right to trust you. Let’s go!
Image Are you sure, Captain?
Image This is also a battle for us Earthlings. Let’s show them how I, Maximilian Jenius, fights.
Image Okay you guys, it’s decided. Hurry it up with supplies and maintenance. You can use as many people as you want, but finish it within the hour!

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]
Image My apologies, Your Majesty. Now only were we unable to kill them, but Kloppen sas betrayed us and is now heading towards this star system.
Image Damn you Kloppen. How dare you oppose me, you biological tool. Kill him. You must. I’ve just sent some Psychic commandos from the Imperial Guard to you. Use them. Listen, you will risk your lives to stop both Kloppen and the Earthlings. I won’t tolerate any more failures!
Image S-sir!! Leave it to me. We’ll kill him even if it costs us our lives!

Image Oh, it’s Kloppen, huh? Guard, what have you been doing, you moron!
Image S-sorry. The identification signal showed a friendly…
Image You utter buffoon!
Image Hahahaha. You’re acting up, Commander Nessia.
Image K-Kloppen…
Image Nessia, are you comfortable in the Commander’s seat? I’ve come to congratulate you on your appointment!
Image Bastard, you’re just a tool!
Image Tell Zuul that I’m no longer the same Kloppen that I was before. I’ll show you the power of those tools you underestimate!
Image You fool! What can you do on your own? You’re a fool who doesn’t know your place, so regret your own stupidity! General Kabuto, attack! Kill him!!
Image Oh come on, I don’t need you to tell me to do that. Go! Get rid of him!

Image What? An Earthling battleship!?
Image Fold out complete.
Image Enemy mobile fortress confirmed. It’s close!
Image My god!
Image Impressive as always, Captain.
Image Launch all units. The target is the enemy mobile fortress. Destroy it before reinforcements from other star systems arrive.
Image All units, launch. The target is the enemy mobile fortress.

15 units as is the norm. No force deploys this time.

Image Fufu. You made it, Earthlings.
Image Damn you… I see, so you gave them the coordinates of this star system…! But I can’t believe they’re attacking us with such a small force. Everyone, launch! Don’t let a single one of them go home alive!!

Kloppen is too far ahead to help and he will get overwhelmed very quickly. Thankfully, he doesn’t need to survive this map and he’ll go down swinging. Regardless, focus all of your efforts in moving north ASAP as over time, Godmars related enemies will spawn in from the south and start to swarm you. Nothing says fun like 15+ enemies all surrounding you while also support attacking and defending each other. The map ends once both Nessia and Kabuto are defeated, and they both have two phases. You can try to go after the reinforcements if you want of course.

Once the number of enemies drops to 10…

Image Fufu. Earthlings, prepare yourself!
Image I won’t tolerate any more invasions! Freeze and become space dust!

And when the number of enemies drops to 10 again…

Image Damn you Earthlings. Die!

To keep all the battle dialogues together, this is what the remaining Zaal generals say when defeated. First, Nessia.

Image Dammit all. I can’t believe that this mobile fortress was destroyed by the likes of you!
[She explodes but respawns in her unique battleship]
Image I won’t forgive you! I can’t lose any more! As Commander of the Zaal fleet, I’ll show you my true power!
[Nessia gains 30 will and uses Focus]

Look at her fancy ship. Let’s destroy it.

Image Dammit, what’s going on? What happened!?
Image General Nessia! The m-main engine is…!!
Image W-what was that!? Damn. Emperor Zuul, I’m so sorry! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Next is Kabuto.

Image Oh no! What the hell! We’re abandoning this place. Send out the battleship!
[He explodes but respawns in his own nice battleship]
Image Kuh, this is my territory… These fools who think they can oppose Gishin! Don’t think you’ll return home alive! Everyone, fight with all of your might!
[Kabuto gains 30 will and uses Focus]

And when his fancy ship is destroyed…

Image W-what was that…!? Damn you. DAMN YOU!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

And now, all of the boss conversations in one place.

Image Nessia of the Zaal fleet… You demon!
Image G-Grendizer!? Damn you, Duke Fleed!

Image You guardian deity who failed to protect Planet Fleed, I will annihilate you!
Image I won’t let you do that!

Image Damn you, Kento Tate! Today I will get rid of you!
Image Nessia, you’re the one who should prepare yourself!

Image Kabuto, come at me! You’re now up against Kento Tate!
Image I’ll get rid of you, Harlin, and Kloppen all at once! Kento Tate, prepare yourself!

Image Damn you Mars! I’ll wipe you out and take down the Earthlings once and for all!
Image Nessia, I won’t lose! SHAAAAAAA!!

Image Mars! I’ll show you what happens if you go against Emperor Zuul!
Image Tell Zuul I absolutely will not die!!

Image I won’t let you get away, Nessia! Accept your fate!
Image You’re just a clone! Disappear!

Image I won’t let you live, you biological tool! I’ll give you a fitting end! Hahahahaha!
Image Damn you, Kabuto! I won’t lose to the likes of you. I cannot lose. No matter where you are born, your value as a person remains the same. You are the one who will die!

The moment both Kabuto and Nessia are killed once and for all, all remaining enemies run away.

Image You did it…
Image Captain, the Gishin Empire has retreated. There are no more enemies left to resist!
Image Yay!!
Image Looks like we’ve won.
Image Oh, at last. At last the Zaal fleet is… Thank you. Thank you, Captain. This is all thanks to you.

Image Earthlings. This will surely help the rebellion in the former Helios territory. But that won’t be enough to reach Zuul.
Image Don’t get the wrong idea, Kloppen. We didn’t come here to help you or to make you our ally!
Image Hehe. Earthling, what’s your name?
Image I’m Koji Kabuto.
Image Koji Kabuto, I have no such intentions. Farewell, those who fought on Earth’s battleship. As long as I have this life, I will fight against Zuul. My battle has only just begun!
Image Again, Kloppen? What will you do by yourself…
[Kloppen leaves]
Image He’s gone…

[Battle 7, Medical Floor]
Image I see… It was Kloppen.
Image Yes, brother. You were right. Zuul was the one in the wrong. But Roze…
Image Mars, please help Roze. Zuul also sees her as nothing more than a battle machine.
Image Marg… Okay. I’ll do the best I can.

[Battle 7, Operation Room]
Image So Chief Exedor, how’s the situation?
Image According to the information we’ve received, rebellion is spreading rapidly in each star system in the former Helios Empire. It seems that some star systems have already had their garrisons withdrawn.
Image Yes, Prince Harlin. It appears that the prison planet Marios is also gaining the upper hand in their own battle. We believe that they’ll be liberated soon.
Image I see. So that planet too…
Image The anti-Gishin leaders of each star system have responded to our appeal and are rising up in arms one after another. It’s only a matter of time before the Helios Empire is restored. At last, our time has come. Oh, Emperor Palmion, please look! The time has come for your name to be cleared! May His Majesty bless our battle!
Image Sorry for ruining your fun, but is it really going that well?
Image Kento’s right. The Gishin Empire has taken control of so many planets and has an extremely powerful military. At this moment, there should be multiple invasion fleets fighting their own wars. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were also fighting the Varauta or Zentradi.
Image Any thoughts, old man?
Image Exactly. We can’t underestimate the Gishin army or Zuul.
Image No, but…
Image I agree. Dr. Earl, don’t get the wrong idea. With the rebellion spreading, it’s true that there are more allies not just in Helios’ territory, but all over the galaxy. But that will only mean that the Gishin’s strength will be stretched thin.
Image So things can’t continue like this.
Image Yes… With time, it’s likely that pretty much every star system will be back under Gishin control.
Image …We can’t win like this.
Image Yes, and it’s likely that Zuul will just destroy entire planets. He’s tried it before with Mars and the Anti-Proton bomb.
Image Dammit…!
Image Yeah… Even if that doesn’t happen, they might just kill everyone instead of ruling the planet, much like he did with mine. All to set an example.
Image That’s not a joke.
Image But maybe we could gather enough military power to fight the Gishin on equal footing.
Image Even if that were to happen, all it would lead to is a galactic war. How many star systems would be sacrificed? How many billions of lives would be lost? That would make peace impossible.
Image Yes… If that were to happen, the chain of hatred would cover the entire galaxy if not the universe. I know that all too well.
Image I see… So instead of fighting the Gishin with rebellions, our goal is to disperse their forces.
Image Um… What do you mean by that?
Image (...To attack the Gishin homeworld… That’s our only option.)
Image (Tha… That’s it!?)
Image Just like before, you want to launch a surprise attack on the Gishin?
Image Yes… We have no choice but to take advantage of this opportunity. We have no choice but to go directly to Zuul before he can recall his fleets from other fronts. If possible, I would prefer to avoid fighting and to settle this with a discussion, but…
Image Yeah. No matter how unlikely that might be, we can’t give up on that.
Image So… You’re going to go there?
Image No. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. I intend to organize a fleet from among the rebel forces first. I want Kento to come with me.
Image I’ll leave that to you. I’m going to stay in this space and create a proper Helios fleet.
Image What about us…
Image We don’t know how things will move. The road ahead will be endlessly difficult. I think it would be best for you to return to Earth for now.
Image Dad…

[Battle 7, Living Quarters]
Image Oh no. Kento, what does this mean!?
Image I don’t want that!
Image What’s wrong?
Image Ah… well. I’ve…decided to go with my dad to Gishin. After we return to Earth, we'll be going out separate ways.
Image Right… That would be for the best.
Image Please don’t say that. Take me with you!
Image Please!
Image What will happen if we’re left behind!? I don’t want to be separated from you guys!
Image You dumbasses! There’s no way we can take you! Listen, when you get back to Earth, ask the Colonel to send you to Side 3. Wait for me there. I won’t tolerate any back-talk!
Image Kuh… You goddamn moron!!
Image Dummy!!
[Jiro and Ochame run off]
Image I know you’re worried, but there has to be a better way.
Image I feel sorry for the kids.
Image No, this is fine. Going directly to the Gishin HQ is insane. But if Kento’s dad and Takeru are going, we’re going. The next time we leave Earth, we might not return.

Next time, the routes converge.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:34 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
There’s two other underwater enemies, but their sprites flicker on the opposite frames as the Zeta Gundam.
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what this puzzle is supposed to teach, but here’s how you beat it. Transform Kamille and hit the enemy two spaces to the left with a High-Mega Launcher supported by Shogo’s Laser Orb Gun. Have Shogo use Love, move next to the Re-GZ, and use a Melee combo attack on the two enemies that are underwater. Uso’s next, have him use Valor, move him below the three enemies and wipe them out with a Beam Saber combo attack. Finally, have Amuro use Valor and hit the enemy next to Kamille with a Mega Beam Cannon.

Victory nets 35k money and a Mind Virus part.

Back on listing what I did for this intermission.
  • Geant Chevalier gets +3 mobility
  • Big O gets +5 Armor, maxing it out
  • Char gets a +10 Evasion and a Hit & Away skill part
We’re back in Josh’s continuity for now, meaning the Angel Halo route was taken. The main difference is whether or not Marg survived, which I will point out.

Last time, Zanscare and the Zaal Fleet were defeated once and for all. That really just leaves the rest of Gishin, Varauta, and Ruina left to deal with.

Combined Route Chapter 30: Emperor of Darkness
Chapter 29 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 31 if you went Earth/Keilas.

[Side 3, Colony]
Image Oh, there’s forests and lakes in this colony too.
Image Seriously, the air is so clean. This place is really pleasant.
Image It’s a tourist spot for people living in the colonies. Something wrong, Uso?
Image This soil has no taste at all. You can’t grow good crops like this.
Image The soil has taste? What do you mean?
Image Hey, so whatever happened to this Kloppen guy?
Image Yeah… I heard that Prince Harlin was real while Kloppen was a clone.
Image Yup. After we destroyed a Gishin base and the Zaal fleet, he said he was going to fight Zuul by himself and flew off somewhere. He was more surprised that we didn’t treat him like a clone.
Image Even though he was a fleet commander, his comrades almost killed him because of that. That’s when he decided to rebel against Zuul.
Image Zuul…
Image Hey Mika, did Takeru’s brother really die?
Image Yes… Apparently the brainwashing was lifted at the last moment, but it was too late…
Image I see… Marg…
Image How’s Takeru holding up?
Image He’ll be fine. He’s not the kind of guy who can’t rebound from that.
Image By the way, how was it over here?
Image Tell us. I heard it was an all out war and you were almost beaten-down by the end.
Image Yea. So they had some terrible weapon that put all humans to sleep and killed them, right?
Image You’re correct. We got caught up in the test run and had a rough time. But Angel Halo is destroyed now.
Image Shakti got a crazy idea and went into Angel Halo all by herself. It was hard.
Image But Suzy, thanks to that, Shakti was able to pray in the key room. She caused Angel Halo to stop descending and fall apart. Everything worked out.
Image Zanscare is in disarray and both Queen Maria and Kagatie died in the battle. I heard they have almost no military power left.
Image Without a Queen, they don’t have a unifying force. Soon, Zanscare will be indistinguishable from other autonomous colonies.
Image So the fighting between Earthlings is finally over.
Image What a relief.
Image Kento, didn’t Sanae and Ochame come back with you?
Image Yeah, I thought they’d be here.
Image Ah… well ya know.
Image Anyway, that leaves the Gishin, Protodeviln, and Ruina. We’re still not in a great situation.
Image But Lord Gascon is trying to unite the rebel forces in Helios, right? I’d like to think things are a little better now.
Image Hmm. We still have a long way to go.
Image Since you’ve taken the time off, you should think about that later and have some fun instead.
Image I agree! Hey Koji, you can rent boats on that lake over there. Let’s go for a nice ride.
Image Odelo, let’s go too!
Image Hold on, Maria.
Image That’s right. Koji is going for a carriage ride with me instead.
Image Koji, are you serious?
Image Oh my…
Image Seriously. They should do that when we’re not around.

If you took the Helios route and saved Marg, Suzy and Mika’s lines are this instead:

Image Hey Mika, did Takeru’s brother really become our ally?
Image Yes… Apparently the brainwashing was lifted while we were fighting and Takeru saved him. He’s injured, but he’ll make it. Takeru is overjoyed.

[Side 3, Military Facility]
Image Basara is…?
Image Yeah. He’s been acting strange for a while now. Sometimes he’s just not putting his heart into his singing during concerts and he always goes off on his own. But he won’t tell me anything when I ask him. Something’s up.
Image You’re worrying too much. Everyone has their own private matters. It’s important to be interested about a lot of things, my lady. There are some things that other people shouldn’t interfere with…
Image You mean private matters?
Image Yes… For example, relationships with women.
Image Basara!? Having relations with women!?
Image It’s just an example, Mylene. Basara isn’t the kind of guy to get distracted by trivial things. There must be a reason behind this.
Image How would you know that, Gamlin?
Image Well… It’s an intuition between pilots. Basara can fly extremely well while singing. His concentration is extraordinary. I can’t imagine that someone like him would waste his time on stupid things.
Image Yeah… I agree. You might be overthinking this.
Image I wonder if that’s true… Hey Gamlin, I thought you hated Basara.
Image It’s not like I hated him or anything. But, well, I did think he was a hindrance in battle…

[City 7, Basara’s Residence]
Image Are you going somewhere again? Basara… If you’re having trouble, I can give you some advice.
Image It’s not like that. I just… How should I put it? It’s not just because I want to sing, but why I sing… I’m trying to find the answer to that.
Image I see… Well, have fun.

The following scene only happens if you took the Angel Halo route and saved Cronicle and Katejina.

[Military Hospital, Cronicle’s Hospital Room]
Image What?
Image Yes. Uncle, it’s all over now. Please understand that first.
Image …So you guys just came here to laugh at me. I lost everything, except the humiliation from being saved by the enemy.
Image There’s no danger to your or Katejina’s life. Since you’re no longer the Queen’s brother, do you really think we have a reason to keep fighting?
Image Uso Ewin, are you making fun of me!?
Image Not at all. Why can’t you and Katejina just think like that? We’re still at war with the Gishin Empire, Ruina, and an enemy called the Protodeviln that can destroy entire Zentradi fleets. How can you not realize that!?
Image Uso.
Image To be honest, I’m not a fan of this either. My mom was killed by the Motorad fleet, and my father died in the Battle of Angel Halo along with the Motorad. I have no desire to forgive you, the commander of the Motorad fleet. But in a situation like this, I have to distance myself from those feelings for the greater good. Otherwise, there will never be peace…
Image That’s enough, Uso. Calm down.
Image Please, Uso.
Image Char and Treize both agreed to this, Captain Cronicle Asher. You should already know that the Gatie Party suppressed most of the information we sent them about the aliens. The situation on Earth is a lot more serious than you would think.
Image …You just want me to say okay? Let me think about it for a bit. Also, I want to talk to Katejina. Can you arrange that?
Image Amuro, can you do it as a favor for me?
Image Sure, I’ll arrange it. It would be helpful if you could reach a decision sooner rather than later.

[Neo Zeon Military Facility, Information Analysis Room]
Image What did you say!?
Image I want to hear your opinion. Eve, please repeat that story.
Image Yes. Bahamut’s analysis on the “Ruina” confirmed that they’re similar to the group that caused the destruction of “our Earth”.
Image I see. You mentioned beings from another dimension.
Image Yes, that’s right. Didn’t you mention that, Shogo?
Image Ah, right… I completely forgot.
Image That’s why I was late in realizing it. Bahamut’s records are incomplete, but the way they manifest and the fact that they desire the spiritual energy of living organisms are extremely similar.
Image An energy life form…from another dimension, huh?
Image The Fabula Fores… If they came from that… It’s not impossible…
Image That we’re not from the world might be true. Perfectio’s vibe was too different. His body was human, but that doesn’t mean that he is.
Image (If that’s the case, then my dad…has nothing to do with them…?)
Image Wait, Eve. If that’s the case, then our Earth is…
Image What is it?
Image I don’t know. Our Earth was destroyed as a result of what humanity did to erase its own existence. But if they are the same thing, then unless we stop them somehow, the Earth will…
Image There’s no need to jump to conclusions. I want you to continue to confirm and analyze the information.
Image Yes, we’re still doing that. We’re also narrowing down the places other than Antarctica that could be their base. Either way, we have to consider how to respond.
Image Right… I need to consult with Colonel Char and Treize.
Image I’ll keep doing my best. Oh, Shogo.
Image What is it, Eve?
Image I’ve mentioned before a proposal to strengthen the Garland by reusing parts from GR2. I’ve forwarded the design data and technical information to the Neo Zeon military’s technical department. THey’ve probably already started the modifications.
Image I see. Sorry Eve. I know it was originally developed by B.D. and the military.
Image It’s fine. It’s because they made the Garland that I was able to meet you. Besides, if you don’t survive, there won’t be anyone left who cares about the people in Megazone. We have to do what we can for them.
Image Making the Garland stronger, huh…
Image Yeah… B.D. told me to do it. Besides, it’s only going to get tougher from now on.

[General’s Barracks]
Image Is that so… Then I would like to accompany you after all. I want to know why Emperor Zuul is trying to destroy the Earth and, if possible, I want to stop the war through negotiation.
Image I knew I could count on the daughter of King Peacecraft. What a noble ideal. I would like to ask for your help.
Image But Prince Harlin, negotiation with Zuul will…
Image W-what!?
Image Prince Harlin, where are you!?
Image Mars? I’m right here. Still intact. What happened?
Image Oh, there you are… Now die, Harlin!
(Takeru is red now)
Image What!?
[Psychic shockwave]
Image Guh…
Image Wh…What are you doing!? Mars, have you gone mad!?
Image Are we too late?
Image Dammit. Doctor Earl, that one’s a fake! It’s an assassin from Planet Gishin!
(This one is blue)
Image What the hell!?
ImageHahahaha. With those wounds, Harlin can’t survive. Time to withdraw!
(This one is red)
Image Wait! Why are you doing this!?
Image Get down, Relena.
[Heero fires two gunshots at the escaping fake Takeru]

Image Damn Zuul…
Image He got away…
Image Dad!? What the hell happened!?
Image Lord Kento… Your father was seriously injured…
Image What!?
Image …He’s in critical condition. It’s a shame since we’ve come this far…
Image Old man, don’t say that!
Image Anyway, let’s take him to the hospital right away. No, to Battle 7 instead.

[Planet Gishin, Palace]
Image I see. Prince Harlin is dead.
Image Sir, I just heard the report. It was definitely a fatal blow.
Image Well done. Relay the news everywhere right away.
Image Yes, Your Majesty. This will significantly lower the morale of those foolish rebels. Suppressing them will be a breeze.
Image Yes. Then once Gandal finishes them off, there won’t be any more problems. Now then, Roze, why have you returned?
Image Your Majesty… I’ve been beaten by the Earthlings again. As a warrior from Planet Gishin, I want to die with honor.
Image What? What foolishness. I will not tolerate such selfishness.
Image Eh…? But I’ve failed that last chance you gave me…
Image Do you think you have the freedom to choose? A tool doesn’t think on their own accord. Listen Roze, you will fight for me and you will die for me. I will not accept any other way to die. Roze, you too will go. Fight the Earthlings. Fight for me until your puny life is over. Wahahahahaha!!

Image (Until my life is over…? Am I nothing more than a tool, a mere battle machine…)

[Battle 7, Medical Floor]
Image Doctor, how is Prince Harlin?
Image He’s in a coma. Unfortunately, there’s nothing more we can do. His internal organs have almost been completely destroyed. We’re trying to keep him alive by putting him into artificial hibernation, but…
Image You mean he can’t be saved?
Image Not by us. Even with Bahamut’s equipment, it seems like it’s impossible.
Image Can’t you do something, old man!?
Image …We could do an organ transplant, but it would take time to prepare that many perfectly compatible ones… And we can’t do mass transfusions. In small amounts, human blood would be fine, but for such a major operation…
Image What the…
Image Damn, it’s the Gishin Empire.
Image Captain, the Gishin Empire is approaching! Please return to the bridge immediately!

Image Hahahaha. Since the Zaal fleet is annihilated and Harlin is dead, this is the perfect opportunity to restore His Majesty’s trust in us. This time, let’s give those hated Earthlings a sad end! Blacky, you know what to do, right?
Image Yes, Commander Gandal! We’ll defeat Mars and Duke Fleed and wipe the Earth from the universe. Everyone, begin the attack! Do your best to make this battle our glory.
Image Dammit, it’s the Vega fleet!?
Image Gandal and Blacky, we will never let you do what you want!
Image Intercept them! All pilots, hurry up and launch!

Select 15 units. Just ignore the fact that I forgot to deploy Grendizer for a map against Grendizer enemies…

We also got a new unit that I will likely never use!

[Proto Garland]
It’s just the Garland, but better in pretty much every way. No new attacks, just stronger stats, stronger attacks, and a slightly different sprite.

Now for the battle. We’re surrounded on both sides. Normal sense would dictate that you choose one side and wipe them out ASAP, then turn your attention to the other. I didn’t since hindsight is 20/20.

Once there are 5 enemies left standing…

Image (I don’t want to be saved anymore, but…)
Image Roze!?
Image Mars, do not show me any mercy! My only goal is to risk my life to take yours!
Image Dammit Roze, just wait a second!
Image Silence!!

These lines are added if Marg is alive.
Image Mars, you can’t let her die…
Image I know, brother. I’ll do my best.

Roze spawns to the north, so focus on the Vegans first. Thankfully, no one retreats on this map.

This is the time to decide Roze’s fate, regardless if Marg is alive or not. If you want her to join in her own mech, have Takeru convince (説得) her. If you want her to join as a sub-pilot for the Cosmo Crusher, don’t convince her, but have Takeru fight her. Otherwise, don’t have the two interact. I believe her joining in her own unit has priority over having her as a sub-pilot.

If Marg is alive in your own timeline, the dialog changes. I’ll show off the differences.

Firstly, the boss conversations.

Image Damn Grendizer. I, Gandal, will knock you down!
Image Shut up, you demon!

Image Damn you, you murdered my father! Prepare yourself!!
Image Damn you Daltanious, I will end you!

Image Mars, this is your end!
Image Gandal, you stole my line!

Image Mars… Prepare yourself!
Image Dammit. Roze!!

If you convince Roze while Marg is dead…

Image Wait, Roze! We can still fight, but do you think Marg would be happy to see us take revenge on each other!?
Image Emperor Zuul’s orders take priority over everything!
Image Then you’re just a battle machine! Stop this, Roze! Kloppen realized this, which is why he rebelled.
Image Kuh… I am a loyal battle machine!
Image Stop this ignorance! Roze, I don’t want you to die. Please stop!
Image …Why? Why are you trying to help me, your enemy? If it were on a mission, even my own allies would kill me. Why!?
Image Marg wouldn’t be happy if I killed you. Roze, you’re not a battle machine. You’re a person. You’re not meant to be Zuul’s tool just for fighting!
Image Mars…? I… I am… No, I can’t choose any other way now!
Image Dammit, Roze!!

But if you convince Roze while Marg is still alive…

Image Stop it. Stop this now, Roze!
Image Silence! Emperor Zuul’s orders take priority over everything!
Image You’re not Zuul’s tool or a battle machine that fights when ordered. You’re a person. Marg said that he wants to help you. I… I don’t want you to die either.
Image Commander Marg did…? But I’m… a loyal battle machine!
Image Stop this ignorance! Don’t you know what happened with Kloppen!?
Image Kuh… Mars, why are you trying to help me, your enemy? If it were on a mission, even my own allies would kill me. Why!?
Image I don’t fight like that. Marg said that even though Zuul is evil, not everyone in the Gishin Empire is evil too. And I agree with him. Zuul is the one at fault.
Image Mars…? I… I am… It’s no use. It’s too late for me to choose another path!
Image Dammit, Roze!!

Eventually, these three losers will fall in battle. Poor Blacky doesn’t get any dialog or even a death line.

Image Dammit, I lost…
Image Not yet, I haven’t lost yet! We’ll return to the homeland and reorganize our fleet! Just watch, damn Earthlings!

Image Dammit…
Image Roze, get out of there!!
Image I… I…

Now that everyone is defeated, the chapter is finished. A nice short one-part battle. Surely not every stage for the final stretch of this game will be two-parters… Right?

Image Captain, I’m sensing a high energy reaction!
Image What is it?

Image Zuul!?
Image Mars. Earthlings. You’ve been defying me for too long. But that’s about to end. Earth is too dangerous and must be destroyed! Die and realize your own foolishness!
Image What did you say?
Image Shut up, Zuul! You have no right!
Image Hahahaha. I’m the ruler of the galaxy! Do you think you can win with your feeble defiance? After crushing the Helios rebellion, I’ll destroy the Earth in one fell swoop! Just wait until then!
Image Dammit… Zuul! I won’t let you do that!
Image Fools. If that’s the case, I’ll execute you all here and now!

Image ZUUL!!

Image Hmph. What a cunning clone.
Image What, Kloppen!? Why are you here…
Image Kento Tate, what is Harlin’s condition!?
Image H-how did you know?
Image Zuul relayed the news of Harlin’s imminent death to the rest of the galaxy. The Helios rebels know too.
Image Dad… cannot be saved…
Image What did you say!?
Image You’re in the way. Kloppen, pay for your rebellion against me with your death!
Image Zuul… Even if it’s just your shadow, I have to strike back! Let’s go!

Image Hahahaha, it’s useless! You can’t defeat me!

Image Guh… Damn you Zuul…
Image Hahahaha. Have you learned your lesson, Kloppen? This is the end you deserve!
Image Kloppen!? Get out of there, Kloppen!

Image Hmph, that unnecessary interruption is a turn off. Earthlings, live your lives until we’ve killed all those Helios fools. Wahahahaha!!

Image No more reactions.
Image Right… Retrieve Kloppen. Hurry.

[Ra Cailum, Hangar]
This conversation is if Marg is dead.
Image Ugh… Rui… Rui…
Image Takeru, I’ve got her. But she seems to be quite weak.
Image Right… If it’s this much, I can use my power to…
[Energy sounds, the screen flashes white]
Image Where… Mars!? What are you doing!?
Image I’m just keeping you warm. Roze, you’re inside our ship. Who’s this Rui that you kept mumbling about?
Image I was!? …Rui is my sister. On our home planet…she resisted the Empire’s rule. She’s probably dead now.
Image What!?
Image So… You’re not from Planet Gishin!?
Image My planet was also conquered by the Empire. In the Gishin Empire, if you have a position, you can protect your home planet. I wanted to survive. I pledged my loyalty to the Empire to survive and, thanks to my psychic powers, I rose through the ranks. Even became a direct subordinate to Commander Waal of the Imperial Guard. But Rui…
Image No way…
Image But I’ve been defeated again. Now I won’t even be granted an honorable death…
Image Roze, stop it. You must never return to Zuul. You’re not a battle machine. I know Marg thought the same.
Image Mars… But I…
Image I’ve heard your story. You can stay here until you recover. In the meantime, consider your options carefully. Also, no sabotage. Mari.
Image Leave it to me. I’ll keep an eye on her. I won’t let her do anything like what happened the other day. Well for now, I’ll take you to the medical room. Can you stand?

Image (I lost… But what did I lose to…? How can they be so kind to me, their enemy? How can they stay so strong in the face of Emperor Zuul and the Gishin Empire’s overwhelming might…?)

If Marg was saved, the only difference are these lines before Noin says her only line, replacing Takeru’s line there.

Image Roze, stop it. You must not return to Zuul. We’re not battle machines.
Image Commander Marg!? But I…ugh…

[Battle 7, Medical Floor]
Image Nope. It’s too late for him.
Image Wat!? So… both he and Kloppen will die!? Why? How did this happen!?
Image Kento…
Image But even though he rebelled against Zuul, he was the commander of an enemy fleet. This was inevitable.
Image Captain, he certainly was a terrible guy, but he was trying to make up for it. He must have felt guilty about not coming with us to fight Zuul. Doctor, old man, what are you talking about? You have to do something!
Image Yeah… Even though he’s an enemy, getting killed by Zuul right in front of us is a bit much…
Image Yes… But what can we do…
Image Kento… He seems to be calling for you.
Image Kento Tate. People of Earth… It seems I am about to die…
Image Kloppen…
Image Forgive me for my foolishness. I was raised by Zuul as a prince of Helios and I fought for Helios’ sake. But… It was really for Zuul…
Image Hey, pull yourself together.
Image Hehe. Let me remember the past, Koji Kabuto. I want to live in order to atone for my sins. …Listen. Use my body and my blood to save Harlin.
Image W-what!?
Image Originally… I was born from your father. We are two, but also one. I… I’m going to die, but I don’t want to die like this.
Image …Are you serious?
Image It’s all for Helios. Transplant my body into his. That’s the only way Harlin can be saved, He’s in the next capsule, right…?
Image Kloppen, don’t push yourself.
Image H-hey.
Image Oh, Harlin. I’ll give this body back to you now. But I’m not going to die. I’m going to live with you. Inside of you. Harlin, live. Live. Live with me and defeat Zuul. Glory to Harlin, the crown prince of the Helios Empire!!
[Kloppen has passed.]
Image Oh no!
Image …Old man. Doctor Chiba. Please perform the operation. Don’t waste Kloppen’s heart.
Image Please. This man was the Commander of the Zaal fleet and their attacks caused so many casualties. But he was also another of Zuul’s victims.
Image Zuul is to blame. Marg said the same thing.
Image …Fine. But we don’t have much time. We need to start the operation right away. Doctor, please get ready. I’ll perform the surgery. It’s going to be a big one and I’ll need your help.
Image Yes. I’m still a doctor, so I’ll do my best to help.

[Neo Zeon Military Facility, Command Center]
Image Well… Everyone here is depressed after hearing that Prince Harlin was fatally injured. They’re doing their best to withstand the Gishin’s assault and their fighting power is near their limit… What happened to the Prince?
Image The operation was a success, but he’s still in a coma. It’s unclear if he’ll make it.
Image I see… Damn Zuul. He went out of his way to come to Earth just to tell you what he’s doing. We can’t afford to waste any more time. People of Earth, I know this is a ridiculous request, but can you all go to Gishin? It’s the only way to stop them. Of course, I’ll meet you there.
Image Of course, we’ll consider it. But we don’t know when the Protodeviln will attack.
Image True…
Image Oh, I almost forgot. Actually I have some important news for you guys. It seems that the remains of an Earthling fleet were discovered on an Earth-like planet we’ve named Lux. The ship is the same kind as Lord Jenius’ ship.
Image What!? A Macross fleet? Were there any survivors? What happened?
Image Sorry, but the people who contacted me discovered what they thought was a Varauta fleet when they tried to investigate. Thankfully, they managed to escape. We don’t know anything else.
Image The Varauta…
Image …There might be people. Lord Gascon, I want the coordinates of that planet.
Image But Commander Max, we might end up jumping into an enemy ambush.
Image If there are survivors, we must go rescue them. That’s the agreement between all migrant fleets traveling through the galaxy.
Image …I understand. I’ll consult with Treize about Gishin as well.

[Neo Zeon Military Facility, Briefing Room]
Image …And that’s the situation. In response to this, we, the November Treaty Alliance, have decided to dispatch forces to Planet Lux and the Gishin Empire.
Image Officer Exedor also seems to think that heading to Planet Lux is important. We expect contact with Varauta and Protodeviln… but Battle 7 will head to Lux.
Image Wait, Commander Max, if Battle 7 is heading to Lux, how can the rest head to the Gishin Empire…
Image We’re going to use the Ra Cailum, Amuro.
Image The Ra Cailum? But that ship…
Image It’s for use within the Earth Sphere and shouldn’t have any Fold or warp engines. How will it get to outer space?
Image That’s right. It’s impossible, isn’t it?
Image Hahaha, don’t worry about it. I’ve anticipated something like this happening, so I salvaged a Fold engine from a wrecked escort carrier in the Macross 7 fleet. Using it, I’ve built a Fold Tugboat capable of external Folds!
Image Apparently, if we use that, we can Fold the Ra Cailum.
Image What the heck!?
Image I just knew something like this would happen. When was this even planned?
Image It’s fine, Duo. At least it’ll work.
Image What a crazy old man.
Image You’re one to talk, Ryoma.

Image So a Macross fleet was annihilated and we’re either heading to Lux, where the Protodeviln might be, or to the Gishin Empire… Either way, it’ll be life or death.
Image So…we don’t know if we’ll be able to return to the Earth Sphere again.
Image However… If we don’t do it, we won’t be able to do anything. As we speak, the Helios rebellion is being suppressed. Their situation only gets worse. We have to do something before the proper Gishin army arrives.
Image Yeah… And the Protodeviln are on the rise. We need to find a way to attack them quickly.
Image That’s right. The best way to do that is not to defend, but to attack first.
Image Things have gotten way out of hand, Kabuto.
Image You’re just saying that now? We have to do this, Boss.
Image But what about the Ruina? From what Eve said, it’s going to get pretty bad.
Image I know. Right now, Lady Une and Eve are doing everything they can to look into it. We need to find a way to break through the Antarctic energy field.
Image I see… Otherwise the entire Earth will… That won’t be fun.
Image Exactly. As for operations against the Ruina, while we’re away from the Earth Sphere, Treize will stay behind and take command.
Image …Kento, it’s fine for us to go against Gishin, but what about your dad?
Image He’ll come with us. It doesn’t matter if he regains consciousness or not. This is what he fought for. Kloppen would want it too.
Image Yes… For the sake of peace in the galaxy, we must defeat Emperor Zuul.
Image Hey Takeru, we agreed to try dialog first. That’s what you said. Don’t forget that.
Image But will talking even work?
Image Regardless, we need to go with purpose. If you want to carry on your father’s will, you should stop thinking only about taking up arms and fighting. We don’t even know what Emperor Zuul meant by “the Earth is dangerous”. If we can find out why, we might be able to reconcile.
Image I agree.
Image That’s right. We need to try and do everything we can.
Image Now that I think about it, if we head towards Lux, they might show up again, right? I wonder what Basara and Fire Bomber will do.
Image We can’t know what they’re thinking.
Image But if they really are the monsters Admiral Exedor says they are, what will happen if we lose…
Image Uso, that kind of thinking isn’t good for anyone.

Image So, what will you do, Josh? You say we’re going to parlay, but I have no doubt that we’ll be fighting the Gishin. The question is, who should we take on, Zuul or the Protodeviln? I’m asking you first. Have you already made up your mind?

Head to the Gishin Empire
>Head to Planet Lux

This is the final route split in the game. And of course, each has their own mutually exclusive secrets.

If you take the Planet Lux route, you’re joined by the entire Macross 7 cast. The Gishin route is joined by the casts of Grendizer, Daltanious, and Godmars. Every remaining series joins you regardless of which path you take.

  • Head to Planet Lux for Macross 7 related upgrades, including new Valkyrie weapons and characters.
  • Head to the Gishin Empire for Marg and Mars to reach their full power.

Josh is heading to Lux.

Image I’m going to Lux with Commander Max.
Image …I see. I’ll go with you too.
Image Hmph, then you’re going with me too.
Image Gyunei, you too?
Image There’s no other way. The Colonel is going and so is Quess.
Image …That’s fine. Tetsuya… are you okay with this?
Image I can’t say I’m completely fine with this. But I want to see why you and Glacies fight. I can only really make decisions in the middle of combat.
Image Yeah… If I survive, I’m going to Antarctica. I have to.
Image Yes… I know.

Meanwhile in Rim’s timeline...

Image Hey, what are you gonna do, Rim? Of course I’m heading to Gishin.
Image Hmm… I’ll…

>Head to the Gishin Empire
Head to Planet Lux

Image I’ll head to Gishin with you, Maria.
Image What? So it seems we’re going together.
Image You too, Quess?
Image It looks like the Colonel is going there. I have to protect him.

Next time, we head to Planet Lux.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:35 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
This chapter cleared the 50k character limit per post, so it’s split into two parts. This is part one.

One against the world, let’s go. Have Ryoma and Benkei use Zeal and Valor respectively. Transform into Getter-3 and use Getter Missile on the underwater Getter Poseidon. Have Ryoma and Benkei use the same spirits again and transform into Getter-1. Move three spaces to the left of Getter Dragon and destroy it with a Spiral Getter Beam. Now, use the Emergency Food consumable to regain SP on everyone. Transform to Getter-2 and use the usual Zeal and Valor, but this time, also have Hayato use Accel. Rush to the Getter Liger and destroy it with a Drill Arm. Finally, use Accel and Valor, transform to Getter-1, and destroy the Invader with a Getter Tomahawk.

Victory gets 50k money and a Short Circuit attack part (1 ammo. On hit, the enemy can’t move for 3 turns).

Intermission time. We’re approaching the final stretch!
  • Big O gets +2 to Weapons
  • V2 Gundam gets +1 to Weapons
  • Geant Chevalier gets +2 to Mobility, maxing it out
  • Mazinger Z replaces its booster with a Haro, and its Dual Sensor with a High Performance Sight
Last time, the gang split up for the final time to deal with some alien threats. Josh decided to head to Planet Lux to assist the Battle 7 team.

Lux Route Chapter 31: Sivil of the Forbidden Planet
Chapter 30 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 32 if you went Earth/Keilas

This opening scene only happens if you’ve saved Cronicle and Katejina in the Angel Halo route.

[Neo Zeon Military Facility, Meeting Room]
Image So… What are you going to do?
Image …Sorry, Katejina. Having survived these circumstances, I want to do something about the state the Earth is in, and not only because I’m Queen Maria’s brother. It’s also for you.
Image Captain…
Image For that reason, even if I have to join forces with Uso Ewin and THE BOYS, I will fight to protect the Earth Sphere. …Will you come with me?
Image …Yes. If I was the only one left alive, I would probably end up killing myself… I was prepared for that. If I’m with Captain Cronicle, I don’t think I’ll lose myself. You’ll protect me from everyone, won’t you?
Image Of course… Sorry, if you’re here, I’ll be happy.
Image Yes.
[Door opens]
Image Ah… Are you alright, Katejina?
Image Uso…
Image It looks like you’re both feeling better. So, Have you reached a decision?
Image Captain Ray, I’ve heard that you’re leaving the Earth Sphere. We would like to accompany you as well.
Image Oh, you’ll come with us to Lux?
Image Sure, but…are you sure? There’s a high chance of encountering a Protodeviln. There’s no guarantee that you’ll come back.
Image I know.
Image Alright. I’ll make arrangements for you to board Battle 7. It’s going to be a tough battle. It’ll help to have more skilled pilots.
Image …You seem dissatisfied, Uso.
Image N-no, it’s not like that. But, um, I’m really happy that you’re back.
Image You really do have the face of a warrior, Uso. It’s as if you’re no longer the same Uso from Kasarelia when you fight, just like how I’m no longer the same Katejina from Woowig. Please remember that.
Image Eh…? Yes, sure, but…
Image Uso. The fact that we were enemies to you and THE BOYS isn’t something that goes away so easily. The human mind isn’t so convenient. I want you to understand that.

[Battle 7, Captain’s Room]
Image So what the hell is going on?
Image After reviewing the data, it’s most likely that the Macross 5 fleet was destroyed on Planet Lux.
Image No way…
Image We’re heading out to investigate as planned.
Image That’s too dangerous.
Image If there are any survivors, they need to be rescued. We have no choice but to go. Plus, there’s the connection to the Protodeviln. Right now, what we need most is information.
Image But to go to such lengths…
Image If what Admiral Exedor says is true, we won’t be able to defeat the Protodeviln at this rate. Mars and Earl can deal with the Gishin Empire. Our role is to find a way to deal with the Protodeviln as quickly as possible.
Image Max…
Image Now that we’ve returned to the Earth Sphere and signed the November Treaty, we’re soldiers not just for City 7, but for all of humanity and the Earth. This is our responsibility.
Image …I’m coming with you.
Image But you have the City’s citizens…
Image It’s the same thing. If the Earth Sphere is in danger, then City 7 and Side 3 are too. If protecting the Earth Sphere means protecting the City, then I have a duty and responsibility to act. And you’re planning on taking Mylene and the Sound Force with you, right? Can I really let my daughter go into such danger?
Image …Very well, you can accompany me. Let’s discuss the City’s defense with Colonel Char.
Image I’ll pull my weight.
Image I’m going back to the bridge. We’re not changing the departure schedule. Please get ready and board the ship by then.
Image Just a second, Max.
Image Mmm?
Image Your collar is messed up. Don’t slip up now.
Image Ahh… Sorry.

[Battle 7, Storage]
Image Hey, don’t land on the ship without permission! It’s dangerous!
Image Explain yourself. What did you do to Sivil!?
Image You bastard, what was that for? What’s the matter with you!?
Image Sivil…? What’s that?
Image Is that Protodeviln G3 that was retrieved from City 7 yesterday?
Image So it was you after all! What the hell are you doing!?
Image That’s just what I wanted to hear, Nekki Basara. Why did you hide an inactive Protodeviln inside of City 7?
Image I was just singing to her! Dammit, where is she!?
Image Both us and Battle 7 are leaving the Earth Sphere. We can’t just leave G3 behind in City 7. Its capture is only natural, considering the safety of the citizens.
Image What the hell!?
Image Stop it!
Image Mylene… Why are you here…
Image It’s all my fault. I followed you and saw you singing to the enemy. I didn’t know what to do, so I…told Papa…
Image It was you! What have you done!?
Image Stop it, Basara. Mylene was worried about you. I’ll take you to G3. Is that okay?
Image Geez. What should we do, Major?
Image Hmph… Let him do what he wants. Just get him out of here.

[Battle 7, Experimental Area]
Image Hmm, no good. Scanning is impossible because of that barrier. Haha. This seems worthwhile.
Image If we push it too hard, there’s a risk that G3 will resume activity while inside the ship. Let’s try Sound Energy.
[Door opens]
Image Excuse us.
Image Ah, it’s you. Hmm… Basara?
Image Sivil!? Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing! Let Sivil go!
Image What are you talking about? This is a precious sample. This is the perfect opportunity to learn how the Protodeviln tick! Let it go? No way!
Image Basara, I heard you were singing to her. We were about to test that out. Will you help us?
Image What?
Image Exactly. Come with us and keep singing to it. It’ll save everyone some time. Hahahaha. How efficient.
Image That’s not what my singing is for!
Image Alright then. Right there is a Protodeviln that attacked us that even the Zentradi are afraid of. There’s no way that we’ll release it. However, there are a lot of things I want to find out so I’m going to prioritize my own curiosity.

Image When he suddenly showed up, I wondered what would happen, but it’s a relief that Basara is going to accompany us.
Image Yeah, it saves me the trouble of having to convince him.
Image Yes. Either way, we can expect another encounter with them. It’d be trouble if the Sound Force didn’t come.

[Battle 7, Break Room]
Image Notice to all crew members. This is the bridge. We will be folding at 1100, which is in 30 minutes. Notice to all crew members…
Image It looks like all the preparations are ready.
Image So now it’s time to leave. Oh, Gou. You were summoned by Dr. Shikishima, right? What did he want?
Image It seems that he’s made Shin Dragon usable.
Image Shin Dragon!? Gou, are you alright?
Image No issues.
Image Well if that’s what you want, I guess it’ll be okay…
Image If something happens, will you protect her, Gou?
Image I-i-it’s not like that. It’s really not… Oh right, it’s time to leave. If we don’t get ready, we’ll be in trouble.
Image But I can’t believe we’re actually leaving the Earth Sphere.
Image Me neither… but there’s no other way. We have no choice but to do something about the Protodeviln.
Image You’re right, but I don’t think there was a need to bring Shakti, Suzy, and Warren along.
Image He’s right. Kento left Sanae and the other kids behind in Side 3 despite their wishes. Even where we’re going, we don’t know what’s going to happen.
Image But we’ve been with you this entire time, so it’s a bit late for that now…
Image That’s right. Besides, Sanae’s group isn’t on Side 3 anyway.
Image What do you mean?
Image Suzy, what are you talking about?
Image I asked Manabu and Dorothy if they wanted a ride.
Image Suzy, I asked you not to tell them.
Image But they’ve already left?
Image Wait, you don’t mean… They stowed away on the Ra Cailum!?
Image It’s too late to tell them now…
Image Yeah. I never would have thought they would do something like that. I just hope that they can return in one piece…

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Fold out is complete.
Image Phew… I can’t get used to that feeling.
Image You’ll get used to it soon.
Image Planet Lux confirmed. There doesn’t seem to be any Varauta forces in our detection range.
Image It looks like we’ve avoided a surprise battle with them.
Image For now. Confirm the landing location of the destroyed fleet.
Image Yes, Captain.
Image So that Lux… It looks kinda like Earth.
Image Hmm…
Image What’s next, Max?
Image Once we’ve confirmed its location, we’ll descend to the planet’s surface.
Image What is it!?
Image C-Captain, this is serious! An enemy mech just boarded the ship!
Image The hell!?

[Battle 7, Experimental Area]
Image Give me back my Sivil! I know you brought her here!
Image Stop! Don’t let him through!!
Image That guy… He followed Sivil and came aboard this ship, huh?
Image What!? Basara, what do you mean!?
Image Have you been in contact with other enemies!?
Image I don’t think this is the time for that. He’s taking hostages.
Image Give me back my Sivil! If you don’t want these guys to die, take me to her!
Image That’s…!
Image Mylene and Yui! Dammit…
Image Dammit, this is bad. Yui!
Image What do you think you’re doing!
Image Dumbass. We have to do it. We lost the moment we didn’t notice his infiltration. We have to do what he says.
Image Hurry it up! I’m getting impatient!
Image We’re out of options. Fine, I’ll tell you. Your friend is down there on the far left.

[Gigil broke down the door]
Image What the!?
Image Doctor, Professor, stand back!
Image Sivil!! What have you done with her! Sivil, wait for me!
Super Robot Wars D - Power to the Dream
Image The hope I finally grasped / Slips through my fingers…
(These are lyrics to the song)
Image Basara…?
Image Silence! Stop!
Image Power to the Dream! Power to the…
Image I’m telling you to stop… Ugh…
Image Basara…?
Image Are you trying to calm down his anger with singing…?
Image Sivil…
Image Shogo, go! Mylene and Yui, now!
Image Head towards the Garland! Come on!
[Motorcycle sounds]
Image Sh-Shogo…
Image Thank goodness… You’re both safe.
Image Tch. Ah well. Just wait, Sivil. I’ll give you some Spiritia…
[A Flash of light]
Image …Spiritia…
Image Wake up, Sivil!
Image !!
[Sivil breaks free]
Image This is bad. Everyone, stand back!
Image Sivil, you’ve woken up!
[Shaking and crashing sounds as she leaves]
Image Sivil!?
Image Impossible, she broke through the bulkhead in an instant…
Image My god. My precious sample ran away!
Image Sivil, where are you going? No, anywhere is fine. I’ll follow you anywhere you go!
[Gigil leaves]
Image Dammit, he got away…
Image In the end… I couldn’t wake her up with my own power…

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Captain, it’s Captain Kinryu of the Diamond Force investigation team.
Image On screen.
Image This is D1. Captain, do you read me? The destroyed fleet is without a doubt Macross 5.
Image Right… Any survivors?
Image Unfortunately, we haven’t found any. But…
Image What’s wrong, did something happen?
Image No, but there’s too few confirmed dead in the remains of the City Block.
Image …Okay. Please return to base.
[They hang up]
Image It appears that this is without a doubt Varauta's doing.
Image Yes… Were the entire City and crew taken by the enemy?
Image They were also targeting City 7. I guess it was to collect Spiritia.
Image What…happened to the City 5 citizens…
Image It’s too early to draw any conclusions. Neither G3 nor the enemy mech that pursued it have been spotted. We will conduct a secondary investigation of Macross 5 and exploration of the planet. Colonel, I’d like you to organize each unit.
Image Roger that. We’ll split into groups and send out units that can fly.

[Battle 7, Deck]
Image Oh, Gamlin.
Image Kikii.
Image Mylene, it’s decided that you’ll be joining my squad. But what’s going on with Basara? He flew out into an unknown planet.
Image Basara must have left because he’s furious at me.
Image That’s not true. He left for his own reasons. He wants to know why he sings. Captain, I’m leaving Mylene in your care. You’ll go and look for Basara, right?
Image Ah… Well. I got a mission to scout this planet…
Image I don’t really mind. Without Basara, we’ll be in trouble if the Protodeviln attack.
Image Yeah. It’s fine, isn't it, Tetsuya?
Image Mmm… Seriously, what a selfish guy. Captain, I’m leaving it up to you.
Image …Alright.
Image Gamlin… Thank you, everyone… I’ll definitely bring Basara back.
Image Basara won’t come back until he finds what he’s looking for.
Image EH!?
Image …You can talk?

[Varauta Fleet, Geppelnitch’s Ship]
Image Our fleet is capable of surrounding Planet GGT at any time. They’re in our grasp. We have more than enough brainwashed soldiers. Perfect beauty! Fufu. Lock them onto the planet. When we bring the one million samples here, the Spiritia Farm will be beautifully completed. Lord Geppelnitch, this is a beautiful tactic.
Image Soon we’ll have infinite Spirita. Now is the time to practice Spiritia Dreaming.
Image Is this why you used Spiritia to awaken me?
Image I saw you in the gap between dreams. A drowsy dream among the distant twinkling stars.
Image If you ever need my strength, I’ll lend it to you at any time.

[Planet Lux, Isolated Island]
Image What the… That island suddenly erupted!? Could Sivil be there? …Is that guy there too!? Sounds like fun. Sivil, I’m coming.

[More shaking]
Image Kuh. What’s this energy abnormality? Dammit, I can’t get close to Sivil…
Image Apparently we can’t fly over this island. We’ll have to hoof it.
Image You’re here too. Perfect timing, let’s go! I’m going to use you to wake her up!
Image What do you mean? Didn’t you already wake her up?
Image Idiot. Sivil isn’t properly awake yet.
Image What?
Image Let’s just go!
Image Heh… Just wait, Sivil…
[Fade to black]

Image Hehehe. Someone we made it.
Image Sivil! Sivil, wake up, Sivil!
Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 - Power to the Dream
Image Wake up!! Power to the Dream! / Power to the…
Image Uuu…
Image What’s with this reaction on the Spiritia Gauge!? His song… Dammit, Sivil! If it’s for you, I’ll…)
Image Anima Spiritia, I am Gigil!
Image Power to the future! / It’s like a dream…
(More lyrics)
Image You… My song… Hehe, very nice!
[A Flash of Spirita]
Image A…Anima Spirita… KOOOOOOOO!!
Image Sivil!?
[Another flash and more shaking]
Image Sivil!
Image Ba… Sa… Ra…
[More shaking]

Image Captain Gamlin, over there! That island is sinking!
Image Was there a reaction of singing energy over there!?
Image Basara. Basara!!
Image Mylene, it’s too dangerous to get close!
[More shaking]
Image That’s… What the!? That island… No, something is coming out from below it!!
Image What’s that…giant structure!?
Image Gamlin, over there. Basara is up there!!
Image Basara, you were with G3 after all. Captain, let’s go down to those ruins too.
Image Wait, Tetsuya. Something’s wrong.
Image Basara!?
Image It’s rising!? Everyone, evacuate!
Image Uwaaa!?
[A Flash of power]
Image W-wow. What power. In a flash it flew off into space…

Image Can you please tell me already, Admiral Exedor? You’ve never been outside the ship before, so why are you going out to investigate this in person? As a Zentradi staff officer, you have access to a great deal of information from the past. What did you feel when you saw the ruins appear from the sea, as Gamlin reported?
Image If my prediction is correct, we may be able to obtain important data that will solve the mystery of both our and the human’s lineage.
(Exedor is talking through the monitor)
Image What?
Image The mystery of our ancestry being solved…
Image What kind of important data?
Image Our’s and the Zentradi’s ancestors…
Image You’re… You’re joking, Admiral Exedor.
Image Protoculture…
Image Yes, the last of the Protoculture apparently lived in this region. That’s what I see with the data I have. It’s something I’ve been concerned about for a while now.

[Varauta Fleet, Geppelnitch’s Ship]
Image Lord Geppelnitch, we can bring the operation at any time. Just give the order.
Image …There is a color that could wash away my dream. They’re trying to wake up something from fifty thousand years ago.
Image W-what the hell could it be…
Image It’s Sivil. Her awakening signals the interruption of my dream. She wasn’t just asleep. She must be removed before my dream unravels.
Image If you will allow me, I'll take care of her. We don’t need Valgo’s help. A single flower is beautiful.
Image Sure. I don’t want to be a burden or anything.
Image Stop it. Eliminate Sivil and Gigil immediately.
Image Your Excellency Geppelnitch. A strange structure has appeared on Planet GGT.
Image What the…
Image This is bad. Those ruins are… The dream is changing. Dreams are meaningless unless they come true. Gavil, Valgo, go! In addition to eliminating Sivil and Gigil, destroy those ruins immediately!

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:36 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
This chapter cleared the 50k character limit per post, so it's split into two parts. This is part two.

Image Gamlin, this is amazing.
Image Oh, Chiba? Thank you for your hard work, Officer Exedor. The entrance is this way.
Image Oh, this really is a Protoculture ruin.
Image Mylene, are you alright? Let’s leave.
[A heavy door opens]
Image This is… amazing.
Image It’s a mural that tells the story of their history. Protoculture letters…
Image Can you decipher it…?
Image Ex Chata Teraata Etto Protoculture… “Among many life forms in the galaxy, we are the first race with culture. Therefore, we call ourselves Protoculture…”
Image Protoculture… Hahaha, amazing! Admiral, hurry it up!
Image “Our race spreads across the universe. But soon enough, conflict arose and the flames or war spread across the entire galaxy. We created the giant combat weapon, the Zentradi. The fighting continued, involving other races, and the weaponry escalated. We have created a new and even more powerful combat soldier, Evil.”
(Evil here is pronounced eh-vil, not like the moral concept of evil)
Image How stupid can they be? Are these really our species’ ancestors?
Image Captain, there’s a Defold reaction in the sky!
Image What!?
Image Many enemy mechs have left their ship. They’re coming!!
Image It contains the identification code PD. It’s a Protodeviln!
Image Oh no…

Image Hmph, it seems Gigil and Sivil aren’t here. In that case, let’s first destroy those ruins. Shatter that beauty!!
Image What? Are they going to destroy the ruins? Oh no. Combat units, launch!

Image Don’t let them get close to those ruins!

Choose 12 units to protect those ruins. Basara is off on his own and both Gamlin and Mylene are in the ruins. Try to avoid fighting Gavil for now, since Protodeviln takes reduced damage from non-singers.

We’ve also got more units!

[ZMT-S34S Rig Contio]
It’s fine I guess. Not as good as the Nus, Nightingale, or V2AB, but if you invest money in it it’ll be usable. With investment, it might be the third best mobile suit for Oldtypes. Speaking of Oldtypes, I personally don’t think Cronicle is usable since he lacks Focus.

[ZMT-S33S Gottrlatan]
The better of the two Zanscare mobile suits you get. It has a freakishly long range and a powerful MAP attack. But it also requires investment to bring it up to par with those better mobile suits listed before. Katejina has the Cyber Newtype skill along with both Soul and Love so she is usable if you want to use her.

Alongside those two, Shin Dragon from all the way back in the Jupiter Route joins us for the rest of the game. You can put Ryoma or Kei’s team in it, and I chose it as Ryoma’s new ride. See that chapter for a rundown on this powerhouse. Sadly, it comes completely un-upgraded and lacks the Shin Getter’s Open Gett. I slapped an S-Adapter on it, but it’ll get lots of love before the next chapter.

Also Milia has now joined THE BOYS for the rest of the game with her VF-17S Nightmare. See Space Route Chapter 6 for her Valkyrie. In short, by this point it’s kinda outdated since the Diamond Force have their own Excaliburs , but she can also use those secret Valkyries gotten all the way back in the Space route.

The strategy is simple: rush and cover the ruins as soon as possible. It’ll take their troops 3 turns to get a unit onto it, so make sure to use Accel on everyone who can. The ruins give decent bonuses to defense and evasion, but don’t restore HP/EN every turn, so watch out. The Varauta grunts still are a pain in the ass to hit. There’s a whole lot of them and they can all support attack and defend each other. Combo and MAP attacks are your friends. Also Battle 7 is lacking Exedor and Chiba as sub-pilots, so I hope you weren’t counting on Guard to tank enemy hits.

The next event happens once five enemies are downed.

Image Come on, hurry it up. The enemy is targeting those ruins.
Image The Varauta Army…
Image “...Eventually, the Protodeviln will lead us down the path of destruction.”
Image Where did the Protodeviln come from?
Image Maybe there’s a clue behind this door. …Touch it with a symbol of peace and the door will open. Hmm… Let’s try touching it with things for now.
Image …Well it won’t open for me. Hmm.

After five more enemy kills…

Image A symbol of peace… What could it be?
Image Kyaa!
Image Mylene, are you alright?
[More rumbling]
Image Oh, the door is opening! What did you do?
Image Huh? I just touched it a little… What the…
[A flash]
Image Ohhhh! Deculture!
Image That shadow is…
Image It can’t be, it's the Protoculture!?
Image My role is to convey the spirit of these words, the final days of Protoculture, to future generations. I have been waiting for this moment, ye who govern peace. The symbol of peace is a mix of different races’ blood.
Image Of different races…?
Image …It means the Captain and the Mayor.
Image I see… In other words…
Image Mylene, you are the symbol of peace!
Image Ehhhhh!? Me…?
Image Let me tell you everything. An extra-dimensional energy entity appeared from a distortion in space-time and possessed the Evil soldiers. They became like demons. We called them the Protodeviln.

The next part happens when there’s five enemies left.

Image Now let’s crush the Protoculture’s ruin! Complete beauty of destruction!
Image Tch, you monster!
Image Protodeviln can not survive without Spiritia. However, by indiscriminately stealing Spiritia, creatures that possessed it became extinct. They too have walked the path of self-destruction.
Image Hmm. So they can’t produce Spiritia themselves.
Image The Protodeviln’s powers were weakened, and a mysterious power sealed them away into a long sleep.
Image Sealed away? Mysterious power…?
Image Anima Spirita.
Image What the hell is Anima Spiritia…

Image Captain, it’s that Protodeviln again!!
Image Kuh…
Image You’re here, Glavil! Lord Geppelnitch, even though it’s a last resort, we’re assuming our true form! Now is the time for decisive beauty! Let’s go, Glavil!

Image What’s he planning?

Image This is the ultimate beauty. My original form, GaviGla! Perfect beauty!
Image Any approaching Protodeviln must be annihilated. Any approaching Anima Spiritia must be welcomed. Wherever the Anima Spiritia is…

Image Beauty, beauty, beauty! Flashing beauty!!

Image Uwaaaaaaa!?
Image Dammit, the ruins…
Image Officer Exedor!?

Image Protodeviln!? Captain, Officer Exedor and the doctors managed to escape!
Image M-monster…
Image Kukuku. The attack was successful. Beautiful destruction!
Image Mylene, sing! We can’t rescue them unless we keep them away!
Image B-but… Basara…
Image Sing! Mylene of the Sound Force!
Image Ye…Yes!

Image Uwaaaaaa!? Shocking beauty!

Image Mylene…
Image Okay, hurry up and rescue them!
[Another flash]
Image What is it this time?

Image Ugh… This is…
Image That’s… Basara!? Basara, you’ve returned!!
Image You’re here, Gigil, Sivil! Rejoice! For I, Gavil, will envelop you in the beauty of annihilation!
Image Gavil… KOOOOOOOOO!!

Image Ooouuuuu!!

Image Dammit, why!!?
Image What the… Are they fighting each other…?

Image Basara, what are you doing!?
Image Saving Sivil! She showed me the galaxy!
Image Huh?
Image Gamlin, what is he talking about…
Image I’ll protect Sivil!!
Image Gigil, you have yet to fully awaken. Can you even defeat GaviGla!?

Image Ugh. For Sivil’s sake, I don’t care what happens to me! I AM GIGIL! LISTEN TO MY SONG!

Fire Bomber - Power to the Dream
Image Eh!? What the heck!?
Image Impossible… He’s singing Basara’s song!?
Image Gigil, you bastard!
Image You started singing my song before me? Very impressive!
Image Ba… Sa… Ra…
Image Sivil, are you alright? I’ll take you in now.

Image Guuhhhhh. Damn you Gigil! Scatter! Scatter into pure beauty!

Image Gigil!? GIGIL!!
Image It’s your turn next, bastard!!

Enter GavGla. It’s tough and has major HP regen. It also has a MAP attack. There’s no need to protect the ruins anymore, so clean up the enemies surrounding you while you let GavGla get closer. It will attack, then move, so you can anticipate its MAP attack with defensive spirits and lure it closer.

The fused monster goes down soon enough to the power of song and these giant mechs I found. Basara knows Soul for just this occasion. He does retreat at 20% HP (8000).

Image Guh. Damn you!
Image Gavil, the drops of time are running out. Return. Leave the rest to Valgo.
Image Yes… Lord Geppelnitch…

Image H-hey, this can’t be right…
Image Eh…? C-Captain! It’s the Varauta! This planet is completely surrounded by a large Varauta fleet!!
Image The hell!?
Image My name is Geppelnitch. My dear samples, live on this promised planet intoxicated with endless dreams. In exchange, we will absorb your Spiritia. This is our ultimate dream, the Spiritia Farm.
Image Wha… What the heck!?
Image Escape is impossible. Maybe we have no choice but to live quietly on this planet…
Image Enough with the jokes!
Image …All troops, come back. We’ll Fold our way out.
Image What? It goes without saying that this is too dangerous. The probability of success is extremely low. It’s insanely reckless.
(He’s referring to the fact that Folding in atmosphere at this time is unpredictable, as seen at the start of SDF Macross)
Image I’m fully aware of the risks. We’re going to Fold. Make the adjustments. Even the slightest deviation could result in death.
Image Captain, the Fold system has stopped working!!
Image There’s a distortion in the space-time continuum!
Image No way… What could it be?
Image I’ve picked up something that seems to be the source of the problem. It’s incoming!

Image Ooooo I can feel it. I can feel the breath of the Spiritia self-regenerating race.
Image A new Protodeviln… I guess it was useless after all.
Image My samples, you cannot defy my dream.
Image Looks like we have no choice but to take them down.
Image Seems so.
Image We must escape this planet at all costs. Hit the Protodeviln. Sound Force, stop him from moving! All units, support the Sound Force!

One more wave of enemies, this time led by the Protodeviln Valgo. Valgo retreats at 20% HP (7900), but by this point your singers must be getting low on Song EN, so hold off on buffing and focus on taking the Protodeviln down.

Valgo does go down or retreats eventually, but you still need to defeat the rest of the Varauta grunts.

Image I can’t believe you’ve inflicted this much damage. I can’t play with you any longer! If you want to die so badly, then go ahead and die!
[A Flash of light]
Image Kuh… This is…
Image Sivil!?
Image Valgo!
Image I see, Sivil, your Spiritia is recovering. You fool, I will erase you right now!
[The planet shakes]
Image What…?

[Planet Lux, Ocean]
Fire Bomber - My Soul For You
Image Ooooooohhhhhhhhh!!
Image Gigil!?
Image What!? Impossible, Gigil’s main body woke up from its slumber!?
Image I won’t allow it… I won’t forgive anyone who tries to kill Sivil! UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Image Uwooooooo! Bastard!!
Image This is very bad.
Image Captain, the Fold system has started working again!
Image Perfect, send all mechs back. We’re Folding immediately.
Image All units, return! Hurry!
Image Tch. Lord Geppelnitch, if this continues, even nothingness will disappear. We need to retreat now!
Image Gigil, stop it! You’re going to die! GIGIL!!
Image Sivil… My… Everything…
Image Gi… Gi…L…?
Image Basara, what are you doing! Fold now! Move within our field!! Hurry!
[More rumbling and flashes of light]

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Fold out complete…
Image This is…
Image P-Planet Lux is gone!
Image …I see.
Image Looks like we escaped in the nick of time.

[Varauta Fleet, Bridge]
Image What an unexpected loss. Gigil woke up and took Valgo with him. To think that he would take the whole planet as well.
Image All that Spiritia invested in Valgo… My dream is in disarray. Gigil… Are you going to paint over my dream just to disappear? It should have ended sooner. But dreams never end. Gigil’s rampage added an unexpected color to the dream. As long as there’s the Anima Spiritia, Spiritia itself is infinite. We must capture those samples at all costs.

Image Captain, this is bad! The Varauta fleet is…
Image Their formation is too thick. Apparently they’ve been waiting for us since the very start.
Image So this is a trap…
Image But the data on the Protodeviln from the ruins are valuable. If only I had time to analyze it.
Image They’re here!

Image My name is Geppelnitch. My samples, become a drop in my dreams.
Image I won’t let you. Intercept them! Sound Force, launch! Let the units who’ve finished resupplying first go out there!
Image Time to go. Hurry!
Image Basara, we’re counting on you again!
Image Yes, use your song to curb their power.
Image You’ve got to be kidding me! That’s not why I sing! Didn’t you hear Gigil’s song? Didn’t you feel his heart? My singing resonates with the Protodeviln. You guys just don’t understand their hearts.
Image Perhaps. But that and us being killed are two completely different things.
Image Exactly… We need to get them to stop attacking us.
Image No matter what, I’ll make them understand my song. I’m confident. I could feel their hearts. This is important. Let’s go, Ray, Veffidas, Mylene!
Image Basara, don’t push yourself. No matter how well they feel your songs, it’s meaningless if you get killed.
Image Gamlin, back then you called me just Mylene.
Image Oh, my apologies. Back there, I just…
Image No, I mean you always put “-san” at the end, so I thought it was weird. It made me really happy.
Image What the hell are you guys flirting for! The enemy is coming!
Image Mylene, hurry!

You got Fire Bomber and 12 deployment slots.

Image Gep-something! Listen to my song!

Thankfully, there are no enemy reinforcements in thai last part, so go all out. The map ends when Geppelnitch falls, and he won’t retreat. Buff up with Basara like normal and go all out.

Geppelnitch is, of course, a Protodeviln, so he takes massive damage from singing. He doesn’t retreat either. A defense down debuff from Mazinger Z is always helpful too.

He will fall to your songs and beams.

Image Such resistance is unnecessary for the Spiritia Farm. I’ll erase it in the blink of an eye.
Image Gep-something!
Image Are you the sample who’s the Anima Spiritia? Have you come to capture me yourself?
Image Listen to my song! I’ll make your heart pound! FIRE!!

Image Oooo…Oooooooo!!
Image He’s…
Image Basara…?
Image Wow… I feel a burning to my very core…
Image Ah… Such a great song.

Image Ah… So this is Anima Spiritia. Fufufufufu… Spiritia Dreaming!!

Every remaining enemy escapes as Gepplenitch’s ship explodes.

Image Dammit… What just happened…
Image The enemy fleet surrounding us is retreating! Yay!
Image Yay!
Image Someone, we managed to survive…

[Battle 7, Hangar]
Image Phew…
Image Good job out there. Amazing work.
Image Yeah… That was some great singing
Image Mylene was amazing as well.
Image Thank you, Kei.
Image …Basara. The Protodeviln named Sivil said “You showed me the galaxy”. What does that mean?
Image Eh? Oh… Ya know. I was attacked by Sivil flying at incredible speed and we ended up at the edge of the galaxy. It was big. Huge even.
Image I don’t really get it… But did you find what you were looking for?
Image Yeah… I guess I did.

Image But… The entire planet was destroyed…
Image Yeah… What frightening people. It seems that there’s truth to the story that one of them can wipe out an entire Zentradi fleet.
Image I wish he was joking. How can we beat someone like that?
Image I guess… With Fire Bomber’s songs…
Image But how effective will it be? We can’t solely rely on it.
Image Maybe there’s something we can learn from the data on the Protoculture ruins…

[Battle 7, Operation Room]
Image Spiritia Farm, huh…
Image With that and the Varauta Army… Now I understand why the Protodeviln aren’t attacking us seriously even though they have that much power.
Image But that’s not a good thing. It looks like they’re planning on keeping us as pets.
Image We’re just livestock to them.
Image I can’t just accept that.
Image …Officer Exedor, how is the analysis of the mural in the Protoculture ruins?
Image Still working on it. If we can understand the mystery of Anima Spiritia, it’s possible we can seal the Protodeviln.
Image The enemy destroyed those ruins out of fear of just that.
Image Maybe it can happen. We just need to solve this mystery…
Image What are we going to do now? Planet Lux is gone. We should return to the Earth Sphere…
Image No… Thankfully, this time the Protodeviln fought amongst themselves so nothing too bad happened. But they’re gradually increasing in number. If the Earth Sphere is attacked, I don’t know if we can stop them.
Image So we have no choice but to use ourselves as a decoy to buy ourselves some time.
Image Unfortunately.
Image …I’m sure that I saw a soldier from the Special Investigation Team there. Supposedly, the cave where the Protodeviln were sealed was discovered on the fourth planet in the Varauta system… Maybe we should go on the offensive.
Image Isn’t that too reckless? The only reason why we’ve been able to withstand the enemy’s attacks until now was because they were trying to steal our Spiritia. If the Protodeviln starts to seriously try to kill us, I don’t think we can win…
Image He’s right… But if we just sit back and do nothing, things will spiral out of control.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:36 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Last time, the gang split up to go on the offensive. Rim decided to head to the Gishin home worlds to try and broker peace.

The story will continue as if both Marg and Roze are alive. Apologies for any differences with your own version of events.

Gishin Route Chapter 31: Showdown on the Rebellious Planet!
Chapter 30 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 32 if you went Earth/Keilas

If you’ve saved Cronicle and Shakti in the Angel Halo route, their recruitment scene will play here. Please see the Lux route for that scene.

[Side 3, City]
Image Is this the place, Kento?
Image Yeah. Please do this for us, Jiro, Tanosuke, Suzy. If anything happens to us, please keep on living…

Image I asked Bright to let us rent a place that isn’t a military facility, but I wasn’t expecting something this nice.
Image Odelo, where’s Uso…
Image Sorry, he’s busy right now.
Image …Have they all gone to bed already?
Image Poor things… They must be exhausted.
Image I can’t bring them this time. I… I don’t know what to tell you, Sanae… Anyway, I’m counting on you to take care of them. We have to…
Image …I hate this.
Image I… I don’t want this!
Image Huh!?
Image You guys can go off to war, but we’re left behind and have to wait in pain every single day! You don’t know how we feel every time you go off on a mission, do you!? Especially since what happened to Oliver! And now we’re just being left behind and told to wait! We’re being told to wait for people who may never come back! It’s selfish! I can’t take it anymore!
Image Sanae…
Image S-Sanae, this is…
Image Don’t come near me!
Image …Let’s go. It’ll be worse if everyone wakes up.
Image Yeah. Let’s go, Kento. Sanae… We’re counting on you.
Image Ah… Okay… See you.

[Ra Cailum, Observation Room]
Image Looks like Lord Gascon arrived.
Image Seems so. We’re finally ready to depart. Oh, Gou. You were summoned by Dr. Shikishima, right? What did he want?
Image It seems that he’s made Shin Dragon usable.
Image Shin Dragon!? How are you feeling?
Image No issues.
Image Well if that’s what you want, I guess it’s fine…
Image All to protect Kei, right?
Image W-w-wait a second. It’s not like that… A-anyway, it’s time to leave. We need to get ready or we’ll get in trouble.
Image Yeah… Now we’re heading to the Gishin Empire’s HQ…
Image (Yes. To that detestable Zuul.)
Image …As I thought, maybe it would be better for me to stay behind. While you’re gone, they might start to move.
Image B-but if you don’t come, I’ll be… troubled. And…
Image …Right. When I took ownership of my mech, I made him a promise. Alright, I’ll go wherever you go.
Image Take a good look at the Earth beyond the Moon. That’s our home planet.
Image That’s right… The road ahead will be rough. But we will definitely return. Pray for that.
Image Yeah. We will come back.
Image That’s obvious. Hey, Takeru, where are you going?
Image I’ll go check in on Roze.
Image Oh, right. She’s coming with us. Maria’s heading there too, so I’ll go too.
Image Roze… What will she do?
Image I don’t know. But we have to trust Takeru.
Image (I’m sorry, Sanae. Everyone, please wait for me.)

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]
Image But you all came too.
Image I know what Emperor Zuul is like. If you died, it would be disastrous.
Image Me? Why?
Image After everything is over, it’s people like you who can keep people like Treize and Char Aznable in check, and keep the colonies from declaring their independence every so often. You can create a place where people like us, who only know how to fight, can live in peace. Heero and the rest of us believe that.
Image Heero too…?
Image …I can only fight. But if fighting to protect you leads to peace, then that’s what I’ll do.
Image Heero…
Image Ah, there you are. Relena, it’s time for us to Fold. Get into position.
Image Ah, right, sorry. I’m coming.

[Gishin Empire Space, Ra Cailum Bridge]
Image Ugh… F-Fold out completed.
Image Yes… There don’t seem to be any abnormalities in any part of the ship. Everything’s good, Captain.
Image I see… This is a pain.
Image Dr. Earl, please confirm the coordinates.
Image Yes… There’s no mistaking it, the Ra Cailum is definitely in the Gishin Empire’s space.
Image We’re finally here…
Image Communication coming from the Fold Tugboat “Guide Dog”.
Image Hahaha. How was it? There shouldn’t be any problems.
Image Looks like it, Professor. We’ve entered the Empire’s directly controlled space.
Image Good to hear. We only have the main engine and basic observation equipment, so we have no defensive capabilities. If the enemy comes, please protect us. Unless you don’t plan on returning.
Image You talk too much.

Image I see, so we’ve entered Gishin.
Image That’s right. I’ll leave it to you to decide our route from here on.
Image Got it. However I know we’ll engage in combat before we reach the planet itself.
Image We’re expecting that.
Image I never thought we’d end up fighting alongside the people of Helios and two Gishins. You never know what’s going to happen.
Image (...Your Majesty Palmion, Emperor of the Helios Empire, I respectfully report the following. The time has come to clear Your Majesty’s name. May Your Majesty bless us.)
[A monitor turns on]
Image This is the bridge. Yes… What? A stowaway!?
Image What?
Image Explain.
Image Apparently Shakti, Sanae, and the other kids were in a food container in storage. Boss and Akira found them.
Image Those kids… Good grief. Who should we blame, Boss for entering the food storage without permission, or the kids?
Image Both. Mika, bring all of them here now. Seriously, after all the work I did for them.
Image It can’t be helped. We have to bring them along now.
Image I guess we have no choice since we’re this far away.
Image …Did you let them in?
Image I-it wasn’t me! I just fiddled with the hatch that Dorothy used to bring them in… Ummm…
Image Even Dorothy was in on this?
Image I swear, everyone is just doing whatever they want…

[Planet Gishin, Palace]
Image What? The Earthlings?
Image I-I just got word. A force including Kento Tate and Mars has appeared in our territory.
Image Damn those reckless fools. The Vega fleet still hasn’t returned yet. We can’t just leave it to our normal forces. Waal, go and show them how foolish they are.
Image Yes, Your Majesty. The Imperial Guard will set out immediately.

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]
Image What the hell do you think you’re doing? Same with you, Manabu and Dorothy?
Image B-but Kento…
Image I wasn’t given the option to refuse.
Image …I’m sorry bro. But I don’t want to be separated from you.
Image No way!
Image You bright Shakti, Suzy, and even Karl with you. We don’t know if we’ll be able to get back to Earth.
Image You’re right. We should have asked Lady Une to take you all back to Kasarelia.
Image Or at least the Moon.
Image Yeah. I think we were too lazy in deciding on Side 3.
Image But…
Image Uso… We’ve been on the battlefield all this time. I hate that we’re the only ones left behind. You might be upset since now you won’t get the attention of all those pretty girls…
Image N-no, that’s not true! What are you talking about, Shakti!?
Image Idiot. You’re only acting suspicious by panicking, Uso.
Image Odel!
Image Goo goo~
Image Karl, this is no laughing matter.
Image Shakti… Are you mad…?
Image I’m not, but…
Image Even so…it’s too dangerous.
Image Yea… I wish you’d understand how Kento and Uso felt.
Image Exactly. They might worry about you guys while they’re trying to fight. It’s dangerous. They were trying to avoid that.
Image I’m sorry… But please understand. We’re not pilots or soldiers, but we’re not unrelated and we’ve been together all thai time. Whether we live or die, we do it together.
Image She’s right.
Image We’ll always be together.
Image Either way, it’s too late now. But there’s no point in pointing that out, is there?
Image We’re a long way from home.
Image True, but…
Image …You morons. Anything can happen out here. Really, you idiots…

[Ra Cailum, Operations Room]
Image An SOS signal?
Image What’s it all about?
Image First, listen to this.
[Monitor turns on]
Image People of Earth, please help us. We are ruled by the Gishin Empire and are treated only as tools. Please help us somehow. We’ve been trying for a long time to free ourselves from them. However, the occupying force finally noticed us and we’re now in danger. Please, people of Earth. Help us.
Image This is…
Image This is the message that just arrived.
Image What a terrible thing to do…
Image This isn’t good. Colonel, Commander Jin, we need to hurry and help them!
Image But it could be a Gishin trap.
Image Even so, we came here to talk. We can’t just go around picking fights, right? I don’t mind either way. Takeru, young lady, what do you both think?
Image That’s…
Image But if it’s real and we just leave them alone…
Image Yes. If it is legit, then they’ll get killed.
Image But from what we’ve heard, I don’t think we can help them through negotiations.
Image That…would be impossible. This isn’t something that just started today. We would have no choice but to defeat those occupiers.
Image Yeah.
Image …I’ll leave that up to your judgement. I’m only an observer here. I trust that you will give it the utmost consideration.
Image Relena…
Image Don’t bully her too much. Neither she nor Takeru would want to abandon someone who’s about to be killed.
Image Yes… You’re right.
Image It’s unavoidable. This entire endeavor is delicate and fraught with dilemmas.
Image In that case, we have to go, don’t we?
Image …Even if we’re heading to that planet, we’ll need some information.
Image I’m not knowledgeable about that particular star system. The garrison might be small. Let’s ask Roze.
Image Maria, Sanae and the others should be with her, right? Let’s call her here. I want to hear what she thinks.
Image Sure. Roger that. I’ll get her right away.

Image These coordinates are…
Image What is it?
Image This is…my home planet. No doubt about it. The eighth planet of Gishin’s fourth star system… My home…
Image What?
Image Then…
Image I believe that this message is not a trap, but the truth. I’ve heard of such things happening.
Image Then let’s go. We can’t abandon them.
Image Yes, and with Roze here…
Image It’s useless. I can’t stop either side.
Image What should we do, Colonel?
Image Whatever. Captain, let’s head to the planet that sent that message.

The following only plays if you’ve saved Marg.

[Ra Cailum, War Room]
Image Marg, why are you here? What happened?
Image …The showdown with Zuul, the man who brainwashed me to fight you, is approaching. Mars, I will fight by your side.
Image Brother… But your injuries…
Image It’s fine now. I heard that the repairs to my mech are finished too.
Image …Fine. Let’s fight together, Marg. For the peace of this universe, which was our fathers’ dying wish.

[Mines on the Eighth Planet, Ra Cailum Bridge]
Image So it’s this mountain range, right?
Image Yes, the transmission came from somewhere around here.
Image If that’s the case, they should know that our ship is close. We’ll send someone out to make contact with them. We need to hear their story.
Image We’ll be spotted by the Gishin garrison, so we can’t send too many people.
Image Right… Let’s send Schwartz, Takeru, and some others.

[Mines on the Eighth Planet, Tunnels]
Image Major, it looks like someone’s come out of the tunnel entrance over there.
Image Hmmm… So they’re finally here. Hey, you there. Are you from the resistance? We’re…
Image You’re from Earth, aren't you? Thank you. I’m Rui, the leader of this resistance group. Please come this way.
Image What… It can’t be, Rui?
Image …? …Roze!? Why are you bringing an Imperial Psychic commando with you?
Image Hold on a minute. She’s a survivor from the group that attacked Earth and we’ve captured her. We brought her here because we thought she might be useful. Don’t worry.
Image Earth…? I see. Apologies, we thought she was an enemy.
Image Wait, Rui, aren’t you Roze’s…
Image …Come into the tunnels.

Image …Yes. The Gishin are forcing us to do hard labor. This is an abandoned mine, but there are many similar places where people are forced to work as slaves. I heard that those who resist are killed, or in worse cases, are turned into target dummies for their soldiers.
Image They do something so terrible?
Image I’ll never forgive the Gishin.
Image Please, help us. We’ve been fighting back so far, but the garrison forces, having learned of our plans to rebel, attacked another base and captured many of our comrades. We must free them.
Image (Rui… You’re just a tiny being with no psychic powers, so how are you so strong…)
Image It’ll be fine. That’s why we came to this planet.
Image You heard him.
Image Great… I look forward to working with you. Roze, it seems you were defeated and captured by these Earthlings, but this is the end. We’ve been desperately trying to survive and gain more allies. With the help of these Earthlings, it’ll finally be time for us to take this planet back.
Image Major Schwartz, can you give this woman to us?
Image Rui, what will you do with me?
Image …I’m going to execute you.
Image What?
Image Are you serious?
Image …I see… I suppose that’s only natural.
Image Roze!?
Image I’m surprised. You accepted it so easily. But that doesn’t mean you should think that you’re forgiven.
Image Rui, isn’t Roze your sister?
Image You mustn't kill her. Why do you need to do such a thing? If this is how you fight, peace will never be achieved.
Image This woman sold us and this planet out to Zuul. Now she’s a commander in a position where she can meet with Zuul directly. She’s the second in command of the garrison forces on this planet and is Zuul’s representative to boot. I have no sister.
Image Rui, I didn’t say you shouldn’t kill her because she’s your sister. What would you gain from doing something like that out of hatred? If you fight to help people, then you should forgive, have compassion, and never forget your own kindness. Am I wrong?
Image That’s…
Image That’s how it is. We shouldn’t execute her or anything like that.
Image Rui… We’re not going to kill her. Ryoma said earlier that we captured her and brought her here, but that was a lie.
Image Eh? What do you mean?
Image With Roze’s psychic powers, she could have escaped at any time. But she came with us on her own will. We didn’t take her prisoner and we won’t kill her. I want you to understand what this means. Besides, I was forced to fight my brother because of Zuul. We’ve had enough of that.
Image Mars…
[Everything shakes]
Image What’s happening?
Image …It was the shockwave from an explosion.
Image Tch, it’s a Gishin attack!? Guys, we’re heading back.
Image On it!
Image Dammit, we’ll fight back!
Image Relena, hurry.
Image Damn… If you can distract the main force, I’ll contact my allies and liberate their prison camp. I’m counting on you.
Image …Rui, I’ll go too.
Image Roze… What are you planning?
Image I finally understand how strong Mars and the others are. Their kindness, their compassion, is their power. Kindness is power… Let’s go, Rui. To save this planet’s people.
Image Roze… Are you serious, sister?
Image Yes.

Image The Captain, Major and their men have returned.
Image They’ve returned. All right, launch interceptors!
Image Earthlings, as someone from this planet, I will assist you.
Image Roze? …Alright, go for it.
Image Yes.

Roze auto-deploys either in her exclusive unit, or the Cosmo Crusher if you got her as a sub-pilot for the plane.

Now select 14 freedom fighters. Thankfully, this isn’t another multi-part chapter, but that’s quickly becoming the exception rather than the rule.

Let’s go over the new units.

[Gaia and Godmars]
For the sake of clarity, I’ll be calling this version Godmarg, even though it’s just Godmars’ design from the OVA. Much like how Takeru sortied in Gaia at the start of the game, Marg always comes out in his version of Gaia. Once he hits 120 will, you’ll be given the option to Rokushin Gattai into Godmarg. No auto-transform like Takeru’s version, but he does lack the Anti-Proton Bomb, so at least there’s no instant game over. In the end, Godmarg is pretty much a carbon copy of Godmars, just without all the investment that you put into his brother over the course of the game.

Gonna be honest, Roze is much more useful as a Cosmo Crusher sub-pilot, especially if you’ve been using it the entire game. The Zeron is just alright. Its unique feature is that its weakest and strongest attacks can inflict debuffs, being halved movement and halved accuracy respectively. I mostly got it here for completion’s sake.

And much like the other route, you get Shin Dragon. You also get Katejina and Cronicle plus their units if you’ve saved them, but that’s in another timeline. Look at the Lux route for all of that.

Not much to report really. In terms of terrain you can camp in the forest to the south which is probably smarter than what I did and fight on open ground. All of the enemies fly, which means they don’t take advantage of the terrain. They will swarm you while support attacking and defending each other, so watch out.

Also, make sure that along with the usual Takeru, Roze doesn’t die. That’s another Game Over condition.

Once there are five enemies left…
Image That… That battleship…
Image Commander Waal.
Image Hmph. Marg and Roze, eh? You’re losers and traitors. I will eliminate you along with Mars and the Earthlings. Earthlings, I am Emperor Zuul’s right hand man, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Guard, Waal.
Image The Imperial Guard?
Image That just shows how close we are to the heart of the Empire.
Image Wait, Commander Waal. We’ve come here to talk with Zuul!
Image You really think that will work, Mars? If you really want that, you’ll have to go all the way to Planet Gishin with your own strength.
Image What!?
Image I don’t care what you do. If you’re going to attack me, I’ll just finish you off myself!
Image Hmph. So you’re Kento Tate of Helios. You and Mars came all the way here just to be killed. I’ll finish you off on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor. Prepare yourself!

So now Waal (and Kacchi, remember him from the Bemborg chapter?) is in our way. Prepare yourself for even more swarming and support defending/attacking. Pace yourself.

Image Dammit, stop, Waal! If I die here, the whole planet will blow up too!
Image If that means you all will be annihilated, it’s a small price to pay.
Image What!?

Image Marg, this is a notice on your life. I will execute you. Prepare yourself!
Image Waal, we will never lose. We’re going to Zuul!

Image Traitors deserve the death penalty, Roze. You will die here!
Image Damn…

Waal retreats at 20% HP (6900), but that’s easy enough to kill him through.

Image What!? I didn’t think they would be this strong… Let’s retreat for now and wait for Gandal. Withdraw!

Kacchi, on the other hand, stays to die.

Image Dammit, how dare you… UWAAAAAAAA!!

Once everyone is defeated, victory is yours.

Image Oh dear… It looks like we’ve managed to fend off the Imperial Guard. I never thought we’d have to fight them here. Scared the hell out of me.
Image It’s over… Rui, how are things on your end?
Image We were successful in freeing our comrades. Thank you, people of Earth. It’s thanks to you that we were able to rescue our imprisoned friends.
Image Good…
Image Hehe, we did it.
Image Alright, operation complete. All units, return.

[Ra Cailum, Operations Room]
Image …Yes, I just got the message. Thanks to your help, not only have our allies been freed, but rebellions have spawned all over this country and are spreading. It’s only a matter of time until the garrison forces are forced to withdraw.
Image So what’s the plan now? Aren’t the Gishin just going to return?
Image They’ve even got an Imperial Guard fleet on its way.
Image I know. We’re going to gather our strength and resist. It’s true that up until now we haven’t had much hope. But I heard that even on the planets in Helios, rebellions against the Gishin are breaking out all over the place. That’s encouraging. If word spreads, I’m sure rebellions will spread to other planets too…
Image So more rebellions will happen.
Image So no matter where, Zuul keeps doing terrible things.
Image Yes… He is truly the great evil of the galaxy. We must restore the Helios Empire as soon as possible and bring peace to the galaxy, Lord Kento.
Image I never thought that you of all people would be a member of the royal Helios family. We’d only heard rumors, but one never would think how encouraging you are.
Image Stop it. You’re talking about my dad. I’m Kento Tate of Earth. This has nothing to do with me.
Image Aren’t you just being shy?
Image Finally, a ray of hope has appeared on this planet. Thank you…sister.
Image Rui, I don’t deserve those words. It’s all thanks to Mars and the Earthlings.
Image Of course I’m truly grateful to everyone on Earth. But the reason why I thanked you is because we were able to go back to the way things were before. Without any hatred between us sisters. Relena, your words really pierced my heart.
Image No… I was the one who spoke up without knowing the circumstances of the people on this planet.
Image It’s fine.
Image If only I’d realized sooner that I was nothing more than Zuul’s battle machine…
Image Roze, that’s all in the past. We have to think about the future. Just as Mars and I can be together again, so can you and Rui.
Image Yes… Isn’t that great, Roze? I’m happy for you.
Image Thank you Commander Marg, Mars…
Image Um, Dr. Shikishima sent a message from Guide Dog that we left behind, telling us to come up quickly. It seems they were discovered by the enemy and are having a hard time.
Image Come to think of it, Cliff and the other doctors were up there weren't they…
Image Oh yea. I completely forgot about them.
Image G-give me a break. If we lost them, we won’t be able to get back to Earth.
Image Okay. We’re leaving this planet tomorrow morning to head to Planet Gishin. Everyone, make your preparations. Mika, please let Guide Dog know.

[Mines on the Eighth Planet, Spaceport]
Image If it weren’t for this planet, I’d be happy to accompany you all…
Image It’s fine. Just do your best here.
Image Yes. We’ve heard that resistance movements have begun on other planets as well. With this momentum and your help, defeating Zuul is not just a dream.
Image No… We’d rather avoid fighting if possible.
Image Yes. First we have to have a meeting to discuss why Emperor Zuul is trying to destroy Earth, and what he means by the Earth is dangerous. I want to know why. Also, if he would change his mind and cut back on excessive military force, that would be great.
Image But Relena, you heard what Commander Waal said. Zuul isn’t one to talk.
Image Perhaps. But we still need to try.
Image Right… If we fight, people die. If we can avoid people dying needlessly, I want to do that as much as possible.
Image The best thing would be to avoid war.
Image Exactly. Roze, that’s why people like me are here. That’s why I asked everyone to have me accompany them.
Image Is that the way Earth thinks? The kindness of trying to save as many people as possible…
Image That’s not even remotely close.
Image Eh?
Image Judau, what do you…
Image I’m right, aren’t I? If all Earthlings thought like that, we wouldn’t be fighting wars. The Commander and Amuro should know that. They’ve been in war many times. There are people who have tried to do the exact opposite.
Image True…
Image That’s a no-brainer. Besides, there’s no way that everyone on an entire planet would think the same way. You’re the same, right?
Image Yes… But…
Image Hey hey, wait a second. You don’t have to discuss that now…
Image Koji, what she wants to know isn’t just a pretense.
Image But that doesn’t mean…
Image No, Koji. That’s not what Judau is trying to say…
Image I know, Uso. Whatever else, at least we’ve gathered here for that reason. We’ve fought to protect many things and, as a result, we’re here by more than just chance. We were all in different positions in the past, but now we’re all together.
Image I get it now.
Image Yeah. It’s not about what Earthlings are like. You can’t think like that. You need to understand that.
Image Yeah… True.
Image Mars, Commander Marg, Earthlings, please take me to Planet Gishin with you.
Image Roze?
Image But this is where…
Image I know a lot about Planet Gishin. And I want to know more about your way of thinking.

[Planet Gishin, Palace]
Image Waal, you pathetic bastard!
Image My apologies, Your Majesty. Their fighting power shouldn’t be underestimated. We’ve devised a joint operation with Commander Gandal’s Vega fleet. The operation will begin as soon as they return.
Image Hmm… So how goes the war?
Image We’ve received reports from each front. The Yellow front is retreating due to increased resistance. The Orange and Blue Fronts in the former Helios territory are gaining the upper hand, but the Red and White fronts are in a stalemate. We’ve also been informed that the occupying forces and the Resistance have entered a state of war on the third planet of the eighth star system and the fifth planet of the fifth star system. We’ve been asked to send reinforcements…
Image Enough! The stone thrown by the Earthlings is spreading ripples across the pond. Damn you Mars. Damn you Earthlings! Do you think you can win by defying me?
Image Y-Your Majesty, the reinforcements…
Image From the commander to the rank and file, everyone must defend with their lives. Tell them that! The 5th and 9th fleets haven’t returned yet!?
Image They seem to be taking their time.
Image Those fools. Waal, no matter what happens, you must not let the Earthlings get close. Don’t let those insects do as they please any more. Kill them as soon as possible. Use all of your and Gandal’s strength to defeat Mars and everyone else!
Image I… I understand.
Image …Don’t worry. If anything should happen to you, I will take action myself. I have no intention of losing you over something so trivial. I’m counting on you.
Image Sir. Your trust won’t be wasted. I’m honored. Commander Gandal will be even more motivated to fight once he hears that.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 11:47 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Puzzle time. The objective is to not let a single enemy onto the colony. Transform Getter into Getter-3. Judau uses Valor, moves south of Getter, and uses Beam Cannon to attack and destroy the southwestern most enemy while supported by Getter Missile. Transform into Getter-2. Uso uses Valor and moves next to Getter, hitting and destroying the enemy to the south with 8-blade Beam Saber supported by a Drill Missile. Have Kei use Accel and Gou use Valor, then transform to Getter-1. Move to the middle-top space on the colony and destroy the closest enemy with Spiral Getter Beam. Gamlin then uses Love and destroys the southernmost enemy with Micro Missiles. Use the post-combat move to position him to the right of Getter Robo. Finally, transform Kamille and have him use Valor and Assault. Move him to the space north-east of Gamlin. Destroy the enemy to the east with Hi-Mega Launcher. End turn and defend.

Victory nets 50k money and a SP+20 skill part.

I said I would upgrade Shin Dragon and that’s what I’m going to do.
  • Shin Dragon gets +3 HP, +5 EN, +4 Mobility, +6 Armor, and +3 Weapons
Last time, Gigil learned the power of song and destroyed an entire planet to protect his crush. RIP a real one.

Lux Route Chapter 32: Desperate Defense
Chapter 31 if you took Space.Jupiter. Chapter 33 if you took Earth/Keilas

[Battle 7, Operations Room]
Image Have you managed to figure out what the Anima Spirita is so we can seal away the Protodeviln?
Image …I can’t say for sure yet, but I think there might be a connection to Singing Energy.
Image You mean Fire Bomber’s singing?
Image Yes. In the past when G3 came into contact with Basara on Side 3, there are records of it calling him Anima Spiritia. It’s still undergoing renovations, but once the Sound Buster System is complete, we should test it against the Protodeviln…
Image So what’s going on with the Protodeviln?
Image According to the records from the ruins, seven Evil combat soldiers were created. It seems like all of them were taken over by a lifeform from another dimension.
Image So there’s seven of them…
Image Based on current analysis, that seems to be the case.
Image Basara called G3 “Sivil”. There’s Gigil, who disappeared with Lux the other day along with that other one. And then there’s the combined one, GavGla…
Image Don’t forget Geppelnitch.
Image So there’s two left?
Image Seems so, but when I asked Lieutenant Irina Hayakawa to confirm, she confirmed that the human forms for Gigil and Geppelnitch were members of the Special Investigation Team.
Image Impossible, you’re saying that they’re Earthlings too?
Image According to the Lieutenant’s memory, Geppelnitch was a member of that team, one Staff Officer Iwarno Gunther. Gigil was Captain Autolmauer of the Marines. Considering that Gigil’s main body existed separately when he entered the cave on the fourth planet, it seems likely that they were taken over.
Image So that means Geppelnitch’s real body is still out there…
Image Also…there’s some data that I really don’t want to believe.
Image Like what?
Image Geppelnitch’s terrifying true nature. He’s an absorbent type, meaning he can absorb Spiritia from all living things. He has the kind of personality that will continue to absorb everything forever.
Image I see. Hahahaha. I can’t believe it. They’re truly a monster. Something more like a Spiritia black hole.
Image What?
Image So if something like that were to come back to life…
Image It won’t stop until all Spiritia is gone.
Image What!?
Image That doesn’t make any sense.
Image Exactly. The Ruins said that it self-destructed. That’s why they’re trying to establish a Spiritia Farm and secure a stable supply of Spiritia.
Image …Okay. So that’s why we’re being targeted?
Image Seems so. Our sacrifice would mean they wouldn’t attack anyone else.
Image So we have to choose between our freedom or the galaxy’s safety… It’s a hard call.
Image Hmph… If it brings peace to Earth, then something like a Spiritia Farm might be a good thing. But we don’t know what’s happening to our comrades who went to Gishin. And there’s also the Ruina matter. For the Earth’s sake, we can’t let ourselves throw in the towel.
Image Exactly. We must return to the Earth Sphere at all costs.
Image But… We still have to stop the Protodeviln… This is bad.
Image …I guess we have no choice but to go to the fourth planet in the Varauta system. Before Geppelnitch’s true form awakens…
Image But Zechs, according to our calculations, if there are three or more Protodeviln on the target planet, the probability of success is .001%. Every simulation gives the same result. The only difference is the time it takes for them to annihilate us…
Image That low, huh…
Image So what if it is? What other options do we have left? We need to use the reaction missiles installed in Battle 7.
Image Hayato, don’t be ridiculous.
Image …Let’s take a short break. I want each of you to gather your thoughts.

[Varauta System, Fourth Planet]
Image Awaken, Goram and Zomd.
Image Ohohoho.
Image This is
Image us.
Image Why did you call us?
Image Goram, Zomd, my ultimate dream is Spiritia Dreaming. It began to take shape in the flow of time like a babbling brook.
Image That is
Image amazing.
Image Go. Go and bring the Anima Spiritia before me.
(Goram and Zomd talk in turns, where they finish each other's sentences. The differences between sentence structure in English and Japanese makes it very difficult to be exact in what each one is saying. I’m doing my best to relay what they’re trying to say in general.)

[Battle 7, Operation Room]
Image …So, what was decided?
Image We should consider a plan of assault.
Image That’s our only option, Captain Max.
Image The chances of success are virtually nonexistent.
Image But Major Schwartz, Captain Kinryu and pretty much everyone else agrees. After all, if we don’t do this now…
Image Good grief. Earthlings always think of the craziest things.
Image …Okay. Let me give you my thoughts. The only way to enter the fourth planet is by a surprise attack with a small elite force. Each mech in the formation, equipped with a Fold Booster, will enter the planet, eliminate any enemies, enter the target cave, set up the reactive weapons, then quickly withdraw.
Image Calculating the success of this operation…
Image Don’t bother.
Image Captain Jenius…
Image Max… The chances of surviving are slim to none…
Image The assault team will be limited to volunteers only. I will be in command.
Image You can’t suggest that you’re going to go yourself?
Image It’s my plan. It’s my responsibility.

[Battle 7, Briefing Room]
Image Operation Stargazer…
Image Heh. It’s a crazy plan. Insane even.
Image Then why are you here? You seem motivated.
Image Even though you’re saying that, you were complaining to Dad a bit ago.
Image Ah, well, it’s kind of a habit…
Image Kei… Calm down. Being too nervous isn’t good.
Image Kei’s nervous? Impossible.
Image Even I can’t come up with a plan like this. It makes me nervous.
Image …Are you sure, Basara?
Image Hehe. It sounds like fun. I’ll give them a rousing live performance right in front of their eyes. My songs will definitely reach their hearts. Let’s go move their hearts!
Image Yes yes. Though I’m not expecting much. I feel like we’re grasping at straws.
Image Hey, you’re not planning on taking Mylene with you, are you?
Image Of course we’re leaving Mylene behind.
Image Guess you would. It’s for the best.
Image Yeah… It would be tough to cover her through all of this.
Image …It seems every single member of THE BOYS volunteered.
Image Seriously, we’re the kind of people who’d do something this reckless.
Image It’s a bit late to back out now.
Image I expected this but… Everyone, are you sure? This plan…
Image We’ve been fighting for the Earth Sphere this whole time.
Image Yes… There’s no reason to hesitate now.
Image If this is what we have to do, we’ll do it.
Image Protodeviln…
Image Is something wrong? If there’s anything bothering you, you can stay behind…
Image No… Somehow, I get the same feeling from them as Perfectio.
Image …I can see it. A monster from another dimension…
Image Captain, none of us expects to come back.
Image She’s right.
Image Yea… Though I have no intention of dying in a place like this.
Image Yes. If there’s no other way, I’ll do my best to win. Not to die, but to survive.
Image We’ll all come back from the mission successfully.
Image Yes… Yes we will.
Image Marbet, you can’t. For the sake of your baby, it’s better if you stayed behind.
Image Even so, I don’t want to cause you any unnecessary distractions. If the operation fails, I don’t think it’ll make much difference for those left on Battle 7.
Image Probably, but…
Image She volunteered to go, so where’s the problem?
Image But Quess.
Image Are you planning to go too, Quess?
Image If the Colonel is going, it’s only natural that I go too, right?
Image Katejina… Even if I asked you to say, you probably wouldn’t mind.
Image Yes, if that’s what you want.
Image Katejina…
Image Looks like we’ve got all the volunteers. Captain, let’s begin.
Image Gentlemen, I’m in charge of Operation Stargazer. I’m glad you volunteered. Let’s take a look at the simulation.

Image …The point where we think Geppelnitch’s true body is located will be called Polar Star. This is our main priority. Even if only one of us is left standing, get here and fire the reaction missiles.
Image Explosives are useless. If everything really depends on this operation, then I would rather sing all the more.
Image Sorry, but we don’t have time for that.
Image Bur Colonel, only Basara can really attack the enemy. If Basara doesn’t sing, there’s no point in going with him.
Image Ha, no doubt about that. You’re fine. If you are the first to enter Polar Star, you can sing to your heart’s desires.
Image That’s fine.
Image I believe you all have already trained to use the Fold Booster. Please double-check the instruction manual on your own. Departure will be at 0700 tomorrow. Until then, everyone is free to do as you please. Dismissed.

[Battle 7, Captain’s Quarters]
Image Max, there you are.
Image What is it?
Image I’m coming with you. The only people who could pull off such a reckless operation are just us. You and me. If we teamed up again, we might succeed.
Image There’s still THE BOYS. Colonel Char, Hayato, Captain Amuro, and almost everyone else volunteered.
Image I’m not going to lose to the aces of the Invader War or the One Year War. Plus, I think this is better than sending the younger pilots out there.
Image There’s also the Sound Force. Ray and Basara volunteered.
Image Mylene too?
Image She’s just like you. Of course, I won’t allow her to accompany me. I want you to stay here with Mylene and protect Battle 7. When I return alive, I need a family to greet me.
Image Max…
Image Mylene’s birthday party is starting soon. Since you’re here, why don’t we go together? Can’t believe it’s that day already. I’m sorry for what I’ve done to Mylene, but…

[Battle 7, Observation Room]
Image Operation Stargazer, huh? I never thought I’d be involved in a mission like this all the way out here.
Image Are you sure you’re okay with this?
Image From our perspective, there’s no way I wouldn’t volunteer. If we survive, the way forward will open up. Hmm…?
Image Shakti…
Image Uncle and Katejina… Don’t you need to rest?
Image I’m fine. But… I never expected you to come out here. I wish you would remain in Side 3, but…
Image Uncle… Were you worried?
Image Of course. You’re the only family I have left.
Image Even so… I’m also worried. I think you both need to take it easy for a bit. THE BOYS will protect the Earth Sphere and end these wars. They’re people who have come together for a purpose, forgetting all other considerations, even if only temporarily. It’s not strange that you both came from BESPA.
Image …I think I’m beginning to understand that. I’m trying my best, but dealing with one’s own heart is quite a hassle.
Image But can we entrust our lives to each other as things are now?
Image If necessary… It’s what I intend to do.

[Battle 7, Event Hall]
Image Congratulations, Mylene.
Image Thank you, everyone…
Image If you told us earlier that it was your birthday, we would have prepared more for you.
Image That’s right. And your presents should be more proper…
Image Gaa~
Image Oh, Karl!? Shakti, what are you doing?

Image So it’s her birthday… It’s a shame that it’s on a day like this.
Image Yeah… But it’s great that she has a family to celebrate with. Even at a time like this.
Image That’s not an issue. Oh Glacies, by the way, do you have a birthday or something like that?
Image Hmm… It hasn’t even been a year since I was brought into this world.
Image Glacies…
Image …Can I open one of these?
Image Open one of what?
Image What’s the procedure to ingest this source of energy? It’s too stiff.
Image Oh that… Well first, you have to peel the shell…
Image Hey, don’t make a mess. Seriously, it’s always the same. Isn’t it bad that you keep talking about food like that?
Image I’m sorry. So I should “eat” the “meal”?
Image Josh, let me teach her better ways of saying things.
Image That wasn’t me. Blame Koji…

Image Well, I have to get up early tomorrow, so I guess I’ll head back to my room.
Image Oh right. Shakti, let’s go.
Image Okay… Umm, Mylene, since it’s your birthday, please don’t make such a sad face. It’ll work out.
Image Exactly. This is a happy day. You need to smile.
Image I mean… It’s not from this celebration. It’s because everyone…might be gone tomorrow…
Image Geez, you have such a pathetic look on your face. Good luck, Gamlin. Come on guys.
[Everyone else leaves]
Image Um… Mylene, take this.
Image Thank you… Wow, it’s a ring. Is something wrong?
Image I bought it before we left Earth. I actually wanted it to be my birthstone, but I’m in the Diamond Force, so it’s a diamond. …If I return alive, please wear this on your left ring finger.
Image Eh?
Image Well then, Mylene. Gamlin Kizaki of the Diamond Force is going.
(Small note, Gamlin’s birthday is listed as January 17, 2026. That would make his birthstone a garnet.)

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image It’s time to leave.
Image Amuro…
Image This is… A Defold reaction! Acting Captain Milia, Staff Officer Exedor, Varauta forces are approaching!
Image Many small enemy mechs detected. Two Code PDs have been confirmed!
Image What the heck?
Image Two Protodeviln…?
Image …We have no choice but to cancel the operation. All units, detach Fold Boosters and shift into intercept mode.
(Only Exedor, Sally, Miho, and Milia are in the bridge)
Image What are you talking about, Max! If two Protodeviln are here instead of the enemy’s base, this is the best chance to hit Geppelnitch’s body!
Image But…
Image Commander Max, we will stay behind. Leave the defense of Battle 7 to me. It will be half of the planned number, but it won’t make much of a difference.
Image Yes. We’ll do whatever it takes to stop them here.
Image Godspeed, Max!
Image I don’t care either way. Just hurry up.
Image …Understood. Sorry, but help us out.
Image Let’s go, Captain.
Image Anyone who answers this call from now on will have to leave Stargazer. Begin disconnecting your Fold Booster immediately. We will intercept the approaching Varauta forces.
Image Gamlin… Basara… Papa…
Image Mylene, wait!
Image I’m going! I don’t want the people who are precious to me to leave me! I’m going to go with them!
Image You fool.
Image I may be a fool, but I…
Image No, you’re not. If you’re going to go, I want you to wear this. This is the wing mark I had when I was flying with Max. With this, no matter how dangerous, you will make it.
Image Mama…
Image It’s going to be okay. You’re Max and my daughter, so have confidence in yourself. Now go!
Image Yes!

Image Did they leave…?
Image Yeah… I hope everyone returns safely…
Image Amuro, be careful…
Image It’s okay, Beltorchika. I’ll do something about this.
Image The Protodeviln and Varauta will soon be within combat range!
Image All remaining units, please hurry up and take off!

You got eight choices to help defend the homeland. Please note that anyone you deploy on this map, including the forced Char and Amuro, cannot deploy on the next chapter. Pick your units wisely and don’t stack all of your leveled characters in one chapter over the other. You also cannot choose any Sound Force, which is annoying since Ray is my main support and it’ll be rough taking down a Protodeviln without singing.

Image Oh, it’s the same as Commander Max’s machine. The latest prototype Valkyrie, huh?
Image You guys got the short end of the stick. Sorry, but I’m going to have to run you over now.
Image Is that Acting Captain Milia!? Please go back. We…
Image Who do you think you’re talking to, Captain? I’ve been an ace since before you were even born. My arms haven’t slowed down yet.
Image But…
Image The enemy is two Protodeviln… And we don’t have the Sound Force. But I’ll do my best to protect you. Alright! Staff Officer Exedor, prepare the reaction warheads!

Image Ohohoho.
Image Hohohoho.
Image Spiritia Farm.
Image Anima Spiritia.
Image All will
Image becomes ours.
Image Fire the reaction warheads at the Protodeviln.
Image A-are we really going to use the reaction warheads…?
Image Lieutenant Miho, do I need to repeat myself?
Image R-reaction warheads, target lock. Targeting the Protodeviln.
Image Fire.
Image Reaction warheads, FIRE!!

Image Did it work?
Image No… It didn’t.
Image Ohohoho. Useless.
Image At this rate
Image we will absorb
Image their Spiritia.
Image Even if we use reactive weapons… They really are monsters.
Image Apparently we’ll have to get close and attack directly. Everyone, let’s go! Follow me!
Image All units, repel the Protodeviln at all costs! Attack with everything you’ve got!!

First, Milia’s new ride.

[VF-22S Sturmvogel II]
The VF-22S’s are slightly better than the Excaliburs in every single way at base value. Really, it’s just another Valkyrie.

Only by taking this route will all non-singing Valkyries and Battle 7 gain a new attack, the Reaction Warheads. They have low ammo but deal massive damage, giving Valkyries a proper finisher.

Thankfully there’s no enemy reinforcements on this map, nor is there a second part. On the other hand, there’s twin Protodeviln and you’ll have to defeat one of them without any singing and with about half of your normal built up units. No pressure, right?

When you make your way to these Protodeviln, you may think to separate them. It’s actually in your best interest to keep them together. That’s because they will default in doing their combination attack, which massively drains the EN from both of them and limits the amount of attacks they can put out. Just use defensive spirits.

You only need to beat one of the twins to finish the map and they thankfully don’t support defend each other. Focus fire and, even while dealing half damage and them having HP regen, they’ll fall easier than expected. Easier, not faster.

Image Ohohohoho. Not enough
Image Spiritia.
Image It’s not here.
Image The Anima Spiritia.
Image Then
Image it’s over there.
Image We will stop it.
Image Hohohoho!
[Every remaining enemy leaves]

Image The Varauta and Protodeviln’s withdrawal confirmed.
Image They’re planning something…
Image Oh dear. I can feel my life expectancy shortening.
Image (I wonder how long my own lifespan is…)
Image Operation complete. Good work everyone. Return to base.
Image They looked beaten… But…
Image Yeah… I guess we can’t properly fight the Protodeviln without Basara…
Image They’re too tough. I figured we couldn’t beat them outright. At least we were able to push them back.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image The issue is that the reactive warheads don’t work on Protodeviln.
Image Then…
Image We were relying on reactive weaponry for Stargazer, so now it’s bound to fail.
Image Maybe that will happen. The operation is a failure.
Image No way.
Image So then the Captain…
Image Basara and the Sound Force is our only hope… I wonder how far the soundwaves will travel…
Image Acting Captain Milia, Staff Officer Exedor, I propose we Fold to the fourth planet in the Varauta system. We need to help them.
Image …That seems to be our only real option. We will head to the fourth planet’s orbit as soon as we can. You got that, Admiral Exedor?
Image There’s no guarantee that it’ll be safe but…it can’t be helped.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:35 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Last time, THE BOYS saved a planet and a sibling relationship.

Gishin Route Chapter 32: Cowardly Emperor Zuul
Chapter 31 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 33 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Ra Cailum, Maintenance Deck]
Image You’re doing it wrong! What do you think you’re doing? Hurry it up!
Image Tanosuke, here, over here!
Image Ochame, stop fooling around. Norman, can you help me out here?
Image Yes, leave it to me. Don’t worry about a thing.
Image Man, this sucks.
Image But it’s kinda amazing..
Image Sorry Yui, but can you bring me three drink packs? I can’t let go of this. Uso, tell Haro not to fly away.
Image I’ll bring it right away. Come with me, Ochame.
Image Sorry, I’d like something to eat too.
Image Haro, over here! Don’t get in everyone’s way.
Image Koji, Tomas, what are you doing? We’re just in the way if we stick around.
Image You’re right, Tetsuya. It’s time for you all to get some rest.
Image Even if you say that, I just can’t fall asleep.
Image It’s a pilot’s duty to rest. Take some sleeping pills if you need them. We have to take turns resting, so don’t waste any time. Don’t forget that we’re not in the Earth Sphere anymore. We’re deep in enemy territory.

[Ra Cailum, Officer’s Dining Room]
Image Phew, I’m exhausted. Oh, you must be tired too. What’s up, Captains?
Image Very. Thanks to Roze’s help, it looks like we’re heading straight to the star system where Planet Gishin is.
Image Yes… It’s the best choice we can make.
Image Mmm. Since we left Roze’s planet, we’ve already fought the Gishin army three times.
Image We need to hurry up and reach Zuul soon or we’re done for.
Image Seriously. I’m exhausted.
Image Oh, everyone’s here. Ryoma, Gai said he’s pretty much done. Roze, would you like a drink?
Image Thanks. Something cold.
Image Hey Roze, what does Emperor Zuul look like?
Image Oh right. He’s a Gishin like Takeru and Marg, so under his helmet he has a normal face, right?
Image I bet he looks interesting.
Image I don’t know.
Image But you’ve met him before, haven’t you?
Image Yes, but he never shows his true face. I don’t think anyone, not even Commander Waal, has seen his face.
Image Emperor Zuul, huh…

Image So, are you used to eating food yet?
Image I am. We just need energy, so I never bothered to go through all this trouble. But I’m used to it now. It’s not bad. I really like this soup.
Image Which one is that… Hey, that's just nutrients. Didn’t that one get the worst reviews?
Image What’s wrong with your sense of taste? It’s weird.
Image I guess. I wouldn’t say it’s delicious, but I don’t think it’s that bad…
Image …Correction. Your taste buds are weird.

[Planet Gishin, Palace]
Image Commander Waal, what’s the situation?
Image You’re back. Lady Gandal, is something wrong with Gandal?
Image He won’t come out. Must have gotten scared.
Image Hmm… Well, I don’t care either way.
Image (I finally managed to put that fool to sleep. I can’t stand to see him come out now. I’m tired of leaving my fate to other people.)
Image What’s the matter, Lady Gandal? You’ve heard about the Earthlings, right? His Majesty wishes for an immediate resolution. As I told you, we’ll flank them on two sides.
Image I know how tough they are. Commander Waal, do you think we have a chance of winning? We might need to rethink our plan…
Image We don’t have time for that! It’s fine. His Majesty will help us if necessary. He won’t abandon us.
Image If you say so. Alright, let’s begin preparations for the operation.

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Fold out complete. I’ll get used to this unpleasant feeling, right?
Image Eventually.
Image No abnormalities in any part of the ship. Nothing wrong with Guide Dog either.
Image Good. Any thoughts, Roze?
Image …There’s no mistaking it. This is Gishin Star System One. Over there is the fifth planet. Planet Gishin is the fourth planet.
Image At last.
Image We’re finally here. Now to get close to Zuul.
Image Yeah. We’re fortunate to receive a lot of repair and supplies on that planet we liberated two days ago. Dr. Earl, how is Prince Harlin?
Image He’s still recovering, but hasn’t regained consciousness yet. At the moment he’s stable, but…
Image I see…
Image Will Zuul send another fleet?
Image Commander Waal won’t back down. And it wouldn’t be strange if Commander Gandal’s Vega fleet is also here. They’re not like the ones who've been fighting since they left my planet.
Image Waal and Gandal, huh…
Image I bet they’ll show up. They don’t have the slightest intention of negotiating. They’ll do what they can to stop us.
Image But we have to try regardless…
Image I know. We’re willing to do everything we can too.
Image Captain, a Gishin fleet is approaching!
Image They’re here already. Everyone, level one battle stations! Wake up everyone who’s resting! All pilots, prepare for takeoff!
Image It’s Commander Waal. No doubt about it.
Image He’s after us again.
Image Guide Dog, evacuate from the expected battle area! Hurry!

Image Commander Waal, stop the attack and withdraw your troops!
Image Silence, Marg. I’ll wipe you out along with the Earthlings!
Image Commander Waal of the Imperial Guard, please listen to me. We’ve come here to treat with Emperor Zuul, not to fight. As proof of that, we haven’t launched our own troops yet. Please let us through. I promise we won’t attack you. Please trust me.
Image Damn Earthlings. You’ve caused so much trouble for our empire and yet you keep saying this.
Image That was for self-defense. We certainly didn’t initiate anything.
Image Thanks to you guys, the Gishin Empire is in chaos. Furthermore, His Majesty will not negotiate with you guys who sport traitors and the Helios royal family. If you think I’m lying, go to Planet Gishin and meet with Emperor Zuul yourself! But only if you can defeat us!
Image Roger, this seems to be useless.
Image Dammit, I guess we have to fight after all…
Image Let’s defeat Waal’s fleet and head to Planet Gishin!

15 deployment slots. This is another multi-part chapter, but the twist is that each battle map is the size of a full chapter in of itself.

Basic map and strategy. Camp in the asteroid field next to where the map begins. It’ll be far enough away from Lady Gandal’s eventual appearance for you to reposition. Waal is accompanied by Baren, so watch out if you suddenly get hit by what you thought was a weak grunt.

Once there are five enemies remaining…

Image Oh no! Captain, the Vega fleet just appeared! How could this be!
Image What?
Image They’re behind us! The Ra Cailum is sandwiched between the enemy!
Image Damn, we’re completely pincered. Someone, respond to the Vega fleet! If the Ra Cailum goes down in a place like this, there’s no chance of rescue! Gun turrets, fire a barrage! Don’t let the enemy get close!
Image Hehehe. Here comes the Vega fleet. All according to plan. Stupid Earthlings can’t even sink a battleship! There’s nothing they can do now. We’ll wipe them out in one fell swoop.
Image Mars. Kento Tate. Duke Fleed. Earthlings. The time has finally come for us to battle face to face. Go, Blacky. Begin the attack!
Image Lady Gandal, ma’am! We’ll finish you off, Earthlings. This time for sure! All units, begin an all-out attack! The target is the enemy battleship! Ignore everyone else and focus on their battleship!

Vegans to the south now. These guys will zero-in on the Ra Cailum and only attack your other units if their main target isn’t available. Blacky is there too. My best advice is to focus on finishing off Waal’s side, hopefully before the Vegans reach your army.

Blacky and Baran actually have slightly different lines depending on who deals the final blow.

Image Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!! D-Damn you Duke Fleed!!
Image Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!! D-Damn you Daltanious!!
Image Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!! D-Damn you Mars!!
Image Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!! D-Damn you Roze, you traitor!!
Image Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!! D-Dammit, why me!!

Image D-Damn you Grendizer! Kyaaaaaa!
Image D-Damn you Daltanious! Kyaaaaaa!
Image D-Damn you Mars! Kyaaaaaa!
Image D-Damn you Roze! How dare you turn traitor! Kyaaaaaaa!
Image D-Damn you… Kyaaaaaaaa!

Both Waal and Lady Gandal retreat at 20% HP (8200 and 6500 respectively).

Image Dammit, this is bad. It’s getting even more dangerous for us. Retreat! Retreat!

Image This is as I expected… What the hell are you doing! We need to retreat! Hurry!

This first part ends as soon as all the enemies are gone.

Image What the heck was that…
Image I’ve confirmed that both the Imperial Guard and Vega fleets have retreated. There are no enemies remaining nearby.
Image Waal and Lady Gandal have retreated…
Image Whew… Looks like we managed to hold out…
Image Yeah… This battle is over. All units, return to base. We don’t have much time to spare. We need to head to Planet Gishin as soon as possible. Beltorchika, rendezvous with Guide Dog ASAP.

[Ra Cailum, Hangar]
Image You’re in the way! If you don’t want to get crushed, move!
Image It’s no use, I can’t move another step.
Image This is really rough…
Image What are you doing!? Hustle! Let’s head straight for Planet Gishin!
Image P-please slow down. Let me rest for a bit.
Image What happened to your usual energy, Yahagi? Looks like you haven’t trained hard enough.
Image Dammit, don’t lump me in with you professional soldiers. I’m not…
Image Hmph. Quit whining. That’s not like you.
Image Tch, you want me to show you spirit?
Image Oh come on, again!?
Image They’re attacking in waves…
Image Since there’s a large difference in strength, this is an expected plan of attack.
Image What are you talking about!
Image No… This isn’t an enemy fleet.
Image What?
Image …Everyone, be careful. Something is coming… Something huge.
Image Takeru, if it’s not an enemy, what is it?
Image Kamille, the external video monitor!
Image Wh-what the hell is that!?
Image That’s… Oh no. A space storm!
Image Space…
Image Storm!?
Image W-what’s that!?
Image Impossible, a space storm in a place like this?
Image Yeah… This isn’t normal. It’s literally impossible.
Image Its timing couldn’t be worse. It’s actually heading our way! What should we do?
Image Tetsuya, we have no choice but to avoid it.
Image Um, Beltorchika? This is Cliana. Roze and Takeru say that a space storm is heading for us. What’s going on?
Image Dr. Earl says that it’s an unnatural space storm. We may not be able to dodge it in time. Everyone who’s free, please prioritize securing the mechs!
Image No… That space storm is aiming for this ship!
Image What!? It can’t be… Is this Zuul’s power that the rumors spoke about…
Image What the…
Image Tch. Guys, just secure your units! Astonaige, help direct us! Hurry!

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Ugh…
Image Can the engine output any more!?
Image At this rate, we won’t be able to dodge it in time!!
Image Ye gods!
Image Oh no, it’s here!
Image Everyone, brace for impact!
[Storm sounds]
Image Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!
[Fade to white]

Image Dammit… What happened…
Image Where… are we…?
Image It looks like we’ve made an emergency landing on some planet. We need to check the hull post haste…
Image Is it due to the space storm?
Image We’re getting a message from Guide Dog.
Image Are they alright?
[Monitor turns on]
Image Unfortunately, we’re not. The Fold mechanism has sustained significant damage. We’re checking it now, but it doesn’t look good.
Image In the meantime, we need to confirm where we are. Bring Roze to the bridge.

Image This is… Planet Gishin…?
Image What?
Image Marg, can you confirm?
Image Yes. This is definitely Planet Gishin.
Image This is the planet I was born on…?
Image Ah… It is, Mars. Our birth planet.
Image Father, mother… I’ve finally come back. Now to meet Zuul.
Image Mars…
Image That’s strange… If this is Planet Gishin, the Empire’s homeland, why haven’t any enemies come at us yet?
Image …I don’t know. Let’s head to Emperor Zuul’s palace.

Image Ugh… Your Majesty, why did you drag me into this…? Ah, is this Planet Gishin!? How stupid!
Image Lady Gandal, it seems your retreat was too late.
Image Your Majesty… What is this…
Image I’ve drawn the line. It’s convenient that you’re here. Go, Lady Gandal. Eliminate Mars and the Earthlings. Failure is no longer an option.
Image B-But my remaining fleet…
Image I’ll go myself and bring reinforcements. You can fight without worry.
Image Y-yes sir!

Image Astonaige, what’s the situation? Can we move the Ra Cailum yet?
Image We’re working on it! It’ll take a little longer!

Image …Earthlings. Looks like their battleship is also damaged. Very good. Everyone, begin the attack. Emperor Zuul will support us. Fight to your last breath!
Image They’re here…
Image Wait! How much longer do you intend to prolong this battle?
Image What are you saying, little Earth girl? It was you who came all the way here to fight us.
Image It’s because you attacked Earth first. We’ve come here to ask Emperor Zuul to stop fighting. Please, let us meet him.
Image I cannot do that. His Majesty ordered us to eliminate you!
Image Wait! We can go out on our own to meet Emperor Zuul. We’ll leave our mechs and army here.
Image Takeru?
Image I’ll go too, Mars. As a member of a planet ruled by Zuul.
Image …Are you sure about this Commander? If negotiations break down, they’ll just attack us. All we need is for you to let our representative meet Emperor Zuul. From what I can see, it seems that your own forces aren’t fully ready. Even if we call a temporary truce, we will remain as we are, but you can still resupply. It’s not a bad deal.
Image Are you serious?
Image Of course.
Image No… I can’t. If I did that, His Majesty would be furious. Enough talk, time to attack!
Image …Looks like it’s impossible after all. That’s enough, Roger. We’ll fight back and get to Zuul.
Image There’s no way around it. All pilots, hurry up and launch!

Another 15 units.

Lady Gandal’s retinue isn’t anything special, but the four battleships surrounding her will always try to be adjacent to their boss. If one moves, the all will move and maintain formation as best as they can. For that reason, it’s best to destroy all of those battleships before the boss lady. And while they will support defend her, she won’t defend them, which makes things slightly less tedious. I mean it’s either that or eat through four support defenses. Also if the previous dialog didn’t make it obvious, the Ra Cailum can’t move.

She falls without saying another word. And once all of these initial enemies are defeated…

Image The Vega fleet has been annihilated.
Image Brother… We’ve finally defeated the Vegans… Those damn demons.
Image Yeah… Maria. But…
Image Dammit… Why does it feel terrible to finally defeat them?
Image Koji…
Image Everyone, replenish supplies and remain on guard.
Image …Why did you do this? Why did we have to fight such a pointless battle…
Image Bad news everyone! A high-energy reaction is appearing!
Image Oh god…

Image Lady Gandal, you useless buffoon.
Image That’s… Emperor Zuul!?
Image Hahahahaha!! Well done, fool, well done!
Image Zuul! You’ve finally shown yourself!
Image Traitor Mars and Earthlings. It seems you have something to discuss with me. Have you come to offer your surrender?
Image Emperor Zuul, I am Relena Peacecraft. I’m here to represent Earth and negotiate with you. You say that Earth is dangerous, so you intend to destroy it. Why is that? What’s so dangerous about our planet?
Image There’s nothing I can teach you, worms. You should just shut up and hand me your planet. You want to negotiate with me, the ruler of the galaxy!? Don’t make me laugh!
Image If you are the ruler, look at all the rebellions happening as we speak! Isn’t it because your methods are wrong that this is happening? Why don’t you understand that? If you change your mind and govern peacefully, you will be respected by the people as a great ruler.
Image Silence, girl! Everyone in this galaxy must kneel and swear obedience before me. I am the ruler of the galaxy. My will is the will of the galaxy. Those who oppose me should die and realize their foolishness. You are no exception. Your corpses will lay here.
Image What a guy…
Image …I expected this, but it’s terrifying.
Image Yeah… I can’t believe he’s this far gone…
Image Curse you, Zuul…
Image But you’ve come this far. If you pledge your loyalty to me and join my army, I’ll forgive you just this once.
Image What…?
Image The traitors, Mars, Roze, and Marg. Hand them over to me. I will not forgive them. They will die. That is how I do things.
Image Roze is not a traitor! I’ve come to plead for true peace in the Gishin Empire!
Image Don’t be stupid. I decide everything about the Empire. Cease your arrogance! I am the emperor of the galaxy!
Image Dammit.. Zuul!!
Image You’ve got to be kidding me! You think we can get forgiveness by handing over Takeru and Roze to someone like you!?
Image Yeah. If you do that, I’ll beat you to a pulp!
Image Yes… Negotiations won’t work with someone as dishonest as you. I’ve decided not to negotiate or make deals with people like you.
Image Relena… Zuul intends to destroy everything that doesn’t suit his will. But the situation has changed with Kloppen’s betrayal and the rebellion among the planets under his control. We are warriors. We’ll fight and defeat Zuul. Right now, that's all we can do. If we can defeat him, we can buy time to discuss peace.
Image Heero…
Image Hahahahaha!! Do you think you can defeat me, worm? Die!
[Zuul gains 30 will]
Image You’re pure evil… I’ve never seen anything as evil as you! You are the ultimate evil! Zuul, I will personally defeat you!!
Image Zuul… Have you forgotten? If I die, this planet will be blown to smithereens along with you!
Image You’re welcome to try.
Image What!?
Image Everyone, are you ready!? The only way to protect the Earth Sphere and return alive is to fight Zuul. Protect Takeru and defeat Zuul no matter what. It’s the only way.

Before you rush over to fight Zuul, I would recommend putting everyone into the Ra Cailum for a few turns. Zuul’s reinforcements won’t actually move towards you until someone is within range. Use this time to heal and resupply. Once you’re ready, go ahead and rush his army.

Zuul lacks MAP attacks, but he does sport HP and EN regen. He also won’t move and his retinue will act in the same way as Lady Gandal’s. To be honest, he’s more annoying than hard since his longest range attack is up to 9 squares away, but he’ll prioritize fighting Takeru if he’s in range. Use this information as you want.

He’s also got some fighting words for some of our combatants.

Image Zuul… Feel the hatred from the citizens of Planet Fleed!
Image Planet Flee? That insignificant speck?
Image Damn you, demon!!

Image Zuul, prepare yourself!!
Image You’re just a bug. Die!!

Image You’re a fool, boy of Helios. If you’d just stay hidden, you wouldn’t have to die. But you had to defy me instead!
Image Shut up! Bastard, you’ve done as you please for too long! Prepare yourself!

Image Gascon, eh? You’ve defied me until now. Time to finish you off.
Image Zuul, the time has finally come. Time for our showdown!

Image ZUUL!!
Image Hahahahaha. Die, Mars!!

Image Curse you Marg… You’re still alive. I’ll kill anyone who opposes me.
Image Damn you Zuul! I’ll never forgive you for killing my parents and brainwashing me into killing my brother!
Image Hahahahaha. Fool! I won’t kill you quickly, so prepare yourself!

Image Traitor. If you want to die so badly, I’ll oblige.
Image Zuul, I won’t lose! I’ll never lose to someone like you!

Once you get through his army and defenders, Zuul eventually falls. Or does he?

Image Did we do it!?

Image Hahahahaha. Is that all you got!?
Image What the hell!?
Image Tch, is there no limit to his energy!?
Image You’ve got to be shitting me.
Image At this rate…
Image Wahahahahaha!! What a waste! The only way to really defeat me is with the Anti-proton bomb. Can you really use it, Mars?
Image Dammit… Everyone, please forgive me. I’m going to explode Gaia here and now for the sake of peace in the universe.
Image Wha- What the hell!?
Image T-Takeru, that means…
Image D-does that mean we’ll all be destroyed as well!?
Image (Oh no!)
Image …But maybe this is the only way to defeat Zuul…
Image But Zechs…
Image (That’s strange… Why can’t I see anyone else even though we’ve been fighting so much? Wait, it can’t be!?)
Image Mars!!
Image What is it, brother?
Image This is Zuul’s psychic power! Don’t be fooled, this isn’t Planet Gishin! That’s just another of Zuul’s shadows!!
Image What!? I see… Zuul! You tricked me and tried to make Gaia explode on this planet!
Image Oh, you finally noticed?
Image Zuul you bastard!!
Image Hahahahaha. As expected, you fell for it. But the next time we meet, it’ll be your time to die. Remember that well!! Wahahahahahahaha!!
[Fades to white]

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
[Fades back in from white]
Image Ah, the scenery!
Image This… This is a completely different planet from before.
Image Yes… Even the position of the stars has changed. This isn’t Planet Gishin at all. Zuul… What a frightening power…
Image Phew… We nearly died in vain.
Image Captain, it’s the enemy! Those are from the Vega fleet…
Image What?
[Phone ringing]
Image Communication incoming. Switching to monitor.
[Monitor turns on]
Image Earthlings, I am Lady Gandal of the Gishin Empire. I have no intention of fighting. I want you to hear me out.
Image What the hell is going on…

Image Yes. I saw everything that happened between you and Emperor Zuul. I have seen your intentions and I saw that Zuul tried to blow up this planet along with me. In the end, I was nothing more than another of Zuul’s battle machines…
Image So what do you want?
Image You should know by now that Emperor Zuul won’t talk. I want to kill him.
Image What did you say!?
Image I return, if we are successful, I want you to go back to Earth. I want to end Zuul and this war. I want the independence of each planet and for Helios to be recognized. My home planet Vega no longer exists. In truth, I would be happy if I could have a planet where I could live in peace. And I would like to discuss future plans with Kento Tate and Lord Gascon of Helios.
Image You destroyed my planet and you expect us to believe you?
Image I can’t trust you!!
Image Wait, you two. I know how you feel, but I think she’s speaking the truth.
Image Yeah… There’s also the matter of Kloppen.
Image But they’re completely different.
Image But… If all goes well, we won’t have to fight a pointless battle.
Image Commander Gandal and Lady Gandal share the same body, but they’re completely different people. Lady Gandal is smart. I think her contracting us like this shows her intentions. But Commander Gandal is someone who has sworn absolute loyalty to Zuul. He can’t agree with this.
Image …Two people in one body… That’s kinda like you.
Image That may be true, but…
Image (I hate being compared to someone like that!)
Image Hmph… I never thought you would say that, Roze. It’ll be fine. I’ve put Gandal to sleep. He won’t get in the way.
Image What should we do, Colonel? The final decision is yours.
Image …Very well, Lady Gandal. We’ll try it. However, we’re heading to Planet Gishin regardless. We’ll verify things there.
Image Thank you. I’ll see you on Planet Gishin.

Image Hahahahaha. That’s all we can do. Unfortunately, we can only perform one more Fold.
Image It’s frustrating, but I don’t have much knowledge about the Fold mechanism. I can’t do any more repairs .
Image Looks like we have to go to Planet Gishin anyway. Unless we can make peace or defeat Zuul, there’s nothing else we can do…
Image That seems to be the case.
Image So it’s finally come to this…
Image Either Lady Gandal is deceiving us, or if she’s telling the truth and fails, then it’ll be a showdown with Zuul…

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]
Image Did you hear? We can only Fold one more time.
Image That means it’s do or die on Planet Gishin.
Image I expected this from the beginning.
Image You guys are crazy. If you’d stay behind…you wouldn’t have had to get involved in all this.
Image It’s alright, bro.
Image Yes… It’s going to be fine. As long as we’re all together.
Image You’ve got this bros!
Image Yeah, why are you acting so weak? All we have to do is beat up that Zuul guy, right?
Image You make it sound easy.
Image Uso…
Image It’ll be fine, Shakti. We’ll all go back to Earth together.
Image Kento, Kento! Your dad just woke up!
Image Dad? Really!?

[Ra Cailum, Medical Room]
Image D-Dad…
Image Oh, Kento. I’ve heard a lot from Dr. Earl and Dorothy. About Kloppen and Zuul. You’ve done well. So well…
Image Yes, Prince Harlin. It’s time to avenge His Majesty the Great Emperor and raise the banner of revival for Helios!
Image Are you still on that, old man? This isn’t the time for that.
Image What are you saying, boy? Peace cannot be restored to this war-torn galaxy without Helios’ power. Prine Harlin and Lord Kento are the only ones who can do it!

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 10:30 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
The goal of the puzzle is simple: protect the two destroyed colonies. Treize starts off with Valor and Charge. Move him to the top right square in the left colony and blast the southernmost enemy with his Dober Gun. Move Char to Treize’s right and hit the now-southernmost enemy with his Beam Shot Rifle. Finally, have Zechs use Snipe, move him to Treize’s left and destroy that same enemy with Heat Rod. Pass turn and defend all attacks.

Victory gets 50k money and a Support Attack +3 skill part.
  • Moved Gamlin back to the FA Thunderbolt
  • Gave said Thunderbolt a Megabooster and a New Alloy Z
  • Mazinger Z gets +3 Armor and +2 EN
  • White Ark gets two Megaboosters and a Hybrid Armor
  • Fabularis gets a Biosensor
A quick note about this chapter. I believe that some lines of dialog change who’s talking depending on who you use between this and the last stage. What happens here is from my own playthrough, so yours might be different.

Last time, we played defense against the Protodeviln while we launched a Tactical Bard.

Lux Route Chapter 33: Nightmarish Strategy
Chapter 32 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 34 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Varauta System, Above the Fourth Planet]
Image Stargazer, huh? This is the only plan I could come up with, so I guess you can’t call me a genius…
Image (Ever since I met Basara, I had a premonition that this day would come… Never thought things would get this bad… Well, I’ll stick with you until the end.)
Image Good job Mylene. Don’t force yourself.
Image Gamlin, um, this ring…
Image We’ll talk after this operation is over.
Image But what if we…
Image Mylene, those words are taboo for those heading into battle.
Image Mylene, what are you doing!? The concert venue is their home base. Get pumped! Fire!
Image All units, are you done with your preparations? Begin the assault on the fourth planet! Godspeed!


Select ten units to bring into this stage. Remember, you cannot deploy units you used in the last stage, as they’re still with Battle 7. Don’t be afraid to deploy less if you lack good units, but make sure you bring some support units to compensate for the lack of a battleship.

Image Dammit, there’s so many…
Image They’re already here to greet us. All units, your target is the Polar Star. Avoid combat as much as possible…

Image Get here!
Image Uooooooh! Feeling the burn! Your opponent is me! Listen to my song!!
Image Basara!? Hey, slow down!
Image I’m not one for sneaking around. I’ll sing in the open and will arrive there first!
Image Hey Basara, what are you thinking!!

Gamlin, Max, and the Sound Force are forced deploys and a game over condition if any of them gets shot down. Note that Gamlin isn’t forced into his Excalibur, which is why I swapped him back into the Thunderbolt before the stage.

Speaking of Max.

[VF-22S Sturmvogel II]
It’s the same as Milia’s VF-22, but blue. In the future, if you don’t deploy Max, he’ll resume captaining Battle 7. I think he’s better off there than on the front lines in a Valkyrie, though his spirit set is more for dogfighting than battleship-ing.

This stage is a gauntlet and a half. You can either defeat all enemies (which is what I'm opting to do for money reason), or you can rush to the enemy battleship, destroy it, and get any unit onto the designated point. If you choose the murder route, be warned that enemies will spawn in waves when there’s five enemies left on the field. And there’s a total of three different enemy reinforcement waves for a grand total of 65 total enemies.

The best advice I can give is to buff up everyone not only with Totsugeki Love Heart, but extreme amounts of Planet Dance for the stacking accuracy buffs. The Varauta are still extremely hard to hit and every little bit helps.

Fight through the hordes of enemies and make your way to the battleship. It sports 65k HP, but will fall like the rest. But before you can get a unit onto Polar Star…

Image Have the Samples’ indomitable fighting spirit led them to launch a counterattack? That’s what makes you beautiful. But this is your end. Beautiful annihilation!
Image Gavil, a dream came to me from the other side. Save me the trouble. Capture the Anima Spiritia.
Image Yes, Lord Geppelnitch! Let’s go, Glavil!
Image Guoooooo!!
Image P-Protodeviln… So their numbers haven’t decreased at all… If this continues, we’ll…
Image Don’t complain! We are Fire Bomber! The stage is right in front of you, so sing, Mylene! Let’s go!!
Image There you are, Anima Spiritia! Your capture is our top priority. This is the beauty of action!

Image You came here to listen to my song? I’ll let you hear it!
[A flash of Spiritia]
Image Ugh. I’m not stupid like Gigil! I’m actually smart!

Image Why you…!

Image Oi! This guy is far more annoying than the Anima Spiritia!
Image I’ll play with this one! Go, Basara! I believe in your song!!
Image Gamlin…
Image I’ll never forgive you!

Image Uooooooooo!!

Image Damn you. The beauty of combat shines brighter than ever. I too will add a flower to that beauty!

Image What!?
Image Kukuku! Beauty in attacking thoroughly!
Image Ugh… M-Mylene…

Image Wha… Captain Gamlin!?
Image Gamlin!?
Image Eh… Gamlin…!?
Image Fufufu. This is the beauty of a complete crushing!
Image Kuh… Gamlin has fallen…
Image No way… Captain Gamlin is…
Image No… You’re lying… No, no no!! Gamlin! Gamlin!!
Image Mylene, pull yourself together!
Image You… Why you! Why don’t you understand!!?

Technically this encounter with Gavil and Glavil is optional. Just have any unit get on the objective square. But where’s the fun (and money) in that? Plus, we gotta get revenge for Gamlin. Thankfully neither Protodeviln retreat, so take them out one at a time. Glavil has the MAP attack, but Gavil is a pain in the ass to actually hit and running out of SP before you can increase your chances to hit him would be disastrous.

Now once those Protodeviln are defeated…

Image It looks like we’ve dealt with all the enemies on the ground for now. All units, enter Polar Star immediately!

[Varauta System, Inside a Cave on the Fourth Planet]
Image Dammit. Gep-something, where the hell are you! Listen to my heart. Listen to my song!!
Image Fufufufu. Welcome, Anima Spiritia. I’ve been waiting for the moment.
[A flash of light]
Image Ga!?
Image …!! …!!
Image What’s wrong, Basara!?
Image Fufufu. He’s silenced. You can’t mislead us now.
Image Captain…
Image So they were expecting this… All units, evacuate! Use the reaction warheads!
[Fire the missiles]
Image Hmph. Pointless.
Image What!?
[A flash of light]
Image Impossible… The reaction warheads disappeared…!?
Image My name is Geppelnitch. Samples, end your resistance. Let us talk about our dreams together. Between the twinkling of the stars.
Image Ugh… We’re surrounded…
Image If you follow my dreams, I guarantee your life.
Image Gamlin… You killed Gamlin! Give him back. Give Gamlin back!
Image Mylene… Calm down.
Image Death is a bursting bubble. It is not what I desire. If we had shared the same dream, the creation of a Spiritia Farm, then that pointless loss of life could have been avoided.
Image What… What the hell!
Image Fufufu. Spiritia levels are increasing. The path of hardship suits the Spiritia regeneration race well. Spiritia is like clear water seeping into the sand. But the Spiritia Farm is eternal. The Anima Spiritia’s sound waves rain down, and the lost Spiritia will come back like a bubbling spring.
Image !!
Image (Dammit. The Anima Spiritia’s sound waves!? They don’t understand what my songs are!)
Image Basara…
Image If you don’t want Planet Earth to become stardust, follow my orders, Samples.

Image Stay here and be quiet.
[The soldier leaves]
Image We’re trapped… Separating Basara from us was intentional. Still, it’s unbelievable to think that Geppelnitch was once a human like us.
Image Yes, it really feels like a demon is possessing a human. Unbelievable.
Image …Uuuu…
Image Kii…
Image …What’s wrong, Mylene?
Image Gamlin… Gamlin sacrificed his life for us…
Image This is just the beginning. It’s too early to despair.
Image Captain… What should we do? If we stay trapped here, Battle 7 will…
Image Of course we’re breaking out.
Image You have a plan?
Image Umm… The soldiers here are probably brainwashed humans from the unified army. If they can listen to our singing, I think something might happen.
Image I see… If we could seize a communication device and stream Mylene’s song directly to their helmets, it might be possible to suppress their mind control and incapacitate them.
Image Hmm… It’s worth a try.
Image I can’t… I can’t sing… Because Gamlin is…
Image Mylene, why did you come here? Did you come here to cry? Gamlin fought, risking his life. You know what he fought for.
Image Mylene… Are you going to let the Captain’s feelings go to waste? I know you can sing…for him.
Image I can’t sing a song that creates Song Energy. You’re the only one who can do that now.
Image Papa… Everyone…

Image Hey Basara. You holding up?
Image Ray… What are you all…
Image It looks like you’ve regained your voice.
Image Yeah… Somehow. How did you manage to escape? I thought I heard Mylene singing…
Image Kikii. Kiii!
Image Thanks to Gubaba, we took over the communications room. Mylene sang into these guys’ helmets.
Image I’ve confirmed the hangar’s location. I want to help out the mind controlled soldiers, but right now we need to get out of here. Let’s hustle.
Image Basara, are you alright? Can you walk?
Image Yeah… I felt your song. It touched my heart. I’m sure Gamlin would feel the same.
Image …Mmm.

Image What the hell…
Image That’s… That has to be City 5’s citizens, right?
Image No way… What is this!? Hundreds of thousands of people sleeping in capsules!?
Image No… Their Spiritia is being absorbed. If this continues…
Image What have you done? I’ll never forgive them! Mylene, sing! We’ll wake them up with our song!!
Image Basara… Okay!

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Fold out complete.
Image …These are the right coordinates. Battle 7 is just behind the Varauta system’s fourth planet’s orbit.
Image So this is the planet where the Protodeviln were sealed away? It’s an ice planet.
Image Can you contact the assault team?
Image I’m calling, but there’s no answer!
Image Keep trying.
Image Char, prepare everyone to deploy. We have to go planetside.
Image But if it’s already destroyed, it’ll be a waste of time. I think it would be best to wait until we can confirm the situation.
Image But…
Image …The Admiral is right. As Acting Captain, I cannot authorize departure until we can confirm anything.
Image Mayor Milia… But…
Image Don’t take your eyes off the monitor!
Image M-ma’am!
Image (Max…)

[Varauta System, Inside a Cave on the Fourth Planet]
Image Everyone, wake up!!
[A flash of Spiritia]
Image Amazing… Basara’s song is…
Image I did it! I’m finally getting it! Basara, just a little bit more!
Image Oh, the Sample’s lost Spiritia is being restored. Fufufu. Rise, Spiritia!
Image Geppelnitch…
Image That’s me. Stop this futile resistance. Don’t even think about running away.
Image What… What are you going to do!?
[A flash of light]
Image T-that’s…
Image Oh no… Everyone was about to wake up…
Image It’s absorbing the Spiritia from Basara and Mylene’s song? Dammit, we just gave Geppelnitch Spiritia…
Image What the hell!?
Image This is my dream, Spiritia Farm! At last, my ultimate dream is taking shape in my hands! Hahahahahahahaha!!
Image No way…
Image We can’t rescue the civilians now. We have to escape.
Image Basara, we have no choice. Come on!
Image Damn…

Image Well?
Image It seems all of our mechs are safe.
Image Good. Everyone, board your mechs! Whatever it takes, we’re getting out of here!
Image What!?
Image Futility is not beautiful. You must obey us. Beautiful obedience!
Image Protodeviln…
Image Kukuku. Don’t worry. You’re necessary for the Spiritia Farm, so we won’t kill you needlessly. Just give up and be quiet. Beautiful surrender!
Image We were so close…
Image What!?
Image UOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I’m your opponent!
Image You’re…
Image That Valkyrie… Gamlin!?
Image Mylene, I’m glad you’re safe. Everything will be fine.
Image Gamline!! Is it really you, Gamlin!?
Image Gamlin, are you intact!?
Image Dammit Gamlin, you made us worry for no reason.
Image It’s you again. I can’t believe you’re still alive.
Image Captain, I’ll hold him off. Hurry! Come at me! Gamlin Kizaki of the Diamond Force will kick you away!!
[Battle sounds]
Image Ugh, what a beautiful resurrection. I’m retreating for now!

Image Thank you for coming. I’m glad you came.
Image It’s nothing. I was hit and left the front line. I’m sorry for leaving and causing you an inconvenience.
Image Hey Gamlin. Wasn’t it you who told me to not do anything reckless?
Image Gamlin! Why did you do something that crazy!? I thought you died out there!
Image Ah… Well, my apologies, Mylene. I…
Image I cried so much… Don’t ever do that again!!
Image Y-yes ma’am!
Image Heh. You sure are pissed.
Image Captain Gamlin, I’m glad you’re safe.
Image Yeah. Likewise.
Image Come on guys, this isn’t the time to relax!
Image Unit check… No problems. Captain Max, we’re good to go!
Image Ok, everyone get on board. Let’s head to the surface first.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image This is Battle 7, please respond. This is Battle 7, are there any survivors!? Please respond!
Image Oh… There’s a change on the surface!
Image Is that… the assault force?
Image …is Blue Geyser. Bat… can you read me? This is Blue Geyser.
Image Max! Are you okay? We’re here to pick you up!
Image I’m sorry, Milia. Colonel Char, the operation has failed. We’ll now leave the fourth planet. Please back us up.
Image Roger.



Choose 5 units from those you deployed from the last stage. Try to include a support unit and also try to avoid units that can’t fly. I… didn’t follow this advice, since, of course, I’m writing this after the fact. Milia’s VF was unupgraded, so I flew her into the far corner where she won’t die.


Also select 4 units from the units you deployed on part one of this chapter. There’s a lot of Varauta between both deployments, so decide carefully. You won’t want to use up all of Basara and Mylene’s Song EN for buffing this time around.

Image Dammit… I’ll never forgive you, Gamlin. Beautiful revenge!

No enemy reinforcements on this stage, thankfully. You just need to kill a lot of Varauta as well as both Gavil and Glavil. No one retreats either. If you have a unit like my Geant Chevalier, which will dodge all attacks and has a decent chance to hit, have it try to solo the left or right flanks. Try to reunite the two forces as soon as possible. Based on positions, the two Protodeviln will head towards the southern forces, so watch out. As always, Focus and Aim will carry you through the enemy phase.

Have Gamlin fight Gavil. This will trip the flag for something in the next chapter.

Image Uwoooooooooo!! I’ll take down the leader’s mech!!
Image Damn you Gamlin. Are you planning to defy me!? Beautiful defiance!!

Gavil does die eventually. Shortly followed by Glavil.

Image Tch!! Damn you. Once again, I…!!

And the map ends once all enemies are dead.

Image Good… All units, leave the planet immediately and return to Battle 7!

Image Ohohoho.
Image Hohohoho.
Image Dammit, are they the ones that attacked Battle 7 just a bit ago?
Image Found you
Image Anima Spiritia.

Image This is

Image Us.
Image What!?

Image Uwaaaaaaa!? D-dammit! My song! My heart!!
Image Oh no, Basara! Eject!!
Image Ohohoho.
Image Hohoho.

Image Guh…
Image Basara!!

Image Sivil.
Image What are you doing?
Image I won’t let you… Basara. Kooooooooooo!!

Image Ooooo!?
Image What
Image are you doing?

Image This is
Image unbearable.

Image …Why did you help me?
Image Anima Spiritia…
Image Sivil…
Image …I want… Spiritia… Hungry…
Image What…?
Image Max! What are you doing? The enemy has only temporarily withdrawn! Get out while you still can! Once everyone is back, we’ll Fold to evacuate this area. Hurry!
Image R-right. All units, withdraw immediately!!

[Varauta System, Fourth Planet]
Image Damn… He got away. To think that my beauty has been tarnished to this extent. I cannot forgive them.
Image Very well, Gavil. Now is the time for our dreams to become reality. Fufufu.
Image Lord Geppelnitch… Have you fully awakened!? Beautiful awakening! For Geppelnitch’s true resurrection, we’ll need more Spiritia. Beautiful action!
Image Hahahahaha.
Image Hohohoho.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image All units are recovered!
Image Still charging Fold energy!
Image A short distance Fold is fine. Just Fold! Get us away from the fourth planet!
Image R-roger! Enter a short distance Fold!
Image At least we survived, somehow.

[Battle 7, Storage]
Image Ugh. That was…
Image Did we Fold out…
Image But it was only a short distance. They might still pursue us. Don’t let your guard down.
Image That’s fine. Everyone, don’t rest for now. The priority goes to supplies and maintenance! Got it!?
Image Roger that, Major.
Image Yeah… Understood.
Image Alright, let’s get started right away. Kei, a little help please.

Image Commander Max, I’m glad you’re safe.
Image Yeah… But who would have thought that a Protodeviln would save Basara. It’s all thanks to that…
Image They’re supposed to be enemies… It’s hard to believe.
Image Yeah… What the heck is going on?
Image Hmm? Amuro, Basara seem to be in a bit of trouble.

Image Sivil, Sivil!? Dammit, wake up, Sivil!!
Image G3, huh…
Image Gamlin, what’s happening here?
Image Well… Basara was accompanied by that Protodeviln, but it seems she collapsed once she got inside.
Image I see… So that’s what it meant.
Image Cliff… What are you talking about?
Image Since escaping from Lux, G3 probably hasn’t had a chance to regain its Spiritia. I don’t know why, but that seems to be the case.
Image Wake up, Sivil…
Image Basara…? Why are you singing to the enemy!?
Image It doesn’t matter if it’s friend or foe.
Image Ba-sa-ra… Basara…? Aaaaaaa!!
[A flash of light]
Image Ugh…
Image What the… Oh no! Everyone, stay away from G3! If you touch that light, your Spiritia will be sucked away!
Image What?
Image Basara!?
Image No… Stop it!
[Another flash]
Image No… I don’t need Basara’s Spiritia! Nooooo!! I can’t stop… Spiritia… I don’t need it!
Image What’s…going on?
Image It seems… It had too little Spiritia and couldn’t control the absorption.
Image Then… What about Basara…
Image Basara!?
[Another flash]
Image Basara…is dead… I didn’t want this. Basara… I’m sad… KOOOOOOOOOO!!
[Sivil runs away]
Image Tch, wait a damn minute!!
Image Ah hell. She looks like she’s about to leave the ship!
Image Ryoma, wait! Zechs, it’s alright. Let her go. Just close the bulkhead immediately! Hurry!!
Image Basara… He’s not breathing… Hey, Basara isn’t breathing!!
Image Oh shit. Move, Mylene. I need to perform CPR right away.

[Battle 7, Medical Floor]
Image Basara…
Image Thanks to that quick CPR, the worst-case scenario was averted. But… It’s still pretty bad. He was affected so rapidly, I don’t think Sound Therapy will be effective…
Image What!? Hey, please do something!
Image We can’t. There’s nothing we can do but see how things go. Hopefully, he’ll survive at least a few hours. Maybe we could have done something with Bahamut’s equipment…
Image Guh… Basara…
Image Dammit… Dying before me is just unfair. We met on that desolated planet. The dream that began on that day, between you and me, isn’t over yet…
Image Basara… Basara, wake up! Please sing, Basara. Basara. …This isn’t fair… Hey, Basara!!
Image Mylene…
Image It’s finally come to this…
Image Yeah… Knowing him, I knew something like this would happen someday, but…
Image Basara… Dammit, if only Eve was here…

Next time on the Lux route, the Macross 7 finale. Or if you’re reading this as it’s updated, the Gishin saga finale.

One final thing. Please fill out this survey if you want. It’s in regards to this LP and what might come after, since we’re so close to the end.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:03 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Due to the excessive length of this update, it’s split into two parts. This is part one.

Last time, we made an uneasy alliance with Lady Gandal to take down Zuul once and for all.

Gishin Route Chapter 33: Deathmatch! The Final Battle on Planet Gishin!
Chapter 32 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 34 if you went Earth/Keilas.

[Planet Gishin, Imperial Guard Base]
Image (...I never expected the Earthlings would become so powerful like Godmars. But no matter how much they wish for peace, there’s no chance Emperor Zuul would even consider it. A battle is inevitable. Either Mars or Emperor Zuul will win… If the Earthlings win, I’m doomed. But if Emperor Zuul wins, then Gaia will explode here…)
Image Excuse me, Commander Waal. We just received an order from His Majesty to launch an all-out attack on the Earthling’s battleship.
Image I see…
Image (They will reach Planet Gishin. The Empire is in chaos. Emperor Zuul will eventually perish, regardless if he wins or loses. If that’s the case, I just need to wait. If I can survive this crisis, my time will come… Okay.)
Image Everyone in this fleet will load up as many supplies as they can and prepare to depart.
Image Commandr Waal, what do you…
Image You idiot, Gaia is coming here. We need to be prepared, just in case.
Image R-roger! My apologies! We’ll start preparations right away!
Image (This is fine. Now all we have to do is escape as soon as we’re ready…)

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image A communication from Guide Dog. “Preparations are complete for the final Fold to Planet Gishin”.
Image I hope that Lady Gandal pulls through…
Image I agree… But we have to prepare for the possibility that she fails.
Image Right…
Image I don’t think Zuul will be killed so easily. Better safe than sorry.
Image Exactly. Have Guide Dog activate the Fold mechanism.
Image On it, Colonel.
Image Let’s go. Everyone, this is your Captain speaking. This ship will now head to the home planet of the Gishin Empire with its final Fold. Combat may break out right away, so prepare for battle. All pilots, stand by to launch!
Image The Gishin Empire… and Zuul. For the sake of the Earth, we must end the battle at all costs…

[Ra Cailum, Pilot Waiting Room]
Image All pilots, stand by to launch!
Image Bright’s really fired up.
Image Of course he is. We’re at the end.
Image Yeah… Whether we win or lose, it’ll be over.
Image Kamille, stop being so depressing.
Image Yeah. Besides, it’s possible that it’s already over…
Image But if Lady Gandal fails, then we’ll have to fight that monster to the death. Are you guys ready?
Image It’ll be fine. I know it.
Image Of course. That’s why I’m here.
Image Mission accepted.
Image Yeah, we know.
Image That much is obvious. Why are you saying that now?
Image That’s right. Since we’ve come this far, we have to follow through.
Image Yeah. We have to do it.
Image Planet Gishin… Our home…
Image (This time, it’s the real Planet Gishin… The planet I was born on… Mom and Dad, watch over me. Zuul will be defeated here.)

[Planet Gishin, Palace]
Image Lady Gandal, how dare you return so proudly.
Image Your Majesty… Why didn’t you send reinforcements like you promised?
Image You idiot, I did send reinforcements. As well as one of my shadows. You couldn’t even hold them off until they arrived, which is why they’re still alive!
Image Go, Lady Gandal. You’ll take the lead and launch an all-out attack on them!
Image Emperor Zuul… You must die so that we can live!
Image What?
[Lightning sounds. Screen flashes]
Image You fool, have you lost your mind? You think you can kill me with that!? You will pay for your betrayal with your death!
[Zuul fires his a psychic blast]
Image Aaaaaahhhhhh!!
Image Ugh… Damn you, Lady Gandal. What have you done to me…
Image You’ve returned, Gandal.
Image (No, not now…)
Image Silence! I’ll finish off the traitor with my own hands! Take this!
[Gandal fires his gun at himself]
Image Ugh…
Image Well done, Gandal. It looks like you’ve finished off Lady Gandal.
Image M-my apologies, Your Majesty. Now that I’ve finished off the one who shared my body, I don’t have much time left. To wash away this…shame, I’ll use my remaining life to defeat them for you.
Image What impressive resolve. Gandal, I will never forget your loyalty.
Image Thank you for your kind words! Your Majesty, I’m off to battle!

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Fold out complete. It’s Planet Gishin!
Image And Guide Dog?
Image Sir, it seems the Fold mechanism has stopped.
Image So it did. Tell Guide Dog’s crew to immediately transfer to the Ra Cailum. Abandon Guide Dog.
Image We’ve made great time getting here.
Image Perhaps… But now we don’t have a way to return.
Image Hmph. I guess we have no choice but to go to Planet Gishin.

Image Transfer from Guide Dog complete.
Image …No contact from Lady Gandal.
Image Did she fail, or…
Image Either way, there’s only one way to find out.
Image Captain, let’s go.
Image Beltorchika, notify all personnel. The Ra Cailum will now enter Planet Gishin!

Image Planet Gishin… Even though we’ve gotten closer, my heart and Zuul’s are farther than the distance between our planets. But we will never lose…

Image Ugh… My life will soon come to an end. This is my final service to Emperor Zuul. I will die but take you all with me!
Image That’s…
Image Lady Gandal!? What happened?
Image I am Commander Gandal of the Gishin Empire Vega Fleet. I killed Lady Gandal with my own hands.
Image What the hell?
Image Lady Gandal…
Image So you were serious after all… Lady Gandal…
Image But then…
Image That’s right, Roze. Thanks to you, I’m fatally injured. But I will not forgive you! Let our ships die together!
Image W-what did he say?
Image You can’t be…
Image He’s planning a suicide attack!?
Image Stop him! Stop him no matter what!


Image I’ll go as well, Mars! DIZER, GO!

Image Gandal… I will protect my friends. I won’t let you do what you want!

Choose 13 units. Oh boy this is one of the most tedious two-parters of all time. But someone like Zuul won’t go down without a fight.

No enemy reinforcements to worry about for this first part. Just stick to the usual plan and everything will be business as usual. There is one thing to worry about, and that is Gandal’s suicidal tendencies. Just put any unit next to him and…

Image Dammit… It’s not good… This is the end. At the very least, I’ll drag you down to hell with me! EMPEROR ZUUUUUUUUUUUUL!!

Yes, if you put a unit adjacent to him, any unit, he will self-destruct. This will kill himself and damage any unit next to him for 30k unavoidable damage. You could bait this out with someone like Boss Borot, but that would rob you of the money and experience. And if that unlucky target would be Godmars or Ra Cailum, it’s an instant game over. Take him out from a distance.

There’s even a unique Game Over line for that.

Image D-did it self-destruct? What’s the damage!?


But back on track.

Image This isn’t funny! I won’t let the Ra Cailum sink! Fall, Gandal!!
Image In that case, I’ll get rid of your first!

Image You’re done for, Duke Fleed! Die, die already!
Image Gandal… This is the end for you! Now, bear the wrath of the people of the planet you destroyed!

Image Prepare yourself, enemy of Planet Fleed!
Image I won’t let a little girl take me!

Image Curse you, Daltanious! If only you weren’t here…! DIE!!
Image That’s my line! Let’s go, Danji!
Image Yea, let’s finish Gandal off!

Image Gandal, I won’t let you do a suicide attack!
Image Mars! I’ll defeat you once and for all!

Image Marg, you bastard! Curse you. I won’t let you be the only one to survive. Marg, we’ll die together!
Image Gandal… I’ll defeat you and then Zuul! Let’s go!

Image Commander Gandal, stop this!
Image Traitor! I’ve dealt with Lady Gandal. Next I’ll deal with you!

Image Ugh… This is the end… EMPEROR ZUUUUUUUUUUL!!

The last remaining Gishin Psychic, Gul, slipped in behind Gandal, so take them out too.

Image Ugh… So my role is over, huh… Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!?

Once all enemies are destroyed, part one is over! And this is just the easy part.

Image We did it…
Image Good job, brother! Koji!
Image Yeah. Like I was gonna let that bastard Gandal ram into the Ra Cailum.
Image Looks like you all managed to survive. Well done.
Image Don’t say that, Captain. You’ll jinx it!
Image Yeah, it’s a bit early for that.
Image Zuul… Come out! You’re the only one left!!

Image There you are… Emperor Zuul.
Image Mars, you’ve been corrupted ever since you were sent to Earth. My only mistake was your defiance and not destroying the planet. I will never forgive you, Mars.
Image Zuul, you rely on power and only use it to suppress your people! That’s why you fear power! We’ve come this far and now understand that you’re a man who only thinks about the justice of power!
Image Hahahahaha. I am the ruler of the galaxy! The entire galaxy will move at my will! Die, Mars! I will execute you and bury you all in a single grave!
Image Zuul, this time, we’re on the real Planet Gishin. Have you forgotten that if I die, the planet will be destroyed?
Image I don’t care. I will still live on. If this planet dies, I will just create a second Planet Gishin.
Image What!?
Image You’ve got to be kidding me… So you don’t care what happens to the people on your planet!?
Image Zuul, you’re batshit insane!
Image Zuul!! You’re from the planet… Don’t you care about its people!?
Image Hahahahaha! All life in the universe exists to serve me!
Image Bastard…
Image (Yes. He’s horrible!)
Image How dare… I won’t let him go any further!
Image That’s right. Zuul, we’ll settle this here! Prepare yourself!
Image Let’s go, Godmars!
Image You fearless bastards! Know my power!!

Image What the hell!?
Image Ye gods!
Image Oh this is very bad. Planet Gishin is…!
Image What is it?
Image Large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are happening all over the planet!
Image Hmm… If this continues, this planet will be destroyed. Of course, its people will die out before that happens. How horrible.
Image No, what’s even more surprising is the strength of Zuul’s psychic powers. Hahahaha, what power! Amazing! Mars, hurry up and attack! Fight him! I want to see more of his abilities! I want to see it with my own eyes!
Image Hey, can someone shut Dr. Shikishima up?
Image It can’t be… Is Zuul planning to destroy the planet himself!?
Image My god. What frightening power.
Image Damn you Zuul! Are you planning to sacrifice not only us, but everyone on this planet as well!?
Image Oh no, we have to help the people…
Image But Captain…
Image Even if you say that, we don’t have the time!

Image (Dammit, this isn’t funny! If they fight here, the planet will collapse before we can escape! This second chance will all be for naught. Aaahh!)
Image Earthlings, you need to stop! Emperor Zuul’s power is too great! At this rate, this planet will collapse on itself even without detonating Gaia! Not only will the people perish, but you’ll get caught up in it too! Move the battle into space!!
Image Commander Waal!? Oh… This was Emperor Zuul’s plan the entire time!
Image Curse you Waal. You talk too much!

Image Die, you fool!
Image E-Emperor Zuul!?

Image Waaaaaaaaaaah!!

Image Commander Waal!!
[The screen shakes violently]
Image Oh no, Planet Gishin will be destroyed if this continues. We’ll drag him into space!

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 11:05 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Due to the excessive length of this update, it’s split into two parts. This is part two.


Choose 13 units for this final battle against Emperor Zuul. This won’t be an easy one.

Image Come, Zuul! Come here and fight us!!
Image How terrible… Planet Gishin is this far gone already… That’s a lot of damage…
Image I know! But right now we need to deal with Zuul!

Image Come on out, Zuul! Now you’ll have to deal with Kento Tate!
Image Don’t forget I’m here too, Kento! Come on, Zuul!

Image There’s three Zuuls?
Image Dammit, which one is the real one…
Image There’s no time to think about it! Just kill them all!
Image Hahahaha. It’s useless. Did you think you can win just by fighting in space? You will all die here!
Image Zuul, if you intend to keep fighting, we will defeat you!
Image Yes. This is for us, the people of the galaxy, and for Kloppen!
Image I am the ruler of the universe. Everything in the universe moves at my will. You cannot resist!

Phase one of this showdown has THE BOYS fight against three Emperor Zuuls and a lot of the strongest Gishin grunts there are. The best advice I can give is to take this stage slow and pace yourself. Don’t do what I did and ignore some of the grunts and destroy the Zuuls first. The grunts and Zuuls will move towards you after a few turns in waves, so watch out for Emperors moving at high speeds.

Even a fake Zuul is intimidating. His strongest attack has a range of 3-9 and he has both HP and EN regen. Even the fakes have the Prevail skill, which makes him a lot harder to hit when his HP gets lower and lower. Try to use as little SP as possible, as you’ll need it when the battle really begins. When you do decide to fight them, focus down one at a time. Try to stay as close to him as possible to avoid his strongest attacks.

Everyone had words to say to Zuul, and I don’t blame them.

Image (L-Liana! Here comes Zuul!)
Image Zuul, I’ll never forgive a terrible person like you! We won’t lose to you! I’ll end you here! Then we’ll go back to Earth!!
Image How rude! You’re going to defeat me!? Stop being so arrogant!

Image You cunning Earthling! Die!
Image Dammit, I won’t die until I kill you! We’ll win no matter what!!

Image Damn Zuul! What pressure! We must kill this monster here no matter what!
Image Curse you Earthling! I won’t let you get away!

Image Life is what supports this universe! I can’t let someone like you do with it as you please! You can’t keep on living! Return to hell, Zuul!!
Image Silence, Earthling! Do you think I can be defeated by someone like you?

Image The Gishin Empire and your ambitions end here, Zuul! We will defeat you! As long as people like you are around, there won’t be peace on Earth or in space!
Image Don’t make me laugh, Earthling!

Image Zuul! How can you drag your own planet into this!?
Image All life in the universe exists for me! I am the ruler of the galaxy! Don’t be so arrogant as to defy me!
Image It’s crazy to think that you can kill as many people as you want with that kind of logic! That shouldn’t happen! People like you should just disappear!!

Image Zuul, there is no future for people like you. I will kill you here.
Image Hmph, do you think you can defeat me with your own strength? Worm, realize how powerless you really are!

Image Damn you… I will defeat you even if it means sacrificing my life!
Image Hahahahaha. Die and realize your stupidity, worm!

Image Zuul, I can never forgive someone like you! I, Koji Kabuto, will send you to your grave!
Image Hahahaha. Go ahead and try if you can! There’s no way you can beat me!

Image You fool who defies me, die and realize your foolishness! Wahahahahaha!!
Image Dammit, I can’t die! I’m not going to die here! Time to fight, Zuul!

Image Commander Gandal is dead. So is Waal and Kloppen. All that remains is you, Emperor Zuul! Even if we have to fight to the death, I will defeat you! Let’s go!
Image How dare you defy me, man from Planet Fleed! I won’t forgive you! Die!

Image Zuul! King Fleed’s daughter, Grace Maria Fleed, has come to defeat you! Prepare yourself!
Image Hahahahahaha! What can someone like you even do!? Die!

Image Wahahahahaha! Die, you Earthling worm!
Image Dammit, I wonder if this mech will last…
Image Hey, Ryoma!
Image We’ll die together! Go to hell, monster!! UUUOOOOOOOOOO!!

Image Why you! We won’t lose to you! Gou, Gai, let’s do this!!
Image Understood.
Image Yeah!
Image Silence! If you have a death wish, I’ll oblige!

Image Zuul! We’re your opponent! Prepare yourself!
Image Kento Tate. If you stand down, I’ll give you control of Helios.
Image Don’t mess with me! I’m not fighting for that!
Image Moron. Then die!
Image Tch. Kento, here he comes!
Image Zuul, how many people have suffered because of you! We’ll make you understand!

Image Wahahahahaha. Die, Mars!
Image Zuul, I won’t die until I defeat you! Let’s go, Godmars!
Image You fool!!

Image Zuul, prepare yourself! I will defeat you and bring peace back to Planet Gishin! I will avenge my parents here and now!
Image Hmph, Marg. I can’t be defeated by someone like you. Die, Marg. Edea and Aida are waiting for you in the afterlife! Wahahahahaha!!
Image Damn you, Zuul!!

Image Damn pest! Anyone who defies me will die!
Image A monster like you has no right to call others a pest!
Image Hahahah! Do you think someone like you can defeat me?
Image Why not? Dorothy, hold on tight. Let’s go, Big O!

Image You say you can sacrifice as many people as you want because all life in the universe belongs to you!? You’ve got to be kidding me! Everyone is trying their best to live their own lives! Not just for us, but for the sake of the people on Planet Gishin, we will defeat you!
Image Hahahaha. I am the emperor of the galaxy! Everything belongs to me! Any fool who defies me will die and realize their own foolishness!

Whew. But eventually, the three Zuuls will perish. And then, the fight enters phase two.

Image Another one!?
Image Damn Zuul… Were all those just shadows?
Image This one looks tougher than the others…
Image …But that’s the real Emperor Zul. No doubt about it.
Image Hahahahaha!! You idiots still don’t get it? You can’t beat me. Give up now.
Image If we lose, we won’t know why we came all the way here. We absolutely won't lose!
Image Mars, you should be grateful that you can die while looking at Planet Gishin!
Image Sorry Zuul, but we are all humans. We have no intention of dying in a place like this!
Image So you really are idiots who don’t know when to give up! You fools!!

This is the real Zuul. 150k HP is nothing to scoff at, especially since he will recover 15k HP every single turn. Add in increased stats compared to his shadows and he’ll live up to the hype. But there’s only one of him and he lacks a MAP attack. Pace yourself and save SP for Valor and Aim when his health starts to get low. Just this one phase took me 25 minutes and that’s with skipping most animations.

If you defeat this Zuul like you normally would…

Image Over already? Do you think this is enough to defeat me? Don’t make me laugh!
Image Dammit…
Image It should be apparent to you now. You have no chance of winning!
Image What the hell is he…
Image Can we really defeat something like that…?
Image Idiots, don’t give up!! If he comes back, we’ll just have to defeat him as many times as we need to!!
Image Hehe, well, that’s all there is to it.
Image You’re right… We can’t give up…
Image Hmph. Come at me as much as you want, pests!

Defeating Zuul will have him revive two more times at full HP. That’s 450k HP of Zuul, which is insane on SP and the unit’s resources. There is a better way, but only if you believe.

If you got Daltanious’ secret weapons back on the Helios route and Daltanious is still alive, have Takeru deliver the final blow to the real Zuul. An event will play out that will prevent him from reviving, as well as give a small upgrade to Godmars.

That means if you didn’t take the Helios route, you’ll have to burn through all 450k HP. But Rim went through that route and now it’s time to take out Zuul once and for all.

With a nearly defeated Godmars, Takeru lands the final blow with a regular God Flash.

Image I did it…?

Image What!?
Image Wahahahaha!!! It’s useless! You’re nothing more than insects. There’s no way you could have ever defeated me! Die, Mars!

Image Uwaaa!! I can’t die… Not until I defeat Zuul…

Godmars - A Monument of Love
Image Mars, it seems your psychic powers are reaching their limit. Fuahahahahahaha!!
Image Ugh… No, are we really unable to kill Zuul…
Image (Mars…)
Image Marg…?
Image (Mars, you’ve been backed into a corner, thinking that you cannot defeat Zuul and survive. Now I need to tell you our father Edea’s last words.)
Image Brother…
Image (Mars… To live is to know death. It means risking your life. Mars, fight for peace in the boundless, vast universe. Defeat Emperor Zuul. Risk your life with your entire being. Beyond that, lies the future…)
Image (Marg… Dad. I…)
Image What’s wrong, Takeru!?
Image …Godmars, FULL POWER!!

Godmars - The King of Space! Godmars
Image Mars… It can’t be!?
Image You stubborn bastard, I’ll finish you off!
Image Zuul… We’ll both die together!
[Takeru restrains Zuul]
Image What!?
Image Godmars is grappling Zuul!?
Image He couldn’t… Takeru, are you going to use that!?
Image The Antiproton Bomb…
Image No way!?
Image I want to stop him… It might not kill Zuul…
Image Tch…
Image Dammit, what should I do… Isn’t there a better way!?
Image Mars!!
Image …Dr. Earl, there’s still that! What about using Hyperspace Energy!?
Image Hmm… Maybe we could release all the Hyperspace Energy and minimize the impact of the Antiproton Bomb…
Image What!? Old man, we can do that!?
Image B-but we don’t know how much energy Daltanious can withstand… Also Godmars might…
Image What was that?
Image …Kento, Danji. Mars is risking his life to defeat Zuul. We can’t let his feelings go to waste. You must also fight with your lives on the line. Not just to protect us, but to protect the people of Planet Gishin. Only you can do it.
Image Dad…
Image …Well if only we can do it, we have to do it.
Image …If Gaia explodes, it’ll be all over for us anyway. We won’t be able to complain.
Image Yes. Please, Kento and Danji. Do it.
Image We’re entrusting our lives to you.
Image Yeah. Let’s do it! We’ll risk our lives! Let’s go, Danji!
Image Yeah!
Image Mom, Dad, I’ll be there soon…
Image Argh! Let go of me!!
Image Thank you, everyone. And goodbye…
Image Uuuuooooooooo!?
Image Dammit! We’ll make it in time!!

Image Damn you Mars! You fools! You don’t know how dangerous the things coming out of that dimension gate the ancient Earthlings created are! But you opened it anyway! No one can stop their invasion unless we destroy Earth! If they invade, we’ll all die! You should die regretting your foolishness in defying me! FUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Image What do you mean!?
Image But I’m not going to die! My cells are scattered throughout the universe and will change form into your new ruler once again! Hahahaha. Zuul of Planet Gishin is just one of my cells borrowing a body! I will one day regain the power to fight them! Wahahahahaha!!
Image (Please… Give us a miracle… The power to survive…)

[Screen fades to white]

[Space around Planet Gishin]
Image Ugh… What happened…
Image S-sir, it was a success!! By releasing the Hyperspace Energy, we managed to divert the force of the Antiproton Bomb’s explosion into sound! There was almost do damage to us or Planet Gishin!
Image We’re saved…
Image L-Lord Kento! Are you okay, Lord Kento!?
Image Damn… That was close. I thought we were done for. Sorry, but can someone please retrieve Daltanious? It won’t move.
Image Kento… Are you safe? Well done.
Image What happened to Zuul and Takeru?
Image Zuul was hit by the Antiproton energy and was obliterated. Godmars is floating around over there.
Image Eh… Mars!? Mars, are you alive!?
Image Kloppen, did you see it? Zuul’s final moments…
Image We did it. We finally defeated that demon Zuul…
Image That’s right, brother! We killed the demon!! It’s finally over!!
Image Yeah… that’s right. We won! Everyone, can you hear me?
Image It’s over… How’s Takeru Myojin?
Image Mars… Mars!!
Image Ah… I can hear you. I’m fine, Roze.
Image Mars… I’m glad you’re safe…
Image You did it, Takeru!!
Image Well done, Takeru.
Image But what happened… Did the Antiproton Bomb explode?
Image Yeah, do you know, Takeru?
Image That’s what I don’t understand. How did this happen…
Image Mars, it’s because everyone risked their lives for this wish. Your last bit of life force, everyone’s feelings, their prayers, created a miracle.
Image Marg…
Image (...The power of thought, huh?)
Image A miracle… I don’t really get it.
Image It’s that good enough? Everyone is safe.
Image Yeah… You’re right. Everyone did great. Please return.

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Zuul has fallen. It’s all over now.
Image Yeah. The Gishin Empire was only maintained by Zuul’s strong control. With his death, it’ll collapse even without Helios.
Image Yes. Now they won’t attack the Earth Sphere. Beltorchika, how is Planet Gishin?
Image Hmm… For now, the volcanic activity and abnormal weather seem to have subsided. But there’s devastating damage all over the planet, especially in urban areas.
Image I see… Damn that Zuul.
Image Everyone, could you come down to the planet’s surface? We need to help the people of this planet.
Image You want to?
Image But Prince Harlin…
Image I’d like to ask the same thing. They’re in the midst of chaos right now. We need to explain the situation and help them recover.
Image Please. This is the planet I was born on.
Image We don’t have the Guide Dog anyway, so we have to head down there. Otherwise, we won’t be able to return to Earth.
Image Yeah… We’ll have to use the Imperial Army’s facilities. Will they help, Roze?
Image Yes, we have a warp catapult. If it’s broken, we’ll prioritize its repair. Leave it to me.
Image There’s not much else we can do, but we can try to help while we’re there.
Image Yes.
Image Thank you!

[Ra Cailum, Briefing Room]
Image All of your hard work has finally paid off. Oh, Lord Kento, your father is waiting for you.
Image Huh? We’ve done our part. Now it’s your time to do your thing.
Image It seems everyone is here. Prince Harlin, you had something to say?
Image Thank you so much for all of your help. I have no words to express my gratitude. But the true battle is just beginning. We must put an end to the fighting between the Imperial and Rebel armies in each region, rebuild every devastated planet…and establish a Galactic Federal Republic.
Image Wha-what do you mean!? A… Federal Republic!? Prince Harlin, what about the Helios Empire…
Image Dr. Earl, planets in this galaxy can never again be ruled by only one man.
Image B-but the glorious history of Helios…
Image That was all a lie. Doctor, I looked at the database with Manabu’s help. I’ve learned the shocking truth about the countless clones who were created for the Helios emperors, and then brutally killed. Clones like Kloppen.
Image What do you mean?
Image They were born to protect the Helios emperor, to protect his false authority, and to be killed. They were given no freedom whatsoever, only to exist as biological tools like dolls. That’s the dark history that the Helios royal family has been hiding. The prosperity of Helios and the dominance of the royal family were built on a long history of horrific sacrifices.
Image T-that’s…
Image That’s horrible…
Image It’s abnormal for one person and his bloodline to rule over such a vast galaxy. That’s not only the case for Helios, but also for Zuul. This must never happen again. Dr. Earl, I didn’t fight to restore the Helios Empire. I fought for the sake of peace.
Image Dad… You’re my dad alright!
Image Ohhhh… But…
Image …Do you really think that’s possible?
Image It will be difficult. I wasn’t expecting an easy solution. But what the galaxy needs going forward is neither military force nor power. It needs people from diverse civilizations to respect each other and to have the courage and passion to face difficulties, to move forward towards a common goal. I want to start this on Planet Gishin. And then, little by little, I want to spread it.
Image I think it’s wonderful. I regret that the Earth Sphere does not have a truly unified government. But we will do our best to make sure that one day, Earth can join the other planets.
Image Damn… That’s one hell of an uphill battle.
Image Yeah… I don’t really get it myself.
Image It’ll be tough for us to just stay within the Earth Sphere.
Image True…
Image Old man, don’t get so dejected. It doesn’t mean that everything we’ve done so far has been in vain.
Image …I know. If it leads to peace in the galaxy, then I have nothing more to say.

[Ra Cailum, Operations Room]
Image So, where’s Prince Harlin?
Image He went to Zuul’s palace. Come to think of it, Rui was here this morning, wasn’t she?
Image Yep. She went to check on the town with Roze and Takeru.
Image Just rebuilding Planet Gishin seems like a lot of work.
Image Even though it was all Zuul, we are also kinda responsible…
Image But a Galactic Federation. That’s something to think about.
Image It’s to be expected of the royal family of an interstellar empire. They have a different way of thinking than us.
Image They’ll start with Gishin and Helios, along with a few other planets. So how’s everything out there?
Image Sir, the reconstruction efforts in various places are being carried out by remnants of the Imperial Army that remained on the planet. They’re quite strong, and their mobile weapons are being used for the work. All of the warp catapults seem to have been damaged. Roze confirmed it’ll take about a week to repair them.
Image An entire week…
Image I guess we should consider this time as a vacation.
Image It’ll be a good break for everyone… Anyway, regarding the danger to Earth that Zuul mentioned…
Image I don’t know about any ancient civilizations, but everything else matches what Eve told us. I’m not sure how Zuul knew about it, but I’m pretty sure it’s accurate.
Image Something that invades from another dimension… Something that wipes out all life… It has to be them.
Image Ruina… and the “King of Ruin”.
Image So you’re saying that Zuul wanted to destroy the Earth to stop them?
Image It would make sense. The destruction of the Earth in Yahagi’s world was to do the same thing. It must have been to prevent the invasion of those energy lifeforms from another dimension.

Image …I see. The thing that came out of the “Fabula Fores” that professor Radcliffe opened is what Zuul and Eve feared. There’s no doubt that they’re referring to Perfectio. The ancient civilization that Zuul mentioned must be the people who left those ruins behind.
Image Yes… I agree. Zuul had to be referring to Perfectio.
Image So it is. So Cliff, was dad the cause of all of this…?
Image Whether it was intentional or not doesn’t matter. Considering the circumstantial evidence, the professor’s research on the lowest level had to be a portal to another dimension.
Image Seriously, Doctor? You Re-Tech guys did something outrageous. Now we all have to deal with it.
Image There’s no point in complaining now. The issue is how we’ll respond. We still don’t know how to break through the Antarctic energy field. It’s clear that there’s only so much that we can achieve by brute force. It’ll depend on how far the analysis that Treize and Bahamut has gone…
Image Our Earth was hiding something much bigger than we thought. Dammit all. If what Zuul said was true, then the only silver lining is that they haven’t fully invaded yet.
Image Yes… I’m worried about the Earth. We should go back as soon as possible.
Image …I guess I should have stayed in the Earth Sphere.
Image No matter how much we want to go home, we have to wait. The important thing now is that everyone gets some rest. When we get back to Earth, we’ll hit Ruina as hard as we can.
Image I hope that Battle 7 was successful too…
Image There’s no point in dwelling on it.
Image Cliana, I previously asked you about your mech’s systems. Depending on what happens…
Image Char, what are you…
Image If that’s necessary, then that’s my role, not her’s. I am Ruina. I was created by Perfectio. I’m a Melior Esse, not a human. I promised I would use my life for you all.
Image Ven… B-but…
Image (Ventus… You…)
Image It’s fine. I was going to disappear. If there’s anything I can do for you, I will do it. That alone is enough to explain why I was born into this world.
Image Ven…

[Planet Gishin, Launch Base]
Image So we can finally go back to Earth?
Image If we use the warp catapult, we’ll be in the Earth Sphere instantly.
Image It’s for the best. I want to check the situation on Earth right away.
Image Yeah… I wonder what’s going on there.
Image Not just the Earth, but I’m also worried about Battle 7.
Image The Varauta and the Protodeviln…
Image Yes. I too am worried about the destroyed migrant fleet…
Image There’s still a lot of problems left. I’m getting sick of this.
Image Well, let’s leave it to my dad and hurry back.
Image Tch. Vacation’s over already.
Image Yeah, it went by so far.
Image I want to go back to Earth. I just can’t relax on this planet.
Image Where did you learn that, Suzy?
Image Earth… I wonder how Kasarelia is holding up…
Image Let’s go back to Earth.
Image Yes… Everything will be settled there.
Image What about you, octopus guy? Are you going to stay here with my dad?
Image We have to stop those punks or whatever they are. With the galaxy at risk, I can’t just sit back and do nothing. Of course I’m going back to Earth to fight alongside you.

Image Roze, Marg is going to Earth with us. …Won’t you join us?
Image I’m staying here. For Planet Gishin, my planet, and the Federal Republic. Also to be a liaison with Earth. I think you’ll be fine over there. Mars… We’ll meet again someday. As long as we’re both alive…
Image Roze… are you sure? Really sure?
Image Oh, it looks like it’s about time. Let’s all board the ship.
Image Yes. Relena, let’s board.
Image Go, Mars. You must return to Earth as soon as possible.
Image Sis, you can’t. You really want to go to Earth with Mars, don’t you? Just go. We’ll do your work just fine.
Image Rui… but…
Image From what I’ve heard, there are still things you have to do over there. Mars, Earthlings, please take care of Roze.
Image Rui, I know it’s going to be hard, but please do your best.
Image I know, Relena. I intend to do whatever I can to avoid fighting and to prevent any more pointless sacrifices. I ask that you do your best as well.
Image That goes without saying. After all, the Earth is our home.
Image See ya, old man. I’m counting on you to take care of things here.
Image Godspeed. Lord Kento, I’m going to miss you. Please be careful. I’m praying for your success.

Just want to share this here. The final battle against Zuul was rough, as you can see here with the post battle repair bill. I can’t imagine having to go through two more phases of Zuul’s eye lasers. Also doing the “quick kill” removes Godmars’ Antiproton bomb, so he can now be killed like any other unit without causing a Game Over!

Also please, fill out this survey if you haven’t already. I’ll make a mini update about this after the next chapter.

Next update will be the final battle against the Protodeviln.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 8:03 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
This intermission is about manipulating spirits and combiners. All spirits casted while combined goes to the main pilot, so when separated, they can get effects that they don’t normally have. Start with Beralios using Guard and Kento using Valor. Separate. Move Kento to Beralios’ right and use Hands Lancer on the enemy next to you, supported by the lion. Have Danji use Assault, move him to Beralios’ left, and hit the left enemy with Ganper Cutter. Combine with Beralios and end the turn. Counterattack all attacks during the enemy turn to defeat the two grunts. On the next turn, cast Flash with Beralios and separate. Have Beralios use Flash again on himself, move to Kento’s right, and hit the enemy with Claw. Now Kento uses Valor and hits the enemy with αβγ Attack. Danji finishes the fight with his own αβγ Attack.

Victory gets 50k money and a SP -30% skill part.

Got some cash to spend, so let’s buff up these guys. After this stage I’m going to do a complete re-equip of my endgame party. The next chapter will have my endgame setup.
  • Shin Dragon gets +4 EN and +3 Armor
  • Big O gets +7 EN
  • V2 Gundam gets +2 Mobility
  • Mazinger Z gets +3 EN
  • Nightingale gets +2 Mobility
  • Hi-Nu Gundam gets +5 EN
Last time, nukes failed and Basara is on the edge of death.

Lux Route Chapter 34: The Galaxy Echoes With Our Song
Chapter 33 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 35 if you went Earth/Keilas.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Good work out there.
Image …Things are getting worse. We may have accidentally resurrected Geppelnitch.
Image That’s… really bad.
Image I’m glad you’re safe at least.
Image On the fourth planet, we saw the citizens of City 5. And the Anima Spirita… Judging from the enemy’s reaction, it seems to be Basara’s singing.
Image I knew it…
Image Since we could confirm that, Stargazer wasn’t a total loss.
Image But…
Image Captain… We still have the Sound Buster.
Image Hmm… Just like in the Protoculture era, it might be possible to seal away the Protodeviln.
Image With the help of Dr. Shikishima and Dr. Gygax, we’re 77% finished with modifying the Macross Cannon. It will amplify Song Energy and modulate it in hyperspace, sending it directly to the Protodeviln’s main body…
Image Yes, Song Energy from the Anima Spiritia will penetrate into the Protodeviln’s body and incapacitate them. Hahahahahaha.
Image Hmm… It might work.
Image But Doctor, it won’t work unless someone is emitting Song Energy.
Image Yes. We’ll need Basara’s singing.
Image What?
Image But right now he’s…
Image Yes… That’s the problem.
Image What can…
Image That’s a big problem.

[Varauta System, Fourth Planet]
[Sivil breaks down the door]
Image Oh, Sivil. Fufu. This plan can’t be stopped now.
Image Geppelnitch, I will never use Spiritia again! You are Dead Spiritia! Spiritia End!
[A flash of light]
Image Uuuuuu!
Image What!?
Image This is… Anima Spiritia! You brought it here! Hahahahahahahaha! Get out, Sivil!!
[A flash of light and shaking]
Image Uuu!? Aaaaaaaaaaa!!
[Sivil blown out of there]
Image Spiritia Dreaming!! Hahahahahahaha!

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image Are you okay, Mylene?
Image So… What are you going to do, Captain Max?
Image Returning to Earth right now is not an option. Whatever we do, we have to do it here.
Image Indeed… We can’t just leave them there.
Image That’s the same for us too. But…
Image Right.. How will we fight against those monsters? We’ve repelled them thus far, but we haven’t been able to kill even one of them.
Image Yeah… Even if Nekki Basara’s song was the Anima Spiritia that sealed away the Protodeviln, he’s…
[Phone rings]
Image Strategy meeting room, this is Kinryu.
Image Oh, Captain Kinryu? The surveillance device we left behind on the fourth planet just picked up something strange!
Image What? Put it on screen.
Image Sir!
[Main screen turn on]
Image Wh… What the hell is that!?
Image That can’t be real…
Image What the hell… What’s coming out from under that glacier?
Image …Geppelnitch.
Image Him!?
Image Geppelnitch is waking up…
Image Oh fuck…
Image What’s Nekki Basara’s condition?
Image Don’t get your hopes up. He’s still somewhere between life and death.
Image Damn…
Image What do we do…
Image What can we do… I guess we have to face him.
Image But we…
Image Even so… Right now we don’t have a choice, nor any other choices…
Image Captain…
Image I never thought it would turn out like this…
Image Really now… We’re in trouble.
Image That idiot… Usually he just comes out, sings, and causes us so much trouble. And now he’s out at such a crucial time.
Image Gyunei… Colonel, what’s the plan?
Image I…will sing. Let me sing for Operation Sound Buster!
Image Mylene…? But Dr. Chiba…
Image You can’t reach the required levels.
Image Yes… You lack Song Energy. It really has to be Basara…
Image But I want to sing. If Basara isn’t here, then I have to. Please, let me do it!
Image Mylene…
Image Papa, Mama, I’m a Fire Bomber. Fire Bomber is my reason for living. If I don’t sing here, everything I’ve ever cherished will be gone!
Image Captain… Let her try. If there’s no other option, she has to at least try.
Image I agree with Captain Amuro. We need to try Mylene’s singing.
Image Hm… Commander, she’s your daughter. There’s nothing wrong with trying to believe in her.
Image …Let’s do it, Captain.
Image I’m sure it’ll work out!
Image It seems…we still have that option. Captain Max, I also think we should carry out Operation Sound Buster.
Image …Max.
Image …Very well.
Image Papa…
Image …You have your mission. Mylene, sing well.
Image Y-yes!
Image If that’s the case, let’s get on with it.
Image Yes. Since it’s decided, let’s do it.
Image Yeah. We’ll do something about it.
Image This isn’t the time to hesitate. Let’s do our best.
Image Captain, the system isn’t complete yet. Unless we get close to them, we can’t expect any effect.
Image Understood. Everyone, prepare to depart. We’ll immediately Fold and descend to the fourth planet!
Image Captain, are you planning to jump into the enemy’s arms again?
Image This will be the last time. I’m counting on you all.

Image What’s the matter, Gamlin? Let’s go.
Image Sorry, but please go on ahead. Mylene.
Image What is it? Oh, is it…
Image No, it’s not about that. Mylene… I’m the worst kind of man.
Image Eh?
Image When Basara was on the brink of life or death… I was jealous of him…
Image (Oh my… Wait, you’re saying this all now?)
Image (Seriously, he’s so naive.)
Image But in this battle, even if it costs me my life, I will protect you. So please, sing for Basara.
Image Gamlin…

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Starting the descent into the atmosphere.
Image Target confirmed!
Image Enemy’s interception forces approaching in large numbers!
Image Attack force, prepare to launch! Release the control. Initiate Transformation.
Image We’ll be within the target in 90 seconds.
Image Check the landing point. Prep the Sound Buster as soon as we reach the surface!


Select 12 units to bring into this final battle. Mylene is a force deploy and Basara is still almost dead. Not looking good when facing the Protodeviln. Also make sure you deploy Gamlin.

Image Kukuku. You’ve come to hand deliver me your Spiritia! The time has come for Lord Geppelnitch to make a full recovery. This is a beautiful complete restoration!
Image Sound Buster, stand by. Macross Cannon, check internal pressure.
Image Sound Buster, stand by!
Image Macross Cannon, internal pressure is normal.
Image Mylene, are you ready?
Image …Gamlin… I’m sorry. I love you. I really really love you.
Image But when Basara got injured, I realized something. I love Basara just as much as you. So…
Image That’s enough, Mylene. The most important thing right now is singing for Basara.
Image Gamlin… Basara… I’ll sing. With all my heart. So… Listen to my song…

Fire Bomber - My Friends
Image It’s begun…
Image Mylene… We’re counting on you…
Image Wow, I can’t believe it. It’s more powerful than I expected.
Image Mylene…
Image Hahahaha, amazing! This will work! Captain, what are you waiting for? Fire away!
Image …Sound Buster, FIRE!

Image What!?

Image Uwaaaaaaaaa!? Wha-What is this tingling sensation…
Image Lord Geppelnitch!? No, stop that attack!!
Image Whew, I knew Mylene-chan could do it.
Image Hmm. So even Mylene can do it.
Image Seems so. All units, defend the Sound Force and Battle 7 with all your power. Don’t let even one enemy get close!

Welcome to the Macross 7 final battle. No enemy reinforcements to worry about, but there’s still a hell of a lot of brainwashed Varauta soldiers between us and victory. Battle 7 cannot move, but it can still attack. Turtle up and let the grunts kill themselves upon your bodies. Have Mylene use Planet Dance SB on as many units as possible to boost hit rates.

The main slog from this map comes from the big man himself, Geppelnitch. He’s a Protodeviln, so he takes half damage from all non-singing attacks. He sports a massive long ranged attack which, on hit, will reduce the target’s will and attack. And of course he has HP regen. At least he lacks a MAP attack. I’ll talk about strategy when he gets closer. There’s still a lot of grunts and two other Protodeviln between us and him.

The next map event takes place on the start of Turn 3.

Image Ready the second shot.
Image Internal pressure is normal. Ready to fire.
Image Sound Buster, FIRE!

Image Uuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Image We did it…
Image Gepplenitch is shrinking!
Image Maybe…it will work out after all.
Image Third shot, stand by!
Image Please wait! There’s an anomaly in the Macross Cannon’s internal pressure control system!
Image It’s overloading!
Image Oh who cares. Captain, keep firing!
Image No! We’ve reached our limit!
Image What!?

Image Kyaaaaa!!
Image Ugh… How’s the target…
Image Uuuu. What do you mean I can’t control it!? What the hell is this… This is…

Image This is…very bad! Lord Geppelnitch is out of control!? This isn’t beautiful! Please stop, Lord Geppelnitch!!
Image No… This is the collapse of my dream, Spiritia Dreaming!
Image W-what is he…
Image What’s going on!?
Image No, this is…
Image …Incoming!
[The screen shakes]
Image What is this power!?
Image Oh no! This energy is…!

[All allies get struck]
Image Kyaaaaaa!!
Image Mylene!!
Image Oh no… Get down, Mylene!
Image I…have to sing…

Image Your machine won’t hold out! Please eject!!
Image I have to sing…
Image It’s impossible right now! Just hurry up and eject! We’re all satisfied!
Image Mylene!

Image Mylene… We have to stop him… At all costs. Admiral Exedor, the bridge is yours.
Image No, this isn’t my dream…
Image That’s strange. Geppelnitch has lost control of himself. If this continues…

Image All units, there’s no need to defend Battle 7! Use all your strength to defeat Geppelnitch!!
Image Max! What, do you still consider yourself a genius!?
Image Milia? I know what you mean… But we’re out of options.

We lose Gamlin and Mylene, but Max is here to…exist. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great Valkyrie pilot, but there’s still Protodeviln out there. Anyway, just keep on fighting the grunts.

At the start of the next turn…

Image Mylene, that’s…
Image Mylene? Are you hurt?
Image How’s Basara?
Image …No changes.
Image …Basara, how long are you going to sleep for? Normally you’d be out there by now. Why are you still here? Everyone else is doing their best. You selfish coward. Wake up, Basara!
Image M-Mylene, calm down.
Image …Wake up, Basara. Wake up. Say Fire or Bomber! You selfish coward! …Wake up, Basara…
Image Hey… Let’s sing.
Image Eh?
Image Well… That’s all we can do.
Image Yeah…
Image …Let’s sing, Mylene. For Basara’s sake.
Image Everyone… Okay!

Another turn of grunt bashing. If Gavil or Glavil get too close, just ignore them for now.

At the start of the next turn…

Image Ah… Basara!?
Image …What the heck. Why am I sleeping in a place like this? …What’s wrong with you guys? You’ve got such pitiful faces.
Image Basara… Basara!!
Image Basara… Thank god…
Image We did it!!
Image Basara… You punk. You dare make me sing. Come on, hurry up. Your stage is waiting.
Image Gamlin…

Image That’s…
Image Basara!?
Image That punk…
Image You’ve alive again.
Image Hmph… What a stubborn guy.
Image You’re late, Basara!!
Image Hehe, sorry to keep you all waiting. Everyone, let’s burn! Bomber!

Fire Bomber - SEVENTH MOON

Basara’s back, but contrary to what I would normally say, try to avoid using his Song EN to buff your units. That massive Geppelnitch back there, plus Gavil and Glavil, are intimidating and they’ll need a lot of singing coming their way.

Since Gavil is so close already, let’s knock him out.

Image Ugh… Damn you!! Come, Glavil!
Image Guoooooooooooo!!

Image My ultimate form, GavGla! Resurrected beauty!

And now we’ve got GavGla to worry about. But this is the timing we’ve been looking for.

While in this form, have Gamlin attack GavGla. This is only if you triggered the secret flag in the last chapter.

Image Dammit, it’s you again, Gamlin!
Image Mylene… I’m the worst kind of man. But even someone like me can take down at least one Protodeviln!
Image I will embellish your combat beauty with the beauty of explosions!

But it’s taken out all the same thanks to the power of song.

Now that he’s taken care of, that just leaves the remaining grunts and Geppelnitch. You can wait for him to approach you, or meet him halfway.

Attack Geppelnitch with Basara.

Image It’s useless… The Anima Spiritia is like this now…

Now Geppelnitch himself… This is more of a slog than Zuul to be honest, due to his aforementioned Protodeviln trait. The only thing you really can do is bombard him with as many of your strongest attacks as you can and whittle down his regaining health little by little. Having two or three resuppliers is a godsend. Also when you do deliver the final blow, make sure you get that double money.

Finally, after well over half an hour of attacking and resupplying, Gepplenitch is taken down. Right?

Image Uooooooo!? T-this is…

Image We did it!?
Image No… That doesn’t seem to be the case.

Image Ooooooo!! OOOOOOOOOO!!

Image Ugh…
Image W-what was that!?
Image It can’t be stopped now. I, Geppelnitch, am already collapsing. A recurrence of a 500,000 year cycle. Why have we all surrendered ourselves to the darkness…

[All allies are hit again]
Image Guh… This is…
Image Is it over for us already…
Image Oh come on, you monster. This can’t end here!
Image Everyone… sing! With all your heart!
Image That’s right… We all need to sing together!
Image Huh… If that helps me fight even a little, then I’ll gladly sing.
Image Yeah… Maybe I’ll try singing.
Image Eh? Trowa can sing!?
Image Stop being surprised and just sing!

Image Sivil?
Image Basara’s songs…gave me Spiritia.
Image Hehe… Let’s go!

Geppelnitch is back, but much like Zuul, there’s a quick kill so you don’t need to slog through another 150k HP. Just end the turn and wait for Sivil to attack Geppelnitch. You might have to have Basara attack him first, but an event will happen when Sivil battles. I’m also not entirely sure if you need to have Basara attack Geppelnitch during the first phase to trigger Sivil spawning, as why wouldn’t you attack the Protodeviln boss with the bard? Regardless, Sivil gets her turn to shine.

Image Sivil… Why…
Image I will erase you, Geppelnitch! KOOOOOOOO!!
Image It’s useless… My dream has crumbled.
[A flash of light]
Image …My strength…
Image My strength is being sucked away… To Geppelnitch…
Image I can’t…
Image So this is what it feels like to have your Spiritia sucked out.
Image Dammit, I’m losing consciousness…
Image Ugh…
Image Kei, Kei!
Image Tetsuya… I’m also…
Image E-everyone, do your best… Don’t give up…
Image Oh… Maybe this time it didn’t work out…
Image Hahahahaha! Ahahahahahahaha!
Image It’s over… All beauty…is vanishing into the darkness of nothingness… Ugh.
[Fades to white]

[Varauta System, Fourth Planet]
Image Gepplenitch… I’ll tell you! From my heart! My song!
Image It’s pointless. The dream is already shattered. You can’t erase the darkness of nothingness.
Image Basara… Sing…
Fire Bomber - TRY AGAIN
Image Have you become useless, Sivil? …What!?
Image What the… Don’t tell me that Protodeviln…
Image Huh… Sivil is singing…
Image I can’t believe it…
Image Sivil…? Uuuuuuuu oooooooooo!? What is this? It’s staining my spine. The color of this stimulation is…!!
Image What… What’s going on?
Image W-what the!?
Image It can’t be…
Image They’re singing… Geppelnitch too!?
Image This is beyond stupid…
Image But… They’re really singing!!
[A flash of Spiritia]
Image This is…a thrilling beauty that runs through the body!
Image …My song gives birth to a spring of pure water. A Spiritia torrent! This has to be the promised Spiritia Creation!
[Fades to white]

Image It’s over…
Image Is everyone safe?
Image Somehow.
Image Looks like we were saved.
Image What happened to those guys?
Image Ah… Over there! Isn’t that Geppelnitch!?
Image Self-regenerating Spiritia race… Earthlings.
Image Geppelnitch…
Image …What do you want?
Image After a 500,000 year cycle, my existence has been reborn here.
Image Hehe… Your singing is pretty good.
Image I never thought that within myself would be a door to the Anima Spiritia. The child of a fragment of a long-lost dream. Songs are the true Spiritia Paradise.
Image Yes, Lord Geppelnitch. This is truly the ultimate beauty!
Image We no longer need anything. Thank you, Earthlings.
Image What…?
Image I have no further use for this universe. Let’s go.
Image Sir!
Image …Basara.
Image Sivil…
Image I’ll never forget your song…
Image W-wait! Hold it!
Image Joshua…?
Image What is it… Earthling?
Image There’s something I want to ask you.
Image Then I’ll answer you. Go ahead.
Image It’s about beings who may be from another dimension just like you.
Image Oh right…
Image Ruina… And Perfectio.
Image Yeah. If you know, please tell me. What are those beings on Earth? Are they the same as you guys?
Image I don’t know.
Image Right… That’s a pity.
Image Zentradi, you are mistaken. I don’t know about their existence on Earth. What are they like?

Image …And that’s everything we know.
Image Hmm…
Image Lord Geppelnitch, could they be…
Image You know them?
Image Please. If you know anything, please tell us.
Image Basara… They’re dangerous beings. They destroy everything.
Image Yes… If what you say is true, this universe is on the path to destruction.
Image What?
Image What do you mean by that?
Image They are similar to us, yet different. Any universe in which they exist will inevitably die. It’s because they endlessly desire the death and destruction of all beings.
Image The polar opposite of beauty is the abyss of darkness. It leads to ruin… That is not beauty!
Image Something that guides…
Image To ruin…?
Image That’s… The one called the “King of Ruin”.
Image What the…
Image Are you kidding me… Something like that exists on Earth?
Image …Apparently the situation is far more serious than we thought.
Image Why are you saying that now? I’ve been talking about this the entire time. Perfectio will one day bring ruin to everything.
Image What should we do? How can we stop it?
Image Because it hasn’t fully entered this world, it’s still coming in from somewhere. What currently exists is probably only a small part of it. You have to stop it before it invades this universe.
Image So what should we do about it!?
Image Tetsuya, calm down.
Image It’s simple. Just destroy the connection with this universe. …That being the entire Earth.
Image No fucking way.
Image You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s…
Image …So what Eve told us wasn’t wrong after all. It was on our Earth 500 years ago… Dammit, I won’t let it do the same thing again!
Image (...Dad… What have you done? Even if it was an accident, even if you didn’t understand it, you still brought this upon us all. That sin is…)
Image Is there anything else? Is there no other way!?
Image I don’t know. It’s all just speculation. Maybe there is another way. A promised annihilation… Even that is a fleeting dream. A fleeting moment. But…
Image …But what?
Image There exists within us the door to Anima Spiritia. For you Earthlings, who opened that door, we will help you before we leave this universe. Let’s go to Earth together.
Image What!? You Protodeviln will help us…?
Image That’s…quite the surprise.
Image Beauty! This is the true beauty of fighting together! Gamling, from now on, we will shine with the beauty of friendship!
(Gavil is blue now)
Image Uh… Yeah… Thank you.
Image Basara… I’ll go to Earth with you.
(Sivil is also blue now)
Image Sivil… Hehe. Thanks a lot. Let’s turn Earth into a huge concert.
Image …What does that mean?
Image Kikii!

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image So Captain Max, how goes the ship’s repairs?
Image Poorly. There’s too much damage and it’s taking forever.
Image But we must return to Earth as soon as possible…
Image No need to worry. Geppelnitch is going to transport Battle 7 to the Earth Sphere.
Image …He’s truly a monster.
Image Alright. That saves us some trouble. Now we just need to see how Bahamut and Treize’s analysis turns out.
Image The Antarctic energy field… With the Protodeviln’s power, we might be able to erase it.
Image I don’t know. I don’t know anything about what’s going on.
Image All I know is that we can’t just leave them alone. How annoying. Oh, there you are.
Image Joshua, You mentioned something about your ship’s systems earlier. If it comes to it…
Image …I know, Colonel. I’m prepared for it. If this is all because of my father, I must atone for his sin. Even at the cost of my life.
Image Josh…
Image If necessary, I’ll go first. It’ll probably be fine. I'm Ruina, a Melior Esse created by Perfectio. I’m not even human. If there is anything I can accomplish with my death, I will do it.

Next time, the home stretch begins. The last three stages and epilogue might take a bit longer to put out, since I’ll have to play them twice for both Josh/Glacies and Rim/Ventus lines.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 4:45 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Quick update for the Endgame and beyond.

I’ve gotten great results from the survey, which you can still fill out here. Thank you for doing it. I really appreciate the feedback and thoughts. Especially the kind words. They mean a lot to me.

Here’s some quick responses.
How well does this game represent each of the plots, compared to how they originally were, from the licensed series?
Would you be willing to share your feelings and opinions towards each of the featured mecha shows (that you've watched) in this game and their handling in this?
It’s rough to answer this concretely since most of the series intertwine with each other and I haven’t seen some of them myself yet, so please bear with me. The main focuses of the plot are Shin Getter, Victory Gundam, Macross 7, Godmars, and Daltanious, though Godmars, Daltanious, and Gredizer are all combined into a single intergalactic empire.

Shin Getter is mostly played straight, though while the Tower acted independently in the OVA, they’re a major part of the League Militaire from Victory Gundam. Getter Vahalla is briefly shown in Shin Dragon’s Shine Spark attack, which is a nice touch. I do think Z2 does the Armageddon plot better, since they can split it up between two games, but I also love a playable Shin Dragon as a unit rather than a battleship.

Victory is mostly played straight, but with far fewer deaths and the Shrike Team is reduced to just Junko and a Gun-EZ/Gunblastor attack. There’s also its connection to Shin Getter which solidifies the League Militaire’s existence in a world swamped by Invaders. My annoyances with Zannecks aside, I think it’s well done. Alpha 1 and 30 also treat Victory well.

I haven’t seen Macross 7 yet, but from what I understand, all of its major plot points are covered. The anime is mostly filler to cover the arbitrary 50 episodes that most shows had back then. Basara staying on Battle 7 to sing to a comatose Sivil but Folds into every fight is a neat idea and leaves his shenanigans off screen except when it pertains to the Protodeviln.

Like I mentioned before, Godmars, Daltanious, and Grendizer’s plots are combined and instead of them dealing with their own evil empires, they instead deal with Godmars’ Gishin Empire with Zaal and Vega being reduced to fleets. No Dolmen’s and King Vega’s roles are given to Zuul. Besides that, the parts of Daltanious and Godmars plots we do see are accurate as much as I can tell. But again, I haven’t seen these.

Char’s Counterattack is ending at the start of the game and is only interrupted by the plot. By all intents and purposes, Char won. Whether or not it’s due to him teaming Milliardo is up to debate.

Gundam Wing is interesting here since it should be set before the final battle, but I do not recall Libra being mentioned. Milliardo joins Neo Zeon instead of the White Fang, who do not seem to exist in this universe. His actions for doing that just stops the Wing plot in its tracks. And of course the Earth going poof for a bit and the alien invasion causes OZ to team up with what should be their mortal enemy for the greater good. I wouldn’t even call Wing “post plot” since the plot just isn’t allowed to continue. I just appreciate that they’re not just doing Endless Waltz again. I personally prefer the TV designs over the EW ones with few exceptions, and I adore the Tallgeese II.

Megazone 23 gets rid of the vast majority of its characters in order to fit the plots of Parts 1 and 2 into a single chapter. That chapter covers the basics and twists, but I guess you could also call the motorcycle gang “filler”. I enjoyed the OVAs so it is what it is. I don’t think the game needed those other characters.

Zeta and ZZ Gundams are both post-plot and exist just to add more UC pilots. Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger can also be considered post-plot, but there’s little to no mention of the Dr. Hell or Mycenaean conflicts. The Mazin Bros are more OG plot characters, given their connection to Ignis.

Last but not least, Big O just exists in its characters. No Paradigm City and no tomatoes. Beck barely does anything. Schwartzwald exists as their main villain, but he’s more Ruina than Big O character.
Now that you've played through more, how do you feel about the balance on the super robots and D's infamous low armour? I was warned about it and played with all reals except Big O, wonder what I missed.
I think you did explain the whole 'it's not a bug, it's just different', but do you think there's more you can add about the thing, like exactly what is better to upgrade for Supers?
For the record, I’ve beaten this game once before on official hardware.

I’ve mentioned this at the start of one of the early chapters, but the balance does favor Reals. Supers do require heavy investment in their armor to stay relevant, especially since the enemies’ upgrades are probably higher than they should be. I don’t think the Supers are unusable, but you have to treat them with TLC.

Supers require you to upgrade their armor and HP to be able to tank hits. They also need armor increasing parts and pilot bonus points to go into defense over anything else. Reals just require less investment, just mobility and EN if they need it. Those pilots benefit from their bonus points going into evasion, but they don’t need it as bad as Super pilots need defense.
How would you rate the enemy factions by difficulty?
The Gishin are the most annoying, since their attacks tend to debuff movement. The Varauta and Protodeviln are also super annoying since they’re so hard to hit and their bosses take half damage from most attacks. Invaders die out early, so they never get to be annoying. I’ve been vocal on my thoughts on Zanscare’s mobile suits like the Zanneck, but they're really not that bad considering how many units come with beam coats. Zaal and Vega enemies are not memorable. I barely remember OZ and Megazone enemies.
How have you been finding the gameplay? I played this game a while back and remember the endgame, in particular, really encouraging single units that can take on a whole wave of enemies, but there might be other ways. I remember thinking it was quite good up to a point - and I think it was exactly this Macross 7 Route split that basically made me think "Nah, I'll just send ___ up to fight everything"
Everyone that I talk to says D is among the hardest in the SRW series, but I disagree. The game expects you to play a certain way and take advantage of its systems. Or maybe it’s because I’ve always had a Real Robot bias. In my run, the Geant Chevalier is definitely my best unit since it can consistently hit and avoid all enemy attacks, so it fulfills that role for me. The game also wants you to abuse Basara and his singing to increase starting will and improve hit/evasion rates.

Now regarding feedback, there are some things that I won’t do for this LP, but I will or might do for the next one(s).
  • I do not want to share the recordings I use for translation and screenshots. I record without sound since I’m usually doing something or on a discord call when I record. I’ve since changed my recording setup to include game audio only. There were requests to show off more gameplay and this is how I’ll do it for future games (if I remember). When I record, I do skip most animations and soft reset often to avoid deaths and get retreating boss kills.
  • I don’t really want to do attack showcases, since I know those exist already on Youtube. I can link to those videos in the next game if requested.
  • At least starting with the next LP, I’ll show off people’s names when they first appear. Waiting for characters to introduce themselves or others can be a bit annoying, but there’s like one or two more new characters left in this game.
  • I’m used to these SRW games, so I didn’t fully understand that most people wouldn’t recognize unit’s map sprites. We’re approaching the endgame anyway, so there’s no point in saying who I’m deploying at this point.
  • I’m still deciding on what will come next, but I will do certain things depending on the game. If I play BX, I’m going to use a save file with the required kill counts. If I play a more difficult game like F/F Final or Impact, I might end up using a money cheat. I’ve beaten all of these games on my own time and on official hardware, so it would just be to make my own job easier.
  • I’m doing these to provide story translations. That’s what I find the most fun in projects like these. The gameplay comes secondary to me, which is why I summarize general strategies.
  • Since the Archive hasn’t been updated in over a year, I’m going to archive this LP using the lpix test poster and on Beach. There will be a link to at least the former once this is all done. When I do the next LP, there will be a lpix version that will be linked in the post.
  • I’m sorry but I do not plan on allowing readers to vote/decide which units that I will use. I’m stubborn in my gameplay and would rather not be forced to use a joke unit or a character that I don’t like.
  • After the epilogue, I’m planning on making a quick post about some of this project’s fun facts. Look forward to it.
Since we’re on the final stretch, it’s time to make clear who I’m bringing into the final fights against Ruina. There’s 15 deployment slots (except for force deploys).
  • Geant Chevalier (Josh)
  • Fabularis (Glacies)
  • Hi-Nu Gundam (Amuro)
  • Nu Gundam HWS (Kamille)
  • Nightingale (Char)
  • Full Armor ZZ Gundam (Judau)
  • V2 Assault Buster Gundam (Uso, Haro)
  • Big O (Roger, Dorothy)
  • Mazinger Z (Koji)
  • VF-19 “Fire” Valkyrie Custom SB (Basara)
  • VF-17T Nightmare Custom SB (Ray, Veffidas)
  • Shin Dragon (Ryoma, Hayato, Benkei)
  • Godmars (Takeru)
  • Flex Spot
  • Flex Spot
The two flex spots can be anyone that I feel like using. They will probably be Sivil, Tallgeese II (Zechs), White Ark (Roux), Taurus (Quatre), Grendizer (Duke), or Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Duo). As of writing this, I still need to make sure they all have their best equipment, so I’ll go over that in the next update.

Rim’s endgame party is as follows:
  • Fortes Gigas (Rim)
  • Studium (Ventus)
  • Hi-Nu Gundam (Amuro)
  • Nightingale (Char)
  • Nu Gundam (Kamille)
  • V2 Assault or Buster Gundam (Uso, Haro)
  • Big O (Roger, Dorothy)
  • Mazinger Z (Koji)
  • VF-19 “Fire” Valkyrie Custom SB (Basara)
  • VF-17T Nightmare Custom SB (Ray, Veffidas)
  • Shin Dragon (Ryoma, Hayato, Benkei)
  • Godmars (Takeru)
  • Daltanious (Kento, Danji, Beralios)
  • Gundam Heavyarms Kai (Trowa)
  • Flex spot
With the flex spot being Tallgeese II (Zechs), White Ark (Roux), Taurus (Quatre), Grendizer (Duke), or Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Duo).

I am going to do another SRW LP after I finish D, though it might not be right away. I am really enjoying this project (despite my anxiety) and I hope you all are too. A lot of work goes into this if you can believe it.

That being said, the final three chapters plus the epilogue will be coming out a bit slower than normal. Due to only the OG plot remaining, I need to play each stage twice with Josh and Rim in order to make sure I cover everything from both sides. I’m aiming to finish this game this month and start the next game before March 2025.

Thank you for reading my first attempt at a LP. Going to try to make the next one better overall.

If you have any other thoughts/questions/whatever, either post in the thread or find me on Discord (I pretty much live on the Akurasu discord server).

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:40 am
by KitsuneRagnell
As this stage’s dialog differs between coming from the Gishin or Lux routes, this post will cover Josh’s timeline. Please see the next post for Rim’s side where she comes back from Planet Gishin. The vast majority is the same, but there are still differences.

Puzzle time. This one is about the importance of disparity in wills. Start off by dumping all of Boss’ SP into four Daunts into the enemy. Have Jun then use Devotion (target gains 10 SP) on Boss. Hit the enemy with another Daunt. Next, have Koji use three Spirits, Valor, and Invincible. Jun uses three more Devotions on Koji, then have Koji use Spirit one more time. Jun then dumps the rest of her SP into Flash and Valor. Move her between Boss and Koji and hit the enemy with a Photon Beam (supported by Koji’s Enhanced Rocket Punch). Now Sayaka uses Resupply (restores a target’s EN and ammo) on Koji. Cast Flash on Sayaka and move her to Boss’ left. Attack the enemy with Scarlet Beam, supported by Boss’ Borot Pressure Punch. After that, have Boss use Self Destruct. Finally, defeat the enemy with Koji’s Enhanced Rocket Punch, supported with Tetsuya’s Great Booster.

Victory gives 50k money and a Spirit Drain part.

Quick intermission, thanks to all the money the swarms of Varauta gave.
  • Geant Chevalier and Mazinger Z gains +1 to weapons
  • Shin Dragon gains +2 to weapons
  • Fabularis gains +3 to weapons
Now for the final endgame restructure of my team. It’s as follows:
Geant Chevalier w/ Haro and EN Giga Chip
FA ZZ w/ EN Mega Chip and Mega Generator
Big O w/ Minovsky Drive and Super Alloy New Z
V2AB w/ Psychoframe and Solar Panel
Nightingale w/ High Performance Radar and Mega Generator
Nu HWS w/ High Performance Radar and Solar Panel
Fabularis w/ Psychoframe and Super Alloy Z
VF-17T Custom Nightmare SB w/ Super Alloy Z, Mega Booster, and Apogee Motor
VF-19 Custom Fire Valkyrie SB w/ Biosensor and Apogee Motor
Mazinger Z w/ Haro and High Performance Sight
Hi-Nu Gundam w/ 3D Radar and EN Giga Chip
Shin Dragon w/ S-Adapter
Godmars w/ Hybrid Armor and Linear Seat

And some wild card spots:
VF-11C Full Armor Thunderbolt w/ Giant Magazine, Mega booster, and Super Alloy New Z
Sivil w/ 2x Biosensor
White Ark w/ 2x Mega Booster and Hybrid Armor
Tallgeese II w/ EN Chip and Biosensor

Rim’s route is more or less the same.

I gave the pilots these skills:
Ray w/ SP -10%
Uso w/ Evasion +5 and Melee +10
Basara w/ SP -30% and SP +10
Josh w/ Melee +20 and Evasion +15
Judau w/ Hit & Away and Ranged +10
Amuro w/ Ranged +20 and Hit & Away
Char w/ Evasion +10 and Hit & Away
Kamille w/ Ranged +10 and Ranged +20
Roger w/ Defense +20 and Hit +15
Gamlin w/ Evasion +5 and Hit +5
Glacies w/ Defense +15 and Counter
Hayato w/ Evasion +15 and Melee +10
Ryoma w/ Melee +20 and Melee +15
Benkei w/ 2x Defense +10
Koji w/ Melee +10 and Defense +10
Zechs w/ Ranged +15 and Counter
Takeru w/ Defense +20 and Melee +10

Don’t forget to max out the character’s bonus points in Evasion (for Real pilots) or Defense (for Super pilots).

If you’re curious about my kill counts going into this final stretch, my top killers are:
Josh w/ 134, Amuro w/ 97, Judau w/ 87, Uso w/ 85, Kamille w/ 69, Zechs w/ 63, and Char and Duo w/ 55.
For Rim’s route, its
Rim w/ 107, Ryoma w/ 67, Koji w/ 66, Uso w/ 64, Amuro w/ 61, Roger and Takeru w/ 58, and Kento w/ 51

Last time, both the Gishin Empire and the Protodeviln were defeated. Only the Ruina remain to threaten the Earth and the universe as a whole.

Combined Route Chapter 35: The Meaning of “Ruin”
Chapter 33 if you went Space/Jupiter/Gishin. Chapter 34 if you went Space/Keilas/Gishin or Earth/Jupiter/Gishin. Chapter 36 if you went Earth/Keilas/Lux

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image What was that?
Image Is that true?
Image Yes. The Ruina have launched a large-scale operation. The situation on the ground is quite dangerous.
Image We’re too late… So what’s going on down there? What about Treize?
Image Commander Treize of OZ was at the Cape Town base when it was attacked. I can’t get in touch with him.
Image Treize?
Image Why Cape Town?
Image They were setting it up to use as a forward base for Antarctica. While he was there, it seemed that it was attacked…
Image So then Treize is…
Image We can’t be sure… I don’t think that man will die so easily.
Image What else is happening on the surface?
Image As far as I can tell, there are forces thought to be Ruina in various places around the planet. It seems that the OZ ground forces and the League Militaire’s robot army are fighting back with everything they’ve got. Quite a few cities and five OZ bases have already been destroyed.
Image What the…
Image Bahamut’s analysis has revealed there are other locations besides the Antarctic that are likely to be Ruina bases, but…
Image You haven’t done anything against them yet?
Image Yes. We’ve been waiting for your return. If they’re the same thing that appeared on Shogo and my Earth, then if things continue…
Image We’ve pretty much confirmed that thanks to the Protodeviln’s testimony. We know the risks.
Image We need to hurry with Battle 7’s repairs.
Image Eve, has the Ra Cailum and Bright returned yet?
Image No.
Image I see…
Image However, there haven't been any more Gishin attacks since then. I’m sure they’re fine.

Image First, we need to repair Battle 7 on the moon…
Image I want to get down to the surface as soon as possible, but this is unavoidable. We’ve found out where the Tower is. I’ll tell Yamazaki to start heading towards Cape Town.
Image Should we have them search for Treize and Lady Une? Without them, OZ’s ground forces won’t be as effective. Against the Ruina, it’ll just be constant massacres.
Image I agree.
Image …I wonder what happened to Geppelnitch.
Image Speaking of which, I haven’t seen them for a bit now.
Image Maybe he went to Earth already? They can go wherever they want by themselves.
Image Starting heading to Von Braun. Captain Max, I’m going to borrow a shuttle. I must return to Side 3 at once. We’ll meet up before we descend to Earth.
Image I’ll go with you. I want to check up on City 7.

[Battle 7, Residential Area]
Image Everyone, we’ve got trouble!!
Image What’s wrong Roux? You look pale.
Image What happened?
Image Don’t tell me the Ra Cailum…
Image Not that. It seems that Ruina has launched a big attack!
Image Yes. Commander Treize and his men were attacked and went missing.
Image What?
Image Are you serious?
Image I just heard about it from Captain Amuro.
Image The hell…
Image Those bastards… Dammit!
Image …I sure wish I could help them…
Image That’s impossible for you. For Protodeviln, Spritia, or rather Anima Spiritia, holds great importance. It’s all about your’s and Basara’s singing. But the Ruina are…
Image Yeah… Negative emotions, death, and destruction… They’re basically opposites.
Image R-right…
Image Don’t look at me. I know your songs have power.
Image They rebuilt faster than I thought…
Image …Can you pull the trigger? Against them I mean.
Image I intend to.
Image Oh, right. It seems the Gishin haven’t attacked for a while now. But we haven’t heard from the Ra Cailum either.
Image I see…
Image It’s Takeru and Kento. I’m sure they’re alive. I know they’ll come back safely.
Image But if things are that bad on the surface, won’t we start heading there soon?
Image First we need to repair Battle 7 on the moon.

[Von Braun, Battle 7 Bridge]
Image Looks like the repairs are finished now.
Image So next up is Earth. Oh, my shift is over. I wonder if Noin is in her room.
Image What are you two going to do?
Image Hey, my business is my business…
Image Apparently, Miho has been playing military chess with Noin on the computer in her room.
Image She kicks my ass hard. This time I’m gonna win.
[Phone ringing]
Image Oh, a call. This is the Battle 7 bridge.

Image From Yamazaki?
Image Yea. The call was redirected from Bulge.
Image It’s me. What’s up?
Image Commander Jin, we’ve recovered Commander Treize and Special Lieutenant Lady Une.
Image What?
Image Both of them were injured, but they’re safe now.
Image I want to talk to them. Beltorchika, call the Captains.

Image I’m glad you’ve returned.
Image Lady Une… You don’t look too good. But I’m glad your injuries weren’t more severe.
Image My apologies. I followed Treize onto the battlefield in a restored Wing Gundam, but I was shot down and ended up like this.
Image That’s reckless.
Image What about Commander Treize?
Image He’s fine. Thanks to your return, I was able to convince Lord Treize to retreat.
Image What do you mean?
Image Even though Lord Treize was injured, his Taurus was only slightly damaged. He was planning to keep fighting.
Image Sounds just like him. I’d do the same.
Image Just a sec… Lord Treize, are you sure?
Image It seems that the fickle goddess hasn’t abandoned us yet. Returning side-by-side with the Protodeviln far exceeds my expectations.
Image Treize, why didn’t you abandon the base and retreat earlier? You must be aware of their power. If we lose you two now, OZ’s chain of command will…
Image I know, Zechs. But I can’t back down as long as OZ soldiers and humans keep fighting/ I love this planet and humanity. I can’t back down to the forces of “ruin”.
Image Treize…
Image We’re just about finished with Battle 7’s repairs, so we’ll be heading to you right away. Please stay put until we’re there. You need to control OZ’s ground forces.
Image Understood. We’re looking forward to Battle 7’s descent to the planet.

[Von Braun, Battle 7]
Image Huh? Our songs?
Image Yeah. Eve wants to learn every single Fire Bomber song. When you have the time, would you consider a joint concert?
Image You’ve got to be kidding. Listen Shogo, singing is all about the heart. No matter how good you are at it, it’s useless to someone who isn’t alive. You have to understand the heart.
Image Eve isn’t just a program. If you listen to her singing, you’ll understand.
Image Eve’s singing, huh?

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image Captain, the shuttle with Colonel Char has returned.
Image They made it.
Image It’s finally time.
Image Okay, prepare to re-enter the atmosphere.
[Phone ringing]
Image This is the Battle 7 bridge. Yes… Eh? Really!? Ah, sorry. Yes, I’ll tell them!
Image What is it?
Image The Ra Cailum has returned!
Image Bright’s back!?
Image Thank god…
Image Good… Are they all safe?
Image So now we have our full fighting force.
Image Okay. Abort re-entry. Rendezvous with the Ra Cailum on the double.

[Battle 7, Operations Room]
Image I see. So reconciliation with Zuul was impossible after all.
Image We tried our best, but Emperor Zuul refused to reason with us.
Image It’s unfortunate, but with Emperor Zuul’s way of thinking, this ending was inevitable. In the end, it worked out better for Earth and other planets.
Image Yeah… I agree.
Image In the end, we had no choice but to go to Planet Gishin and fight him. Zuul sacrificed Planet Gishin to attack us, but we were barely able to win.
Image Yes. Zuul has fallen. The Gishin Empire will split and collapse.
Image So Prince Harlin isn’t going to revive the Helios Empire, but instead create a Galactic Federation?
Image It’ll take time, but it seems he intends to gradually increase the number of member star systems. What about you?
Image We discovered Protoculture ruins on Lux. It revealed the Protodeviln’s origins.
Image They were powerful combat soldiers called Evil, created by the Protoculture to eliminate the Zentradi, and ended up being possessed by energy beings from another dimension. They couldn’t live without Spiritia, so they continued to absorb it from others.
Image So what happened?
Image It seems that Fire Bomber’s singing is what the Protoculture called Anima Spiritia. Thanks to that, the Protodeviln gained the ability to self-generate Spiritia and no longer needed to steal Spiritia from other lifeforms.
Image You should have heard their singing. It was amazing.
Image I was shocked. They were about to leave this universe, but he said he would give us advice about what we’re dealing with on Earth, so they came with us.
Image Earthlings, can you hear me?
(The Protodeviln are speaking via the monitor)
Image Geppelnitch… We were just talking about you.
Image So that’s Geppelnitch…
Image It’s confirmed. No doubt about it.
Image So that large attack from earlier…
Image They’re probably in the final stages of entering this world. We can think of this as using the deaths of countless people across the globe, as well as their despair, fear, hatred, and sorrow, as fuel.
Image Shit.
Image Truly astonishing beauty! I never thought that, out of the endless universes that are connected, they would appear in the same universe as us.
Image So what should we do?
Image I sense a fluctuation in space-time inside the Antarctic force field that you mentioned. That’s probably where their gate is. If we destroy it because they completely invade this world, maybe we can stop them.
Image We can stop them!?
Image But… We can’t break through the energy field.
Image We will neutralize it. We have gained infinite Spiritia through our “songs”, so it’ll be no problem for us to let you through.
Image Seriously!?
Image Thank you. Now we can get to their base.
Image Finally…
Image (Dad… We’re finally going back there.)
Image Looks like this is the only way to end this.
Image But I don’t know if it can be contained. You’re running out of time. The chances of success are like a babbling brook, just a short ride through time.
Image Aw man…
Image Before the darkness of ruin wipes everything out, we must turn this planet into stardust. The safety of the universe must be maintained.
Image You would destroy the Earth…
Image So what Zuul said was correct…
Image We won’t ever let the Earth be sacrificed. Even if it costs us our life!
Image Shogo, you…
Image Yes… He’s right. Just do everything you can to the best of your ability.
Image Antarctica…
[Phone ringing]
Image It’s me. What’s up?
Image Captain, the Tower just sent us a SOS request! A Ruina force is attacking them led by a Melior Esse!
Image The Tower!?
Image Treize is still there.
Image Everyone, prepare for battle. We’re entering the atmosphere. Captain Bright, I’m counting on you as well.
Image Roger that. I will return to the Ra Cailum immediately.


Image Damn you Ruina. I can’t take this anymore. I’m going to fight back. All units, launch!


Image Hahaha. Too fragile. Die in the arms of fear!

Image Ugh…
Image To the human named Treize Khushernada, come out.
Image What?
Image Why do they want Lord Treize…?
Image If I kill you, many people will lose their emotional support. Their fear and despair will grow larger. The power we gain will also increase.

Image Lord Treize!? Stop it! Even those that unit’s now repaired, if you die…
Image Lady, I will not hide. I believe that what people need is not absolute victory, but fighting spirit. That difference is important. In that case, even losers can be beautiful. However, this is only true if human history will continue on in the future. But in this battle to come, absolute victory is the only thing that will allow us humans and the Earth to persist. I will not back down. I will not be one of the losers.
Image Lord Treize…
Image Hahahahahaha. There you are, human! The hatred and regret you will feel when you die will be immense! Die and become our food!
Image Ignis of the Melior Esse. I will be your opponent. Treize Khushrenada is here!

Treize really is Him. The Tower is injured and Treize, no matter how cool, cannot face the Ruina by himself. Just hold out for a turn and make your way south (which I didn’t end up doing).

Image THE BOYS!? You’ve made it…
Image THE BOYS… Thank god…
Image Hmph… You’re here. I knew I could count on THE BOYS. The Tower has reached its limit. Yamazaki, retreat now.
Image Sir! Commander Treize.

Image You… Yes, it’s them. They’ve returned. Hahahahahaha. Excellent. That’s what makes this whole thing worthwhile! Come at me! Inflict your anger and hatred on me!
Image Looks like you’re just fine, Treize.
Image Treize, you may be well prepared, but if you die now, we’ll all be in trouble. Please stop being so reckless.
Image That’s right, Treize! You’re not going to die on your own! We still haven’t settled anything yet!
Image I see… My apologies.
Image All pilots, launch immediately! Hurry!
Image Over there is Ignis…
Image Damn you… Let’s go, Koji!!
Image Yes!
Image Anger and hatred give them power. Control your emotions. Don’t forget that.
Image Even if you say that…
Image Just keep that in mind if you want to win. Believe in yourself. Believe in Mazinger. Believe in our power.
Image Gou…

Deploy 14 units. Treize is already using the Tallgeese II if you were planning on fielding that.

If you deploy Glacies…
Image What… Is that machine? Is that the Fabularis? …Laci?
Image …It is.
Image What’s wrong? Why are you with the humans?
Image Ignis… I’m no longer under Perfectio’s control. I’m no longer forced on the path of “ruin”. I am a Melior Esse… But now I will live my temporary life with humans.
Image I see… Then there’s no way around it. You too shall perish with the humans. Laci… We were born together. At the very least, I will grant you death by my own hand.

Let’s go over our new units first, from the Lux route.

Sivil fights on foot, which is a rarity in this franchise. She’s super small and has the highest mobility in the game. Anything short of a boss just won’t be able to hit her. It’s a shame she joins so late, but she’s great if you invest some money into her damage output and mobility.

[FBz-99G Zaubergeran]
To be honest, I was kinda hoping for a playable GavGla. The Zaubergeran is plenty mobile and has more firepower than Sivil or a Valkyrie. Gavil is perfectly usable if you want to use him.

Just a normal battle. The calm before the endgame storm. Buff up with the bard and fight Ignis’ troops like you normally would. Take advantage of the bases’ good terrain of course and try to deny the enemy from using their HP restoring properties. Watch out for Ignis’ MAP attack, but really at this point he shouldn’t be much of a threat to a well built squad.

When there are 10 enemies left on the map…

Image So these are the people that Aquila was talking about…
Image Enemy reinforcements!
Image Counterattack them!
Image It’s him… The one who appeared in Antarctica.
Image Umbra…
Image So that’s the one that Rim…
Image It is.
Image Humans… Accept your fate.
Image What?
Image …Tears of sorrow and red blood become a wonderful wine… Moans of pain and thunderous screams become beautiful music. Hearts crushed by despair are our nourishment. And so, with the hatred and fear of twins of millions of souls and the death and destruction of tens of millions of lives, the “King of Ruin” will come into this world. To lead all living things…to ruin.
Image We won’t let you do as you please! It’s us humans who will win!
Image It’s too late. It can’t be stopped now. With the destruction of this planet, we will open a way for the true arrival of the “King of Ruin”.
Image I wonder. In that case, just try to defeat us first. All units, concentrate your firepower on the Melior Esse! Strike back with everything you have!

Image Image
Umbra finally makes his appearance, and his mech is badass looking. His AoE surrounds him completely, so either tank it, use defensive spirits, or prevent him from using it with Daunts. Daunting bosses will become your best friend.

Now that all the bosses are here, here’s their pre-fight dialogues.

Image Ignis… We’re going to Antarctica! Let’s go!
Image Hmph… You will die here!!

Image Tch, if they’re back, there’s no point in killing you alone. I’ll finish you off quickly.
Image Apologies, but I’m not going to lose here either. I’ll fight back with everything I have!

Image Dad… Watch me. I’ll fight. Not for revenge, but to protect everyone and the Earth…
Image What’s wrong, Koji Kabuto? Hahahaha. I can feel your hatred! Are you accepting the fate of ruin?
Image Shut up! We’ll stop this “King of Ruin” person!

Image Ignis…
Image It’s him… What’s wrong? Give me more anger! Hate me more! What’s wrong, Tetsuya Tsurugi!? Or will you accept a cruel death? Regardless, I’ll kill you!
Image I… No, We will win! In order to protect this planet, I won’t lose to you!

Image O Red blood… Burn. O flesh, rot.
Image Tch. Why you…

Ignis, being closer, becomes the first to fall.

Image Tch. They’re human, but they’re beyond stubborn. Ah well, you’re finished anyway. I’ll withdraw from here. If you can make it to us, I’ll fight you again! Hahahahaha!

Umbra is the second to fall. If he dies, the rest of the enemies will retreat, so make sure he’s last.

Image …I see, you’ll try to kill me too. But it’s useless. All are in this beautiful destruction…along with us! If we meet again, I will fight you. Farewell, doomed ones.

Victory comes surprisingly easy this chapter. But again, this is the calm before the storm.

Image The enemy is retreating.
Image Okay…
Image Captain, there are no more enemies in the area.
Image Alright, the battle is over. All units are to return now.
Image Looks like we drove them back.
Image But the hard part is yet to come. Treize, let’s go to Antarctica.
Image I see… Looks like you’ve found a solution.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image …I see. The Protodeviln, huh?
Image Exactly. We can’t afford to waste any more time. We will enter Antarctica and win. This is the only way to protect Earth, no, the universe itself.
Image So the situation is that dire. Just in case, I’ll tell all of OZ to evacuate everyone on the planet. We must prepare as many colonies and the moon if possible.
Image Something on your mind?
Image That decision…. To think the decision that sent Battle 7 to Lux and the Ra Cailum to the Gishin Empire would have led to this outcome. The whims of the goddess of the Earth Sphere are fascinating.
Image What are you talking about, Commander?
Image Just think about it. Without the trip to Lux, we wouldn’t have received the Protodeviln’s help to break through the energy field. Without Emperor Zuul’s defeat, we would have been too busy dealing with that and Zuul would have used his power to destroy the Earth.
Image That’s just hindsight.
Image Exactly… In other words, the Goddess of Fate is counting on us. For us to fight and win. For the Earth Sphere and the future of humanity.
Image The future of humanity…
Image Hmph… What a stingy goddess. After all, there’s still barely a chance we can win. I’d wish for a better bet.
Image I agree. …It’s all or nothing. If we lose, the entire universe is doomed for ruin.
Image Roger, before that, there is the insurance policy called “Earth”.
Image Dorothy, don’t even consider that! If we sacrifice Earth, the rest of the universe might be saved, but…
Image So that’s what Ruina means… “Ruin”.
(ルイーナ (Ruina) vs 破滅 (Hametsu))
Image Come to think of it… Maybe that’s what Dr. Saotome, Stinger, and Cowen were talking about at the end.
Image Perhaps. Maybe they were aware that Antarctica was dangerous.
Image Anyway, what’s important now is that we prepare our forces to head to Antarctica. Why are you acting so relaxed?
Image She’s right. This planet is an important monument to us Zentran, who have finally acquired culture. It would be a pity to see it destroyed.
Image Yes… Regardless, we have only one path left to walk. I suggest that we head to Antarctica immediately.
Image It’s the only thing left. Let’s get ready.
[The monitor turns on]
Image Wait just a minute.
Image Eve? What’s going on?
Image We’ve detected an energy anomaly in one of the Ruina bases we found. It seems to be extremely dangerous. Bahamut has determined that this location must be dealt with before Antarctica.
Image What?
Image …This is bad. This is very bad.
Image Doctor, what is it?
Image How bad could it be?
Image Have you all forgotten? The state the Earth was in at the very beginning? Think about what happened.
Image At the very beginning…
Image Doctor, you couldn’t be referring to that?
Image Oh no…
Image The closed sky…
Image When the Earth disappeared…
Image Exactly.
Image I see… If that’s what they’re doing.. Then it’s very bad!
Image Why now? Why do this again?
Image Cliff, explain please!
Image Don’t you understand? They… No, for him, that state was convenient. Yes… It must have been.
Image What are you talking about?
Image I get it! It’s probably more suitable for interdimensional travel. It reduces the resistance and the amount of energy required. In other words… They’re trying to close off this planet again!
Image So that’s what that was for!
Image W-what!?
[The screen flashes. Geppelnitch teleports in]
Image What? …Geppelnitch?
Image What they say is correct. A fluctuation is beginning to occur in the space surrounding this planet. Its true invasion into this universe is about to begin.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:44 am
by KitsuneRagnell
As this stage’s dialog differs between coming from the Gishin or Lux routes, this post will cover Rim’s timeline. Please see the previous post for Josh’s side where he comes back from Planet Lux. The vast majority is the same, but there are still differences.

There’s also a slight change to the chapter’s gameplay on Rim’s route only.

Let’s just get right into this.

Combined Route Chapter 35: The Meaning of “Ruin”
Chapter 33 if you went Space/Jupiter/Gishin. Chapter 34 if you went Space/Keilas/Gishin or Earth/Jupiter/Gishin. Chapter 36 if you went Earth/Keilas/Lux
Technically this is Chapter 34 in my run, but I’m listing this as 35 for consistency’s sake

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Ugh…
Image What’s going on?
Image We’re in the Earth Sphere! There’s no mistaking it, Amuro!
Image Hmm. A warp catapult is very handy.
Image Good grief… At least we’ve returned to Earth…
Image Yes. I’m worried about Ruina.
Image There’s also Battle 7 to worry about.
Image Hmm… I wonder if they ran into the Varauta or something. I hope they’ve finished investigating Lux and returned safely.
Image Mika, call the Bulge. I want to confirm the situation first.
Image Yes, Colonel.

[Ra Cailum, War Room]
Image Uwaaaa.
Image Look, it’s the Earth! It’s really the Earth!
Image Yeah… It’s the Earth. Our Earth. Dammit, I’m so happy I’m crying.
Image Dude, what?
Image The Earth is so pretty…
Image Yea, pretty!
Image Thank god… Earth seems to be fine…
Image I wish that was true.
Image Yeah, but we’re finally back.
Image Yes. We’ve actually returned.
Image To be honest, I’m surprised we made it back alive.
Image Same.
Image Everyone, you can get sentimental later.
Image That’s right. We need to let everyone know the danger the Ruina pose and do something about it right away.
Image Yeah… Hopefully we can make it in time.
Image Yeah…

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image What did you say?
Image Impossible… Are you saying they’ve been attacking all over the surface?
Image That’s right. It started a little before we returned. Treize and the soldiers at the Cape Town base were also injured in an attack. Five OZ bases and several cities have already suffered devastating damage.
(Max is on the phone)
Image …We’re too late.
Image Commander Max, I’ll give you the details later, but we’ve defeated Zuul and obtained information that the Ruina and the “King of Ruin” are beings from another dimension and pose a great danger. We must do everything in our power to eliminate them.
Image I see… You too, huh? We heard the same thing from Gepplenitch. It seems that we’ve learned the same thing about this danger.
Image Gepplenitch?
Image Protodeviln.
Image What? What’s that all about?
Image We’ve reached a settlement with them.
Image What the fuck!?
Image I’ll give you the details later. We’ve just descended to Earth and are about to meet up with Treize and the Tower. I’m sorry that you’ve only just returned, but I need you to hurry up and come down here.
Image To Earth… Understood. We had some business to attend to and are sufficiently rested. We can begin operations immediately.

[Ra Cailum, Observation Room]
Image Everyone, we’ve got trouble!!
Image What’s wrong Roux? You look pale.
Image What happened?
Image Did something happen on Earth!?
Image It seems that the Ruina has launched a massive attack and everything’s gone to hell down there!
Image What!?
Image Yes. Commander Treize and his men were also attacked and injured.
Image Are you serious?
Image I just heard about it from Captain Amuro.
Image The hell…
Image Those bastards… Dammit!
Image Dammit, so we’re too late.
Image Don’t say that. Nothing’s been decided yet.
Image Also it seems Battle 7 has already returned. We’ll be joining them and reentering Earth soon.
Image Battle 7? So what happened over there?
Image It’s amazing, Kamille. Apparently they’ve made peace with the Protodeviln and their boss, Gepp-something has come to the Earth Sphere.
Image The hell!?
Image They made peace with the Protodeviln!?
Image You’ve got to be shitting me. How the hell could something like that happen?
Image It’s unbelievable.
Image Why would we lie? I don’t know the details yet, but it seems to be true.
Image That’s…amazing.
Image Yeah.
Image What? We went to great lengths to defeat Zuul and those demons. Also Prince Harlin and his men were going to start a Galactic Federation on Planet Gishin. I was hoping to surprise them.
Image Yeah, they surprised us instead.
Image So Roux, what’s going on down there?
Image There’s a lot of damage. I think we’ll learn more when we join up with Battle 7.
Image …I’m sorry. It seems that they reorganized their forces faster than I expected.
Image It’s not your fault, Ven.
Image I know… But I should have been more careful.
Image …Can you pull the trigger? Against them I mean.
Image I think I can. That’s why I’m here.
Image Ven…
Image But… Will we end up fighting them as soon as we return to Earth? The same enemy that Zuul tried to destroy the Earth to stop…
Image Mars…
Image Could they really be something that Zuul considered that dangerous…
Image Hmm. They must be. Wait for us, Ignis… Ruina! We won’t let you do as you like. Right, Tetsuya?
Image Yeah… I know, Koji.

[Battle 7, Operations Room]
Image I see. So reconciliation with Zuul was impossible after all.
Image We tried our best, but Emperor Zuul refused to reason with us.
Image It’s unfortunate, but with Emperor Zuul’s way of thinking, this ending was inevitable. In the end, it worked out better for Earth and other planets.
Image Yeah… I agree.
Image In the end, we had no choice but to go to Planet Gishin and fight him. Zuul sacrificed Planet Gishin to attack us, but we were barely able to win.
Image Yes. Zuul has fallen. The Gishin Empire will split and collapse.
Image So Prince Harlin isn’t going to revive the Helios Empire, but instead create a Galactic Federation?
Image It’ll take time, but it seems he intends to gradually increase the number of member star systems. What about you?
Image We discovered Protoculture ruins on Lux. It revealed the Protodeviln’s origins.
Image They were powerful combat soldiers called Evil, created by the Protoculture to eliminate the Zentradi, and ended up being possessed by energy beings from another dimension. They couldn’t live without Spiritia, so they continued to absorb it from others.
Image So what happened?
Image It seems that Fire Bomber’s singing is what the Protoculture called Anima Spiritia. Thanks to that, the Protodeviln gained the ability to self-generate Spiritia and no longer needed to steal Spiritia from other lifeforms.
Image You should have heard their singing. It was amazing.
Image I was shocked. They were about to leave this universe, but he said he would give us advice about what we’re dealing with on Earth, so they came with us.
Image Earthlings, can you hear me?
(The Protodeviln are speaking via the monitor)
Image Geppelnitch… We were just talking about you.
Image So that’s Geppelnitch…
Image It’s confirmed. No doubt about it.
Image So that large attack from earlier…
Image They’re probably in the final stages of entering this world. We can think of this as using the deaths of countless people across the globe, as well as their despair, fear, hatred, and sorrow, as fuel.
Image Shit.
Image Truly astonishing beauty! I never thought that, out of the endless universes that are connected, they would appear in the same universe as us.
Image So what should we do?
Image I sense a fluctuation in space-time inside the Antarctic force field that you mentioned. That’s probably where their gate is. If we destroy it because they completely invade this world, maybe we can stop them.
Image We can stop them!?
Image But… We can’t break through the energy field.
Image We will neutralize it. We have gained infinite Spiritia through our “songs”, so it’ll be no problem for us to let you through.
Image Seriously!?
Image Thank you. Now we can get to their base.
Image Finally…
Image (We’re finally going back there…)
Image (Yes. We’re going back to where it all began…)
Image Looks like this is the only way to end this.
Image But I don’t know if it can be contained. You’re running out of time. The chances of success are like a babbling brook, just a short ride through time.
Image Aw man…
Image Before the darkness of ruin wipes everything out, we must turn this planet into stardust. The safety of the universe must be maintained.
Image You would destroy the Earth…
Image So what Zuul said was correct…
Image We won’t ever let the Earth be sacrificed. Even if it costs us our life!
Image Shogo, you…
Image Yes… He’s right. Just do everything you can to the best of your ability.
Image Antarctica…
[Phone ringing]
Image It’s me. What’s up?
Image Captain, the Tower just sent us a SOS request! A Ruina force is attacking them led by a Melior Esse!
Image The Tower!?
Image Treize is still there.
Image Everyone, prepare for battle. We’re entering the atmosphere. Captain Bright, I’m counting on you as well.
Image Roger that. I will return to the Ra Cailum immediately.


Image Damn you Ruina. I can’t take this anymore. I’m going to fight back. All units, launch!


Image Hahaha. Too fragile. Die in the arms of fear!

Image Ugh…
Image To the human named Treize Khushernada, come out.
Image What?
Image Why do they want Lord Treize…?
Image If I kill you, many people will lose their emotional support. Their fear and despair will grow larger. The power we gain will also increase.

Image Lord Treize!? Stop it! Even those that unit’s now repaired, if you die…
Image Lady, I will not hide. I believe that what people need is not absolute victory, but fighting spirit. That difference is important. In that case, even losers can be beautiful. However, this is only true if human history will continue on in the future. But in this battle to come, absolute victory is the only thing that will allow us humans and the Earth to persist. I will not back down. I will not be one of the losers.
Image Lord Treize…
Image Hahahahahaha. There you are, human! The hatred and regret you will feel when you die will be immense! Die and become our food!
Image Ignis of the Melior Esse. I will be your opponent. Treize Khushrenada is here!

Treize really is Him. The Tower is injured and Treize, no matter how cool, cannot face the Ruina by himself. Just hold out for a turn and make your way south (which I didn’t end up doing).

Image THE BOYS!? You’ve made it…
Image THE BOYS… Thank god…
Image Hmph… You’re here. I knew I could count on THE BOYS. The Tower has reached its limit. Yamazaki, retreat now.
Image Sir! Commander Treize.

Image You… Yes, it’s them. They’ve returned. Hahahahahaha. Excellent. That’s what makes this whole thing worthwhile! Come at me! Inflict your anger and hatred on me!
Image Looks like you’re just fine, Treize.
Image Treize, you may be well prepared, but if you die now, we’ll all be in trouble. Please stop being so reckless.
Image That’s right, Treize! You’re not going to die on your own! We still haven’t settled anything yet!
Image I see… My apologies.
Image All pilots, launch immediately! Hurry!
Image So that’s Ruina? A minion of the entity that Zuul tried to wipe out along with this planet…
Image Yes it is, Marg. If we don’t defeat them, neither the Earth nor Planet Gishin will be safe. I can’t let that happen!
Image (That enemy… It’s Ignis, Chris.)
Image (Yeah…)
Image Damn you… Let’s go, Koji!!
Image Yes!
Image Anger and hatred give them power. Control your emotions. Don’t forget that.
Image Even if you say that…
Image Just keep that in mind if you want to win. Believe in yourself. Believe in Mazinger. Believe in our power.
Image Gou…

Deploy 14 units. Treize is already using the Tallgeese II if you were planning on fielding that.

If you deploy Ventus…
Image Oh… So you’re still alive, failure.
Image Yes… I am a failure. But they saved me from disappearing. They offered me life and a meaning to my existence. So I will fight, Ignis. I’ll fight you and the “King of Ruin”.
Image What? Hahahahaha. What a joke. You’re just an eyesore. I’ll erase you as soon as possible!

Just a normal battle. The calm before the endgame storm. Buff up with the bard and fight Ignis’ troops like you normally would. Take advantage of the bases’ good terrain of course and try to deny the enemy from using their HP restoring properties. Watch out for Ignis’ MAP attack, but really at this point he shouldn’t be much of a threat to a well built squad.

When there are 10 enemies left on the map…


Image Is that them?
Image Yes… Among the fragile humans, they are those who have the power to resist us Ruina. This time, I will give them the fear and despair of death.
Image It’s him… The one who appeared in Antarctica.
Image That’s… Umbra.
Image So… That’s Umbra. …He’s the one who hurt bro.
Image Humans… Accept your destiny.
Image What?
Image …Tears of sorrow and red blood become a wonderful wine… Moans of pain and thunderous screams become beautiful music. Hearts crushed by despair are our nourishment. And so, with the hatred and fear of twins of millions of souls and the death and destruction of tens of millions of lives, the “King of Ruin” will come into this world. To lead all living things…to ruin.
Image We won’t let you do as you please! It’s us humans who will win!
Image It’s too late. It can’t be stopped now. With the destruction of this planet, we will open a way for the true arrival of the “King of Ruin”.
Image I wonder. In that case, just try to defeat us first. All units, concentrate your firepower on the Melior Esse! Strike back with everything you have!

So now not only do we have to deal with Umbra, but Glacies too. Glacies’ grunts are extremely hard to hit and they have their own combo attacks, so watch out. But just the same, they’re nothing compared to Zuul and Geppelnitch.

Now that all the bosses are here, here’s their pre-fight dialogues.

Image Tch, if they’re back, there’s no point in killing you alone. I’ll finish you off quickly.
Image Apologies, but I’m not going to lose here either. I’ll fight back with everything I have!

Image Dad… Watch me. I’ll fight. Not for revenge, but to protect everyone and the Earth…
Image What’s wrong, Koji Kabuto? Hahahaha. I can feel your hatred! Are you accepting the fate of ruin?
Image Shut up! We’ll stop this “King of Ruin” person!

Image Ignis…
Image It’s him… What’s wrong? Give me more anger! Hate me more! What’s wrong, Tetsuya Tsurugi!? Or will you accept a cruel death? Regardless, I’ll kill you!
Image I… No, We will win! In order to protect this planet, I won’t lose to you!

Image O Red blood… Burn. O flesh, rot.
Image Tch. Why you…

Ignis, being closer, becomes the first to fall.

Image Tch. They’re human, but they’re beyond stubborn. Ah well, you’re finished anyway. I’ll withdraw from here. If you can make it to us, I’ll fight you again! Hahahahaha!

Glacies is next.

Image Dammit… Don’t tell me… A mere human could destroy me? …”King of Ruin”, use my death, the annihilation of my existence, for your power…

Umbra is the last to fall. If he dies, the rest of the enemies will retreat, so make sure he’s last.

Image …I see, you’ll try to kill me too. But it’s useless. All are in this beautiful destruction…along with us! If we meet again, I will fight you. Farewell, doomed ones.

Image The enemy is retreating.
Image Okay…
Image Captain, there are no more enemies in the area.
Image Alright, the battle is over. All units are to return now.
Image Looks like we drove them back.
Image But the hard part is yet to come. Treize, let’s go to Antarctica.
Image I see… Looks like you’ve found a solution.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image …I see. The Protodeviln, huh?
Image Exactly. We can’t afford to waste any more time. We will enter Antarctica and win. This is the only way to protect Earth, no, the universe itself.
Image So the situation is that dire. Just in case, I’ll tell all of OZ to evacuate everyone on the planet. We must prepare as many colonies and the moon if possible.
Image Something on your mind?
Image That decision…. To think the decision that sent Battle 7 to Lux and the Ra Cailum to the Gishin Empire would have led to this outcome. The whims of the goddess of the Earth Sphere are fascinating.
Image What are you talking about, Commander?
Image Just think about it. Without the trip to Lux, we wouldn’t have received the Protodeviln’s help to break through the energy field. Without Emperor Zuul’s defeat, we would have been too busy dealing with that and Zuul would have used his power to destroy the Earth.
Image That’s just hindsight.
Image Exactly… In other words, the Goddess of Fate is counting on us. For us to fight and win. For the Earth Sphere and the future of humanity.
Image The future of humanity…
Image Hmph… What a stingy goddess. After all, there’s still barely a chance we can win. I’d wish for a better bet.
Image I agree. …It’s all or nothing. If we lose, the entire universe is doomed for ruin.
Image Roger, before that, there is the insurance policy called “Earth”.
Image Dorothy, don’t even consider that! If we sacrifice Earth, the rest of the universe might be saved, but…
Image So that’s what Ruina means… “Ruin”.
(ルイーナ (Ruina) vs 破滅 (Hametsu))
Image Come to think of it… Maybe that’s what Dr. Saotome, Stinger, and Cowen were talking about at the end.
Image Perhaps. Maybe they were aware that Antarctica was dangerous.
Image Anyway, what’s important now is that we prepare our forces to head to Antarctica. Why are you acting so relaxed?
Image She’s right. This planet is an important monument to us Zentran, who have finally acquired culture. It would be a pity to see it destroyed.
Image Yes… Regardless, we have only one path left to walk. I suggest that we head to Antarctica immediately.
Image It’s the only thing left. Let’s get ready.
[The monitor turns on]
Image Wait just a minute.
Image Eve? What’s going on?
Image We’ve detected an energy anomaly in one of the Ruina bases we found. It seems to be extremely dangerous. Bahamut has determined that this location must be dealt with before Antarctica.
Image What?
Image …This is bad. This is very bad.
Image Doctor, what is it?
Image How bad could it be?
Image Have you all forgotten? The state the Earth was in at the very beginning? Think about what happened.
Image At the very beginning…
Image Doctor, you couldn’t be referring to that?
Image Oh no…
Image The closed sky…
Image When the Earth disappeared…
Image Exactly.
Image I see… If that’s what they’re doing.. Then it’s very bad!
Image Why now? Why do this again?
Image Cliff! Explain it properly!
Image Don’t you understand!? They… No, for him, that state was convenient. Yes… It must have been.
Image What are you talking about?
Image I get it! It’s probably more suitable for interdimensional travel. It reduces the resistance and the amount of energy required. In other words… They’re trying to close off this planet again!
Image So that’s what that was for!
Image W-what!?
[The screen flashes. Geppelnitch teleports in]
Image What? …Geppelnitch?
Image What they say is correct. A fluctuation is beginning to occur in the space surrounding this planet. Its true invasion into this universe is about to begin.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 11:29 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
The differences in this stage between Josh and Rim’s routes isn’t that much, but I’ll point it out when it does come up. Gonna try out a different way to show both sides this late into the LP.

Puzzle puzzle puzzle. You just need to force Glavil to retreat by getting his HP below a certain amount. Have Max use Assault, Valor, and Zeal and transform him into Battleroid form. Move him above Basara and attack Glavil with Micro Missiles (supported by HOLY LONELY LIGHT SB). Next, Mylene’s Gubaba uses Spirit. Basara uses Assault and Valor and moves above Mylene. Attack the boss with HOLY LONELY LIGHT SB while supported by MY FRIENDS SB. Heal Max with Mylene’s Trust, then sing MY FRIENDS SB on him to restore his SP. Milia uses Valor, transforms to Battleroid form, and moves to Max’s left. Attack with All-Out Attack while supported by Micro Missiles. Finally, Max attacks with a Valor’d Micro Missile.

Victory gets 50k money and an Armor Breaker, probably the only good attack part in the game.

The previous stage didn’t give as much money as I would have liked, so just a quickie.
  • Fabularis gets +2 HP, +6 EN and Mobility, and +4 Armor
Glacies (or Ventus or the remaining sibling) will be a requirement in the last stages, so making sure their mech doesn’t suck is ideal.

Last time, we rescued Treize and were about to attack Ruina's Antarctic base, but something more important came up first.

Combined Route Chapter 36: Crisis Point
Chapter 34 if you went Space/Jupiter/Gishin. Chapter 35 if you went Space/Keilas/Gishin or Earth/Jupiter/Gishin. Chapter 36 if you went Earth/Keilas/Lux

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image Oh my god.
Image Hmm… I never thought something like this would happen. What the hell should we do now…
Image What else can we do? Dammit… I never should have left old man Earl on Planet Gishin.
Image At this rate, we don’t have enough time to test how effective Sound Energy is on beings like Perfectio. There is one other thing bothering me…
Image What is it?
Image If we take what Geppelnitch said at face value, it is currently existing in two universes at the same time. But if that’s the case, then what’s going on with its perception and thoughts…
Image …Originally, it had no intelligence or will. It simply received negative emotions while existing in the flow of time.
Image But that’s no longer the case?
Image Yeah, whatever that thing in the Antarctic is, it’s clearly acting with some sort of will.
Image That’s right. It created the mechs the Melior Esse are using as well as those weird soldiers and are sending them to attack us.
Image It probably constructed a pseudo-consciousness based on the first intelligent being it encountered in this universe. After all, it’s an entity that desires nothing more than to receive negative emotions, destruction, and to invade.
Image So that’s why it’s called Perfectio.
Image (The first intelligent being it encountered in this universe… It can’t be…)
Image The first intelligent being in this universe it could have absorbed…
Image Cliff… What’s wrong?
Image Everyone, I’ve confirmed it.
Image You’re late. So what’s going on?
Image A group we believe is Ruina is gathering in this area.
Image I guess they’re strengthening their defenses.
Image You’re most likely right.
Image Yes. Eve’s information processing capabilities have proven to be reliable.
Image It’s all Bahamut, not me. But thank you anyway. I’m glad to hear you say that.
Image It seems that their attacks in other areas have stopped for now. But the damage is worse than we anticipated.
Image In any case, we’re running out of time. We need to decide what to do right now.
Image Should we go to Antarctica, or this base first…
Image If the Earth gets sealed again, then even if we failed, we couldn’t go through with a backup plan. So then…
Image But if we let them keep invading, we might not be able to push them back.
Image Gamlin…
Image …This is tough. What do you think, Geppelnitch?
Image I don’t know either.
Image If we make the wrong choice here, it could prove to be disastrous.
Image Don’t say that big guy.
Image But he’s not wrong.
Image Hm… So this is the crossroads of our fate.
Image But we have no criteria for judgement. What should we base our decision on…
Image I know… But this isn’t the time for that.
Image He’s right. This is an extremely tough decision and no matter how much we think about it, we won’t find the best answer. Not to mention how little lime we have left.
Image Do you have an idea, Treize?
Image So what are you thinking?
Image THE BOYS is composed of the greatest warriors in the Earth Sphere. Until now, you have always fought on the front lines, risking your lives, and overcoming critical situations.
Image …So?
Image No matter what you decide, no one will disagree with it. Why don’t we just decide by a majority vote?
Image But Commander…
Image Sounds good. There’s no point in thinking about this anyway. We can just do what we always do.
Image Koji, it’s not that simple…
Image No… It is. We don’t have the time and we don’t have any criteria. It’s an option.
Image Yeah… We need to take action.
Image …I agree.
Image I-I agree….
Image (Yes. Either way, we have to do something.)
Image Then it’s decided. Should we go directly to Antarctica with Geppelnitch’s help, or should we attack the enemy base that we believe is trying to seal the Earth again? We’ll take a vote. Raise your hand if we should do the former.

Image I see.
Image …Then it’s settled.
Image Yes.
Image Very well. We will now begin the operation to assault the enemy facility discovered in the Parana River basin in South America. Everyone, to your battle stations. We will launch immediately.

[Tower, Break Room]
Image The Tower… It feels like ages ago since we fought the Invaders.
Image You’re right. Even though it was only a few months ago.
Image Oh right. Everyone was fighting before we got here.
Image Yeah. Megazone only appeared right after we defeated the, in the Jupiter Sphere.
Image It really surprised us.
Image We’ve defeated the Invaders, held back Angel Halo, defeated the mighty Gishin Empire and Zuul, and made peace with the Protodeviln. All that’s left is… them.
Image Yeah… It’s been a long wait, but we’ve finally come this far.
Image Yeah… We can’t let the Earth be destroyed here… For Oliver’s sake too.
Image Danji…
Image You’re right… That’s why we’ve been fighting up until now…
Image …What’s wrong? You seem nervous.
Image No… It’s nothing. Sorry. Don’t worry about it.
Image You’re not going to say you can’t fight now, are you?
Image Laci…
Image I’ll be fine, Joshua. I was born to fight. Even if the opponent is the one who created me.
Image Ven… What’s wrong? You’re acting a bit off…
Image Yeah… A bit. I don’t really understand it myself. But I’m fine. Thank you for worrying about me.
Image Yes. I’ll be leaving then.
[The door opens]
Image Oh…
Image You are…
Image I’m Patricia Lovejoy. Secretary of Information for Commander Treize. It’s nice to meet you.
Image This isn’t the first time.
Image Yes, I think we’ve met quite a few times already, Miss Angel. This isn’t the place for someone like you. What exactly are you planning? Don’t you know what time it is?
Image What I’m planning? Please don’t say such nasty things. It’s purely business. For my own safety of course. Do you want to know who Schwarzwald really is?
Image Schwarzwald… That human who was with the Ruina?
Image Real name is Michael Seebach. He was a member of the first expedition sent to Antarctica immediately after the incident.
Image What? But I thought they were all wiped out.
Image They’re supposed to be dead, but for some reason he’s still alive and is now mankind’s enemy.
Image …”Ruin” is the truth of all things, huh?
Image Yes… He must hate humans.
Image From what I’ve gathered, if it gets too bad, the Earth will be sacrificed to stop them. I’m going to evacuate. Shouldn’t you also be running away? This isn’t your job in the first place. You have no obligation to fight and risk your life. You’re free to do whatever you want, so just run away…
Image …You’re right. It’s okay to run away from danger. It’s okay for people to dance in the rain without an umbrella. And…it’s okay for people to risk their lives just to follow their heart, even if it doesn’t benefit them in any way. That’s what freedom is.
Image Isn’t it the same thing as foolishness? Well, it’s your call. I’ll just watch from space. Bye, Negotiator. If you survive, I’ll see you again.

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Amuro, we’ve entered South America. We’ll be at the target area soon.
Image I see…
Image For better or for worse, we don’t have much time left.
Image Yeah. Apparently anomalies in the space-time continuum can already be detected by Battle 7.
Image Kamille, it seems you were talking to Ray earlier.
Image Nekki Basara seems to be in the groove.
Image Seriously, I’ve been on the front lines for a long time but I’ve never seen anyone as unaffected by the tension of battle like him.
Image Bright, we’re ready for battle.
Image Good. Everyone, battle stations! All pilots, be ready to launch at a moment’s notice!


You can pick between the Ra Cailum, Battle 7, or Tower.

Image That’s…
Image Hahahahahahahaha! Welcome, rotten people from a rotten world.
Image You’re speaking as if you were waiting for us. But you’re a human too, Michael Seebach.
Image Michael Seebach has vanished from this universe.
Image What are you planning!?
Image At this rate, won’t everything be destroyed, not just the Earth!?
Image Exactly! It’s impossible for humans to resist the fate of ruin. Accept that truth!
Image He’s insane.
Image I’ve confirmed the footage. The target is most likely underground.
Image Underground, huh? We don’t have much time. Let’s break through here and destroy the target facility. Got it?

Select 15 units to bring into part one of this penultimate chapter.

Gameplay-wise, this first part is very no-frills. Just defeat all enemies. No special gimmicks or anything. Not even any boss dialogs. Do what you always do and start destroying Ruina.

If you’ve seen Big O, then you know what’s under these wraps. The Mummy itself is very uninteresting.

When there are five enemies left…

Image Hmph… I knew it would be you.
Image Aquila.
Image You’re back!
Image I knew you would come here. It is you after all. But it’s too late now, humans. The death, despair, fear, and hatred that overflow this planet… Those waves of ruin will open the door to the end of all. All that awaits you is death at the end of despair.
Image We’ll stop you!
Image Of course. I won’t let you get in our way!
Image I can see your impatience, humans. Let’s see if you can defeat me and still make it in time.
Image Of course we will. We’ll defeat you, destroy this place, and then move onto Antarctica!
Image That’s right. We’ll blow right through you!
Image We’ll kick your ass!
Image Then come. I will crush your hopes, your feelings, and the hearts that you humans rely on into pieces.
ImageAquila… Will you crush me too? I lack a human heart.
Image Oh… Glacies, huh? Interesting, but…boring. You’ve become weak.
Image What?
Image Don’t you understand. There’s fear inside you. I don’t think you can defeat me like that.
Image Laci… You mean…
Image …I am a Melior Esse, not human. I can’t bear fear.
Image Hmph… Very well. Either way, you will be crushed.
Image Dammit, I won’t let you do that!
Image Aquila… It’s useless. They’re too strong. To put it bluntly, you cannot shake their will.
Image Hmph… It’s you. I won’t ask why. It makes no difference if you join them. We’ll just crush you all the same.
Image Quit joking! It won’t be that easy!
Image Yes… I won’t lose, Aquila. Now I understand the source of their power. The source of human strength.
Image Human strength? Interesting. If that’s the case, then show it to me. Let’s go, humans.
Image All units, re-form your formations! Intercept them! We can’t continue until we beat him!

Thankfully, Aquila was kind enough to spawn all the way in the back of the map. That gives us plenty of time to beat up Schwarzwald and the mooks he rode in with.

When you do defeat his Mummy…

Image That’s…
Image Big O…?
Image It looks similar…
Image What is that!?
Image Impossible…
Image Hahahahaha. I can see it, Roger Smith. The look of surprise on your faces. Quit your struggling.

For a “series final boss”, Big Duo is very lackluster. It’s just a midboss on this stage instead of its own thing. A missed opportunity in my opinion. Its reveal and fight in the Z series is a lot better.

And it goes down super quickly anyway.

Image Dammit, after all that… But whatever you do will be useless. Farewell! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
[He explodes]

Aquila falls not that long after. I know I keep saying it, but these bosses are nothing compared to Zuul and Geppelnitch. It’s like taking weighted clothing off.

Image Hmm… I still can’t believe you have this much power. Interesting… The power to resist despair and ruin…
Image Bastard, are you running away!?
Image Wait!
Image For the sake of the “King of Ruin”, I will retreat. If you come to our territory… I will ask you to show me your power once more. I will wait, strong humans.

And that ends the map.

Image Ruina forces have retreated!
Image There’s no signs of any enemies left on the surface.
Image Don’t let your guard down! It’s not over yet! Hurry, let’s charge in!
Image W-wait a second. I scanned the opening and it’s not large enough for Battle 7 or the Tower to enter.
Image Should have expected that.
Image I see… Looks like it’s all up to the Ra Cailum.
Image Thank you, Captain Bright.
Image Roger that. Ra Cailum, advance slowly. We’re entering the underground facility! All units, stay vigilant!

Image This is…
Image What is it?
Image This looks familiar…
Image Familiar? To what?
Image The Antarctic ruins of course. What else could it be?
Image So…
Image Well, there’s no point in thinking about it. We’re going to destroy it anyway.

Image Kukuku. So you humans are actually here. I’m surprised that you’re still alive.
Image It’s that guy from back then! Captain Bright, this is the guy from that plant!
Image Contagio.
Image Contagio...
Image What? Dammit, not again…
Image Will there be another energy field… No, Captain, I don’t think so.
Image I concur. If they’re trying to create a dimensional fault, they probably don’t have that much excess energy.
Image R-right…
Image Kukukuku. Foolish humans. Soon this planet will be sealed. You cannot stop it, for it’s already too late. Tremble in fear, for the ruin is about to come. Kukukuku. Eventually all life on this planet will die, and with it, the “King of Ruin” will gain the power to bring everything else to ruin.
Image What!?
Image We can’t let them do that…
Image …There’s still time. Look at these four places.
Image …There’s still time. Maybe it’s these devices…



Image The energy could be concentrated here. If we can destroy them…
Image I believe the energy is concentrated here. If we can destroy them, then maybe…
Image Are you sure?
Image …Glacies, huh? I see… Since the humans are alive, it makes sense that you, the broken one, are alive too. Kukukuku. Yes, you are correct.
Image What do you mean?
Image Eh!?
Image (Why… Why would he just tell us…?)
Image I’ll tell you. Indeed, if you destroy them one by one, you might be able to stop this. Kukukuku. Go ahead and try it, if you can. However, those are areas where negative thoughts are concentrated. It won’t be easy to get close to them. Well, you’re running out of time. Kukukuku. Apologies, but I will excuse myself.
Image What!?
Image Kukuku. No need to panic. I’ll give you someone to play with.

Image I knew it…
Image Struggle as best you can. In the midst of your unstoppable regret, be overcome with despair. That too will become the “King of Ruin’s” power. Farewell, mortals. Kukukukuku!

Image Dammit. Doctor, what did he mean by that!?
Image I see… So those devices are protected by the same kind of energy field.
Image What?
Image No way…
Image So you’re saying that we can’t do anything about it?
Image Then what can we do!?
Image …Perhaps that mech…
Image What is it?
Image Oh right…
Image …Joshua, can you do it?
Image Got it. This mech… The systems that my and Glacies’ units have can withstand it for a short time. If we can destroy it within that time…
Image …It’s the same as back then…when you saved me, Joshua…
Image …Cliana, can you do it?
Image (Eh? EH? What?)
Image It’s just like before… Our mechs’ systems… We can bear it but only for a bit. We’ll do it.
Image …Same here. I think I can do it too.
Image …Sorry. Anyway, we don;’t have much time. Destroy them as soon as possible.
Image Alright, let’s go! Stop this at all costs! I’m counting on you all…

Select 13 units for, in my opinion, the most annoying stage in the game. Force deploys are your chosen main character and either their Ruina counterpart or surviving sibling.

Image Okay, destroy this first. I’ve just discussed it with Manabu. This one should be taken care of first. I think.
[Points it out]
Image Be careful! It can’t take more than seven minutes to destroy one! Destroy it as soon as possible within those seven minutes!
Image Roger!
Image Joshua, don’t screw up.
Image Got it!
Image Rim, if you make a mistake I will never forgive you!
This map is too large for the GBA screen.
There are four points on the massive indoor map that the main character and either their Ruina companion or their sibling must stand on. These points are in about the 7, 10, 4, and 2 o’clock positions in order. The main issue is that you have a time limit and there are endlessly spawning reinforcements.

When you break through the first line of enemies, five more enemies spawn on top of the first point in a plus formation (of course they can and will support each other). If you defeat enough enemies that there’s less than five on the map, five more will spawn in at whatever the current objective point is. So you need to defeat as few enemies as possible to get Josh, Rim, Glacies, or Ventus to where they need to go. But you also don’t want to keep too many enemies alive, since they will swarm you and prevent access to those squares. And then there’s what happens after you get to the four points…

This is why you don’t send someone to capture a point solo.

I also mentioned a time limit. Each objective gives you seven turns before it’s game over. But it’s not seven turns from when you get the last point, but an increase of seven turns to get to the next one. So for the first objective, the time limit is seven. For the second, you have fourteen. The third gives you twenty-one and the fourth gives you twenty-eight total turns.

The strategy I used both times I had to do this stage is to bring one of the Sympathsia users to each point along with one to three allies, while the rest of the group starts heading to the next point. Focus on luring out the enemies away from the objective, create a hole in their formations, and break on through. Accel, Zeal, and Awaken will be your best friends here. The mooks aren’t that hard and there’s no boss to worry about. Just the pressure to get to the objectives as soon as possible.

The last point has more enemies, but more will still spawn when there’s less than five enemies on the map. Be extra careful.

When you knock out one point, reinforcements spawn at the next one, following the same pattern. Keep going until you knock out all four spots. But before you get to that last point, make sure you bring your strongest units to the top left of the map.

I’m going to save the character limit and just say that when you destroy a point, Glacies/Ventus or Cliff points out the next point and tells you to hurry up.

When you knock out all four points…

Image Did you do it!?
Image Yes! We did it!!
Image You did it… Everyone, good work.
Image What the…?
Image This is… It can’t be.
Image Yea… I bet it is.
[More Earthquakes]
Image Dad, does that mean…
Image No way… It’s going to self-destruct again!?
Image Dammit, I should have known. Bastards!
Image Dammit, this isn’t funny! We need to escape!

Image Based on past cases and the current situation, I calculate there is a 95% chance that this place will explode in about seven minutes. Please escape within seven minutes!
Image All units, did you hear that?

Image Don’t bother with the enemy and escape! Hurry!!

We’ve only got seven minutes to play with them. Sorry Bright, but we need the dosh for Perfectio. The reason why I told you to send your best units to the top left is to take out these enemies as soon as possible. The map ends either when every single unit gets to that line or if all enemies are defeated. I sure hope you didn’t leave anyone alive back at the other points.

In both my runs, I finished them all off.

Image Bright, it looks like all the enemies have been destroyed.
Image Good job everyone! Evacuate now! Hurry!

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Whew… Looks like we made it in time…
Image Yeah… So what’s the situation? Did we stop them?
Image The sky looks the same at least.
Image Apparently we did.
Image We were able to stop them from sealing the Earth for now…
Image Yes, I think we can view this as a victory.
Image However…
Image That’s right, Amuro. Even after all these battles, we’ve only bought ourselves a little more time. But…even that might just be optimism. Beltorchika, call Captain Max. We’re going to Battle 7.

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image Damn, that was a close one.
Image Way too close to call.
Image Yea, but it worked out in the end somehow.
Image Sure… But only for the moment.
Image Right… Our situation hasn’t changed much.
Image Yeah… Antarctica is still there.
Image Nothing’s over… I know that, but…
Image Dammit!
Image Did you confirm it?
Image Yes. Considering that I can contact you, I conclude that the Earth is no longer about to be sealed. But immediately after you succeeded, an energy reaction began to concentrate in the Antarctic.
Image What?
Image The drops of time are running out. It will soon appear in this universe. If you want to save this planet, I suggest you hurry, Earthlings.
Image No need to consider it now, huh?
Image I agree.
Image Yes. We will head straight to Antarctica.
Image Hmm… So this is the final battle.
Image No matter what happens, this will be it. Heh. Easy to understand.
Image Let’s go. We must protect the Earth no matter what.
Image Yes. To save the Earth. To save the universe. Let’s do this.
Image Everyone… Are you okay with this?
Image Isn’t it obvious
Image What do you think we’ve been fighting for?
Image Exactly.
Image Amuro, what are you talking about now?
Image Well hold up, Kei. This is just the final confirmation. If anyone wants to back out now, no one will blame them. If you want to reconsider, now’s the time.
Image Yeah… This is the last chance if you want to get off.
Image I’d be surprised if anyone would do that.
Image I agree. The same goes for the kids. I know they would want to be here no matter what.
Image Yeah. Everyone is here of their own free will.
Image We’ve been resolved for this for a long time now.
Image Resolve… That sounds kinda sad.
Image Max…
Image Bur right now, we have to do this.
Image Yeah… Leave it to me. We’ll fight with everything we have.
Image Yes. We absolutely cannot lose.
Image If that’s where you all stand, then we have nothing to worry about. We just have to win, right? So let’s just sing a song and relax while we can.
Image Basara… Are you going to sing?
Image Yeah, it’ll be a great performance. I’ll let the whole galaxy, even another universe, hear my song.
Image That’s just like you.
Image Same as always.
Image Heh… That’s fine. Colonel, Commander Max, we’re good. All that’s left is to go to Antarctica.
Image Yes. Bright, Captain Max, Yamazaki, start preparations at once. This…is the final battle.
Image Yes, Colonel.
Image Roger. We’ll depart as soon as we’re prepared.
Image Seconded.
Image All pilots will be deployed as soon as we reach Antarctica. Everyone, make sure you get some rest. You’re prohibited from helping with maintenance. Got it?

Next time, the final chapter. The final battle.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:05 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
This is the final chapter of the game. Due to its length, it’s split up into two parts. The epilogue will be separate. This is part one.

Due to the character limit, the puzzle solution is on the archived version only.

For this final intermission, I sold every single consumable and part I wasn’t using, then I used the money to do the following.
  • Geant Chevalier, ZZ Gundam, Nu HWS, and Fabularis gets +2 to Weapons.
  • V2 Gundam and Nightingale gets +1 to Weapons.
There’s no need to stockpile anything. This is the end of the game.

Last time, we saved the Earth from being resealed like a ziplock bag. It’s time for the final battle on Ruina's Antarctic base.

Final Chapter: Desire

[Battle 7, War Room]
Image So what’s going on?
Image Sir. Up until now, the human casualties across the entire planet from Ruina incursions are approximately…

Image It’s really that bad…!?
Image What the hell…
Image …But if things continue as they are, it’ll only get worse. We must stop them now.
Image …Yes.
Image How are the evacuation preparations?
Image The fighting with the Ruina has decreased, so we’re currently using OZ’s ground and space forces to rush it along. But it seems we’ll only be able to send 10% into space…
Image 10%. Worst case, the remaining 90% will end up sharing Earth’s fate…
Image Admiral, we’re going to Antarctica to stop that from happening.
Image But… It’s hard not to think about it.
Image Hmm… I’m sorry for you, but this is an intergalactic issue.
Image I know. When the time comes… Geppelnitch will destroy the Earth to destroy them.
Image Max…
Image I hate to admit it, but… It’s for the best. If we are defeated, there is no military force in the Earth Sphere that can stop them.
Image If we die, the Earth will too…
Image That’s right. But I’m not going to give up that easily. Geppelnitch, what exactly should we do in Antarctica?
Image It does not normally have a physical form. From what I’ve heard, it seems that it was summoned by that device. That’s why it had no choice but to take such troublesome measures.
Image I see. So then…
Image We just need to eliminate its body in this universe, the one called “Perfectio”, and destroy the gateway before it invades completely. In order for this planet to survive, we have to do this quickly.

[Tower, Deck]
Image Here we go! There!
Image Koji, I’m going that way!
Image Yeah, leave it to me! Go!
Image Ah, Tanosuke, get it! Bro, if you miss, the ball will fall!
Image S-sorry, Shiro.
Image Oink oink!!
Image Nice follow-up, Tonsuke!
Image I’ve got it! Here it comes.
Image Nice hit! I’m really not good at this sort of thing.
Image Okay, it’s my turn.
Image Good job, Warren!
Image I won’t let you. Ah dang it!
Image Boss, that’s dangerous!
[Boss falls with a large thud]
Image Ouch, ouch, ouch.
Image Boss, what do you think you’re doing?
Image S-sorry, Sayaka.
Image Hehe. This is our win.
Image Tch. Nice going, Boss. Up for one more?
Image One more time!
Image We’ve come this far, Boss. Let’s bet tonight’s side dish on this next round.
Image Okay, Kabuto. In that case, I won’t lose.
Image Come on, Koji. You can do it!
Image Leave it to me, Maria!
Image Huh!? Kento, Boss, if you lose, you won’t get any dessert! Koji won’t have any side dishes either!
Image Now that you mention it, I’m hungry.
Image Tanosuke, you just ate some bread.
Image You get hungry way too easily.
Image He’s a growing boy after all.

Image Uso, what’s going on over here? It seems pretty lively.
Image Oh, Shakti. Is something wrong?
Image Karl woke up, so we went for a walk. It’s about time to give him some milk.
Image Shakti, I’ll give him his milk.
Image A child giving milk to another child?
Image I’m a big sister too!
Image So you are.
Image Goo goo~
Image Hey everyone, look! Karl is standing up!
Image Wow.
Image Great job, Karl.
Image Karl just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Image Yeah.
Image Hey hey… When this is over, let’s all live in Kasarelia together.
Image Yeah. If we’re all together, it’ll be much more fun.
Image Yeah… That’s a good idea.
Image Let’s farm the land and eat our fill.
Image I want to eat that one thing again. You know, the thing Shakti made back then.
Image Yeah. It was delicious.
Image When we get back to Kasarelia, I’ll make it again.
Image We’ll help you out, Shakti.
Image Yeah… I don’t know if we’ll end up living in Kasarelia, but if we do, we’ll all be together. Right, Uso?
Image Yeah… I guess so. But I wonder if we can fit that many people into my house…
Image You can just put Boss in the doghouse. It’ll be fine, Uso.
Image S-say it ain’t so, Sayaka.
Image Hehe. That sounds nice. It’s great to eat outside together.

Image Wow, those kids are amazing. To think they can play like that before a battle.
Image Kids should be like that. They don’t live just to fight like me.
Image What are you talking about? I know you feel the same way, Major. If we don’t remember the fun things, there’s no meaning to our lives. Do you think we can be proper adults after this war is over?
Image Keh. You don’t have to tell me that, Junko.
Image But… When this war is over, peace can’t exist without the will to create it…
Image It’ll be fine. They are strong. Their will connects the present to the future. The will of that man is also with them. As it is in you too.
Image Thank you, Gou.
Image Gou, you sure can get poetic.
Image What’s going on? Weren’t you guys resting?
Image Oh, Dad and Ryoma.
Image If you hang around here, you’ll just get in the way of the maintenance staff. Oh, Astonaige, Captain Bright and Hayato wanted me to give you this. Finish it before we leave. Sorry, but we’re counting on you.
Image That guy… Such a pain. I’ll do something about this. Hey, 3rd and 5th maintenance squads, gather ‘round. We got new orders.
Image Hey Astonaige, your stubble’s getting too long.
Image We’ve been busy here, Lieutenant. Unlike you pilots, this is our battlefield.
Image You’re right. We’re all counting on you, Astonaige.
Image Oh, Chan!
Image What’s up, Kei? If you need something, ask us later.
Image Oh, nothing like that. I just got a call from the Ra Cailum saying that Captain Amuro wants you to come back. So will you wait until later?
Image I’m going right now! Good luck you guys!
[She runs off]
Image H-hey!
Image Hmph. Amuro just needs to make a decision already.
Image There’s been a lot going on. But you guys need to get some rest. Even if the machines are in perfect condition, they’re useless if the pilots aren’t.
Image Don’t worry. Unlike dad, we’re still young.

[Battle 7, Break Room]
Image Josh? Do you need something?
Image No… Does anyone know where Basara is?
Image Basara?
Image Ah… He’s probably on the observation deck…
Image He has to be with that strange woman though.
Image That’s fine, Mylene. It’s actually her I want to talk to.
Image You mean with that Protodeviln? Whatever for?
Image Yea… Well then…
[He leaves]
Image Hey Rim. Something the matter?
Image Umm… Do you know where Basara is?
Image Basara?
Image Ah… He’s probably on the observation deck…
Image He has to be with that strange woman though.
Image (I knew it.)
Image It’s fine Mylene. I have business with that other person. Thank you.
Image You mean with that Protodeviln? Whatever for?
Image Yea… Well then…
[She leaves]
Image Is something wrong?
Image It’s probably about his dad.
Image Yeah… Most likely.
Image Hmm…
Image Mylene, what’s wrong? You look pale.
Image I…feel weird. I haven’t stopped shaking since back then…
Image Mylene…
Image It’s okay, Mylene. We will win. Have I ever lied to you before? Trust me.
Image Gamlin…
Image Yes, it’s just as he says. We didn’t lose to either Zuul or the Protodeviln. This will be the same too. We will protect the Earth.
Image Yeah, it’ll be fine. Even Zuul couldn’t stop us. I know our strong will will carry us.
Image Yes… I believe you as well. You did defeat Zuul with your own power.
Image Exactly. Mylene, there’s no need to make such a face. Please sing to us instead.
Image Yeah, that’s it. The kids want to hear you sing too.
Image Me…?
Image Come on, we’re all together now. This is the perfect time to relax a little.
Image Commander, what about…
Image Captain Kinryu, aren’t we heading out? We don’t have much time.
Image Yeah, sorry, sorry. Without alcohol, I can’t get in the mood. Well, that can’t be helped.
Image When we’re done, please take me to that shop in City 7.
Image It’s a promise. Once this is over. Hahahaha. See ya, guys.
[The three of them leave]
Image Good grief. Kinryu’s too relaxed.
Image It’s fine, Danji.
Image It’s good for everyone when the superiors are calm.
Image Much better than the opposite at least.
Image Captain Kinryu you stud, having a flower in each hand. I’m jealous. Speaking of which, Mylene, please go on a date with me after this.
Image Eh?
Image Hey, Dokker.
Image It’s a joke, a joke. You’re as uptight as ever. Oh, there you are. What’s wrong? You look gloomier than usual.
Image Tetsuya… I know your story. I know how you feel, but you need to stop pushing yourself. I’m no Basara, but you won’t be able to be at your peak like this.
Image You don’t have to remind me.
Image Tetsuya, you’ve fought through all of these challenges. For the Director’s sake, we have to do our best.
Image Yeah… I know. Even if it means sacrificing my life, I will stop them.
Image Tetsuya…

[Battle 7, Observation Room]
Image The Earth… The scenery sure is pretty… Is something wrong, Sivil?
Image Someone’s coming.
Image I thought I heard Basara’s singing.
Image Oh, it’s you guys. What’s with that gloomy look?
Image …If we fail, this Earth will end up just like ours. How can we relax?
Image Is that right?
Image Shogo… But…
Image You sure ain’t yourself.
Image Duo and Hilde… Weren’t you on the Ra Cailum?
Image I heard some singing, so I came to take a look.
Image Duo… What did you mean?
Image We’re heading to Antarctica to save the Earth. All we can do is fight with everything we have. I know you’re the type to do whatever it takes to make sure no one gets left behind.
Image Yeah… So there’s no need to think that far ahead, is there?
Image Exactly. We’ll do whatever we can before the worst can happen.
Image You guys are weird, like that one mute guy. Oh, another listener.
Image Shogo and Duo are here too, huh?
Image Josh.
Image Great minds and all that.
Image Hehe. Since you’re here, I’ll sing you a song.
Image Actually… I’ve got something I want to ask Sivil about the Protodeviln.
Image Sivil?
Image …What is it?
Image It’s about those guys in the Antarctic. The intelligence that Geppelnitch mentioned… What happened to those humans?
Image Their bodies remain, but their souls are absorbed. They no longer exist.
Image So they die… As humans.
Image You could say that.
Image Josh… Are you thinking about your dad?
Image …Shogo, tell Eve I’m leaving Rim to her.
Image Oh… Okay.
Image Thank you.
[Josh leaves]
Image Oh, Shogo and Yui. Duo and Hilde are here too.
Image You too?
Image What’s wrong, Rim?
Image Hehe. Thank you for coming. Shall I sing you a song?
Image Eh, are you sure!? How about TRY AGAIN…
Image (Hey Chris! Do you remember what we’re here for!?)
Image Ah, well, not that right now…
Image What is it?
Image Umm, there’s something I’d like to ask you, Sivil…
Image Sivil?
Image …What is it?
Image Ah, well, Cliff told me that maybe Perfectio is my father.
Image So that’s what you wanted to ask about.
Image So I wanted to ask. Geppelnitch said he was possessed. If so, what happened to the original person?
Image Rim…
Image Their bodies remain, but their souls are absorbed. They no longer exist.
Image (W-what does that mean, Liana…?)
Image (He’s dead, Chris. At least he did as a human. So if it was Dad that was absorbed, then…)
Image (So he’s not anywhere anymore…)
Image (...)
Image Hey, are you okay?
Image Um… Shogo. Tell Eve I’m leaving my brother to her.
Image Oh… I’ll tell her…
Image Thank you. I-I’m… going to go now.
Image What’s with them?
Image I wonder if they’re okay… It’s like they’re…
Image There’s no point in worrying about it now. Hilde, let’s head back to the Ra Cailum.

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image Communication from Battle 7 and the Tower. Preparations are complete. We can depart at any time.
Image …It’s finally time.
Image Yes… Captain, let’s be off.
Image To Antarctica… Attention everyone, this is your Captain speaking. Our ships will not depart for Antarctica. Please, take your positions.

[Ra Cailum, Residential Area]
Image Heero, you got a message from Relena.
Image I see…
Image It seems she’s woken up.
Image Did you guys really put Miss Relena to sleep and ship her away?
Image If we didn’t she would have come with us.
Image She is pretty reckless after all.
Image Yeah, so Heero asked Lady Une to take Relena into space with her when she ascends.

Image Heero… Tell me. Why did you do this? I wasn’t going to get in your way…
Image If we fail, Geppelnitch will destroy everything. No matter how the battle in Antarctica ends, this is the final battle. The only difference is whether the Earth will remain or not. Even if the Earth is gone, humanity in space will survive. We need you to keep living.
Image Heero…
Image I promised I would protect you. This is the only thing I can do for you right now.
Image Heero… Stop that! You’re planning on dying… Brother, let me go too!
Image It’s too late… I’m sorry, Relena. You’ll have to see the outcome from up there. The rest is in your hands.
Image Brother… Heero!!
[They hang up]
Image Thank you, Heero Yuy. I was so busy with my own work, I forgot to think about Relena.
Image Zechs…
Image Noin, you don’t have to force yourself to come with us. You still can make it in time. Would you go to Relena’s side?
Image No… I can’t leave your side. I don’t want to wait any longer.
Image …Okay.
Image Are you sure, Heero?
Image …Life is cheap. Especially mine.
Image Wrong.
Image Trowa…?
Image Our lives have quite a high price.
Image Yes. We have to fight to the very end. Don’t take the easy way out, Heero.
Image By the way, what happened to Wufei? I haven’t seen him around.
Image He was in the training room last I saw him.
Image I think he’s returned to his room to meditate.

[Tower, Break Room]
Image Norman, where are we now?
Image Sir, we’re over the Falklands at the moment.
Image I see. After I finish this drink, I’ll start getting ready. But you are the most interesting person, Prince Duke. The Gishin Empire collapsed with Zuul’s death. With the Protodeviln’s help, at worst the destruction of the universe can be averted. I’d think that whatever happens to Earth is irrelevant to rebuilding your planet.
Image You forget I’m also Daisuke Umon, Roger Smith. I can’t imagine rebuilding Planet Fleed without protecting my second home. There’s also Hikaru and Koji here too.
Image Daisuke…
Image And that’s why I’ll fight with my life on the line. Alongside the people of this planet.
Image It’s reassuring to have you here, Daisuke.
Image I see. If negotiations with other planets become necessary to rebuild Planet Fleed, my door is always open. I’ll take on the responsibility for the right price.
Image Haha, look forward to it. I’ll appreciate your help in the future.
Image Roger, you really do always wear black.
Image Yeah… Isn’t that kinda unlucky…
Image You’re being rude.
Image You’re right. This guy has the worst tastes.
Image Oh come now, Dorothy. I expected you to appear out of nowhere, but for that? You’re just…
Image Hey Dorothy. If you like, why don’t we have some tea that Norman made?
Image Sure… I’ll join you. But it would just be for show.
Image Good grief.

[Ra Cailum, Observation Room]
Image Well then, Colonel.
Image Ah, sorry. I will consider Megazone. That is, if we survive this battle.
Image This is a battle I’m willingly throwing myself into. I only see victory.

Image Char… What are you doing here?
Image Amuro and Kamille? Just…thinking about something.
Image Is it about this battle? Or…what happens after?
Image …Just waiting won’t change people. Even if there are good young people here. But the Earth Sphere is currently in the midst of chaos, not unlike the Zentran War.
Image If we can survive this battle, it’ll be easier to control a post-war Earth, right?
Image Yes. But I have no intention of leaving it to Treize, the Romefeller Foundation, or the Earth Sphere Unified Government.
Image Char… Bastard, you’re not…
Image That won’t ever happen again. Char Aznable. If you really care about the Earth, you would do it in the right way. I won’t let you say that’s impossible.
Image Yeah… You’re right, Kamille.
Image Oh, there you are, Kamille.
Image What’s up, Judau?
Image What are you doing here at a time like this? Fa is all along and on the verge of tears.
Image You haven’t been paying her any attention, have you? Unlike us, Fa isn’t cut out for this sort of thing. She’s only here because of you, right? Do you get it?
Image You’re right… I know. I’ll go to her now.
Image Will you? That’s fine then.
Image Okay. Amuro, I’ll see you.
[Kamille leaves]
Image …Anyway, just think about this battle for now. If we lose, it’s all over. You can’t afford to think about anything else.
Image I know.
Image Colonel… Right now you’re probably just busy with what’s in front of you. But if you plan to start another war after all this is over, we will stop you. We won’t be on your side. Remember that.

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]
Image Fa.
Image Oh, Kamille… Is something the matter?
Image No… Fa, I’m sorry. For things to have turned out like this…
Image It’s fine. This was my own choice. If i hadn’t come with you, I’d probably be regretting it on the Moon right now…
Image Thank you, Fa. I’m glad you’re here.
Image Kamille…
Image Fa… When this is all over, before we head back to Von Braun, why don’t we go on a vacation around Earth together. Uso and Shakti have invited me to Kasarelia.
Image Yes… Kamille. I’m looking forward to it. I’m sure everyone will…return safely…
Image Yeah…

[Ra Cailum, Upper Deck]
Image Quess, it’s cold out here, isn’t it?
Image Eh? Ah, I’m fine. Hey Gyunei…
Image What is it?
Image …It’s nothing. Gyunei, do your best out there. It’s no good if everyone dies from something like this. We need the Colonel to survive.
Image …The Colonel might start another war after this is over.
Image He wouldn’t do that anymore. There’s no need to, is there?
Image I have to protect the Colonel. But Gyunei, will you protect me?
Image Yeah… I’ll protect you and show you that I can fight better than the Colonel and Amuro.

[Ra Cailum, Observation Deck]
Image Joshua… What are you doing?
Image …Praying.
Image Praying?
Image Yes… I was praying to a god I never believed in.
Image …What is a god?
Image …It’s something that doesn’t exist anywhere. A useless, illusory, all-powerful being that exists only in our hearts.
Image Is there any point in praying to an illusion?
Image It’s comforting.
Image Humans are…strange.
Image Maybe. Is something wrong?
Image No…
Image Laci… I knew it.
Image Eh…?
Image Yes, this is… I know you’re afraid. I can feel the fear inside you. Just like what Aquila said.
Image It can’t be… Is this fear… This is what fear feels like? This pain. But why…
Image I don’t know, but that’s what it is.
Image Am I…afraid? Of fighting Perfectio, the one who created me? Of dying in battle… Of disappearing from existence…
Image I’m scared that “I” will disappear… And I won’t be able to live with you anymore… I’m such a fool…
Image Laci… You’re not a lie or a falsehood. It’s your real life and heart. It’s proof that you’re alive, just like me.
Image Joshua… Are you scared too?
Image Yes, I’m scared…whenever I fight. I’ve said it before. No one wants to die. But… I have to fight.
Image Humans are…strong. They can resist fear and still go into battle.
Image You’re one too.
Image But… If… Even if I survive… I have no place in this world. Perhaps I should perish along with Perfectio…
Image I’ll…make one. Your…
Image There you are.
Image Gyunei? Weren’t you with Quess?
Image You meddler… Is it true that it might be your father?
Image …It was my dad who opened the “Fabula Fores”. If something from another dimension came through it and absorbed the first thing it came into contact with… Well, you can connect the dots.
Image Tch. You’re joking. You can still fight properly, can you?
Image I have a responsibility to end what my dad started. Besides, if what Sivil said is true, then even if my dad was the one who was absorbed, he would have been dead a long time ago… There’s no reason to hesitate.
Image Hmm. I hope you can back that up.
Image …Is that all you have to say?
Image No. It’s time. The others are already waiting. Pick up the pace.
Image (Dad… I’m going back now. To settle everything you did out of your own curiosity…)
Image (Dad…)
Image (We’ve been through this. There’s no other way, Chris. We absolutely cannot lose. I won’t let them sacrifice the Earth. Because of what Dad did, I can’t let them continue.)
Image (...I know, Liana. But…)
Image …Are you scared?
Image Yes… I’m scared. I think you feel the same, Ven. I understand. Now that you have that inside you…
Image Yes… I’m scared too. I really am. To fight Perfectio, who created me, and to risk my life for you all, I have no hesitation. But… You could lose your lives. I’m scared that you’ll disappear.
Image Ven…
Image If I can’t protect you unless I kill Perfectio, then that’s what I’ll do. That’s all I can do for you.
Image There you are, Cliana.
Image Quess, what’s wrong? Weren’t you with Gyunei?
Image We were just together. …Are you guys okay?
Image …Yeah. We’re fine now. I won’t think about my father until this is over.
Image (Yes. All we have to do now is fight.)
Image That’s the spirit. If there’s something we can do, we do it. If I defeat all of Ventus’ friends, we’ll win.
Image Is that… a Newtype’s intuition?
Image Maybe? Anyway, it’s time for us to get changed.
Image Ah, wait up, Quess.
Image (Quess… Isn’t that a bit odd…?)
Image (Yea, maybe. But it’s okay. She has Gyunei.)
[Ra Cailum, Bridge]
Image We’ve reached the target point. The Ruina’s energy field is confirmed. W-what the heck are those…
Image What the… How many mobile suits are there? Were these the OZ ground forces?
Image What is that?
Image After the Ruina’s invasion began, a team of mostly volunteers was formed to try to break through the barrier. This was before THE BOYS returned to the Earth Sphere. Unfortunately, all attempts have failed. These are the white gravestones of those brave warriors.
Image My god…
Image …If we can’t stop them… We’re not going to die here…
Image Amuro… No way.
Image …I’ve made up my mind.
Image It seems you’re ready, Earthlings.
Image Yes… We are, Geppelnitch.
Image Then I’ll make a hole in that energy field and send you in. You have two hours. If nothing happens in two hours, we’re considering this a failure and will destroy the planet. Return by then.
Image Two hours, huh?
Image Hmph… Let’s finish this quickly.
Image Geppelnitch, what about the moon and colonies…
Image Leave them to me. I’ll do that much for you.
Image Well then… Let’s get started.
Image Understood.
Image You only come out when you win, right?
Image Seriously, I want this to be over.
Image Everyone, battle stations! We’re now entering the Ruina’s energy field!


Select your battleship of choice.

Image What’s that?
Image Impossible…
Image Those are the ruins… You’re saying those are ruins!?
Image It’s huge…
Image Hmm… It looks like an underground structure has emerged above the ground. Hahahaha. Amazing.
Image Something that large was buried underground?
Image I’m surprised. It seems we only entered a very small portion.
Image That’s not important.
Image Yeah… So that Perfectio bastard is in there, right? If we can just blow it up, it’ll all be over.
Image You make it sound so easy.
Image …THE BOYS. The time has come to put an end to this long war. This land is now a world for those who only fight. This battlefield is beautiful because of its purity. In order to protect the Earth, the homeland of humanity, I want this to be the last battle in the Earth Sphere. The chances of us leaving here alive are not high. But… This is a battle where defeat is not an option. I expect all of you to use all of your power in this battle.
Image That’s right. Apologies to everyone who’s been fighting up until now, but your strength and your lives…will be used up. This will be the end. All units, launch.
Image We don’t have much time. Break through them at all costs!
Image Your mechs are in perfect condition! We’re counting you all to win…!

Bring 15 of your finest warriors into the first stage of the final battle.

Image No way… How the hell did you guys get here… Well, that’s not important. I never thought you’d actually show up. Fine, I’ll settle this here. This is a fitting grave for you. Hahahahaha!! Your deaths will bring about “ruin”.
Image Just shut up, Ignis! We don’t have time to deal with you!
Image Yeah… Let’s finish this up quickly and move on.
Image Hmph… You’re being awfully bossy. No matter how hard you try, it’s useless. You all will die here. Spread the fear of death and despair. Hahahahaha!

This first part isn’t anything new. Hang back and have Basara sing his lungs out to buff up to high hell. My go-to tracklists for this stage are two of Totsugeki Love Heart, two of TRY AGAIN, and one PLANET DANCE. The easiest way to take on this stage is to hang back and let them come to you. Eventually Ignis and his buddies will start moving towards you, but Ignis will outrun them and be left without any support defenders. That’s when you surround and jump him.

As a note, every Melior Esse has a Super Repair Kit ready to use when their HP starts to get low. The best way to avoid that is to destroy them in one turn. Armor Down from Rust Hurricane or an Armor Breaker is key.

Ignis dies faster than I expected.

Image What the…? Don’t tell me…?

He also adds more lines depending if Glacies, Koji, or Tetsuya kill them. Not Ventus though.

Image Ignis…
Image Laci… You’re going to kill me…?

Image Did you see that, Ignis! This time, you’re finished!!

Image It’s over…Ignis. It’s been a long time… I’ve finally defeated you…

Once the initial wave is finished…

Image Hmph… Ignis was defeated. That’s the power I wanted to see.
Image Bastard… You showed up.
Image You’re up next, Aquila!
Image Heh. I’ve been waiting, humans. Come on. Rise up. Show me more of your power.
Image You don’t have to tell us! You’ll be following Ignis now, so prepare yourself!
Image Wait, Aquila!
Image Takeru…?
Image What’s wrong…Human? Can’t you fight?
Image That’s not it. If the being you call the “King of Ruin” destroys everything, then you’ll also be destroyed! Don’t you understand that!? Stop fighting and let us through!
Image That’s exactly why, humans.
Image Eh…?
Image That’s why I fight. Fighting like this is the reason why I was born into this world. You humans are the only ones who have ever defeated me. Fighting with you is what gives my life meaning. I was created by the “King of Ruin” and I will meet ruin myself. That is my destiny. Until then… I will keep fighting. That is why I’m here.
Image What the hell…?
Image No way… You can’t…
Image You all have such little time remaining. Fight me with all your might. If you do defeat me once again… I will open the path to the “King of Ruin”.
Image What!?
Image Hmm… Sounds interesting. Let’s go!
Image That’s it! Come, show me your power. Show me the strength you have to resist the fate of ruin!

It’s just more of the same. Aquila isn’t that much stronger than Ignis, so just use the same strategy. He’ll easily outrun his support defenders once he decides he wants to move. Then just jump him.

He’ll fall all the same.

Image I…am defeated…
Image Aquila…
Image Your promise.
Image Yes, we won. Now open the way!
Image Heh… Very well. I will open the way to the deepest part, the “Fabula Fores”. Go, humans. Go to the deepest part where Contagio, Umbra, and the “King of Ruin” are.

Image If you can resist the power of “ruin” beyond the limits of human life, if you can stop it, then give it a try. How far can you resist? Hahahahaha. That was fun, humans! I now feel “alive”. This is my…
Image Aquila…?
Image Aquila…?
Image That guy… Why…
Image Who knows what they’re thinking. Come on, let’s go. We’re running out of time.
Image Any thoughts about this path Aquila opened?
Image Hmm… It looks like a hole big enough for all three ships to descend. But should we jump in?
Image Hmm… It could be a trap.
Image Even if it is… What other options do we have?
Image Exactly…
Image Right… Let’s go into the path he opened… To the lowest level.
Image Hmm… It looks just like the Gates of Hell leading into the underworld…

The map ends regardless if there are any enemies remaining.

The following is only on Josh/Glacies’ route.

[Inside the Ruins]
Image …Joshua. Ignis is here. He’s still alive.
Image What?
Image What’s wrong, Josh? Hurry up!
Image Sorry, go on ahead. I’ll be right behind you.
Image Okay. Don’t wait too long.

Image Ignis.
Image Ugh… Laci, huh? How did it come to this? You and I were supposed to be the same. You were the only one I needed. Dammit… You’re here and I didn’t want to be the only one to disappear…
Image Ignis…? You…
Image Damn you, human! If only you weren’t there, this wouldn’t have happened!! If only you hadn’t been there, Laci and I could have been the same! You bastard… Dammit, what is this unpleasant feeling?
Image It couldn’t be,,,
Image Yes… It is. Ignis, that’s your hatred. The desire to not disappear is your regret, as is your fear of death.
Image What…? This…is that? This is what we sought. What the “King of Ruin” has given us as his power… I see… Hahahahaha. I hate you. Is this what it means to hate?
Image Oh no… Then he’ll become Perfectio’s…
Image …It’s too late. I’ve already fallen into the “King of Ruin’s” grasp.
Image Ignis…
Image That’s strange… I feel sadness coming from you.
Image Ah… Yea, that’s right. I am sad. I’m sad that you will disappear. That you will die. You and I were one in the same…
Image Laci…
[Explosions and earthquakes]
Image Ignis!! Dammit…
Image …Let’s go. We have to catch up to the others. We have to stop Perfectio from coming.
Image (Dad… We’re coming. To the “Fabula Fores” that you opened…)

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:06 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
This is the final chapter of the game. Due to its length, it’s split up into two parts. The epilogue will be separate. This is part two.

I’ve uploaded my gameplay for this part of the chapter here. Consider this a preview for the next LP. Don’t expect the best gameplay, but do expect plenty of resetting and animation skipping.


Start by selecting your battleship of choice.

Image So this is where it ends.
Image Amazing…
Image I see, so this is it. Hahaha. Interesting.
Image Is this it, Glacies?
Image I don’t know… I’ve never been here before. But there’s no doubt about it. Perfectio is here somewhere. I can feel him.
Image Do you agree, Ventus?
Image I don’t know… I’ve never been here before. But there’s no doubt about it. Perfectio is here somewhere. I can feel him.
Image Indeed… It seems that negative energy is accumulating here. This monitoring device, which is a modified Song Energy detector, is showing a strong reaction.
Image Max, we’re running out of time.
Image So it seems. We’ll attack everything at once.
Image …Everyone, let’s go! We’ll stop them no matter what! Josh, I want you out there, okay?
Image Roger that!
Image …Everyone, let’s go! We’ll stop them no matter what! Rim, I want you out there, okay?
Image Sir!
Choose the last 14 units of the game. Don’t hold anything back. You can’t bring Treize though.

Image So this is where dad was… This is where I was supposed to come on that day…
Image Don’t die on your own, Josh. You have to survive and fulfill your responsibilities.
Image Same to you.
Image I’m…a warrior. As long as I can defeat the “enemy”, that’s good enough for me. I don’t care about what happens afterwards…
Image Tetsuya…
Image Don’t get distracted, you guys. Stay focused. This pressure… They’re here.
Image My friends, my home, our future, everything that is important to me… I won’t let you erase them! I’ll protect everything!
ImageUgh… What’s this feeling… So gross…
Image They’re here!
Image Kukukuku. What a tough bunch of humans you are. You’re still alive. To think that you’ve come this far so quickly… It was Aquila, right? Kukuku. What a pointless thing to do.
Image Humans… Your short journey ends here, in mad despair and unbearable fear. Bring…your blood. Your screams of hatred so song that they freeze your own soul. And your death…to me…
Image We will defeat and stop you!
Image Kukukukuku. I can’t be stopped by mere humans. I’ve come here to be the first sacrifice to the “King of Ruin”. Well, whatever. Rather than giving up so easily, the more you struggle, the deeper your despair will be.
Image Those destined for ruin… Walk into the darkness.
Image All units, use all your power and eliminate the enemy! Destroy them!

Welcome to the final battle. First thing’s first, stay in this first room and buff up as much as you can handle. Right now, no enemy will move until you enter their range. Use this time to make your squad stronger than even a god. When there are five enemies left on the map, more will spawn, so watch out. These reinforcements happen three times.

Umbra and Contagio are…a giant pain in the ass. Whenever they get below 30% HP (), they will recover completely. I believe they’ll do this forever, or at least that’s what it feels like.

Image Dead humans, give me your dark power…

Image For defeating Aquila and Ignis, I acknowledge your strength. But you cannot destroy me with that mere amount of power. Especially not here. Kukukukuku!

The best thing to do is to get them right above their recovery point (hopefully with their armor sundered by Koji) and finish them off in one supported blast. They will defend if they see a kill coming, but they don’t recognize support attacks in that calculation. As you can see from the video, this took me a while to set up.

Image This is my blood… My downfall…

Image Ku…Kukukuku! I can’t believe it, but it seems I’ve perished first. But… It’s no use. You can’t resist the “King of Ruin”. Kukuku. You will not survive. Kukukukuku!!

Once all the Melior Esse are dead, the real final battle begins.

Image We did it… Umbra and Contagio are gone.
Image Okay, that should do it. All units, destroy the “Fabula Fores”!
Image Oh shit!
Image What is it, Takeru?
Image Ugh…
Image Is that…a scream…? A human moan…?
Image What is this…intense pressure!?

Super Robot Wars D - Despair
Image It’s him… This pressure is coming from him…
Image Judau, that’s him…?
Image Seems to be.
Image Yes… There’s no doubt about it. That’s him…
Image Perfectio?
Image The “King of Ruin”...?
Image Heh, he’s finally here!
Image Perfectio is the name of this body that I inhabit. I am ruin. I am chaos…. I will simply erase everything. I will return the infinitely expanding universe to the infinite primordial darkness…
Image Kuh… Monster…
Image Dammit… This isn’t funny! We won’t let you, someone from another world, destroy ours!
Image (...Young… It looks young, but… It looks a lot like Joshua. That body…is it really the professor?)
Image (Is that…Dad? I knew it…)
Image I exist in all universes. Lifeforms that call themselves human, just like this body. The time has come for this world to be led to ruin.
[Screen flashes white]
Image What is this…suffocating feeling…
Image I’m breaking out in a cold sweat…? Dammit, what a horrifying pressure. But it’s not over yet! The real body must still be on the other side of the “Fabula Fores”. We must defeat Perfectio and destroy it no matter what!
Image Damn. All units, attack! Unless you defeat it, there’s no future for us or for the Earth!

Meet Perfectio and his Fatum (latin for Fate). The eldritch horror of ruin. And our final boss. 200k HP stands between us and saving the world. And for a final boss, presentation and music aside, he’s kinda weak. He’s vulnerable to Armor Down and lacks any sort of passive HP regen or damage reduction besides a mere Beam Coat. I’d argue that Zuul and Geppelnitch are harder than Perfectio. Especially with Basara’s buffing at the start of the map.

He’s also accompanied by copies of the Melior Esse’s mechs except Ventus’ Studium. They’re every bit as powerful as their originals, but lack the actual pilots’ stats and skills that made them somewhat of a threat.

As you can see here, we’re jumping him. Thanks to all the buffing and how I built my units, Perfectio literally cannot hit anyone except for Battle 7, Big O, Mazinger Z, Shin Dragon, and Godmars. He can’t even hit Shin Liger! The enemies to the south including the fake Melior Esse are being held off by Basara, who they have single digit chances to hit. Lower Perfectio’s defense and keep pummelling him. Try not to use your spirits quite yet…

When you bring down that massive 200k HP…

Image We… We did it!?

Image Wha… He’s unharmed!?
Image Dammit, this is ridiculous.
Image It’s useless… I exist by feeding on death and destruction. You cannot destroy me.

Image You’ve got to be shitting me… Something like this…
Image This is the end. I grant you complete destruction. Become a part of me and disappear.
[Another flash of light]
Image W-what…
Image This is… Ugh…
Image What… My hands are shaking… I’m afraid… Am I scared?
Image Roger, what’s wrong?
Image T-this is just a physiological reaction. I should be able to overcome it with reason. This, this is…
Image N-no…
Image Ugh.. Dammit, what is this…
Image Uuu… This emotion that’s being summoned… I guess you could call it an indescribable fear… Oooooo…
Image Wh-what… I can’t move…
Image No… No. Someone… Stop this. Someone, help me!
Image Maria… Ugh. Why is this happening…
Image It’s…impossible… There’s no way we can win against someone like that…
Image We’re going to die… Are we going to die… Here of all places…
Image No… I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die…
Image M-Mylene… Dammit…
Image You’re lying… Why…
Image Were we mistaken…? Are we useless…
Image Dammit… Impossible. I’m scared!? Of that thing!? Move, dammit! Why won’t my body move!
Image This isn’t good…
Image There’s no way we can win… Against something like that…
Image K-Kei… No…
Image Ah.. Ahhh…
Image Kuh…
Image H-Heero…? Even those who crave death are cursed… This is… The ruin of the soul… What overwhelming horror…
Image Dammit, I won’t accept this… I can’t move out of fear… Dammit all!
Image I know it’s over if I give up… But I can’t fight… I…
Image Ah.. Colonel. Colonel, where are you!? Help me! Noooooo!!
Image This is.. The power of ruin… Dammit.
Image Impossible… With this kind of illusion… Uooooooo!
Image I can feel it… Your cries. You face ruin in the depths of despair… Become my strength, you lifeforms called humans.

Image Kuh… What is that…
Image Eh… Wh-what…?
Image (L-Liana…)
Image Doctor… What’s that…
Image Ugh… “Race Arcana”? No, this is “Sympathia”. What’s with this output? I’ve never seen this before…

Image Stop it, Josh. If you don’t cut the system, you’ll… At least turn off “Sympathia”.
Image I-I can’t… It’s going out of control…
Image Joshua!? C-can I move…?
Image Stop it, Rim. If you don’t cut the system, you’ll… At least turn off “Sympathia”.
Image I-I can’t… I can’t control it…
Image Rim!? Dammit, can I move…?
Image Joshua. Joshua!
Image L-Laci…? Get away from me… Guh. Gaaaaaaaaah!!
Image Ugh… What’s wrong with my unit… Uuuuuuu.
Image Rim, I’ll…
Image Ven… No, don’t… Ugh… Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Image Ugh… What the… This machine too… Uuuuuuu.
Image D-did those two systems…synchronize? W-what is this…
[Another flash of light]
Image Ah… Light…?
Image This…prayer… Shakti is praying…?
Image T-this is…
Image Why… What is this…
Image Shaki’s prayer and…a song…?
Image Yes… I can hear it…
Image Why is a song…
Image W-who is singing…
Image This voice… Eve…?
Image W-what did you say…?
Image Eve’s song…? This…?
Image This is…

Megazone 23 - Please Tell Me The Secret
Image Heh… Heheh. I see… So this is Eve’s song… Shogo, it’s just as you said. It’s a good song, isn’t it?
Image Ba…sara…? Yes… That’s right… I can feel it. Eve’s… No, this is everyone’s…
Image Yes. I can feel it in my heart! It’s burning up!! UOOOOOOOOOO! LISTEN TO MY SONG TOO!
Image Kikii!

Fire Bomber - TRY AGAIN
Image Basara…?
Image …Basara’s song… KOOOOOOOO!!
Image What…was I doing…
Image It’s…gone…? That oppressive feeling…
Image Did that monster’s pressure weaken…?
Image What the hell…happened…
Image I…I understand… I can feel… Everyone’s will and energy returning… Everyone’s strength…
Image Dammit, It can’t be that he…
Image Joshua…?
Image I…I understand… I can feel it. Everyone’s will and energy returning… Everyone’s strength…
Image (Liana… Our mech…)
Image Kuh…
Image Wha… Josh!?
Image No… Rim!?
Image (It’s okay, they’re fine. What’s more important is what we need to do…)
Image Shakti…? What’s wrong…?
Image (Everyone, think of it. The hope in our hearts. The will to stand up. The power of our lives… Think strongly. The power of that unknown machine and the prayers of the tens of thousands of psychics who were saved from Angel Halo all connect and weave together. Ourselves, the people who believe in and wait for us, and the feelings of all the people in the Earth Sphere. As long as we have that “feeling” called hope, as long as we live, we haven’t lost…)
Image Yes… That’s right, Shakti. We’re still alive…
Image Yeah, that’s right. It’s not that simple.
Image We just have to believe in our will and our feelings.
Image That’s right… But with that…
Image We can still kick its ass!
Image Heh, as long as we’re alive.
Image Yeah… Oliver knows we’ll be fine.
Image This is…
Image …Yes, that’s right, Eve. Everyone’s physiological reactions are returning to normal. I don’t know how everyone is feeling. But… I can feel their power…
Image My body…can move.
Image Same… His curse is lifted.
Image Heh… Looks like that Perfectio bastard is all talk!!
Image That’s right! We haven’t lost yet!
Image Yeah, we can still fight! We’ll resist you to the very end, monster!!
Image this? You repelled my power? Impossible… I am infinite. I am eternal. To think a mere lifeform destined to perish could reject my power, which continues to exist with death, destruction, and negative emotions. Even if I exist in this universe only through this temporary body… It’s unthinkable!
Image Perfectio…? Joshua, this is…
Image Yes. I understand now. The true meaning of this system that was left behind in these ruins. That door that first opened a long time ago, what pushed back the power of “ruin” that emerged, and created the chance to seal it… What Shakti said was a link of thoughts… The resonance of those souls… Believing in your comrades, believing in the chain of people that spreads out behind them, believing in your own future, and believing that there is hope. The power of those thoughts, that power of life… That… That is the only thing that can resist the power of “ruin” that feeds on death and destruction…
Image Perfectio…? This is…
Image Yes, that’s right. I…understand it now. The true meaning of my mech, of the system that was left behind in these ruins…
Image (Yes… The power of “ruin” that came out of that door a long time ago. The one thing that pushed it back and protected this world…
Image (Yes. What Shakti said was a link of thoughts… The resonance of those souls… Believing in your comrades, believing in the chain of people that spreads out behind them, believing in your own future, and believing that there is hope. The power of those thoughts, that power of life… That… That is the only thing that can resist the power of “ruin” that feeds on death and destruction…)
[Screen flashes again]
Image Now… Let’s put an end to this. We’ll put everything on the line and push you back to the world you came from!!
Image Good… No matter what, make this the final push! Everyone… I’m counting on you!!

2nd Super Robot Wars OG - Despair
Normally, this would be when the JAM Project song plays to hype up the final phase, but this will do.

Phase two is exactly the same as phase one, but with some bothersome flies. Ignore all enemies and burst down Perfectio as fast as you can. Dump every single SP into Aim, Focus, Valor, Soul, Love, etc. The hardest part of this fight is the slowdown from so many sprites on the GBA screen. Or that’s just me.

200k HP is nothing. Bring ruin to Ruin.

Image Ugh… I guess it’s because I’m tied to this body of flesh. This temporary body can’t hold on any longer. But this power that rejects me…must not be allowed to exist…

Every remaining enemy explodes.

Image We… We did it!
Image It looks like it’s over…
Image Yeah… All that’s left is to destroy the “Fabula Fores”
Image (Dad…)
Image (Father…)
Image (...)
[Screen starts shaking violently]
Image What!?
Image This…can’t be good.
Image Captain, this is bad! Something with a tremendous amount of energy is coming from the “Fabula Fores”...
Image What!?
Image Tch, you’re saying we didn’t make it in time!?

Image No! It’s an energy lifeform after all. As long as there’s a supply of energy, it can be destroyed endlessly…
Image Oh no! We’re not going to make it in time!!


Image I’ll… make time.

Image Wha… Treize!? Stop it!
Image My battle is long over. Everyone… I leave the rest to you. The future of the Earth Sphere and the future of humanity. Milliardo… I’m going on ahead…


Image Treize, you bastard… Bastard! What happened to your promise with me!? How can we settle things now… Dammit!
Image Oh! The influx of energy has weakened! Hahaha. Destroy it now!
Image Treize… All units, hurry! With the power we have left, destroy that ancient machine, the “Fabula Fores”! This is the end! Begin the attack!

[Space Fortress Bulge, Command Room]
Image Yes… I heard Commander Treize sacrificed himself to create enough time to destroy that dimensional gate.
Image I see… But at least…it’s over…
Image (Lord Treize…)
Image Lady…
Image …I thought that this would wait until everything was over. Now is that time. Here.
Image Eh? Why did you give me a gun?
Image During the coup, I was the one who ordered the assassination of Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Dorian, your foster father.
Image You killed my father…!? You didn’t…
Image As you can see, I’m but an empty shell. Please clear your father’s regrets.
Image No… Let’s put an end to all that. You are someone who’s necessary for the Earth Sphere.
Image …Yes.

Image The ruins are…sinking…
Image It’s…over, isn’t it…
Image Yeah. It’s over.
Image We won…
Image Really? Is this really the end…
Image Yes…
Image This is actually the end. It will never come back here again.
Image Yeah… We protected the Earth.
Image No, we protected peace in the universe.
Image Yeah… You stopped Zuul’s rule and gave hope not only to Earth, but countless planets.
Image I agree. Without the Earthlings’ power, this would never have happened. That’s for sure.
Image That’s right, brother…
Image But everyone did their best. Now that you mention it, we really did something amazing.
Image I agree. Really…

Image Geppelnitch was this close to destroying the Earth.
Image Yes… It was a close one.
Image Yeah. At that time… If Treize didn’t do what he did, I don’t know if we would have made it in time…
Image Yes… I have to admit it, that was… that man’s way of ending things.
Image Perhaps. When I negotiated with him, he said that his own battle was already over, but that he had to find a reason to fight for humanity. He must have found it during this long war.
Image (...Treize.)

Image That was really hard. What a horrible guy.
Image Yup. We went crazy back there. I really thought it was all over for us.
Image Yeah… But it was our will that repelled it. That thing that finally emerged from Pandora’s Box and saved people from despair…was hope.
Image Yeah… But our war isn’t over yet.
Image That’s right. Is the justice called peace that will be established at the end of this war really correct? We have to find out.
Image In the end, you guys are no different, ya know.
Image Hahaha. That’s right. Basara… Your song saved us once again.
Image Hehe. That kind of thing doesn’t really matter. I’m just happy that I was able to sing at all. Shogo, tell Eve I loved her song.
Image Okay, I’ll let her know. I know she’ll be happy. We…didn’t have to make the same mistake twice…

Image Anyway, this means that all dangers to the planet have passed. Norman, get ready. Let’s go home for the first time in a long while.
Image Yes, Master Roger.
Image That’s right… We have to think about what happens next. Let’s go back to Side 3 for now.
Image There’s so much paperwork piling up in the City that my desk is probably drowning in papers.
Image Apart from the moon and colonies, the surface of the Earth is in tatters. We have to do something.
Image First things first, we need to call Lady Une and start cleaning up. We’ll need the Foundation to fully cooperate.
Image Yeah… The hard part starts now.

Image …It’s over, Josh.
Image Yeah… It’s over. We both survived.
Image We survived alright. So what now?
Image I don’t know… I need to think about what I should do. But right now… I could use a nap…
Image It’s finally over…
Image Yes, you’re right. Everything is finally finished…
Image (Mmm… We need to think about what to do next too…)
Image (I need to take a nap first. Slowly, everyone will…)
Now for the epilogue and some fun facts about this LP.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:07 pm
by KitsuneRagnell
Time for the Epilogue.

[Antarctica, Ruins]
Image You’re still looking?
Image In just one month…everything was buried without a trace and this place has returned to being a white void. A place where no one can live…
Image It seems the weather abnormalities are ongoing. There’s been constant snowstorms lately. This is the result.
Image To me, this is where it all began and ended. I’ve lived here for years.
Image When I was a kid, I used to join my dad and help him with his research. Whenever I came up with a good idea, he’d praise me. That made me happy, so I studied hard. The reason why I started fighting Invaders here was because of my dad and his colleagues…
Image …Another snowstorm is about to start, Josh.
Image Yeah, let’s go back to the Tower. Hustle.
Image (Everything… is gone.)
Image (Yes. In just a month, it all got buried without a trace… I don’t even know where everything is now.)
Image Rim, you’re still here. It looks like another snowstorm is about to start.
Image We should return to the Tower.
Image Ah, yes. I’m coming.
Image (Liana and my body was for one of my father's experiments… There were a lot of hardships and unpleasant things, but… But even so, Father was kind to us…)
Image (I…am grateful to you, Dad. Maybe it’s because of that that I’m here and I’ve gotten to know everyone… Because I got to be with Chris. I wouldn’t be alive today if I was alone.)
Image (Yeah… I think so too. I’m glad you’re here, Liana…)
[Antarctica, Tower]
Image I see. Relena Peacecraft has returned to being the Foundation’s representative.
Image Yes. It seems that she’s supported by Lady Une and the executive council officially approved her.
Image Looks like they’re starting to think about the future.
Image So what will happen to the Earth Sphere Unified Government? Without Treize, it’s doomed to fail.
Image They’ve temporarily chosen a chairman, but with the launch of the Earth Sphere Regeneration Organization, it doesn’t look like he’ll have much influence.
Image The Earth Sphere Regeneration Organization, huh? Weren’t you chosen as a committee member, Hayato?
Image In name only. We can leave the details to the politicians and higher-ups. I’ll remain in the Tower, rescuing refugees and maintaining peace.
Image Hmph. Even if we’re maintaining peace, I can’t imagine that there’s going to be a battle that would require us to get involved.
Image All the better. We’re fine being an unused force.

Image Ah, it’s cold as hell. Dad, it’s not going to be a problem. I know the Doctor wants to dig it up, but no one wants to do it right now. Maybe we should just put up some surveillance equipment?
Image Sure. Good work out there.
Image By the way boss, I just asked Tetsuya, but is it true that we don’t know where Heero is?
Image Yeah. Everyone except Quatre is MIA. They just disappeared so damn easily.
Image Typical. There’s nothing to worry about. They know how to survive. If anything happens, they’ll come back.
Image Even so, isn’t that a bit irresponsible? There’s still so much work to do.
Image They have their own circumstances.
Image I guess but… It’ll be lonely.

Image Oh, there you are..
Image Jun, what’s up?
Image Dr. Shikishima was looking for you. He said he wanted to talk to you about Glacies.
Image I see.. Thank you. I’ll be right there.
Image Tetsuya, come here. You promised to play with Shiro.
Image Oh, it’s that time already?
(There isn't a Rim equivalent for this scene)

Image Dr. Shikishima, is something wrong?
Image Ah, there you are, Josh.
Image The results of our tests are in. It’s very interesting. I won’t know how it was created, but her DNA lacks the genes that inhibit aging and has a decay factor built into it. In short, her lifespan is extremely short. I’d give her three years at most.
Image What.. Her…?
Image Well it's out of our hands. She’s different from us.
Image Cliff, shut up. Doctor, can’t you do anything?
Image If we irradiate her with Getter Rays, she might turn into something like Gou.
Image Hahaha. I’m just pulling your leg. I’d love to try it, but even I can’t bring myself to use Getter Rays at this point. In short, no. We could create a clone to repair her body, but that’s not the answer you’d like.
Image …Ah.
Image Joshua, you’re here. …What’s wrong?
Image It’s…nothing. Let’s go to the cafeteria. Kei and the other should be there.
Image Sure, but… You’re acting strange.
Image I just have to think about what’s going to happen from now on…
Image Umm, doctor, I heard you wanted to talk about something…
Image There you are, Rim.
Image The results of our tests are in. It’s very interesting. I won’t know how it was created, but his DNA lacks the genes that inhibit aging and has a decay factor built into it. In short, his lifespan is extremely short. I’d give her three years at most.
Image Eh…?
Image (No… Ven…?)
Image So then…
Image Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do.
Image Is something the matter? You’re making a weird face.
Image Ven…
Image …Don’t worry about it. I never thought that I’d still be alive. That alone makes me happy. I can still be with you guys.
Image B-but… Mmm.
Image Come now, don’t look at me like that. Let’s go get some hot cocoa. It’ll be strong, just how you like it.
[Moon’s Surface, Von Braun City]
Image I see, so you’re leaving.
Image Yes. General Gascon and Roze are leaving, so I’m going to have them accompany me to Planet Fleed. I’ve already told Captain Amuro and the Tower about it.
Image I’d like you to stay on Earth forever, but…
Image Don’t be selfish, Mika. They have a mission to rebuild Planet Fleed. Just like we have to rebuild the Earth Sphere… No, even more so.
Image Prince Harlin and Lord Gascon have promised to cooperate. Even if it takes ten or twenty years, we will join the Galactic Federation.
Image Prince Duke, I know you can do it.
Image Thank you, Mars.
Image Daisuke… Maria… You’ve got to be strong.
Image Hikaru…
Image Take care, Maria.
Image See you later. Someday.
Image Yes, for sure.
Image Maria, what’s that you’re holding? It looks like it’s important to you.
Image Shaki, Suzy, and Sanae collected these for us. They’re flower seeds from Earth.
Image I hope Planet Fleed will be full of beautiful flowers.
Image Of course. Brother, it’s time to leave.
Image Koji still hasn’t shown up yet…
Image I know Koji hates saying goodbye. I’m the same… So I won’t say it. Everyone… Take care.

Image If you’re ready, then let’s get going.
Image Uuu… Koji…
Image maria… I’m on your side. Even if we’re apart, our feelings are connected. That’s what I believe.
Image Mmm… Thank you, Roze.

Image Now then, Commander Asuka, we’ll prepare to return to the Bulge… No, it’s called Ceres now. Zechs and Lady Une should be waiting.
Image I can’t believe they’re turning OZ’s space fortress into a space station of the Earth Sphere Regeneration Organization. Lady Une sure is bold.
Image Shogo, are you going back to Megazone?
Image Yeah. We have to consider what to do next. I’m not the type for that sort of thing, but I’ll make it work somehow. Yui and Eve will be with me.
Image I see… That’ll be rough.
Image Are you sure you didn’t want to go with Roze, Takeru?
Image Marg returned to Planet Gishin already, right?
Image Yeah… It’s fine. I may be a Gishin, but I consider myself a human from Earth. I also heard that they’re using Gishin technology to build a warp catapult on Earth. Once it’s completed, I can come and see them whenever I want…
Image Yeah. We can see you off without any worries.
Image If you’re done, then let’s go, Yahagi. I just got permission from Colonel Char.
Image Yeah, I think I’ll go home now. To our city, Megazone.

[Battle 7, Bridge]
Image captain, docking with City 7 is complete. No abnormalities anywhere.
Image Information link with each ship in the fleet is complete. No abnormalities in any ship.
Image …And this is when we say goodbye to Earth.
Image This is our second departure. Macross 7 is a migrant fleet. Once the situation in the Earth Sphere has settled down, we will return to our original purpose. We knew this from the beginning.
Image Yes. The galaxy is vast. There must be many more undiscovered Earth-like planets like Lux. Also, with the data from Helios and Gishin, we can confirm truly unexplored space. It should be easier than before.
Image That’s right. Also, if we find a habitable planet, it will be beneficial for the people of Earth. Someday… Humanity will spread across the galaxy and play a part in the Galactic Federation.
Image Yes…
Image Captain, we got a message from Colonel Char on Side 3.
Image He’s being polite even though I’ve already said my goodbyes to everyone. Please forward it to me.

[City 7]
Image Mylene, it’s almost time for the first Fold.
Image And again, we have to say goodbye to Earth. I made so many great friends…
Image Kikii…
Image Don’t worry. They’re re-establishing the Fold communication network, so we can always be in touch. And we have our songs, don’t we? As long as we keep singing, our feelings will continue to reach Earth.
Image Our feelings are connected, Mylene.
Image Yeah… The farewell concert with everyone was a great success.
Image Yes. Even Eve joined us on the big screen.
Image I’ll have to do my best.
Image Yeah. I know you’ll be fine, Mylene.
Image Basara, why are you so quiet? Ah, I get it. You’re lonely because that woman Sivil went to another universe with Geppelnitch.
Image Idiot. You should practice properly to make up for the time you weren’t able to. If you make a mistake like the other day, you won’t be able to keep up.
Image What’s that about? You don’t play along with me at all! Selfish! Irresponsible!

The following is a scene only if you took the Space Route at the start of the game (Josh in this case).

[City 7]
Image Those two are the same as always…
Image Yep. Regardless, I didn’t think you would come. Thank you, Josh. There’s the possibility of fighting some stray Zentradi or remnants of the Gishin Army. We’ll be counting on you.
Image Well, since I’m going with you, I’ll do everything I can.
Image Are you sure, Joshua? This planet is your…
Image You were the one who wanted to go, right? Leaving the Earth to travel among the stars of the galaxy… That sounds nice.
Image Yes, that’s what I said. If I could live a different life, it wouldn’t be on Earth, but…
Image …Would you rather be alone?
Image Not at all. I’m glad you’re here. But…
Image I…will always be with you. Forever.

[Side 3, Neo Zeon Military Facility]
Image So Judau, what now? Until now we’ve just been helping with the cleanup…
Image We’ve been on the Moon for a while now. If there’s no problems, let’s go back to the Jupiter Sphere. Things are pretty bad over there.
Image Yes… Let’s.

Image He went to Macross 7 too? Apparently I’m going to get quite lonely in the Earth Sphere.
Image Yeah… But this isn’t the time for sentimentality. We are who we are, and we have a lot of work to do.
Image That’s true. I’m finished here. Shall we head back to the Regeneration Organization HQ on the Moon?
Image Sounds good.

Image What is it?
Image The Earth must rest. We’re making plans for this purpose. I can’t give up on that.
Image That’s true, but…
Image But I wonder if those on the surface will agree. If a dispute develops over this, it’ll be like putting the cart before the horse. And in a situation where several autonomous governments exist in each Side…
Image Firstly, we need to create an alliance that’ll head towards unification based on the November Treaty. I heard that Relena is visiting every colony and increasing her number of supporters.
Image Her five-year plan involved the Earth United Treaty Organization.
Image Something like that. I feel like I can leave it to her. At the end of the day, we’re just soldiers. I heard rumors of moving the Romefeller’s HQ to the Moon.
Image That’s a bit much. I don’t think it’s going to be that easy.
Image Amuro. I just got word that Kamille and Fa just arrived at Kasarelia.
Image Great. I wonder how Marbet, Uso, and Kento are doing.
Image Yeah. I heard they built a new house. After Koji’s gang stays with them for a while, it looks like they’re going back to the Tower.

Image We’re still a long way from peace… But we have to do something about it.
Image In the end, I might do the same thing again. Even though we’ve been through so many battles, over time, humans will forget.
Image I know. So we have to show people hope. Show them the light in their hearts, right? I want to believe in the feelings that we felt back there, the will that surrounds this Earth Sphere. People can change. Do you agree, Char?
Image Nothing is going to improve instantly. But unlike before, things are starting to change. You should recognize that.
Image Yeah… You’re right…

The following are scenes only if you took the Earth Route at the start of the game (Rim in this case).

Image Have you arrived at Planet Fleed yet? Daisuke… Maria. It’s going to be tough, so do your best…)
Image Hey Koji, what’s wrong? You’re staring into space.
Image Oh, it’s nothing. Hey Odelo, is this enough?
Image Sure. You’re the only one who hasn't caught a single fish yet, Koji. We’re going to sell these in town, so get your head in the game.
Image Tch. You’re breathing down my neck. Okay, watch. I’ll catch the biggest one yet.

Image Everyone, I just got a call saying that the Macross 7 just departed.
Image So today was the day. They left too…
Image They were originally a migrant fleet, so it makes sense. Anyway, Kento, you’re just lazing around. Are you sure you don’t need to go to Planet Gishin?
Image Yeah. As long as I’m alive, I can always get in touch with them, and even go see them. Besides, there’s nothing for me to do here. It’s better that I stay and farm here.
Image You’re right. Well, I guess I’;ll go and see if Koji caught any fish.
Image Sure.

Image Yes, that’s right. You go straight down this road to reach Woowig…
Image Shakti.
Image Oh, Kamille and Fa. You came.
Image You look well, Shakti. Who’s that?
Image …A traveller who got lost.
Image Is something wrong?
Image No… Nothing.
Image Are you feeling well, Karl?
Image Goo gaaa.
Image I’ve just finished washing up, so I’ll show you around. That’s where our house is. Before, we couldn’t make a fire like that because we had to hide from the Unified Government and OZ…
Image So everything is better now?
Image Yes.

[Tower, Break Room]
Image The Earth Union Treaty Organization?
Image What’s that?
Image It’s still being discussed, but it seems that Relena is proposing a unified government plan for the Earth Sphere. They’re aiming to move forward with it in five years.
Image That girl’s been going around the colonies a lot lately.
Image She’s coming up with some crazy ideas.
Image But even if it's the Regeneration Organization or an Alliance Treaty, they may be able to recover the Earth’s environment, but they don’t talk about expelling people from the surface. Is Char Aznable going to be okay with that? I somehow doubt it…
Image But Bright and Amuro should be at the Regeneration Organization HQ on the Moon, and Noin and Takeru should be stationed on Ceres, right?
Image I think they’ll keep things under control.
Image …We’ll be nearing Kasarelia soon.
Image It’s been a while since I’ve seen those kids, huh?

Image Wow, what’s going on? Everyone is here.
Image I wanted to see how you kids were living, so I dropped in on my way to get supplies. They didn’t tell you?
Image You got here earlier than I thought.
Image Oh, you’re here too.
Image Jun! Tetsuya!
Image Shiro, how are you?
Image It’s been a while, Koji. I’m glad you’re doing well.
Image Likewise. We’re going to stay here for a while and then head back to the Tower. Why don’t you do the same, Tetsuya?
Image I’m…not cut out for this.
Image Warren and Tomas don’t seem to be here. Did something happen?
Image I’ve got those two out shopping in town.
Image Hey Marbet. Your belly’s gotten bigger again.
Image Yea. it has.
Image Wow, that’s a lot of people. Odelo, why don’t we not take the fish into town and just grill them all instead?
Image Huh? What do you mean you’re leaving?
Image You’re not staying in Kasarelia?
Image Really? Rim, you don’t want to be here?
Image No, it’s not like that… I just want to think about something for a bit…
Image About what?
Image Sorry, Suzy.
Image So… Is it about that guy? I heard about it from the doctor.
Image Yeah… There’s that too…
Image (We need to think about what we should do from now on properly…)
Image (Mmm… And there’s also Ven… And we have to visit our brother on the Moon.)
Image Be careful, Rim.
Image Thanks. But I’ll come back once your baby is born.
Image Thank you. I’ll be waiting.
Image (I wonder. What will Marbet and Oliver’s baby be like?)
Image I know us in Kasarelia don’t have much say and I know it’s for the greater good, but with the Tower and the Earth Sphere Regeneration Organization, will the world really be at peace?
Image Uso… That’s…
Image Impossible. Making peace and maintaining peace aren’t things we can do. That’s someone else’s job.
Image Yes… But I think I’ll be fine. That thing I felt back then was real.
Image That’s right, Tetsuya. What would we do if we didn’t believe in the Earth we protected… It’ll work out just fine, I’m sure.
[Phone ringing]
Image Hmm? What’s wrong, Hayato?
Image It’s almost time. Return to the Tower. We’re leaving.


Thank you for reading through this LP. This is the first time I’ve done this sort of thing and it was a lot of fun.

Here are some fun facts about this project:
  • Counting different mugshots (Max, Katejina, Kloppen, Geppelnitch, Lady Une), there are 174 characters and variations in this game.
  • Out of those, excluding grunts and secret characters, 42 don’t make it to the end of the game. 2 of the dead are non-secret playable characters (Oliver and Treize). 3 of them are secret characters who survive from getting their secrets (Cronicle, Katejina, and Marg).
  • Victory Gundam has the most characters at 30. Zeta and ZZ Gundams have the least at 2 each.
  • 62 total Google docs, including the introduction and Q&A update.
  • 908 total pages on OpenOffice. 1475 pages in Google Docs (and causes it to crash too).
  • 20,991 total images used, with 3,367 of them being screenshots. The rest are mugshots for dialogues.
  • That makes the total number of lines dialog approximately 17,624.
  • The top five characters with the most number of lines are Amuro (610), Char (594), Uso (579), Josh (577), and Bright (501). If you combine both Rims, the total number of lines is 710 (412 for Chris, 298 for Liana).
  • The series main character with the least number of lines is Judau with 75.
  • My totally legit GBA puts my total playtime at 76:06:25. This doesn’t count my first time playing the game on my actual legit GBA.
You can find a full archive of this LP here. Feel free to share it around.

Special thanks to Akurasu, the Akurasu Discord server, and to Brunom1.

Please look forward to my next SRW LP coming soon.

Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet? [Completed]

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 7:45 pm
by BolticThunder
Finally, all caught up. If I may make one suggestion, please place links to the OST, at least the first time a track plays. You don't need to make a whole Ye Olde Super Robot Wars Discotheque like Brunom1 did, just a track here and there is enough. Though in the end it's your call. Good luck with the next one!