Re: Super Robot Wars D - How do you misplace an entire planet?
Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:26 pm
As I mentioned at the end of the last post, both Josh and Rim will be given separate posts of their versions of this chapter due to character plot differences as well as the Real/Super difference.

But first, the puzzle. There’s a single enemy all the way at the bottom of this very vertical map. Have Amuro cast Accel, Soul (2.5x damage on your next attack), and Zeal (gets an extra turn). Move him into the Ra Cailum. Next, have Bright cast Accel and move as far south as possible. Noin’s up next and cast Enable on Bright. On his second turn, have Bright cast Accel again as well as Assault. Move him as far south as possible and ping the enemy with a Mega Particle Cannon. Finally, have Amuro move out of the ship and hit the enemy with a Beam Rifle shot.

Victory nets 35k money and a 3D Radar (weapon ranges +2 if it’s not ranged 1).
Last stage earned a lot of money somehow.
This stage is the cutoff point for Judau and Roux’s kill count. Remember, combined they must be at least 40.
Thankfully, I’ve already gotten this requirement a few stages ago. Didn’t even need to feed some kills to Roux too.
Last time, Josh is presumed dead and everyone barely escapes with their lives from another self-destructing Ruina facility.

Combined Route Chapter 26: Proud Rebel | Josh/Real Version
Chapter 25 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 26 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Tower, Rec Room]
Dammit… If only I hadn’t said that, then he would have…
Tetsuya, don’t think like that.
Yeah. That’s just what he was like. It’s not your fault.
I agree. Josh had his own way of doing things. He had something in mind. Whatever the outcome was, it’s not anyone’s fault.
Quit messing around. There’s no point in talking about the past. Think about the future.
Captain Kinryu is right, Tetsuya. More importantly, whenever Rim regains consciousness, someone is going to have to tell her…
Right… Captain Amuro has no choice but to leave it to Captain Bright…

Oh, so that’s the Helios spaceship Adalus.
So this is your first time seeing it.
Oh, I’m honored by this big turnout.
Welcome, Dr. Earl. We’ve been waiting for you.
This is the first time we’ve met in person. Looking forward to working with you.
Yes. It’s time to take action against the Gishin Empire and exact revenge for Emperor Palmion. Thank you so much for your help. By the way, Lord Kento…
Not here. Didn’t want to get lectured.
What? Lord Kento doesn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. He should have met the people that Lord Gascon brought with him with the pomp and circumstances as a member of the imperial family…
Uuuu… Uuuuooo. Dada~
Karl, what’s wrong? …This is…
(What the…)
(The hell is that…)
What’s wrong, everyone?
Did I say something strange?
What was that all about?
What happened to you guys? It’s rare for all of you to react like that.
This isn’t the time for jokes.
Colonel! What’s this disgusting feeling!? That ringing bell…
I don’t know.
A ringing bell? I can’t hear anything.
Me neither.
We haven’t heard anything either.
Apparently it was something we can’t hear.
…I knew it. It’s the Psycommu.
I guess. But what could it…
I knew it… You all can hear it too.
Yeah. I have a bad feeling.
Uso too…?
Yeah… For a while now too.
Karl keeps looking up. I wonder if it’s something in the sky…

[Motorad Ship, Hangar]
Renda, is the maintenance going smoothly?
Yea, Major. But right now with the truce…
THE BOYS are an enemy that must be defeated. If we can just destroy them, then whatever happens, happens. Since the main force of this fleet went back into space due to the truce, their guard is down. Hmm? What’s that picture?
Ah, no, this is…
Oh, a log cabin? Do you want to live in a house like that on the surface after the war?
Y-yes. My apologies.
Don’t apologize. By the way… Is there a room for me in that house?
Eh…? That’s…
I want you to get one ready. I’m completely serious. Please think about it.

[Tower, Operations Room]
What? Kloppen is sending a message to the Helios planets?
Yes, Doctor. Just now, Adalus got a call from Gascon. I’ll relay it there too.
To those who fight under the Helios flag, I am pleased. But you have all been deceived by the fake royal family on Earth. I will now tell you the truth, my beloved citizens. My true self.
His true form? Dammit Kloppen, have you lost your mind?
Now, take a good look at my face.
That’s… Impossible…
What is it, Dr. Earl?
H-he looks just like His Majesty Palmion. Impossible…
The hell? Then…
Harlin, who fled to Earth with Senator Earl, is nothing more than my clone. I am the true heir, the Prince of Helios. Everyone, calm down. From now on, we will maintain a friendly relationship with Emperor Zuul of the Gishin Empire. I will restore Helios. Earl, if you claim loyalty and see this truth, come to me with Adalus and Daltanious. All of you, follow me. I will do my utmost to revive Helios.

…He’s become a problem.
Yeah… It doesn’t matter to us whether Kento is of royal Helios blood or not, but we can no longer rely on their rebellion or General Gascon’s fleet.
I’m ashamed. The generals that I’ve gathered from all over the galaxy are mostly nobles from Helios. After they saw that broadcast, they all surrendered. But I like you Earthlings, so I’ll fight with you. The others act only for their cause. Sorry, but I no longer lead a large fleet.
(He’s speaking remotely)
I understand. Circumstances being what they are, it can’t be helped. I’m sure it’s difficult for you as well.
I’m glad to hear that.
Well, don’t worry about it too much.
Impossible. It’s utterly impossible! He must be the clone!
It doesn’t change anything. They’re attacking us, so we fight back. That’s all there is to it. The Octopus man said he’d help out too.
B-but Lord Kento…
Dr. Earl, I understand how you feel. But whatever the truth is, we have no choice but to fight on our own.
Or maybe, as he said, you’ll go and join them. Well, Professor?

[Tower, Command Center]
How is Dr. Earl doing?
It seems he’s holed himself up in Adalus. Manabu, Sanae, and the others have home to check on him now.
I see… We can’t rely on him.
Commander, Your Excellency, I just received a message from Bulge. It seems there was a battle between BESPA and the Gishin.
BESPA? What’s the status of the Gishin?
It looks like they’re descending to Earth.
Hmm… I guess they’re going after us.
Probably. With the fear of an uprising from Helios gone, they’ve turned their attention towards us again. Prepare for interception. We’re going to intercept them.
Yamazaki, please contact Dr. Earl on Adalus.

The Vega fleet…
To Earl and the people of Earth, I will now relay Kloppen’s message. Listen well.
(Dammit, why is my fleet doing this? Kloppen, you annoy me to no end!)
A message from Kloppen?
People of Earth, hand over Mars and Kento Tate immediately. Then, by the mercy of Emperor Zuul, you will be given the opportunity to survive. I, the prince of Helios, can guarantee this.
Quit joking. You’re a fake, only using a similar face!
You’re so arrogant, Earl! I won’t tolerate any rude remarks from you! If you don’t believe me, let me show you proof. Look at this crest engraved on my arm. You can’t hide the truth. The prince is not Harlin, but me.
How could you know of a crest that only the highest ranking members of the senate know about…
Do you understand now? Earl, will you fulfill your obligations, or will your vile clones rebel against me?
R-rebel… I am the blood of Helios…
Shut up! I don’t know who's a clone or whatever, but I’m Kento, a human! I can’t forgive people like you who do nothing but cause suffering to everyone!
Hmm. Besides, Kloppen, you’re not going to keep your promise anyway.
Exactly! I know exactly what punks like you do!
Yes… Zuul doesn’t know anything about mercy!
If you look at your actions so far, it’s obvious there’s not a shred of sincerity in your words. Such a deal is out of the question.
Fools. You intend to defy me no matter what. Earl, are you with them? Would you rebel against me, the true heir?
Old man, we have no choice but to fight! Danji, let’s go out in Daltanious!
That’s right, there’s no other choice!
Okay, we’ll attack the Vega fleet. All units, launch!
B-but I… I…
Doctor, what are you doing!? Stop it! Doctor!
…I’m going to shut down all functions for Adalus and Daltanious. Lord Kento, please forgive me…
What!? What’s wrong with fighting those who are trying to kill us and the Earth!? Dammit, I’m disappointed in you, old man! Everyone, please defeat them!

14 units to choose from and Daltanious cannot be one of them. Just as a warning, this stage is very, very long. You might need a second support unit or be prepared to put units in your battleship.
Looks like Earl made the right decision. I’ll leave the rest to you, Commander Gandal.
[He hangs up]
Screw you, Kloppen. I don’t know if he’s really the prince of Helios or not, but he thinks he’s better than me? Just wait and see. Blacky, have all units begin the attack! If we don’t at least kill Mars and everyone here, our fleet will be in trouble.
Yes, Commander Gandal! Commence the attack!

This is a long stage and the first wave is against the Vegans. You can probably guess what I’m thinking, looking at that forest right there. You could also retreat a bit and camp on the grounded Adalus, but that will make the end stages of this chapter a bit harder.
Just some hindsight thinking, Gandal and Blacky’s battleships are worth the most money at 10k each. If you want to use a double money skill, use it on them. Thankfully, no one retreats on this stage until the very end.
When there’s five enemies left…

Marg… Marg!?
I never imagined that Kloppen was the prince of Helios. But thanks to him, everything is going according to plan. Roze, destroy Adalus.
Yes, Captain.

Uuuu… Ugh…
Professor! Run away!
Come at me, Mars! I don’t care about the others. My enemy is Godmars!
Kuh… Marg!!
With Marg’s Gishin on the field, not much has changed. Turtle up in the forest and yadda yadda yadda. You can convince Marg with Takeru if you want, but I don’t believe that impacts the secret.
And now that they’re all here, let’s do some boss dialogs.
Gandal! I won’t let you do as you please!
Duke Fleed… You’re going to die here. This time will be your end!
Blacky, let’s go!
Yeah, I’m fighting back!
Mars… If we can just kill him…
Gandal, I can’t lose!
Mars, let’s fight! Those who oppose Emperor Zuul can not be allowed to live!
Marg, wake up, Marg!
And now if you convince Marg with Takeru…
Dammit Mars! What are you doing?
Marg! Marg, remember! We’re twin brothers! We swore to fight together for peace in the universe!
Uh… Ugh…
[A flash of light]
Huh!? That was… Could it be that Marg was brainwashed by Zul!? Dammit, what a terrible thing to do…
Gandal and Blacky goes down easy enough if you get close enough to avoid their powerful medium-long range attacks.
We were so close… Retreat for now!
Dammit, if this keeps up, I’ll lose my position as Captain… Dammit!!

Marg’s defeat line changes if Takeru does the final blow or not.
If Takeru does it…
What’s wrong, Takeru? Finish him off!
Dammit, I can’t… I can’t do it…
Mars, your mercy will come back to haunt you. Remember that. I will definitely…
And if anyone else does it…
Dammit, remember this. I will come back to kill Mars and destroy the Earth…
The next phase starts as soon as everyone else is defeated.

…It appears the Gishin Army has retreated.
Everyone, good job out there. Is Adalus alright? Where is Dr. Earl?
We’re safe, but the Adalus…

Hm. Them fighting aliens was unexpected, but thanks to that, we were able to lure them in without having to use a decoy. Plus, they’re exhausted now. We have a chance to win. Our target is their battleship. Hit it all at once!
(Major… Please let me in on your dream of making the Earth a paradise for bikers…)
Captain, it’s a BESPA Motorad ship!
What!? BESPA, this is a clear violation of the treaty!
Tch, they still have some Garlands.
Hmph... In that case, we’ll destroy them all here and now.
BESPA is going to attack us? Then I’ll…!
Dammit, they always play dirty…
Guys… Everyone, this is a battle in memory of Captain Oliver! I’m counting on you!
If we don’t stop the ones who go to the trouble of violating the agreement, they’ll just keep coming. Sink that ship.
We have no choice… All units, listen up. Destroy the enemy mobile weapons first. Then we’ll ask for surrender. If they don’t accept, we will then sink their battleship and evacuate. That is all.
Of course Duker can’t just leave us alone. As Bright said, defeat all enemy units except for the battleship. And exhausted we ain’t, since by now everyone should be at max will while they’re all at the normal starting 100. Just watch out for their Garlands, as they’re still a pain in the ass to actually hit.
A quick cutscene when there’s 10 enemies left…

Ugh… The sound of bells again…
Yeah, it’s getting louder.
Tch, it is from BESPA?
Where are they… Where is it coming from…
Uso… I researched that bell sound. Apparently the families who managed the Guillotines were forced to wear bells when walking through the city…
Yeah… I knew that.
I heard about it when I was in Zanscare. They were referring to the woman who used the Guillotine, Fuala Griffon. Everyone, be careful.
When you kill Renda…
Ah… Majoooooorrrrrr!!
[She explodes]
Renda!? Impossible… Damn you THE BOYS, how dare you ruin my dream!
[He then gets +30 will, Focus, and Valor]
The final map event comes after there are 5 enemies remaining…

Goo goo~
Karl, are you hearing something? From above…?
[A flash of light as a giant beam hits the Ra Cailum, dropping it to 10 HP]
What the hell!? What just happened!? Hurry up and put out that fire!
Ugh… A direct hit!? Operator, what are you doing!? Where did it come from!?
It’s… from extremely high up!
It’s here!

I hear ringing bells… Wait, that came all the way down from space!?
Kuh… Four? Oh… There’s no mistaking this. That’s a Cyber Newtype. Damn you Zanscare!
Here it comes…
Hehehe. They’re coming, they’re coming. Like bees to honey. The bells that the Guillotine family had to wear became the bells of this Zanneck. The bells are linked to the movement of the machine and help me feel the enemy’s presence.
Haro, can you identify that unit?
You’re a nasty woman… Disgusting! Get out of here!
Ha… Hahaha. Aren’t you a young girl? These guys are the League Militaria… No, THE BOYS. This is where we cut ties!
It’s coming! It’s not just a normal mobile suit. Everyone, be careful!
Uwa… Uwaaaaaaaaaaa!
There there. The scary bells won’t hurt you. It’ll be quiet soon…
Fufufu. First of all, I’d like to say a word to that annoying battleship that’s been causing me so much trouble. Time to die.
!? Oh no, Yamazaki, move the battleship back!
I-I can’t, Colonel. That attack from earlier…
Hahaha. There’s no escaping Zanneck’s beam!

Looks like we made it in time.
This is bad… Is that enemy targeting the battleship? Please, I want to stop them.
…Are you sure?
Yes… Let’s do it.
Got it.


2nd Super Robot War OG - Destine
(Drumfire normally plays here in game, but this fits better. Shame this theme is only in the OG games.)

Dammit… I didn’t expect an ambush. I won’t let you finish the job!
That… That mech…
It can’t be… Josh!?
Ha, that son of a bitch… He’s still alive!
I knew it. He’s stubborn.
Joshua, are you really the one in that machine? Answer me!
You don’t need to yell.
Josh… You’ve made me worry. If you were safe, why didn’t you make contact!?
Sorry… Things weren’t functioning properly the past few days. Even now, I’m not the one controlling this thing.
You’re not? Who is?
We’ll talk later, after we deal with BESPA.

Of course he survived, but Glacies is the one controlling the Geant Chevalier at the moment.
It’s no secret that the big secret the past few stages was in regards to Glacies’ recruitment. If you do the required steps, Glacies joins you on Josh’s route. She gets her own mech soon, but right now she’s piloting for Josh. If you didn’t get her secret, then Josh would be the one piloting. I’ll go over her mech when we can properly use it.

The ZMT-S29 Zanneck is extremely annoying. It’s surprisingly dodgy (in no small part to Fuala’s new Cyber Newtype skill), has a MAP attack that you need to play around, and its ultimate attack has a range of 10. You can disable it by lowering her will with Daunt, but it won’t stay low for very long. She also retreats at 20% HP (4600), and will shield defend most attacks, so watch out if you care about that.
One final thing. That cutscene damage was real. The battleship is at 10 HP. It will die to a stiff breeze, so either heal it or run away as far as you can.

Defeat or repel Fuala and she says
Hmph… Well, for a field test, this went well. It’s about time I retreated back to space.
[She explodes or retreats]
Back to space…? That bell is clearly inviting us…
And now that everyone except Duker is defeated…

Alright. Can you hear me, BESPA Commander? I am Bright Noa of THE BOYS. You no longer have any fighting strength left. I demand your surrender.
Enough with the jokes!
…Very well. You will be sunk.
All units, attack the Motorad ship. But be prepared to retreat immediately.
Time to end this biker once and for all. Sink that battleship. Remember, if you’re flying, it can’t run you over.

Why did this… Dammit. Renda…
Everyone, evacuate! Don’t get caught up in that ship’s explosion!
(The Motorad ship is sinking… Even though it’s natural for people to die in battle… Can I really let go of my hatred towards people and my desire for revenge…)
[Everyone retreats as the ship explodes]

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]
To the glory of the Gishin Empire and His Majesty, Emperor Zuul.
Cheers! I’m really surprised that Commander Kloppen is actually the Helios prince.
Once the truth was revealed, the rebellion in Helios subsided like the tide. I don’t care about Kento Tate anymore. All that’s left is to kill Mars.
Their end will be met by the unshakeable power of the Gishin Empire. There’s no way they’ll make it out unscathed.
Mmhmm. Wahahahahahaha!!
Your Excellency! We’ve just got reports that the Vega fleet failed in eliminating Mars.
What!? Those damn Earthlings.
General Kabuto, don’t get so worked up. Eventually, both the Earthlings and Mars will fall at our feet. They no longer have any allies. They cannot even threaten the Empire, let alone our own territory here in Helios.

[Tower, Operations Room]
What the hell!? Quit it with the jokes! I’m against it!
Josh, are you out of your mind? She’s the enemy! You’ve fought her too! So many people have died because of her!
…I know. But I’m here because of her. She’s the one who helped me when I couldn’t move.
But Josh…
Her friend killed the Director! I’ll never forgive you, Josh. She should be killed!
Hold it, Tetsuya.
…I don’t mind if you do that. If you want to kill me, then do it. I was meant to disappear in the first place.
That seems odd to me. Why did you help Josh? You could have just left him alone. Why do you want to die?
…I don’t know. I’m not even human.
I swear, things are getting stranger. Josh, is this woman really…
Ruina… A Melior Esse. Without a doubt. But I think she’s human now. We had an empathic talk. Just as she is inside me, I’m inside her. A fragment of my heart, a human heart, is now inside Glacies.
[Tetsuya draws his gun]
Calm down Tetsuya! Don’t take the safety off of your gun here!
T-Tetsuya, this is going too far.
Tetsuya… Are you serious?
[A gunshot]
…Why did you miss?
…I fired in case you tried to escape.
She didn’t even move a muscle. She really doesn’t mind dying.
Put your gun away, Tetsuya. How dare you shoot in a place like this.
…I’m sorry.
There won’t be a next time. If you try anything funny, I’ll shoot you in the back.
[He leaves]
Tetsuya… Just to let you know, I’m not accepting this either.
I swear…
We would like to ask you for information about Ruina, but…
Are you implying that the Melior Esse are under direct control of the “King of Ruin”? What did you mean by that?
Right now… I can’t sense their will or power. I’m no longer under Perfectio’s influence. The crystal that I’d been wearing since I was born was shattered. Maybe that’s why.
Perfectio… So that’s the “King of Ruin”. Who are they anyway?
I don’t know. It may or may not be human. At least, I’ve never felt any human emotions. All I know is that it’s in the Antarctic, it created us, it uses death, destruction, and strong negative emotions as its power, and… one day it will bring about “ruin” to everything.
Everything… Even you guys?
Maybe. We were created by them. Our only reason for existing was for its will.

Um… Captain, Glacies’ machine is…
Right. We’ve retrieved it from where she said it was. The Doctor is checking it right now.
Cliff is? What do you think?
It certainly seems to have a system similar to yours, but it’s not working. We might be able to repair the mech, but...
What’s the issue?
The core system is broken and we can’t recreate it. It’s useless.
I see…
Well, we might have other options.

[Tower, Medical Room]
I’m so sorry Rim. You’re hurt because of me…
It’s fine. As long as you’re still alive, we can…
Are you Glacies?
She is. Not everyone was convinced, but I got permission to have her accompany me. Although it seems her mech is unusable.
Right… Brother… I heard from Cliff that if we used my broken mech, it might be possible to fix her’s.
Cliff said that? …No. It might be possible if you rode with her, but there’s no way that system can be synchronized with Glacies alone.
But… Try it with Cliff later. I think it’ll accept her.
Rim… But…
I…don’t think I can do this anymore…
…Sorry. I don’t think I can be of any help.
It’s fine. Because you’re… ugh…
Rim, are you in pain?? Don’t talk anymore. I’m going to bring you to Eve on the Moon. She’ll heal you. I’ve already made arrangements.
Yeah… I’m sorry, brother. I can’t be with you anymore…
Dummy… Don’t worry about that. Leave the rest to us and focus on getting better.

[Adalus, Earl’s Room]
Adalus can’t fly anymore. Everyone… Everything has been in vain… Prince Harlin was just a clone… The revival of the Helios Empire was just a pipe dream… On the contrary, I’m a rebel… I turned against the Helios Empire and became a rebel… Why…
Dr. Earl, staying cooped up all the time is not good for your health. I’ve spoken to everyone. If you don’t mind, would you like to come to the Tower? There’s something I’d like to show you…
What do you want to show me?

[Tower, Rec Room]
Oh, this is…
You’re here. How do you like it?
Is this a cake in the shape of Adalus? It’s beautiful. Did you make it?
No, no. I just gave some technical guidance. It was Shakti, Hikaru, and Sanae who did the baking.
You kids… But why…
They just wouldn’t listen.
We all wanted you to feel better, so this is what we came up with. Here.
I’ll cut some slices now, so please sit down.
Oh… Got it. Shall we eat? Huh…? Are those children outside?
Ah, it’s Jiro and the others. Jiro, Ochame, and Tanosuke are with us in the Tower. Thanks to Kento and Danji fighting on Daltanious, we were able to join them. Thanks to them, we were able to have food to eat, clothes to wear, and can work with everyone. And we have you to thank too.
But… There are so many children like us on Earth who have lost their families. It’s not just us, but Warren, Suzy, and Shiro too. Everyone is trying their best.
Sanae… I understand what you’re trying to say. But my dream, my dream of restoring the Helios Empire, is now crumbling. I’m a rebel. A rebel who draws his bow on His Majesty Palmion, who was so kind to me. I… I don’t know what to do.
Dr. Earl.
Prince Duke? What’s wrong?
I no longer have my home planet and people to protect. But I consider Earth to be my second home. I’m fighting to protect this place from the clutches of those demons. Of course, I hope to return to Planet Fleed one day and rebuild it. But before that…
He’s right. Ever since I met you, I’ve never forgotten that I’m King Fleed’s daughter. But I’ll fight with Koji and the rest to protect Earth. Because I love this planet and its people.
You can’t think of Planet Fleed as the same as the Helios Empire, but… What difference is there between wanting to protect the planet and its people, and the act of fighting to protect it?
Doctor, do you hate Earth? Do you hate those children?
No… I can’t…
So, would you turn a blind eye to Earth and its people being sacrificed by people like Zuul, Kloppen, and Gandal for the sake of the Helios Empire? Of course not.
Yea, that’s right. Old man, I’m asking you to fight with us.
You’re right, Lord Kento. You of all people to ask me… I almost forgot something very important. That’s right… I can’t forgive the evil Zuul. I’ll fix Daltanious. I’ll fight too.
Dr. Earl…
Yes! Old man, that’s what being a man is! I’m relieved that you finally got it.
Thank you, Doctor.
I’ll convey my resolve to Kloppen. I’m sure Manabu has repaired the communication device by now.

[Adalus, Bridge]
What? Dammit Earl, you’re a traitor to Helios!
You’re right. I, Earl, will gladly accept that title. You might be the true heir, but you wag your tail at Zuul, so I have no respect for you. Wash your head and wait!
Damn you Earl… You’ll regret this.
This is fine… This is fine. My dream of restoring Helios may have been shattered, but I have a mission to not let this planet be sacrificed to Gishin. For that reason, I will proudly become a rebel.
Next update is Rim’s and Ventus’ side.

But first, the puzzle. There’s a single enemy all the way at the bottom of this very vertical map. Have Amuro cast Accel, Soul (2.5x damage on your next attack), and Zeal (gets an extra turn). Move him into the Ra Cailum. Next, have Bright cast Accel and move as far south as possible. Noin’s up next and cast Enable on Bright. On his second turn, have Bright cast Accel again as well as Assault. Move him as far south as possible and ping the enemy with a Mega Particle Cannon. Finally, have Amuro move out of the ship and hit the enemy with a Beam Rifle shot.

Victory nets 35k money and a 3D Radar (weapon ranges +2 if it’s not ranged 1).
Last stage earned a lot of money somehow.
- ZZ Gundam gets +3 HP, +3 EN, +5 Mob, +4 Armor, and +1 Weapons
- Big O gets +2 Weapons
This stage is the cutoff point for Judau and Roux’s kill count. Remember, combined they must be at least 40.
Thankfully, I’ve already gotten this requirement a few stages ago. Didn’t even need to feed some kills to Roux too.
Last time, Josh is presumed dead and everyone barely escapes with their lives from another self-destructing Ruina facility.

Combined Route Chapter 26: Proud Rebel | Josh/Real Version
Chapter 25 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 26 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Tower, Rec Room]

[Motorad Ship, Hangar]

[Tower, Operations Room]

(He’s speaking remotely)

[Tower, Command Center]

14 units to choose from and Daltanious cannot be one of them. Just as a warning, this stage is very, very long. You might need a second support unit or be prepared to put units in your battleship.

[He hangs up]

This is a long stage and the first wave is against the Vegans. You can probably guess what I’m thinking, looking at that forest right there. You could also retreat a bit and camp on the grounded Adalus, but that will make the end stages of this chapter a bit harder.
Just some hindsight thinking, Gandal and Blacky’s battleships are worth the most money at 10k each. If you want to use a double money skill, use it on them. Thankfully, no one retreats on this stage until the very end.
When there’s five enemies left…

With Marg’s Gishin on the field, not much has changed. Turtle up in the forest and yadda yadda yadda. You can convince Marg with Takeru if you want, but I don’t believe that impacts the secret.
And now that they’re all here, let’s do some boss dialogs.

And now if you convince Marg with Takeru…

[A flash of light]

Gandal and Blacky goes down easy enough if you get close enough to avoid their powerful medium-long range attacks.

Marg’s defeat line changes if Takeru does the final blow or not.
If Takeru does it…

And if anyone else does it…

The next phase starts as soon as everyone else is defeated.

Of course Duker can’t just leave us alone. As Bright said, defeat all enemy units except for the battleship. And exhausted we ain’t, since by now everyone should be at max will while they’re all at the normal starting 100. Just watch out for their Garlands, as they’re still a pain in the ass to actually hit.
A quick cutscene when there’s 10 enemies left…

When you kill Renda…

[She explodes]

[He then gets +30 will, Focus, and Valor]
The final map event comes after there are 5 enemies remaining…

[A flash of light as a giant beam hits the Ra Cailum, dropping it to 10 HP]

2nd Super Robot War OG - Destine
(Drumfire normally plays here in game, but this fits better. Shame this theme is only in the OG games.)

Of course he survived, but Glacies is the one controlling the Geant Chevalier at the moment.
It’s no secret that the big secret the past few stages was in regards to Glacies’ recruitment. If you do the required steps, Glacies joins you on Josh’s route. She gets her own mech soon, but right now she’s piloting for Josh. If you didn’t get her secret, then Josh would be the one piloting. I’ll go over her mech when we can properly use it.

The ZMT-S29 Zanneck is extremely annoying. It’s surprisingly dodgy (in no small part to Fuala’s new Cyber Newtype skill), has a MAP attack that you need to play around, and its ultimate attack has a range of 10. You can disable it by lowering her will with Daunt, but it won’t stay low for very long. She also retreats at 20% HP (4600), and will shield defend most attacks, so watch out if you care about that.
One final thing. That cutscene damage was real. The battleship is at 10 HP. It will die to a stiff breeze, so either heal it or run away as far as you can.

Defeat or repel Fuala and she says

[She explodes or retreats]

And now that everyone except Duker is defeated…

Time to end this biker once and for all. Sink that battleship. Remember, if you’re flying, it can’t run you over.

[Everyone retreats as the ship explodes]

[Gishin Empire, Mobile Fortress]

[Tower, Operations Room]

[Tetsuya draws his gun]

[A gunshot]

[He leaves]

[Tower, Medical Room]

[Adalus, Earl’s Room]

[Tower, Rec Room]

[Adalus, Bridge]

Next update is Rim’s and Ventus’ side.