Raising Stats Like It's 2005: Let's Play The Cute Knight Series

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Alternate between Washing Windows and Volunteering until sin is gone, then switch to Salesgirl with occasional Box Moving to build back Stamina.

If we can afford it, take an Item Creation class!

I vote for working for a room, then washing windows. If we finish, shelve books at least once.

I've been enjoying the LP! I played this game a while ago and had fun with it and the sequel (and, later, suggested it to one of my younger sisters). I've been especially liking your interactions with Books and for the dungeon trip.

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Update 7: What Precisely Is A Wassail?

To the inn room and cleaning our soul it is!



Image One room for the night, please.

Inkeep: Right, here's the key. And don't worry, I ain't asking questions. We get adventurers in here all the time.

Image ...Thanks.


Image Damn, I slept good! I can see why the price is so high now.

Image Well, they always did say that Dan the Man knew quality when he saw it.

Image But didn't you say a long time back that you didn't make the prices?

Image I don't.

Image ... Huh. Who does then?

Image King Humphrey. Part of some law about equal treatment for adventurers as well as inn service in general. I reckon he put it in place to get more bodies lookin' for the princess, though the regulation stopped a lot of greedy innkeeps in the end as well.

Image Hm. I guess that makes sense. What were the prices like before?

Image Way higher, usually. Of course, I've never charged anyone more just 'cause they looked roughed up. Dan the Man was never known for asking questions either.

Image Besides, the real income is in alcohol and food, not room prices. It does mean you gotta pay to have muscle around if you can't manage to throw the rowdy ones out on your own.

Image ...I see.

Image Speakin' of, I've really gotta get around to posting that ad for another bouncer sometime...


Image Might as well get to trying to clean my soul, however one goes about that.

Image Hmm...

Image Well, if anything I can go back and thank that doctor guy for saving me.



Image I see you've returned. What seems to be the matter today?

Image Oh, nothing with me. I just wanted to return the favor for the other day.

Image I'm a bit understaffed as of the moment if you don't mind volunteering.

Image Sure, why not?


Image Ah, damn! You're that pink haired broad that knocked me the hell out before I even landed a swing!

Image Huh?

Image Please don't hurt me, lady! I regret everything!

Image Hold on now, I'm just here to help today. I'm not planning on kicking your ass again.

Image Oh... phew... Gods, my eye still hurts from that.

Image Serves you right, though. You should probably consider a change of profession.

Image Yeah, yeah... I was already planning on it. Thievin' ain't done me or nobody else any good. Gonna get the hell out of this town once I'm done payin' back the Doc.

Image I swear though, you must've scored it good somewhere to get that armor. You ain't just a gutter rat like me anymore I guess... *walks off*

Image ...What did that last part mean? I must've did more of a number on him that I thought.



Image I do feel a lot cleaner now. I suppose I ought to go help out on the church some.



Image Well, I do appreciate your enthusiasm for this regardless of... er, your performance. I'd say your hands are clean enough to return.

Image Really?

Image Indeed. I'd say that seemed like a rather short time for that much penance, but perhaps the gods have decided to be merciful of late. It's not my place to question them.

Image Well, that's great! I guess it's back to life as usual then.




Image You cleaned up fast. Perks of still being young, I guess.

Image I think I'm just supposed to consider myself lucky and to be more careful next time. The church is already fine with me again too.

Image Tch, you must be lucky to not have any scars after that. Even my skin was never that good.

Image I think we're talking about different things here.


Image At least I haven't lost my skill at this though!

Image (Speaking of things I haven't done in a while...)



Image -Oh! It's you, Hilde! Sorry, I've just been caught up in the usual routine too much.

Image Nah, it's nothing. Besides, I really ought to start coming around here more again.

Image I realize I've been a bit of a stranger of late.

Image You don't have to if you don't want to. I get it, we're both trying to make money and I know I can't pay that much.

Image Well, anyways, I'm here to help out with the books if you're good with that.

Image Always. You're still the best person around for the job.


Image Wait, why are you paying me now?

Image You can't tell me that you seriously forgot about Yuletide.

Image Ohhh, heck, that's right! Time for more good, free food!

Image Well, maybe not entirely free, but yeah.


Image It is really quite nice, especially after months of dealing with those children.



Image Well, we ought to join in if we want the apple harvest to go well next year.

Image Oh, I know you'll be wanting that! You can't deny it, what with all the cider and all.

Image What, a girl can't like her cider?


So, here's some historical facts for you. Wassailing is an English tradition that has undergone a lot of changes throughout the years. In a very general view of it, it was an early version of Christmas carolling, while in some other places it was also celebration for orchards in order to scare away bad spirits and promote the trees having a good harvest.

Wassail itself is a sort of minorly alcoholic punch bowl given out to wassailers, and the name itself has etymology Old Norse and Old English, meaning "be hale".

It also over time had evolved into a similar thing as trick-or-treating in some places, including the US, and as that rowdy form of it set in, it spurred on the more clean version of Christmas. Eventually that became the Capitalism Christmas.

It's a rather fascinating subject, honestly, but I'll leave it there so that we can get to the gameplay faster. There's a lot more in the history involving this than I can ramble on about here.

Oh, and the game does play a MIDI version "Here We Come A-Wassailing" here.


Image Now look who's had enough for one night.

Image Huh? No way, I'm still fine 'n good. I'm strong, I can take my alcohol...

Image Speaking of that, when did you get muscles like that? Like, damn, girl.

Image Boxes. Lots of boxes.

Image Oh, and I guess brawling all those monsters'd do that too... Running out of magic, I'd just deck 'em right in the face.

Image Whoa, whoa... You went into the sinkhole?

Image Yep, yep I did... made about as money as I spent going in, but I found some other stuff.

Image Aw heck, that must've been exciting.

Image It, kinda was, yeah... I think.

Image I can't... really... remember much...

Image Zzzz...

Image I guess we traded places this time.


Image Zz....zzz...



Image (Definitely partied a bit too hard last year...)


Aside from being good for Dream, I forgot that Yuletide is also really good for your Charm stat.

On that note, we've really not had many issues with Dream so far, but it also hasn't really gone anywhere. Odd. This is a lot different than my original runs. It may have to do with that Water is a month that's rather average in interests and doesn't get bored easily.



Image Sewing? I'm not sure I know much about that, really.

Image Well, if you do learn at some point, I'm willing to pay a lot for an in-house producer.


Image (I make enough money doing this to warrant going to the school again. Perhaps I'll see what they've got on sewing?)



Image (Item Creation sounds close enough, right?)


Image The untrained eye cannot always identify a magic item. You will learn to recognize more as you study.

Image Once you have learned some recipes, you can bring items you find to the lab to combine them.


Image (Well, it wasn't entirely about only sewing, but I think with a bit more I can just figure it out well enough.)

Image Hey, you.

Image Huh?


Image O-okay.

Image Don't look at it like that, don't you realize all the uses this has? Were you not paying attention?

Image No, I was, I'm just-

Image Of course you were! Thus, why I've chosen to give this to you. You've got a real knack for this, I think. Do come back soon!

Image O-oh! Thank you, I will!

Image (What an odd guy... Nice, but odd.)

Image (Well, anyways, maybe I should put this knowledge to use with the stuff I found in the dungeon....)


Image (No idea what this does specifically, but it IS magic.)


Image (Oh, hey, I remember this from one of the books! This could help my spellcasting!)


Image (I don't even remember picking this up, but this is actually really powerful!)

Image (Maybe that dungeon could be even more useful than I thought!)


With the secrets of magic becoming clearer to her, Hilde's gotten a lot stronger than I'd imagined she would in just half a year. This being said, we've still got plenty of time to go. So... what next? Next update will take us to the next holiday at the least, which is about two and a half months, but may be longer depending on how the votes are.

We can also now use the item forge at the College, but it does cost 25g. We do get to make as much as we want while we're there though, so it's best to craft in batches.

Recipe Research:


Tooth + Silver Ring: Ring of Strength (+5 Strength)
Tooth + Gold Necklace: Tribal Tooth (+10 Strength)
We've read a bit about a robe that might use it...

Fallen Star:

Fallen Star + Wand: Star Wand (+10 Magic, 2 Dam)
Fallen Star + Gold Necklace: Star-Touched Necklace (+10 Magic)
Fallen Star + Robe: Nightgown (+10 Magic)
Apparently, it can boost the power of lucky charms...


Stick + Rocks: Spear (10 Dam)
Stick + Wand: Staff (+5 Magic, 5 Dam)
Stick + Axe: Halberd (-10 Weapons, -10 Combat, 16 Dam)
Stick + Nails: Spiked Club (5 Dam)


Acorn + Ribbon: Childish Trinket (Charm -5)
"Acorns may seem weak at first, but have some powerful recipes..."

Buyable Item List

Leather Armor (60g): +5 Combat

Chain Mail(100g): + 10 Combat, -1 Damage (as, absorbs 1 damage)

Plate Mail(150g): + 15 Combat, -5 Damage, - 5 Luck (which affects our dodge rate)

Dagger (25g): + 5 Weapons, MaxDam 4 (max damage roll before bonuses)

Sword (50g): MaxDam 8

Axe (100g): -5 Weapons, MaxDam 12

Gold Necklace (10g): + 1 Charm

Gold Ring (10g): + 1 Charm

Plain Robe (5g): Nothing, but counts as armor

Wand (25 g): +5 Magic, MaxDam 2

Health Potion (25g): Restores 10 HP*

Mana Potion (25g): Restores 10 MP*

*These two stack infinitely and do not cost a turn to use.

Class List
(All last 7 days of course, like jobs.)
Mathematics (10g per day): Mind ++

Dance (15g per day): Charm ++, Luck +

Exercise (15g per day): Strength ++, Stamina +

Item Creation (20g per day): Crafting ++

Kitchen Science (20g per day): Cooking +, Brewing +

Fighting (30g per day): Combat ++, Weapons +

Magic (30g per day): Magic +, Spells ++

Job List
Maid (4g): Stamina and Cleaning

Chef(6g): Cooking

Box Moving(6g): Stamina and Strength

Salesgirl (8g): Charm and Mind, can offer some more theft opportunities

Seamstress (10g) *NEW*: Crafting, one of the highest paying reliable jobs, but rather difficult. We'd need one or two more Item classes before we can perform well here.

Shelving Books(3g): Stamina and Mind

Read to Children(6g): Luck and Taming, lowers Strength

Wash Windows(2g): Cleaning, lowers Sin

Tend Animals:(6g) Taming, lowers Charm, lowers Sin

Theft: Luck, raises Sin, chance of being labeled a thief, variable pay

Performing: Charm, Luck, variable pay but potentially very lucrative.

Donations: Not actually a job, but helps to lower sin.

Volunteer: Pays nothing, minorly lowers Stamina, and majorly lowers Sin.

Socialize: Does nothing but maybe raise Charm, raise Dream, or lower Dream. Sometimes an NPC will tell us something interesting.

Read Book: Also not a job, but gives us a bit of lore. Doesn't do anything for our stats as far as I know.


Oh, and as a neat bit of trivia, you might note that the Ring of Enchantment doesn't line up with our current stats. That's because either there's a typo in the description or in the code:
{1}Ring of Enchantment{2}10{3}a ring with a flower on it{4}spr_flowering{5}A ring that enhances the wearer's charm.#[Charm +15]{6}global.cha2 += 5;{7}50{8}
Given that it's crafting skill requirement is only 10, I imagine it was supposed to be +5 to start with.
Last edited by The Flying Twybil on Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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ClaudiaSilvestri wrote:
Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:32 am
I've been enjoying the LP! I played this game a while ago and had fun with it and the sequel (and, later, suggested it to one of my younger sisters). I've been especially liking your interactions with Books and for the dungeon trip.
Glad you're enjoying it so far! I originally picked them up personally as part of just seeing where Hanako got it's start, but quite evidently it's turned into a little bit more than that. But what can I say? They're both good fun, and doing a Let's Play of them just works out really well. Each update is a good bit shorter than my previous forays into narrative, which really helps my creative drive from getting stuck.

As for Books, I felt like it'd be good for the narrative for Hilde to have a friend around (less internal dialogue) and it just kinda made sense with how we started the LP. I enjoy playing story off the mechanics rather than writing around it, which is the same thing I've been going for with the dungeon.

(Not to mention, Books might just be slightly based on a person I used to know.)

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Let's craft a Star Wand, work as a Salesgirl, and take some more Magic classes.

More magic classes. We'll make a wizard out of her yet! (Assuming she can stop smacking people with the wands)

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Magic Classes when we have the cash. Perhaps some Seamstress work as well, to get our crafting up. ...maybe also another visit to Books for Shelving if we wind up with the time. Books is good.

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Update 8: Sisterhood

(Apologies for the delay, Thanksgiving and a translation project I've gotten myself wrapped up in kinda broke my usual LP schedule.)

Votes are in and it seems Hilde will be spending a few months working on her spellcasting!



Image Just the forge, thank you.


Image (If I want to get better at magic, I need a better...)

Image (What did they call it again, a catalyst?)



Image (Hah, it kinda looks like what you'd expect a fairy to carry around.)

Image (...Though I can't say that the design is any less efficient for poking things.)


Image (Still, with that and the necklace, I'm feeling more magical than ever!)

Image (Now, time to make some cash so I can get some more magic classes!)



Image Keeping up the good work as usual, I see.

Image Yep!

Image You've got a real talent for numbers, that's for sure. Much better than the usual hires.


Image Hrm... how many robes and blankets are we down to now?

Image Very few. This unnatural cold's put a high demand on them and I didn't have many to start with.

Image It's been downright freezing for so long it just makes you wonder...


Image Of course it will, but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like it won't.

Image Hm... I could take a shot at trying to make some more blankets and stuff if you need.

Image If you can help me keep up in stock, then it'd be a lifesaver.



Image ...Still figuring things out?

Image ...Yeah. Not nearly as easy as it looks or sounds. I think I'm starting to learn-


Image ...

Image ...I should probably head back to the front desk.

Image Stick with what you know, kid.


Image Okay, I've counted every piece and this should be enough to take another magic class with some to spare. Secrets of wizardry, here I come!



Image (Well, these seem like some good new charms. Here's to hoping they don't counteract too badly...)

Image Oh, hey, hey!

Image Wha- huh?


Image (Right to the point isn't she?)


Image Oh, I'm only 15.

Image But I guessed yours right! I just knew you were 18! Must be great being older...

Image (...At least she isn't thinking I'm in my mid twenties or something.)

Image Say, do you like magic? I've been studying it my whole life!



ImageBut I'm hoping she'll let up soon! I just know I'll be good at it!

Image When I turn 18, she'll have to let me learn however fast I can go!

Distant Voice: Rose, where'd you run off to?

Image Oh, that's Mom.


Image Sure thing!

Image (...Wait, why does she have a star on her forehead?)



Image (Oh, yeah! I'm feeling more powerful already!)

Image (I do have to wonder, was that star on Rose's forehead some indicator of magical power? Will I get one too?)


Image (Well anyways, I've learned two more charms, but more importantly I learned what I was doing wrong. Nature aspect absorbs light, thus weakening my Light charm, so I wasn't doing as much damage as I could.)


Image (...But this new Mirror charm is also a light and holy aspected charm, so they should go well together!)


Image (I'd save up for the traders coming by, but I think I'm more likely to find more use out of magic training.)



Image (So until then, time to work my accounting magic!)


Image (...I wonder if I'll get so good I can just levitate the gold around.)

Image Hey, whatcha doin'?

Image Oh, hey, Rose! I work at the store pretty often, so, er... working, I guess.

Image Ooh, do you get discounts?

Image ...Actually, I don't. Why is that?

Image I dunno, it seems like you should.

Image ...Eh, anyways, do you know if there's any levitation magic?

Image Hrm... I think there might be if you get really, really good with it. I don't know for sure because my mom won't let me anywhere even near the intermediate stuff yet.

Image That's why I know it's gotta be great to be eighteen! C'mon, it has to be, right?

Image It's maybe not everything they advertised. Adults still roll their eyes at you, and nobody thinks you know what you're doing.

Image Aww... So it doesn't change at all? You don't get any more freedom?

Image Well, you do get that, sort of.

Image (I didn't really get much of a choice, mind you...)

Image ...What I mean, is that a lot of stuff opens up for you. You just have to go and find it, I guess.

Image Hrmph, knowing my luck, my mom would stop me from doing anything else either-

Image Oh crackers, is that rain?! The laundry's still out with my favorite robe! Gotta split, see ya!

Image ...So energetic.



Image You're learning quite quickly, Hilde. Not just everyone who comes in these doors can pick up the Lava charm so quickly.

Image Ah, thank you!

Image But do remember, apply extreme caution with it. The other fire aspected charms are locked deeply behind skill ranks for a reason.

Image Y-yes, ma'am.


Image The teacher is your mother?

Image (There is definitely some resemblance there.)


Image With what you were saying the other day, that makes a lot of sense, yeah. I still don't get something though...



Image I guess I must have had a sister or brother once. I don't remember them, though.

Image That's sad... I've lost my family too. I don't even know who they were.


Image (I mean, jeez, we've only known each other for like a month...)

Image (She might have a mother, but she seems really alone as well. I think she's asking the question for herself as much as she's asking it for me...)

Image (...And it kinda would nice to feel like I've got a family.)


Image You know what? Let's do it!


Image (It's going take some time to get used to that.)




Image Alright, getting better! I think that's enough studying for now, time to check out that festival that's supposed to be happening soon.




Image Hey, miss! You look like a warrior princess! Can I interest you in a-

Image Yep, just going to check out that ball now.



Image Wow, it's the actual queen! I never imagined I'd see her here! Though, it kinda-

Image Ah, yes, contestant! Just this way!

Image Wait, I'm not particpat-

Image Right this way, miss! Good luck out there!

Image But I didn't-

Image If you need a dress, I think they may have some extras. Knock 'em dead out there! But you, know, like, not literally.

Image If you did it literally, then I'd have to arrest you.

Image Anyhow, good luck out there!

Image ...What just happened...?

Image *sigh* Might as well join in now, I guess...



Image Books? What're you here for?

Image Oh hey, Hilde. I had no idea that you'd joined in too.

Image Joined? More like forced. The guard got me confused for a contestant or something.

Image Weird. Anyways, I'm just here for the quiz part.

Image Oh, hey, Sis!

Image Hey, Rose!

Image You two are sisters? But I thought-

Image It's a long story.

Image I'm going to win the quiz this year! You won't defeat me this time!

Image We'll see about that.

Image Tch, would you all hush? Like, it's about to start!


Image And this year's winner is...


Image Nice try, sweethearts, but you can't outmatch my grace just yet.

Image How is that even remotely fair? You're the bloody dance teacher!

Image And? I'm still young enough to qualify.

Image I cannot help but concur, this hardly seems appropriate.

Image It's all measured on merits my dears, not pure education. That being said, should you keep to your training, Miss Von Krone, you'll surely claim the crown when I retire.

Image Y-yes, Miss Darla.

Image And should the rest of you aspire to my position, I offer classes every week the college is open.

Image Evidently, the result is not measured on humility.

Image Ach, if this was based on my cooking, I'd have you all beat!

Image Agh, nooo! Beaten by two points!

Image Looks like it was more of a technicality win than anything really... call it a draw?

Image Speaking of wins on technicalities, I want to know which one justifies this new girl taking second place from me!

Image Hey, I got pushed into doing this. I didn't even want up here, y'know?

Image Oh, there's no technicality there. Apologies, Miss Von Krone-

Image Inconcievable! *Stomps off*

Image ...Well, there she goes.

Image You were great out there, Sis!

Image Yeah, it's about time someone put Miss Pompous in her place.

Image I just hope I haven't made myself an enemy today.




Image ... So why are you calling each other sisters then?

Image Oh, er... to put it short, I kinda couldn't turn her down.

Image She doesn't have any friends her age, and she doesn't get out much. It reminded me a lot of back when I was at the orphanage.

Image But still, sisters? I don't mean to judge, but it's kind of odd. You only met her so long ago, right? Why not just friends?

Image I can't deny that it might be, yeah. But for now, I'm just going with it, I guess.

Image Eh, on other topics, what else have you been up to?

Image Oh, mostly just working at the store. That and working on my magical powers.

Image Yeah, I noticed you were using some magic during that ball performance. It looked pretty good. You planning on going back into the sinkhole or something again?

Image Maybe. I'm not really sure yet. It's kind of a rough thing, even if it is really exciting.

Image Nearly got taken out down there the last time...

Image Regardless, it's the one thing I can really say that I've got a talent for, and I'm not passing it up.

Image Fair enough. I'm just surprised anyone's got the guts to go down there. It makes me wonder...


Image Sister Anju, I'm back!

Image A bit earlier than usual, today.

Image Well, you know, I wanted to make sure I could turn in early so that I wouldn't disturb anything going on.

Image I appreciate the thought, child. I must ask you something, if you don't mind.

Image Oh, sure, anything!


Image Me, a nun? Even after the, uh... incident?

Image Yes, even after that. You've repented for it already.

Image I just, hm... I have to wonder how much that's going to conflict with all the stuff I'd like to do...

Image If it's anything more in line with what you might be seeking, I may be able to put in a good word for you in the Paladin's Order as a Warrior Priestess candidate. We do have a connection to their branch here through Sister Anna.

Image Paldin's Order? Warrior Priestess?! This is all a bit fast for me.

Image Well, you'd have to go through training and evaluations of course. Whatever your answer may be, I'm more than willing to let you join in on the meditation sessions we have each night if you're willing.

Image Oh, really? Sure, that'd be great!


And thus, Hilde was offered a position as sister twice in a rather short span of time. She's coming along quite well as a mage, though we've still got a long way to go before we become supremely powerful.

And speaking of, we've got ourselves a new work option available, Meditation. It's completely free and always accessible as long as we have no sin, and provides increases to Mind and Magic at the cost of some weapons skill (of which ours is already basically nonexistent.) Regardless, it's a very good way to accelerate magical power.

With that, there's the update. In just a few months, Hilde will turn 19, so what shall we do to close out Hilde's first year in the outside world?

Recipe Research:


Tooth + Silver Ring: Ring of Strength (+5 Strength)
Tooth + Gold Necklace: Tribal Tooth (+10 Strength)
We've read a bit about a robe that might use it...

Fallen Star:

Fallen Star + Wand: Star Wand (+10 Magic, 2 Dam)
Fallen Star + Gold Necklace: Star-Touched Necklace (+10 Magic)
Fallen Star + Robe: Nightgown (+10 Magic)
Apparently, it can boost the power of lucky charms...


Stick + Rocks: Spear (10 Dam)
Stick + Wand: Staff (+5 Magic, 5 Dam)
Stick + Axe: Halberd (-10 Weapons, -10 Combat, 16 Dam)
Stick + Nails: Spiked Club (5 Dam)


Acorn + Ribbon: Childish Trinket (Charm -5)
"Acorns may seem weak at first, but have some powerful recipes..."

Buyable Item List

Leather Armor (60g): +5 Combat

Chain Mail(100g): + 10 Combat, -1 Damage (as, absorbs 1 damage)

Plate Mail(150g): + 15 Combat, -5 Damage, - 5 Luck (which affects our dodge rate)

Dagger (25g): + 5 Weapons, MaxDam 4 (max damage roll before bonuses)

Sword (50g): MaxDam 8

Axe (100g): -5 Weapons, MaxDam 12

Gold Necklace (10g): + 1 Charm

Gold Ring (10g): + 1 Charm

Plain Robe (5g): Nothing, but counts as armor

Wand (25 g): +5 Magic, MaxDam 2

Health Potion (25g): Restores 10 HP*

Mana Potion (25g): Restores 10 MP*

*These two stack infinitely and do not cost a turn to use.

Class List
(All last 7 days of course, like jobs.)
Mathematics (10g per day): Mind ++

Dance (15g per day): Charm ++, Luck +

Exercise (15g per day): Strength ++, Stamina +

Item Creation (20g per day): Crafting ++

Kitchen Science (20g per day): Cooking +, Brewing +

Fighting (30g per day): Combat ++, Weapons +

Magic (30g per day): Magic +, Spells ++

Job List
Meditation (Free): Magic +, Mind +, Weapons-, doable as long as we have no sin and may have other rewards...

Maid (4g): Stamina and Cleaning

Chef(6g): Cooking

Box Moving(6g): Stamina and Strength

Salesgirl (8g): Charm and Mind, can offer some more theft opportunities

Seamstress (10g) *NEW*: Crafting, one of the highest paying reliable jobs, but rather difficult. We'd need one or two more Item classes before we can perform well here.

Shelving Books(3g): Stamina and Mind

Read to Children(6g): Luck and Taming, lowers Strength

Wash Windows(2g): Cleaning, lowers Sin

Tend Animals:(6g) Taming, lowers Charm, lowers Sin

Theft: Luck, raises Sin, chance of being labeled a thief, variable pay

Performing: Charm, Luck, variable pay but potentially very lucrative.

Donations: Not actually a job, but helps to lower sin.

Volunteer: Pays nothing, minorly lowers Stamina, and majorly lowers Sin.

Socialize: Does nothing but maybe raise Charm, raise Dream, or lower Dream. Sometimes an NPC will tell us something interesting.

Read Book: Also not a job, but gives us a bit of lore. Doesn't do anything for our stats as far as I know.

Looks like a fun little game so far. I've been curious about "raising sims" for a while, but I've never played one.

Well, Rose is certainly quite forward, but it's nice to have another friend.

You know, Hildegun getting second place in the contest her first time is pretty impressive; almost makes me wonder if we could gun for first place next year through careful grinding of the needed stats. Not sure if it would be worth it or not, though, and the difference between first and second was pretty massive.

Is becoming a Paladin something in-game, or maybe an ending? Or even just flavor text?

I vote we try at least one session of Meditation, and more salesgirl work to get some gold. It seems to be the best paying job we can reliably complete right now.

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Ah, Rose... I remember you. My interest in the magic stuff made the stuff surrounding you rather inevitable to run into.

Also, that was a rather neat detail with the Fire-aspected Charms. I hadn't noticed it, but I suppose it does make sense that something as volatile and lethal as Fire would be among the last things they actually teach in a course on this magic system, even if the first Fire symbol is freaking Lava of all things. Nine elements, might as well make the most overtly destructive one restricted for a while.

Anyways, Salesgirl work plus a dose of Meditation to give us a quick injection of power. Pretty much the only thing the Magic Classes have exclusive access to is learning new Charms. ...needless to say, unless there's something we'd be better off spending our money on, a Magic Class would be prudent near the end of all this; we don't even have access to all 9 elements yet, if I remember the affinities of these Charms correctly (though it's not like sweeping access to everything is important in this system, it just FEELS right, ya know?)

User avatar
Reading Wyvern wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:12 am
Looks like a fun little game so far. I've been curious about "raising sims" for a while, but I've never played one.
I've always liked the mechanics of raising sims, both in watching the stats rise and in the planning of how to build up said stats. It's a particular favorite genre of mine, but it's not a particularly wide genre either. While Princess Maker did sort of popularize the formula, I can't deny that some aspects of it's earlier incarnations might not have helped to spread the popularity in the following years. This game itself is great for just spending away some time on lazy afternoons, as well as writing mental narratives I suppose.

The two Cute Knight games, Long Live the Queen, and Little Lily Princess are all Hanako and pretty darn good. If you don't mind mechanical intensity, I'd also recommend Academagia for it's sheer amount of content. (It may knock off a good bit of Harry Potter on the surface, but it gets rid of all the problematic stuff and writes in a rather fascinating world of it's own.)

Reading Wyvern wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:12 am
You know, Hildegun getting second place in the contest her first time is pretty impressive; almost makes me wonder if we could gun for first place next year through careful grinding of the needed stats. Not sure if it would be worth it or not, though, and the difference between first and second was pretty massive.

Is becoming a Paladin something in-game, or maybe an ending? Or even just flavor text?
Darla's main weakness is her quiz score, so in theory as long as you can match her in everything else, you win. (I'll note that it's very possible to beat her solely in Charm and Luck by the second year, if you've been at it since the beginning.)

Paladin itself isn't anything in-game unfortunately, though there is paladin gear in the game perfect for the role. Besides, there's nothing saying I can't just write it in :V
LPFinale wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:57 am
Ah, Rose... I remember you. My interest in the magic stuff made the stuff surrounding you rather inevitable to run into.
I'm honestly surprised we met her so quickly. In my experience, usually it takes a good few more visits than this to meet her and trigger the sister event. I wonder if it's just got something to do with your Magic skill, given it levels way slower than Spells if you're only going about it by magic class. Our gear gives us a +20 boost, so that's nearly 3 extra classes worth of it.

Maybe I'll need to take those off for now to slow down the event chain.
LPFinale wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 7:57 am
Also, that was a rather neat detail with the Fire-aspected Charms. I hadn't noticed it, but I suppose it does make sense that something as volatile and lethal as Fire would be among the last things they actually teach in a course on this magic system, even if the first Fire symbol is freaking Lava of all things. Nine elements, might as well make the most overtly destructive one restricted for a while.
Light, the starting spell, actually has fire affinity to it, but Lava is the real first fire based element in the game. I totally remembered that when I was writing this. Regardless, this was mostly inspired by an event in CKK, but in general limiting fire just makes sense to me story-wise, so I went with it.

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The Flying Twybil wrote:
Mon Nov 30, 2020 3:39 pm
Light, the starting spell, actually has fire affinity to it, but Lava is the real first fire based element in the game. I totally remembered that when I was writing this. Regardless, this was mostly inspired by an event in CKK, but in general limiting fire just makes sense to me story-wise, so I went with it.
Oh yeah, I just kinda wrote off Sunlight as a Charm that Hilde knows right off the bat even though it technically DOES require a small Spell stat threshold (since it's only not met if you take the months that are bad at magic). Plus, sunlight might be the least destructive sort of Fire Charm in the hands of a novice mage, so :v:

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Update 9: The Usual Routine - End of Year 1

(Shorter than usual update this time, been busy with other stuff on my side. The next update will be decently long though, to compensate.)





Image Top of the line work, as usual! Here's your pay.

Image Alright, thanks!

Image Y'know, I never see you spend any of what you earn anymore.

Image I'm just saving up is all.



Image ...

Image ...I'm not sure I've learned much yet.

Image Patience, child. It takes time for this to work.


Image And speaking of, you are pursuing the magical arts, yes?

Image I am.

Image Well, I'd like to let you know that you're more than qualified to be taught our special charm.

Image Oh, that'd be great!


Image It cannot be used for true evil, yet it is a very powerful charm on it's own. We only entrust this to skilled and honored guests of the church, ones who we trust can control it.

Image I'll be sure to use it properly then.


"And then a short time passed as Hilde was taught..."


Image But really, that was quite fast. I'd expected it to be more complicated.

Image Truly, I'm surprised as well. You must have a special talent for magic for none of the sisters here learned so quickly.

Image ...It was also different somehow.

Image It is an ancient charm after all- it is one of the last surviving charms of the older ages. A magic that comes from the soul.

Image Fascinating...


Candles is a very useful magic charm, embracing three rather similar elements all at once. At the moment, we can output Light damage on all three slots, Holy on two, and Fire on three if we introduce Lava.

Image (Now if I encounter any undead down in the sinkhole, it should be easy to banish them with all of this new power.)

Image (Although, I may wait on that so that I can learn a bit more. There has to be another Holy charm somewhere, right?)



Image (Just makin' money~)



Image (Searching for the mysteries of the world~)


Image (Searching for that mystery in my sooooul-)

Image I may be able to help with that.


Image I- but- what- huh-

Image -It's you?!

Image You got that right, homegirl, know what I'm sayin?

Image ...No?

Image Looking to get up on the down low, homeslice?

Image ...

Image ...It's the wrong dialect, isn't it?

Image ...I... nobody talks like that.

Image Oh, dear. These quirky human speech trends move too fast for me.

Image I don't think-

Image This is besides the point here. Why'd you show up again all of the sudden?!

Image You left me alone out in that field! No direction! No friends! Nothing!

Image I apologize, but that was out of my hands. I wasn't even supposed to be showing myself in the first place.

Image Rules on fairy presence is very strict, and I'm rather breaking them as we speak. I hope you can forgive me for that, at least.

Image Ah... I see... I guess?

Image So you really are my-

Image Yes, kind of, but don't say it. That's what set off the alarms last time.

Image ...These rules really are strict then.

Image All that matters is that I got you on the right path. I know you have many questions, but I'm going to have to make this fast.

Image Fingers crossed that hoping the guards don't wake up before I get back, y'know.

Image ...

Image I'll take that as an affrimative to go ahead.


Fairy's Report:


Image You've been doing really well for yourself in magical training. If you keep at it, you may even be able to win the Wizard's Challenge next year.

Image You've also become quite close to that one girl, Rose in a rather short period of time. I'd keep your eye on how her mother responds though...

Image Your first real friend was the librarian, you call her "Books" I believe, and you have a good friendship as is, but it could be deeper if you wanted... Regardless, some opportunities remain unexplored there...

Image As for job opportunities, there are still yet some unopened for you. That inn and the slums hide the only work you've yet to find. Some may even be more lucrative than what you pursue now, though there's no question that you do well at the ones you have.

Image And... well it seems I only have so much time left. Do you have a specific inquiry on any of these things before I take my leave?

Image Well, this is all a lot to take in, but...


Well, thread, we've got two things to vote on this time. Firstly, what shall Hilde do until the Harvest festival? Secondly, what shall we ask the Fairy? We only get one question.

(The fairy doesn't actually do this in the game by the way, but I just figured that some hints and stuff would provide a useful dynamic. She does show up to congratulate your birthday though.)

User avatar
That'd be rather interesting if the fairy really did talk about this sort of stuff at the turn of each year. Regardless...

I'd recommend Magic Class and Shelving Books, maybe with a session of Meditation somewhere in there, if there's time. As for what to ask the fairy, I'd like to her to tell us about Books and the Library.

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LPFinale wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:41 pm
I'd recommend Magic Class and Shelving Books, maybe with a session of Meditation somewhere in there, if there's time. As for what to ask the fairy, I'd like to her to tell us about Books and the Library.
seconding this

It would be helpful if the fairy did talk about that sort of stuff.

User avatar
Update 10: Wizard Dueling and Fairy Tales

Image Hmm...

Image Can you tell me about Books and her library?

Image Ah, yes... such a conflicted heart she has. Should you wish to grow closer to her, the answer lies beneath the earth iself, in the level of heroism you can rise to. In a certain manner, she seeks a role model...

Image Really? I wouldn't have guessed...

Image As for the library itself, it may be of benefit to read the tomes which you have spent much time sorting. Should you find yourself in the search of a deep, grand mystery, then perhaps spend some time with the children there and you may just find something...

Image Grand mystery? Those kids?

Image Ah... My power fades...I must return now...

Image Oh, right!

Image Peace out, homeslice...

*A faint set of chimes plays as the fairy vanishes.*

Image I, er, thank you! Thank you for talking to me!

Image ...

Image (I sure hope I'm not hallucinating.)

Image (Here's to hoping nobody saw me talking to the air...)

Image (And what is 'homeslice'?)



Image (Time to work on my magical skills then.)


Image You're doing rather exceptionally.


Image Er, but isn't there still more lessons in this section?

Image Yes, but your present skill is to great to learn much from them at this pace. We'll cover those swiftly next time, but we'll immediately move to the higher level, more one-on-one content after.

Image A-ah, that sounds great!

Image Also, I realize you can't come to class on a regular basis, so I've prepared some secondary work you can do on your own time to keep your skills sharp.

Image Oh, er, thanks! I'll be sure to do it.

Image ...I must say, it's been a long time since I've seen someone so quickly pick up ancient charms such as Candles. May I ask you you came by it?

Image Oh, I learned it at the church in town. I've been living there for about a year now.

Image Ah, I see. That would make sense.

Image (What was all this about...? She's always so intimidating...)

Image (Not to mention that this is a LOT of homework...)



Image Oh, hey, sis! I just got moved up to the intermediate classes.

Image That fast!? Aw, c'mon!

Image I suppose that makes sense though. You're really good with it already. That light magic of yours is really pretty!

Image Aw, thanks!

Image You just have to show me how to do that sometime!

Image It's really nothing much, just stuff I learned playing around with it while bored. I think you can learn it pretty fast.

Image Oh, but you know what?


Image I can teach you the charm of Rain! It combines the powers of air, water, and nature, because rain helps plants grow.

Image It's supposed to be an ancient charm too or something, but really I just know it because it's a really useful charm for gardening. Mom let me learn it, at least.

Image Oh, that'd be awesome to know! I've been wanting broaden my skills outside of light magic for some time now.


Image How do you learn this stuff so fast!?

Image It just comes naturally, I guess.

Image Anyways, I've got to head on out before it gets any darker outside.

Image Aw...


Image See ya!



Image (What's been really odd to me is that this feeling meditation gives me is... familiar.)

Image (It's like the same thing I felt when that fairy returned...)

Image (What does this mean?)


Image (Perhaps something in the library may have answers. She hinted that it would help if I looked through some of them.)


Image Hey, Books, what's up?

Image The usual. Trying to get a lot of this binding work done before it gets cold again. What are you here for?

Image Just hanging out, really, though I might get back to shelving some books again for a change of pace.

Image You're always welcome to.


Image (Hm... This is all I found today. It's a fairytale, but I'm not sure if I learned anything from this I can apply to figuring out what's going on.)

Image (It still was a pretty fun story to read though.)

After doing some testing, I discovered that the books you can read in the library all provide minor bonuses to your stats, but there is a finite quantity of them. This book for instance provides a boost to dream, I believe.


Image Hard to believe it's been a whole year since you showed up.

Image Yeah. I wouldn't have believed you back then if you told me this is how things were going to turn up.

Image Well, I think that's enough for today. See you at the festival tomorrow?

Image Midsummer's tomorrow?!

Image Ahaha, I see some things haven't changed since then.





Image Well, I'm headed off to check out the Wizard's Challenge for a bit.

Image Sounds good to me! I'll meet you there in a bit. I've got something to check out first.

Image (I think I've got a pretty good shot at it myself, this ought to be a nice surprise for her.)


Image The winner of each match will go on to compete in the next level. The winner of the fifth level will be the Grand Champion!



Image (He doesn't look terribly intimidating. I think this ought to be easy enough.)


Image Evocation of Lava outmatches Tears!

Image (Water doesn't beat fire? Huh...)

Image (Regardless, it seems like he'll wear himself out casting before he's made a real dent to my power.)


Image Incantation of Music greatly outmatches Light!

Image (...Y'know, magic class never taught me any of this. That was just a random guess.)


Image Charm of Flames counters that of Wine!

Image (Flame?! That's higher level than even the spells I've been taught...!)

Image (Well, at least he's burned himself out with that. Ha!)


Image Hildegun moves on to fight Mortimer!


Image (...Spooky. If this guy fancies himself some sort of dark mage, maybe I ought to send out something with light properties.)


Image A massive blow dealt by Hildegun! Astounding!

Image (...How does that even work?)


Image A very damaging return by Mortimer!

Image (Hrgh... Okay, I still don't understand any of this, but I do understand that dark magic feels really bad to get hit by...)

Image (Fine, how about this?!)


Image A-astounding! An unexpected Rain versus Moon!

Image (Why is she looking...)

Image (Right, I probably sorta shouldn't know how to cast that...)

Image (Eh, I'm sure I can come up with some sort of excuse.)


Image A counterattack with Scream by Mortimer!

Image (More importantly, I really wish I knew what was going on...)


"And so Hildegun would proceed to surprise all that day."


"Against overwhelming odds, she skillfully fought mages power ranks far above her own."


"At least, it seemed so. In reality, it was mostly pure luck that she got this far."


Image A devastating blow! Both casters are at the last of their energy!

Image (Ngh... so close....)


Image Charge versus Candles will finish duel!

Image (Argh...!)

Image (So... close...)



Image Holy heck, Hilde! How did you manage that?!

Image That. Was. *AWESOME*!

Image I've been training, and it looks like it paid off, I guess.

Image You almost had that guy!

Image It was soooo close!

Image Sheesh, don't I know it... he had to be about as ready to collapse as I was.

Image Who's the final contestant anyways?

Image I'm pretty sure it's the magic teacher herself.

Image Yep, it's Mom!

Image Really?! Oh, heck, I had no idea. I've never seen the final round.

Image Maybe it's for the best I got that dramatic finish after all. She would have crushed me.

Image Honestly, Sis? I think you might actually be able to beat her. If you just train up really hard, I'm sure you can make it by next year!

Image Girl, that'd be amazing! At this point, I can't have any doubt you could do it. What an underdog story that would be...

Image Haha, well, we'll just have to see what happens next year then. For now, I really need to sleep after all that.


While Hilde goes and does just that, what shall we do now?

I know I said I'd take us to the Harvest Festival with this update, but some heavy personal stuff got in the way while I was working on this and I really didn't feel like doing any writing. That's also why this is a day late, apparently.

Next update will take us to the harvest festival at minimum, and could be even longer- who knows?

Recipe Research:


Tooth + Silver Ring: Ring of Strength (+5 Strength)
Tooth + Gold Necklace: Tribal Tooth (+10 Strength)
We've read a bit about a robe that might use it...

Fallen Star:

Fallen Star + Wand: Star Wand (+10 Magic, 2 Dam)
Fallen Star + Gold Necklace: Star-Touched Necklace (+10 Magic)
Fallen Star + Robe: Nightgown (+10 Magic)
Apparently, it can boost the power of lucky charms...


Stick + Rocks: Spear (10 Dam)
Stick + Wand: Staff (+5 Magic, 5 Dam)
Stick + Axe: Halberd (-10 Weapons, -10 Combat, 16 Dam)
Stick + Nails: Spiked Club (5 Dam)


Acorn + Ribbon: Childish Trinket (Charm -5)
"Acorns may seem weak at first, but have some powerful recipes..."

Buyable Item List

Leather Armor (60g): +5 Combat

Chain Mail(100g): + 10 Combat, -1 Damage (as, absorbs 1 damage)

Plate Mail(150g): + 15 Combat, -5 Damage, - 5 Luck (which affects our dodge rate)

Dagger (25g): + 5 Weapons, MaxDam 4 (max damage roll before bonuses)

Sword (50g): MaxDam 8

Axe (100g): -5 Weapons, MaxDam 12

Gold Necklace (10g): + 1 Charm

Gold Ring (10g): + 1 Charm

Plain Robe (5g): Nothing, but counts as armor

Wand (25 g): +5 Magic, MaxDam 2

Health Potion (25g): Restores 10 HP*

Mana Potion (25g): Restores 10 MP*

*These two stack infinitely and do not cost a turn to use.

Class List
(All last 7 days of course, like jobs.)
Mathematics (10g per day): Mind ++

Dance (15g per day): Charm ++, Luck +

Exercise (15g per day): Strength ++, Stamina +

Item Creation (20g per day): Crafting ++

Kitchen Science (20g per day): Cooking +, Brewing +

Fighting (30g per day): Combat ++, Weapons +

Magic (30g per day): Magic +, Spells ++

Job List
Meditation (Free): Magic +, Mind +, Weapons-, doable as long as we have no sin and may have other rewards...

Maid (4g): Stamina and Cleaning

Chef(6g): Cooking

Box Moving(6g): Stamina and Strength

Salesgirl (8g): Charm and Mind, can offer some more theft opportunities

Seamstress (10g) *NEW*: Crafting, one of the highest paying reliable jobs, but rather difficult. We'd need one or two more Item classes before we can perform well here.

Shelving Books(3g): Stamina and Mind

Read to Children(6g): Luck and Taming, lowers Strength

Wash Windows(2g): Cleaning, lowers Sin

Tend Animals:(6g) Taming, lowers Charm, lowers Sin

Theft: Luck, raises Sin, chance of being labeled a thief, variable pay

Performing: Charm, Luck, variable pay but potentially very lucrative.

Donations: Not actually a job, but helps to lower sin.

Volunteer: Pays nothing, minorly lowers Stamina, and majorly lowers Sin.

Socialize: Does nothing but maybe raise Charm, raise Dream, or lower Dream. Sometimes an NPC will tell us something interesting.

Read Book: A limited amount of boosts to a few stats. We can take them anytime we want, but it will eat up a good couple of days.

Well, I'd say Hildegun did very well for her first magical competition. Maybe next year she can win?

For now, though, how could we turn down a Fairy hint? Although she gave us two possible routes...

Hmmm, for now I say we read to the kids. I have a weird feeling we don't want to go to the Harvest Festival with Sin. Also, getting our Taming up might help dungeon delve with less Sin in the future.

User avatar
Seconding Read to the Kids. We'll probably need to get our Stamina back up eventually, but making some progress on the route is a good start, and we could always Shelve Books if we need a quick injection of extra HP.

The Flying Twybil wrote:
Sat Oct 31, 2020 4:56 pm
Update 1: What Do You Call A Mid-life Crisis At 18?


So, here's the title screen. It plays a MIDI Scarborough Fair while we're here, but it doesn't actually loop.
(Also, for some reason this game actually makes my computer need to turn it's fans up. I have no idea why it would need to, but it does.)

You may note the 2007; this is the Deluxe version, which aside from a reworked magic system includes new art for the enemies we'll face among other minor improvements.
just to correct that, this is not the deluxe version. the deluxe title screen looks like this:
deluxe.jpg (103.66 KiB) Viewed 7755 times
I'm not sure how different they are overall, but the new art for enemies and endings and new magic system that you're talking about are from the deluxe version.

User avatar
gegi wrote:
Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:03 pm
just to correct that, this is not the deluxe version. the deluxe title screen looks like this:

I'm not sure how different they are overall, but the new art for enemies and endings and new magic system that you're talking about are from the deluxe version.
I'll be honest, I was starting to wonder about this. All this time, I could've sworn that I'd been playing Deluxe, but some things weren't lining up.

I really should've noticed this, having played the Deluxe demo, which does match that title screen, so I guess I've got the original version.

...I'm rather oblivious sometimes.

I'll fix the update stuff- thanks for the heads up!

Edit: I suppose, at the end of the day, it's appropriate this is the original version. Something something history something.

I just don't know how I bamboozled myself.


User avatar
I support the plan of Read to the Kids but I also think we should keep up with our Meditation and try to figure out how to be a warrior preistess (maybe we can be an inspiration to our good friend Books through church-approved means instead of going down into the sinkhole again)

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Update 11: Kindergarten Cop Out

This week, the thread has decided to follow the Fairy's advice in reading to children. How will it go for Hilde?




Image What's up Hilde?

Image Y'know, I was thinking I'd go and read to the children for a change of pace.

Image You sure about what you're saying?

Image Yeah. I want to do it.

Image Okay, what would you like your tombstone to say?

Image Ha ha. They can't be that bad.


Image Oh god, they're that bad.


Image Billy, please don't do-

Image Jenny, could-


Image Stop-


Image Ju-




Image (I'm not sure why I feel like I'm getting weaker...)

Image (And I'm not sure why it's so hard to deal with those kids...)

Image (...But the fairy said there was some great mystery there, and the knowledge may help me in the dungeons....)


Image (...Let's go lift some boxes for a while. I may need to get my arm strength back up. If I'm planning on heading to the sinkhole at some point, a little arm strength may not hurt.)



Image How do you handle kids? They're so... unruly.

Image How would I know? I don't have kids. I never married.

Image Rats.



Image Oh, hey, Hilde. I thought the kids had run you off for good.

Image Nah, I'm back to keep working at it.

Image Well, if you want, you can help me with some research instead.

Image Research?

Image Yeah, the government funding mostly comes from me contributing to research projects. Mostly it's about searching through what all these books have to say on certain subjects. And compiling that information.

Image King Humphrey's rather interested in preserving the written word.

Image I see. I guess I can try and help with that.


Image Um...

Image Don't worry it's all under control!

Image Did the kids come in here and do this?

Image Oh, no, this is just my, uh, organization scheme.

Image ...Is the paper on the roof part of it?

Image ...Yes?


Image ...Okay, well, let's try this...

Image No? ...Why are you all staring at me like that?


Image (Jeez, I still don't really get why I have to do this...)


Image (Well, at least the festival will be fun.)

Image (You know, provided that the kids don't age me so fast I die before then. I swear I have to be going gray haired already...)


Image Huh. Plants are resistant to fire? I would've thought otherwise. This is useful stuff here...

(This only happened because I misclicked.)


Image Alright kids, we're going to have fun today!


Image (Well, fun for them, I guess.)



Image (At least I'm getting better. Maybe.)

Image (At some point I'll find discover this mystery or whatever's supposed to be here.)


And that's it for today. Remember that reading to children subtracts Strength, not our Stamina. The shelving vote noted they wanted to offset the losses, so I figured I'd change it to boxes. I'll still do a book shelving next update though.

Regardless, we've gotten to the point where we're starting to succeed in our job, so that means we've definitely making progress. Taming's rather hard to raise unless you're in one of the birth months that are good with it.

As for Researcher, we just rolled poorly. We're sort of on the cusp of the stats required for it, so it's rather random how well we do in it currently.

This all said, we're at the Harvest Festival again! What do we do now? Do we buy anything?

Given we've also got some real cash this time around, we can afford some good stuff at the traders. We could still keep this money for Magic class, sure, but there is some good stuff in here.

Instead of a giant list of things, I've pared it down to the particularly us:eful stuff and things that would specifically be useful for Hilde.

It's actually still a giant list, but I at least cut it down to these:

Paladin's Plate, Holy Lance, Wizard's Staff, Glowstick, Blessed Cross, Lucky Stars, Mercury's Blessing, and Forcefield

The Big List of Interesting Things On Sale By Harvest Traders


Ring of Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Shattering - Improves Fire, Water, Air, or Earth magic damage respectively.
Ring of Lies - Huge Charm bonus, sets minimum Sin to 10
Dazzling Ring - Same Charm bonus as above, but without the sin cost. Very expensive.
Lucky Stars - Big Luck bonus
Ring of Protection - Good buff to Combat and damage reduction.


Keychain - Can help to lockpick doors (but we're better of blasting them down)
Glowstick - Boosts Light magic damage
Blessed Cross - Boosts Holy magic damage
Negative Necklace - Boosts Dark damage
Druid's Torc - Boosts Nature damage
Heartstone - Boosts Emotion damage with a small psychic increase

Warlock's Medallion - Adds a portion of Magic to Strength
Mercury's Blessing - Adds a portion of Mind to Luck

Crystal Collar - Minor charm and defensive buffs
Forcefield - Adds a portion of Magic to straight damage reduction (very good)


Skeletal Armor - Decent armor, Dark magic damage bonus
Rainbow Robe - Big magic buff, no armor value
Necromancer's Robe - some defense, Magic buff, big Dark buff
Druid's Robe - some defense, Magic buff, big Nature buff
Paladin's Plate - same as our halfplate, but gives a big Holy buff
Full Plate - slightly better than what we're wearing
Rune Plate - slight magic bonus but otherwise equal to full plate


Magic Staff: Like our wand, but better
Wizard's Staff: Best raw Magic boost available
Spear of Wrath: One of the better melee weapons
Lightning Kris: A good Luck bonus
Claw Glove: Minor defense increase
Stone Fist: Huge defense increase
Druid Staff: Decent magic, big Nature buff
Holy Lance: Good weapon, big Holy buff


Elixir of Insight - Big Mind boost, minor Magic loss
Potion of Power - Big boost to Magic and max physical damage

And here's some of the prices again, if you were curious.

Rainbow Robe 125g
Ring of Ice 200g
Druid's Torc 200g
Elixir of Insight 75g
Wizard's Staff 180g
Skeletal Armor 105g
Druid's Staff 140g
Rune Plate 200g
Necromancer's Robe 125g
Spear of Wrath 120g
Mercury's Blessing 175g
Full Plate 175
Ring of Lies 100g
Ring of Protection 110g
Forcefield 250g
Nightgown 65g
Claw Glove 75g
Lucky Stars 95g
Star-touched Necklace 75g
Studded Leather 85g
Magic Staff 95g
Lightning Kris 100g
Elven Leather 135g
Holy Lance 170g
Stone Fist 145g

Recipe Research:


Tooth + Silver Ring: Ring of Strength (+5 Strength)
Tooth + Gold Necklace: Tribal Tooth (+10 Strength)
We've read a bit about a robe that might use it...

Fallen Star:

Fallen Star + Wand: Star Wand (+10 Magic, 2 Dam)
Fallen Star + Gold Necklace: Star-Touched Necklace (+10 Magic)
Fallen Star + Robe: Nightgown (+10 Magic)
Apparently, it can boost the power of lucky charms...


Stick + Rocks: Spear (10 Dam)
Stick + Wand: Staff (+5 Magic, 5 Dam)
Stick + Axe: Halberd (-10 Weapons, -10 Combat, 16 Dam)
Stick + Nails: Spiked Club (5 Dam)


Acorn + Ribbon: Childish Trinket (Charm -5)
"Acorns may seem weak at first, but have some powerful recipes..."

Buyable Item List

Leather Armor (60g): +5 Combat

Chain Mail(100g): + 10 Combat, -1 Damage (as, absorbs 1 damage)

Plate Mail(150g): + 15 Combat, -5 Damage, - 5 Luck (which affects our dodge rate)

Dagger (25g): + 5 Weapons, MaxDam 4 (max damage roll before bonuses)

Sword (50g): MaxDam 8

Axe (100g): -5 Weapons, MaxDam 12

Gold Necklace (10g): + 1 Charm

Gold Ring (10g): + 1 Charm

Plain Robe (5g): Nothing, but counts as armor

Wand (25 g): +5 Magic, MaxDam 2

Health Potion (25g): Restores 10 HP*

Mana Potion (25g): Restores 10 MP*

*These two stack infinitely and do not cost a turn to use.

Class List
(All last 7 days of course, like jobs.)
Mathematics (10g per day): Mind ++

Dance (15g per day): Charm ++, Luck +

Exercise (15g per day): Strength ++, Stamina +

Item Creation (20g per day): Crafting ++

Kitchen Science (20g per day): Cooking +, Brewing +

Fighting (30g per day): Combat ++, Weapons +

Magic (30g per day): Magic +, Spells ++

Job List
Meditation (Free): Magic +, Mind +, Weapons-, doable as long as we have no sin and may have other rewards...

Maid (4g): Stamina and Cleaning

Chef(6g): Cooking

Box Moving(6g): Stamina and Strength

Salesgirl (8g): Charm and Mind, can offer some more theft opportunities

Seamstress (10g) : Crafting, one of the highest paying reliable jobs, but rather difficult. We'd need one or two more Item classes before we can perform well here.

Shelving Books(3g): Stamina and Mind

Read to Children(6g): Luck and Taming, lowers Strength

Research(10g): Mind and Cleaning (very low), lowers Stamina

Wash Windows(2g): Cleaning, lowers Sin

Tend Animals:(6g) Taming, lowers Charm, lowers Sin

Theft: Luck, raises Sin, chance of being labeled a thief, variable pay

Performing: Charm, Luck, variable pay but potentially very lucrative.

Donations: Not actually a job, but helps to lower sin.

Volunteer: Pays nothing, minorly lowers Stamina, and majorly lowers Sin.

Socialize: Does nothing but maybe raise Charm, raise Dream, or lower Dream. Sometimes an NPC will tell us something interesting.

Read Book: A limited amount of boosts to a few stats. We can take them anytime we want, but it will eat up a good couple of days.

User avatar
The next update will be off just a week thanks to this mysterious thing known as "Criz-mas". It shall continue on schedule afterwards. Should you have a specific thing you want Hilde to do or buy in the coming month, do tell, otherwise I'll continue with what we've been up to.

Taming's really hard to raise, but I suppose that's fair enough given that multiple endings use it in some capacity.

User avatar
Tbh, I'd be more than fine with you continuing as you have been. I recall a lot of runs in Kingdom playing out in a similar way, where a lot of explorative choices get made and then it settles into a rhythm while trying to aim for what's hopefully an ending. Unless we get a curveball thrown at out heads, investigating the library (and by extension the dungeon at some point) seems like the way to go.

User avatar
LPFinale wrote:
Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:48 pm
Tbh, I'd be more than fine with you continuing as you have been. I recall a lot of runs in Kingdom playing out in a similar way, where a lot of explorative choices get made and then it settles into a rhythm while trying to aim for what's hopefully an ending. Unless we get a curveball thrown at out heads, investigating the library (and by extension the dungeon at some point) seems like the way to go.
By the mid-game for both Cute Knights, you usually are chasing down a path, yeah. Though, I think in Kingdom I was still exploring stuff nearly until my second year- I suppose a more open-world format does that :V

But, yeah, if nobody's against it, I'll just keep going to progress each path efficiently until something notably important happens.

User avatar
Oh, I loved Cute Knight! I have vaguer memories of Kingdom but there's a few ending pictures from Cute Knight that I think are forever seared into my brain... Very excited to see where this goes :D

User avatar
Update 12: The Plot Unfolds

Welcome back from the holidays folks, as we enter the new year I bring you a gift in the form of a longer than usual update!



Image (Usually the harvest festival is really only good for the free food. I haven't seen much worthwhile the last few times I've been around.)

Image Maybe if I look hard enough, there might be something good here I can make use of.


Image (Hm, I sounds like some sort of lucky charm then.)

Image It brings only the best of odds in everything life has to offer! Avoiding accidents or unwanted encounters, bringing in more tips and buyers, it even helps with kids!

Image (...Beyond all the unrealistic hawking, I recognize this ring design from the college textbooks. It's pretty deep in there as well, so it must have some potency to it...)

Image Excuse me, may I have a look at that?

Image Why, sure! I can guarantee it's the real deal, but don't just take my word for it if you want the proof with your own eyes.

Image (Yeah, this is real, I can tell. If it helps with kids, then maybe it'll help me keep the kids in line...)

Image I'll take it.

Image Going, going...Sold to the fine young woman with the rose hair!

Image ...

Image ...Sorry, I always wanted to be an auctioneer, not just a hawker.

Image No, it's not that, it's just... We've met briefly before, right? You seem a bit different.

Image Nope, never met ya. You must have me confused with someone else.

Image Okay then...



Image As the legends say, it will make you untouchable!

Image You again?

Image Ah, it has been a long time! I am afraid the Potion of Phasing has long since been sold.

Image What?

Image But I do have this necklace of great power! The "FORCE-FIELD".

Image But, why...

Image What's it do?

Image Applies forces to fields, something something, supposedly makes you untouchable, blah blah... you want it?

Image Can I see it first?

Image I'm holding it for you to see.

Image I mean, like, hold it.

Image Only if you buy it.

Image What about the policy from earlier? You let me inspect this ring first!

Image I've never seen that ring in my life, and I've never done such a thing!

Image But-

Image Agh, this is so confusing.

Image (Though looking at it, it does look quite magical. I can practically see it shimmering...)

Image Fine, I'll take it.

Image Here you go! Touch it all you like, I'm just glad to get rid of it! Nobody has the money for such things here!



Image Anyone? No?

Image Hey, did you say something about-

Image ...How did...?

Image Ah, it's the good lookin' lass again! Been a year, but I never forget such a gorgeous face!

Image But you were over there, and then there, and...

Image Changed your mind about showing off those curves have you? Luckily I've still got just a few chainmail bikinis in stock, and I'll sell 'em half price to such a-

Image Why are you everywhere today, and why do you keep changing?!

Image ...

Image ...

Image *Leans in and stares*

Image ...What's the big idea?

Image Aw, heck, these disguises ain't workin' right are they? Mick done robbed us again!

Image Alright, listen, I know yer the one I'm supposed ta be lookin' out for. Pick out whatever you want, an' I'll sell it to you cheap, just forget ya ever saw me.

Image I... okay. Didn't you say something about Paladins?

Image Yep, there's a suit that used to belong to one back 'ere. Want it? Nobody else does. Costs a fortune to most folk.

Image It'd be great, yeah. How much?

Image I can go as low as 200 gold and not get completely chewed out by my other boss.

Image (That's almost all I have...)

Image (But it's too awesome, I have to have it!)

Image Deal.


Image Here you go- and remember, we never spoke!

Image (I still don't know what's going on here, I hope it's just nothing...)


Image (...But look at this stuff! It's way more powerful than what I had before!)




Image My word, Hildegun, child, how did you come by that armor? Did you already get inducted into the Paladin Order?

Image Oh, no. Actually, a merchant at the Harvest Festival sold it to me.

Image Really now? I suppose that would explain why it's such an old style...

Image It was all really rather odd there this time...

Image Ah! It just occurred to me, but am I allowed to keep this? I know I'm not actually in the order and if there's any rules on it, or...

Image I'm sure it's fine, child. I imagine an armor set this aged is outside of regulation.

Image Really? It's not a sin or anything? I imagined the rules would be more strict.

Image You were able to enter weren't you?

Image Huh, I guess so.

Image It may be surplus armor, but I just hope you're planning on doing the original owner proud.

Image I will! I've been practicing the way of peace with the help of the local children.

Image (Speaking of, I know where I'm headed tomorrow. Here's to hoping this ring does it's job in helping me do mine...)



Image In the full of Autumn again, but you know, I'm feeling good today.


Image (Sheesh, if was a year ago the things I could do now, I wouldn't have believed it!)

Image (That is, even though I think I was a lot more optimistic back then, really. These kids have been wearing me down.)



Image Oh, it seems your parents are here.

Image Well, alright, that's all for today, kids!

Image (...Here's to hoping what the fairy said I'll find will happen soon. I'm not sure how many more readings of these children's books I can take...)

Image (Maybe I just need to find some better material. Something that's fun for them and at least interesting for me.)


Image (Hm, this is actually pretty intriguing, even with all the politics stuff.)

Image What have you got there?
Great Iskandia and the Exile of Albion? Trying to find something a bit more in-depth than "The Parched Inchworm"?

Image Yeah, and I think I've succeeded... though I think a lot of things are more in-depth than that one. Like, nearly anything.

Image Well, I can assure you this is a good read, yet I don't think you'll make the kids sit through it, though.

Image I suppose it does seem unlikely, but I've gotta try.

Image You could, y'know, take a break from it sometime.

Image But I'm just getting good at it! Sort of!

Image I've gotta ask, what's with you and this reading thing anyhow? It doesn't really... seem like your sort of thing.

Image I'm, er, just broadening my horizons. I didn't give it a fair chance the first time anyhow.

Image Well, keep on with it, I suppose.


Image "And so, Arthur would finally return home to his family. Even though he'd lost everything, he knew how he could rebuild it all again"-

Image Ah, but sadly that'll have to wait until next time. We've got parents incoming!

Image (I don't know if it's the ring helping out or what, but that really worked! It was almost a perfect week!)


Image Why, I do declare, each and every one of their little darling faces were just entranced with your story. And it's even real history too!

Image You remind me of myself when I was your age.

Image Oh! Thank you very much, ma'am!


Image (Hm... well, I'm getting better, but where's that supposed mystery at?)

Image (I can't have hallucinated that whole thing...)



Image (It'll be a bit harder to spin this into a fun story, but at least it's some good info for me. I'll write this title down for next time...)

Image Well, I suppose you proved me wrong with that performance.

Image Oh, hey! I think it went pretty well, yeah.

Image I usually add little details, but to take a history book and actively tell a story out of it? I can't manage that level of spontaneity.

Image Aw, I'm sure you could. Besides, you've read way more of these than I have- that's gotta count for something.

Image Maybe. I'll have to try it next time I'm doing it. Regardless, it really does help to have so much more time around here for the research grants and such. I know I still can't pay much, but really, thanks for helping out so much.

Image What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?



And so, Hilde would continue to read at the library spinning stories...


Image (It's a shame this doesn't get celebrated more around here. I bet it'd be great fun.)

Image (Why, it's like I can feel the magic around me!)


So an interesting mechanical thing is that holidays do give you minor stat boosts for that day. Halloween is +10 Magic, Beltaine is a bonus Charm, I believe and that's really all I've hit. Given that you blow weeks away in this game making you rarely land on one of these days, and that one day passes by pretty fast in the dungeons, they're not that useful.

They're a really neat minor detail, but mechanically they just don't amount to much.


Image "It was on this dark, stormy day that Arthur heard an unnatural sound from the skies. He left the house made by his own hands with a quiet step, sure not to wake his family, and peered into the shadowy clouds above."

Image "And it was then that he saw the one thing he never thought he'd see again- a mighty dragon!"

*Many voices gasp*

Image "As soon as he saw the massive wings, he knew that he would have to draw the sword his mother had left him. This scaly fiend was the same shape, the same color as the one he so clearly remembered on the day when his mother left drawing that very blade."

Image "She had always said the spawn of the most evil dragon, Blackfang, would one day return to burn the land of Albion. And though he never expected it would be him, someone would have to stop the fiend."

Image And I'm afraid that's all for today! We've got parents incoming.

*Disappointed cries*


Image Oh, sure, you can have mine.

Image Why thank you, dearie. Oh, seeing you work reminds me of the old days.


Image Really?!

Image Oh, yes, indeed!


Image (Is this what the fairy was alluding to? Perhaps I really do need to hear these stories...)

Image Oh, that'd be fantastic!

Image Well, I have to be off for now. Goodness knows the world doesn't slow down for a old lady like me, especially not to gab the hours away.

Image The grandkids and I are headed off to go visit family in the countryside for two weeks and we have to be ready to be on the road as soon as possible. Ta ta!

Image Goodbye! Hope the trip goes well!

Image (Hm... well, that's going to be a bit of a delay.)

Image Fantastic job today again! You even had me distracted with your retelling.

Image Hah, sorry about that.

Image Nah, it's fine. I needed the break anyhow. That being said, it's about time you had a break as well.

Image I can keep going. It's all good.

Image Yeah, well, I'm your boss and I say so. Regardless there's not much of a choice here, the church does their big schooling thing for the next while so the kids won't be here at all.

Image Oh, right! Agh, I can't believe I forgot given how I basically live there.

Image (Well, maybe I ought to take this opportunity to go and do some more work on the other thing the fairy told me to look into.)




Image (Well, trusty Light, this is bye for the moment, but not forever. I know I'll need you again someday.)

Image (I've a feeling that with this new armor, focusing on Holy will do me good.)


Image You again? How did you get out-

Image No wait, it's the other lass. I could've sworn...

Image What's up?

Image Nothing, nothing. Head's playing tricks on me. They must be on you as well if you think cosplay is going to save you from the beasties down there.

Image Hey, this isn't some costume, it's real!

Image Whatever you say. Just don't get yourself killed down there, and for God's sake, just keep your wits about you.

Image You don't have to remind me how it can go to your head.



Image Ah, uh....

Image Peace? *shrug*


Image Huh. Just a shrug and it's off? Wow. Curses, I should have invested in this sooner.

Image ..."Curses"? What in the Place of Sinners?

Image ...

Image Wait, is there some kind of speech magic on this armor to keep me from using bad language?

Image Aw, shucks, that's actually pretty righteous!

Image ...

Image ...It does make me feel like such a dork though...


Image Whoa, whoa! Hiss! Hissss! Whatever "don't fight me" in snake is!

Image (Let's, uh, try that again.)


Image (Neat.)


Image I don't know if you can understand me, but it looked like there were some pretty good mushrooms back that way. It'd be a lot better than-

Image Oh, I guess it did.

*A loud crash is heard as a stone fist slams into the wall nearby*

Image Wha-?


Image Hyaah!

Image Oh... it was that golem from before. Something tells me it wasn't planning on listening to me anyways though. I remember hollow look in those eyes.

Image ...Wow, you can still see the marks I left on it from before... does that mean nobody else has been down this far but me?

Image I suppose I ought to take these materials though. It may have been a dangerous machine, but I may be able to put it to good use.


Image Hah, a door? Out of my way!


Image Ow... Yeah, I shouldn't have thought that would work, I've really let my muscles go.

Image Well, okay, let's just blast it down!

Image Hyaaaaaaaa-


Image -aaaaaaggghh

Image *cough* *cough*

Image Why is... it... so... sturdy....

Image *cough* some sort of *cough* magic barrier...?

Image ...You know, that lock doesn't look too hard to open. Maybe if I bring... back a hair pin or something...


Image Agh... but that... that really smited the darkness from me...

Image ...

Image I'm never going to get used to that...



Image I better go get some rest first. I'd rather not get frozen like last time.



Image Ah, Hilde! I see you have returned free of sin.

Image Yeah, pacifism is way easier than I thought!

Image I only wish more people saw it that way.

Image Oh, is usual for paladin armor to uh, change the words you say?

Image Not anymore, but it used to. I've been told stories of the long discussions that went into changing them off of that. Keeping in line with free speech laws, virtue maintained by personal volition, things like that.

Image Well, it is useful for keeping away those dark energies or whatever is down there. What is up with that place?

Image Frankly, I do not know. Likely dark influence is seeping outwards from some a powerful evil being, but we shouldn't have to worry. Combined with some of our magic and the Court Wizard's great power, it should be supressed enough to last for at least another century.

Image ...But why hasn't the problem been taken care of yet?

Image I am not high enough ranking to know precisely, but I am led to believe should we destroy it, it will likely manifest again somewhere else. The current means keeps it trapped where it is now, and we can keep an eye on it.

Image Huh... this is more complicated than I thought.


Image (Hrm, this crystal ball that golem left behind... It's got a lot of magic power. I wonder if I could affix it to a staff of some kind?)

Image (Surely that'd be a good deal stronger than this wand of mine.)



Image Oh, neat. Have you got any staves or walking sticks? I've got a craft project I'm thinking of, but that's what I'm missing.


Image Yup. Got 'em right over here. There's a lumberyard that started up not too far away so I can get these easy now.

Out of the items here, the only other potentially useful ones are the Party Dress (+15 Charm) and the Silver Ring (used in some crafting.) Our new armor already outmatches everything here, and our martial ability is far too low to make proper use of a halberd.


Image Yep, this one right here will be perfect!

Image (Now to just draw up those plans...)



Image (I guess it's foreign? This won't help with the story at all.)


Image "But Liandra stood between the dragon and would-be dragonslayer, his very own wife."

Image "'Stop! Don't you see? This cycle will only continue if you do this! Vengeance has no end and it will not bring back your mother! We can have peace!' she cried."

Image "Arthur shook his head at the thought. 'A fine thought, but it is impossible as long as these dragons did not seek to destroy all we owned regardless! How can we ever live in peace?'"

Image "'Because we already have for some time, Arthur.' It was at this moment, that Liandra began to glow with a shining light, and in a flash her true form was revealed.... Horns, a tail, and the most graceful pair of wings ever seen- Liandra herself was a dragon!

Image "She looked between the two bravely, not an ounce of fear or hesitation in her eyes. 'I know what it is like to live both as a human and as a dragon. We can come together.'"

Image "Realizing the truth of what she said, Arthur reluctantly dropped the legendary blade. The fire burning in Grimclaw's belly went away as he lowered his head. They were both weary from fighting, and if anything, they both wanted life to be back to normal."

Image "And from that day forth, it would. Albion became a haven where dragons and humans could live together in harmony. The dragonslayer blade was set in a stone, inside the heart of the largest mountain, never intended to be drawn again."

Image "Albion would soon vanish into the mist, never to be found again, but to this day sailors still occasionally say they see dragons in the skies on the stormiest of nights..."

Image ...And that's all that was written.

*Disappointed cries*

Image Now, now, there's more stories in here I can find. In the meantime, it looks like your parents are here. Goodbye now!


Image Oh, please do tell, I'd love to hear.

Image Prince Kirelan was a darling little boy. Not much trouble. Loved animals, especially this dog he'd had since it was a puppy.


Image She sounds like quite the handful.

Image Oh, indeed. I was one of the few she'd even remotely listen to.

Image Little Alex would even refuse to eat her suppers and then try to sneak out at night to rob the pantry because it was "more fun that way".

Image (I suppose for a kid that would be rather exciting.)


Image Wait, you lost the Princess?

Image Oh dear, well that's what they say happened. I know she used to adventure around the castle at night, and I knew about it, and let her do it. It was about the only way we could reach an understanding- she hated to be cooped up, always wanted to run about.

Image I don't believe she ran away though. She always left her ring behind when she left her chamber to explore the castle- it was our little agreement. The night I found her gone, the ring wasn't anywhere to be found.

Image You see, I was actually the one to raise the alarm. I explained the situation, they got to searching, and regardless I was fired because of that "negligent" little agreement. I couldn't not tell them about it, otherwise they'd have been more suspicious of me. I got off pretty easily all things considered.

Image I... see....

Image It's alright, dearie, I always knew it'd come back to bite me, but I was optimistic she'd grow out of it soon enough.

Image Well, that's enough about the past. We can talk more next time. The kids and I have to be off- bye now!

Image Have a nice day!

Image (Huh... so the Princess really did just vanish on that night. Is this what the Fairy wanted me to look into?)

Image (I've still not got much to go off of. Maybe the next meeting will let me know what the fairy intended for me to do here.)




Image Just the forge, please.

Image Go ahead!


Image (As my design goes, this should be just about right...)


Image Hah, fantastic! This will work perfectly!




Image Well, it's not the first time.

Image I know, but, like recently. I've actually heard people talking about a paladin cosplayer heading into the sinkhole. I figured it had to be you.

Image Aw, c'mon! It's real armor, it's not a costume!

Image Well, I don't know, but every time I hear about it I can't help but think
it must be really exciting! ...But also too frightening. I mean, I could never do a thing like that...

Image Psh, girl, I know you could! It just takes a bit of training is all.

Image What about getting hurt? Blades swinging at you, fangs going for your throat!

Image I just put faith in my armor. It's not easy sure, it's going to hurt sometimes, but the adrenaline is really nice.

Image Though, it's not like I really need to fight anything at close range, even if I needed to fight.

Image I don't know, you're just way braver than I am, I think.


Image More research reports due and all.

Image Oh, before you head back, do you have a hair pin or anything?

Image I don't personally, but there might be one in the lost and found. What do you need it for?

Image There's a locked door down there my magic couldn't get past. I don't have much chance breaking it down, so I figured I'd try and pick it.

Image You can pick locks?

Image ...Mmmaybe? I've never tried, but it looks easy enough.

Image Huh. Well, if you find one in there, you're free to have it.


Image (Ah, here we are. This one ought to work well enough.)

Image Oh, hello, dear! Have you lost something?

Image Yes, but I just found it in here.

Image Ah, how nice!

Image Say, while you're here, have you any more stories about the royal children?

Image Oh, I can go into more detail if you'd like. Which one would you like to know more about?


So, thread, I present to you a specific choice: shall we learn about Prince Kirelan, or should we learn about Princess Alexandra?

We can babysit again to get the other option, but for the moment, I figure this will give us a more clear choice of route on this side of the story.

In the name of things I did offscreen, I did sell our old armor and the Ring of Enchantment since they're both pretty obsolete by this point.

I'll keep on with pursuing the various routes before us, but the above choice will matter quite a bit.

(And don't worry, while I'm not planning on showing off every ending, I'll be showing each of the ones Hilde's been on the path to qualify for.)


Here's our stats thus far. We can have +10 more Magic than is shown, but that's because I've got the Forcefield on and not our Star Necklace.

We have tiny baby arms again thanks to all our time with the kids, and zero concept of how to swing a weapon, but hey, we have peace to offer instead. There's also really high magic damage output if peace is not an option.

For those wondering, the staff I made has +20 Magic on it while the Paladin's Plate is equivalent to Full Plate + a 50% boost to all holy magic damage. The Forcefield supposedly gives us a point of damage reduction for every 10 points of magic. So, yes, now we take 15 less damage from every single hit.

So both in being very convincing to most creaures, we also don't take much HP loss from combat either. Well, combat with non-casters at least. Certain attacks will still hurt.

So that's that. Get to voting, folks!

User avatar
Let's find out more about Princess Alexandra. I feel like that's a much more interesting mystery, personally.

User avatar
I'll be opting for Princess Alexandra. I'm not sure I ever learned about Kirelan personally either, but there's plenty of inklings there indicating Alexandra's got some stuff we can address.

User avatar
Yeah, I vote for Princess Nyalexandra.

(Like, nya.)

Taming seems pretty useful.
Question: was the Golem untameable, or just too difficult at our current Taming level?

Learn more about Princess Alexandra.

User avatar
Quackles wrote:
Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:27 am
Yeah, I vote for Princess Nyalexandra.

(Like, nya.)
Reading Wyvern wrote:
Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:12 am
Taming seems pretty useful.
Question: was the Golem untameable, or just too difficult at our current Taming level?
I tried taming it twice, but with our stats it didn't work. Given that no sin is gained for defeating it and the general nature of it, I believe it's classified as unliving, and therefore taming will always fail on it. Taming doesn't work on everything and mostly serves to help you easily pass the earlier floors sinless, but is also useful for certain routes. I took a look at the database files, but unfortunately found no information of use regarding this.

Oh, and something I forgot to note is that taming also lowers any sin you might have already accrued. So you can kill the occasional monster and still get out free, but I imagine that's a bit out of character for Hilde.

User avatar
Update 13: Princess Maker

Welcome back, folks! In spite of all the work I've got on my hands on the moment, I was able to get this update out just in time.

(Or y'know, maybe a day off schedule. I honestly don't know if I mean to release these on Saturdays or Sundays.)

Anyways, I've been rather excited for this update. You'll see why.



Image Could you tell me about Princess Alexandra?

Image Oh, dear, are you going to go look for her?

Image Well, there's no guarantees, but I have been looking into her disappearance.

Image I'd be such a relief on this old heart if you did...

Image Well, I cannot promise what I know will be helpful, but I'll tell you everything I can remember.


Image She gave some of her mother's jewelry to a scullery girl to ply dress-up with. The poor maid was almost arrested for theft.

Image She would lock herself in the treasury and build forts out of gold bricks - then attack whoever came to fetch her.

Image (Gods, she was a wild one wasn't she?)



Image Is something wrong, dear?

Image ...N-n-no. Nothing's wrong.




Image (I see, so this is that greater mystery you were telling me about.)

Image (It... it doesn't make any sense.)

Image (But surely, birthmarks are just things that happen, it's not impossible that I just have a similar one.)

Image (...But in the exact same place? My memories from the orphanage were always hazy, but...)

Image (...)

Image (I've gotta take my mind off of it for now. I need answers, and I need to figure out where to get them.)


Image (It should be enough to help me clear my mind.)



Image Huzzah for the new the new year!




Image (You know, I haven't had any nice clothes in a real long time. The new dresses won't cost that much and I've got the money...)

Image Hm... yeah, this looks good.

Image Alright, I can have it tailored for you in maybe... a month?

Image That's quite a while!

Image Well, I haven't had any good helpers around in a while, and one can only do so much sewing while also tending to customers. I've already got a lot of tailoring and mending to do in the meantime.

Image If I come back to work here for a while, do you think you can get it done faster?

Image I don't think so, I know so. You're still the best salesgirl I've had over the years. I'll still pay each day of course.

Image Sounds good to me!


Image Aaand, here you are!

Image Now that was much faster than I was expecting!

Image Reinforced stitching and everything. I reckoned if you were going going to help out around the store for the next while, I might as well have you looking classy.

Image Well, not to mention it'll be good advertisement, right?

Image ...Well, yes, but... Hey, can you blame me for keeping my eye out for potential profit?



Image (This new money ought to help me get into magic school again sometime soon. I suppose it's a good thing I was given so much practice material.)




Image Still at it?

Image Yes, I have to keep my magic fresh as much as I possibly can when I'm not at class. The meditation has really helped, but the incantation is just as important.

Image Your determination sets a good example for all as usual, child. I shall leave you to continue your exercises.

Image Oh, um, before you go, can I ask something?

Image Anything, child.

Image Do you know anything about Princess Alexandra?

Image The lost royal child? I'm afraid I only know that she was a rather ...energetic child with some dangerous habits before she vanished. What brought this interest?

Image Oh, nothing really. I'd just heard some of the story again recently, and it had me wondering.

Image Well, it would be a bright day if she could be found. I still pray for her safety every day.

Image (Hm...)



Image (I still need answers, but who to go to?)

Image (Wait... the Flower Queen Contest is soon right? Wasn't the queen there?)

Image (As audacious as it is, I wonder if I could ask her directly. If anyone, she would be able to tell me about the mark, right?)


Image (It's really nice to know how much the owner here trusts me.)


Image (I'd never think about stealing anything.)

Image (...But why did I get that reaction to start with?)

Image (Didn't Alexandra like to steal things...?)

Image (No, no, now I'm just getting paranoid and exaggerating the situation.)





Image Nice to see you're back, and that you've been studying.

Image O-oh, thank you. I've been at it every night.

Image It's students like you that make me wish I could lower the price on these courses...

Image Ah, I don't mean to pry, but you said you can't, right?

Image It's fine, and I did. It's mostly due to the laws on magic. They're something you should know about if you plan on going further in your studies.

Image Laws?

Image The king, likely by influence from the Court Wizard, taxes magic institutions quite heavily.

Image Tch, 45g a day? I don't even see a third of that.

Image I just... why would they target mages like this?

Image A mix of distrust surrounding the princess, concern regarding their power, and a bitter old man trying to cling to his job for as long as possible no matter the repercussions.

Image (Well, she evidently really doesn't like the Court Wizard...)

Image Anyways, keep with it.

Image Oh, wait, what was that about the princess?

Image You didn't know that either?

Image Er, pardon me, I was pretty sheltered before I came here.

Image That's understandable, this part really only traveled through the magic circles anyways. Long story short, the princess's room was awash with unusual magical energy and that led to rumors.

Image King Humphrey trusts no mage unless they were kin, or that Court Wizard. Just remember that.

Image I-I see...

Image (...Everything about that conversation was strange...)


Image Huh?

Image Oh, hey, Rose! I'm not up to much.


Image I haven't thought about it, but I suppose so, yeah.


Image Me? My mother wouldn't like that...

Image Right, she's really strict about your magic use...

Image Ooh, oooh! I had an idea!

Image What is it?

Image If you do it, I can do it too!

Image If you enter, I can enter as your rival!

Image Then we'd have to fight each other, you know.

Image Yeah, yeah, but I'll be able to prove to my mother I can handle myself and she doesn't have to hold me back so much!

Image Won't this make her really angry with you though?

Image Probably, but I can take being grounded for it, it's not like I already haven't been my whole life.

Image No, that's it, we've gotta do this!

Image Maybe we should-

Image See you later!

Image Rose? Rose!

Image *sigh* (I've got a bad feeling about this.)



Image (Perhaps some personal research in the library could be enlightening...)

Image (I don't know what I'm looking for exactly, aside from something to vary the work I'm doing. Sales is... boring after a while.)



Image (Regardless, I already knew this.)


Image (Who would've guessed this would be in here?)


Image (Where was this when I was reading to kids?)


Image (It's a nice read at the least.)

Image (Oh! This song is lovely...)


Image (...Though the most I got from this was how not to mix elements. The rest of it kinda didn't register.)


Image Aaaand, done.

Image Not bad, though you did spend a lot of the time reading instead of working.

Image Sorry. Can you blame me?

Image Not at all. I still appreciate the company anyhow.




Image Still smooth going out here?

Image As usual!


Image (Here's to hoping I'll be able to talk to the Queen about all of this.)


Image Phew, I think this is enough of this for now.

Image As always, I'd love to have you full-time, but I get you've got things your doing. I didn't want to settle down at your age either. Of course, I had to with this business and all, but I feel ya.




Image The last time I tried performing, it was a rather embarassing affair, but I can't help but feel better money can be made this way.

Image And well, I might as well try and make some more money, I've no idea what's going to happen if I can get a chance to talk to the Queen. That and I can keep an eye out on where I might be able to slip in at to get my chance.


Image "I believe the morning sun... is always going to shine again~"

Image "And...I believe a pot of gold lies at every rainbow's end~"

Image "I believe in roses kissed with dew- why shouldn't I believe the same in you?~"


Image "...Oh, you may say I'm a fool...for feeling this way that I do..."

Image "There's not much I can do- I'm gonna be this way my whole life through!~"

Image ...Oh, wow, this pays far better.


Image Oh, and the festival's finally starting! Now's my chance to find the Queen!


Image Stop right there, you're not allowed back here.

Image (Rats... What now?)

Image (I suppose I'll tell the truth.)

Image Oh, sorry, I'm here to talk to the Queen.

Image Huh- Oh! Miss Second Place from last year! I apologize, I've a terrible memory. Glad to hear you're out to win it this time. A chance to talk to the queen is quite the reward.

Image There is the tiara too of course. Worth a pretty penny and looks quite nice if that's what your in for.

Image Ah, uh...

Image Hah, no need to be nervous. After your performance last year, I'm sure you've got this in the bag. Go on, go ahead to the dressing room.

Image (I hadn't planned on doing this, but if I can win this it will get me close to the queen guaranteed! I suppose I'll just have to take this stroke of luck in my advantage.)

Image (Thanks, lucky ring. You've been quite the solid investment so far. I'm even in the right dress for it.)


Image Ach, I kin swear I brought more ingredients than this. Fah, my interpretive cooking should surely bring me through on this!

Image You're going down this year!

Image If you say so.

Image Tch, won't any of you shut your traps?! You're ruining my concentration!

Image Inner silence is a dancer's best friend, Brittany. Now, one, and two, and three...

Image Hmph, I will surpass you today! Now...

Image ...Huh. I see the competition hasn't changed.

Image Uh...hello again, everyone.

Image You HAVE to be kidding me. Nun girl is back?

Image ...Well, there goes me first or second place.

Image Oh, hey, Sis! That dress is gorgeous!

Image Wow. I knew you'd gotten some better clothes, but... wow.

Image It's... really not that special.

Image Besides, it's not the dress that'll make the performance.

Image Tch, and you've already started with the virtuous spouting. You're not taking the tiara from me today. I've never lost to you, and I'll keep it that way!

Image But, I... already have once before?

Image I still contest it! The judge is blind!

Image The judge is the queen. You might want to watch your words.

Image I- But- You- Aaagh!

Image Always too hotheaded, that one...


Image Sounds like our cue.

Image Ach, might as well get it over with.


Image "...'Cuz I still believe in miracles- I swear I've seen a few!"

Image "-And the time will come when you can see my point of view-"

Image "I believe in second chances and that's why I believe in yoooou~!"

Image ...That's all, your Majesty.

Image ...Marvelous performance, simply marvelous!

Image I think we require no more evidence to decide the winner today. The Flower Queen of 1520 shall be...

Image How is this even possible?

Image She has talent, a lot of it.

Image Nobody has THAT much talent. There's gotta be some sort of outside help. If I start praying, do I get to sing and dance like that?

Image No. Now just take solace in the fact you almost bested your teacher this time.

Image You all doan't know true art when ya see it. Nowhere else will ya see such performance cookin'!

Image Well, I guess I've no other choice than to concede defeat this time.

Image Haha! You wouldn't believe how much I studied for this.

Image Oh, you studied? Hm, maybe I should've.

Image Noooo! Don't do this to my well earned victory!

Image (Well, while they're off with their usual antics, I've got a question to ask.)



Image Oh, no, Your Majesty, it's fine. I, er, do have something related to ask.

Image Go ahead, dear, such a performance is more than deserving of such a simple request.


Image You see, I was told that-


Image Wait, hold on, the thing is I'm not really sure if-

Image Gods above, you really do have your father's eyes!


Image Er, hold on-

Image Guardsman! Take us to His Majesty swiftly!

Image We have important news!



Image It is!

Image Well, I'm not entirely sure-


Image ...It's, um, a really long story...

Image Goodness, how demure you've become over the years!

Image Once such the spark, now so polite!

Image Oh, but do let her tell us her story, please, gentlemen.

Image I...

Image I really don't remember anything before a certain point.

Image An orphanage far from here raised me until I was too old for them to support any longer. That was...only a year and a half ago.

Image From there I just started wandering, and well...

Image I just found myself here, feeling that this was where I belonged somehow.

Image The local church took me in for a long time, and... something drew me to eventually meet with the old royal nursemaid. She told me about my birthmark and that's how I found myself here.

Image Ah, to think that she would be the cause of bringing you back!

Image But my dear daughter, why do you look at us like strangers?

Image As I said, I really can't remember what happened before a certain point. It's all blank. I can't remember meeting any of you before.


Image What dark force that had spirited you away that night must have stolen away your memories with it.

Image Ah, what a tragedy, those memories lost...

Image But worry not, you are undeniably my daughter. I know this more surely than any other thing- it's a mother's instinct at it's strongest. And I, nay, all of us will help you remember everything if it's the last thing we do.

Image Aye, my darling girl, we can finally be a family again.


Image (I was kinda hoping otherwise...)


Image (Something about all of this feels right, like it's the place I belong.)

Image (But something else, just... doesn't fit...)


Image (...I don't think I am Alexandra. I...know that for sure.)

Image (But what could I possibly say to this royal family, elated with joy at the sight of what they believe to be their daughter...? Is it a sin to refuse or to accept?)

Image (Fairy...was this really all you meant? If I only knew...)





Image Here lies but once verse of a tangled song played upon the harps of fate.

Image A life of luxury, a station of great esteem, even becoming a living legend... but being left powerless in the end all along.

Image Yet, this song was not played to it's fullest, and it cannot remain incomplete...



Ending got.

I'm rather surprised it timed out this damn well to have both the nursemaid prompt and an easily winnable Flower Queen up in just a month. There's approximately three other ways we could have come to this early ending, but none of them have an effect on the outcome.

Stat-wise, we're rather spread out. There's our 5 strength baby arms in all their glory right at the front there. Remember when we used to lift boxes? Charm was a stat we never even tried to raise, it all almost happened from doing sales. That luck stat was mostly made by the children. Oh, and we maybe might not have made the festival without the Dress, Stars, and red choker I still had, but I wanted to play it safe.

Regardless, while we've certainly made Hilde into a princess, it's not all that is at hand for our possible outcomes. Hilde's been on quite the fast track to most of the specialized endings, and I didn't even intentionally steer it that way.

That being said, it'd be rather uncouth to end Hildegun's story right here with those other endings available, so we might as well aim for those. The question is, which one first?

Shall we go for Rose's Ending, or Books' Ending next?

The true ending is on the table of course, but that'll take me more than one update to work towards. These two I'll handle just like this one: personally beelining for the objectives. When we're done here, and I take a short break, we can start on CK: Kingdom.

Ah, and while I'm at it, for those who aren't in my other thread, I would like to say that I've been rather swamped with work and life stuff recently so depending on how things go, a hiatus might be in store at least for a little while. This LP is less at risk despite the faster schedule and narrative writing purely because SoV still manages to be more time consuming somehow.

All that formatting and gifs and music links and character profiles and updates twice the size of these really chews up the hours I guess.

Best case scenario, nothing changes. Middle of the road, I put SoV on hold for a time and update this a bit slower. Worst case, they both have to go on hold for a bit.

Anyways, until next time!

User avatar
Image This face is amazing.

I'd like to see Books' ending next please.

User avatar
Seconding Books' Ending for the next outing

User avatar
Gonna give a third to Book's ending

Loved Hildegun singing Polyanna. :allears:

That was certainly an interesting ending. Kind of assumed you actually would be the lost Princess...

Books' Ending next!

User avatar
I do like the idea of Books' ending.

User avatar
Well, the decision seems pretty unanimous on what we'll be doing next!

We'll be going Books', Rose, and then going for the true ending.
clearcardinal wrote:
Sat Jan 09, 2021 6:40 pm
Image This face is amazing.
It's a very versatile portrait.
Reading Wyvern wrote:
Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:41 am
Loved Hildegun singing Polyanna. :allears:
It's a favorite of mine, and well, it just seemed like it'd fit Hilde in the moment. What other performance would win the Flower Queen contest by such a long mile? :V:

User avatar
Good news, I've got the content for the next and final three to four updates of the Cute Knight LP screenshotted. The screenshotting really didn't take that long for me to do, luckily and I could fit it in.

Bad news, I've only had time to do part of the update that was intended to release today (in all fairness, it's a bit larger than the usual, but I couldn't avoid it).

Looks like I'm going to be delayed on all fronts, unfortunately. Thanks, work. I may have time to finish this next update in time for next week, at least, but my time I could set aside for LP work has been nearly nonexistent so far and I've been fitting it in where possible.

Here's to hoping it lightens up on me a bit soon- I'd love to at least get Hilde's story done.

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