Hi folks, this is your friendly admin JamieTheD, and, now that this long, long mess with SA is over, I know that some folks are back to SA, but are asking:
Hey, can I crosspost here? I have xty x updates, and I feel kinda awkward about that
So I'm here to say don't feel awkward about it. Some folks might not come to SA that come to the Beach, some might come to the Beach that don't come to SA. So we're genuinely cool with crossposting of previous threads, even if they're already well underway. It helps you share your enjoyment, it helps us share that enjoyment, and we trust you to make your best judgement in how to time those crossposts.
We made this place to be another home for LP, especially SSLPs, so be welcomed, friends!
Also we need more people to post their cool LP workflow tricks in the LP guide thread...