This puzzle is all about burning through support defenses. First off, have Hilde in the center use Encouragement (all adjacent units gain +10 will) twice so all adjacent units gain 20 will total. Have Duo use Buster Shield on the center enemy while supported by Hilde. Have Heero use Twin Buster Rifle on the center enemy while supported by Hilde. Have Quatre use Missiles on the center enemy while supported by Hilde. Next, have Hilde attack the center enemy while being supported by Trowa. This will finish eating through all of the support defenses. Finally, use Valor on Trowa and defeat the center enemy with a Full Open Attack.

Victory gets 35k money and a Prevail +3 skill part.
The last two-parter got us a decent chunk of change.
- Hi-Nu Gundam gets +1 Weapons
- Geant Chevalier gets +5 EN, maxing it out
- V2 Gundam gets +2 to HP, EN, and Mobility and +3 to Armor
- Nu Gundam HWS gets +2 EN and Mobility
- Nightingale gets +1 to Mobility
I’ll just throw this out here now.
By the end of the first part in this chapter, you’ll need a combined kill count of 400 between Amuro, Kamille, Char, and Judau. My run currently has them at 80, 51, 43, and 56 kills respectively for a total of 230. This ain’t happening in this LP, sorry. The result would be Haman in her Qubeley, which I’ll mention when she would have joined THE BOYS.
Last time, we avoided returning to baby. Also every Newtype just experienced the worst day of their lives.
Angel Halo Route Chapter 29: The Madness of Angel Halo
Chapter 28 if you went Space/Jupiter. Chapter 30 if you went Earth/Keilas

[Ra Cailum, Operations Room]


Without a doubt. We just confirmed it from a laser communication from Bulge. An unusual situation is occurring around the Earth’s equator. I was told OZ’s ground forces have confirmed something is happening. But the area is currently inaccessible, so we can’t confirm much else…

Impossible… Did everyone in that area collapse as if they suddenly fell asleep?

Yes… Right in the middle of their normal lives. As a result, there were a lot of accidents and fires, and rescue operations cannot be carried out. Any recon OZ sends to the area self-destruct. This is serious.

My god… Cliff, do you have any idea…

Around the equator… where geomagnetic fields have greater influence. It could be something like a Psycho Wave raining down on Earth.

Kukuku. I concur. It’s really interesting. It’s just like the victims of the Varauta attacks. They cease all survival activities… It’s pretty much the exact same situation. The only difference is not that their Spiritia was stolen, but that they're under Angel Halo’s control. This is probably their end goal. Haha, this is amazing.

Doctor! What are you so happy about!?!

Oh no… So if we leave them alone, they’ll…

Do you mean a large number of people will straight up die?

Exactly. That’s what will happen.

What the fuck.

Damn them. What have they done?

…So that’s Angel Halo’s real function. Damn you Kagatie, how dare you.

Lady, what are the enemy’s movements?

As we speak, Angel Halo is moving towards Earth. Alongside their whole fleet of course. The closer one gets, the greater the range of effects will be. By the time it reaches satellite orbit, it’s estimated the entire planet will be affected.

You’re kidding! There are still people on the planet. Are they really going to kill them all!?

That’s not all. The colonies and the Moon aren’t safe.

Dammit, they’re worse than the Invaders or the aliens. They haven’t changed at all! Damn you Zanscare… Isn’t there anything we can do about this!?

…Our only option is to destroy it directly.

I agree. The situation is urgent. Effective immediately, we’re at an all-out war against Angel Halo and their fleet. Is that alright, Colonel?

Yes. Fortunately, they’re emitting their Psycho Waves towards the ground. Before they can aim it at us, we’ll launch an attack and engage it in a close ranged battle. They can’t use it on the battlefield itself.

Right… They would only be hurting themselves.

We don’t have any other choice. This isn’t the time to think about our losses.

This is what we should have done in the first place! You all move way too slowly. The best defense is a good offense. Unless we crush evil, things like this won’t stop!

Hey, cool your jets.

You’re too extreme, Wufei. We can’t afford to lose.

But strategically, it’s true that we no longer have that luxury. Unless you want to abandon everyone on the ground.

Hold it, you can’t be seriously considering that!?

Right… We just have to proceed without thinking about the outcome.

…Lord Treize, I would like you to entrust me with a portion of OZ’s fleet. I’m just a guest, so I can’t help out while I’m here.

…Jinn Geneham, you’re a warrior too. There’s a place for someone like you in the midst of battle. I’ll leave three OZ cruisers in your care. Lady, please arrange it immediately.

Yes, Your Excellency.


Uso Ewin. I look forward to seeing your efforts in this battle as well. You got this.

Eh…? Y-yes…

We’ll leave the fleet currently engaging them in battle alone for now. The remaining fleet will pursue the enemy and then launch a suicide fleet attack. Treize, good hunting.

Understood. Gentlemen, this battle will be a tough one. But I want all of you to fight and survive. The conflict for Earth is not over yet. This is not the day you die.

[Ra Cailum, Break Room]

What’s wrong, Uso? You don’t look well.

It’ll be okay. Shakti will be fine.

I know that. Karl is telling me Shakti is in Angel Halo. That’s not the issue…

Is it your father?

It’s fine that he’s treating me like a stranger in the middle of war. But somehow he…and my mom too…makes me feel like he enjoys fighting.

Right… Sorry, but I was thinking the same thing. Your father has the same vibe as Colonel Char and Commander Treize.

Shogo, quit it.

I agree. I know you don’t like that kind of thing, but this isn’t the time to get into that discussion, boy.

They’re going to give a briefing on the sortie formation now. Please come to the meeting.

[Ra Cailum, Briefing Room]

…That’s right. After the sortie, maintain this formation as much as possible… Guys, what’s wrong?
[A flash of light]

Huh…? What the… Who’s calling me…?

Ah… I heard it too. Someone is calling us.

Who’s voice was that…

That’s not the bell machine again, is it?

No… It’s Maria. Maria Pure Armonia is calling for Uso and the other Newtypes.


Shakti’s mom… She’s saying Shakti is in Angel Halo…?

So Maria isn’t in Angel Halo right now?

Are you sure, Captain?


Impossible. Are you implying that Shakti is the one aiming at Earth right now?

No way…

[Angel Halo, Tassilo’s Fleet]

(You boys. Those of you with sensitive souls. I was being conceited. I believed that through Angel Halo, I could get this message across to humanity. But this machine was only partially working and, above all, I’m too old. We are possessed by evil thoughts and intentions. Let Shakti correct us and lead humanity. Therefore, my friends, anyone who has the will to stop it must first crush those two intentions. Come here. Come to me.)

What are you doing, Queen?

Just praying.

I don’t think you were. Queen, you’re not my enemy. Our enemy is Kagatie. Starting now, we must rule the Empire and the Earth Sphere without Kagatie.

Do you think you can?

You’re the one who’s going to do it.

Colonel, their fleet just retreated en masse. The sound of their wings are getting louder.

I see… Well then, it’s time to go all out. Move out. We’ll crush both their combined fleet and THE BOYS! Everyone, prepare for battle!

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]

It’s finally started.

Following OZ’s fleet on our starboard, we’re entering the battle zone. All hands, level one battle stations!

But… It's strange. Even ordinary people like us can sense something supernatural… I can feel it in the air. In the airspace around Angel Halo… Does that mean there’s something at work that sharpens people’s senses…

I don’t know. But… I guess you could say that. I’ve seen this before.

Maria, who was manipulated by Kagatie, admitted her mistake and called out to us?

Yes. THE BOYS will head straight to Tassilo’s fleet.

…If being too old gets in the way of leading things in the right direction, we’ve then lost that right. Isn’t that right, Char? We’re overthinking things too much.

…You may be right, Amuro.

(We must leave the future of the Earth Sphere to the next generation. I know that. But…we can’t just wait for that. I took action because I thought the Earth wouldn’t last. I was too late…)

Captain, BESPA fleet ahead. Jinn Geneham’s fleet has begun firing. Our ship will soon be within range of their main guns.

Combat forces, prepare to launch! Thirty seconds after they leave, fire all main guns at once! We’ll push through them and head to Angel Halo together!

[Ra Cailum, Hangar]
[Sirens blare]

Jun, hurry up!

Gou, Gai, let’s go!

Heero, Duo, let’s hurry up too.

Sure. I’ll cut everything I get my hands on! Hilde, don’t leave my side!

Before you know it, we became real soldiers.

You’re obsessed with war. Warren, I’m counting on you!


Eh? That equipment on the V2… Chan, what’s that about?

At Captain Amuro’s suggestion, we’ve modified the Assault and Buster packs to be used at the same time. It’s going into battle without any testing, but the Captain said you could do it.

Well if he said so, then I will. …Couldn’t he have told me first though?

It wasn’t in the specs, but they’re designed in a way so that they don’t interfere with each other. You’re going to Angel Halo to save Shakti, right? Don’t think about anything else. Go for it, Uso.



Uso, forget about your father for a moment. Don’t even think about looking for him in the battle. If you think too much, you’ll die.

Yes, Marbet. …Marbet, by chance is there a baby in your belly?

Wait, are you serious, Marbet!?

Come on man…

I didn’t do the test yet, so I don’t know for sure. Uso, how can you tell?

I don’t know why but… I feel two lives from you. …Oliver is there. In that new life. I understand.

I’m carrying Oliver’s child…

Amazing! Isn’t that wonderful?

Yes, I think so too.
[Enemies and Ra Cailum]

Choose 14 units to fight the first wave with Uso. Thankfully the Newtypes are no longer facing their tragedies and can fight to their fullest. Once again, this a two parter with a full reset between parts. If you’re aiming for the Haman secret, you need the required kills before the end of this part.
INFIX - Winners Forever (Victory Gundam ED1)

Hahahaha. It’s you after all. Come. I’ll cut you all in half with the Guillotine!

This pressure… Fuala Griffon. What an intense malice.

She’s there… The bells.

I know you can read my movements. That’s why it was worth living until today!
Firstly, the “new” unit that you only get if you choose this route.

[LM314V23/24 Victory 2 Assault-Buster Gundam]
This is what V2 was for. This is its ultimate form, one of the best Real Robots in the game. The V2AB has three full pages of weaponry, a range of up to 9 spaces without parts, and the firepower to match. Not to mention it sports some great defensive options in an i-field and bushin. Even if you’re not a fan of Uso or Victory in general, this is one mobile suit that’s worth using. You can also purge the Assault-Buster pack and get a fully replenished V2.

Pace yourself because this first part is a long and annoying challenge. For now, just have Basara and/or Mylene buff up the squad and push towards the northeast. The objective is to destroy all enemies and they won’t make it easy for you.

Fuala may be sporting a new mobile suit, the ZMT-S28S Gengaozo, but there are four goddamn Zannecks used by random grunts. There’s even a Doggorla piloted by Godwald in there. Focus on taking out these threats one at a time, especially since the Doggorla still has HP regen and the Zannecks have insane range and an i-field.
Speaking of Godwald, he has some things to say..

Zechs, huh? This time I’ll finish you off!

As a warrior, I accept your challenge! Let’s settle this, Godwald!

Boy, whether you can survive this or not depends on your willpower!

Dammit, I’m making it through this!

Ugh… I lost… Well done, THE BOYS…
And some of the group has words for Fuala. Just as a heads up, she is extremely hard to hit even with Focus. But she will run out of EN soon enough, which makes her pretty harmless.

We’ve had a lot of fun, boy. But now I want you to join the ranks of the dead!!

Dammit, this would be easier if you would get rid of that Guillotine bell, Fuala!

Boy! You’re just struggling!!

Hahaha. Char, huh? You’ve got a lot of guts to come out to a place like this! I will kill the Red Comet!

Tch, don’t think you can bring me down with just that amount of pressure!

Get out of my way!

Kuh, stop it with the bell!

What the… There’s two lives in that body!? Why?

Eventually, she’ll be taken down.

Ugh… This light. The light of life. The Guillotine’s blade also shines… Tassiloooooo!! You’ll have to do it all by yourself now!!
Once this Fuala has been defeated…

Fuala…? Damn, the bell has fallen. What a strange turn of events. For someone who can do this to her… Maria, you must have summoned the enemy! How can a woman like you lead them here!

I was just praying. It was your hostility and malice that drew them in.

In times of war, many ambitious people are born. I’m not the only one!

That’s just your ego. That selfishness is what brought about this kind of era. Why don’t you see that?

(Come, those of you with sensitive souls. The enemy I must defeat is myself.)

What… Maria?

Is Queen Maria, Shakti’s mom, onboard that ship…?

(You’re that Uso kid. I learned a lot about you through Shakti. Sink this ship, along with me. Because someone like me existed, Kagatie created Angel Halo. There are those who will try to take advantage of each other, and I am the reason why.)

(No way… You’re the only one who could be Shakti’s mother!?)

Uso Ewin! Stop messing around!

Uso… You have to do what she says.

Please wait, Kamille. That’s Shakti’s… Dammit.

A second wave coming from the southeast. Tassilo is accompanied by another four goddamn Zannecks and two Doggorlas. If you get into his range, he will move out of their support defensive formation, which is your time to strike. But you’ll have to shoot them all down anyway…

Tassilo himself goes down surprisingly easily.

What!? Dammit, I can’t afford to be defeated in a place like this! What’s wrong Fuala! THE BOYS are here!!

You can’t ask the dead for help!


Come now. Shoot me, Tassilo, and this ship!



Hahahahahaha! This is what happens when you defy me!!

[He then explodes]
Once all reinforcements are dealt with…

We’re too late. Tassilo’s Squid sank for a reason.

Yes, Commander.

So the Queen was killed in battle too… Damn you THE BOYS!

Where are you… Uso. If they’re launching an all out attack, he must be here!

This feeling… Katejina!?

Found you… Uso! Get out of here, you kids who think you’re wielding justice!

The final reinforcements…of part 1… and there’s another three goddamn Zannecks. Not only that, but…
Have Uso fight both Katejina and Cronicle at least once each.

Cronicle and Katejina also retreat at 20% HP (6960 and 7200 respectively). If one is defeated or retreats, the other will too. I believe defeating them after Uso battles them won’t impact the secret, but I chose to let them live just in case. Cronicle is in the ZMT-0S34S Rig Contio and Katejina is in the ZMT-S33S Gottrlatan. I’ll be talking about those units in more detail in another chapter. Just try to fight them in close range.


A child who sticks to his beliefs is creepy! Can you kill me? Go ahead if you can, boy.

That’s dirty and cowardly! Get out of here!

What!? Have you gotten over me, Uso? Cronicle, come here! There’s an enemy here!

Uso, be careful. What’s aiming for you is deep malice wrapped in kindness!


I’ve found you, the boy who followed Katejina around and blocked my path at every turn! Fall!

Captain Cronicle!? You changed Katejina!

It’s what she wanted! This is no place for children! Now die!

So the daughter from Uwig has become a fully fledged BESPA pilot! If you’re here, then I’ll take her down!

You’re the one hiding in Uso’s shadow… There’s no way anyone would ever fall for you! If you get in my way, you’ll die!
And when they retreat or get shot down…

No, we’re being pushed back. Katejina, where are you!? Let’s return to the ship!

Captain, the enemy’s attack has ceased!

Good. All units, return and resupply! The fleet will continue as is. We’ll push through to Angel Halo!

Haa… Haa… Haa… Shakti, I’m coming…

[Angel Halo, Center Block]

Our line of defense is crumbling? Dammit Tassilo, you’re incompetent. Inform all troops that we will speed up Angel Halo’s descent to Earth. How is the Princess holding up?

It’s working better than expected. The Psychics acting as a battery are emitting the Queen and Princess’ prayers.

I see. Cronicle’s Adrestea fleet is moving too slowly!

(Ugh… What’s wrong? My head hurts… That voice just now… Uso? Amuro, Kamille, and Judau too…? Are our prayers being distorted by this machine and not reaching the battlefield? No… If that’s the case, then what should I do… Mom, tell me what I should do…!?)

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]

What’s the situation!? What’s happening to the combined fleet!? What about Angel Halo!?

Part of the fleet has arrived, but the rest were wiped out. Angel Halo’s movement speed has increased. It will soon be above Earth!

Are you saying that it’ll fall onto the planet?

[Ra Cailum, Hangar]

Captain, it seems that part of the fleet succeeded in a direct attack, but ended up defeated. And it’s picking up speed.

Dammit. Those screams from earlier were from the attack on Angel Halo?


Yes. There’s a lot of people inside its rings. If we carelessly break them…

We have to determine what’s more important. The lives of those tens of thousands, or the entire Earth Sphere.

Zechs, but…

Quit joking! So this is your true colors! Guys like you are always asking which is more important! That way of thinking is a convenient excuse for discarding people like they’re objects!

Stop it, Shogo. I know what you’re trying to say, but you’re only one person. Even if you get carried away, what can you accomplish on the battlefield? Do you want to die as a dog?

That's not true! I’m not the only one!

If we help those people, Angel Halo will shut down! And then we can destroy it! Otherwise, what have we been doing!?

I agree with Uso and Shogo. Why are you jumping to such a conclusion without even trying!? Right, Amuro!?

That’s… What the kids are saying is correct. It would be bad if we fought like that.

It’s meaningless if we don’t win, Major.

…Stop it, Zechs. We don’t do things like you and Char. I won’t let Treize do it either.

Amuro, that’s not true. The Colonel showed me many things. We want to bring out people’s potential. You just don’t understand him.

Quess, stop. That’s not what they’re talking about.

…Regardless, we need to head to Angel Halo to stop their fleet, otherwise we can’t think about attacking it directly. To ensure that we stay on the right path, I’ll make Char and Treize understand. Everyone, please get some rest, but keep your pilot suits on.

What? A suicide attack? Ramming it?

Yes. They lost their mobile suit team and their combat capability are launching suicide attacks on BESPA ships.

The fools…

The hell… Dammit.

That’s why the enemy is in disarray. Captain, now’s the time. Let’s enter Angel Halo. The entire fleet has also suffered heavy damage. We need to settle this soon, or we’ll never win.

Yeah… Roger. Pilots, you know what to do! We will not advance very close to Angel Halo. Combat forces, launch! We will end this no matter what!

[Angel Halo, Cronicle’s Ship]

THE BOYS are their core. If we destroy that, the rest of the fleet will crumble. Then I will use Angel Halo on those who started this war and the aliens.

You mean Kagatie, Treize, and Char Aznable?

Exactly. I’ll turn them into rotten babies.

Is something wrong!?

Commander Cronicle! An OZ cruiser is heading towards our ship! It won’t stop!

What!? Sink it! Don’t let them succeed in a suicide attack!

Shakti… I’m on my way.

Hey Uso. Is that the OZ cruiser that sank with a Motorad ship earlier…

The people on that ship… Jinn Geneham. It’s just another person with that name. It has to be.


That’s fine, Uso. Only think about going to Shakti. Leave the enemies to us.

And there you have it. We’re counting on you, Uso.

Yes. Go to Shakti and stop them. Everyone is going to help you too. You’re the only one who can do it, got it!?

Yeah. We’ll back you up with all of our might.

Go for it, Uso.


14 chosen warriors to save the world, no, humanity with Uso.

(That’s right. I just need to go to Shakti. I’m grateful to have people I trust to watch my back.)


Haro, she’s right at the center of Angel Halo.

Shakti must be there.

Time for the final battle of Victory Gundam. You have five turns to get Uso all the way to the center of Angel Halo. In the way are Asdresta battleships, Zannecks, Doggorlas, and Gengaozos. Not to mention that Angel Halo is great terrain with HP/EN regen and bonuses to defense and evasion. In my opinion, the best way to approach this stage is to rush Angel Halo, get Uso to the center to remove the time limit, and then occupy the terrain to slowly take down the rest of the enemies one by one. If you plan your movements right, you can get two AoE will and/or accuracy buffs from Basara before you get close enough for combat, which will help in the long run.
If you manage to get the 400 kills for Haman, be sure to deploy Kamille, Char, and Judau during the second part of this stage and do not let any of them die.
When you destroy one of the Adrasteas and get Uso to the center of Angel Halo…

Right here… I sense Shakti on the other side of this bulkhead. Shakti! Shakti, are you there!?


Shakti, I’m coming. You don’t need to pray anymore.

(Uso, don’t. There are still things I need to do. If I leave, I can’t save the hearts of the tens of thousands of sleeping people. Then this machine can’t be stopped.)

Shakti…? So what should I do?

(I’m going to unleash Angel Halo’s power. Trust me, Uso. All of your voices told me of the mistakes I made. This time I’ll fix everything.)

Okay… Shakti. I’ll come by and pick you up later.

Uso, what’s wrong? Did you not find Shakti!?

Shakti says she needs time. She’s planning something. Please, just hold off a moment!

But if things continue like this, Angel Halo will fall to Earth!

You sank our flagship. We can’t let it end like this!

…The only ones to remain so calm in the middle of the battlefield has to be THE BOYS. Uso and his friends. I know it was you guys who came here!

There’s still more BESPA troops?
[A Flash of light]

What the…?

(All of you who follow me in this prayer. True peace is attained when souls return to their homes. Let’s live in a world where fathers, mothers, and their families can all come together. With that feeling, that warmth, with the power that flows through these rings, let the cold warriors on the battlefield feel it all.)
[Another flash of light]

[Another flash]

What’s that light? It’s coming from Angel Halo…?

There’s no reaction from any sensors. It’s not a physical thing…?
[A Flash]

That light…

It’s beautiful, but… Hey Dorothy, what is that light?

Goo! Daaa!

I don’t know. But it seems Karl is enjoying it.

Such a warm light. What is this warm vibration? This kind of phenomenon should never have happened. What the hell is going on?

Hey, Angel Halo has stopped.

No… That’s not it, Ryoma. It’s starting to reverse, but only slightly.


That’s… Shakti and all those Psychics are doing it!
[A Flash of light]

What the hell is going on?

A song…? I’m hearing singing on the battlefield!? What a joke! Is it those Sound Force guys? …No, that ring. Shut up, Kagatie’s ring!

Katejina? What’s wrong!?

That voice… Shakti? What do you think you’re doing!? No matter how far I go, you keep making a fool of me!! THE BOYS need to disappear!!

Katejina and Cronicle are here!?

All units, intercept BESPA! As long as Shakti can keep that thing under control, Angel Halo won’t descend to Earth.
No more time limit. All that’s left is to take out the rest of BESPA. Same strategy as before, but both Cronicle and Katejina are here, being as annoying as possible. No one retreats, so take things at whatever pace you want.

I can see through your every move, Uso!

Katejina! Why won’t you understand!?

Don’t lie to me! You fool, I’ll destroy your Gundam!!

I’ve figured it out, Uso Ewin! You’re plotting to eliminate us along with Shakti in the key room! I can see you do it!

Weapons are dangerous to an empty heart, Cronicle!
Have Uso use Convince (説得) on Katejina, then on Cronicle. After that, feel free to shoot them down with anyone. I think Uso also needs to fight them both at least once, but sources vary.
First is Katejina.

Katejina! Do you really think what Kagatie is doing is right!?

I do, boy. I’ve found my reason for living in Cronicle. And yet you all continue to laugh at me!

I’ve never done that! Katejina Loos, how dare you make such a misunderstanding!

Cronicle was so kind to me! But you guys, THE BOYS, always keep getting in our way!!

Katejina, what you’re saying is weird! Don’t you realize that this isn’t the time for Earthlings to be doing this sort of thing!? How did it end up like this!?

Shut up! Boy, do you think you can save the world!? What would a spoiled brat know!?

Please wait, Katejina!
And then with Cronicle.

Dammit boy, you came here to take me down yourself! For Katejina’s sake, I’ll kill you myself!

Cronicle! Don’t you understand that your weakness has led Katejina astray!?

What does a child like you know!? Being the Queen’s younger brother, I had to suffer and fight against people like Kagatie and Tassilo!

I don’t know anything about that! But with the Earth Sphere in such a state, I can’t imagine something like that could cause things to turn out like this! If you didn’t have such distorted thoughts, we would have been able to protect the Earth together, right!?

What are you saying!? If you guys didn’t keep getting in my way, I would be able to defeat Kagatie and establish a society based on Maria-ism. We could have used Angel Halo to fight against the aliens!

Aren’t you just drifting along!? Everyone is suffering, not just yourself! Admit your own weakness!

How dare you preach at me! Get out of my sight, boy!
Both bosses are a pain in the ass to hit, especially on Angel Halo’s terrain.

Ugh. Every single one of you is making fun of me… Cronicle, what’s wrong!? These guys are…
[She explodes]

What, Katejina, have you been defeated!? Damn you, damn you! Why are you all getting in my way!!

When either Katejina or Cronicle gets destroyed, the other will gain 30 will, Valor, and Focus. You could just bait out the Valor’d attack with Flash and wait a turn before you continue to kick their ass.

I-impossible!? I can’t stop here!
With the two bosses down and the secret fulfilled, it’s time for cleanup. None of the remaining enemies here are on HP regen tiles (barring of course the Doggorla’s innate HP regen) so just go at your own pace.

It’s over… What about Angel Halo!?
[A flash of light and shaking]

A-Angel Halo has begun to collapse!

What!? Is that also being caused by Shakti’s prayer…

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]

Angel Halo continues to collapse from outward in. It won’t stop.

What about Uso and the others?

They’re inside of Angel Halo.

Hurry up. Evacuate all fleets in the surrounding area. We’re only going to get hurt if we get caught up in this.

[Angel Halo, Center Block]

Fonse Kagatie.

W-what are you guys!? Why is that child…

We’re here because we’re children. Same with Shakti. Don’t you think we can only do this because we’re children? I’m taking Shakti back.

What? Are you referring to those warm vibrations from earlier?

Parents give birth to children and die. We forgot the meaning of successive generations. Your plan was bound to fail.

The overpopulation of humanity is what overstepped the truth. That kind of humanity would be better off disappearing.

That point of view is only true when viewed from the Jupiter Sphere. Humanity shouldn’t die because of an old man like you! We’re going to figure out how to make it all work!

It’s that conceit that has led mankind astray. Even Char knew that, which is why he tried to drop Axis.

That man has nothing to do with this. If we can’t do it, then the next generation will. Even in the midst of battle, new lives are born.
[A door opens]

Uso…? Everyone’s here.



…Fonse Kagatie. I’ll kill you.

Don’t do it, Heero. It’s over anyway. Right now, we’re here to save Shakti. Let’s just leave it at that.

Let’s go, Shakti.

Kuh… Bastards…

You should stay here, Kagatie. If you’re lucky, you’ll live through this. Why don’t you try praying in the key room?

[Intense rumbling]

Angel Halo is collapsing? Maria… Tell me. Were those boys right? Was this plan doomed from the start? I found you, turned you from fortune teller to a queen, and now you’re forgotten everything I’ve done for you and forced me to do this!? UWAAAAAAAAA!!
[Everything goes white, then black]

[Ra Cailum, Bridge]

Yes, Angel Halo has collapsed and the control section has disappeared. There are Zanscare citizens left behind in each of the rings. Rescue operations are currently underway.

What about BESPA?

They’re finished. Most of them have surrendered. It’s only a matter of time until the rest are disarmed. With how little military might they have left, this war cannot continue. I think this war will officially end soon. Also Jinn Geneham… No, Hangerg Ewin is missing. At the very least, there’s no confirmation of his death.

I see…

In any case, the absurdity of Earthlings fighting each other is finally over.

But we’re not done yet.

Can I leave the cleanup to you?

Yes, Your Excellency. Even though we lost nearly half of our ships, we can do that much. We’ll get support from Bulge. Regarding the issue on the ground, OZ’s ground forces are currently working to bring the situation under control. Also, I heard from Doctor Chiba on Side 3. Sound Therapy is likely to be effective on those affected by Angel Halo. Looks like we’ll be using the Sound Force to verify.

Good. Get in contact with Dr. Shikishima..

With the entire surface being a concert, they must really be excited.

Well then, we’ll now return to Side 3. Captain.

Yes… Let’s. We need to rest for a bit too.

This is the Ra Cailum. Yes… Yes, understood.

What’s up, Beltorchika?

It’s from the Rewloola. They apparently recovered two BESPA mobile suits with their pilots alive.

So why did they bother telling us?

It’s the Motorad fleet commander, Captain Cronicle Asher. Char, they’re asking for your judgement.

Hoh, Cronicle Asher, huh… Tell the Rewloola to go straight to Side 3 and move them to a military hospital.

Roger that.
By succeeding the secret, both Katejina and Cronicle will live to see another day. I believe there’s a scene with Haman showing up, but not in this playthrough. If I find the scene, I’ll make a bonus update with it.
Next time, we go check out Rim’s timeline as she goes to Helios.