[SSLP] mrw the acid burns my armor, Let's Play Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos! [Finished]

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Count Revier wrote:
Tue Jul 09, 2024 2:12 am
Also, correct me if I'm wrong...but does the Draracle not accept the Jewelled Dagger as an offering? And is it needed for something elsewhere? I don't think I understood what the nature of the Draracle's Cave softlock is.

It's not that complicated. You can't take the Emerald Eye Path AND the Sapphire Eye Path, it's one or the other. If you take the Sapphire Eye Path, you must present the Silver Goblet, and if you take the Emerald Eye Path you must present the Jewelled Dagger. Due to a bit of carelessness on the devs part, the Sapphire Eye Path has a softlock where you can advance to the third level without the Silver Goblet and block off access to the Second Level, thus rendering the game unwinnable. I've edited the update to make it more clear that this is the case, thanks for pointing this out!

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Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for clarifying! Not really surprising that they made such a big oversight, the dungeon is quite overcomplicated as is.

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Update 9, In the Swamp straight up Gorkhin it

Last time, Gladstone had fallen and we were left with little more than a recipe on how to make what we need to cure the kingnapped Richard with. Timothy also got killed along the way since his stats did him no favors against a group of 4 orcs. Conrad has decided to conclude his quest, and has left for a different forest labyrinth to form the guild Freeblade, where he will collaborate with many a fellow explorer's guild. The torch has been passed to the next hero in line, and the second act of Lands of Lore begins!


Music: Opinwood


We are now in the shoes of a man blessed/cursed with the perpetual look of :smuggo:. The publisher is going to have to change their name to just Interactive when Michael is done with this quest!


Michael gains a small amount of Might over Conrad in exchange for some Protection. As you can see, he's close to a Mage level, and my first order of business is to secure that for him. Michael only starts with 6 MP, so he can't even cast Freeze 1 at this point!



Making things easy for us, Opinwood is crawling with orcs! This first detachment drops a Mace "Puma" for us, which has slightly more Might than a normal Mace though its still weaker than the Long Sword. We actually want this, as we will be needing Blunt type weapons for several different enemies in the near future. It's worth noting the orcs in this area infinitely respawn, though they generally prefer if you wander out of this area before they do so. They're an infinite source of skill training, though due to their low HP and kill bonuses, you quickly outpace meaningful EXP gain from them.


In one of the tree knots, I find a 3 Gem Bezel cup! It's actually random if you find this or not, and you can potentially get a 4 gem cup if you're lucky. I think the game rolls for the item you find on search, since in the playthrough where I got the 4 gem cup I died shortly after and didn't get it again. I don't particularly care to fish for good items from these, but you can if you want to.


On the opposite end, you can get bit by something and get poisoned. Baccata is having a bad day so far.


I opt to save the cup just in case I get careless. The orcs aren't much of a threat, but something else roaming these woods definitely is.



Baccata secures his first Rogue level, and we get a taste of the mighty physical strikes Michael can dole out. This is the point in the game where Michael starts to do pretty well for himself, shaking off his poor starting stats and having access to better weapons and magic.


I still had the Emerald Eye in this file, so I chuck it off to the side and grab a nice Smooth Rock instead. There are several different rock types in the game, and I'm not sure if they deal different damage when thrown or if it's just a weird flavor thing.


To my knowledge, this type of stump never yields anything. I still obsessively check them whenever I see them.




Still exploring the starting area, Michael finally secures his first Mage level and gets a much appreciated extra 20 MP to work with. The mid roll mage level, which is a little unfortunate. If Michael could get high roll Mage levels, he'd be able to cast Spark 4 twice at Mage Level 3. Remember that Michael's magic damage scales off his Might modifier, so his spells deal the most damage in the game!




Our destination for this update is the Gorkha Swamp, which is due west from Lake Dread. There is stuff we need to check out to the east as well, but it's most efficient to just head to the swamp first. Along the way we encounter an extremely dangerous enemy, a Pentrog! This guy hits even harder than the Cave Dwellers, and has a bow to launch arrows with to boot. As you can see, he can leave your characters reeling. Fortunately in this file, I anticipated I'd be light on magic fire power at this point and meticulously trained Baccata to Mage level 4, allowing him to also use Spark 4 (Baccata has 40 MP to work with, by the way). Spark 4 is the ideal way to deal with these guys before they cause problems, so naturally things get dicey when we're fighting multiples of them at a time. Thankfully, they're mostly solo acts in the west.

One thing to note is that if you're really lucky, Pentrogs can drop a Halberd. This is an incredibly rare random drop, but it is a phenomenal weapon for a good chunk of the game if you do happen to get it.



We take note of Michael's gains and find a useless Shining Star.


In the northwest of Opinwood, this puddle signifies the entrance to the swamp. There was a path split to get here, so we want to double back and take the east path real quick.




At the end of this path, we find a stump that doubles as a treasure chest. Inside we find a Saber "Gutter" (slightly stronger than a normal saber), a 1 gem cup, and a new equipment type. Bracers are a lower end defensive boon, but every bit helps. This chest has a weird property where if you follow a specific route through the swamp and opinwood, and then double back the way you came and check it again, the chest will refill with the exact same contents it had originally. I'll link a video showing it off at the end of the update. With that done, now let's head for the swamp.


Music: Gorkha Swamp


Entering the swamp, we'll quickly come across some beheaded orcs and a sinkhole. There's actually something important we can do with sink holes but their main purpose is this:



If you step onto a sink hole tile, you sink. Stands to reason. This is an instant game over, so be sure to save often in this place! Some sink holes are located on paths we need to traverse, so we will need to find a way to plug them some how.


Real quick, you want to equip whatever Blunt type weapons you have, the primary enemy you fight here are highly resistant to anything but Blunt weapons or the Freeze spell.


Image: "We are from Gladstone."


Moving along, we'll quickly find our path blocked by this froglike fellow. This man is of the Gorkha, the tribe who inhabit the similarly named swamp. While they generally deal in trade, they are also mighty warriors who do not take kindly to violent ne'er-do-wells in their swamp. This guy will quickly walk out of our way with that warning said. We could turn to face him and attack him, as much like the Gladstone Soldiers he occupies the swamp as an NPC. Unlike the Gladstone Soldiers, attacking this guy is not a game over but it does cause some problems.



Past the Gorkha Sentry, we encounter the primary enemy type for the swamp. These Slimes are highly resistant to physical attacks, generally no-selling Slash and Thrust attacks while taking light damage from Blunt weapons. They are highly vulnerable to Freeze magic though, taking considerable extra damage from it.



To the south, we find a chest with some crap in it that doesn't matter, but also the Duble ring! This is the last ring we get for quite some time and it is junk. Allegedly what it does is increase the rate at which your HP passively regens. The effect is incredibly minimal and certainly not something to rely on in a fight. I throw it on Michael for the hell of it, but there is a way we can convert it into money if you don't care about its effect. Is it just me, or is the swamp looking a little blue in that first screen...?


I take an opportunity to rest, and get a rude awakening by a slime's projectile vomit. Fairly weak, but it does let them interrupt our rest as soon as they spot us. Thankfully, Slimes either don't respawn, or do so at a glacial pace. Once you've killed all the slimes in the area, you never have to deal with them again.


These torches scattered throughout the swamp signify Gorkha outposts, usually it marks where their traders reside.


Music: Armorers




The path we took splits north and south. Heading north takes us to a Fletcher, who cocks an arrow and misses the target by a country mile. Despite his claims to having only the best for sale, his best item is an identical Crossbow to what we already have, and the bows are of course weaker than that. This guy doesn't even buy your projectile weapons at a better rate! Anyway, even if you did want to buy a second Crossbow, don't do that now. We can get it for cheaper later, and it's useless in the swamp anyway since it almost never damages slimes. Let's click around for flavor text at least.

When clicking on his target,

Image: "I assure you, my craftsmanship exceeds my aim."

When clicking on him,

Image: "I am Scomish, Boyer of the Swamp!"

This is the only Gorkha who actually gets a name, which I guess helps him stand out.

When leaving,

Image: "Good bye, and come again."


Stylish AND functional! Let's make our way south now.


Along the way, we hit a pocket of swamp gas. The foul odor from the swamp can do a variety of things, from damaging you to poisoning you to briefly putting a character to sleep. There's also some pretty funny comments you can when stepping through the gas pockets, which luckily I was able to get screens for a lot of those. This one didn't seem to do anything, so I'm guessing it tried to poison Michael and got walled by the Bezel ring. It's a shame, because Michael sounds really funny when he says he's been poisoned.


Music: Witch Doctor



Image: "Can you decipher riddles?"

Image: "Show me your riddle, and I will identify it for a small fee. Say, 100 crowns?"

This is the Gorkha witch doctor. He has very limited services, only offering two in fact. While he says he can identify our riddle, in truth he can only decipher one of the clues on the Draracle's scroll. Needless to say this is useless if you already know what items you need. Even if you don't, don't pay him right now. We can get it for cheaper later. As for the other service he offers,




The witch doctor can craft Fireball Wands for us! It's a bit pricey at 300 crowns, but trust me when I say it is worth it. When right clicked on a character, the Wand of Fireball will cast Fireball 4, an insanely powerful spell. It can do this up to 6 times, with the last two castings downgrading to Fireball 3 and Fireball 2 respectively. This is just as good as having cast the spell yourself, which means multiple things. One, you can get Mage exp from it, which means this is realistically when you can get a Mage level for Kieran (Be warned that Slimes and Pentrogs are immune to fire, so don't waste it on them!). Two, it scales off the caster's Might modifier like normal spells, so this wand demolishes things when used by Michael. This is the main thing I spend most of my money on in the game since these give you a huge edge in tough fights. Unlike other purchases to be made in the swamp, this one never gets any cheaper and it's totally understandable. Conveniently, we also get access to the main source of money in the game here!


Despite the funky abode, there's surprisingly no flavor text in here. You can try to sell the Witch Doctor stuff, but he doesn't take anything. Hilariously, he doesn't have his own voice clip for this and they just used the wildly different Fletcher's voice for it instead. It kind of freaks me out, let's leave.

Image: "Farewell, friends!"



Baccata gets poisoned on the way back, and I pull out the Atlas. I like to include periodic map shots so you can get a better idea of the path taken, since like most dungeon crawlers everything looks pretty samey. For our part, we want to head north into the unexplored swamp and head west from there.



I come across another chest with some useless items (That Dagger is "Assassin" which is again just marginally stronger than a normal Dagger) and run into a dilemma. My inventory is full!


Like an idiot, I was holding onto the useless Burnt scroll, so I quickly dropped that to the ground. I placed the Dagger in its spot, then swapped the oil flask with a rock. I'll now just carry the rock along with my cursor as a pseudo-55th item slot. There is a reason I'm hanging onto all this garbage, trust me.




Going west until we hit the wall, we can then head north followed by a right turn at the corner eastward. This path stretches on for awhile, with a torch marked abode nestled into is center. We can see another Gorkha in the distance, but we don't want to talk to him yet. We want to keep heading east.


Along the way, Michael hits Mage level 3 from all the Freeze spam and gains 19 MP. A pretty unlucky low roll, but it is just enough to let him cast Freeze 2 three times in a row. Pretty good since that's more bang relative to MP spent compared to Freeze 3.



Baccata continues to get all the best lines. Hilariously, he can say this even if you're playing as Kieran who can't equip footwear. He who smelt it, dealt it by four-armed friend.




Reaching a dead end by a pit in the east, we find a Glint Mail just lying around for the taking. It's a slight upgrade for Michael, but it allows us to pass down the Scale Mail to Baccata and give him a tremendous defense boost.


We need to double back a little bit and take that prior turn to the east that I passed over. I'm looking for something very particular.


There's also a shield lying around at one dead end, we'll grab that later.


Finally, I find what I'm looking for! That frog head statue in the distance isn't just decoration, it has a very important use. But it's over a sink hole... how do we get to it?




The reason the colors of the swamp have been changing across screen shots is that the swamp actually becomes frozen when Freeze is cast! How long the effect lasts depends on the level of Freeze used, with Freeze 1 barely giving you any time to work with. The reason the time matters is that for as long as the swamp is frozen, sink holes will be plugged and we can walk across them with no issue. If you happen to be on a sink hole when the swamp thaws, you have a very brief moment to mash a strafe key and get off it before you drown.



A slime occupies a hall next to the frog head, and we want to kill it so it's not bothering us while we do what we need to do. What's that, you may ask? Well, we take any non-key item and place it in the head's mouth.


The mouth will close, and we boop its nose.



Out comes a bag of 60 crowns! That's why I've been hoarding all of my trash. Any item, no matter how useless it is, can be fed to this head for silver crowns. There is no limit to this, so as long as you have garbage to feed it you can get an infinite supply of money from it. Don't worry, the game refuses to let you feed it key items, so you can't screw yourself this way. Certain items can be sold to the right vendor for a better payout, but a lot of the time it's just more convenient and about as profitable to just feed all your junk to this thing. And that's exactly what I do. With Freeze 3 in effect, I can safely feed this thing 5 items and then back off before the Swamp thaws. I rest and freeze repeatedly until I have liquidated everything I didn't need, which was mostly just key items and my strongest weapons.


In the middle of this, I also take the glass vial and scoop up some swamp muck from the sink hole. The Swamp is the answer to the Deadly depths portion of the riddle, and the swamp water is our first ingredient!



As you can see, we got about 2300 crowns from feeding all our crap to this thing! Plenty of Fireball wands will be purchased, let me tell ya. Where I am on the map is where this thing is located. With that done, let's go grab that shield and return to that outpost we passed up.


The Dwarvish Buckler is like 2 protection over a normal one. I slap it on Michael right away.



Returning to this guy, he's a bit more selective about who he lets through. He will not let us enter without removing our weapons. Unequip all your weapons, and he'll saunter out of the way. Amusingly, he actually doesn't care if you immediately put them back on once he clears the way.



Following the path all the way and turning left puts us face to face with a fancy hut. I assume someone important lives here?

Music: Gorkha Chief


Image: "Uh, er, no, we...."


This is the Gorkha chief and he has... The Ruby of Truth! How lucky for us his tribe massacred the orcs that had it. Now we need to offer him any item from our inventory to see if he'll accept a trade. Before that though, let's get some flavor text.

If you click on the fanning Gorkha or Gorkha Sentry,

Image: "They serve because they adore me."

Oh yeah, I've heard that kind of speak before. Next you'll be offering me Kool Aid I bet!

If you click on the Ruby,

Image: "Trade first, touch later."

That's all there is to get from random clicking, let's try giving him a Wand of Fireballs. It's a pretty solid item, trust me.


Image: "Uh, er, yes, but..."

Image: "You are powerful warriors, yes? I will make you a deal."


No item we offer will result in a trade, but the Chief gives us an alternative. If we hunt down the Living Sticks (Which the clue book insists on calling them "Hurzels" for some reason) and reclaim the Gorkha Brass Helmet, we can have the Ruby. This is the first of a few sort of moral choices that you can make in Act 2, though this is the only one that really has any meaningful long term implications. I don't know why, but in a couple instances you can just be outright ruthless and the game barely punishes you for doing so. I have a theory that this game had a moral choice system at some point in development that would lead to a different ending depending on what you did, and it was ultimately dropped but not before a few choices made it into Act 2. I'll admit this theory is a bit tin foil hattish, but I have a good idea of where it would have paid off had it existed, and the fact that they went through on this concept in Lands of Lore 2 makes me think it was a possible plan for this game.

Anyway, the best thing to do is accept the quest. But what if we just steal the Ruby?


I'm guessing your Rogue level influences whether or not you succeed at this, but you can just steal the Ruby with no trouble. Obviously doing this denies you the rewards you'd get for helping the Gorkha. What if we attacked though?



You are thrown into battle with two sentries and the chief! Unfortunately for them, I have a Fireball wand.




A couple blasts from the Wand, and we get the Ruby plus some powerful tridents! Also, a nice detail is that the chief Gorkha has the ruby on his sprite, if you can make that out. You probably don't need to be told this, but taking this route has some drawbacks.


The chief's hut being sealed isn't really one of them, but I think it's a cool detail.



The first drawback is that attacking the Gorkha at any point puts us at war with them! The sentries are hostile, and now Gorkha Warriors will infinitely spawn in the swamp to hunt us down. The second drawback is that all Gorkha vendors will now refuse to trade with us. They'll feed us this line,

ImageImageImage: "You have attacked my people! I will not trade with you."

and then we get kicked from the store, with nary a chance to rob them. The biggest loss is the Witch Doctor by far, as not being able to buy Fireball wands makes the game a lot harder. We don't want this, so let's take the quest.



The swamp will now have Living Sticks stationed in several locations in the swamp, but only one of them has the Brass Helmet. Thankfully he's always in the same place. We want to take that unexplored path that looks like it intersects with the Fletcher's shop.


Along the way, Baccata gets knocked the fuck out by the stank. Fortunately, we can cure this simply by hitting the rest button, prompting toothy grins from our party because they are otherwise healthy.


As a kid, it was the monsters and violent imagery in this game that scared me. As an adult, it's Michael's horrific Joker-esque rictus grin that gives me the heebie jeebies.



We encounter our first stick! These guys aren't too special really, though they do have the Snatch property. Michael can incinerate them with a single Spark 4, so we should have this quest finished in no time!






Following the path to its end, we come across a large room with 3 sink holes. Freezing it and hanging a right, we'll find a Stick that attempts to flee from us. Chasing him down and waxing him gives us the helmet we're looking for! You can equip this, but it isn't any better than a normal helmet. We can courier it back to the chief now, but before we do there are some other things to check here.


A useless horse shoe, that mainly exists to be fed to the frog head.






This area also contains an alternate frog head. Instead of money, this one fully heals our party when we feed it, MP included.. It's pretty useless due to its out of the way location, but it's a cool effect I guess.


It also has this completely useless bow that is weaker than our crossbow beside it. Moving on.





Directly across from where we entered the triple pit room are more torches signposting a trader! And pittance in crowns I suppose. Let's check this guy out.


Image: "I have plenty, thank you."

Oh Baccata :allears:

Image: "A Thomgog Jester, is he not?"

You're just hating because you couldn't possibly make a joke that clever, Michael.

Unlike the Fletcher, this guy actually has some stuff we want. Namely, we want that Sword and that shield. Like the Fletcher though, we don't want to buy them right away, we want to complete the chief's quest first. Still, we can get some flavor text while we're here.

When clicking on the Blacksmith

Image: "Please don't, you'll spoil my aim!"

When clicking his forge,

Image: "The forge burns gas from the swamp."

Good use of the environment! There's nothing else to click on sadly, so let's leave.

Image: "Go if you must, and have your adventures. My shop anchors me here, or I'd be the first to join you."

A Gorkha party member would be badass, serious lost opportunity in my opinion. Alright enough horsing around, time to get our reward from the chief.





With that, we get the Ruby of Truth, hero status, and a Trident "Mantis" on top of it! The Trident is about twice as strong as the Long Sword, so that's a huge get. The Ruby of Truth can be worn as a necklace, though it conveys no benefits for doing so. Still, it's a key item we need to beat the game, so better to keep it in a safe spot. Hero status also gives us some fringe perks, as all traders will now sell their wares at 50% off! Unfortunately, as mentioned prior, the Wand of Fireballs is the one exception to this.


All dialogue is adjusted slightly to make note of your hero status. They actually also do this for your first interactions if you didn't visit the traders previously!





We pick up a Kite Shield and Great Sword at bargain rates! We could have Baccata go all in on physical damage, but I decide to let Michael have the trident for now, as well as upping his defense with the Kite shield.


A view of the swamp so far. Let's visit the Witch Doctor next.



We can now get our riddle deciphered for 50 crowns instead of 100. We'll actually be heading to an area where we can get hornet's honey in the next update, but we don't have an extra flask to bottle it at the moment.


I also dump a ton of money into Fireball wands. I want to keep at least 625 crowns on hand for a future purchase, but anything over that is going straight into the wand fund.


The Fletcher also sells his stuff at half cost now, but I really do not care about any of it. We will be getting something vastly superior to what he sells come the very next update.




Working our way around the whole swamp, back to the eastern section with the money frog, we can find a hallway blocked with a sink hole. Freezing it leads us to another sentry and an alternate exit to the swamp!


Leaving this way dumps us in Upper Opinwood. We're doing things a little out of order, but there are some very good things to grab here and I'd like to get them sooner rather than later. Next time, we'll be exploring Upper Opinwood and Not-Upper Opinwood. See you then!

Here's a timestamped video showing off the refilling chest I mentioned earlier. Warning that it contains spoilers for the final dungeon in the first part of the video!

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Ah, the timeless RPG staple of spellcasting items being the most overpowered things ever.

Cool effect with the Freeze spell there, I guess this is why they wanted to be extra sure that the player got it from the Draracle's Cave - it's basically a key pretending to be a spell.

Also, I can never understand why one would want to live in the middle of a swamp, especially one this horrible. Guess the Gorkha just have eccentric tastes.

Pentrogs are one of the things that freaked me out rather badly as a kid and convinced me that I needed to grind for hours on the infinite orc party in the south. Needless to say, don't actually do that, it's silly.

As far as I can remember the poison insect (or spider, I guess) stump always targets Bacatta, and I can't remember a time when the knockout swamp gas didn't hit him either. Granted I don't believe I ever checked if the bezel ring had anything to do with the latter but regardless I'm pretty sure nature just has it out for my boy.

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I want to say there was at least one time my main got poisoned by a bug bite? I always just slap the Bezel ring on them so it's always hard to tell if the swamp gas affects them though. I've always presumed anytime to swamp gas seemingly did nothing, it was a poison block moment.

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Update 10, Woodn't It Be Nice

Music: Upper Opinwood


Last time, we traipsed through a Swamp, collected several macguffins, and became hailed as swamp heroes! Now we're in a forest with a slightly different color palette from the one we started the previous update in.


After having butchered every slime and living stick crawling about the place, it better be.

We don't have to come to Upper Opinwood at this moment, but it has a ton a goodies for us to grab that will make the going so much easier. Plus it's a chance to develop our skill levels since the enemies here are weak and numerous, but have fairly decent health. This makes them EXP pinatas for our skill levels at this point.


Making our way north to start, we pick up a stick sixty crowns, just lying out in the open. Waste not want not!





It won't be long before you hear the rattle of bones and find yourself aggressed on by Skeleton Warriors! These guys have pretty HP but relatively low defenses. You can wail on them with your weapons to decent effect, or start blasting with your Fireball wands. This place is great for training mage levels with wands, ESPECIALLY if you're playing as Kieran. I'd come here as soon as possible with a Fireball wand if that's the case. This first squad dropped a worn key. Where could the corresponding chest for it be? And why do I hear buzzing in the distance...?


Ginseng sixty crowns!


I'm a little off course here, we want to back up and take those paths to the East. There are a couple chests in this starting area. Nothing too amazing is in them, but the desire for loot is strong in me.


I quickly find one of them, and try the Worn key on it. I get a trap sprung for my efforts.





A couple Skeletons come to spoil my fun, so I start blasting. Michael gets another Mage level off of a parting Spark 4, and gets 25 more MP! I believe that's the most you can get from a Mage level unless you're Ak'shel, so it's a nice gain for Mikey boy. He now has the 60 MP required to cast Heal 4, so we have an emergency Cure All to pop if we conserve our MP.

The downside is that he's now at Mage level 4. I've mentioned this several times throughout the LP and threads that once you hit skill level 4, you require a ridiculous amount of Skill EXP to keep leveling at that point. We're not liable to see any skill go over level 6 unless I decide to do a ton of grinding. I'll be blasting a lot of things with Fireball wands to keep the ball rolling for Michael, but his Mage skills are only going to see one more level up before his tenure as Champion comes to a close.



Thought I heard buzzing! This area is absolutely swarming with giant hornets. There are set points that spawn them endlessly unless you deal with them, so you can quickly find yourself surrounded by these things. That said, they're not too terribly threatening most of the time and they only have around 40-50 HP. They are pretty evasive though, so be wary that sometimes it'll take awhile to land clean hits on them.


Fireballs ftw.




We get a Bezel cup with one gem sixty crowns from this chest (lol I forgot to put the Kite shield on Michael. I fix that later) and more importantly a Jade Necklace! This is a unique piece of Jewelry that when equipped, grants your character one extra Rogue level for the purposes of lockpicking. You don't get any extra HP from this, but thankfully having it on also doesn't up the required EXP to develop Rogue levels. Coincidentally, we're going to be getting the other super critical Rogue item in this area.


Also a pittance in crowns with an amusingly enthusiastic unique message.



Blasting our way through the chaff, we come across another chest, just a stone's throw away from the previous one. Sadly, the Worn key also did nothing for this one.


Disregarding that though, this chest contains quite the haul of unique though not terribly helpful items. This Ebony Staff casts Swarm 5 times before expiring. It's considered a key item and can't be sold/fed to the frog head for some reason. Swarm does absolute garbo damage at this point, it was only good against Orcs.


Next is a Green Skull! This is a key spell casting item, like the Ebony Staff, though unlike the staff it is infinite use and we actually really want to use it for one specific purpose. This casts a unique toxic cloud spell that is mostly useless, but an upcoming boss monster is vulnerable to it.


Finally, this chest contains an Emerald Blade! This is a fair deal weaker than the best weapons we have at the moment, but it is the only weapon that affects a specific type of enemy we'll encounter later in the journey. Recheck the mini-update if you're curious, that's your homework for today.




Searching around and scooping up all the caches of sixty crowns I come across along the way. People are so careless with their money these days, I swear. That aside, we've come across a hornet's nest! These nests infinitely spawn out the giant hornets. If you want, you can blast them with a Fireball spell to destroy them and halt the spawning. I wouldn't recommend this honestly, the hornets are good for training if you want to grind your skill levels. If we had an empty flask, we could get some honey for the elixir here, but alas we do not.


Compared to infinite respawn zones like the Orcs in Opinwood (Which generally only respawn the enemies when you move out of the area), dedicated spawn points like the Hornets' nests can drop enemies right on your head when you're standing by them. These guys were not here when I came this way!


Anyway. You'll note the Fireball wand shot 3 smaller Fireballs instead of 2 massive ones this time. The last 2 shots of the 6 each Fireball wand gets are weaker, as mentioned in the prior update. This spell here is Fireball 3, still pretty studly damage for an item cast.


Upper Opinwood is quite large and mazelike, so I took periodic shots of the map to give a better idea of where we are. Those niches signify the location of a Hornet's Nest. The chests we opened are the only two in this part of the woods, so we want to head back by the swamp entrance and bear east from there.



Baccata scoops another Fighter level as we bulldoze through the near endless supply of enemies in this area, bringing him to Fighter level 4. We'll have Baccata work on his Rogue skills soon, but we'll wait for when we have the right piece of equipment for it.


I've heard of having a nest egg, but this is just silly!




I reject the words of Smokey Bear. Dude's never had to deal with giant hornets before, I bet.


Hmm, maybe Smokey was right, my careless fire usage torched a nest. I believe you can still get honey from a burnt nest, but it's no longer supplying hornets for us to grind against. Not that it matters too much, but the power gamer in me is howling.



It's been slow getting through this place, the high volume of enemies you have to wade through really bog you down. It'd be even worse if I didn't have these wands!



It is fairly difficult to rest here due to the constant stream of hornets. I can usually expect to swat 5 or 6 of them before I finally get an uninterrupted camp. I also remembered to take inventory of Baccata's HP gains thus far. 69(nice) is okay, but a tad low for Fighter 4/Rogue 2. Baccata does in general tends to roll low on his HP gains to keep him in orbit, but sometimes you luck out with high rolls and he can be an absolute wall of hitpoints due to how fast his Fighter and Rogue skills can grow.




Taking a look at Michael's Mage EXP really shows how much you slow down on gains at this point. I got from Mage 3 to 4 after about 3 uses of a Fireball wand and a Spark 4. I must've blasted at least 20 enemies since then and we're only halfway to Mage 5! This is even worse for the other characters since the Fireball wand uses their Might modifier like the actual spell does for damage dealt, meaning Kieran and Ak'shel would be getting considerably less from what we've been doing.



Nestled in the southeast of the map is the Urbish Mines, the facility where Scotia unearthed the Nether Mask! This is our next major dungeon of the game and the climax area for Act 2, but it'll be a bit before we delve in. Come to think of it, didn't that Paulson guy say he was coming here? I wonder if he's okay...



I explore the surroundings, picking up a salve sack of sixty crowns...


More crowns...



And a chest! This one is the one that accepts to Worn key as well! What award awaits us within?


I'll admit when I have been successfully trolled. You win this time, Lands of Lore.

Let's wrap around the woods now, heading northeast.



Admittedly, since Michael isn't going to last past the Urbish Mines, picking up all these items for crowns is far from necessary. Still, I want to play this as much as possible like a normal first time player would, to give a better idea of the experience you see. How dare you insinuate I have a hoarding problem.


It's taken some effort, but we're close to having fully explored this place. And we're just about to get the real prize of this area when we take that path to the north.



In a moment of insane luck, I get the incredibly rare Great Axe drop from two of the Skeletons I flash fry. Despite the name, these axes are worse than the best weapons we have at the moment. You could hold onto them and sell them at a future weapon shop for a decent price, but personally I'm just going to feed them to the frog to free up inventory space.





Rounding the corner and searching the chest at the end, we find the first genuinely good projectile weapon of the game, the Crossbow Valkyrie! I quickly set up Baccata Wick and pass the Great Sword off to Michael to close out his next Fighter level. Why is this bow so good?


Instead of shooting an arrow, the Crossbow Valkyrie shoots a fireball! Now the damage on this is fairly low, only around 12 HP or so. HOWEVER..., the Crossbow Valkyrie has one feather in its cap. It can never miss! The Crossbow Valkyrie is, as far as I'm aware, the one truehit weapon in the game. It'll always deal that 12 damage, allowing you to just back up and chip most anything to death in the game worse comes to worst. Plus it's just very reliable damage to keep pushing to enemy towards death when a clean melee hit does finally connect. Additionally, despite launching fireballs, fire immune enemies are still hurt by it. The number of enemies immune to or that are not meaningfully hurt by this weapon can be counted on one hand, so it otherwise works in every situation. Fantastic weapon in general, and arguably the best bow in the game just due to the reliability.


As if we didn't get enough out of this chest already, it also contained a Dwarvish Chain Mail! This is a nice little Protection upgrade for Michael. I pass the Glint Mail on down to Baccata. Let's finish up in Upper Opinwood now, we've gotten all the major treasure from it.





Michael snags his last Fighter level for the road, and gets an average 13 HP increase from it. As you can see, the Crossbow Valkyrie combined with the normal Crossbow is speedrunning Baccata to Rogue 3. This weapon gets you to Rogue level 4 in no time at all, even if its just wielded by itself.


We find a path at the absolute most northern point of Upper Opinwood.



Why do I feel like I know where this is going....

Music: Scotia Second Encounter




Music: Scotia's Barrier





Trust me Michael, you do not want that. Scotia would kick our ass upper and downer Opinwood right now. Scotia has erected a barrier, barring passage to the Yvel Woods beyond this point. She mentioned a tower... could the White Tower the Draracle spoke of be past this point?





Unfortunately, the barrier is quite sturdy. Obviously we can't walk through it, and our weapons have no effect. I guess I spoke too soon about the Crossbow Valkyrie being good for most any situation. The barrier is marked on our map now, so we'll have to keep it in mind for when we do find something that can tear it down. Nothing left to do but make our way back to the Urbish Mines. We have no business in the Mines themselves at the moment, but the entryway is a connecting path back to Opinwood.




Baccata secures a Rogue level on the way back, so I switch the CBV as it will thusly be known onto Michael so he can work on his Rogue level now. Baccata got an okay amount of HP from that level, lucky 7.


I decided the fill out the rest of the map before returning to the mines to quell my adventurous spirit.


I only shot a handful of things on the way back and Michael is already well on his way to Rogue level 3! I suspect his Might modifier might also affect projectile weapons, adding another bit of value to both Michael and the CBV.




The Urbish Mines have one long hallway for the entrance, with a door in the center leading into the mine's barracks and messhall. These pots along the way can have a random assortment of items, usually a Salve or Oil Flask, but sometimes a Swarm... for some reason. It's all sixty crowns to me now regardless.




A quick gander at the mines from this side, and an Atlas check to get our bearings. We're about the direct opposite direction from the Swamp, and right where we need to be to explore the rest of Opinwood! I did consider splitting this into its own update, but there's really not much to take care of before we actually explore the Mines so may as well just do it in this update as well.


The main reason I beeline for the Swamp and then explore Upper Opinwood is because this area is absolutely swarming with Pentrogs. These things are way more dangerous than anything in the Swamps or Upper Opinwood, so powering up and getting new gear from there first makes this area much less of a hassle to explore. We need the Ruby of Truth to accomplish our main goal here anyway.


In one of the tree brush knots, you can sometimes find a Green Skull. I think this might be random, since I know a couple of my practice playthroughs I did not get this. I might have just missed it though. It's redundant in any event since we already got the one from Upper Opinwood.




Michael shows the Pentrog his superior marksmanship and secures a Rogue level! I feel like Michael usually gets decent HP from Rogue levels, at least he always has for me. Not sure if that's actually a thing though.



Even with all the new equipment and powering up I've done, these things still hit so damn hard that they can fuck your shit up six ways from Sunday if you're not careful. I have no idea why these things are so much stronger than anything else at this stage of the game.





And there's just so many of them! I came across multiple packs of 3 Pentrogs going through this section of Opinwood. I decided to burn the Ebony staff for fun. It killed one mostly dead Pentrog and barely hurt another. Garbo item.


We find a Long Sword Flayer, a marginally stronger Long Sword that is vastly inferior to the weapons we got from the Swamp.


There's a path leading north that connects to a long trail heading east. Follow this trail to the end, and you'll find a chest with a... well not "good" but special item in it.





This chest contained a Kane Leather Jerkin, a useless piece of armor. More importantly though, it contained the scroll for our next spell, Lightning! It is complete trash!


Lv.1: 25 MP, 18 Base DMG AOE
Lv.2: 30 MP, 35 Base DMG AOE
Lv.3: 50 MP, 50 Base DMG AOE
Lv.4: 100 MP, 72 Base DMG AOE

What the fuck is this garbage?! This spell's scaling is all kinds of screwed up. Why does Lv.2 deal almost twice the damage Lv.1 for only 5 more MP? Why does Lv.4 Cost 100 MP for barely anymore damage than Spark 4, or hell, even just Lv.3 Lightning!?!? Only Ak'shel can even cast that at this point, and it'll drain him immediately and leave him unable to do shit after. Admittedly, Lv.2 is slightly more damage than Freeze 3 for the same MP cost... but quite a few enemies in the game are vulnerable to Freeze while nothing is really specifically weak to electric type spells (save for one gimmick enemy). Usually electric spells are hitting things with high defense/evasion but low HP for neutral damage, which in that case it is just way more economical and effective to spam cast Spark 4. This spell is complete junk and is utterly outclassed by the next spell we get in every regard. The only notable thing about Lightning has nothing to do with the spell itself and entirely to do with an item that casts it.

Fun fact, the clue book makes this spell out to be even worse, stating that the first two levels of the spell are single target. Thankfully, all levels are AOE at least.


Can't believe I went that far out of my way for this nonsense. Moving right along,



There's a couple points to check, but I'm heading towards the more plot relevant one right now.


Heading down the eastern path from where I was standing leads us to this area with a wagon. Say, didn't that oarsman say Dawn got picked up by a wagon as soon as she entered Opinwood?

Music: Droek's Wagon



Image: "We're from Gladstone and have an urgent need to speak with Dawn!"


Now if you don't have the Ruby of Truth, you get shooed away at this point. If you do though,

Image: "I hold the Ruby of Truth, and as you can see, it does not contradict me when I assert that I am Michael from Gladstone."


Apparently the Ruby of Truth isn't just a fancy name, and it can dispel all falsehood should it occur like it's Wonder Woman's lasso of truth. I guess it's well known what the Ruby looks like and how it works, because this is enough to satisfy Droek (dats his name btw).


Dawn is just chilling in the carriage.

Image: "Well, we think we know where to make the Elixir, and we're making progress in assembling the ingredients, but frankly, we barely know what we're doing. It appears the Draracle is fond of riddles."

Image: "Be that as it may, you are, at this moment, Gladstone's best hope. Take my key to Richard's casket. It, along with its three counterparts, will allow you access in order that you may apply the Elixir to poor Richard."


Dawn bestows upon us the first of our next set of MacGuffins, the keys to Richard's shroud! There are 4 keys altogether, and we need them to complete the game. Between the Elixir items and our Ruby of Truth, we're starting to rack up the reserved inventory slots.



Image: "Here now! I will not abandon my friends, nor my King! My personal achievement means nothing while the kingdom is in peril."

Well said Baccata! Suitably heroic sounding, and I appreciate you think of us as friends :3:

Image: "Fine! If you must ignore my counsel, I cannot stop you."

In the txt file I used to transcribe for this update, I put this down as "Dawn being salty."

Before we leave, we can show Dawn our Riddle Scroll for another clue!


Image: "Thank you! I will write that on my parchment."

So we need dirt, got it. But not just any dirt, special medical dirt. Perhaps an apothecary would have that? It's important to note, this is the one clue in the game that you NEED to get deciphered. It's also the reason the riddle scroll is a key item necessary to win the game. Don't miss out on this clue! If you don't have Dawn decipher it for you, another character later on can do it in the area you need it for. Nothing left to interact with here, so let's leave.



As we leave, Dawn replaces our cursor with a flask and slides another one into our inventory. We only need two flasks, so I drop the one on my cursor. Next time we're in Upper Opinwood, we can get some honey! Note that you can find another flask in the next dungeon we go to, but Dawn's flasks exist so you don't get screwed if you neglect to grab the flasks in the Draracle's caves and the Urbish Mines.


There was a path off to the east that I passed over originally, heading this way we can find an old man lounging amongst the trees.

Music: Beggar


We're faced with a moral choice! Help the man, attack the man, or simply leave him.


Let's be as cruel as possible to start. Astute observation Baccata, a malnourished geriatric beggar is not much of a match for two able bodied men armed to the teeth.


Jesus Michael, you're an animal. That was only one crown, too.


The text is slightly inaccurate here, Baccata actually says "He appears to be dead." Razor sharp detective skills our Thomgog compatriot has. Now can you tell us how he died?

Backing it up a bit, what if we just leave him?



You have the option to make your hero look like an absolute prick if you want to.


The beggar will be gone from this spot regardless of what you do. The most beneficial thing to do, of course, is actually help him out.


Image: "I'm glad to be of service."

I like to imagine Michael in-universe did some VLR style timeline shifting to explore all the outcomes here.

Giving the beggar money has two benefits, one immediate and one that becomes apparent later. The immediate benefit is that he can decipher a clue on the scroll for us!




Image: "Thank you! I will write that on my parchment."

It's a clue we already solved, but this is the "intended" way to learn the answer. Note that we've gotten all the clues we possibly can deciphered at this point. To my knowledge, nobody in the game can directly tell what "Butchering the creature whose flesh has never lived" entails. It'll be awhile before we get the next reward from helping the beggar, though trust me when I say it is not much.



One last review of the area so you know where everything is, and next time we're ready for the Mines! Off recording, I took the time to finish off Michael's next Rogue and Mage levels, and I also traded all my junk items to the frog head to buy more wands, so next time we'll be going into the Urbish Mines at full power! What awaits us in there?

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Never before have I seen a game reward so little for opening a lock. Truly, Lands of Lore is a genius work of design.

Also lol at Dawn trying to snatch Baccata back. So far, she's not been a very inspiring figure, tbh. For all her supposed power, she grossly underestimated Scotia's acquisition, barely saved the king from being killed, completely failed to defend Gladstone, and now is sitting in the middle of bumfuck nowhere barely doing anything to oppose Scotia or her armies. Really comes off as a needy NPC more than anything else.
Last edited by Count Revier on Tue Jul 16, 2024 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The NPCs in this game do not exactly cover themselves in glory, no. Still a better track record than Geron, but the bar there is so low it may well be underground.

I don't believe I've ever failed to get the Green Skull from that Opinwood stump, but the hint guide does indeed say it being there is random. Also somewhat amusingly, the hint guide doesn't mention the worn key or what it's used for at all. And yes, I don't believe anyone ever actually provides a solution to the last riddle but the answer to that one is... a bit clearer than the rest on its own.

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Funnily enough, there is one item we’ll see in the next update that I frequently see described as a random treasure, but I have not had one single playthrough where I didn’t find said item. And I’ve been doing unrecorded runs of the Urbish Mines to keep myself fresh on how it goes where I’ve always gotten it.

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Update 11, Tryna Strike a Chord and It's Probably A-Miner


And welcome back to Let's Play Red Haze! Last time, we were introduced to the wayward Rockette as she was in the middle of some unprescribed self medicating when her supply began to run dry. We took a quick jaunt out into the hovel she's been squatting in so we can make our way to granma's crack den, but things quickly took a turn for the bizarre when we entered the hobo hole looking for a key. Feels like we just stepped into another world... Still, this isn't going to deter Rockette. She's got a hankering for some H rocks, and nothing is going to stop her from getting that!


Hold up a second, I think I'm getting my types of rocks mixed up here. Let's rewind a little.


And welcome back to Let's Play Lands of Lore! Last time we galivanted all around Opinwood, acquiring loads of power in the process as well as some additional clues and items to help us with crafting the elixir. Now that we've taken care of all of that, we can begin to explore the Urbish Mines, where the troubles in the story began and where the Gladstone Council Member Paulson is supposedly studying. What exactly he was hoping to find here, I'm not sure.



Between this update and the last, I polished off some in progress level ups that Michael had, liquidated our garbage at the swamp frog head, and picked up a wealth of Fireball wands. Truthfully, I wouldn't normally bother grinding out more levels but I figured since Michael will be tagging out once we finish the mines, we may as well have him be at his strongest for his climax dungeon. 92 HP and 91 MP is pretty solid, though I will admit 92 HP is a tad low for Michael. Pretty bad luck with rolls on his Fighter levels.


Also I figured I'd show off what the deciphered scroll looks like, with the very spartan notes Michael put in the margins. "Swamp Water is Magical" is a really funny phrase to me.


It is highly advisable you have a Green Skull at the ready, we'll be needing it shortly.

Music: The Urbish Mines


Returning to the mines, I find some oil in a pot. The Urbish Mines can be quite confusing your first time playing, so this area is pretty generous with the oil since we'll be needing the lantern once we enter the mining tunnels proper. In this specific instance, we get random items from these pots, but oil is a pretty common proc. The lantern is a little low already, so I just fill it immediately with this oil.


In the center of the corridor is a door connecting to the mine offices. Hmm, it looks like something is behind this door...



Say hello to the Lahrkon! This mollusk menace is our first introduction to Quake attacks. Enemies that can Quake you do decent damage to your whole team, and force them to drop a piece of equipment in their hands! This will always start with your weapon, and then your equipped shield. Naturally, this makes melee combat with Quaking enemies rather difficult to do. Thankfully enemies that can do this are pretty rare, but you pretty much always need to use alternative tactics to beat them when you encounter them. Now the Lahrkon specifically is fairly resistant to weapon attacks regardless, and indeed most types of magic. There are two methods you can use to win this fight.



The Lahrkon is vulnerable to the toxic cloud the Green Skull emits! Blast him with this repeatedly, and you'll win this fight no problem. Provided, of course, you've trained your Mage levels so that you can actually use the skull the number of times you need to.






As you can see, the Lahrkon's sprite actually changes as he takes damage. I think he's the only enemy in this game that actually does this. I'm not going to think too hard about the mechanics behind a slug having a skeleton. With the training I've done, I had just enough MP between Michael and Baccata to stand here and blast the Lahrkon until he dies. The Green Skull takes 16 MP per use, and on Feocious you need to hit the Lahrkon with it 7 times to kill it. (3 on Wimpy and 5 on Normal) If you don't have enough MP to use it that much, you'll need to retreat to the woods to rest and restore your MP, as the Lahrkon won't follow you outside the mines. Now what if you were playing as Michael or Kieran, and you hadn't gotten any Mage levels for them or Baccata? You'd only have one use of the Green Skull in that case, and having to rest after each cast would be pretty tedious. The Lahrkon is not immune to damage from thrown items, so an alternative strategy is to back up to a forest entrance, drop your weapons there, and then just pick up and throw them repeatedly when the Lahrkon closes in. Rest as needed.




Thankfully we don't need to do that. I grab my weaponry back, ditch the Green Skulls since they are worthless after this point, and make my way into the office level of the mines.



Popping open the first door and heading south, we find ourselves entering a small hall with a door at the end that won't open.



You just need to close the previous door behind you, and then the second door can open.





Inside, we find some useless paper work and a chest! The Silver Key will be needed for an upcoming lock. The Mace Bouncer might seem useless, but this is the game helping us out here. We have an upcoming enemy that is immune to any weapon type that isn't Blunt, and only takes significant damage from the Freeze spell. If we have too low MP to cast the Freeze spell repeatedly, we'll need Maces and Hammers to deal with these enemies, albeit at a snail's pace in comparison.




Doubling back and checking out an office round the corner from the hall we were just in, we search a cabinet to find the Fireball scroll! File cabinets and desk drawers have random items in them, from a pool of Salves, Swarms and Oil. At least one cabinet or desk you search will have the Fireball scroll in it. I've seen it claimed that you can sometimes not get the Fireball scroll here, but in the 10 or so times I've played through this area, I have never failed to get a Fireball scroll. I did make a back up save just in case, but I believe as long as you search every desk and cabinet, you are guaranteed to find this scroll.




No reason to sit on it, so let's crack it open and get our next spell!


Lv. 1: 20 MP, 20 Base Dmg AOE
Lv. 2: 35 MP, 40 Base Dmg AOE
Lv. 3: 65 MP, 80 Base Dmg AOE
Lv. 4: 100 MP, 100 Base Dmg AOE

Quite a step up from the Lightning spell, though it still runs afoul of the weird scaling problems spells have in this game. For Ak'shel, Lv. 3 is the sweetspot for MP spent to damage dealt. For everyone else, everything over Lv. 2 is too expensive to cast repeatedly. Like with Lightning, Lv. 4 is a huge spike in MP consumption for a negligible damage increase so it's hard to recommend ever using it, even for Ak'shel. This is a big reason why the Fireball wands are so good, you get to cast this incredibly damaging spell repeatedly, fueling it with your abundant and largely useless money instead of your incredibly limited MP. I do use this spell every now and again when I just need some light AOE and I want to save my wands for more dangerous things, but odds are we won't see this thrown around too much.


I also find a Salve for my scavenging efforts! I ended up getting really lucky in this recording, I got a huge amount of items when I typically get barely anything from searching these.



Heading into an office to the north, across from where we just were, we find our main enemy for this floor. Nothing too special to say about these ceiling crabs, they're pretty resistant to Blunt damage but anything else you whack them with generally does good damage. They can be a little evasive, so blasting them with Spark 4 can help every now and again.



We find an oil in here, adding to our ever growing supply. If a cabinet or desk has no items in it, Michael will respond by saying the files are useless.


Even more oil in the desk across from the cabinet! For some reason, you can only open the drawers on the right for these desks.





Sliding down to the east a bit, we find another office with some junk to grab and some flavor text to get. This first level is laid out like one massive corridor going from east to west, with offices dotted along the northern and southern walls.



In the center, we find a support beam with a sign proudly declaring the name of the mine. Michael sounds really funny when he's reading things, I can just imagine him dragging his finger along the sign as he slowly mouths each word.




Michael flattens another ceiling crab, and we find the entrance to the actual mines portion of the Urbish Mines. We don't want to go here yet, we have a couple things we need to collect.



A mess hall is across from the mine entrance. Michael has this response to a number of things you can examine in this area.



2 crowns!?! I can feed a rock to a frog statue in the swamp and get 30 times that amount! I guess the smell of that place must be that much of a deterrent for people.



Clearly the workers here needed to unionize, this is outrageous. Also sorry Baccata, but you can't expect to earn 4 crowns over 2 if you double fist a Pick and Sledge.




Resuming our trek westward and squashing another crab, we find yet another racially targeted notice in a second mess hall. Methinks we need to bring this up with ye olde HR Departmente.




North from there, we find another small office, this one containing a Lockpicks set if you lost your previous one or never found one. At this point in the game, we straight up need Lockpicks to continue, so they put this here to prevent a potential softlock.





Going further west and returning to the southern wall, we find a lock plus another crab to crush. While this seems like a logical place to use the Silver Key, this lock is actually the first one in the game that outright needs to be picked. Thankfully, any mandatory lock in the game will only ever require you to be Rogue level 1, but since we've been working our skills there we are able to pop this one instantly.






Inside the hall the lock opens is what seems to be some kind of pumping device. Searching it over, Baccata will note it seems to be missing some components which is preventing us from turning it on. Michael, meanwhile, has a 6 year old's sense of wonder and amazement that the furnace hatch for this device can be opened.




Nothing going at the pump room for this particular moment, so head all the way west and find another office to loot, albeit with a low yield this time. I wonder if there's anyone besides Paulson still hanging around here, this place seems well stocked.





At the end of the offices corridor, we can pop open this door to the south, that has two crabs just chilling inside. A good a time as any for us to bring the heat! That one usage of Fireball 3 drained nearly all of Michael's MP. This is why I prefer the wands.


Sadly my luck has turned slightly sour, didn't get anything from this cabinet.





We've exhausted just about everything on the southern wall of the corridor, but the north still holds a little for us. A free Helm sits here, just waiting to be turned into crowns, and a button that reveals an additional hall is also here for slapping.



A door awaits us at the end of this newly opened hall, and it looks there's someone we can talk to here!



After we raid the place and take in the decorum, of course.

Music: The Last Miner




We find a desk jockey mindless writing away on his reports, who is more than a little startled to see us. Yeesh, this guy is nothing but bones, not even skin at this point. How long has he been here?



We can just leave as soon as he speaks up, but unlike the Beggar this guy sticks around if you leave him right away. We could just talk to him, but where would the fun in that be when we could be an asshole instead?




I imagine this guy has probably had better days trapped in the mines than this one.




Ha ha, what the fuck Michael. You murder the guy, and then just proceed to shit on all his possessions.


There is some stuff worth taking here though. This is actually a Great Helm, a slight defensive upgrade over the standard Helm.


I mean you could have objected to us killing this guy Baccata. Just a thought.


The thing we actually need from here is the Pick. This is like the Sledge from the Draracle's Cave, though it's even weaker and I've never actually been able to deal any damage to anything with it. Seems like it always misses. Regardless, we need it to do some rock breaking in the mines, and there are at least two mandatory places we have to use it in. That being said, it is by no means necessary to murder this poor schlub (his name is Dwight) in order to get it. This is the second-to last "evil" option you can take in the game, and it is by far the most senseless one.


Let's be diplomatic about this instead, and pretend like Michael isn't a sociopathic klepto.



This is the definition of thankless work. Dwight, I think you have some problems.


Image: "We seek a friend who may be in these mines. Have you seen anyone come past here?"


You've been trapped here for months!?! What the fuck is the timeline of this relative to when Scotia got the Mask? Was she digging this place out for months too?



Come to think of it, if Paulson is here how did he get past the Lahrkon without killing it? I guess he ninja'd his way past it.

Image: "The Lahrkon at the entrance is dead. You may make your escape now. "


Dwight, you've been here for months with no new incoming work. How the hell do you still have reports to file? This guy's existence raises many questions that I don't think are too worthwhile to dwell on. Now that he's alive, we can get his color commentary on everything in this room.



I a'int working here Dwight, this place seems awful.




Seriously Dwight, get some counseling. I sincerely doubt anyone is keeping inventory on this place anymore.


Unlike the Gorkha Blacksmith, I don't think you'd be much help.


May as well slap on the new helmet we got, every little bit of protection counts!




There's one last office we can check around this way, with not too much in it save for this amusing sprite layering error.


Looks more like a tunnel map to me Michael, but I'll take your word for it.



One last cabinet to loot, and my luck has returned! Not that I'll really be using most of these buy hey.


With all that taken care of, we are now ready to enter the mines!



Before stepping in though, it is very important we remove our body armor. Thankfully, we only need to suffer this briefly on the first level of the mines, but I'd highly recommend doing this if you want to avoid save scumming in the near future. When we return, it'll be time to enter the Urbish Mines Mines.

Fun fact, I actually had to record this whole section of the game twice (as in, the entirety of the Urbish Mines dungeon). When I initially recorded it, I had forgotten to resize my source output, resulting in gaudy black bars along the side of the image. My obliviousness can be unparalleled sometimes.

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Hilarious that this faux medieval fantasy setting has a modern ass mine, complete with a steam engine, regulated inventories, cabinets, the works. Also hilarious that they put a spell scroll in a fucking file cabinet, of all things. Gotta wonder if the mine hires any wizards or something.

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The doldrums of office life transcend time and setting it seems. And really, who doesn't need wizards on staff?

I don't know whether or not the fireball scroll here can truly fail to spawn but the hint guide doesn't mention a specific location for it so it really might be a matter of being randomly placed, since you do actually need to cast Fireball in some way, shape, or form down here. Speaking of fireballs and the hint guide, it suggests that the cieling crabs (which are referred to as Trez, because... reasons, I guess) are susceptable to both fire and piercing attacks, but considering the hint guide's somewhat dubious track record of correctly providing strategies for enemies and the fact that they literally only appear on this floor of the mines and aren't really entities of note it's not exactly something I'd be sure of. Then again this game loves its enemies that exist for one entire zone in general.

Also while it's a bit early for this yet, I hate the first proper floor of the Urbish Mines. All my homies hate the first proper floor of the Urbish Mines.

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There is a fixed spawn for the Fireball scroll later in the game, though I've never had to use it. I'm about 95% positive the game forces the Fireball scroll as your item if you search enough cabinets and desks without finding it, since like I said looting the place has never failed to produce it for me.

After playing through it enough times, I actually find the Urbish Mines to be one of the breezier dungeons to get through in the game. It really depends on its confusing layout and borderline useless dead ends to bog you down, but once you know what you NEED to do, it's surprisingly straightforward and quick to get through. The first couple times I played this game though, it was intimidating and a slog because it is big and confusing with fairly unintuitive puzzles to progress.

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Update 12, Blood From A Stone


You may be wondering what these strapping gentlemen are doing in a dilapidated abandoned mine with their chest plates off and their tiddies out. Stick around, it's the funniest story.


Dropping into the first level of the Urbish Mines Mines, we're faced with the choice of left or right. Left leads to a sprawling dead end, but it also has a note to read. I am obligated to show it off, so we go west like a young Meowth.


We quickly run into a new enemy! These are Metal Scavengers, and they are the second enemy in the game that are capable of permanently destroying your armors with acid spit.


Thankfully, they don't hit too hard, so we can circumvent this problem by simply unequipping our armor. They destroy your armor about 50% of the time when attacking and this is the case for every armor destroying enemy going forward. Unequipping to deal with acid attacks isn't too big a deal in this case, but it will be painful later on. The amount of save scumming you'd have to do when armor destroying enemies attack you en masse is way more than the amount you'll have to do from getting annihilated by their attacks. The official clue book also states these guys can permanently destroy your weapons. Thank FUCKING CHRIST this is NOT the case. If acid spit enemies could destroy your weapons, the end game would be borderline unwinnable.


As it stands, math muncher here is still something of a low ball of the concept, and he's easily dispatched if you know he's coming and de-equip accordingly. There's a whole lot of nothing in this west section of Level 1, so let's just skip to the thing I want to show off.



Living rocks, eh? That's reminding me of something I can't quite place my finger on. Oh well, it'll come to me in due time I'm sure.



Returning to the entrance of Level 1 and heading east instead, we quickly come across a silver plated lock. This is where our Silver Key needs to be used, allowing us to reach an actually important section of this level.




Heading on in, we flash fry another mutant gopher and come to a hallway with two valves in it. Only one of these matters, the one on the north wall. We don't want to turn either of them at the moment though.


Just around the corner, there's a button on the west wall. This way is a dead end, so we may as well slap it.


Bopping it causes this munchkin to appear next to us. These guys can throw shuriken and do weak attacks with a high chance to poison. They are amazingly frail and Baccata usually chews them up in a single strike. (Okay technically it's two strikes but you get what I mean)



A pit also appeared behind us. We're left with no other recourse but to throw ourselves into it.



We find ourselves on Level 2 in a short hall with seemingly nothing but another pit. The more observant players will be rewarded by noticing a secret switch just one step away from where you start!


....Which opens a pit right at your feet when you hit it. Well played game.


We won't be seeing the Scavengers again for a little bit, so we can re-equip our armor now. It's a good idea too, as the enemies we're about to face hit quite hard.




We find ourselves close to a niche. In the niche, is a key. With the key, the path is clear!


But what is this over here? This is our first teleporter of the game! Despite being enamored with the classics of the Dungeon Crawler genre, Lands of Lore does surprisingly little with teleporters. There are no insidious mazes with them, and there's only a couple of instances of invisible teleporters I can recall. The Urbish Mines Mines are actually the one dungeon that does a lot with these, though their effects are pretty straightforward. This one will warp us back to the entrance of the office level. We have no need for that at the moment, so let's press on.


Say now... what's that?




It's a living rock! The rock creatures are all over Level 3 of the mines, and they extremely resilient. They are almost completely immune to weapon damage, but they take light damage from Blunt weapons. Michael won't pull out too many miracles with a Mace, but he does better than most characters who fail to dent these things at all with them. Baccata, on the other hand, can do quite well if he gets a clean double hit. That said, Michael does have his own solid options.



Frozen solid even! The living rocks are weak to Ice magic, much like the Slimes. A steady stream of Freeze 2 will deal with them quite nicely, and most can be destroyed by just having both Michael and Baccata cast Freeze 2 once.


Our goal is to the south, though like Level 1, we can find a whole lot of nothing plus a note if we head east and then north.


Tucked away in the northeast is a scroll. What enlightening wisdom is printed on this one?


Once again, trolled. Although despite being billed almost literally as a red herring, I do believe the 4 4 5 actually does mean something. More on that later.



The only other thing of note in this corner is a weird nest in the walls. Let's torch it!



Oooooo, nasty. This isn't at all necessary to do, this nest is just foreshadowing an optional area of the mines we'll be seeing later. With that taken care of, lets make way south. We'll come across a winding hallway,


That in the middle of the hall before you hit a dead end...


Is a secret wall! This is where we need to be.




In this hidden hall is another couple living rocks. These guys are double wide enemies, so only two can occupy a space at a time and only one can attack you from said space. It is worth noting that they hit pretty hard, so they actually can be pretty dangerous if they had happened to move to separate ends of this hall and then they pincer you. Thankfully that didn't happen and I just shattered them with Freeze 2. Making that stony flesh even colder to the touch! ....Hmmm, stone flesh. I wonder. Well, regardless, these guys don't seem to have anything we can use.



Once the rocks are dealt with, we can examine the door they guarded to see that it is flanked by a peculiar socket and two levers. We can flip the levers, but they don't seem to do anything. Let's round the corner and see if anything is there.


Jackpot! I'll bet this goes to the socket. This chest also contains an empty flask, if you hadn't gotten the flasks from Dawn yet. It is actually possible to come here without talking to Dawn, which results in a minor alteration to what you need to do before progressing the game after this dungeon.



That'll be something to remark on later though. Placing the gem in the socket, the door opens to reveal a mine cart! It seems to have its brakes locked though....


As it so happens, these levers are actually track switches! By flipping at least one of the switches, the brakes on the cart disengage, and we can travel along a set track. By flipping both switches, the cart will continue south along the track directly in front of us.


Phew, who needs Six Flags when you can have excitement like this from the comfort of your home! Anyway, at the tracks end we're dumped into a seemingly empty room.



As per the usual, there are secret switches we can hit to open new paths. Open this one and head right to the wall...



To find another switch and hidden path! Let's follow this hallway to the end.




At the end of this path is a vein containing coal. This is the main thing we need the pick for, though there is one other mandatory use of it a little bit later. By equipping the pick and striking the wall, we can chip out some coal for our own use.


Up to 5 pieces in fact! And we'll need all 5 of them, so be sure to exhaust this wall before moving on from it.


Oh also a living rock closed in on us while we were digging. This is one of the rare instances where this guy didn't attack me while I was digging out coal.


Returning to the track switches, we flick the left lever off so we can take the west track. The east track just leads to a dead end.





Taking this track, we get dumped into a large empty room with a short hall leading out of it. Following this hall leads us to a worn lock we can just pick to get through.




Entering the room the lock opens up causes the door to slam behind us. There are also 3 living rocks roaming this room, which again are no big deal so long as they're attacking from one side.


Once clear out the ambulant stone anal cavities, we can walk into the room and quickly find a stair case to level 4. Once you walk up to the stair case, the door to the room also reopens. Convenient!


Level 4 is seemingly a dead end small hall...



But a slyly placed secret switch reveals a teleporter for us! Let's step on through and see where it takes us.


The answer is "pain." This teleporter drops us right in front of a projectile trap and it's by far the dumbest trap in the game. This one just fires a random projectile, from fireballs to arrows every time you take a step towards it until you hit the wall. Lots of trolling in this dungeon I've noticed.





The hall also contains yet another switch, this one opening to a small hall containing a door with two locks. I dunno Baccata, the one on the right seems to be in slightly better shape. These locks cannot be picked, and require special keys to open. They are also our end goal, as our destination for this dungeon is just past this door. Getting through here is still a work in progress.


Nothing to do but double back and tank more damage.


Making our way past the trap and to a dead end in the east, we come across a living rock with a distinctly reddish color palette. Almost like it has red blood....



This one proves to be a bit more resilient than its kin, as it takes double the number of Freeze 2 spells to take it out. Nothing we can't handle on its own though.



Once it's slain, this rock actually drops something. If you haven't been picking up on my very subtle hints, the living rocks are a solution to the Draracle's riddle. Or at least, these rocks specifically are. The red living rocks on this level are guaranteed to drop Bloodstones, which count as the trophy for butchering a creature whose flesh has never lived. We've got our second elixir ingredient, and we already know where to find our third. We're making good progress on this!


That aside, there was a juncture we had to pass up to reach this area, so let's head back and check that out.




This is a 4-way intersection that has a valve at the entrance to each hall it leads to. In the center of the intersection is a motion based Woah! tile. This is a tile that will spin you when you step on it AND when you turn to face a different direction. These tiles are quite annoying, though thankfully the game never takes the chance to be REALLY mean with them. These valves will clamp down the tile, reducing the amount of times it spins you by one for each valve that is turned down.




When all the valves are in the down position, the tile will no longer spin you! Not critical, but it reduces some disorientation.



In the eastern hall from this intersection, there's a teleporter and a locked door. We can't pick the lock, and the teleporter just takes us back to the stairs from Level 3, so we'll ignore this for now.


In the west hall, we can find a collapsed tunnel. We can break through this with our pick, and this is the final time you absolutely have to use the pick. There is one more situation where you'll need the pick if you find yourself in it, but it is optional to do and the game places a pick in that area if you find yourself there anyway.


Once we smash through the rocks, we can progress to the end of a tunnel and find a pile of bones. Click on it, and...

Somewhat spooky, although the comedic music sting at the end kind of ruins it a little. He didn't say we couldn't loot his bones though!


Score? Well yes actually, this is one of the keys we need to finish the dungeon.


Baccata waits until after we loot his bones to express his sympathies, as you do. The game also embellishes him a little bit here, the voice acting just says "let him rest in peace."


The west hall is actually a forked path, with the left path seemingly being empty...


Until you step forward a couple times and a cave in happens. Nothing some elbow grease and a sturdy pick can't fix though.



Sadly, there's nothing to collect past this way. The second red living rock did make his way into this hall by happenstance though. We only need one Bloodstone, so we can ignore his drop. This is actually pretty unusual, I usually get attacked by this guy before reaching this point. With that taken care of, just one more hall to check out from the intersection.


We've also fought all the living rocks we are forced to encounter, so we can re-equip our best weaponry now.



The map looks complicated, but this place is actually remarkably straightforward to explore. We also find out that the pile of bones was Orin. Guess he should have heeded the warning about the living rocks.



Aside from the living rocks, there are occasionally more crabs to crush on this floor. These guys are no big deal, although as a light "screw you" they are highly resistant to Blunt weapons. Keep your magic at the ready if these guys approach while you're dealing with a red living rock.




Another pile of bones! No ghost on this one, though Hank does have a couple items for us. First is a note telling us his name and what he was hoping to accomplish. Guess he never got to pass it along. The other thing he has is a Gear, presumably for the pump he mentioned. It also stands to reason that it's the same pump we saw on the office level, so we should head back there now. We need to get that pump a-pumpin', so don't forget this gear!


Actually he had a pretty sensible 401k plan, investment accounts, and a bright retirement ahead of him. Don't be so judgmental, Baccata.



With that taken care of, we can pop into the teleporter we passed by and return to the stairs.



A quick ride in the cart back to the main hub of Level 2, and we're ready to take this teleporter as well. I hear some rather worrying roars in the distance though... hopefully that's nothing to be worried about.


As said previously, the teleporter drops us right at the entrance stairs of the office level. There's nothing else to do here but get the water pump working, so let's make our way there.


As expected, our Gear fits it perfectly!


That alone isn't enough to get it working though. It's gonna need some power. This is as good a time as any the demonstrate the sometimes amusingly repetitive voice acting of the game.

I wish I could get as hyped about menial tasks as Michael can.


The lever locks when the grate to the furnace is open, so let's just close that sucker and fire her up!


It actually isn't that loud, really. Anyway, this pump must be running before we move onto the next section of the mines. Despite Hank's statements, it actually affects very little if this pump is going or not. However, one major room will be flooded and inaccessible if this pump is not going. This room contains the other key we need to finish the dungeon, so we have to get this pump going before we even want to think about entering the alternate sections of the mine.


We'll be returning to Level 1, so I pre-emptively strip down. This isn't super critical as the Scavengers rarely respawn, but better safe than sorry. Rest assured, we will be seeing more of them eventually. As well, next time we'll be finishing up the Urbish Mines Mines and hopefully we'll touch base with Paulson if he hasn't been murdered.

At least the section with the metal scavengers is brief unlike that one place where playthroughs go to die (you know the one) but I still hate it. Also I guess I was wrong about the flying crabs only being on the top floor, go figure.

If the 4 4 5 actually alludes to anything even remotely relevent in this game I can't think of it but it's pretty accurate to describe the note as a red herring considering what the message translates to. Doing some digging it apparently also doubles as a Kyrandia reference but I know absolutely nothing about those games.

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My theory on what the 4 4 5 means relates to the numbered Mine keys you find in the next portion of the dungeon. There's a Mine Key 4 and a Mine Key 5 that you need to use, and an optional second Mine Key 4 that can be used to quickly escape the mines. Mine Key 2 is completely optional to use and actively puts you in danger if you use it, while Mine Key 3 does literally nothing. Thus, anything other than 4 4 5 is a red herring. Whether that's the case or just a funny coincidence, I'm not sure.

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Let's look at the Draracle's prediction again.
The first material's clue is only about "butchering" a creature who is made of non living flesh. It says nothing about needing their heart or anything. You would think it would just be about collecting their remains, like perhaps their blood or bits of their body, but no. It has to be their heart.

The second clue is also about "seeing" the sweetness of your enemy. This makes the most sense, sweetness of the enemy translating to "fantasy bee/wasp nectar" is a decent read.

The third clue is where things start getting wonky. I get that the swamp's sinkholes are deadly and deep, but deep enough to be called the "deadly depths"? Eh, doesn't really jive with me.

I'm not going to even pretend to understand what the fourth clue is. I initially thought it would be something you would collect from the mines, since "mother" could be read as Mother Earth, and mines do generally dig towards its "heart", and powders are often made off minerals extracted from underground. But I seriously doubt they would put two key items so close to each other, that would just be exceptionally rushed progression. (Though apparently the game was rushed so who knows.)

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Update 13, Miner 4 4 5'er


Got my next Persona 3 video rendering at this very moment, so why not work on another LP while that's going?

When we last left off, we had just gotten done repowering the mine's water pump device, so in theory that should assist us in exploring the depths of the mines. In practice, it's opened up one room we need to visit, but we'll get there when we get there. Returning to Level 1 of the Urbish Mines Mines, we find ourselves in front of the valves we previously ignored.




You want to turn the valve on the northern wall specifically. Doing so and re-slapping the wall switch will cause a teleporter to appear. While turning the south valve or both valves at the same time will still result in a teleporter, the teleporter that actually moves us along in the dungeon only appears with the north valve turned alone.




You'll know you got the right teleporter because the game screen will go ape shit as you proceed to spin around rapidly. Once you are sufficiently motion sick, you will find yourself seemingly trapped on a previously unseen part of Level 2. Opening the map reveals that, in truth, we are flanked by four secret walls.


We'll head through the East wall first. We're immediately faced with a cryptic message carved into the wall. The east, north, and south walls all put you in front of messages such as this one. Those of you who are genre savvy to adventure game puzzles can probably already figure out what this is supposed to say. There is a little trick to it that is sadly spoiled by them deciding to capitalize the last letter of this message, but frankly when faced with the area where we can use this clue, you could probably just guess the answer.



Each hall we step into from the central room has two switches on each side of the message we can read. The exception is the west hall, which has a lock instead of a message. I slap the switch to the left of the first clue wall and make my way to the end of the path it opens.



Following it to the end, we hit a door. Opening it up, we step in and trigger a pressure plate that slams the door behind us. We cannot leave this room until we collect the treasure it holds. The path directly in front of us just leads to a dead end, we want to turn south instead.



We come across a booby trapped hall littered with pressure plates and fire jet traps. Each time pressure is put onto a plate, the trap stops. When pressure is removed, the trap reactivates. You'd supposed to get through this by meticulously weighing down the plates as you walk through the hall.



The fire jets don't do nearly enough damage for me to feel like putting up with that nonsense, so I just say "fuck it" and barrel headlong through the hall, soaking up all the damage along the way.


A Fireball wand awaits us at the end! For me, this is just more ammo. This does serve a practical purpose beyond that though, as it being here avoids a potential softlock. There's nothing else here, so let's return to the east message hall and hit the switch to the right of the message.




In this hall, Michael detects a strange gaseous odor. No, Baccata did not just let one rip, we just hit a gas pocket in the mines.



By backing up to before Michael smelled the odor, we can hurl a Fireball to detonate the gas pocket and blow open a path forward. Obviously, if you're standing in the gas pocket when you torch it you will take damage. This is the potential softlock situation I mentioned earlier. If you reach this point without the Fireball spell or a wand, then you'll need the wand from the fire jet hall to get through here. To make absolutely sure you don't end up wasting that wand, enemies essentially don't spawn at all on this Level until you blow this hall wide open. Granted, you could still waste the wand and render the game unwinnable if you wanted, but you'd be pretty willfully stupid there if you did.



Speaking of enemies, now that the gas hall is blown open, giant flying jellyfish will begin to spawn on Level 2. In spite of themselves, they're pretty vanilla enemies. They hit decently hard, but aren't too evasive, don't have particularly high defenses or HP, and have no special quirks. Keep your Fireball wands handy though, their numbers will rapidly swell the longer you stay on this Level now, and they can overwhelm you quickly if you're not careful.


The main prize of this section of Level 2 is Mine Key 5. This is one of two keys we need to escape this Level.



Heading south now, we get our next clue message. Gee, I wonder what it could say?


The switch to the left of this message leads to a dead end hall with some bones and a message. Very bizarrely, the message is just the living rocks warning from Geof. Why he wrote it twice and why it's here in a section where you can't run into the living rocks is a mystery.




The switch to the right of the message, on the other hand, is important. This leads to a hall with a pressure plate. Weighing the plate down opens up a niche at the end of the hall with Mine Key 4. We can now escape Level 2, but there's still some things for us to check out.



Heading through the north wall, we get the final clue message.



The switch to the right of this message leads to a chest with an oil flask and Lightning scroll in it. Y'know, just in case you didn't bother to collect this trash from Opinwood.



Opening up the switch on the left first leads me into a new enemy. These weird bug creatures also start swarming the floor once the gas pocket hall is opened. They're not too special, though occasionally they can blow through your protection and deal like 50 damage for some reason. They're also insanely durable, having around 150-200 HP on average.





Among other things in this hall, we can find some treasure. These jellyfish do their damnedest to prevent me from looting this chest, to no avail. We score an oil flask, some Ginseng (which I just mindlessly used to heal Michael since I didn't really care for more money at this point), another useless empty flask, and some Bracers for Baccata.



Working our way to the end of this area, we come across what looks like a projectile trap and 3 valves across from it. Have you solved the puzzle yet?






And retneC is what the clue messages spelled. Reversing Center was a nice attempt at obfuscation, but this is an all timer stock puzzle solution so again you probably could have just guessed the answer on this one. Naturally, if you make a mistake in turning the valves, the projectile trap fires at you.




Moving on through, we find a door. Opening it and going into the hall, we find a switch on the wall. Slapping this one slams the door behind us, with no way currently to reopen it. It's important to note, BE VERY CAREFUL IN THIS AREA. Save before entering it. If you screw up and do things in the wrong order, you get locked in permanently. If you've only been using one save file and save while you're trapped in here, you have just rendered the game unwinnable.



In the center of this hall, we find a pressure plate in front of of two levers. Weight down the plate with a useless item and flip the right lever.



Doing so opens up the door at the end of the hall. This room contains a projectile trap, a wall switch which you absolutely do not want to press right now, and a chest.


Inside the chest is a 4 gem Bezel cup, a Star "Shooting", 25 crowns....


And a Dwarvish helm.


Back up to the pressure plate now, and hurl a useless item towards the wall switch. This will slap it in, activating the projectile trap and slamming the door shut. The door cannot be reopened once that switch is pressed, so you have no choice but to be shot to death if you're in the room when you press it.



Once that switch is pressed though, we can lower the right lever and raise the left one, which will reopen the door we entered from and allow us to escape.



Going through all that, we find the Dwarvish helm we collected is worse than the Great Helm we got from Dwight. Swell. I actually did this in a separate file since I didn't feel like fumbling with the puzzle when I was first recording (I didn't know the solution off hand), so we don't actually keep our spoils from this.


Instead we just get to torch some jellyfish.


We've done everything we need to do on this level, so let's escape now.



In the west hall, we can use Mine Key 4 on the lock here to open up the walls on both sides of it. The left hallway leads to a key item, while the right hall leads to stairs back up to Level 1.


We can take these stairs down to Level 3 to collect the last key item we need, but there's a little bit we can explore past it. It's also worth noting that these stairs are inaccessible if you haven't turned on the water pump, we finally reached the payoff for doing that. The stairwell will be flooded without the pump on and your characters will be none too keen on taking a dip to see what's down the stairs.


Not that there's anything that good save for some bugs and a Longsword Flayer.



Taking the stairs down, we find ourselves in a short hallway with a Woah! tile right in front of us. This one is motion based, so any turn we make on it will result in a spin.



This one is not too hard to deal with though. Turn right twice to end up facing a switch. Hit the switch to open up a niche, and then turn left once to face the niche and collect the Shiney[sic] Key that lies within. This is the counterpart to the Rusty Key that we need to finish this dungeon.




Returning to Level 2 and taking the hall to right of the Mine Key 4 lock puts us in front of yet another lock. This one takes Mine Key 5. Open it up, and we have access to a new section of Level 1.



We find ourselves faced with yet another locked door, the lock for this one is directly to the left of it in that hallway. We're on Level 1 again and Metal Scavengers are lurking here, so be sure to strip off your armor.



Here's a slightly unintuitive puzzle. You don't actually have to remove your weapons here, and in fact you need to do the opposite of what you'd expect. Pick up the rock in front of the sign (Technically a weapon) and either hurl it to the side or place it in your inventory. When you step away from the sign, you'll here the sound of rocks shifting in the distance. There's an invisible pressure plate in front of the sign, and by removing all weapons i.e. the rock, you take the pressure off of it and open up another section of Level 1. This is worth doing as it leads to a fantastic weapon.




Aside from the occasional munchkin, there's actually very little in this section of Level 1. Head all the way East until you can't go any further, and then head north to find an alcove with a second Emerald Blade and Mine Key 2. Strangely, there is not a third Emerald Blade in the game, which is potentially unfortunate. Mine Key 2 is optional to collect and undesirable to use, but for the sake of completeness we'll grab it.


Now along the southern walls, there are tons of secret walls. None of them actually lead to anything though. This one on the East wall, however, does go somewhere.



We want to head to the west from it though. These weapons are only accessible if you removed the rock from the remove weapons sign. The Saber Wolf is another junk named weapon, and the Mace is just another Mace Puma. Backing up one step, we actually just stepped past yet another secret wall. Like these weapons, you need to remove the rock in order open up the path to this.




Inside this secret area, we find more munchkins to torch, and the memoirs of Uklug. Has it been spelled Orx the whole time, and the Orcs spelling is just a Gladstonian slur? The Lore of the Lands runs deep....





More importantly than that though, across from the graffiti is a chest with a useless Hale Leather Jerkin (just a slightly better leather jerkin) and the Great Maul Hammerhead! As you can see, it's a mighty weapon and a serious upgrade over a crappy Mace Puma. Well worth your time to pick up.

Incidentally, one of the rare items you can get from the cabinets on the office level is a nameless Great Maul. I have only ever gotten that once, on my first refresher playthrough as Ak'shel. How it gets crammed into a file cabinet or desk drawer is anyone's guess.


Returning to the secret wall in the east, we're actually faced with two choices on how to proceed. Our first option is to take a roundabout but safe way back to Level 4 by going through this secret wall. The other option is to use the Mine Key 2 we got to open up that door we passed by and take a direct but more dangerous route to Level 4. In my opinion, you should just ignore the Mine Key 2 door and go through the East Wall since it only takes you slightly out of your way, but we'll cover both for this LP. Cause I like ya a lot. Now don't take that too serious!



Heading through the east wall, we find a lock right next to where we enter. Strangely, the wall seals itself once we step through it, trapping us here! Even more strangely, we can pop the lock with the Mine Key 2 we have. Which is pretty pointless on its own since we can't open the other lock at the Level 1 stairs if we use the key here.




Wrapping around the hall we've found ourselves in, we can find two paths that are both blocked by pits. Now we can just jump into either pit to move on, but let's go over the intended puzzle here. The middle path has a valve next to it, and turning this one seals the middle pit.



Stepping into the middle path, we find an alcove with another Mine Key 2 in it, but taking it causes the pit to reopen! Putting the key back won't get rid of the pit. You'll never guess what you're supposed to do here because it is unbelievably stupid.



For whatever reason, throwing the Mine Key 2 to other side of the pit seals both the middle path pit and the pit in the path at the end of this hall. How the hell you're supposed to figure this out is beyond me, and indeed most comments I've seen about this seem to think this is an impossible puzzle.



We can use the Mine Key 2 to escape from here, but going to the path at the end of the hall will allow us to obtain Mine Key 3. As far as I'm aware, this key does literally nothing. Since most people have never solved the puzzle to get this key, it's also commonly believed you can only obtain it by no-clipping to it.





Aside from the useless key, this path also has a valve in it. Turning it reopens the pit that you just closed, and trying to turn it back will reveal that the valve is stuck and you have no choice but to throw yourself into the pit now, rendering this whole section pointless. I kind of respect the troll, honestly.





We find ourselves in another sequestered section of Level 2. This room has little in it, just a bug, a switch and a pressure plate. Weighing down the plate and hitting the switch reveals a teleporter.


Stepping through the teleporter drops us back at the entrance stairs of the Office level. At this point, we can work our way back to Level 4 and finish up this dungeon. As said previously, you can just skip the asinine puzzle for Mine Key 2 and immediately dive into a pit to reach this point. This is not a very interesting route to take though, let's see what the alternative is.




Popping the other Mine Key 2 lock by the Level 1 staircase reveals a lonely room with a single valve in it. Before turning this valve, be absolutely sure to re-armor yourself and get your Fireball wands at the ready.



Turning the valve immediately opens a pit and dumps our sorry asses into yet another sequestered portion of Level 2.





And once again, it's another small hall with some kind of switch to hit in order to open a pit. In this case, we have a pressure plate that gets flanked by pits when weighed down. Just drop something on it to open the pits and take another tumble, this time into Level 3.


You do not even get a chance to process what's happening before you find yourself getting mauled from almost all sides by Avian worms (These were the distant roars from earlier). These flying enlarged tape worms are serious fuckers, they are incredibly evasive and highly resistant to weapon damage. They do have low HP, but your conventional attacks against them are so weak it hardly matters. Their numbers are also tremendous, and there is only one other situation in this game where you will find yourself getting aggressed on by more enemies than this at once. They don't hit too hard, but because there are so many of them and they are so hard to kill normally, you will quickly find yourself being devoured if you come into this unprepared. Fortunately, I did come prepared!








Michael proceeds to unload with with the Fireballs, torching over a dozen worms in the process. That ate up two whole wands and most of a third, but if you don't do that this section is almost unbeatable on anything but Wimpy mode. This is the big reason why you should skip this path, especially if you don't have Fireball wands.



We aren't out of the woods yet though, remember that nest from Update 12? Well this section of Level 3 has them too, and they will endlessly spit out Avian Worms unless you torch them. Blast this one, and we get a moment to catch our breath finally.



There's only the one nest in this section of Level 3, and thankfully it's sealed off from the rest of Level 3 until we hit this switch. Taking the time to rest, we can now hit the switch and move onto the next part of the Avian Worm den.



As a nice little wake up call, a projectile trap awaits us in the newly opened hall. Thankfully it doesn't hurt us too much.


Moving forward a little bit, it seems a living rock has gotten lost in this section. Baccata makes quick work of him with his brand new Great Maul.




There's a fork in the path in the Northwest. Continuing west leads to an extra Pick. The reason for that is because of a weakened wall on the east path. If you came into this area without the Pick from before, you would be trapped at this point. They were surprisingly conscientious of all the ways the player might get softlocked in this dungeon, which makes the goof with the Sapphire Eye path in the Draracle's Cave stand out all the more.





Moving on, we blast through what feels like hundreds of worms and blow apart another nest. Hopefully that makes things a little less hectic here!




Working our way around the Avian Worm den, we find a secret switch that opens up a connecting path back to the Level 3 Teleporter room! Not that we care to use that at the moment, we need to make our way back to Level 4. Do note that if you didn't torch all the Avian Worm nests, they will proceed to absolutely flood level 3 of the mines. This really doesn't matter though, we can escape the mines without returning to Level 3.





Returning to Level 4 and using our Rusty and Shiney[sic] keys to pop that door we passed up before open, we are rewarded with an endlessly firing projectile trap when we step forward.



In front of the trap is a door and a motion based Woah! tile. We just need to make one left turn when standing on the tile to be put face-to-face with door. Stepping into winding hallway #314, we travel to the end and reach our final destination of the Urbish Mines!


It's Paulson, he's okay! I assume he means Lost as in dead, and not lost as in "lost in these confusing ass mines" which is also an equally valid interpretation.

Image: "We have discovered a recipe for the Elixir! We need the keys so that we may apply it to King Richard."





Paulson reveals his key to us, giving us a fine addition to our collection. Oh and he joins our party I guess. There's a variety of flavor text in this room, though it is all very to the point and uninteresting. For the sake of the LP though,

When clicking on the papers around the room,

Image: "Ancient Maps."

When clicking on the books on his desk,

Image: "Studies of gemlore and excavation."

Paulson seemingly did not learn anything about the Mines or the Nether Mask, or if he did he never bothers to tell us.

When clicking on his candle,

Image: "It burns slowly.

When clicking the torch,

Image: Torches aren't much good."

Torch industry is reeling from the invention of lanterns. Sad to see the old ways flicker and die.

When clicking on the barrel,

Image: "Yvelian Brew."

So for the past couple hours out of universe and past few days in, Paulson has just been reading non-fiction and getting absolutely plastered. We're playing a dungeon crawler and Paulson has been playing a cozy RPG. Bastard.

When clicking on Paulson himself,

Image: "We should leave."

I agree.

Image: "We're off to save good King Richard."


Much like Baccata was before, Paulson is delighted to be in our party. Paulson looks like a schlubby middle aged Ron Weasley after 2 divorces. We'll go over his stats in a minute, but suffice to say Paulson doesn't light the world on fire.



Taking a few steps out from Paulson's man cave, he'll shout out a secret button and reveal it for us.


All his shit is just haphazardly thrown on the ground here. Have some care for your wares, my dude. The most notable thing here is the Vaelan's Cube. This is the item we need to break Scotia's barrier, though I don't know if anything in the game tells you that. It's worth noting that if you come here and get Paulson without talking to Dawn, the cube will not be here. Instead, you'll get it from Dawn when visiting Droek's wagon, to make absolutely sure you meet with her before progressing the game.


Paulson's gear is mostly good armor but with an absolutely horrible weapon. How he got here wielding this piece of shit is beyond me. Hell, how he got past the Lahrkon is also a mystery. He's rogue level 2, so maybe his ninja skills are on point. Oh yeah speaking of his stats,

Paulson's Final Stats

HP ~123
MP ~86
Might 60
Protection 90

His starting HP is 105 and his starting MP is 45. Paulson has only a marginally better Might modifier than Ak'shel and Kieran, though he seems to be more accurate than them. Being at Fighter Level 5 actually works against him, since he is so weak he gets barely any Fighter exp, and he's not liable to reach 6 before the game is over save for one possible situation. He's a decent enough Mage though if you haven't been working on your protagonist. 45 MP isn't much, but he needs just one level up to use Heal 4, and his Might modifier is technically better than Baccata's (remember Baccata's huge Might comes from the fact he wields two weapons, his actual modifier is the lowest in the game), so his spells deal relatively better damage. His protection modifier is awful though, worst in the game next to Kieran. Paulson is a very appealing target to enemies due to this, and most fights going forward will see him eating shit constantly. He also starts at Rogue 2, so he can get to 4 relatively quick with the CBV if you haven't been working on your Rogue skills thus far. Since we're light on good weapons and his physical attacks suck anyway, it's sensible to just slap the CBV on him regardless.

It's rare to have Late Character Syndrome pop up in a game where the max party size is 3 and the last guy who joins you does so at the game's halfway point, but Paulson manages this feat. It's like if in Dragon Quest 2, the Prince of Cannock was the last character to join and he didn't do so until you got the ship and collected 3 crests. Oh yeah we've just finished Act 2 and are halfway done with the game. Get ready to say goodbye to Michael.


Aside from all that, there's also a 4 gem Bezel cup here and another Mine Key 4.


This key actually goes to the lock we passed up way back when we first explored Level 4. The one by the teleporter at the 4-way intersection.


The room it leads to... has even more teleporters! This one right in front of us just teleports you one step backwards, placing you right in front of it again. Not the biggest troll, that honor goes to,


This southern teleporter. This one dumps you back at the secret wall chamber on Level 2, ensuring a longer trip back to the Mines' entrance. The teleporter we actually want to take is,



The northern one, which sends us back to the Office entrance stairs! Now we can get the hell out of here.

Incidentally, this is what I think the Piscata Rosea note was alluding to before. Mine Keys 4 and 5 actually do something necessary or useful, while 2 and 3 either are actively unhelpful or do literally nothing, being red herrings. Whether or not that's just a coincidence is for you to decide and internally roast me for if you think I'm being stupid.


Making our way back to Upper Opinwood, we now can get some Honey. Incidentally, the honey can actually be used on your characters for some funny reactions.

Apparently it's just a tad too sweet. Who'd have thought gulping honey directly from a hornet's nest would not be very appetizing?






Returning to Scotia's barrier and blasting it with Vaelan's Cube repeatedly will shatter the barrier! Unfortunately, the cube is destroyed in the process as well. I hope we can get a new one...



Heading west from the barrier, we come across a cave that connects directly to Yvel woods! This is the staging ground for Act 3 of Lands of Lore, and when we return Ak'shel will be carrying to torch going forward. Hope to see you then!
Last edited by Cullen on Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.

User avatar
Man the designers really let their inner trolls "shine" through this dungeon, huh.

Yay for a new party member! Even if he kinda sucks.

I believe this link is broken.

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The video link should be fixed now, I was falling asleep in my chair by the time I posted this lol.

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Kinda funny they let your party taste the honey, heh. I wonder if they can drink the swamp water? :stonk:

Funnily enough I've always rammed my face into the avian worms and it's worked even without mass fireball wands. It's still one of the more dangerous areas in the game because of how annoying they are to hit and how many of them there are.

The jellyfish things are referred to as magic mirrors by the hint guide despite not looking... especially mirror like and while the hint guide alludes to them being able to reflect spells sometimes I doubt that was ever actually implemented. They're not terribly durable anyways. Meanwhile greater multipedes (the grey bug things) are indeed one of the sturdiest enemies in the game at 125 base hp but are mostly a nothingness outside of that and their ability to blend into the floor.

Paulson is... okay and mainly looks bad because he's next to Bacatta, who makes most people look bad, and because this game apparently hates people who aren't the champion having MP. There's remarkably little else to say about him, his reintroduction is fairly boring and the flavor dialogue is mostly dried up at this point.

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Like I said in the update, Paulson does at least seem to have a greater degree of accuracy than Kieran and especially Ak'shel with his melee strikes despite his fairly poor Might modifier. I'd actually be curious to know if that's an actual thing, because even disregarding Might scores Ak'shel seems to roll no damage on his weapon strikes frighteningly often. I was doing some leveling with the premade file I had, and it would take Ak'shel 1 in about every 20 attacks to actually hit a giant hornet. Contrast with Michael who usually hits them with 1 in every 4 or so strikes. That's a stark difference Might alone doesn't seem to account for, though the under the hood mechanics of this game are incredibly obfuscated so maybe it really does. Going back to Paulson, his main problem is his garbage protection stat. He has a lot of HP but it gets absolutely blasted through because when stacked against any non-Kieran protagonist he usually has about 30 less protection with the same armor. Since he doesn't really have any other attributes that jump out and say "I'm awesome!" he can kind of feel like a third wheel at times.

I'm definitely inclined to agree that there's a hidden accuracy stat involved since armor values don't really go up high enough to really explain why Ak'shel is worse at fighting than his might stat would indicate, that said I wouldn't know any details on the matter, other than it seems pretty clearly impossible to do literally 0 damage if you do hit. As for Paulson's poor protection stat, I can't really say that I've ever really noticed it in much in practice since certain enemies (including one which I'm sure we'll run into shortly) simply hit so hard to begin with that getting near-two shotted with them is the norm.

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So I was going to grab screenshots for the next update since I have the next section of the game recorded, and I figured since I had a file close to when I finished the Urbish Mines that I could take Paulson to Dawn and see if she has any reaction to him immediately after recruiting him. She doesn't, simply asking if you have made the Elixir and turning you away when your protagonist states you haven't, but the comment she makes caught my interest.


I have no clue what spell she could possibly be referring to here. She didn't mention a spell when we last talked to her, and it'll probably not surprise you to find out that Dawn does jack all for the party in the end game. This is possibly another aspect of the quest to create the Elixir that ultimately just never got implemented, but I thought it was interesting enough to share.

On an unrelated note, I come bearing some embarrassing news that I invite the thread to roast me for. I was having some unrelated streaming issues with OBS and among other things I installed the newest update to try and fix the problem. For some reason this blanked the capture I had set for Lands of Lore, and instead of just deleting it and creating a new one, I just unchecked the box in properties that said "Client Area" which put video back in the capture. With one exception compared to before.


Because I am hyper oblivious, I did not notice the Dos box border until I was literally half way through grabbing screens for the next update. I am far too lazy to crop and resize all these images and I don't feel like redoing this section, so we'll just carry on and say it's a goof that adds character. Or that part of Ak'shel's magical abilities is that he grants hyper awareness of the CPU speed and cycles of Dos Box to the player. This will only be a problem for the next 3 updates thankfully, I got it fixed and any future recordings I make won't have this issue. I also had the foresight to save before the one moment of video I wanted to upload to Youtube, so I was able to quickly re-record that.

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Clearly she was working on the GTFO spell.

Eh, don't beat yourself up over it, these mistakes happen. Better to have somewhat flawed screenshots than no screenshots at all.

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Update 14, It Says "White TOWER" I Swear


I'll admit I'm reaching a bit with this one. The next one will be more inspired, promise.

Music: Yvel Woods


Shout outs to Explopyro who pointed out I was a dumbass who didn't mess around enough with the cropping features of IrfanView which let me fix the issues I was having with the screenshots for this current recording. (They worded it nicer than that, I just enjoy being irreverent.)

Anywho, we find ourselves in the shoes of Ak'shel now. Michael has returned to LA to kick off his underground duo with Thes One, so now Ak'shel will be carrying the torch for this quest. Ak'shel is the magic focused protagonist, having a much bigger starting MP stat as well as gaining more MP per Mage level. His Mage level also seems to increase faster, though that may be confirmation bias on my part.


As you can see in his stat screen, he actually has a unique silhouette compared to our previous two White Male Leads, with a cute lil' tail and everything. I guess Draconoids are related to dragons though I'm not sure what the exact relation is. Probably not something we want to think too hard about. Disregarding that, I got Ak'shel up to Mage level 5 and Rogue Level 4 like Michael, but I was struggling to get him out of Fighter level 3. He's equipped with the Great Maul Hammerhead right now, to much less effect than Michael who would have over 70 Might with it. Even ignoring his lower damage potential, Ak'shel seems to just have a natural accuracy penalty with melee weapons. I was trying to train him on Hornets and I could take 20 swings and not hit anything, while Michael and Conrad usually only take like 3 or 4 swings to finally swat them. Again, this might be confirmation bias or a misunderstanding of the game's heavily obfuscated mechanics, but it certainly feels that way.


I got Paulson up to Rogue 4 as well, since the CBV makes that process take only 5 minutes. By blasting a few hornets with a Fireball wand, Paulson has also hit Mage 4, giving him enough MP to cast Heal 4 which actually will come in handy soon. Paulson doesn't have the worst Might modifier in the game, so his spells also deal decent enough damage. I double checked the refilling chest outside the Gorkha Swamp and found that I had triggered it in this file, so I was able to slap some spare Bracers onto Paulson. Not a huge defense boost, but with his miserable Protection modifier he appreciates every point he can get.




Quick round up of the HP and MP we have to work with now. As you can see, Ak'shel can cast a half dozen Spark 4 spells or 2 Fireball 3 spells, which is pretty solid in spite of his low Might modifier. Paulson has oodles of Hit Points but his low Protection means they deplete quickly. We'll be seeing him in near death a lot going forward. Pretty unlucky HP gains for Baccata on this file, this is towards the lower end of what he can expect to have with his current levels. (Fighter 5, Rogue 3, Mage 4)


Yvel Woods is a decent sized map with almost nothing in it so we are going to heavily streamline the trip I take through it. Bearing west from where you enter, you'll find yourself immediately blocked by another Scotia Barrier. This being here raises several questions later on, but for right now it's just another way to impede our progress. The city of Yvel is beyond this barrier, and we'll need another Vaelan's Cube to break through. I'm going to reiterate this multiple times though, DO NOT DO THIS WHEN YOU FIRST GET THE CHANCE. Trust me.


Yvel Woods is loaded with tree knots and open stumps that are usually empty. I got a Ginseng from one of them, but not the somewhat valuable rare item you can get from them. There's a fixed location for the item in question in the next dungeon though, so it's not a huge deal if we get it now.


Heading east, then north, then west from the Yvel woods entrance will place you in front of this area. A somewhat ominous formation is in the distance...


As soon as you step forward, Great Orcs begin to pour out from the left and right openings. Great Orcs, as the name implies, are upgrades to the long outmatched Orcs we fought at the beginning of the game. The official clue book describes them as thus,


Lovely. That last bit seems to be accurate though, they do typically shrug off or take minimal damage from attacks with Great Mauls. We're going to be seeing plenty of these guys in the future, though much less than we're supposed to in the present for reasons I'll get into later.



These guys are quite durable (Between 200-300 HP on average in Ferocious mode) and can nail you for about 20-30 damage per hit, but with only a couple coming from one direction, our well trained and kitted out team can blast them down no issue. Don't underestimate them though, they can be quite dangerous in large numbers.



Rare image of Ak'shel actually landing a melee strike. With a Maul on a Great Orc as well!


For no reason in particular, this Great Orc off to the left has the second Vaelan's Cube we need. I have to reiterate right now, DO NOT BREAK THE SCOTIA BARRIER TO YVEL CITY RIGHT NOW. It can be tempting to do so, we can find and buy a lot of good new gear there, but doing that right now makes the game unbelievably difficult and annoying to finish. So again, DO NOT DESTROY THE SECOND SCOTIA BARRIER at this moment. We can do it no problem later.


Music: Path to Cimmeria


Stepping into the ominous area, we find it is the bridge to Castle Cimmeria, the abhorrent abode of the atrocious arcanist Scotia! I presume Ak'shel is put on edge by the crowd with torches on the other side of the bridge.


Clicking on the castle in the distance results in Paulson dropping this line that is a lot funnier to me than it probably should be. It's the really nonchalant and disinterested way he says it.




The moment you hit a key to move forward, the bridge collapses and the final dungeon is rendered inaccessible. Not that we could really do anything there at this point, what without all the keys and the Elixir. I'm not sure if the implication is that the Orcs cut the bridge or if it was just in really poor condition. Perhaps King Graham had already crossed it one time too many.


Not with that attitude Ak'shel! You call yourself a champion with that pessimism?


At this point we have no choice to retreat and search for something else to do in the Yvel Woods. We've encountered a major glitch however! Arguably a beneficial one but it definitely makes the LP less interesting. What's supposed to happen here is that once you collect the Cube and witness the bridge collapsing, Yvel Woods is supposed to suddenly be flooded with Great Orcs. And I mean dozens of them. This makes exploring the woods much more perilous at this point.

For some reason though, every time after my first playthrough, this Orc Ambush... just doesn't happen when I get here. I have no idea what is causing this, but the Great Orcs have only ever spawned in properly the first time I've played this game on this computer. It might be related to my save data that is placed after this point which is confusing the game and causing the sequence trigger to bug out, but that's just a guess. Pour one out for Ak'shel's Battle Tendency.


There is legitimately almost nothing in the Yvel Woods without this ambush, so let's just head back. If you head straight north from the start, you'll encounter one of the main attractions of this area.



I assume this is also the Tower Scotia was referring to when she placed the first Barrier, though what business she would have here is unclear. We never find out and that plot point never comes back. For our purposes though, this is both where we can find an item that'll let us craft the Elixir and holds the alter at which we can put our ingredients together. Let's make our way in!

Music: White Tower Floor 1


One funny thing about this place that I can't link back to since nobody has archived an inferior version of this game's soundtrack, if you don't have a sound card that can play this game's music with the intended instrumentation this area has the most ear splitting and unpleasant music in the entire game. Not a problem on modern systems with the GoG version, but it came up occasionally in old videos when people personally emulated this game through DOS. The LPer Kikoskia had the wrong version of the soundtrack in his first LP of the game.


That digression aside, let's work our way through this tower. We have several goals to accomplish in The White Tower, our first one being fully charting out the first floor. Eventually we'll be able to assemble the Elixir here, but there's quite a bit we need to clear out. Along the way you'll find a bunch of outdated junk weapons, such as this Rapier "Talon".



For some reason, the White Tower floor 1 is home to a posse of glam chicks with some serious 80's hair. The game identifies them as Amazons, and they are extremely aggressive.




These Amazons use the Chainmail Swimsuit model of armor, and correspondingly are weak to the Freeze spell. This is as good a time as any to cast Freeze 4, which encases your enemy in an Ice Wall! If it kills them, they become trapped in the wall and you can shatter it with a melee strike. If it doesn't kill them, they'll immediately break out through their own efforts. Freeze 4 doesn't do enough damage over 3 to justify the highly inflated MP cost, so I basically never use it. I just wanted to show it off here since Ak'shel can keep going with magic after using it.




After laying waste to this band of Poison groupies, they drop an oddly phallic object that the game identifies as a Mystic Key. We'll be getting many of these throughout our time here.



I clean up the remaining Amazon and take a quick snooze. That room has nothing else in it, so making our way back out and taking a step north we find an alcove with a note for us.


The level of punnery on display here leaves me unimpressed. Alright, so we have to keep our eyes peeled for a ring of some sort, got it.



To the East there is a sealed door with no switch. Luckily, the North door can be opened no problem, so lets make our way through here.


In the middle of the following hall, there's a sealed door with a switch embedded into the wall next to it....


But this is just the game pulling a fast one on you. There are more than a few dummy switches that do nothing but fuck with you a little in the remaining dungeons of the game.



Past that switch though are two doors we actually can open. Both of them immediately feed into staircases leading to Level 2 of the White Tower, though we only want to go up one of them right now.


Taking the east staircase, we are put into a small room with another phallus of unlocking for us. Let's pocket that and return to Level 1.


A Star "Vega" is in front of the projectile trap, and like all named stars up to this point it's just a minorly stronger ninja star. Also known as junk.


Roaming around Level 1 are also these little slug felllas. These guys are extremely non-threatening and usually die in one or two hits, but there is a sort of mini quest revolving around them on this floor. Also for some reason they spit arrows at you as a projectile. Figure that one out in your spare time.


We come across an indent for our phalluses, though sadly none of the ones we have a the moment actually fit this one. Note that the door opening off to the right is not from something I did. It's been awhile since we've seen door opening enemies, the Amazons are able to freely move about Level 1 and closing yourself into a room will not guarantee you respite from them.



We get an encore performance from Jem and The Holograms in the opened hall, but it's the same set that was played last time. It is wise to stick to blasting Amazons with Freeze. They don't hit very hard, but they are extremely evasive. Even Baccata can take upwards of 5 swings to actually land a blow on them.


For our efforts here, we get a Long Sword "Gnarl". It is a slightly stronger Long Sword with no special effect.



I squish another slug and take a peek in the hall now that it is free of cooties, but tragically we've already gotten all the spoils we can expect from here.



Continuing eastward until we can no longer, we can find this vent in the wall. This can be sealed up by clicking on it, which will prevent slugs from spawning here. In case you were being overwhelmed by the almost no damage they deal to you in the several minute long intervals it takes for them to respawn.


Directly south of the vent is yet another slug who I elect to put out of his loneliness. There is also a door in this hall, but it has no switch to open it. Quite a lot of those on this floor. We've done everything we can in the east at the moment, so let's return to the projectile trap and go west instead.




We find this somewhat odd door that just has a wall behind it. Once the door is open though, the hall behind you seals itself off with another wall!... until you just close the door again.



There's also a chest in here, but it has nothing when you pop it open. Now the very first time I played the game, this chest did have something in it (that I can't recall what it was) but every time after it's just had nada. I'm not sure what I did differently in that playthrough.


Yet another lock that we just don't have the right key for. When will we find something that these mystic keys actually fit into?






Going north from the trick room and bearing west, I open a door in the north wall that contains yet more Amazons. I hit them with the sensation of cold November rain, when yet more Amazons pour in from the south!




More Amazons are chilling figuratively in a room to the west, so I pop on over to make that literal. I get a nameless Long Sword for my efforts, leaving me feeling strangely empty.


We've had to wade through quite a few bodies at this point, so we actually haven't covered as much ground as you might think. There's a bit to scrounge around for here, but it doesn't really feel like we're making any progress...



We find some more conventional looking locks along to walls to the south. The first one can be picked, though the room it opens has diddly-squat in it. The second one requires a special key to open and fittingly leads to a key item in turn.



The other slug vent is on this side of Level 1 as well, so I guess we'll seal it up while we're here.



In an exciting turn of events, I find an indent our first phallus fits snugly into and get rewarded with a less rusty phallus. Hooray?


It's a worthwhile trade, as a matter of fact. This one opens that lock in the northeast corner, which is where we need to go to actually make progress.





A number of hearts to kickstart in this room as it so happens. For our efforts we get another nameless Long Sword and another key of the Mystic Variety. There are also some lockpicks here if for some reason you tossed your set away like an idiot. I should note the Nameless Long Swords are rare drops, and it is quite unusual to get any of them. This Mystic Key will be used immediately.


But it doesn't seem to do anything.... is there something else needed?



Jackpot! Beyond the cell door is our main objective for Level 1. I considered doing all of Level 1 and Level 2 in a single update, but that would be a pretty hefty amount of images and text, so we'll be handling the remainder of Level 1 and the extremely brief Level 2.... Next time!
Last edited by Cullen on Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Quite a vibe to solve a challen- I mean tedious four level dungeon for a key item, only to have a random monster from the next area drop it casually.

So why does this magical tower house a bunch of angry ladies and some slugs? Heck, why do they even live here? I think that's about as random as the Draracle's cave randomly having cavemen enemies.

User avatar
it would be boring if the tower had nothing to fight in it, obvs.

Well of course the slugs shoot arrows at you, they're archer slugs, why wouldn't they.

Anyways if that empty chest ever had anything the hint guide sure doesn't mention it. And yeah I'm pretty sure Ak'shel does actually gain mage levels faster than the others, presumably as compensation for the lack of muscle-wizardom? It would be rather silly if the person billed as the mage champion turned out to be actually worse at it in -all- respects.

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Someone on SomethingAwful clued me in on the deal with the empty chest. The chest will only contain an item if your first attempt at picking it is succesful, and is empty otherwise. The item in question is a Star “Fire”, which despite the name is another vanilla shuriken with a slightly higher might value. Shame, a Star CBV that hurls out exploding shuriken would be pretty badass.

Well that's a rather bizarre bug. At least nothing of value was lost.

User avatar
It may not be a bug and is actually the intention for that particular chest. There are some fairly strange mechanics and triggers in this game, as you'd expect of an old dungeon crawler.

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Update 15, Arise Chicken


The calm before the storm. This will be a relatively short update as there is very little of this floor left and the second floor of the White Tower goes by extremely quickly. Level 3, however, really deserves it's own update because it can be a doozy. It won't be too bad for this LP, but it is an infamous brick wall for people playing this game the first time.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves though, last time we waded through the last remaining fangirls of Hair and Glam and found what seems to be a cell, Judging by the manacles in the distance, we can presume someone is being held here.



Stepping towards the chains that bind, we find this down on his luck fellow who doesn't sound desperate at all.

Image: "I recognize him. That is the thief that was banished from Gladstone last year!"

Ooo, dip. Poison the well for this guy some more Baccata, please. I guess it speaks good of the Gladstone crime rate that thieves are so rare that when Baccata sees one he can immediately recognize them on that alone. Or maybe Gladstone is an iron fisted police state that drives all ne'er-do-wells like the thugs we killed in Update 3 into the Northland forests. Either or.


Image: "Why are you in here?"



Keep Jana in mind, she'll become relevant soon. We're also faced with our last moral choice (sort of, there's technically one more we find in an already phenomenally fucked up situation later), to free the thief (his name is Lyle btw), to kill him, or to leave him to his fate. I think it's obvious what we should do first.




Ha ha, that was ice cold and twisted, Ak'shel.


He has slightly more money than the Beggar, but that's not all he had for us.




Somehow while imprisoned, Lyle rigged up a secret switch that opens a hidden alcove behind his manacles that contains an Amber Ring. This is an... well I would say important key item but you technically don't need to collect this. Regardless, it has value beyond its intended purpose so it's worth grabbing. We can always get this though, so let's explore the other options.


Rewinding, if you try to leave Lyle will sweeten his offer by adding on the Amber Ring we just robbed from him in another timeline. You can refuse and just leave though.



We do ultimately want the ring, so let's come back to him.



Coming back and freeing him will net you the ring, though Lyle slyly leaves out the Crowns he previously promised. I guess we did kind of jerk his chain, no pun intended, so he isn't really obligated to give us money.


It is worth noting that the Amber ring can be equipped and provides a small amount of protection, 5-8 points depending on who is equipping it. Finally, let's see what happens if we free Lyle after initially trying to leave him.




Lyle reneges slightly on this version of the deal, only giving us 8 crowns. It's a pittance either way. Note that if you free him before he offers the ring up, you just have to tag the secret switch like you would if you had killed him to obtain it. With the ring in tow, let's double back to the entrance. Remember the "Ring for Admittance" note?


Oh there was also a dagger by the lockpick set we passed by, and I need to satisfy my hoarding.



Placing the Amber Ring in the alcove will "ring" us in and open up a new path.


A lone Amazon awaits us, the last bastion of the power ballad.



Jana what are you talking about, we slaughtered your entire crew. Admittedly not in single combat, but they often outnumbered us and I guarantee you Baccata could squash them in about... like 5 or 6 swings it takes him to get a clean hit.


She really loves threatening to rip out hearts, huh?



Anyways Jana is what passes for a boss fight in Lands of Lore. She is identical to a normal Amazon except with way more HP and she hits for 20-40 damage on average. She can be a little threatening, but this battle mostly boiled down to Ak'shel and Paulson chipping her down with Freeze while she kicked Baccata in the Thomgog testes, and then Baccata snapped back and completely clapped her.



Jana has a high, though not guaranteed, chance of dropping the Great Sword "Trouble". It's a minor upgrade over the regular Great Sword, about on par with the Great Maul Hammerhead.


A Mystic Key awaits us behind her, which also opens up a path back to the west end of Level 1 when we grab it.


That doesn't really matter, because I elect to take the Amber Ring back and give it to Ak'shel for a little bit more Protection. This shuts off Jana's room, and by extension the shorter path back to that part of the White Tower. That only adds about 10 seconds to our travel time.


With all that taken care of, we can take the west stairwell in the central hall up to Level 2.



We immediately hit a lock that requires one of our Mystic phalluses, which I am happy to oblige it with. Our inventory is actually getting pretty crowded after all the weapon drops we got.


Funneling into Level 2, we find another troll door. There's quite a few of these on this floor actually.




Immediately west of that is probably the weirdest trap room in the game. It's loaded with pressure plates, but these don't seem to do anything in and of themselves. The way this room works is that whenever you are facing one of the projectile traps in the room and aren't against a wall, the trap fires on you. This means that if you go into the center of the room, every time you turn you'll get blasted with a Fireball.


You're going to take a little damage entering this room, so keep Heal 4 at the ready.


In a little corner in the southwest of the room is a guaranteed Fireball scroll if you didn't find it in the Urbish Mines. I've never needed this, but I figured I should show that it's here.


Opposite of it is yet another Mystic Key. You collect like 10 of these altogether by the end of this dungeon.



Heading east through the fairly empty central chamber of Level 2, we find a lock on the wall. This can be picked, but let's check out what's past it first.



There's a small sort of puzzle room due north of the lock.




Simply close the room's door when you enter to "darken" it, revealing a switch. Hitting this switch awards yet another Mystic Key in an alcove.


Let's actually pick that lock now.



As soon as you enter the room, the door slams down behind you.


The key we got from Jana, however, goes into the lock here which reopens the door. You don't actually need to do this to escape the room, rendering the need to kill Jana inert.





Anyway, the room is seemingly filled with pits, but some of them are illusory. The correct path is one step north, east until you're over the next to last pit before the wall, north all the way to the wall, and then turn and go one step west to be able to pick up the Mystic Key. If you didn't have Jana's key, you'd have to dive into one of the real pits to escape from here, which dumps you behind one of the sealed doors on Level 1, which turn out the have the switches to open them behind them. We don't need to do this, so I just trace the route back and leave that way.




Despite his stammering and nervous demeanor, the update title was not in reference to Lyle. These cyclops chickens start to spawn in if you spend too much time on Level 2. They're hilariously non-threatening in melee range, but if you let them attack from a distance they'll spit out highly damaging Fireballs at you. This is the only one I encountered in this portion of the raw recording, and Ak'shel just swatted it.



There's just a couple more rooms to open. That east room has nothing in it, while the west door is another troll room. The developers are having a good laugh at my expense right now, I can feel it.


And that's basically it for Level 2. Told ya it was short. There is a little bit more to this Level, but it can only be accessed from a pit in Level 3, so it's more of an extension of that floor than it is anything relating to what we just did. Our destination is that southwest corner.




We find yet another locked door that gets opened by one of the dozen of mystic keys we've grabbed. I can't even be bothered to remember which one specifically this was, just grab all the keys and you're good to go.


While you should be saving often as a general rule in these games, right now especially you want to save before you enter this floor, and save often while on it. Especially if you've already visited the City of Yvel AKA made a huge mistake. As soon as we step onto Level 3, this happens,


I admire your gumption Paulson, but you really should heed that guy's warning.

Next time we'll be taking on the infamous White Tower Level 3. Do you have the Vaelan's Cube at this point? If so, this Level is merely extremely annoying. You can die if you get careless, but you should able to weather the oncoming storm with no issue, especially if Ak'shel is your main. Do you not have the Cube? Then you are in for the single hardest area in the entire game by an absurd margin, and that's only if you collected the Emerald Blades. It's literally impossible to get through this floor if you haven't collected those Blades and don't have the Cube, so you're in for some backtracking to get them if you hadn't already. Thankfully, I do have both the Cube and the Blades, so this area ending up just being very tedious. Look forward to it!

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Ah, that lovable jank of a "boss" just being a reskinned enemy with far higher stats. Fitting that she doesn't actually protect anything valuable. Between her, the party diving into the Urbish Mines with no real explanation, and a random enemy dropping a key item, I can see how this game feels rushed.

Also that pit room sounds rude as fuck holy shit.

The chickens are pretty cute though.

In fairness Paulson did say he was going to the Urbish Mines to get to the bottom of things (never mind the fact that he did not, in fact, get to the bottom of things) and we do kind of need his key because it's not actually possible to administer the elixir needed to cure King Richard through the shroud so it's not like the party went there without any explanation, they just didn't go there without an explicit one.

The illusionary pits are a bit rude but not one of the game's more dickish puzzles.

Anyways starks (the chickens, no relation to a certain fictional family of idiots obviously) are another one of those odd exists-only-in-one-zone enemies the game is so fond of and there aren't even that many of them, they're kind of like the boars in that regard. Apart from being oddly cute they can actually poison with their melee attacks, but it's entirely possible to not notice this between their rarity and the fact that people who aren't Bacatta get to wear bezel rings. Also I don't believe I've ever seen the amazon queen *not* drop Trouble so it's a bit surprising to learn that can fail to drop.

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Yeah it's very rare she doesn't but it can happen. It was only one of my 4 practice playthroughs that she didn't drop it, so it's probably around a 75-80% drop rate. It's not a huge deal if she doesn't since you don't really need better weapons for the White Tower and we quickly get swamped with stronger options anyway.

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Update 16, This Time I Might Just Disappear

Music: White Tower 2


Alright, here we go. This is a section that is infamous for being a massive brick wall for people who have no idea what you're supposed to do here. And it's understandable, because the only thing that explains what you should do here are some vague missable hints at the very beginning of the game. I had to do a bonus update to even find those hints because I genuinely didn't know they were there until starting this LP! And the hints don't even exist in the floppy version!

Now despite my hyping, we have the critical tool required to make this relatively painless. I do not mean we will be avoiding damage, we will be getting our shit wrecked constantly.


Be sure to equip your Emerald Blades. There are only two in the game, so sadly someone isn't going to be able to take swings with this. I go with Ak'shel and Paulson since this is the best chance we get to top off those Fighter levels for them. Note that in spite of the seemingly lack luster Might of the Blades, these do heavily boosted damage against the things we plan to use them against.


Keep Vaelan's Cube at the ready at all times. Never let it out of your sight on the item bar, especially if you don't know that you can advance a full page by right clicking it.




Entering the room right in front of us, we find a small room with a switch that unveils yet another donger key. A fine addition to my collection.


The door we need to use it on is on the north wall of the starting room. Once we open this door and step through, all hell is about to break loose.








This sequence of screen shots was over the course of about 10 seconds of real time. In that time, Ak'shel is almost dead and Paulson is quickly getting his shit rocked. Say hello to the Wraiths.

Wraiths come in two flavors. One is the warrior Wraith, and they are assholes. They can hit from anywhere to 10-30 damage with melee strikes and fireball projectiles. They can surround you in a hurry and bounce your guys into oblivion. The other type of Wraith is the wizard Wraith. That snake creature that attacked us was not an enemy, but actually a spell cast by a wizard Wraith. When the snake connects, it'll hit two random party members for around 20-30 damage. Wizard Wraiths have a chance of blasting you with it if you can't see them, so expect to be hit by it constantly and have no idea where where it's actually coming from. Thankfully, if you have a Wizard Wraith in sight, it will not cast a snake at you and instead close in to strike in melee range. They only hit for about 4 hit points of damage with our current armor, which is far more manageable. Both Wraith types have an infuriating special mechanic to them as well.


They can walk through the God damn walls and can attack you from all sides no matter what. This is the main thing that makes this level so difficult, because there is no way to force these guys to all approach from one side. The only mercy here is that if they're attacking you from inside a wall, they will step out of the wall if you move away from it, even if they could just travel alongside you to stay inside the wall. Naturally though, this makes resting on this floor borderline impossible. Is this a bad time to mention that the Wraiths are infinite respawners as well? (Though thankfully, their respawn numbers never get as dense as the initial horde present on the floor.) Wraiths are also completely immune to all conventional weapons, and take heavily reduced damage from all types of Magic as well. The CBV can chip them down, but the weakest ones have at least 100 HP so that's not a good option. How do we deal with them?


Wraiths can be harmed by the Emerald Blade, which is the reason you want them. They take heavily boosted damage from them as well, letting you nail them for much bigger damage numbers than the piddling Might these Blades provide would imply. That said, the Emerald Blade can miss like any other weapon, especially in the hands of Ak'shel, and there are dozens of wraiths on this floor. We cannot rely on just this. Fortunately, we have a much stronger option.




In addition to being able to destroy barriers, Vaelan's Cube also does huge AOE damage to Ghostly enemies, with infinite uses! What's more, your characters can absorb the trapped energy in the cube to replenish about 25 MP a pop, after which the Cube can be used once more to deal damage. This is fantastic, allowing us to spam Heal 4 and stay ahead of the massive damage the Wraiths are putting out!

...If you didn't use the Cube to get to Yvel already. That is the most commonly sprung beginner's trap of the game. Going to Yvel is a logical thing to do, but we do not get a replacement Vaelan's Cube until well after the White Tower if we break that barrier now. Breaking the barrier and destroying the Cube... doesn't quite render the game unwinnable but it comes close on Ferocious Mode. The Wraiths will shred your health at light speed, and the only reasonable ways to clear the floor are to spend an hour turtling around the stairs to Level 2, killing Wraiths and retreating to Level 2 to rest until you can make progress or cleaving through everything that gets in your direct path and pray you can stay alive long enough to grab the key items you need on this floor and then get the hell out. If you destroyed the Cube and don't have the Emerald Blades, this floor is straight up impossible, so uhhh, better go back and get those Blades.




I try to mix in some Emerald Blade strikes to engage the onslaught of Wraiths, but frankly I probably should have done less of that once I got Ak'shel to Fighter 4. I get pushed back a little bit, but for my initial struggle I get rewarded with a rare Great Sword from a Warrior Wraith. This will sell for a tidy sum later! (Money will be almost worthless about 3 updates from now)



Past the first wave of Wraiths is a chest with a small bounty of a Dagger, 4 crowns and a Salve. Not exactly worth the effort we've put in so far, I have to say.


There's one of the fuckers that blasted us with a snake! Thankfully their pimp cane strikes aren't nearly as intimidating, so we can dispatch them at our leisure... provided more Wraiths don't Kramer their way into the fight, which is about 90% likely to happen.



This is the part where I should have stopped using the Emerald Blades and just stuck to the Cube, but foolishly I decided to work on Paulson as well, which made this a little rougher than it needed to be.

I did consider recording an alternate update where I'd clear this floor with Michael and just the Emerald Blades, but then I realized that would be both very annoying to play and uninteresting to read about as most of the action would go unseen in a screenshot LP. I'd have probably just used the stairwell turtle method anyway.




Heading South and opening the door we find, we enter a looping hallway. This is the point where the sheer number of Wraiths you have to deal with becomes horrific.





I'm getting aggro'd on from all sides, and get blasted by half a dozen snakes all the while. By the end of this floor I must have killed banished about 60-70 Wraiths and it felt like hundreds.


This hall is seemingly a dead end, but there's actually a secret switch in the northeast corner. Flicking it opens up a path on the wall directly east of it.




We find ourselves in a hall with 3 doorways. One of these doors actually goes somewhere, the others are dead ends to let yourself get trapped by Wraiths in. Let's search them all regardless. starting from the south.


This one leads to a dead end, and I get mauled by Ghost snake blasts in the process.


The center door is also a dead end.







Blasting through approximately 5 thousand Wraiths, the north door is seemingly also a dead end, but it actually leads to a secret wall! This will get us into the rest of the floor.



After we defeat around another hundred thousand Wraiths.



Heading south from the secret wall leads us to a door that hides another chest. The Long Sword Protector is another slightly stronger Long Sword that also slightly boosts are protection. It is much weaker than our current weapons.


Heading in the opposite direction, the hall winds for a bit until we reach this pit. This actually leads us to a previously unseen section of Level 2, but we want to finish up our business on Level 3 before diving into it. We need it out of the way.




A secret switch is right behind us, while a switch on the opposite side of the pit can be hit if we toss an item at it. Pressing both in seals the pit, and we can open it back up if we flip either of the switches again.


Continuing along, we hit a chest that contains a small amount of crowns and a Long sword Entropy. Among the useless named weapons, this one goes the extra mile. Once it's a negligibly stronger Long Sword, but this one actually has a special effect! For every 6 strikes you make with it, the 7th one has a chance of backfiring and damaging the wielder instead. Thrilling!


South from the chest is another secret wall. This wall leads to a key item to finish the dungeon, so we have to head through it.




Inside the secret wall area, we find a chest that contains a Staff Tarsal (useless), some Dwarvish Boots (small upgrade for Baccata) and a delightfully blue Keynis (required to finish the game).


Now we need to head north, fighting our way through about 5 million Wraiths in the process.





I make my way north, and then all the way east to find yet another troll door. It's an especially big troll on this floor. Imagine reaching this point with just the Emerald Blades. The door we actually need to take is that one in the center of the hall. We'll take that south path in a bit.





Entering the and bearing west leads us to a Mystic Key locked door. Popping this sucker open leads to an alcove with an Ivory Key. This key is the last item we absolutely need from this floor, and we can make our way out of it now. There's a couple more things I'd like to do though.


Thought you were done with these motherfucker, you a'int done until the fat Wraith sings. After I grab the key, I have another googolplex worth of Wraiths to work through.



I get another random Great Sword drop, which is an impressive amount of luck as this playthrough is the first time Warrior Wraiths have ever dropped these for me. My inventory is actually full, so now I have to start dropping trash items like the Hale Leather Jerkin.



Opposite from the Ivory Key is a pickable lock!... that opens up to a dead end. Damn.






The previously mentioned south path leads to a roundabout (squareabout?) hall with some pressure plates in it. We want to weigh down both these plates, as it opens up to a very important treasure chest. While I'm doing this, I am beset upon by more Wraiths than there are atoms in the known Universe.



Once we've opened up the niche with the chest, I'm pleased to say that for once we have a chest with some very cool items in it. First off is the Wand of Lightning. You have a random chance of getting this from one of the stumps or knots in the Yvel Woods, but if you don't get it there then this is a guaranteed drop. On its face, this wand is quite bad. It casts the generally underwhelming Lightning spell, and it actually has less castings than a Fireball wand! It only casts 4 times, with each casting being a level lower than the last. At least if you use it the normal way. You see this wand has a unique property.


It can be equipped as a weapon! This has a very bizarre effect on how the wand works. Each use will be like normal at first, each casting being one level of Lightning lower than the last. Once Lightning 1 has been cast though, instead of disappearing the Wand will instead alternate between Lightning 4 and Lightning 3 each time it's used again as a weapon! Now I'll be honest, I did not know you could do this before starting this LP, I just happened to learn about it in a random secrets video I saw. I'm not quite sure what happens if you unequip it and start using it as a normal item, but suffice to say it is far less useful in that capacity anyway so it's not worth testing. You can also unequip it to no ill effect so long as you never use it as a normal item.


This chest also contains two Bannon's Reserves! These are MP potions, and they restore ALL your MP when used. There's only a handful of these in the game, so save them for a rainy day.


Ak'shel is more excited about this than I am. We only really need 560 crowns for the rest of the game.


After clearing out Infinity^2 more Wraiths, I get a THIRD Great Sword drop. We will be coming back here later (unfortunately), so I can grab it then after we get rid of some of these fucking[verb] keys.

Hey, what's that door over there?





Aslan of the door is none too impressed with our lack of piety. Maybe we just need to consult some scripture? Whatever, we can deal with that later.






We've done everything we can here for now (and frankly the only thing we can't do right now is the Door of Omens), so let's pop that pit back open and get the hell out of here.


We can stow the Emerald Blades for now. They served me well?




We're dropped in a room with a Minotaur! That line of text is the Minotaur speaking, our party isn't impressed with the ample cake he has. At least, I don't think they are...



This dude hits like a run away Semi, so you definitely want to take care with your approach. Luckily with our armaments an Ak'shel's copious healing ability, we can deal with this guy with minimal issue.



The Lightning wand gets weaker before suddenly become stronger again, as previously established, and the smell of burnt hair begins to fill the room.



Baccata was less than thrilled with getting his shit slapped by the Minotaur earlier, and scores the killing blow. The Minotaur has two guaranteed items that he drops, plus the random chance of dropping a piece of armor that is worse than the gear we already have. The game loves its lackluster rewards, what can I say?



The guaranteed weapon drop though is anything but lack luster! The Great Maul Thunder has the second highest Might value of any weapon in the game, making it a good addition to Baccata's repertoire. It also has a special effect!... Kind of. The Clue book claims that it has a 25% chance of summoning Thunder that deals triple damage. In game, this is represented by a roar sound being played and the screen shaking.... but this attack seems to always miss. I have never done any damage with the Maul when this attack happens and it seems to just be a wasted weapon strike. So much for that.



He also drops a horn, which is our ticket out of here. We're in a separate section of Level 2 which is modestly sized without a whole lot in it. There are more chickens here at least, which we'll run into soon enough.


Baccata helpfully informs me of an invisible pressure plate after I already stepped on it and got my ass roasted by the projectile trap it was tied to. You tried, buddy.


This one he actually did call out ahead of time, and it does actually become visible when he notices it. I'm not sure if Rogue level affects this or not. It doesn't matter anyway, this pressure plate is out of the path of the projectile trap. For some reason.



Fried chicken anyone?


Moving our way eastward, there's this hall that has a secret switch along almost every step of it. These... don't actually seemed to be tied to anything. At the very least, I've never noticed any impact from hitting any or all of them in any order.



I find another Rapier Talon and then find myself under fire from the encroaching chickens.


It doesn't go well for them.


A Helm Prentis! This is actually a decent upgrade over the Great Helm, I think it's the best helmet in the game actually. For what little that is worth.




Alright, enough jacking around. As you can see, there's a secret wall leading into the illusion pit room. I really hope Ak'shel was talking about the wall there, he'd look really silly to his friends if he declared that about the pit and then they all busted their asses right after.




We find ourselves back on Level 1 with the last remaining slug. I return him to his brethren, hit the switch he was guarding, and ascertain our position. We now have the keys to pop the remaining locks on this floor, so let's get that done.



Music: Blanca Altar


Our non-blue donger opens up the door to the Altar de Blanca*! This altar seems to have nothing but a marble bust in it sans the bust. I mean the head you perverts!


Aww come on Baccata, how can you say that for sure? Haven't you played Silent Hill 4 before? ( I have! You can check it out here.)

Anyway, this is an important area but we can't do anything with it yet. Let's continue onto the next critical lock.



The Ivory Key opens the path into the final Level to explore, the Basement! Thankfully, this part is ridiculously short.


For some reason, as soon as you take a couple steps into this basement, a piercing scream from a woman is played, scaring the absolute shit out of anyone who is startled by loud noises. I have no idea why that is and it doesn't seem to be tied to anything.



Moving on from that, we find an empty alcove and a mysterious sign with a simple command on it.


This is a bit that's a little hard to convey with screenshots, but we are then fed into another square hall that has various items sliding along the floor, moving around the area about once every second.






We need to pluck these items as they slide along, and place them in the alcoves along the hall. Should we take any of these items out of the hall, we trigger an attack from another batch of Wraiths. Thankfully, because all of these items save for the Wand of Death are complete trash, this is an easy puzzle for anyone to solve.


Once the items have been placed, we can move along safely. Within the next room is the final Mystic Key indent, at which point we can finally un-blue our inventory. Darn, I actually liked that key. When you step into the room it opens, this immediately happens,





Well that was weird. Regardless, we now have the Crucible of Faith! When we place this upon the Altar de Blanca*, we will be able to pour the Elixir ingredients into it and it will convert them into the Elixir! We just need one more ingredient, and we can finally complete that half of our quest.


Ak'shel is delighted by this turn of events.


On the way out, we find that the items to tempt our greed have been moved to the previously empty alcove and we can now take them safely. Again, the only thing worthwhile is the Wand of Death. This is like the Wand of Fireballs, except it casts the Mist of Doom spell, the strongest spell in the game! Like the Bannon's Reserves, we want to save this for a rainy day.


With that, we are finally done with the White Tower... almost. We still need to come back here with the ingredients for the Elixir to craft it at the Altar de Blanca*, and in addition with the Crucible in tow we can now placate Lion-O and enter his door beyond doors. I'll be doing the latter at the start of the next update, I'm kind of sick of this place right now. We're entering the end game now!

*TL's note: "Blanca" means "White".

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