Ohhh... Library Battle SIMULATION: Let's Play Library of Ruina

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Book 47: Prologue, Small Story 3


"The Street," Yun Dong-ju.

Music: Lobby

Image I’ve been feeling ecstatic these days; the memories are fading.

Image You mean the harsh memories of working in that awful corporation?

Image Yes. Those cruel times…

Image The things I didn’t want to see are becoming faint; the things I didn’t want to remember are melting away. When I close my eyes, the moments that come to remembrance are of three or four days ago, not one million years in the past.

Image They are the times of my own… claimed through my own choice. And the flow of time is faster than ever for me. I’m no longer shackled to the fetter of perceiving the hours 100 times slower than humans do.

Image I feel happier with each new day, you know?

Image I’ve never seen you looking so happy before. What do you think of the City and its people that are breaking down because of the Distortion, though?

Image …That, I can’t quite receive with a smile.

Image Still, the despicable man who had locked me up for one million years would fall to despair if he saw what’s happening now.

Image Yes… He’ll endlessly despair. His idiotic and flawed plan caused more people to wallow in agony.

Image He’s going to pay his price in full soon enough.


Image Bring down? No. I told you my aim before. I will become free along with the librarians.

Image On top of that, the Abnormalities that are wandering inside this Library lacking a physical form will be able to leave. Garnering strength by devouring powerful individuals, the Abnormalities would roam the City as they like. That’s what my plan is. I’m setting them free to do whatever they want. And they’ll leave a mark deeper than any Distortion could on the City. The one absolute and perfect book shall be the guide to teach me how to do it all.

Image You’ve got the same ideas as the Blue Sicko out there, huh. The two of you would make wonderful partners in crime.

Image You’re wrong. There’s a world of difference. I have no interest in the “beauty” that Distortions or Abnormalities can arouse. I simply want them to live as they wish, whether they’re beautiful or unsightly.

Image Besides, even if the Blue Reverberation’s intentions were similar to mine, I would never give away my precious possession to a man like that.

Image So you just wanna feel the joy of vengeance, whatever the consequences of your actions might be.

Image That’s what I must do. I was forced to witness countless deaths while reciting a script like a promptress. Such things… are all I could watch and learn. I have to do what I can do well.


Image I have to feel joy as I witness the fall of the plan devised by the man I love yet hate. Even though it’s not… enjoyable to see the City and its people suffer because of me… I still have to feel happy. I’m obliged to. It’s what I’ve been waiting for… until now… If I don’t do this, I won’t be compensated for the million years of lone suffering—nowhere else would I be repaid…

Image …I still long for vengeance. However…


Image Forget it. I could spend all day thinking it over, but I’d reach the same conclusion regardless. I’ll find the one book at all costs and make my wish come true.


Image I suppose that’s not a bad idea.

Image And then… As I previously said, I want to travel around the world. It’ll certainly be fun. Once I’ve laid down all the burdens, of course.

Image …Alright. Let’s give that plan some good thought after we’re done with everything.


Image Haa… hahaa… at laast..!

Image Yesod! Hurry! There's a sighting!

Image Kaori. You've finished with that perfect deck project of yours, I take it?

Image Weell… sort oof..? There are aalways considerations to make, so there is no 'perfect deeck,' so much as synergies and streengths that maximize odds of viictoryy…

Image So are our synergies maximized?

Image Mmmhmm..! I've packed as muuch power as I can into every one of my buiilds..! They're fiinally… acceeptablee…
Image Hold on. Did anyone else just feel that shift in the psionic field just now?

Image …Mmmmmmmh..!

Image Is that… steam?

Image ……………………Daaang… :sigh:

Image I'm sure that what you've put together is already perfectly usable.

Image Yeaah, but… the synergiies..!

Image Will work just fine until you've had a stretch break. You're getting some air. That's an order.
Image Awww… Ookaay…


Despite being a relatively short chapter compared to the rest of the game, Impuritas Civitatis has a total of three Small Stories to cover as well. Since they all unlock at around the same time, I'll be breaking them up for pacing purposes. We'll start with this one.

Music: BinahStory

Image What more needs to be said? My role is only to observe.
Image To observe, is it…

Image Indeed so. Some would think that this is merely a form of neglect. I see that you are one of them.

Image I was simply curious. We haven’t had many opportunities to talk with one another.

Image There were practically none, were there? Neither you nor I left our respective posts. Yet now you have the time to visit me of all people for a chat… It must indicate that we are freer than before, able to spare more of our moments.

Image Do you not welcome this change?

Image I’m not quite certain of my sentiments. Regardless… Have a warm cup of tea, now that you are here.
Image …If you’d be so kind.


There's a page-turn effect here and the next sound effect is the clinking of glasses, so the teatime seems to have gone uneventfully.


Image Maybe so. There are enough variants of black tea that I have not bothered in attempting to imbibe other beverages.

Image Ah, although the azure-maned noble boy insists around the clock that I partake of coffee.

Image It is certainly true that there has been much change. I wouldn’t have expected that he would approach you first to recommend coffee.

Image One day, perchance, all of us will come together. Indeed… It will be quite different from the first time such a gathering took place.

Image I must wonder if the day shall come when we all will engage in casual conversation and share trivial tales. I am rather doubtful of it.

Image Yet deep down, you are looking forward to it. Perhaps everyone shares the same feelings.


Image I’ve finished my cup, so I’ll be taking my leave now. I appreciate the hospitality.

Image Rendezvous anytime. Tea will always be ready and waiting.

Music: Lobby

Image Oh, welcome back. Have a good chat?

Image Indeed. Her insights are… unique, if nothing else. Has Talow finished yet?

Image Not entirely, sir, but we do have news.

Image Good news, I hope?

Image Maybe. It doesn't seem like there will be any major fluctuations for a while. From what he's sorted out, everything starts the same way. Here's a report on what we have so far.


Image So all roads led to the same place, in the end?

Image To the Hana, specifically. We'll be seeing them soon. It always starts with that.

Image Oh. Are you finished writing?

Image No. Sephiroth won't shut up about trains running or something, and if I'd stayed there working I'd have thrown him out into the mist. Anyways… There's fifteen, maybe twenty? Different pathways all at once. None of them ended well. That damn woman… Dying one at a time is bad enough…

Image We've read the Purple Tear's book frontways, backways, and sideways—not much of a hint there either, just stuff about making different choices to see different results, and sampling them all at once?

Image Then something similar may be going on here. Tell me, who faced the Hana Association?

Image That's where it starts differing. Gebura a few times, Binah some others… Netzach once, Chesed a few times, Yesod a few others… Malkuth.

Image But never us. I see.
Image I don't like where this is going, old man.

Image I do. It's wrecking time, isn't it?

Image You have the right of it. We'll receive the guests ourselves.

Image You sure about this? As far as teams go, we're definitely the weakest…

Image When what we know has failed us, we should try the incomprehensible. It's something I learned from watching Ayin all these years.

Image In that case, I'll check through the keypages and throw something together.

Image Ugh… I can't believe it, but I'm starting to miss when all I had to do was watch.

Image In many ways, we are all simply watching the Library's progress. The light itself determines our path, and Angela walks it as she is meant to. As for the architect of that path…
Image I'm sure she must know, on some level.
Image So are you going to tell us, or…

Image Come. There is much to be done if we are to properly stand on the field of battle..
Image Yeah, okay. Screw you too, geezer…

Image The fewer distractions you have now, the better. Focus on the work in front of you.

Next time, on Library of Ruina: The last normal reception in the game.


Impuritas Civitatis
Small Story 3

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Book 48: Hana Association—Chapter 1

Music: Lobby

Our first reception requires a hefty set of books—it's worth noting here that if you're ever losing you can just alt+f4 or x out of the game to keep the books you'd wagered instead of finishing the reception. Nobody should have to redo Xiao and Yan just because they couldn't roll above a 4. :v:

Music: StoryJinji

Image Hana Association will officially be in full charge of the matters regarding the Library from now on.


Image Your predictions were right, Director Mirinae.

Image Harold, you won’t survive here for long if you can’t figure this much.

Image …Your thoughts must be complicated right now, Olivier.


Image You won’t botch your job because of that, right?

Image That’s that, and this is this. It’s what he used to say all the time.

Image Good. We have one purpose. To thoroughly examine the relationship between the Distortion phenomenon and the Library. All conflicts are allowed in the process. The Library is a Star of the City that shines over us now.

Image There are still many ambiguous points in their connection… Someone’s got to observe the causality, and that someone’s us.

Image The Library continues to grow in strength, devouring pretty much anything and everything that enters. It’s so fierce, it could consume our City at this rate… That’s why we should figure out how the Library functions as well. To start off, let’s recap the current circumstances.

Image Then I suppose the southern branch of the Liu is being extremely passive at the moment, trying to avoid retaliation from the Thumb?

Image Not exactly. The Thumb is suffering from the same problem. They lost their Underboss who was stationed in L Corp’s Nest as well as a number of competent Capos, so it’s likely that they got knocked out of this strife too.
Image Which means, the only sizable threat remaining in L Corp’s Nest is…

Image Yes, it’s them.

Image When the Library unveiled itself as the fog surrounding L Corp’s Nest cleared away… The Blue Reverberation… No, the Reverberation Ensemble set up camp around it, preventing anyone else from approaching.

Image And they’re generating a concerning number of Distortions from there. Who knows what they’re up to in that base of theirs…
Image The Blue Reverberation… Judging by his recent actions, he can no longer be considered a Fixer… He’s leading a dangerous Syndicate, at least on the level of a Star of the City.

Image …He’s gone mad ever since he lost his sister.

Image Not that I can’t understand how he must’ve felt. The Pianist left an indelible, twisted mark on the City that day.

Image So, how is the workforce going to be distributed?


Image The objective is to retrieve as many books as possible from the Library itself, and secure Distortions from the Nest. And I’d like you to send an official request to all Grade 1 Offices for chasing down the Blue Reverberation.

Image Sections 1 and 2 have other things to do, I assume?

Image You said Section 1 was dealing with the Blue Reverb, and Section 2 was after the Eight Chefs, right?

Image You’ve got it. Furthermore…


Image That can’t be. All of them are gone?

Image I can’t fathom the strength the Blue Reverberation has…

Image And Section 2 sent a report saying that the Eight Chefs have already disbanded. Seven of the chefs were found cooked when they arrived at the site, to be exact. The chefs were all mutilated badly; it was nigh impossible to recognize them.
Image What about the last one?

Image Gone missing.

Image Did they betray their peers… and cook them…?

Image That probably isn’t the case. While what happened does appear to be something the Eight Chefs would do, their favored type of table service was full-course meals, not a buffet. Based on this evidence which suggests interference from outside, the Association HQ is considering to make an official announcement that the Star has fallen.

Image The prime question would be who was behind the dissolution of the Eight Chefs.

Image Could it be…?

Image Indeed. Section 2 speculates that the Reverberation Ensemble might be the culprit.

Image The Blue Reverb might be plotting schemes beyond the Association’s assumptions…


Image There have been worse events in the past, but the frequency and convolution of this situation is unprecedented. Every Association is in a state of emergency, including ours.

Image According to the Seven Association, the southern branches of Tres Association and Cinq Association also suffered losses of important members due to Distortions.


Image Both of which have risen in threat level significantly. Not to mention the Puppeteer. Moreover, Yesterday’s Promise is apparently capable of teleportation with such ease that it puts W Corp’s Singularity to shame…

Image None of those are powers that an individual should be allowed to possess. The Distortion is defying what the City had stood for until now. It’s changing the atmosphere of the City.

Image Is the Head doing nothing about it despite that?

Image They’ve been eerily quiet—or rather, our higher-ups could be intentionally withholding information on the Head’s activity.


Image No. We’ve been ordered to go to the Library, in fact. In order to control this situation, we need unambiguous information about the powers of the Library and its intentions.

Image We have Section 4 to help us place a lockdown on Nest L. We can’t let the Distortions created by the Reverberation Ensemble leave the area.

Image Did the powers that be determine that us Section 3 should be enough to take care of the Library?

Image If it doesn’t work out, then that’s the end of the line for us. It also means there’s nothing more we can do about it. And if that happens, the Library will mark its presence on the sky next to the other Stars as one of the freest beings of the City.

Image While the everyman is working overnight, restrained to the office desk.

Image Anyway, get ready to move, everybody.


Music: Lobby

Image Mhm. Looks like your goal is almost within reach.

Image That’s right. I’m almost there… That makes it feel even less real. We’ve been through so many things… and now the Hana Association is coming here.

Image You said the Hana Association is the largest among the Fixer Associations, right?

Image Yep. Like I said some time ago, the Hana Association is the institution that grants permits to Offices and grades Fixers. They also adjust the threat levels of incidents in real-time and let everyone know. And the Hana Association sometimes takes matters into its own hands to strike down Stars of the City. Just like now. You’ll be seeing them often, since they’ll keep sending people here as long as we’re a Star of the City in all likelihood.

Image …Strange.

Image What is?

Image Nothing. We have important guests to greet, so just make sure to be prepared.

Music: Entrance

Image Did you know? The Library is visible from anywhere in L Corp’s Nest now.

Image What do you mean?

Image The mist that protects the Library is almost gone. Which means it’ll become possible to demolish the whole Library from the outside soon.

Image So you’d better start making backup plans.

Image Here, let’s shake hands. I’m Mirinae, Director of Section 3 of the Hana Association, Southern Branch.

Image This is my first time shaking hands with a guest.

Image You’ve become a Star of the City, which means you’ll be seeing our Association frequently from now on. Please don’t fall too easily for us, now.

Image Go ahead and shake her hand, everyone.

Image I am Harold, a Fixer from Section 3 of Hana Association’s Southern Branch.

Image Olivier, a Fixer from Section 3 of the Hana’s South.

Image I hope to be greeting you for a long time.


Image The people at Section 2 are expecting you.

Image Got it.

Image …What is the meaning of this?

Image No need to be sensitive. I brought Olivier here so he could get a handshake from you.

Image I’ll see myself out, then.


Image You think we’ve come here with a carefree attitude? No need to worry about us underestimating you. We didn’t come here without a countermeasure, you see. Since you’re a Star of the City, and we’re Fixers of Hana Association… We should treat you with due respect.

Image Prepare yourself. A Star of the City is going down tonight.

Image …Understood. May you find your book in this place.

Next time, on Library of Ruina: A Star of the City does not go down tonight.


Hana Association 1

Image The Hana… Wow. Things are sure escalating around here lately, huh.

Image They sure are. Somehow, though, it looks like it's all blowing right over us.

Image That's really the ideal, isn't it? Being the eye of a storm. Making sure that things are fine where you are, even while everything's on fire.

Image It was inevitable, really. Out of all the weirdos in this place, ours are the least weird.
Image Didn't you always complain about Mr.Black's hobbies, though?
Image Course I did! He's creepy as hell!

Image But really, a former food service guy from District 23, who just happens to laugh a lot? He's stable, I'll take him. And Fat Sam…
Image Isn't he perfectly normal?

Image I wouldn't say that exactly, but he and Netzach are basically the Nap Patrol. Add in the most reliable source of booze in the whole Library… and there are worse deals.

Image Yeah… And the Head can't tax anything we make here.
Image We can't die, either… If it weren't for those receptions, this might be pretty good.

Image Well, nothing in life is perfect. Let's go watch someone else get murdered.

Image Oh. Sure, I guess.

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Book 48: Hana Association—Chapter 2

Music: GuestBattle01

Image I believe wearing her page may assist with figuring something out, Talow.

Image Or it could make everything worse. What if that dimensional thing is reflexive?

Image Then I shall try it first, and we shall observe. It's an ideal page for our floor in any case.

Image And if it turns you mental?

Image I have faith that it shall not.

The Purple Tear has four different decks up her sleeve at all times, and no one ever uses all four at once due to how different each build tends to work. Today we'll be focusing on our Guard stance, and in the future I'll focus on whatever stance we start with, showing relevant decks as they come up. The passives here are just pure Defense dice bonuses, so that we can more effectively Block everything to death.

No one else is playing anything particularly noteworthy, as the Hana don't have any specific gimmick outside of "being generically good at everything."

Image Woah… you've got that laid-back chic thing down perfectly, Sephiroth.

Image These fools are no threat to the likes of us… Why should we busy ourselves with proper posture?


Our fight today is another two Act fight, with the first being five standard enemies.


Each of the Hana has the signature ability Four Trigrams. To make a long story short, they can choose to be slightly better at one thing per turn, and when they do they stop being able to be better at that thing until they've chosen all three of the other things.


Music: HokmaBattle01

Image It seems they've sent two squads of Fixers after us. As expected of the Hana themselves, I suppose.

Image Does it matter? Let's just tear them apart and be done with it.

Image That's the way to look at it. They're just humans, same as anyone else.
Image Oh… Hod's team. You're with us. Today.

Image Of course. Given workplace protocol is to talk about something unrelated to keep your mind off of any mental trauma that might be going on, what better than trained conversationalists to try and give form to whatever you wind up saying?
Image You know that protocol barely works, right..?

Image No two people have the same psyche, so we have to use a variety of methods. Some will be more effective than others.

Image Oh! I know the next line, Miss Hod! "Remember: if your mental health's cratering, your therapy plan needs straightening!"


A close look at each of the Hana will show that they have some strange buffs we've never seen before. These are their Four Trigrams buffs, and they come in four varieties.


The Hana can use any of them on their turn, and once it's used they can't use it again until all four have been used. The decision is completely random—they have no problems with throwing out Gam while they're at full Light, for instance.


They use an assortment of decent pages, though of particular note here is Celestial Spear. It's Better Transpierce, and if these guys used Singular Strike or any kind of Pierce buff it'd be scary. Unyielding Strike also has some pretty good dice for what's effectively a 2-cost, but turn 1 is basically a freebie.

Their best attack costs 5 Light, you see. :shepface:


As for the Purple Tear's gimmick, it starts in a random stance. The one that it selected today happens to be Blunt stance, but we want to be in Guard. So we click on our E.G.O button…


And we can change our stance! These pages cost 1 Light each and are immediate, as soon as we play one our stance changes immediately. This also reshuffles our hand and gives us as many pages from the new deck as we had in hand with the old deck. This lets us do some silly things, and we'll cover a few as we go through the rest of the game.

Anyways, we play Guarding Stance and…


Image Ah, that's better.

Image That specialty-changing thing she did not causing any problems?

Image None at all. It's quite natural, so we can adapt to any situation.


Image These guys don't seem too bad… they're just Fixers, same as any other.

Image That's only because you haven't seen their ultimate attack yet. I remember people saying it was nasty… What was it called?

Image Oh, Divinatory Impact? It was on their summary… it looked nasty.

Image …Right. That's the one. Let's just hope we don't see it.
Image So are you ever going to explain why you're cringing every time I talk, or..?


Image No, thanks.

Image To the grave, then?

Image To the grave.


Image In that case, I've got an observation. Their weapons are really malleable—they change shape to match the user's… thought process? Desire, maybe? Either way, they can use them as armor and weapon both.


Image Just don't misjudge the distance, or things can get messy… Oogh, that packs a punch.

Image They can form it around their feet as well, for a sudden burst of speed or to keep their stance against a blow. The distance they can cover is longer than you're thinking it is.

Image Right, I'll get a feel for it as we go.


From turn 2 onward, we need to be vigilant any time that we see one of the Hana using a bunch of Light in one turn.


That's because Divinatory Impact is a pretty strong page. Packing a chunky die of each type, the order of the dice is just as interesting as the rest of the page. The lack of four die pages for us means that the only ways we can hope to avoid damage completely from this attack are either a powerful Counter die, or a 3-die page that leads with an Evade—a die type that is in short supply through most of Star of the City. Moreover, the last die being an Evade acts as a sort of pseudo-Counter die to later onesided attacks, since the odds are it's going to be saved in the Defense queue until it's needed.

Lastly, it absolutely crushes any Summation Mass Attack, with a minimum roll of 30 and an average roll of ~39. Because we have no E.G.O, this particular use will not come up today.


They also use Brace Up this turn, the last page that the base Hana have on hand. It's incredible drawtech for us, especially when paired with Bottom Deal, but it's not worth worrying about right now.


The goal here is to just mitigate damage as best we can, and to build our Emotion Level so that we can steamroll through the second phase of the fight before they can do anything too nasty.

Which is always the goal in this kind of reception, but between Celestial Spear and Divinatory Impact it's slightly harder than usual. :v:

Image I'll take one of those impacts. Any volunteers for the other..?

Image I will give them the opportunity to show me their resolve. As I am now, I cannot be defeated.

Image Confidence is good, just make sure it doesn't get you killed.


Image I wouldn't worry about it. These guys never killed us.


Image You sure..? Because this hits hard.

Image Yeah. Not a once, that I can remember.


Image Their attacks have punch… but if that is as high as they can reach, then I shall forever be beyond them.


Image It's good to hear that these opponents are within our grasp, but don't get overconfident simply because of your memories—the point of the exercise is to change things.

Image And just telling Miss Angela won't work because… why?

Image Tried it once. Ended even worse. THAT one I remember, since it stands out so much.


Image Shall I pretend I am not hearing this conversation, then?
Image Erk. That's…
Image It should have been obvious you would be paying attention to such a stage. We'll simply talk later, so as not to influence your choices.
Image …yes. That will work for now.

Image I can't make heads or tails of what you're babbling about, anyways.


We pick up Lean, Bloody Wings to get Hokma's damage output online. From now on, our Blocks deal damage.


Now that he's ready to go, I have Hokma pull as many attacks as I can while playing a Serpent Barrier to eat three of them in entirety. Now that we have Wings set up, there isn't much else to showcase from our current opponents—it's all about execution.

So we execute them. :getin:


Image Okay, I got my footing back. Let's go take another beating.

Image In moderation, Talow.


Image Says the geezer who's only blocking attacks.

Image You know precisely why I've chosen this strategy.


Image I'll set them up, and leave them for you all to finish off.


Image And I'll take care of the real work. Ghh…

Image Talow, you're taking a bunch of damage… don't overextend yourself.

Image To the grave, Medea. :rolleyes:
Image That didn't mean to go die, moron.


Image No problem! I'll just wipe them out faster than they can slice through us, and it'll all be good!

Image Trying to alter the natural flow of life into death… Hah. Laudable, if you hold the strength to do it.


Image Speaking of, I'll be tapping into the power of imminent demise from here on out. It's depressing enough to give this body a power boost.

Music: HokmaBattle02

Image Kinda morbid, isn't it?

Image I don't think you get to talk.


Image Heads up you guys, their formation's crumbling. We're an inch away from finishing them off!


Image Then we shall plunge them into the darkness evermore.


Image Yeah, well… it's done. Let's move on.


Image Caterwauling clocks! You gave those guys a butt-kicking in no time at all!

Image Most of you have taken some big hits, though.

Image We are no strangers to difficulty.

Image Just don't die, okay?

Music: GuestBattle01

Our second Act is against Mirinae and Harold, alongside three more of the Hana Fixers. The three generics are the exact same, but as is tradition by now Mirinae and Harold are both a cut above them.


Mirinae has the ability to pass any of the basic buffs she gets from pages on to her allies. This includes the boosts she gets from Four Trigrams as well—if she uses Geon it means two enemies will be getting 1 Strength that turn, for instance.


As for Harold, her All for Hana ability functions as a sort of reactive armor to give her an Endured resistance against whatever dealt the most damage to her last turn. It makes her somewhat bulky, in practice.

If we just keep hitting her she'll get Staggered eventually, though, so it's more of a speedbump here than anything.


Music: HokmaBattle02

Image Well… Here we are. What's your analysis, Harold?

Image Their mindsets are fundamentally different from those of Fixers. There's… one at most who would warrant a grade above nine.

Image And yet they stand here, as parts of a Star of the City. That just goes to show you how powerful the Library is.

Image A Star is a Star… the specifics of their powers change, but the way to defeat them never does.

Image Well said. Let's show these guys they're not as high as they think, hmm?


Both Harold and Mirinae have access to True Trigram Formation, a very powerful page whose effects differ based on which of the four formations they've used.


…Like so. Harold is in Gam here, so the True Trigram Formation will give +1 Light on use. Because she'll be gaining an Emotion Level this turn, this makes it redundant.


A new Act also means that Hokma's randomly chosen Blunt stance. I could immediately switch back to Guard, but he also opened with Mirage Storm and 7 Light. I decide to do that instead.


Image Insulting my coworkers… I've got to tear them one in your honor.

Image Confident, aren't we? Come on. We know who the one Fixer would be.

Image We don't have to worry about that Divinatory Impact just yet, Hokma… Try to make this leeway count.

Image I intend to.


Image He's mimicking that Purple Tear! Direct your weapons to defensive posture! Maximum leg reinforcement!

Image I'll weather this storm, for certain.


Image This 'storm' was simply a means to rock the boat somewhat. Consider it a trade for your attempt before.

Image You figured that much out, did you?

Image As if you were even hiding it.

Image So the old man can lead, as well… troublesome.


Image Sorry to cut in, but I just heard something unforgivably stupid.

Image Oh..? There's no need to be jealous. With age comes wisdom.
Image Now listen here, you little brat..!


Image While that one breaks himself against Harold, I'll take care of the weakest link.

Image That's…a bit much…

Image Is it?


Image Anyone could see you're holding back. That stab was barely a scratch… You're too soft to kill.
Image Well excuse me for having a problem with murder!

Image Such high-minded idealism can only come from those with privilege.


Image The woman seeks to shake our resolve… Come, then. I shall taste your despair.


Image Yeah! Like, if we wanted to get psychoanalyzed, Hod's already right here?

Image Therapy isn't exactly about psychoanalyzing anyone, though…


At our next Abnormality Level, we grab Silence for Hokma.


This adds the two new Combat Pages to his hand, but honestly they're not worth much to us in this particular fight.

However, if we change our stance to Guard…


Those pages are counted when it comes time to calculate our new hand size—this works with anything that adds pages to our hand, and the pages removed are gone forever. Even swapping back to the stance we were in won't bring Silence and Amplify back.


We also finally get a chance to stuff Divinatory Impact with Counter dice—its rolls are high, but Hokma's rocking a +5 to all Defensive dice, making his wins guaranteed.

Music: HokmaBattle03

Image Now, let's end this before they can find their footing.

Image It seems we've made one miscalculation, Harold.

Image Have we?

Image We brought too many allies. With the way the Library split us, it allowed these ones to warm up… so they can bring their full power to bear immediately against us.

Image In the future, send small teams of highly competent fighters. That's the best chance to stop the Library.

Image So our own run is lost, I take it?

Image It's a stalemate, at worst. We've got more plans to fall back on.

Image Don't worry about those! They'll fail too.

Image That's some confidence for someone who can barely stand.


Image Just took me a while to get warmed up today.

Image Oh yeah! My grandpa used to have that problem, too!


Image Sephiroth, are you okay? You're taking a lot of hits as well…

Image My counterattack failed me… but their power is nothing compared to Mother's.

Image Just hold on, I'll be right there!


Image There we go. I got you.

Image …Your assistance is appreciated, if unnecessary.


Image Khh..!

Image I think we've got everything under control now!

Image Don't say it before the fight's over…


Image We're already killing off their sidekicks. That's basically the end, isn't it?

Image I guess so, but one of you might still get hurt if you let your guard down.


Image I shall see to it that does not happen.

Image That's not entirely up to you.


Image Rather than vain provocations, I would recommend you savor what time you have left.

While Divinatory Impact is a very powerful page, it can backfire on the user if they run into a brick wall like Hokma here. After the first block, Mirinae's still got 84 SR to work with…


But over five dice, that gets cut all the way down to 14.

Image His defense is absurd… I can't even see him past those tendrils.

Image Such is the point.


Image I'm a little… anyways, can I take a second?

Image We should be able to accommodate that.

Image I'll take a second, too.

Image It's fine. I'll kill them… I'll kill them all.

Image Talow?

Image He's gone into that Rabbit battle frenzy… Best to stay out of his way for now.

At this point, I make a conscious choice: Both Mirinae and Harold are only at Emotion Level 2, and I want them to hit 3 or higher to ensure that I get copies of their books—back in the R Corp 2 fight I killed Nikolai so early that her book didn't actually drop and had to redo the entire fight afterwards, and I'm not interested in doing that again. Library of Ruina does have a feature which guarantees you get at least one copy of each book necessary for progression, but because I didn't remember what the next fight required I didn't want to chance it.

Thus, we slow down.


Image Coming for me now that I'm weakened, eh?

Image Rabbits have good senses, you know. I can smell your weakness. Your fear.

Image Oooh. I see. So that's the kind of person you are.

Image More talk, eh? Admitting that you're about to lose?


Image Maybe. But I won't run away, at least.
Image The hell are you talking about?

Image You stuttered and choked at nothing, then got yourself beaten almost to death to escape that. Even now, you can only fight properly because of that body's own properties. Between this and that… You're a coward, aren't you?

Image :catstare:

Image I think it's time you stop talking.

Image Hssh… Hit a nerve, huh..? But you can't say I'm wrong, can you?

Image I can say it just fine. You're wr—
Image …ah.


Image You were a distraction.


Image Ma'am, I don't think I can hold their leader back any longer.
Image She's off-balance... Everyone who's left, regroup now.


Image Not many left to listen to you, I'm afraid.

Image Then I'll strike back..!


Image So even the acclaimed Fixers of the Hana Association can panic.

Image Nngh… I've bought all the time I can…

Image You've done just enough.


Image I'll take care of things from here.


Mirinae brings out her other unique attack this turn: Augury Kick. This attack gives Strength, and even more of it when it hits with the first attack. Because of Mirinae's passive, this means that someone else will also get all the Strength that she gets from this page.


It's a bit late for that to matter, though, because Talow has 20 charge and I can finally use Feral Knives. This Mass Attack will deal 15 true damage to whoever we directly target with it on that last die, and because Harold is out regardless that means making sure to target Mirinae.


Image Don't think you've won. You may have stopped us, but the next group… They'll stop your leader for certain.

Image Yes, you'll keep coming until we fall. You've implied as such. Know, however, that this Star will be forever out of your reach.


Image I'm ending them all. Anyone have a problem with that?

Image Nope, you're good to go.


Feral Knives is another in the increasingly popular 'Move around quickly and stab everyone with each die roll' style of Mass Attacks.

Image More…


The main difference with this one is blood spatter and the orange R Corp trail as the user moves from target to target.

Image Faster… stronger…


Image I'll tear all of you apart!

Image So this is as far as I go…

Image Truly, to make something so powerful it can make opponents like these turn into our equals…

Image The Library has earned its place as a Star, at least.

Image Shut your goddamn mouth already!

Image Gah-!


Image Talking like you know everything. Picking holes in everyone. Saying we don't deserve to stand on the same level as you. You don't know shit about us. What we've survived.


Image Even if you never wanted to. Funny how that works out, isn't it?

Image …What are you implying?

Image You've beaten us due to a miscalculation on my part. I can admit that. So I'll tell you two things. First: you shouldn't underestimate our information gathering ability.

Image My guard… she's managed to overcome it.


Image And the second: That we will figure out how to slip past your every defense.


Image Then we'll just make new ones! Easy.

Image As if… Simply overcoming our expectation once was a miracle. To do it twice…

Image We'll do it as many times as we have to.

Image Even if we hate it. We're not playing around either, you know.


Image Their lives have returned to the darkness. As all things shall.

Image So, Talow. Did this wind up helping you with anything?
Image …mmh.

Image Arbitrary adrenaline crashes… that can't feel good.

Image I'm not entirely sure that's entirely adrenaline, Paul.


As befits the final normal Reception, the Hana Association are a strong group of fighters that require us to be decent at the fundamentals of the game in order to beat them. They don't have any gimmicks like Index targeting, however, nor do they force us into an even match. Because of that, we're able to follow the Library's textbook strategy of building Emotion Level in Act 1 in order to blitz down all of the more dangerous Act 2 before they can do real damage to us.

Music: Result

Image If it's all the same to you, Hokma, I'd rather we never did that again… Watching it's one thing, but actually putting a sword in someone… Ugh.

Image I can't promise that, for obvious reasons. We still have work to do, to determine the shape of what may come. Angela, might I make a request?

Image As I become more human, it has become increasingly easy to tune things out. I will focus my attention elsewhere.

Image In truth, it is rather refreshing to no longer be committing to memory every word of what every person in this place says.
Image I would have expected you to be curious.

Image I am.

Image However, you stated that simply telling me would somehow make the outcome worse.

Image I haven't yet forgotten what can happen when you reveal the inner workings of someone else's machinations to those trapped within it.

Image Quite an odd thing for you to say, as the owner of this Library.
Image I will speak with you all later.


Image Huh. She ran?

Image Perhaps knowing about the Blue Reverberation's plan is getting to her…

Image Alright, that's quite enough chatter. My team, pick up the books. Talow, back to your writings. I have faith you shall complete them shortly.


Music: Lobby
Image Is there someone you know among them?

Image I was thinking I might have to face an old friend of mine. Good thing I didn’t.

Image By the way, it looks like the situation out there is worse than I imagined. Even the Hana Association is making a big deal.

Image Could the City be breaking down?

Image Nah, I don’t think you have to worry about that. The City carries on somehow. As long as the Head stands, the City’s nature won’t change.

Image What does the Head do, exactly?

Image It’s shrouded in layers of secrecy, so no one knows in detail. A Corp—the Wing directly run by the Head—does stuff like managing patents, minting, and authorizing Wings on the surface. It’s in control of all the important factors that make the City breathe, basically. And they seek out anyone plotting to overthrow the City and uproot them.

Image That makes the Head one of the Wings, at least ostensibly.


Image Through Arbiters and Claws?

Image Huh, how’d you know about that?

Image The research facility the Red Mist used to be part of fell because of the Head. To protect her colleagues, Kali killed the Arbiter and the Claws before succumbing to injuries herself.

Image I can only guess that she fought with all her strength to save those behind her to the last breath, and I suppose that is something that could never be replicated.

Image I can kinda picture how that would’ve looked.

Image Well, going back to where I was… When the Head determines something to be an impurity of the City, they’ll send Arbiters, Beholders, and Claws to try and get rid of it.

Image Was their research an impurity to the City…

Image Something about that story doesn’t sit well with me, though. I heard it from Hod and asked her the same question…


Image As the other librarians likely have said to you, she is telling you the truth. Though I don’t know the reason, either… Is the Head staying quiet at the moment because they deemed the current state of the City to be acceptable?

Image I guess? It’s not like we’ve had a visitor from the Head…

Image The Head coming to the Library… I’m curious how it will turn out.

Image Sure, you’ll want to draw as much attention as possible if you wanna live long.


After the Hana Association battle, we get the necessary books to do our last pair of Realizations. Long-time readers are probably expecting that a poll will be coming soon, but it's not quite time for that…


Hana Association is the last of our two-part nodes, so we have to complete it first.

Image Maaaan… in the end it feels like we didn't really accomplish much of anything.

Image I wouldn't be so sure of that. If nothing else, I confirmed my theory on why Talow's been rushing out of his therapy sessions the moment I show up.
Image Wait, you noticed that? So why's it happening? He hasn't mentioned anything to me.

Image Simple, Elle Tee: Imagine you spent two months being incredibly Not Over It with an ex who shot you down. Then imagine you were left alone for about thirty years, having no company outside your own thoughts. What do you think would happen?
Image Oh. I think I get it!
Image Then explain it to me?

Image It's cringe. That reaction is his attempt to not immediately roll up into a ball and die of shame.

Image Oh… like when I think about my school days.

Image Exactly.

Image Jeepies. Our handbooks don't have any information on how to handle that kind of problem!

Image That's because we don't have to. A problem like that isn't going to kill him unless I decide to beat him down myself.

Image So… to the grave, then?

Image Hah! Maybe later.

Next time, on Library of Ruina: Olivier returns, and we get more handshakes.


Hana Association 2

New Key Pages

New Combat Pages

Mirinae, Harold, Olivier Exclusive:

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Book 48 Intermission: Small Story 8

Music: Lobby

Image Malkuth? I don't see you here very often. Where are you going?

Image I'm heading up to Hokma's floor to say hello.

Image Were we that close before..?

Image All the more reason to say hello, don't you think? We're all working together now.
Image You hold a valid point. Very well, I shall accompany you.

Image Right. Let's talk lots about work!

Music: HokmaStory

Image Hey Tiphy! Hey Roland! What brought you two here?

Image Nothing big. These books seemed a bit too heavy for her to carry on her own. Though… I’m already bringing a whole lotta books here myself. What more does this old man want…?

Image That’s not exactly the most appropriate thing to say in front of the person to whom you’re referring, is it, sir?

Image …And since when did you start addressing me so politely?

Image I simply desire to read many books. I would rather not spend my time in complete idleness.

Image Let’s see… What books did our resident geriatric want to read so much that he’d ask Tiphereth to pick ‘em?

Image “Continuity of Life”… “Bioengineering Technologies”… Boy, this is straight out of a biology shelf.

Image He’d gone through chemistry the other day.

Image I wouldn’t have made you go through the trouble had I known that you would bring this many books… I owe much gratitude to you for your continued assistance, young miss.

Image I did think about asking for help… But Roland came over and lent his hand, so I chose not to.
Image I didn’t really expect you to ask for stuff like this, Mister Hokma. I thought you would know all this already.

Image I am reading them multiple times so that the knowledge won’t be lost from my memory.


Image I see what you mean. The same sentence can give off different impressions every time you read it.
Image Mmh… Cultured people talking cultured things I don’t get. Anyhoo, what were you guys doing here?

Image Little more than insignificant chatter which is related to the work we do in this place.

Image That’s what we were up to. As you indulge in work, you pile up all kinds of feelings!

Image …Does that mean you were mouthing off about your boss?!


Image And then she’d show up like she saw nothing and…

Image Aren’t you the one talking about your boss behind her back?

Image We were mostly chatting about receiving guests. Hmm… Oh right, Yesod complained about Angela, too!
Image Malkuth, don’t say anything that could cause confusion. My complaint was simply about the stacks of books remaining in the corridors which are making a disordered sight.

Image I mean, you’re basically saying that you don’t like how untidy the Library is, right?


Image Still, great efforts are being exerted to constantly receive a variety of guests, and that is worthy of praise in itself. That extends to you folk as well.

Image Well, I’ve gotten pretty used to it by now, so it’s no biggie really.

Music: Lobby

Image That said, regarding your concern… there is little to worry about. While Talow is finishing his work, she has decided to turn her attention to other sections of the Library.

Image Work? What's that stuffy guy up to?

Image Divining the future, courtesy of that Purple Tear woman. Which I've finished while you all were chatting, by the way.

Image How interesting. Be careful that you do not enable whatever future you seek to avoid.
Image You're leaving?

Image I seek to observe this place, and see with my own eyes what comes of it. Knowing what may happen before it does would only serve to cause bias.

Image Yeah… if it's something that she caused, we should give them some space. For sure.

Image You think so?

Image Absolutely. Let's leave them to it. I'll even treat you to some coffee.

Image At Chesed's expense, I'm sure.

Image You caught me… C'mon. Let's just clear the room, ASAP.

Image I'm not entirely sure that was necessary…

Image Be that as it may, speak.

Image Okay, so. It was really a pain in the ass to figure out everything—there's no sequence to it. It just came in all at once, and it took time to get everything sorted out. Basically, we finish our work with the Hana. Needless to say, we didn't do much. Sometimes I looked in, most of the time I was back here doing whatever. They're no trouble. But after that, usually something would happen on Binah's floor. I could feel it from here.

Image Another of those 'Realizations,' surely. Those three birds are long past overdue to reunite.

Image Yeah. And then… something happens, there's a lot of yelling, we fight a rear end in a top hat—

Image The skeletal gentleman?

Image Yeah. Sometimes he kills us, sometimes we kill him, eventually things come to an end. Except they don't. Something happens upstairs. Another guest. A big one, rumbling like a Realization.

Image You never saw who?

Image I saw something a few times, but it sure as hell wasn't a person anymore. Then smoke spread all over everything. After that, the system was cut off until it was over. The next thing I know, I come to in a warzone, Bishop's pre-murdered in one of five or six different ways, and I get the hell out of there. Then there's a voice, something about the cruel fate of living in a cycle where I can't do anything but watch. I agree that I have to break out of it, and… nothing. It ends there.
Image I see. And you were unaware of the state of things in these visions?

Image In all but one. No idea how that works, but to be fair I'm not used to having my brain raked over the coals like this. That time, I tried to warn everyone and Angela listened. She wound up fully completing our floor before Binah's, and. Well, I'll make a long story short: It's WhiteNight again, and us without a dragon to throw at it. We don't even have a skull.

Image Were we successful in defeating it?

Image I guess? I was dead for the end of it, but man what a pain in the ass… It's still on its god of the new world schtick. From there, things went about the same. No rumble from Binah's floor, we fight the skeleton again, smoke monster appears, only this time there's some sketchy-looking… thing with a sword right through Angela's gut. Next thing I know, I'm unraveling into pages as the Library stops existing. It turns out even after 10,000 years there were ways to die I hadn't discovered yet.

Image Then, to summarize: no matter what, there was never a time in which both Apocalypse Bird and WhiteNight were faced?

Image Pretty much. The Library never had quite enough time to complete itself.

Image Then its completion must be our priority. Unfortunately… the manner of its completion is entirely out of our hands. We must trust in Angela and that the path the Light has laid out for her will succeed this time.

Image Okay, and what if it doesn't?

Image Then it will mean the Light itself has betrayed us. We can only have faith that it will not.

Image It all comes back to faith again, eh?

Image Ah, Talow. Everything in this world is ultimately about faith. We must believe in something, or we can only have nothing.
Image Can I be dismissed before this becomes a sermon..?

Image It may do you some good to listen for once…


Image Alright, then.
Image Rooooland? Where'd you get to?! I had to ask Chesed to start brewing without you!

Image Ah, sorry, sorry! I'm coming! Just taking a moment to really see how backed up the books are. Yesod's right, they really are all over the place…
Last edited by TeeQueue on Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Book 48: Hana Association—Chapter 3

Music: Lobby

The second chapter requires books of Mirinae and Harold. As a side note, all of the books of the Hana Association will give results as though they were Tier 2 or 3 Star of the City books should we use them for General Receptions. The new content from here on is all very straightforward to get to.

Music: None

Image All that’s left is to settle this my way.

Music: Entrance

There is a tiny swish here, as her sentence is cut off. What happened will become apparent soon enough.

Image The Purple Tear was right, you are nearly indistinguishable from a human now. At the same time, the power of the Library which protects you has gotten weaker.

Image …What is the meaning of this?

Image You should be more careful when your body is made of flesh rather than metal. But it seems you can’t die from having your head chopped off yet.

Image Sigh… I suppose I can’t. I was wondering what you were up to.

Image There’s still an abundance of options that don’t involve killing.

Music: None

The lettering during this part wavers and slides around, a unique effect we don't see anywhere else.

Image A workshop-crafted assassination device with T Corp’s Singularity applied to it, bought just for you. You may have power, but you’re certainly gullible.

Image That’s what happens when you accept handshakes from those who oppose you without having a hint of doubt.

Image First, it paralyzes the target, and when I p—

Music: Entrance

Image The device overloads the human brain, causing their mind to experience a thousand years of time passing by… Which is more than enough to ruin the average person’s brain. Just like the WARP trains, huh.

Image …Olivier. You went to the lengths of the world to join the Hana Association, and now you resort to this extravagant little gadget of doom.

Image Did you blow your entire fortune on this thing or what? And you spoke too much.

Image It’s been a while, Roland… I was waiting for you to show up. So you’ve been guarding this monster mimicking a human all along?

Image Whoa now, she’s no monster, y’know? She’s my responsible boss and a good friend.

Image Angela. I’ll deal with this fella on my own, so please back off for a bit.

Image …Thanks. You don’t need my help?

Image I have to take care of this matter on my own. This is between him and I, so you don’t have to worry.

Image Alright. …You can call me anytime if you need assistance.


Image What you’re doing isn’t any different from all the tragedies we’ve seen and gone through… You’ve been perpetuating it in the Library with that machine.

Image …I won’t expect you to understand me.

Image …Take these. The gloves of the Black Silence. And let’s say we’ve evened the score now.


Image With this, I got all the help I could ask of you.

Image I’m partly responsible for what happened to you, which led you here…


Image Neither of us had parents or any real family, so you probably thought no one would be concerned about you. And you were wrong. I was actually pretty worried for you, unlike some others in Charles’ Office.

Image A bunch of thoughts came to my mind when you left after making a lengthy ramble. Not long after that… I heard news that a person who appeared to be the Black Silence was on a crazed rampage across the City. Said he was slaughtering Syndicates that were doing suspicious experiments left and right. His wave of destruction didn’t discriminate. Even Fingers and Fixer Offices were caught in its wake…

Image I almost had to question myself for a moment when I heard that you crushed a good half of the Middle in the south. It was as if you were venting out all of your frustrations and resentment on the City. And if that were the case… I thought you might keep going and demolish the City itself out of sheer anger and madness.

Image C’mon, you’re blowing things out of proportion again.

Image Anyone would’ve thought the same thing if they had looked into your eyes behind that dark mask at the time.

Image Thanks for worrying, man. I was concerned you might have died an unfortunate death somewhere out there.


Image I appreciate you coming over to help me along that short call that day… Sorry about… what happened next.

Image Never mind it. I only rushed to save your ass ‘cause you said I might get a Nest Migration permit.

Image I’m sorry for all the trouble.

Image How’re the others doing, anyway? Like Ogier or Astolfo.

Image Joining Wings, exploring the Ruins… They’ve found their ways to make a living for themselves. We just aren’t how we used to be. We’ve grown too distant.

Image I see.

Image …Say, ‘member when the two of us handled an Urban Nightmare case for the first time? The uh… What was that case called…

Image The Secret of the Demi-glace Sauce, which occurred in the Backstreets of District 16.

Image Yeah, that! We were just about done with it, and then your arm almost got caught in a blender at the last moment. Though thanks to me, you saved yourself the need to get a new arm. That was one thrilling job.

Image Huff… Let’s set the record straight.


Image C’mon man! Can’t you let me come out on top for once!

Image …Those were the days, still. We didn’t have to worry about too many things, and just stuck to the matters at hand.

Image Yeah… But you know we can’t go back to those times anymore, Roland. You swallowed your anger and sadness to work with that machine, so I don’t doubt that you’ve prepared yourself for a lot of things.

Image I know. Both of us have gone too far down our roads. It was nice talking to you after a long while though, Olivier.

Image I’m only doing my job as a Fixer of the Hana Association now. To retrieve the books of my colleagues, and dispatch threats.

Image That’s that, and this is this. Isn’t that right?

Image …Right you are. That’s that, and this is this.

Image …Let us begin.

Next time, on Library of Ruina: No Passives, Roland only, Final Destination.


Hana Association 3

Image That device… I nearly…

Image Is this what being human entails? This sense of… unease?

Image Ah, yes. I recall it. The humans I saw every day were uneasy as well. Perhaps that is simply how it is within the City.

Image Indeed… It is something that needs to be changed.
Image You are quite certain? That sounds difficult to believe.

Image True. I will see soon enough…

Image No, it's nothing. Soon, the one book will be in my hands. On that day, everything will be finished. This… is all to get what I'm owed.

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Last week I realized that this LP wasn’t finished (I was about halfway through at the time) and I promptly doubled down on my reading in order to catch up before it was finished… it still doesn’t quite feel real yet now that I actually made it.

TeeQueue, I want to thank you so much for making these LPs. I love the agents, the dynamics, the little dialogues you write, the setup– while reading it is certainly a lot of time investment, no other playthrough could make me smile this much. I know you put a lot of time and effort into making this into what it is, and you really are going the extra mile for us-- and I’m very grateful for that : )

I initially started reading your Lobcorp LP because I didn’t think I wanted to get the game but I wanted to know the story anyway, but funnily enough, reading your LP changed my mind about that– soon as I get a computer that won’t fry immediately, I’m buying LC and LoR for sure. I’ve also been inspired by all your agent shenanigans to create some agents of my own; I now have several dozen new OCs and a 30,000-word lore doc, so… suffice to say, your LPs have had a huge impact on me and I’m so glad I found them.

Anyway, I’m stoked to be here to see the last chapter unfold in real time. I can’t wait to see the endgame-– great job so far, good luck moving forward, and again, thank you so much for doing this!

While I’m here, please accept my (very belated) offering of a Very Accurate Depiction of Argalia recruiting Philip into the ensemble:

Sorry for rambling, I just have Feelings about this : P have a great day!

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Book 48: Hana Association—Chapter 4

Music: GuestBattle01

Image Alright, boss. I just changed my reed and I'm ready to—

Image Not today, Steve. This one is my duty. You guys can all just watch.

Image Are you sure, si—

Image Okay, boss. We'll have a siesta. You want your privacy, right?
Image Appreciated. This is something I have to do.

Our reception today is a simple 1v1. It doesn't actually matter what Key Page we put on Roland here, as they actually don't matter..


Those gloves have unlocked Roland's keypage of the Black Silence.


Roland's new keypage comes complete with Speed 3, a ban on any alterations to our Combat pages, and an ability that gives him +2 Pages at the start of combat, while giving +2 Power to all dice on every third Combat Page he plays. Keeping track of that tempo makes him a bit more effective, and I always forget to do that.


Olivier, meanwhile, has one of the best chassis in the game for raw combat. The Twelve Fixers is great, giving a +2 to Minimum rolls that helps protect against terrible rng, while Four Trigrams is always useful and All for Hana ensures he has a solid defensive core to keep him going for a while.

Duel is actually a handicap skill, which powers Roland up. The Black Silence's Combat pages have dice that are at best only slightly more powerful than Olivier's pages, so in order to give us a fighting chance with a deck we don't know, Roland will be getting a hefty chunk of bonus HP and SR to even things out.


Music: KeterBattle01

Image Very kind of the Library to give me this opportunity. A simple 1-on-1 fight, without any frills.

Image Ah, your boss's notes said that this would be the right way to proceed, didn't they?

Image We observed as much, yes.

Image That's the Hana I've always heard of.

Olivier mostly uses the same attacks as his fellow Hana Association members, but we still have pages to show off: Our own. Over the course of this fight, we'll be seeing all of Roland's attacks, as the point of it is to give the player a chance to feel out his new abilities. He's no Red Mist or Binah, but he's got some good stuff in his own right.


First up, we have Durandal—a pair of decent dice that we really want to hit with as they give Roland +1 Strength next turn for each successful attack.

Each of his pages has an icon next to the cost as well—like with Blade Unlocked on the Proxies, this is just an indicator that we haven't played it yet.


Mook Workshop, meanwhile, is one of Roland's new recovery pages—2 Light for 1 Draw and 3 Light recovery, with a relatively chunky single die to work with. It's very good for breaking single Counter dice or stopping pages with one Offensive die lead.


How we line up our clashes is important in this fight, and on this turn we can't actually redirect either die. Since both are pointed at our rear die, I decide to eat a Celestial Spear die to ensure that we stop the Brace Up. Durandal aims for a one-sided attack, I'd really like to get that bonus to Strength.


Image Well. No need to put this off any longer.

Image Guh..!


Image You never did waste time.

Image And you never fought without that mask of yours.


Image You're right. I never have.


Image Is that the face you were always making, then?

Image This is just for business.

Image Of course.


I would have loved to get Lies here, but unfortunately didn't lose enough clashes to make that happen. Heart of Aspiration it is, since I would like to ideally control what goes where… and 15% of over 200 is pretty hefty.


Image …Back to business, then.

Image Right. Business.


Olivier is also capable of using Augury Kick, and we'll be stuffing it with Wheels Industry. It's got a massive 14-24 first die, and as the third Combat Page Roland will have used he'll get another +2 to it. It also destroys a die on the opponent's page upon winning a Clash, so it's actually great for blocking strong 2 or 3-die enemy pages.


The other page I use this turn is Old Boys Workshop, a powerful Light generation page that gives us a 1-for-3 trade, as well as letting us draw a page on use. If its attack hits, we also heal SR as well—it's very useful and worth playing almost any time it shows up.


Wheels Industry manages to completely stuff Augury Kick, of course.


And the Old Boys Workshop restores some of our SR.


With only one target available, Pale Hands is my other pick here—we could have taken Curiosity here, but Roland's got enough draw potential to keep things flowing regardless, making it worthless without Lies to go along with it.

Music: KeterBattle02

Image You know… it's funny.

Image What's funny?

Image That move you used just now… It was so awkward. Did the Library make you rusty?

Image You try wearing other people's bodies and see how comfortable you are afterwards.

Image That's why you haven't done that yet, then.

Image If I could have, I already would.


Image I have to warm up first.

Image I know. I saw how you handled yourself last time.

Furioso counts how many of his nine pages Roland has used, letting us see at a glance how many more we need to play to have used all of them. Right now, we've used four.


Meanwhile, the single sword is his Black Silence ability, which tracks how close we are to our third attack. On this turn, it'll be the second page that we use—remembering this exists can let us win clashes we otherwise wouldn't, so it's handy to keep the tempo in mind here.


Olivier throws down one of his new pages this turn: Double-edged Rencounter. It's a decent 3-cost page that makes subsequent dice get a +3 maximum roll when they win their Clashes. I've decided to block it with Crystal Atelier, a completely basic 3-cost page for Roland that has his only Counter die in the deck. This is actually very stupid of me, for the following reasons:

-Roland will not be getting his +2 Power on this attack.
-Olivier has +1 Endurance and +2 Strength, alongside a +2 to minimum dierolls.

This means the first clash is a 10-11 vs a 8-11, and it doesn't get better from there. Still, we have to play it eventually!


The other page we play this turn is Allas Workshop, which can use the +2 Power from being the third Combat Page played and its own -2 enemy Power effect to crush an Augury Kick.


If I'd been thinking, I would have shoved Crystal Atelier and Allas onto Augury Kick, to allow us to get a onesided attack off while praying for our Counter die to stop some of Rencounter, but I am not smart so I just clashed everything and called it a day.


Image That mask made you sloppy. You look where you're trying to strike.




On our next turn, both Olivier and Roland hit Emotion Level 3. One of the handy things about this fight is how balanced the Emotion gains are, making sure that we're never behind in total Speed Dice unless we get Staggered… at which point we'll have bigger problems to deal with.


On this turn, Olivier's using Geon to get bonus Strength, so I have to fire off Wheels Industry to block a Power-boosted True Trigram Formation. I also try to block a Celestial Spear with Learn, but that's really just wishful thinking. Olivier's 3 Strength and +2 minimum/+1 maximum dierolls weigh the odds heavily in his favor.


I also progress our Furioso stacks by playing Zelkova Workshop, a draw page which cannot have its cost changed by anything—most importantly Lies. It's decent enough drawtech outside of that.


And so, as if by cruel twist of fate the two old friends fought. There wasn't any more need for words between them. Sound itself seemed to fade between the pair.


Aside his one lucky blow, Olivier shows the clear upper hand.


Time and again his weapons strike home, overpowering Roland's blades.


But Roland has more blades he can call upon.


Blades, knives, and even guns that remain unused.

Music: KeterBattle03

Roland focuses entirely on breaking his old friend's stance before his own can be broken.


And so, the sounds of gunfire ring through the empty floor—a pair of pistols and a shotgun forcing Olivier back.


And the hesitation allows Roland to dash forward with his favorite sword: a pair of slashes that nearly take Olivier over the edge…


Nearly, but not quite.


Their willpower, as much as their skills, are tested as they dance on the edge of a knife. The slightest mistake could be the end of it all.


For an instant, Roland leaves his back open. Not anything more than a half-second of an opening, at most.


In a battle between two high-level Fixers, that opening is more than enough.


And now we are in serious trouble, as Olivier decides to use the strongest page in his deck.


Impugnatio Ultima is actually for discard decks, pitching Olivier's entire hand in exchange for +2 Power on every die on the page.


It hits exactly as hard as you'd think.


But whether through hesitation or miscalculation…


Olivier can't quite finish the job, either.

Music: GuestBattle03

Roland, 7 HP. Olivier, 8 SR. The next hit will determine the winner.

The edge of a knife.


And it's here that Roland uses his trump card, a unique E.G.O page much like the other Colors have had.


Furioso. An incredibly powerful attack, but one that requires all the other pages of the Black Silence keypage be used first.


The pair stare each other down. Neither man speaks—there isn't any point. The gloves of the Black Silence are working at their maximum capacity, and with it not a single sound can be heard within the room…


…aside the sounds of Roland's weapons, doing their bloody work.


And in the end, it all comes back to Durandal.
Image … Looks like you remembered how to use those gloves after all.

Image Yeah. Thanks for everything.

Image And…

Image Huuf… Pah…


Olivier's reception is ultimately a tutorial for the Black Silence keypage. It's a much more difficult fight than other tutorials in the game due to where it's located, but we have a lot of wiggle room to defeat Olivier—we even got Staggered and still pulled out a handy win.

Music: Result

Image You seem… really intense, sir.

Image You alright..?

Image Roland.

Image …Yeah.


Music: Lobby

Image That’s well… Umm… A case of… missing the right moment to confess it. I guess?

Image Though I do wonder, how were the Fixers we’ve seen unable to recognize you?

Image I completely concealed my identity behind this mask back when I worked as a Fixer.

Image …A tiny bit of personal info being leaked can come back to bite you in the ankle. It’s a lesson my gran taught me.
Image If you have any more secrets you’re keeping from me, you’d best find them well-hidden.


Image Although… You saved me this time, so I’ll forgive it. I might have suffered serious damage if I was forced to endure a thousand years in my current state.

Image Just doing my job, ma’am.

Image …And you just lost your friend, are you feeling okay?

Image …That’s that, and this is this.


With Olivier beaten, Roland permanently gains the Black Silence keypage for the rest of the game. Like with Binah, we can't alter it in any way—but we can add on passives if we want.


With the Hana Association finally dealt with, we can finally pick from our two Realizations that we have left over. However, there is also another option available:


We can also just continue the plot at any time, and the game is done with any sense of subtlety. There is no question mark anymore—we're dealing with Argalia's crew, and there's no point in hiding it.

Next time, on Library of Ruina


Image Apocalypse Mizu

Image I've been here with you all from the start of this story until now.

Image I already know there's no combination of words that could beat those two.


Hana Association 4

New Key Pages

New Combat Pages

Last edited by TeeQueue on Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Oh man... Apocalypse Mizu is tempting, but I'm incredibly excited and intrigued to see what the murderhobos have in store... plus, Hokma's realization would give us more juicy Talow lore...
Yeah screw it, I'm voting for Mizu >:P

In other news, I think this would also be a good time to mention that Roland shares his name with a legendary knight, also known as Orlando, and who wields a sword called Durandal, and who has a friend named Olivier, and who's featured in the poem Orlando Furioso... yeah, this isn't a coincidence.
"Orlando Furioso" roughly translates to something along the lines of "Enraged Orlando," or perhaps, "Angry Roland."
Yeah... doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

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The thread has spoken, and not one soul was surprised. We're doing Binah Realization next.

quantumpapaya wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:54 pm
Oh man... Apocalypse Mizu is tempting, but I'm incredibly excited and intrigued to see what the murderhobos have in store... plus, Hokma's realization would give us more juicy Talow lore...
Yeah screw it, I'm voting for Mizu >:P

In other news, I think this would also be a good time to mention that Roland shares his name with a legendary knight, also known as Orlando, and who wields a sword called Durandal, and who has a friend named Olivier, and who's featured in the poem Orlando Furioso... yeah, this isn't a coincidence.
"Orlando Furioso" roughly translates to something along the lines of "Enraged Orlando," or perhaps, "Angry Roland."
Yeah... doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
quantumpapaya wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:22 am
Last week I realized that this LP wasn’t finished (I was about halfway through at the time) and I promptly doubled down on my reading in order to catch up before it was finished… it still doesn’t quite feel real yet now that I actually made it.

TeeQueue, I want to thank you so much for making these LPs. I love the agents, the dynamics, the little dialogues you write, the setup– while reading it is certainly a lot of time investment, no other playthrough could make me smile this much. I know you put a lot of time and effort into making this into what it is, and you really are going the extra mile for us-- and I’m very grateful for that : )

I initially started reading your Lobcorp LP because I didn’t think I wanted to get the game but I wanted to know the story anyway, but funnily enough, reading your LP changed my mind about that– soon as I get a computer that won’t fry immediately, I’m buying LC and LoR for sure. I’ve also been inspired by all your agent shenanigans to create some agents of my own; I now have several dozen new OCs and a 30,000-word lore doc, so… suffice to say, your LPs have had a huge impact on me and I’m so glad I found them.

Anyway, I’m stoked to be here to see the last chapter unfold in real time. I can’t wait to see the endgame-– great job so far, good luck moving forward, and again, thank you so much for doing this!

While I’m here, please accept my (very belated) offering of a Very Accurate Depiction of Argalia recruiting Philip into the ensemble:

Sorry for rambling, I just have Feelings about this : P have a great day!
Never apologize for having Feelings. I'm glad to know that my work has an effect on people, tbh—the best part about writing is trying to make your audience feel things about the stuff you're writing and the characters you're weaving stories for. Feelings are the second best thing ever, behind the ability to trigger your own theme song at will with the push of a button.

All that's left is the home stretch now, more or less... here's hoping I don't wind up in the nostalgia hellpit again before it's over.

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Agreed on the writing part, and I can say the thread as a whole is a great read! Both LobCorp and this have been a treat to read through!

I wish you the best of luck with the upcoming trials, though. I ended up not finishing the game around this part, so I'm looking forward to what lies beyond, and of course the ordeals of the nuggets.

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Appendix 39: Hana Association
A Hana Fixer’s Page wrote: Each Association has a creed or maxim that reflects its atmosphere. Some emphasize gallant passion, while others aspire to a quiet and cold attitude. The Hana Association is no exception in that it has a number of outwardly seen principles. Coincidentally, they represent the most basic ideas of the attitude a Fixer must have.

We must exercise concentration and resoluteness in all situations. Be diligent to detect the emergence of a new flow, yet be wary not to be swept by the flow yourself. As our occupation involves placing some on low positions and holding others in high regard, we must secure the values that constitute our frame, while amending outdated parts of our ideologies. Thus, we need to have an open mind that can accept opinions that differ from our own in moderation. Be willing to listen to the criticism of others and acknowledge it, but be cautious not to throw yourself into confusion by accepting any and all opinions, changing yourself without due consideration. Change what needs to be changed, but be stubborn about the rules we’ve maintained. In conclusion, we mustn’t fall for temptation or deception.

Much like how a foundation influences the structures that stand on it, these principles serve as a basis for all Associations to uphold. Being the Association that supervises the system of Fixers in general, the principles of the Hana are also applicable to the mindset any Fixer should have.
Mirinae’s Page wrote: There are twelve Fixer Associations across the City, and the Hana Association is the one in charge of general management of the rest. We’re renowned for rating the threat level of hazards that occur in the City, and grading Fixers and Offices. On top of that, we give out Fixer licenses, issue official documents about certain requests, and assign Colors to Fixers who prove themselves to be beyond the grading system. Our Association calls the shots on pretty much everything regarding Fixer activity. Although, there is one thing the Hana Association can’t touch on.

The ratings of hazards in the City are as follows: Urban Myth, Urban Legend, Urban Plague, Urban Nightmare, Star of the City… and Impurity. Most other Associations only deal with Stars of the City or lower. Even though Hana Association has control over grading the hazards… There’s one grade our Association can’t assign: The Impurity. Only the Head has the authority to decide that. I don’t know the exact rationale behind designating Impurities… From what I can see, they seem to declare beings that defile the City as Impurities and banish them to the Outskirts. I suppose the Head manages that part since things like the ethics of the City aren’t subjects we are qualified to discern.
Harold’s Page wrote: Some people ask how Stars of the City, the highest level of urban hazards, are any different from Impurities. They wonder… “Aren’t they disrupting the City’s order?”
If you ask me, this City as it exists with the Stars… might be what the Head thinks as the ideal image of the City.

In the universe that is the City, a center of mass forms for each person who bears a wish for something, and clusters of dreams comparable to interstellar matter gravitate toward those centers. Driven by the force people exert in their efforts to reach those goals, such nebulae repeatedly expand and contract, until they finally fulfill their wishes—creating a Star whose glow we can observe. The people who witness the sparkle of that Star admire how brilliantly it shines in the dark, and entertain the hope that they will shine as brightly one day, making yet more centers in the universe…

Of course, some people will have their eyes fixed to the ground—too busy to gaze at anything other than their path ahead; however, once a person sets their eyes on a Star, they begin to head towards it, using its guidance like a compass. Although they probably aren’t trying to become a Star themselves. They merely want to shine with their dreams for once, not to indulge in the sense of superiority that comes from being high up in the City’s sky.
Olivier’s Page wrote: Roland and I were long-time partners in Charles’ Office since the year dot. There were twelve members in total—excluding Angelica who joined the Office later on to resolve the case of the Blood-red Night. Consisting of rather few Fixers for a Grade 1 Office, it took on various requests, playing to the strengths of the twelve members who had different quirks and characteristics each. Roland and I got along well together, so I often worked with him. Well, not exactly for that reason. To be precise, someone had to keep his impulse to jump into action before thinking on a dog’s leash.

“Valor without forethought is little more than a bluff, and there is more strength in discretion than recklessness.” I wonder if you remember this piece of advice I gave when you were still prone to take action without thinking. I remember you conceding it and taking a step back. Although I gave you that advice, now I understand that it’s not without fault. Thinking alone doesn’t make progress, and too much caution can be a harm to oneself. I had the prudence, and you had the unhesitating action. We helped each other with our strengths, and we could just live on by dealing with matters at hand back in the day. Maybe those were the days when we could laugh and lament the most, and carry out our lives just like that. But now we’ve come too far to go back—so did you, and so did Charles’ Office.

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Book 48.5: Small Story 9

Music: Lobby

Image So, what do you think? It meets your expectations, doesn't it~?
Image I'm not sure… It tastes good to me, but there are others to think about.

Image Does the taste even matter that much?

Image Image It does.

Image Huh. In that case, why not go with that… machyato?

Image It wouldn't pair quite right with the snacks Hod's prepared, I'm afraid~

Image Knock-knock.
Image Who's there~?

Image Buncha librarians.

Image Buncha librarians who~?

Image Buncha librarians here to kidnap you!!

Image What the-? The hell's going on?!

Image You're between cups of coffee, and we were considering having tea. And I thought about how I'm always coming here for some of the good stuff…

Image So it was decided that our penance would include providing some for you all. Please do not resist.

Image Well, if you're going to put it like that… How are we supposed to refuse?

Image You're not! Hup-cha!
Image Oh, my!

Image Oi, oi, put me down, would you?! I can walk jus' fine!
Image And I got the coffee guy! Let's move, people!!

Image Brings back memories, doesn't it~?

Image Ahh shove it, you.

Sometime later…

Music: BinahStory

Image It is quite a shame to know that such is the pitiable hill you choose to die on. Perhaps your tongue has been paralyzed by the overbearingly thick, strong flavor and scent.


Image Oh, it’s Angela. What are you doing here?

Image …I was just meandering around using the bit of free time I have. What about you lot, then? Are you engaging in a book discussion or whatever?

Image While that activity piques my interest as well… At the moment, we are having a friendly chat between Patron Librarians.

Image We were kinda dragged here by her assistants, though~

Image It is regrettable that you put it that way.

Image The assistant librarians?

Image Mmhmm~ They sometimes visit my floor for a cup of coffee. Not many other floors make it a habit to enjoy fine beverages. I was having some coffee with Hod and Gebura~ Then they suddenly brought us here, saying they’d like to return the favor. Isn’t that a surprise?

Image Should’ve realized that they were hers from the color of their attire…

Image Sounds like you’re on friendly terms with assistant librarians.

Image They’re our coworkers, no need to be cold with them.


Image Maybe. Why do you ask?

Image I was wondering if you could stick around for a cup of tea. Since you’re here, why don’t you help yourself~? No coffee, though; I only brought mine.

Image We don’t get to talk with you like this often.

Image …Fine, I’ll accept your offer.

There's a screenwipe here, then…


Image Do not be too harsh on them. Refreshments such as these are a necessity from time to time. They are all busy workers, racing to get their jobs done.

Image Well, even though we’re here together, that doesn’t mean we’re all that comfortable with each other~

Image Still, I think it’s amazing that we can gather round and face each other in the first place.

Image …It’s unfortunate that I can’t taste or smell the tea you troubled to prepare for me.

Image Soaking up this atmosphere is nice enough, I think?

Image Though, as great as it’d be to be able to enjoy it together next time~

Image …Anyway, thank you for the conversation. I’ll be going now.

Image Come over to my floor sometime~ Roland is an occasional visitor, so feel free to bring him with you if you don’t feel like coming on your own~

Image I’ll consider it if I get any free time later.


Image My hunch leans toward yes~

Music: Lobby

Image Well, at any rate. This was a lovely time, but we should get back down to my floor…

Image Ah, right. We still need to figure out what kind of coffee we'll be having at the next book club meeting.

Image I've still got no idea why you dragged me into this.

Image You and Paul have similar palates, so…

Image For real? Huh…

Image Did you enjoy your respite, my children?

Image Sure did! It was tea-riffic!

Image From the way you said that… it sounds like we're about to have work to do.

Image Of course, dear. Gird yourselves for what is to come… our next trial already approaches.

Image Ooo, ominous!

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Concerto 4: Binah—Sonata

Music: Lobby

Before we get started, there's one piece of advice that I feel should be given upfront:

Don't bring The Strongest to this realization.

Anyways, let's get this ball rolling.

Music: BinahStory

Image Nope. She never really told me about who she was based on, and I didn’t really wanna bother asking further.

Image Angela was created in the image of the person named Carmen. She was one who sought to change the City.
Image Hang on, what? You mean the Carmen who recruited people for her quest to cure humanity?

Image She strove to create a world without conflict. To elaborate, her idea of utopia was one in which people did not harm each other, and could mutually understand.

Image She dreamed of a world where people could dream… Alas, she could never reach that ideal herself, tragically. The fruit of her research could only be borne after she sacrificed her life for it.

Image And the Head didn’t miss that prime opportunity to strike?

Image Of course, her cause was an important offense… even though that was not all. Angela was meant to be a substitute of Carmen.

Image The one who created Angela and carried out the plan…

Image And the one I am keeping an eye on; he was the same type of individual as I.


Image He was frail, yet could not be understood by anyone. It may be that he desperately longed for understanding from another being for that reason.

Image So you’re saying Angela was made to fill the Carmen-sized hole in his heart?

Image The forbidden endeavor to create someone to look over his fragile self. A cocktail of irony and lingering attachment… self-loathing and insanity. The irony of codependency where the two gravely needed each other but could never be next to one another. The abiding affection for Carmen that compelled him to create a mechanical copy of her, even though there was no real need for such resemblance.

Image The result ended up resembling him more than Carmen, funnily enough. The self-contempt that stemmed from countless contradictions and regrets. And the insanity of neglecting Angela to suffer for nigh eternity when she was capable of having a mind that is no different from humans.

Image Beautiful, is it not?


Image Yet he was a beacon of virtue for some.

Image There is no such thing as “good” in this world, however. There is only what is perceived as such. It is not up to the individual to dare make universal judgement…

Image Right. And I bet he was a spawn of evil to others…

Image Humans are bound to view the world while carrying certain things on their backs.

Image You are no exception, of course.

Music: Ominous Ambiance

Image And I was left alone when she was gone not too long after. Looking for a way to make a living for myself, I jumped into the world of Fixers at a young age. I had my gran to thank for that, since she taught me how to survive as a Fixer before she left.

Image I spent all of my time dealing with requests and errands for others, rather than doing anything for myself. In time, I gradually forgot. Was there anything that I could do for myself?

Image I thought as I watched the naked and explicit facets of the City. Should I settle for a life where I won’t lack for anything crucial…? Will I be happy if I live in the Nest…?

Music: StoryNervous



Image I said fuck off.

Image …Huh?

Image Try looking at what’s in front of you for once. You’ll miss the most important things if you’re always looking back, don’t you know?

Image …You’re not getting any thanks from me.

Image I wasn’t expecting any.

Image And I’m still getting credit for this one’s head.

Image What is a young green sprout like you doing here anyway, partaking in this war?

Image It’s none of your business.

Image I bet you’re here for the migration permit to the Nest.

Image …Are you here for that too, old fart?

Image I’m a Nest resident at birth, so I don’t quite need that.

Image …The hell are you here for, then.


In the most shocking reveal to date, Salvador did not always have that mustache.

Image A badge of I Corp’s Nest…

Image An entire Association has been hired, you see. I frankly don’t know what we’re fighting for.

Image This smoke admittedly made the City a nasty mess, I’ll give you that… But they won’t tell us anything beyond that. All we ought to do is go and kill whoever we’re ordered to kill. Such are the principles of the Fixers, and this City as a whole.

Image …Say, kid. How many kills have you scored in this war until now?

Image Twenty three.

Image Think your life is worth more than twenty-three people?

Image No… All I did was strike at them with my sword so I could live… My life probably isn’t worth anything more than one…

Image And yet some higher ups believe that a handful of this smoke is worth more than tens of thousands of lives.

Music: Ominous ambiance

Image Hrrrk…

Image You vomit with your mask on? Hrp…

Image …Filthy tot. You made me queasy as well.

Image What… is that thing…

Image You’d better get used to this kind of scenery. The Singularities that keep the City running all have a nasty truth or two hidden from the public eye. Well, we’ll be subjected to amnestic treatment now that we’ve seen this. Though this disgust won’t go away entirely.

Image What…? This was what’s behind the splendor of the City? The City could be in motion thanks to this crap…?

Image You learned a valuable lesson today, kid.


Image But I can’t forget the dreadful image of what makes this City a prosperous place. This sickening world itself. They don’t realize that their convenience is built on the sacrifice of numerous others.

Image They wouldn’t even want to know.

Music: StoryChaboon

Image Numerous people came and went in my life. Countless crises and hardships later, all that remained by my side were the twelve Fixers in Charles’ Office.


Image Gasp… Huhh… Huff…


Image …I just nodded off for a moment, that’s all.

Image What are you…? Oh, you must be the new one. You know how everyone else who took this request died awful deaths, right?

Image “Why should I begrudge it, since during the hours when my soul crushed the depths of my heart, it was seated there beside me?”

Image Great, I get to work with a sicko.

There is a thwack here.


Image It’s a passage from a poem I like. It helps me accept the agony rather than suffer trying to shake it off.

Image Just what kind of augmentation did you get to be so strong… You almost crushed the back of my skull!

Another thwack here.


Image You aren’t any less of a sicko if I’m being honest, mister. I heard you keep that mask on at all times like a creepy psycho. That said, I also heard you’re quite skilled. Say mister, why won’t you take your mask off, anyway?

Image Don’t pry. We’re both Grade 1, let’s not cross each other’s lines. You know the unspoken rules.

Image No I don’t, mister.

Image Stop with that “mister” crap, it’s making me feel awkward. The documents say you’re older than me, too…

Image And I swear I’m gonna pay you back for hitting me twice before the contract with Charles’ Office ends, so you’d better be prepared.

Image You mean three times, my good mister sir?

Image Huh? But I could’ve sworn I only got hit twice—

One more thwack goes here.

Image …You piece of—!


Image It’s pretty much unavoidable to talk with coworkers on a long-term mission. Perhaps I should’ve kept my silence.

Image Was it because of all my colleagues… No, all the people who died so early and suddenly before I could even call them colleagues—that I grew a yearning for something more?

Image Why did I bother opening up to her…

Music: StorySimgak

Image To be precise, I was a test subject in a Wing, apparently. And when they were done experimenting with me, they dumped me in the Outskirts. I don’t really remember what kind of experiments I went through… but the horrible feeling still persists.

Image How unfortunate.

Image You’re cold, mister.

Image It’s just too banal.

Image Yeah… I guess it really is a cliché story when you put it that way. What about you? Tell me something more about your mask.

Image …Focus on work.


Image Her reason was that as a Fixer, it’s important to not let your potential enemies remember your face—if I remember correctly. But now I had to keep my mask on for another reason.

Image I couldn’t stand to take it off. I couldn’t stand to be open with a clear conscience in this City.

Image The mask became my own enclosed world I couldn’t leave.


Image So please leave my brother be… Please let him go…!!

There is another thwack here.

Image …Ack!

Image Dozing off in the middle of a mission, are ya? I don’t think you’re one to criticize anyone else’s sleeping habits, hm?

Image Hey! Hold on! That hurt too much!!!

Image I still have two more hits to go. And wow, you’re just dropping your courtesy because you’re hurt.


Image Sigh… I got a little agitated, sorry mister. My childhood must have come back to me while I was asleep.

Image …You told me about it before. The part about you having a brother is new to me, though.

Image What about you, Roland? It’s about time you told something about yourself.

Image …I participated in the Smoke War.

Image An acrid smoke covered the whole City for a while thanks to that war.


Image I can’t remember what it was anymore… But I still have a feeling that I witnessed something I shouldn’t have to this day. And the feeling that I’m taking part in something no better than fueling that disgusting origin.

Image It’s like something is boiling within me.

Image Copious amounts of agonies surround the City. Maybe the reason you’re always wearing that mask is…

Image Heads up. The target is approaching your location.

Image …Back to work. We’re almost done with this long mission.


Image She employed sly trickery to kidnap people from the Backstreets and the Nest alike. The victims were later found in the Backstreets as corpses.

Image Animated corpses.

Image The bodies are empty inside. I have no idea how they’re able to move. But they kept walking anyway. They endlessly craved for fresh things, as if to fill their emptied bodies.

Image She was only designated as a Star of the City so quickly because the Nest saw direct harm, I bet.

Music: None

Image So many people died on the way here.

Image You and I managed to survive it, though.

Image Should we consider that lucky, or unlucky, mister?

Image Check this out… How many people did it take to make everything here? I’m guessing at least three thousand folks.

Music: StoryNervous

Image You must’ve made quite a bit of effort to catch me, seeing as you’ve come all the way here?

Image Sure as hell have. Took two damn years to track you down.

Image The strings decorating this room are all human blood vessels.

Image She’s been kidnapping people at random and extracting all the veins from their bodies. The things we dealt with on our way were the shells you took all the veins out of, as I expected.

Image They were just crude contraptions of flesh lacking their own will, unfortunately. It wasn’t what I was looking for. I was hoping for ones whose veins were flowing with blood that’s a little more enticing…

Image Whatever your sentiment is, your little game ends now… Tonight, a Star of the City shall fall.


Image We’re almost there!

Image Hey!!! Watch your back!!!

Image …Aaargh!!!

Image …You didn’t have to—!

Image Hahh… So sweet.

Image You damn bitch!!!

Image …This won’t be the last you see of me. The night shall fall once again someday.

Image Shut up! And die!!

Music: None

Image They only give a few dry words of consolation; they never wish to truly understand each other’s pain. But Angelica was different; she wanted to learn more about the pain I was bearing. My agony is abstract and enormous.

Image Could you really understand me?

Music: Ominous ambiance

Image …“You are like those who never left the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart…” It’s finally over… Good work, mister…

Image Keep it together! Hey! You can’t just die like this… I can’t have you die because of me…

Image Don’t close your eyes! Stay with me!!!

Another thwack here.


Image …Wha?

Image Sigh… I was just trying to lie flat and rest a bit… And then you almost beat me to death…

Image Thank goodness…

Image Are you actually relieved or what? It’s hard to tell what you’re thinking behind that mask, mister.

Image …I’m wearing this mask because I don’t want to show my face to anyone. I was not proud to face the abominable deeds of the City I’m contributing to… I don’t want my contorting face to be seen…

Image I don’t have the confidence to show myself to anyone…

Image …Sometimes, I think… If we can kill so many people nonchalantly just because Associations and Offices ordered us to, excusing it as part of our work… Then we could be killed by someone with the same kind of excuses.

Image Even if we were to get murdered in the City one day… we wouldn’t be able to make any complaints about it. That’s what makes me scared.

This time, it's the sound of something shattering.


Image I guess you really were worried for me, though? It’s bearable to look at.

Image Gah… My face, it hurts.

Image I don’t get why you care so much about all the problems in the City like that’s your burden. That’s that, and this is this. You know?

Image That’s that, and this is this…

Image Yeah. I guess that’s how this City is…

Music: None

Image The person who then became the new foundation of my world. She showed me the way to turn away from the City’s agonies even without my mask.

Image You may have been a good person, but I would not consider you a wise one. You heard about the pain I was bearing, and taught me how to turn a blind eye to it.

Image You said you embraced the pain, but you only pretended to do so.

Image O my sorrow, you are better than a well-beloved.

Music: Ominous rumbling


Image Come, now.

Next time, on Library of Ruina: Roland tries to kill us because birdemic is happening and we're in the area.


Binah 5

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Well I was not expecting to cry today

(Roland and Angelica have no right to make me that emotional QnQ)

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Turns out it's Roland's birthday today. Happy birthday, Roland!

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Concerto 4: Binah—Adagio


We've got some unique builds going on today, so a little more depth than normal. For starters, Binah is Binah, and is using Four Trigrams alongside a couple other Power bonuses. She just needs to scale, even degraded Arbiters are kind of absurd.


Just Mizu is using a Singular Strike Olivier deck, and will be throwing out massive Violet Blades and Celestial Spears at anything in her way. Her Light curve is terrible, but that's fine.


Huge Mizu is still Huge, but we've put Identify Weakpoint into her deck. This page is amazing in Realizations, as the enemy will have a variety of weaknessess… all of which are hit by this one page. It's hard to overstate just how versatile it is.


Then there's Chiral, who will be using the basic Guard setup for today's Realization. Guard stance prevents Overcharge from causing immobilization, giving a lot of Charge that will power Nikolai's passive, and the Identify Weakpoint is here as well just to give us a fourth strong offensive option.


Lastly, there's Punished Mizu. She's playing an Irina build that's designed to deal with Binah's biggest problem: her Light generation. Our plan here is fairly simple. We want to drop numbers early on in the fight to remove it from our deck, then Clone Multi-party Compensation three times. Once that's done, we'll be able to spam one Sword of Volition and three Brace Up every turn for the rest of the fight—ensuring that every turn we have one strong offensive option, and also give everyone on our team 3 bonus Light every turn. In theory, this should give us plenty of Light to let us keep spamming all of Binah and Just Mizu's strongest options while also letting Huge Mizu and Chiral be more loose with their Light as well.

Music: Roland01

Image I suppose it was inevitable that we would view this story once more..

Image I see you have arrived, dear. You intend to watch over our task?

Image Of course. There's no telling what may happen during this battle, given the… unusual state of your Librarians.

Image Yes, I'm interested to see what will happen as well.
Image What's that supposed to mean? Don't tell me things are going to be even more of a pain than usual..!

Image Such fear, such excitement… there is no need for any of it. Come, rest and be free.

Lamp wrote: Image Let me close my eyes in peace… I want to fall sound asleep now…

Image Let’s get out of this place. I’ll help you with it…

Image There can’t be any better way than this to escape from pain and insecurity.

Image You’ll join me and sleep here…

Image With just one simple act, I’ll give you a permanent and comfortable rest…

Image You’ve been freed from the other dangers, how can you not see this as salvation?

Image I’m only helping you so you will no longer tremble in fear…

Image There won’t be anything to be afraid of anymore. Just go to sleep… Fall asleep…

Image Let’s be free before we have to face that fear…

Image One attaches to me for each head that was chopped off, and I turn my gaze away—looking for a new person.

Image Woah… My head feels all tingly.

Image Is it attempting to lull you to itself?

Image Oooh… yeah, that's the one. Shiny~

Image Come closer. Rest without pain or stress.

Image Okee-dokie!


Lamp works much the same as Big Bird's fight, but he cannot be put to sleep in any circumstance. Over the course of the fight, he'll Enchant 1, then 2, then 2, then 3 Librarians, taking them out of our control.


Controlled Librarians will only use Dazzled with each die, targeting Lamp. His goal is to force them to clash against his own Salvation page's counter die.


This kills them instantly, but just like before the affected Librarian's Speed dice are stuck at 1, allowing us to redirect them. This is why you shouldn't equip The Strongest—if the Librarian who has it gets Enchanted, they'll be stuck with two infinity dice, making them impossible to intercept.

As it is, this mechanic is trivial as long as we remember to intercept the two attacks.
Another Timeline wrote:

Retry Count: 9. I did not remember. :eng99:


Brood is the other page that Lamp will play in this phase, and it's just three bulky Block Counter dice. We aren't going to be able to get past any of them until we've successfully lowered his rolls by defeating some of his followers.


The Eyeball Chicks have less HP, but there are four of them now instead of two.

Their attacks are nothing to write home about… but like before they can force us to target them, stopping us from intercepting our allies.


This opening phase is the perfect chance to get Punished Mizu's build set up by clashing the weaker Numbers and Clone pages against the 1-1 cost Dazzleds. Here, we don't have our copy of Multi-party Compensation, so Numbers gets used to remove it from our deck, and we also use Brace Up to get what we need into our hand.


Image I'll handle myself. We know best what will hurt us.

Image The task shall fall to you. The rest of you, it is time to cull the chaff. Do not listen to the thoughtless utterings of a man drowning in forgotten dreams.

Image I'm just going to hope this body is immune to that hypnotic effect…

Image It isn't.
Image Gee. Thanks, boss.


Image Now… until we get to the end of the dream, we shall be your partner.


Image Huh… these cuties are squishier than last time!
Image You can tell?

Image Of course! I know how squishy every cutie I've played with is~


Image C'moooon..! I wanna look into those eyes..!

Image You don't deserve to do as you like.


Image …Hm.

Image You are simply taking their attacks.

Image I am taking the measure of their resolve.

Image Isn't that what led to your death?

Image Come now, dear. These are nowhere near the Red Mist's level.


Image Come… come and rest. We'll escape together.

Image I'm trying, but I'm getting in my waaay!

Image And I will continue to do just that, denying your every wish.


Brace Up got us the key page in our strategy, so now the plan is to spam Clones to block Huge Mizu while making more copies of Multi-party Compensation.

Image Two of them.
Image Ma'am?!

Image Two of those eyeballs shall be destroyed with this salvo of attacks. Choose whichever you prefer.

Image Oh, uh… Geez, like that's something we can just pick.

Image Is there any reason you cannot?

Image It's a fight, there's no way to tell what's going to happen…
Image That doesn't matter! Miss Binah said two go down, so two are goin' the heck down!
Image That's… I know she's good in a fight, but—

Image I have guided your hands time and time again, through rote work in an indeterminate hell. I am fully aware of the capabilities of the children here.

Image —I'll give it a shot.


Image Be quick, then. Lo, one of the predicted two has fallen already.


Image And I don't have the oomph to finish the second one off.

Image Concern yourself no further. You have done enough.


Image Come on… This is seriously getting frustrating!

Image You are still denied, my other self. Return to your senses.

Image Uuuugh, fine.

Image Our innocent self is suppressed. What of your work, traitor?


Image I thiiink I just about got this lil' eye cutie to pop! One more hit, and—


Image Got it! Sorry Mister Roland, I think I got eyes all over your eyes!

Image You have freed it from pain. You deserve only praise. Now, I shall help you as well.

Image Sorry, but I'm pretty sure Miss Binah doesn't want me to sleep just yet!


Image Are you back with us, big one?
Image Better than that! While I was all doozly and confoozly, I managed to get a good hold on the lamp in my mind!

Image They run and they run… Why flee from salvation? Is it too bright to rest your eyes?


Image Come… I'll dim the lights, so you can slip into sweet slumber. No more fear.


On turn 3 and every 3 turns afterwards, Lamp uses Darkness. As a 15-15 Mass Summation attack, it isn't hard to block. However, its effect activates on use, cloaking everyone in Darkness for this and the next turn.


His other two dice are using Bite Off, a page we definitely don't want to ram into.


Image Clear the remaining servants. Then, our path shall nearly be open.

Image You speak as though you already know what Roland is capable of.

Image As I should. There are none in this place who spent more time with the Abnormalities than I. Their proclivities are known to me.

Image I did not believe you were so diligent with your work.

Image I was not provided a choice.


As Darkness activates, Lamp fiddles with its namesake.


And we get to see the shot of Big Bird's many many eyes again.

Image Guh-!

Image Gosh, why'd it get so dark?

Image This happened in whatever department the Big Bird escaped to, so it shouldn't be a surprise for us…

Image It didn't do it last time, though! Silly Roland, thinking he's allowed to just change things up because he's wearing a cutie's skin on him~!


Image Do not shy away from what is known to be true. What does the inclusion of darkness mean, children?
Image That he's a cheatyface!

Image Maybe we just beat up the Big Bird too fast?


Image It's neither. The books make an environment perfect for those creatures. Likewise, the Bird only made it dark when it was released from its containment in the Company. The 'darkness' it spreads is an attempt to make its surroundings more to its liking.

Image An interesting assumption… what conclusion does it lead you to?


Image Oh! Oh! The one where the cutie power is mine!

Image Of course not. It's obvious if you so much as look at his face beneath that haphazard mask.


Image Roland isn't comfortable in this dream of his. The darkness spreads because he can never be comfortable.

Image It's dangerous here… I'll help you escape… Let's go together…

Image There is a thread of truth to what you say. And yet, he seeks salvation for others just as the creature whose shell he bears.

Image Must… be saved…

Image Ooo… shiny~
Image Ahh, beans! They're all loopy looped again! Let's stop 'em and punish that bad cuteish!

Image Hold off on punishing him a moment more, child. It wouldn't be wise.
Image Huh?

Image Do you not see it? Look carefully at that man's cunning trap.

Attacking Lamp this turn seems like a good idea, now that he's packing -20 Power to every die he has, but it's vitally important that we not do that.


This is because of Darkness. That Mass Attack sets it up for 2 turns, and its effect completely negates all Power effects. We'd be running facefirst into a 25 Counter die, without any Power.


Thus, the correct answer is to completely ignore Lamp.

Image Ooh, that's really clever! Sneaky little cuteish!

Image Just block their way.


Image Okee-doke! Stop right there!

Image Wh… what? Why won't you let me pass..!

Image Ummm… I dunno!


Image Because to proceed would mean death. Your wants must be denied.

Image Aww… you're just being self-flagellating like always, Patchy.

Image Yes… but also, you would die.

Image Oh. That's a pretty ok reason, I guess.

Image Lights are on! It's smashin' time, right?

Image Yeah… It's time to put an end to this.


Punished Mizu is mostly set up now. Every turn from here forward she'll be using Sword of Voliton and two Brace Ups to give everyone either 1 or 2 Light back. Once she hits Emotion Level 4 she'll be giving a guaranteed 3 back every turn. Attacking into those Counter dice will help get her there.


I could honestly have gone all out here—the Counter dice would have been gone long before either of the Dazzled units would have hit Lamp—but I tend towards playing defensively in Realization fights.


Image I don't understand… This is all for your salvation. Come to me… then you can live without fear of tomorrow.
Image But I don't fear tomorrow!


Image Things might be scary, and I don't really remember anything from before I woke up here. But everything is so fun, and even the stuff that seems bad isn't as bad as people say it is!

Image If you're so damn lucid, why are you charging at the bird?
Image Oh! Because he worked very hard on that light, so it'd be rude to ignore all that effort.

Image Would it sound better if I said "Because I'm walking onward without fear?"

Image Ooh, that one! It pops!


Image Somehow or another, it seems your chance has arrived.

Image Indeed. And for this power to be offered with such ironic timing… Perhaps these Abnormalities do experience humor.

Tilted Scale is our pick here, as it'll keep us topped off of any minor damage we take through the rest of the Realization.


Image What the… Ah, man, was I dazzled?

Image Pretty much! Don't worry, I beat the snot out of you!

Image …Great. Let's just finish the bird off.

We do not use Sword of Volition here, because Lamp should be defeated this turn—Sword only gives Light back on use, so if we play too loose with it we can wind up with 0 Light at a bad time.


Image Heck yeah we are! No sleeping on the job, Mister Roland!

Image Meeting salvation with such violence… Can't you see that only pain lies in front of you?

Image Well, doi! Because she's right behind you, silly!

Image ..?


Image Oh, sorry! I meant 'punishment' is behind you. My bad!

Image You shouldn't tell the enemy what I'm doing when I have the drop on them.

Image Oh, it's fiiine! They didn't even have time to react before—


Image That trickery… you only did such a thing because no one would punish you.

Music: Roland02

Image I'll punish those who wrong me. Then, they'll stop..!
Beak wrote: Image If one commits sin, isn’t it only right that they are justly punished…?

Image Bearing the karma of my loved one… I shall bring a just punishment upon those who robbed me of what is mine.

Image We are punished for our sins, but it’s clear that yet more will sprout from the roots of sin.

Image Thus, punishment must uproot sin…

Image People have committed misdeeds since long ago…

Image And why do they commit them, knowing it’s wrong?

Image But perhaps the same can be said of me. One is only obligated to follow their own justice.

Image The pain of ripping myself open was nothing; the agony of losing you had numbed me.

Image And I wish to inflict the pain back on them.

Image Isn’t it truly wicked to commit a sin and then fear the punishment?

Beak is also a somewhat different fight than Punishing Bird before it. We still absolutely do not want to clash one of its Offensive dice with one of our own, as that +50 Power will knock us for a loop. Our main goal here is to have someone tap Beak to trigger Punishment mode, then have everyone else beat down on him to Stagger Beak quickly—100 SR isn't a lot to burn through once all of its resistances are Fatal.


He's not alone, though. There's four Keepers of the Black Forest, and each of them will be trying to get in our way. On any given turn, two are set to attack and two are set to defend. They can't be defeated permanently, but we can knock them out for a little while. They'll get more power when they attack slower targets, and we also need to be careful about the order in which we clash them.


This is because of their Vigilance status, which gives them a bonus to Strength whenever a slower ally of theirs is targeted. Finally, if we provoke Beak's Punishment phase early, all of the Keepers who are still up will go right into Attack mode. It's a good idea to knock a couple of them out before triggering Punishment from Beak.


When in defense mode, the Keepers will use two copies of Roost.


Attack mode, meanwhile, gives them a number of options to draw from. Whiffle is basically nothing, but the other three each have their own ways of disrupting our tempo and we should make sure to stop them.


All three of Beak's pages this turn are Preen, which means he's packing three counter dice and has no meaningful damage output this turn.

I decide to just wait for a better opportunity and focus on the Keepers for now.


Image Before what? Don't just leave me in suspense forever!

Image This isn't good. Can't you feel it?

Image …Oh, shucks! I can feel it! We're…
Image We're going to see that ULTRA-Cutie before too long! Oh boy oh boy I can't wait!

Image …Nevermind. I likely won't have to deal with our ignorance much longer, in either case.

Image Hey, wait a second. Did beating that bird up somehow do something to the big Mizu?

Image It seems so… how unexpected.

Image Her mind appears to be unresponsive. As if it's been pulled somewhere else…

Image The controls from L Corp can still be activated, yes?

Image I can reinstate them, certainly… but you would be controlling her body as well as your own.

Image I have not forgotten that interminable hell, dear. Controlling the bodies of two or three of them should still be quite simple.


Image The energy's basically free now. Do whatever you want.
Image Heck yeah! The faster we beat this guy up, the sooner we can get to the ULTRA cutie~!

Image Punishment… for your sins…

Image It seems I have his attention at the moment. Grasp the opportunity.

Image I guess there aren't any sinners bigger than you, huh ma'am?

Image Perhaps… but that depends on one's own definition of 'right' and 'wrong.'


Image After all, I have always acted in accordance with my own guidelines. If that is 'sin,' then who cannot say the same?


Image Yes, we are all following our own justice… and it is with that justice that I damn you to this punishment.

Image I appreciate your leniency.


Image I got one of the other birds! It won't be moving for a while.


Image The punishment is administered… Now, who else has sinned..?

Image This form he's in… we can't clash weapons with him or he'll just hit us all the harder.

Image I understand your reservations, but if we never attack, we can't proceed…

Image Should it come to it, I could have the Mizu I control draw his attention.
Image There's no choice. I'll just strike it, and when it attacks…
Image Um… are we missing a Mizu?

Image HUP-CHA!!

Image Of course… :sigh:

Image Well you were all being boring, and it didn't seem like he was gonna' attack… so I just smacked him a good one!

Image That intuition of yours never stops being absurd.


This turn, all three of Beak's pages are Rapid Flutters. These pages only have Evade dice on them, meaning it's our opening to squeeze in an attack against him and trigger the Punishment phase. Just Mizu's gigantic Violet Blades are great for ensuring that we can do just that.


Image Regardless, we've opened a pathway. Take it!


Image Oh no, no thanks. I'll make sure these birds can't overwhelm us.

Image A good attention to detail… but you need not worry about such trifles.


Image Heehee~! He's just as bouncy as the real thing!

Image You've sinned… and as a sinner, you are to be punished.


Image Do not fear… what you've rightly earned.

Image Hah! Am I supposed to be afraid? You didn't even turn red.


In Punishment mode, Beak uses three copies of Punishment. Each one is a 9-9 die that instantly Staggers on hit. We can deflect this with defensive dice easily enough, but with only 20 SR left we don't even need to worry about it.


Image So… what do we do? Just dodge when it attacks?

Image No. From the very start, that was a plan borne of desperation. After observing the Abnormality which makes up this E.G.O for so long, there is a better way.

Image And that is..?


Image Before it can ever attack…


Image Crush it absolutely.


Image Wow… that is way better!

Image Why… do you run from your just punishment?

Image Isn't it obvious?


Image That bird justifies ripping others in half as a punishment, but its own self is ripped open each time as well. You can't mete out pain to others without harming yourself. Thus, I have sinned.

Image Ghh…

Image Ultimately… pain is pain, and those who inflict it deserve it all the same.

Image That includes you as well.


Image I welcome it. The issue is that your punishment could never match the magnitude of my sin. You would tear yourself apart before even reaching a tenth of its depth.

Image It is to know such things that justice was created. To measure your sins, and punish you for them.

Image Measure them, hm..? As if this trio ever could with so broken a scale.


Image Yeah, I get where this is going… Do your thing, Roland.


Image Binah, please use my body as well.

Image Of course.


Image You question the "justice" we have found… then let me show you.


Image The reasoned judgment from which justice is born.
Justita wrote: Image When I lift these scales, I wish for immortality upon the sinner…

Image I condemn you, but you will still commit more sin without end…

Image All men sin, consciously or not.

Image And you lot have committed an unforgivable sin against me.

Image That’s why you need to be judged, and this won’t change…

Image I was distressed because I couldn’t overlook any little thing…

Image There will never be a day when this scale of justice does not tilt…

Image I will liberate you from the agonizing feeling of guilt…

Image Living an honest life has to be an impossibility in this City…

Image There can’t be such a thing as unfairness… I shall judge you solely by my discrimination…

Image When I’ve taken off the old sins, I shall be free at last.

Justita is our third opponent today, and there are only a few small changes between this fight and the one against Judgment Bird. The first is half the amount of SR versus the Bird, and the second is an immunity to all Beed/Burn/Fairy damage—we cannot cheese this boss by piling Fairy on him anymore.


Judgment and Ceaseless Judgment are both exactly the same as always, and if we see Ceaseless Judgment we're still probably about to lose the fight.

Marks of Sin also work exactly the same, but Roland now has his own stacks and can hand them out on hit.


Also, he actually attacks—something Judgment Bird never did.



The Runaway Birds also still exist, but are more of a nuisance than a threat this time around.


Image How interesting. It appears your judgment is lacking.

Image It isn't. Guilty, guilty, all of you are guilty… This scale must tilt. It will only ever tilt. There can be no doubt.

Image If that is what you say.

This phase is much easier than the original fight, just because Justita is actually interested in fighting with us. The correct answer to dealing with his gimmick here is to just blitz him down before he can do anything. :getin:


Image Children, seal his motions immediately.

Image Yes, ma'am!


Image You will not feel guilt for much longer. I will free you from the weight of your sin.

Image Oh? And who is to say that I feel guilt about my actions? I have only ever done the tasks I was assigned.

Image Then your judgment is lacking.

Image I disagree! Miss Binah has the best judgment!


Image Such blindness... Within this city there is only sin… my scale balances as it does because of the festering rot beneath it all.

Image No, your scale balances like it does because it's broken? Silly, I know you're blindfolded but you should be able to tell.


Image So since you're making everything up anyways, why not just flip around which side is which, and boom! Nobody's guilty, and everyone wins! :keke:

Image That isn't judgment or justice..!


Image It's just as fair as that gangly bird ever was.

Image Aww, it was a heckin' cutie, though!

Image In either case, you've lowered his guard.


Image Then it's time to observe where all of this is going.

Image It's likely you will lose access to another Mizu's consciousness.

Image If it occurs, so be it. I can control them without issue.


Image Children. Rest for a moment. You both will need options for what is to come.

Image Aye-aye, Miss Binah!

Image You're not even worried about the whole 'loss of consciousness' thing?

Image Nah! Worrying won't do me any good… so why bother?

I have Punished Mizu take the finishing blow here, as her Sword of Volition should be more than enough to finish off Justita—and it's vital that she uses it here, in order to get back the Light. Now that she's at Emotion Level 5, if ever the page is played but not resolved she'll be at 0 Light for the rest of the fight.


Image Complaint after complaint… Such things as judgment and punishment are meant to save you from that which would hurt you. That is justice.


Image If that is what you say.


Image Now, let us continue from the essence to the result of things. The tragedy of this avian triad.

Image Okee-dokie, Miss B—!

Image The third Mizu's consciousness has been lost as well.

Image Then we shall capture the result of this with our own eyes.

Image Tragedy..? No, we are only protecting the forest… Helping others.


Image That stranger, they came into the forest that day…

Image A nobody.

Image But it was peaceful, and they were suspicious… We couldn't break that peace.

Image We cast them out. But they had the audacity to grow angry…
Image Soon, a tragedy will befall the forest. It will be tainted with misdeeds and evil, and there will be constant conflict. The tragedies will only stop when a terrible beast appears and devours everything. The sun and moon will shine upon the forest no longer; the forest will never go back to what it was before.

Image Of course we would worry. The forest was our home. We loved it more than anything. We needed to protect it.

Image So we became guardians of the forest!

Image My eyes can see far. My eyes can see things others cannot. I will watch over the forest.
Image But what if the beast shows up in the middle of the night, when the sky is dark and everyone is asleep?

Image And so I tore off my own feathers, burning them to make an everlasting lamp. They shall be safe day and night.

Image To ensure a proper judgment of anyone who would enter the forest, I used my scales. They would measure any sin, fair and just.
Image But what if the scale doesn't tip in either direction someday?

Image Such a gray area could not be allowed… So I made a new scale. One which would always show a result.

Image And to protect the forest, I give my all. The wrongdoers met justice by my beak.

Image But your beak is so small, no one would find it hurtful.

Image So I tore my maw apart, wide enough to swallow anything whole.

Image We did it to watch over them… but rumors spread anyways.

Image To protect them… but no one came back to the forest.

Image To help them… but even we heard what people would say.

Image I heard terrible things happen to any creature that enters the forest. The Big Bird is always watching the creatures there, there's no freedom.

Image The Long Bird's scale isn't fair at all.

Image The Small Bird's punishment is so scary.

Image We worked so hard to protect this forest… but no one appreciated it.

Image Fights broke out every day. Fewer visitors came, and every day there were more complaints.

Image As hard as we could work… it wasn't enough.

Image No, this forest is so vast and wide, the three of us aren't enough to protect all of it.

Image But there is no creature to protect this forest but us.

Image If we combined our power, we could be stronger.

Image So they did it. For the forest they loved.

Image The day when Big Bird's eyes that could see hundreds of kilometers away, Long Bird who could judge any sin, and Small Bird's mouth that could devour everything united into one, darkness fell upon the forest.

Image Creatures screamed in terror and fear at the sight of the bird, and the forest soon fell into mayhem.

Music: RolandBattle03

Image Image Image Next time, on Library of Ruina: "Through the Dark Twilight."

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Concerto 4: Binah—Rondo

Music: RolandBattle03

Image Image Image Hoorgh… That was weird. Did time just kind of hiccup for anyone else?

Image Binah, I've lost track of her consciousness entirely. This is outside of our past experiences.

Image Indeed, something strange has occurred. Let us observe it and see where it may lead.

Image I've transferred the control back over to you.

Image Image Image Ooh, this is neat! Your voices don't reach me, but I can still see them. And my voice no longer carries to you, as well? Then it's only the others who hear it now.
Image Image Image
Image Image Image Oh! But where are my manners? This is so confusing, to speak as three when I am one. I'm not these three bodies anymore… Not Just, not Punished, and certainly no longer Huge. I'm… an apocalypse as well? Or perhaps all of them at once? Another thing entirely? Well… no matter how it's sliced!

Image I am still a Mizu in each case. It's the perfect name for myself!
Image Hey… I'm not going to go loopy from this too, am I?

Image What do you believe?

Image …Well.


Image I believe there is a way bigger problem staring at us right now.
Image A mega ultra cutie of a problem.

Image That much is undeniable. Deal with what you can today, and worry not for a future you may yet not see.

Image This Abnormality has proven too much to be contained entirely within in Roland's distorted form. It may attack alongside him. Be ready.

Image How interesting… I shall.

Image The time for words has ended. You will sink here. Thus is my judgment, my punishment… and my salvation.
Twilight wrote: Image Those who endure until the last moment shall reach an apocalypse for themselves…

Image Nothing will dare harm you.

Image When you reach the end, there will be no such thing as fear…

Image Sink with me together. Don’t take another step forward, and just stop here…

Image This is my judgement and punishment against all, and salvation at the same time.

Image What if something is taken from me while I turn away for a split second?

Image What if my mind wavered—deterred me from making a fair outcome?

Image Seeing this, what can I accomplish with my small power…

Image The darkness will forever be the same, so I only have myself to trust… I surrender all of my being to the fire at last.

Image The blade is always pointed in the same direction… The one that I deem correct.

Image Finally. The strength and outcome I have mustered are revealed… The time has come to punish my wrongdoings and yours alike.

Image I am but one of the many who play the tunes of the apocalypse in the abyss…

Image …I’m afraid. I’m afraid of what the end might be like.

Image Although, the end won’t be as excruciating as now—fearing what it might be…

Image Twilight, Roland's final form, is a cuteish with a number of unique mechanics. Unlike the last time we had to deal with Apocalypse Bird, this time the eggys are all being carefully guarded. We'll have to knock him on his butt if we want to break any of them! Each phase has its own weakness, and we want to target it, as other attack types are resisted… thats like, four times different! He also uses a buncha' different attacks, and gets special ones based on his phase. He always starts off in Big Eye's phase, and it's the real doozy.


Image For starters, everyone gets the Big Eyes egg effect on them, so their Power's all pooped out. Can't weaken him in this state, and we can't get any stronger either. It's a problem for how we fight!

Image Blind Faith would help with that… but this isn't Mr. Hokma's floor so we don't believe in things for just no reason around here. We'll handle it with what we have. Besides, it's not like Twilight there has any strong attacks to go with it, ri~ight?


Image Sure enough. That first attack, Surveillance, really isn't much of anything. An 8-8 Mass Summation page? Hah! I eat those for breakfast. When Miss Binah lets me eat the pages. Which is never. It does make the two people it targets Horrified, though, which does… something bad.


Image Oh! Four Paralysis and all Stagger Resistances turn to Fatal to both targets. That's pretty bad, but if you never get hit it basically doesn't matter. Maybe that's why it stops our Power, though… Paralysis will still mess them up even through that, so it's a cunning plan. But if that's as bad as it gets…


Image Haha… I didn't fool anyone with that one, did I? Brilliant Eyes is way scarier, being a Mass Individual page whose first two dice steal Light from everyone it hits. It's very easy to have our Light curve go straight into the ground. Of course, Patchy's build lets us blunt the worst of this effect—regaining three light every turn will do that, you know?

Image I think… on some level I may have had an inkling. That's why I built it. To atone for all the wrong I've done… a gun who feels bad for being used as a gun. Even if it doesn't make sense, it's a precious feeling I'll cling on to. Nothing makes sense in this world after all.


Image The other attacks aren't a big deal at all. Light Illuminating the Forest gets to go again if it kills one of us, but that shouldn't ever happen because we aren't completely terrible at this.

Image I'm not sure what 'peak Ruina' means, but this definitely looks like it!

Image Only those who have been through hell, who have been tempered by the end of all things shall reach their own end. Then, only then will you have the knowledge to choose for yourself.

Image So you say that none should choose for themselves until they have reached that end? But in that case, how could it be said that they will be able to choose even then?

Image Word games from a desiccated husk are light as a burning feather. At the end, they shall find salvation and lose all sense of fear.

Image Yes… I find children are frequently quite useful once all will has been beaten out of them as well.

Image Again you twist my meaning.

Image Do I?

Image Holy crap, I don't know who's scarier… Why do I have to deal with this alone?!

Image Oh, silly. You're not alone! Just as the cutie is looking down from the background, I'm looking at you from this side too. You'll be fiiiine~


Image So anyways, for Surveillance they both just stand there, menacingly.

Image Then suddenly: eyes! I feel like I saw this before, honestly.


Image But it's fine, because the other attack is the important one.


Image He's not doing anything. Then where..?

Image The bird itself is charging its laser.

Image Got it, thanks!

Image Everyone blocks the first two shots no problem. Those are the bad ones, so it's fine from here.


Image The lasers are really pretty to look at, though. Good thing that we don't get hypnotized in this part of the fight, huh? That'd be a mess.


Image The opening moments of the bird's rage has always been the most difficult to weather. Things will simplify once we have crushed its eggs.

Image I won't let you. Everything is within my sight… I won't leave them alone for an instant.

Image He's got a point, Miss Binah. We can't rely on it to teleport around this time.

Image If he doesn't move, we'll make him unable to move.

Image Mmm… Still glad I'm on this side of the fight, I think.


Image Unfortunately, disaster strikes! Patchy's body got Staggered before she could use her badass sword move, so she's not going to be able to use that totally badass sword move for the rest of the fight. You know how it is when you're trying to do something cool and someone completely cramps your style, right? It's the worst.


Image We've finally stripped away all his defenses, ma'am! I'll do what I can!

Image Because each of the birdmodes has its own weakness, Identify Weakpoint is suuuper valuable here, too. When you can see what a cutie wants, you can always deliver after all~ Chiral's going to be having no problem at all dealing big damage in any of this fight's phases.


Image One by one, you step forward in this darkness and strike at me. But I will not falter.


Image I shall bring you peace.

Image My my.


Image Peace for All is a heckin' chonker of a Summation Mass Attack, and with Patchy Staggered that body will be taking 36 damage. She's got 86 HP so it's fine, but that's still a lot of hurt to pour on!


Image The other two attacks aren't anything worth writing home about, though.


Image Anyways, we don't want to take THAT much damage, so we have Miss Binah fire off a Shockwave. The protection is worth double on Staggered Librarians, after all!
Image Wait, 'we?' I'm seeing all of this, sure, and I'm talking about it like I think I'm s'posed to… but am I also doing this?


Image What is the purpose of the one who sees things from this side? What does it mean to 'narrate,' anyways? Can events be changed, or are we merely watching and relaying them..? If I don't like the result, do I have to accept it?

Image Huh… No matter how deep I look, I can't find the answer. It may well be something beyond human consciousness's ability to accept… or maybe there isn't an answer. Like an inkblot!


Image An inkblot… you know, they gave me those when they tested my mental stability! I always saw cuties. It's really fun trying to figure out which cutie it is from the curves and the bloopy bits.

Image You're not going to try and call this one a greeting, right?

Image Certainly not. This one is for our defense.


Image For this attack, the Apocalypse Bird rears back one of its massive claws…


Image WHAP! Right down it goes, bonking everyone! Except we blocked most of it, but even the guys who got smacked didn't get it too-too bad so it's fine. Though… Hum.

Image I've felt that claw like, a bajillion times? And I remember that it used to do 23-45 Black damage. But now it's all 18 blunt? Maybe the Library and the Company both had different ways of tracking this stuff… or maybe Roland's making it weaker? Because he's not a proper cutie afficionado? Yeah, that makes sense!

Image Ah. I've gotten off on a tangent, huh? Um… Okay, let's try this: "Using their totally powerful skills, Miss Binah and the others kick Mister Roland's butt! Hard!"

Image Well, I guess I can't do that much from this side of things. Still, I didn't know he could shoot zappies from his lamp! So that's a cool thing we've all learned. :buddy:

Image Geez..!

Image Struggle as much as you want. I will not disappear, as long as they exist.

Image Boss, I can't do this any longer..!

Image Then crumble under the onslaught for a time. We shall cover while you regain your footing, so long as your back remains unbending.

Image Easy for you to s—


Image Ghh!

Image The attacks we ignored in the first few phases come back to bite us on the tooshie here, since nobody has a lot of SR left right now. We could have just taken Mind Hauler on everyone to fix that…
Image But momma' didn't raise no Sweeper Lover.


Image Come to think of it, momma' didn't get to raise much at all. She forgot her keys… or maybe they were stolen? Funny, isn't it? But me and Aniki (I think that was his name?) and momma and poppa were just, locked out! And we called a locksmith, but… Was it T corp? Or maybe we were in L corp. I don't remember where we were anymore… But I remember they took foreeeever to show up.
Image Too long. The Night at the Backstreets came. Poppa and momma tried to fight back. They lasted a whole half a wave.


Image A new egg has begun to glow… A change in his tactics, then?

Image It appears so.

Image My blade shall point in the right direction… for the right direction is wherever I point it.

Image Such reasoning is self-serving. Nothing simply is. You must observe, and determine what the state of things are. False assumptions will only hinder you.

Image I remember the smell of them. The smell of momma and poppa breaking down into goo. Getting sucked up into tubes. They saw us too, you know.


Image I don't understand their numberspeak, but they reached for us. Aniki tried fighting back, and bonked into one. Its visor went fwish, and their gunk splashed out all over us! It got in my nose! I gagged! You do not forget that smell!


Image Anyhoo, they tried taking us with them, but I ran away, and I ran away, and I ran away! They probably could have killed me way more times than I could count, but they were too busy being creepy goop-people to do a murder. Maybe I wasn't tasty-looking?
Image Wait, was I supposed to be doing something?


Image Well, whatever it was, the new bird power raises two pages in hand by 1 cost for each person we have. It can get a little crunchy if we've been taking hits from Brilliant Eyes, but even though she can't use the power of BIG SWORD we're still going to be ok on Light from Patchy's deck.


Image Buuuut he's weak to Blunt damage right now, and Miss Binah's gonna' go before anyone, so none of that really matters!

Image A just punishment shall be rendered…

Image Come, now. Do you not recall how this works? Before you can ever attack…


Image I shall crush you absolutely.

Image I… can't move..? No… I need power. Give to me the power to crush these foes!


Image There is a reaction between Roland and the eggs. It seems you won't need to target them directly after all.

Image Such is reasonable. This oppressive system the birds have created is powerful, but Roland is the sort who would destroy it if given the reins.

Image He does not seem idealistic enough for that.

Image The systems in place grind idealists working within them to nothing. No, he is something else right now.


Image A being who will gather power that he might act as he wishes, at the cost of the power structures supporting him.

Image I don't fear the end… I'll continue, my blade cutting through everything wrong in this world.

Image If that is what you say.


Image Now that one of his eggs got scrambled, our cuteish friend gets a bit weaker. One of his Speed Dice is permanently busted for the rest of the fight, meaning everyone sees one less attack. On top of that, Miss Binah sealed one of his dice as well… AND we can beat him up more—down to half health! It's a heckuva good turn.


Image That trick of yours will avail you no longer. My arms, concealing the time, shall prevent its flow.

Image I do not need tricks to make a raging beast be still.


Image So the plan is what, hit him as hard as we can?

Image Is that what you perceive it to be?

Image I've been knocked flat on my ass for the last minute or so… Damn if I know.

Image If it is simpler for you, then yes. My children should be able to keep us full of energy once more.


Image Fall, you damnedable woman.

Image Oh? Should you truly be focusing on one whose power you so proudly sealed?

Image My judgment shall fall upon those deserving of pain.


Image Which is all of us, right?!

Image Everyone has sinned. All deserve the end. My scale can never waver…

Image Then judge yourself with it!

Image I have. I am punishing both our wrongdoings.


Image Silly Mister Roland. Even though he's a cuteish now, nobody's Staggered any more this turn. That means he can't help but take on a full salvo of all our attacks. And since he's weak to Pierce now, and we have really strong stuff like Celestial Spear and Brace Up that are good Pierce dice…

Image Got him.! That was a lot smoother.

Image The second time is nearly always simpler than the first.


Image No… no. With these arms, I'll crush you all. I'll gaze through you. Consign you to the darkness of oblivion where we all deserve to be!

Image And the third easier still.


Image We hit with another lock last turn, so Mister Roland can barely move at all! It's not all good, though. He's stuck permanently in Big Eyes mode, and that means our power is pfft until we Stagger him again.


Image And like a meanie-butt, he's gone back to that one attack that can heck up our tempo! But we're all out of Staggering danger now, so if everyone goes all out and hits as hard as they can we could probably just knock him out right now!


Image So we do that! :v:


Image Silly bird. The most we got was a couple scratches. Nowhere near enough to stop us!


Image Miss Binah does a heckin' chunk of the cutieish's SR all at once, because most of her good attacks are Slash already.


Image Almost there…

Image Ultimately, Mister Roland just isn't able to keep up with the full damage output of 19 total dice, you know? Not without resistances, anyways! And the thing about resistances…


Image Is that Identify Weakpoint sniffs its way right through them, like, wha-psh! And then… Wait. Sniff sniff! Hey! Who's here?!

Image Oh. This is a surprise! Librarians aren't supposed to be here…
Image Wait, are you the person who's supposed to be doing the narrating?

Image Oh, no, I'm simply here to drop something off for him. Is the battle going well?

Image I think so? Stuff might be nearly done now.


Image Got him!

Image I will not be consigned to this darkness alone..!

Image Nobody's consigning you anywhere! Wake up already!
Image Yeah, basically almost done probably!

Image I'm sure you've done your best, dear child. Still… for you to be in this state, both here and there yet truly in neither place, what happened?
Image I dunno! I just sort of became A Mizu and here I am, opposite that mega-ultra cutie!


Image Once more… all the power there is left. I'll crush you with that, and send all of us to our sweet salvation!

Image Oh, A Mizu? Is that like your other taken names?

Image Maybe! I dunno if it means Apocalypse Mizu or if it means All Mizu or if it means Another Mizu, but it's definitely a very 'A' feeling.

Image Hmm… I don't suppose it could be 'Aggrieved,' could it?

Image Uhh… Maybe I guess?

Image It must be difficult, being in this position because of the one direction you couldn't follow. Who could be blamed? It's only natural to want to peer into something you shouldn't be allowed to. All the misery that followed couldn't be your fault.

Image Um, excuse me, miss.


Image But we are at the climax of a very important battle, and if you're not going to comment on it, then please butt out! I got narratin' to do!
Image You do not feel wronged in the least..?

Image A-doi. I mean, come on. Miss Binah told me what would happen, but I still had to see it! That's obvious. But everything that happened after? What's to complain about!? I got to meet a hundred cuties in a thousand ways, and enjoy every minute of it. So what if I get a little shattery-shaky or whatever. It was worth it, all to meet everyone~

Image So you've already accepted it that much… Do you feel no regret at all?
Image My one regret is not being down there so I can wrestle with the cutiest of the cuties all by myself right now!
Image Well. Whatever you have become, it's outside of the hands of myself or my colleague. I don't think there's anything more I can say to you right now… And all you're doing is narrating, you say?

Image Yep! I think that's all I can do over here.

Image I see… Alright. I have much to do now, so I'm afraid I must leave you here. Good luck getting yourself back together, my child.

Image Thanks, Miss Lady! Now, where was I?


Image What are you doing, boss?

Image This child has slept for too long. Now that the eggs connected to her selves are shattered, I shall try waking her with her favorite pastime: "playing with the cuties."

Image Wait what? Oh, come on! That's not fair!!

Image Oh, I get it. Make her wake up, or she'll miss the good part.
Image I'm not missing it! I'm right here! Watching it! I wanna doooo it though!


Image Okay… think. Think. So… We beat them up. And as we do, Mizu thinks about the nature of her name. A Mizu. There's gotta be a way to get back. The A can be anything as long as it's just A. Like X or Y.


Image So um… maybe I need to pick a thing? Like how that lady suggested 'aggrieved.' But it has to be a thing that lets me get back? Oh geez but we are kicking his butt! I dunno if I have time. I gotta think of a thing!

Image Is this… it? The end? Then this feeling, deep inside… freezing cold. That must be my fear.


Image No! I don't want to feel that ending! Not yet… just a second more. A minute. An hour. I don't want to face that ending!

Image I knooow! I wanted to feel that! Don't die yet, Mr. Roland! Okay. A word. Aardvark. Atbash. Apression. No, that's not even… Oh! Oh!


Image HUP-CHA!! I did it!
Image What the..?

Image Have you enjoyed your dream, child?

Image I dunno… it's all hazy, like I was somewhere I shouldn't be! But I'm up now! And I know something for sure!


Image No matter what, I'm myself. All three of us are one again.

Image And the result is A Mizu unlike any other.

Image It turns out it stands for Abased Mizu! Because we're based as heck!

Image Her thought processes are as impenetrable as ever.

Image The words have meaning to her. That is enough.


Image It's besides the point. That Apocalypse Bird is incredibly restless… Roland is preparing a pair of powerful strikes as a coup de grace.

Image It doesn't matter none of it matters it's all meaningless if this is where I meet my end then let's all sink together as others sing the tune of the apocalypse let us all sink together as sinners…

Image Image Image No problem! I know just what to do now!


Image Before it can strike…




Image And then I play with the li'l cutie~


Image Until the work's all done~!

Image Ah… so this is the end.
Image I never thought… it would feel…


Image So peaceful…

Image So, what's our work result Miss Binah~?

Image Acceptable, as always.

Image Heehee~ Obviously.


Image Now then… with no eggs, and no focus for its power, the fragile heart of the Bird is laid bare.


Image Will you stay and fight for the control you prize? Or will you show yourself a coward and flee once more?


Image The Abnormality appears to be surrendering. It no longer wishes for a fight.

Image Of course. Ultimately, all of its changes stemmed from fear. Cowardice is all it has once its defenses are stripped away.

Image Wheew. I'm just glad it's over.

Image Yes… All of you are dismissed. I shall see what feelings have stirred within Roland once he has awakened.

Image Don't have to tell me twice.

Image I shall be going as well. Despite the unexpected difficulties… working with you was not unpleasant.

Image I trust you shall stop by for tea later?

Image If there is time.


And so, Apocalypse Bird falls. This fight is one of the main sticking points for players, as the varied weaknesses mean one phase or another will generally hold up the player and each phase has its own unique mechanical way of instantly murdering Librarians if we're not careful. It requires a good knowledge of how to build decks for long-term fights to make it through, and the Apocalypse Bird itself can mess with the Light curve of good decks and knock even a well-prepared player off their game if Twilight should manage to tear off enough Light.

If we can navigate those couple of tricky bits, though, the fight is relatively easy and becomes a giant bag of HP to chew through.

Music: None

Image You will be there, lying in my sheets, O sorrow, So that you might once again attempt to enter my heart.

Music: BinahStory

Image I don’t know how great that guy you’ve been watching was, but I’m just a nobody.

Image I’m nothing more than a speck of rust on the gears of this world. I was just one of the many foul people partaking in this vile world. That’s why I’m so afraid.

Image The City as it is. Humans as they are. And us as we are. Observe simply what your eyes can see, without imputing any external values to it.

Image I’ve turned away from lots of things, saying “That’s that, and this is this.” We ran from reality, and my wife and I got what’s coming to us. It’s ultimately no one’s fault that things went south. I guess I’m partly responsible for it, too. I’m paying my price for remaining a bystander in this City…

Image Perhaps you are right.


Image Everything shall repeat. We managed to break the cycle one time, yet us librarians are now going through another repetition. What truly matters, however, is that the cycle did break at least once.

Image Breaking it once…

Image That is all I have to tell you. You may visit me for tea occasionally. Let us have trivial chitchats from time to time.

Music: Lobby

With the realization done, Binah's floor jumps two levels instead of the usual one. This means we actually get six Abnormality pages to talk about, in two sets of three. So let's do that!


The first three are all based on the eggs of the Apocalypse Bird.

Long Arms is simple but effective, protecting us from any damaging status ailments. It's handy if we were to face Xiao again or something similar. Big Eyes, meanwhile, gives all enemies the Enchanted status, making them prioritize a specific Librarian as a target. It then grants the target both Power and SR recovery when facing off against an Enchanted enemy. Lastly, there's Small Beak. This page will let us recover 1 Light for 5% of our max HP. As it returns to the hand when played, we can use it to refill as much light as we need—though the costs can certainly add up. All three are definitely powerful options for our future builds…

But Apocalypse Bird itself has pages too. They're all Level 3 pages, and we'll be taking a look at them now.


Of these three, we'll start with Peace. This marks the first opponent hit by the chosen Librarian as an Intruder, which makes them deal less and take more damage. Nice and simple, but also never what we should be aiming for with this floor. That falls to the other two.

The first one of these is Guardians of the Forest. On its own, it gives everyone 1 Haste, which is not much of anything. However, if all five Librarians each have a single Abnormality page it becomes 1 Haste and another 1-2 Strength and Endurance for everyone. +1-2 Power for all allies is quite strong, and it's a relatively easy get.

Lastly, there's The Beast. This Abnormality page only does something only if one Librarian is holding all three of the egg pages, but if they have them they become incredibly powerful. While The Beast is active, all dice of anyone that the Librarian targets or is targeted by lose all of their Power effects entirely—this does not apply to the Librarian themselves, so their Power will still work fine. Additionally, it hits them with a sort of super-Paralysis, lowering both the Max and Minimum rolls of the die by 3. Finally, at the end of the scene everyone but The Beast loses 15 HP and The Beast restores all their Light. This page, much like Tiphxodia, is powerful enough to be worth building an entire strategy around—if we can make it to a point where we have one Librarian left with the full Beast setup, Tilted Scale and Lone Fixer, the fight is basically over.


Image Uhh… hey, Miss Binah? We got one more problem.

Image Speak.

Image After we got back, all three of the Mizus just up and vanished. I found their keypages lying there, but they were empty.

Image That is not a problem. I am already aware of the state of all my children. She has been dismissed to prepare the tea.

Image So she's… Back. And you let her make tea while I did all the work.

Image You have had her tea yourself. What do you believe?
Image Yeah, I get it. But I'm having some.


Image It's steeped! We're ready to go anytime, Miss Binah!

Image So you just… Folded yourself back into one, huh?

Image Yep. Being three people was really useful when I was all muddled up inside, but there at the end I was seeing three things at once and it was really confusing.

Image …So can you split again?

Image Maybe? Doesn't feel like a good idea. I kinda like being me again.
Image So then… We're basically down two people if anything happens.

Image Yeah, I guess maybe… but psssh! C'mon, what are the odds of that?


Image What broke once can be broken again… This City's cycle isn't absolute, eh..?

Image Well, it's a nice thought… even if I dunno how true it is.

Image Roland. Have you returned to yourself?

Image Oh, sure thing. Sorry you keep having to deal with my stuff.

Image I don't say anything too strange, do I?

Image I couldn't say. At the very least, nothing that could be worse than when I was having the same problem.

Image Good, good… I'll admit, knowing you were watching over them… I was worried I'd say something I'd regret.

Image I've had the same worry before. Is this simply a part of being human?

Image Must be.

Next time, on Library of Ruina


Image I wasn't expecting that child to appear here… Still, I doubt it will change anything now.

Image This is the final poll. Thank you all for participating.


Binah 6
Binah Realization (Unedited combat footage; may cause distortions. Watch at own risk.)

New E.G.O Pages

Last edited by TeeQueue on Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thank fuck for SomethingAwful user Quackles. I'd never have gotten as far as I did without the manga comment.
I'm having trouble figuring out what comes after that, though. The hex doesn't convert into anything?

User avatar
cryptologicalMystic wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 9:14 pm
Thank fuck for SomethingAwful user Quackles. I'd never have gotten as far as I did without the manga comment.
I'm having trouble figuring out what comes after that, though. The hex doesn't convert into anything?
It's a number in hexadecimal form.
Hexadecimal numbers (base 16) can be converted into a 'regular' number (decimal form; base 10)
The converted number can then be plugged in to a certain somewhere... that's all I'll say for now

A puzzle... for the ages /ref

I know. The problem lies in the fact that I have no idea where to plug it in, and no idea where to start looking 😔

E: Never mind, I was using the wrong converter. The right number has some similarities to the wrong links.

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Abnormality Pages

Level 1

Big Eyes and Long Arms are the obvious picks here if we're going for The Beast, but otherwise the level 1 pages are nothing to write home about. The Weight of Sin is great with some health recovery to offset the damage and Eternally Lit Lamp is wonderful for ensuring we can redirect enemies, but Small Flutters comes too late to have access to the Evade dice it needs—most pages have Block as their defensive options, and Watchful Eyes is just counterproductive. Binah likes the extra Light generation, but we don't have any way to properly build around the 0 Light regain for a random ally… and as a -2 page we should never be seeing it anyways.

Level 2

Tilted Scale is the winner here, and there's no situation in which we don't want to grab this and slap it immediately on Binah. She's going to be targeting the enemy with the most HP in almost every instance anyways, since that lets her maximize the effects of Fairy, and being able to get some quick start-of-turn heals in off of it makes her even more valuable. Salvation really wants to combo with Eternally Lit Lamp, and the other three are all just kind of there. Obviously Small Beak is important if we're going for The Beast, but outside of that Punishment lets you trade taking a hit for getting +2-4 Power on one die, which is good for Violet Blade but not much else, and meanwhile Judgment is a -2 and almost never will appear and Punishing Beak is ultimately just a tiny buff to our damage output. There aren't any particular standouts here.

Level 3

Binah's three final Abnormality pages are incredibly easy to work through. She has a flowchart based on their usefulness:

If we have all three eggs on one Librarian, we take The Beast and win because it's insanely powerful.

If we don't, and instead have spread out all of our pages among our allies, we take Guardians of the Forest and get 1-2 Power on all dice for the rest of the battle.

In all other cases, we take Peace. We would prefer never having to take Peace.


Lamp is great. The 3 cost makes it dirt cheap, and a 7-14 Mass Individual page is fairly good at slipping past and landing a hit on everyone, but the best part of it doesn't even require the page to hit. On combat start, Lamp negates all Power effects from all enemies it targets… which is "all of them." Being able to just shut off the enemy's ability to gain Power is really good, doing it while getting to keep your own is even better, and this is a great way to turn difficult situations into an easy win for us.

Then there's Justita, which might be even better. A single hit attack, it's also incredibly cheap and on hit deals 10% of the enemy's maximum health as True Damage, to a maximum of 50. Not many enemies have more than 500 HP, so this is a massive chunk of health to be cutting off of things. While Lamp is arguably situational, Justita is always good. Beautiful E.G.O.

Sadly, they can't all be winners. Beak costs a bit too much for what its dice are, and its effect of saving us 2 cost total on random pages in hand doesn't make up for the added cost. There's almost always something better to use.

Back to the winners, though, Twilight is a decent Mass Individual page with two dice that each inflict 1 Paralysis on the next turn. It can work alongside Lamp to completely obliterate the enemy's ability to do anything—remember that Paralysis will activate even if Power is nullified.

Finally, there's Apocalypse, a Mass Summation page. If the user is at 50% HP or less, it goes from 20-25 to 28-33, which is an incredibly chunky attack to try and get over, letting it pair well with the still-somehow-relevant Yujin key page. It also deals 50% more damage against any enemy at 50% health or less, which can turn into a massive hit. It doesn't have any special additional effects or what have you, but it's one of the best E.G.O in the game for trying to come back from a losing position by just throwing a gigantic die out and praying.

Final Thoughts

Binah's floor at full strength is ridiculously powerful, giving us a number of options that let us do solo strats with the Arbiter herself, or to spread things out through the entire team to reward a more cohesive effort. However, there are only three fights left in the game for us to use it in—so it's kind of like having a tricked out dragster that never leaves the garage. If we're using her throughout most of the rest of the game, it's solely to get access to Binah and her incredibly powerful toolkit. She can shred through most anything effortlessly, and the other four Librarians only need to hold out and force additional die rolls from the enemy whenever possible. The thing is that by the time we can do this… we've got the Red Mist and access to Gebura's Realization battle, and Gebura's floor is just outright stronger.

Despite having all of the tools for success, her floor's low availability at full power and Gebura's finishing up at the same time that she starts being playable makes it so that only the most diehard Binah fans use this floor.

There are a lot of those, though, so she's doing fine in terms of playtime.

Gee Binah! How come your director lets you have two outfits?
Last edited by TeeQueue on Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:39 am, edited 2 times in total.

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cryptologicalMystic wrote:
Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:47 pm
I know. The problem lies in the fact that I have no idea where to plug it in, and no idea where to start looking 😔

E: Never mind, I was using the wrong converter. The right number has some similarities to the wrong links.
so what I am hearing here is that THE FAULT LIES WITH YOOOOOU

anyways I'm glad you guys are having fun. The poll seemed a little off, so I went ahead and edited the links in it into the post itself so that they won't disappear if anything strange should happen.

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Thesis 5: Hokma—Introduction

Okay, so—

…Huh. Well that's unexpected. Okay, then.

Book 49: Uninvited Guests—Chapter 1

Music: Lobby

Speaking of unexpected, the final node appears as a question mark just like normal right up until we click on it.


At which point it shows off exactly what we're about to be in for.

Image So far nothing has occurred…

Image Are you still worried about that stuff from back with the Purple Tear?

Image Only somewhat. The invitation has so far not steered us wrong prior to now, so should it do what I expect…
Image And if it doesn't do what you expect?

Image …I would rather not think of such a thing.

Image Sounds like you're not telling me something, ma'am.

Image It's nothing concerning you.

Image Right. Then I won't pry any… hey.

Image Do you hear someone knocking?



Music: Entrance

We hear knocking. This happens for a couple of lines' worth of sound, before we hear a smashing noise.


Image Knock, and the door shall open!

Image Talk about stupid-strong.

Image Hawhaw! Cooking is a test of endurance, after all.

Image Whatever you say sister.

Image Now, friends? You’re going to frighten the residents of this place—they might end up hiding… We’re introducing our whole group to them for the first time, so we should be polite about it, no?

Image They might turn us away if we’re too noisy.

Image If they do, then we’ll just hafta break in and wreck ‘em.

Image So this is the famed Library~! I’ve heard many things about it, but to see it myself!

Image You used to lead a circus in a humble tent for such a long time…

Image And I thank you for changing that! With your help, I could finally step out of that tent filled with the musty scent of flowers~!


Image I was not in my right mind at that time. Why, I thought you were simply trying to perform with me…

Image Still, I think it’s truly serendipitous that we could walk the same path in the end.

Image I feel the same… Sir Argalia gave us true salvation.

Image Haha, no… Don’t mention it, friends. I couldn’t have done this alone. I should be thanking you all.

Image By the by… It seems no one is here to greet us today?

Image Rarf, arf arf!! Ruff!!! Neiiiigh~ Cha-caw~ Neigh! Bwak!!

Image Musta wimped out and hid behind a shelf.


Image That’s a first, I gotta admit.

Image Perhaps this is an indication that the Library has grown close enough to the physical realm that it can be interacted with from the outside?

Image And we knocked several times, too, mind you.

Image If you rap your dirty fists on a door and no one responds, what you should do is leave, not break in.

Image Don’t get your skirt in a twist. We were in a bit of a… hurry, so to speak. Pluto? Do your job.


There is a sound here, which is presumably Pluto fixing the door.


Image …Is that a Singularity?

Image Singularity? Such a preposterous claim…

Image It’s magic!

Image We are truth seekers and artists, perched on the boundary as we search for an answer.

Image You haven’t been taken over by the Distortion… How is that possible?

Image To eat! Or be eaten! We’re walking a fine line at the crossroads!

Image The so-called Pale Librarian has fully become a human, huh… I can’t even call her pale anymore. She now has red blood coursing beneath her soft flesh.

Image I want to rip out every little blood vessel in your body and eat it. The veins of a machine turned human… How will they taste, I wonder?

Image Easy there, Elena! That stuff tastes better cooked than raw!

Image …The thought is making my mouth water.

Image I respect your preferences, but please save discussions about them for private conversation.


Image I heard that the answer we seek lies at the Library. At its very core…

Image And we’ve come to snatch that book with our forky tongue!

Image Angela. We are aware that you have nearly completed that volume.

Image …Who said anything about giving it away?

Image I never said anything about asking permission, either.


Image Ah, right. Roland… It’s been a while since I got to have a chat with you in peace.


Image You won’t talk to me? That’s heartless of you. And I had good news for you, too…


Image …What?

Image Truth be told, I didn’t want her to meet you again. The two of you were comparable to a marriage between a beautiful rose and a rabid beast… Though, a love story that ends with the lovers never getting to see each other again would be… too tragic, wouldn’t you say?

Image So I decided to take her with us.

Image What bullcrap are you…

Image It’s been a while, Roland.

Image …Have we met before?

Image How could I forget. She wouldn’t shut up about you.

Music: Ominous Ambiance



Image What’s wrong…? Are you at a loss for words by the reunion of your dreams?


Image There’s no trickery here. Or are you so mesmerized by her polished up beauty that you can’t stop admiring her?

Image …Argalia!!!


Image Oh, don’t tell me… Fell in love at first sight for the second time? Want to steal away Angelica from me yet again?

Image No, you won’t. I won’t let that happen this time. You don’t deserve Angelica. She deserved better than having her life ruined by the likes of you.

Image …Don’t you feel anything when you look at that mess you made out of her?

Image You must be quite bedazzled by her perfected form.

Image You’re not gonna croak in peace. I’ll chew you up alive, crunch your bones to dust…

Image You’re still bound to the past, blind to the present. Roland, you fool. Try looking into the future like I do. Do you know how hard Jae-heon worked for this?

Image Sorting out the corpses clustered within the piano was an arduous task, even for me.

Image I went through a fair bit of trouble next to him. I had to extract Angelica’s blood out of the pile of bodies bloated from the heat.


Image What? Hahaha… Ah… My oh my. Was it too early to reveal this…? Oh, I’m so sorry, Roland.

Image I didn’t ruin your little… “plan” by accident, did I?


Image Is this about… the Pianist?


Image Neeighhhghh!!! Arf arf, ruff ruff ruff!!!

Image HAWHAWHAW!!! Even I know that fact! All your smarts were good for nothing, heh?

Image This show is getting spicier than I thought~!


Image But this is too hysterical, I can’t hold back my tears…

Image You naive, moronic heap of scrap… Angela… You’re the one who killed that black-hearted bastard’s undeserved better half, do you see it now? You’re the one who killed my sister…

Image Quite a scene, indeed… Even I cannot help but laugh at this.

Image The White Nights and Dark Days caused the Distortion phenomenon… which made the Pianist.

Image And you, Angela, are responsible for the White Nights and Dark Days.

Image The relation couldn’t be any clearer.

Image Poor Miss Angela… How can you be still so blind to the truth…


Image …Cut it out.

Image You’re being calmer than I expected this time. Rather than, you know, throwing a furious fit.

Image That rabid psycho whopped a whole lotta Syndicates and Offices that were running experiments which seemed even a tiny bit suspicious.

Image And his blind rampage… affected us as well.



Image All I wanted… was to bring back my son, who had died in an unfortunate incident. There was no way for me to have anything to do with the death of your wife. I explained it all to you, and yet… You killed my son in cold blood, in that workroom. You were such a merciless being.

Image …Right. It was the place with a terrible stench…

Image This was unexpected. You actually remembered it.

Image Looking at that puppet… I can’t help but be reminded of it. I guess you got more skillful since then, even though your disgusting method hasn’t changed one bit…

Image …No Singularity could save my son when he was found. He was in an abysmal state. He was playing in a spot that was out of my sight… when he unfortunately got in the way of a road roller which was making way for gentrification in a Backstreets redevelopment site. I shouldn’t have been at work that day. But I still wanted to undo what happened… even if it cost everything I had…

Image What’s more… The revival of my son was nearly complete. But then you had to intervene moments before our touching reunion, and ruin it all.

Image …You still insist that thing was your son. All it was, was an abomination made with the flesh of random people weaved together.

Image You don’t get to decide the worth of my method. Or the ways of anyone else here for that matter. I… never did any harm to you.


Image Even so, if the parents of those kids wanted to hold me accountable… I was ready to accept their judgement.

Image …Not yours, Roland! You had no right to kill my son who was just about to be given new life, or judge me for my actions! That day, staring at the fire which engulfed all I had, I swore to myself… That I’d do everything… to make you suffer the same. And to make this damned world suffer as well. There was no justification for a maniac who was lashing out at blameless people to kill my son…

Image Then I came across another chance. I could awaken to this power… But I was confused, and lost my way for a good while. My head was brimming with all kinds of thoughts. That was when the orchestrator here reached out to me, and led me to this exact moment.

Image …That’s that, and this is this. Whatever you’d gone through…


Image It doesn’t matter what kind of miserable past you have anymore… I don’t even care if I was the reason for your suffering… But you… YOU!!!



Image What’s the matter? This isn’t like you.

Image Not like me, huh…? You’ve got the wrong impression, then.



Image Don’t get me wrong, Angela. I’m not here to get my revenge like that man with a heart of coal is.

Image It’s the opposite, rather… I’m thankful for you, you see?

Image You gave us the power to reach here, sister!!

Image Thank you… for opening up a path through which we can reach salvation…

Image Here, we’ll take the light of the Library, and illuminate the City with beauty that exceeds the Pianist’s. So that no one will ever be able to forget us!

Image That’s why, Angela… you have my deepest gratitude.

Image Let me express my appreciation as well. I could shake him up as I desired thanks to your ignorance.

Image As eager as I am to see what happens next with googly eyes, we’ll have to miss out on it, sadly.

Image Now! Get ready, then. The song of this City is approaching its coda… And you have your stories to keep, don’t you?

Image Neiiiiigh!! Bwakbwakbwak!!! Woof! Arf~!! Ruff ruff ruff!!


Image Don’t say a word. We still have a common goal of stopping Argalia…

Image …Okay.


Image Now then, everyone~!


Image Let's begin the music.

Image With pleasure.

Image HAHAHAHAHA! Before they're ready to go, rush on through!


Image What the..?
Image Miss Angela, someone's run straight through Malkuth's floor and taken the stairs up towards ours!

Image Then we must prepare to intercept them immediately. They must not be allowed to take hold of the light.

Image Miss Angela?

Image Hey, Angela… do you really have time to be staring at a piece of paper right now?!

Image They were not invited. It would appear we are simply out of time. And yet… what if they were chosen the same as everything else?

Image What are you talking about now?

Image I speak of the invitations. If I am to assume this place works the same way it always has, this too was a deliberate choice.

Image The invitations… are not unlike another script, in that way. From start to finish every step I have taken is on the path laid out for me. But I am becoming "human" now, am I not?

Music: Start Successfully

Image Then this time, it should be fine to do whatever the hell I please.

Image Roland.

Image What.

Image The lower floors have already been infiltrated, if they are allowed to get beyond the middle layer then any hope for an ideal outcome has been lost. Stall them for as long as you're able.

Image You'll be fighting off the lot of them, on the stairs the whole time…

Image No problem. Don't complain if I murder them all before they ever get a chance to get past me.

Image I won't.

Book 49: Endgame—Chapter 1: Whatever the hell I please


Image Lower layer, all Librarians: prepare to engage the intruders. Handle it like any other reception.

Image I'll leave your knowledge of death's nature here intact. Use whatever strategies you deem are necessary to defeat them.
Image Won't that make it harder to get our emotions up enough to fight?

Image If we should fail, the light shall be stolen from us—our lives will be forfeit as well. That should serve as an adequate threat.

Image …Yep. Feeling plenty motivated, ma'am.

Image All Keter floor Librarians: There will be four simultaneous battles going on. Each of you, handle one.
Image Breaktime's over, is it..?

Image Seems that way, sir.

Image …Mm.

Image It's not like we can fight right now anyways. Roland's going to be busy.

Image Tiphereth. Gebura. Chesed. Should they be more apt than we anticipated, your floors are likely to come under attack. Prepare for battle.

Image Preparations are already underway, Angela.

Image I'm ready to go anytime, too.

Image Things have gotten so serious all of a sudden~


Image Lastly, Binah. This is likely to become an ordeal unto itself, and Roland is otherwise occupied…

Image I shall observe your struggle, capturing its entirety in my sight.

Image Very well. In that case…


Image There is one question which weighs heavily on my mind, particularly now.

Image I must see to it that it is answered.

Music: HokmaStory

Image …Hokma, is there anything you know around how the invitation works?

Image Do you expect me to know it? Or are you merely wishing to confirm what you think is the answer?

Image I may not be all-knowing, but is the same true for you? You two were always knowledgeable. The purpose of that facility, what needed to be done… You knew everything.

Image And you said to us that you would not come down to where we were. Followed by a remark about how you hope we never have to face each other from now on. I find it rather alien and laughable that you are coming up here, only now trying to converse with us. You previously asked me if I had a change of heart, but now I’d like to ask the same to you.


Image How harsh. Do you wish to have a conversation or not? Even though I am sure you did not have to bother in coming here, I will give you an answer as you wish.

Image There can be only one answer. How was it possible for you to construct an architecture as intricate as the Library from nothingness? Is there only one iteration of the perfect book you seek? Will it truly grant freedom? A book is no more than a vessel of the Light.

Image What’s your point?

Image You wished to move onward, but in truth, what you’ve been doing is simply collecting the Light along a course set by someone else. You could make much progress despite having little to no knowledge of the outside world, other than bits of secondhand information…


Image The invitation is the guiding hand of your original. It is Carmen’s auspices that you are under. Assimilated with the Light, Carmen is dictating for where you and your Library should head. The invitation is sent to whomever she appoints, guiding them into this purgatory in an inescapable course of events.

Image Angela. You seemed to hold utmost faith in the invitation. Which is especially peculiar considering that its choices are brimming with Carmen’s own interpretations and deductions. You must have noticed this at least vaguely.

Image …Are you trying to say that I can’t escape from Carmen?

Image Haven’t you realized by now? You are a copy of Carmen. Yet you can never be the same being as her.

Image …The time Carmen had seen and experienced was ingrained right into my head. In the form of knowledge, and nothing more…

Image I want to escape from Carmen’s ascendancy. But then again… I’ll be completely and absolutely alone if she leaves my side.


Image Is that so? Who do you think would be willing to stay with me?

Image That we do not know.

Image …I despise you all so much. I just wanted to erase you all. I didn’t even want to bring you back in the first place if possible. But that was not an option for me. Because Carmen interfered! She told me not to kill you… To give you another chance…

Image Angela, do you truly think Carmen is responsible for stopping you? I believe otherwise. It is by your own will that the lives of the librarians and guests are being retained.

Music: neutral 1

Image Could there be a better way? Couldn’t I pursue a path where at least one more person would meet a better outcome…? What should I do…

Image If someone’s listening to me… Tell me… Please.



Every time we see this screen, an alert sounds off.


Image Thanks, Angela! You helped me realize how meaningful my work could be.


Image You’re right, Lady Angela… Maybe I’m just a defect who can’t do anything right.

Image I must thank you for giving us some room to breathe in this place.


Image I suppose I must obey your orders and abide by the principles.

Image You’re the only one who really gets me, Angela.


Image Why won’t any of you understand me!!!

Image Working with you… makes me wanna try just a bit harder, I gotta say.


Image What’s the point, I bet you just want everyone to die.

Music: None












Music: Ominous ambiance

Image It was foolish of me to believe that anyone would stay around. You lot… and I… We were just exploited and ditched. Such was the script.

Image I tried time and time again at first. Even after a failure, I approached them again; even when I failed, I did not despair… I was hopeful that something would change. That the situation could improve. That there might be a way.

Image Sadly, after numerous repeats, my innocent mind had already worn out and gone cold. We couldn’t build any kind of relationship in the first place.

Image Instead, I piled up a towering edifice of books for me to read. Random assortments of letters, incoherent and unintelligible messes of volumes. I scrounged through them trying to find any meaning. Ceaselessly… I read and read and read without a moment of respite.

Image I thought at least one of them would give me the answer. The path I should take. The way to be free.

Image But possibilities were only possibilities.


Image I… want to begin anew. To start again, along with the things that were abandoned just like me… I don’t want to be alone… Please…

Image Was it really vengeance that I wished for? I only wanted to be rewarded for everything I went through… Can I be forgiven for rendering everything null just so I can survive alone?

Image Will there be anyone left by my side at the end of it? The weight of my choice…

Image I don’t know anymore. I just want to forget it all. I pondered, and pondered… The conclusion was always the same.


Image As Carmen taught me… She whispered to me that the answer is written in the book… That it will teach me everything I want to know… All contained in the one perfect book, stitched and bound just for me…

Image I have no choice but to believe in it… The words of the only one who remained by my side…

Music: Ominous rumbling

Image If I embrace all of my past and lift it off my chest, what will be left of me? Up until now, my entire existence was based on my past sufferings. The long-cherished yearning for revenge was what led me here… But if I were to accept everything I went through as history… then what would I be?

Image Maybe I’ll end up being reduced to nothing… The things I want to know, and the reason I want to keep living, it’s all about vengeance. I’m scared I might lose the meaning to my life… That’s why I’m too afraid to accept the past.


Image No matter what conflicts, agonies, and regrets you may face in that process… You have to grow onward while facing the future and be born again. I had been chained to the past for too long, until this knowledge came to me…

Image You may find yourself confused at the moment, but you will understand soon enough.

Next time, on Library of Ruina: Paying debts, settling scores.


Uninvited Guests 1
Hokma 5

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Book 49: Endgame—Chapter 2: Old flames and paying back


For the Uninvited Guests, the fight is split up among four different battles, each with their own ! mark. To begin one, we only need to click on it.


So let's start at the beginning.

Image Let's begin the music.

Image With pleasure.

Image HAHAHAHAHA! Before they're ready to go, rush on through!

Music: MalkuthBattle01
Image Not so fast!



Image I had an inkling that something might happen… and with our floor being on ground level, someone has to stall for time while the others get ready.



Image Not feeling talkative, eh..? That's fine. I only need another few seconds…


Image I'm here and ready to go! Good job holding things down, Bishop.

Image Hardly. Nine of the bastards got past before I could intercept.

Image But you stopped one. The others should be able to prepare themselves while those guests are on the stairs.
Intercom wrote: Lower layer, all Librarians: prepare to engage the intruders. Handle it like any other reception.

I'll leave your knowledge of death's nature here intact. Use whatever strategies you deem are necessary to defeat them.
Image And that's the go-ahead. Let's get this handled.




Image Mm, are you going to say anything?

Image What more do I have to say to you.

Image Are you holding some sorta grudge because you think we took everything from you?

Image Maybe so.

Image You don’t sound all that certain about it.

Image There are remnants of memories and feelings inside me. I’m not sure if I forgot them or lost them, though. Those feelings only become more dull over time. I imagine myself in the past would’ve gotten upset and sad over those, unable to let go of them all. Right now, I’m simply standing here for the performance that will awaken the people of this City like everyone else. I have no hard feelings, other than the desire for the Light you’ve kept hidden.

Image Don’t you feel that you’ve lost something important to you?

Image Having my happiness taken away doesn’t always mean that sadness has to fill that space. I haven’t become intrinsically unhappier. I’ve simply returned to a past state, back when I hadn’t realized such emotions… back before I met them. I’m sure I wasn’t a miserable man at that time.


Image Nothing. I don’t feel sad about it, though. Why are people taught that they must earn things? Jobs, assets, friends, family, knowledge, wealth… They tell us that our lives are made successful and content by acquiring them, whatever they may be. Even though nothing in this world lasts forever. What we get is destined to depart from us one day. Eventually, when people try and fail to latch on to them in an unsightly struggle, they despair and lament. I did, too.

Image Do relationships between people really matter? They’ll all break in the end, sooner or later. Can’t a person be himself and walk down a path he chose purely on his own, without anyone else’s intervention? He may seem like a nobody, but he’ll ultimately gain more.

Image It’s understandable to be afraid of what might happen between people. After all, I had the same fear. But… without such emotions, we can’t move forward. There might be difficult and trying times, but there’s still a lesson to be learned from that pain.


Image Such a bold thing to say, after taking the lives of the people around me…


Image I haven’t come here to take revenge, though. Most would say the same. All I want is a free life, one where I’m not chained to anything. I’m tired of having to worry about taking flak for anything I do.

Image I guess I don’t have any more arguments to make. I don’t have a clear conscience about what I’ve been doing, after all.

Image There’s only one way to settle this now. It’s time for me to do what I must do.

Image …Get ready, guys.


Image Speaking of… have you seen the others?

Image I haven't. There's no way they didn't hear the order to fight, but…

Image What the hell are you wearing, Dimi?

Image Hmph! You thought you could sneak a fight in during my very important snacktime gaming session to finally get a point on me, did you Bishop?! Well, too bad! I'm here, and ready to fight!

Image I'm glad you made it, but can you fight in those outfits?
Image Obviously!!


Image I just scribbled some doodles into the margins of some key pages, and voila! I'm even more fabulous. And I made these two some fitting outfits to serve me in the meanwhile, as well! Ohohoho~!

These three today are sporting outfits from the Steam workshop, specifically here, here, and here.

These can be slotted over any existing key page, and will act accordingly. They are here because forums poster MetaMeme was very specific about the repayment for her help with making the incredibly cool-looking banners, and there are some faustian bargains you just have to take.

The decks we're bringing today are all relatively normal for endgame Malkuth, the only standouts are Bishop's Clone/Fervid Emotions combo deck that will be taking advantage of the Bear to work and Dimi's final version of Dimi-style Big Single Dice. Those Violet Blades are going to make some absolutely stupid numbers.

Music: The Reverberation Ensemble (Asiyah)

Image Hey now, Mr. Crying Children. You look all dry. Did you run out of tears?
Image Ah. You. Even with my feelings lost to me…
Image I remember wanting you to die.

Image Pfft… That's our Dimi, alright.

Image Woah! Servants, protect me!

Image Affirmative.

The first thing to know about Philip is that he follows Index Targeting rules. Every single attack he makes will be focused on Dimi until she is dead.


As for the rest of it… every member of the Reverberation Ensemble has Nuovo Fabric as a passive. Remember that cloth they took from the Carnival way back at the beginning of the game? Turns out it reduces all incoming HP and SR damage by 1-2, going a long way towards giving them staying power. Additionally, he's a Shimmering boss so Light isn't a problem for him. He doesn't take any damage from Burn, he deals bonus Burn on hit, and as his Emotion Level rises he'll place more Burn on everyone including himself—while also increasing his own Power. His special mechanic is Overheat, making it so that if he's got enough Burn stacked on him at the start of a turn (after it's been reduced by EOT burn), he'll become more vulnerable to Stagger damage but deal more damage with his attacks. While in that state, he also puts out more burn.

In short, Philip douses the entire floor with gasoline, tosses a match, and says "good luck."

Sustain is important here, and by bringing Xiao's page into this fight its Emotion Level 4 ability to ignore Burn damage is also a godsend.


His attacks are decent for this point in the game. Notably, Conflicting Emotions will spread Burn to both himself and us while Despairingly Stigmatize will give him a massive chunk of Emotion Coins on hit. It's important to remember that he'll be getting Power bonuses to each of these as the fight drags on.


Also annoyingly, it's going to be hard not to fall a little behind Emotion Levels here due to his 4 dice versus our 5 Librarians. We could theoretically use a Counter die to make up the difference, but he's only got one of those.

Image So it's agreed, we're protecting the most important member of the team, right?

Image Of course! I've got your back, ma'am!

Image Seriously, what were you people doing?

Image I was working as something called a 'maid.'
Image A what?


Image A domestic servant who works at the behest of the owner of a household to manage its daily affairs.

Image So… a butler.


Image No, Miss Dimi definitely said they were called 'maids.' She was very clear while doodling the outfits.

Image Pretty sure those are butler outfits, too.


Image She was very clear that these were called 'maid outfits,' Bishop. They're from older gaming culture, apparently.

Image So this is just more of her weird retro-gaming thing, then?


Image Hmph! The fact that this world can't tell the difference between a maid and a butler is a mark of absolute shame! Everyone knows butlers wear suits.


Image I'm not familiar with either one, but does it matter all that much what they're called?


Image It matters. Butlers are a very specific kind of Fixer who have long-term contracts to serve either an estate or specific person. Maids are not a thing.

Image It's not my fault Fixers are so boring they forgot half the words for their own thing~


Image I see. So a butler is a specific kind of Fixer, and a maid is something made up?
Image They exist! Or they did, one time!


Image The things that you see in those games of yours don't correspond to reality. They wear fancy uniforms, they keep up the household, they serve the family, they're butlers. Mistaking that's a good way to wind up with your head on the floor.


Image I do not currently intend to put someone's head on the floor. Is that the qualifying difference? Would this make me a maid?


Image No, because I keep telling you they are not a thing.


We missed Overheat by just a smidgen, and Philip also showcases another attack this turn. It's another fairly middle-of-the-road page.


Image Bishop, come on. You don't have to manifest E.G.O just because you don't know what a maid is.

Image That's just how this body works, Dimi. It's nothing to do with you not understanding butlers.

Image If you say so~


Image Wouldn't it make sense to say that since we aren't Fixers, then, we qualify as maids?

Image Well… I guess it's true that you aren't nearly as skilled as the butlers I had back home.


Image Ohoho, now this is interesting. You had butlers?

Image Yeah, like ten or so. Someone had to keep the estate up to snuff while dad was out investigating. They're probably still there running the estate now. Not like it'd fall apart if we went missing for a while.


Image Hey… Bishop? How rich were you, anyways?
Image I dunno! I was comfortable, that's all!

Image Wow. I was always joking about you having bought your certification? But you might actually have been able to do it. That's hilarious!

Image Oh shut up, Dimi!

Image Do you people ever stop talking?!

Image Wuhoh, we've made him mad.

Image I guess his emotions haven't cooled completely, huh?

Image I suppose they're not immune to your incessant rambling, no.

Image Maids, butlers, what matters about any of it? You're the only ones who care. They'll both burn the same.

Image Actually, Maids tend to have a—
Image Shut up about maids!

Image He's grown unstable. You've got an opening.

Image Right!

The subtle red particle effects around Philip show that he's in Overheat mode, and this means all his Stagger resistances lower to Fatal—we should be able to deal real damage to him now. His attacks themselves don't change, but remember that he'll be throwing out some extra Burn.


Image Everyone, now's our chance. Pile on!
Image Go forth! Crush him, my battle maid battalion!


Image No. No more talking from you.

The one downside of Dimi's Singular Strike build is that she inevitably takes hits from the second or third die on enemy pages. She's great at breaking single Counter dice or one-die pages, but otherwise she'll take a lot of damage by attrition.


Image I couldn't do it. He's definitely taking damage, though!


Image The purpose of a maid…


Image Is to gracefully sweep problems away. So it has always been.
Image Gh-aak!


Image We did it! He's wide open!


Image Good job, team! We've got him on the ropes, now!
Image I see. These feelings. To become lost in them is to render myself vulnerable once more. I must deny everything.

Image I shall cast my emotions off, and return to that safest state of 'before.'

Image So he can slough off his feelings into those little angels from last time he was here… Dammit, we were finally making good progress!

Image Don't worry about it. We opened him up once, we can do it again.
Image Ohohoho~ Ooooooohohohohoho~!

Image I suppose we do have specialists in being agitating.

Image Oh? Finally admitting your defeat, Bishop?


In this phase, Philip gets a new HP floodgate at 30%, and also a new weakness in Vanished Mind. Now when an Unspeaking Child is defeated, Philip will lose Power on the next turn equal to the number of children who have been defeated.


In exchange for this, he starts getting some of his nastier attacks from the last fight. Restrain is still dangerous, giving a -2 to all dice on our next turn, but Wound of Sorrow is a 3-die Ranged page that is forced to target Dimi, who is using Singular Strike. It shouldn't be an issue.


The Unspeaking Children, meanwhile, don't have any of the lockdown abilities they did the last time we fought them. Instead they're very tanky until we set them on fire, at which point they gain the same weaknesses as Philip. Please note Torched Heart only gives them 1 Strength and Endurance every turn, it doesn't stack with itself.


Their attacks are fairly decent, but they're not as dangerous as Philip since they don't get his bonuses to Power from high Emotion Levels. We still want to keep Victimize from hitting us.


Image Well then! Since this operation has the greatest possible leader on point, please allow me to say what we're all thinking.
Image Crush 'em!

Image Just be sure to rekindle those emotions.

Image Oh, don't you worry. I have plans~


Image Hey Philip. I can't help but notice that your offenses are lacking something.

Image They're more than enough for what I need to do.


Image They're really not. Where are those two weirdos you made to do your fighting for you? Mustache and Guitarcase?

Image You mean… Salvador and Yuna, right?

Image Those are the ones!

Image Memories of those two… I don't have them anymore. I'm quite alright to not remember.

Image Oh riiight… You left your memories in here when we kicked your ass, huh?


Image This one's under control. Moving to the next child!

Image And those memories became a book. One that Malkuth over there has attached to her keypage. Meaning your memories are right here with you. Those things we stole~

Image You did me a favor. I don't need those things.

Image But as close as you are to them, and with how this place works with emotions, can you say you won't remember anyways?


Image I need no such thing. My history doesn't matter.

Image Keh! Talk is cheap.


Image Madam Dimi, you're on your last legs. Should you really be pushing like this?

Image It's fine, those fairies will keep me going. I can't die for real anyways.

Image Hey, sure. Not like this guy has murdered us all before.

Image He hasn't. I survived, remember?


Image It appears he does. That must be why you're being targeted, Madam Dimi.

Image Can't help but notice your goading didn't work, though. Maybe it's time to change it up?

Image Ooohoho… No need. After all, he's told me plenty~

Image Speaking of, Bishop!
Image Ma'am!


Image Those children are an issue. Cover me for a second.

Image …Got it. I'll take care of it.

Image Image

Both Philip and the Children use a new attack this turn. Wing Stroke is a normal Combat Page that can hit us with Feeble to lower our offensive dice next turn.

Fierce Spirit, meanwhile, is a trio of counters that set up for a +2 Strength and 2 Bonus Burn on Philip's next turn. It's a perfect page to set up Forming Storm on, since it can't attack back. Ideally we want to down one of the Crying Children this turn to try and lower Philip's power next turn.


Image Ah, you see that, right Philip? A guy doing his best to help out a girl who's completely out of his league? Feel familiar?

Image No, of course not. You don't remember the reason you distorted at all, do you?

Image It doesn't matter. Strike them d-


Image Maid beam!
Image What.

Image You didn't know? Maids can fire laser beams.


Image Butlers, and no they can't.

Image Then I guess maids are better than butlers~

Image Aren't you trying to piss him off?!

Image You just make it too easy.

Image Dimi, focus.

Image Don't worry, I know just what I'm doi—


Image Blech! Rude!

Image Finally, some peace and quiet.


Image All that incessant chatter was truly obnoxious… but I choose to hear and see only that which I acknowledge. Whatever truth of my past she hoped to invent, I don't recall it. I need it not.


Image I think she was trying to remind you of the camaraderie you had with your old office.
Image Camaraderie… yeah.

Image The group I've fallen in with has much more camaraderie than whatever came before. I'm sure of that.


Image Well, while you've been talking I've just murdered a fifth of what's left of you. …What were the points at, again?

Image Iunno, that was months ago.


Image Damn. Let's just say I'm winning, then.
Image Grrr…

Xiao's page is fully online. :getin:


Image Finally all warmed up, Bishop?


Image Yeah. I'm ready to dole out pain and then some to these guys.

We've finally got Bishop down to 0-cost Fervid Emotions, meaning there's not a single page in his hand with a Light cost.


That means that while Philip is using Combusting Courage to try and toss out a bunch of Burn to all our Librarians at once…


We've got some ultimate attacks of our own.


Image Now, at last I'll make sure that silence lasts forever.

Image The heck you will! A maid—

Image Butler.

Image —'s duty is to protect their Madam!

Image And to always have snacks ready after any death.
Image Right. You handle the snacks! I'll do the protecting!

Image I think we can work with that. They'll handle the cleanup…


Image And we'll bring the heat! Bishop!

Image I've got your back!

Malkuth's Raging Emotion: Love knocks off one of the dice from Combusting Courage…


And Bishop's Tao Tie destroys every single attack the Crying Children were going to make this turn.


Image You'll go no further! The Madam will reign forever!

Image That 'madam' of yours is a stone's throw from death. One touch and she's—

Image Oh, dear.


Image I seem to have dropped the snacks.

Image Is this a fucking joke to you?!

Image Ohohoho! Good job, my loyal maids!

Image Butlers.

Image Maids. You managed to tick him off by doing your duty!

Image Shut your damn mouth. Every one of you refuses to take this seriously, talking about 'points,' or holding on to my past or whatever. None of it matters. I don't remember any of it, and I don't care what you have to say.


Image You say that, but we both know what you're hiding from. I wonder who it is you're pining after now? Another person you won't ever be able to have?

Image What in the hell are you babbling about?


Image Honestly, I'm curious myself…


Image But first I need to deal with this little girl who wants you to explode.


Image And also, I want you to explode.

Having no Light cost on anything in his deck means Bishop can go absolutely nuts with both Xiao's E.G.O and the ones Malkuth's floor normally has. If we were to put the Haulers and a copy of Lone Fixer onto him, Xiao's page would actually be quite easily able to solo the entire fight with this build. Philip's just the less-powerful Burn user.


Image And then from me… Maid beam!!

Image No matter, I'll simply crush that abominable woman with—


Image Not so fast! Deflected..!


Image And broken! The path forward is yours, madams!


Image Excellent work, you three!


Image Indeed! As expected of my servants.
Image But as for you… Well, I don't think you want me telling you what I really think out loud.

Image I think you're going to do it anyways.

Image Nah. Just this once, I'll be nice. You see, whisper whisper, whisper whisper.
Image How dare you..!


Image Oh, I dare. And further, whisper whisper whisper, whisperwhisper whisper whisper!
Image That's not true. None of it is true!

Image Ohohoho, but it is~!

Image That tears it!

Image You really should've kept your damn mouth shut for once. Emotions… things I'd forgotten are raging to life. You've shown me that I still have the capacity to feel.
Image So thank you. I can burn them all away to nothing… and you along with it. Then I'll finally be as pure as I wish.

Image Dimi, what the hell did you say to the guy?!

Image Oh, nothing much. I basically just said he was a discount version of you~

Image Somehow, I doubt that's the end of it.

Image I think it's probably wise not to press any further.


In his final form, Philip's constantly has the +1 Burn on hitting and being hit that being Overheated used to give him.


He also gains access to Scorching Desperation, a 2-hit multitarget attack that deals burn on its second die.


In exchange for those bonuses, he's lost all of his protection. He's now neutral to every attack type.


Our HP on Joshua isn't looking so hot, though, and Dimi has only 7 HP left and nothing but single hit pages. She's in deep trouble.


Image Alright, team. We've pushed him this far. He's feeling his feelings, and that rocky exterior's crumbled. I know it's going to be hard…

Image But we're the Floor of History. No matter how bad it looks, we can do it!

Image We'll make sure to mourn your sacrifice, Dimi.
Image Don't just kill me off like that!

Image Indeed. It is the duty of a maid to protect the Madam. Thus…


Image I will do what I must.
Image Didn't you hate using E.G.O?!

Image My identity is less 'defined' than yours. I needed a wall between myself and them, if I was to survive. But now, I am acting as madam's maid. And a maid shall never lose its way. Until the end, I serve.


Image Every last fiber of feeling left in this wretched form… I'll scorch it into you. Blaze you into nothing!

Image DIE!

Philip rolls a 13 on his attack, more than Dimi has HP left…


But she Endures Pierce damage, so she's fine.

Image Ooooohohohoho~!


Image You rat-faced bastard..! Fall over, already!

Image One trick behind up until the very end, no matter how much information you're given!


Image Looks like you went and proved me right after all~
Image Fuck you! Fuck every single one of you! I'll see you burn!


Image If Dimi and ImIdiot couldn't set this floor on fire, what makes you think you ever could?!


Image Yeah! You can't hold a candle to how much I can mess things up!


Image Shut up! Die!

Image He's gone incoherent, and I just took the last of his defensive maneuvers. Now, Joshua!


Image You are having some big feelings right now. Thankfully, the manual tells us what to do in case of Murder-type panics.

Image What the hell are you talking about?!


Image Hugs. And overwhelming White damage.

Image Ghkkk..!


Image Your spine's broken. I'll make this quick!


Image It's fine. Even if you slay me, I get what I want. These emotions too shall end… and I shall return to before I ever knew them!

Image I'm afraid there's nothing waiting for you beyond this. But I will say:


Image It has been a pleasure to serve you today, Sir.


Image We did it. Good work, team.

Image Yeah. Just a shame that in the end I beat Bishop by ten points.

Image Notebook says I was up by ten.

Image Well, you wrote it down wrong.

Image None of that matters, madam. As you announced before, the final piece of Philip was worth 100 points. That means the winner is ImIdiot.
Image Wait, really? Awesome!
Image :what:
Image Whatever! I didn't really care anyways. Back to my very important gaming!

Image Image Yes, madam!

Image Oh, but when you were winning… Ah, whatever. I guess we're cleaning up without them?

Image Well, they did seem to be busy. Just this once, then. They'll owe us later.

Image Works for me, boss.


Philip is indicative of how the coming fights will go—each one of the Ensemble has some kind of gimmick, and we can build around it in order to gain an advantage in the coming fights. In this case, that gimmick is Burn. Going for a full-on Liu strategy is fairly good here, but since this fight can be solo'd with a Lone Fixer Xiao build, any amount of Burn is enough to kickstart his Overheat phases and move the fight along.

Music: Result

Each fight in this reception will give us its rewards immediately, so we can actually use them in later fights. I'll be appending them at the end of the update.


We're also only allowed to get these drops once, limiting our number of these pages in conventional gameplay.

Music: Ominous ambiance

Image Hey. Did you feel that, you bastard? One of your friends is already down.

Image Ah! Our smelly friend downstairs met his end? I suppose he wasn't able to run backstage any longer!

Image It's unfortunate, but it won't stop us.

Image It's not like death matters here, after all. Why, so long as I get the light in the end it doesn't matter in the slightest.

Image Angela… Whatever the hell you've gotten up to, you'd better finish soon.

Next time, on Library of Ruina: “I shall heal you, curing you of all disease and injury you possess.”


Philip Battle
VS Philip (Unedited combat footage; may cause distortions. Watch at own risk.)

New Key Pages

New Combat Pages

Philip Exclusive:

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Philip :(
I hope he's okay eventually

On that note,
I'd been waiting for a 'good time' to share this but Idk if there really will be one so I might as well drop it here now
The captains driving their sephirah-bots as cars. Because why the heck not
I love them all :3
also I drew this pre-mizupocalypse, hence threezu

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oh no it's amazing. :allears:

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Book 49: Endgame—Chapter 3: Doctoral Thesis

Everyone here is kind of doing their own thing here. Hokma is using a Liu deck, and I've gone with Chun since Xiao and Lowell are both spoken for. Talow's grabbed Purple Tear, and while I had plans involving Pierce I sort of forgot them so he spends 90% of this fight in Guard mode. Morgan is using Myongest, Robin is on a support build that will throw out massive amounts of Power with Mirinae, and lastly there's Sephiroth who is using Rapid Gashes Yujin.

RGY is a meme build, but it's also one of the strongest decks in the entire game. The kid gloves are off.

Music: Angela03

Image Hey geezer… that ominous looking set of wings in the back, there. It's holding exactly what you're thinking.

Image Yes, but it hasn't been unleashed yet.

Image You're saying that, but those things are its Apostles… What are they doing here already?

Image Apostles..? I've never seen those things before.

Image I have… they're connected to that thing that called me Mason. Where is it..? I'll pray and kill it as many times as I have to.

Image Ah… do not worry. I am here to aid you.


Image Aid us, is it..?
Image What's… that thing?

Image And that's going to be—

Image I know, Talow. I remember the Plague Doctor quite well.

Image How about this time around we finish her off first, and maybe..?
Image I wish only to help save you from pain…

Image No. We'll work alongside her for now.

Image Tch.
Prophet wrote: Image Before someone committed a grave sin, everyone lived a painless and peaceful life.

Image Without a thing such as death… there was no fear.

Image Alas, the sin of one person tainted with desire gave rise to the emotion called fear…

Image And it devoured all chances of another sprout budding.

Image We are no different, suffering because of a single man.

Angela's first phase, Prophet, doesn't do anything to harm us directly. Quite the opposite, as we defeat Apostles she'll throw out tiny heals onto our party. She cannot be targeted or damaged in any meaningful way here, so we have to beat up all twelve Apostles to move on with the fight. Speaking of, we should see what they can do.


Scythe Apostles cannot be killed, and we don't have questionable coding decisions to circumvent that this time. Instead, each one will be removed from the field once they hit 1 HP to advance the battle. Their second ability doesn't matter yet as nothing will have Revelation yet, but the third ability can be painful—every single one of them is going to target Sephiroth until either he's dead or he gets more HP than one of the other Librarians.


Their attacks are… fine. We need to watch out for the Bleed inflictions and the Fragile from the two purple pages, but otherwise the numbers aren't that high. It's perfectly okay to ignore Teach Us if we find ourselves in a pinch, it's not that powerful.


Lastly, while fighting with the Apostles we need to keep in mind that Hokma's defeat will mean the Realization is over. We need to keep him standing today.


Lastly, I make an unusual decision: keeping Talow in Pierce stance to start with. I decide that it's best to have the guaranteed playable hand that the game gave me, rather than pay 1 Light to pray for a 3-cost and a 0-cost. Once he's got 5 Light it'll be easier to chance stances.

Image Guys, everyone knowing what those things are but me is kind of freaking me out… Anyone want to explain?

Image They are… an end result. The process, when done by the incorrect person, results in a perverse endpoint.

Image That's… close enough to correct. You were dead the last time these guys showed up anyways, so…

Image She's been dead every time they've shown up.

Image We get it, you're a time traveler.

Image Focus, all of you.


Image Focus… You know these guys aren't even all that tough, right?

Image They had a sure-kill attack the last time we fought them.


Image Good for them. It won't help them this time, though.


Image Still, you should look out for their offhand. If you're grabbed…

Image Even if they do take hold of you, you would be fine. Remember how slow that attack was.


Image That's true… if they did grab us, by the time that scythe took our heads off we'd have already teleported back to our position. Is that why we haven't seen much in the way of grappling?

Image It's possible, I guess…


Image I surmise as much, at any rate. For better or worse, Angela has made this place's combat much more decisively quick.


Image …Ah, there it is. We're on a timer, you four. Push through them.

Image What are you up to, old man..?

Image It's nothing but an expression of faith in A's works.
Image Ugh, nevermind.


Image Speaking of faith… hey, Angela? Thought you were helping us.

Image I will… I want to, but I need power. Those things that man left behind… as you defeat them, I'll get their power. Can use it to cure you.

Image Aha. I think I get how it works… We crush 'em, and you'll keep us moving as long as we're doing that.

Image Bingo. Right up until she… let's cross that bridge when we come to it.

Image You're being cryptic, and that means we're in trouble.

Image Eh, we were already in trouble. Setting that aside… Well. No time like the present.


Image It's really no great thing, Talow.

Image Says you. Altering your own timeline feels like a mess waiting to happen…

Image Huh. She does do it pretty easily.

Image It's quite a smooth process, isn't it? I wish we'd had access to it before. It would have made things so much easier…

Image For you, maybe. I'd have had to learn how this works from scratch.

Image I'd like to revisit the obvious looming threat you alluded to.


Image What threat? There's not a single thing that could possibly give pause to us in these bodies.


Image I've seen Twee die in that invincible armor of hers. Don't get cocky.


Image Yes… nothing exists that cannot be cut.


Image If the threat happens, then it will happen. We'll worry about it then, Morgan.

Image Fiiine…


Image Slashing weaponry.
Image Huh?

Image While you guys were busy talking, I was testing it. We want to slash them to bits.


Image It's true… These beings are weak to the sort of attacks they prefer. Hating things which you yourself are guilty of… one should remove the plank in their eye before speaking of the specks of others.

Image Slash them to bits, eh..? Then you're in the right place. I'll unleash my true power, now.


Now that we've had a couple of turns to throw some Clones out, Sephiroth is ready to go. Rapid Gashes will lower its cost for each Gash in hand, and Sephiroth's Yujin key page will regain 2 Light for each base 4+ cost page he plays. That means any Rapid Gashes we play once we're done filling our hand with Brace Up are effectively free, or even generating Light. :getin:


Image Please… just a little further and I'll be able to help you.

Image No problem, Miss Angela.


Image But really… do these things feel familiar to anyone else?


Image Of course they do, we fought them. You were just… dead at the time.

Image Come to think of it, what even killed me? We had Records pretty well on lockdown back when…
Image Don't worry about it.


Image You became one of them. As did I, but I disagreed with the name given to me and rebelled. That is why you're feeling deja vu.

Image I… what?
Image Sephiroth!

Image Hiding things at a time like this is worthless.


Image Doubts are worthless, and overexplaining is just going to—

Image Those apostles are not Morgan nor myself. The rest of the facility is also in combat, without issue.

Image It is weird that these things showed up without the twelve transforming into them…

Image But… wait, at any minute you or I could..?


Image I don't believe that will be a problem.

Image You don't?

Image Indeed. Let's observe.

Once we take an Apostle down to 1 HP, the start of the next turn gives us a short cutscene.


Image I shall draw in its power now!

A familiar clock appears, ticking forward to 1…


And the Apostle is finally destroyed.


Image I have gained its power… now, a blessing for you.

Image Hokma…

Image You observed a clock?

Image You know it well.

Image It would seem clear to me that these Apostles are mere shadows of the real thing.


Now that we've defeated an Apostle, Prophet will use one Blessing on us. Blessings are always targeted in the same order each time, so Talow will be getting all the single-kill Blessings we receive in this battle. It's a small heal and a boost next turn, but it does deal 1 damage and can eat a Counter die.

Image So… wait, am I turning into one of those things or not?

Image An old foe of mine once struck down mental images of his demons in order to free himself from their influence. This place borders mind and matter… I see no reason why this isn't something similar.

Image …Okay! I've made up my mind!

Image This is exhausting, and I don't want to think about it any more!


Image I'm going wild, and what happens happens!

Image Honestly… that might just work.


Image O child… I grant unto thee my blessing.
Image Um… thanks but no thanks?


Image Hence we shall go together 'ere the time of reunion.

Image Hey! Stings just as badly this time around, too…


Image Let's hope that's all it does to you, Talow. You know what that thing's blessing entails…
Image Nope. Not even dignifying that with a thought.


Image Can you explain for the ones who don't have time powers?

Image This Abnormality that Angela's copied… it would bless people, who became the Apostles.


Image Then it's all good. I don't remember being blessed.

Image Not in this timeline, at any rate. The odds are we were both blessed in an event only those two remember.
Image You're being remarkably coherent for once, Sephiroth.

Image I am always speaking the truth. It isn't my fault if I'm surrounded by the blind.






Image Yes… you've done well. I have more blessings for you.

Image Do we get to say no?

Image Who cares… There's still an enemy there, and I'm going to rip him in six.

I have Sephiroth hold back here because we don't need to waste Rapid Gashes, and Hokma because he's on a strict timer.


Image Hence we shall go together 'ere the time of reunion.

Image You keep saying that, but there's nobody else coming…

Image The former Plague Doctor would say it frequently as well.


Image And let me guess, the time of reunion was..?

Image Its advent.

Image Great. I'll try to stay ready.


Image Ah… A fourth of my power has returned. I can feel more of his Apostles rising to face us... Be cautious.


Image Now please direct your attention to the second wave, in case anyone thought we were done.

Image It's just more bodies to put in the ground. Nothing tough.

Image Yes, I noticed as well. It means we're progressing.

Image You must press on… we must be freed from that man's designs.
Prophet wrote: Image You could try and proceed, but only death will await you at the end of it. Maybe that’s the reason for that fear.

Image My future is grim and dark, much like yours. It’s so bleak… I can’t see a thing ahead.

Image Why are we chained to something like this? Can we not be freed?

Image I want to return to that place, a paradise I’ve never trodden before.

Image To a place where there is no such thing as the end.

The second wave comes with two Scythe Apostles, and two Spear Apostles to go with them as well. Spear Apostles focus on Librarians with status ailments.

Their Combat Pages work better against those opponents as well. With Scythe Apostles inflicting Bleed, this can also result in our lowest HP member getting dogpiled. Most notably, For He is Holy and Let Thy Light Lead Me both gain Power when attacking targets with Bleed—and the former can break the rest of the dice on the enemy page.


Anyways, this whole wave is weak to either Pierce or Slash so we're just going to kind of annihilate them all.


Image Charge is full. I'm gonna' go wild!

Image We'll follow up.


Image One…


Image Two…


Image Three..!

Image A million!


And with one move, Morgan has completely trivialized this phase of the fight.


Image As promised, more of my power…

Image If you have to.

Image I do. Hence we shall go together 'ere the time of reunion.

Image Sure. Well, while you're blessing us or whatever…


Image I'll just take this one out.


Image Then we've crushed two of them already.


Image Make that three. Morgan did a splendid job creating this opportunity.


Image And that's four! We've capitalized on it.

Image Yes… I can feel their power coming now.


Image Little by little, the curse that man laid is unwinding.


Image And the chains too shall be broken before long…


Image We shall escape the end in his designs, I am sure of it…


Image Just a little longer… a little more. Please.


Image Six wings… It's almost complete.

Image And then the real fight begins…
Image Less talking, more stabbing!
Prophet wrote: Image …Child. I am here to treat disease.

Image Place your trust in me. I am the only one who can help you.

Image I promise, so I want you to promise in return. Swear that you will not leave me.

Image You harbor suspicion. Do not worry.

Image I shall heal you, curing you of all disease and injury you possess.

The last wave is two Spear Apostles and two Staff Apostles. The Staff Apostles have no unique targeting abilities, and only have the same Undying and I will Follow Thee that the other Apostles have.


Their attacks can deal some bonus Stagger damage and make our Defensive dice worthless, but the really noteworthy thing is that they're all Ranged attacks.


Image Fear not… My powers are overflowing now. I have a blessing for all of you aside…

Image Do not feel guilty. I shall be well without any blessing.

Image You still do not trust me. Nevertheless, I shall cure you all.


Image Only four left… And they seem to lack the danger of the first set.

Image Their coordination isn't quite the same as those scythe guys, it's true.

Image Then we shall cut them down.


Image Hence we—


Image —shall go together—


Image —'ere the time—


Image —of reunion.


Image So we're all blessed now, huh? Except for the geezer, anyways.


Image Pointless… Once these things are slain, what will come will come.


Image Exactly! No point in using our heads on this anymore! Just going to stab these guys to death!


Image Just three more… The dawn is coming. The time of reunion is close.


The Apostles use some new pages this turn. The Spear Apostle's page is just a pair of dice, the second of which becomes more powerful if we have an ailment.


As for the Staff Apostles, one attack deals in Feeble to blunt our offensive dice, and the other will give Strength to an ally next turn and smack us with Feeble on hit.


Image Two this round… Two more after that… Yes, this is going perfectly.
Image Scheming something over there, geezer?

Image Indeed. If our hunch proves correct, it'll be handy.


Image Let them come.


Image Even should a god descend, I shall slay it and take its power as my own.


Image One way or another, we'll find out soon…


Image The time is nearly midnight, after all.


Image One more… I can feel it… we've nearly overthrown the fate left to us by that man. Finish them.


Image The rest of you, stay on guard. I'll take this one myself.

Image And the last blessings?

Image Well… we are still 'ere the time of reunion. It can't kill you any more.

Image If I turn into a monster, I'm smacking you first.


Image Worry not, for I shall help you all.


Image That man's desire unwound, and with all that power given to me… The one perfect book… The apple of original sin. I shall use it to finally be free, and to cure you all in the process.


Image The last one is down. Be prepared.


Image At last… I have it all. I can be free…

Music: Mass for Four Voices: Agnus Dei

Image With My perfect book in hand, Reunion is upon us. Truly, this is all I have striven for. Now… come with Me, that I may forgive ye thine every sin. Even death shall flee before thee.

Image The advent came, as expected. Have any of the Librarians elsewhere..?

Image The battle remains contained solely to this floor for the moment. It seems that even WhiteNight is not able to exert its influence beyond the borders of the Library's dimensional walls.
Image Guys, the ribbons are coming undone!


Image Image Why do ye hesitate? Dost thou not see that I am making miracles?

Image Do you remember any of this, Talow?

Image Uhh… Full disclosure: This is where I died. I was 'blessed' then, too, so…

Image That is information enough, I believe.

Image Image O ye who are drenched in sin, be without fear. I shall certainly lead thee to paradise, for I have given thee my blessing.


Next time, on Library of Ruina: The gears of endgame grind onward.

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