Okay, so in this part, we're going to thoroughly explore Brick Town, and talk to all the NPCs. They probably all have something interesting to say to us. We won't know unless we try.

We'll be saving the Town Hall here for last. Trust me, I have a reason for this. Oh boy, do I ever.
Everyone in town works at the Pokémon Factory.
It sends exports all over the country.
Gee, that doesn't sound monopolistic and dictatorial, now does it? Anyway, more world building. They ship their Evolution Stones to Johto, Sinnoh, and Hoenn as well (because remember, they're all on the same landmass, canonically). No wonder you can easily buy them in most games.
Brick Town isn't very touristy.
But I like how quiet it is.
So, despite the big obvious factory that everyone's forced to work at, seems like Brick Town is otherwise a nice place to live.
Remember that this place was on lockdown for the majority of the game, so it makes sense that not that many people come by. Perhaps that'll change since we fixed that.
Crafting stones ain't easy, but it's honest work.
Yep, I was right. The Evolution Stones the factory makes are synthetic copies, not the natural ones like the ones in Sinnoh.
I found a strange stone in the Seafoam Islands.
When certain, high level Pokémon are exposed to it, they evolve beyond what was believed possible.
Even Prof. Oak was taken aback.
Remember this for later.
Okay, dude.
My buddy's got this weird Pokémon.
How he got it makes no sense.
He had to have the six weakest Bug Pokémon in his party, then he has to go to the Safari Zone, and catch 4 more Bug Pokémon in a certain order.
Finally, he had to beat the Elite Four with six Pokémon.
Thing is, my buddy's never left town.
Yeah, that definitely sounds like a rumor someone would make up back then...
Tricket is our next PokéGod. It's a Pokémon based on a cricket... and that's about it. The most popular rumored method of obtaining it was to go through Victory Road with a team consisting of Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, and Beedrill, then beating the Elite Four. And joke's on you, it's actually impossible, since none of these Pokémon can learn Strength or Surf, which are required to pass through Victory Road.

(Yeah, ignore the name. Guzma nicknamed it that)
HP: 77
Attack: 85
Defense: 51
Speed: 65
Special: 55
1 - Growl
1 - Bide
14 - Leech Life
18 - Sing
22 - Focus Energy
30 - Slash
34 - Screech
TM/HMs: Swords Dance, Toxic, Horn Drill, Body Slam, Take Down, Double-Edge, Hyper Beam, Submission, Counter, Seismic Toss, Rage, Dig, Mimic, Double Team, Reflect, Bide, Metronome, Swift, Skull Bash, Rest, Substitute, Cut
Okay, that's everyone with dialogue that's of interest. Now, let's head to the Town Hall. I'll save the mayor for last.
Had to look that up. That means "Chief Administrative Officer".
The Mayor is dedicated to the citizens of Brick Town.
I heard from the officer stationed at Outcast Cave, that he tried to go in alone.
How Brave.
Well, it's a good thing we came along.
No big deal.
And lastly, we have the mayor:
Everyone is free! I can't possibly thank you enough!
As a token of my esteem, please take this Mist Stone! The pride of Brick Town!
Hoo boy, the Mist Stone. This thing opens up a whole new can of worms, and it's going to take me a while to explain everything that this does. So, here we go.
Alright, first off, the rumor goes that this item can force any Pokémon to evolve, even if that Pokémon is seemingly "fully evolved" (don't ask for specifics; the guy who made this up clearly didn't think that far ahead). Obviously, it doesn't do that here. But it does work on a good number of Pokémon, all of which are based on popular rumors themselves. Here's all of them, and thier stats.
Remember that these are evolutions, so these are mostly stat changes. Only new moves exclusive to these evolutions are noted.
Firstly, we have the starters. These are based on a rumor that the starters have a secret fourth evolution, usually requiring the Mist Stone. Venusaur evolves into Sapusaur, Charizard evolves into Charcolt, and Blastoise evolves into Rainer. These names are also part of the rumor, by the way. It's thought that all of them getting Mega Evolutions in Gen VI is a nod to this rumor, which is very possible, given the other rumors they've referenced. Fittingly, thier sprites
are of those Mega Evolutions. Nice incorporation of something from the canon games. It totally makes sense too.

Grass/Ground Type
HP: 80
Attack: 100
Defense: 123
Speed: 80
Special: 120
Move Tutor - Amnesia
32 - Petal Dance

HP: 78
Attack: 130
Defense: 111
Speed: 100
Special: 130
Move Tutor - Smokescreen
Move Tutor - Fury Swipes
36 - Wing Attack
46 - Dragon Rage

Attack: 103
Defense: 120
Speed: 78
Special: 135
Move Tutor - Bubblebeam
36 - Waterfall
42 - Headbutt
Next, we have Beedrill, who evolves into Beepin. Wasn't able to find much information on this one, sadly. Of note, Beedrill also gained a Mega Evolution in Gen VI, which may or may not also be based on this rumor.

HP: 65
Attack: 150
Defense: 40
Speed: 145
Special: 80
Move Tutor - Peck
16 - Focus Energy
Next is Raticate, who evolves into Raticlaw. This is one of the fake Pokémon from The Pokémon Factory. The original image is here:

HP: 75
Attack: 91
Defense: 70
Speed: 102
Special: 80
Move Tutor - Swords Dance
Move Tutor - Counter
Move Tutor - Fury Swipes
27 - Focus Energy
Next, there's Dimonix, an Ice-Type Onix evolution. This rumor is similar to Pikablu, but didn't catch on as much. Replace Marill with Steelix, and that's basically all it amounted to. Of note, there was an Onix made of crystals that appeared in the anime, but that's probably a coincidence. The sprite seems to be based on that, though.

HP: 75
Attack: 85
Defense: 200
Speed: 30
Special: 65
Move Tutor - Ice Beam
Move Tutor - Blizzard
Gengar evolves into the creatively-named "Spooky". Also couldn't find much info on this, unfortunately. Gengar got a Mega Evolution in Gen VI. That I do know.

HP: 60
Attack: 65
Defense: 80
Speed: 130
Special: 170
Next, we have two new Eeveelutions. First, with a Mist Stone, Eevee will evolve into Solareon. Then there's its counterpart, Lunareon, which Eevee evolves into with a Moon Stone at level 25 or higher. If these Pokémon sound like Umbreon and Espeon, you're exactly right. Another Pikablu situation.

HP: 95
Attack: 65
Defense: 110
Speed: 65
Special: 130
Learn Set:
Move Tutor - Night Shade
Move Tutor - Quick Attack
30 - Confuse Ray
36 - Bite
42 - Screech

HP: 65
Attack: 65
Defense: 60
Speed: 110
Special: 130
Move Tutor - Confusion
30 - Swift
36 - Psybeam
42 - Psychic
Lastly, we have Mewtwo, who evolves into Mewthree, our final PokéGod. This one's actually got a pretty interesting history. During the hype of "Mewtwo Strikes Back", images of Armored Mewtwo leaked online. Fans mistook this as a new evolution of Mewtwo, or perhaps a new legendary, and named it "Mewthree". Coincidentally, during the first scene, when the scientists are celebrating over Mewtwo's creation, you can hear one of them say "Now we can start on Mewthree". Whether this was in the Japanese dub, or was a joke thrown in by a writer at 4Licensing, I couldn't tell you. The rumor had a brief resurgence when
a teaser was released showing Mega Mewtwo Y (before Mega Evolutions were even revealed), and everyone thought it was Mewthree.

HP: 106
Attack: 150
Defense: 70
Speed: 140
Special: 194
Phew! That's a lot of Pokémon! Now that that's all out of the way, let's continue on.

By the way, in case you were wondering where to get more Mist Stones, you can buy them at the Brick Town Poké Mart. So yeah, go crazy.
And that's it for now. I might be gone for a little bit. Because now I'm going to complete the PokéDex. Yep. I'm going to catch and fully-evolve every single one. I'll also document anything of interest I find along the way. See you guys then!