Elona Thread 3: My spells come out from my butt.

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Elona: Eternal League of Nefia is a Japanese graphical roguelike that started development in 2006. In 2008 the creator, Noa, began to release dual-language builds in both Japanese and English and remained active in both communities until 2010, when his official development of the game ceased.

Less a rogue-like and more a bizarre and wonderfully demented sandbox, Elona doesn't necessarily have to be played as a dungeon crawler. If you don't fancy dungeon delving, you can always make a pianist who goes from bar to bar earning his wage and avoiding getting gibbed by critics who power throws giant boulders. Perhaps you'll want to get a ranch and a farm and spend your time playing Harvest Moon (the good one), or grab a gene machine to start experimenting on how many limbs you can give your little girl or give her dragon strength. Compared to other roguelikes, Elona is almost casual: Death is never permanent should you make it an option and there's always a way to bounce back.

Some features at a glance:
  • An actual plotline and sidequests!
  • Random events while in a dungeon/town or just by traveling.
  • Randomly generated sidequests via notice boards in every town.
  • Randomly generated dungeons.
  • Player housing and structures such as museums, shops, farms, etc.
  • New Game + Mode: a marriage and lineage system where you and your spouse can have a child and pass on that genetic data to the next character you create.
  • Companions can join your party by inviting, hiring, buying them as slaves, or just subduing them. Your party size is based on your charisma.
  • Material collection/crafting.
  • All towns and NPCs are fair game, if you can take them on. There's even a sidequest that involves nuking an entire village.
  • Custom portraits and tiles.
  • Original soundtrack. Custom music can be added.
  • Gamepad support.

Elona+ is what happened when a team of modders took the original Elona's source code and began to add to it extensively, adding several new mechanical systems, an entire continent's worth of new dungeons and plotlines, and even more ways to break and abuse the game systems.

This version of the base game is currently in active development, with releases every couple of weeks; unfortunately, this does not include work on a translation, so a lot of the new content can be rather piecemeal and hard to understand if you don't have the wiki open next to it. The vast majority of the game still retains its translation from the original release, though, and the sheer amount of additions that Elona+ brings to the table mean it's now regarded as the de facto official version. There is very little reason to play Elona base-game with the sheer amount of fixes Elona+ brought in!

Elona+ additions:
  • Quicksave and Quickload buttons!
  • New continents with more plot to follow.
  • An entirely new God, based around commerce and generating platinum coins.
  • Special feats based on base class.
  • New special actions based on skill levels.
  • Retooled experience curve: experience and skill gain has been increased across the board.
  • New and retooled skills: Traveling will now increase all your skills as you move around the world map, and is nearly mandatory, while Swimming will increase your speed when wet.
  • A reworked crafting and alchemy system that makes most crafting skills more useful and adds an alchemy pot with several high-end recipes.
  • Shopkeepers can now upgrade items without a scroll, while healers can uncurse items for a small fee to save poor newbies getting stuck in cursed hell.
  • Pet Evolution: feed your pet 'heart' items to evolve them into new forms and up their stats and skills.
  • Rare monsters that may join your party when you kill them.
  • The ability to equip pistols as a melee weapon and buttwhip people.
  • The ability to equip melee weapons as thrown weapons and lob swords at people.
  • A limit break meter, culminating in special skills that do largely heinous amounts of damage.
  • Hugs!
  • A whole host of ways to modify pet AI, from commanding them all to attack or return to fine-tuning their chances of melee or ranged attacks, their distance from you, and their special move usage.

Custom+GX toggle additions that I know of WIP
Settings for running, running on the overworld, font sizes, character text pop-ups for attacks/ailments/evades/hexes/etc. and their duration
Toggles of enchantment strength for holding Objet of Heart
Tracking of spells, potentials, stock
Pickpocket shortcut
Museum dupe checks
Feed options for pets
Blacksmiths can change item sprites in Your Home
Item highlight list
Throw potion at self with [t]
Reload last save at death
One press skill training
Auto-drop opened chests (careful of item overflow)
Remove over-cast prompts
Party Time item gathers
Pets may heal other pets
Pets share gold when using Ensemble
Pet permadeath in Loss Mode
Enables F2 save reloads at cost of auto-saves
Bash fruit trees in one hit
Organize ranch produce in one spot
Shops can sell furniture, red books, and deeds
Deep-Sea Castle only resets items with a cooldown
Sandbagged monsters give experience
Removes naps when traveling
Harvest Moon Mode for ranches where terrible things happen to animals
Turns off the increased player XP gains post version 1.90
Turn off study days
Turn off DESTINY
Turn off Curtain Call which spawns kills you dead enemies after 10000 attacks
Turn off chain attacks doing less damage over multiple hits
Turns off the anti-sleep effects of coffee and tobacco
Summons and split monsters give XP
Stairs in Your Home won't use stamina
Sets the number of daily Pet Arena bouts
Bigger variety of Home servants to hire
Disables the stamina cost when attacking or casting
Turn off the thirst mechanic
Custom AI to teach pets spells and spacts
Makes the Act 1 boss difficult
More drinking and fighting during Party Time (use with extreme caution)
Random starts for music
Weather effects in all locations
Confirm reload with F2
Keeps home stayers in place
Turns off bump attacking by accident
Fist of the North Star Mode
Disables the cicadas

Getting Started

At its core, Elona involves running around a continent building up your skills and stats, slowly gaining in power and cash until you can reach better ways to improve your power and income. Early on, this mostly involves doing things that will give you platinum coins - chiefly town errands and dungeons - and then spending those coins on buying new skills or improving a skill's potential, a percentage value that indicates how efficient your training in a skill is.

There are tutorial NPCs who give you items as you complete each task and finish their tutorial and a tutorial building outside your cave that gives you items when you finish doing their quizzes, based on your level. Once you're done with the tutorial NPCs in your cave, you should leave and proceed to the nearest town, where you can choose a pet to accompany you on your starting adventures. You should probably choose the little girl, because while it might sound pretty iffy, she's the only one out of them with opposable thumbs, the ability to wear armor, and the ability to kick your ass right out of the box.

[*]Elona+ official wiki (Japanese)
[*]Elona English Wiki
FAQ - Game Tips / Beginner's Guide / Character Creation - First Continent Map - Elona+ Changelog
[*]4chan's Elona Tips pastebin links.
[*]Elona Discord channel: https://discord.com/channels/2083916097 ... 8589353984
[/list]Unlocking debug races:

Open config.txt. Find the line extraRace and change "0" to "1". Start the game and you'll have access to a ton of races, including the deeply broken (and kind of dull) Catgod.

Removed some things that are no longer working and I'll check for anything else that needs work.
Last edited by scalding coffee on Thu May 11, 2023 6:59 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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1.995R Massive changes to everything

There are a WHOLE LOT of changes and you are best off reading the patch notes
Nefia's have a DESTINY trigger that drops Godly equipment on a pile of gold. Letters form around the date. What triggers them...
Platinum pieces/skill bonus/spell bonus points cap at 100
Each days triples the experience gain of certain skills in a set
Sense Quality is now Analysis and it does other things
Many many more changes

Save data from 1.995 will not work with 2.00 and later versions.

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That seems like a -very- chunky changelog. Hopefully it pushes E+ in a better direction, since for a while now it mostly just seemed like Ano was nerfing stuff that players were discovering. I haven't played in a while so I might roll up a new character. I haven't been able to get anyone over that early-mid act 1 hump where the enemy difficulty takes a jump yet, so we'll see if the even more platinum changes help at all.

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2.00Fix The End, maybe
Spoilers for the boss fights

Final boss battle for the Main Quest, maybe
Lots of spoilers for the boss fights and in great detail
You can interact with your allies and spend their bonus points
All chests and safes have a reduced range of useless items to spawn
Bejeweled and regular chests can spawn herbs
Regular chests and safes can spawn bronze coins
AP costs for Life and Speed are based on starting value
Informers convey messages to NPCs that can do several things
Fix for some crashes.

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2.01 The start of another big patch

Experience from dodging and getting hit by attacks are greater against stronger opponents. Fighting trash mobs is ineffective.
Trap (oops) quests are made easier.
Time that passes during quests like gardening, are tweaked so slower classes have more turns. Speed is still king.
Attack spells have a slight overhaul in dice rolls.
Rods have been reworked in many ways, including filling charges.

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All the ball, bolt, and arrow-type spells have been overhauled to be more balanced. Each type performs equal to bolt spells and have parity with equal attribute/skills
Spellbooks give more spell stock and doesn't rely on remaining stock when counting
Can write books and spell books using various tables
2 new songs

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2.03 The English translation for Adventure Seminar update

English translation for Adventure Seminar.
I would count that as enough for an update. A newbie friendly tutorial in English that isn't barebones.
Debris gives more exp
A boss-race dependent item from clearing Nefia will halve a skill's level and give back three skill points
New special actions that curse all your gear or use scrolls like a ninja and other things
AI changes for some lowly special enemies

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2.04 Begging and Tickle Torture

They are now a thing
Custom sound files and you are the director
Can't use Dominate when dueling
Memory Converters get used up
Tutorial has been changed

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2.05 Speed caps and Act boss drops

Beating an Act boss gives you a reusable item that raises any low attributes to a certain point for a while. Helps your newer pets get up to speed.
Sophia gives you items as well when you clear acts.
You can fuse Time Stop.
Bartender food buff gets nerfed into the ground.
Everyone pretty much obeys a 5 turn speed limit against much slower opponents. No more taking 20 turns against snails.

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2.05Plus+Custom GX

For a change of pace
https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/

Ported all changes from Elona+ 2.05, using Elona+ Custom-G as a base.
Uncapped resolution
No limit on skill or spell points
Running in the world map
Can transfer 2.05 saves


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The real 2.06Plus Custom GX update

Toggle for cicadas
Fixed farm plant errors
Cicadas in towns
New games start in October so you won't hear the cicadas
Buff nerfs
Summoning monsters have a level cap on what they can spawn instead of ruining everything
Stamina loss from thirst and sleep are floored at -100
House guests that bring bees

Excuse me if I don't show any regular plus updates. I will include features from those updates.

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https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... .06fix.2.0
Translated more text outside of cutscenes
Can vote on an alias
Allows network features
Some new tweak options

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https://discord.com/channels/2083916097 ... 7400016896
There is a beta testing of the elochat feature on discord if you want to see what messages are being made.

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Mandatory 2.07+ download

Creepy Dreams no longer remove your resistances and only debuff you a ton
Attributes now have a potential rating beyond 200%+ Superb
Resistance ranks are also changed to be a little more informative
You can auto-fish for 1-6 hours or until bait is used up
Fairies now learned to lift =2s of equipment

Then you apply this download on top
https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/

Fixed a crash when talking to a bartender with thirst enabled.
Fixed a rendering glitch with the Nefia Fever clock.
Fixed more issues with screen resolutions and fullscreen/crashing.
Fixed certain world map area entrances being generated with grass instead of snow. To apply the fix to existing saves, open the console with F12 and type the command cgx207mapfix.
Fixed maps with multiple door types changing doors to the wrong tile when opening/closing them.
Fixed a small typo in the Japanese language after travelling between towns.
Fixed CTD when changing some resolutions.

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There is an Open Nefia discord channel which is the vanilla version of Elona remade in C#, done by the same creator of CGX.

It is in the alpha stage right now with support for mods and overhauls of new mechanics.

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https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/
You can now see tiles that are cut off at the top of the screen due to the selected screen resolution. Please set the showTopTileCutoff. option to "1" in config.txt to enable this feature.

Allow the "Display Pickpocket shortcut" tweak to work inside Party Time! quests.

The "Show enchant strength" tweak can now optionally be used to display the enchant power of all enchantments.

Optional DESTINY trigger tweak is fixed.

The huge spell overhaul update

Added 14 new spells such that every element has a arrow, bolt, and ball version.

Tentatively added the spellbooks for all arrow, bolt, and ball spells that haven't had one up until now.

Changed the Suicide Attack special action so that the damage to the user now procs after the user's HP has been set to 0.
*This means no more chain of exploding bomb rocks in the Void.
**Also, characters hit by Suicide Attack will now get inflicted by 5 turns of Wince (that stacks on top of any existing Wince), and there is also a user Constitution-dependent chance of getting inflicted by Fear.

Fairy 1s equipment fix
Renamed existing spells and their spellbooks
tons of other spell stuff

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2.08.2CGX The fix is in
https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/

Hydro Fang causes Wet
Arena level opponents are fixed
NPCs no longer distract you if they do something
Enchantments are fixed

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The updates came out a bit fast
https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/

Multiple updates came out recently
Traveling distance XP caps at 2000 miles
Attacking and casting costs 1sp.
Line and Ball spells cost more MP
All Armor skills are now uncapped and 1/4 their effective level
Slaves and horses start with nothing equipped

Guard break gauge that is purple. When it exceeds 100%, PV and DV are temporarily set to 0.
When it is less than 100%, it decreases by 1% per turn. While the player character is 'R'esting, it decreases by 2% per turn. When guard break ends, it is reset to 0% immediately.
The gauge of characters who receive damage increases by 2%. This increase occurs only once per turn, and only if the gauge is less than 100%.
PV/DV element attacks, however, now have a new effect - they increase the target's gauge by 10%.
This should help prevent battles with enemies that heal themselves from getting repetitive, and it also means letting your guard down against a swarm of weak enemies can be deadly.

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CGX 2.12.1
https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/

Hunger is scaled way back
Constitution might recover SP per turn
Attacks and spells slowly increase guard break up to 99%
You can cook without knowing Cooking
Cute fairy and geese need less food for their drops

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https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/

Pissing yourself in fear won't crash the game
Fishing and Cooking SP fix
Better translations
Power levels are more accurately displayed

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CGX 2.13.1
https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/
Blackjack is now awesome and something about Sand Cannon being fixed

Sand Cannon was not meant to destroy the Elves right after you make a new character
Pets can use some fun exploding toys that will end up killing themselves
Jure now accepts flowers
Blackjack now gives you a Super Lure and Skeleton Key with enough wins
Living Weapons now have a XP item

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CGX 2.14
https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... g/

Two new items that let you have children in a different way from making a gene and a massive amount of effort to raising them
Journal displays difficulty level of quests
Vehicle deeds no longer get used up and can be switched around
Certain materials are now coldproof
Only need to eat one resistance granting food for the effect, except for racial innates that are critically weak, which has no effect
Spiritium only drops from chests
Party Time has been tweaked
Omake's autopickup added
Tweak to the XP gain changes and taxes

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https://github.com/Ruin0x11/ElonaPlusCu ... /2.15R.1.0

Baby pets can't be traded in for quests until their child bit flag is removed
Many special actions are reduced in power early on and scale later
Memory convertors remove the skill if used at low levels and you don't get points
Debris adds the skill to pets
Magic got nerfed

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No CGX version 2.16 update

Gacha Dailies bullshit which include some sort of eating, moving, and sleeping activity every day
Guild quests are easier and faster
Trap quests give ancient books
Nefia are now three floors deep
Anatomy increases drops
Faith now factors into Magic Resistance
Strong enemies drop certain items if you indirectly kill them
Total equipment stat/skills work off your current stat/skills +50 DYS

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So someone new decided to try his hand at updating CGX to 2.17 and I am not sure if it works or not. This might be the only time we get a new CGX.
Use at your own risk :tinfoil:
https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlus ... /releases/
Use at your own risk :tinfoil:

2.17 update
Dragon Ball role-playing spacts
Lake nefia walls have new items in them through mining
Vehicles except the truck now provide a map travel speed bonus which benefits slow players
Joining the Thieves' Guild now requires -100 karma
Knockout special action now reduces chance to hit instead of being incredibly weak
Enemies who are out of sight or run away far enough will focus more on healing

Future 2.18 update
Cooking will no longer multiply cooked foods, but will enhance their quality as it levels up forever

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Same guy, same fork.
https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlus ... g/

Ocean update, no, COOKING is no longer op

You can get boats and ride the ocean and save people.
World experience growth is now directly tied to doing each part of the main quest. Extremely slow at the start and much faster than original after Act 3.
Cooking doesn't multiply food and now adds enhanced value and scales forever.
Vanquish Hex and Holy Light can weaken debuffs even when ineffective.
Stealth skill now lets you do ninja stuff.

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https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlus ... /2.18R.1.0
2.18 has updated.

Wishing for artifact weapons grant you Living Weapons.
Weapons found from Treasure Maps will have Eternal Force on it.
Stuff for Necro Force.
Lots of bug fixes.
You can hire a Trainer.

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https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlus ... /2.18R.1.2

Can trade material/craft kits instead of socks for Urcaguary quest
More information when looking at stuff including weight
Option to see names of all NPCs
Mobs can spawn evolved

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https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlus ... g/
Death has been nerfed


Dying now gives you a tramp stamp debuff called Mark of Death that goes away when you sleep
You no longer lose items, gold, or stats when dying once
Dying in quests doesn't punish you at all
Event tiles for that ocean feature where you can now rescue people
Debris now increases potential
Scrolls now have a long term usefulness and it is going to be heavily nerfed, upgrade your gear as much as you can
Pets no longer sacrifice themselves to the Well God

This version is very buggy.
Last edited by scalding coffee on Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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2.19R Making healing count as an act of self-harm

Healing spells deals up to 40% guard break damage according to how much you recover as a percentage of your maximum
It won't cause guard break on its own
Changes to scrolls and potions

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https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlus ... /2.19R.1.1

Magic mirror crash fix and spending platinum updating correctly

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