Gnosia - Anime Werewolf Day

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Since I happened to write the OP for the SA Games thread, I am going to shamelessly rip myself off.
Mega64 wrote: Gnosia initially released in Japan in mid-2019 for the Playstation Vita, but as of March 4, 2021 an English release exists for the Nintendo Switch. The MSRP is $25 US.

Gnosia is basically a single-player version of the social deduction game known as "Werewolf" or "Mafia". There's at least one "Gnosia" on board your ship, and their goal is to eliminate the humans until their numbers equal or outnumber them, while the humans' goal is to try to eliminate the Gnosia. The trick is finding out who the Gnosia are, or in the Gnosia's case avoid casting suspicion on oneself.

The core gameplay consists of the "Debate" phase, where you and the other crew members debate on who to send to cold sleep. This is the best way to take on the Gnosia, but you're also working with limited information, so it's basically you and everyone else accusing each other of being Gnosia until everyone votes on who to put in cold sleep. If you send all the Gnosia to cold sleep, humans win! Else, the night phase happens and the Gnosia choose to eliminate a character.
There's more but I think it's best if I leave it at that for now. Trust me, we'll learn more as we get into the game proper.





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"To the stars through trust". I admit I'm relying on Google here because it's been fifteen years or so since I took Latin.

Image Music: Call of Ender Image


Gnosia has a pretty simple title screen, but it certainly has one hell of a soundtrack. There's only 26 or so songs, but they're all attention-catching, if nothing else. Certainly adds to the unique feel of this game!

The music was done by Q flavor for those interested.


So before we can begin proper, we need to create our character. First, of course, is our name.


Gender mostly only affects minor endings here and there, i.e. which characters may be attracted to you. Some are exclusive to Male or Female, while Non-binary can get a bit more of a mix. We won't miss anything major by going a certain gender, so pick whichever one you want.

Two of the more significant NPCs in the story are non-binary, so we wouldn't be the only non-binary character should we choose that option.


Pick your color/symbol of preference. It basically represents our character during dialogue, and thus it'll be the icon I'll use for transcribing our character's actions and dialogue.


Finally, stats. We can reset these later, and really I wouldn't say it's a major deal which ones we choose. I'd rather choose these myself based on what kind of character you all want to play as.

So yeah, you know the deal. We need a character, so let's make one! We need a name, sex, color, and desired playstyle. I'll gather up the ones that stick out to me and put it up to a vote, since this is cross-forum and all.

So next time, we'll know who we are and our adventure in sci-fi social games can begin!

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So I figured I'd use behindthename's random name generator rather than suggesting something like Chugnuts. It gives me Gwandoya, and also helpfully provides the meaning which was uh,
Means "met with misery" in Luganda.
hopefully not prophetic

Gwandoya's trying to get through this without getting murked so stealth for playstyle.

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Thanks for the vote!

Took me a bit to figure out how to do this (I was gonna do a second batch of polls but decided it's good enough), so here's what I'm gonna opt for.

Results include a bunch of votes from the Something Awful thread.

Code: Select all

Despite not winning the majority, I'm going to use LPer overruling powers and go with non-binary for gender. Consensus seems evenly split between the three choices, so I'm gonna roll for the choice that could use some more representation in general.

As for name, Cassidy got three votes so that seems the simplest solution!

Code: Select all

Pink barely wins. On the very distant chance I do a second run to show stuff off (unlikely as I'll be able to show 90% of the game off in one run and probably won't be compelled to do a second run) I'll go with Light Green.

Code: Select all


Get info ASAP: II
There's a couple skills that work well with "Get info early on and work from there" so I'll work on that in the background. Otherwise, the focus will be on Stealth and Intuition, with the non-Charisma stats being average. This may limit some skills we can use to start, but once we're in the area where we'll want to use skills regularly we'll likely be at the point in the game where we can respec our stats, which isn't too big a deal to do.

With all that done, I'll get to working on the update and hopefully have it out in a couple of days.

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Last time, we voted on the character we would create. Based on your feedback and my own tweaks, this is the character we will start with. The idea is to lay low and see if we can detect the Gnosia through their lies. We're average on everything else besides Charisma, so the actually convincing others part might be difficult, but hey, that's all part of the fun!

With that, let's begin with a brief description of what exactly is going on.

Simple, right?

Image Music: World of Probability Image


Needless to say, you're not expected to actually follow any of that quite yet.



For now, let's address the person talking to us and pretend we're following along.


Most of the protagonist's dialogue is in this style, though occasionally they will say actual things.


Image Let's talk while we walk. Are you able to get up?


Image There's probably a lot you still don't understand... But take it easy, you'll pick things up as we go along.

This is Setsu, the first character we'll meet, and one we'll see a lot of during the course of the game. They will be our guide and will be helping us out during this first little bit.

As a note, we technically won't learn this until the end of the update but Setsu identifies as non-binary. Definitely call me out if I accidentally use the wrong pronouns for them.

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image



Uhhhh... I guess no...?

Image You replied that you don't believe so.


Oh. Well, I guess that's good to know. That non-human probably isn't so fond of mankind if we're getting asked a question like that...


Anyway, let's move on and meet the rest of the crew.


Image Music: Voting Image



Image No... It doesn't look like these medical pods will be enough.


Image Well, it's just like I've been saying. "I don't remember anything" is a bit too suspiciously convenient, right?


Well, this is great. Within a minute of first meeting this group we're already being accused of being Gnosia...whatever that is.


Judging by context, this is likely not a good accusation. Just a hunch.


Image And as far as I know, no Gnosia infectees have tried faking amnesia before. If Cassidy was an enemy, it would be much harder to tell, I believe.
Image I agree. I don't think we have any reason to suspect Cassidy.



Well, right away, we're thrown in to vote off who we think is Gnosia.


Not that our vote really matters here since this is the first loop, but it seems like Raqio's going to be the target here. They're certainly our target, at any rate!

As a note, Raqio is the second non-binary NPC in this game. Gina and SQ are both female.


Image Raqio, a vote is a vote.
Image Hmph, whatever. It's not like I have any say in this now anyway, right? Just hurry up and take me to the cold sleep room then.



Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image Once the warp has finished, the Gnosia will have killed someone, and you'll realize I was innocent. You're basically giving the Gnosia carte blanche.


And with that, Raqio is taken to cold sleep, basically taking them out of the proceedings for the rest of this "game".


Image I'll handle the cold sleep process, so you all go back to your rooms.
Image Does Cassidy know where their room is?
Image Oh, that's right...




Image Music: The Silver Key Image


Image This appears to be the right room.


Image This ship will commence warp in ten minutes. You will be rendered unconscious during warp, so to avoid injury, please lie down on your bed.

LeVi is the ship's AI. Since LeVi doesn't have any physical manifestation that we know of, I'll be using the Light Green icon to represent LeVi, as the second-place vote choice and all.



Hm, might be Setsu checking up on us again...?


...No, Setsu certainly doesn't speak like that. This could only be...

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Oh, yeah, you. You're on the game's title screen.



So, I don't know why this is the time the game teaches you about the backlog, but here we go.

The higher our Logic, the more lines we'll remember. I rarely used this, as there's other tools available later to make things easier, but it can certainly be handy if you accidentally skip over something!


As for SQ's actual question, considering we're an amnesiac, it's best to be honest and show ignorance. After all, we really don't remember!

Image You replied that you don't remember.


Image Oh well, whatever. So Cassidy, you were dumped into this super serious situation all of a sudden, huh?


I mean, we're still alive and haven't been put in cold sleep yet, so I'd say we're doing fine.

Image You replied that you're keeping up.


Image Oh yeah, so about that. Setsu is suuuper nice to you, right, Cassidy? Seems to know about you and stuff.


Image You know the Gnosia? They totally lie and mess with you and stuff. That's why it's sooo hard to get rid of them!


I mean, SQ makes an interesting point. What if Setsu was allying with us so they'd have an ally to protect them from the votes of the other crewmates?

Of course, this is also a ploy a Gnosia would make...




Image Anti-Gnosia procedures do not allow that. SQ, please return to your room.
Image Awwww, Levi is like, sooo strict. OK, fine, I'll go baaack.


Well, we certainly have something to think about. But first...


Image 3, 2...



Image Music: Red Alert Image


Image Repeat. Gnosia presence was detected upon completion of warp. Please find and remove...


Image Are you OK?! Cassidy!

Things are already going off the rails...


Image Oh no, sorry for overreacting like that... I'm glad you're OK.

Setsu seemed to be very concerned for us, but is it all an act...?

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image That's right, apparently Raqio wasn't infected after all. As LeVi says, our enemy is still among us.


It's rare you'll nail the Gnosia on the first vote anyway. There's just not enough information!

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image SQ...
Image Oh wait... So, like... If you two are OK, that means...?


Now we get the commands to check the crew and the game conditions.


The blue shading for Raqio means they were selected for cold sleep. The red shading for Gina, can probably guess what happened there.


Right now, things are simple. Five crew members (including us!) and only one Gnosia. This command will be handy later once there's a lot more options and you forget what exactly is going on.


Image So like... the Gnosia got her?




Anyway, Raqio's in cold sleep and thus couldn't have been the Gnosia, and as far as we know Gina's probably not the type of Gnosia to voluntarily do herself in, so...


Image So, I guess that's like, the only possibility, huh...

Well, we're probably not Gnosia. I mean, we may be and could have just forgotten, but we don't have an inherent desire to end humanity, so we're probably fine. Plus the status screen says we're human, so we're probably human.

At any rate, Setsu seems to be loyal to us, and SQ seems intent on having us target Setsu, so even if we are Gnosia, we're safe. It's best to just assume we're human here and try to figure out which of Setsu and SQ is Gnosia.




Anyway, this is our first proper "Debate" phase. Right now, it's going to be pretty simple since it'll be nothing but Setsu and SQ accusing each other, but later on you can learn a lot of information from these debates.

For now, let's step back and listen.


When someone argues that a character is suspicious, you can either agree that said character is suspicious, or defend and say they're fine. Of course, your words may fall on deaf ears, which is why your stats are so important in influencing the outcome.



I was agreeing with Setsu's general point, but it turned out I was agreeing that SQ was Gnosia. Not that it actually matters here, since SQ and Setsu are clearly going to vote for each other and we'll be the final vote. Really, this debate phase is meaningless, but it's a good way to learn about what we'll be having to do later on.

As the game says, there's five rounds of this. The first round was Setsu accusing SQ, so the second round...



That's round 2...



Everyone has a few generic lines here. I'll show them off for now, but eventually I'll be skipping over them because they're pretty repetitive, and also because the actual lines aren't really as important as the information we get from them.

Not that we're getting much information from them, so...


Instead, let's take the lead on the last couple rounds since we know it'd be SQ and Setsu arguing some more. Our two options to start are to Doubt and Cover someone. Don't worry, this will expand a lot more later.

For now, I say we doubt SQ. She has a good point about Setsu being suspiciously buddy-buddy, but Setsu also seemed genuinely concerned about our safety, plus SQ's suggestion was just a bit too convenient in timing. That said, if Setsu is lying, they deserve a trophy for doing such a good job.


Image So you want to get rid of SQ ASAP, huh? I think I agree.
Image Oh, so like, it's all on me now...?

Other than Setsu and SQ's opening Doubt moves, the rest of this dialogue is all generic stuff from usual debates. You could probably tell since SQ made the same rebuttal three times now, but still I figured it was worth pointing out...


Image You announced that you trust Setsu.


It's rare you'll use Cover, mostly if you're really convinced someone needs protecting and you don't have a better candidate as Gnosia (or don't think people will vote for your Gnosia suspects).


We've done five rounds. We can say we initiate the vote, but if we don't, someone else will, so this part doesn't actually matter.


Thus I don't bother and SQ ends up leading things.

Image Music: Voting Image


Following my logic from earlier, I go with SQ here. There's no concrete information to work with here, so all we have is our gut.

...That, and my knowledge from playing this game before.


Image OK, can I just like, try and escape then...?


Image Yeah, I guess so, huh... OK, well, I guess I'm just gonna go freeze, then!


Well, it sounds like we made the right choice.

Image Music: World of Probability Image


Image Oh yeah, Cassidy... I have something to give you.

I hope it's not some secret "I WAS ACTUALLY GNOSIA ALL ALONG" surprise, I would feel so stupid...


Oh, no, this is actually cool.


The Data Reference is an incredibly valuable tool for us. The Engineer and Doctor Reports are irrelevant since those roles aren't around yet. Likewise, the Crew Data doesn't really have anything yet besides the characters' ages, genders, and home planets (if you're curious, so far Gina is 21/F, SQ is 24/F, Raqio is 18/N, and Setsu is 18/N), so we'll skip that until we get some proper information from it.



The Discussion Log is a recap of everything that happens during the game. It doesn't cover everything since it'd get bogged down otherwise, but it hits the highlights. There's also certain things you won't know until the current game is complete, such as if some characters catch other characters lying.


You can also recap the votes cast on each day, in case they may clue you in to a possible Gnosia.


Image That's what the person who gave this to me said. It was...a long time ago.



Oh yeah, here's the win and loss conditions. This will become more relevant once there's more than one Gnosia.


The game's over if you're eliminated for any reason. This is a bit against the spirit of Werewolf, as here you generally want to last as long as possible, rather than be a willing sacrifice to help your team in the long run.


And at the very end of a game, you get a recap of all the roles.


Each NPC gets a special Gnosia pose, as well as a happy "victory" pose or a sad "lost" pose if they lose or get eliminated.

And that's Gnosia in a nutshell! That said, there's much, much, much more to go through...


So until then, see you in the next loop...!

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We did well in our first attempt, so let's keep that winning streak going!

Oh yeah we're in a time loop apparently. This is Anime Werewolf Groundhog Day, sort of.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


This time we're starting out in Main Control. This is where most of our loops will dump us.



We've got the same five people as before, and as before there is just one Gnosia. Therefore, it makes sense to assume that SQ is Gnosia again and we can just ditch her and move on...


...but this would be a pretty boring game if things were that simple! We know we're not Gnosia, but any of the other four, including SQ, could be Gnosia.


Image Apparently not... In that case, any of us, including me, could be infected.
Image What about everyone except for me being Gnosia? Is that a possibility?


Image You asked what we should do now.
Image Well... There are general procedures for instances of Gnosia infection. I think we should follow them. As you know, Gnosia infectees eliminate a single human each time we warp. So... Before we warp, we suss out one suspect... The person most likely infected will be put into cold sleep.


Image You ask what happens if we are unable to put the Gnosia into cold sleep.


Image Well, what if the one to suggest this "better way" was Gnosia? We'd end up falling right into the enemy's trap.


Image You asked what Setsu means by "compromise".
Image Once Gnosia infection has been detected onboard... LeVi is no longer obligated to ensure the survival of the crew. Conversely...



Image Hm... So whether we live or die is left up to an AI? Well this is certainly cause for concern.


Image You stated that you understand the situation.


Image So like, we just need to vote for whoever's like, sketchiest, then?
Image Well, since we don't have a better plan, this will have to do for now.


Image looks like there are no objections. LeVi, can you approve the procedure I just described?


Image OK then, let's get started. We have to find our enemy... the Gnosia.

Do you have all that? This is basically the justification of why we have to play Werewolf to eliminate the Gnosia. Or at least, this is according to Setsu.

Though if Setsu was Gnosia, of course they wouldn't want to bring up better methods of exposing the Gnosia...


Anyway, things are about to start as usual, but first let's go ahead and get this one little question out of the way. It'd make sense to know what the hell our enemy is before we fight it.

Image You asked what Gnosia is.


Image The alien lifeform, Gnos...
Image Apparently nothing much is known about this Gnos. Some say it's an unknown intelligent lifeform, others say it's a god from another dimension... It's all speculation.


Oh, Raqio.

Anyway, there's little known about Gnos and the lifeforms it affects and turns into Gnosia. All we know is that Gnosia are the enemies of humankind, and thus we must stop them.



Image I don't have a single reason to trust Cassidy, personally.

Round 2 is Gina putting our trust in us. We don't have to say thanks, but it's the polite thing to do.


And of course Setsu also joins in on trusting us.


As fun as it would be to have people keep telling us how awesome we are, it's time to go on the offensive. Raqio is acting very aggressive towards us, which could very well be a Gnosia tactic to take the heat off themself. Let's get this taken care of.


Image Riiight?! Raqio is sooo suspicious.


So we've started to add some doubt onto Raqio. Only one round left, and no need to keep laying it on and make people suspicious of us, so...


Image So, I guess I'm in the way, huh?
Image Setsu isn't the one we should be suspecting right now. I mean, come on... really?

The last part is Gina casting suspicion on Setsu, though Raqio isn't buying it.

Of course, there's no real info to take advantage of in this first night, at least for now, so we're all just kinda going with our guts.



And we have our first tie! Which means a revote!


In case of a tie, we get an extra two rounds of debate. We can only vote between the people who tied, in this case SQ and Raqio. With larger groups of ties, the suspected can still vote, but here it's pointless since SQ and Raqio will just vote for each other (and no, you can't vote for yourself).


Image Raqio... Yes, Raqio. Something certainly feels strange.
Image You stated that you too had been doubting Raqio.
Image Huh... Are you really doubting me?
Image I've got Raqio's back. If you're gonna go after Raqio, then I'm gonna push back.

So far, seems like Raqio and Setsu are allies for now. SQ and we are against Raqio, leaving Gina as the swing vote...


Image Oh, so like, it's all on me now...?
Image Personally... I want to trust SQ over Raqio.
Image You stated that you too trust SQ.

That said, it's looking like Gina's gonna join our side.

Image Music: Voting Image


And unsurprisingly, it's Raqio that's going to the fridge.




You can say goodbye to people voted into cold sleep. It doesn't seem to do anything, but again, if you're feeling nice, or want to pretend you're being sarcastic, it's an option.


At any rate, Raqio's taken care of.



At this point, LeVi's going to give us a nice guided tour of the ship. Might as well learn more about this ship we'll be hanging out in for awhile!

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image Here you can enjoy different types of indoor recreation. If you have any requests, I can generate equipment immediately.


I feel like all of us here are pretty big fans of games, so let's go with those!

Image You replied that you like video games.
Image Ah, in that case... How about this game?


Image Pressing the buttons will cause dopamine to be released inside your brain.
Image ...
Image Depending on how you press the buttons, you can experience many different types of pleasure. Experts have called this the greatest game ever to...


Image Alright, shall we move to a different room?


Image Here in the cafeteria, the crew can take meals as they please.


I envision Cassidy as being a Ramen fan myself.

Image You replied that you like ramen.


Image Unfortunately, there is no time to eat right now. If you like, I can show you around the lower floor.

LeVi seems friendly enough for an AI.


Image The lower floor contains environmental maintenance facilities and interstellar travel equipment. It's known as the heart of this ship, the D.Q.O.


One of the other crew mates happens to be here, it seems...

Image Music: Remind Me Image


You know, we've learned a good bit about Setsu, SQ, and even Raqio, but Gina's been mostly in the background. Now's a good time to learn a bit more about her.


Image You joked that you're the Gnosia.


For instance, we've learned that she's not a big fan of dumb jokes.

Image Raqio has gone to sleep... I made sure of it.


Image If our plan for cold sleep were to fail, if the Gnosia were to take over this ship... What would they do?


Image Some infectees show tendencies for extreme violence. Others use humans to satisfy their animalistic instincts. There are many cases that even I, as an AI, wish that I could erase from the records in my memory...


So yeah, we probably don't want the Gnosia to get away with taking over the ship. Maybe it's best to reassure Gina.

Image You stated that it will be OK.
Image I hope...


Image Cassidy, Gina. It is almost time to warp. Please return to your respective rooms.


Image This Gnosia... I think I may know who it is...


What makes her so sure?


At any rate, I guess we'll find out. And at least this time we know for sure that SQ didn't repeat as a Gnosia!

This also means that Raqio wasn't Gnosia either, since the loop hasn't ended yet. Therefore, it must be Gina or Setsu...

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Image Please listen to what I have to say.

Well, Gina seems convinced she knows who the Gnosia is. Which, to be fair, is probably going to be Setsu if she trusts us enough to fill us in on her plan, but let's hear her out anyway.


Image So last night, before we warped... I configured the equipment to examine Setsu's dimensional waves. These can be analyzed during the warp.


And now we learn about this game's first role, the Engineer. There's only one, and they can choose a person each night before warp to determine if they're human or Gnosia.


Image LeVi... Can you confirm that I am the Engineer?


Image But you can't confirm that it was me?
Image That's correct... It is possible the crew members' personal data has been corrupted, so I am not able to confirm whether said Engineer credentials are yours or not.
Image OK, I see... Well then... Cassidy.


So even though Gina has claimed to be the Engineer, she may not actually be the Engineer. Thus...we've gained no new useful knowledge whatsoever. Either Gina is right and Setsu is the Gnosia, or Gina is lying and thus she is Gnosia. So, the exact same situation as before, and we're pretty much stuck on which we trust more.



While this report is useless for this loop, the Engineer Report is incredibly useful for keeping track of who pointed out what in larger loops. It's one of your handiest tools in sussing out Gnosia.


The top-left part shows that Gina reported that Setsu was Gnosia. It doesn't mean that Setsu actually is Gnosia, just that they were reported as one.


Anyway, it's time to make our decision. Gina or Setsu? Both are suspicious. Setsu was a lot more aggressive in helping us out during the first loop, while here not so much. They also allied with Raqio, who was pretty aggressive against us, and only covered us after Gina did. Meanwhile, Gina has been against Setsu from the start, even before she made her report, but was it all a ploy to fool us into joining her side? Is Gina capable of such deceit...?


There's no good answer, but I do think Gina may actually be honest here. Setsu may have saved us before, but that doesn't mean Setsu may not be Gnosia again, and that they may have their own agenda going on...


We're given the option to skip to the vote, but I don't see the point here. There's a very small chance we could learn more information from these last two rounds. Unlikely, but you never know...


Image Apparently I seem suspicious.
Image You refuted the doubts against Gina.

That said...


Image Setsu is lying. I can tell.

We don't learn anything new of substance.



Well, all we can do is go with our gut. Goodbye, Setsu.



That's the end of the loop. Either Setsu was Gnosia and the humans win, or Setsu was human and the Gnosia equals humans left.

Image Music: The Silver Key Image


Image You believed me when I said I was the Engineer.


Image You replied that you're grateful as well.


Image Alright, I'll be going back to my room.


Well, looks like we did it. Setsu was Gnosia, and humans win again. We're getting pretty good at this!



Oh dammit. I fucked up!


There are times where a character says something, and then something triggers to show the character is lying. Higher Intuition triggers the probability of this happening more often, but even then it's a weird stat where you kinda have to go all-or-nothing on it. Also, other characters have their own stats, but we won't get to see those for awhile.


Anyway, it turns out SQ was the Engineer and Gina played me like a fiddle. Well done, Gina! Never forget that Gnosia can also claim to be the Engineer.

Oh well, maybe next loop things will work out better! Until then!

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It's odd that Setsu said "See you all again".

Do they have faith in the rest of the crew, or do they have something else going on like us?

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That's their generic goodbye line when they get sent to cold sleep. Everyone generally has the same lines in these debates, though there's a few unique ones in the first few loops.

As the game goes on and they start getting repetitive I'll be cutting them out and more summarizing things.

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Well, time to tackle Loop 3. Hopefully things go better for us this round.


Well, so far things seem as usual. Nothing really different he--

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image





Oh yeah, this time we have two new characters playing with us for...reasons. Meet Shigemichi and Stella.



Image You stated that he clearly looks like an alien.


Image Wait whaaaat? So you're like, NOT an alien...? That's actually like, weirdly unfortunate.
Image Yes... Shigemichi is indeed... unfortunate.


I feel this conversation does a better job explaining Shigemichi than I ever could.


Image Yes... Our time is limited. Please tell me whom you all think should be put into cold sleep.


2/7 of us are Gnosia, but we also have the Engineer on our side, so hopefully things will go better this time.

Image Music: Suspicion Image

At this point, I'm going to start summarizing a bit more since we're getting to the point where it's nothing but generic lines.


Round 1 - Setsu and SQ doubt Raqio. Shigemichi and Gina defend them.


Round 2 - Stella and Raqio doubt Setsu. SQ and Cassidy defend. My feeling is to lay low to start, but I think Setsu isn't a threat quite yet.


Round 3 - Gina declares she trusts Raqio. Setsu and SQ disagree. Cassidy declines on this route, but right now I'm on Setsu and SQ's side.


Round 4 - Shigemichi strikes and doubts Setsu with support from Raqio and Stella, with defense from SQ. The numbers aren't looking in Setsu's favor...


Round 5 - ...especially after Gina throws her support in for Raqio again.


For whatever reason, despite Setsu and SQ gunning for Raqio, they vote for Stella instead. We could have forced a revote if we stuck with Raqio, though with Gina being pro-Raqio it still would've ultimately led to the same outcome.


Thus Setsu has been iced. Back to our room...

Image Music: A Sip of Wonder Image


Image There is still time remaining, so try speaking with the others, as you may be able to gather crucial information.



After each vote, we can visit one of the characters still alive. With larger numbers, they may not all appear at once.


For now, let's visit Stella, as she's one of the only ones I kinda trust.


This is really just fluff, though. The only actual purpose for visiting characters like this is to gauge how much they trust you. Characters get more snippy with you if they're against you for whatever reason.

There are events that are always recommended to visit if available, but alas, we have none tonight. Oh well, at least Stella's always happy to see us.


Welp, that's Setsu and SQ down. Since SQ was human, it's likely Setsu was, too, if the two were basically allied and all. Of course, Setsu could still be Gnosia, but no way of knowing now!

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Anyway, if there are two Gnosia left, we need to figure them out now or else they're gonna win this round.


Round 1 - Gina throws sus on Shigemichi, a common enough tactic.


Round 2 - Stella doubts Raqio, but Shigemichi and Gina aren't buying it.


Round 3 - Shigemichi throws it right back at Gina, though since it's Shigemichi we're talking about we instead get Stella defending Gina.


Round 4 - Raqio thinks Stella was the one who targeted SQ. Gina and Cassidy jump on the defense. Stella's the only one I trust right now.


Round 5 - Gina really hates Shigemichi, as she doubts him again, this time with assistance from Stella.



Gina's intense hatred of Shigemichi has resulted in a tie vote. Here we go again!

Round 1 - Stella throws doubt on Raqio, which Gina and I jump on. When in doubt, freeze Raqio.



Round 2 - Of course, if Raqio's not available, the secondary target is gonna always be Shigemichi, so funny it's between these two and all. Anyway, Shigemichi knows his only option is to throw suspicion at Raqio, which Stella agrees with, but since now it's Shigemichi saying it, now Gina thinks Raqio's not so bad after all.


Anyway, it ends up being Raqio, despite Gina's best efforts.


So either Setsu and Raqio were the two Gnosia, or...


Image Music: This is a Lie Image


Image Hehehe. Go on, drink. You'll feel so, sooo good...




So it was Gina and Stella all along. Setsu was the Engineer, of course.


As for why Setsu decided to vote for Stella, it's because they noticed Stella lying. Sometimes characters will notice other characters lying and act accordingly. Of course, it would've been nice if Setsu said something during the debate to put doubt on Stella, especially since this was during Round 2.

Also note that "Noticed someone lying" does not pop up in the Discussion Log until after the loop is complete, unless it's Cassidy noticing it of course.


That was a short loop. Let's go ahead and knock another out while we're here. Maybe the Engineer will live long enough to do their damn job this time!


Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


This time, we start off in the cafeteria, eating lunch with Shigemichi. At least it's our favorite...


Oh yeah, this time we're the Engineer. We should do a better job than Setsu, at least.

Though why the hell we randomly told this to Shigemichi when there's Gnosia afoot is a good question...


Image You explained that you're able to find Gnosia.
Image Wow, that sounds kinda awesome... Well anyways... Let's chow down before we go meet up with everyone!




Yep, that's not a weapon. At least, not in Shigemichi's hands.

Anyway, let's get to things. We're 1-2 so far, we need to do a better job this time!

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image Hey, sorry bud! So, who's this Gnosia then, huh?
Image We're about to discuss that now. There are two Gnosia... our enemy.
Image And like, the Engineer? Looks like we got one of those, too! Hehe, I wonder who it is?!



Image Should I claim my role as Engineer?

The Engineer in general works the same way as the similar role in Werewolf and Mafia, but the way it works in Gnosia is a bit different as to how the game treats the role. It's subtle, but you'll probably get a better idea what I mean as we play a few more loops.



The biggest difference is that the game always assumes a human Engineer will reveal when possible, whereas the same role may not want to necessarily do so in Werewolf and Mafia. Thus, if only one person reveals as Engineer on Day 1, they're guaranteed human.

Of course, if you're the Engineer you have the option to say nothing if someone else says they're the Engineer, but if the logic breaks down as a result, well, let's just say the results wouldn't be pretty... I'll try to show that off later once we're through the tutorial stuff, but suffice to say, it's best practice to always step forward as a human Engineer if asked.


Image Cassidy and Setsu... One of them is lying...

One other note, only one Gnosia will ever claim Engineer. So even if Engineer wasn't revealed until Day 2, if Setsu and I both claimed, everyone would still know one of us was a true Engineer. Of course, if only one person claims Engineer after Day 1 (like, say, if Gina claimed Engineer in that last loop after the actual Engineer got sent to cold sleep), it's possible they may still be Gnosia.

I'm probably overexplaining things a bit, but the point is playing Engineer in Gnosia isn't exactly the same as playing a similar role in other social deduction games.

Anyway, that was Round 1. Let's move on.


Round 2 - It's not a proper game of Gnosia without Raqio getting shade. SQ and Stella doubt Raqio.

Round 3 - Then Gina doubts Raqio, though this time poor innocent Shigemichi defends them.


Round 4 - Raqio throws it right back at SQ, though Gina has her back.

Round 5 has a bit of a weird translation for Stella here.



Image Setsu isn't the one we should be suspecting right now. I mean, come on... really?

Stella's text is warning Setsu of danger, but really it's treated like Stella doubting Setsu. It's weird, but whatever.


Anyway, to the surprise of no one, Raqio goes to cold sleep. Again.

Maybe one day Raqio will actually make it to the end of a game. That day certainly isn't today, though.

Image Music: World of Probability Image


After today's vote, we get interrupted by someone.


Image Cassidy, when you stepped forward as Engineer... I was quite moved.



Stella in general likes the player character. Especially so if they're male...


Image You asked why you would be attacked.
Image If you are attacked, then the other Engineer... It would be clear that Setsu was a fake. I feel that this would prove harmful to the Gnosia side, but...


This...really isn't true. I mean, this is true for stuff like Werewolf or Mafia, but in my experiences with this game, the Gnosia really would rather leave both Engineers alive, as killing one Engineer will prove them to be human and thus also prove that the people they say are human or Gnosia are confirmed. It gives the Gnosia much less room to hide and raises the chance of being defeated through pure logic. They may kill the human Engineer immediately after the Gnosia Engineer gets put into cold sleep, but otherwise it's better to keep people doubting either or both Engineers.

That's just from my play experiences though, others may have had different results.


Image Alright then... Goodnight.

Anyway this is all kind of moot since this is just more tutorial.

Image Music: ULULO Image


Anyway, we're on to the map music, and this time we get the actual map music. This piece is probably one of my favorites, which is weird because chances are you'll only hear it for like fifteen seconds at the longest as you choose who to visit, so you'll likely never get to hear the song go completely bananas fifty seconds in.

It's a shame because these sections are so short I probably won't bother linking this song much, so I figured I'd hype it up while I can. It's weird as hell and I love it.


Anyway Stella has our back so I visit her again. Maybe this time she's actually human...?


There's little point investigating Setsu, since if we're human they have to be Gnosia. I instead opt with Gina.


Anyway, last night's target one?


And as a bonus, we figured out Gina was Gnosia! Thus we have confirmed that the two Gnosia are Setsu and Gina, which is fantastic for Day 2.

Of course, we still have to convince everyone else to take those two out...

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Since we know Gina is Gnosia, her role is revealed to us. Of course, no one else besides Setsu knows that Gina is Gnosia. And yeah, the Gnosia know who the other Gnosia are.


Image Huh? What's that?
Image One of the crew has become a Guardian Angel... And prevented the Gnosia attack.
Image Is that... even possible?
Image It is, with very specific warp-related credentials. By delaying the time of the actual warp, the Gnosia loses their chance to attack their intended victim.
Image Yeeaah, I like, don't get it? So basically, nobody disappeared, so we're safe...?


I failed to mention we have a second role in play now, the Guardian Angel. If they protect the person the Gnosia targets, that person won't be eliminated. Suffice to say, Stella is probably the Guardian Angel and protected us from Gnosia attack.



Anyway, on to reports. Engineer reports are always done before the debate rounds properly start.




Gnosia Engineers can make up whether they see someone as human or Gnosia. Their reports generally mean nothing if you know who they are, or aren't sure who the Engineer is. Thus, my report doesn't really mean much to the group either besides those who trust me, like Stella (who certainly knows I'm the human Engineer now since her target was protected and only humans can be murdered in the night phase).


Anyway, let's start off the first round by saying something really fucking stupid.


Image Um... No, I simply pointed out that possibility. I did not mean to imply that I myself am the... Guardian Angel.
Image Mm-hmmm...?
Image Let's avoid trying to figure out the Guardian Angel's identity. They run the risk of being targeted by the enemy.

The Guardian Angel can't reveal their role, because there's no incentive to. I mean, in theory they'd know if specific targets are human (like I said, Stella will know we're human), but the game doesn't really deal with that logic and instead just leaves the role hidden.

Anyway, let's move on.


Round 2 - Shigemichi doubts Gina, which Cassidy jumps on. Setsu defends her, of course.


Round 3 - SQ and Cassidy throw suspicion at Setsu next. Gina comes to their aid. Don't worry, Gnosia aren't always such blatant allies with each other.


Round 4 - And even when they are, they don't lay it on as thick as Gina and Setsu are. Stella and Cassidy aren't buying it.


Round 5 - SQ throws suspicion at Stella next. Naturally, Cassidy defends her, as does Shigemichi.


I swear, I've seen nothing in my past playthrough to suggest that Gina has a vendetta against Shigemichi. Maybe it's always been there and I've just never noticed...?


This is definitely one we need to win. Stella's a trusted ally and our shield, and Gina's Gnosia. Things get pretty hairy if Gina doesn't go down here.


Round 1 - Setsu defends Gina, though Cassidy rebukes this.


Round 2 - Cassidy goes on the offensive against Gina again, and once again Setsu defends her. This time, we may have been too aggressive, as now Shigemichi is defending Gina. This isn't good...




That said, the result is a deadlock. In this case, we have something different to vote for.


There's two vote attempts on whether to freeze both Gina and Stella, or to freeze neither. Gina and Stella don't get a say in this one.


Image Yeeaah, that's gonna be a No Thank You from me!
Image You spoke out against skipping cold sleep.
Image So, we don't make a move. No cold sleep. You know... That's not bad. I agree.


The vote is split, with SQ and Cassidy being pro-freezing and Setsu and Shigemichi being against it. Losing Stella would suck, but we'd also take care of a Gnosia, which is also why Setsu is so against it.

If the vote splits, we do it one more time...

Image You proposed putting all candidates into cold sleep.
Image Who wants to see the candidates gone? Not me... So I'm against it.
Image Freeze everyone? Yup, OK with me!
Image Hey now, I think puttin' everyone in cold sleep is goin' a bit too far!


Same results.


This means that "Freeze Nobody" wins out. Gina and Stella stay unfrozen.



These events are generally very much worth visiting. Some aren't anything exciting, but you get a lot of new info and abilities checking these out.

Image Music: Remind Me Image


Image Ehehe, I was just thinking... I was hoping you'd come.


Image The Gnosia likely assumes that I'm the Guardian Angel. And therefore... I believe I will be... eliminated tonight.


Image You thanked Stella for her kind words.
Image Jsut knowing that you care enough to say that... It's more than I need to go peacefully.



And just as she predicted, Stella is taken out.

Sorry, Stella.


It doesn't matter who I investigate at this point, so might as well help Shigemichi's ego at this point.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Reports have us clearing Shigemichi and Setsu clearing SQ. No surprises there.


Round 1 - Turns out SQ found out she was wrong about Stella, so she realizes Setsu's the next logical target, which I jump on.


However, even with SQ siding with us, now Shigemichi is starting to side with Setsu (unsurprisingly, Gina also defends Setsu). This is bad. We may need a miracle soon...



Round 2 - And do we get it! Gina can't let her intense hatred of Shigemichi subside long enough to win this for the Gnosia, so she targets the swing vote instead of gunning for Cassidy or SQ.



Naturally, Cassidy and SQ take advantage of this and defend Shigemichi. The guy's like a puppy dog, he's loyal to a fault, so if the Gnosia are dumb enough not to show him that loyalty, we'll certainly take advantage of it!

Also SQ used the "Exaggerate" skill to emphasize her point. Many characters have their own unique skills, and we'll be learning most if not all of them along the way.


Round 3 - Cassidy leaps at this opportunity to accuse Gina, and this time Shigemichi joins us. Setsu defends Gina, but three is greater than two!


Round 4 - Gina decides to go right for us, with help from Setsu of course.


Luckily our BFF Shigemichi has our back!


Round 5 - Nothing new here. SQ accuses Gina, Setsu defends her, but it's too late.


Thanks for turning Shigemichi on our side, Gina! Much appreciated!



That just leaves Setsu.


Shigemichi did us a solid, so we pay him a visit.


If Setsu kills us, then SQ and Shigemichi should know that Setsu is a confirmed Gnosia (though that doesn't mean they would...), so instead they have to take out one of the other humans. SQ seems the obvious choice here, considering how easily Shigemichi can be manipulated.

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Anyway, reports show human results for SQ (from Cassidy) and Shigemichi (from Setsu). This does prove that Shigemichi is indeed Confirmed Human since both Engineers found him so, including the actual Engineer. It doesn't really come up during this round, though.


Round 1 - Shigemichi immediately starts things off by declaring his loyalty to us. Setsu disagrees, but who cares what they think.


Round 2 - Cassidy returns the favor and states their trust of Shigemichi. He's probably not used to hearing nice things said about him.


Round 3 - Again, Setsu tries to argue we're the bad guy, and again, nobody cares what Gnosia scum has to say.


Round 4 - Cassidy and Shigemichi lay on the doubt for Setsu. Not like we have anything else to do!


Round 5 - Setsu's still trying, and failing, to paint us at the enemy.


The weird thing here is Setsu voted for Shigemichi instead of Cassidy, probably because of our powerful plot armor.



And with that, victory is assured.

Image Music: A Ray of Hope Image


Image Great work, Cassidy. And great work, me!


Even Shigemichi has his uses, it seems! It feels nice to get a good win from this one.

We'll see what twists and turns are thrown our way next time!

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Dang Shigemichi, aren't you cold? Put a shirt on.
I like the art style of this game, it's pretty.

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Shigemichi is very comfortable with his own skin.

And I agree, I really like the designs for this game. There's some more fun character designs to come as well!

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Loop 5. We're getting the hang of things now, after that last victory everything's looking up! We're ready for anything!


Image Music: Voting Image


So, uh...I wasn't exactly expecting this to be the way to open the next loop.


Image If we have no idea whom the enemy is, then anyone will do, right? I see no problem with freezing Cassidy.
Image No, that's not necessarily true. As we continue the discussions, we may be able to uncover crucial pieces of info.
Image Haha, yeah, and we may not be able to, too.


...Now I wonder if these "among us" references are intentional, at least for this localization.

Anyway, this is Yuriko, the person who wasted absolutely no time in trying to ice us.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image (Cassidy, Cassidy...)


Yuriko is not like everyone else. She is out for blood. Imagine someone with the logic skills of Raqio, but with enough dominating social presence to not get iced in the first day.


Image Yes...?
Image You've been spreading lies and distrust all along, haven't you? Go on, come clean.


Well, for now, let's worry about surviving the first round.


Image Hey hold up! The Engineer is ME! Setsu stop lyin'!
Image Well then, Setsu and Shigemichi, I look forward to your results. Regardless of veracity, research results can provide us with crucial information.

Round 1 - Setsu and Shigemichi claim Engineer. Glad to get that out of the way. I do think revealing Engineer early works in the context of this game, as it allows more information that may end up valuable if we can figure out the real Engineer, whether by uncovering lies or by the real Engineer being killed. I'm not saying this is good strategy in regular Werewolf, but at least for this game I don't think it's as big a liability as it would otherwise be.


Round 2 - Yuriko really doesn't like us. She gets Gina on her side, but luckily Setsu and Shigemichi are on ours.


Round 3 - We try to doubt Yuriko in response, but nobody else helps us. Gina defends Yuriko and is solidly on her side at this point. Yuriko is certainly no Raqio.


Round 4 - Gina tries to throw doubt on Setsu, but nobody else bites. Raqio and Cassidy come to their defense.


Round 5 - SQ tries to turn things on Gina, but Raqio feels otherwise. In retrospect, I wonder if I should've supported targeting Gina, but there's a balancing act between being too quiet and too loud, and you'll become a huge target if you're too much on one extreme. And considering we're already a massive target due to Yuriko's single-minded focus on us...



Anyway, turns out all that debate was meaningless and it was SQ that got frozen. At least we survived this round...


Well, time to do our night routines and--

Image Music: Ice Prison Image


The game doesn't have any punctuation here. It may be a mistake, but it just makes this scene all the scarier. The music certainly doesn't help!



Oh, OK, just a nice pleasant trip to the Viewing Lounge with Yuriko.



Image Look... You can see even the farthest stars.



Image You have no risk of being attacked by the Gnosia. No one even thinks to suspect you.


Image This is because everyone's awareness of your very existence has been distorted. Interference by the insane gods themselves.



Last update I joked about us basically having plot armor, as we weren't voted on when we clearly should've been a target during the last vote of the last loop. Well, there's your reason. Until now, we couldn't actually be killed or frozen.

That ends now.


Image Hmph... If you wish to survive... Strive and struggle in desperation, with all your might.

Well this sucks.

Image Music: ULULO Image


On the bright side, we can finally enter our room and level up.



Each level lets us boost one stat. We have a backlog of levels from the first four loops, but generally you'll gain enough EXP for maybe one level, possibly two or more if you win in a difficult set-up. EXP has some weird scaling too, as the cost to gain levels will increase, but so will the EXP we gain, so despite the numbers getting bigger you'll basically gain the same amount of levels, with probably some minor differences here and there.

As for the level ups, I focused on our initial strategy of Stealth and Intution, with some boosts to the rest of our stats for now. I'll get a couple more level-ups this update, but if there's any stats you want me to prioritize, let me know and I'll do that. This will be especially relevant once we start unlocking new abilities.


Speaking of which, I'll show these off in greater detail later, but this is what we start with. These are all pretty basic and stuff we've already been using.


I wanted to visit Yuriko again, but she wasn't available, so I went to Setsu. They're our closest ally at this point, and may be the only one that can save us from Yuriko's wrath.


Image Music: Suspicion Image


On the bright side, the Gnosia attacked the Guardian Angel target.

Oh yeah, we're trying to find the Gnosia. I should probably focus on that.


Reports - Setsu says Cassidy is human, while Shigemichi says Yuriko is human. I'm definitely leaning towards Shigemichi being the Gnosia fake, but he seems to be on our side right now and I'm more concerned with covering Cassidy's ass than exposing the Gnosia.


Round 1 - Gina and Stella have joined the anti-Cassidy gang. Setsu and Shigemichi have our back.


Round 2 - Yuriko strikes at us again, with Gina and Stella still targeting us. Setsu still has our back, but at this point there's three people clearly against Cassidy, and who knows what Raqio's thinking.


Round 3 - We need to get a new target, and it really needs to be one of the three against us. Yuriko looks very tough to crack and also has a human backing from Shigemichi, so I opt for Gina. Setsu's on board, but Stella and Yuriko of course are against it.


Round 4 - Luck is looking to be on our side, as Raqio and Shigemichi doubt Gina. Yuriko and Stella defend her, of course, but if we have the numbers to take Gina out, then that's one more night for Cassidy to survive.



Round 5 - An interesting development. Stella targets us, and it turns out we catch her in a lie, meaning she is Gnosia in this situation. Of course, Yuriko supports her, and Setsu and Shigemichi support us, but if we can survive this round, and it may just be possible depending on Raqio, then we can go all-out on the offensive against Stella next night.


...But sadly, that's not the case. Not only do my allies vote against each other, but Raqio finds me a bigger threat than Gina.




Well, this sucks.


The worst part about going to cold sleep or being eliminated is you don't find out the ultimate result of that loop, so we have no idea whether the Gnosia win this one or not. That said, I think it's safe to say the Gnosia would have won. Setsu had me fooled, and having Stella and Setsu on two different factions really helps the chances of them sneaking in a victory, especially since Yuriko seemed more concerned with killing us than actually finding the Gnosia.

And in case you were curious, the target that Yurkio protected from death was Gina. Thanks, Yuriko.


Whatever, let's just forget this ever happened and move on...

Image Music: Suspicion Image


On the bright side, the person with a vendetta against us seems to not be here...


Image You replied that it was nothing, never mind.


We're back to seven, as Yuriko is not here.



Image Yup, that's right.

So we're back to another standard, no-thrills loop.


Round 1 - Setsu and Stella are our Engineer reveals.


Round 2 - Raqio and Setsu go against Stella, while Shigemichi and SQ defend her.


Round 3 - Gina's next to accuse Stella. Cassidy joins Setsu in also doubting Stella to not seem too quiet, while Shigemichi and SQ still believe in her.


Round 4 - Shigemichi goes for the standard "Ice Raqio" strategy, and Stella, Setsu, and Cassidy are on board. Only Gina bothers to defend Raqio.


Round 5 - SQ targets Shigemichi, to little success. Setsu, Cassidy, and Stella all have Shigemichi's back.


And things are back to normal, as Raqio goes to cold sleep on Day 1.


I pay a visit to Gina, as she seems trustworthy enough this loop.


And that's SQ down.


Here's the reports. Nothing too outrageous here.


Round 1 - Gina decides she's gone long enough without hating Shigemichi and targets Shigemichi. Once again, no one else jumps, as instead he gets defended by Setsu, Stella, and Cassidy.


Round 2 - Of course, immediately after that Stella starts suspecting Shigemichi. Setsu's not on board.


Round 3 - It seems the lines are being drawn around Shigemichi. Setsu and Cassidy are on his side, while Stella and Gina are against. Three is greater than two, but our side needs a target.


Round 4 - Thus, I target Gina. Nobody cares enough to argue for or against her.


Round 5 - Setsu really supports Shigemichi. Gina really doesn't support Shigemichi.


Go figure Shigemichi would be the one to tear this ship apart.


As you may have noticed, the game will actively tell us when all Gnosia are gone. Since this isn't the message we got....

Image Music: This is a Lie Image


Image Some info, only Gnosia can find out, or are only found by winning. That's why I try to win as much as possible.




Well, I certainly trusted the wrong side there. Whoops!


Maybe a new loop will make us feel better about totally beefing that one...


Image You replied that you like cats.

I'm feeling better already.

There's supposedly an option to say you don't like cats, but I refuse to acknowledge its existence.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image So, what exactly about cats do you...


Image We're all supposed to gather in the main console.
Image Ah, that "are we Gnosia or not" thing, huh? Sorry Comet, but I'm out. I wanna go back to sleep.
Image Yeah, I was told you'd probably say that, but to bring you anyway. Setsu sounded really serious about it.
Image Setsu's always "really serious"... OK fine, whatever. To the main console, I guess.


We've got two new characters for this loop, and they're both already more lighthearted than most of the rest of the crew. We definitely need personalities like them and Shigemichi to add some levity to this atmosphere of deceit and deception.


Image Cats? Never seen one. They were considered a luxury on my planet.



On to the usual stuff...

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image So we just have to weed out whoever's lying, right? That's easy.


Image Raqio! C'mon bud! That right there, that's exactly what your problem is!
Image Anyway, who among us has a high chance of being infected? I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts.

We're up to nine crew, but still only two Gnosia, and no new roles. Since we're still Crew, this should be a good bit easier.


Round 1 - Our Engineer claims for this loop are Stella and Raqio.


Round 2 - Comet jumps on SQ, but Raqio and Shigemichi aren't convinced.


Round 3 - SQ decides to go after Setsu, but Chipie and Shigemichi aren't buying it.


Round 4 - Gina suspects Setsu. No one cares.


Round 5 - Comet goes after Stella next, with Raqio joining in. Chipie, Shigemichi, and Cassidy are all on Stella's side here.



For lack of a better option, Setsu gets iced. Consider it payback for the last loop.

Before the usual night activities...

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image Perfect timing. Hey, lemme ask you something.


Let's see how well Comet can take a bad joke...

Image You replied that you are Gnosia.


Image I mean, Cassidy... You're a bad liar, right? Like Shigemichi and Gina.


Comet's another character with distinctive traits. Much like how Raqio is all about logic, Comet's focus is on detecting lies, as she's really solid at spotting liars. As a bonus, she's also completely terrible at telling lies, so if Comet distrusts someone, chances are decent they may be Gnosia.


Image You told her that she should be sure to move with caution.
Image Oh, because I might get targeted and attacked? Yeah, you're right. But I'm not much of a thinker. So I figured I might as well just sorta jump right in head first, ya know?


So yeah, Comet's probably one of my favorites in this cast, even if her design is a bit...insane.


Hey, an event!


Image How 'bout you and me combine forces so we can survive? Hehe, whaddya say?


Image You told Shigemichi that you want to collaborate.
Image Heeey, alright! Glad I asked!


Sometimes characters will ask to collaborate with you during the night phase. It doesn't really do much, just that the two of you are agreeing to cover each others' asses and maybe target the same people. There's no penalty for arguing against someone you're collaborating with or whatever, so usually you might as well.


Image Music: Suspicion Image


Gina's gone. Oh well.


Reports - Stella claims Comet is human, while Raqio found Chipie is Gnosia. Hmmm...


Image Hm... So, what evidence do you have on which to base this attack on Stella?


Well, after everything Comet said, I'll put my faith in her.

Round 1 - Thus Comet accuses Stella, with Cassidy throwing in support. Chipie and Shigemichi fight back.


Round 2 - Chipie's quick to pick up on the "Ice Raqio" strategy, probably because Raqio said he's Gnosia. Shigemichi and Stella throw their support in, but Cassidy has decided Comet is right and therefore defends Raqio, deciding they're the true Engineer. Plus, if they are the true Engineer, that means the two Gnosia are Stella and Chipie.


Round 3 - SQ and Cassidy throw doubt on Stella. Chipie and Shigemichi are firmly in Stella's camp.


Round 4 - Comet and Cassidy are against Stella, Chipie and Shigemichi are still pro-Stella.



Round 5 - For...some reason, Raqio has concluded that Comet must be human. Definite Human (and its counterpart, Definite Gnosia) is used to confirm, using logical deduction, that the specific character has to be human/Gnosia.

It took me until this very moment to realize why. First off, let's see our two Engineers, Stella and Raqio. One must be Human, and the other must be Gnosia. If Stella is Human, then her report on Comet being Human is true. If Raqio is Human, then the two Gnosia are Chipie (from Raqio's report) and Stella (as the counter-claim for Engineer), meaning Comet must be Human. Therefore, either way Comet is definitely human.

And since Comet was the one that called out Stella for lying, that really makes Stella and Chipie seem suspicious...



Other than the two probable Gnosia, the rest of the votes go to the two suspects. That's Stella down.


For night, we visit Comet to celebrate. We just have to wait for the next day and then we take care of Chipie and celebrate our victory.




I mean, it seems bullshit, especially with our high stealth, but if you look at it a certain way it makes some sense. Chipie can't kill Raqio, as that would definitely confirm Raqio as the Engineer, and thus confirm Chipie as Gnosia. The obvious target would be Definite Human Comet, but there's also a potential Guardian Angel that may be protecting her (and unfortunately I didn't think to check the log to see if Shigemichi did the obvious thing and protect Comet). Therefore, it's best to get the next-best player after those two, and unfortunately that was Cassidy. I mean, it'd be a long shot for Chipie to win anyway, but he probably did the right move in killing us. Still, I think the humans had this one in the bag, so I'm not too upset with this loss. At least here I feel confident my side won, even if we don't get to really celebrate it like you would in regular Werewolf. Still, hopefully the next loops will be kinder to us.

Anyway, soon things will be changing up, as next time we'll finally get to be the Gnosia. Hopefully things go better for us on the side of the bad guys!

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We're starting things out with a siren going off.

Image Music: This is a Lie Image



It took eight loops, but this time we're finally Gnosia.


Image If need be, I will absolutely throw you under the bus. So you'd do best to just keep quiet and let me do my thing, OK?


Gnosia don't have to stick with each other. Yeah, all Gnosia have the same goal, but sometimes someone gets exposed and it's better to just cut and run, plus it's easier to fit in with the humans if you're bickering with the other Gnosia.

And of course, different people play differently as Gnosia. Raqio will not hesitate to backstab other Gnosia, while Shigemichi is loyal to a fault.


Anyway, let's get started with this whole "ending the human race" thing.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image An Engineer and Guardian Angel have also been confirmed to be present. This may help us to single out the infectees.
Image Hey, this'll be easy!



As you're already aware, Gnosia can false-claim as Engineers. This does extend to us as well.



Round 1 - Cassidy opts not to reveal, not that they'd be allowed anyway since only one Gnosia can claim a role. I'm fine with this, I really don't like claiming roles because that's more opportunities for people to catch me lying.


Anyway, the actual Engineer is Shigemichi.


Round 2 - Setsu, Stella, and Cassidy accuse Shigemichi. Chipie and Gina (!?) defend him.



Round 3 - SQ in particular loves to try allying with people during the debates, but other characters may also try to collaborate. Chipie's not interested at this time.


Round 4 - Comet goes after Gina. SQ, Stella, and Cassidy stand up for her.


Round 5 - Cassidy targets Comet, as Comet's really good at spotting liars, so the earlier she goes the better. That said, Chipie and Stella come to her defense.


But it still works well enough to tie her with Shigemichi. On to the revote!


Round 1 - Gina doubts Comet. Chipie and Stella are still pretty loyal to her.


Round 2 - Comet of course targets Shigemichi, with assistance from Raqio. Gina, Chipie, and Cassidy jump to his defense.

I wanted to keep Shigemichi around, but honestly I probably should've targeted him over Comet. If Raqio gets exposed, that means Shigemichi's reports will start confirming people, so Gnosia should really be aiming to take out the real Engineer during the debates.


It probably didn't matter, as Comet still got two-thirds of the vote, and she's still a threat to Cassidy, so it's still a net win. Just, probably not who I should have targeted. Oh well, too late now!


We opt to visit Chipie, who's a bit hesitant about us. Understandable!


Anyway, time to do the usual.


Image 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4... 3, 2... 1...


Image Music: This is a Lie Image



Image You replied that it's exactly as Raqio says.
Image Alright... now let's make a decision. Which pitiful human will be the next one to be erased from this universe? And by the way, only one person can be eliminated at a time. So we have to choose carefully.



When Cassidy is Gnosia, they'll always be the one to choose who is eliminated, though sometimes the other Gnosia might give suggestions.

Shigemichi obviously cannot be eliminated, as that would expose Raqio. Thus, I opt for Setsu, as they are generally pretty sharp and have been floating under the radar this loop.



Image Setsu should actually be thanking us. Kindly putting an end to such a worthless life like that.


Image You reach out to touch Setsu's body...


Image Bon voyage, Setsu.


So that's the process that Gnosia eliminate people.


Image Warp is complete, and time seems to have started moving again.


Image Time to head to the main console. Gotta be careful not to be... removed.

Well, we've done our damage. It's time to get back to debating.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


It feels weird when it's our fault for once.


Reports - Raqio claims SQ is Gnosia, while Shigemichi claims she's human.


Round 1 - Stella and Chipie are suspicious of us, though at least Raqio comes to our aid.


Round 2 - SQ and Stella doubt Raqio next. Maybe Setsu wasn't the best target...


Round 3 - Raqio sticks their neck out for us by defending us. Stella fights back, clearly not trusting us at this point.


Round 4 - Shigemichi goes after Stella next, with Chipie and Cassidy jumping in. Raqio decides now's a good time to defend her.


Round 5 - So Stella repays the favor by...accusing Raqio. This gets Gina suspicious of Raqio as well.


The vote ends up spread out, except for the block on Raqio. Well, looks like we're flying solo now!


...Or maybe not!


Generally, targeting someone who's targeting you is a great way to get people suspicious of you. On the other hand, Stella's also probably got the best idea of what's going on, so right now she's my biggest threat. I think if I can get SQ on my side, I might be able to get one of Gina, Chipie, or Shigemichi to join in.



...Though that's a lot harder if Stella is protected.


Reports - Stella is human. That's kinda bad, as Shigemichi was suspicious of her, so now it'll be even more difficult to flip people from her side.


Round 1 - After that last round where Gina defended Shigemichi, she remembered that this is Shigemichi we're talking about, and thus he needs to be targeted. Stella is also suspicious, but Chipie and SQ think he's fine.


Round 2 - SQ wants to collab, and with Raqio gone we could use any help we can get. As long as we're not too obvious, she should follow our lead fine enough.


Round 3 - Chipie solidly trusts Shigemichi, but Gina and Stella don't, so Cassidy jumps on the Shigemichi dogpile and also doubts him.


Round 4 - Gina doubts SQ, which sets off Shigemichi, Cassidy, and Chipie. SQ's our ally, we want her to stick around if possible!


Round 5 - Chipie still thinks Shigemichi is the best. Stella and Gina still do not trust him.


So after all of that, it's Gina that ends up going to the fridge.


At night, I visit Chipie again, who's still wary of us.


Once again, I target Stella, and once again, I was blocked. It was either her or Chipie, and Chipie's still open-minded about us while Stella is strongly against us, so I figured it was worth risking targeting her again.

Of course, it still isn't working out.


Reports - Another reason to eliminate the Engineer early. Since Shigemichi has found out that SQ, Stella, and Chipie are human, he will 100% know that Cassidy is Gnosia. Of course, that doesn't mean the others will know that, and Shigemichi's probably not sharp enough to pick up on that, but this really puts us in a bad spot.


Round 1 - SQ decides to declare her loyalty to us, but Stella and Shigemichi already know we're not to be trusted. We're going to need Chipie's help to survive this.


Round 2 - Chipie is still fully on board the Shigemichi train. Stella still doesn't trust him.


Round 3 - Next up, Shigemichi is suspicious of Stella. You know, the person he said was human a day ago. Chipie is also suspicious.


Round 4 - I decide to pounce on Shigemichi here. My thought was that Shigemichi is either the world's dumbest Engineer, or he's a bad liar who can't keep his stories straight, considering he just suspected someone he thought was human.

Since this is Shigemichi, it's obviously the former.


This backfires, hard. Chipie and even SQ jump to his aid.



Round 5 - Shigemichi now decides Stella is human after all. Chipie and even SQ agree.


Yeah, taking on Shigemichi bit me in the ass. I should've targeted Stella, or kept my mouth shut. There's a good chance if I did either, then Chipie and SQ could've voted Stella out instead, and Cassidy could've maybe lasted one more night, though even then it would've been pretty tough to win since Shigemichi and Chipie were so close, and the Guardian Angel may have screwed me over again.


Turns out the Guardian Angel was SQ all along. Thanks!


As you saw, Cassidy accusing Shigemichi was when SQ flipped on us, and it's because she caught us lying. Collaborations aren't binding, so if you find out your partner's a Gnosia, you're more than welcome to turn on them.


Oh well, let's hope things go better this time.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Well, back to Crew again.


Image Like, do we really *have to* eliminate the Gnosia? They do act like humans, so couldn't we make a deal with them?
Image Yeah, that's a good point.
Image Maybe if we asked them not to get rid of us, they might actually listen...?
Image I've never heard of anyone making a successful "deal" with Gnosia nor Gnos itself. I doubt it would be possible.


Image I guess that's like, possible? Like, it might even work...


Image Gnosia eliminate humans. That's just what they do, and why they exist. Just like how your cats are simply cats. Or how humans are humans. Gnosia are simply Gnosia.


Image We don't have time for this. We need to get started...



Stella's got something to say.


Image You asked what an AC Follower is.


Image They believe that this universe is insane. But if we could be eliminated by the Gnosia, we could transfer over to the "true" universe... They disavow the laws of physics and humanity, and worship Gnos. That's basically the gist of AC Followers. Apparently they've been rapidly increasing in numbers recently.


AC Followers aren't actually Gnosia, and don't know the Gnosia, but are still on the side of the Gnosia, so they try to help the Gnosia best they can.

Of course, this usually involves attracting so much suspicion that they themselves are targeted for cold sleep, so the typical play style of this role in Werewolf is very much against the spirit of "make it to the end of the loop" that Cassidy shoots for. Thus playing AC Follower is generally pretty damn difficult as far as winning goes.

Luckily that's not our problem here, we're still just crew.


Image So like, Chipie is like... an AC Follower then...?
Image Haha, sorry to let you down. But I'm nothing that dramatic.


Image And I'd like everyone else to be careful, too... Any one of us could be an AC Follower.


So this game has an AC Follower. Good to know!




Round 2 - Setsu requests the Engineer, and this time we have three claims! As I said, only one Gnosia can claim Engineer, but the AC Follower can also claim Engineer! This means between Raqio, Comet, and Shigemichi, one is the actual Engineer, one is a Gnosia, and one is the AC Follower.


Round 3 - SQ and Shigemichi team up. It's so sweet.


Round 4 - Setsu decides to target SQ, but a defensive front forms with Shigemichi, Stella, and Cassidy.


Round 5 - Comet's doubting Gina, while Raqio and SQ go to her defense.


Uh, wow. Four-way tie.

Guess we'll restart.


Round 1 - Gina accuses Raqio. Nobody else chimes in.


Round 2 - Comet's still gunning for Gina, though Stella and Setsu go to her defense.


Another revote! Since the results are different, we do another debate round.


Round 1 - Setsu asks us to vote. Great use of a round!


Round 2 - SQ decides that was a Gnosia tactic and goes after Setsu, though Comet and Shigemichi think they're fine.


Finally, it's Gina who is eliminated.

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Before we get to the night phase, Setsu catches up with us to chat a bit.


Image So there are a few things I wanted to tell you to watch out for. If you don't need the advice, I'll let you go.

Have you seen how we've been faring so far? We need all the help we can get!


Image OK. First of all, it's important to avoid standing out. The more you stand out, the more likely you'll be doubted, and thus voted against. You'll also draw enemy attention, increasing your risk of elimination. Of course, simply speaking up makes you stand out. Not so much if you simply agree with someone else's opinion, though. Also, protesting or arguing too much when doubted also draws attention. Any unnatural behavior will make you stand out.


So basically, don't talk too much, don't talk too little, and make sure that Stealth stat is high.


Image The Engineer is an important weapon in the fight against the enemy. The Engineer can provide the crucial knowledge of who is and isn't Gnosia. But if they don't step forward, they can't share that knowledge. Engineers often refrain from stepping forward out of fear of being attacked.



And with that pep talk, we get our first new skill!


Step Forward basically asks the Engineer to claim, which also may get claims fron the Gnosia and/or AC Follower. Of course, if you do this later, the real Engineer may already be eliminated, so be aware of that.

Also, all stats have a minimum stat requirement. I'll try to aim toward getting these stats up when I can while still prioritizing the build we decided at the start of the LP.


Image Well... it's going to be a long fight. Let's do what we can to make it through this.


Anyway, we level up Charisma a bit so we can get closer to using our new skill, then pay a visit to SQ.


That's one of the Engineers down, meaning Shigemichi is either the actual Engineer or the AC Follower.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Reports - Raqio claims Comet is Gnosia, while Comet says Setsu is human. There's a good bit we could try to unpack here, but I don't think we'd really come away with much new information from it, so let's move on.


Image Be careful, Cassidy. Talking too much and keeping quiet are both dangerous. You'll draw unneeded suspicion.


Round 1 - Comet accuses Cassidy to trigger a recap on everything Setsu just explained to us a minute ago. Keep your talking balanced, and embrace Stealth.


Round 2 - Anyway, Cassidy decide to turn things on Comet instead. Stella agrees with them.


Round 3 - Setsu suspects SQ, but Stella doesn't.


Round 4 - Comet goes after Raqio next, but Setsu goes to their defense. Since Setsu's the one I currently trust the most so far, Cassidy joins Setsu in defending Raqio.


Round 5 - Stella and Comet are still doubting Raqio because, well, it's Raqio.


That said, this time it's Comet who probably spoke a little too much, and thus she gets frozen.



Another night done.


Reports - Raqio says Setsu is human. It's possible Raqio and Comet are the Gnosia and AC Follower in some order, but even so, this means the probability is high (though certainly not 100%!) that Setsu is human. Thus I decide to follow Setsu's lead for this loop. Well, until I don't. Sometimes I don't know what the hell I'm doing, as you may suspect.


Round 1 - SQ once again onces to collab with Cassidy, but this time she's turned down.


Round 2 - Raqio trusts Setsu, but SQ and Chipie aren't at this time.


Round 3 - And of course Setsu pays it right back by throwing suspicion at Raqio. Chipie is on Raqio's side here.


Round 4 - SQ is also doubting Raqio, and once again Chipie defends them. This time Cassidy joins in. For some reason I thought Raqio was probably fine, maybe?


Round 5 - Also I was apparently suspicious of SQ for some reason.


Well, the good news is I get what I want.


Image Music: This is a Lie Image


The bad news is I'm an idiot!


Yeah, I'm really doing poorly so far. Oh well, it's all part of the experience!

Next time, we throw in yet more new characters and roles as we get closer to the end of the "tutorial"!

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Image Music: ASTER Image


Hey, let's start things off with one of the best songs in the game!


She sometimes looks up at you, and simply smiles. Even without words, you can feel what she's feeling.



???: Also, Kukrushka's expressiveness, and her refined, subtle movements... They are indeed eloquent beyond words. She is, in her way, the picture of perfection of a young lady.




Meet Jonas and Kukrushka. They are both...interesting, for very different reasons.



Kukrushka's age is unknown, but she seems to be a youngish teenager, around 15 at my guess. Also she doesn't talk.




Image Hmph, rather tactless, but... Apparently the situation is urgent. Come, we must go!


So of course, these two will be joining the deliberations. On to them, then!

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Image Haha, looks like she's alright! OK then, let's get started, eh?

Even though Kukrushka doesn't talk, she still has no problem holding her own in the debates.


Round 1 - Gina and SQ are the Engineer claims this time.


Round 2 - It wouldn't be Day 1 without Raqio garnering suspicion, with Stella leading the charge. Shigemichi and Chipie don't think they're Gnosia though.


Round 3 - SQ decides to also target Raqio, with Stella jumping back in. Shigemichi and Chipie once again defend Raqio, but this time so does Cassidy.


Round 4 - Everyone's pretty suspect of Gina it seems like. Chipie, Raqio, and SQ all target her, though Comet comes to her defense.


Round 5 - Comet and Shigemichi focus on Jonas, though Raqio doesn't think it's him.

Image Music: Voting Image


To the surprise of absolutely no one, Raqio is iced with a near-majority.


Image I shall remain here. I have some... stuff to which I must attend.

Jonas is, uh, interesting. He has a rather weird manner of speaking, and he has major creep vibes.


We pay a visit to Kukrushka during the night. Kukrushka doesn't really care as much about who's Gnosia or whatever, when she's human she's loyal to a fault. This is great when she's on your side, and utterly infuriating when you're against her, especially since she's also difficult to target for cold sleep. But if you can get her on her side, she'll very likely stick with you to the bitter end.


Image Music: Suspicion Image


We lucked into the Guardian Angel protecting the right person.


Reports - Kukrushka is human according to Gina, while SQ has Stella as human.


Round 1 - Jonas wants to lead the charge. Well, alright then.


Image Was Raqio, put into sleep yesterday, the true Gnosia? Was the decision you made the correct one?
Image I mean, like, yeah? I think? But we like, don't reeeaaally know, so like, what're you gonna do...?


It's also time for a new role! The Doctor will automatically check anyone put into cold sleep the previous day (including multiple people if that happens) and confirm whether they're human or Gnosia. A good way to figure out if you're making positive progress!


...Of course, like the Engineer, the Doctor can also be claimed by the Gnosia and the AC Follower, so the information isn't largely useful right now. Still, we know one of Gina or SQ is a Gnosia/AC Follower, and at least one of Setsu and Jonas is a Gnosia/AC Follower (both could be if it turned out Raqio was the actual doctor)!


Image Well then... allow me to present the results of my examination. Yesterday, Raqio was put into cold sleep, and was indeed... NOT Gnosia! This is the whole of the information with which I can provide you now. I implore you to use it wisely and effectively.


We can now access the Doctor reports. We didn't get Setsu's analysis, but they also confirmed Raqio was human. Like with Engineers, the Gnosia can choose whether to report the frozen as Human or Gnosia. Reporting too many people as Gnosia can backfire of course.


Round 2 - Immediately, everyone's skeptical about Jonas. Shigemichi, Gina, and Cassidy suspect him, though Kukrushka thinks he's alright. Jonas is like Raqio in that he's an easy first day vote since he's a weirdo and his gameplay can be a bit chaotic. He's really not a dependable presence, so you don't really gain much keeping him around.

That said, I think he's the false Doctor here, which is why Cassidy is targeting him.


Round 3 - Kukrushka won't hesitate to go after others just because she can't talk. She targets SQ, with Chipie joining in, though Stella and Shigemichi go to her defense.


Round 4 - Nothing too exciting here. More suspicion of Jonas from Stella and Shigemichi.



Round 5 - Setsu also suspects SQ, with Kukrushka jumping in hard. Jonas goes to her defense in the most Jonas-like way, as does Stella.



Talk of targeting SQ amounts to just Kukrushka targeting her, who can really harbor some grudges. Otherwise, Jonas is the easy vote here.


We've got an event with Kukrushka this time.

Image Music: This is a Lie Image


Image (SQ is lying. Kukrushka tells you this. So Cassidy, I need your help. Let's put SQ into cold sleep. Kukrushka is counting on you.)

Don't remember if this came up yet, so in case it didn't, sometimes events will show a character telling you they caught another character lying, and asking you to team up against them. Of course, sometimes that character is lying, and if they are you've got decent chances of catching them in a lie.

For now, I feel inclined to believe Kukrushka. She won't hesitate to lie, of course, but she probably wouldn't be so aggressive against SQ in particular if she was Gnosia, plus even if Kukrushka is Gnosia I'd rather be on her good side than her next target.


Anyway poor one out for Shigemichi.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Reports - Setsu confirms Jonas was Gnosia...except they're clearly lying.


Meanwhile, Gina confirms Setsu is Gnosia, while SQ states Kukrushka is human. That is a massive help, as it means Setsu and SQ are our threats. We know Setsu isn't the true Doctor, and we can believe Kukrushka now that SQ isn't the Engineer due to the Engineer reports. Humans won't lie about catching people in a lie, so if SQ is saying Kukrushka is human, that means if SQ is the Engineer, Kukrushka is right to doubt her, which would be a contradiction since SQ wouldn't be lying (and as I noticed a bit later, Gina also confirmed Kukrushka as human, thus with both Engineers claiming it Kukrushka is a Confirmed Human). This means Gina must be the Engineer, and thus Setsu must be Gnosia. SQ could still be the AC Follower, but there's no harm in taking her out too.

Right, so we've got our targets.


Round 1 - Since Kukrushka is more suspicious of SQ, Cassidy targets her first, even if Setsu's the bigger threat. Kukrushka of course joins in, but Stella's skeptical.


Round 2 - Chipie and Kukrushka suspect Comet. Setsu, Cassidy, and SQ jump her to defense.

...You would think I would've noticed Setsu and SQ defending Comet. If so, you're not paying attention to my win record.


Round 3 - SQ and Stella think Gina's being very quiet. Cassidy and Comet defend her, as Cassidy knows Gina is human.


Round 4 - Comet and Kukrushka go after SQ. Stella is still defending her.


Round 5 - Kukrushka will not relent against SQ, and this apparently finally wins over Chipie. Stella is still adamantly pro-SQ.


Gina goes for her confirmed Gnosia target, which is understandable, but not for the person who counter-claimed her and who everyone else was targeting. Poor decision, but at least Stella's idiocy means the worst that happens for now is a revote.


Round 1 - Setsu immediately goes for blood, trying to take out the Engineer and take control of the game. Stella and Chipie join in, but Cassidy and Comet are against it.


Round 2 - Cassidy and Comet go after SQ in response, but Stella is still adamantly on SQ's side.


Welp, we're deadlocked.


Kukrushka wants blood. As much as it would suck to get rid of the Engineer, taking out a threat is not a terrible idea as well.


That said, it's a draw at 3-3. Kukrushka, Cassidy, and Chipie are for freezing everyone, with Comet, Stella, and Setsu against it.


Of course, once Chipie suggests it, suddenly it's 5-1 with Setsu and Comet jumping ship. Only Stella opposes, as she really wants SQ to stick around for whatever reason.




If you eliminate the target someone wants you to eliminate, they will thank you. Definitely doesn't hurt to further garner Kukrushka's loyalty!



This time it's Chipie who's taken out.


Let's ignore the fact we caught Setsu and SQ lying. This seems suspicious, but Setsu is making the right move here. They reported Jonas as Gnosia already, so if they said Gina (or SQ) was Gnosia, then they'd be revealed as a fake since the game should be over then. It's still possible that Gina could be the AC Follower and AC Followers will appear as human if targeted by the Engineer or Doctor. This was really Setsu's only play, and they know what they're doing enough to not make the dumb mistake here.

That said, there's still at least one Gnosia in Setsu, and possibly a second if SQ was the AC Follower.


Round 1 - Cassidy's the next target, with Comet and Setsu going for them. Kukrushka comes to our aid.

This is trouble, though. Kukurushka's likely to follow our fight against Setsu, but we'd still need to win over one of Comet and Stella. Stella seems a difficult sell since we've been arguing against her all game, and if Comet's suspicious of us...


Round 2 - Anyway, Cassidy responds by going after Setsu. Both Stella and Comet come to Setsu's defense, so things are already not looking good here.


Round 3 - Kukrushka focuses on Comet next, though Setsu jumps to Comet's defense. At this point, we're really just delaying the inevitable.


Round 4 - Setsu and Comet target Cassidy. Kukrushka is as loyal as ever.


Round 5 - Cassidy tries one last time to target Setsu. Comet laughs it off.



In the end, unsurprisingly it's Cassidy that gets frozen. The two of us couldn't even agree on the right target.


It turns out the other Gnosia was Comet all along. Props to her, Comet played that really well, even playing along with our side for a time.


Anyway, Kukrushka knew SQ was lying immediately.



SQ also caught both Comet and Setsu lying, which of course helped SQ a ton since she was the AC Follower. She was able to take out the true Engineer with her, so props to SQ for a job well done.


And of course, Kukrushka caught Comet lying in that last day, which is why she gunned so heavily for her. Maaaaaybe if I followed Kukrushka's lead, we could've somehow turned Stella, but honestly I doubt it. Stella seemed firmly in Setsu and Comet's camp.

Sucks to have another loss, but I can't be too upset about that one. That was just a solid job all around by the Gnosia and AC Follower, and I made a couple mistakes like ignoring Comet (I genuinely thought SQ was the other Gnosia) and choosing to freeze both Gina and SQ (even if it probably wouldn't have mattered since that second vote was 5-1). Oh well, that was a fun one!


So let's go for another!

Image Music: Remind Me Image


Image It's been a while since we've started a new loop together, Cassidy. Well for me, at least.


Image You asked how to produce this "Key".


Image Hehe... Sorry, never mind. In that case Cassidy, just try thinking that you want to produce a "Key".
Image You try thinking about producing a "Key"...


Image Everything you've experience in past loops is recorded on that "Key". And by touching them together...


...Loop 158?


Anyway, this unlocks the expanded crew data. Now we get little bios and tidbits about them as well as their general stats. I'm gonna wait and show them off in a separate update, either soon or after I unlock the remaining characters (besides Yuriko, we have three left).


Image Also, maybe your body hasn't fully gotten used to the "Key" just yet. It looks like situational settings aren't functioning. It should start working, given a bit of time.


Image Cassidy, you and I are the only ones for whom loop memories are saved. But the others retain the same personalities throughout each loop. Get to know how they think and behave, and it could help you survive.



Image You replied that you'll help search together.
Image Hehe... thanks. I'm glad to hear it. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot we can do... I guess we just have to do the best we can under the circumstances.


This time we finally get to be the Guardian Angel. It can be difficult to execute well, but it's one of the handiest roles to be in some situations.


Oh yeah and Setsu's Gnosia.

...Wait. What!?

Image Music: Suspicion Image


So why did Setsu flat-out tell us they were Gnosia? Should we just immediately target them?

...For now, let's wait and see.


Round 1 - Kukrushka goes for Chipie early. Shigemichi and Gina aren't biting.


Round 2 - Shigemichi and Stella are doubting Setsu, so Cassidy takes the opportunity to jump in. Cassidy's not going to go hard against Setsu, but if others are doing it, it makes sense to jump in, right? Comet's not going along with this.


Round 3 - The Engineer reveals are Raqio and SQ.


Round 4 - Comet and Setsu are after Chipie, and once again Shigemichi and Gina are on the same page in defending him.


Round 5 - The Doctor reveals are Jonas and Gina.

This means our Gnosia and AC Follower are Setsu, one of SQ and Raqio, and one of Gina and Jonas. Of course, Cassidy is the only one to know about Setsu...


The vote's a scattered mess, but Chipie got enough attention to get iced.


We paid a visit to Jonas during the night.


This was a few days ago so I don't remember why I chose to save Comet. It doesn't really matter, I guess. The Doctor and Engineer claims probably aren't going to die, so it's a one-in-four chance of saving a human.


Sadly, those are low odds.


Reports - Chipie was Gnosia for Jonas and human for Gina.


Meanwhile, Shigemichi was human for Raqio, while SQ finds Gina to be clear.


Round 1 - Gina and SQ suspect Raqio because Raqio is Raqio. Jonas, Kukrushka, and Setsu come to their defense.


Round 2 - Raqio targets Gina in return, with backing from Jonas. Stella, Cassidy, and Kukrushka think Gina's OK.


Round 3 - Comet and Gina doubt Jonas. Kukrushka defends him.


Round 4 - Setsu targets Kukrushka. Gina isn't convinced.


Round 5 - Raqio onces again targets Gina, and once again Jonas assists. The Gina hate is overblown as Stella, Kukrushka, and Comet fight back against it.


A three-way tie. Of course, now that I don't vote for Setsu...


Round 1 - Gina decides to capitalize and target Setsu. Raqio and Jonas thinks they're fine though.


Round 2 - Jonas decides to declare his loyalty to Setsu in his usual Jonas manner. Gina and Cassidy argue otherwise.


Turns out the suspicion against Setsu isn't enough to overcome Jonas's Jonasness.




Not if I have any say in the matter!


Gina's not Gnosia. She could still be the AC Follower, but even so I think she's an ally. Glad I picked up on that hint!


Reports - As for the Engineers, Raqio cleared Setsu, meaning Raqio's clearly lying (only to us since only we know Setsu is Gnosia). SQ cleared Stella, meanwhile.


Meanwhile, turns out Jonas was human as well. This means the fake Doctor is an AC Follower, and the two Gnosia are Setsu and Raqio.

Of course, only we know this, since Setsu told us they were Gnosia, and we only know Gina's human because we saved her from the Gnosia killing her.


Also, thanks to Jonas's fake report we can confirm Gina is the actual Doctor. Not that it really matters much, but at least we know the AC Follower is gone. That still leaves two Gnosia, however...


Round 1 - Things get frustrating quickly, as Comet quickly jump at Cassidy, with assistance from Raqio. Kukrushka's as loyal as ever, at least.


Round 2 - I don't know what we did, but we're suddenly target number one. Stella, SQ, and Raqio all go against us, while Kukrushka and Setsu (!?) defend us.


Round 3 - Well, we need to get a new target out there, and who better than Raqio? SQ agrees, but Comet and Setsu are against it.


Round 4 - Cassidy vouches for Gina, which Raqio refutes.


Round 5 - Gina responds by targeting Raqio for us, with help from Kukrushka. Setsu and Comet oppose.


...are you kidding me. Both Gnosia don't target me, so I'm eliminated entirely by my allies.

I GOT ELIMINATED OVER RAQIO. That's just humiliating.



Yeah, fine, I hope the Gnosia win this one.

SQ and Kukrushka, you're cool.

So, that's it! But before we go, remember the beginning of the loop? When we unlocked some functionality with our "key"?



We can now choose our role when we start! Our options are Crew, Gnosia, Engineer, Doctor, Guardian Angel, AC Follower, and Random.

So choose our roles! (Update: Forgot Gnosia last time.) The top two or three will be the options I choose first, starting with the top choice for Loop 12, and so on. Also, you can vote for multiple options.

Anyway, as you may have noticed from the crew count, next time we'll be meeting a couple more faces as we slowly build our way to a full load-out and try to figure out just what the hell is going on.

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Forgot to include Gnosia as an option originally, so I made a new poll. Here it is!

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This game is pretty engaging! I'm well interested in why we are all looping.

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We've got a tie, so I'll tie-break to the option we haven't done yet. So next loop will be AC Follower followed by Gnosia. If the next two loops are short I may opt for Doctor next.

I'll get to recording and get the next update up sometime this week.

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Okay, ended up buying the game due to the LP it's a wild ride.

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So our poll resulted in a tie between the AC Follower and Gnosia for first, thus I decide our first loop will be the one I haven't done yet, with the second loop we'll be with Gnosia.

This loop adds two more people, and we'll still be at 2 Gnosia, and AC Follower is generally tough to win as to begin with, so at least when I inevitably lose I won't feel that bad. Let's begin!



You know the drill. Time to--

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image



Image Oh, oh yeah. As for Otome, uh... Hm, I'm not sure...
Image Can a dolphin even be infected by Gnosia?


Image I believe we should assume that Otome is also capable of being infected by Gnosia.
Image Yes, if we can't be sure... then that would be safest. We need to factor in that risk.


Image *Squeak*! Gina...!
Image Hm... If what separates mankind from animals is intelligence and consciousness... Then yes... I agree.


Image Huh? Is Shigemichi, like, human...?


The first of the two new characters in this loop is Otome, who is not technically a human but for all intents and porpoises is one as far as Gnosia goes. She's generally friendly, leaning a bit more on the logical side but still can be a solid ally if you get on her good side.

As for the other...



Image Yeah. Even if he were Gnosia... There is definitely one more here among us. Let's just begin today's discussions.



With the crew getting larger and larger, I'm going to stop doing Round-by-rounds and do more general summaries of each Day. Let's begin!

Image Music: Suspicion Image


After a failed attempt by SQ to ally with Kukrushka, we get our Engineer reveals as Kukrushka and Comet. Meanwhile, Setsu is the only person to reveal as Doctor, so they must be the true Doctor.



Otherwise, the targets this time are Stella and Jonas. Stella gets multiple people targeting her, including Cassidy, with no defenders, while Jonas gets more of a mixed response. The tricky part about playing Gnosia or AC Follower is, unless you have high Performance, you have to be careful when you accuse humans or defend Gnosia, as that constitutes a lie and those lies could be spotted easily. Thus as a Gnosia-sided role I prefer to be conservative and not go on the attack unless I think there's a benefit to it, especially since Cassidy has lowish Performance to begin with.


Since Stella has no allies, she's the first to go down. At long as it's not us!

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image You replied OK.
Image Phew, thanks. I didn't want to have to go see Sha-Ming alone.


As for why, well...


Image Music: For Your Fun Image


...that kind of explains itself right there, doesn't it?



Image This is Cassidy... A friend of mine.
Image Hm... Anyways. Don't mind me. You guys just do your thing.



Image I shouldn't have asked... Let me rephrase the question. Why didn't you show up?
Image Why should I? Say somethin' wrong and I might get targeted by the Gnosia, end up getting' wiped out, right?


Sha-Ming is all about trying to survive as long as possible, thus he has high Stealth and some handy abilities to take the heat off him.


Image Sha-Ming... You can't just do whatever you please. You'd better come to the discussion tomorrow.
Image Yeeeaaah, nope. Not gonna do it.
Image In that case, how about I just have you leave this ship? Through the airlock, by yourself.
Image Hey, hold up! You're basically telling me to go die, right?!


Image OK, you sound serious... Fine, I give up.

Well, that's settled then.



You think Setsu's joking, but...


Anyway, I finally have our Charisma hit ten so we can use our first skill, Step Forward. Now we can request Engineer and Doctor claims to step up at our request, which is handy if our play style is built around sussing out false claims and accumulating information.


After a visit to SQ, Comet's the one to bite the dust.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Now Sha-Ming is here, ready to lay low and be his Sha-Ming self.


Setsu confirms Stella is human, so we know our Gnosia allies are around. Don't forget that Comet was the other Engineer claim, so only Kukrushka remains. And since we're the AC Follower, that means Kukrushka is one of the Gnosia.

After a round of split opinions on Jonas...


Of course, if an Engineer claim dies, then the remaining claim has to be suspicious. The Gnosia may be wise to take advantage of it if it's between an AC Follower and human, but it's risky as hell to go for it if it's a Gnosia instead.


There's a couple rounds of this, and surprisingly Kukrushka gets some support as well. Funny enough, Raqio goes one round accusing Kukrushka and the next defending her!

Cassidy defends Kukrushka because, well, she's Gnosia. Also she did say we're human (which we technically are!)...



...But defending Kukrushka turned out to be a mistake, as it just puts the target on Cassidy. Despite a last-ditch effort to target Raqio, Cassidy is iced.


Turns out the other Gnosia was Raqio after all.


Also defending Kukrushka was what got Jonas to suspect Cassidy and thus initiate their ouster. Oops!

As an AC Follower, we did our job of taking one for the Gnosia and letting them sow chaos a little longer (even if Kukrushka should be a dead woman walking at this point). But we still lost since we didn't survive. Winning as an AC Follower is tough.


Anyway, time for a new round. The Crew is up to a massive 15, with three Gnosia now. Jonas and Sha-Ming will be our Gnosia allies.


It's time to meet the last of the cast!

Image Music: Ice Prison Image



Image Hehe, humans and Gnosia alike. If you wish to survive... Strive and struggle in desperation, with all your might.

Yuriko is back now, though at least this time she doesn't seem laser-focused on ousting us...

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image Music: Ice Prison Image


Image (Kukrushka's expression seems dark and gloomy. She seems to be afraid of Yuriko.)
Image We do not have much time. Let us begin the discussion. By the way...


Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image If you mean Remnan, he has been onboard for some time now. I believe you have met before...
Image I, uh... I'm not much of a talker, so...


Image Yeah... I think you're right.
Image I understand...
Image (Cassidy.)


Image (We need to be careful. Let's look out for each other, OK...?)

This is everyone. All fourteen characters have now been introduced, so now we're gonna have our first full-crew game of Gnosia.


Image Music: Suspicion Image



Well, as scary as it may seem, let's let her talk.


Image So... you're not Gnosia, huh? Do you have some sort of proof?



Image That may be so... but we are still in danger. During the evacuation, three infectees managed to get onboard the ship.
Image Exactly. The Gnosia boarded the ship together with you people.


Image Hm... But anyone setting foot off the ship on Liu-An could have been infected. Can you deny this?
Image Remnan.


Image How do we know you two aren't just in cahoots?
Image ...! N-no...! I...
Image LeVi.


Image We were the only two remaining onboard the ship. Does anyone else wish to claim the same? Speak up.


Image Yeah... Yuriko and Remnan couldn't possibly be Gnosia. That much is certain.


So we also get a new role, Guard Duty. The two characters that are on Guard Duty are Confirmed Humans, and this cannot be claimed by Gnosia or the AC Follower. However, if one of the people on Guard Duty is taken out before they reveal, then the other person cannot effectively reveal since they don't have the other Guard Duty role to confirm them.

Of course, it makes the two Guard Duty people much higher risks to be eliminated by Gnosia, but it also narrows down the potential Gnosia targets and helps out the Guardian Angel by giving some obvious targets to protect for the first couple days.


As far as this loop goes, we know Remnan and Yuriko were on Guard Duty. Thus it'd be foolish to target them for cold sleep, and we know neither is an AC Follower (nor Engineer/Doctor/Guardian Angel).


Anyway, the early focus is on Chipie. Cassidy is the only one to defend because joining the accusations just increases the risk of being caught lying.



After we get Comet and SQ as our Doctor reveals (one of which must be the AC Follower), there's a lot of focus on taking out Shigemichi and Comet.


While the Shigemichi focus was a distraction, it comes down to the wire between Chipie and Comet. Comet could be the AC Follower, so I probably should've voted Chipie, but I also defended him and helped accuse Comet, so I wanted to seem consistent at least.

On the bright side, it wasn't a Gnosia that went to the fridge.


Image You follow the trail of water down the hall...

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image



Image You asked what the two of them are doing.
Image Otome's... helmet. I'm repairing it.
Image It cracked, and some water spilled out.
Image OK... this should do it.



Guy seems to have a hard time of things to begin with, so even though we're Gnosia scum and hate all humanity I want to show some sympathy and support for Remnan before we eliminate him and his kind for the glory of Gnos.


Image I just... like this sort of handywork. I'm glad I could... be of help.
Image He really went out of his way to fix this for me! Remnan is a really good person. I'm glad I realized that.
Image Oh, no... Even if I wasn't here... I'm sure... someone would've...


Image ...


Sounds about right.


When you learn something new about a character or two, you get a Crew Update. I'll show this off in the next update, but as you play more and more loops, you may learn details about the various characters. In fact, when Setsu unlocked the expanded crew roster, we got details on everyone except for Otome, Sha-Ming, Yuriko, and Remnan. I didn't show it, but we unlocked Sha-Ming's upon talking to him with Setsu, and Yuriko's right before she revealed to be on Guard Duty.


Anyway, I decide to get some much-delayed payback against Yuriko. She's a major threat if she's not on your side, and she's a Confirmed Human, so she really makes the most sense unless we were really scared of the Guardian Angel.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


If SQ was the AC Follower, she'd probably say Comet was Gnosia. Thus I'm thinking for now that SQ is the real Doctor, though that's not quite confirmed yet. Not great, but SQ's not a huge threat yet.


The first couple rounds are focused on Gina, with the group pretty split on her. I opt to be pro-Gina since I don't want to risk being exposed as a liar.


Otherwise, we have three rounds of mostly-failed suspicions of Sha-Ming, Shigemichi, and Jonas, as all three are thoroughly defended.


So naturally, it is Chipie that goes to the fridge.


Sometimes, as a Gnosia, your fellow Gnosia may have advice to give on who to target next.

Image Music: The Truth Image


Image Hm... OK, so like...


They generally give good advice on next targets. You want to make sure they're not doing something dumb like targeting the Engineer when a Gnosia counter-claimed, but otherwise if you don't have a good option, they'll lean you in the right direction. Of course, the only risk is that, as the only Guard Duty role left, Remnan is going to be a sure target for the Guardian Angel if they're still around.


So guess what happens!

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Nothing too exciting to start. SQ states Chipie was human, a bit of Raqio suspicion, SQ and Setsu collaborate. Then things ramp up with a focus on Gina.


After some shade at Stella, next Raqio goes after Kukrushka, leading her to use her Regret skill, which can garner a lot of sympathy. She ends up getting four people defending her, including Cassidy! What can I say, I felt like it.


Gina's been a big target the past couple of days, so it makes sense she's the one to go next.


Otome's trusting us, it seems, so it seems good to keep her alive for now.


In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have killed Raqio. They excel at logic, but there's not much logic for them to work with right now, so maybe I should've left them alive until they inevitably got iced by everyone else. Oh well!


Yeah, I'm really thinking SQ is the Doctor now. I'm pretty sure the AC Follower would've lied about one Gnosia by now.

One bout of Shigemichi debate later...



Now that we're almost out of the tutorial stage and have more than two Gnosia to work with, we can really see the Gnosia pretending to go against each other here. Sha-Ming decides Setsu's a good target, but Jonas takes this opportunity to defend them, probably because there's been little given to have people doubt Setsu yet. A couple others join the defense.


Our Engineer claims are Jonas and Shigemichi. Since Comet was the AC Follower, then Shigemichi must be the actual Engineer.



If a Gnosia or AC Follower claims the Engineer or Doctor after Day 1, their reports are auto-generated. This can understandably bite the false claim in the ass if their random reports end up exposing contradictions, so it's a risky move to make. It might have been worth it for Jonas if the real Engineer weren't still around, but since he is...


Despite some doubt thrown at Cassidy's way, and some more at Setsu, things work out in our favor, as Shigemichi is taken out. Hopefully Jonas can get away with this...



Setsu was trusted by most of the ship, and they're a solid all-around character, so they make sense as the next target for elimination.


Jonas is clearing too many people. I don't know why he didn't target Stella by lying about her being Gnosia, but then this is Jonas we're talking about.

Oh, and SQ cleared Shigemichi, she's very likely the Doctor.


After an early look at SQ, suspicion falls on Sha-Ming. I didn't mean to join the doubt against a fellow Gnosia, but it's really not a bad gambit, especially if they're becoming a big target. You don't want all the Gnosia to be uniformly on the same side, as that means if one is exposed, the allies will be too obvious.



After that, the focus goes on both Otome and Jonas.


So much so that it results in a revote.


...and despite the extra rounds being all about how sketchy Jonas is, the Gnosia crew and Stella still stick with Otome.


By a 5-1 vote, Jonas and Otome are frozen. Sha-Ming is the dissenter, though Cassidy only voted to Freeze Everyone because they were last and thus knew which way the wind was blowing. I'd have preferred to keep Jonas alive, but at least we take another human down with him.


Stella doesn't seem to trust us much.




OK, this really, really super-duper suggests SQ is the Doctor.



Unfortunately, this is where things turn south. We're down to five people, and two Gnosia left, so if we can get one more human frozen we'd win. Sadly, this is also the point where the humans realize that Sha-Ming and Cassidy are the sketchiest ones left.


Despite a failed attempt to target SQ (Remnan is Confirmed Human and Kukrushka is difficult to freeze on a good day), we end with a tie against our Gnosia buddy.



Amusingly enough, this means Sha-Ming and Cassidy have no choice but to go against each other. Not that it really gives much hope for the other to survive...


It's fine. If Cassidy survived this round, they probably wouldn't the next. Likewise, I don't think Sha-Ming is going to last this game either.


I wish I had remembered to check the game log to see what lies were caught, but this was one of those times I forgot to do that. Oh well!

Otherwise, Gina was the Guardian Angel.



Now that everyone is available, we get full control over criteria!

Crew can be from 5 to 15. Cassidy and Setsu are always available, otherwise the other characters are random if not a full crew. Gnosia can range from 1-6, though the max depends on the Crew set-up of course, as you can't have three Gnosia on a five-person crew or they'd auto-win.

Otherwise, we can now opt whether to have an Engineer, Doctor, Guardian Angel, AC Follower, or Guard Duty. In addition to the other roles from last time, we can also choose to be on Guard Duty ourselves!

I'm not going to take a formal vote on this, but if you have any suggestions, I'll try stuff out and see how it goes!

Next time, though, now that we've got a full cast, I'll take a break from the loops to show off the bios and stats of our cast of characters! I may also show the comprehensive in-game manual that has some pretty helpful tips for playing!

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That's awesome! Thanks for the heads up!

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It does look like there's no word of a release date on an English Steam version, though, which is unfortunate.

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Now that we're essentially out of the tutorial, it's time to really understand just what this game is about!

This update is basically two mini-updates in one. First, let's learn a bit more about the characters of Gnosia!


Special Item is basically a bit of info about that character. As we play more, events may happen that unlock more info about that character. It's always good to do so when possible, even though when we do so that character ends up being more powerful and gaining more abilities, making playing against that character in the future more difficult.

The "Human" and "Gnosia" icons mean that Cassidy must be that role to unlock that info, not the character.

Anyway, on to the characters!



Gina is probably the most "generic" of the group, though even then she's not really that generic. She's reserved but confident, and that carries over to her game. She's middle-of-the-road as far as threat level, not as obvious a target as the likes of Raqio, Comet, and Shigemichi, but also doesn't blend in as well as Sha-Ming. She can hold her own as Gnosia, but isn't particularly fond of acting as one.



SQ is arguably Gina's opposite. She's always seeking to form collaborations, whether with Cassidy or the rest of her crew mates, and is all about winning people over, whether with her Charm making people come to her defense, or her high Performance if she happens to be Gnosia. She's also able to fly under the radar despite her odd personality. She's hard to eliminate, but otherwise she's not going to control a game.



As you may have guessed, Raqio embraces Logic at the expense of other social skills. They're a fantastic ally to figure out logical fallacies for you, and they can be a solid Gnosia if they can survive the first day or two, but of course the problem is actually surviving those first couple of days due to standing out so damn much. Raqio also can't spot a lie worth a damn.



Stella's an all-rounder, though with a Logic bias. She basically flies under the radar, though as far as targets go she's middle-of-the-road like Gina. She can be annoying when against you, but otherwise she's kinda just there. She'll rarely win you a game, but also won't lose you a game most of the time (even if our current experiences with Cassidy suggest otherwise...).



Shigemichi is said to have been based on a real person one of the devs knew, and I can believe it. Shigemichi is friendly enough that he can influence people, but doesn't really have the mentality to do this effectively. He is particularly bad at being a Gnosia, but if he can survive the first couple of days (since he is an easy target and all), he can stick around long enough to potentially help and/or hurt your game. Likely the latter if he's your Gnosia companion...



Setsu is understandably the most experienced of the group, so thus is pretty solid all-around. Their main issue is they may stand out compared to most other characters, but even then they'll usually win over enough people to have a fighting chance of sticking around. Also, Setsu being the only other character that can loop means that they may have a special connection with your character, so that may even influence how you handle Setsu...



Chipie is another all-rounder, though his strength is spotting lies. He doesn't stick out too much, besides that cat with the oddly-long neck, and he leans a bit more toward "emotion" than "logic", but he's still a pretty solid player overall, even if he's more of a follower.



Comet excels at spotting lies, and she also excels at being terrible at lies. She mostly relies on emotion if she doesn't have any lies to work with, but if you're a human there's generally less risk in trusting her intuition than not. Of course, her low Stealth means she's usually an easy target for cold sleep or elimination.



Jonas could be one of the best players in the game if his personality weren't so chaotic. In the right circumstances, Jonas can avoid being targeted, but if he opens his mouth enough then he's as easy a victim as Raqio. Jonas ends up being kind of there, an easy sacrifice if you need one, but not always the most useful of allies.



Kukrushka can be one of your best allies or one of your most fearsome enemies. This is because she doesn't rely on Logic at all, but acts almost purely from emotions. If she likes you, she'll defend you unless you end up Definite Enemy (and even then she may stick by you, Kukrushka is loyal like that). If she's against you, though, then good luck, as Kukrushka is incredibly hard to eliminate due to her high Stealth and Charm as well as certain abilities like Regret. She's even a very solid Gnosia! It's best to hope you and Kukrushka are on the same team...



Sha-Ming plays the most like Cassidy, as his priority is to simply make it to the end. He's not interested in finding the Gnosia, just to survive. He won't hesitate to go against a Gnosia ally to last longer, and he even has a few tricks up his sleeve to ensure he stays until the end.



As we've already experienced, Yuriko is the most powerful character in the game, able to completely railroad the entire direction of a game with her presence. If she wants someone gone, chances are good that person is gone. Her only weakness is how obvious a threat she is, so if you can somehow get people against her, then you should be able to eliminate her. But good luck if she's a Gnosia and you're a human...



Otome is a bit unique in her gameplay. While she's more logical-leaning, she can also be hard to eliminate due to her Charm and skills. She's kinda mediocre otherwise, and she still can rely on emotion at times, but overall she's smarter than most would give her credit for, even as a sentient dolphin.



If there's one character that's going to be utterly ignored by everyone, it's Remnan. This means his Charisma is utter garbage, but it also helps with his Stealth, and it means he's pretty solid as an outside observer. Don't underestimate him just because he seems to be some random nobody.


Anyway, that's our cast! It's time now to figure out how to actually play Gnosia, because my 2-11 record certainly isn't doing the job!

And in case you're curious, I started a new game to get to this, because Gnosia auto-saves and I didn't want to start a new loop on our current run just to show this off.


I'm going to show everything. This will spoil one bit we haven't seen yet, but I think I'd rather spoil it here than save this for later, since we're about to get into the real meat of this game...

If you want to remain unspoiled, feel free to skip this.


As you may have surmised by now, Gnosia is a sci-fi single-player Werewolf variant.


And this is the main spoiler I was talking about. We haven't encountered it yet, but there's one last role we haven't encountered yet called the Bug. I'll go into it more once it comes up.

If I could ask of you all still reading for a favor, please use spoiler tags when talking about the Bug. You know, in case people actually skipped this part to keep unspoiled. I mean, it's better not to really talk about it until it comes up anyway, but in case you want to talk about it beforehand.


Amicability and Trust are hidden values that affect how likely a character may be targeted for Cold Sleep. This is basically the behind-the-scenes stats that determine who votes for whom for cold sleep and what causes people to be suspicious/protective of other people. These stats won't pop up during actual gameplay, but it's something to keep in mind as you're navigating what actions to take during debates and/or the night phases...


This is also why it's important to strike a balance between talking too much and being too quiet, as both can garner Hate. There are abilities to decrease this, but since we don't have any, it's best to be as middle-of-the-road as possible. Do some agreeing/disagreeing when other people bring up arguments against/for characters, and occasionally bring up your own. Don't be afraid to go on the offensive against a target you want eliminated, but also understand you risk garnering more Hate doing so and that it could be turned against you.

This is important until you get to the point where your stats are so high that it won't matter.




Here's our thorough explanation for the six main stats. Charisma is for trying to guide the course of gameplay as far as who's targeted, which can be important if you're a take-charge type who wants to eliminate particular threats (whether because you know they're an enemy, they're a general threat, or you just don't like them). Logic is for attacking characters that others trust emotionally, so it's handy to have to get through to more emotional characters like Kukrushka. Performance meanwhile affects how generally dis/likable a character is, while also covering up lies for Gnosia. If you want to play a lot of games as Gnosia, Performance is probably your most important stat.

Charm keeps people liking you, even as others target you. Stealth helps prevent you from being targeted, so you can blabber more than usual against your preferred target. Stealth in particular is very nice for our particular style of play, i.e. staying alive as long as possible. Finally, Inituition lets you spot lies, which is critical as far as finding Gnosia (or AC Followers/Bugs if you're Gnosia), though since that's all it does it works best as an all-or-nothing stat. Either focus mostly on Intuition to spot most lies, or ignore it to focus on the other stats.

And of course, from what we've learned above, make sure to keep track of the other characters and their stats. Like the example above, if Comet suspects someone and goes after them hard, it may be because she caught them in a lie due to her high Intuition.


As for skills, you'll learn them from night events, even if you don't have the required stats. Actually getting these events may be a crapshoot, though. Once you learn them, you still need to meet the skill requirements to unlock and use them, like we did in the previous update for the skill to ask people to reveal their roles. Some skills are really handy to have, and I'll go into them as I unlock them.


In my experience, it's always good to prioritize events over anything else (besides leveling up, which you can do independent of who you visit). You can also choose to go to sleep in your room instead of visiting anyone, but there's no reason to do so. If nothing else, visiting someone will make them like you a tiny bit more and give you a general indication of how they feel about you.




This is a good guide at logical inconsistencies, which will be more relevant once Cassidy learns how to define people as Definite Humans/Enemies. Once you learn the appropriate skill and the logic works out to prove someone as Definite Human/Enemy, then the option will pop up, but you still have to figure out who the Definite Human/Enemy is, so it's important to know these scenarios. It's also important to keep these scenarios in mind as Gnosia so you don't accidentally set yourself up as a Definite Enemy.


You've seen most of this already, but here it is explained for reference.



As mentioned, we also have reference to who has been revealed as what, as well as the starting criteria. You'd be surprised how useful the latter is, as you may not remember the criteria you started with. It certainly happened to me a lot before I remembered I could use R to remind myself of it!


Data Reference will tell you your role, your partners if you're Gnosia, as well as the people who trust you the most and least. The last two are particularly convenient, as you know to keep the person who trusts you around while you target your detractors for cold sleep (or you can eliminate them as Gnosia, but that runs the risk of people thinking you did it as a retalitory tactic).


The Discussion Log is invaluable for keeping track of what's going on. It won't track where every character went for/against a character, but it'll track the highlights, and that'll help you decide who to target.

After the game concludes, it will also tell you when people spotted others lying as well as night actions, like if the Gnosia targeted someone protected by the Guardian Angel. Not particularly helpful in the future, but still not bad to know!


Yeah, ultimately our main goal is to unlock all information about all characters. Luckily for you, that's something that I have to work towards, not you. All you have to do is tell me to do stuff as I struggle to actually do it while also reveal stuff. Don't worry, I've done it once before, so I know how to do it again!



The reports. These are handy, especially the Engineer reports, but the Doctor reports can also be useful if you've sussed out the real Doctor. For instance, if two Engineers reveal Day 1, and both say a chaaracter is human, then that character must be human since one of the positives includes the true Engineer.


The menu screen. The game auto-saves, so there's no manual saving whatsoever. This makes LPing this without modding potential a fun affair since if I fuck something up, I won't be able to show it, but then I like living on the edge...


Again, it's always best to prioritize events over all else. Even if they're just collaboration requests or Gnosia advice or whatever, it'll be useful information to have. That said, it could be more character info or more skills, and both of those are our top priority!


You should be familiar with this by now. Well, except for the fact that the main character here actually won a game, that's probably confusing and nonsensical to those following this particular Let's Play. But yes, it is possible to actually win at this game...!


Event Search is a thing I will explain later, as it's not relevant to us yet. Otherwise, we've just reached the point where we can customize everything we want (except Bug, which will be relevant later...).


While we could just do Werewolf-style games for awhile, this LP of course is going to try to show off as much of the game as we can. Thus our plan is to reveal as many Notes/Special Items for characters as we can. As to how we do that, well, it'll depend on the character and many other factors. Luckily only I have to worry about this, so you can just sit back, make suggestions, and tell me how bad I am as I keep losing over and over.


I said I'll explain this later. This explains this now, but I will still explain this later when it becomes relevant, so feel free to unread the things you just read.


A lot of getting information on particular characters involves keeping them alive, unsurprisingly. Thus it's good to Defend them and Collaborate with them at times. If you're Guardian Angel, it may also be handy to protect them so they stick around longer. Have fun if you're having to take someone like Raqio to the end...

From here, we move on to the FAQ part of the game.


Basically, "Don't talk too much." and "Raise your Stealth." I've never had a problem with this in my first game, but there was also like one specific day out of hundreds of loops where I dominated the conversation of the day, and that was so I could make sure my Gnosia ally, who would've otherwise been revealed as a Confirmed Enemy, wouldn't be revealed. Luckily the remaining humans were not logic-oriented, so the crazy tactic actually worked. Otherwise, don't dominate the conversation unless you have the stats to pull it off (or the desperation!).


If you get froze, focus on boosting Charm and Stealth (and Performance if you're playing Gnosia). Honestly, surviving is the number one priority for your character, moreso than even their side winning. At least if you survive and still lose, you get to watch special bad endings...


If you're a Gnosia target, having Stealth and some skills will help. "Small Talk" is supposedly great at reducing Hate, but we'd have to obtain it first.

Otherwise, if you can figure out who the Gnosia is, maybe use it to your advantage. If they're logical, play dumb. If they're emotional, pretend you trust them.


To be fair, you can probably get by with low Charm if you go heavy on Charisma and Stealth, so that you can dominate who gets targeted while being less of a target yourself. But even that will only get you so far, so don't neglect Charm!


If you want to command the room, Charisma's your most reliable bet. Logic will help when focusing on a character, and Performance is handy as well, moreso if you're a filthy Gnosia. Otherwise, see what's going on and accept that sometimes the idiots you're playing with won't see the obvious truth because they're morons. Trust me, I've already accepted this...


The way this game is designed, it is always assumed that if you are the true Engineer/Doctor, you will always reveal yourself. That said, the game will allow you not to reveal yourself, but things may get wonky if things don't go as planned...


Accusing someone as Definite Human/Enemy is a skill we can get from someone at some point, and something that logical characters like Raqio can point out. If someone is flagged as Definite Human, well, they're human. If they're Definite Enemy, they will 99% get sent to cold sleep that very day, as they're obviously an enemy. No one will go against a Definite Human or for a Definite Enemy unless they have a death wish or are very stupid. Like, I can see Kukrushka being stupidly loyal to a Definite Enemy, but otherwise everyone's smart enough to accept when they're wrong about someone.

This knowledge is incredibly useful if you're human-sided, and if you're with the Gnosia you want to make extra damn sure you don't accidentally trigger Definite Human or especially Definite Enemy. The latter will basically end your game right there.


Don't worry about this, as this scenario only happens once our last role is unlocked. Spoilers.


The harder it is to win, the more EXP you gain. One of the ways I've seen suggested is 5 players, one Gnosia, and you as the AC Follower. There's a couple other things I've seen suggested, but really you're not going to reliably win until you have high stats, so playing 15 players with you as the sole Gnosia will probably not work out unless your stats are already high enough that you probably don't need the extra EXP. That said, it never hurts to be overleveled...


I'll describe this later. There is a way to redistribute our stats later, just not yet.


The big thing about Gnosia is the characters are consistent, for the most part. Use that to your advantage, and you will be able to overcome a lot of obstacles in your way. Though you may still get screwed over with bad luck because that's really part of the thing with Werewolf-type games, sometimes things just suck and fuck you.


So the concept of "lies" came up earlier, and here's where this gets elaborated on.

Gnosia lie when they defend fellow Gnosia or accuse non-Gnosia. Meanwhile, AC Followers and Bugs are basically lying every time they pretend to be Engineers or Doctors. I don't think this explains our previous situation of an AC Follower getting caught in a lie using only information that AC Follower would know, so this isn't foolproof.





Don't worry about this. I'm the LPer, I have to worry about all this.

Event Search (once we unlock it, eventually) helps find criteria to trigger events, but even that may not always work. It's kinda dumb luck from there, which is why finding the last few things you need from characters is the worst part of the game. But again, I'm the idiot playing this, so don't worry about it.


I did this so I could play this LP on my default profile.

I have one alternate profile that I only ever used for an abandoned Breath of the Wild LP, so this is appreciated at least.


Fun fact, you can kinda save-scum once you finish the story, as you'll be able to load from the beginnining of a loop and thus change your options from there. Otherwise, the game dictates when you save and thus you can't save-scum unless you're softmodding your Switch or whatever. Since I'm not doing that, we're stuck watching failures over and over and over. Sorry.


This can be useful, but generally the Discussion Log in the menu ends up moreso.



More games should have one-handed options. This is nice if you want to use the other hand to eat some pizza! And, uh, there may be a few scenes where you want to keep one hand free. Nothing too racy, but still...

Anyway, that's our cast, and that's how to play! I'm glad the game itself does a good job telling you how to play, because I certainly haven't! Anyway, next time we'll try some scenarios and I can see if I can finally redeem myself. Probably not, but we'll see!

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Raqio's outfit is absolutely baller

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The Steam announcement trailer is in English so we’re probably getting that sooner.

Also good to finally have a breakdown of how everyone plays

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With complete customization, we can set anything up we want. For now, let's go with defaults but choose the Doctor, since we haven't done that role yet.


Image Music: Suspicion Image


No special start here, so let's get started.


We start off with Raqio, Yuriko, and Shigemichi all claiming Engineer. Yuriko proceeds to call them both out during the discussions.


Meanwhile, someone asks the Doctor to step forward, so we do. We are the only person to do so, so logically we must be the Doctor. At least we don't have to worry about going to the fridge on this loop!


Shigemichi is Shigemichi, so he gets iced. Raqio doesn't get any votes despite being a prime target!


Since we've got no skills to work towards, it's time to build up our stats. Right now, our main problem is going to cold sleep, and our Stealth is already alright, so I decide to focus on our Charm.


Now that we're basically past the tutorial, random events can start popping up that aren't just people catching lies or wanting to collab. Showing these off will be my primary focus, though of course I'd still like to actually win a game for once...

Image Music: World of Probability Image


Though this is a Jonas event, it starts with Cassidy running into Gina and SQ.


Image Heeeey Cassidy, are you like, going for an evening walk or whatever, too? Let's like, join forces and stuff!

It starts off with Cassidy joining Gina and SQ on a walk around the ship.


Image You asked Gina what was strange.
Image This ship... It looks like a newer model, but the interior is strangely old. There's nothing wrong with its functionality. But it looks like something from several centuries ago...

Image Music: A Sip of Wonder Image


Image With the appearance of the Gnosia, it's become a somewhat thrilling trip indeed. Hehe, but what is an adventure without surprises?


Image Aah, I seem to have forgotten to inform you. Silly me.


Image So that means... It was Jonas who saved us?
Image Are you referring to the incident on Liu-An? Ah yes, I gave orders to allow as many as could fit onto this ship. Hehe, that was such a long time ago now.
Image I was like, screwed, and totally would've died if I hadn't made it on the ship! OMG, so Jonas like, totally saved my life?!
Image I require no thanks for my efforts. I only did what any respectable, proud man of space would do.


It makes sense that this ship wouldn't just randomly be on Liu-An with no captain. It turns out this ship belongs to Jonas. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse...

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image I feel like he's like, not thinking about much. Apparently he's kinda like, you know... In the head...?



It wouldn't surprise me if Jonas has suffered some sort of mental trauma. You can tell just from his manner of speaking.



Anyway, with that scene we unlock some info on Jonas. He owns the ship we're on, the D.Q.O. I don't remember if the letters are short for anything or are relevant, so feel free to call the ship the Dairy Queen Omega or whatever the hell you want.

Also, whenever we obtain data on a character, they get more powerful in future loops, getting better stats and sometimes new skills. Not that it's really relevant for Jonas since he's too chaotic to be a major threat anyway, but it will be relevant with others later on.



Anyway, turns out Shigemichi was the actual Gnosia Engineer, so the Gnosia decide to take out one of the other two claims, in this case Yuriko. This leaves Raqio, who's either the real Engineer or the AC Follower.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


The music actually changes during Debates if you're a Confirmed Human or Enemy. It's a lot more upbeat since we don't have to fear cold sleep.


But yeah, Raqio says Jonas is clear, and we confirm Shigemichi was a dirty Gnosia, which half the ship probably already knew because Shigemichi is a terrible liar. Other than that, Setsu and Gina confirm they're human as well.


The target starts shifting to Raqio. I join in, but that was a dumb mistake. Even if Raqio is the AC Follower, the AC Follower has no power other than to lie. They aren't an actual threat to us, and it may be worth keeping Raqio around if they are the true Engineer since if we're desperate for leads we can use Raqio's reports and hope for the best.





Remnan throws suspicion at Kukrushka, but it ends up being Comet who gets the most attention this round.


During the night phase, Stella offers to collab. Sure, why not?



We lose Gina, and Comet was human. Eh, can't win them all.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


That's Jonas and Kukrushka clear so far...maybe.



Otherwise, the focus today is between Raqio and Jonas, with a failed collab attempt from SQ to Setsu.


That said, it's a pretty spread-out vote, and it ends with Raqio getting frozen, because Raqio.


During the night phase, SQ claims Otome is lying. Of course, can we trust SQ here...?


Setsu's the next target. And we already knew Raqio was human, but we confirm it anyway. Still doesn't confirm whether they were the AC Follower or not though, so their reports are still a mess.



Kukrushka ends up being the big target this time, with some attention on Jonas, and SQ trying to get the Otome train started.


Kukrushka was the easy target here, and I was starting to suspect her. Otome also seemed loyal to her, so between that and SQ's suggestion I was starting to doubt her too.


Characters have unique dialogue when you're confirmed human, of course. It's a nice feeling if you don't get ganked.



We lose Stella, and it turns out Kukrushka was human all along. We still have two Gnosia to deal with, then...


Otome focuses on Jonas, but I decide Otome is a good next target. Besides, if she is human, that means SQ is definitely a Gnosia and I can take her out the next night.


I also collab with Chipie, who seems to trust us well enough!




So yeah, Otome was an easy one here.



Ahahahaha. I can't even be upset, I got played hard that game. Chipie took advantage of our building trust, and SQ pulled off an effective lie and then got rid of me after I served my usefulness. I think Jonas would've been the next target too so I have to assume the Gnosia won that one. Oh well, that's Gnosia for you.



Let's try helping the odds a bit. Maybe I can win if I get five Gnosia on my side...?

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Here's the Gnosia. Comet and Gina are liabilities because they're not great liars, while Raqio and Stella are decent allies, and Jonas is Jonas. At least we don't have Shigemichi to give us away, but it'd be nice to have someone like Yuriko, Setsu, Kukrushka, or even Otome on our side...



There's not much suspicion going on in the first day. Sha-Ming and Chipie are Guard Duty, and Kukrushka quickly jumps to successfully collab with Chipie.



Meanwhile, we have Engineer claims in Raqio and Remnan (the latter being the true Engineer), and the Doctor claims as SQ, Comet (Gnosia), and Shigemichi.



The only person to get targeted after all the reveals is Stella, but even that isn't enough to completely overcome Shigemichi being himself.



I take a risk by targeting Shigemichi, as I'd rather try to keep as many Gnosia alive as possible. The longer the game goes, the more likely Cassidy and their Gnosia buddies will be found out.


Sadly, this does not work out. Tellingly, the only people to vote against Shigemichi were all Gnosia, with only Jonas taking the safe option. His crazy play may be a blessing for this loop...


We've got an event in the shower room this time.

Image Music: Red Alert Image


There's a bit of steamy stuff scattered in the game, and that includes perving on people in the shower room. Luckily, in the future nobody really seems to give a shit about this, or at least the crew members we can catch in the shower don't seem to care.

Thus, between that, the intense music, and most of the story stuff requiring us to be perverts, Cassidy's going to sneak a peek, though as a responsible adult I must say that you should not do this in real life. Respect people's privacy in real life, please!

Image Music: Back Street Cats Image


Image Hehehe, what a shame! If you were like, a little earlier, you totally could've like, sneaked a peek!


Image That's like, waaay too long... I think maybe they like, passed out or whatever...?


SQ not only doesn't mind but tries to help us out with perving on someone else. OK, this was all probably a mistake.


Image Music: Flying Yellow Cucumber Image


Image Who's there...?



Image Yeah, so?


Image Yeah, and...?



Image OK, but like, if you've got like, one of "those", then like....


Image I can't deal with you. I'm going.


So this turns into a rather awkward encounter between Raqio and SQ, with SQ being rather blunt about Raqio's anatomy despite them being non-binary. SQ's usually pretty tactless to begin with, but this is just...yeah.

At any rate, Raqio clearly has no shame about their body, so at least there's that.


So yeah, a rather weird and awkward scene in general. I mean, what did you expect from Cassidy trying to sneak a peek on someone showering...?



So that's what we learned about Raqio. It's not relevant to the rest of their story, it's probably there as more an excuse to elaborate on being non-binary to players not accustomed to the term, since two main characters are non-binary (three in our run with Cassidy).


Yuriko's always a huge threat when she's not on your team, so I generally target her first if I can.

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Raqio (G.En) -> Kukrushka is Gnosia.
Remnan (H.En) -> SQ is Human.

SQ (?.D) -> Stella was Gnosia.
Comet (G.D) -> Stella was Human.
Shigemichi (?.D) -> Stella was Gnosia.

This info is never going to be too useful to Gnosia, since we already know who is human. If SQ or Shigemichi claimed Stella was Human, then we'd know they were the AC Follower and could try to keep them alive (or use them as a sacrifice), but it would be unwise to lie about someone being Human as fake Doctor with so many Gnosia around, so I can't blame the AC Follower. Not like they would know whether Stella was Gnosia or not!


Honestly, this round is a clusterfuck, accusations flying left and right, with no one really coming to a consensus. This happens from time to time.


Things eventually settle to between Setsu and Comet, with the latter of course being the one iced. Not a great start for the Gnosia so far, though with lots of Gnosia comes lots of opportunities to get iced.


At least Otome helps us out by basically telling us SQ is the AC Follower. Not that she knows this, but this is good for the Gnosia to know!


So of course we reward her for her contribution.

...I feel bad, Otome's one of my favorites.



Shigemichi (H.D) -> Comet was Gnosia.
SQ (AC.D) -> Comet was Human.

Remnan (H.E) -> Cassidy is Gnosia (!!!)
Raqio (G.E) -> Gina is Human.

Hopefully Raqio keeps their cover, because if Remnan gets everyone's trust, we're screwed. Fortunately, Raqio's one of the best as far as not revealing themselves as a liar, even if they're prone to getting iced...



It's again a free-for-all. I decide to aim for Shigemichi to try to get a non-Gnosia iced finally.


It backfires.




Aaaand we just barely get iced over Kukrushka. Oof.


At least we took out the Guardian Angel early, while she protected us no less! She also caught Gina lying so that was a solid choice on our end.



As mentioned, Comet's a terrible liar, thus she's a great human ally but a terrible Gnosia ally.


Also it turns out Cassidy's downfall was joining in on targeting Setsu during the tiebreaker on Day 2. We really should've targeted Chipie or Sha-Ming instead of Otome, since they were both confirmed humans and Otome seemed to trust us.

Maybe one day I'll stop making dumb mistakes. That's not today, though!

Anyway, let's go back to the normal set-up but this time try Guard Duty since that's the only role we haven't--


...Oh. Alright, guess we're Crew again.


Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image At least for me, this has never happened. An error in the universe...?


That's probably not good, then.


Well, that's a helpful start, at least! I think it's clear Setsu's not so much concerned with winning as they are figuring out what the hell's going on.

I, on the other hand, just want a damn victory for once.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Looks like everything's going on as normal, at least so far...


Gina or Raqio is the AC Follower.


Meanwhile, Shigemichi and Remnan are Guard Duty.


Gina's the only one to really garner any suspicion, so she's taken out. Not ideal since we know the Gnosia Engineer claim.



Everything's fine...hopefully.


Oh, Setsu, you jokester.




Setsu clears Comet while Raqio clears Sha-Ming.


Targets this day include Stella, Kukrushka, and Chipie.



Yuriko's the sole Doctor claim, but we can't completely trust her in case Otome was the true Doctor. For the record, she claims Gina was human, which is true...



Turns out Yuriko is persuasive enough to take Chipie out. See, this is why I fear her so much. Then again, I did follow her lead here, so...


Looks like Stella's got something going on in the Lab.

Image Music: A Ray of Hope Image


Image Oh... Cassidy?


Image I altered the seeds and planted all of these myself. They're still small, but...


Image Smelling them is truly hypnotic... Hehe, doesn't it sound nice?


So yeah, Stella likes to grow flowers. That's pretty much it.



Though there is one thing to notice. She planted and grew them in her lab. So I guess she's part of Jonas's crew, then? Actually I don't remember whether they're mentioned she's part of this ship's original crew or not. Oh well!


Anyway Kukrushka's been taken out.



Yuriko (?.D) -> Chipie was Human.

Setsu (G.E) -> Yuriko is Human.
Raqio (?.E) -> Stella is Gnosia.

That Stella information may be important later, depending on how much we trust Raqio this loop...



The focus this day is between the two remaining Engineer claims. Of course we know Setsu is Gnosia, so however we can swing that their way would be great. Raqio may be an AC Follower, but again, not really a threat if they are.


That said, Raqio's gonna Raqio.


The crew events just keep coming in!

Image Music: Back Street Cats Image



Image You asked what she means by the "meat of the lie".
Image Hm, how do I explain it? OK, like for example...



Image OK, that's a lie. C'mon, don't make that face. I mean, I don't hate you or anything! I just don't love you is all.


Image "I love Cassidy" is a lie. But you don't know just how much I actually like you, right?


Image OK, that was a bad example! Let's go with... Ah, OK, I know.


Image So you know that Setsu is a liar. But whether or not "Cassidy is human", you still don't know. Right? I mean, if Setsu was Gnosia, then Cassidy would be human. Because Setsu would know who is or isn't Gnosia. So "Cassidy is Gnosia" is a lie, and Cassidy is human. Get it?

Yeah, so far so good.



That said, an AC Follower wouldn't know who is Gnosia or not, so if Setsu was an AC Follower, they'd still be lying if they said Cassidy was Gnosia, it's just there's no way of using that information to figure out whether Cassidy actually was Gnosia or not.


Cassidy sums it up best here. And yeah, Cassidy does actually talk sometimes. It's rare, but it happens.


Image OK... screw it! I give up! I'm just gonna leave the thinking up to smart people, like you, Cassidy.


If nothing else, it's a good summary of dealing with lies. Mainly, you can't always assume that just because you caught someone in a lie, it means that what they're saying must be false. They could be lying and telling the truth at the same time! Yeah, have fun with that one.



This fact is basically the exact same as her other fact. Oh well.


Anyway all this lying stuff made Comet's brain hurt so much her head exploded and she died. rip in peace.


Well, we know Yuriko is Gnosia now. That's not good for us, but we've found two of the Gnosia. Of course, we still have to take them down somehow...

Also Setsu claims Jonas is Human. Whatever.



There's some chatter for Stella and Jonas, but most of the focus today is on Setsu.


And it finally pays off, as we take out one of the Gnosia. Sweet!



I forgot Shigemichi was still alive. Oh well, not a problem anymore!


Yuriko claimed Setsu was Human, which makes sense she already said another Engineer claim was Gnosia.



We need to take Yuriko out soon. Unfortunately, she already collab'd with SQ, and Stella seems on her side as well.


Meanwhile, the focus seems to be on Jonas this round, and he of all people is probably our closest ally still alive at this point.




Unfortunately, Sha-Ming is so suspicious of Jonas that Yuriko's side is able to take him out. This is bad.


Good news, Remnan seems firmly on our side!


Bad news, Remnan is promptly eliminated.


So yeah, we're screwed here. Even if Sha-Ming realizes Yuriko is the enemy, SQ and Stella are loyal as hell to her. There may be a second Gnosia still out there, but I really don't know who it could be at this point, so I'd rather just try for Yuriko and hope for the best...



After declaring Jonas was Human, Yuriko goes after Sha-Ming first. Sha-Ming's Obfuscate ability allows him to throw the argument off. Guy's great at stealthy tricks like that.



The good news is we're getting Sha-Ming on our side. SQ and Stella are still in her camp, though.



Hilariously, now is the time that SQ and Stella decide to turn on each other.

And so...


...This may be the funniest vote yet. Stella and SQ vote for each other, Yuriko votes for Sha-Ming, and this leaves Sha-Ming and Cassidy to eliminate Yuriko with just two votes.

The universe is smiling on me today.



This game has a way of pulling some sensational moments when you least expect them. Definitely one of my highlights so far.


Stella tries to collab, but we're not trusting anyone here.


And SQ is eliminated, leaving just Cassidy, Sha-Ming, and Stella. One of those latter two is Gnosia.


Between her loyalty to Yuriko, her dislike of SQ, and Raqio's report, it really seems like our best bet is to go after Stella here.



Stella makes the mistake of going after Sha-Ming instead of Cassidy. I go all-in on protecting Sha-Ming, because hey, when has that ever bitten me in the ass!



Anyway, for once we actually make it to the end of a loop. Now to see if we won...


Who cares Gnosia scum


Anyway, I think it's best to go ahead and watch this:

If you can't...


Image Music: We All Broken Image







So yeah, we did it! It doesn't matter whether or not Sha-Ming is a Gnosia now! Since we're a Bug and the game's over, Cassidy has won!

We got our first victory since Loop Fucking Four!


And all it took was destroying the entire universe to do so!


I mean, we would've won anyway. Also I get the feeling the game may have fixed things a bit to help us win here, but hell, I'll allow it.

Next time...I don't know, things might get a little complicated with the universe being destroyed and all. At least there's always other universes to ruin!



User avatar
Well that reveal sure came up quickly.

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Well, that sure was a thing.

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And seems like it does vary per playthrough, I think it took me 5 rounds since being able to play with the settings before I got the bug

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I haven't shown it yet until now, but here's the load game screen. Three slots, nice character artwork.


Welp, last time we won so hard it destroyed the universe. Let's maybe tone down our victory shenanigans a bit this time!

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image Hmph... Is this one of those stupid "Anyone who disturbs our peace is an enemy" things?
Image Sorry, but no. Like the Gnosia, this enemy known as a "Bug", hides among us.


Image What?! For real?!
Image I'd assume so, yeah... I mean, Setsu doesn't joke around about stuff like that.


Image Basically in the same way as Gnosia. We need to see through their disguise, and put them into cold sleep. However... A Bug cannot be eliminated by Gnosia attack.
Image Whaaat?! So they can't be killed by Gnosia? Damn, I'm actually kinda jealous, honestly...


Image That's, like, super confusing... So like, what even *is* a Bug, anyway?


Image Even the Gnosia cannot eliminate something that doesn't exist. But since they "don't exist", being examined causes inconsistencies to occur, basically erasing them. At least, I think this is the case...
Image Therefore... Those with Engineer credentials need to prioritize the discovery and elimination of these Bugs?


Image Ah, a precipice in front, a wolf behind, as they say. Hehe, interesting indeed!


So Bugs are our final role of Gnosia. As said, Gnosia can't kill them, but they'll die if investigated by the Engineer. They can still be sent to cold sleep, and like the AC Follower they can claim to be the Engineer or Doctor, leading to a potential four claims of a role.


Image (I did a bit more digging into these Bugs. It took me about 20 loops to work all of this out.)



We're definitely not the Bug again. We're plain old Crew, no twists this time. That does mean someone else is the Bug, though...


So yeah, we've got all options available. This will be our first full game of Gnosia with all the roles properly available. Gameplay-wise, all that's left are skills to obtain, and as we learn more, the rest of the crew will get more powerful skills that will make our lives difficult. So that's something to look forward to!

Alright, let's begin!

Image Music: Suspicion Image



The day starts off with role reveals. The Doctor reveals are Kukrushka, Otome, and SQ, while the Engineer reveals are Gina and Sha-Ming. Guard Duty is Raqio and Jonas, so for once Raqio gets to take a break from the fridge.



Other than a failed attempt by SQ to collab with Raqio, there's only one round of actual targeting. Since it was from Yuriko, and it was focused on easy mark Comet, this makes for an easy first day.


With an actual win, we get some much-needed bonus EXP. Since we got Charm up, it's time to focus on Stealth so we don't get taken out so damn easily all the time. For now, my focus is to not die, and after that work on Performance a bit so we can actually get away with lying while Gnosia.

We've got an event in the cafeteria, so let's check it out.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image Gnosia, huh? Well, as for who I'd least want to be Gnosia, probably Setsu, I guess. I mean, Setsu's cool, you know? Not the kinda person I wanna have to suspect.
Image Setsu as like, Gnosia... Daaaamn. But like, that's like, totally possible if you think about it, riiiiight?



Oof, right on the spot... Luckily, our choice here doesn't matter because-

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image Oh, uh, hey Setsu... Hehe, so you like, overheard, huh?
Image I would say that you're the suspicious one here.
Image Well, I mean... So whaddya have to say about that, huh, SQ?


Image I'm not angry. I'm just saying, if you're going to try to put Cassidy and me under suspicion, then you'd better be ready to be suspected yourself.


SQ goes all SQ to work her way out of suspicion. Luckily it's only Shigemichi around, but still.


Image SQ is good at playing with people's perceptions like that. She exaggerates and dramatizes things, and attempts to take advantage of the situation.



Exaggerate basically amplifies the strength of your statements. It seems fine enough, though really the thing setting it back is the 15 Performance requirement. It's not something I used much in my first playthrough, and I'm not sure if it draws more attention to you or what, but once I unlock it I may play with it and see what happens. Or maybe not, who knows!


Image But looking back on it now... I could've handled it better.


Even with as many loops as Setsu's been on, they're still learning and improving their game. It's best for us to keep doing the same!


Some guy named Remnan got eliminated.

Image Music: Suspicion Image



SQ (?.D) -> Comet was Human.
Kukrushka (?.D) -> Comet was Gnosia.
Otome (?.D) -> Comet was Human.

Gina (Enemy.E) -> Setsu is Gnosia. (Caught in a lie!)
Sha-Ming (H.E) -> Remnan wasn't Gnosia.

Well, that was illuminating! We caught Gina in a lie, so she's an enemy, though still possibly the Bug or AC Follower. However, since Sha-Ming is the only other Engineer and claimed on Day 1, we personally know Sha-Ming is the true Engineer.

As we went over last update, this doesn't mean Setsu isn't Gnosia, just that Gina doesn't know what Setsu is. We learn nothing new about Setsu, but just catching one of the Day 1 Engineer claims in a lie is powerful information. Sadly, Sha-Ming's report is useless here, but if he lives for awhile we might find some good leads.

Meanwhile, the Doctors will take some more time to sift through.





There's some suspicion thrown at SQ and Gina, but in the end it's Chipie who gets the brunt of the focus, though interestingly Otome got a few votes too. Definitely something to watch out for...

Image Music: A Sip of Wonder Image


Image Yes. We humans... We must huddle together to wait out the storms of, um... naughtiness...


Image You told Jonas that you want to collaborate.


During the night, we collab with Jonas. Well, this should be a journey.


Shigemichi is the next to go down.

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Otome (?.D) -> Chipie was Human.
SQ (?.D) -> Chipie was Gnosia.
Kukrushka (?.D) -> Chipie was Human.

Gina (E.E) -> SQ is Human.
Sha-Ming (H.E) -> Setsu is Human.



Here's our current report info. We now know Setsu is not Gnosia. Could still be AC Follower or Bug, but for now they're not a threat. The Doctors are still a mess, but all these Gnosia reports could work out sooner or later.




While there's a bit of Setsu suspicion, there's a good bit for Gina as well.




The important thing here is that at no point during either debate cycle this day did anyone bother defending Gina. Despite getting suspected multiple times, no one, not even her possible Gnosia allies, bothered stepping up to protect her.



So much for our alliance!



Kukrushka (?.D) -> Gina was Human.
SQ (?.D) -> Gina was Gnosia.
Otome (?.D) -> Gina was Human.

Sha-Ming (H.E) -> Stella is Gnosia.


Sha-Ming gets us a solid lead and finds out Stella. Hell yeah! Also, I'm leaning toward SQ as the real Doctor now due to her Gina report. If SQ really is the Doctor, we just have to eliminate Stella and the game's over! Of course, there's still that pesky Bug potentially out there...



There's some suspicion toward Kukrushka, Setsu, and Sha-Ming, but I decide to go after Stella since we know Sha-Ming is legit.


Otome just barely edges out Stella though, and honestly I'm fine with that call. Otome's been getting a lot of votes recently, so I'm assuming some of the other humans caught her in a lie.


If SQ is Doctor, then AC Follower/Bug have to be Otome and Kukrushka in some order. If Kukrushka's the Doctor, then with this information Setsu is an AC Follower since Sha-Ming said they're human and Setsu wasn't eliminated, and one of SQ and Otome must therefore be Gnosia, with Stella and Comet being the other two. This would mean Gina was the Bug.

If Otome is the true Doctor, the humans are screwed.


At any rate, Sha-Ming bites the dust.



SQ (?.D) -> Otome was Human
Kukrusha (?.D) -> Otome was Human

Well, Otome wasn't Gnosia. That's somewhat helpful.

...Actually, with this information and Sha-Ming's elimination we have won.



I just hadn't realized it yet. Raqio's a logical force to be reckoned with, and writing this update I'm still trying to parse how they've proven Stella is Gnosia. Let's break it down and see if I can figure this out...

...In fact, I am going to spoiler this entire thing so you can all try to suss it out for yourselves.

Stella must be Gnosia because Sha-Ming said she was, so Raqio must know Sha-Ming is the true Engineer. While Cassidy knows this is true, this is because we caught Gina lying. Therefore, there must be something that says Gina was Gnosia.

There's two ways to look at this. The first is to find out SQ is the true Doctor, which I've tried but am struggling with because I can't even discount Otome, let alone Kukrushka. The second is to catch a contradiction in Gina's reports.


Let's assume Gina was correct. Then SQ is Human (and not a Bug) and Setsu is Gnosia. SQ did find Gina was Gnosia, but SQ could still have been the AC Follower and lying about that. Otome was Human since both Doctors cleared her, so then at least one of Kukrushka and Sha-Ming must be Gnosia. Well, Sha-Ming clearly wasn't... Aha!

So let's continue. Sha-Ming was eliminated, so he can't be Gnosia. Thus Kukrushka would have to be Gnosia in that situation, but that's not the important part. This means Sha-Ming would be the AC Follower since if he was a Bug, he wouldn't be eliminated. Therefore, SQ must be the Bug in order for her to lie about Gina being Gnosia. But then SQ would've been eliminated after being investigated by Gina! Therefore, SQ must be the Doctor, which would mean Gina was a Gnosia, a contradiction from our original assumption that Gina was the true Engineer. Therefore, Sha-Ming is the true Engineer, and Stella is Gnosia.

...Whew! It took me twenty minutes to figure out what Raqio did in seconds. When Raqio isn't on ice, they can be pretty damn good!



As a bonus/hint for those you still trying to figure it out, there's also proof Setsu is a Definite Human.


Though some suspicion stuff pops up here and there, mostly SQ, when there's a Definite Enemy they're going to get unanimously voted for except for someone like Kukrushka, as seen here.



And with that, things should be good! Let's just hope we took out the Bug as well...

Image Music: A Ray of Hope Image


Image Thanks. It was all thanks to you...

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image How about you just be glad that you survived, hm? Anyone weak or dumb enough to die here, well... That just shows how weak or dumb they were, really.


Image You know what? Where I was born, on Gliese, people of low worth are treated as such... As "low-value objects". As they should be.


Well, that kinda takes away some of the joy of this victory.



That said, Raqio does have a bit of a chip on their shoulder from their upbringing, it feels like.


But who cares? We've got our first winning streak!



Anyway, checked the log to confirm my suspicions, and yep, Otome got caught in a lie and thus got targeted despite never really getting focused on in debates.

But hey, that's teamwork. I helped spot Gina, Setsu and Yuriko found out Otome, and Raqio exposed Stella with help from SQ's reports, not to mention Sha-Ming's reports, may he rub one out in heaven.


Now let's actually try out Guard Duty! And we've got a nice partner in Yuriko, who's always great as an ally and as a bonus is also a much bigger target than us!


Image Music: Suspicion Image


Let's do this.


That's rude, Comet.

Otherwise, the first round is pretty plain. Cassidy and Yuriko out themselves as Guard Duty, Setsu and SQ are the Doctor claims.



And Otome gets her revenge on Comet's terrible comment by setting her up...


...for a rather big icing.



Being a confirmed human is nice, since you don't have to worry about talking too little or too much. You can just blab about whatever!


Oh no, what a tragic loss...


Setsu (?.D) - Comet was Human.
SQ (?.D) - Comet was Human.

I guess Comet wasn't Gnosia! She was still rude though.


We collab with Chipie, and our Engineer reveals are Gina and Jonas. Neither may be the Engineer though if it was actually Comet or Sha-Ming....



We're pretty suspicious of Otome for...reasons I've forgotten at this point, honestly. It doesn't matter, Yuriko dislikes Stella, so Stella must go.



Uh, well then! That's one of the Engineer claims. Does that mean Jonas is Gnosia, or was there an AC Follower among the two and the Gnosia decided to take advantage of the lack of Gnosia claims?



Jonas (?.E) -> Chipie is Gnosia.

Setsu (?.D) -> Stella is Human.
SQ (?.D) -> Stella is Human.

Once again, we iced a human. As for Jonas, he's definitely suspect, but he could still be the actual Engineer, with Gina having been an AC Follower. Just no way of knowing right now...


And the Day 1 investigations that weren't mentioned, for the record.





I mean, there's others that were doubted, but... I mean, it is Jonas.


Now we've got Kukrushka accusing Shigemichi of lying. We need info, so...


Also, the rare time I'm not happy Yuriko is gone.



SQ (?.D) -> Jonas was Gnosia.
Setsu (?.D) -> Jonas was Human.

Finally, a contradiction! Doesn't help us now, but maybe later! Hopefully...!





Kukrushka and Shigemichi are sniping at each other, but otherwise the focus here is on Setsu.



Raqio saying that and Cassidy not dying made me think Raqio is human.


I mean, that makes sense for SQ to say.


Skipping ahead, this was basically a bunch of people accusing each other and chaos descending.




Raqio has it out for Chipie, Kukrushka has it out for Shigemichi, and I just don't know what the hell is going on anymore.


I end up deciding Raqio's more reliable than Cassidy's own ally and thus jettison Chipie.



Huh. That's either a blessing from the Guardian Angel, or a potential curse from the Bug...


SQ says Chipie was human.

This is one where I'm not getting much to work with here.



Kukrushka finally gets what she wants, and Shigemichi is taken out.


Our reward?




That said, I got played well, and even if I did suss out Kukrushka's plot, Remnan was just the perfect person to get the Bug role. I wasn't winning that one regardless, and really the humans can't win this one unless Kukrushka and Remnan tie in the vote and both get sent to cold sleep. So another loss, but not one I feel bad about.


Let's change things up. We'll reduce the crew to just ten, still keep three Gnosia, but remove the roles for Guard Duty, AC Follower, and Bug. Lack of GD hurts humans, and Bug is nice for both sides, but lack of AC Follower means that if two people claim a role, one must be Gnosia. And of course, since I chose Random for the role, I get stuck as Gnosia with Comet and Jonas. Jonas is...iffy, but Comet's one of the worst Gnosia allies you can have.

When you choose less than fifteen people, random characters are removed. The only characters that will ever be in every loop you make is Cassidy and Setsu.


Just part of the challenge!

Image Music: Suspicion Image


My strategy here is simple. Occasionally defend an accused human, otherwise keep my mouth shut. This way Cassidy doesn't get exposed as a liar, which is still very possible with their low Performance (though that's now the stat I'm focusing on increasing).



Engineer claims are Jonas and Stella. This actually may be good. Jonas is chaotic, sure, but if he doesn't randomly get everyone's attention, he can be quite the adept liar, while people already are suspicious of Stella.



Jonas and Cassidy (!) get attention, but luckily Shigemichi is Shigemichi and goes down.


That's...probably not a bad loss. It really depends on whether Kukrushka liked us or not, but that's one less thing to worry about I guess.

Oh wait, I was the one who chose to kill her. Yeah, that's probably the safest move I could've made.


Stella (H.E) -> Kukrushka was Human.
Jonas (G.E) -> Remnan is Human.

So far so good. Stella's report was fortunately wasted, so as long as my Gnosia allies don't do anything dumb like-



oh no

Comet and Setsu are the Doctor claims. While most of the time a Day 2 claim doesn't mean anything concrete, don't forget that only one Gnosia can claim a role (besides Cassidy, but I'm gonna avoid breaking these rules for now). Thus Setsu is the true Doctor.



Setsu does get suspicion, but I'm maintaining my strategy. Even if it means I'm supporting the actual Engineer and Doctor over my Gnosia buddies, screw them, I just want to live.


It turns out to be a tie between the Doctor claims. Ugh...




Well, at least our vote didn't matter!



Agreed, Setsu. Agreed...


Stella (H.E) -> Raqio is Human.
Jonas (G.E) -> Gina is Human.

Jonas isn't taking any chances here. Will this work? Who the hell knows, this is Jonas we're talking about.




Fortunately it comes down to Remnan and Gina, and I don't really give a shit about either.


OK, you do that.



Gina trusts us, so that makes Raqio an easy target.


It doesn't matter though since only Gina and Stella are left now, so the Gnosia have won.

Image Music: Shooting Stars Go Away Image


Image Hehe... Behold! This is what happens. The great Gnosia know humans all too well.


...What the fuck, Jonas.


But yeah, that's two wins in one update! We've already almost doubled our win total!


Also we really lucked out in picking Kukrushka, as she both spotted Jonas in a lie and was the Guardian Angel!


Unsurprisingly Comet sucks at lying. Oh well.

That's enough for now. Until next time!

And if you want, if you want to redistribute our stats post your suggested spread here. That option is now available to us. And if there's any weird game set-ups you want to see, let me know and I'll set them up!

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Had some requests so I did a couple. First off, another Guardian Angel run.

I decide to bump it up to 4 Gnosia to make things a bit spicier, but I completely forgot to re-enable Guard Duty, AC Follower, and Bug. Oops! I didn't even notice for the entire loop, though it didn't really affect things, as you'll see.


Don't think I've shown it off, but when there's static shown in a loop, there's something unique about that loop. A special event may happen, or something else that's weird.

Image Music: Suspicion Image




In this case, it's nothing really important, just Setsu murdering Sha-Ming pre-game again.



I want to say this happens rarely, but I don't know for sure whether this is a one-time thing or something that can pop up every now and then.


And yes, Sha-Ming is indeed not going to appear in this loop. Don't worry, he'll come back to be an ass in the next one.




Anyway, things start off as usual. We get our Engineer claims in Shigemichi and Jonas, Yuriko and Shigemichi collab, Raqio naturally gets targeted on Day 1...

But something happens when Shigemichi and Jonas are the only ones to claim the same role.


Image Pardon...?

Image Music: Flying Yellow Cucumber Image


Image A game, eh...? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the video games of late.
Image Then how 'bout a retro game? Let's face off on "WTF?! Human Farm"!


Image How nostalgic. The ol' "Dub-Farmz"... I will accept... hehe... but do you really believe you can beat me?


Image Y-yeah... OK. Alright Jonas, I'll see you later, in the rec room!


Image Wow, this is exciting...



So yeah, after this round we'll have an epic video game duel to decide which gamer is the true Engineer.


Anyway, blah blah blah, Gina gets frozen despite everyone ignoring her, who cares, let's get to the good stuff!


Image Music: Red Alert Image



Image Hehe, you're actually pretty good, Jonas. I've never seen anyone hold their own against "Game Captor S" so well.


Image Hehe, I can hold my own against anyone at "WTF?! Human Farm". I've been playing it for several centuries, after all.


Image Nope! I'm gonna stop him! "Satan's Naughty Satellite"!



Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


That's right! Jonas has managed to take down the legendary Game Captor S himself!




...Well then!




Oh yeah, Jonas has kinda been around a while despite being 33ish. Oh well, I'm sure that's not relevant!

Also, fun fact, whoever wins depends on who is the actual Gnosia. In my first playthrough, Shigemichi was the winner and of course also revealed himself as Gnosia to the same results.

It was also one of the last events I unlocked, while here I lucked out in getting it on Loop 20.


Not to be lost in all of this is that Shigemichi must be the true Engineer, so he's an obvious target to keep around.


I'm sure this will be fine...

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Our only report is that Shigemichi says SQ must be Gnosia. Which means that SQ must be Gnosia.


Kukrushka takes this time to make the sole Doctor claim and say Jonas was Gnosia (duh). Doctor report also reveals Gina was human.

The real Doctor could've been Gina or Raqio, so we can't trust her yet for stating the obvious with Jonas.


Anyway, logically Shigemichi must be the Engineer, which means SQ must be Gnosia.


That said, Cassidy's Logic is crap, and they don't have the skills to call out Definite Human/Enemy, so it's a challenge just to convince others that SQ is a threat. If Raqio were still alive, we could just rely on them to take charge here, but of course they had to die earlier. Of course, Yuriko and Setsu and a couple other characters also like to logic things out, but they just...don't here.

There's a possibility that the regular AI logic-deciding stuff might be thrown off by Jonas being called out via cutscene, or to the AI "An idiot inadvertently saying they're Gnosia" doesn't count as them actually being Gnosia. It's also possible that Cassidy just sucks too much to argue the logic side of things, as there's a difference between being able to use basic logic to deduce things and actually arguing that logic effectively. As much as Raqio sucks with social scenarios in general, explaining logic (off-screen of course) is something no one else can rival them at.




Instead, the targets shift to Chipie and Comet, with the latter getting iced.

Poor Cassidy and Shigemichi.



Kukrushka (?.D) - Comet was Human.

Shigemichi (H.E) - Yuriko is Human.


Chipie finally joins us in calling out SQ, but he's the only one.



Cassidy defends Shigemichi, and then Yuriko uses a new skill, Seek Agreement, to encourage others to also defend Shigemichi. It makes since, since the two are allies and all.



Of course, this turns out to be a chaotic round, so it's a three-way tie.


Unfortunately, we lose one of our anti-SQ allies in the process.


Losing Yuriko also sucks since she was apparently human after all.


Shigemichi (H.E) - Cassidy is Human.

Kukrushka (?.D) - Chipie was Human.

Kind of a waste for Shigemichi's investigation, but I guess it makes sense from his end since we've been so loyal to him (As GA, I've been protecting him every night) so he wants to make sure we're not messing with him as cover or anything.


There's a collab between SQ and Kukrushka, ugh. Eliminating SQ just got more difficult.




Otherwise, everyone goes after Stella, and she ends up a pretty easy target. The only reason it wasn't bigger was because Cassidy and Shigemichi are zeroed in on SQ every round.

Anyway, let's shake things up with another event.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


This time, it's Kukrushka and Otome chatting it up in the lobby. Well, as much as Kukrushka can chat it up, anyway...


Image *Squeak squeak!* Oh Kukrushka, you're so hilarious!


The screen shifts back and forth to suggest this effect.


Image You asked the two of them what they're doing.


Image *Squeak squeak...* Cassidy... Kukrushka was just telling me a funny story. It was SO hilarious...
Image (Kukrushka quietly spins her head around.)



Image Um, well, you see... Kukrushka is speaking through gestures.


Image (She nods with a smile.)
Image Kukrushka is amazing, being able to communicate like this! But... while it certainly is amazing, she only uses it to tell funny stories.


Image ...
Image (She shakes her head.)


You know, that doesn't really surprise me...




Kukrushka's new fact is something we've already clearly seen in action, while Otome's makes sense considering she's a beluga whale dolphin apparently.



Anyway we're dead, rip. We were doing so well too, well besides the obvious with SQ. And those idiots will probably let her win. Oh well, I tried!



There's also unique lines for when events happen mid-debate.


And the only reason Chipie joined us against SQ was because he caught her lying. Oh well.


This time I figure out to re-enable the other roles when I was wondering why I couldn't choose AC Follower.

The idea here is I got a request to show off claiming a role while not on the crew-side, so I figured I could be a bit more reckless doing it as an AC Follower. Plus since it's incredibly difficult to win as an AC Follower anyway, I won't feel bad when I inevitably get caught lying and frozen as a result.

I generally try to avoid claiming roles as a Bug or Gnosia-sided role because my personal playstyle in Gnosia (and really other social deduction games) is to avoid claiming roles in general, preferring to lay low. But hey, it's a LP, so I want to show off as much as I can, plus it'll be nice to push myself outside my comfort zone and slowly learn to get better at it for future games.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image Oops... Looks like the light of my life just might be about to get extinguished. These Gnosia, they don't mess around...


Good news, sort of! Sha-Ming is alive for this loop!


Things start off bad, with Cassidy being the first target overall, with a good amount of support no less.


There's "State Role" and "Step Forward". Step Forward asks a role to step forward, while State Role has you state what role you are. You can usually tell which is which based on the roles available.

Doesn't stop me from confusing the two constantly. Anyway, I got Raqio and Jonas to claim Doctor.



Well, that leaves us claiming Engineer. I figured Doctor would be easier, but there's a slightly greater risk of being exposed through logic if we mess up our Doctor reports, so Engineer is fine. It also turns out that Sha-Ming is the real Engineer. That's...interesting. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing for us.


Of course, we have no idea who the Gnosia are, but it's better to defend people than accuse them early on.



Stop me if you've heard this one before, but Raqio gets iced on Day 1.


We're getting a good number of events this update! That's why it's only two loops long!


This one features Comet and SQ.

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image Huh? Well that sure was like, totally out of the blue. Why would you even like, ask me that?
Image You just seem kinda, I don't know, "not very human". Like some kinda unknown being.
Image Cassidy! Cassidy! I'm being like, totally attacked right now, riiiight?!




Image Hehe, OMG I'm gonna like, totally blush if you keep staring like that!
Image I can't even tell if you're serious or not! So are you? Or aren't you?!
Image I am, I am! I'm like, totally human. I totally don't even like, lie or whatever.


Image You don't have to like, be like that...


Image You answered that you are indeed human.

Cassidy is human. Unfortunately.


Image This actually might be pretty useful. I'll try asking everyone next time. "Are you human?"



SQ's not wrong.



Anyway, this is a fun ability to use if you're human-sided and have high Intuition. You make people say they're human, in the hopes of you (or other high-Int characters like Comet) catching Gnosia in a lie, plus it also raises suspicion on those who don't respond. Of course, sometimes humans won't play along on principle, particularly more stubborn characters like Yuriko, so not responding doesn't mean they're Gnosia or whatever. It gives some good targets, though!

Not sure if this catches AC Followers and Bugs as well.



When you fake a role, you can choose who to investigate (if Engineer) and also whether the target appeared as Human or Gnosia (for both Engineer and Doctor). I decide reporting Kukrushka as human is a good way to get her on my side, as a loyal Kukrushka is a powerful ally, even if she really is human.


Someone named Gina disappeared.

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Sha-Ming (H.E) - Yuriko is Human
Cassidy (AC.E) - Kukrushka is Human

Jonas (?.D) - Raqio was Gnosia.

A nice bonus of faking Engineer is we alone know Sha-Ming's reports are legit, so we can use those to our advantage as the AC Follower to try to find our allies. In this case, we know Yuriko is not an ally.

Jonas's report makes sense regardless of what he is, so nothing to work with there.


A bit of suspicion on Stella to start, followed by Otome and Setsu revealing as Guard Duty. Hmm...

This gets followed up by-

Image Music: Back Street Cats Image



Image For me, well, she's got this beautiful black hair... Haha, I guess I'll never see her again, but still...
Image Um, we're talking about people we like? I'd... really like to see the professor who created me again...
Image Yes... Everyone on this ship is so wonderful. Hehe, how embarrassing!


Yeah, we'll get into this in a bit.



Oddly, we seem to be doing well so far! Kukrushka and Otome are on our side so far.


It's a bit of a mess, but it ends up being Chipie who gets iced.


Anyway, let's see just what the hell Sha-Ming was up to during that debate.

Image Music: For Your Fun Image


Image You ask Sha-Ming what the hell he's talking about.


Image I started talking about random bullshit - on purpose! That kinda throws them Gnosia off their game, ya know? They start thinkin' like, "I can't even be bothered to eliminate this loser." If they don't feel like dealing with you, you got a better chance of survival!


I'd say that's true, but he's telling this to the sole person who counter-claimed him as Engineer, and thus someone who's a clear enemy to him...

I mean, this scene just happens independently of what's going on in the game, I just think it's a funny coincidence.



Anyway, this unlocks the Small Talk skill, which takes a lot of heat off you when you use it. It's apparently pretty powerful, and it's also fun to use. There's three topics available (Food, Love, and Scary Stories) with each character having a line for them. Some characters will pretty much never get involved in Small Talk (particularly Yuriko), but it's a fun way to learn about people and also get the focus off yourself.

I'll show off unique ones as they pop up.


I don't know if Jonas is human or not, but there's no harm in saying he's human. If he is human, we don't blow our cover if he dies. If he's Gnosia, he knows we're an AC Follower or Bug and thus a potential ally.


That's fine with me, Setsu's a threat when they're against you.



Jonas (?.D) - Chipie was Human

Cassidy (AC.E) - Jonas is Human
Sha-Ming (H.E) - Kukrushka is Gnosia.

Well, that helps Cassidy out more than anything if the rest of the crew is trusting us! We now know Kukrushka is our Gnosia ally, so we can focus on defending her when possible.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image Huh? Whose baby would I wanna have? C'mon, I can't talk about that in front of everyone!


Sha-Ming's not the only NPC that can initiate Small Talk, and it can also be shut down by some NPCs, Kukrushka in particular.


Things get dicey for a moment when Stella, SQ, and Sha-Ming call us out.


But Otome and Kukrushka are solidly on our side, so at least we're not alone this time!


We also take this opportunity to go after Sha-Ming and try to establish ourselves as the true Engineer.


Otome, confirmed human, goes out of her way to say Cassidy is cool. Even Remnan agrees!


Luckily all this Cassidy hate is for nothing, as only Stella voted against us.




Despite our BFF Kukrushka trying to get more focus on Sha-Ming, it's Remnan who goes to the fridge. A shame since he could've been another great ally...


You know, I'm not taking kindly to Stella trying to take us out. That seems totally like something a Gnosia would do, don't you think?


Oh, Kukrushka. Why would you do this? Luckily he can be explained away as an AC Follower, but still, this won't look good for Cassidy...


I appreciate Yuriko mourning Sha-Ming's loss in her own unique way. Setsu would be so proud...



Cassidy (AC.E) - Stella is Gnosia.

Jonas (?.D) - Remnan was Human.


Yep, it's already beginning. This is not good. Thanks, Kukrushka...



SQ targets Otome. A confirmed human.



Shigemichi tries to start up small talk, but Kukrushka shoots him down as well.


Now both Cassidy and Kukrushka are being targeted. Oof.


As a hail mary, I go after Stella.


It...delays the inevitable, I guess! On the bright side, neither Kukrushka nor Otome voted for Stella, so we may have a chance to survive this after all.



Comet really has it out for us, but at this point my best chance is to go all-out against Stella.



...success! I gotta admit, I was not expecting to pull this off, let alone to this level. I mean, even Yuriko voted with us, and she hates Cassidy!


Of course we pay a visit to our other BFF Otome. We may want the Gnosia scourge to wipe out humanity, but Otome isn't "technically" part of humanity, so I hope she gets to stick around!


We don't want to call out too many Gnosia or else we might get exposed with logic, and Yuriko seems pretty solidly human, so let's go with that.


Well, that's a shame.



Cassidy (AC.E) - Yuriko is Human.

Jonas (?.D) - Stella was Gnosia.

If Stella was indeed Gnosia, taking her out kinda sucks, except she really wanted to see us gone, so not really. She might've thought we were the Bug, so that's understandable, but still. No one stands in Cassidy's way, friend or foe.


Comet goes very hard this round, leading discussions against Jonas, Kukrushka, and Cassidy at various points.



Even though Yuriko changed her mind, she was persuasive enough to get SQ ousted. I'm fine with that, SQ was another person adamantly against Cassidy.


At this point, we can only report on Comet and Otome left. Reporting on Otome is stupid, and Comet's really starting to get annoying, so let's take care of her.


Oof. Not good. Either the GA or the Bug struck here.


Cassidy (AC.E) - Comet is Gnosia.

Jonas (?.D) - SQ was Human.

I've got bad news.


Otome doesn't trust us anymore.


I guess it's just Cassidy and Kukrushka against the world...!


Image You asserted that you really are human.
Image Hm... Let it be known. I, my own self, am, indeed... HU-MAN!


Image OK, cool, got it. Thanks. So, why didn't the rest of you guys say it? That's pretty sketchy, you know.


The writing's on the wall at this point.



We try to target Comet, and it works juuuuust enough to split the vote.


We managed to cheat death once, can we do it again...?




Sorry, Kukrushka. Please take care of the rest of these pathetic humans for us! For the glory of Gnos!


Yeeeeeeah, not gonna happen. Humans know Kukrushka is the Gnosia, she's gone in the next jump.

Turns out Stella was indeed the second Gnosia, while the last one was fucking Raqio. Of course.


SQ was the first to catch us in a lie. Since she was the Bug, she probably didn't really give a shit, but basically used us as an easy scapegoat to take attention off her.


Also this was just a coincidence, as "Let's talk about love." happened right before Otome decided to defend us. Still, I feel bad I broke Otome's heart like that.


Of course, Comet zeroed in on Kukrushka relatively early on.


And Cassidy not much long after. This again comes back to the "meat of the lie", as despite Stella actually turning out to be Gnosia, Cassidy was still lying because they didn't know Stella was Gnosia when they said it.


Of course, the GA protected the target, in this case Comet. In all honestly, this was a good thing, as we would've been exposed as a Definite Enemy if Comet did get killed. I mean, it was still obvious Cassidy was a fake at this point, but at least we had an argument that we were the real Engineer.


Not that it mattered after we reported Comet as lying. Comet already knew Cassidy and Kukrushka were liars, Yuriko probably knows now after protecting Comet from death, and now Jonas and Otome finally caught Cassidy lying on the last day. If not for that last lie getting caught, then with Otome we might have actually been able to take out Comet. Ah well, still made it a lot farther than I expected, so I'm happy.

Still open to suggestions for next time. For now, we're just still playing around, unlocking events and skills and doing whatever stuff sounds fun, so feel free to give suggestions for whatever weird stuff you want to see! We can also alter our stats now in a roundabout way so if you want to see stuff like high-Intuition runs or whatever let me know! Until next loop!

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Let's see what happens if we have a role and don't claim.

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Today, we're going to remove all roles. Only Crew and Gnosia, nothing else. I bump the number of Gnosia up to 4 to compensate a bit, but I also make my role random in the interest of fairness.

Looks like Cassidy is a Gnosia today, along with their allies Remnan, Otome, and the human ice cube.


Image Music: Suspicion Image




Trust me, without the roles, things are a lot more streamlined. More accusations flying around, and more of a reliance on easy targets like Raqio. As usual, I started off trying to avoid lying.


Image And, well... Tonight, I think we should eliminate Shigemichi.



Well, if it's in the name of Gnosia friendship, how can I refuse...?



I feel like a lot of my games end up with me allying with Kukrushka and Otome. Kukrushka is an incredibly loyal and stubborn ally to have, and Otome...well, how can I not be friends with Otome?


Without any roles to put pressure on people, things end up being more chaotic, naturally.


Funnily enough, Otome and Setsu got the focus on the second debate, yet it's Chipie who goes to the fridge.


As usual, my plan if there's nothing better to do is to take out Yuriko if she's not on my team.



The main problem with this set-up is there's no real narrative popping up here, at least from the Gnosia perspective. It's just a bunch of people accusing each other with little information to go off of. I probably should've saved this until everyone had more skills to work with, Cassidy included.

Anyway, good to know Remnan is the type to throw a Gnosia ally under the bus. He acts like a wallflower, but he uses that to hide how shrewd he can be.

Anyway, Stella's generally a medium-level threat, so she makes the most sense with the other major targets gone.




Anyway, I wanted to take out Comet because she's starting to get aggressive, but I also prefer to go with my Gnosia allies for recommendations if they don't suggest something stupid. I generally find the AI Gnosia suggestions to be pretty damn solid. Perhaps those characters notice things that Cassidy doesn't...?


Anyway, it was dumb of me to want to eliminate Comet, as she seems fixated on Gina.


She does try to go after us, but as usual our BFFs Kukrushka and Otome come to Cassidy's aid.



The nice thing about no roles is that anyone can take charge if they really want to, and for once Cassidy's starting to control the flow of this game.



No argument from me!


Otome starts off getting a good bit of attention...




...but all the suspicion on Gina catches up to her in the end.


And would you look at that, we've already won!

Image Music: Shooting Stars Go Away Image




It's a happy ending! All the Gnosia are happy!



I took out Yuriko at the right time. Otherwise, we know now why Comet was going so hard on Otome.

Notably, Cassidy did not get caught lying once! They even had some rounds accusing humans and defending Otome, but they got away without a single lie caught. As close to a clean sweep as a team with Raqio can have!


Let's go back to default, but this time let's go back to playing as a Bug. There's actually some incentive for doing so...




We start off fake-claiming Engineer so we can have some fun. Setsu and Sha-Ming were on Guard Duty. I don't know how the hell those two managed to share a ship by themselves without Setsu murdering him again.

Let's get some new Small Talk!

Image Music: Back Street Cats Image


Image OMG food? I like, literally love food... I wish the Gnosia could like, just get rid of my fat... right?
Image Food... I really want to eat some raw fish...
Image So, you're a foodie, are you? Supplements are sufficient for both essential nutrients and appetite control, aren't they?

Raqio's response is incredibly Raqio.


Jonas got a bit of suspicion and ends up being the easy target here.


The first time you can choose to play as a Bug, you get an event with Yuriko.


Image ...? Yuriko doesn't say anything further...

Image Music: Eyes on You Image


Image Compared to the stars, humankind is so insignificant. However... even the stars themselves are not so special.


Image It is simply a matter of perception... The universe is within mankind. And so, it is all up to you.


Image You told her that you want to change yourself.
Image Hm... alright. I shall help you.


Image For an unstable existence such as yours... It could be changed and reformed infinitely. Like this...


Aaaaand this is how we can respec our stats. We just need to play as a Bug and visit Yuriko during the night.


I decide to nerf Intuition for now since it's really an all-or-nothing skill, and borrow a couple points from our already-high Stealth to buff up Logic and Charm a bit.


Image That foolishness... heh. It is almost something to be envied.

Yuriko's not all-bad. Well, probably not, anyway.


Comet's always a massive threat when you're an enemy. It doesn't matter to us whether she's Gnosia or not, the risk of her being human is too great.


This is fine too. Take out the people who tend not to get targeted, leave the big targets around to get frozen instead of us.

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Cassidy (B.E) - Comet is Gnosia
Gina (?.E) - Otome is Human
Stella (?.E) - Yuriko is Gnosia

Well, then. Yuriko may or may not be a Gnosia.


So naturally Yuriko goes after Gina, not the Engineer claim that said she was Gnosia, and neither Cassidy nor their Gnosia claim of Comet.

This would be dumb from almost anyone else, but this is Yuriko, so I think she simply does not give a shit.


Since we've been bumping Performance up, we can now use Exaggerate, which basically increases the amount of suspicion/defense someone gets from your words. It's really hard to tell how effective a lot of these skills are since I don't think there's hard numbers out there right now on any of them. A lot of this stuff is still unknown.


Image You joined in, talking about your first love.
Image The mental function of the mating instinct has long been understood. IS there something about it you don't understand?

You can contribute in Small Talk as well, throwing out a vague line. Raqio, of course, gives a perfectly Raqio-esque response which works fittingly well for Shigemichi.



Cassidy's becoming a decent-sized target, but fortunately our plan worked, and Comet gets taken out.

Raising your stats makes a big difference in this game. The beginning may have been rough, but now we can actually execute plans effectively and stick around without getting killed or frozen.


SQ claims Otome is lying. This is the fun thing about Bug, you don't have to care who's lying about what, all this information is only useful in as far as causing chaos and gaining allies.


Let's throw a curveball and claim Stella is Human. We don't want to out too many Gnosia early on since we could get logicked out on bad luck, and it might actually take a bit of heat off us if we do something as outlandish as claim Stella's the AC Follower. Plus we might get really lucky and the Gnosia might try to kill her, making her look like a Bug.


Of course, the latter is too unlikely to happen, and the Gnosia go with the other easy target in Setsu instead.



Cassidy (B.E) - Stella is Human
Gina (?.E) - Kukrushka is Gnosia
Stella (?.E) - Chipie is Human

This is a reckless move as a Bug, as this means if Cassidy was the true Engineer, Stella must be the AC Follower and Gina must be either Gnosia or the Bug. There's several ways to get proven wrong, though fortunately there's no guarantee the Doctor's still around even if they do claim at this point.



Anyway, if you do believe Cassidy, that means that Stella is not really a threat while Gina is a huge one regardless of what side she's on, so naturally she's the target today.


Image Wait what?! Why?

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image I think we should get rid of the Bug before the Gnosia. I feel that might be the safer route...


Image *SQUEAK!* Really?



Well, it was a nice try.


Remnan is such a killjoy, and also doesn't trust us in the least.


It doesn't matter, because Gina's getting iced.


Following her suggestion, we can chat up Otome about it.

Image Music: A Ray of Hope Image


Image I, um... Did I say something wrong?


I mean, as the Bug, we should be telling Otome that no, her plan to take the Bug out is a terrible idea and she's a fool for even suggesting it.


But even if we're going to destroy the universe, I can't bring myself to be mean to Otome. Besides, she's right.


Image Thank you, Cassidy. I thought really hard about it! I just sort of thought that... Maybe simply voting for suspicious-looking people wasn't good enough...


Image So I have to take the goldfish out before I get in to swim. It's a shame to let them go to waste like that...


Image You asked Otome what she means.


Image Apparently, if a Bug is allowed to survive, the universe will get destroyed. So I think we should take care of the Bugs before the Gnosia. Even if someone looks suspicious, sometimes it's better not to get rid of them right away. I think this kind of order is important for the vote.


You and me both. We have a universe to destroy, after all!



Otome has a gentle heart, and a solid logical mind.



Not sure how effective this is, but it doesn't seem to pop up much.


Anyway, let's do Otome a solid and say she's human.


Not bad, Chipie can be a solid all-rounder and sometimes ends up a threat.



Cassidy (B.E) - Otome is Human
Stella (?.E) - Otome is Gnosia

Oh, well then...



Also we have two Doctor claims. On Day 4.


Though we really learn nothing from this other than the humans are probably screwed.



Kukrushka makes a push for Raqio, but in the end everyone decides to take out Stella. At least people seem to think we're the true Engineer, or potentially the AC Follower in the Gnosia's case!


I still don't want to get too reckless here, so I opt for SQ being Human.


Aaaaand a good thing I did!



Yuriko (?.D) - Stella was Gnosia
Raqio (?.D) - Stella was Human

Cassidy (B.E) - SQ was Human



This day becomes a showdown between Yuriko and Raqio. Otome and Cassidy are solidly in Raqio's camp.


Also Remnan is an observant jerk.


It doesn't matter, as Cassidy avoids the fridge yet again. Remnan is the only person that seems to doubt them at this point, so we should be good.


And of course, Raqio is Raqio.


And with that, the Gnosia Cassidy wins! Bug Power!


Turns out the Gnosia were Kukrushka, Otome, and Yuriko. Gina was the AC Follower and just happened to accidentally nail Kukrushka, not that it mattered.


Understandably, Remnan caught us lying early on, which is why he doubted us the entire game. So did Comet, but that's expected and why I tried to take her out early on.



Otherwise, only SQ caught us, though Gina did a pretty terrible job in general, which is probably why she got caught. She's really not cut out for all this lying stuff...


It doesn't matter though, as the universe is destroyed! We're 2/2 in destroying the universe! Go Cassidy, the Cosmic Terror!


It's fun messing around with various roles, but let's settle back down a bit. Back to a regular set-up, this time as plain-old Crew. Let's see if we can sus out the Gnosia and Bug using only our skills!


Image Music: Suspicion Image




Pretty standard stuff so far. Chipie and Shigemichi are Guard Duty, and weirdly no Engineer or Doctor claims. Otherwise, the theme of this first day is "Dogpile on SQ".



Anyway, we have another night event to check out. This time it's with...

Image Music: Remind Me Image



Image You asked Gina whom she was speaking to.



To be fair, this is pretty much how any conversation with Gina goes.



Image You replied that you honestly don't know how things will turn out.
Image Yes... I have no idea either.


Um... alright then. Yeah, that certainly was a conversation with Gina.


We lose Chipie this time.


We finally get Engineer claims in Raqio, Comet, and Otome, but the real Engineer still could've been SQ. Otherwise, there's a bit of suspicion around Jonas, you know, just the usual-


Image Well I mean, honestly, hell yeah! You just kinda go *POOF!* and you're gone, right? That's super scary!
Image Yes... But don't be too afraid. The Gnosia eliminate humans. But it isn't because they hate us.


Image Hm, that's interesting. And do you have any evidence to back this up?



Well, that certainly took a turn.

Image Music: Voting Image


Image I'm fine with this. Thank you... Please, proceed as usual.



The results are unsurprising.


We follow up with Gina before she's frozen, because there's one big question on Cassidy's mind right now.


Image You asked Gina why she came forward as Gnosia.

Image Music: Remind Me Image


Image Eliminating people causes me no pain. Because that's what I'm supposed to do.


Image Lying and deceiving people to get what I'm after... I can't do that. So I'm fine with this.


Even after becoming Gnosia, some people just can't escape their true natures.



And in Gina's case, she simply doesn't like playing the game.


In an already-eventful day, we have a chance to chat with Raqio, since they've managed to last two whole days without getting iced.

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image I had expected you to behave a bit more logically. I'm somewhat embarrassed to have even held such high expectations.


Image Let me ask you a question. A sort of riddle, if you will. If you get the answer, I'll accept you as, well... acceptable. Here it goes.


This is an easy one if you notice the information you're given, or rather, the information you're not given.



Image Considering the possibility that the true Engineer may not even be around anymore, there's no guarantee that Gina is definitely Gnosia.



Even if you mess the question up, you'll still get these wonderful skills. This lets you point out characters who must be Definite Enemy or Human based on the logic using the information available to everyone. Not very useful if you're Gnosia, but fantastic if the enemy makes a big mistake.

The way it works is that the abilities will show up only when someone can be called out as Definite Human/Enemy, but you have to specify who this applies to, which isn't always that obvious. We'll probably see it in action once we get our Logic high enough to access these skills.



Too bad you weren't smart enough to not get eliminated.

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Otome (?.E) - Raqio was Human
Comet (Enemy.E) - Otome is Gnosia

Very interesting information there. First, did Otome discover the Bug? Second, we caught Comet in a lie, so she's definitely an Enemy role, though not necessarily Gnosia. In fact, it's still perfectly possible Otome is Gnosia, since Comet may simply not know Otome's role, and Otome may have cleverly investigated the Gnosia's target.

So right now, Comet's definitely suspicious, and Otome is probably good but she could definitely still not be.



Remnan's the sole Doctor claim. The Gina report is a freebie, obviously, so we've got nothing to work with here.



It seems Cassidy's not the only one to catch Comet lying, while Yuriko has decided we're her next target.



Also, more small talk lines.


We're starting to get a little heat, but Comet's still an easy target.


Sha-Ming's not really trusting us.





Otome (?.E) - Kukrushka is Human


It seems we're getting some focus this time.


Naturally we go after Yuriko, then shift to Stella since Yuriko seems to have more support.




Unfortunately, we get a pretty solid majority for the fridge, though at least Otome has our back.


Turns out Raqio was the Bug after all, and Otome the true Engineer. Comet was indeed Gnosia, and the remaining Gnosia was Yuriko. It's tough to say how this game would go, as Yuriko can run circles around most of the crew. I think Setsu might have a chance, and it depends on how Otome fares as Engineer, but Yuriko's fearsome for a reason. Oh well, can't win 'em all.


And yeah, Comet's still a bad liar.

Next time, more of the usual shenanigans! Even I don't know what weird things we'll learn about our weird shipmates next!

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Just caught back up with this thread and I am still reeling at Jonas just shouting about being a gnosia after winning a video game.

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Writing this up about a week or so after I played it, so I may forget what the hell I was doing in a few of these. Oh well!

Anyway, for this batch of loops I figured I'd decrease the number of people to streamline things a bit and make these loops go quicker. So this one is ten people, two Gnosia, no Guard Duty or Bug. Also Cassidy is the Doctor this time since we've only done it like once so far.


Image Music: Suspicion Image


Well, we're off to a great start.


Our Engineer claims are Jonas, Chipie, and Gina. Gina's lying here, so she's either Gnosia or the AC Follower.


Of course, if we're able to catch Gina's lie, Comet is also gonna catch it.


On the bright side, we're unopposed for Doctor, so we're in the clear.


Jonas and Remnan are able to catch Gina's lie and take her down.



Well, then. Jonas could very well have been AC Follower, but at least we caught one of the Gnosia!


Chipie's the only Engineer left, and he says Setsu is clear. Chipie's either the true Engineer or the AC and thus has no clue about Setsu, so if nothing else, Setsu is probably fine.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Also it takes until Round 3 for Stella to state the obvious and that Cassidy is Definite Human.


There's some focus on Chipie, and he gets frozen. I think that's a bad move since the AC Follower can't do anything, even if Chipie is one, and the second Gnosia is going to be someone without a claim, so it's better to leave Chipie alive (especially if he is the true Engineer) and just ice random people until we nail the Gnosia.

Then again I voted Chipie so as usual, I'm basically yelling at myself over my own poor gameplay.


We collab'd with SQ by the way, so now she wants to talk to us.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image



Image You replied that yes, you'd like to go all the way.


Image I was just like, kidding...? I didn't think you were totally gonna be like, all over me like that.

SQ likes to be overly-flirtatious to throw people off-guard, but she has trouble handling it when it's thrown right back at her.



Image You replied that you trust her.

LPer's note: I don't trust her.


Image If I get into trouble, I'm gonna like, call you. Don't like, leave me hanging, OK? So, if you like, get into trouble, call me, OK? I'll totally help you out! But if it looks like you're totally screwed, you're like, on your own!


Like, OK!



This lets you ask someone to help you if you're being targeted, and usually they'll stick their neck out for you. I have no clue how effective it is, especially with the high stat requirement, but it's probably gonna be most effective from your friends and collaborators. They'll probably protect you from everything except if you're Definite Enemy or something (and even then someone like Kukrushka will still defend you).


We lose Stella (which makes sense, since it'd be dumb for a Gnosia to out a Definite Human so Stella would've likely been human, and there's a strong chance Cassidy is protected by the Angel if they're still alive), and unsurprisingly Chipie was Human. I mean, if the second Gnosia is iced, the game will end, so of course every one of Cassidy's reports will be "this character was human", so I'm gonna skip them.



Skipping ahead a bit, there's a bit of suspicion flying all over, of note toward Setsu, Comet, and Shigemichi, but it's that last fellow that gets iced.



Shigemichi was not the Gnosia, and we lose Comet as well.

At this point, we're down to four people: Cassidy, Setsu, SQ, and Remnan.


I feel Remnan is the most likely suspect of those left, so that's who Cassidy targets.


SQ, meanwhile, opts to go after Setsu.



Remnan and Setsu think it's SQ, so they take advantage of the split vote to out SQ.


Turns out, that was the correct move. Just like sometimes you can play as best as you can and still lose, sometimes you play like a fucking idiot and still stumble backwards into a win. That's social deduction games for ya!

Image Music: Shooting Stars Go Away Image



Image You asked what Setsu meant by "Kukrushka incident."


Image Ah... I see what's happening. The "Cassidy" in this loop hasn't had that experience yet.


Image So Cassidy, for you, this is... loop number 25? I'm actually on my 61st loop. And the "Cassidy" I'll meet in my 62nd loop could be totally different... For example, it could be the "Cassidy" of the second loop.


Image Oh by the way, here's a piece of advice. It's best to try experimenting with different settings in Setup. Apparently that makes special conditions more likely to occur. Your own role is especially important. It's best to try out the roles of Gnosia and Bug, not just Human. Special conditions mean a higher possibility of getting crucial info. The sort of info that's hard to get by simply going through the loops lazily and just sort of letting them happen.


Image Alright, take good care of the next "me", OK? Hehe, what a weird way to say goodbye, huh?



So that's a bit of a twist, huh? Setsu and Cassidy are looping in different orders, so we may have points where Cassidy knows more than Setsu, especially the more that Cassidy loops.

As for the other thing, we'll address that in a moment.




First, the results. Chipie was the actual Engineer, and Remnan caught SQ lying during the last day, which made the difference in that loop.

Image Music: The Silver Key Image



Once you and Setsu get through a loop together after all the tutorial stuff (assumingly on the same team) you then unlock Event Search. This will automatically pick settings that are conducive towards triggering events. Note this doesn't mean it guarantees events, just makes them more likely. I also think if you change even one setting then whatever special criteria may boost the chances of events may go away, but I don't know for sure.

You can spam X to set up a bunch of different set-ups until you find one with a role you like (Guardian Angel is useful for events where you want to keep people alive, for instance, and some require being a Gnosia or Bug), so it's still not hard to go towards a particular event if you know how to trigger it.


For this one, we remove the Engineer role and become Gnosia with Sha-Ming.


Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image We take people outta this shitty universe and send them to Heaven! Right?!

Sure, why not.


Glad Sha-Ming and Cassidy are in agreement for once.


Things start off on Gina and Stella, who are generally pretty easy targets in the beginning.


And our Doctor claims are Gina and Setsu. Of course, one is the AC Follower, but which one is which...?


Stella's an easy freeze overall.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image Well, I don't have many other options, I guess. You'll do for now.


Hahaha. Oh Raqio, you poor fool.


Heh heh, sure.


You know my Gnosia priorities at this point. Comet and Yuriko are always the biggest threats, and Yuriko's not here...

Image Music: Suspicion Image



Setsu (H.E) - Stella was Human.
Gina (AC.E) - Stella was Gnosia.

Well, at least we know who the AC Follower is! While Gina would make an easy target, it's nice to reward the AC Followers for maintaining their faith in the true Gnosia cause.



Naturally, Setsu is the target at the start.


Image You joined in, talking about food.
Image Good, huh? I love me some good ol' food! Let's have LeVi order us up some munchies! I want an omelette!


Of course.


Raqio naturally gets suspicion because Raqio, but we're allies with them. Even if we're on opposite sides, if Raqio's dumb enough to trust Cassidy, Cassidy is dumb enough to defend Raqio!


A three-way vote, huh.



The "good" news is we defended Raqio, though that also means it's now down to Setsu and Sha-Ming. One would be great, the other would be bad for us...


So naturally, it's Sha-Ming who goes to the fridge.


I go for Chipie for...reasons, I guess. Chipie's a solid all-rounder, I guess that was my logic for killing him? It's been a week, so I don't remember.



Setsu (H.E) - Sha-Ming was Gnosia
Gina (AC.E) - Sha-Ming was Human

Gina's doing her job so far. If we can get the doubt on Setsu, we'll have a good chance.


A few accusations fly around, as usual, but once again it's Setsu and our Loop BFF Raqio who are targeted.


...And it ends again at a tie.


After a failed "No Freeze" attempt, Cassidy argues to Sleep Everyone, which passes 3-1 (pro: Cassidy, Gina, Kukrushka, anti: Shigemichi).

Raqio served their purpose admirably.


It doesn't matter at this point. As long as Gina is alive and realizes I'm the Gnosia, I win.

I probably eliminated Kukrushka because Shigemichi's too obvious to be Gnosia, and Kukrushka's unwavering loyalty could complicate things compared to Shigemichi's simple-mindedness.


Gina says she doesn't relish lying, but just look at her face. She knows she's got this won.



I'm not one to screw the AC Follower over. You help me, I help you. Gina definitely fought to help the Gnosia, so it's only fair she gets to experience the win with me.


That said, I'm upset there's no special ending for this one. Just thrown straight to the results screen.


Poor Shigemichi, found out way too late...


We're back to Gnosia, and this time we've got two allies but no AC Follower. The only roles are Engineer and Guardian Angel.

Setsu and Chipie are solid Gnosia allies to have, at least. They aren't exciting, but they're both middle-of-the-road and competent enough to be solid allies.




Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image I guess there aren't many folks like me though, eh? It's not like I look all weird like this because I want to, anyway.


Image But, well, haha. Before I was able to become a cat, I became Gnosia.


So a lot of you noticed that there's with Chipie's cat. And yeah, we're finally addressing this.



We'll learn more later, but Chipie and the cat are actually fused together, as part of this "felinification" process. So no, the cat is not the actual Chipie controlling a host body, Chipie is himself. Or rather, was himself, until he became Gnosia.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Engineer claims are Chipie and Otome.


Remnan gets some attention, but he ends up splitting with Setsu.



Luckily we're persuasive enough to keep Setsu around for now, but if they're already getting this much attention, that's not a good sign.


There's several Chipie cutscenes this loop. Let's check in with him!

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image Huh? Are you maybe misunderstanding? We're not hunting humans.


Image And while we slowly work our way through, the humans hunt us. Haha, calling us enemies of humanity. We're nothing special, really.


Chipie raises a point, in that life's just not fair for the poor Gnosia like us. We should fix that.


In further proof that life is unfair, the Guardian Angel blocks us from taking out Comet.



Otome (H.E) - Sha-Ming is Human.
Chipie (G.E) - SQ is Human.


He probably could.



I mean, it's SQ. She's probably planning the same thing, even if she is human. Hell, especially if she's human.



Anyway, the story here is people really don't trust Setsu, but there's just barely always a bigger fish to fry, in this case Shigemichi.

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image Haha, there's about a 50-50 chance of it working. Good thing I was able to hook up with SQ.


You know, I wouldn't. Especially not to SQ.



Anyway, we can finally Collaborate ourselves. This has its uses, but it's another skill I rarely used myself, since I'd just wait for people to ally with me instead.

Oh yeah, we take Kukrushka out. I didn't screenshot it, so you'll have to trust me on this. Or don't, this is Gnosia after all!



Otome (H.E) - Comet is Human.
Chipie (G.E) - Cassidy is Human.

I don't know if I like Chipie checking us, as this could easily backfire.




Despite Cassidy trying to start something on Gina, Setsu is finally taken out. They could only stay alive for so long...


We're out of Chipie cutscenes, so let's skip to us taking out Sha-Ming.



Chipie (G.E) - Gina is Gnosia.
Otome (H.E) - Gina is Human.

So we're probably gonna get a showdown between the Engineer claims now that the obvious target in Setsu is gone.


Naturally, Gina decides to go after Chipie.


Image Yes, I'm... human.
Image *Squeak*... Can... can I call myself "human"? Well, I'm certainly not Gnosia, at least.
Image You asserted that you really are human.


Chipie would rather not risk getting caught in a lie, and SQ does whatever she wants. Of course, that just puts more suspicion on Chipie...



Voting luck breaks down against us, as all it takes is Gina and Otome voting together to take out Chipie, with everyone else just going with whoever.



Otome at least doesn't seem to hold any ill will against us targeted her the previous night.






I think this is because there's only four people left in Cassidy, Gina, SQ, and Otome. If Gina was Gnosia, then Otome would also be Gnosia since Chipie would've been the real Engineer. This would've ended the game, therefore Gina is Human. This also proves Otome is the true Engineer, and thus proves Cassidy is Gnosia.




So yeah, things just kinda fell apart due to logic. Ah well, it happens.


Gina was the Guardian Angel, and interestingly there were no lies caught at all the entire game. People just really didn't like Setsu.

The game really fell apart for the Gnosia during the vote where Chipie got iced, but there wasn't any real fuck-ups there. Everyone just voted on their own, and it worked out for the humans. Cassidy also would've been smart to take out Otome, but it would've just proven Otome as the real Engineer and clear Gina anyway, and while it'd have been easier to argue against Gina, SQ, and Comet, it's still more than likely Cassidy would've been iced.

Ah well, can't feel too bad about that one.


Anyway, I think the universe is overdue on being destroyed.


Image Music: Suspicion Image



Engineer claims are Cassidy, Sha-Ming, and Setsu.



Comet's always an easy first kill.


Just because we're enemies this loop doesn't mean we're still not friends. Let's check in with Setsu.

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image By the way, Cassidy. You aren't currently collaborating with anyone, are you? I can only speak from my own experience, but... Forming cooperative relationships can be helpful for gathering info.


Image People like SQ in particular, who are somewhat two-faced. In a previous loop, I was finally...

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image Oh, uh...
Image OMG, what were you like, talking about?
Image We were just talking about how, um... We want to know everything there is to know about you.



Image Ehehe, weeeelllll... I could like, let you in on a few things, maybe...



Oh, SQ.


Too dirty to live.



Cassidy (B.E) - SQ was Human
Setsu (?.E) - Kukrushka is Human
Sha-Ming (?.E) - SQ was Human

Well, that's good info. SQ is definitely human since she got killed, so right now it seems like Sha-Ming is probably the real Engineer.




Anyway it doesn't matter because everyone randomly decides to ice Cassidy. Welp!


Amusingly, the two to lead the charge against Cassidy, Stella and Jonas, were also the two Gnosia. Sha-Ming was the AC Follower.


We didn't even get busted for lying, we were just an easy scapegoat. The Gnosia knew the Engineer claims were the Bug, AC Follower, and the true Engineer, so it makes sense to go after the claims to take out two of their biggest foes. It just works out for them that they correctly picked the Bug. Oh well!

Next time, as usual, I have no idea what will happen. I guess we'll find out together!

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That’s some spicy luck there…

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Those are some tough breaks. Your only good run being the one where you play like ass is a real mood.

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New loop, same old story. We roll Gnosia with SQ and Comet, everything but Guard Duty.


Image Music: This is a Lie Image


Image Oh yeah. You can go ahead and like, decide who we eliminate. I kinda want you to like, not kill Remnan, though.






Hard to imagine hedonistic SQ and quiet Remnan doing anything together, but apparently they knew each other in the past somehow. Of course, we'll have to wait for more info later.

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image What's wrong, Remnan? You look terrified. Well, I mean... you're always terrified of something, aren't you? So yeah, never mind.
Image Huh? What...?! Yes, please... d-don't... mind me...! I just sort of... had a bad feeling...


Whatever it was, though, it probably wasn't good.


Engineer claims are Otome, Sha-Ming, and Kukrushka. Note that none of them are Gnosia, so the Bug and AC Follower are involved. Perfect.


Remnan and Cassidy are pro-Raqio. My Gnosia playstyle has become hardcore supporting a human so I look active without getting caught in lies.


Though I'm more willing to stick my neck out now that Performance is getting higher.



Comet ends up getting iced without any real focus on her. Kind of a loss, but Comet's usually not going to last very long as Gnosia anyway.


Anyway, time for another event! This one has Otome, Remnan, and Sha-Ming.

Image Music: Enjoying My Routine Image


Image Oh... I see...
Image Lucky you! Why not just keep running?
Image No, everyone must be really worried. I want to hurry up and get back to the laboratory.


Image Music: This is a Lie Image


Image I disagree. Dr. Yoshikado is so nice. He always pets my head.



Image Please... stop it! Why must you...
Image Hah, I know what's up. Dudes with power are always quick to kick the little guy to the curb. Intelligent or not, animals is animals. Do you let 'em live, or kill 'em? It all depends on how the researchers happen to feel that day.
Image ...



Image Calm down, man. Take it easy, OK? Anyways, see ya tomorrow, if you're still alive.

And on that classy note, Sha-Ming leaves.


Image Music: A Ray of Hope Image


Image Even with what he's saying, his voice is kind. I can tell, Sha-Ming is actually a good person. I'm sure of it.

So was Sha-Ming just saying dickish things because he actually wants the best for Otome? Or is he just a dick? Maybe both!




Anyway, we learn Otome has a crush on her researcher, and that Sha-Ming really hates authority.


Oh boy! I opt to kill Kukrushka since the Engineer claims are freebies, with a 1/3 chance to kill the true Engineer and a 1/3 chance to find the Bug, barring Guardian Angel shenanigans.


The Gnosia really luck out, as the true Engineer rooted out the Bug! So Otome was the Bug, and whether Kukrushka was the Engineer or AC Follower will depend on who Sha-Ming investigated...


...which makes it likely Sha-Ming is the true Engineer, though he could also be a very lucky AC Follower!


SQ and Remnan are the Doctor claims. Remnan must be the true Doctor since the other roles have claimed.


Weirdly, everyone starts suspecting Sha-Ming to be an enemy, probably because two other Engineer claims died, and it's unlikely we'd have three Engineer claims with none of them being Gnosia.

Unlikely, but of course, not impossible.


Image Recently, I feel as though someone is watching me in the shower. It's more creepy than scary, really.
Image You guys ever heard of the face pox? Tiny faces, popping up all over you. It's a real thing, seriously. I got them on my belly. I'll show ya if you wanna see...
Image Have you ever heard... singing on this ship? I sometimes hear it... from the empty cargo bay...

Anyway, after all that...



...Sha-Ming is eliminated. Success, no more Engineers!


Stella wants to team up with trustworthy ol' Cassidy. Sure, why not.


It's not like Setsu was doing much of note this loop anyway, and they can be a threat at times.



Remnan (H.D) - Sha-Ming was Human.
SQ (G.D) - Sha-Ming was Gnosia.



Nice try.


At this point, it doesn't matter. We take out Chipie, and...


An easy victory.

Image Music: Shooting Stars Go Away Image




Pretty much as suspected, Sha-Ming was the Engineer and Kukrushka the AC Follower. Otherwise, the Guardian Angel was Chipie.


The only lie spotted.


It might have been a good sign that Kukrushka was killed, as she might have raised suspicion on Cassidy, depending on her report.


Also, the notes will point out when someone is "likely" an enemy. Of course, the funny thing about probability is that unlikely events can and will happen, as we experienced here.


A nearly-full crew, but no Guardian Angel to protect us, so it's a lot riskier to out ourselves as Engineer.


Anyway, this loop starts off on a very serious note...

Image Music: Suspicion Image


Image Hmph... Gina. You heard LeVi's announcement, didn't you? Why were you late?



Image Miso soup and dried sardines.


Image Heey hey hey, hold up. That's just kinda stupid, man.


It's the most random and fluffiest of any of these conversations, and I love it.



Especially since this is apparently an important trait to learn about Gina. Of course, it never comes up again.


I guess Comet doesn't like Japanese food...?


The whole first day is an intense battle over the merits of Japanese cuisine. Many lengthy arguments occur. Truly the greatest battle of words we've seen in this game yet.


In the end, while nobody could agree where Japanese food ranks among the numerous types of Earth cuisines, a majority did agree that Shigemichi is suss as fuck and should be thrown in the freezer.


I don't think I'll ever use this, but it gets me closer to unlocking Definite Human/Enemy.


We lose Stella in the meantime, as the Gnosia were upset by her trying to derail Food Chat.


Kukrushka is human, of course. There's nothing evil about borscht.


Though Raqio got much ire due to spending the entire debate expousing the virtues of Soylent, in the end everyone got sick of Remnan's waffling over what to eat next. Seriously, Remnan, we know you don't care what we eat, but fucking choose something!


At this point, even the Gnosia have had enough of Gina's constant admiration of Japanese food and shut her up, permanently.


Naturally, Jonas has a refined palate, so he must be fine.


The Great Food Debates continued, and people found themselves sick of hearing from both Setsu and Raqio's bland opinions on food.


I'm not exaggerating, it was a tough choice on choosing only one to freeze...


Which is why both Setsu and Raqio were frozen, by unanimous vote. Cassidy suggested it, and Sha-Ming, Kukrushka, Otome, Yuriko, Comet, Jonas, and Chipie all agreed. It's impressive, anyway.


I'm out of good lines about people arguing about food so pretend Cassidy got so sick of it they just jumped out the airlock themselves and decided to just jump right to another loop.


Turns out icing both Setsu and Raqio was a good move.


The main issue is we've pretty much seen most of what there is to see with these debates, so that means game recaps will get briefer and briefer. That's fine, though, as that will speed up the pace of the actual LP (theoretically, anyway, if the damn LPer would update more...) and put more focus on the events of the game.

That's kind of the twist, at first the game is all about the actual Mafia-esque gameplay, slowly expanding that outward, but eventually it grows into trying to learn as much as you can about your fellow cast, to the point where you may play sub-optimally for your side just to advance the story.


This is a weird one. Full crew, two Gnosia and an AC Follower, with the only other role being the Engineer. Things are gonna be a bit risky here...



With no Guardian Angel, nobody requests claims, and I'm certainly not going to stick my neck out when I'm an easy target for the Gnosia. So it's just more randomness, resulting in the usual easy targets getting attention. In this case, Comet gets iced.


We lose Gina.


The Engineer gets asked to reveal, so Cassidy does. This also results in Raqio revealing themselves as scum, at least to us.

Anyway, nothing exciting from the investigations.

Cassidy (H.E) - Remnan is Human.
Raqio (E.E) - Kukrushka is Human.


Anyway, Setsu gets iced for reasons. Yep.


Anyway, it's time to hang out with Stella and Shigemichi.

Image Music: In the Unknown Ship Image


Image Yes... indeed.


Image You ask what "cyberized" means.
Image Hm...? Cassidy, you don't know cyberization? That's pretty rare these days.


Image Those undergoing cyberization can preserve their consciousness online almost for eternity. In exchange, however, the physical body must be given up.
Image Yeah, so if you get cyberized, you can play video games forever! Nothing with motion controls, but still.


Image Huh?
Image Cyberization merely preserves the consciousness. Unless you are recalculated and reconstructed on a network, you would not be able to actually think nor act. And recalculation costs an extremely large amount of money... To be able to play video games forever, you would require quite a substantial fortune...
Image For real? Damn, that... that sucks.


Image Well, uh, actually... A long time ago, I received this message.


Image You pointed out that that is clearly just a scam.




Image Shigemichi... It's a good thing you didn't undergo cyberization.
Image Huh? Really?



Image Alright then, I'll be off now.

And after Stella leaves...






So yep. Shigemichi's now in love with Stella since she was too nice to outright laugh at Shigemichi's face at his weird story. Sure, why not.


In case you were wondering how far Shigemichi's love can take you...not very.



Cassidy (H.E) - Kukrushka is Human.
Raqio (E.E) - Otome is Human.

Since we revealed on Day 2 and there's an AC Follower, that doesn't mean Kukrushka is Definite Human.




I'm gonna guess the latter. Jonas did put some heat on us, but calmer minds prevailed, at least for today.


Devious move by the Gnosia. Now Cassidy's gonna really be suspicious.


At least we got a Gnosia, but probably too little, too late...


Yeah. You'd think the other crew members would stop relying just on probability with their actions, especially since it's now screwed them over twice in three loops.


SQ and Jonas were the Gnosia. They played that game well, considering.



Honestly, this one doesn't matter.


Cassidy gets iced on Day 2 just because, well, gotta ice someone, I guess!


Yeah, why not.

I'll probably start doing more loops and focusing less on the games (or at least the games where Cassidy goes out early or nothing exciting happens) and more on the events in between, but of course who knows what's next in store for us. See you next time!

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