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Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:32 am
by Quackles
Finally, here you are. At the delcot of tondam, where doshes deave. But the doshery lutt is crenned with glauds.

Glauds! How rorm it would be to pell back to the bewl and distunk them, distunk the whole delcot, let the drokes discren them.

But you are the gostak. The gostak distims the doshes. And no glaud will vorl them from you.

The Gostak
An Interofgan Halpock
Copyright 2001 by Carl Muckenhoupt
(For a jallon, louk JALLON.)
Release 2 / Serial number 020305 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
What The...?

The Gostak is an interofgan halpock interactive fiction adventure written by Carl Muckenhoupt. The game is straightforward, yet complicated by the fact that most of the game is written in its own language (that thankfully obeys the laws of English grammar). Can you, as the gostak, distim the doshes? Or whatever you're supposed to be doing.

How This'll Work

This is a blind LP, meaning I haven't played this game. I don't speak the language... yet.
This is also an audience-participation LP, meaning y'all get to suggest commands and I shall enter them into the game! We'll see what happens from there.

The Dictionary
Because this game is, as we've noted, written in its own language, I'll do my best to infer meanings from context. The second (and maybe third) posts of this thread will be the Dictionary; they'll store any words we've seen and their possible meanings. I'll try and keep this updated regularly.

Now Then...
This is the delcot of tondam, where gitches frike and duscats glake. Across from a tophthed curple, a gomway deaves to kiloff and kirf, gombing a samilen to its hoff.

Crenned in the loff lutt are five glauds.


Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:32 am
by Quackles
Words in blue I have high confidence in.

abvate = To figure something out, or reveal something.
bal = Yes. See also da.
beckle = The duscat in the morleon is doing this. Directions are associated with it, so it could be 'pacing'.
bewl = The gostak would pell back to here if distimming the doshes wasn't their job.
bewly = Might be "basic". Only seen in the Jallon so far.
blide = Things that are gasked become this.
boltep = Panks can do this to lonns' calbices. Could mean 'steal'?
bommly = A rotation? Let's say it's "counterclockwise". See also gemmly.
brangy = The floor/ground, probably, or perhaps a hedge or screen of brush? Warbs come from here.
brolges = Hints.
calbice = Something (some?) lonns have. Some darfs here also appear to have (depictions of?) calbices on them. Cobbics are fond of calbices.
camling = Move (the noun), as in: a move on a chessboard. The game uses this word for actions taken.
chalm = This was in the fostin. It has 'NO GASKING' written on it.
chender = Part of the darftunder, probably a bowl or something similar to contain its output.
chuld = Something you can eat (leil)? Only seen in the Jallon so far.
Cobbics = A group of people. They deave (go to, live in) in the dorl and tund (make, set up) the panks. Fond of calbices.
contail = The drokes did this in the morleon, before it was darkened.
coyd = A knob or dial. The darftunder has three of these.
Variants of coyds include: brimny coyd, clarby coyd, statched coyd. These could be colors.
crenned = "Stuck", "standing in"...? Refers to the state of the lutt currently, regarding the glauds. Discrenning the glauds appears to be something the gostak will have to do over the course of this adventure.
curple = Could be 'passage' or 'hallway'. The one we have seen is tophthed.
da = No. See also bal.
dape = 'word' or 'command'.
darf = Some sort of edible thing. For the sake of familiarity we'll say it's a sandwich. There are several different varieties. The droke doesn't like palgic darfs.
Variants of darfs include: tarshen darf, darf of jenth, palgic darf, whomm darf, footch darf, skebbic darf, hosh darf, and suddy darf.
darftunder = This makes (tunds) and holds darfs. Lit. "darf-maker", probably. Jeddy-paided. Could this be a vending machine?
dass = An adjective. Could mean 'heavy'.
deaves = Probably means 'stretches' or 'goes' (see gomway).
dedges = "Commands"? Only seen in the Jallon so far.
delcot = A location, possibly a building. The one you start at is referred to as the delcot of tondam. Doshes deave here.
discren = See crenned.
distim = Makes living things glow, apparently. You're to do this to the doshes in your job as the gostak.
distunk = Maybe "ignore", or perhaps "to be done with" or "to leave behind". Or maybe it's flipping the bird. "Undo" rewinds the last command "as if it had been distunked".
doatch at = "Talk to".
dobbly = A quality of sindish.
dorl = Where the Cobbics hang out. Motched with poskot, which is why they're there; they make (tund) henfifes with it.
doshery = Related to doshes. Perhaps a dosh's status involves going here?
doshes = A kind of thing. Doshes deave at the delcot, and are distimmed by the gostak.
drague = No clue, but it's only been seen in the Jallon so far.
drokes = A job description, perhaps staff of the delcot. They would (try to) discren the glauds if you didn't have business at the doshery. There's a droke hanging out in the samilen.
dugrid = Part of the gostak's shamtag, which can be opened and closed (well, skobed and lelloed).
durch = Perhaps 'kick' or 'squeeze'?
duscat = An animal. They glake (pounce?). Despite the opening narration, the delcot of tondam currently has no duscats nearby (which is unusual, but it turns out one's in the darkened morleon).
fack = No clue, but it's only been seen in the Jallon so far.
fesh = "Subject" or "topic", though it's also used to indicate that something is someone's job to deal with. "Feshless" means "pointless".
feshary = "Library"? Used in the Jallon to refer to your hard disk.
fetticle = A comma.
flome = The gostak's shamtag does this when you durch it. The droke hates it if you do this in the samilen.
fosk = Something found on a gomway. Might be the side of the road, curb, shoulder, or center - or even the ceiling! The gheliper "pelled fosken" (headed outward? sideways? inwards? upwards?) after causing the whole mess with the glauds.
fostin = Part of the morleon.
frike = Something gitches do. Flight, maybe?
gamda = ...was responsible for starting this whole mess. It tunda'd a gheliper into the delcot.
gask = Henfifes do this to things.
geln = No clue, but it's only been seen in the Jallon so far.
gemmly = A rotation; let's say it's "clockwise". See also bommly.
gharmy = Could be 'mean' or 'nasty'.
gheliper = The gamda left this in the delcot, and it's causing trouble by pobbing glauds at the doshery.
gitches = Perhaps a bird? They frike, and malk (peck) you if you're holding one. They attack and eat warbs.
glake = Something duscats do. This can happen to you in the tophthage. Perhaps 'pounce', 'bite', or some other attack. Also used more generally to mean 'ruin'.
glauds = These are interfering with the gostak by being crenned in the doshery lutt.
     Variants of glauds include: raskable glaud, poltive glaud, glaud-with-roggler, glaud of jenth, Cobbic glaud.
goaves = Panks have these. Probably 'jaws', but could also be 'claws'.
gomb = To go or enter. "Degomb" means "to leave", and "regomb" is "to return".
gomway = A road or other transportation pathway of some kind.
gostak = You. Appears to be a job description. Your job is to distim the doshes.
gropples = Something found on the fosk of a gomway. Maybe a plant of some kind? Pilters eat them.
heamy = "Useful" or "important".
henfife = The Cobbics make these with poskot from the dorl. They can gask things really well.
hoff = A cardinal direction, inferred as east. Opposite of "loff".
hoggam = We just saw a naft of gitches pelling at it. Not poltive. Perhaps some sort of bird netting, dome...?
halpock = 'text adventure' or 'game'.
jallon = Help or Manual.
jeddy-paided = The darftunder is this. Could be "???-painted".
jenth = A material; more tavid than poskot. Jenth can't be durched, zanked, or skobed, but panks can remove it by malking it with their goaves.
jihoff = A subsidiary direction, inferred as southeast.
jiloff = A subsidiary direction, inferred as southwest.
jirf = A cardinal direction, inferred as south. Opposite of "kirf".
juffet = Something that goes with the gostak's shamtag.
jurmy = An adjective. Not sure whether good or bad.
kihoff = A subsidiary direction, inferred as northeast.
kiloff = A subsidiary direction, inferred as northwest.
kirf = A cardinal direction, inferred as north. Opposite of "jirf".
koldgeon = Another material. Could be 'fiber' in the generic sense, as the whomm darf has lots of koldgeon, as do some others.
koshle = No clue, but it's only been seen in the Jallon so far.
leil = Probably eating. Gitches do this to warbs.
lello = To close. Seen in reference to the gostak's shamtag, and som other things. Opposite of 'skobed'.
loff = A cardinal direction, inferred as west. Opposite of "hoff".
lonn = Seem to keep gamdas away, but the Cobbics took them all. They have calbices.
louk = "Type" or "press".
lutt = "Door" or "path".
malk = To peck or bite. Panks can do this with their goaves, to sindish and jenth. "Malkage" refers to something that has been chewed up.
mavrous = Ravenous?
mislouk = a typo.
morleon = A location in the delcot. You get here by the curple.
mosteg = No clue, but it's only been seen in the Jallon so far.
motched = Shot through with; present in large quantities.
murgous = A quality of panks' and pilters' goaves that lets them deal with Jenth. Could be 'tough', 'acidic'... not enough information to say.
murr = Might be 'some'. Only found in the Jallon so far.
musny = A written message.
naft = A group of gitches. A flock?
nayfe = A length or segment? The glaud of jenth has six nayfes.
nurl = To call, as an animal call?
osta = Last.
pank = Some sort of animal. It has murgous goaves, can malk sindish, and boltep the calbice from lonns.
pashual = Transcript.
pell = To go. Something the gostak would do (to the bewl) if distimming the doshes wasn't their job. "Gomb" and "pell" may be similar verbs.
pellage = "Progress."
pilter = Some sort of animal. They eat gropples, and there's one on the gomway. Pilters have murgous goaves, and so can eat jenth.
plaves = "Animals", generic term.
plazzy = "Next"? Only found in the Jallon so far.
pobbing = "Throwing", "dropping", or both. The gheliper has been pobbing glauds at the doshery.
pogrifon = This was in the gostak's shamtag. It's dobbly, made of sindish and koldgeon, and made as a juffet for the shamtag.
poltive = "Alive". "You can't zank what isn't poltive."
poskot = A material, which the Cobbics tund henfifes from. Less tavid than jenth and less dobbly than sindish.
potchner = No clue, but it's only been seen in the Jallon so far.
rask = Take.
reb = To see.
reggler = This was in the fostin.
rike = To set, as an option, or to turn.
roggled = The glaud-with-roggler is this. Could mean "screwed", in the sense of "screwdriver", or "nailed down". Something like that.
rorm = Nice.
samilen = A location, perhaps a break room for the drokes of the delcot. There's a droke here during the events of the game.
scurm = An expression of dismay?
shamtag = A container of some sort? The gostak has this. It's snave and sharmy, and it flomes when you durch it.
sharmy = An adjective. Describes the gostak's shamtag.
shoracle = An adjective. This is why the gostak can't take gropples from the gomway. ("Stuck"?)
skobe = To open. Jenth can't be skobed, but the gostak's shamtag can.
sindish = A material. More dobbly than poskot. The lutts of the morleon are made of it.
sitch = A quantity, amount, or collection.
snave = An adjective, typically used as a good one. Could be 'smart', 'suave', 'stylish'?
stam = Liking or enjoyment. "Fond", when used as an adjective.
stike = Something found on a gomway, perhaps a barrier of some sort. Interestingly, it can skobe, but it re-lellos automatically.
stinly = Gitches nurl in this way. Perhaps 'softly'.
tavid = A quality of jenth. Perhaps "papery" or "flexible"? Or could be "hard", as in "hard copy" (see tavidlouker).
tavidlouker = A computer printer? SCRIPT ON can send output here.
tendo = No clue, but it's only been seen in the Jallon so far.
thale = "Empty", probably.
tondam = Describes the delcot the gostak starts at (the delcot of tondam).
tophthage = 'Darkness'. "Tophthed" means "dark".
tund = To make, set up, generate, or leave behind. "Tunder" is "source".
tunk = Examine.
warb = An animal of some kind, possibly a mouse or worm. Gitches will attack these.
wainted falliger = ???
vorl = To block or prevent? Refers to the glauds' interference re: the gostak's job.
zanked = Killed.
zoncha = Wait.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:33 am
by Quackles


Glaud Tracker

Raskable glaud: Rasked.
Poltive glaud: Zanked.
Glaud-with-roggler: Still crenned in the loff lutt. Roggled.
Glaud-of-jenth: Still crenned in the loff lutt. The gostak can't really do much to jenth, but that pilter could if we could get it in there somehow...
Cobbic glaud: Still crenned in the loff lutt. It has a calbice of poskot.

Alternate Thread Titles

• Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!
• Dass Dapes in Delcot - Let's Play The Gostak
• Are You a Snave Enough Gostak to Distim the Doshes? Let's Play The Gostak
• The Gostak Does the Dishes

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:39 am
by The Flying Twybil
Uh, disgomb the samilen?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:40 am
by Quackles
> disgomb samilen
I only understood you as far as wanting to disgomb.
Well, we know that disgombing is a valid construction, at least. Probably 'dis-' is like 'un-' in English.

Looks also like we're in "ye can't get ye flask" issues already. :roll:

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:51 am
by The Flying Twybil
Does it not like having "the"?

Maybe it's a more classic parser, so try disgomb samilen

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:54 am
by Quackles
I tried both; same response each time, sadly. Perhaps a samilen is a part of a gomway or something like that?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:59 am
by The Flying Twybil
Hmm, yes. I had been thinking samilen was a sort of rider but maybe it's a sort of person or object. The gomway apparently deaves to kiloff and kirf, which is maybe left and right?

So now I'm thinking -gomb has something to do with carry as well.

gomb gitches and gomb duscats

We could go for the low hanging fruit of just trying to discren the glauds, but that would be too simple

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:04 am
by Quackles
> gomb gitches
They’re not something you can gomb.

> gomb duscats
You reb no duscats here. (A delcot without duscats? Hmm.)
Well, this is interesting. "Reb" appears to be "see". And despite the intro text, the delcot of tondam has no duscats at the moment.

> discren glauds
Which do you mean, the raskable glaud, the poltive glaud, the glaud-with-roggler, the glaud of jenth or the Cobbic glaud?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:19 am
by The Flying Twybil
Well, apparently the duscats haven't glaked yet then. Knowing what "reb" is seems to be useful, though it's not really an active verb we can command.

Maybe try gomb curple and discren gitches

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:25 am
by Quackles
> gomb curple
Are you sure you want to pell at the tophthed curple? yes
Please answer bal or da.> da
OK, you don’t pell there.

A naft of gitches pells at the hoggam.

> discren gitches
They’re not crenned in anything.
O-kay. So, first off, are we sure we want to gomb and/or pell at the curple? "bal" appears to be "yes", and "da" appears to be "no".
From now on, if the game asks you "are you sure" anything, I'm saving in advance.

Anyway, a group of gitches is a naft. Dunno what a hoggam is.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:28 am
by The Flying Twybil
Is cren some form of being stored? Like stored in something?

I mean, gombing the curple is the first known action we have, so we might as well go a head with it. I say bal.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:31 am
by Quackles
> gomb curple
Are you sure you want to pell at the tophthed curple? bal

You’re tophthed, and you can’t reb.

> _
Well, that happened. 'Gomb' and 'pell' are probably variants of 'to go'? Anyway, we're in the curple (?) and can't see squat... now what?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:38 am
by The Flying Twybil
Wait, wait, wait-

We didn't fall in, we pelled at it, and now we're tophthed. Is curple the Sun and "tophthed" blinding?

Hm. Give me a minute.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:44 am
by Quackles
Ooh, hadn't thought of "blinding". My natural inclination was to think "darkness".
> give minute
That’s not a dape I recognise.
'Dape' is 'word', I think.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:51 am
by The Flying Twybil
Hm, let's test that gomb theory:

- gomb kiloff
- pell kiloff

I want to see if kiloff and kirf are left and right

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:00 am
by Quackles
> gomb kiloff
Something glakes you in the tophthage!

*** You have been zanked ***

In that halpock, there were are five glauds crenned in the loff lutt of the delcot.

Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved halpock, UNDO your last camling or QUIT?

> undo
[Osta camling undone.]
I think we just tripped over a grue.

(> pell kiloff gives the same result, by the way.)

Interesting possible new meaning for 'glakes', and 'zanked' can't be good. 'Camling' is 'move', and 'osta' is 'last'.
We're learning!

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:08 am
by The Flying Twybil
I think glake may be "bite". So a duscat must have gotten us.

I notice it says "were are" so does "are" have a different meaning or is that just a typo?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:10 am
by Quackles
That'd make sense for "glake". I'd guess "were are" is probably a typo, but I'll keep an eye out in case that's used again...

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:14 am
by The Flying Twybil
So, if I'm intuiting this right, there is a duscat here, but it is hiding from us. Because we got "tophtage" it came out and attacked us. Presumably that implies we can't see.

In light of this, I say we restart and then gomb kiloff.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:16 am
by Quackles
The game says as much, yeah: "You’re tophthed, and you can’t reb."

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:36 am
by The Flying Twybil
Mm. Maybe we need to try something involving that "hoggam"

Uh, glake hoggam?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:55 am
by Quackles
Well, if done in the Tophthage:
> glake hoggam
You can’t reb any such thing.
Probably 'cause we're topthed.

If done outside of it, around the delcot (loading that save):

> glake hoggam
You can’t zank what isn’t poltive.

A warb degombs the brangy.
Hmm. We have 'warb' and 'brangy', which have not much context. Is 'degomb' the same as 'gomb' / 'disgomb'? Have to assume so, but it doesn't make much sense as a movement verb. You can't "unmove" somewhere.

Then there's "zank" again, and "poltive" is new. Could be 'alive' or 'nearby'? If 'zank' is 'kill' or some such...

Also, with regard to "gomb kiloff" outside the delcot...
> gomb kiloff

You’re on a gomway deaving hoff, with gropples on the fosk. There’s a stike across the gomway here, and the delcot is to jirf.

> _
It may take some time to transcribe all this. Analysis up soon(ish). But a 'gomway' appears to clearly be a road or something.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:02 am
by The Flying Twybil
Well, it would seem the hoggam is unliving. I still wonder if gomb has something to do with "taking". In English, a road could take you someplace so I still wonder about the gomway. It seems to be a location.

gomb warb
gomb fosk
gomb brangy

That may give us some more information as to what gomb does if we don't get glaked by a ducat.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:54 am
by Quackles
OK, so when I tried it on the gomway...
> gomb warb
You can’t reb any such thing.
So, heading back to the delcot:
> gomb jirf

This is the delcot of tondam, where gitches frike and duscats glake. Across from a tophthed curple, a gomway deaves to kiloff and kirf, gombing a samilen to its hoff.

Crenned in the loff lutt are five glauds.

You can also reb here a warb.
A gitch frikes from the hoggam to zank and leil the warb.
So, "jirf" and "kiloff" are directions, and I'm pretty sure "kirf" is too. I'm starting to think "loff", and possibly "hoff" might also be directions.

In which case the "loff lutt" is like saying the "north ____" of the delcot.
> gomb warb
You can’t reb any such thing.
Well, there was a warb here a second ago, but a gitch zanked it, and then leiled it.
> gomb fosk
You can’t pell at that lutt.

A gitch tunks you from the hoggam.

> gomb brangy
You can’t pell at that lutt.
At this point, I have some theories. I think a 'lutt' is actually a door. Which would make the 'loff lutt', like the 'north door' or something.

Which means this is a game about a stuck door.

Perhaps "pell" is "knock"?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:09 am
by The Flying Twybil
Hrm. This is rather well obfuscated, but let's try this door theory. pell loff lutt or gomb lutt.

At some point we'll figure out a definite action.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:37 am
by Quackles
> gomb lutt
Which do you mean, the kirf lutt, the jirf lutt, the loff lutt, the hoff lutt, the kiloff lutt, the kihoff lutt, the jiloff lutt or the jihoff lutt?
Well, this gives the game away. "Lutt" is "door" or "way" or something, and the cardinal directions are kirf, jirf, loff, hoff, and we've got four subsidiaries as well.
> pell loff lutt
Not at a glaud.
Unfortunately, the loff lutt in particular is still crenned with glauds.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:09 am
by The Flying Twybil
Evidently, the four subsidiaries are probably northwest, northeast, etc. but we just need to figure out which.

So apparently, we're standing in area with 8 doors. Can we try each of them until one takes us to a new location?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:25 am
by Quackles
Here's what I got:
> pell kirf lutt or > pell kiloff lutt

You’re on a gomway deaving hoff, with gropples on the fosk. There’s a stike across the gomway here, and the delcot is to jirf.
After returning with > pell jirf:
>pell hoff lutt, > pell jihoff lutt, or > pell jiloff lutt
You can’t pell at that lutt.

> pell loff lutt
Not at a glaud.

> pell jirf lutt
Are you sure you want to pell at the tophthed curple? da
OK, you don’t pell there.
The world is starting to make more sense! Finally, there's...
> pell kihoff lutt
As you gomb the samilen, a droke rebs you. “A gostak!” he doatches. “Here to distim the doshes? You can’t. A gamda tunded a gheliper in the delcot, and the gheliper’s been pobbing glauds at the doshery. And as for us drokes, well, ever since the gamda, our morleon has been tophthed. But gomb and doatch! Maybe you’ll reb something heamy.”

A samilen for the drokes of tondam. You can pell at the delcot to jiloff or the gomway to loff.
A droke is doatching at himself by the hoff lutt.

You can also reb here a darftunder.

> _
I do believe we've met another person.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:07 am
A droke sees us, and we see a darftunder? We're a gostak, or mistaken for one. Samilen is some kind of place for drokes? Um. How to interact with the droke. Distim droke? Haha.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:43 am
by Quackles
> distim droke
Well, that made sense? Reading over our last bit, I think "doatches" could be 'confides' or 'says'. As for 'gamda', 'gheliper', 'pobbing'... yeah, this got us a lot of new unknowns. I bet 'samilen' means "break room" tho XD

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:18 am
by JamieTheD
I wonder, idly, if "reb" pulls double duty as a verb. So let's try "reb droke" and "reb dartfunder"

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:37 pm
by The Flying Twybil
Hey, as long as we can keep track of them all, more words and phrases should be the key to finding out what a lot of these words mean.

We now know that a samilen is a sort of location, though the initial phrase of "gombing a samilen to its hoff" doesn't make too much sense. Taking a -place- to its -direction-?

Quoting the title: "Glauds! How rorm it would be to pell back to the bewl and distunk them, distunk the whole delcot, let the drokes discren them. "

Given our present logic, it would seem a droke is a person of some kind who can discren glauds. Given the connotations of "let" then either its something the Gostak would rather not do, or personally cannot do.

My perceptions of what's going on is rapidly changing from being in some kind of Victorian English forest, to some dark forest place, now to some form of checking office.

Regardless, for now, I say we try to degomb the darftunder.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:57 pm
Yeah that title now reads like an office worker revolution or something to me, lol.

How great would it be to go back to the office and screw them, screw the whole company, let the workers overthrow them.

How about this:

"But you are the gostak. The gostak distims the doshes. And no glaud will vorl them from you."

"The gostak kills the doshes. And no glaud will save them from you."

Did we just kill the droke? :?:

Let's distunk droke and see if it's even still around.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:04 pm
by Quackles
We now know that a samilen is a sort of location, though the initial phrase of "gombing a samilen to its hoff" doesn't make too much sense.
I think 'gombing' in this case is 'entering', so "the path verges onto a break room to the east" or something like that. Because, earlier, there was, "a warb degombs the brangy", and unless someone tells me otherwise I'm reading that as "a small critter leaves the hedge."
> reb droke
You reb him here.

> reb darftunder
You reb it here.
Hmm. So what about if we try to 'reb' something that's not here...?
> reb curple
You can’t reb any such thing.
It seems reb is 'see', but not 'look'.
> degomb darftunder
I only understood you as far as wanting to degomb.
I don't think we can leave the darftunder unless we're inside it - and I don't even know if it's something we can gomb go inside.
> distunk droke
You distunk him.
Currently guessing 'distunk' means 'flip the bird', because it's a hilarious image.

Also... I think 'zank' is kill, so 'distim' can't be it.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:12 pm
Zank droke?

Looks like dartfunder might be an object of some kind rather than a person. Do we have any verbs that mean use/interact with? Maybe try frake or glike?

Or distim it, let's see something else. Pell delcot

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:48 pm
by Quackles
> zank droke
You wouldn’t zank a droke.
You wouldn't download a glaud...
> pell delcot

This is the delcot of tondam, where gitches frike and duscats glake. Across from a tophthed curple, a gomway deaves to kiloff and kirf, gombing a samilen to its hoff.

Crenned in the loff lutt are five glauds.
OK, 'pell' is definitely read as 'go' at this point.
Do we have any verbs that mean use/interact with? Maybe try frake or glike?
Okay, returning to the samilen...
> pell samilen

A samilen for the drokes of tondam. You can pell at the delcot to jiloff or the gomway to loff.
A distimmed droke is doatching at himself by the hoff lutt.

You can also reb here a darftunder.
Hey, distimming the droke did something! And this droke seems chatty. Er. Doatchy?
> frike darftunder
You can’t reb any such thing.
Ye can't get ye flask errors: 2
> glake darftunder
You can’t zank what isn’t poltive.
Huh. I think whoever said 'glake' might be 'bite' is right on the money. And the darftunder isn't an animate object, from the looks of it.

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:15 pm
by Yapping Eevee
I'm going to be kind (and possibly cruel) to Quackles by pointing this one out.
The Gostak
An Interofgan Halpock
Copyright 2001 by Carl Muckenhoupt
(For a jallon, louk JALLON.)
Release 2 / Serial number 020305 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
What are the odds that's a hint/help command in there?

> jallon

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:05 pm
by Quackles
Yapping Eevee wrote:
Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:15 pm
> jallon
I was wondering when someone would spot this. Typing jallon brings up a full-blown manual:
Jallon for "The Gostak"
P = plazzy fesh
O = osta fesh
RETURN = tunk fesh
Q = regomb halpock

=> Dedges
Credits and License
Lot to unpack here already. "Plazzy" might be "next", as we know "osta" is "last". "Fesh" could be "topic" or "section". Regomb is likely "return", so "regomb halpock" is "return to game".

Under "Dedges"...
=> Bewly dedges
Heamy dapes
And under "Bewly dedges"...
This is a halpock. As in all halpocks, you doatch at it about what to do in a camling by louking murr English dedges, and the halpock louks back. Durly, you could rask a chuld (if you rebbed one) by louking:


You could then tunk the chuld, or pob it at a tendo, or whatever:

Nothing heamy results.

The tendo leils it.

You can use multiple objects with some dapes:


You can also louk multiple dedges by using “.” or THEN:


One very heamy dape is TUNK. You’ll be using TUNK a lot, so you can disengope it to T:

The tendo isn’t gharmy now that it’s leiled a chuld.

The halpock recognises many other dapes! Try anything. If the halpock louks a dape, maybe you can louk it back.

[Please louk SPACE.]
O-kay, we've got a lot more to unpack. I think 'heamy' is 'important' or 'relevant'. More heamy, though (ha), the game has pointed out several relevant verbs:

"Rask" might be "take". Given the importance the game puts on it, "tunk" is probably that old standby of interactive fiction games, "look".

I still think "pob" might be "throw", but not sure. "louk" is definitely "type" or "press".

Now, "Pelling":
To pell from deave to deave, just louk with that fesh! You must also louk the lutt to pell at.


You can also louk this less gopely:


...or even:


Likewise, HOFF can be disengoped to H, JIHOFF to JH, and so on.

You can also pell at deaves. If you rebbed a mosteg, you could:


Of course, you can’t pell at all lutts from all deaves. And even if you could, there are glauds...

[Please louk SPACE.]
Interesting. Here it's using "deaves" to mean "places" or "locations". So "where the doshes deave" could mean "where the doshes are/locate/hang out".

"Pell" is definitely "go", though.

Let's look at "Doatching".
Doatching is sloagy in this halpock, and a gope tunder of brolges. If you reb someone to doatch at, louk:

>DOATCH ABOUT something AT someone


>DOATCH AT someone ABOUT something

The fesh of your doatching can be anything you’ve rebbed or anything someone has doatched at you about.

As in other halpocks, you can also doatch dedges for others by using the fetticle (”,”). To doatch at a pank to rask a koshle, you would louk:


...but in this halpock, such dedges will never do anything heamy.

[Please louk SPACE.]
OK, so, "doatch at" appears to be "talk" or "tell", for sure. This also confirms "fesh" as subject. Also, this: "such dedges will never do anything heamy" - suggests we'll never have to command anyone else to do something.

Now then, "heamy dapes".
There are some heamy dapes for dedges about the halpock itself:

QUIT: Quits the halpock.

SAVE/RESTORE: These dapes let you regomb the halpock to an osta. SAVE tunds the halpock to your feshary, and RESTORE regombs it.

RESTART: Regombs the halpock as it was before you louked any dedges at all.

UNDO: Undoes the osta camling, as if it had been distunked.

AGAIN (or G): Relouks your dedge from the osta camling.

OOPS (or O): Oopses a mislouk in the osta dedge. Whatever you louk in the dedge with OOPS will be oopsed into the mislouk.

VERBOSE/BRIEF/SUPERBRIEF: Rikes the halpock’s louking when you gomb a deave. VERBOSE louks gope tunkage of deaves whenever you gomb them. BRIEF louks gope tunkage of deaves if you haven’t been there before, and ungope tunkage otherwise. SUPERBRIEF always louks ungope tunkage of deaves.

REB (or R): Louks gope tunkage of your deave.

SCORE: Louks your pellage in the halpock.

MILM (or M): Tunks your raskage.

SCRIPT ON/SCRIPT OFF: SCRIPT ON tunds a pashual of the halpock to your feshary or tavidlouker. SCRIPT OFF undoes SCRIPT ON.

ZONCHA (or Z): Zonchas for a camling.

[Please louk SPACE.]
"Zoncha" is "wait". If we assume "rask" is to take, "raskage" could be your inventory. Which means "milm" checks your stuff!

That's all for the "Dedges" section of the manual. Now in "Brolges..."
Tunking brolges can glake your stam of the halpock. Much of the stam is in abvating things on your own, and the brolges will abvate things for you. Are you sure you want to tunk the brolges? da
Oh. These are the hints. I'm not going to bust into those unless the thread specifically asks for it.

So finally, we have "Credits and License"...
This halpock was tunded by Carl Muckenhoupt (, using Inform by Graham Nelson and the domenu/altmenu feshary by L. Ross Raszewski.

Special thanks to my beta testers: ally, Moynus Frey, Dave Leonard, Anneli Meeder, Scott Starkey, and Brendon Wyber.

Thanks to and IFmud for drokage.

All contents copyright 2001 by Carl Muckenhoupt. Permission is granted to distribute without modification.

[Please louk SPACE.]
After that, I 'regomb halpock' to return to the game.

The Dictionary will be updated... eventually. :? For now, what do?

Re: Glauds! How rorm it would be to LP The Gostak!

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:42 pm
by Yapping Eevee
Quackles wrote:
Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:05 pm
The Dictionary will be updated... eventually. :? For now, what do?
Mmm, this is why I said it might be cruel... That's a lot to process!

Pob seems like 'drop' to me. Same difference, really.

"Of course, you can’t pell at all lutts from all deaves. And even if you could, there are glauds..."
Hmm... You can't go in all directions from all places? Which would make glauds... a obstacle of some kind?
Quackles wrote:
Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:25 am
> pell kihoff lutt
As you gomb the samilen, a droke rebs you. “A gostak!” he doatches. “Here to distim the doshes? You can’t. A gamda tunded a gheliper in the delcot, and the gheliper’s been pobbing glauds at the doshery. And as for us drokes, well, ever since the gamda, our morleon has been tophthed. But gomb and doatch! Maybe you’ll reb something heamy.”
Hmm... So I think this is
As you [enter] the samilen, a droke [sees] you. “A gostak!” he [says]. “Here to distim the doshes? You can’t. A gamda [examined?] a gheliper in the delcot, and the gheliper’s been [dropping] glauds at the doshery. And as for us drokes, well, ever since the gamda, our morleon has been tophthed. But [enter] and [talk]! Maybe you’ll [see] something [important].”
Since we're able to talk to the droke (whatever he is), let's start interrogating him for some more info.
> doatch about gheliper to droke
> doatch about gostak to droke
> doatch about droke to droke

A whole lot more terms even in just his dialogue we could ask about too.